carrotconstellations · 11 months
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Dua Anpu neb-ta-djeser, I pray to you for protection for that of my body, my soul, and for guidance toward ma'at. tpy-djuf, grant me calm and connection, for I honour you in my space and in my words. May my praise and worship of you, khentyamentiu, show my devotion and gratitude for your guidance and presence.
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Other names:Ἄνουβις, Inpu, Inpw, Jnpw, Anpu, ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲡ
Major cult center:Lycopolis, Cynopolis
Domain:Judgment Halls of Duat
Symbol:mummy gauze, jackal, flail, nwA or nwt blade tool, Seated dog, Wadjet eye, Sekhem scepter, imy-wt a fetish of leopard skin hung from a pole often made of wood and set before the kings throne
Parents:Nepthys and Set, Osiris (Middle and New kingdom) or Ra (Old kingdom). His fourth son
Alternative parentage:Ra and Hesat (early manifestation of hathor), Set and Nephytys, Nephytys and Ra, Bastet
Siblings:Wepwawet, Horus (step brother when osiris and isis are parents), Anput sister (when parents are Set and Nephytys, Bata (in the tale of the two brothers)
Consort:Anput, Nephthys
Offspring:Kebechet, Wapwawet (sometimes) son, Ammut (sometimes) daughter
Greek equivalent:Hades or Hermes
Roles:Master embalmer, Inventor of embalming, Cheif physician, Watcher, Guardian of the dead, Phychopomp 'guide of souls', Master of the scales in the Hall of Amunety, Naturr god of twilight and dawn, Tribunal of Wesir, Sirius star, Personification of the summer solstice
Hybrid gods:Hermanubis/hermes anubis
Connection to other gods:Hermes (roman), Cerberus (parents echidna and typhon), Garmr or Garm (norsr) rag (old norse), Nibhaz (hebrew)
Anubis is the god of death(psychopomp), mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld, in ancient Egyptian religion, usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head.
Like many ancient Egyptian deities, Anubis assumed different roles in various contexts. Depicted as a protector of graves as early as the First Dynasty (c. 3100 – c. 2890 BC), Anubis was also an embalmer. By the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1650 BC) he was replaced by Osiris in his role as lord of the underworld. One of his prominent roles was as a god who ushered souls into the afterlife. He attended the weighing scale during the "Weighing of the Heart", in which it was determined whether a soul would be allowed to enter the realm of the dead. Anubis is one of the most frequently depicted and mentioned gods in the Egyptian pantheon, however, no relevant myth involved him.
Anubis was depicted in black, a color that symbolized regeneration, life, the soil of the Nile River, and the discoloration of the corpse after embalming. Anubis is associated with his brother Wepwawet, another Egyptian god portrayed with a dog's head or in canine form, but with grey or white fur. Historians assume that the two figures were eventually combined. Anubis' female counterpart is Anput. His daughter is the serpent goddess Kebechet.
As jmy-wt (Imiut or the Imiut fetish) "He who is in the place of embalming", Anubis was associated with mummification. He was also called ḫnty zḥ-nṯr "He who presides over the god's booth", in which "booth" could refer either to the place where embalming was carried out or the pharaoh's burial chamber.
In the Osiris myth, Anubis helped Isis to embalm Osiris. Indeed, when the Osiris myth emerged, it was said that after Osiris had been killed by Set, Osiris's organs were given to Anubis as a gift. With this connection, Anubis became the patron god of embalmers; during the rites of mummification, illustrations from the Book of the Dead often show a wolf-mask-wearing priest supporting the upright mummy.
Protector of tombs
Anubis was a protector of graves and cemeteries. Several epithets attached to his name in Egyptian texts and inscriptions referred to that role. Khenty-Amentiu, which means "foremost of the westerners" and was also the name of a different canine funerary god, alluded to his protecting function because the dead were usually buried on the west bank of the Nile.He took other names in connection with his funerary role, such as tpy-ḏw.f (Tepy-djuef) "He who is upon his mountain" (i.e. keeping guard over tombs from above) and nb-t3-ḏsr (Neb-ta-djeser) "Lord of the sacred land", which designates him as a god of the desert necropolis.
The Jumilhac papyrus recounts another tale where Anubis protected the body of Osiris from Set. Set attempted to attack the body of Osiris by transforming himself into a leopard. Anubis stopped and subdued Set, however, and he branded Set's skin with a hot iron rod. Anubis then flayed Set and wore his skin as a warning against bad people who would desecrate the tombs of the dead.Priests who attended to the dead wore leopard skin in order to commemorate Anubis' victory over Set. The legend of Anubis branding the hide of Set in leopard form was used to explain how the leopard got its spots.
Most ancient tombs had prayers to Anubis carved on them.
Weigher of Hearts
One of the roles of Anubis was as the "Guardian of the Scales."The critical scene depicting the weighing of the heart, in the Book of the Dead, shows Anubis performing a measurement that determined whether the person was worthy of entering the realm of the dead (the underworld, known as Duat). By weighing the heart of a deceased person against Ma'at (or "truth"), who was often represented as an ostrich feather, Anubis dictated the fate of souls. Souls heavier than a feather would be devoured by Ammit, and souls lighter than a feather would ascend to a heavenly existence.
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Symbols:jackal, canopic jars, mummy gauze
Anput is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Her name is written in hieroglyphs as jnpwt (reconstructed in Middle Egyptian as /ʔan.ˈpa.wat/ or /jan.ˈpa.wat/).In English, her name also is rendered as Anupet, Input, Inpewt, and Yineput. As the female counterpart of her husband, Anubis, who was known as jnpw to the Egyptians, Anput's name ends in a feminine "t" suffix when seen as jnpwt.
Draconian-Egyptian Grimoire-Asenath Mason
Anpu, also known as Anubis in Greek, was the original Egyptian Lord of the Dead before the death of Asar (Osiris) that occurred with the rise of the Asar cult. As the stories go, Anpu vacated the spot as a sign of respect for Asar, and became the lord of the embalming process, funerals, graveyards, the weighing of the soul in the hall of Amenti, and ferrying the souls into the land of the dead. Highly shamanic, Anpu is a guide that can help us find the correct path when we seek his wisdom. Different myths have different lineages associated with them, but the oldest myths say he is a son of Ra. However, through the centuries his lineage changed several times, and drastically at that, as did his role as can be seen above. In his book "777," Aleister Crowley corresponds him to Hod on the Qabalistic tree of life, which is also where Mercury and Ilermes are placed, due to their psychopomp natures. However, since that was a later addition to the legend of Anpu, there would be a different Qabalistic correspondence for him that would correspond to our work. We will be working with him to guide us to deeper into the draconian mysteries of ancient Egypt that time has forgotten. We should also remember that the role of psychopomp attached to Anpu rose during the early Hermetic era, and didn't reflect earlier Egyptian periods and teachings.
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Anubis had male priests who sported wood masks with the god's likeness when performing rituals. His cult center was at Cynopolis in Upper Egypt but memorials were built everywhere and he was universally revered in every part of the nation
Ideas for honoring and working with/worshiping Anpu/Anubis
Anubis being a psychopomp deity he can ensure dead loved ones safety in the afterlife. He can also protect the practitioner from harm. He may also be good help in necromancy.
Create an altar/sacred space for performing rituals and giving offerings to Anpu/Anubis.
⬩An altar cloth
⬩Black and gold candles(you can use any color)
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Offering bowl
⬩Statue of him or jackal
For more information on basic altar setups and deity work check out the deity work post.
Offerings:Antique keys, Bandages, Black coffee, Bones, Cinnamon , Feather, Frankincense, Hermatite, Phantom quartz, Puzzle boxes, Mastic/arabic gum/yemen gum (used in food and embalming), Myrrh, Pumpkin spice, Scales, Skulls, Smokey quarts, Vanilla,
Ideas for rituals may include
For any ritual you are doing for Anubis you can wear a mask in his likeness. Ideas for rituals may include calling him for
⬩Helping the dead cross over
⬩Honoring the dead
⬩Honoring the life you have
⬩Funerary rites
⬩you can ask him what he will work with you on⬩
Evocation to Anpu/Anubis(made by me)(credit my Tumblr if used)
Anpu/Anput, Protector of the dead.
Guide of souls, I call to you
Find no wickedness in me, I shall bring you truth
I ask for your protection, I ask for your guidance
Overseer of the dead, I ask your alliance
Please accept my offering, Dua Anpu
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anarcho-smarmyism · 1 year
"The Pharoah whom Tiy had followed into battle, who had prompted this mixture of gendered pronouns, was Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut was the child of Pharoah Thothmes I. When Thothmes I died, he was succeeded by his son, Thothmes II; Hatshepsut, Thothmes II's half-sibling, ruled as queen. When Thothmes II died, his son with Hatshepsut, Thothmes III, was still a child and so for around seven years, Hatshepsut ruled as queen regent -but they wanted more. In a dramatic coup, Hatshepsut seized power, and had themself crowned Pharoah.
The office of Pharoah was a divine one -the Pharoah was a god on earth- and so Hatshepsut's route to power took the form of a new religious mythology. The king of the gods, Amun, had declared Hatshepsut his male heir. 'He, greatest of all the gods, speaks to me,' Hatshepsut declared, 'as a father to his son!' Having been declared not only male, but divine, Hatshepsut adopted the male dress of the Pharoah, including the ceremonial golden beard. They also adopted a mixture of gendered ceremonial names, including male-coded names ('Son of the Sun'), female-coded names ('Lady of Both Lands', meaning Upper and Lower Egypt) and names that could be described as non-binary, in that they were grammatically female forms of male titles. Statues and visual depictions, too, combined gendered representations. Statues produced early in Hatshepsut's reign as Pharoah are particularly disruptive of the gender binary: one, for example, depicts them with breasts but wearing masculine dress, while another shows them with male-coded sex characteristics but describes them as 'daughter' of the god Re. In these combinations of gendered characteristics, Hatshepsut arguably drew on the conventions surrounding particular Egyptian deities, who were also depicted in ways that disrupted binary understandings of gender. As their reign progressed, though, they moved towards more strictly male depictions of themself. Their funeral temple, Djeser-Djeseru (also known as Zoser-Zosru), was lined with statues of Hatshepsut as a sphinx -an exclusively male creature in ancient Egyptian tradition- while at Karnak, an enormous 28-meter obelisk depicted Hatshepsut with their ceremonial beard and male-coded crown, with a caption describing them as king. Their skin was depicted as red, the convention for depicting men in ancient Egyptian art, rather than the pale yellow conventional for women.
Visual depictions of Hatshepsut as a child and teenager also show them wearing masculine clothing, and engaging in pastimes such as hunting that were associated with boys rather than girls. Stone inscriptions produced during Hatshepsut's reign claimed that their father (the Pharoah Thothmes I) had performed a religious ceremony to denote Hatshepsut his heir, crowning them not as Princess but as Prince. Horuc, the falcon-headed god of kingship, was depicted referring to Hatshepsut as king, with he/him pronouns. Yet the extent to which Hatshepsut was genuinely understood as male before they took the office of Pharoah is unknown. . . Grafitti like Tiy's, and other written records, indicate that their gender was understood partly as male, and partly as both male and female. Depictions of Hatshepsut as a boy produced during their reign would sometimes be accompanied by feminine grammar. . .Their close servant Sennemut called them both 'King' and 'Mistress'. Their father, Thothmes I, referred during his lifetime to 'the majesty of Him my daughter'.
Why did Hatshepsut go to such lengths to present themself as a man, with a male origin story -and why did their subjects understand their gender this way too? The answer was not simply that Hatshepsut was 'pretending' to be a man in order to seize the throne: there is little doubt that their subjects knew they were assigned female at birth. Nor was it that women were considered unfit to lead, as Hatshepsut's term as queen regent -and several other queen mothers or regents who had ruled before them- makes clear. It was that their gender was inseparable from their social role: to be Pharoah, in ancient Egyptian culture, was to be male. . .
. . . Hatshepsut was not the first AFAB pharaoh; 300 years earlier, the Pharaoh Sobekneferu had ruled as part of the Twelfth Dynasty. But no records exist of Sobekneferu depicted with a beard, and very few of them wearing male dress."
-Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Kit Heyam
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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Hatshepsut was the second historically confirmed woman Pharaoh. She was the longest reigning female pharaoh in Egypt, ruling for 20 years as a man would in the 15th century B.C. She is considered one of Egypt’s most successful pharaohs.
Hatshepsut bore one daughter, Neferure, but no son. When her husband died about 1479 BCE, the throne passed to his son Thutmose III, born to Isis, a lesser harem queen. As Thutmose III was an infant, Hatshepsut acted as regent for the young king. For the first few years of her stepson’s reign, Hatshepsut was an entirely conventional regent. But, by the end of his seventh regnal year, she had been crowned king and adopted a full royal titulary
Hitherto Hatshepsut had been depicted as a typical queen, with a female body and appropriately feminine garments. However, she had herself portrayed in pictures as a man, with a male body and false beard. She even claimed the god Amun Ra (God of the Sun) as her father and insisted that he meant for her to take charge of Egypt: “I acted under his command; it was he who led me.” For Hatshepsut to assert priority over Thutmose III was a radical move in conservative Egyptian society. In causing herself to be depicted as a traditional king, Hatshepsut ensured that this is what she would become
Hatshepsut’s groundbreaking reign remained a secret for centuries. Before his own death, Thutmose III moved to erase Hatshepsut from the historical record by defacing her monuments and removing her name from the list of kings. When archaeologists began deciphering the hieroglyphics at Deir el Bahri in 1822, and later found her tomb in 1903, Hatshepsut’s legacy as Egypt’s powerful female pharaoh was restored
Hatshepsut’s vast mortuary temple was considered one of the most impressive architectural achievements in the ancient world. Named Djeser-Djeseru (“holy of holies”), the terraced sandstone complex was built into the cliffs of Deir el Bahri in western Thebes.
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panafrocore · 6 months
The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut: A Masterpiece of Ancient African Architecture
The mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, known as Djeser-Djeseru which means “Holy of Holies,” stands as a remarkable tribute to the reign of Pharaoh Hatshepsut during the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. This architectural masterpiece is nestled opposite the city of Luxor, flaunting its grandeur and significance in the history of African architecture. As you approach the temple, your eyes are…
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itznarcotic · 2 years
Translation of Nitrocris Alter's in-game profile below the cut, courtesy of Petrikow on the Beast's Lair Forums. Everything was translated except for one section, which is locked behind LB7 completion.
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Nitocris Alter (5* Avenger)
The Embodiment of Judgment
Even in her regular Saint Graph, Heroic Spirit Nitocris holds the facet of the "Fearsome Arbitrator of Divine Punishment" within herself, and when this manifests exceptionally strongly in her, she takes the form of this Alter Saint Graph.
Namely, the one akin to the freezing winds of the desert night: Nitocris Alter.
Rather than the Pharaoh who rules the netherworld despite being the incarnation of Sky God Horus, she is now the Pharaoh who inhabits the sky despite being the Queen of the Underworld, and the manifestation of Netherworld God Anubis.
She is impossible to summon in ordinary human history.
Profile B1:
Height/Weight: 162 cm / 51 kg
Source: Historical fact
Region: Egypt
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Female
Her LCK stat is self-reported.
Profile B2:
On top of her Alteration, Nitocris has also become half Divine Spirit, and her heart is now calm as ice.
The intensity of Nitocris' hellfire-like fury has made her lose most of her emotions, and thus she acquired this calmness akin to ice.
No doubt can be observed in the Pharaoh who wears the name of judgment.
Her dignified form, which wavers not even in front of the other Egyptian Heroic Spirits, brings to mind a Pharaoh Nitocris who faced her tomorrow as a ruler instead of taking her own life.
With the formation of her Alter Saint Graph, Divine Spirit Anubis granted Nitocris vast divine protection.
While she hasn't formed a Divine Core, Nitocris Alter's anomalously high Divine Spirit Aptitude means she possesses magical energy on par with that of Divine Spirit Servants.
The reason her Saint Graph hasn't become an Aspect of Anubis with a Divine Core is possibly because the Pharaohs from the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt wished her not to...
Profile B3:
Mad Enhancement: E
Nitocris Alter does hold madness within her, but possesses more than enough reason to carry through with the same kind of premeditated crimes as the ones from her legend.
This Skill causes no defect in her ability to reason or communicate, and the effect it has on her stats is extremely minimal.
Ordinarily this is the Class Skill of Berserkers.
Heroic Spirit Nitocris is an avenger without vengefulness, and would ordinarily never be summoned as a genuine Avenger. However, if for some peculiar reason there was a situation in which she was established with an Alter Saint Graph, Nitocris would be able to be summoned as a unique Avenger possessing the Class Skills of a Berserker, but only then.
Profile B4:
Arbitration of the Netherworld God: A
A portion of Netherworld God Anubis' Authority made into a Skill.
According to the Book of the Dead, Anubis would measure the hearts of the dead, and arbitrate them depending on their deeds in life.
(Due to it being ranked down compared to Anubis' regular Authority, using it will not destroy her Spiritual Core)
Wind of the Desert Night: A
A variant on the Imperial Privilege Skill.
As the one akin to the fiercely blowing and freezing winds of the desert night, Nitocris rules the domain of the night.
Profile B5:
"My Beautiful Netherworld, Open your Passage"
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-60
Maximum Targets: 1/200
Nefer Suen Anubis
The full might unleashed by Nitocris in her capacity as the earthly manifestation of the Netherworld God.
Nitocris manifests as a gigantic Aspect of Anubis, the God of the Netherworld and the Dead himself, bringing merciless arbitration and judgment upon the world (This Aspect is far more powerful than the Anubis statue that appears as the guardian of Anpu Neb Ta Djeser when Nitocris unleashes her true name in her regular Saint Graph).
When unleashing her true name, the same sacred letters as the ones from when she uses her Wind of the Desert Night Skill emerges.
These are perhaps the protection of the long line of Pharaohs from the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt who wish for the entirety of Nitocris' soul to not be consumed by the might of Anubis and his netherworld.
Bond Craft Essence:
A Divine Beast of Ancient Egypt.
Nitocris summons and commands it during combat.
Rather than something alive, it is closer to a law or phenomenon which resides in the underworld. Its head likens a crocodile's.
When it reaches its maximum size, it's said to be far larger than even a sphinx.
"Contractor, contractor.
Would you convey the following to Pharaoh Ozymandias?
My Ammut is different from the gigantic unit he has stored within Ramesseum Tentyris.
Goodness, it would be such a bother if anyone were to get the wrong idea.
I should go tell him directly... myself?
Listen to me here, my contractor.
I'm... you know... I'm a little busy.
Just a litte, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm busy.
I do not have the time to be dealing with such paltry matters.
There, now do make sure you convey my message.
I'm counting on you.
I really am, okay?"
Petrikow's Notes:
1: some may be familiar with what's been rendered here as "Aspect" as sometimes being "bunrei" (分霊). I don't like not translating things, so this is what I'm calling it.
2: there are two terms being used for the underworld here (冥府 and 冥界). I've translated the first as "Netherworld" and the second as "Underworld".
3: thanks for Atlas for being so fast at uploading all the DEETS
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whencyclopedfr · 2 years
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Pyramide à degrés de Djéser à Saqqarah
Les pyramides sont les monuments les plus célèbres de l'Égypte ancienne et fascinent toujours les gens de nos jours. Ces énormes hommages à la mémoire des rois égyptiens sont devenus synonymes du pays, même si d'autres cultures (comme les Chinois et les Mayas) ont également construit des pyramides. L'évolution de la forme des pyramides a fait l'objet d'écrits et de débats pendant des siècles, mais il ne fait aucun doute que, en ce qui concerne l'Égypte, elle commença par un monument dédié à un roi et conçu par un architecte de talent : la pyramide à degrés de Djéser à Saqqarah.
Lire la suite...
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dukuzumurenyiphd · 1 year
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dsr/Djeser [Kush/Kemet: To Free, Separate, Dissociate, Delink]:
The socio-cultural, political-economic disengagement, delinking, and extrication of the neocolonial nation-states of the rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] from the Eurasian derived and controlled international political economic structures with all deliberate speed.
This is conducted simultaneously with the strategic engagement, association of all sectors of the national economies of the neocolonial nation-states of the rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] with one another.
The immediate sḫrw/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] areas to be addressed under dsr/Djeser [Kush/Kemet: To Free, Separate, Dissociate, Delink] will be military confederation and food system reconstruction.
Under dsr/Djeser [Kush/Kemet: To Free, Separate, Dissociate, Delink] there will also be an implementation of a sḫrw ḫꜣsw/Skheru Khasu [Kush/Kemet: Foreign Policy] which mandates the expulsion of the Eurasian descendants of all enslavers and colonizers from the lands of the rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans].
All Eurasians are settler colonialists, unless they can prove otherwise in accordance with mꜣꜥt/Maat [Kush/Kemet: Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, Propriety]. They will be expropriated of all wealth forthwith, all of their assets liquidated and redistributed to the grassroots of rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans].
rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] of ‘mixed’ heritage will be required to make a conscious choice and will brutally face the reality of their parentage, when the Eurasian imperial nation-states reject them en masse with the exception of a few media propaganda set pieces.
The sḫrw/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] of dsr/Djeser [Kush/Kemet: To Free, Separate, Dissociate, Delink] will resurrect an aspect of the sḫrw ḫꜣsw/Skheru Khasu [Kush/Kemet: Foreign Policy] of kmt/Kemet [Kush/Kemet: ‘Land of the Blacks’] and Ouagadou [Kisoninke: Ghana Empire], whereby for an extended period of the Mapisi [Kiswahili: Ourstory] of these territorial states of the rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans], the Eurasians were prevented from comingling with rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] grassroots.
In Ouagadou [Kisoninke: Ghana Empire], the Eurasians of Arabia, who were allowed into the kingdom for international trade relations, were kept segregated in a special section of the capital city of Kumbi Saleh.
dsr/Djeser [Kush/Kemet: To Free, Separate, Dissociate, Delink] being a political-economic sḫrw/ Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] requires that the war time military field order of the revolutionary general of Ayiti [Kreyol ayisyen: Haiti] Mhenga [Kiswahili: Ancestor] Jeannot (Bullet) be implemented.
During the revolution in Ayiti [Kreyol ayisyen: Haiti] Mhenga [Kiswahili: Ancestor] Jeannot (Bullet) issued the field order requiring the summary execution of any rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] who gave aid and comfort to the French oppressors. Mhenga [Kiswahili: Ancestor] Jeannot (Bullet) knew the duplicitous nature of the Mulattoes and any free rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans], who maintained a sentimental attachment to the French. He was aware of the danger and havoc they could unleash upon the just cause of the revolution. Providing aid and comfort to the enemy was an act of treason punishable by execution.
Any rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] maintaining loyalty to the imperialists, or seeking to protect and defend the neocolonial order must be put to death.
pp. xxix-xxx
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Djeser-Djeseru, Deir el-Bahari
The temple was built during the reign of Pharaoh Hatshepsut in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. It is one of the most famous Ancient Egyptian sites which has thousands of tourists visiting it each year. Hatshepsut’s tomb (KV20) lies inside and it was constructed during year 7 (or 12) of her rule. 
            The temple has suffered through time, after Hatshepsut’s death, Egyptian rulers attempted to erase her name and face; thankfully, most of the references to her on her temple remain intact. Akhenaten ordered the images of Egyptian gods, including Amun to be erased - however his son Tutankhamun and those after him had these damages repaired. There was an earthquake which also harmed the temple during the Intermediate Period. During 6-8th centuries the image of Jesus Christ was painted over reliefs, the last graffiti is dated back to 1223. The temple became popular after a British traveller in 1737 visited the site, excavations wasn’t conducted until the 19th century.
            On 17 November 1997, an Islamic terrorist attack took place at the temple. Tourists were targeted, and 62 people were killed and mutilated. At 8:30-9am, the terrorists killed tourists and four Egyptians (including two armed guards). The tourists were trapped inside the temple, when the attack took place and they left a leaflet behind which read, ‘no tourists in Egypt’. The youngest victim was a child aged 5 from England, Shaunnah Turner. Only 26 people survived the attack. Afterwards the terrorists hijacked a bus and ran into Egyptian authorities and a shootout took place, one was injured and the rest fled into the hills where their lifeless bodies were found inside a cave (after taking their own lives). The victims were from Switzerland, Japan, England, Germany, Egypt, Colombia, Bulgaria and France. The perpetrators were from al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya, an Egyptian Islamic group, who was an anti-government force.
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#hatshepsut #ancientegypt #mortuarytempleofhatshepsut #djeserdjeseru #deirelbahari
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eatthesanddotcom · 1 year
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You Decide to Help the People of Wha-t Djeser - You decide to investigate the Mind Plague (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1382450388-you-decide-to-help-the-people-of-wha-t-djeser-you?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Tentance&wp_originator=vT3N0SvjGpGZbZsiRP5dIDcNZgv9cpLOpePA%2FyhXGeNNEmc8kTaRUKBx5nJ5u1NFrIwbIqcyGRPXVTw%2FTsUvfdk%2F1FqQTcTUj%2B9XSnnhp9xv8KKzP3DY79XodtkYhk1G You, Treesa, and La'dore decide to stay in the walled oasis city of Wha-t Djeser. There you see first hand the Mind Plague, which only gets more mysterious the more you learn about it!
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solar-puppy · 1 year
anpu neb ta djeser!
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leapples · 2 years
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Tonight! March 15 @thebreakfastklub_la Presents A Night Of Postpunk/Darkwave (New vs. Old) Happy Birthday @therealslumgod & @djsaintpatrickla!! // Resident @dj_eser +Guest DJ @leapples In The Mix (Celebrating The Life Of DJ St. Patrick) // 9:30pm-2am • Full Bar • Free Admission • 21+ // Located  @ Cities Restaurant - 4512 East Cesar E. Chavez Ave, Los Angeles www.facebook.com/thebreakfastklub.ela  #obscure80s #citiesrestaurant #eastlosangeles #losangeles #80s #80sclub #80sparty #Eighties #Eightiesclub #eightiesparty #alternative80s #alternative #goth #gothic #synthpop #darkwave #postpunk #coldwave #industrial #wednesdaynights #wednesday #thebreakfastklubla #eastlos #gothclub #gothclubbing #gothclubs #gothclubla #LeApples #DJEser #TheBreakfastKlub (at Cities Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1GsuBvtkL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam
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Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam
Disfrutas de Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice y visitas la ciudad muy famosa ¨Luxor¨ con tus amigos o con tu familia. En Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam vas a visitar maravillosos templos y monumentos en Luxor como el templo de Karnak y el templo de Luxor en la Orilla Oriental de Luxor y el templo de la reina Hatshepsut, el Valle de los Reyes y los Colosos de Memnón en la Orilla Occidental de Luxor. 
Seguramente vas a disfrutar mucho en Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam y vas a repetirte este fabuloso tour otra vez con World Tour Advice. Y no olvides tomar unas fabulosas fotos en Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. No pierdes tiempo más y reservas ahora Luxor Tours desde Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. 
Temprano por la mañana, nuestro representante les acompañará desde su hotel en Marsa Alam, transferencia directa de Marsa Alam a Luxor en un minibús con aire acondicionado moderno privado. Luxor era la capital de Egipto en el imperio nuevo, es el Museo al aire libre más grande del mundo. A su llegada a Luxor, comenzará las excursiones acompañadas de su privado Egiptólogo, Tour al templo de la reina Hatshepsut en El Deir El Bahary, Tour al templo de esplendor de esplendores pertenecientes a Hatshepsut, que era un Faraón femenino. Su templo, conocido como Djeser- Djeseru esplendor de esplendor es el punto focal de Deir el-Bahary complejo de templos funerarios y tumbas situadas en el oeste de Luxor. Los Colosos de Memnón son dos enormes estatuas pertenecientes al Faraón Amenofis III de piedra. Hace 3.400 años, han sentado en su lugar en la Orilla Occidental de Luxor. Trabajaban como guardián a la entrada del Templo funerario de Amenofis III. Tour Valle de los Reyes Siga el recorrido del día en Luxor para visitar las tumbas de los faraones en el valle de los Reyes, que contiene unas 64 tumbas, el tour incluye Visitar sólo 3tumbas. Final de las visitas de la Orilla Occidental de Luxor, cruzaamos el río Nilo por lancha a la orilla Oriental para el almuerzo. El Templo de Karnak es no sólo un templo sino un complejo de templos, de tan pronto como 2000 A.C. dedicado principalmente al Dios Amón y. Templo de Karnak es un espectáculo impresionante y el segundo sólo a las grandes pirámides en popularidad. El complejo del templo de Karnak, dedicado al Dios Amón, y no hasta ahora fue erigido otro templo (Templo de Luxor) para su esposa Mut, Construcción en el complejo del templo de Karnak comenzó 1700 A.C. y continuó en el período grecorromano – un período de hasta 1900 años de construcción. Unos treinta faraones sucesivos habían añadido sus propios toques para el complejo del templo. La parte más atractiva en el complejo de Karnak es el bosque de la columna & del lago sagrado santo, no se olvide de pedir un deseo cuando veas el escarabajo grande de granito, Final de la excursión cultural histórica, entonces un tour de compras, transferencia a Marsa Alam con transferencia directa a su hotel en Marsa Alam. 
Servicio de recogida de hotel en Marsa Alam y volver al hotel Marsa Alam
Todas las transferencias de Marsa Alam a Luxor & vuelta en minibús moderno privado con aire acondicionado
Visita guiada al templo de Hatshepsut , Valle de Reyes & colosos de Memnón y el templo de Karnak
Tiempo para Compras en Luxor
Guía profesional experto particular habla Español
Entradas a los lugares mencionados en Luxor
Comida almuerzo en el restaurante en Luxor
Todos los cargos de servicios e impuestos de la excursión de día de Marsa Alam a Luxor se incluyen
Cualquier extra no mencionado en el Itinerario del viaje
Gastos personales
Para reservar un viaje puedes enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llamarnos a 01090023837
Eman Osama
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nemfrog · 4 years
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Djeser Pyramid. The architecture of ancient Egypt. 1915.
Internet Archive
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"Héliopolis: La Cité de tous les Mystères" documentaire de Christiane Streckfuss (209), juillet 2020.
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Djeser : I'm sick of being a huge looser...
Apophis: Come on! You're not that huge!
Djeser :.....
Djeser: I hate you...
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