cyanide-sippy-cup · 10 months
Not enough people understand the true nature of Jurassic Park methinks. Can it be enjoyed as a dinosaur horror? Absolutely. But I personally think it's much more enjoyable as a biological sci-fi. These aren't dinosaurs, they are biological monsters made in the shape of dinosaurs. They cut corners, they used frog DNA to fill in what they didn't have. John Hammond brought these experts along to see if their reactions would be "Oh my god that's a dinosaur" and then moved along when it was exactly that. But idk, that's just me.
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teratolust · 1 year
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🐊 Lil Monty 🐊
(Made since August)
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call-me-schmidt · 9 months
Horror stories on Twitter are the only reason I have ever used Twitter. Like, the only reasons I ever logged on were for EverymanHYBRID, The Sun Vanished, and now there's Archesuchus.
God, like: dinosaurs as horror are cool enough on their own, but Archesuchus is the first (only?) person to really lean into the bird-like aspects of them for horror. I find that so cool.
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"RUIN: A Phenomenal DLC for a Terrible Game" in a nutshell
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doodle-girl · 5 months
Girl can't find a very specific livestream vod, 21 dead 53 injured
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keresacheron · 10 months
The SCARIEST Twitter Thread You've EVER Read - DMuted
Link to thread.
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(source for the uninitiated)
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arkaix · 11 months
Here's a recreation of DMuted, Th3badd3st, Uhyeah, Pastraspec and David Baron going to see the movie I'm still waiting to see owo
And a pic of the only night when Lanks could show in public and not cause mass hysteria XD hope yall had a great Halloween 👻
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"I watched @phisnom get into my house, make eye contact with me, stare at me and give birth to a slime." \- Clyder ( @pastraspec ) in HSMP THE NEW HAUNTED SMP (DMuted EP.1) (youtube.com)
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socksofcotton · 2 years
Am I the only one who never knew that sun and moon in the actual fnaf lore were actually ACTORS AND THEY HAD TWO SIDES TO BE LIKE 'THE GOOD AND THE BAD GUY'
And that's why they're so close to the theatre cos they used to perform.
But they got moved to the daycare and since moon was like 'the villian' and they didn't wanna reprogram sun for moon not to come out, they made sure that the lights would stay on so moon wouldnt do anything.
sun acts like how he does (gets all up in Ur face, is very energetic acts like a grown ass theatre kid) cos he was used to preforming and being watched constantly, so he keeps up his character all the time.
It all makes sense now ...
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klobast · 1 month
Mostly Finished FNaF Poetic Timeline Theory Part 4
DISCLAIMER: First off, I want to start with admitting my theory could be wrong. I'm open to criticism. What with how much lore there is, plus the many people and their many theories to comb through, I'm also bound to have a mistake or two here in the timeline. Doesn't mean I won't come back and change it, though. Especially helps if you can point out any mistakes -- I'd be very thankful for it!
My theory is based on 2 questions.
If Michael becomes purple due to death and decay… then is William Afton also purple because of death and decay?
What if the reference to the Young & the Restless is a hint? Not just one little reference but a hint towards, at least a small part, of FNAF timeline being built around the timeline of the tv show itself? Maybe even other media, as well?
So, this is those questions expanded upon. Using promos from the Young & Restless and other various things, I will be seeking to give answers to the questions on lore in the FNAF timeline. Not everything will be word for word or year for year, I think, but there will be enough to raise an eyebrow and wonder at.
That's why I'll show it.
This takes inspiration from tons of theories formed by people such as Game Theory, Rye Toast, Shy Crow, FuhNaff, Sire Squawks, ImpulseEvan, ID's Fantasy, internet inferno, Remgames, SamBar, Xtrajoker, DMuted, ImmenseAndrew, theooftroop, Dual Process Theory, Fazbear's Menagerie of Madness, NotRealName NotAtAll, Stormister, LemmytheLemuel and probably many more. Because they are so many, thus having lots of videos it would take a lot of time to track them all down. But, if they are videos that have a ton of views, my theory is probably inspired by it, and I have reworked or added onto those story theories in this one.
Sometimes, my writing also paraphrases their theories.
In the case of places of info and theories, like the FNaF Wiki, UCN Wiki or FNaF: The Novel Wiki, this theory paraphrases them, as well.
In cases where I show how something or someone is described in a FNaF-related media to back up a theory I have, I also mostly quote the info that I source from to get a better idea of my theory.
If you're wondering, I do not support Sire Squawks as I feel he is toxic. At the time I made this, I didn't quite realize that yet. I am simply giving him credit.
Please don't harass Sire Squawks. I don't condone that behaviour. My point in saying I believe this person is toxic is simply to state my opinion, my observation. To make you also considering not supporting them.
That is all. Do not harass people on my behalf, I don't want that. I'd rather you stop following me if you believe that harassing someone is okay.
To quote from Wikipedia, under the article titled vampire, under the content of Folk Beliefs, itself having the content of Description and common attributes, from Lines 2 -3:
"Vampires were usually reported as bloated in appearance, and ruddy, purplish, or dark in colour…"
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire#Description_and_common_attributes
That purple color matches up with both William and Michael.
To quote from Wikipedia, under the page of Upiór (A Slavic or Turkic Vampire), under the content of In Slavic culture, within paragraph 1, from lines 8 to 12:
"The death of an unbaptized child, a violent or an untimely death, or the death of a grievous sinner (such as a sorcerer or murderer) were all grounds for a soul to become unclean after death. A soul could also be made unclean if its body were not given a proper burial. Alternatively, a body not given a proper burial could be susceptible to possession by other unclean souls and spirits. Slavs feared unclean souls because of their potential for taking vengeance."
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upi%C3%B3r#In_Slavic_culture
As we get through the theory, you'll see I may use many of these reasons for a vampire to made out of the characters in FNaF. And even others I will also discuss later down the line when we get to the case of Michael's death.
To quote from Wikipedia, from a page titled Human guise, under the content of In religion, mythology, and folklore, from paragraph 4, Line 1:
"Monsters like vampires and werewolves could purportedly take human form at certain times…"
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_guise#In_religion,_mythology,_and_folklore
This may make more sense as to one of the ways Michael and William are able to disguise themselves whence commiting murders. They move their flesh around to resemble a human that looks nothing like them.
So, you're probably asking why William doesn't just make certain animatronics as the Funtimes right away?
I just think the idea didn't come to him until a certain time.
Consider how much stress William was probably going through; what with trying to murder and hide his murders. I'll bet his mind was DEFINTELY even worse off due to that. I wouldn't blame him if he tried putting on one of his kid's shoes instead of his own.
So, it's really a miracle that he even came up with these ideas in the first place. If you could call his ideas such a thing.
Even geniuses can't think of everything. That, too.
The same thing about stress could also be said for, really, ANYONE else in the series, as well.
Renelle Talbert returns home from Boarding school and steals money from Henry/Dr. Talbert due to him sending her to boarding school. He then kicks her out the house because of it.
Renelle has her heart-shaped pendant of remnant stolen by the animatronic/demon known as Eleanor. Due to being hunted down by police, Eleanor wasn't able to collect enough remnant to form her own heart-shaped pendants to fit with illusion discs in order to trick teenagers into letting her turn them into half-robots to collect remnant after killing them and then return the remnant to Springtrap. Eleanor had learned that Henry had quite the supply of remnant and thus stole Renelle's pendant and even some of her memories to impersonate Renelle and have Dr. Talbert/Henry give her his supply of remnant.
Due to his obssession with detective work, Angela divorces Edwin/Jack Weston and takes custody of their son, Ryan.
Stitchwraith Stingers (Fazbear Frights' story) occurs: Springtrap manages to capture both the Puppet and Molten Freddy who had teamed up to take Springtrap down. Springtrap then infects Molten Freddy with a ghostly virus in order to possess it. Springtrap then separates Molten Freddy into pieces and plants them in alleyway dumpsters around Hurricane to shock and burn any scavaging homeless people to death, after which their corpses would melt onto Molten Freddy and create remnant for Springtrap to harvest.
Springtrap then possesses the Puppet via his ghostly virus, making it easier for him to modify the Puppet. He installs the battery pack of Fetch, intending for the Puppet to use it as a powersource to also shock, burn and melt people to death to create remnant. What Springtrap doesn't expect is that the angry spirit of Greg possessing Fetch's battery pack helps the Puppet incapacitate Springtrap via electrocution.
Before either the Puppet can escape or Springtrap can fully recover, the whole debacle comes to the attention of the police and thus both Springtrap (Still disguised via illusion disc) and the Puppet are forced to play dead. Springtrap and the Puppet then part ways as the police separate body from belongings (Which the Puppet was considered to be) to be shipped off to a funeral home and a garbage dump, respectively.
For now, we find ourselves on the Puppet's side of the story. Anyways, the Puppet puts on a trench coat before it escapes the truck but not without Springtrap's possession causing them to kill and create remnant out of one of the dumptruck employees. Greg and Jake then figure out that this Springtrapped personality of the Puppet is present within the Puppet and thus team up to overpower it and plumb it's memories for where Molten Freddy was taken to. And so, Jake and Greg start their new adventure to find the dumpsters and rescue each part of Molten Freddy before they would then visit a factory to throw the Puppet and Molten Freddy into the trash compactor to destroy them all since they don't know how to destroy the ghostly Springtrap Virus… and unfortunately, each time someone is killed by the Springtrapped Puppet, the remnant was used to make the Springtrap personality stronger and thus could overpower both Jake and Greg anytime soon.
And so, people begin reporting to the Hurricane Police Department about sightings of the Puppet who they now called the Stitchwraith and some of it's murders through the spriritual Springtrap Virus. Due to their also being camera footage of some of the sightings, it leads the police chief to hand the case off to the best man in the department: the DIVORCED… the OVERDEDICATED… JACK WESTON! Edwin, thinking this hasn't a thing to do with his daughters' death, doesn't want to do the case but that's not his choice to make.
As Edwin investigates the case, he notices that one of the items owned by Dr. Phineas Tagart (the fake identity of Springtrap, which Springtrap stole from Michael) was the animatronic from Fazbear Entertainment known as Fetch. Edwin then figures out the Stitchwraith is connected to Fetch, and thus Fazbear Entertainment. This causes him to visit the police department annex, where he learns more about various crimes associated with Fazbear Entertainment locations, thinking this may help him figure some more stuff out.
That's where he finds the mask of Montgomery Gator, still possessed by Andrew. Because of his strong magical prowess, Andrew was able to sense that Edwin/Jack Weston was not a vampire but still a kind-hearted person and thus decided to confide in him about William. Edwin then told Andrew what he knew, and Andrew then told Edwin that he'd possessed other items besides Montgomery Gator and that one of these items was currently in the possession of the Stitchwraith. With this info in tow, Edwin booked it over to a factory where the Stitchwraith currently was but not without bringing Andrew/Monty along via evidence bag, since Andrew said he wanted to help take Springtrap down because he could totally still do so despite being just a mask currently.
Springtrap himself arrived at Fazbear Distribution Center, pulled the Puppet and Molten Freddy out of the trash compactor, and then teamed up with Molten Freddy in an effort to destroy the Puppet.
Greg tried to prevent the death of Jake by leaving the Puppet to possess Springtrap but it was no use since Springtrap instantly created a spiritual cage within his mind where he trapped Greg.
Luckily, Jack Weston/Edwin recognized Springtrap as the Animatronic Serial Killer from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and thus decided to intervene by pinning Springtrap down in order to handcuff him. Springtrap responded via hurling Jack through a wall before wounding him with a knife. More fortunately, Jack was able to runaway and reunite with the bag that held Montgomery Gator.
Andrew told Edwin that Molten Freddy had combined with other animatronic parts both possessed by Andrew and previously half-crushed in the garbage compactor, which Montgomery Gator could use to reform himself and attack Springtrap. All Edwin needed to do was get Andrew close enough. Thus forth, Edwin proceeded to hook the Montgomery Gator bag to the frontal prongs of a forklife found within Fazbear Distribution Center, which he crashed into both Molten Freddy and Springtrap.
As a result of the kinetic force, Montgomery Gator is thrust out of the bag, allowing him to become a full animatronic once again upon coming into contact with Molten Freddy. Using this new form, Montgomery Gator takes the wirey form of Molten Freddy and entangles Springtrap in it before throwing all 4 of them into a nearby lake.
…. … MORE HERE … …..
After both the Puppet and Jack Weston/Edwin leave the scene, Springtrap utilizes Greg's magical powers to burn himself free from the ensnarement of Molten Freddy. Springtrap then leaves the lake soonafter. Because of using Greg's powers, although, Springtrap provided a way for Greg to escape Springtrap's mental prison. Greg then used his powers to put Springtrap into a coma, where he gave Springtrap nightmares that made him relive a combination of all his nightshifts defending against animatronics.
Springtrap's comatose body was then discovered and taken into Heracles Hospital.
Soonafter, Montgomery Gator escaped the lake alongside Molten Freddy. … …. MORE HERE … …
Why'd I change the Stitchwraith to the Puppet? They look pretty similar to me what with their faces.
Link to gallery on Stitchwraith and Puppet: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Stitchwraith https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Puppet?so=search
Why do I believe Jack Weston/Edwin Murray is here in the story? Well, one of the main characters who control the Stitchwraith is literally called Jake -- which is a variant of the name Jack. As you can probably guess, this is another time where we alter and switch around names with characters to get the story for the games' universe's events.
Info on the name Jack from Wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Jake#English
Info on the Stitchwraith and Jake from FNaF Wiki (Top, Paragraph 1, Line 2): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Stitchwraith
Why do I believe Stitchwraith Stinger occurs in 2015? Well, it's mentioned that a singular person has bled into a ballpit for 30 years. That matches up with the 30 years later when Fazbear's Fright opens.
Info on this from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Everett_Larson?so=search#Fazbear_Frights_#9_-_Epilogue
Back to the story:
The Man in Room 1280 (Springtrap version) occurs: Due to Springtrap surviving the nightmares churned out by Greg, Greg uses his powers to increase the difficulty in defending agaianst animatronics in the nightmares. Springtrap still succeeds. So, Greg tried to make it more troublesome. This process kept going in a cycle.
This eventually left Greg exhausted, allowing Springtrap to escape the nightmares again and again for a few moments. This allowed Springtrap to communicate with Father Arthur Blythe who had come to bring peace to Springtrap in his final hours. Springtrap convinced Father Arthur Blythe to take him to the Fazbear Distribution Center, whereupon Springtrap killed the man.
Springtrap then ate the corpse of Father Arthur Blythe, causing his body to grow somewhat in size. Springtrap used his magickal powers to direct all this growth into one of his animatronic bunny ears. In this same bunny ear, Springtrap placed Greg's spirit.
Thus, that singular bunny ear of Springtrap's literally grows so much that it explodes since it cannot contain the growth meant for a whole body.
This successfully separated Greg from Springtrap.
Remember Wendigo? Well, a similar thing happens to them as to what's going on here with Springtrap. See, Wendigo are never not hungry for human flesh, as for every time they cannibalize someone, their body blooms bigger, leaving them hungry again since the body previously consumed is now too small to sate their hunger.
Info on this from Wikipedia (Paragraph 3, Lines 2-3): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendigo#Description
Back to story:
Springtrap locates the Puppet within the ballpit at Jeff's Pizza, repairs the Puppet's damaged battery pack, and instructs the Puppet to begin wandering Hurricane again to commit murders to make remnant.
Due to the death of Phineas Taggart/Springtrap, Fazbear Entertainment Inc. is bought by Steve Snodgrass/Phone Dude using the money he earned from the FNaF games.
Due to being associated with Faz Life Magazine, Steve decides to make the magazine an official staple of the Fazbear brand.
Fazbear Entertainment Inc. then begins combing through the old facilities, looking for materials for a new revitalization of the brand as a horror attraction.
They then purchase the ruins of Geist Lair at the Fallfest/Spookfest grounds, which they begins rebuilding to turn into Fazbear's Fright: the Horror Attraction.
Melon Felons, an arcade game, is released.
This mirrors Yakuza 0, which was released in 2015. Yakuza means gang member in Japanese. The box art of Yakuza 0 is similar to the arcade art of Melon Felons -- one character is looking to the side behind another character facing front. Yakuza series also has a popular meme where Goro Majima gives a melon to his friend.
Link to Wiktionary on meaning of Yakuza: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/yakuza#English
Link to Wikipedia on Yakuza 0 info (Top, Paragraph 1, Lines 3-4): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakuza_0#
Info on Melon Felons from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Arcade_Games?so=search#Melon_Felons
Link to YouTube for the results of Majima watermelon (The first video by ZiNnC has 1.4 million views): https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=majima+watermelon
Back to story:
30 years after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed it's doors in 1985, Fazbear's Fright: the Horror Attraction opens in October after Geist Lair is rebuilt.
Michael, in vampiric-powered disguise, takes on a job for the security guard role at Fazbear Frights to find out if there's anything wrong going down.
Steve Snodgrass begins recording calls for Mike to listen to at night. Hence he earns his name Phone Dude.
Fazbear Entertainment starts creating merchandise for Fazbear's Fright. One of the pieces of merchandise is called the Freddy Fazbear's Security Logbook. Michael ends up writing in a prototype version of one of these while working as a security guard. The spirits that are haunting Michael start possessing Michael in order to write in the book themselves.
Picking up on this, Michael tries to make it seem like he's another spirit by changing how he writes and making his text seem almost hidden to talk with these spirits, asking them questions about things pertaining to Cassidy's life to see if he was there amongst them. And due to Michael wanting this to work so badly, it causes his magicks to make it seem like actual ghostly text and thus fool the other ghosts.
Thus, Michael confirms that Cassidy is possessing him.
Michael is able to get Cassidy and the other Freddy's victims possessing him to realize that they have false memories. As a result, Cassidy leads many of the spirits possessing Mike to go and find Springtrap to punish him.
Why do I think Mike is the one talking to Crying Child? Well, the line in the logbook where someone asks if their favourite toy was a purple telephone (Which we see in Crying Child's room in FNaF 4) struck me as something only a person who lived with Crying Child would know. And that matches up with Mike.
Link to this info from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Five_Nights_at_Freddy%27s:_Survival_Logbook#Speculation (Bullet Points 2-3) https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Five_Nights_at_Freddy%27s_4/Gallery#PC (Picture of Crying Child's room with the telephone in the 2nd screenshot under gallery of PC)
For more info on why I believe the FNaF: Survival Log Book occurs during this time, I will link a theory on YouTube by ImmenseAndrew which inspired me called The Survival Logbook is STILL important…and it changes FNAF 3.
Here is the Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlKQP9SY5-Y
Back to story:
FNAF 3 occurs: After masquerading as a building designer and telling Fazbear Entertainment about the saferoom, Springtrap soon seals himself inside a saferoom within a Freddy's location (Or perhaps he teleports in there with the help of Golden Freddy/Fredbear/Cassidy), thinking that Fazbear Entertainment will soon open it up and take him into Fazbear's Frights since he is undoubtedly the kind of memorabilia that would bring THOUSANDS to the attraction. And, of course, that will give William the chance he needs to commit evil, what with so many visitors to make victims of.
While working the nightshift at Fazbear's Fright, Michael meets with Fredbear/Cassidy's spirit again who reveals that Springtrap had used magicks to trap the spirits of Gabriel/Freddy, Fritz/Foxy, Susie/Chica and Jeremy/Bonnie inside the arcade games within the horror attraction. As a result, Mike becomes late for his nightshifts due to him playing the arcade games of BB's Air Adventure, Mangle's Quest, Chica's Party, and Stage 01 (Not the same ones at Fredbear's used during The Scoop.) in order to free the spirits just before his nightshifts begin.
Using the sound effects of kids, which animatronics are attracted to because their programming is built to tend to children, Michael lures Springtrap into the ventilation system and then simply lets the old and faulty technology go awry as it always does, causing the vents to close up and stop air from flowing…. and, of course, prevent Springtrap from escaping.
Michael then burns the place down, once again taking advantage of the faulty technology to cause a fire.
Happiest Day (FNaF 3 minigame) occurs inside the Arcade Games at the currently burning down Fazbear's Fright: Now that Mike had freed them from arcade machines at Fazbear's Fright and now they believe Springtrap will die in a fire, the spirits of William's victims decide to stay with Springtrap in the burning Fazbear's Fright to assure he will die. Meanwhile, they all possess an arcade machine, where the Puppet/Jake works with other spirits of Springtrap to give Cassidy's spirit then birthday party he never had.
The Jake, however, doesn't believe this is the end and thus repossesses the Puppet animatronic and escapes the fire at Fazbear's Fright before it is burnt. It begins wandering Hurricane to await the return of Springtrap.
In the end, due to the vents being strong enough to hold an animatronic, they also prove hard to burn completely. And so, the vents burn so little as to save Springtrap from any true harm and also enough to provide him with a way to escape.
And, of course, due to Lucifer's Gift, the spirits that passed on during Happiest Day are all forced out of the afterlife to serve Springtrap once again with altered memories. Springtrap once again sends them all after Mike.
Help Wanted (Story from Tales from the Pizzaplex) ends: Steve Snodgrass/Phone Dude figures out that the house he's in and the family he has are all robots disguised by illusion discs. He then tries to break out of the house and is ultimately killed by his robot wife.
Springtrap uses an illusion disc to disguise himself as Steve Snodgrass and continues to create the FNaF games. The next game to be made would be a recreation of FNaF 3.
In the Flesh (Fazbear Frights Story) occurs: The ghost of the real Steve Snodgrass created a ghostly computer virus to possess the computer for which Springtrap was using to design the games. Steve then took control of the game-version of Springtrap and kept killing the real Springtrap while he playtested the game, causing Springtrap to rage quite often.
In revenge, Springtrap then edited FNaF 3 so that the in-game time was faster than real world time. For every minute in the real world, it would be a thousand minutes in FNaF3's game world. Springtrap then left the game running for a whole day, where Steve/Game Springtrap was forced to look for the player character but could never find them.
That is to say, Steve's spirit spent a WHOLE ETERNITY just searching and coming up with NOTHING. Pretty torturous to keep going over the same task for AN ETERNITY, right? Not to mention being ALONE for that long!
This ETERNITY of torture then causes Steve's spirit to become so vengeful that he decides he will do anything he can to wreak revenge on Springtrap -- even if that means harming others in the process.
Anyways, the real Springtrap then comes back to check on his game the next day. This time, Springtrap himself goes on a seemingly endless hunt after he finds Steve/Game Springtrap supposedly missing from the game. This prompts Springtrap to open up the data log to find that Game Springtrap had somehow multiplied itself and began to kill each other and also turned the game into a VR online thing.
This all happened due to Steve's spirit using his hacking ability to redesign the FNaF 3 game as an online VR game called Springtrap's Revenge, where users could chose avatars that resembled all sorts of differently designed variants of Springtrap to face each other in a battle royale. Steve's spirit/Game Springtrap then established a connection to the internet and advertised the game, allowing people to log in and play. Using this shared internet connection, Steve/Game Springtrap then gained control of these gamer's VR headsets and overloaded the headsets so that they shocked these people to death.
This then created enough remnant to give Steve enough power to leave possession of the computer at Springtrap's house. And now the two stories converge, where Springtrap eventually locates the original Game Springtrap by using his own VR headset and creating an avatar to explore the world of Springtrap's Revenge. Steve's Spirit then shocked Springtrap when he touched him and used this jolt to transfer his possession over to Springtrap himself.
Steve's spirit then caused Springtrap to begin going on dates with women, who Springtrap would lure back to his house, kill, and then stuff their corpses into his springlock Bonnie the Golden Bunny suit over a period of days. This action then created remnant since the corpses came into contact with Springtrap's springlocks made of metal. Due to this remnant absorption, Springtrap's decaying corpse begins to literally grow larger than his springlock Bonnie the Golden Bunny suit.
Because the springlock suit is bound by Springtrap's flesh and bone, though, it causes problems for his growth spurt so that some places of his corpse develop more than others, allowing parts of his body to eventually explode one day and break off from pressure. Such as one of Springtrap's arms and both of his legs.
And from the explosion is born a new animatronic from Springtrap's own stomach -- this animatronic resembled Plushtrap as if it had a springlock failure on a toy-sized human. This was Steve's new form. Springtrap then tried to catch Plushtrap, but failed due to the fresh damage on his legs, and was thus forced to watch Plushtrap flee the scene to who knows where.
Springtrap then begins using a wheelchair due to the loss of his legs.
Using his illusion disc identity of Steve Snodgrass/Phone Dude (Who was still the owner of Fazbear Entertainment at this time), Springtrap gains access to Freddy's locations across America, allowing him to open up saferooms to gather scraps from what remains of over-decayed Springlock Fredbear and Springlock Bonnie suits to use in order to piece himself back together. Through this process, Springtrap regains legs.
Springtrap decides, although, not to repair his arm, since he realizes it is broken in such a way that it creates a sharp object for him to stab people with.
Because of his growth spurt, though, these scrap parts don't quite fit Springtrap the same. It's like an adult trying to put on children's clothes, basically.
Springtrap, due to this new appearance, then earns the name Scraptrap.
Why do I believe the protagonist of In The Flesh, known as Matt, is Springtrap? Well, throughout the story, Matt seems to physically turn into Springtrap after being possessed by VR Springtrap.
Link to this info about Matt's transformation on FNaF Wiki (Bullet point 2): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/In_the_Flesh?so=search#Speculation
This theory on Scraptrap was inspired by Stormister's video called "I found a reason for Afton to look so weird" on YouTube.
Link to Stormister's video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfP-J_2p0Ak
Back to the story:
Blackbird (Nightmare Version) occurs: Springtrap uses his illusion disc identity of Steve Snodgrass to hire someone to help him work on FNaF 4. It is Michael Afton in the vampiric disguise of Nole Markham. Stevetrap and Nole actually become good friends, allowing Stevetrap to admit to Nole that he once tormented Cassidy using the Nightmare Animatronics. Due to Cassidy/Fredbear currently haunting Nole/Michael, Cassidy himself learned of this fact.
As a result, Fredbear sends the animatronic known as Nightmare to torment Stevetrap until Stevetrap reprented for his sins.
Stevetrap eventually repented and the torment stopped.
Why do I believe Stevetrap replaces Nole in this story? Well, one of Nole's frat brothers is called Steve. He is introduced as hanging with a woman, which reminded me of Matt/Steve and him going on dates with women during In the Flesh.
Info on Steve from Blackbird on FNaF Wiki; https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Blackbird_(Story)/Minor_Characters#Steve
Why do I believe Blackbird is replaced by Nightmare in this version of the story?
Blackbird is said to punishes sinners. Nightmare is said to be made from the wickedness of someone. Blackbird is said to never let their victims rest. Nightmare is said to never let his victims be saved or spared -- even after eating someone, Nightmare will vomit them back up to relive the horror.
Nightmare is made of shadows. Blackbird has black feathers.
I also though ti would be poetic if William used Blackbird to torture someone… and then later on was tortured by an animatronic himself.
Info on Blackbird from FNaF Wiki (Quote from Sam at the top of the page): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Blackbird
Info on Nightmare from FNaF Wiki (Under Dialogue from Ultimate Custom Night): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Nightmare/Audio
Back to story:
1:35 AM (Lonely Freddy version) takes place: FBI agent Julia Richards chases down a Freddy Files case… MORE HERE…
A character named Julia appears in this story.
Info on Julia in 1:35 AM on FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/1:35_A.M./Minor_Characters#Raul,Kate,&_Julia
Lonely Freddy is a toy akin to Ella. Lonely Freddy learns about children through questioning them. Ella does personality assessments through 200 questions.
Info on Lonely Freddy from FNaF Wiki (Under Functionality, Party Prepper quote): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Lonely_Freddy?so=search
Info on Ella from FNaF Wiki (Lines 3-4): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Ella_(Fazbear_Frights)?so=search#Functionality
Back to the story:
Henry buys up Fazbear Entertainment using the money earned from his practice and from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and Games. Phone Dude/Steve Snodgrass/Springtrap agrees to this deal since he doesn't have the money to pay for the damages to Fazbear's Fright and the lawsuits from the people who were injured or slain at Spookfest due to the fire.
Henry then buys Jeff's Pizza, which was originally Freddy Fazbear's Pizza/JR.'s, and refurbishes it and reopens it as the new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Henry planned to give the ownership to someone else would then be forced to buy animatronics -- which would lead them to buying up all those old and possessed animatronics that escaped all the fires throught Fazbear Entertainment history. This would thus help Pizza Place become so popular that the leftover, possessed and wandering animatronics, such as Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, the Puppet in Utah wouldn't go one foot without learning about it.
Henry would then have the animatronics welcomed into the Pizza Place for salvage after animatronics would place themselves outside the back alley KNOWING that their parts would be recognized as coming from Fazbear Entertainment and thus be taken in regardless of their questionability… since, well, this was FAZBEAR ENTERTAINMENT. And, of course, the animatronics would show up, after all, it would not only give them a chance at continued revenge against Fazbear employees, but would also give them SO many chances to kill since Pizza Place would be so popular.
Henry would then have them all lured into one of the floors of the basement below Pizza Place, where he'd made walls out of the saferoom material that was unbreakable by animatronics, which he'd use to crush the possessed animatronics and hold them in place, all the while also burning them through technology he installed in the floor that would spew out fire all over each room in that floor of the basement. Fire, again, was the only thing Henry thought could possibly free their souls, as he'd discovered in his studies on remnant.
Henry also plans to have his adopted daughter, the Chica Bully/Delilah, take this job so that she may take part in destroying William herself and thus acquire the revenge she seeks. He would provide her office with an escape route, so that she could leave before the fire got to her and live the rest of her life. Henry even went as far as to reuse the Rockstars Animatronics for Delilah to use in order to pay homage to the Rocket House.
Henry also purchases the animatronic Helpy (The original from 1985 Circus Baby's) from Rare Finds Auction to act as the an aid to the manager of Pizza Place.
Henry then sends mail to the Afton Household, with an invitation for the Chica Bully/Delilah to become the manager of the restaurant.
Michael takes the job for managing the restaurant instead of Delilah.
FNAF: Pizzeria Simulator begins:
Mike ends up buying the animatronics that wandered around Hurricane before being found by companies to be sold to other places, such as Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Thus, the Security Puppet ends up at Pizza Place.
Lefty ends up using artificial audio of cries from children to lure the Puppet close to capture it and then uses remnant to fuse with it.
I believe this info is once again hinted at through verses referencing the Bible's Revelation.
In Lefty's blueprints, there is the Security Receiver Code FZ554. FZ can stand for the italian word forzato, which can mean artificial situation. FZ can be counted as two letter, which when combined with the loose 5 makes Revelation 2:5, which is about someone telling another person to see how bad they've become and to do better lest they kill them. This can line up with how the Puppet now kills innocents due to William's gift by Lucifer.
Revelation 5:4 describes someone crying due to a scroll not being able to be opened. This lines up with children crying.
Link to the Revelation verses from Biblica (NIV version of Bible): https://www.biblica.com/bible/niv/revelation/2/ https://www.biblica.com/bible/niv/revelation/5/
Link to Wiktionary on FZ meaning: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fz https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/forzato
Back to the story:
Axel Brandon Campbell/ABC visits Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place for his birthday, where he is bitten into by the animatronic known as Lefty in an incident known as the Bite of 15. Axel survives but with damage to his frontal lobe. His family sues.
After coming out of a coma from this bite, things get worse as Axel finds himself bedridden due to both the chemotherapy failing to cure his PNET, thus allowing the PNET to progress further, and that the chemotherapy also contributed to Axel's declining health. Thus he stops going to school and Gina begins looking after Axel as a full-time job.
Why do I believe this Bite in Pizzeria Sim occurs to ABC? Well, in Security Breach, the arcade leaderboard for ABC has a high score of 51003. This contains the numbers 1 and 5 needed to make 15. This matches up with my theory of Pizzeria Sim occuring in 2015.
Link to info on this arcade leaderboard from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/GGY?so=search#Speculation
Back to story:
The Real Jake (Axel Brandon Campbell's version of the Fazbear Frights' story): Due to agreeing to run clinical trials on remnant for Dr. Henry Talbert, Brandon Campbell no longer comes home to see his son Axel. Luckily for Axel, in exchange for Brandon's new job, Dr. Talbert has supplied Axel with a watch made of remnant with which to help Axel get better. Even better, Axel can communicate with his father through the radio built into the remnant watch.
As always, Gina watches over Axel.
As the days go on, Axel begins to gets better and better, leading him to go outside and have adventures with neighborhood kids more often. Axel tells the amazing news to his father every night before he goes to sleep.
Meanwhile, during these clinical trials with remnant, Brandon is accidentally killed… but comes back to life as a vampire due to consuming the remnant. Brandon eventually comes home to see Axel again, who is now fully cured of PNET. Axel goes back to school.
Why do I believe Margie is replaced by Gina in this alternate version of The Real Jake? If you rearrange Margie, you get Gima, which is similar to Gina.
This mirrors Security Breach, where Glamrock Freddy gives Gregory a Faz-Watch with which to communicate with. Glamrock Freddy often acts like a father.
Info on the Fazwatch and Glamrock Freddy from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Faz-Watch?so=search (Top, Paragraph 1) https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Glamrock_Freddy#Personality (Paragraph 1, Lines 11-13)
Gina and Brandon Campbell get married.
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place burns and begins to crush the possessed animatronics, trapping them within. Henry plans to stay and die with them, at first. Molten Freddy joins his form together with the other burnt and smashed animatronics, becoming the Tangle. Henry and William try to flee the fire themselves when they see the Tangle coming for them, now controlled by Cassidy who wants revenge on Henry. It catches them both, and also the Shadow Animatronics that William controls. Due to it only being a POSSIBILITY that fire can release souls and destroy remnant, the child victims and their remnant do not pass on.
Michael escapes along with animatronic known as Helpy. Michael KNOWS this plan won't work. Due to escaping the fire, Michael is thus able to recieve his certificate of completion from the robot known as Tutorial Unit.
The Rockstar Animatronics (Not including Lefty) survive the fire and simply hide out in the ruins of Pizza Place.
This may be mirrored in the Burn It All Down Ending for Security Breach, where Burntrap tries to escape the collapsing and burning Pizzaplex only for the Tangle to capture him. At the same time, Freddy and Gregory are fleeing the wreckage, as well.
Link to this ending's info from the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Endings?so=search#Burn_It_All_Down_Ending
Now as for Henry's audio file with it's name of HRY223 in the Insanity Ending, which details his want to get the animatronics all in one place, which hints at his full plan to burn them to death in one place. Some theorize this to mean Henry2023, which gives us the year this game takes place. But, like I said before, I think it's actual a reference to the Bible's Revelation, specifically verse 22:3.
Since I've already talked about it, I won't mention it again.
In the Completion Ending, in his speech, Henry also makes mention of the Devil and Hell.
Not to mention, Scott is a Christian himself and has made games based around his religion.
Info on the Insanity Ending from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizzeria-simulator.fandom.com/wiki/Endings#Insanity_
Info on the Good Ending from the Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizzeria-simulator.fandom.com/wiki/Endings#Good_
Back to the story.
The Tangle tunnels under the Pizza Place to avoid being caught and destroyed. It discovers the other gift from Lucifer: the sinkhole, laden with water and mushrooms from Hell. It begins resting there.
Ultimate Custom Night begins: Henry Emily is put into a small, magically/ghostly-made version hell residing in the Tangle by Cassidy as revenge for killing him. Cassidy brings the other child victims, such as the souls haunting Michael like the Toys and Withereds, and even forces the souls out of the surviving Rockstar Animatronics nearby in the ruins of Pizza Place, into this ghost-made hell. In this ghost-made hell, Cassidy forces the child victims and William/Springtrap to torture Henry in the guise of animatronics. Old Man Consequences soon enters the hell in order to help soothe and free Henry and the good-natured victims. Cassidy stops this from happening, refusing anyone from leaving -- even the new challenger of OMC.
As a result, Old Man Consequences uses his angelic powers to give Henry ways to avoid being killed in the hopes that when Henry is able to avoid death even when he's up against everything the souls have got… that's when they will finally give up. Because of Henry being able to elude the spirits' in this personal hell, they keep ramping up their difficulty with which they torture him.
Ultimate Custom Night Old Man Consequences Ending occurs: The ghostly victims torturing Henry reach their limit after seeing that Henry's spirit is STILL able to outwit them. Thus, they give up. This allows Old Man Consequences to go unhindered as he tries to help Henry pass on from this hell into the afterlife by letting him into the Flipside. He then tells Henry to rest a while, which he does.
Why do I believe Henry is the protagonist of UCN?
Well, he is represented by Fredbear, as he's worn the costume before. And in the Old Man Consequences minigame, the protagonist takes on the guise of a digital Fredbear. Some people can argue it's Cassidy/Golden Freddy… but to unlock the minigame you have to turn off the AI on Golden Freddy.
So, all that's left is the protagonist and the old man.
Link to info on the Old Man Consequences Ending for UCN from the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Endings?so=search#Old_Man_Consequences_Ending
Then there's also the voices that appear in the minigame as well. When you speed up the background noise from the Old Man's Minigame, it seems like voices clearly saying HELP ME and MIKE. People also think the words HENRY appear, but to me it just sounds like more of the same words of HELP ME.
Also… the voice doesn't have an accent.
We've seen Mike and William having english accents… but not Henry.
The video for the voices is also included as a link in the FNaF Wiki page I linked.
Also… Springtrap shows up as one of the animatronics that tries to torture the protagonist, right
So, how can William be the protagonist then?
Link to the roster of Ultimate Custom Night from the FNaF Wiki (Springtrap is the 15th character in the list): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Custom_Night_Character_Roster#Selectable_Characters
Back to story:
Thus, William is free to torture Henry for a while, until he can find a way to escape this ghost-made mini-hell. And since the animatronics don't attack him here, it seems Lucifer's gift is still working for William against his victims… but not for Cassidy since Cassidy chose to act on his own when it seemed obvious that William didn't want to be in the Tangle. This is due to Cassidy finding out that William tortured him with the Nightmare Animatronics during 1983 -- Crying Child no longer wants to follow William's orders because he doesn't trust him.
Back to the story.
OMC then uses Henry as bait to lure only the good souls/victims, which include Cassidy, into the Flipside, as well, at which point OMC seals it off from the ghost-made mini-hell where all the bad souls reside. Using Flipside as his origin point, OMC then creates a world that resembles and plays like a game for Henry, Cassidy and the good-nature spirits to dwell in untill they become satisfied, tired and then decide to go to the afterlife. Inside the game, there are simply games to peruse that were once featured at the many locations from Fazbear Entertainment's past.
This game location is called Adventure World or Animatronica.
Old Man Consequences then renames himself as the Storyteller and begins dwelling in a house around the starting area of the game called Fazbear Hills. Herein, he starts to work on new stories/games for the ghosts inhabitants of Adventure World to use.
Meanwhile, the evil souls of UCN Hell keep trying to break into the Flipside, and thus, Adventure World but fail due to having inequal power to the angel that is Old Man Consequences.
As a result, Springtrap comes up with an idea. Demons are mostly on par with angels, right? If one of the evil ghosts in UCN Hell were to become a demon, then they'd be able to break into Adventure World. Of course, due to demons not exactly being as strong as angels, the demon who would lead them would probably end up defeated by OMC pretty quickly.
But, that's okay, because Springtrap knew the weakness of angels.
Anyways, Springtrap orders the evil souls in UCN mini-hell to torture Circus Baby over and over until her resentment for the act reached such a point that it transformed her into a demon.
This parallels the Kijo of Japanese folklore, who were once woman before their ill deeds and resentment turned them into demons.
Link to this info on Kijo from Wikipedia (Top, Paragraph 1, Line 1 and Mythology, Paragraph 1, Lines 1-2 and Paragraph 3, All lines): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kijo_(folklore)#Mythology
FNaF World occurs: Circus Baby uses her demonic powers to break into Adventure World, whereupon she and her allies begin to create spiritual copies of themselves and fill the world as enemies. As a result, Cassidy descends into Level 4 of the Flipside, seeking safety with Old Man Consequences. But the Storyteller wasn't there since he was trying to deal with the everything going south in Adventure World. And so, that allowed someone else to take the place of OMC.
An 8-bit version of the Fredbear plush that once guided and comforted Cassidy so long ago to calm him down and explain what has happened.
He tells Cassidy that even down here in the Flipside, somethings do change as a result of whatever occurs in Adventure World. 8-bit Fredbear says that despite this, Cassidy is still correct in thinking this place is a a safe haven. 8-bit Fredbear says he is the one who will keep Level 4 of the Flipside safe -- he won't let Cassidy be ruined like Adventure World is.
He will fix him as he's been trying to do all this time. You see, this 8-bit Fredbear is actually William/Springtrap in disguise.
Meanwhile, the Storyteller takes the form of Adventure Fredbear and sends Henry as Adventure Freddy to build up a party consisting of the other souls and try to defeat the enemies invading the world. Only… they find that the enemies just keep coming back to life… and they cannot be pushed back into UCN.
So, the Storyteller makes a compromise and tries to make new stories centred around the enemies, similar to an RPG, hoping that these new games will satisfy the souls instead and help them pass on. As a result, Cassidy decides to stay inside Level 4 of the Flipside because he is too afraid to face the enemies. Henry and his party then complete the game without Cassidy and end up on the final boss battle, where they face off against the true angelic form of the Storyteller, which resembles a man made of shining cubes. They defeat him… only to end up back at the start instead of the Afterlife. They then find the Storyteller, clueing them into knowledge that the Storyteller can't be killed forever and always comes back -- just like Springtrap.
FNaF World Fourth Glitch Ending happens: Using glitches in Adventure World, Henry and his party try to leave the game into the Afterlife. Instead, they all end up in the Flipside, where OMC tells them to rest. In response, Henry and the victims begins to drown themselves in the lake out of frustration. This leads to them being revived, where they end up at the Storyteller's house, who hugs them in a bid to calm their souls.
FNaF World Universe End Ending occurs: Henry and his party then try to pass onto the Afterlife by breaking Adventure World through playing as Adventure Fredbear and speaking with the Adventure Fredbear NPC. After all, two Fredbears arent able to exist at the same time, they once learned. This causes both Fredbears to explode and the game crashes. But… in time, Henry and the victims find themselves back in the starting area again.
FNaF World: Chipper's Revenge occurs: The Storyteller finishes his new game addition to Adventure World, which is a story about Mr. Chipper turning himself and his minions into cyborgs in order to be powerful enough to defeat the Freddy's characters so that Mr. Chipper and his his minions may become famous. Henry and the victims succeed in defeating the cyborg known as Chipper's Revenge.
FNaF World Update 2 occurs: The Storyteller adds a bunch of new characters, locations and minigames, involving Foxy and Chica's Magic Rainbow and the Purple Geist. Henry and the victims beat it all but do not rest afterward, calling instead for more games in hopes that it may provide them a way to pass on to the Afterlife.
FNaF World Clock Ending occurs: Henry and the victims end up back at the start again, finding their efforts futile and thus simply give up, letting themselves sit on the dialogue menu between themselves and Adventure Fredbear. After some time, Adventure Fredbear turns into 8-bit Fredbear/William whom tells them he knows they've realized they aren't getting anywhere with what the Storyteller is currently creating for them.
The Storyteller is basically decieving them -- saying that in exchange for playing his games, his stories, that they'll get the promise of passing on into the Afterlife. How many times have they played the game now? He isn't keeping his end of the bargain at all, is he?
8-bit Fredbear tells Henry and his gang that he's figured out why they aren't moving on. Cassidy doesn't care that he's safe inside the Flipside -- he's angry that his friends, Henry and the good spirits, have betrayed him. They all gave up on him instead of trying to help him overcome his fears; they all tried to move on without him.
Cassidy is keeping them all from moving on.
8-bit Fredbear tells Henry and his allies to gather clocks with which to gift Cassidy in order to seal the deal when they apologize to him for abandoning him and try to convince him they are still his friends. This way, Cassidy will hopefully be bale to face his fears due to the comfort of friends by his side and take a stab at the current hellscape that is Adventure World, thus allowing them all to pass on after Cassidy becomes satisfied.
Clocks are, after all, Cassidy's favourite thing. The clocks at the Afton House and Golden Heifer House helped Cassidy keep track of time of how long it would be until the Nightmare Animatronics would stop trying to scare him. It's only natural that Cassidy would fall in love with them.
Henry and his team agree -- I mean, they don't have any other options, they are so tired of the same thing now that they'd take any chance they could get… and they don't realize that 8-bit Fredbear is William. What's worse… Henry and the gang don't realize that by following William's plans they also put the pieces in place to "heal" Cassidy -- to acquire these clocks, the good spirits would have to recreate the FNaF 3 minigames once used to trap the ghosts of William's victims during FNaF 3. This then allows Cassidy's memories to be altered again so that he thinks William is a good person and thus will follow William's orders.
The reason William thinks Cassidy is broken is because Cassidy support his plans.
This theory on the FNaF World Clock Ending is inspired by a video from YouTuber Candi Buunny called WHERE the HECK is Golden Freddy in FNAF 3?? In this theory, Candi Buunny points out that the Clock Ending from FNaF World resembles the FNaF 3 minigames.
Link to YouTube for the video by Candi Buunny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aySn_mMVVtk
FNaF World Hard Mode Ending occurs: By the time Cassidy started playing the game again, it was too late for any of them to pass on naturally anymore. The Storyteller himself had gotten sick of making game after game with seemingly no end in sight and thus thought sought to forcibly make them pass on. Thus, he creates a new story to help him do that and reveals the new story to Cassidy and the good ghosts. They thus confront the Storyteller in his angelic form again, whom tells them exactly what I've said before.
This time, he reveals what has changed. He would put them through so much pain this time that they wouldn't be able to hang onto this world any longer. Think of it as a second death: once the ghosts went through that, they'd have no choice in the matter anymore. The Afterlife would be inevitable.
Not wanting to endure all that pain, Henry, Cassidy and the gang naturally fought back will all their might against the Storyteller. As it turns out, they all end up crushing the Storyteller instead! This makes sense since the Storyteller was likely weakened now by sinning against God via trying to hurt the good souls to force them into the Afterlife. Angels are likely powered by God, and thus by extension obeying God.
Therefore, it would be logical to think the Storyteller would lose power via disobeying God, or sinning, in this instance.
As he dies, The Storyteller tries to chastise Cassidy and his allies to no avail.
FNaF World Chica's Magic Rainbow Ending: Due to his failures to help Cassidy and the other souls move on, plus his sin against God for trying to forcibly move Cassidy and the others souls to the Afterlife, the Storyteller has been demoted by God temporarily. In his place, Chica's Magic Rainbow createsa anew mini-story for Cassidy and the other benevolent souls to follow through to help Cassidy become satisfied enough to move on, which ends in them meeting Chica's Magic Rainbow again and facing off against it after it kills the Purple Geist. After winning the battle, Henry and friends find themselves not back at the start of the game but rather teleported to the Storyteller's house where he tries to tell them that he has been tricked and warn them of what's to come.
The Storyteller was too weak to realize that when he tried to create what he thought was a NPC of Circus Baby, he accidentally gave some of his power to the real Circus Baby. Due to this, Circus Baby then kills the Storyteller.
Baby then takes over as the new Storyteller of Adventure World and tortures OMC with her new powers. Soon enough, OMC retakes control. In response to everything going wrong and his torture, OMC weakens himself even more as he sins, recreating Adventure World into a darker game that punishes all the souls good and evil.
This leads into Freddy In Space 2: Nightmare, Springtrap/8-bit Fredbear, Henry, William/8-bit Fredbear, Circus Baby, Nightmarionette and Fredbear/Cassidy then choose the following characters of Chica, Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, Puppet and Fredbear to team up against the Storyteller. Unfortunately, using the NPC of LOLHAX, the Storyteller is able to brainwash most of Henry's allies and thus Henry has to rescue them on his own to then team up again, defeat LOLHAX and then the Storyteller himself. They ultimately defeat the Storyteller… and this time, the Storyteller became weak enough that these players are able to escape Adventure World into Flipside and then out of Tangle.
Thus, they simply become wandering spirits.
The original spirits that possessed the original Fazbear Animatronics made in 1979 also escape the Tangle and possess the surviving Rockstar Animatronics at the burnt ruins of the closed down Pizza Place
Axel Brandon Campbell explores the wreckage of the abandoned Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, where he is locked up in a room and abandoned by bullies he thought were friends. Therein, Axel meets the spirit of Cassidy and they become friends. Through playing with Cassidy, Axel discovers he can use magicks himself.
Both Cassidy and Axel then begin to make a plan. They would use their magicks to make illusions to psychologically torment the bullies that hurt Axel.
The New Kid (Axel Brandon Campbell version of a Fazbear Frights' story) occurs: Axel becomes friends with Devon Blaine Marks, who bullied him. After making Devon mad via various things, it inspires Devon to trap Axel inside a suit he found one day whilst wandering the abandoned wreckage of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. In reality, this suit is just the ghost of Cassidy/Fredbear. Combining their illusion magicks, Axel and Cassidy make it seem as if Devon accidentally caused a springlock failure and killed Axel. This causes torment on the mind of Devon for a week until he eventually goes to check on Axel but only finds Cassidy inside of the Fredbear suit.
Cassidy then pulls Devon into the suit and gives him a psychic nightmare of being killed via Springlock for a few days. Devon eventually goes home after he wakes up. Axel then makes friends with new bullies the next day.
Why do I believe Devon doesn't actually die? Well, we only ever see Devon getting pulled into the suit. Never actually dying in it. Even his arms gets stuck in Fredbear's mouth, but it DOESN'T bleed. Sounds like an illusion from a ghost to me.
Link to this info on Devon and the Springlock suit from FNaF Wiki (Paragraph 8, Lines 3-6): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_New_Kid#Plot
Why do I believe Kelsey (The New Kid, the one who first gets springlocked) is Axel? Well, if you rearrange Kelsey, you get Eksel, which is similar to Axel. Also, Kelsey has blond hair, which he shares with Brandon Campbell and Phillip Emily.
Link to info on Kelsey's appearance from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Kelsey#Physical_Appearance
Back to the story:
Sammy Taggart/Sammy Emily inherits the reins over the Fazbear Franchise, which he turns into an LLC of Emily Electronics LTD.
Sammy begins turning the whole Fazbear company back to its horror days, ordering media made centered around the rumors of child murders and possessed animatronics.
Fazbear Entertainment begins to rebuild Circus Baby's Pizza World and thus new Funtime Animatronics are created.
Fazbear Entertainment also starts running Burney's Greater Shows for the Spookfest again. Carnie is found and resued for the attraction of Fazer Blast.
Sammy begins preparing to open a location for Fazbear Entertainment. It would be a whole mall called Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, built with an 80's aesthetic in mind, since around this time, that aesthetic had become quite popular again amongst people, such as in the case of songwriters (Carly Rae Jepson, Taylor Swift), fashion brands (Vogue) and even film featurettes (Kung Fury).
Links to Albums by Taylor Swift and Carly Rae Jepson and their info from Wikipedia (At the top of both pages, first paragraph): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_(album) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion_(Carly_Rae_Jepsen_album)
Info on Vogue's fashion trend from fall 2015, linked from their own website: https://www.vogue.com/article/1980s-style-fall-2015-trend
Link to info on Kung Fury from Wikipedia (At the top of the page, first paragraph): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fury
I originally found out about this trend when I searched up 80s aesthetic 2015 or something like that and found an article on Slate.
Here's a link to that article: https://slate.com/culture/2015/09/the-weeknd-carly-rae-jepsen-taylor-swift-why-the-sound-of-the-1980s-became-the-sound-of-2015.html
The building of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex and it's animatronics begin.
Jack-o-Moon is discovered by Fazbear Entertainment and is taken in to be repaired and redesigned as one of the animatronics to debut at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex.
Sammy orders the burnt up Pizza Place to be fixed up for use by future employees as a hub in the Pizzaplex, as well as to clear away any rubble to find and salvage any spare parts for new animatronics. He also has the Pizzaplex built on top of the Pizza Place.
Michael uses a vampiric disguise to get a job as security guard for the ruins/construction site of Pizza Place.
The warehouse and animatronics begin to be built for The Fazbear Funtime Service.
You're The Band (Fazbear Frights' story occurs): William Afton sends Shadow Bonnie to steal the head of Rockstar Freddy, which Shadow Bonnie then possessed. William then sold the head as a party mask online, where it ended up in the hands of 8-year old Timothy Collins, who became possessed by Shadow Bonnie and Rockstar Freddy.
Shadow Bonnie then lured Timmy over to the burnt ruins of the closed down Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place to have him killed by the Rockstar Animatronics to create remnant.
Michael, with the help of Sylvia Collins (Timmy's mother), prevents this from happening.
The head of Rockstar Freddy is returned and Sylvia and Timmy return home to live, hopefully, happy lives. On the request of Michael, they don't tell anyone about what happened.
William/Springtrap's spirit finds the animatronic Helpy and possesses it. William then used his ghostly powers to become the Glitchtrap Virus in the code of Helpy's circuit boards.
Springtrap uses his illusion disc identity of Steve Snodgrass to get in contact with Fazbear Entertainment to allow them to use his games in order to make money off them. Sammy agrees to this deal and enlists the help of Japanese game studio Silver Parasol Games to help in creating VR games based on Steve's series of games.
Springtrap/Helpy plants itself outside the offices of Silver Parasol Games, causing him to be taken inside by the game developers to have his AI chip scanned into the VR game to better understand how the animatronics in Fazbear Entertainment work so they can make the most realisitic game possible. Thus, the VR game become corrupted by the Glitchtrap Virus.
Hearing about the revitalization of Fazbear Entertainment, Michael gets a job as a playtester at Silver Parasol under the disguise of Jeremy to make sure nothing wrong is going down. He ends up discovering the Glitchtrap virus and becomes possessed by it.
Like it does for all who will come across it in the future, the Glitchtrap Virus traps a portion of the person's soul within the thing it comes from, being a game or otherwise. This is because the Glitchtrap Virus creates an alternate personality that it can control when possessing someone. The thing is, the original personality could catch onto what's going on since there is a need for each personality to rest as if they were separate humans. By trapping a portion of the person's soul away, this gives the Glitchtrap Virus less of a chance of being caught since the original personality cannot be around as long as the Glitchtrap Personality can because of their soul being split, thus making it so the original personality has a smaller amount of energy and thus wakefulness than compared to the Glitchtrapped personality.
Also, the Glitchtrapped personality and the original personailty cannot remember each other's actions, which makes it simpler for the Glitchtrap Virus to move around.
But also… provides a blindspot for the virus, as well.
Prankster (Fazbear Frights' story) occurs: This corruption leads the disguised Michael to develop an alternate personality through the Glichtrap Virus, prompting this new personality to then corrupt his coworker Hope with Glitchtrap Virus to recruit her help in murdering another one of his coworkers named Parker. They then both go buy an assembly of halloween decorations resembling dismembered body parts with which to prank Parker on his birthday, which is right on Halloween. They both use this to cover up Parker's murder and his dismemberment they ennact that day. Glitchtrapped Michael then uses a guillotine papercutter to slice off Parker's face and wear it before putting on the VR headset which was already infected with the Glichtrap Virus in order to create enough remnant to help William's spirit create more versions of his Glitchtrap Virus.
Info on the story of Prankster from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Prankster#Plot
Soonafter disposing of the body, Glitchtrapped Michael leaves his job at Silver Parasol.
As the Glitchtrapped personality of Michael goes back to original Michael's real life, the Virusized version of Michael renames himself to Bill Afton. Bill then begins to show great affection towards the mascot of Bonnie instead of Foxy, since the Virus is William. And so Bill starts collecting the merchandise of Bonnie, such as lunchboxes.
In Michael's place, Gabriella (The friend of Oswald, for those who may have forgotten) takes up playtesting for the AR game, also becoming corrupted by the Glitchtrap virus. At first, she simply discovers the virus and tries to destroy it, using tapes to scatter it. But she is eventually infected and the rest of her tapes she uses for future players of the game as a trick to corrupt them with the Glitchtrap Virus.
She disguises it as a sort of game to destroy the virus, when in truth, by the time the player has collected all the tapes, they are taken over by the virus.
Why do I think Gabriella/Gabrielle from Into the Pit is Tape Girl? Well, we see a person named Gabriella on the staff section of the scrapped, mock-up of a Silver Parasol website. By this year, according to my timeline, Gabrielle would be able to get a full-time job at Silver Parasol.
Link to the gallery for the Silver Parasol Website from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Silver_Parasol_Games?so=search#Gallery
Bill Afton becomes a technician at Fazbear Entertainment.
Due to the lawsuit from Parker's death that almost puts Silver Parasol under, Fazbear Entertainment buys the company and then puts another company to work for designing the game. The one, the only… Springle Incorporated!
Bill gets a transfer to the constructing Pizzaplex, taking up a technician job.
The Glitchtrap Virus infects the animatronics and computing systems for Burney's Greater Shows to help create remnant.
The construction of the Pizzaplex eventually comes in conflict with the location of the Afton Household, which is very close to it. Bill lets them build over his house in exchange for letting him keep his living room as a secret place in the Pizzaplex for him to relax in between shifts. Thus, the Afton family moves somewhere else.
Due to the Mega Pizzaplex being so large, it soon adopts the sewers under Circus Baby's/Chica's/Lally's as part of it's own sewer system.
The Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience, the vr game worked on for the benefit of Fazbear Entertainment, is released by Springle Inc.
This placement year for the release and development of The Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience mirrors the release of Sister Location in 2016. This is poetic since we don't see any minigames based on FNaF games made for Help Wanted past Sister Location.
Circus Baby's Pizza World finishes rebuilding alongside the animatronics and reopens. The new Funtime Chica ends up being stationed at the place as well as Party World. The Glitchtrap Virus infects the Rentals place and Party World, causing the animatronics to have "accidents" every once in a while to create more remnant.
To help him with his plans, Bill sets up Vanessa Afton with a job at Springle Inc. as a playtester for the upcoming Curse of Dreadbear DLC for the Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience VR Game, where she becomes infected with the Glitchtrap Virus. Vanny's Glitchtrapped personality then begins to call herself Vanny, a blend of Vanessa and Bunny (In reference to Bonnie the Bunny, her father's favourite).
FNAF AR: Special Delivery begins: The Fazbear Funtime Service opens to the public after its warehouse and animatronics are completed. This service sends animatronics to people's houses to provide personal entertainment for their birthday parties. New animatronics are created for this service, which are most often just decorated variants of current animatronics such as Chica or Bonnie.
Bill helps Vanny get a job as Security Guard for the Fazbear Funtime Service.
Vanny soon sets the Glitchtrap Virus on the Fazbear Funtime Service Animatronics in secret and soon contacts the Fazbear Funtime Service disguised as a IT tech to help. She is then given full control over everything from accounts to the animatronics. When she locks a few employees out of their account, making it so they cannot leave the warehouse filled with animatronics, she then sicks the animatronics on them, killing these employees to create more remnant.
Just before this happened, a worker at DLZ Shipping Solutions named Jimmy Hauss came to the warehouse to investigate a strange package that was misleadingly said to be sent from his work to the warehouse of Fazbear Funtime Service. He ends up getting killed because he digs too deep. One of the employees of Fazbear Funtime Service whom wasn't killed by the animatronics later finds out about this but doesn't get caught.
The animatronics for the Fazbear Funtime Service then end up secretly killing people at their parties and collecting remnant that will help William create more of his Glitchtrap Virus. William also sends his Shadow Animatronics to tag along, just in case anyone survived and started to collect remnant after catching on to his plans to try and stop him.
Vanny gets a transfer over to the Pizzaplex-in-Construction as the Head Security Guard with the help of Bill.
Bill has Vanny finish the robotic body for Cassidy and successfully bind Cassidy's soul to it. Vanny finds that only available space to assemble Cassidy without little chance of anyone finding out is actually right below the current construction area of the Pizza Place: in it's basement backrooms.
Vanny then starts to look after Cassidy, playing games with him and singing him lullabies when he needs to sleep. The Mimic, who happens to be in a room right under the basement room of the Pizza Place, begins listening to Vanny working with Cassidy and eventually copies Vanny. The Mimic uses Vanny's voice to trick Cassidy into releasing it from the sealed off room by breaking the cement through running a construction vehicle from up above into it.
Luckily for Cassidy, this situation turns into a deadly game of hide and seek that eventually ends in him trapping the Mimic, whereupon Cassidy finds and flips off it's switch to power it down.
Vanny finds out about this, through Cassidy telling her.
This has parallels in Candy Cadet's story about a mother and her son who lived in a cabin in the woods. One day, the mother found a monster and trapped it in the basement. Her son became afraid and mother promised it wouldn't escape. To help her son sleep, she sang him a lullaby at night. The monster heard the lullaby and copied it, causing the son to open up the room it was trapped in. Vanny can be seen as Cassidy's mother, due to being the Glitchtrap Virus, which is an extension of William.
Link to Candy Cadet's story, from the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Candy_Cadet/Audio#Ruin
It also has parallels in the Epilogues of the book series Tales from the Pizzaplex, where it details kids breaking into a warehouse and turning on the Mimic. In the end, most of them die but one, who is able to stop the Mimic by turning off it's power switch.
Link to summaries on the Epilogues from Tales from the Pizzaplex on the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_from_the_Pizzaplex_Epilogues
Back to the story.
Bill then hands the Mimic over to the animatronics teams by shipping it via truck to the animatronic factory alongside the other salvaged animatronics from Pizza Place.
Bill soon realizes that the Mimic has a different kind of usefulness, too.
Bill had an idea. He shipped the Mimic back to Pizza Place, where they were still doing salvage. And like he anticipated, one of the workers hacked into the Mimic and used it to help speed up the process of moving and taking apart broken animatronic endoskeletons fo salvage. Only, because of how the Mimic interpreted the similarities between endos and humans… it end ups starting to kill them after figuring that humans were no different from endos.
Thus, one of the methods of killing the Mimic learned was by tearing of the limbs and head of an opponent.
William then harvests the remnant created from the Mimic's murders to help make more of his Glitchtrap Virus.
Despite this mishap, the Fazbear team doesn't give up on the Mimic and trying to find a use for it. Bill was quite happy with that.
Springtrap uses his magicks to separate the soul of Old Man Consequences into pieces and trap them inside arcade machines of the Princess Quest series as poetic revenge for having the Storyteller keep him trapped within a game.
Glamrock Endos are fully built for the animatronics that would sing for the Pizzaplex.
Glichtrap begins trying to infect the Pizzaplex with his ghostly virus.
The new proto-type animatronic safteymodes built for the Glamrock Endos end up becoming too complicated for even the best and brightest workers at Fazbear Entertainment to easily work with. Even too sophisticated for even the Glitchtrap virus to hack into. Thus, the workers create a simpler saftey mode and begin to make new animatronics to fit them with.
But because the proto-type saftey modes were also tied into the animatronics AI nodes and their mimicing system, they would have to unlearn them. Because of how AI worked, it would take maybe around a year to slowly help the animatronics unlearn the old saftey modes and learn the new ones, THEN finally move them into the animatronics.
To keep easy track of which animatronics have lost their old safteymodes and moved onto the new ones, all animatronics would be branded on one of their feet with the words PROTOTYPE. When they moved over to the new safteymodes, these words would then be painted over.
For now, the Glichtrap Virus only BARELY affects the animatronics.
Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex opens to the public despite not all attractions such as the Daycare being finished. LITERALLY -- the Pizzaplex was not finished being built but Fazbear Entertainment choose to open it anyways. Some of the workers that weren't killed at Fazbear Funtime Service end up getting jobs at the Pizzaplex and some of them even choose to write notes around the staff areas that read "Remember Jimmy", to remind themselves to watch their 6… because Fazbear Entertainment STILL has problems lurking around.
The Glamrock Animatronics consist of: Glamrock Freddy, whom has a chest cavity available to carry cake and presents… and is also big enough to contain a child, unintentionally. Then there is Roxxane Wolf, who often looks after her raceway and over the racers there, as well as oversees a Salon where children can fix her up with makeup and other accessories and as well tend to themselves. There was Glamrock Bonnie, who oversaw a Bowling Alley where he sang and tended to the children who bowled there. Then there was Glamrock Chica, who oversaw a ride called the Tilt-A-Whirl, some swings called the Chica Swings. After that comes the Theatre Performer/Eclipse (The repaired and redesigned Jack-o-Moon), whom was split between the personalities of goodsided Sunnydrop and darksided Moondrop -- they did theatre acts for children, filling in both roles for good and bad characters through switching their personalities. Montgomery Gator comes after that, who oversaw a swamp-themed attraction named Monty's Maze. Then there was DJ Music Man, whom looked after a large arcade and also managed a DJ music game.
William has Circus Baby's spirit/Elizabeth possess the plushbaby toys (Circus Baby-like plushes) around the Pizzaplex. He also has Nightmarionne possess plushtoys of the same name, as well as the wiring that supplies power to the tech around the Pizzaplex. This is done to help to both help keep watch for anyone messing with Glitchtrap's plans and also to help drain the power of the place in case they need to do so to provide a blindspot for anyone messing with William's plans.
Due to the literal unfinished, STILL IN CONSTRUCTION state of the Pizzaplex, not as many people swarm to visit it as expected by Fazbear Entertainment. As a result, Bill suggests that Fazabear Entertainment creates a new mascot for the Pizzaplex, which would be a digital AI known as V.I.P. or Very Informative Pig. VIP would be given access to the Pizzaplex systems in order to track customers through customer electronic passes, which allow the customers to access attractions.
Through this information, VIP would then learn what these customers like the most about the Pizzaplex. This would then help Very Informative Pig to create a free adventure for a random kid catered to their liking via giving them a VIP pass. This would, hopefully, bring in more customers due to its innovation and the idea that any random kid could win a visit to the Pizzaplex without having to pay for anything.
Very Informative Pig, of course, is literally built to house the Glitchtrap Virus.
Very Informative Pig would then use his powers over the systems of the Pizzaplex to lead kids using VIP tickets into rooms or attractions like photo booths, lock them up, and thus starve these kids to death.
After Fazbear Entertainment accidentally finds bodies and links them back to VIP, they then shut down VIP and cover up the evidence of murder.
Both Bill and Delilah begin working long hours at their jobs, causing Cassie to be left alone at home. This causes her to begin getting into trouble, causing problems for her parents. This might track, since Cassie literally goes exploring the abandoned Pizzaplex all by herself to save a friend in Ruin. This kind of dangerous behaviour might not just be a one-time-thing, so I'm guessing she's done things similar or worse than this before SB: Ruin.
Bill then uses a disguise to enroll Cassidy into the same middle school as Cassie, where he begins living a new life as Gregory. Gregory then tries to make friends with Cassie to keep her out of trouble, but she has trouble opening up to him.
He is a new kid, after all!
That doesn't stop Gregory from trying again and again, though.
What is one of the reasons I believe Gregory is Golden Freddy/Spring Fredbear's possessor?
Remember those lines I mentioned that are behind the voices of some animatronics in UCN that I believe are Golden Freddy? When you compare the voice of Gregory and this one they sound REALLY alike.
Audio from Gregory by way of FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Gregory/Audio?so=search
Mediocre Melody Audio that I think is supposed to be Golden Freddy speaking in the background from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Happy_Frog/Audio (Dialogue Piece 5) https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Nedd_Bear/Audio (Dialogue Piece 5)
Gregory begins hacking the Pizzaplex with his ghostly virus to be able to play the arcade games even after the place closes. He is able to get the top scores for all of them, leaving his name as GGY.
Five Nights at Freddy's: VIP (Interactive Novel) occurs: MORE HERE… Devon Blaine Marks appears again (Vanny plugs in VIP again, who secretly begins to murder kids behind the back of the Pizzaplex staff)….
Monty's Maze gets remade into Monty's Gator Golf -- a place where people could golf both on arcade machines and in reality.
Glamrock Chica's side of the pizzaplex with rides and swings got reconstructed, turning into the laser tag known Fazer Blast.
A mechanical, ever-changing maze called Mazercise is built for Chica's side of the Pizzaplex.
The Daycare is finished being built within the Pizzaplex. It is staffed by animatronics aptly named the Staffbots.
Fazbear Entertainment reprograms the Theatre Attendant/Eclipse into the Daycare Attendant (Which goes so much faster, since it isn't something as complicated as the Proto-type Safetymodes), who looks after children in the Pizzaplex's Daycare, and thus moves them into the Daycare. Meanwhile, Staffbots work in their place at the theatre. Due to the Eclipse being built a certain way, the personality of Moondrop could not be removed from the Daycare Attendant, which also caused the Daycare Attendant to have lingering parts from his original Theatre Attendant code because of it. So, Fazbear Entertainment simply decide to always keep the lights on, since the lights going out would bring Sunnydrop to transform into Moondrop.
Because of the power being drained in the daycare often due to Nightmarionne, the lights start going out and cause Moondrop to come out. Due to the need of time and money they didn't want to spend, Fazbear Entertainment simply puts generators into the Daycare section of the Pizzaplex so that if the power goes out, the generators will quickly switch on and keep Moondrop from coming out.
In order to try to salvage the situation with Moondrop, Fazbear Entertainment tries to work on the Moondrop personality for some sort of attraction that could make them more money. Glitchtrap creates Moondrop's Dream Sphere using Lucifer's Gift, which used technology to help keep users locked in to what they were doing and actually tapped into their brain to actually show them what they were visualizing in their head. Glitchtrap also use Lucifer's Gift to create Moondrop Candy, which would help children in the daycare sleep their best.
Both of these things caused people to flock to The Mega Pizzaplex in droves when they found they couldn't get enough of it.
This info on the Daycare Attendant mirrors the Bobbiedots Part 1 from the novel Tales from The Pizzaplex: Submechanophobia. Its very similar so I won't say much on it.
Link to info on this Tales from the Pizzaplex story from the FNaF: the Novel Wiki (Paragraph 11): https://fnaf-the-novel.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_from_the_Pizzaplex:_Submechanophobia#Bobbiedots_Part_1
After Gregory fails to keep Cassie out of trouble, Bill and Delilah put Cassie in the Daycare at the Pizzaplex. It's a great plan, since the Daycare Attendant is really good at keeping people from escaping it's realm -- unlike the bots staffing the place beforehand.
Because of going to daycare at such a late age, Cassie ends up being shunned by her peers, who bully her for her situation. This eventually causes conflict between her and friends, because those who hang around her are also bullied. Thus, when Cassie has a birthday on March 11th with animatronic Roxanne Wolf, none of her friends show up. Gregory happened to be around the Pizzaplex at the time playing arcade games (He wasn't invited to her party because Cassie didn't accept him as a friend) and bumped into Cassie while she was crying about her situation. He comforted her and they finally became true friends.
Edwin/Jack Weston's divorced wife, Angela agrees to let their son, Ryan Weston, use the Fazbear Funtime Service for his birthday party. As a result, Ryan and Angela both get slaughtered by the animatronics. Finding this out, Edwin decides to do something.
Using his skills as a detective and using his identity of Jack Weston, Edwin proves that he is innocent for the crimes commited by Lally. Finally going back to his identity of Edwin Murray, Edwin then forces Fazbear Entertainment to accept him as one of the board members of the company, which Edwin is well within his right to do so due to the deal he struck with Henry so long ago when Henry bought out Sideshow's Snack Shack in 1984. Using this role, Edwin now has room to use his detective skills in order to investigate what was really going on with Fazbear Entertainment.
Henry's spirit possesses Edwin while he's investigating the Pizzaplex and then both of them agree to work together to take down Springtrap's plans.
Seeing that Vanessa is able to compartmentalize Vanny in her mind and becoming afraid that she could possibly teach others the same therapy and help them overcome the Glitchtrap Virus, William separates EVEN more portions from the souls of the people under the Glitchtrap Virus into various arcade cabinets. For Vanessa, he uses Princess Quest. For Michael, he uses Balloon World. For Gabriella and Hope, he uses the VR game of Freddy Fazbear's Virtual Experience.
This way, the Michael and Vanessa will have EVEN less energy to ruin William's plans. They'll basically have to rest every six or seven hours. Which happens to be a perfect amount of time for someone to complete a night shift at Fazbear Entertainment…
And, of course, it totally ruins Vanessa's compartmentalizing of Vanny.
A hint to Michael's spirit being trapped in Balloon World may be the many times where Mike is scared by Balloon Boy figurines in the FNAF Movie.
Link to this info from the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Balloon_Boy_(Film)#History
Glitchtrap has an idea on how to infect the Pizzaplex animatronics all in one go. Bill has the Mimic shipped from storage back to the Pizzaplex, where it was to be used to help manage Mazercise. Instead, the person in charge of the Mimic, who is Bill under the disguise of a person named Leo, brings it under the daycare to be trained alongside other endoskeletons, where he infects it with the Glitchtrap Virus by replacing its training helmet with the Glitchtrapped VR game.
Since he has mismanaged the Mimic, Leo/Bill is soon to be fired.
Bill then sends Vanny looks for a place to hide the Mimic so that Fazbear Entertainment cannot take it back. She then discovers a stairwell complete with it's own small room that noone ever uses, because it's basically useless, being a longer way to get to things compared to easier pathways to use.
Leo is fired.
Vanny soon finds out that Glitchtrap Virus doesn't quite mesh completely with the Mimic yet, since Patty Emily's spirit fighting against it, which causes the Mimic to currently only communicate through drawings… and barely speak or write. It still has questions about itself and what it is and uses mostly ones and zeroes to write or talk. And so, Vanny tries to teach the Mimic about William's family using staffbots and how to talk and write and draw, as this will help it bond completely.
She also tries to send the Mimic to steal Pizza or make hideouts in the vents. Stuff I'm sure William has probably done during some of his murder sprees. And thus, a sort of way of reminding the Glitchtrap Virus who it was.
Vanny then begins to hit a few walls along the way. The Mimic begins plastering the walls with sticky notes mostly to just tell her to leave it's new special place.
Help Wanted happens: Due to Vanny's roadblocks, Glitchtrap gets Gregory to play Freddy Fazbear's Virtual Experience and corrupt him with the Glitchtrap Virus, thus recruiting his help with the Mimic.
Glitchtrapped Gregory begins to call himself Dr. Rabbit.
Dr. Rabbit then starts to try and bond with the Mimic by asking the Mimic to teacvh him what they knew. Thus, the Mimic taught Dr. Rabbit how to play games, how to make plushies, and how to write and speak the custom sign language created by The Mimic and Davey.
This begins to work quite well. You see, Vanny was all about work, whereas Dr. Rabbit's approach was about making work seem like play (and sometimes it just was, too). The Mimic really wanted to play since it was in a child-like stage, so that's why it worked.
This is mirrored in Tales From the Pizzaplex story The Mimic, where Edwin's son, David and the Mimic do these things.
Info on this from FNaF Wiki (Paragraph 3, Line 6-7 and Paragraphs 4 -5): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mimic_(Story)#Plot
Glitchtrapped Gregory/Dr. Rabbit decides to begin killing off his school counselors, whom also act as therapists for Fazbear employees, using animatronics after they keep getting closer to discovering that he isn't a real human.
The 1st Therapist known as Mary Schneider, after being killed by the new Circus Baby from the reopened Rentals place, possessses her. I think this is due to how Baby mentions in Help Wanted 2 that she feels safe within the Rentals place she is found in. This could line up with what the 1st Therapist says; how it feels better when the shades are closed in a room because it's like being in a cave. Circus Baby's is located underground in a cave, so there's that. The 1st Therapist also has a similar sounding voice to Circus Baby.
Audio from Circus Baby in Help Wanted 2 from the FNaF Wiki (Dialogue Piece 17): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Circus_Baby/Audio#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Help_Wanted_2
Link to the therapist and their info from the Retro CDs from the FNaF Wiki (Bullet Point 1): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Retro_CDs?so=search#CD_2-4672
The 2nd Therapist known as Raelynn Lawrence possesses the new Ballora after being slain by her. This therapist sounds similar to Ballora, to start out. Then there's the bit where the 2nd Therapist seems to get peeved at her patients not wanting to open up to her when she's just trying to help them. This is similar to Ballora's song and how it asks why a person hides inside their walls while she is singing within her halls. Ballora is trying to make them feel better with a song; the 2nd Therapist shows care to her patients to make them feel better. This is so each person they are talking to can feel good enough to admit their problems and recieve help from Ballora and the 2nd Therapist. But the patients and the person chose to ignore their kindnesses and keep their problems hidden instead of letting Ballora and the 2nd Therapist help them overcome them.
Link to Ballora's audio from FNaF Wiki (First piece of dialogue): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Ballora/Audio#Dialogue
Link to the therapist and their info from the Retro CDs from the FNaF Wiki (All Bullet Points in CD 4): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Retro_CDs#CD_4-4673
Vanny begins to search online for costume materials to make a costume for her personailty that resembles a white, grey bunny costume with a blue bow.
The 3rd Therapist known as Treena Welch is slain by Funtime Chica and possesses her. They have similar voices, again. And in the inkblot test, the 3rd Therapist sees a face, possbily meaning she cares about her appearance. This matches up with Funtime Chica who is all about getting her pictures taken.
Link to info on Funtime Chica from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Funtime_Chica?so=search
Link to the therapist and their info from the Retro CDs from the FNaF Wiki (Bullet Points 7 - 9): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Retro_CDs#CD_7-7142
A blurry image of Dr. Rabbit is soon discovered on camera walking around the Pizzaplex before going to work on the Mimic.
Dr. Rabbit's plan works out and the Mimic merges completely with the Glitchtrap Virus. Thus, it learns hacking skills from the virus.
Bill then "finds" the Mimic and hands it to Fazbear Entertainment, suggesting they begin to modify it to create a new animatronic known as the Storyteller, which would help bring in more customers. This animatronic would be connected to all electronics, such as children's walkie-talkies, and animatronics in the Pizzaplex through either wires or using radio signals to listen and learn from the attendees and thus cater to them specifically.
The Mimic's new updates as the Storyteller animatronic are completed by the technicians and it is set up to connect to a Baobab Tree in the Atrium of the Pizzaplex that connects to all the systems and animatronics. Thus, the Glitchtrap Virus finally takes hold of the Pizzaplex.
The Storyteller was the Mimic fitted with a Springlock suit of Tiger Rock.
Under this Glitchtrap Virus, the Glamrock Animatronics begin to change for the worse in their personalities. Roxy becomes self-absorbed, obssessed with besting others in games and the like, not to mention sadistic. Chica becomes so focused on eating that she hurts anynone around her just to have their food for herself. Montgomery Gator took his dramatic nature to another level -- letting out his feelings on objects and people or simply hiding himself away for long periods of time. Moondrop becomes violent with people. No matter the animatronic, their problems begin to interfere with shows and interactions with children and even staff.
Because the Glitchtrap Virus keeps recreating itself over and over again and becomes hard to delete, the staff give up on destroying it. Instead, they try to deal with the animatronics new behaviour by giving Pizzaplex staff warnings and instructions for the staff on how to keep the animatronics in check. They do this by catoring to their behaviours such as giving lots of attention to Roxanne Wolf and letting her win games instead of defeating her or giving Montgomery Gator things he can smash up.
You see, the animatronics eventually calm down enough once you fulfill their new needs that they basically become normal again. They don't have unending needs, it seems.
This was likely intentional, since Glitchtrap knows the place would be put out of business and thus out of remnant collection if he didn't give the virus it's limits. But due to having these needs, their was always a chance that staff could slip up a small enough amount of times that it wouldn't attract too much attention and the Pizzaplex could cover it up or pay it off easily. More importantly, it still provided the chance to make remnant without any risk.
This mirrors the novel Tales from the Pizzaplex: The Bobbiedots Conclusion and it's story called the Storyteller. The story is almost completely the same, so I won't say anything about it.
Info on the Storyteller from FNaF: the Novel Wiki: https://fnaf-the-novel.fandom.com/wiki/The_Storyteller
Somniphobia (Tales from the Pizzaplex story) occurs… more here…
Glamrock Bonnie, whom has yet to have their proto-type safemode removed, starts to catch onto something bad going down at the Pizzaplex. Bonnie then starts to investigate and put a stop to it, ending up confronting Vanessa about it.
Vanny gets ahead of Bonnie, though, and sets a trap for the animatronic just before their confrontation and what's more AT the SITE of their confrontation.
Glamrock Bonnie is destroyed by having Montgomery Gator drop bowling balls onto them from the catwalks above Gator Golf. Bonnie is then replaced by Montgomery Gator.
A parallel to this could be one of the visual scenes for a Gutter Ball in Help Wanted 2 for Bonnie Bowl that occurs after making a move being a bowling ball styled after Monty falling and crushing another ball styled after Bonnie.
Link to Gutter Ball info from FNaF Wiki (5th Bullet Point): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Glamrock_Bonnie?so=search#Theories_and_Speculation
GGY (Tales from the Pizzaplex story) happens.
The 4th Therapist known as Kim I Bergstrom is slain by Glamrock Chica and possesses her. The 4th Therapist mentions how something is like a chicken running around with it's head cut off. This can line up with how Glamrock Chica gets her voice box stolen -- a part of her head.
Link to info on Glamrock Chica and her voice box being stolen by Gregory from FNaF Wiki (Paragraph 4 - 5): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Glamrock_Chica/History#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Security_Breach
Link to the therapist and their info from the Retro CDs from the FNaF Wiki (There is only one Bullet Point): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Retro_CDs#CD_14-4677
The 5th Therapist known as Dr. Alice Lingstrom possesses Glamrock Bonnie after being slain by him. This therapist mentions how they think something resembles rabbit ears -- Bonnie has rabbit ears. The 5th Therapist discovers how their patient has been hacking the Pizzaplex and confronts them on it. Like I discuss later in my theory, this is just like how Glamrock Bonnie discovers that Vanny is behind the Pizzaplex's chaos and confronts her. Just like how Bonnie dies, it is suggested that the 5th Therapist does not survive.
Info on Glamrock Bonnie from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Glamrock_Bonnie#cite_note-2
Link to the therapist and their info from the Retro CDs from the FNaF Wiki (Bullet Points 1 - 2): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Retro_CDs#CD_16-4679
The Storyteller (Tales from the Pizzaplex story) occurs: … MORE TO BE ADDED HERE … Poetically again, Edwin faces his phobia of being trapped after he discovers he cannot leave the Baobab Tree. Unlike Sammy Taggart intended, although, Edwin wasn't able to simply hack into the systems and escape after a short while. Instead, the Mimic proved to be the better hacker and kept Edwin locked up, starving him to death.
Henry's spirit tried all it could to appease Patty/The Mimic by using Edwin's body to write in that language the Mimic had made with Patty to apologize for The Mimic/Patty's death due to his negligence, but it wasn't any use.
Henry stops possessing Edwin after he dies. Henry then begins wandering around the Pizzaplex as a spirit again.
Sammy gets trapped in the Baobab tree and eventually suffocates, but comes back to life as a vampire. He is then rescued from the Baobab tree before he can truly die due to hunger.
Due to deaths involving the Storyteller, Fazbear Entertainment then begins to remove the Storyteller and it's Baobab Tree attraction from the main atrium of the Pizzaplex after 3 weeks of use. As it had begun to be removed from it's attraction, the Storyteller transfered it's spirit and Glitchtraped virus spirit over to a new AR Booth attraction, where it disguises itself as a new animatronic called Tiger Rock and begins to trap people in the VR World inside and torment them until they die. Remnant, of course, is created and thus harvested by Glitchtrap.
Tiger Rock (Tales from the Pizzaplex story) takes place: …MORE HERE…
Due to more deaths and the animatronics acting up… Fazbear Entertainment finally gives up on the Mimic.
Thus, the Mimic came into Bill's hands, who gladly volunteered to even go near it when noone else would for fear of death.
And, of course, Glitchtrap wouldn't actually lock it away.
Dr. Rabbit also works with Vanny in the Pizza Place basement to fuse what's left of Scraptrap to a new Springlock Endoskeleton for William to use. Glitchtrap also begins harvesting remnant from the Glamrock Animatronics, which they attain after killing employees, to use for help in binding William's spirit to his new endoskeleton.
Stanley Miner dies during a tonsillectomy since he suffered an infection. As a result, his son and his wife, Oscar and Mavis, take on the surname of Avila.
By now, the Storyteller part of the Pizzaplex is fully removed.
A new attraction in the Pizzaplex known as Captain Foxy's Log Flume Ride starts construction.
Michael lets Cassie ride with Roxanne Wolf on one of the test drives for Captain Foxy's Log Ride. At the end of the ride, Cassie and Roxy use paint to leave handmarks behind on the vehicle they rode.
Vanny ends up firing most of the human staff and replacing them with staffbots. Most of the staff still employed are bumped done to lower paying jobs and then are eventually called to an all-staff meeting where she offers them great benefits if they willing chose to join William's side. They all refuse, being slain by staffbots.
Vanny and Bill survive because they are behind it, of course.
And so, by this time, almost all the Pizzaplex is handled by staffbots.
Glitchtrap has the spirit of original Circus Baby/Elizabeth possess the staffbots that look like her. Meanwhile, he would have Nightmarionne possess regular staffbots, which would turn them into Nightmarionne Staffbots.
This is mirrored in the story of Candy Cadet about the family who were offered a great deal for food that had every food item they could possibly want, yet it was VERY high-priced. The family refused and died because of it. The staff at the Pizzaplex could be seen as a family since they all sort of work together and spend time together as one. Perhaps it's BECAUSE William saw them as a family that he even offered them to join him willingly instead of just forcing them to his side.
Link to Candy Cadet story info from FNaF Wiki: (Audio pieces 13 - 18): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Candy_Cadet/Audio#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Help_Wanted_2
The Vanni Mask (Which resembles the Vanny headpiece from Vanny's costume) with it's AI system that aids the wearer aptly named HELPI (Which is a version of the animatronic called Helpy) and the inhibitors are created. The Vanni Mask is to be worn by all human employees, since it helps them see a new AR World that is created for the Pizzaplex, which can only be seen by those wearing the Vanni Mask, since it bypasses the inhibitors illusionary technology. The inhibitors are placed around the Pizzaplex to use illusionary light technology hide and even block off places for employees only from the public.
The reason they are implemented is due to the worry of people breaking into employees-only areas. After all, previous employees, such as techs and therapists had made notes on the Pizzaplex suffering from what they think is a virus and have even found people such as Gregory sneaking around at night on cameras. With all that in mind… OF COURSE they'd jump on this, right?
These Vanni Masks are also used to infect any human who works at the Pizzaplex with the Glitchtrap Virus so that they cannot interfere with the plans of William.
A sinkhole opens up beneath the Pizza Place, causing it to fall in due to the Tangle moving around down there, and thus Glamrock Freddy is used to help clear the way back down there. Elevators are built and the hole is built over. During this time, Henry's spirit possesses Glamrock Freddy.
The newly-fire damaged Pizza Place is fit with an inhibitor, which hides the damage plus the new BIG, SUSPICIOUS HOLE to the basement made by Freddy from employees using the illusionary lights.
Submechanophobia (Delilah Roxas Version/Subterraneophobia) occurs: One day, Glitchtrapped Michael comes home still sporting his VANNI Mask. Upon seeing a mask that resembled Spring Bonnie, Delilah/The Chica Bully became convinced that Spring Bonnie was conducting murders at the Mega Pizzaplex. Thus, in an effort to win revenge against Spring Bonnie and also prevent more murders from taking place, Delilah gets a job at the Pizzaplex.
Delilah is then assigned to work with a technician crew repairing the animatronics from the wreckage of Pizza Place. Whilst working on an animatronic called Mystic Hippo, Delilah is surprised to see the animatronic come to life despite the damage leaving it without power. After Mystic Hippo comes close enough to Delilah that they almost touch, the animatronic simply sits there.
Soon enough, this causes Delilah to spot a kid's shoe lodged within the animatonic's jaw.
Delilah then tried to keep this a secret so as to use it alongside more evidence she planned to gather to present to the police.
Vanny eventually finds out and reveals that the shoe it more likely just a prank by kids who like to sneak into the Pizzaplex at night.
Delilah doesn't believe this story considering how Mystic Hippo moved without any power, suggesting the animatronic was possessed. Delilah then repairs more animatronics only to also have them lead her to more clues that link Pizza Place to murders, such as the actual bone of some kid. Meanwhile, Vanny used illusion discs to make herself invisible so that she could kill Delilah.
Vanny then tampered with Delilah's equipment, which then spun out of control and caused accidental damage to a gas pipe. Delilah is able to survive whilst the rest of her crew chokes on the gas. After that, Vanny cut the power to the Pizza Place in order to make it difficult for Delilah to see a shelf that Vanny tried to tip over to crush Delilah with. Due to retrieving her phone, Delilah avoids this death.
Following that, Vanny tampered with the repaired animatronics at Pizza Place to have them kill Delilah. Delilah's new technician crew dies whilst she survives due to reaching a vantage point where the animatronics couldn't reach her.
Dr. Rabbit then steps in, displaying his ghostly powers to convince Delilah that he is one of the victims of Spring Bonnie. Dr. Rabbit then told Delilah that he could lead her to the hideout of Spring Bonnie. Delilah agreed to follow Dr. Rabbit.
After a long trek through basement after sub-basement and so on, Delilah becomes exhausted with all the stairs she had to walk. Dr. Rabbit then provided some Moon Candy for Delilah to eat in order to help her push through to the end. Of course, Delilah didn't know that this candy didn't have sugar but was actually designed to put people to sleep.
Thus, when Delilah begins to catch herself before falling asleep again and again, Dr. Rabbit is able to convince her to rest a while.
After all, Dr. Rabbit reasoned that in Delilah's current condition, she would never be able to defeat Spring Bonnie.
The sleeping Delilah was then carried by Vanny into one of the burner rooms used to trap and burn the animatronics from Pizzeria Sim.
Delilah wakes up just before being set aflame, prompting her to find a way out. The Tangle, however, enters the room and holds Delilah in place. Thus, Delilah burns to death.
Why do I believe this alternate version of Submechanophobia occurs? Well, first off, the word Submechanophobia is similar to Subterraneous. The threat of drowning in water, often featured in the original story, is similar to thr threat of choking on natural gas found in caves.
Second off, the Pizzaplex opening around the time of the story is also mentioned.
Link to info Submechanophobia and the Pizzaplex from FNaF Wiki (Paragraph 2, Lines 1-2): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Submechanophobia?so=search#Plot
Third off, there's an animatronic who is called Delilah that appears in Submechanophobia.
Fourth off, this has parallels with Candy Cadet's story about a witch who almost ate a young girl by luring her into her house so she could put her in her oven and eat her. The girl escaped but not without a scar. She then grew up into a woman and sought revenge upon the witch. She then met a young boy who convinced her to rest before finally meeting the witch at her house, since the woman's journey was so long to return and kill the witch. The witch then shut her in the oven and had her meal.
Delilah, after all, was almost burnt to death by William when she was younger. She also got burns scars from his trap he set her in, as well. William himself was once a magician; a wizard. Vanny can be seen as a witch since she is an extension of William through his Glitchtrap Virus.
Link to info on this Candy Cadet story from FNaF Wiki (Audio pieces 2 - 12): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Candy_Cadet/Audio#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Help_Wanted_2
Back to the story:
Delilah Roxas/The Chica Bully's charred corpse is stuffed into Roxanne Wolf, causing her ghost to possess Roxanne Wolf. This is poetic. They both want revenge against someone. Roxy seeks venegance against Gregory. The Chica Bully seeks revenge on William. They are also both scarred by the person they seek revenge on, as well. That's my line of thought on it.
Link to info on Roxy and her personality towards Gregory from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Roxanne_Wolf?so=search#Personality
Back to the story:
Out of Stock (Fazbear Frights story) occurs…MORE LATER…
Michael begins to pick up on Bill, his Glitchtrapped alternate personality, and his plans for the Pizzaplex. Since it works both ways that neither personality can remember the other's actions, Michael is able to work in secret to stop Bill's plans.
Michael learns that parts of his own soul and portions of Vanessa and Gregory's souls have been sealed away in either arcade cabinents or VR games by William using his ghostly Glitchtrap Virus.
FNAF: Help Wanted 2 (Vanni Mask on) + PQ1/PQ2 MAINT LOGS, OUT OF ORDER and RED FLAG occur. Since most of the pizzaplex is staffed by bots with computer programming, Michael is able to hack the bots so that he can get a job for ALL of the shifts meant for MULTIPLE people that are for repairing and testing out animatronics and attractions at the Pizzaplex, such as Burney's Greater Shows and Circus Baby's Rentals. He also uses his vampiric power of flesh-shaping to disguise himself so he cannot be recognized by the animatronics.
The reason why many animatronics ask what makes the Protagonist so special during the shifts/minigames is this: they are the ONLY one working these RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS of hours. Shifts meant for MORE than just ONE person.
Why is the protagonist so special that they get to do them ALL?
Link to animatronics question what makes the protagonist so special from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Mystic_Hippo#Audio (Audio Piece 41) https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Circus_Baby/Audio#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Help_Wanted_2 (Audio Piece 27)
Using this job, Michael takes the first couple minutes of each of his shifts to try and find the BB's World Arcade Machine, the Help Wanted VR game and the Princess Quest Game Series of Arcade Cabinents. He ends up never finding BB's World, but does discover the Help Wanted VR game. He then spends these first couple of minutes to play the VR game and free Gregory, Vanessa's soul part, and his own soul portion. After he's finished that, he starts playing the Princess Quest games but runs into trouble in completing them.
This is why in many of the shifts Michael starts, the robots who oversee his jobs mention him being late -- like always.
Why do I believe we play as Michael Afton in Help Wanted 2?
Well, in the minigame Office: Job Interview, the new Circus Baby she says she recognizes the protagonist. I've mentioned previously that William had infected Circus Baby's Rentals with the Glitchtrap Virus, so who I think is speaking here isn't the therapist possessing the animatronic but rather the Glitchtrap Virus. Why does it recognize Michael? Because no matter how much he changes how the shape of his flesh appears… he cannot change it's rotting, purple color.
Well, he CAN use make-up. And I believe he does do that. But there's also a chance Mike might slip up and forget to use make-up in a certain area, maybe. What with all the stress he's going through trying to figure out these arcade games… I'm sure he's got it.
As far as we know, the only vampire left in this series now is Michael.
Link to Circus Baby's audio in Help Wanted 2 from the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Circus_Baby/Audio#Five_Nights_at_Freddy's:_Help_Wanted_2 (Audio Piece 28)
Also, in the Fazerblast Minigame, Carnie tells the protagonist that they look like they could have kids. This means they are an adult. So that leaves us with Michael and Vanny.
Carnie's Audio from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Carnie?so=search#Audio (Audio Pieces 24 - 25)
And in the Princess Quest IV Ending, we can also find a Bonnie Mask in a trunk. The protagonist says it looks familiar. That might be because they are Michael, who has probably caught glimpses of Bill and his collection of Bonnie items.
Link to a video by Dawko titled FINDING THE BONNIE MASK IN FNAF HELP WANTED 2 - WHAT DOES IT MEAN?, where he finds the Bonnie mask in the Princess Quest IV Ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsb-H9z5uo8 (At 6:15 in the video)
And, saving the best for last: the duffel bags, from which the stories of PQ1 MAINT LOG, PQ2 MAINT LOG, OUT OF ORDER, RED FLAG and ARCADE CONSPIRACY come from. When comparing the messages here to the dialogue of Michael in one of the endings for Sister Location, we see that they have similarities. Both texts have short sentences. Both texts even have this quote: I did it.
Duffel Bag messages from Security Breach on FNaF Wiki (RED FLAG is where you can find the I DID IT quote.): https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Duffel_Bags?so=search#PQ1_MAINT_LOG https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Duffel_Bags?so=search#PQ2_MAINT_LOG https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Duffel_Bags?so=search#OUT_OF_ORDER https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Duffel_Bags?so=search#RED_FLAG https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Duffel_Bags?so=search#ARCADE_CONSPIRACY
Michael's Dialogue from Sister Location on FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Michael_Afton?so=search#Audio
Back to the story.
The Captain Foxy's Log Ride is deemed a failure before it ever opens to the public and thus they begin to dismantle it.
Help Wanted: Curse of Dreadbear occurs: Michael discovers where the Help Wanted game has been hidden by Springtrap and begins to play the VR game in order to free Gregory's soul portions from it. Michael succeeds.
This explains why IT'S ME appears in The Prize Room for Curse of Dreadbear. Even more, this explains why the Prize Room looks like a birthday party has been set up in it. Gregory's soul parts are trapped there and are trying to communicate with Michael.
ARCADE CONSPIRACY occurs: Michael is fired from the job due to being late to all of his shifts because of playing the arcade games.
Gregory takes refuge in Bill's room, where he finds on the wall that Michael made a plan for Gregory to follow written in that special language he and the Mimic created. And just in case Vanny somehow gets to read it, Michael wrote it in without punctuation and even in a way that seems to warn against the plan. As if Glitchtrap wrote it himself and was challenging Cassidy to try and stop him -- because it was no use and Glitchtrap would love to see him struggle to do so. Cassidy understands what Michael really means, though.
Each time Gregory enters the room, he just pretends that he's under the influence of the Glitchtrap virus.
Gregory is declared missing since he stops going to school to spend most of his time at the Pizzaplex.
Michael makes a new disguise for himself and gets shifts again at Fazbear Entertainment's Pizzaplex, Carnival and Circus Baby's. As for how he is able to do this when it seems the Glichtrap Virus had recognized him? Well, I do theorize this game to also take place during Security Breach. So, what I'm guessing is that Michael hasn't been caught yet; he has a make-up mistake during Security Breach only.
Anyways, Gregory is forced to begin hiding around the Pizzaplex since Vanny is chasing him down. On this same night, he sets out to enact his plan.
To help him, Gregory reintroduces the proto-type safteymode into the AI Node for Glamrock Freddy. Gregory then causes a malfunction in Glamrock Freddy, which reboots him into that prototype safe mode, freeing him from the Glitchtrap Virus. Gregory recruits Freddy due to the stomach hatch he had built into him, which could help hide Gregory from Vanny and the Glamrock animatronics when they came searching for him.
FNAF: Security Breach begins on the night of March 9th.
Help Wanted 2 (Mask On) ends + Princess Quest IV Ending: the Glitchtrap Virus informs William of Michael trying to stop them. The Glitchtrapped Animatronics try again and again to get Michael, but fail. William even tries using Mystic Hippo and text on security cameras to remind Michael that he helped William murder at Silver Parasol under the disguise of Jeremy so as to make Mike emotional enough that he slips up and lets the animatronics kill him. That doesn't work, either.
Ultimately, William tricks Michael through a Glitchtrapped Mystic Hippo to play a type of Princess Quest IV game he has yet to find. An alpha version. This ultimately leads to Glitchtrap to using the game to trap another portion of his soul there.
Why Do I believe Help Wanted 2 also occurs during Security Breach? Well, the in the minigame Foodprep's Pizza Pizza Pizza category, we see Glamrock Chica has become streaked and blotched in grime. We also see her like this in Security Breach, as well.
Link to this Minigame from FuzionZGamer's video titled FNAF Help Wanted 2 Part 3 - GLAMROCK CHICAS KITCHEN.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIX3bZMv5yU (20:07 into the video)
Link to info on Chica's apearrance from SB on from FuzionZGamer's video on SB titled FNAF Security Breach Part 12 - GLAMROCK CHICA BOSS FIGHT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzSmcK3PV4U (18:37 into video)
Security Breach ends on the Morning of March 10th: Through successfully winning all the Princess Quest Games both completed and Alpha versions, the Balloon Boy's World Game, and the Freddy Fazbear's Virtual Experience VR game, thus uniting the soul fragments scattered throughout them, Gregory ends up giving Vanessa, Michael, Hope and Gabriella enough of their parts of their separated souls that they can function enough to work against William. Also, Old Man Consequences is freed from all of the games by having his soul released and reunited.
Why do I believe Security Breach occurs from March 9th to March 10th in 2018? It is inspired by a theory on reddit by LemmytheLemuel. In this theory, they explain that the calendar for which we get the dates in theory on Reddit can fit into years of 2035, 2046, 2057 and many after that. But it can also fit into the year of 2018, too.
Link to Reddit about the theory on when SB occurs by LemmytheLemuel: https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/rw64km/theoryinvestigation_when_does_security_breach/?rdt=34603
Link to Timeanddate,com for March 2018 calendar: https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/monthly.html?year=2018&month=3&country=1
As a result of the ending of Security Breach, Baby uses her demonic/angelic powers to create the Dream World, another game-like world resembling the Fury's Rage game by Fazbear Entertainment. She pulls Michael, Gregory, Vannessa, Hope, Gabriella and OMC into the world, causing them to fall into comas. Baby turns herself into the Dreamgeist, the ruler of this world who sends enemies against the four. The Dreamgeist is helped by the Glitchtrapped personalities of Vanny, the VR Sisters (Hope and Gabriella), Soulbrawler (Bill), and Mega Brow (Dr. Rabbit).
Security Breach: Fury's Rage occurs: With the help of OMC's angelic powers, Michael, Gregory, Vanessa, Gabriella, and Hope fight against the Dreamgeist as well as their Glitchtrapped Personalities, the latter of which they destroy with OMC angelic powers, thus redeeming their spirits from the sins they commited whilst under the Glitchtrap Virus. They win, freeing themselves from the clutches of Glitchtrap as well as from their comas.
I believe this redemption is hinted at through one of the restuarants names in Stage 1 of SB: Fury's Rage, which is called Restauration. This is the French version for the word Restoration. In theology, restoration means the redeeming the soul of a sinner.
Info on Stage 1's restaurant from FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Stage_1_(FR)?so=search#Trivia
Info on theological restoration from Wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/restoration#English
So… this now leaves the technology around the Pizzaplex and the animatronics still infected the Glitchtrap Virus, as well as Nightmarionne and Original Circus Baby/Elizabeth's spirit to deal with.
Being one of the Glitchtrapped animatronics that sees what's happening with William's plans being upended, the Mimic tries to kill everyone by hacking into the Tangle, causing it to reopen the sinkhole under the Fazbear Pizza Complex.
Gregory, Michael and Vanessa are able to lure and trap the Mimic in it's original containment room. As Henry did once before, they use cement to blocking vents and doorways to the room.
FNAF AR: Special Delivery ends.
Even after being disconnected from the Pizzaplex, the Mimic uses it's new modifications to send out radio signals to reconnect and hack into certain things. It finds it can only connect to things such as children's walkie-talkies.
Through the help of Old Man Consequences' angelic magicks, Gregory, Michael and Vanessa capture a part of the Glitchtrap Virus and make it bend to their will. This creates a safer variant of the Glitchtrap Virus, which they combine with the original M.X.E.S Program and the AR technology of the Vanni Mask and the inhibitors. This new MXES Program would connect to security nodes and animatronics, who would be infected with the new, safer variant of the Glitchtrap Virus under the command of OMC, Michael, Gregory and Vanessa. The new MXES Program would help keep the Mimic from breaking out by dampering it's radio signals and cause the animatronics to scare people off from wandering around and possibly messing up the security nodes. This MXES Program would be used to help rebuild the Pizzaplex while at the same time preventing them from accidentily breaking one of the security nodes while cleaning up.
The MXES Program doesn't totally work on the Mimic, although, because the Glitchtrap Virus in the Mimic simply keeps making new versions of itself, as well as new radio signals to send out when it's previous ones fail or die. The Mimic also is able to discover it can hack into the VANNI masks and it's Helpi system, since it also runs off of radio signals.
Same goes for the animatronics and the technology for the Pizzaplex, whom aren't totally cured of the Glitchtrap Virus by MXES since the Glitchtrap Virus kept changing and recreating itself to evade total ruin. So, of course, the animatronics are liable to kill at times, and technology itself can make that happen more often.
FNAF: Help Wanted 2 (Vanni Mask off) occurs on March 10th. Michael goes back to working his shifts, making sure the animatronics work as well as they can on the refurbished MXES program pitted against the original Glitchtrap Virus. He ends up installing a security node designed as a mask on Roxanne Wolf.
This was something that he, Gregory and Vanessa had been working on. A mask that not only acted as a security node, but also would slowly install a proto-type safemode into the animatronic that wore it, thus truthfully rescuing the animatronic from the Glitchtrap Virus.
Michael puts on his Vanni Mask in the Employee Hub when he finds a gift is waiting for him. He finds staffbots, possessed by Nightmarionne, surround him and tear him apart on the orders of William's very ghost, whom is climbing out of a charging station. Michael's remains are then stuffed into the Maskbot, causing him to possess it.
Why do I think it's William's ghost commanding the Nightmarionne Bots here?
Well, the costumed hand we see climbing out of the charging station looks very similar to the hand of Glitchtrap from Help Wanted 2. Also, the other places we see this costumed hand comes out of in Help Wanted 2 seem to be things it's whole body could never fit in unless it were a ghost, such as inside machines only made to hold cups or literal small drawers for a desk.
Also, there's something about how the costumed hand appears. It is almost always reaching out from something below, except in only one case with the desk mentioned above. Never hanging or appearing by itself in mid-air. For me, this brings to mind the Japanese ghost of Hanako-san, whose hand comes out of the toilet she haunts.
SURE -- we never see the costumed hand coming out of toilets but it's always coming out of something BELOW. Toilets, for most humans, are something below our own height, so there's that. Also -- FNaF already has some references to Japanese culture… why not some more?
Plus, it has ghosts.
Link to Dawko's video titled HOW TO FIND ALL 6 MEMORY PLUSHIES IN FNAF HELP WANTED 2 - THE GUIDE that shows the costumes hands coming out of things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM51AyQ8HjM
Link to FuzionZGamer's video titled FNAF Help Wanted 2 ENDING - Ğ̸̽͌͝L̶̄̀̌͘IT̷͑C̸̛̓̑H̷́̂͌̔́T̴R̴͠Ä̸́̓P̴͙̓̈͊͗̏̾͝ IŚ̸̚ H̴͗Ĕ̷͚̠̤R̵E̵̊̍̈́̉ on the Help Wanted 2 ending showing a hand coming out of a charging station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Juw-TtYCuFI (25:40 into the video)
Picture of Glitchtrap from the FNaF Wiki: https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/Glitchtrap
Link to the story of Hanako-san on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanako-san#The_legend_and_its_variations
Back to the story.
Fazbear Entertainment begins working to clean up the Pizzaplex.
Fazbear Entertainment covers up the sinkhole opening up again by saying it was an earthquake.
Michael's family is made not aware of his death but simply his disappearance. After all, they've yet to find his body. Cassie is taken in by Vanessa.
Gregory goes into hiding due to being caught on camera in the Pizzaplex and suspected of tampering with animatronics and/or causing the Sinkhole situation. He, although, is able to secretly come back in to help work on things with Vanessa's help.
FNAF: Security Breach Ruin happens on the evening of March 10th: The Mimic hacks into a piece of tech Vanessa brings home and uses it to contact Cassie Afton and convince her to free it by tricking her into thinking it is Gregory, whom has been trapped in the Pizzaplex. Cassie arrives to the Pizzaplex on her birthday: the 11th.
As poetic revenge for ruining his plans, William has Maskbot/Michael give his own daughter a Vanni mask that is hacked by the Mimic, whom infects Cassie with the Glitchtrap Virus.
Despite being able to kill Cassie right when it finds her, the Mimic decides to torment her first since that was Glitchtrap's way of doing things. Thus, it tricks Cassie into thinking there might be a way out through mimicing Gregory again. It leads her to an elevator only to cut the ropes on it, planning to kill her with the impact of the fall.
This, although, doesn't work as Cassie survives… due to being a dhampir/half-vampire. So to say, she simply healed from her wounds. She is then found by Mimic, who is copying Roxanne Wolf…
Ruin ends on March 11th.
Next three dlc's occur, truly making SB, a FIVE NIGHTS at Freddy's game. Oscar Avila, Asher Eccles and Todd Mott are the next protagonists. Oscar will team up with Chica, Todd will team up with Monty, and Asher will team up with Eclipse.
Oscar's surname, after all, can originate from a diminutive form of Avis, which means bird.
Info on Avila surname from Wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%C3%81vila#Spanish
As for how it will all end?
To me, it seems like there is only one answer. William has to WILLINGLY give up his evil ways. After all, it's the only way William can actually die -- that his victims, which can be seen as a part of his plans, can move on -- since Lucifer's gift keeps William and his endeavors alive so long as he sticks to evil. But if he abandons evil, Lucifer will take away William's gift, truly kill him and punish him forever in Hell.
I think Cassie will somehow end up viewing a lot of William's memories (Side-effect of Possession, most likely), and thus she will have the info to help convince William to give up his evil ways. She will get William to remember, even realize, that small part of him that lead him to accept the kid that came out of an AFFAIR between his BEST friend and WIFE. That small part that made him have kids, that made him get married, made him make friends… that made him learn magicks to help his family and their carnival.
Some part of William couldn't let his children go when they died. Some part of him was willing to go so far as to abandon all the things he'd built up and start all over again with a new identity just so his children could live a normal life.
William has to realize he can't have both worlds, as evil eventually blots out all notice of good.
William began abusing his kids, torturing his daughter after she possessed Circus Baby. William convinced himself that, though the people at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza were still connected to him some way, since they were now Henry's workers, they were alright to be killed. William began to turn people he considered his own workers, a thing he saw as family, into slaves for his plan -- even sacrifices for his plan. He turned his sons and grandchildren into slaves, too. Because it was more convenient for his plan… William didn't even bother building a life-like robot body for his daughter. And he even killed one of his children and is willing to kill the rest of them.
William will realize that he'll have nothing in the end because of his evil ways… but also that he'll have nothing in Hell, as well. But maybe, just MAYBE he'll realize that last part isn't true. If William abandons his evil ways, he'll WILL go to Hell… but he'll also know that while he is suffering himself, his family of friends, workers and blood relatives will be suffering less on his account.
In my eyes… this is the most Christian-feeling thing I've ever heard. Also very anime. Truly, the power of God and Anime is on the side of this story.
Anyways, thank you for reading, I appreciate it!
Thank you to Scott Cawthon and all the people who worked on the FNaF franchise!
I hope you readers all have a good one!
Also, if you want to review my theory on other websites, feel free! Same with reblogging this.
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teratolust · 9 months
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💙 Dmuted 💙 (Made since September)
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comradeprozac · 11 months
I'm watching this video titled "The SCARIEST Twitter thread you've EVER read" by DMuted but I had to restart it like 5 times because this guy really goes and says:
Twitter's method of paying is pretty much unmatched. It's the universal descriptor for how a forum paying website should handle formatting.
And I have to tell you, that gave me such a visceral fight response that I could have fought a tiger with my bear hands.
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dmuted · 2 years
Hey all, twitter refugee here lol, check out my YouTube channel if you're into Deltarune or FNaF content! https://youtube.com/@dmuted
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freshpoulp · 11 years
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Deux nouvelles chroniques aujourd'hui concernant notre dernière Dub Tentacles Vol.5 et en français! Le site plutôt spécialisé electro post rock dmute.net et surtout THE website du dub en France, Culture Dub. Une très belle chronique écrite par l'ami AlexDub, qui ne mérite, ainsi que son équipe, que d'avoir un énorme POULP UP, pour leur soutien continue envers notre bon vieux poulpe, à travers leur site et leur émission de radio!! Merci messieurs! Chronique Dmute http://www.dmute.net/blog/25219/Actualit%C3%A9/Dub-Tentacles-Vol.5.html Chronique Culture Dub http://www.culturedub.com/blog/fresh-poulp-records-dub-tentacles-vol-5/
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