snowydot · 1 year
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Last month I got to witness @chloebeale and @djbubblegum’s wedding and meet @ridiculously-over-obsessed and @chubby-maimaki in person.
It was such a beautiful/emotional time for me. I’ll treasure these memories forever and will never get over how special these guys are. 🩷
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3, 12, 23, 27, 30 and 34 🧡
Anything for my favourite dyke, ily 🥹🩵
♡ asks ♡
(3) What was the last song you listened to? 
Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low (quarter life crisis got me reliving my teen emo days djkfljgfdlg)
(12) Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
1 - You 🥺 2 - @chloebeale 3 - @djbubblegum 4 - Their dogs 5 - @snowydot 6 - @chubby-maimaki
(23) Do you believe in aliens? 
No? I'm not like "aliens absolutely do not exist, don't be stupid" but I guess I'm cautiously skeptical in a "I have never seen anything that gives me reason to, but would not spit in the face of something that did" does that make sense???
(27) What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
Oh books my beloved I miss you 🥺🥺 I have to got to get back into back into reading...
Anyway, picking a favourite feels like picking a favourite child dlfkgjlkdfjg but the first that comes to mind is The Palace Of Laughter by John Berkeley because that's the one I used to re-read all the time is a kid
(30) What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
Hm... well the Eras Tour drops on Disney+ next week 🙈 and we're having Indian for dinner on Sunday? Also hopefully seeing my besties soon if I am not finacially fucked this month 🤡✌🏻
(34) What’s your favorite flower? 
Probably lavender? Or lillies 🥰
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chloebeale · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the kindest, sweetest, most selfless and generous person in the world. Kaylee, you give so much of yourself to others every day, there isn’t a selfish bone in your body, but today is all about you, my love. I’m so grateful that I get to share my life with you, and so honoured that I get to love you today and every day. Watching you become the most empowered, authentic version of yourself is such a gift, and I can’t wait to see what year 35 brings you, and to experience it right by your side. Happy birthday, my forever favourite story 🧡🧡 @djbubblegum
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green-eyed-weirdo · 3 years
1, 24, 30 😊
1. what song makes you feel better?
Answered already; it’s I love me by Meghan Trainor.
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
Go for a walk outside, work on a puzzle or watch Friends.
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
The smell of a certain brand of cigarettes reminds me of my aunt who passed away and chocolate toffee reminds me of my grandmother. Furthermore it’s usually music that can take me back instantly.
Soft asks to get to know people
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
I love reading everyone’s headcannons! My current one is Beca’s mum got cancer when Beca was about 9 or 10 and it was too much for her dad so he left and she became a child carer. As her mum got more ill Beca had to spend more time at home and her school friends just stopped making contact. She withdrew to protect herself. Until she was 16 and her mum died. Then her dad had to take custody and she had to move to a different area to live with him. She’s learnt not to rely on others.
skdjfkd you guys are RELENTLESS with how much pain you’re inflicting on poor baby Beca Mitchell.
I like this one too...I see we’re all fans of giving Beca a darker backstory. Here for it! Though I definitely feel like her dad wouldn’t be that heartless.
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becasbelt · 4 years
Happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈 thank you so much for sharing your story. I feel the same way too. This is my first pride since I came to accept I was BI. This fandom is awesome! You guys make such a difference.
happy pride! I'm glad us baby gays can experience this new adventure together ☺️
I honestly feel like so many other people in the fandom make more of a difference than me, simply because everyone is so supportive and wonderful! it's really the greatest thing, and I love that this is a safe space where creators can express themselves the way we do 💖
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pinkpastels113 · 3 years
tagged by @accio-sense who really should have been working but for which I’m still happy that I was tagged in 🥲
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And here is the original:
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tagging @hairflicks @anastasia-93-daybidaylove @beca-mitchell @djbubblegum @chloebeale @ridiculously-over-obsessed @chubby-maimaki and basically whoever wants to do this haha because we are all fanfic readers :)))
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bobby-lynnes-bra · 4 years
Do you know the bechloe fic where Chloe is getting married and Aubrey convinces Beca to come to the wedding but Beca doesn’t know Aubrey wants her there so she can stop the wedding? Beca is very depressed and broken, she doesn’t want to go to the wedding but ends up going.
there is like a few fics jumping to mind here but I’m struggling to remember who wrote them!!!
I’m gonna leave this in the tags for people to reply to!
Edit: yes I think @djbubblegum has it right!
Burn Down These Bridges (Tear Down These Walls) by nostradamusO
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pirateofprose · 4 years
Color Outside the Lines
Here is to @djbubblegum for your donation and participation in the @ppfandomdrive; thank you so much for support. Thank for your patience as well, and I hope you like it.
For more info on how to help, visit the @ppfandomdrive page.
Also on AO3.
She hadn’t planned it this way. In fact, she didn't plan anything at all. When she found Chloe’s ring laying on the floor of her room, pending interviews and photoshoots vanished from her mind and she dashed out of her house, ignoring the yelling and threats from her team,  and headed to the airport where she had dropped Chloe much earlier that day. 
So now it’s night, and Beca is in New York instead of her interview with Vanity Fair in Los Angeles, and she has a single thought in mind. A single someone in mind. So, when the plane lands, Beca all but runs out of the airport central.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
The grey sky above her thunders and the first raindrops of what seems to be a storm start to fall. Beca curses at the sky under her breath and heads to the taxi area, ignoring the streak of luck of not being recognized yet, and takes the first one that she sees. Huffing the address, she braces herself and takes a second to gather her thoughts and feelings, recalling the events from the early morning.
“Thanks for the ride,” Chloe pulls out her bag and adjusts it on her shoulder “And the coffee.”
She slightly lifts the paper cup of coffee on her left hand with a bright smile. Beca pulls out the luggage from her trunk with a soft groan and sets in on the ground. In a quick, but silent interaction, Chloe extends her right hand to grab the handle but Beca dismisses it by taking the handle herself.
 “Thank you for making hell a little better.”
The combination of tiredness of the late last night before and the early morning today are obvious on Beca’s voice, but her smirk is enough to let notice the sincerity in her half-joke. Chloe nudges Beca, teasing her and they start walking to the departures area. 
“Just a little?”
“Okay, much better.”
The intercom voice rings through the airport minutes later, “Flight 181 to New York City, now boarding Gate 6.”
“That’s my cue,” Chloe takes a look at her airplane ticket and smiles at Beca “Thanks for everything, Bec.”
Beca smiles, in lack of any possible response to how grateful she was that Chloe had been with her, even if it had been for a few days. They hug, a little tighter than Beca is used with other people, but just right as she is used with Chloe. She hands the baggage handler to Chloe, who takes it and adjusts it to roll it with her as she takes a step back.
“Be careful. And text me when you land,” Beca tucks her hands in her pockets as Chloe starts walking away “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” Chloe turns one last time and waves “Bye.”
As usual, Chloe keeps her promise. It is about half past one when Beca gets her text messages.
i’m home
ttyl ;)
“Beca, are you even listening to me?”
Theo’s exasperation takes Beca out of her thoughts about bright eyes and gorgeous smiles. She turns to look at him with evident annoyance. He holds her gaze for a few seconds before scoffing and running a hand through his face.
“What? I’m listening.”
“No, you’re not.” he sighs “Beca, I need you to understand. We have an incredible busy schedule from here to mid-August, and unless you change your attitude this isn’t going to be any easier. Alright?”
Beca nods, with her head low, and stands up to walk over to the door. She has to go to makeup and hair before going to get her outfit change. Since jeans and a shirt, being her most comfortable clothes, have already been banned to go on interviews.
“Good. Now, put on a smile on and go rock your interview. Alex and Kelly are waiting for you in the living room. Oh, and remember at five o’clock we need-”
She walks away before he can finish. Seeing her room door half open, she steps in, to make a quick stop and gather some will before another hectic day. She takes a look at the place, slowly walking by and remembering the fresh memories with Chloe from the past few days. Chloe, with her bright blue eyes and dashing smile, with messy red hair and contagious giggles. She lets her mind trail off with thoughts of her best friend as she stops on her tracks when she notices Chloe’s ring abandoned on the floor. She crouches down to grab it and a smile grows on her lips and-
She drops on the bed, realization hitting her like a bus and a mix of joy and alarm sparking in her chest. She loves Chloe. She is in love with Chloe. And damn her for not realizing her sooner. A sudden urge settles in her stomach and she stands up. She swiftly grabs her discarded grey jacket from the couch, and her wallet from the nightstand, tucking her phone on her back pocket afterwards. She looks at Chloe’s ring, and that’s all the reassurance she needs. With surprising ease, she swipes her passport from Theo’s forgotten briefcase in the hallway and sneaks away from her house.
She makes it to the airport in a shorter time than she expected, and before she notices, she is in a plane seat. Rolling Chloe’s ring in between her fingers, she contemplates calling her for a second, before remembering that Theo’s insistent calls -and possibly GPS tracking- is why she turned it off in the first place. Placing the ring back in her jacket’s pocket, she sighs deeply and sinks into her seat.
New York’s traffic and rain have always been the worst combination. All Beca sees outside is the exact same spot from ten minutes earlier with a much stronger rain hitting the taxi. Impatience growing stronger by the minute, she takes her phone out of her jacket but immediately puts in back into place; she will not risk turning her phone on. Not when she is so close. She examines the buildings outside: she is still very far from Chloe’s- their apartment, especially in a car ride with this traffic. In a blur of irrational decisions, Beca takes her wallet out and harshly gives the driver more money than the ride was worth, and without expecting change or an answer, she opens the cab door and stumbles into the street.
Taking a swift look to avoid any driver, Beca starts running towards their building. The rain is pouring strongly on her and the wind sneaks in her jacket; she is getting wetter and colder by the second, in full contrast with her burning legs and lungs. Her chest hurts, not exclusively from the exhaustion, and her clothes are soaking by the time she makes it to Verona Street. With ragged breaths, she hastily stops on the roofed entrance for their building and presses the bell to their apartment. And waits. And presses again. And waits again. Nothing. The strong silence from the intercom quickly drains any hope she might have. Taking a few steps to the sidewalk, she uses her right hand to cover her eyes and looks up. Her throat is burning, and the raindrops are hitting her in the face, but nothing hurts as their window curtains open and lights off. Chloe is not home.
Despair strikes Beca, her rough breathing becomes a strained sob, her hand drops to the side. It took her so many years to realize that, and Beca feels like an absolute idiot. Chloe is not there. Chloe is who-knows-where, doing who-knows-what, with someone else. With someone else. Someone who is not so fucking oblivious. Someone who is not Beca. 
Her vision blurs by tears and raindrops alike. The initial adrenaline is wearing off, and cold suddenly hits Beca, making her feel alone and empty. The thought of Chloe makes her go numb, she has the urge to start running again, unable to just stand there. Her feet start moving with no actual direction, sadness settles in her chest, letting the rain pour on her. A pair of brakes loudly resonates in the empty street, interrupting Beca’s unnoticed sobs, and she barely registers that the car stops mere inches away from her. 
It sounds like her, but God knows it’s just another dirty trick of her mind, making up for whatever she was going to tell Chloe initially. But the loud voice keeps yelling at her, and she turns to face it. Beca smiles widely through soaking strands of hair on her face at the front lights reflecting in bright red hair. Beca’s sobs turn into a choked laugh. Chloe is yelling at her, but Beca can’t actually understand the words because it’s Chloe.
In a dazed happiness, Beca barely notices the cab driving away and Chloe pulling her to the roofed entrance and taking out her key. The rattling of the keys is what snaps Beca out of her reverie.
"I have to tell you something," Beca declares after swallowing, her voice still a hoarse and raspy.
 Chloe turns to look at her with wide bright eyes and damp hairs sticking to her forehead, incredulity obvious in her expression “What the hell, Beca?! What- I don't even know where to begin! How could you be so stupid? What did you- You almost got run-” 
 Chloe is cut off by Beca yanking her back into the rain, and squeaks at the raindrops on her neck, dripping to her back.
 "If we go inside, I won't be able to tell you any of this," Beca interrupts whatever reproach was coming from Chloe; she is laughing with her head low "God, I'm an idiot. Please, listen to me.
 Beca swipes the soaking hairs from her face and grabs Chloe’s hands into hers.
 “I’m an idiot for how long it took me to understand what you mean to me. It took me… four championships, seven years, hundreds of songs, and a single ring,” she fishes in her pocket for Chloe’s ring “a single ring to realize that- that I’m in love with you. I love you, Chloe. I always have.”
 Chloe's eyes are huge, but Beca can't really make out what is in them exactly. So naturally, she keeps going.
 "I love you. I love your laugh, your eyes, your- God, everything about you. And- and you don't even have to say it back, but I don't think I could ever work the courage to-"
 She's unexpectedly cut off by Chloe's lips on hers. In the second that her initial surprise lasts, she feels Chloe’s touch on her face, cupping sofly in contrast to her lips fiercely looking for more. Beca’s hands travel to Chloe’s neck, and pulls her closer. It’s not the thunder and rain what she listens to anymore, it’s her own heartbeat rumbling loud in her ears. Chloe pulls away with a soft laugh, and Beca can barely make it, too distracted in her daze.
 "I can't believe it took you that long either." Chloe giggles, still close to Beca, put apart enough to get lost in her dark blue eyes.
 "Wait, what?"
 "I love you too, Beca."
 The confession lifts a weight on Beca’s chest she never knew she had. She is the one to get closer for another kiss, and Chloe’s soft chuckles on her lips feel like heaven.
 "I love you."
 “I’m sorry.”
 Beca’s voice is hoarse and raspy. She is laying down on the couch, with half open eyes and a light blanket on top of her. Chloe walks from the kitchen sink with a wet towel on one hand and a paper tissue on the other.
 “It’s okay.”
 Chloe sniffs, placing the towel on Beca’s forehead and kneeling besides her. She has a soft smile that contrasts heavily with her concerned frown. Beca holds her gaze for a beat, feeling Chloe’s fingers running softly on her cheek.
 “You are so stupid.”
 Beca wants to laugh, but it comes out as a strained sound. 
 “Alright, shut up. You’re gonna hurt your throat more.”
 “I bet you don’t want that,” Beca whispers with a teasing, but tired look.
 “Who are you?” she comments in a low voice, still smiling, before blowing her nose “Your label’s going to kill you. And, no, I wouldn’t want my girlfriend being murdered for carelessness on her own career.”
 She has to speak at that, propping herself on one shoulder, cocking her head “Girlfriend?”
 “Well, that depends on your answer,” Chloe sneezes into her forearm. Talk about bad timing. Beca laughs silently, scratching her neck “Sorry. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
 Beca clears her throat, looking defeated “So I traveled all the way just to not get to be the one who asks?”
 “I don’t know why you didn’t do it last night. Oh wait, yeah, because we were too busy getting sick in the rain.”
 “I kinda want to kiss you.”
 Beca teases, leaning forward a bit, but Chloe leans back, keeping the gap between them and slightly narrows her – a little irritated – eyes before countering.
 “You kinda kissed me in the rain last night. So?”
 Chloe sneezes again, as if on cue, which makes Beca growl “Still.”
 “You haven’t answered my question.”
 Beca holds her gaze again, like she hasn’t been thinking about it since the moment Chloe turned away to take her flight. There is something so bright and pure into her eyes, that Beca realizes she has been in love with that sight for too long.
 “Yes. I want to be your girlfriend.”
 “With stuffy nose and sneezes, and everything?”
 Beca nods, “Especially when it’s my fault.”
 “I love you.”
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pocketdragon · 3 years
Tagged by @djbubblegum. Here we go:
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Here is the blank one if you fancy it
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chubby-maimaki · 3 years
Tagged by @djbubblegum @pinkpastels113 and @anastasia-93-daybidaylove
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Tagging: @forthosebelow @shaneythealphawolf @trixyougurt @acca-dork @inversetwilight @green-eyed-weirdo @suituuup @ridiculously-over-obsessed
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inversetwilight · 4 years
I was tagged by @beca-mitchell to list 10 songs I’ve been listening to lately. Thanks <3
Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World
Say It Ain’t So by Weezer
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Love On Top by The Bellas
Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ
Prime by Allie X
Blister In The Sun by Violent Femmes
The Bones by Maren Morris
Be Like That by 3 Doors Down
Closing Time by Semisonic
Tagging: @eulersfeverdream @thebeeboos @sketchywave @moviesoccupymylife @falling-forever-in-a-hole @177-8 @djbubblegum @ridiculously-over-obsessed @psychofilmer @v3ronica-summ3rs and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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Happy 10 year anniversary to Pitch Perfect, the movie franchise that changed my life. Weird that a movie franchise about acapella nerds and frustrating and unrealised gay tension is the reason I know my favourite and perhaps the most important people in my life... grateful for it every day, and grateful for these weirdos most of all (among many because I will forget people kjdlfkgdf I’m sorry): @chloebeale, @djbubblegum, @chubby-maimaki, @forthosebelow, @snowydot, @trainwrecks-unite​, @177-8, @pinkpastels113, and @asweetmelodytrickling
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chloebeale · 3 years
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nova’s over @asweetmelodytrickling @djbubblegum and i sitting in a row playing animal crossing
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green-eyed-weirdo · 3 years
Hello my friend. 😊 let’s go with 14, 48, 58, and 62
Hi friend 💛
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Salty licorice
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
Pineapple, like Beca. 😉
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I have a true talent for sleeping, eating, talk about dirty things and killing plants.
Oh and also; remembering songlyrics and being able to start singing an accurate song for every situation.
62. seven characters you relate to?
Wow, 7 is a lot dude. Let’s see; Beca Mitchell (walls up), Chloe Beale (friendly) and Stacie Conrad (let’s talk about sex, baby).
Chandler Bing (sarcasm), Maggie Greene (from the walking dead), Elphaba (from Wicked) and Marvels Thor.
Weird asks that say a lot
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
Dude seriously your an amazing writer. I know a lot of people have said DJ turn the radio up is their fave but it’s up there for me too. Such a refreshing take on PP1 and I love the banter between the two. One I love going back to often is Show Me Where My Armour Ends. I love how you were able to take the Bechloe week prompts to make a whole story out of them. With some really cute and relatable moments throughout coming full circle at the end. That story makes a bad day better.
I remember being so nervous about writing dj turn the radio up too! I was so inspired by the early PP writers—the gen 1 pp1 writers and i adored their writing styles and the ~mood of what PP1 fics encompassed, so I wanted to take a stab at writing a PP1 au. it was a struggle because i consistently felt like i was losing beca and chloe’s characterizations and it was one of the longer one-shots i had written, but i’m glad i did.
and thank you so much about saying that about SMWMAE! i know i’m definitely not the first or the last to make an entire story out of the week’s prompts, but i was really happy ultimately with how mine turned out because it ended up being one of the fluffier fics (luckily lol) i have 🥰
thank you!
tell me your favourite fics of mine!
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