#diy? because i gotta!
rustbeltjessie · 1 year
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A bit of a backstory: in late 2015/early 2016, I got on this very intense pop/popular music kick. Basically, I let myself listen to all the pop artists I'd been Too Punk to listen to prior to that*, and got pretty into some of it. Including T*yl*r Sw*ft. And during that time, I found this guy who made parody t-shirts that were mashed up punk or metal bands logos/aesthetics with the names and lyrics of pop singers. One was a Crass/T.S. mashup, and I got it because I thought it was hilarious. After all, I'd always loved Crass and their aesthetic, plus I thought it would be funny to wear it and piss off some Punker-Than-Thou Dudes**. I cut the sleeves/collar off right away, because I do that to almost all my t-shirts, but then I only wore it once or twice in public because...I got over that pop music kick really fast. Especially in the case of T.S., whose music I now find boring (except for maybe a few songs), and who just...kind of grosses me out as a person. I no longer fuck with T.S., but I still fuck heavy with Crass, so over the past couple days I modified the shirt to make it into a straight-up Crass shirt/something I will actually wear. I cut some pieces from an old leopard print tank top I no longer wear (because it was stretched all to hell), and stitched them over the stuff relating to T.S. Then I used some stencils and a fabric marker to add: DESTROY POWER NOT PEOPLE to one of the patches, threw a few safety pins on each side, et voila.
(*I'm still glad I went through it, even though a lot of the stuff I briefly got into then no longer interests me, if only because now I'm sightly less of a music snob and will no longer dismiss something offhand just because it happens to be popular.)
(**Something I still wholeheartedly support doing whenever possible, by the way.)
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seraph-sar · 4 months
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I am so insanely happy with how this turned out, you would not believe me. Putting on the chains at the end was an actual pain, because they just would not hold and I didn't have the best glue to put them on either, but it's done now, and I'm just.
It's so pretty!
ALSO! If anyone wants to make one for themselves!
You can find the pattern I used there, the pages are for A4 format, which is like the typical german paper size. (about 30 cm x 21 cm). I made the blade from a 3 cm thick insulation board (I think that's the right word) and the chains are plastic chains I bought somewhere.
Also, if you have any questions regarding this, if you want to make one yourself and get stuck somewhere, I'd be happy to help! (Same goes for other Keyblades I made before! :D )
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seekingskywhales · 2 months
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Metal baby jumpscare!
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improbable-implosions · 4 months
This one, contrary to that cat paw I've posted previously, really felt like I was just sort of tossing things together. But even despite that, I really enjoyed the heck out of the process of this mend, bit by bit making art out of something that's been bothering me.
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Step one: get those holes to hole-d still! Threw some whip-stitches onto the fabric to get these three little cat-pokes to no longer expand through the fabric. Did this with some leftover scraps of light-purple thread from an earlier project we've seen around here, the finger guns mask! We don't quite know it at this point, but that color choice is going to make a lot of fuss later.
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After a bit of digging around in RSN Stitchbank, I found an interesting pattern that I thought would be super fun to execute here, called the wild goose chase stitch: https://rsnstitchbank.org/stitch/wild-goose-chase-stitch So, following the pattern, we first lay down the blue stitching (counting rows of stitches in the tshirt instead of canvas openings).
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Then, after a good little bit of fuss to get all those stitches to align Just So^tm over the hole, (seriously, it was a lot of wrangling horizontal stitches where they'd fit as anchoring points, knotting the vertical stitches in place so they'd fit right, etc, etc) since they didn't really have fabric to anchor in for a little bit there, we wound up with the purple stitching looking like so (quite good, I'd say, given I was improvising this while waiting in line at the DMV!), not quite perfectly saving that arrowed effect for one batch, but not half bad either.
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Lastly but certainly not leastly for the wild goose chase here, we've got a third set of stitches, in a lovely pink color this time! But, trouble abounds, I measured completely wrong when setting this stitch up, there's still two more holes that need covering! Whatever shall I do?
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Enter a very useful new tool we'll be seeing a lot of in future mends: dissolvable backing! This simply self-adheres to the fabric, and washes away quite easily with nothing more than water. The longer I was looking at the wild-goose chase stitch, wondering what I could put over the two holes, I honestly felt that the texture would fit right in along the border in a tetris arcade game.
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So, I landed on a design that looks like a t-piece from everyone's favorite falling block game! First up, some simple black outline stitches, to make sure that the form makes sense as a tetris piece to the passing eye. Much, MUCH easier with the drawn-on guidelines here, even despite the pleasing geometric shape of tetrominos, I'm not sure that I could have nailed the stitch placement quite so nicely without the help of the dissolvable backing.
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With the addition of some dark purple satin stitching, we've got a T tetromino! I haven't grabbed a good shot of this after it went into the wash, but I promise, the backing dissolved just fine after heading into the laundry. We'll be seeing a lot of that backing for future mends, it's super handy, especially for sashiko prep!
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rat-scrapbook · 2 years
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Been making little videos documenting my punk jacket project! I'm really happy with how it's going. Here are a couple of progress pics and all the videos that are out so far:
Intro/arms: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWpojhG/ Armpit vents!: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWs2oHQ/ Removable liner: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWsN7X2/
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david-box-art · 11 months
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It took me like 2.5 hours in between fucking up and half unfucking my prep for the cotton I got in a pill bottle, finding out I'm not yet one of those people that can just hand spin a bit and use that as a leader (thats the yellow) and discovering a) this really does need a lot of twist and and b) "medieval style"/twiddling/grasped spinning is *probably* not the best choice for it because of that and I'll need to look into supported style, but i made mt first handspun! It's YARN! Or thread! Depends on where you look! Lol. It's spun! I'm so excited
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Just some pictures of my bed/living room because I'm very happy with the way it looks right now
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I painted all of these and it's giving so much gold, the wall glows.
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Found that cute one on the street around the corner
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Bed just in the middle to fill out the unnecessary huge space. I gotta find some decor for the big and white wall there...
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The attempt to have a "cozy chillout space" but I still don't know if it works. The yellow is just very bright but well...I bought that one when I was 14 and believed in bright colors.
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the-dance-of-italy · 2 years
Ok so
I'm bleaching my hair today
We're picking up a hair clipper so i can keep my huge ass head constantly shaved
And i'm dying it on Sunday
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brinnanza · 8 days
tw frank discussion of anxiety, anxiety meds, references to spicy content, drugs (I used the community tag but like this isn't addiction related my body is just a k'nex bridge built by a sleep deprived toddler)
so klonopin might be magic???? I am on day four? I think? And I went from constant unending nightmare anxiety from a laundry list of stressors to basically. none. like I took the first one thursday and then went to go dig in the woods (rockhounding) which I would have done anyway but usually I'm fairly wracked with anxiety about bugs and dirt and creatures and nah man I just had my finger raw doggin in the dirt without a concern y'all I had sex in the woods and did not think oNCE about whether a spider was gonna get on me, something that I am concerned about Constantly in the woods unless I specifically tune it out. it was incredible. I have been SO fucking anxious for WEEKS I have been smoking weed like a MANIAC I went through a 1g d8 pen cart in like a week but man three days of klonopin and I was smoking for fun again not just in desperate anxiety escape in fact it was SO effective at removing all of my anxiety that I cut back to half a dose this morning cause some of my anxiety IS practical because I'm autistic so like I'm trying not to act a fool in public or be carelessly rude to people I care about. also I'm a little bit concerned about the long term effects and I really do not want to build up a tolerance. I mean I was only prescribed .5 mg which I split into .25mg this morning and most substances work on me in tiny amounts because I am Sensitive To Things (except for fucking molly apparently but that's because of my prozac) so I wouldn't anticipate too much of a problem, but yknow Still.
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rustbeltjessie · 8 months
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January 18: I took a pair of plaid pants that were my oldest's when he was two and made a star patch, plus some safety pins, and then turned this boring old blazer punk rock.
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
the nickelback album I got with yesterday's cd thrift haul HAS THE SONG "SOMETHING IN YOUR MOUTH" ON IT AHHHHHH
explanation for me going totally unhinged over this fact: I remember watching a bl anime amv set to this song sometime in the late 2000s at the tender age of 12/13 (didn't know the song was by nickelback for the longest time because who cares about giving credit on the internet amirite?), went hogwild over the hard rock sound, and it has shaped who I am as a person. <3
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love-bitesx · 1 year
HI MIAAA just have... Hobie brainrot... About little details in every day life like 😭😭 him nonchalantly pulling u by the waist so he's on the side of the street facing the road, him towering you in the bus or underground, blocking you from the big mass of bodies or any possible creeps (had my share when bus is too crowded 😭), or giving you the window seat because ita your favorite and that way he can block u from the aisle and protect u like with the street thing 🥹🥹 letting you fall asleep in his shoulder or hugging his arm. Sitting always in the chair facing the door when u go to a cafe or a pub, so he can watch out for any possible threats that could come in and be ready for them, so u can rest assured and enjoy ur time. Letting you play with his rings when you're bored or anxious, holding you tight when you hide a bit behind him if you're too shy when he first introduces you to his friends, his hand giving u a reassuring squeeze. !!! EXCHANGING BATTLE JACKETS <<333333 maybe yours fits him a little shorter but its so cute... Such a bonding act.... Making patches or diy badges for each other's jackets too!!! Painting each other nails and kissing the knuckles for every nail painted 😭❤️❤️ i could go on and on. I LOVE HIM!!!!
i’d like to elaborate, if you don’t mind—
his brain was so wired to protect you that half the things he did weren’t even consciously (cupping his hand around corner of tables or cupboards so you don’t hurt yourself/hit your head, steering you to the other side of the pavement, away from the road, etc.). of course, you knew having spider-man as a boyfriend, you’d be safer than most, but when the mask comes off and it’s just your hobie, dark eyes lidded, watching you through his lashes as he towers you at the packed bus stop, cuffed arm pressed above your head, you knew nothing bad could ever touch you.
something about him mindlessly towering you on the tube just. wow. it’d be packed, rush hour hitting and he swore he could’ve just swung you both to your location, but you refused. swinging made you nauseous, and the tube wasn’t all that bad. if you chose to sit down, his ringed hand would be glued to your thigh, not to be a flirt, but to ease your anxiety, know that you’re safe and that he was there. if it’s too busy, he’d let you play with each steel band, secretly calmed by the sensation.
standing up, however, he’d hold onto the railing on the roof, free hand on your hip to bring you flush against him, grip tightening at every bump and screech of the crooked underground carriages. you know it isn’t his intention to tease you, but the way his body moved around yours at every turn, his cologne and natural scent inescapable with how close he held you, and the incredibly nonchalant intimacy of it all. something about the smirk that sat on his pierced lips, however, made you believe that his intentions aren’t always mindless. anytime you questioned him about it, he’d brush off your accusations, simply saying;
“too many creeps around ‘ere, darlin’. gotta keep you safe.”
he trusts you with every part of him and more, but his trust for other people was non-existent at best. so, at the pub, he always liked to be able to feel you (within reason (or without, actually, he wasn’t fussy)). whether it’s simply your knees pressed together, or you playing with his hands from across the table, arm snaked around your waist or shoulders as you sat next to him. he’d like to keep you away from the door, sandwiched between himself and his mates.
although he insists his intentions are strictly safety-related, he’d be lying through his teeth if he said that the visible rush of blood to your cheeks and falter in your voice as his hand slides across the skin of your thigh under the table, wasn’t an added bonus. the smug prick.
he’d share everything with you, if it’s possible. clothes? yours. no question. jewellery? yours. badges, patches, safety pins with beaded designs? yours within a heartbeat. hell, you even had a collection of guitar picks on your bedroom dresser that he’d been dying to give you after special shows. you had no use for it, but the giddy smile he wore on his face as he kissed it between his lips and offered it to you, who are you to refuse that?
speaking of gifts; if he wasn’t the one and only spider-man (well, of his dimension) then his criminal record would be miles long, purely because of the sheer amount of stuff he steals for you. he’s like a cat. anytime he leaves you for the day, he’ll crawl back through your window with pockets full of tiny trinkets he’d robbed throughout the day. anything he sees that even remotely makes him think of you and he’s slyly sneaking it into his back pocket – and trust me, it’s a lot.
all in all, he’d go to insane lengths to keep you safe, and if he’s able to keep a smile on your face – and a blush on your cheeks – whilst he does it? then he’s a very happy man. loves you more than he could ever say, and hopes these little measures let you know that.
i’m violently in love with this man, i actually need to be sedated
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buckgasms · 1 month
Trailer park bucky but the window in your bedroom is broken with the frame all cracked so you really cold no matter what :( he starts noticing that your sleeping on the tiny built in table thing instead of your bed and offers to take a look at the window for you so he can fix it. In the mean time he sees this as an opportunity because he cannot allow you to sleep on a table while the window is being fixed! Come over to his trailer... it has a bigger bed and plenty of room.
Nonnie yeeeeeeeees. Thank yoooou!
You get it and I love it.
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Like Bucky can fix that shit in minutes by why rush it when he's got silly you who believes anything he tells you, especially when it comes to DIY.
So he says it's not good to be sleeping in the cold and the pull out table bed is no good for his pretty girl. So you gotta come and stay at his...
And he's so insistent he doesn't even let you grab anything he just pushes you out the door and tells you to grab him a beer.
He then helps himself to your underwear drawer, pulling out the skimpiest nightie you have. He grins as he hears you grumbling outside before pocketing the dress.
Oh and when he gives you your nightie, he tries to be cool but he can't help but grin when he sees your eyes widen at it.
"Bucky! Why did you pick this one? You may as well not have picked one at all"
He presses up against you and brushes your cheek with his thumb. "That's still an option babydoll..."
And are you pretending that you aren't sleeping with him that night? You climb under the blankets and shut your eyes as if you are going to sleep, fully aware that he's about to get out of the shower and your body is humming with anticipation.
And even though you shouldn't you can't help but squint as he comes out of the bathroom, shorts hanging reaaaal low on his waist, his broad chest damp from his shower. You hate yourself for the little whimper, which of course he hears.
"You hiding? I wanna see that pretty nightie baby, at least let me see it once before I take it off ya."
You scoff, "I'm going to sleep Bucky, isnt that why I'm here?"
He chuckles, sliding under the covers and wrapping his arms around you, dragging you into his chest and pressing kisses to your shoulder. "Don't be dumb baby. You know exactly what's gonna happen tonight. But if you wanna play, we can play...."
His hands slip into your underwear and slide between your folds. He moans in your ear as he feels how soaked you are. "Such a silly girl yknow? Always pretending you ain't bothered." He slides his thick finger inside you and you keen, dropping your head back onto his shoulder. "Why not just admit you want me to fuck you dumb huh? I don't mind. I'll never say no to my honey bee."
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miiukkaa · 1 year
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raph's subway room 🧸
personally speaking, raph is both an easy and a difficult character to understand. he has grown up with the responsibilty of having to look after his younger brothers. he definitely can be rowdy, playful, goofy and irresponsible but there's a sense of responsibility that he carries and holds onto. i mention this only because i feel this shows in him wanting to let his brothers have things over himself (things like furniture, trinkets, food... just stuff in general). not in a dramatic way in which he'd sacrifice EVEYRYTHING for the sake of others and thus neglect his own needs, no, no, it's not black and white like that. this would simply mean that he owns less furniture/trinkets/things than what you'd imagine. a mindful guy looking out for those he loves (let us not forget that he looks after himself, too).
i gave the big guy a big bed which is supported by the subway car's seats opposite to one another as well as cinder blocks. again, very little space underneath the bed. there're a few teddybears by the foot of the bed (note that the mattress isn't as wide as the car so the bears are just sitting on the seat).
raph is a RnB fan and has shown to own a collection of vinyl records. i was feeling generous so i gave him a vinyl record player with an amp right next to his bed.
while i could have moved his DIY bench press in the car, i rather it stayed outside of the car as seen in the movie. he would probably still have some weights stored in his room (he could easily use smaller weights in his room, too - i feel there's enough room for that).
opposite to the main entrance, he'd have a clothing line to hang some of his clothes. oh, and the door on the right side? that's just half-open. i'm not sure if raph himself would fit through a half-opened door but i like to imagine it's more of a window to him anyway. (from the bed he would lean a little to squint what's happening outside before shouting "hey, what's the commotion about!?" or something).
posters! first we have ghostbear's poster which we have seen in raph's sewer room. i feel he would have ripped the poster off of the wall after feeling betrayed by the wrestler but then later taped it back up after having calmed down and feeling remorseful. he still does admire the sport and ghostbear after all. complicated feelings.
a new lou jitsu poster in which our favorite rat man is simply just posing for the fans. speaking of the rat man, i'd like to think he helped raph write down the famous japanese quote from the show: 「あなたは一人じゃない」 translated to "you're not alone". i mean, if i were raph, i'd want to write the quote down... ESPECIALLY since he doesn't know the language and it's easy to forget for that reason. it's like splinter signed his poster for his son in a way :)
the mad dogs flag looks like it was bought rather than self-made... so i doubt they would have bought just one for leo. i mean "mad dogs" is their thing so you gotta get all the siblings involved kind of like a shared tattoo!!
then a silly little drawing by mikey in which he drew raph flexing :)
and speaking of mikey! there's some graffiti art by him! both of them are near identical to the ones seen in raph's sewer room but... one of them just says "boss!" and the other is just flames.
a very simple room design but i feel it's just enough for raph :]
leo's room
mikey's room
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surelysilly · 16 days
i love your King Of Hell Danny (superphantom) au and i would greatly (very much) appreciate it if you could talk more about it (King Of Hell Danny) i love his (danny) smug cat energy (smug) in all of your drawing for it (hell is under New Management)
i hope you're ready for this some rambling but ask and you shall receive!!! yes i waited to post this for superphantom week i gotta shill for my own event, y'know :9
So. You want to know more about King of Hell Danny, is it?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
Well. Well. He's certainly Danny. Or more specifically I've decided as of recent, Dark Danny. I'm waffling on whether he's Dan Dark Danny or just... Phantom sans Plasimus. The latter feels less likely as i try to flesh him out, but you never know with these guys... he does prefer to look like his 14 yr old self though.
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But whatever version he is of himself... it's post-TUE, and he hates himself more than anyone is allowed to know.
Not sure exactly how he ended up in the SPNverse (portal probably!), but he'd definitely prefer going back to his own world/dimension in a heavily buried sense of self-flagellation and unreliable narrator-ness.
Everyone is waiting for him there, not here, wherever he is exactly. This implies anyone is left alive, but he never said that. People (Crowley, etc.) just assume so.
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and he's the worst lil jerk you could ever meet, at a first, second, and third, glance, anyway.
Smug cat, indeed. He does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, and taking over Hell felt right. (isn't that where he'd go? he thinks, after learning Hell is actually real.)
he's overpowered for sure, but it also comes from a misconception for what he is. Not a demon, not human, a secret Third Thing: weird ghost.
i like to think most regular ghost counter measures work on him, but no one thinks to try them because that ain't no ghost??? He plays the part really well though, pretending to be a demon (and gets mislabelled a crossroads demon for his red eyes) -- it doesn't bother him to kill people, but he doesn't go out of his way to do it anymore.
KOH!Danny having it out for the Winchesters is a very thoughtless and fun thing, and it would piss him off when they try to summon Crowley, but in all actuality, he'd probably end up begrudgingly working with them or something.
And ultimately betray them.
I also think his goal would be to fuse with Lucifer when he's freed from the Cage. That should give him enough power to bust a hole back to his OG dimension, right?
maybe. Who knows.
You can certainly find him at DIY skateparks across the globe. He's an asshole to anyone and everyone, but god have mercy on anyone looking to cause trouble while he's trying to have a good time (he feels guilty about it, though, having fun -- it's a circle of shame/guilt/fuck it we ball mentality, here for a good time not a long time).
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he can 'see' Castiel's wings and if in his presense, will pluck at them because he's annoying like that.
Crowley became his lap dog though, regardless of intial beheadings because... Hell generates a lot of paperwork the way Crowley was running it, and KOH!Danny don't got the time for all of that.
eventually I'm sure someone will figure him out, ghost weaknesses and all, but it's not 1:1 SPNverse ghost: no bones to burn, no records of him being alive ever, etc., but he's definitely solid enough.
i could see a later quest like what the Winchesters did to find Crowley's remains, but they'd spiral down a hole of "where hell did this creature even come from???" and the Men of Letters/Angels/anyone wouldn't know jack about what he even is exactly.
i'm so rusty on SPN though... but those are my cobbled together ideas. I'd place him mid-ish seasons Supernatural (because ive only really seen s4 thru s8...) but i think the 'hijinks' of later seasons could be fun with the seriousness of early, early seasons sprinked in!
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month
ooo how would ce characters react if you started decorating for autumn in august? 🤭
Ya know, right off the bat, I can't think of anyone who's downright against it, but some of them would help and some would just leave you to it. One--take a wild guess--would throw an incredible bitch-fit if he tripped over one gd thing in his way, but otherwise...
Um, there's some language but nothing adult-specific.
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Most Into Autumn Decor--Curtis Everett
Okay, there's a reason I worded it that way, but I was a bit surprised, too. I would not be able to tell you if this somehow wasn't influenced by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork's "Life Is Short So Make It Sweet" series, but I truly believe Curtis would be equally into decorating for fall/autumn with you. He'd be the most active in finding decor, too, whether he's shopping with you there or just finding stuff randomly. He'd take the time to plan out and execute a whole thing in the house, and he would get the most joy out of sitting in the warm glow.
Honorable Mentions to James Mace, Johnny Storm, and Ransom Drysdale.
Mace will get into it but not as much as Curtis and for a shorter period of time. You best believe Johnny digs the campfire-and-s'mores vibes but is wary of shit hanging from the ceiling or dry stuff piled on the floor. Ransom is obviously into dressing for the season but also likes to find the most expensive version of all decor, so those beautiful, blown-glass pumpkins are a staple. Ran is perfectly fine if you want to repaint the damn walls every couple months to match the mood; he's fine with it, but he doesn't expend much effort.
Most Indifferent--Jimmy Dobyne
He doesn't hate the season by any means. He's fine with the colors. He likes when you're happy, so if the house needs to be packed with pumpkins and fairylights and shit, okay. Don't expect him to really participate in it, and don't bring rotting leaves into the house. Real pumpkins are for eating or outside.
The other reason he doesn't really care is that Jimmy spends most days outdoors for work and whatnot. He sorta just...sees autumn the whole time it's autumn, and that is enough for him.
*Most Into Halloween Decor--Jake Jensen
If you were wondering why I didn't mention Jake earlier it's because he is miles above Curtis's enthusiasm for one specific thing: spooky shit.
Jake isn't afraid to go all-out. He will make the entire house, the yard, the gd neighborhood if they let him, into a haunted experience. This is, unfortunately, to the point where you have slipped on fake blood before and bruised your tailbone. Jake is now limited to the week of Halloween itself for the more dangerous accoutrements like liquids and sharp blades. Knives and weapons stay in shadowboxes or cabinets otherwise.
No, he will not be taking questions about why they aren't the fake, safe kinds. Just let him have this.
**I don't have a name for the superlative that Lloyd Hansen wins but he is the most obsessed with curating *his look* seasonally.
Yes, I even mean more so than our sweater boi Ransom...
Lloyd is also the man who flips the fuck out if a room or the yard is littered with stuff to decorate. If it's a mess (even for a little while) he thinks it all looks trashy and can't stand that, so you gotta be kinda stealth or methodical about doing it.
Most Into DIY Decor--Ari Levinson
Project? Did someone say project???? Ari's there, tools ready, let's go.
Ari's the man who has a shed or garage full of stuff for all occasions. Sure, there are a lot of power tools and mechanic things, but he's also kept track of all the art supplies, cleaned up that hot-glue gun and twist-tied the cord nicely, and sorted everything into bins or some of the drawers in his shelves. Nails and screws for all sorts. Wall anchors if necessary. He keeps a stash of those papertowel rolls for kids projects. Tissue paper and bags for gift wrapping. He doesn't go so far as to color-code it or anything, but it's grouped together and neatly stowed away. He is always willing to participate in building something new, even if it's silly little paper things.
Most Into Autumn Activities--Steve Rogers
I don't think Steve has any issue with early sprucing for the season, but he is definitely planning where the apple-picking and pumpkin patches are and when to go. There may be fourteen different hay rides and corn mazes to get through, but don't worry, he's got a schedule! He's rewashed the thermoses for hot cocoa at the ready. He bought another stack of pie tins just in case. He printed off several new recipes to try this year, and the ones from last year have hand-written notes in the margins of what to adjust this time. So, yup, hang onto your butts because it's gonna get real busy in a few weeks...
Thank you for asking!
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Damnit, these are so amazingly fun. Keep 'em coming!!
[Main Masterlist; Who Would...Asks; Ko-Fi]
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