#do i care? nO
bunnyreaper · 11 months
simon riley who is the one who rescues you when you're taken hostage by an enemy pmc, fighting through hell just to get you back.
simon riley who doesn't hesitate to take his mask off so as to not frighten you further. it doesn't matter that you've never seen his face, or that he's breaking down his barriers, all that matters is that you don't shake when you look at him.
simon riley who carries you out of there, safe in the warmth of his arms that hold you like he'll let you go again.
simon riley whose heart breaks because he recognises the haunted look in your beautiful eyes, and he knows he'd do anything to see them sparkle like they used to.
simon riley who slowly acclimates you to being touched again (it totally is just for you, he swears). soft brushes of his pinky against yours, a guiding hand on your back, picking a piece of fluff out of your hair.
simon riley who doesn't ask questions when you find comfort cuddling into his broad chest, because he knows mentioning it would only make you feel bad. he doesn't want to lose the way you only find peace cuddled up next to him.
simon riley who kisses your forehead but only when you're asleep, because he still has secrets to keep. he doesn't think you feel the same way, he just thinks you see a protector.
simon riley who cares even if he doesn't have the right words to tell you.
simon riley who loves you, and spends every day thankful he didnt lose you.
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demonscantgothere · 1 month
They had him say her name with the Elvish tongue roll. He said her name with the tongue roll. I . . . yes, this is what dreams are made of.
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crystalliumdaisy · 6 months
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Postmen Pearl and her two post cats
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roxanneslosteyes · 6 months
I thought this might be funny
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Heads up! I know it might not be canon, I saw a screenshot of where it said Francis is implied to be Anastacha's dad on the wiki and it could be the dev trolling the fandom (Not the first time I seen indie game devs having fun with the fandom and messing around with their game/games or that screenshot is straight up fake which is sadly is a possibility) since Francis and Anastacha both have tired eyes (Also it might be a reference to "My/your dad left to get the milk" meme and Francis is a literal milkman 😭) due to this, The wiki says it's implied that they are ex-husband and wife the only link to this proof was the screenshot I mentioned about Francis being Anastacha's dad, SO of course, take this information with a grain of salt as I don't know if it is canon or not canon.
But hey, I'm just someone trying to have fun even if it's canon or not
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deedee-sims · 24 days
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Hello autumn 🐶🍁
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
What about the other citizens of inkopolis, like the anemones or jellyfish? I'm sorry if you haven't thought about more than just inkfish in your fuzzy au LMAO I just. Really really love this idea and the biological implications...
IKR I also love the biological stuff and it's like the main reason to why I created this thing in the first place... anyway- all fuzzed beings have certain animals dna in theirs like for example Callie has the panther and Marie the wolf, idk thoiught I'd mention it
The jellyfisg... they're kind of like tarantulas but tarantulas aren't mammals so they're not exactly that. They look cute tho I'd hug them-
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The anemones- I basically know only a thing or two abt them so I don't really know what to do with them but drawing harmony was fun ngl
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some extras:
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oh here's spyke too
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he's a spotted hyena :3
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fragilefangirl · 1 year
I do think that Coryo fell in love with Lucy Gray, but i also fully believe that such love would never have been possible had he not be given the near-total control over her fate in the games, and by extension, her fate in the Capitol.
Listen. Here is a boy who has nothing but his last name, posing around pretending like he owned everything while scrambling for a scrap of something. Here is a boy who had to share everything he had ever owned, who was never fully in control of anything except for his words.  Here is a boy, who, due to the lie he's been controlling, can never let anyone in -- not even his pseudo-older sister and not even his most affectionate classmate -- for it poses the risk of being perceived, and potentially punished for his lack of ownership.
And then suddenly this boy -- who's so desperate to own something -- is granted the ownership of another person  a full-pass to control everything about her; her words, her image, her story. And sure, she wasn't his first pick, but the thought of having something gave him a sense of relief and dignity his lies could never give him, and that dignity, that slight restoration of confidence, gave way for that first crack on his chest after being guarded for so long.
And then the person he "owned" showed up, and she was the most interesting person of the pick. She gave the people a show and she made a song on top of it, turning his confidence to pride. I truly believe that had he been assigned to another person, he would not have showed up to the train station, simply due the fact that they were not interesting enough to warrant his  visit -- or his grandma'am's roses. Him showing up to the train wasn't just done in goodwill; it was also a stake of ownership -- it was him, acknowledging to himself that this was something worth owning, and like other things worth owning, it could be taken away from him if he lets his guard slips.
And that becomes the initial foundation to their interaction; the talking, the bringing up food... sure, Lucy Gray was interesting, but he was detached of her charm in those first meeting, seeing her in the lens of how others might measure her and her worth. his main focus was "taking care of her"; making sure his precious thing survived, making sure his ownership of her -- and thus his pride -- will not dissipate.
And then the tributes started plotting to kill him, only to be stopped by Lucy Gray. Sure, for her, he might seem as if he was doing something a kind -- even if useless -- meeting her in this run-down train station, and that perhaps was part of the reason why she defended him, and part of the reason why she stood by him in that Zoo cage. But for Coryo, his visit was calculated, his rose a chip of bargain, his zoo visit a byproduct of refusing to be caught slipping. For him, Lucy Gray stepping up for him was uncalled for, a surprising kindness.
He tried to rationalize it best as he could, but he was stumped. And I think this was when he started to really listen to Lucy Gray, to stop being detached from her. He was his father's son, and he believed in knowing the things he owned in order to properly maintain it. And it was this desire to know that melted his walls, that made him vulnerable, because to understand her fully he opened himself up to be understood, which had never happened before.
I think Coryo did love Lucy Gray, however tainted and terrible that love was. I think it was the first time of him making the effort to perceive someone and be reciprocated back -- fully, thoroughly, and wholeheartedly. It helped (or didn't help?) That Lucy Gray was a poet, that she fed him with pretty words; the only things that -- up until she showed up -- he'd ever truly owned for himself. For him, that connection -- added over the fact that he had "owned her", as everyone else kept saying -- must have felt like a drug. It must have felt intoxicating, to own something so lovely, something that adored him. It must have been a new, exhilarating feeling for Coryo, who never owned anything but worthless scraps and his pretty, pretty words. And yes, that was such a terrible way to put it, but love is many things; it can be terrible too.
I think Coryo loved Lucy Gray, and had they stayed in Capitol, he would have been able to continue to "love her". Billy Taupe was just some name, the Covey some story. What for Lucy Gray was history, was only pretty words for him. For all he chose to believe in, they could be the same pretty words he said; mostly lie, some exaggeration. In the Capitol, she is his, fully. And Coryo can love only what he owns.
But they didn't stay at Capitol, they moved to twelve. Suddenly, all her pretty words were honest and real, something he couldn't ignore, much less control. Suddenly, there was the Covey, and Billy Taupe, and Mayor Lipp, and even if her eyes were for him only he still had to share the rest of her -- her voice, her charm, her poise -- with other people. Twelve highlighted that he'd never truly owned her, we all know that. But here's another thing that twelve highlighted; it was him who chose to be the soldier in a rundown district, him who chose to follow her. If there was any ownership to be had here, it was her that owned him.
And Coryo? He doesn't share, yes, but worse than anything, he despises being owned.
This is where TBOSAS shone its brilliance; president Snow is the way he was not because he is an unfeeling sadist the was Volumnia Gaul is. He was the way he was because of love. Because of the vulnerability that comes with that love, and the refusal to surrender to it. President Snow would not be as ruthless and despicable had he been desensitized, and it was his feelings, his capability to love, that led him to employ some of the most gruesome tactics to win the games.
Here's the heartbreaking thing; once upon a time, Coryo loves Lucy Gray, and that love was true. Here's another heartbreaking thing; that love was built on poison, and its toxic vines ruined him so completely, decimated him so thoroughly, he was reborn anew evil; president Snow would not have happened without Lucy Gray, without Coryo's time in Twelve.
President Snow said, "it's the thing we love most that destroys us," and he said this as a warning to Katniss, yes, but he also said it to Coryo's shadow, standing behind her, who was looking at the back of the Girl on Fire, thinking the wavy black hair and the whispered songs were that of someone else's.
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nanamis-bigtie · 1 year
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Nanami ordering himself 4 sandwiches (and, apparently, being ready to eat them all in one sitting since he already put them all on the table) makes so irrationally happy.
I like me some men who love to eat and eat a lot.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 7 months
something about the diaz home as a symbol of everything sacred to eddie.
something about the diaz home representing eddie's privacy and his life and by extension, christopher's, and that it's a constant, recurring motif of a life that he's built with his son. and it's always interesting to see that his home is always warm (in terms of lighting, color combos, etc etc) and welcoming, which feels so vastly different to the other two homes we've seen for him in eddie begins
something about the way he has to physically open the door to let people in to his life, and how many shots of that we've had of just him opening the damned door since. something about the way he physically lets shannon in in 2x07, or the way he braces himself with chris' encouragement before opening the door to ana in 4x08, or the way he happily lets carla in in 4x13 or the way he softens and smiles when he opens the door to buck in 6x12. it's in the way the only people we've really seen in eddie's home as "not guests" are the ones that he chooses to let in.
in that same vein, we can always tell when there's someone in there that doesn't quite belong. 5x11 is a prime example of this, and not just because of the episode title, "outside looking in." it's evidently obvious that the only reason taylor's in his house is for buck's sake, and maybe that's why we never see eddie actually letting them in. 5x03 is similar to that, in the sense that ana stays for three days with chris at the diaz home, but when eddie comes back, it's a metaphorical and physical mess that he's left standing in the middle of, alone.
and it's very, very interesting that we've never seen his parents in his house. ever. and yes, it could just be the fact that they rarely come to los angeles period, but i just think it's interesting in terms of eddie's journey with them, that the closest we've gotten to them physically being there is that facetime call with his dad, and that phone call with his mom - both of which happen after he goes back to texas in 5x17 where he point-blank tells his dad he's trying to be better for himself, and his dad meets him halfway. it only happens after his relationship with his dad starts improving.
i just constantly think of the diaz home front door, and now that i've thought of it, there's so many other moments that scream at me:
buck unlocking eddie's door in 4x14 and swinging it open to the party, and then later standing in the open doorway almost like he's protecting eddie and the life he's built in this one way because he couldn't protect him in the other way
buck unlocking eddie's door with his own key in 5x13, then bursting through yet another door to get to eddie, just to step in and sit with him in his grief - and how much that scene symbolizes that eddie may have built this life but it was after burying demons that later just crawled up through the cracks of his new home.
buck standing inside the diaz home after eddie gets home from therapy in 5x14 like this is a regular occurrence.
the way eddie's discomfort is visible in that split second scene we get of the police officers storming his home in 2x15
eddie asking shannon to leave through the back door because he may have let her into his life but he's not ready to let her into chris' and thus, he doesn't truly let her into his life - and actually, even the shot of eddie, chris and shannon at the end of that episode takes place outside the diaz home. which is...telling methinks.
eddie opening his door post-date in 4x07 to buck meeting him at it (always meeting him halfway), and just. the domesticity of it, set off by the warm lights, the discussion they have, and the looks on their faces the whole like
eddie opening his door to buck in 6x12, looking apprehensive for a second before he realizes who it is and his smile grows and eyes turn into heart-eyes and buck just pushes past him without waiting for eddie to step aside, only to go and swing his feet up on the coffee table like the diaz home is his, too.
there's so many examples but @sevensoulmates and i put this whole meta together because the symbolism in this tv show is off the charts
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probably-bad-idea · 7 months
Ok so theory time
In the beginning of Frankenstein, Victor says he made the creatures limbs perfectly proportional and that he was perfect, the only thing that was "wrong" with him was his eyes
But now I'm at the end and Walton says that the creature is horribly disproportionate and that his hands resemble a mummy
Could that mean that while Victor did make life, the corpse parts are still decomposing so Adam has become more and more monstrous as the years have passed?
Like.... the creature decays unbelievably fast and Victor just gets worse in health making them weirdly mirror each other with how their mutual hatred is literally consuming them and ruining their respective lives
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omokel · 15 days
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does this make sense. do you get me
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
Hey, I have an idea for a crack crossover AU.
Yesterday I was searching for funny doofenshmirtz images and came across a set of screenshots of him, Vanessa and Norman. And I thought "Doofenshmirtz has to be the best fictional father to ever exist".
Then, "I wish Jason had a father like him. Wait—"
Anyways, I think a crossover AU where Doofenshmirtz adopts post-resurrection Jason woukd be a good idea.
They're on a train or something at a foreign country,
Doofenshmirtz: —And that's how I ended up here. What about you?
Teenage Jason, absolutely confused by this guy who suddenly started talking about his life story but having no idea what normal socialization is: *blinks* I'm in a world tour training to kill a guy.
Doofenshmirtz: Kill?! ...Isn't that too harsh?
Jason: He killed me first. Slowly.
Doofenshmirtz: Oh. Well, I guess that's fair— Wait, you died? Are you like a zombie or more like time traveler?
Perry: *breaks through the roof* Krrrr.
Doofenshmirtz: Perry the Platypus!
Jason: What the fuck.
Doofenshmirtz: Hey, there's no need to be so rude. *Turns to Perry* This is Jason, there was a mistake and we ended up in the same cabin. Jason, this is Perry the Platypus, my nemesis.
Jason: Nice to meet you.
Perry: Krrr. *To Doofenshmirtz* Krr, krrrr?
Doofenshmirtz: Oh, no. He's not part of my evil plan. Actually, you arrive early. I haven't even started yet. We were just talking to kill time— That reminds me, he says a guy killed him once. Which is really creepy. I mean, look at him!
Perry: *looks at the teenage baby-faced Jason, sitting there reading his book*
Doofenshmirtz: He must be younger than Vanessa! And that was before now. What kind of person goes around killing children? Doesn't that sound like something you guys should take care of?
Perry: ...Krrr. *raises a finger and takes out his phone* Krr. Krrr, krr. Krr krrrr krrr krr, krrr?
[indistinguishable Mayor noises]
Perry: Krrr. *Hangs call* *back to Doofenshmirtz* Krr krr krrrr krrr.
Doofenshmirtz: What do you mean there's a jurisdiction issue with Gotham? There are people killing kids there!
Perry: Krrr krr. *Exasperated sigh*
Jason, behind his book: Yup, that sounds like Gotham. No wonder even spy organizations are wary to get near her. Some say she's cursed.
Doofenshmirtz: You speak platypus?!
Vanessa, entering home: Dad, I'm back! Dad?—
Jason, drinking tea in the kitchen: Hi.
Vanessa: Hi, you are one of dad's friends?
Jason: *shruggs* I dunno. He kidnapped me from my training trip. Says I'm too young or something. I don't think so, but the platypus took his side.
Vanessa: Ah. And where are they anyways?
Jason: They left an hour ago. Something about Gotham's jurisdiction issue. I'm waiting to see who wins, burocrats or a spiteful scientist and his martial artist platypus best friend.
Vanessa: Cool. ...$5 say dad tires them until they give up.
Jason: $10 say the platypus guy punches someone in the face.
Vanessa: Deal.
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theartichokesarepurple · 11 months
very big fan of pictures like this:
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Jay: *carrying bags in both hands*
Carlos: *reaching out his hand to grab some bags*
Jay: *switching all the bags to one hand and grabs Carlos's in his own*
Carlos: wait no this isn’t what i meant
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masonshine · 15 days
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I've been wanting to talk about this scene since the sneak peek was posted on patreon.
MC accidentally messing up Seven's signature, just like they messed up their relationship (whether by actively voting to demote them from lead singer or well just not doing anything about it).
The marker ink staining MC's finger, just how their past with Seven is still a big stain on their life. Smth they can't erase easily...
I looove the symbolism so much <3
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polar-equinoxx · 1 year
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some things never change ….💕
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