#do i know how content warnings work? hypothetically yes i do
evilminji · 1 day
I Am? Still? Thinking?? Of My Hive Mind Crechelings Au? (Prev <-)
The Creepy Crechelings? My Fuuuuckin POSSESSED Lil Babies (absolutely affectionate and full of love)?
I CAN'T STOP, man. It's the SOFTEST and WARMEST Epilog? Just... fuck, I wanna cry. It's SO FULL OF LIGHT? So content and happy and "then... our Hero gets to REST. No more struggle. No more pain. Just golden sweetness and simple days."???
The Tragedy Of Darth Vader WAS, ultimately, utterly and completely, because Anakin Skywalker was a GOOD MAN.
Because the Dark took something GOOD and twisted it. Made it MONSTROUS. Killing his soul with ten thousand cuts of doubt and fear. Anger, arrogance, and unwarranted pride. He had COMPASSION. So much love in him he could barely stand to BREATHE.
The world BURNED for how great his Empathy, made the weight of all the universe's suffering, upon his shoulders.
He was GOOD. Could STILL be good. And? The Force DOES work in mysterious ways. It just needs... an in. Someone, ANYONE, to ask the right question. At ANY point. Because it CAN NOT push upon them the answers. Fix for them all life's woes. The Force is not a God... it simple IS. And though it wishes to help, loves them dearly, it can only OFFER what is ASKED for.
And, yes, there are loopholes. Visions and gifts it might give. Technicalities it might work off of. That gut feeling? Well... your INSTINCTS want you to survive. Surely THEY are asking? Are they not? "How do we survive?" They ask. Endlessly. So the Force may answer.
And SURELY, The Force knows, the you of 20 seconds from now, would ASK them to warn you not to eat that fruit. It is poison. That is definitely in line with what you would ask! It can see it. Because Time is simultaneous to the Force. Why, it can even use this to justify, too itself, the Visions! SOMEONE is asking! It can even tell you whom! And when!
But it COULD.
Yet! Let us focus! Anikin Skywalker!
Do YOU remember how he was born? Oh, sure, we are all PASSINGLY familiar. Born to Shmi Skywalker. "No Father". Etc etc? BUT!!! Details MATTER! And in science? In HEALTH? "Spontaneous Baby" is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
How. What, SPECIFICALLY, made UP the spontaneous baby? From WHERE? Was it air? Energy? A clone? A hypothetical child of Shmi and some long dead individual she could not possibly have met?
These are important questions! Specifically, important to understand WHAT ANIKIN'S SPECIES IS. Cause "humanoid" is NOT a species! A race! Stewjoni and Naboolians are subtly different! Yes, both human variants. But that's the THING, isn't it?
They. Are. VARIANTS.
As in DIFFERENT. Divergent from one another. Perhaps not A LOT, but enough that their unique medical needs might be significant! Different environmental strains, different diets, different evolutionary paths for thousands of years. In SOME cases? They might no longer be COMPATIBLE anymore! Or barely! A tiger and a cat are both feline, but you'd be blind to mistake them as the same thing.
Then we have Anikin.
Who is haaaaalf??? What exactly?
Well, "The Force" according to research. By means of Sith meddling. But! And for the purpose of this ramble??
He is birth was "a work of the midi-chlorians".
.......let that sink in for a second. The Force channeling, HIVE MINDED, symbiotic micro organisms inside Shmi? Were instructed or guided to? Just take energy? Food and DNA. And... 3D print a baby into existence. They did, obviously, it was easy. But CONSIDER WHAT THAT MEANS.
(At least in this AU.)
It's WHY he is so, SO fuckin desperate to connect. So ungodly powerful. So destabilized by not having "attachments". His brain is structured by organisms and half IS, of a sort, the sort of organism that REQUIRES an interconnected system. To offload the massive amount of sensory input the Force gives him. To regulate Big Emotions. To form councils and crunch through problems.
To get those good, good Soul Hugs.
Anikin? Not doing so hot. He's been SURROUNDED by what FEELS like a hive? But they keep EXCLUDING him and he doesn't have the words to explain why that upset him. Why he wants to crawl inside their brains an just... just hang. Not touch anything! Just... just nap! Maybe get a hug? P... Please?
But they don't. They just have different boundaries. Are NOT Hive Minds. THEIR Midi-chlorians? Are not at such a high concentration that it affects their thought patterns.
Unlike? The Creepy Crechelings.
Who absolutely doooooo. THEY are still in the We/Us phase. Boundaries? What Boundaries? We're crawling through each other's brains and on the ceiling! Full of light, love, and horrifying prophecy! Eating sand! Many thoughts, head full! We can taste TIME!!! :D
And it takes a SPECIAL breed of Creche Master with VERY strong shields to interact with them. Mind tricks are both accidental and daily. Poker face of kindness is a must. Good emotional regulation. So when one sees Anikin losing his shit again?
They sigh. Put down their muffin. And go deal with it.
Probably not even awake.
They just feel *Overwhelming Power* and hear upset noises and go "Ah, starting early, today is." Then wander over. And effortlessly defuse the situation. Flop their Force presence on Anikin like a weighted blanket. It would be UNSPEAKABLY rude and invasive to most anyone else? But Obi-Wan just...? Watchs his ex-padawan go BONELESS against this Crech Master he's never met? Like :O
T-teach me. Please, for the love of the Force, teach me to do that.
Next thing you know? They are talking, Obi-Wan getting a crash course in Super Powerful Younglings™ that honestly he should have gotten YEARS ago, but was run too ragged to. And Anikin? Blissed out, high as a kite, at the bottom of a Youngling pile. Mmmmm, lumpy pillow. We gonna sit and sleep and climb all over you, Master Skywalker.
*adoring, emotionally gooey voice* Okay.
He volunteers. Fuck it, he practically LIVES out of that Creche. Padme! Padme, we're adopting. He wants to be a stay at home dad. Build droids. Everything is Beautiful and nothing hurts. *war is still happening* ah. Shit. Right. THAT™.
Okay! New plan. AFTER the war. He has discovered his calling. Is suddenly bonding with Jedi he's never even talked to before. Is that Plo Koon? Plo! PLO! Hey, thanks for lending me that youngling development module! You got any others you recommend?
Him and Obi-Wan? Suddenly getting along better then they have in YEARS. His Master seems genuinely THRILLED he has a clear goal he's working towards and is supporting him ten thousand percent. Openly bragging. Consulting with him. AND? Is so much more OPEN! That Creche Master really helped him Understand how Anikin's brain works!
Which? Leads to Anikin getting healthier. More and more stable. The babies fuckin sneaking aboard. His Men LOSING THEIR SHIT because WHY ARE THERE TUBIES, SIR?! Babies! Infants! Smol, itty bitty, BABY CHILDS!!!???
And? On one hand? He has never felt so clear head and stable as when they are with him. Interconnected. US and WE and THE HIVE. The Force is With Us and We are The Force.
Buuuuuut on the OTHER hand? He is an adult. He CAN seperate what HE wants from what is good for his lil baby friends. This isn't safe. They could get HURT. Die! It... honestly? It makes him think about his mom a lot. He thinks he finally GETS it. Hates that he does. Is in AWE of how strong she was. Hopes he can take the lessons she taught him and live up to them.
Because it's not about what HE wants. It's about what's best for these kids.
They have to go back.
.....except the man he THOUGHT was his friend? THOUGHT was a GOOD MAN? Won't let them LEAVE THE FRONT LINES. Won't even authorize an emergency shuttle. There are vulnerable children. On the FRONT LINES. And Shee-...no. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, won't let them GET THEM TO SAFETY?
Is THIS what over a decade of friendship means to this man? Is THIS what his "sympathies" are truely WORTH? Empty words and no action? Saying what you want to hear then sitting in his fancy office while CHILDREN are shot at?
Anikin wants to put his fist through a durasteel WALL.
Through some careful maneuvering, some Ships on the way back are are able to pick up the VERY In Trouble kiddos. It'll be about five ship hops. But they'll get there. And in the mean time? The entire GAR now knows where the Chancellor's priorities lay.
But? What to do, what to do? The kiddos are GONE! Anikin's head is gonna start getting crowded. Fuzzy. Crushed up and too small! He literally, physically, NEEDS people. For his mental and ultimately physical health!
"Well... you DID say Midi-chlorians are in every living thing, didn't you? It's just that most Sentients don't have enough to reach the threshold of Force Sensitive. Right?" Says Anikin's medic.
Anikin raises a finger. Opens his mouth to respond.
Considers this genuinely.
Puts DOWN his finger and closes his mouth. Nods. Yes. Yes, they DO. Why? Where exactly are you going with this? Medic taps a message to the GAR in ship message board. Please. You know EXACTLY where he's going with this.
Yeah, Anikin does.
And the Vode? Gotta admit. Having their General curled up like a comm system in the back of their brains? Kiiiiinda weird at first. But he's not? Actually? Touching anything? It's kinda like having someone follow you around, hanging off your shoulders in a hug. Because they feel needy and desperately need the contact. Little awkward? Yeah.
But we move on.
And the General respects boundaries. Politely pulls back and out/away when they want "personal" time. Something he had practice doing cause he's in a relationship. And there are Thoughts and Feelings you DO NOT want to share with younglings. It apparently helped him learn to shield. Quickly. Very, VERY quickly.
They only laugh at him a little bit.
He imagines throwing pillow blocks at them.
But THEN? One of them gets a head wound. Nothing to terrible. But bad enough that the midi-chlorians flow up to the area, to help speed up and properly regulate the healing. Because their's have become more active. Not STRONGER mind you. Just... more ACTIVE.
And they can fucking FEEL their General mentally screech to a full stop. Perfectly, utterly, FURIOUSLY Blank. Like the dead silence before the blaster bolts start flying. Like just after the flash but before the blast hits. A terrible, TERRIBLE silence.
Something is Wrong.
"What Is That?"
What is... WHAT? Sir?
And then things move very, very quickly. All things possible, through the Force. A baby created. Chips UN-created. It really is? Just directing the Midi-chlorians all ready THERE to do what you want them too. Offering up some extra energy, if needed. A Leader to guide the hive.
One deep enough meditation, reaching though-out "HIS" sprawling body? Really, what is the difference between purging a chip from your thigh in THIS body? And being over there? Or over there? What are "walls" or "distance" or this silly concept of "other"?
We Are One With The Force, And The Force Is One With US.
He is every Vode on the Ship. He is Anikin Skywalker. He was a Slave. But now? NOW both he and they and US? Are FREE. He will suffer no slaves in his presence. No more chips or collars with bombs. Time to free the others. Free everyone. Demand ANSWERS.
And they do.
The epilog? Oh THAT I can not stop thinking of.
Padme in the senate. Fierce and accomplished. A storied carrier fighting for the people of the galaxy. Anikin a Creche Master for the POWERFUL kiddos. The strange ones who need someone sturdy.
Who can handle their Us/We phase with grace. Who learns and grows, honors and remembers Shmi Skywalker every time one of them one of them starts to pull away. Starts to develop boundaries. Barriers. Starts to want to be their OWN person. Has not just grown strong in shielding but old enough to develop a defined personality, seperate from their friends.
The twins growing up with a whole Creche of siblings. Because their parents LIVE at the temple. Their mother works at the senate! They wave bye-bye every morning. And spend the day with dad. Not separated, not quite living with them fully either. Not after infancy at least. But the Order is changing.
Vode everywhere. Kids born of Jedi. The Corps withdrawn back to the temple to help handle the influx. Lots of debates about Tradition and Change that Anikin care not a lick about. HE'S taking his Crechelings to the Naboolian Embassy's Spring Festival. Does everyone remember how to be polite? Say "hello"! *various smol children chorus Hello in Naboolian, badly but very earnestly*
Just? Field trips. Droids and Vode dropping by to say hello. Padme being the LION of the senate while her retired kindergarten tearcher equivalent, war hero husband cheers. Adorable but freaky children popping out of the vents. Anikin treating his tiny squad of Tiny Anti-christ Acting Babies as though this were TOTALLY NORMAL and just how children act.
@legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @hypewinter @hdgnj @spidori @tiredafel
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soundwavemain · 2 years
Hold Your Heart In My Hands
A JazzWave fic requested by @fanficmaniatic | @karday 
General content warning for blood and tending to an injury.
In the surveillance room, Soundwave often found solace from his rowdy compatriots. No one bothered to step foot inside, not even his cassettes who were frankly too nosy for their own good. If anyone did accidentally enter the infamous surveillance room, they were subject to an interrogation from the Decepticon’s intimidating communications officer. Soundwave wasn’t stupid–he knew that not many aboard the Nemesis truly enjoyed his company. They were too put off by his stilted speech, his silent E.M. field, and his blank stare to attempt any friendly banter let alone stumble upon his secret sanctuary.
Of course, the surveillance room was the one place on the Nemesis that didn’t have any cameras monitoring it. Not even the hallway directly outside the door had a screen to display movement. With three vents leading to the room and how much time Soundwave spent inside it, it would be embarrassingly easy to off such an important member of Decepticon high command. Not that Soundwave was worried. He could handle almost anyone among their ranks and it wasn’t like the Autobots had enough gall to attack their vessel.
A tiny noise filtered through one of the vents. Soundwave stared at it as the sound of metal against metal slowly increased in volume until the vent cover popped off with a resounding slam! He sighed, covering his visor with his servo. Another clang echoed in the room as something much heavier than a vent cover landed on the floor. Soundwave dragged his servo across his faceplate. He should’ve erased the mech’s damn memory of this route. It would’ve been simple enough to restrain him, open up his helm, pick apart his processor to locate and lock the strain in his core files.
Instead, Soundwave snapped at the mech on his floor, “Jazz: not welcome here.”
Jazz smirked at Soundwave. He moved so his spinal strut rested against the wall. “C’mon, mech. You didn’t say that last time–”
“Jazz: desist,” Soundwave hissed to the spy’s amusement.
They both knew there would be no removing Jazz by physical means before he wanted to leave. Soundwave turned back to his wall of monitors. If Jazz insisted on staying, then Soundwave needed to do his best to ignore him. His optics followed the movements on the screens. Skywarp was testing her teleportation limits with Shockwave, Rumble and Frenzy were running from an oil-slicked Starscream, Shadow Striker raced through the halls, narrowly dodging mechs walking through the hallways, Hook removed a rogue missile from Vortex’s chassis–
A sharp tug at Soundwave’s processor nearly made him fall forward from the sudden abrasiveness of it. He managed to stay upright but his frame locked up. The pull dissipated to a weak pulse of energy. Soundwave had felt sensations much stronger than it many times outside the surveillance room. A damaged mech on the battlefield automatically requesting medical aid from a grievous injury, a cassette shot down while performing reconnaissance–they always released a distressing field to garner pity from nearby mechs.
Soundwave whipped around to stare down at Jazz who, while not under the Decepticon’s watchful gaze, had let his faceplate slip into a grimace. All at once, Soundwave realized Jazz’s E.M. field loosened from its tight shield held close to the mech’s plating and it was suddenly too difficult to ignore. The third in command moved without conscious thought, dropping to kneel beside the Autobot that had invaded the Nemesis time and time again.
“Jazz: injured?” Soundwave tried cautiously.
He had seen the other mech on the battlefield enough times to know that Jazz acted like a cybercat when hurt–he’d slink off when no one was paying attention to tend to his own wounds.
Once, in the aftermath of a particularly brutal battle, Soundwave went searching for a cassette that had gone missing in the fray. Instead, he had found Jazz splayed out on the ground with a giant chunk of his spinal strut sparking, incapable of movement. He could’ve terminated the mech–no one had ever caught the elusive Jazz with his guard down–but when Soundwave raised his blaster, Jazz merely tilted his helm back. As if the matter of deactivation was beyond him.
It irked him. It set off alarms across his HUD. Yet…
Soundwave had healed Jazz that day. Behind a cracked rock, Soundwave welded some wires closed–a butchered job at field medicine but it allowed the Autobot to crawl back to a real medic.
Now, Jazz winced, tilting his helm away. “Hope that offer’s still on the table. Even though we’re not… you know.”
Soundwave sighed in exasperation. Leave it to Jazz to use the worst words to describe their–don’t call it a relationship, it’s not a damned courtship–liaison. That was worse. He grabbed at Jazz’s arm, popping a piece of armor off to reveal the medical ports hidden beneath.
“Hey.” Jazz attempted to pull his arm back but his strength was waning. “Not even gonna offer a mech some energon first?”
Yes, Soundwave thought bitterly as he jammed one of his plugs into Jazz’s medical port, this was definitely worse. He ignored the other mech’s comments as he called upon the frame’s diagnostic data. His HUD lit up in an instant with notifications. He went through them, noting any concerning input before coming across a notice flashing red across his visor. A laceration in the upper chassis caused by rapid and continued movement jostling an embedded–
“You were shot?” Soundwave suddenly hissed, surprise overriding his vocalizer patch. He tried to look at Jazz in the optics but the spy kept avoiding his gaze. “Jazz: found by Decepticons?” His processor ran a mile a minute, formulating scenarios that would end in this exact outcome. He had never asked what brought the spy to his surveillance room that one fateful night, what kept him coming back for more, out of respect for both their sensitive jobs, but now Soundwave couldn’t help but wonder who among his ranks shot his–
“Not a Decepticon,” Jazz hissed. “An Autobot.”
“Oh.” That silenced Soundwave’s processor for a moment. Then it only piqued his interest. “Autobots: subject to insubordination?”
If the Autobots began attacking their own, they might be even easier to fell in a sweep led by Starscream should Megatron allow it…
A digit tapped Soundwave’s helm, bringing him back to the conversation. Right. Jazz was injured. And Soundwave was already planning the Autobots’ demise. He reset his vocalizer to ensure it didn’t needlessly glitch out on him again.
Before he had a chance to say anything, Jazz smirked at him and asked, “Soundwave: apologetic?”
The Decepticon couldn’t help the way his pauldrons hiked in his embarrassment. It was a far cry from a perfect mimicry of his voice but it didn’t need to be to get the point across. Instead of deigning Jazz with a proper response, he finally located the bullet wound and dug his digits in. Jazz hissed, batting at his arm.
“Easy, mech.”
“Jazz: not easy,” Soundwave mocked. He pressed his free servo against the other mech’s collar faring as his digits searched for the bullet.
It felt odd to be sticking his servo somewhere so close to Jazz’s spark, like an uncomfortable pinch to his sensornet’s common stimuli. This close, he couldn’t ignore the normally silent spy. Not just his words–Jazz’s entire frame seemed to work under the assumption that no one was authorized to listen to it. So the freed E.M. field, the frantic and nonsensical thought processes filtering through his audials, were… odd to say the least. He couldn’t mention it aloud, though. Knowing the intelligence officer, he’d scare the poor mech away by mentioning any of his internal functions.
Soundwave’s digits knocked against something. He checked Jazz’s faceplate and when he didn’t contort it any more than it already was, Soundwave grasped the object. It was small, solid–the bullet. As he began to remove it, Jazz’s servo covered his. He paused, staring at the Autobot’s blank visor. “Bullet: needs to be removed. Frame nanites cannot begin self-healing with alien object obstructing their–”
Jazz gritted his dentae to ignore the pain. “If that bullet comes out, you’re gonna have worse problems than a dead Autobot on your hands.”
“Earth slang,” Soundwave tutted.
At that, Jazz grinned. “This Earth slang got pretty far with you, didn’t it?”
Soundwave twisted his digits. “Desist,” he ordered.
“Scrap. I got the message, mech.” Jazz pushed at Soundwave’s arm. They were still attached. Somehow, that was more embarrassing than being servo-deep in the mech’s chassis. “‘s a tracking bullet.”
The Decepticon froze. An Autobot shot Jazz with a tracking bullet. An Autobot shot Jazz with a tracking bullet. Soundwave’s frame moved subconsciously, pressing the blaster he kept tucked away in his subspace against Jazz’s mandible. The barrel forced Jazz to tilt his helm back. He batted at Soundwave’s arm like he wasn’t being held at gunpoint. Like Soundwave wasn’t flinging his energon everywhere.
“Relax,” Jazz insisted, hissing low. “It won’t send a locator beacon.” He pushed at Soundwave’s arm–not the one aiming a gun at his helm. No. The one still forming a medical connection between the two mechs. “My security protocols deactivated my internal locator beacon millennia ago. Which means,” he drawled, visor flickering, “the bullet’s signal is blocked as long as it’s in my frame.”
It made sense, Soundwave reasoned with all of his processing that still argued to kill Jazz–annihilate the enemy, the threat to his cassettes. He shook his helm. Those logic strains were based on irrational emotions. It wouldn’t do him well to give them any credence. Still, his blaster remained where it was. “Jazz: true purpose for coming here. Answer now.”
Usually, anyone–Autobot and Decepticon–trembled at the rumble in Soundwave’s glyphs when he took on a threatening tone. Under normal circumstances, the Decepticon’s third in command could paint fear in the spark of any mech he spoke to.
Jazz was not an average mech.
His servo tugged at Soundwave’s, pulling it closer to his chassis. “Gonna make me say it, huh.” He wasn’t asking. He knew. Soundwave wasn’t the type of mech to do anything unless he was asked and he would make Jazz ask. “You’ve got those seismic waves, right? I’ve seen you use them on the battlefield. Destroyed everything in your path.” He pressed Soundwave’s servo flat against his wound. “Think you can focus that right here for me?”
Soundwaves were catastrophic weapons. They could deactivate an entire squadron of mechs in a matter of kliks. Soundwave only used the trick when under extreme stress, when he believed he had nothing left to lose. He attempted to separate himself from Jazz. “Seismic waves: incredibly damaging.”
But Jazz didn’t seem to comprehend the magnitude of his request. He pressed forward, clutching Soundwave’s servo. “When used by a random mech, sure. You’re not just anybody, Sounds.” His glyphs turned to a soft buzzing static as he said the Decepticon’s designation. It left Soundwave checking to see if the noise had knocked his gyros off kilter. “C’mon. You can focus that power here, can’t you?”
“Jazz: requires medical assistance,” Soundwave tried instead. He couldn’t escape Jazz’s iron-clad grip on his servo but knew that if Jazz persisted, it wouldn’t end well. He could deactivate him. “Soundwave: incapable of completing request.”
“Hey,” came Jazz’s gentle voice. Soundwave silently cursed how the tender intonation made it so his spark eased in its casing. The Autobot reached for his other servo, the one holding the blaster. It fell with a clatter as Jazz slid his digits across his palm and intertwined their digits. “Use that big, beautiful processor of yours. I know you’re still searching through our connection. You’ve gotta be able to see my spark readings. What do they say?”
Despite the uneasiness that continued to plague Soundwave’s field, he listened to Jazz. It was simple enough to pull the information from their link. His visor dimmed as the readings filled his HUD.
He froze.
Although Jazz was suffering from an injury, trapped under the stress from energon loss, his spark spun at an even pace. Soundwave’s visor brightened to the image of Jazz’s calm faceplate. 
“I trust you, Soundwave.”
And wasn’t that just a terrifying thing? Soundwave held his enemy’s life in his servos. He didn’t even want to take it–what kind of Decepticon was he? He stared at where his servo still covered Jazz’s wound, then at the rapidly dimming blue visor.
“Soundwave: will try,” he said slowly.
The smile Jazz threw his way sent his spark spinning again. He busied himself by building up seismic waves to the speed of his spark. A low, constant hum filled the surveillance room as the waves traveled through his arm. He increased the force, the hum turning into a deep, plating-rattling rumble. Multiple pop-ups filled his HUD. He cleared them before they could convince him to stop. The bullet was deteriorating from the collisions. Soundwave could do this. He could do this for Jazz. Red flashed across his optics as he doubled down. They only needed to hold out just a bit longer. He watched the last pieces of the tracking bullet evaporate, entering Jazz’s fuel lines to be discarded.
Soundwave did it.
He saved Jazz.
The glyphs turned into a frenzied static as Soundwave finally looked at Jazz’s grey visor. All too suddenly, the sensation of the other mech’s limp grip registered to Soundwave’s overtaxed processor. An odd, warbled noise echoed in the surveillance room. It took him a moment to realize that the sound came from him.
“Jazz,” he whispered, leaning close to the other mech.
There wasn’t the comforting thrum of a spark easing into a normal spin rate, no readings going into the green as Jazz’s frame finally relaxed while its nanites worked to repair him–only silence.
“Jazz,” he tried again. “Jazz: respond.”
“Jazz,” his glyphs were basically static at that point, cracking from the force on his vocalizer, “respond.”
It felt like a cacophony of sensations–the hum of mechs speaking through the monitors, the constant buzz of the equipment, the erratic vents coming from Soundwave. He had to do something. But what? He was a communications officer. He managed surveillance. He couldn’t even perform basic field medicine, let alone reactivate a terminated mech.
“Jazz,” Soundwave sobbed.
His digits dug into the wound, energon already congealing at the opening. He hoped for a curse, a swat from the other mech’s servo for the harsh treatment. He searched through their medical link for any readings. The only reports that came up were the last spark notes, the speed of its spin, how it abruptly stopped–
Soundwave froze. He read the report, then read it again. Jazz’s spark skipped then skittered to a stop when Soundwave amped up his waves. Perhaps… he could use his waves to jumpstart Jazz’s spark.
It had to work.
It had to.
The release for Jazz’s chestplates was easy to find through their link. They opened with a hiss from the hydraulics already beginning to seize. Inside lay his spark–bright white, nearly blinding, but starting to dull by the klik. Soundwave pressed both his servos against it, wincing at the heat it gave off and the way Jazz’s arm came along with his. He released his seismic waves just as he had done before. His optics searched frantically for some sort of physical sign that it was working. When there was nothing, he searched through their connection. Jazz’s spark was stagnating–not brightening, not turning dull. Soundwave increased the power of his waves, ignoring the sound of their armor rattling against protoform.
Frame reboot: successful.
Running diagnostics.
On instinct, Jazz dismissed the scans. His processor ached and the screenings usually didn’t tell him anything he couldn’t feel for himself.
Reinitializing diagnostic scans.
Now that was odd…
Jazz searched through his HUD for what was overriding his commands and found a basic connection formed between his medical ports and another mech. His processor lagged for a moment as it attempted to form the necessary logic strains to figure out what happened.
That’s when one hundred percent of the past however long hit him like a semi–Optimus had apologized for cycles after but, scrap, it still ached in his pelvic joints–
Jazz groaned. His helm fell back, clanging against the wall. “Pitslag. ‘s like Volcanicus stepped on me…” A firm weight shuffled in his lap. When he onlined his optics, he met Soundwave’s bright yellow gaze. “Hey, Sounds. I’m ‘nna guess everything went well.”
At first, Soundwave said nothing. Just kept his unwavering gaze set on Jazz’s faceplate. Then he raised a servo and pressed it against Jazz’s mandible, soft to start then firm once he realized Jazz wasn’t going to leave. A creaky, frail noise came from his vocalizer. All at once, he pressed forward, pulling Jazz closer.
“Jazz: functioning,” he whispered over and over again.
He pressed his mask to Jazz’s faceplate. It left the spy quite thrown for a loop. Jazz tried to turn and face Soundwave but was stopped by the Decepticon’s mouth on his–when’d he even lower his mask? His frame froze, hydraulics seizing with a whine. Soundwave was kissing him.
Soundwave was kissing him.
Since when–
Subconsciously, Jazz shook his helm. He wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth–earth slang–and offlined his optics. His arms came around Soundwave’s middle, his digits fitting into the grooves along the Decepticon’s spinal strut. The divide between his chassis and Soundwave’s was nonexistent, held together as they were. A ping came up on his HUD that he had finally reached an optimum internal temperature after rebooting. When Soundwave pulled away, Jazz felt dazed, confused. He didn’t bother to online his optics.
“You gotta tell me what happened.”
Soundwave slipped closer. “Request: later?”
“Later,” Jazz agreed. “Later.”
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jasontoddsdarling · 8 months
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— pairing: red hood x female reader
— words: 2,9k
— tags: smut 18+, naked female clothed male, cunnilingus (jason is a pussy eater and i meant it here), size differences*, size kink, rough sex, vaginal sex, belly bulge, overstimulation, creampie, fluff at the end
*❗content warning: repeated (and i meant repeated) descriptions about their size differences, so proceed with caution! it's going to be excessive lol so if it's not your cup of tea you can skip this one :)
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She whimpers pathetically, eyes blurry with unshed tears as she looks down at the man situated in between her wide open thighs.
Red Hood's tongue delves into her pussy, eating her out like a man starving. Maybe he is. Because it's been… what? Thirty minutes? And he hasn't stopped. Not even for stretching his massive body or something. Not for one second, even.
His lips keep making out with her cunt. 
She's overly sensitive. 
But by hearing her mewling his name it spurs him on, for he's sucking her clit hard with a low groan.
Her hips shot high. She will probably reach the ceiling of her room if Red Hood's hands on her hips aren't holding her down.
"Red! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"
She sobs, orgasm wrecking her body like a ship against gigantic waves. Tears falling down her face in rivulets, dampening her soft pink pillowcase.
She can hear Red Hood shuffling now, by the sound of the fabric of her bedding against his clothes.
"You said you want to take my cock whole and not just half to three quarters," he says, voice hoarse, "I should prepare you thoroughly to make that possible. And multiple orgasms seem to prepare your tiny pretty pussy better indeed."
He proves his point by sweeping his fingers around her pussy opening, gathering her arousal.
"Look at this."
He's showing his shiny fingers to her. 
"Look at you gushing for me. All for me, isn't that true, princess?"
"Yes, Red. All for you."
Red Hood smiles, eyes glittering with wickedness and blown wide with lust behind his mask.
Red Hood quickly works, removing his belt and thigh holsters and dragging his trousers and briefs down above his knees.
He positions his leaking fat cock on her entrance, moving it up and down that at some point the angry red tip catches inside her.
She jerks at that, letting out a gasp. Her body always seems to forget how big he is compared to her.
Red Hood doesn't seem to notice because now he's placing his cock on her entire mound, his tip rests right above her navel. She shudders at the image both of them create. 
He is so massive. It should make her feel wary or something, she thinks, but she just feels that she's being taken care of and protected by this masked vigilante. A man that's capable of eradicating crime without mercy in Gotham streets is also able to worship her body and make her feel safe whenever she's with him, making her feel so wanted.
See, her thoughts have wandered into deeper territory she doesn't wish to visit—at least not right now anyway, when the man above her is about to be balls deep inside of her.
She directs her mind to the present.
Red Hood rubs his cock on her pussy, slathering the underside with her arousal from the orgasms he has drawn from her. 
"I'm not doing my job well if you're able to leave me alone and busy with your thoughts."
She doesn't think Red Hood realizes that, she's pretty sure she was just lost in her mind for some milliseconds.
Red Hood removes himself from the top of her. She is about to protest but he swiftly sits on his haunches and pumps his cock with his precum and the wet underside of his cock from her arousal, slathering the moistures all over his cock.
Before knowing it, he has positioned himself back above her body.
She knows if hypothetically there's a mirror on her ceiling, she's only able to see his broad shoulders and toned body on the reflection—maybe her thighs if she opened them wide but that's it—because this massive man just simply covers her smaller torso with his. And she likes it more than she ever should.
Red Hood eases his tip inside of her and she feels the relief of having a part of him in her.
She closes her eyes as he keeps feeding her pussy with his cock. 
She can feel the slight pleasant ache that indicates he's working himself deep inside of her. He's probably almost all in now, she thinks.
But when she opens her eyes he's only about halfway inside.
Red Hood's expression indicates that he's holding back, pleasure written all over his face. 
But he is nothing if not relentless, keep pushing hips and drawing back, trying to ease the process. He keeps stuffing her with the rest of his cock centimeter by centimeter.
When he's like four fifths inside her, he groans her name.
"Princess. You're–" he groans, "you're always so tight. But I think this is the tightest you've ever been." 
She preens at his dirty talk. 
"It's you that is so big, Red. Why are you so big, so so big."
Tears gathered in her eyes at the sensation of his fat cock almost fully nestled inside of her. She has never felt like this, so full and whole. And he hasn't even all the way in.
And it's true. He's very considerable, and definitely the biggest one she has ever taken. The first time they're doing this—it was two months after he was wounded in her fire escape and kept visiting her weekly since then, just hanging out and mindlessly talking with her after his patrol—Red Hood was only able to put one third of his cock inside of her because he was afraid he was going to break her, even though she was begging him to just put the rest of it inside. Afterwards he was making it up to her by eating her out until she couldn't feel her thighs because of how he was holding her down so she couldn't squirm away from his ministrations.
Red Hood growls in her ear, cupping her tit and harshly playing with her nipple.
"You're flattering me so much, my sun."
My sun. Her nickname from him after learning the meaning of her name. It makes her feel buzzing that has nothing to do with him currently working his cock to be buried deep inside of her body.
Red Hood swaps his fingers with his hot mouth, his teeth pulling at her peaked brown nipple. 
Red Hood puts his forehead on hers.
His minty breath fanning her hair as he stuffs the rest of his cock while also keeps distracting her from the stretch by circling her areola with her tongue and sucking on her nipple and globe of tit—leaving hickeys, switching between right to left.
Until he accomplishes the thing that she has wanted since the first time they slept together: the entirety of his fat cock inside of her pussy.
She feels intense stretch and pleasure she has never felt before, feeling his cock stretch her and the length of it reach a part inside her no one has ever been able to go. 
She feels so incredibly full.
"That's it. It's all in. You take all of my cock. Your tiny cunt is able to swallow all of me."
Red Hood kisses the rivulets that sliding down her cheek away, licking them clean.
She squeezes her inner muscles at the praises and the gesture and he groans, deep rumbles of sound from his chest.
She can feel every ridge of his cock, his veins rubbing deliciously against her walls. 
She has to bite her lips to contain her mewls.
"We're a tight fit. You're so good for me, so perfect."
She moans at his praises. 
Curious, she looks down at the part where they're joined.
A tiny gasp leaves her at the sight. 
Her lower stomach has a bulge from his cock residing inside.
Red Hood touches the indentation on her lower stomach, pressing on where his cock is nestled deep in her. 
"Look where I am inside of you."
He says as he keeps the pressure on her skin.
"You're–you're so deep."
She breathes out, seeing the proof of how different their bodies are—how big, how massive he is compared to her regular size, sending minds into so many directions.
He caresses the bump with his hand like it's the first time he has ever witnessed this. 
"It's the first time I have ever left something like this."
He says as if he knows what she's thinking about. 
"You're so beautiful like this."
She whimpers, her blown wide dark brown eyes seeing his beautiful rugged face above her. Even though he's always with his mask, his beauty has never been able to be obscured by it.
Red Hood kisses her deep, his mask digging on her face. His arms beside her head are strained, holding his body from crushing her smaller one.
His kiss is bruising, his teeth scraping against her upper and lower lips equally. He swipes his tongue, demanding an entrance to her mouth that she immediately grants. His tongue swipes hers, their saliva strings connected and messy between their lips.
Red Hood starts to move his hips, drawing his cock in and out of her in an experimental thrust, his fingers rubbing on her engorged clit. She lets out a pleasurable sigh.
Seeing her body has adjusted to the feel of his entire length intruding her slick walls, he repeats the motion much quicker and she screams at how her throbbing pussy being speared over and over again by his thick cock, always managed to be balls deep and bottoming out inside of her tight cunt everytime.
Her hand tugs on the silky strands of his dark hair.
"You're created for me, made for taking my cock nice and whole."
Red Hood says each word in between each of his deep thrusts. He grunts on her ears, the sounds making her cunt gushing. 
Her eyes roll to the back of her head by the carnal pleasure of his heavy thrusts and his dirty praises. 
She sobs on his shoulder, long black hair wildly fanning on her soft pink pillow and her bed.
But instead of telling him to slow down, she tells him, "Harder, please. Give your all."
Red Hood always obliges her, she doesn't have to ask him twice. That's what he wants as well, but he wanted to build up the pleasure. But her asking him to do so without his initiative, it just spurs him on.
He plows her cunt roughly, the drags of his thick cock and its ridges sets her nerves on fire. She accepts the pleasure borderline on oversensitivity gladly. She takes them all like a champ. Partly because it's a hassle to thrust up her hips against his powerful one but also because she wants this, badly. 
Beads of his sweats rolling down his cheeks, dropping on his light stubble and dropping on her tits. He swipes it away, fondling her tits and squeezing them. He pinches the erect peak and then closes his mouth on one of them, biting it hard. She cries, an orgasm tearing out of her by him, again for the nth time tonight.
"Red, you're so big, so deep. So deep." 
She babbles the only words she can only think of at this time. 
Her mind is completely blank with the way his cock keeps making space inside of her deeper and deeper as if it's still possible. 
"So big, oh God. Big. So thick… my tiny cunt." 
She looks like she's delirious with the height he brings her, the words that will make her hide her face with her hands if she ever remembers she ever speaks of them. 
His chest rumbles at her mindless dirty praises to him, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head, his sacks drawn tighter, preparing to blow his massive loads. 
If she keeps praising him like this with the cute and ethereal blissed out face of hers, messy but glowing black hair tangling on his fingers, and glistening skin of hers, he isn't sure he's able to hold on longer. He has been holding his orgasm since he was eating her out hours ago.
"Where do you want me, angel?"
Red Hood asks, grunting and panting above her. 
"Inside, please. Please cum inside of me, Red."
Red Hood growls at her consent and then draws his hips for the last time sending a deep, deep harsh thrust—that will send her head knocking against her headboard if he isn't currently clutching her hips to the point of bruising—until he's fully sheathed and bottoming out inside of her, the deepest he has been tonight, both of them sure—then losing himself in the height of his powerful climax.
A bodily shudder goes through her, her teary screams of pleasure are sure audible for her nearest neighbors.
Red Hood chants her name as his hot, thick white cum flows inside of her cunt, flooding her insides.
It's so much, too much. 
The streams of his hot cum is somehow a relief but also making her oversensitive. She doesn't think anyone is able to give that much of cum in one climax, but she thinks—as her mind cleared by her most powerful peak tonight—he must have been holding his orgasm since he ate her out hours ago. 
God knows if she were in his place—giving him blowjob multiple times until he climaxes—she wouldn't be able to hold hers and would probably orgasm alongside him with his cock deep in her throat. She shudders at her imaginative thought, not entirely against it—but Red Hood sure is, he likes the act of giving more than receiving.
She squirms because he hasn't stopped pumping his seed inside of her—balls still half drawn tight—but he shushes her and flicks her clit to calm her down from oversensitivity. 
She's just there, lying blissfully where the broad shouldered man above her cooing at her and praising her for doing so good for him and but she's in between wakefulness and sleep. She feels it when his cock sends the last spurts of his cum inside of her, but he doesn't move until he has softened in her, then carefully pulled out of her.
Red Hood is lying down beside her, hasn't drawn his pants and briefs up. 
He can feel the heavy stare of eyes in between her thighs, so she looks down on her body too.
Their combined fluids are a sticky white mess between her thighs, the blob of it peeking out from between her folds—not to mention the rest of his massive load inside of her cunt that probably will dribble down if she is as much as sitting down, she can't imagine if she tries to stand or walk, if she's able to in the first place, which she thinks she doesn't. 
The man beside her has wrecked her pussy with his cock and taken her ability to stand for at least until this morning, the feeling of it will definitely last for a week though.
As if senses that she needs to clean up but can't, he stands, drawing his pants and briefs up without zipping the former—probably for easy clean up—and walking to her bathroom. He's there for two minutes—she checks her bedside clock—and then comes back with his pants zipped up, hair much tidier, and a wet, warm soft towel on his hand.
He sits on the edge of the bed, cleaning the stickiness on her thighs and the white blob of cum that peeking out from her labia—the latter carefully because he knows she is overstimulated after everything—and then goes back to the bathroom to deposit it in her basket of dirty clothes.
When he's back again, she's slightly moving her body up—still laying down, though—holding her stuffed animal in her naked form in between the shallow valley of her tits, the sight making him smile. He sits at the side of the bed, drawing her blanket up until it covers her navel. 
He reaches for a bottle of water she has on her nightstand. Opening the cap, he offers it to her and because her head is only leveled up by her pillows at the back of her head and neck, some of it spills down her torso and slightly dampened her stuffie. 
"Pengu is okay, she's a penguin."
He retorts before drinking the rest of the water. 
She gives him her playful stink eyes, but says nothing and tries to rub the water with her blanket, even though it's obvious has been absorbed by the material of her stuffed animal.
She is still drying Pengu, so it surprises him when she asks, "Are you going to go, soon?"
"Do you want me to?"
He usually goes right after cleaning up, no hard feelings and anything.
But something is different in the air today, and he doesn't want to examine it further, but he knows he wants to stay here at least for some more hours.
She still hasn't looked at him, holding Pengu to her chest, so he pinches her chin up and kisses her.
"Okay, I will stay. Maybe until you sleep?"
She nods at him, her little smile is everything to him.
He lies down beside her, heads on the stack of her fluffy soft pink pillows that smells so her—peony and lychee scented perfume she wears—clothes intact and all, just without his belt and holster that are lying on her bedroom floor, but that's his problem for later. 
For now, he caresses her hair and holds his head close to his chest until she falls asleep.
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mariea's notes: wow, you made it here! technically, this fic is crossposted from my ao3 account, i wrote it in september 2023. slightly modified. and i mind slight. you can head to my account (link on my pinned) if you're curious about the change i made lol. anyway thanks for reading <3
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sleep-0-deprived · 1 year
I don't know if I asked this already but in the hypothetical case that when the requests are available again you receive an order from Top!Nikolai×Bottom!Reader×Top!Sigma, would you write something like that?
Three is better than two
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Yes I am willing to write threesomes as long as it’s all consensual and x male reader then it’s fine with me and requests have been opened again also this is my first time writing a threesome so I hope you enjoy it :D
Female aligned dni 18+ only NSFW content below
Warning I only did a smut Drabble as I haven’t ever written about three people but I hope you still like it
Confusion crept into your mind as you wondered how you got into this situation and what you meant by “this situation” was you sitting in sigma’s lap cockwarming him while Nikolai went to town on your neck, leaving only bruises and bite marks behind “ahh~” you moaned pushing yourself down onto sigma’s dick as Nikolai pinched your sensitive nipples “fuck” sigma groaned feeling you grind into him “we have just started and your already so worked up” nikolai said as he let his tongue graze over your nipples “so good~” you moan out while pushing Nikolai’s head into your chest.
“Your doing so good for us baby” the man behind you spoke as he pushed your hips down on his dick, letting it graze your prostate “such a good little boy for us aren’t you?” Nikolai spoke as he started stroking your dick at a slow pace “yes please I’m your good boy please faster~ you moaned out as you desperately chased your high “please I’m close~” you screamed arching your back into sigma “cum for us baby” sigma Spoke in a demanding voice.
It was as though those words went straight to your dick because you came on his command while letting your cum drip down your chest “fuck~” you yelped out as Nikolai licked the cum off your nipples “oh sweet boy you don’t think that we are done yet do you?” Nikolai spoke while gripping your thighs “the night has only begun pretty boy” sigma purred into you ear.
You instantly knew it was going to be a long night between the three of you.
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sunnyrealist · 6 months
Chapter 34: A Hidden Cave
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian and Kate are on an adventurous camping trip in the Scottish Highlands. Their first two days were leisurely, but now that their third day has begun, they're getting higher into the mountains and closer to the places they want to explore. In this chapter, the two lovers discover a cave hidden behind a large waterfall that does not appear on any map.
Pairing: 25-year-old, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x Kate Mayflower (my OC)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI. For this particular chapter, there are no content warnings.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Please leave some feedback. A comment, like, or Kudos would be quite motivational. 🥰
Chapter 34: A Hidden Cave
Sitting on a large rock, Sebastian unfolds his map. As she patiently waits, Kate observes her boyfriend silently studying the route. 
Being dressed for action and adventure feels so foreign to her. She had to pay a visit to Augustus Hill at Gladrags prior to the trip to acquire outfits suited to hiking and exploration per Sebastian’s strong suggestion. She could still hear his words in her head: “Dresses are completely unsuitable for the trip.” Trousers are not Kate’s favorite clothing item by any means, but she had to admit, now that they were truly trekking up mountains over rocky terrain, that they are the most sensible. Accompanied by boots, a sweater with two additional layers, gloves, and a cape, Kate wears a darker color palette than usual - browns with varying degrees of gray. 
Sebastian appears dashing and completely in his element, clad in a jacket and trousers in off-white, with a vest and cape in dark green, and boots, a necktie, and belt in shades of brown. His chocolate eyes are trained on the map, then glance at their current surroundings.
“We should still have a couple more hours until we reach the first cave,” he explains, perplexed. “There is nothing like this marked on the map. It’s strange.”
Kate, though surprised, can’t help but marvel at the gorgeous waterfall along their path. “Then it’s a lovely surprise, wouldn’t you say?” 
Sebastian’s eyes narrow as he stands up, examining the waterfall. “It is rather pretty, but this map should account for almost everything we should see along the way. The thing is - we are going in the right direction… I just can’t make sense of it.”
Kate reaches out, smiling and putting her hands over his, forcing him to fold up the map. “Do we need an explanation for something so beautiful? Perhaps we should simply enjoy it as it is.”
Sebastian sighs, the tension visibly disappearing from his posture. “I suppose you’re right.” 
He pockets the map, then puts an arm around Kate’s waist as they both admire the sight. She leans her head between his arm and chest, taking in every little detail.
A moment later, she gasps. “Sebastian… look! Look behind the waterfall! Do you see it?”
Sebastian focuses, staring. There is a tiny path leading towards the waterfall, which doesn’t seem all that interesting until he notices an opening - a cave entrance - behind it. “Was that there the entire time? I swear, I didn’t notice it until just now. How odd.”
“I don’t know,” Kate replies honestly. “Likewise. I only just saw it…”
They turn to look at each other, rather intrigued. 
“Sebastian, if this was not on the map, it could mean that no one knows this is here,” she deduces. 
“Yes, you’re right,” Sebastian agrees, intrigued. “Who knows what could be inside? Perhaps we are the first to find it in centuries…”
Kate raises her eyebrows. “There would only be one way to find out… Should we go inside?”
Sebastian pauses, running through hypothetical situations they might find themselves in. “Unmarked destinations can pose danger. If no one has been here for years and years, there could be a high reward if someone used it as a hiding place for treasure. But, I’ll admit - situations like this are high-risk.”
Kate nods. “I know nothing about this, but I trust your judgment, Bash.”
“High risk, high reward…” he muses, then puts his hands on Kate’s shoulders, making certain that she is listening to him carefully. “There could be traps. Curses. Spiders. I mean, truly, who knows.” He studies her face. “My love, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I’m not sure you’re ready for something like this. This is only your first time exploring…”
She cuts him off. “But you said that the castle we’ll explore has been abandoned for centuries, too. Why is that any different?”
Sebastian considers her reasoning. “I… I understand what you’re thinking. It’s just that caves have a more… wild and untamed nature than something man-made like a castle. Anything could be waiting in the dark for us.”
Kate smiles, pulling out her wand. “Then let’s use Lumos.” She pokes him with the wand. “My moon, this is why we’re out here, isn’t it? To have an adventure together? Come on, let’s check it out. If you’re with me, I know I’m safe.”
The worry on his face begins to fade. “Yes, that’s true… Well, if you’re this enthusiastic, I suppose we could have a look around.” He takes her hand, kissing it, then speaks in a serious tone. “Just promise me… if I tell you to do something, you’ll do it.”
“You’re not the boss of me, Sebastian Sallow,” she playfully retorts, already beginning to wander onto the narrow path that leads to the cave.
“Kate - wait! You need to be more careful. It’ll be slippery,” he warns.
Just as he finishes speaking, she loses her footing with a little shriek. She almost topples over but catches herself in time. It all happens so quickly that Sebastian can do little more than reach out. She flattens herself against the rocky wall, her eyes wide as she stares at the steep drop leading to a pool of water far, far below. Her heartbeat drums in her ears.
“Are you okay?!” Sebastian asks, gingerly making his way towards her.
“Yes,” she responds breathlessly.
“This is exactly what I meant when I said you need to listen to me,” he continued, his own heart rate speeding. “Merlin, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” She observes him carefully. “I know you have more experience. I guess I was just excited to try something new.”
“It’s fine. It’s fine,” Sebastian repeats. “Come here.”
Kate shuffles back towards him, much more cautious now. Her boyfriend opens his arms and takes her into his embrace.
“I don’t want to have any chance of losing you,” he whispers, kissing the top of her head. 
“You won’t. I promise - you won’t.”
“I’ll protect you as best I can,” he murmurs against her hair. “My sun.”
“And I’ll do the same,” Kate tells him. “I’ll protect you, too, my moon.”
Sebastian laughs heartily. “Oh, Kate, my love. I don’t think I’m in any need of that. Remember, I’m the experienced one here.”
She smiles. “Yes, you are. But even so…” Glancing back towards the cave, she asks, “Are you sure we should do this? I’m having some doubts now.”
“It will be fine,” he answers after a moment. “We will be fine.”
As the light slowly disappears behind them, Kate holds on to Sebastian’s arm. His eyes dart around, trying to get a sense of what the cave might be like. She can’t explain it, but she feels a sense of exhilaration along with a sense of dread. Every step forward, the sensation increases. Neither of them speak. The two listen intently for any sounds that might indicate danger, but it is eerily silent and has been since they entered the cave, despite the rushing waterfall outside.
Without warning, both of them fall over, tripping over something that feels like overgrown tree roots. Kate squeaks in surprise and then becomes more alarmed as she feels tendrils moving around her, wrapping around her legs and torso. She is separated from Sebastian, who is dragged in the opposite direction.
“Bash!” Kate shrieks, terrified as she is carried towards a wall, the tendrils growing tighter as she squirms.
“Lumos!” Sebastian bellows with his wand outstretched, bathing the area in light.
Kate gasps in realization the moment she sees the source. “Devil’s snare!”
“Lumos maxima!” he calls out. 
The plant drops him immediately, shrinking away from the illumination. Sebastian stands up quickly, rushing over to Kate with his wand held out towards the Devil’s Snare. It relaxes its grip around her until she is able to stand on her own two feet. 
She reaches out for him, trying to feel secure with a hug, but he shakes his head. “We need to move past this area - it’s not safe.”
Sebastian pulls her forward with haste, turning back to see the Devil’s Snare stretching back out across the cave floor as the light from his wand gets further and further away. 
“I should have known it was Devil’s Snare,” Kate whispers, shaking her head in remorse. “My papa would have been so disappointed to see me scrambling like that. I… I didn’t have a clear head.”
“It’s alright. Just keep your wits about you,” Sebastian requests. “We may run into more surprises soon enough.” 
After walking about ten more minutes, Sebastian affirms Kate’s feelings by sharing his own. “Something about this cave is strange. I don’t like it. I have half a mind to turn back. It just doesn’t feel right.”
“I have an odd feeling, too. It’s like I feel… thrilled… but also terrified.”
“Maybe we should leave-”
“Sebastian!” Kate shouts, cutting him off. “Wow! Do you see?!”
He squints and then his eyes land upon what his girlfriend has spotted. From right where they stand, the cave walls are suddenly growing with life - and glowing. Lined with green vines and leaves along with huge, exotic flowers, it seems like a little paradise within the darkness. The area is lit up by bioluminescent mushrooms. Common blue butterflies flit about, not at all afraid of the humans walking amongst them.
“I don’t understand… I didn’t think anything like this could grow without sunlight,” Kate muses, astonished. She reaches out to touch a yellow and pink hibiscus flower, her fingertips caressing the silky, soft petals. Her eyebrows raise when she realizes that all of the plant life feels as cold as ice, yet unfrozen. “My papa would be fascinated.”
“No, none of it could grow without light,” Sebastian replies. “This makes no sense.”
“But it is real, Bash,” Kate tells him, astonished. “Touch something. You’ll see. It isn’t an illusion…”
He reaches out to touch leaves on the vines, sharply inhaling when he feels how freezing cold they are. His eyes are wide as he contemplates how the cave could defy nature. He takes a moment to think.
“Something’s wrong here,” Sebastian finally concludes in a serious and urgent tone. “We need to leave. It isn’t right. It isn’t natural.”
A group of butterflies rushes in front of Kate. She gasps. “Sebastian, even more butterflies!” 
They fly further into the cave with Kate eagerly following. Sebastian trails after her. “Kate…” he warns.
She completely ignores him, transfixed by the display. Deeper and deeper she travels, driven by the instinct to follow the butterflies to beautiful treasure, just like she had in the forest. As nervous as Sebastian feels, his feet move forward. Something within him is bidding him to continue on, to follow his lover…
The path within the cave eventually ends, circling around a lowered pit. The butterflies flutter down below, where Kate and Sebastian cannot follow. 
From the corner of Kate’s eye, something dark flies, almost hovering up above. Not able to see much in the darkness, she ignores it, figuring it must be a bat. It certainly isn’t the butterflies; now at the bottom of the pit, they all fly in a wild circle, stuck in an endless loop, until they disappear into thin air.
The pit dimly lights up. They are no longer observing a dark and empty pit but a bookstore within the cave. 
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gummybugg · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag!🚫
I think I was tagged by @mysticstarlightduck here and @rickie-the-storyteller here oh so long ago!
Here's the link to the quote generator:
I’m using my Crater City characters for this one! You can find out a bit more about them here!
By the looks of it, some of these could plausibly be canon ehehehe
Warnings in the tags!
*talking on the phone* Blair: Remember how I said that Elijah and I were gonna have a calm night out for once? Rose: Yeah… Blair: Well, we’re in jail. Rose: hangs up
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Blair: Guess what? Rose: What? Blair: No, you have to guess. Rose, thinking: I don’t know. Blair: Elijah is in the hospital. Rose: Why would you make me guess that?! Rose: What happened?!
(Coincidentally, Elijah really does get rushed to the hospital in the story😔).
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Rose: So, Blair and Elijah. Rose: According to this, you two are being accused of: Armed Robbery, Vandalism, Drug Abuse, Grand Theft Auto… Blair: We had a bad day. Rose: And… MURDER?! Elijah: It was a pretty bad day…
(The only crime either of them haven't committed on this list is technically drug abuse, but even then that's sketch. Yes, I have a doc dedicated to their numerous crimes)
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Blair: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby? Blair: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us. Blair: I also want to softhack his circuits. Elijah: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.
(They stole the furby from Rose, an avid collector of antiques. Elijah ends up helping Blair hack his furby because they're both computer nerds and think it'd be funny to prank her)
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Rose: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Blair's birthday invitations. Elijah: Well, what are they supposed to say? Rose: "Blair's birthday" Elijah: So, what do they say instead? Rose: "Blair's bi" Elijah: Works out either way.
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Rose, to Blair: If you see Elijah, give him this message *makes a neutral face*  Rose: He'll know what it means.  *later*  Blair: oh, and Rose said to give you a message.  Blair: *makes a neutral face*  Elijah: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure. 
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Frasier: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.  Blair, Elijah, and Rose: Awwww-  Frasier: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."  Blair, Elijah, and Rose: Oh. 
(Frasier got that father/older brother bond with his sister Rose + her friends :')
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Rose: Pose as a team because SHIT JUST GOT REAL!
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Darcy: I could kill you if I wanted. Blair: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
(Ranked #1 on Top 10 Best Moments Before Tragic Anime Death)
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Darcy: Go big or go home! Frasier: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home. Darcy: I'm going big!
(He did not go home. In fact, Darcy went on to lead one of the most notorious cities in Neo-civilization)
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Darcy: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Blair without him noticing? Melony: Hey, Blair, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny. Blair: takes and swallows tracker Pay up, loser. Darcy: ...
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Frasier: Darcy gave me a get better soon card. Melony: That's sweet! Frasier: I wasn't sick, he just thinks I can do better.
-ˋˏ🚗- - - - -
Darcy: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Frasier a little bit. Melony, holding Darcy's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation. Darcy: No, that's our joint tombstone. Melony: My mistake.
(Let's just say Darcy and Frasier have their hypothetical facebook status set to "complicated")
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Bonus-ish Content: an AU where everyone gets along
Blair: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute. Darcy: No, that's not how you make cookies. Elijah: FLOOR IT!! Blair: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!? Darcy: yOU'RE GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN- Blair: I'M GONNA HARNESS THE POWER OF THE FUCKING SUN TO MAKE COOKIES! Frasier: DO IT! Darcy: NO-
Tagging: @charlesjosephwrites @cwritesfiction @comicgoblinart @crowandmoonwriting @writeouswriter @acertainmoshke @abalonetea & anyone who wants to try this tag out. Very fun :')
🚗Want to rot your brain with each sporadic Crater City post? Join the taglist! Maybe I'll finish this wip someday, who knows! (ask to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
I just read your borrowers on the internet au and I was wondering what happened after Dream finds out Wilbur is a borrower? Because yes he has the footage to blackmail him but how does he go about using this knowledge?
Just curious ❤️thanks for answering
Squishs about your ask-
Warning! It gets dark. This au is very dark. Read below with caution as it contains themes of dehumanization, blackmail, and other concerning topics!
He absolutely blackmails him about this. Wilbur is an easily exploitable borrower because people enjoy his content, Dream knows that, so what he does is use his blackmail to get Wilbur to do more streams and make more money of which brings more people to him which also brings him money. He does all his content with Wilbur now which gets him even more.
Now, if Wilbur were to refuse to do anything, he could threaten blackmail. And if that doesn’t work he releases it.
But he has a third option. That option is doxxing Wilbur, going to his house, and kidnapping him because selling a borrower is just as, if not more profitable then getting one who refuses to do such a simple task with you.
Of course, Dream does vastly prefer the first two as it can make the third option easier to do in the end.
Dream could [Hypothetically] end up doing all options but I guess you’ll have to wait till I fucking upload another fic next year/hj
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oncyprusshores · 2 years
Religious Trauma and the Fundamentalist Doomsday Cult
Content Warning: Pretty heavy discussion of doomsday fundamentalism and emotional abuse I’ve tried writing three different topics this morning, and none of them were working out. I wanted to touch on some aspect of Christianity that I believe is failing our generation, but my brain just couldn’t make the words. In all my drafts, though, I noticed a theme. And if I’ve been subconsciously using that theme this whole time, maybe it’s what my brain wants to write about.  There are so many reasons I believe the modern church is struggling (and rightfully so), but I suppose the biggest, most obvious, one is simply that those of us who grew up in fundamentalism have been pushed away.  I grew up in a small pentacostal church (yes, the snake handling kind). Looking at it now, it feels like a doomsday cult.  Countless sermons about the coming of Christ, media hype surrounding blood moons suggesting that the world was ending soon, watch parties for Left Behind, year-long studies of Revelations, and this one man who every single sunday was possessed by the Holy Ghost to warn us: “Be ready, be ready, be ready”. To this day, even though I don’t believe in Christianity, whenever I hear a loud sudden noise my entire body tenses in fear that it’s the trumpet of the seventh angel about to show up and prove everything I believe is wrong. Of course I don’t think that will happen. If I thought it was a genuine possibility that Jesus Christ could appear at any moment and throw my soul to hell, I probably wouldn’t have dedicated my soul to Aphrodite. But that is what effective brainwashing does. That is what true emotional abuse does, it sinks it’s claws into you so deep that your mind is changed forever from it. And, also characteristic to abuse, if I said this to any of the people responsible for it I would be gaslit.  “You’re just feeling convicted.” This is the most insidious line in Christianity. My rational brain knows, of course, that me hearing bullshit I hate and wanting to turn it off is NOT in fact my soul feeling convicted- it simply means I am hearing bullshit I hate and I’d rather not spend my time thinking about it! But in the heat of the moment, when you’re face to face with your own mother, your emotional response is immediately guilty.  I know it’s wrong, I know it’s not true, I KNOW it’s not right: But that’s abuse. It hijacks your mind, your normal through processes, and all you can feel is conditioned sympathy for the abuser.  But of course it goes deeper than that. I’m still scarred in so many other ways.  I grew up constantly being told there was no future. To this day whenever I muse about ‘oh I wonder what this place’ll look like in ten years’ around my parents I’m met  with “the world probably wont be here by next year”. Without fail. Every time. I have to actively convince them to just imagine a hypothetical scenario where the apocalypse doesn’t come tomorrow just to talk about something as mundane as “hey do you think this mall is still gonna be around?”
I thought that I would never get to discover true love, I would never get to have my first kiss, I would never be married, I would never get to be a mother, I would never even get to drive a car. Hell, I was ten years old- That mindset hit everything! I would pray to Jesus asking him to not come back until after Pokemon Black and White came out. I laid awake at night thinking, ‘oh man I’ll never get to see a Star Wars Episode 7″. I couldn’t bring myself to watch trailers for upcoming things because it’d just make me sad I probably wouldn’t get to experience them! (Now I wonder if that’s the underlying reason I don’t watch game trailers outside of E3 and actively try not to get hyped for anything).  I’ve also had Generalized Anxiety Disorder since I was 10. Yeah, that didn’t fucking help.  In many Christian circles, they just assume the end of all things is imminent. And when that is the most popular religion on the planet... Yeah! That’s how you get things like manmade climate change! That’s how you have those in power justify exploitation and colonization! Towards the end of my mandatory church services, the pastor could tell he was losing me. To keep my attention, he offered me a regular spot to write in the church newsletter. The very first thing I wrote was titled “DOOMSDAY”, an article wherein I simply argued, “Yes, Christ is coming. But it’s awful for our mental health and makes our life decisions shortsighted if we just assume there is no tomorrow.” Sorry, did I say that was ‘the first thing’ I wrote? That language was a bit misleading, it was also the last thing. They declined to publish it, told me to forget about the offer, and never went to me for anything ever again.  So if I wanted to profile a reason why Christianity is failing, I guess I ended up doing that. When you create an environment like that, when you operate on the basis that the world is ending next tuesday (no matter how many times tuesday comes), when you actively choose to refuse anything that even slightly challenges your world view- Yeah, that’s when your religion fails.
That’s how your weekly church article writer grows up and writes to extol the virtue of the Gods you tried to bury. 
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 10 months
Forgotten Ties - Chapter 5 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Skye discreetly tore a corner off of one of the pieces of paper and put it in his mouth.
Both the taste and texture were not very good.
He tried chewing it but that didn't make it any better.
Skye kicked his legs under the desk.
He'd run out of things to do.
"I'm done."
The lady glanced up.
"It's been two minutes."
"I am very good at doing tests."
The lady walked over and looked down at his paper.
"All you've done is scribble on this. Is this a joke?"
Skye folded his arms over his chest.
"I did my best."
"Skye... do you know how to read?"
"Do you?"
"Yes, obviously."
"And yet you can't read what I wrote on the paper. Interesting."
She sighed.
"So you can't read. Why did they even send you to school? We're teachers, not babysitters."
"Hypothetically, someone who can't read would have a lot that they need to learn. A teaching feast for teachers, some might say."
The lady looked unimpressed.
"A waste of time, others might say. You're almost an adult. You can't possibly catch up enough for it to make any real difference. No matter what we do, you're going to live your life as a burden on society."
"Oh, that's an option?" Skye asked. "That sounds good. I'll just do that."
"You're not supposed to want to be a burden."
"Why not? You said that was what I was going to be no matter what. Do you want me to just be sad even though I can't actually even do anything about it? That's mean. You're mean."
"You may not be smart but you have a smart mouth."
She rolled his papers up in her hand and bopped them against the desk.
"Stay here. Don't move. Don't do anything. I'll be back in a few minutes."
Skye waited until she'd left the room, tapped his fingertips against the desk a few times and then ducked under the desk to dig into his bag for his lunchbox.
Marigold had made him tuna sandwiches.
He loved tuna but he never got any when he stayed home because he still hadn't figured out how to work the can opener.
Maybe going to school wasn't so bad if there were tuna sandwiches.
He was onto his second one by the time the lady returned.
"What did I say?" she demanded as Skye peeked his head up from under the desk.
"To sit there and do nothing."
"Then why are you eating?"
"Because I wanted to and you weren't looking."
"I'd give you detention but I don't want you to be my problem for one second more than you need to be and I'm sure someone else will give you one before the end of the day regardless. Put your lunchbox away and follow me."
She was watching now, so Skye obeyed.
She led him down the hall to another room full of chairs and small desks, only this one also had a bunch of teenagers in it.
The lady took him by the shoulder and led him over to one of the two adult women in the room.
"This is Skye. He's very annoying and he can't read. Skye, this is your teacher."
"Nobody can prove that I can't read," Skye said.
"Why don't you go and sit down while we talk, Skye?" the teacher suggested.
"Can I eat my lunch?"
"No," the original lady all but shouted at him.
Skye went and sat down and he did not eat his lunch even though he was hungry.
Skye felt something touch his head and turned to find the boy who was sitting in the seat next to him reaching out.
He had an intense, unwavering gaze.
"Hello," Skye said. "I also like to touch people's hair without asking sometimes."
The boy smiled.
It was a strange, toothy smile but Skye found himself smiling back.
"Nnh," the boy said and flapped his hands, his smile broadening.
Skye laughed.
"I like you. You're funny."
The boy put his hand on Skye's face and stroked his fingers over Skye's jaw.
It wasn't the best place to be pet but Skye didn't mind.
"Ethan, no touching," the teacher called out across the room as the original lady left.
The boy pulled his hands away and poutily crossed them over his chest.
"They have a lot of rules, don't they?" Skye asked. "They keep not letting me eat my lunch. It's my lunch."
Ethan unfolded his arms and slapped his hands against the desk.
The teacher walked over and stuck a big, white sticker on the top of the desk Skye was sitting at.
She poised a marker over it, ready to write.
"It's Skye, isn't it? How do you spell that?"
"With an 'e,'" Skye said, not because he knew how to spell his name but because he remembered the doctor asking if it was spelled with or without an 'e,' so maybe that was something.
It did seem to be because she nodded and wrote something down on the sticker.
"Ethan, why don't you get a puzzle and you and Skye can do it together?" the teacher suggested.
Ethan made a happy sound, flapped his arms and ran off to do something.
Get a puzzle, maybe. Probably.
Yes, it turned out because he came back with a puzzle.
Skye couldn't remember ever having done a puzzle before but it turned out it wasn't very hard.
Perhaps the writing test had been misleading in its difficulty and school was, in fact, pretty easy.
Besides not being able to eat when he wanted to, school didn't seem too bad, though it would have been better if there were no teachers.
Ethan liked to touch Skye's face and his hair and his hands but every time he did it, one of the teachers would tell him off.
Ethan made funny sounds and sometimes they made Skye laugh but whenever Skye did that the teachers would snap at him even though Ethan was laughing too.
Skye was relieved when the bell finally rang and he was told he could go to the cafeteria to eat his lunch.
He wiped the chalk he'd been trying to eat off of his tongue with his shirt and let Ethan lead the way.
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our-time-is-now · 2 years
September 13, 2019 (2): Surgery-playlist (part 5/5)
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.  
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.
PART 5/5
Matteo: *has actually decided against the bus and walked back to the hospital* *but has to stop the recording for a second because he’s talking to a nurse, who allows him to already sit down in David’s room* *has put his backpack down and sat down on the chair and then pressed play again*
ca. 1:26 pm: David: Carlos: Luuuiiigiii… We’re baaaack… David: But they still don’t know what to say… Alex: Which hasn’t stopped them from turning the recording back on… Carlos: Hey, David told us that we’re not allowed to babble so much anymore… he still wants some time to talk to you alone… pfff… as if you wouldn’t have enough time for that once he’s back with you again… Jonas: I get it… Hey, Brudi… I hope you’ve arrived at the hospital and were really able to already go to David’s room… no idea what time it is now for you… David: Hmmm… should be 1:30 soon… Jonas: Whoa, then it’s really only 30 more minutes! Wow… Luigi I’m really proud of you for managing it this far… David is probably already all sewed up and is lying in the recovery room downstairs and will soon be pushed into his room… Abdi: Yeah, man, and then you’ll be reunited again… and then you’ll just have to pass the time when he’s in the hospital and then you can get back to really… what we know you’re like… yes okay… apart from the time that you’re at work… hey, but then we’ll take care of David… we promised… David: I don’t think that there’ll be thaaat much to take care of… Alex: I’d say we first wait and then see spontaneously how much help and rest David will need…
Matteo: *nods at Alex’ words but finds it comforting that they want to be there for David*
David: Jonas: I agree… I’d probably also be annoyed if I constantly had people jumping around me who tell you that you’re supposed to take it easy and who are preventing you from taking it easy and resting by doing just that… Carlos: I don’t have time before I get off work, anyways… but you guys can manage… *brief silence* Carlos: Okay… so how much longer are we allowed to talk? David: *laughs quietly* I don’t know… 10 more minutes maybe? Carlos: That means that you want 20 minutes for yourself!? Wow… David: Who knows what else I’ll think of… besides, I still need something to do tomorrow morning until Matteo will be back… Abdi: Yes, okay, that sounds logical… but what will we talk about for 10 more minutes? Carlos: I don’t know anything… those 10 minutes are putting me under pressure… *brief silence and a sigh coming from Alex* Alex: Okay, before we’re quiet for 10 minutes… just because I’m interested… a question to the couples… sorry, Abdi… but you can answer it hypothetically… What’s the first thing you’ll do when you see your partner again after a separation? Well for David and Jonas tomorrow and Carlos maybe when Kiki will come back home for the first time… Carlos: And you, when Mia comes back in December… Abdi: Well I think I’d do something really romantic… going out for a nice dinner maybe. Maybe one of those Candlelight Dinners maybe. And then something even more romantic… stargazing at the planetarium… or going on a ferris wheel… or no… a boat ride… Carlos: Awesome that Abdi’s the first to answer… Jonas: That sounds more like a first date than a first meeting after a separation… David: I think it sounds nice. Alex: I think so, too. You can do that as a first date and when you see each other again for the first team after a separation…
Matteo: *grins slightly because somehow Abdi really is the most romantic out of all of them* *really hopes that he’ll meet a woman soon where he can act on all of those feelings*
David: Jonas: Yes, okay, true… might depend on how long you were separated… well, when Hanna comes back tomorrow, we have to help her father put up shelves… that’s more everyday-life stuff… but I think if she had been gone for longer, then I’d somehow plan something that’s more special… ferris wheel or something… Abdi: Hey, you’re not allowed to steal my idea… Jonas: Don’t worry, that was a joke… Carlos: Well, when Kiki comes back from Halle for the first weekend, Abdi will have to disappear from the apartment for two, three hours and we’ll have sex… Jonas: *laughs* Tell us when the time comes Abdi… then we’ll find shelter for you for that time… David: *also amused* Feel free to come to our place… Abdi: Thanks, guys… I can really count on you… Carlos: What, don’t give me that look… I’d also leave the apartment for you if you wanted to have sex… Abdi: I’ll remind you of that, Brudi! Carlos: Do that… so… whose turn is it? Jonas: David! David: Err… *laughs quietly* Well I think… first of all… sex? *you can hear some of the guys roaring and cheering and David laughing*
Matteo: *laughs along but also has to nod* *but finds it cool that David spills it just like that* *wonders why the boys are roaring like that if they’d surely do the same thing*
David: David: And I guess that afterwards, we’ll just stay in bed talking and… Abdi: ...making out and cuddling… David: ...very likely… well, and we’ll just enjoy having each other again… *you can hear Abdi sigh* Carlos: Alex? Alex: Well, I think I agree with David: A day in bed with talking and being close… ordering food, eating in bed… maybe a bath in between… phones off… stuff like that… Jonas: *laughs* Hey, you make me feel bad… you’re all doing really romantic stuff just the two of you and I’ll go put up shelves… Alex: Everyone’s different and that’s okay… David: Exactly! And you said yourself that you’d also be more romantic if Hanna would have been gone for longer… Jonas: Yes, sure… but Luigi and you were also separated for only a weekend… Carlos: Hey, but you can’t compare Davenzi to any of us… inseparable and whatnot. Abdi: Hey, have you ever been separated since you’ve gotten together? David: *laughs quietly* Well… we do go to the bathroom separately… and every now and then we’re separating for a few hours… Alex: On the Monday after Mia left, David spent almost 4 hours at my place… alone… to be honest, that really surprised me a little… haha… there it is again, this look… Carlos: Four hours, wow… David: We’re managing even 9 hours quite well since Matteo is working… Jonas: *laughs* Awesome! 9 hours! Abdi: Hey have you even spent a single night apart?! David: One… at the very beginning… and that’s when we realized that this isn’t our thing… Carlos: You realized that… David: We realized that! Carlos: That this isn’t your thing… I see… David: *amused* I don’t know what’s so funny about it… Jonas: *laughs* Hey, don’t let us tease you… you’re good the way you are! Abdi: Definitely!
Matteo: *doesn’t know what’s so funny about it, either* *thinks that by now, the boys know this about them* *also thinks that they are really lucky that they both feel the same about it, like Hanna already said*
David: Carlos: Hey, but a change of topic: Abdi and I were told yesterday that we can already have the key for the apartment on the Monday before the move… to renovate and stuff. So on… what day is it, Brudi? Abdi: The 23rd… Carlos: Right… Would be really cool if we had a few people to help… especially since I have to work until 5… Alex: This means the others are supposed to renovate and then you’ll come along after work to inspect what we’ve managed over the course of the day? Carlos: Yeah, now, I’ll still help afterwards… but it would really suck if Abid would have to do everything by himself all day long… I mean, Kiki and Sam already said that they’ll help… but a few guys on the construction site would probably be a little more effective… Jonas: Hey, don’t worry, we’ll manage. David: Hmm… I’ll have to see how fit I am until then… Carlos: You won’t see anything, Brudi. The most you’ll do is watch what the others are doing… a few days ago I read up on mastectomies and such once again… no physical exertion for 4 to 6 weeks afterwards, it said! Sorry, you’re out! Jonas: Besides, Matteo will kill us if we let David onto the construction site…
Matteo: *nods immediately* *will pay very close attention that David won’t move a finger*
David: Alex: Okay, I’m for separation of labor: I’ll take care of David and you guys will take care of the apartment… Jonas: *laughs* You wish, Hardenberg! David: I don’t even know if anyone still has to take care of me on the 23rd… Alex: Schreibner, we’ve already talked about this… we’ll decide spontaneously according to your state of health! Abdi: Hey, guys, chill… it’ll work out. Firstly, Kiki and Sam are very hard-working… secondly we also still have Amira… It’s only Matteo, Hanna, Carlos and Mia who are out… I think we have enough people so that one of them can check in on David /in case/ he needs help and that a few people can help with renovations… and even if the apartment isn’t finished by the time we move… screw it… then we’ll just renovate when we’re already living in it! David: *grins* Abdi is exercising his authority… I like it… Abdi: Thanks… And most of all, Abdi has kept an eye on the time and noticed that we’ve already been talking for more than 10 minutes… Carlos: Hang on! Weren’t the ten minutes only from the moment I asked? Abdi: Didn’t you ask at the beginning? Carlos: No, I mean we already talked for a while… David: Well, it doesn’t have to be that exact… Carlos: So we’re still allowed to say something? David: Hmm… I don’t know… Jonas: Hey, guys, I can understand that David wants to personally address the last words of this recording to Matteo… and the way I know Luigi, he’ll also be happy if the last words are from David… and David has already provided us with more than 30 minutes now… David: I don’t want to stifle you or anything…
Matteo: *immediately has to grin* *can imagine really well how David has actually planned it, but that he still doesn’t want to take anything away from the boys* *but also hopes that he’ll hear David alone again* *checks the time and hopes that he’ll get through everything before David comes back*
David: Alex: You won’t. I’d say we’ll all say a few nice words to Matteo again and then we’ll say our goodbyes. Carlos: *sighs* Alright… I’ll start: Ey, Luigi, Bro… now you’ll soon have it over with and you’ll see David again… Cool that you made it this far. And text us when he wakes up so that we’ll also know… I probably won’t be able to concentrate all Friday, anyways. How long will the surgery take again? David: Until around 1 or 1:30 pm… but until I’m back in my room and wake up it might be 2… Carlos: Yeah, okay, then half of Friday… so check in with us when David is okay, alright? Abdi: Man, now you already said everything… I agree with Carlos, Luigi. Hang in there. Only 20 more minutes or so. We’re thinking of you guys! Jonas: *laughs quietly* Yes, okay, somehow there really isn’t anything more to add. I really hope that David’s recording will manage to distract you a little bit and that you’ll reach out to me or someone else in case you feel really bad… And yes, please tell us once you know anything! David told us earlier that he mentioned at some point that you should give an update in ok.cool… I hope you did that - we’ll probably also be really anxious… Soon you’ll have made it, Brudi! And once David is really fit again, then we’ll celebrate! And we’ll already celebrate a little bit on Sunday when we’ll see each other in the hospital! Carlos: Alex? Alex: *sighs* I think we’ve mentioned everything. And Matteo will manage the last 20 minutes even without my repeating everything that we’ve already covered, anyways. David: *laughs quietly* Probably… we’ll end this here now… you’ll get one, two songs, Matteo… and then you’ll hear from me again. Ti penso e mi manchi, tesorino… Jonas: What the fuck?! Secret language!? Abdi: He told us that he’s learning Italian… Carlos: Hey, really the secret language… now even telepathy isn’t enough for them anymore - now they’re even talking in Italian… David: *laughs* We’ll turn this off now! Say bye! *everyone says bye*
Matteo: *laughs very much about the reactions to the Italian* *takes a deep breath when the first song comes on* *then checks the time again and skips over the songs because he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to finish the recording otherwise* *plans on listening to them later*
Ian Britt - The Shape of Us Cyndi Lauper - True Colors
ca. 1:50 pm: David: Hey tesorino, wow… you almost made it… maybe I’m already in the room and am still asleep? If they were fast… but I’m probably in the recovery room right now and will be brought to the room in a moment… then I’m back with you again. *sighs quietly and then laughs briefly* And in my real-time we also almost made it. Here it’s 11 in a minute, Sunday morning. We’ve managed to get through two nights, or 49 hours… Now it’s only about 4 more hours until we see each other again. I’m so incredibly looking forward to that! And I’m proud of us that we really made it… the whole weekend. Okay, it was really hard… to be honest, I didn’t think that it will be /this/ hard. When the bus left with you on Friday… that was like a punch in the gut. Somehow everything constricted. I’ve never felt something like it. As if someone had torn out a part of me. But that showed me once again how important you are. And how much security you give me… how much you are a part of me. And the nights were hard. I’m really not used to sleeping alone anymore, at all, and I was awake so often or only in a half sleep. *laughs quietly*
Matteo: *swallows slightly* *thinks about their reunion and how it really felt as if he was finally able to breathe again, as if he was finally home again*
David: I hope I won’t fall asleep again this afternoon when you’re back again. I’m really completely overtired! But yes, we somehow made it. And even if it wasn’t nice, it’s still a good feeling… somehow similar to after our first argument… well, or our first difference of opinion… it’s a good feeling to know that we can do this… fighting, arguing and also being apart from each other for a weekend. That none of this changes anything between us. *laughs quietly* But that doesn’t mean that I want to do this more often now. Nooo… this one weekend was enough for now… But I think the next one will at least be a little easier. At least then we’ll already know what awaits us… and we’ll know that we’ll somehow survive it.
Matteo: *also thinks that they’ve developed good methods for dealing with it* *doesn’t want to do it, but thinks that the next forced separation might really already be a little easier*
David: And I’m also proud of you for being able to listen to me this far. If you’ve come this far, then I I was hopefully able to distract you a little from your fear. I really hope so. And I’m proud and glad that you went along with it. *laughs quietly* And I hope that you really went to the park and to grab something to eat instead of sitting in the hospital for five hours and that you’ll tell me afterwards, that of course you did everything the way I told you to. I actually should have demanded evidence photos… you at Subway… you in the park… but now it’s too late…
Matteo: *laughs slightly and thinks that he also could have thought about that and should have taken photos for him* *hopes that he still believes him when he tells him*
David: Okay… well I still have one more thing for you… the package with the 11. Get that out and open it…
Matteo: *takes out the package and opens it while he keeps listening to him*
David: Well… I don’t know how you felt… but over the weekend, the fact that I had your sleep shirt really helped me a little, and this way, I had your smell around me at least every now and then, and especially at night… and since we’ll still be separated for a few more nights until I can go back to the flatshare I thought that the nights might be a little nicer for you if you have mine… Freshly worn and full of David-smell… *you can hear him grin*
Matteo: *holds the shirt in his hands and immediately presses it against his nose to breathe in the typical David-smell* *smiles slightly but misses him even more right now* *flinches a little when the door suddenly opens and quickly lowes the shirt* *can see that David is being pushed inside and jumps up* *hears the nurses say that everything’s okay, but that David will be asleep for a little while longer and that he’ll probably be a little beside himself when he wakes up, but that it’s normal and that he’ll fall asleep again afterwards and that he shouldn’t be worried* *nods and thanks them and pulls the chair to his bed once the nurses have left* *presses play again and finds it a little weird to hear his voice while watching him sleep*
David: But in exchange I demand that you bring me your shirt tomorrow, okay? I also need something of yours here! *you can hear him sigh quietly* Okay, well somehow I only have six minutes left… then the 5 hours are up. Now I somehow have to find a few good closing words… something that I haven’t already mentioned in those 5 hours… and this morning when I showered I had a thought… after Hans asked me in the kitchen if I’ll stay at home today or if I’ll pick you up from the bus… I know that we’ve already talked about it, but I just became really aware of it again when Hans mentioned “home” and when it felt somehow weird. And then I realized that I invited the boys to the flatshare… and on Friday, after I brought you to the bus, I also thought that I’ll go back to the flatshare… and do you remember when we were on holiday? When I asked you if we’ll go to Laura’s or the flatshare afterwards? And there was another situation where I said “to Laura’s” and you asked me if I already moved out mentally, because at that point, the apartment with Laura was actually also my home. But that’s not true. Home, that’s… *laughs quietly* ...oh man that’ll sound super sappy again… but that’s somehow the place where I feel secure. And safe. Where I can be myself and where I miss nothing. But right now I miss you. And therefore right now this is the flatshare and only once you’re here again will it be home again. And whenever we were away and I asked in your presence if we’ll go to Laura’s or the flatshare, then I was home in that moment and I couldn’t refer to home for neither the apartment with Laura nor the flatshare … do you understand? It actually doesn’t matter where I am. Home is wherever you are, as well. Because then everything is perfect and good and safe. *laughs quietly* Then soon, once I’m with you again, even this stupid hospital room will be home as long as you’re with me…
Matteo: *has taken David’s hand very carefully and lightly while he listened, but he simply needed the contact* *can immediately feel this lump in his throat again and wipes over his eyes with his free hand* *whispers quietly* You’re my home, as well…
David: That’s a good sappy end, isn’t it? Our mutual sappiness-club would be proud of me… *you can hear him grin* Oh man, I still can’t believe that when you hear all of this, I’ll really have the mastectomy behind me… *you can hear him take a deep breath* Thank you, Matteo! Thank you for going that last stretch of the way together with me. For so long I thought that I’d have to go all this way on my own and for a long time that was okay. But only you showed me what a difference it makes to have someone at my side on this journey. What it feels like to not be alone… I only know that through you. And I’m so glad and grateful that you’re here and that you are the way you are. That you take me the way I am. *sighs quietly and then clears his throat* Okay… check the time… it should be 2 pm… okay, give or take 5 minutes maybe. But you made it! You managed to get through the 5 hours. Awesome! Wooohooo! *laughs quietly* Congratulations! I’ll put a few more songs on for you… in case that I’ll be at the recovery room for a little longer… or that I’ll be asleep for a little longer than planned… but maybe I’m already awake? *laughs again* Yes, okay, in case I’m really already awake then you probably won’t hear this anymore… We’ll see each other soon! Finally! I’m so happy about that! And I love you! But you already know that… So… see you soon!
Matteo: *swallows hard again and squeezes David’s hand* *murmurs quietly* Ol’ romantic…
Billy Joel - Home AnnenMayKantereit - Vielleicht vielleicht Zayn ft. Sia - Dusk till Dawn
Matteo: *is listening to “From Dusk till Dawn” when he sees David move* *immediately turns off the music and pulls the headphones out*
Kings of Leon - Use somebody Kodaline - Follow your Fire
(next play)
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all-about-kyu · 2 years
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Pairing: Yuta x fem!reader x Shotaro x Yangyang
Genre: smut
Rating: R 18+
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption (not in smut scenes)
Smut Warnings: foursome, mxm content, switch!reader, sub!Shotaro and Yangyang, dom!Yuta, oral sex, unprotected sex, marking/hickeys, pet names, clit play, creampie
Summary: Shotaro accidentally admitted something, Yangyang decided to tell tall tales, and Yuta puts an end to all of it… you’re just along for the ride (and it’s a fun one)
Word Count: 7,379
Requested by: @meowniee​
Note: completely unedited/beta-ed but here we are!!
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It wasn’t an odd thing to have Shotaro at the WayV dorm, in actuality, it was more like he was a permanent resident there. More so than the actual members sometimes. Now was no exception, Yangyang had yet again invited him over and unlike normal, they weren’t playing games. They just sat in his room in each other’s presence, neither of them saying much past random offhanded comments. Yangyang was lounging back on his bed scrolling through Instagram while Shotaro sat in Yangyang’s gaming chair randomly watching Tiktoks that the other 00 line members had sent him earlier that day.
“Dude,” Yangyang randomly blurts out, “you know who I think is really fucking hot?”
“Hyuck?” Shotaro replies without missing a beat.
“Yes but that’s not who I’m talking about.” he responds quickly.
“Who?” “Yuta’s girlfriend,” Shotaro sputtered out a cough when he heard his friend’s comment, “I was just on Instagram and Yuta posted to his private account, you know, the one for just us and idol friends. He took her to the beach and holy fuck her ass looked so good in that bathing suit.”
Shotaro shuttered slightly, though it was a completely fake reaction, “Why are you staring at her ass you perv?” he laughs, throwing the pillow he was holding at the pink-haired boy.
“I wasn’t trying to, it was just there!” he tries to defend himself, staying quiet for a minute after clearly thinking about something, “This is completely hypothetical,” he blurts again.
“What is?” the blonde asks with an air of skepticism.
“Do you ever think about what it would be like to suck a dick?”
Shotaro doesn’t think before he speaks, “I don’t need to, I’ve done it before.”
“What?!” the other yells, sitting up straight on his bed now, “When? Why didn’t you tell me about it?”
“Um, you weren’t supposed to know that.”
“What? Why? I’m your best friend! At least tell me who’s dick it was.”
Shotaro had a small internal battle for a while, he’s been sleeping with Yuta and his girlfriend for months now. No one knew about it, other than Mark who had walked in on them, he promised not to say a word though. That had been quite the embarrassing moment for the younger as well, he was in a rather compromising position at the time. It couldn’t hurt to tell Yangyang, but he also knew his friend, he would want all the details. Especially if he knew that Yuta’s girlfriend was involved, Yangyang shamelessly thirsted after the slightly older woman. Yuta let him flirt with her, he knew Yangyang was harmless at the end of the day. Weighing his options he decided to just explain the situation. It wasn’t like it was incriminating, it was just how his and Yuta’s friendship worked.
“Yuta,” he mumbles out finally, “it was Yuta’s.”
Yangyang looked speechless, his jaw dropped to the floor hearing the blonde’s confession.
“I’m going to need backstory or at least an explanation.” he says after a few moments.
Shotaro sighs, “Yuta was my first friend here. I would always ask him questions about life and about being a singer, especially when I was still training. When I found out I was debuting in NCT our bond only got closer. He taught me a lot. I remember one night he was staying at his girlfriend’s place and normally I would leave him alone, he enjoys being alone with her. They don’t get a lot of alone time because of our career.” he explains, “That night was different though, it was probably around 9:30 or 10 at night and I got a text. I wasn’t even close to being asleep yet but I was still shocked when it was a text from Yuta. He asked me to come over to her place and join them for a movie night. I’ve always-”
“Dude you’re dragging this on longer than it needs to.” Yangyang interrupts.
“It’s all important just let me talk.” the Japanese boy bites back, “I’ve always gotten along with y/n, she’s always taken care of me just like Yuta has. I didn’t think anything of it so I just got dressed and stopped at the store on my way to grab a few extra snacks I knew she didn’t keep there that both Yuta and I enjoy. When I get there I, stupidly, didn’t think to knock before entering. She had told me her code ages ago when Yuta was too drunk and I needed to drop him off while she was working late. Anyway, I open the door and she was on his lap heavily making out and I didn’t know how to react. I just stuttered out a weird noise and shuffled into the kitchen hoping the floor would swallow me. I heard her giggle, it was really pretty, god it was so pretty.”
“Taro.” Yangyang stated with an annoyed tone, “Finish it up.” “Fine, basically we hung out for a while but I ended up sleeping on the couch. I wake up to, um, really loud moans. Really pretty, but really fucking loud. I tried to ignore it and sleep but that didn’t work too well. In the morning when she greeted me she was walking funny and was covered in hickeys. I wasn’t thinking, I saw Yuta and straight-up asked ‘how do you do that?’ and he was confused so I clarified ‘how did you manage to make her like that, all covered in hickeys and experiencing dick hangover.’ since that moment Yuta and y/n have been teaching me about sex. Yuta just happens to be a more… hands-on teacher in that specific realm of teaching.”
“You’ve fucked y/n?”
“Is that all you got out of that?” Shotaro huffs slightly annoyed.
“But you have fucked her, right?”
“Yeah, but we were talking about the fact that you wonder what it’s like to suck dick.”
Yangyang huffs and flops back on his bed rather dramatically. Shotaro laughs at his exaggerated motions but doesn’t say anything more. Yangyang stays staring at the ceiling for a while one hand casually resting above his head. Shotaro had gone back to scrolling through his phone and let his friend sit there contemplating whatever he was as long as he needed. Of course, in classic Yangyang fashion though he says exactly what’s on his mind the moment he thinks it.
“Do you think Yuta would let me join?” “What?” the blonde exclaims, looking at the other with a very astonished look.
“Do you think he would let me join?”
“No.” he responds shortly, “You and I both know I have a very different dynamic with him than you do.”
“Could I watch then? It couldn’t hurt to just watch.” “You’re hopeless.”
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Shotaro knew what it meant when he got a random text this late at night from Yuta. Especially on a weekend, he spends the weekend with you, he knew what was up. He sped out of the dorm as fast as he could knowing that too. He hardly got a goodbye out to Sungchan as he slammed the door shut. What he hadn’t expected was to be greeted with you still fully clothed when he gets to your apartment. Yuta was mulling over a wine glass watching some foreign movie completely unbothered by his arrival. You smiled at the younger boy and hugged him like you always do. The shock written across his face was expected on your end. You knew what your boyfriend had texted him, it was the typical text for when He had something new to teach him within sexual realms or just wanted him there for everything.
“Hi Taro baby.” you greet, “Want a glass too? We were just about to get comfy.” you smile brightly.
“Something feels off.” he immediately responds.
Yuta chuckles against the rim of his glass, “I heard an interesting comment from Dejun today when he came in for recording.” Shotaro’s stomach sank through the floor, he should’ve known better than to tell Yangyang what was going on. As much as he loved his friend he should’ve thought about how that boy can’t keep a secret for his life of him. You notice how he shifts back and forth on his feet, it’s a nervous habit of his you had taken notice of the first time you had been introduced to him. You step closer and rest a hand on his shoulder. His attention immediately shifts to you and you’re met with wide slightly panicked eyes.
“Do you need a minute? You know I hate seeing you so upset.”
“I’m- yeah, it’s okay.” he responds, then turning back to Yuta, “What did he say? Anything interesting.”
He was trying so hard to seem casual, internally he was panicked but he didn’t want to let that show. Yuta chuckled again and motioned for the younger to come to sit beside him. Slowly the younger does approach and sits beside him. You can feel the nervousness radiating off of Shotaro as he sits beside your boyfriend. Quietly, you approach the pair sitting on Shotaro’s other side. Reaching toward his hands, which were tightly clasped together, you take his hand in yours and begin playing with his fingertips. It was a habit you developed long before Yuta offered to teach him anything sexual. When Yuta was on tour or busy with schedules he would always ask Taro to take care of you, which, in reality, it was the other way around. That often meant that you’d stay at his dorm late into the night hanging out with him and Sungchan, sometimes it would be games, other times it would be movies. After a few times of you falling asleep there, using the younger as a pillow, he made it a point to tell you that it was okay and he was willing to cuddle if you wanted. He knew you would feel lonely especially when Yuta was overseas for a schedule, he hated knowing that and did what he could to help.
“He did say some interesting things.” Yuta sighs, dropping his head back against the couch cushions, “He said he overheard Yangyang bragging about how he was going to fuck my girlfriend. Know anything about that?”
“B-before you get mad-”
“I knew it! You said you wouldn’t say anything!” Yuta erupts.
“Yuta,” you say lowly, feeling how Shotaro tensed in your hold, “let him explain.”
“I didn’t mean to say anything, honestly I didn’t. We were just relaxing in his room last week and he asked if I ever wondered what it would be like to suck dick and I didn’t think and just said I have before.” the blonde word-vomits.
“How did that turn into him claiming that he’s going to fuck her?” he gestures toward you with a nod.
“He pestered me into telling him who I gave a blowjob and then I kinda just spilled it all… I swear I never told him he was getting a chance to! I don’t know where he got that idea.”
Yuta simply nods at his younger friend and takes another sip of his wine. Shotaro starts playing with your fingers subconsciously expecting more of a reaction from the older but not getting it. You let out a soft sigh which captures the attention of both men. Shotaro simply gives you a look that conveys that he’s worried. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, raises an eyebrow at you, lips still touching the rim of his glass. The image alone made you practically melt, you needed to focus on your task though.
“Why are you trying to act so unbothered?” you ask your boyfriend.
“What do you mean baby?” he questions back, placing his wine glass down on the side table.
“You’re clearly upset by Yangyang saying that stuff about me. Don’t forget that both of us can read you like our favorite books. Why are you trying to pretend it doesn’t bother you?” you reiterate your question.
“Yuta, I,” the blonde interrupts himself with a sigh, “I understand if you’re mad that I told him. I’ll talk to him tomorrow morning when I see him and tell him to stop if that’s what you want.”
The brunette smiles softly at his younger friend. It’s a type of fond smile that he only gives you and Shotaro, you knew that smile well. While it does seem sweet and soft on the surface, you also knew that he was planning something at the speed of light. Shotaro held his gaze on the older with sparkly eyes, he wanted nothing more than to calm the simmering jealously Yuta was displaying. In the process of him talking he had stopped playing with your fingers and instead chose to just hold your hand. Every so often he does fiddle with your ring though, it was a ring Yuta had bought for you when he was in Japan for a schedule. It wasn’t an engagement ring, but he did say it would be a placeholder until he could get you a real engagement ring in the future. You watch as Yuta reaches a hand up to move a stray piece of hair out of the blonde’s face followed by a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, sweet boy. I have an idea though.” his soft smile melts into a smirk as he speaks the last few words.
“An idea?” you and Shotaro speak at the same time.
“How about we let him watch?” he proposes, “He was so eager to tell everyone that he was going to fuck my girlfriend, how about we give him a show?”
“Yuta, are you sure? This isn’t your pride or jealousy talking?” you question with a slightly worried tone.
“Yeah, I can always just tell him to shut up…” Taro adds on.
“I’m sure. Maybe he just needs to see it to get him to stop spreading stupid rumors like that. Are you two okay with that? I don’t want to upset either of you with my ideas.”
He moves his hand to hold Shotaro’s unoccupied hand, gently running his thumb over the blonde’s knuckles. You feel how his grip on your hand finally loosens slightly alerting you that he was starting to calm down. You knew Yuta would never force anything on you, he asked you weeks in advance if you were comfortable with helping him teach Taro everything you have so far. He might be an intense person but he’s always concerned about your comfort and safety above everything else, and the same goes for Shotaro when he’s involved.
“I’m okay with that.” you nod, a soft smile gracing your lips.
“I- um,” Shotaro stutters slightly, “If you’re sure.” he mumbles out.
“Taro, I want to know what you’re comfortable with. If you don’t want to let Yangyang see you like that, if you think it’ll mess with your friendship, then we won’t do it.”
“I’m comfortable with it. I just need to think of something as a cover to get him to come here. You know, since he’s never been here before or anything.” he rambles slightly.
Yuta lets out a soft laugh at how the younger man reacts. Shotaro smiles back at him before turning to you to make sure that you were comfortable with everything too. Despite Shotaro not being your boyfriend, he’s always been very attentive to you. He looks up to you but also wants nothing more than for you to be the happiest you can be at any given moment.
“Do you want to choose the next movie?” Yuta offers you, “I know neither of you really enjoy this kind of stuff.”
“Taro can choose,” you respond shaking your head, “I think I’ll get the snacks ready.”
“Um,” the younger vocalizes, “are we not going to discuss logistics?”
The brunette laughs softly again, nuzzling his head against Taro’s showing how much he truly adores the younger man, “We can do that in the morning, let’s just relax and watch the movie tonight.”
And that’s just what you do, the moment you return with bowls of different snacks you smile fondly. Yuta has Shotaro tucked under his arm, Shotaro using the brunette’s shoulder as a pillow. Yuta’s head gently rests on top of Taro’s as the younger scrolls through movie options. After placing the bowls down you join them on the couch. When you do, you take notice that Shotaro is nearly asleep choosing a movie. In his defense, Yuta did text him really late at night and he was probably starting to wind down for the night when he received the text. Then followed by the anxiety that your boyfriend unintentionally provoked you can’t blame him for being so exhausted. Still, he wrapped his free arm around you and you quickly get comfortable in his hold. It took all of ten minutes into the movie for Shotaro to be asleep. His soft snores were muffled by the TV. You wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for your head against his chest. When you reach up to gently tap Yuta’s hand you notice that he too was asleep. As much as you would love to leave them asleep there, you know that they would both be whining about being achy in the morning from sleeping in such an awkward position for so long. You place your hand on top of Yuta’s free one in his lap. He hardly stirs enough to wake up but when his eyes barely open and he sees your smile he wakes up enough to entertain a conversation.
“You okay baby?” his voice still laced with sleep.
“You both fell asleep, we should at least get in bed if you’re too tired.”
Yuta simply nods and shifts to take Shotaro in his arms, the younger not even slightly stirring when Yuta does so. You had gone ahead slightly, getting the blankets ready so your boyfriend didn’t have to hold the sleeping boy any longer than he needed to in his sleepy state. The moment the three of you were situated in your bed Shotaro practically latches onto you in his sleep. Yuta hardly lets out a soft giggle before succumbing to sleep himself. You lay there for a while longer alternating between the two men, playing with their hair before eventually, you fall asleep too.
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All three of you woke up late the next morning, you had wanted to stay in bed longer and get some more sleep but your boyfriend had other plans. No later than 9am, which in reality isn’t too early, he drags both you and Shotaro out of bed. You’re much easier to wake up than Shotaro though, the younger boy wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and use your chest as a pillow. After a while though, and a promise for homemade waffles, he was up and already clinging to you and Yuta.
Breakfast goes by rather quickly, most of it is spent in silence while you come to grips with being awake. You slowly ate your waffles and had empty conversations with the two boys for a good hour or two before Yuta started to speak up about your plan again.
“How do you two feel about bringing him over today?” he blurted out of nowhere.
“What?” Shotaro asks, slightly choking on his drink, “Isn’t that a bit sudden? Shouldn’t we plan it out first?”
“We’re planning it now Taro.” he smirks at the younger.
“I mean, if you’re okay with it I am too.” you offer a gentle smile.
“Okay, Taro, you comfortable with that?” sincerity dripping from your boyfriend’s words.
The younger nods curtly but it’s clear that he really was okay with it all, just a bit taken back by the sudden jump in the plan. Offering a warm smile Yuta suggests you take your conversation to the couch. Cleaning can be dealt with at a later time. Getting comfortable on the couch you find yourself tucked under your boyfriend’s arm while Shotaro sits in the armchair beside you. Your boyfriend has always been one to plan scenes out very carefully, and take every precaution needed. There was always a plan B, and a plan C just in case anything goes in a way that isn’t ideal. Now was no different, in fact, he seems more detail-oriented and planned with this one compared to the normal ones with just him or him and Shotaro.
“Taro, you’re the one who has to get him here. Try not to overtly say that he’s coming to watch us though. Maybe just say I wanted to hang out and get to know him for once.”
“And if he questions why were coming to her apartment?” the younger asks with a nod towards you.
“Just say that the dorm was too busy, or that I wanted to hang out too.” you offer.
From there you go into the logistics of how you want the actual scene to lay out. It was very clear from the start that Yuta didn’t want Yangyang fucking you at all. If anything he was more inclined to not let the boy have any sexual gratification from anyone. His philosophy is that if he wants to talk big like that with a lie he should be put in his place. You found it a bit harsh though and managed to get him to agree to at least something for the younger. Still, you knew you weren’t having sex with him. With the way Yuta was brooding about it you doubt even Shotaro would get a go with you this time. By the end of the planning, you had established your roles for the evening too, as always Yuta was yours and Shotaro’s dom, he always was, this time though you were planned to be dominant over Shotaro too. More often than not you end up being a the bottom of the totem poll in terms of dominance. Shotaro had offered to take that place this time though, reassuring you both that he didn’t mind being in that state in front of his friend. You aren’t quite sure how Yangyang will be in that setting but something in your gut says that he’ll bend to your every will, possibly Yuta’s too.
Once the three of you were dressed and ready for the day Shotaro heads out of your apartment to head to get Yangyang. You and Yuta on the other hand, stay at your apartment slowly getting everything prepped for later. It was peaceful and quiet for the first little bit, neither you nor Yuta say very much at all preferring to clean in quiet. When you finish tidying the living room you barely graze your hand across Yuta’s back in passing. It truly was an innocent touch, you just wanted to let him know you were passing behind him. However, your boyfriend always seems to take things with a dirty thought. His eyes follow you into the kitchen, you can feel him watching you as you lean over to start cleaning the counter. You glance over your shoulder throwing him a playful glare before continuing your task.
“Baby,” he comments, “could you come over here a moment.”
“Depends, does that include me staying over there? I really do want to straighten up a little bit.”
“It shouldn’t, but you never know.” he shrugs.
You let out an airy giggle before walking over to where Yuta was organizing papers and moving them off your small dining table. He was acting as if he was truly doing the task, acting like he didn’t even see you walk over to him. You decided to place a hand on his shoulder to alert him of your presence (even though he already knew you were there).
“What did you need, handsome?” you tease.
“I had an idea.” he comments casually giving you a specific smile.
“I know that smile, what are you planning?” you ask with a suspicious tone.
“Why are you worried, beautiful? I just had a thought about how to greet the boys when they get here.” “That seems… tame.”
He chuckles, “How about we just worry about cleaning your room and straightening up the bathroom? We both know they won’t be seeing much more of the house but the entryway and your room.”
“So, what does that have to do with greeting them?”
He stands, wrapping a hand around your waist, “We can get started without them,” he flirts, “after we tidy up your bedroom and the bathroom we might have some leftover time for you to change into something pretty and get started.”
“There it is,” you laugh, “honestly, that’s not a terrible idea. We both know Shotaro loves walking in on us a little too much.”
His grip around your waist tightens, pulling you closer against his body. You don’t have a moment to think before his lips are against yours in a kiss that takes your breath away. You reciprocate the kiss without even thinking about it, gently wrapping your arms around his neck. You kiss for a few minutes before Yuta pulls away making you chase after his lips a little bit. He smirks at the reaction you instantly have.
“We should get to cleaning now.”
You nod with a slight pout, “We should.” “Also, I think you should wear that shorter silk robe. Easy to take off and you look absolutely stunning in it.” “And?” he gives you a questioning look at your response, “What else should I wear with it?” “Nothing, you’ll be just fine in the robe alone. You won’t be in it long anyway.”
His comment makes you blush but you’re still trapped in his arms. Lucky for you, Yuta is an extremely ticklish person. You run your hands down his front, at first he clearly thinks you’re flirting heavily again. Then when you move your fingers to his sides and start tickling him he immediately releases you. Finally, you find your escape route and run into the bathroom to start cleaning. You can hear him yelling after you and whining about how you tricked him. You just laugh back and continue tidying. Hearing his comment that he’s going to start cleaning your room you finally think he’s decided to leave you be for a little bit. It didn’t take long for you to clean the bathroom, it wasn’t big, nothing in your apartment really was. You quietly make your way into your bedroom to find Yuta just finishing up as well, from what you can tell. The time you know he genuinely didn’t hear you enter the room, he didn’t even spare a glance at you when you made your way over to the closet. He doesn’t react until you pull one of the closet doors open. You think he might’ve had a mild heart attack when he turned around to see you standing there. The reaction alone had you ready to keel over with laughter.
“Why didn’t you let me know you were coming in? You scared me half to death!” he says with an exasperated tone.
“I wanted to let you clean,” you respond, “I’m just getting changed into my robe and thought you needed more time to clean.” You see how his eyes change at the mention of you changing into that robe he mentioned earlier. You had always gotten a kick out of teasing him, telling him exactly what you were planning, or wanting if he wasn’t there with you. Now was no different, he knew what you were doing and so did he, it was a game of whether he would act on it or let you win.
“Lucky for me, I just finished the last thing I needed to do.”
“Oh?” you question, beginning to change without paying him any mind.
“Taro texted me that he and Yangyang are on their way over. If we still want to greet them with a show you better get changed fast, baby.” he tells you, walking up until his words are right against your ear.
“Wanna help me undress then?” you ask, turning around to face him. He smirks, leaning forward to capture your lips again, “Of course I do.”
He slowly takes off every bit of your clothing, kissing you as he does so, until you’re standing there naked in front of him. He decides to tease you more by taking your breast in his hand, playing with it for a few moments. When you let out a whine he decides to reach behind you and wrap your robe around your body. He notices how you pout a little bit wanting to continue your make-out session, the sight makes him smile lazily.
“We can continue out in the dining area, my love.” he tells you with a sweet tone.
He takes a step back and helps you tie the ribbon around your waist before picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and start peppering kisses along the column of his neck. The scene isn’t unfamiliar to you, there were more than a few occasions where you could be found on your kitchen table making out. The moment you reach the kitchen your boyfriend sits you down on the table and pulls you away from his neck. When you get a good look at him you see all of the pretty marks you left behind. You were always proud of the marks you would litter all over his body, you knew he secretly was too, though he never explicitly stated it. He didn’t give you much time to admire your work though. Within breaths, he had his lips against yours again. When you make out with Yuta all concept of time flies out the window. You aren’t sure how long you’re sitting there kissing him. You continue to kiss him even as you hear the front door of your apartment click open. It isn’t until you hear an audible gasp coming from the entryway that Yuta pulls away from you.
“Hey,” he says casually, “thought it would take you longer to get here.”
“Hmm?” Shotaro responds just as casually as he hangs his jacket on the wall tree, “Oh, we were originally going to stop for snacks but decided against it on the walk here.”
You’re in a horny haze but are still present enough to process just how shocked Yangyang is. Then you take note of how his eyes drop down to your clavicle. Your robe had drooped off your shoulder exposing the skin of your shoulder, collarbones, and upper part of your breast. You reach to pull the fabric back into place and retie the ribbon around your waist before hopping off the table. Yuta watches you with a knowing look, he could always read you like a book he’s read a million times. You walk silently toward the two younger men, Shotaro is clearly more relaxed than his Chinese counterpart.
“Welcome back pretty boy.” you smirk, welcoming yourself into Shotaro’s arms.
“Thanks,” he giggles quietly.
You place a gentle kiss on his cheek, followed by a small one against his jaw, then his neck. Pulling back you turn to ask Yuta a silent question. He gives you a small, subtle nod knowing exactly what you planned before you even turned around. You face the blonde man, who currently has his arms wrapped around you, again giving him that same knowing look you gave Yuta. He releases you and you take a few steps back before side-stepping to be in front of the pink-haired boy.
“I’m glad you could come for the fun.” you smile sweetly, stepping forward to hug around his waist.
“Huh? Um, someone, explain please?” he starts to nervously giggle.
“You wanted to talk big, am I wrong?” Yuta starts, making the younger blush, “If you’re willing and consent, we’re inviting you to watch. That hug is the only physical contact you’re getting from her tonight.”
You lean your head against Yangyang’s shoulder, peering back at your boyfriend with an innocent look. Yuta smirks, almost in disbelief of how shamelessly you were flirting with all three of them. He gives you a gesture that you knew meant for you to come toward him instead of where you were currently standing in Yangyang’s hold. You smile brightly and wiggle your way out of the younger’s arms and find yourself held by your boyfriend instead.
“You in? If not I can always have Taro walk you home. The choice is yours, kid.”
You knew he was taunting the younger slightly, you also knew that Yangyang would respond well to it seeing as that’s how his members like to tease him. The pink-haired man nods silently, and Shotaro nudges him with a whisper. You can assume that he’s telling his friend to be vocal about his choice and not just nod.
“I’m more than happy to join you guys, I fully consent.” he finally says in a quiet voice.
You briefly make eye contact with Shotaro and you can see him starting to slip into his submissive headspace instead of his neutral one from before. You tap Yuta’s waist with the hand you have wrapped around him. He looks at you, when you gesture with your eyes towards Shotaro he sees exactly what you’re referring to.
“Taro, why don’t you head back with her while I chat with Yangyang for a minute?”
The younger jerkily nods and walks towards your outstretched hand before taking it. You aren’t sure what Yuta needed to talk to the other man about but you aren’t too worried about it. Knowing him, he’s simply informing him about the normal safeword and safe motions if needed. The moment you get into the room Shotaro turns to be in front of you, he clings to you fully. His arms wrap around you and he hides his face in your neck. You smile softly and card your fingers into his hair, brushing through it gently. Coaxing him away from your neck you hold eye contact with him, watching him fully slip into his submissive headspace.
“Hi baby, how are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” he mumbles, “Can- can I have a kiss?”
“Of course,” you smile, still playing with the ends of his hair, “anything for my baby.”
You lean forward and place a soft peck on his lips. He of course wanted to have more than one small peck, he pushes himself forward to kiss you again. It takes you by surprise slightly but you happily accept it and kiss him back. You decide it best to walk back to your bed and continue kissing him there. Laying on your back you immediately feel the space between your legs become occupied by Shotaro. When he lets out a while you pull him away and give him a questioning look.
“You don’t have anything on, it feels really nice. I wanna fuck you, please?”
You chuckle at him, “Not right now baby, you know Yuta wants you and Yangie to watch.”
“Please,” he asks grinding against your bare core, “just a little-”
“A little what?” you hear Yuta’s voice filling the space, “What do you want prince?”
Yangyang still looks a little lost at how to process what’s happening but also can’t seem to tear his eyes from where it’s obvious that Shotaro is still grinding on you. Yuta takes a few steps forward to stand next to where you and the younger are laying. He reaches down and takes a handful of Taro’s hair.
“I asked you a question, you best answer it.” he bites slightly, “I want to treat you nice today.”
“I wanted to fuck her, please, will you let me?” he nearly begs.
Yuta smirks down at him, “Not today, prince, maybe another time. Today you’re going to sit with your friend and watch.” to which he received a whine, “Now, now, it wouldn’t be polite to leave Yangyang to be the only one not involved. Would it?”
“No.” he caves.
“Good boy, now, knock that off and go sit with your friend.”
Shotaro immediately gets off of you and shuffles toward the couch where Yangyang was now sitting. You didn’t need to look at him to know he was slightly embarrassed being chastised in front of the other. It didn’t exactly help that he had a clear wet spot on the front of his shorts from grinding against your bare core. Before you can process much more, your boyfriend is hovering over your form, hips resting between your legs where Shotaro previously was.
“Now you, it seems that you’re already ready for me.” he smirks, running two fingers through your folds, “Do you need prep, or are you fine still from yesterday?”
When you don’t respond he lays a light slap on your thigh and raises his eyebrow at you.
“I’ll be okay, just want you.” you finally admit.
He doesn’t take long getting rid of his clothes and coming back to the side of the bed. In very few words he instructs you to remove your robe leaving you bare to the three men in the room. Yuta doesn’t give them much time to admire you though, he grabs you by the waist and places you on your hands and knees. You can feel the bed dip behind you, you know it’s Yuta climbing up behind you. He starts running the tip of his member through your folds collecting a bit of wetness on himself before slowly entering you. Gasping, your voice melts into a whimper, head falling forward at the feeling.
“It’s weird that you two are both fully dressed. If you want to you’re more than welcome to touch yourselves.” he comments, completely ignoring how you clench around him, “Or each other, whatever you want.”
He slowly starts thrusting into you and you don’t do anything to hold back your moans. He would just go harder on you if you were to hold anything back. Yuta’s thrusts grow faster and your moans continue to fly free into the air. You move your head slightly and make eye contact with Shotaro again. He’s shifting in his seat next to Yangyang but doesn’t make any move to touch himself or do anything without explicit permission from either you or Yuta. Then your eyes shift to the other sitting in front of you, he’s also clearly not going to act without permission. He’s a bit braver though, palming himself through his sweats while watching how your boyfriend thrusts into you from behind.
“T-taro, baby, what was it again that got us into this situation?” you knew the answer but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Um, uh, I was telling Yangyang about what we do together. Now I’m not allowed to have fun with you both.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Yuta interrupts, still keeping a steady pace, “you can have fun with us but you’re not touching us. Yangyang, what were the exact words Shotaro told you the other day?”
Yangyang gulps but knows better than to stay silent, “He told me that he’s sucked you off before and that you guys started teaching him things. B-but I took it too far and started telling lies that I was going to fuck your girlfriend.”
Yuta hums to masking a grunt when you clench again, “Taro, prince, how about you show Yangyang just how good you are with your mouth? Can you do that for me?”
Shotaro looks at the older with large shiny eyes. They’re a mix between both insecurity and excitement. Still, he nods and kneels in front of his friend. You watch the scene unfold in front of you and it only serves to excite you more. With how your boyfriend is fucking you and seeing the excitement radiating off the younger men, you can feel a knot starting to tighten in your belly. The blonde man tips his head back, you don’t see it but you know he has his tongue out too. Ever your patient sub he sits there as Yangyang tries to process what’s about to happen. The moment the pink-haired man does though he drops his sweats and boxers together. You let a whimper out seeing how the younger gets to work immediately kissing up and down the other’s member. Yuta grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you up flush against his chest with no warning.
“Isn’t that a pretty sight, baby? Seeing our boy being so good to our guest.” he rasps out.
You hum in response not trusting your voice at this moment. Shotaro experimentally starts sucking on Yangyang’s tip, eliciting a high whine from the other. Yangyang grips the base of his shirt trying to control himself from latching onto the blonde’s hair. Despite focusing on his task he reaches out for Yangyang’s tightly clasped hands and guides them to his hair. He takes a brief look up at the other and gives him a surprisingly innocent smile before going back to his previous engagement. You can tell the sight excites Yuta too, the way that he grips onto you and the way his thrusts are harsher by the moment it’s strikingly clear. Your mind is so lost in pleasure you hardly register the command Yuta gives his younger Japanese friend. You don’t fully process it until after Yuta holds your jaw to look at the other two. Shotaro is now completely stripped and grinding himself against Yangyang’s leg, still keeping his mouth occupied with the other. Yangyang keens out high whimpers and moans as his friend gives him what might be the best blowjob he’s ever gotten.
“Cum, wanna cum.” the Chinese man gasps suddenly.
“Prince, back off.” Yuta simply states in a half moan, “Yangyang can’t cum until both she and I do. Isn’t that what I told you?” he directs his question at the pink-haired boy.
“Yes, but please, I was so close and-”
“And nothing. I can feel how close she is so just be patient and accept the teasing that Taro is providing you.”
Yuta finally releases your hair and you fall forward completely giving into the pleasure you’re feeling. He sets an animalistic pace knowing you were close to tipping off the edge. Leaning forward he whispers dirty comments in your ear which only drive you closer to your orgasm.
“Taro, baby, go ahead. Make him and yourself cum, I’m almost there.” you gasp out when Yuta starts playing with your clit.
The younger wastes no time and Yangyang whines the moment Shotaro starts deep-throating him. Your orgasm crashes into you the moment you hear it, spasming around your boyfriend. Yuta, who had been managing to control his volume the whole time, finally lets his moans out. Just moments after he paints your walls with his cum. Shotaro follows not long after, knowing he was finally allowed to now that both of you had. His cum painting up Yangyang’s leg and his own chest. Yangyang cums last and Shotaro doesn’t waste a single drop. He makes sure to swallow every bit in his mouth, licking his lips for good measure. Yuta had been shallowly thrusting into you watching the scene in front of you unfold. When he finally pulls out, you can feel his cum dripping out of you and down your thighs.
The four of you stay quiet for a while catching your breath. Yuta had stepped away for a short moment to get a soft rag to clean you, Yangyang, and Shotaro. After being cleaned of any mess Shotaro found his way under Yangyang’s arm, cuddling him as he slowly came back from his submissive headspace. Yuta was quick to invite them to cuddle with you in bed though. Of course, they didn’t hesitate to join in, creating a rather large cuddle pile.
“Hey, can I just comment something?” Yangyang asks.
“Sure.” Yuta comments, half awake.
“No homo.”
“What?” you question, barely awake.
“No homo, you know, cause Taro sucked my dick.”
“You’re really going to say no homo… bro that simply doesn’t make sense.” Shotaro sasses.
Yuta shushes them loudly before commenting, “Both of you shut up and sleep. Yangyang, that’s not how it works anyway. Goodnight.”
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sunnyrealist · 6 months
🌶️ Chapter 38: Fierce Love 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian and Kate are on an adventurous camping trip in the Scottish Highlands. The third day is quite eventful. They explore a cave infested with Dementors, who show them illusions - ones depicting their dreams and their fears before attacking (Kate actually has to save Sebastian this time!). We learn more about Sebastian's time in Azkaban. There is intense lovemaking, followed by a rejected proposal (not rejected forever, but Kate isn't impressed to say the least). To top it all off, the couple has their first real fight. Kate decides to reveal to Seb that her family has incredibly high standards and likely will not approve of their relationship because of Sebastian's past. Unsurprisingly, he gets emotional, and both of them are very upset. Kate decides that they need some space, so she heads into her extendable bag to cry while Sebastian goes outside to get some air and clear his head.
Pairing: 25-year-old, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x Kate Mayflower (my OC)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI. This chapter features a conclusion to the couple's first argument, the hypothetical idea of parental disapproval, lots of talk about deep and true love, a discussion about future children, and intoxication. This is also a spicy chapter that features domination and submission, punishment (spanking), loss of control, and doggy-style sex against a table.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Please leave some feedback if possible, especially if you like what you read! 🥰
Chapter 38: Fierce Love
As Kate places the last dish on the table, Sebastian slinks inside the tent. She inhales and exhales, trying to find some inner peace.
Luckily, his expression looks much calmer. He quickly notices the dinner set on the table and a sigh leaves him. His face is still grim. Sebastian takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, trying to focus, as he holds on to the back of a chair at the table.
"Sorry," he says in a low, raspy voice that betrays the emotions just unleashed while he was alone. "I should not have reacted that way. That was out of line." He pauses for a second and then finally adds, "Are you… alright?"
Kate sighs. "Yes, I'm fine." She wipes a final tear from her face. "And you know what, I'm sorry, too. Maybe this was not the right time to bring this up." She gestures for him to take a seat at the table. "Perhaps I should have waited until we got home."
"Yeah… that might have been better," he mumbles, sitting down. "Still… It’s out now, and I do want to talk about it. I think it's necessary." A pause. "Kate, look..." He meets her eyes. "I know this is going to be a... difficult thing. With your parents, and how they will see me and... everything." Another pause. "I just... I don't want to mess this up with your family. I don't want to be rejected by them. I don't know what I'll do if they hate me." He sighs. "I want to win them over. I want them to give me a chance, even though I'm probably a hell of a lot different than whatever it is they expect. And that’s putting it lightly."
“It’s going to take time,” she finally murmurs after a moment. “Ugh… I already know how it’s going to go.” She shakes her head dejectedly. “But… Seb… they are good people - my parents. They just want what is best for me, but… this-” she gestures between them, “-is not for them to decide. It’s my life. I get to choose who to love.” She exhales and waits a moment before speaking again. “I do believe they will eventually come around. And if they don’t, they will be the ones missing out on an incredible son-in-law.” She gives him a small smile.
His expression softens. "Yes, it may take time..." he muses. "And it likely will not be easy. But if they are good people, like you said, they will come to realize that my past doesn't define me. My past doesn't define my ability to be a good partner for you and a good father to their- their grandchildren..." Sebastian meets her eyes. "I truly am sorry for how I spoke to you, Kate. I don’t know how you have such… infinite patience.” He sighs. “And thank you for being honest, even when I don’t want to hear the truth."
She reaches for his hand and squeezes it. “Of course.” She plates sauteed salmon, lemon parmesan rice, and roasted green beans for both of them. “Bash, they are sensible people. It will be difficult at first because my mum is emotional and concerned with reputation.” She pauses. “I want to lead this with honesty. I will tell them that I am not leaving you, that I will not change my mind. And it will be up to them to decide whether or not and how to integrate their future son-in-law.”
"Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea..." he replies, and his grip on her hand tightens as he finally gives her a small smile. "Honesty is critical. We can't build a foundation based on lies. Not with this. That way, whatever the outcome, at least we can say that we handled this with maturity." He sips his white wine. "Your parents have every right to be concerned for you. But I'm not the same person who made those terrible mistakes when I was sixteen. I have learned and grown up. I’m ready to start my life anew. I'm ready to build a life with you.”
“I know all of that, I do. It’s just going to be tough to tell them the news. I think… I think I should speak to them alone first. It might go over better if you aren’t there.”
His face falls as he processes this, having expected that they would stand and face it all together. But, after some thought, he nods finally and says, "You're right... And you know your parents best.” He pauses after a moment and then asks worriedly, "They won't be terribly mean, will they? Or rude?"
“They won’t be openly rude or mean when you meet them, Sebastian,” Kate replies, looking bothered. “Don’t worry about that. They would never. They’re good-mannered people.” She takes a bite of salmon. “It’s more what they might say or think when you are not around. They’ll feel more comfortable to ask me difficult questions and get their feelings out. They will almost undoubtedly attempt to make me rethink us. It won’t work, though.”
He is quiet as he takes a few bites of his dinner, attempting to mask his anxiety of the ordeal ahead. "So, they will be asking you questions like, 'Why can't you see that he's a dark wizard and bad for you? Why are your feelings more important than our family’s reputation? Are you sure you want to marry a man like him?'"
Kate cringes. “I mean - I hope not… but my mum can come off very strong. Irene and my papa will likely come to terms with us as a couple sooner than she will.” She sighs. “Damn it all. You probably think so badly of my family now. I promise you that this is not who they are at their core. They’re loving and kind and generous and…” She trails off, trying to assess his feelings. “Merlin, I want to add you to the family so badly. I think it would do you so much good to have people in your life that maybe… Maybe someday you’ll consider them parental figures. I just know that you’ll fit in perfectly, personality-wise, with all of us. It’s just… going to require patience.”
"I don't think badly of them," Sebastian replies. "They want to protect you. It's going to be hard for them to understand why you want to be with me, and I suppose I do not blame them for that." 
He savors the last bite of his salmon, and the anxiety inside him begins to soften. Kate is willing to risk her family's approval in order to be with him. It demonstrates just how deeply she cherishes him. 
"You're right," he says. "Patience and understanding will be crucial."
Kate is relieved to hear him say he doesn’t see her family as evil, but she kind of doubts that is the truth right now, especially after Sebastian’s tirade earlier. “I- I don’t think there is much else to discuss on the subject. We’ll face whatever comes together. And we will do it with love and maturity.”
"Yes, and with honesty," he adds. "We'll just have to accept that they may not approve of the idea of me at first. I don't think there's much else we can do besides letting time do its work, and I will be patient as necessary. With that said..." He smiles slightly. "I truly do hope they are not as harsh as you think they will be. And I hope you will stand up for me, if necessary, to tell them that I am not this bad person that they might think I am."
“You don’t need to worry about that at all, my love,” she replies. “I would do anything for you. Even… fight off a dozen Dementors.” Her smile is cheeky. “You’ll never have to wonder if I would protect you in a life or death situation.” 
As crickets chirp and the wind blows outside, the two enjoy some more bites of their food in comfortable silence. Kate’s eyes make their way to Sebastian, looking over his features. His face, lit by flickering candlelight, is swimming in freckles. Unbeknownst to him, his chestnut hair is a mess, probably from being outside in the cold wind. A broad chest with muscular arms, sculpted from fight after fight in prison, then from training with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He’s a masterpiece, Kate thinks to herself.
“I never thought you’d be able to battle so fiercely,” Sebastian remarks. “No offense. You’re just… full of surprises. You keep me on my toes all the time, Kate.” He stares as she smiles and drinks her wine. Then, he smirks. “Are you sure you aren’t a warrior at heart?”
Kate almost spits out her wine, then laughs heartily. “Godric’s heart, no!” She shakes her head dramatically, still chortling. A playful look comes over her face. “Little librarian me? Not in a million years. However… if I have to defend someone I love, watch out.” She raises her hands to make them look like claws. “A true Hufflepuff - gentle and patient and kind, yet fierce when provoked.”
Sebastian chuckles at her charade. Her silly side is adorable. “So… just a meek, petite, polite librarian… until there is a need to protect her love. Then, she turns into a dangerous wild beast.”
“Roooooooaaaaarrrr!” Kate growls and lunges at Sebastian, immediately erupting into giggles.
After settling down and enjoying quite a bit more wine, she turns more serious. “I suppose we are one for one now. I saved your life today, and you saved me from that monster, Clyde Parkinson. I guess we’re both rather protective. Is that also a Slytherin trait?”
Sebastian tilts his head as she asks about Slytherin. “Of course. It’s a big part of the Slytherin mentality. We look out for our own; we don’t hesitate to defend the ones close to us, but for us, it doesn’t matter what methods are required.” An image of Clyde Parkinson, his face filled with blood as Sebastian landed blow after blow, comes to mind. Upon reflection, Sebastian wonders if he went too far. But when he remembers Kate screaming, half-dressed, and the position in which Parkinson had forced her against the wall, ready to prey upon her honor, he doesn’t feel sorry. Not one bit. “It’s one of our best qualities. Being protective is how we survive and achieve our best.”
“So, I suppose I fall into that category, then? Someone close to you?” Kate bats her eyelashes in a silly manner.
“Well, of course. Someone very close to me. The closest anyone has been to me in a decade.” He gives her a small, teasing grin after sipping more wine. “I suppose, in that sense, you have become part of the Slytherin family.”
Kate laughs heartily. “Slytherin family, huh?” She eats a little more rice, then pushes her plate away, finished. A mischievous look takes over her face. “Will we be a Slytherin family?”
“Erm, yes. Yes!” His grin grows bigger as he realizes what she means. He meets her eyes. “Yes, I absolutely hope we will be a Slytherin family.”
Kate is poised and more than ready to tease him. “Or… we could be a Hufflepuff family…”
Sebastian bursts into laughter. “Oh, no, you don’t!” He playfully reaches out to grab her hands and clings onto them tightly, shaking them. 
“Oh, yes, I do!” Kate shrieks.
“You’re not turning me into a Hufflepuff!”
 “Just imagine it: Every time a new little Sallow comes to the front of the Great Hall, the Sorting Hat immediately declares, ‘Hufflepuff!’” She cackles. “Wouldn’t that be delightful?!”
He groans at her comment and then chuckles, despite his protests, still shaking her hands. “Oh, no. Please, no. I simply could not have my family line be cursed in that way - by having the Sorting Hat declare them all Hufflepuffs year after year!” His smile is huge. “It just wouldn’t be right!” 
They can hear the sound of crickets outside as the sun begins to set whenever the chuckles momentarily subside.
Kate takes a large sip of wine and then pours herself another very full glass, refilling Sebastian’s cup as well. It doesn’t escape his notice that her face is growing more rosy by the minute, her giggles getting louder and more high-pitched. “Cuuursed?! Cursed?! Do you really think it would be that awful to have little Sallows in Hufflepuff?! I would be soooo proud to see them…” she hiccups. “...in my h-house!” She lifts her arm, pumping dramatically, as if in victory. In doing so, wine splashes out of her cup and onto her dress.
Sebastian hasn’t smiled so hard in ages. He is now completely on board with this game they are playing. He’s sure to win if her red complexion indicates anything. “Yes - cursed! Being sorted into Hufflepuff is the worst curse I could possibly imagine! I cannot fathom having all of my descendants be doomed to wear that yellow, the color of sunflowers!” He continues in an even more dramatic manner. “And being proud of it?! Never! It would be a disgrace to the Sallow name!”
“Nnnnnnow you’ve done it!” Kate cries, banging her hands on the table and shooting up. She stomps over to him and violently shakes him by his shoulders. “You’ve i-insulted Hufflepuff aaaaand sunflowers! How dare you, Mr. Sallow!!!” She starts giggling again and doubles over. “I declareeee it now - our precious babies will be Hhhhhhufflepuffs!”
Sebastian can’t help but laugh at her antics, eager to goad her tipsy tomfoolery further.  “Never! Never in a million years! No matter how much wine you drink and how pissed you get, Kate Camellia Mayflower, you will not curse my children with that!” He observes her huffing and puffing. “I’ll never let them join that house! I’ll send them off to Hogwarts with green scarves instead. If anything, they’ll be Slytherin! I will not accept any… lesser option!”
Kate traipses back to her side of the table to retrieve her glass of wine, downing what is left. “Your children? Your children?! I think you are f-forgetting something, Sebastian Renatus Sallow - they’ll be ours!” She points at him dramatically. “And what are you gonna do? Bribe the S-Sorting Hat?!” She bursts out laughing.
Sebastian shakes his head as he watches her wine disappear. He can’t help but chuckle himself at her good cheer. She’s a hilarious drunk. “I suppose that’s true, but they will still be my children, and they’ll be just like their father - all Slytherin! And as for the Sorting Hat, do you think that I would not do anything and everything within my power to ensure that they are sorted into Slytherin? You know that’s Slytherin to the core!”
“You ffffffucking Slytherins! You play diiiiiiiirty!” she cries, throwing up her hands. She marches towards him again but trips over her own feet drunkenly, ending up sprawled across his lap. Then, as though it was his fault she fell, she yells, “Sebby! You naughty boy!”
The laugh that erupts from him when she trips and falls into his lap is one of pure amusement. Kate attempts to sit up in his lap, and he places his hands lightly on her waist in assistance. “Oh, really?” He chuckles, then leans towards her and whispers, “If I’m… a naughty boy, what are you going to do about it?” Kate giggles. “Your breath is tickling my ear, Sebby!” She squirms around, kicking her feet. “Naughty boys… need to be punisheddddd…” 
Sebastian can’t help but lean even closer, whispering directly in her ear. “Punished, huh? Is that so?” His eyes flicker down. The bodice of her dress is wet, drenched in wine, and a button has come loose, exposing some cleavage. He lets his eyes linger for a beat before slowly looking back up. “I could think of a few ways of punishing you,” he begins to tease, “but you might be too pissed to know what I’m talking about.”
Kate gasps. “Punish me?” She laughs. “Whatever for? I’m notttt pissed!” She notices his gaze has fallen upon the bodice of her simple pink frock, causing her to narrow her eyes.
“Oh, I know you’re drunk, my love,” he replies, then leans in again and flicks at the loose fabric. “You’re so drunk you don’t even recognize that that button has fallen loose.” He lets a beat pass before finally whispering, “But I know what to do about a dirty, naughty little Hufflepuff…”
“You’re the one sssssaying mean things abou- about Hufflepuff,” she whines, then hiccups. “I just know our babies will beeeeee…. In Hufflepuff, and you- you’ll be sorry, Sebby…” Her bottom wiggles over his groin as she squirms around, attempting to get away from the tight grip he has around her waist and torso. “Why? Why…. does a Slyyyyytherin get to punish a… Hufflepuff???”
“Because we’re better - we really are,” he answers in a mocking tone, his smile curling deviously. “And because Hufflepuffs like you need to know their place - that’s why! You belong to a Slytherin now, and your children will belong to Slytherin as well. It’s high time you realized that there is a hierarchy… and how that hierarchy really works.”
“Oh, p-piss off,” Kate spits. “There is no such… hi-hierarchy….” She grinds more on top of him, feeling him grow hard. “I-It’s all about… control for you lot. And Slytherins… they like to t-think they h-have control, but they d-don’t…” 
“Oh, yes there is - don’t be ridiculous! And control is what we have - it’s a simple fact.”
Kate suddenly unbuttons her bodice further, fanning herself. “Why is it so fucking warm in here?!”
Sebastian raises an eyebrow. “Warm? Maybe you should take off that pesky little dress.”
“Y-you’d like me to- to take my clothes off?” she asks innocently.
His eyes flicker towards her open bodice as he grins. “I would absolutely love it if you took this dress off, my love.”
“W-well…” Kate begins. “The t-thing about control… is that… I don’t have to do what you want… Y-you’re the one under my controlllll…. Just look at the state of you! I’m getting exactly w-what I wanted… You’re already hard because of meeeeee. I’m in control… Your control is just a… facade…”
Sebastian’s smile suddenly falters, but he decides to stand his ground. “Really? You think you’re in control? If so, maybe you should demonstrate… and do something about this… monster you’ve created.” He gives her a cheeky grin and bounces her on his leg.
“T-That’s right. We make Sssssslytherins think they have control because they like to think they have power. But it’s us - the Hufflepuffs - behind the curtain!” Kate smirks, her demeanor slightly changing. “You know… I don’t think I am going to do anything about this.” She gestures towards his lap, then giggles and moves to hop off of him.
His grin turns into a grimace; he grabs her wrists as she tries to leave. “Oh, no, no, no - not so fast…” He sounds playful at first, but after struggling to keep her on his lap, his tone becomes firm. “You are going to reap the consequences of your teasing, my love.”
Kate hiccups. “You’reeee the one getting punished!” She begins another attempt at escape, but his grip tightens around her waist, keeping her in place.
With a raised eyebrow, he asks, “Is that so? Well, if you think I’m being punished right now, let’s just see how you feel when I really punish you…”
Her smirk turns to confusion and then a slight bit of fear. “W-what?”
Sebastian leans in close, his voice lowering. “If you think that was a punishment, then just wait until you see what I have planned for you, my love. You will beg for me to stop, and I won’t...”
Kate’s mouth drops. She stops squirming, defeated, but also curious, exhilarated, and fearful all at once. 
He can’t help but smirk as he sees what kind of effect his words have on her. He leans back a bit, keeping one hand on her wrist and the other tight on her waist. “Let me tell you something,” he begins, his voice still low and with a somewhat threatening edge to it. “You have been a very naughty, very dirty girl tonight, and you need to be reprimanded.”
“Seb…” Kate’s tone is full of worry. “Please…”
His grip suddenly tightens. “Oh, a punishment has to happen, my dirty little Hufflepuff. There will be no more warnings. I’m going to teach you a lesson…”
“No,” she squeaks. “I… I don’t want that. Please…” 
“You should have thought of that earlier. You should have known what would happen.” The hand around her wrist tightens.
“Ouch!” Kate yelps. “Don’t hurt me!”
There is an audible scoff. “Oh, but why should I not? You teased me, and for that, you’re going to be punished. So, now, it’s just a matter of how I’m going to punish you.” He suddenly lets go of her wrist, sliding his hand up her thigh and onto her rear.
Her eyes go wide. She shrieks as he suddenly flips her over so that she is bent over his knee. He slides the hem of her dress up, exposing her bottom. That’s when Kate finally realizes what is about to happen. “Sebby… n-no! Pleeeeeease!” 
“Oh, but dear,” he murmurs, “I’m afraid that the time for pleading has passed.” He squeezes her arse and gives it a hard spank.
“OW!” she shrieks. She tries fruitlessly to get away from him. “Seb…”
Another hit. “Sorry, my love, but you need to be punished… I’m not going to listen to you anymore.” The moment he finishes speaking, he gives her another firm spank, the sound echoing off of the walls of their tent.
Her body jerks as he slaps her arse over and over again, handprints blooming red against her pale skin. 
“Stop! Stop!” Kate pleads. “Please, Seb!”
“Stop? I’m not done yet, my love.” He smirks and gives her a firm slap again, his palm lingering on her skin. “There’s still so much more that you need to learn about your place…”
Tears well in Kate’s eyes. “I didn’t do anything wrong!” she protests. “It hurts!”
“It’s meant to hurt!” His grip on her hip tightens. “Oh, you did plenty wrong, my love,” he murmurs. “You were teasing me, grinding up on me, all while knowing how badly you wanted to be punished. It was inevitable; that’s just how it works with a dirty little Hufflepuff like you.”
“But you w-were being so meannnn! Aren’t we even?!” she cries out, tearing up, as he resumes spanking her over and over.
“No, we are not even,” he hisses, watching her red arse jiggle slightly with each hit. “You know why we aren’t even? Because you drove me to it. You are the one in the wrong here - that’s why you’re being taught a lesson.”
“Stop! Stop! Please!” she wails as he lands blow after blow. “This is over some stupid argument about what house our children will be in! It’s not right!”
There’s a moment of reprieve as he mockingly responds. “Oh, is that what this is about? Just that silly banter?”
Kate breathes in and out slowly, trying to manage the pain. “I-It was… also about… control…” she answers quietly.
There’s a moment of silence.
“I see… And… you were the one wanting to be in control during that argument?” Sebastian asks calmly and seriously.
“I… yes…” she answers hesitantly, not wanting any further pain. “B-but not anymore, Seb. It’s you. Y-you’re in control.” She lowers her head.
“Is that so?” he questions. “Then would you say that I am still in control for whatever I do right now?”
“Yes,” she replies obediently, and in the next moment, she is thrown over the table, her arse in the air. “W-what?!” She hears Sebastian hastily unbuttoning his trousers.
As his trousers and shorts slide down his legs, he tells her with a slightly more playful edge, “I can do whatever I want to you right now, can’t I?”
She feels his groin press flush against her stinging bottom and whimpers. His manhood pokes against her center, and he starts chuckling darkly when he realizes how wet she is. “Guess you enjoyed that, didn’t you, my dirty little Hufflepuff? There was no need to protest so much. We’re about to have some more fun, alright? It’s gonna feel so good. You don’t have to hide how much you love this…”
Kate gasps as he pushes inside her heat. Without giving her any time to adjust, he starts moving, his pace quick. Every time his groin snaps against her rear, she yelps in both pain and pleasure. “Seb… Seb… Oh… Seb!” she shrieks.
“That’s it, my love,” he hisses as he speeds up. His moans intermingle with the slapping of skin and that of wet squelching. “Oh, gods… it’s good…” He closes his eyes in satisfaction. “Who’s in charge, my naughty girl?”
Kate can hardly breathe, her eyes shut tight. “You! You are!” she screams. “Sweet Merlin! Oh, gods!”
“Yes, that’s right… I am! So what does that make you, my love?”
Even thinking is difficult. Almost all she can register is the stinging every time he thrusts against her arse. Drool slips out of her mouth. “Yours. Yours to control! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck, I’m close!”
The dishes on the table are rattling; a wine glass is close to the edge, but he pays it absolutely no mind and continues on.
“And what…. what do I own of yours?” Sebastian asks. When she doesn’t answer, only breathing heavily, he repeats the question. “What do I own of yours? Answer me!”
Kate lets out a long moan, then struggles to answer as he absolutely pounds into her. “My body. It’s… It’s yours! Aaaahhhh… Sebastian! You… You own me!” Her vision starts going white; she is falling over the edge.
Sebastian groans as her walls tighten around him. Thrusting hard into her a few more times, he feels himself giving into bliss as well. He pushes as deep as possible as he unleashes a huge load, his heart pounding in his ears as he utters unintelligible words of praise.
Coming down from her high, Kate whimpers. Sebastian collapses on top of her, reaching forward to grope her breast as he tries to return back to reality himself. 
“Oh my gods…” she murmurs breathlessly.
“Sweet Merlin…” he agrees breathlessly. “That was amazing.” He looks utterly winded, sweating and panting profusely, as he finally pulls out of her.
Kate slides from the table to the floor, absolutely boneless and shaking from the aftershocks of their shared pleasure. Her breathing is as heavy as his. “Sebastian…” she chokes out. “Seb…”
He follows her down on all fours, moving carefully next to her. After a moment, he presses a gentle kiss to her lips. “Kate…” he murmurs. “You were incredible. You know that, right?”
Her face is flushed as she gazes upon him. One of her breasts has completely fallen out of her bodice; she can’t be bothered to fix it. She just needs to revive herself first. Naturally, it doesn’t escape Sebastian’s notice. He reaches up to squeeze her breast gently. “I think your dress looks… better… like that…” 
Kate allows Sebastian to pull down her bodice enough to expose her other breast as well. He kneads her soft flesh, flicking her pebbled nipples as she whimpers.
“You - ahhh - you love them, don’t you?”
Sebastian lets out a low chuckle. “You know damn well I do.” He gives her breasts another squeeze. “I mean, look at them! How could I not?!”
She giggles and scrunches her nose. “Do you ever think they’re too big? I certainly do.”
“Too big?” he asks incredulously. “No. Trust me, your breasts are perfect.”
“They’ll be unbearable someday when you get me pregnant,” she muses nonchalantly, a far-off look on her face. “Absolutely unbearable.”
“Oh, trust me,” he responds, leaning in closer, cupping her tits. “I’ll be more than happy to bear them… in my hands, that is. All the time.”
Kate scoffs and playfully swats him. “Sebastian!”
He smiles even wider than before, an amused look forming on his face. “You say my name as if you expect me to behave. You know I can’t manage that.”
“Do you need to be punished now?” she asks, playfully rubbing her hands together as if she’s some evil mastermind. Propping herself up on one arm, her breasts swing as she moves - his eyes are trained on them. “I think you’re far more naughty than me.”
“I can see what you’re thinking about right now, Mr. Sallow. You’re absolutely insatiable. I swear, you’d go at it all night if I agreed.” She scoffs.
His eyes light up. “Do you agree?’
“Gods!” she laughs. “You’re like a rabbit. Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to breed me.”
Sebastian is caught off guard by her comment and lets out a soft snicker. “Yes, and…? Maybe you’d like that. Maybe you’re not entirely against it yourself.”
Kate’s face turns red quickly as she looks away and attempts to compose herself. “Seb… I…” she stammers.
“Mm, so I was right then, wasn’t I?” His tone has once again gotten flirty and teasing. “Are you embarrassed? Don’t be. Would you want… to be bred by me?”
She continues blushing silently but finally answers after a few moments. “Not now… not until after we’re married and ready for babies.” She’s quiet again, thinking about it. Then, she gives him a lopsided grin. “Anything before that is just… practice.”
“Is that so?” he chuckles. “So… what I take away from that is that you’re saying we have been doing lots of practicing, then…” Smiling, he leans down to give her another kiss, his lips lightly brushing over her cheek. “We should continue practicing…”
Kate breathes out shakily, his face so close to hers. One of his hands glides up her leg, caressing her thigh. “Oh, Seb…” she murmurs, filled with desire. “Take me to bed.”
Sebastian scoops her up, carrying her over to the bed as she giggles, still slightly buzzed. 
“How should we practice?” she asks innocently as he finally removes her dress and then his own tunic.
“Oh, you know the answer to that perfectly well,” he responds playfully, laying her down on the bed and clambering over her. His hands roam all over her body. “Practicing is not the same as the actual thing - you know, actually trying for children…” His tone is more sensual. “But we must practice, you see, so we can be ready after marriage…”
“Mmmm… I see.” She gives him a coy look. “So… how often must we practice, darling?”
“Oh, often,” he whispers, his lips now brushing against her neck. “Every single night until we’re married. At least once every night. And even after we’re married… we should continue practicing, maybe even more…” He squeezes her thigh. “Don’t believe for even a single second that I’ll ever get tired of it.”
“Oh, goodness!” Kate puts on an air of naivety. “But, darling, we cannot - not until marriage!” She puts the back of her hand to her forehead as though she might faint, then cracks up and continues her charade. “Perhaps we should get dressed. One of us ought to sleep on the floor. We wouldn’t want to cause a scandal by sharing a bed!”
Sebastian’s grin is crooked. He presses little kisses all along her collarbone. “Oh… I suppose you’re right. We wouldn’t want anyone to get any wrong ideas if they were to find us.” He lets out an amused chuckle. “Yes, we should sleep in different beds, just in case.”
Kate lifts her head to kiss his lips. “It would only be proper!” She wraps her legs around his waist, bringing their naked bodies even closer. “You wouldn’t want to take advantage of a sweet young lady like me…” She bats her eyelashes.
“I would never,” he responds in the same playful tone. “Who would have ever thought you’d find yourself in a situation of such… lewdness!”
Kate lays kisses all over Sebastian’s face as she hugs him, pressing his chest against her pillowy breasts. “We are in a proper courtship, Sebastian Sallow. We should never give in to our passions prior to marriage.” She runs her hands over his back. “And talking about making babies is not fit for polite society.”
“Oh, my apologies…” he responds as he runs his fingers over her arms in a featherlight touch. “I should never speak of such things, not with your sweet innocence. We must never speak of it again. Not until our wedding night.”
Kate looks at him with doe eyes, feigning confusion. “Our wedding night? What happens on one’s wedding night?” Her hands travel up his back and neck to settle on his cheeks, pulling his face to hers so she can kiss him deeply.
“Oh,” he says before giving into the kiss as his hands continue to explore her body. “Well… most people like to… practice even more of what we just did…”
“Most people… Hmmm…” she muses. “But what about you, Sebastian? What would you want to do on our wedding night?” She bites her lip.
He grins, breaking out of character momentarily. “I would want… to be inside of you…” His hands start to slide lower. His tone becomes more seductive. “To fill you with my seed.”
Kate giggles. “Only once that night, of course, right, Seb? And only when we’re ready for children. Never before.”
“Certainly, that’s what a proper couple might think…” His teeth nip at the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder. His voice is husky. “But I want to do improper things to you all day, every day… And on our wedding night, I’ll never leave your body. We won’t sleep at all.”
Kate grinds against Sebastian, speaking in the tone of a well-mannered society girl. “Oh, but Seb… I must know how to please my husband on our wedding night. I wonder who could help me? I need a teacher desperately.”
“Oh, dear Kate,” he teases in a playful tone. “Whoever could that be?”
She gasps as he suddenly grabs her hands, pinning them high above her head. Her pert nipples graze his chest. “Oh, Sebastian. Please, please teach me…”
“Perhaps I might… teach you all the different ways you could make me… love you… crave you… make me want to worship you…”
Kate groans as he grinds against her. Her voice is desperate, needy. “Show me. Sebastian, teach me. Show me what to do, my love…”
Sebastian smiles as he whispers in a seductive voice. “And Kate… Just as you should learn how to please your future husband, he should… learn how to please you. So, tell me, my dear, what should your future husband know?”
Squirming underneath his powerful body, she manages to quietly respond, “Well… the first thing for my husband to know is… hmmm… I love romance and kisses…” She places her lips on his cheek. “Now, what should your wife know that you like?”
“Yes, me too. She should know… I like to feel wanted.” Sebastian leans in and captures her lips in his. 
Kate smiles adoringly. “ Seb, oh, gods, does she want you. She wants you like nothing else in this world. You’ll never have to question that - ever.” She kisses him again, slowly and tenderly. “I… I think my husband should know that I love when he touches me all over my body…” “Yes. Yes, she does like that,” he chuckles, running his free hand up and down her abdomen. “And I already know she loves having someone take charge… someone who can take control. She likes when her husband is a bit more… assertive.” His grip tightens around the wrists he has pinned over her head.
“True,” she murmurs, moaning as his other hand reaches her breast, settling and gently squeezing. “And… mmmmm… What else should your wife know about you, Bash?”
“She should know I am often curious and experimental. That I enjoy trying new things… and exploring,” he pauses to bite and suck a mark into her neck as she whimpers. “She should know that I am an incredibly patient man… who is able to last a very long time…”
“Adventurous,” she breathes out. “And absolutely insatiable…” She chuckles a little, dragging her fingertips down his back and settling them over his arse. “Your wife definitely knows how relentless you can be. She might not be quite as insatiable as you, but she loves how desired her husband can make her feel. It’s flattering.” She kisses his cheek.
Sebastian’s breath becomes more labored. “Yes… and my wife knows that I’m also possessive and protective. She knows she is mine. She knows that I am an incredibly jealous man.” He lets out a small laugh as he pulls her body closer, flush against his. “But somehow, she is capable of making all of my negative feelings just melt away.”
“Your wife belongs to you completely, darling,” she whispers in his ear. “There is no other man she would ever consider. And she knows full well what you might do if a stranger ever touches her… She feels so safe with you.”
They kiss for a few moments, slowly and languidly.
“My wife knows I would kill for her if I had to, but luckily… because she has me, I doubt anyone would dare get too close.” He continues nipping the skin of her neck over and over, then giving a soothing kiss to each new, blooming mark. The sound of her little whines makes him desire her even more.
“And my husband should know… that his wife would lay down her life for his if necessary,” she murmurs. “Really. She would.” Kate gives him a gentle smile as they make eye contact. “My husband deserves the entire world and more. I want to fulfill his every desire, to try just about anything he wants to try…”
Sebastian flashes a smile and blushes as she says this. His hand finally releases hers, but she doesn’t move them, leaving them laying high over her head. Sebastian caresses her cheeks, then pulls her in for another tender kiss. “I love you, Kate.”
“I love you, Sebastian,” she tells him. “Please don’t ever leave me. I couldn’t bear it.”
He squeezes her as he responds, “I will never leave you. Never… I could never.” He kisses her again. “Not now, not in a thousand years. I am yours, and you are mine. You are my everything, from this moment until the end of time.”
The only sound other than their lips smacking against each other is the chirping of crickets - a perfect soundtrack.
Kate takes his face in her hands. “We haven’t been together long, and yet, this feels so right, so perfect. Some people never find what we have, Seb… and I pity them. I do. I could never live without this love anymore.” She pauses, kissing his shoulder. “I don’t understand it - how it just seems like I’ve known you forever, loved you forever. The moment we spoke that night in Diagon Alley… the first time you held me when we apparated to Hogsmeade… It just felt so good to be with you.”
Her words fill Sebastian with butterflies. He can’t help but smile. “I know what you mean. It seems as though I’ve known you far longer than I have. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I felt something. Something powerful… something deep… something I just had to have and keep.”
Kate chuckles. “I remember it well - how it felt when you were staring at me that night.” She smiles fondly. “The moment I saw you, I just had to speak to you. I was so curious.” She caresses his cheek. “And ever since then, everything I feel… It’s just so intense, Seb. So intense.”
“I felt the same way. I saw you and couldn’t look away. There was so much desire to meet you… to know you… and maybe even to love you. And after that first night…” His words are filled with affection, a deep warmth, as he looks in her eyes. “Everything I’ve felt with you… it’s far more powerful than I’ve felt with anyone other than family.”
“That first morning, when I sent you away because you admitted to me about your past and dark magic… I don’t know if I had ever felt so depressed in my entire life,” she admits. “It felt like something was being ripped away from my soul - my very soul. I was miserable for weeks.”
“I thought I had lost you…” Sebastian’s eyes are far off, contemplating how melancholy he felt back then. “I thought that I had lost the love of my life forever.”
Kate presses her forehead to his. “Thank Merlin you wrote to me. Thank Merlin. Who knows where we would be otherwise…”
“Yes. I might never have seen you again…” A sigh escapes him as he imagines that outcome - not having her in his life. Pure loneliness. Wandering from place to place without purpose, drinking every night in an attempt to forget the past, debating if it’s worth being alive at all…
She kisses him tenderly, recognizing his expression and pulling him out of his thoughts. “I love you, my moon. My sweet moon.”
“And I love you, my sun… my beautiful sun…” A smile curls on his lips as he runs his fingers through her yellow hair. “Please… I want to make love to you again…”
Kate’s answer is a deep kiss. She allows herself to be ravished once more. 
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ob-levi-on · 3 years
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hypotheticals (nsfw!)
pairing: satoru gojo x female reader
summary: after a cursed user attack, you become a new student at jujutsu tech. through time, your friends, and especially your teacher, help you maneuver your way into the world of jujutsu sorcery.
characters: mostly satoru gojo, with a little bit of nanami kento, masamichi yaga, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, and megumi fushiguro
content warnings (minors DNI!): oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, missionary, slight overstimulation (male receiving), creampie
word count: 4.231k (4,231)
author's note: ummm gojo brain rot is the only defense i have for creating this. feedback and reblogs are appreciated! (-:
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you didn’t know jack shit about jujutsu sorcery.  hell, you were just a girl who worked at a bakery.
but after being involved in a cursed user attack a few months back, one of the grade one sorcerers saw potential in you.  nanami kento claimed that your emotions were so high that you generated cursed energy, creating a barrier.  and not just any barrier, but a protective barrier.  it was so big that it greatly aided nanami in battle, allowing him to fight while knowing that he didn’t have to worry so much about civilians, not when you were near them.
“without you, people would have died.  and in all honesty...your type of abilities are needed in the jujutsu world.”  nanami said.
before the sendai city attack, you lived repeating days.  after graduating high school, you got that job at the bakery and stayed there for two years.  wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.  for you to have some sort of ability to protect people from evil–that statement alone gave you a new purpose to your life.
in all honesty, it took you a while to understand what the man meant.  curses, curse users, cursed energy, and everything else was too much for your mortal brain to handle.
so, the man took you to jujutsu tech.  mind you, you were 20, but since you were new to your abilities, nanami claimed (and hoped) that it wouldn’t be a problem to put you in with the first-years.
but it wasn’t the easiest conversation.  as you sat near the doors, you could hear nanami and the principal speaking to one another.  you couldn’t catch a lot of what they said, but there was one part that was clear enough.
“you say that the barrier was enormous, nanami.  how could a mortal human produce something like that?”
“to be honest, i don’t know, sir.  i only have one hypothesis.  considering y/n found her powers as of late, she could have been storing energy since the day she was born.”
then mumbles again.  you bit your lip as you thought about their words, but you made sure to sit back where you were.  after a few minutes, nanami came out, gesturing you to go in for your interview.
principal masamichi questioned you thoroughly.  pretty much about your entire life. your childhood, your education, and the list goes on.  you knew that the principal was trying to determine if you were related to the jujutsu world in any way, and maybe you were–but you weren’t aware of a fact like that.  you were a normal girl with an average life until then.
“i have understood that you created that barrier in sendai city without even knowing it.  but one of the most important things about being a jujutsu sorcerer is voluntarily fighting evil and putting our lives on the line to do so.  is that something you think you can do now, being conscious of the risks that it entails?”
you took a deep breath.  “yes.”
to your surprise, you were let in.  and much to your delight, you were able to make friends quite quickly.  of course, with the first-years (you were aware of the second-years, but you were more acquaintances with them than friends).  it was yuji and nobara who kept asking you questions, not just about your abilities, but about your personal life as well.  megumi was fond of you too, even though he rarely spoke, and he was even more so impressed at what you were able to do.
however, you lacked any sort of martial arts.  thankfully, there was someone to help.
and that was satoru gojo.
he was a busy man, but he was an excellent teacher.  so when the principal requested (demanded) his help to advance your fighting skills for the next twelve months, he happily agreed (he had no other choice but to say yes).
the first few months were rough.  lots of repetition and practice (plus gojo’s teasing irritated the hell out of you), learning movements and combinations that were able to protect you.  additionally, gojo beat you multiple times in practice, and it was embarrassing.
“that is embarrassing,” nobara stated jokingly, but you nonetheless frowned.
“don’t sweat it,” megumi told you once, not directly looking at you but acknowledging your concern.  “out there, you’ll definitely get beat and taken down.  but what’s more important is that you get back up.  no matter what.”
“yeah, what fushiguro said,” yuji replied, flashing a smile at you.
those three always made you feel a lot better.
gojo also helped you with your new ability, which he called the spatial awareness technique.  learning the technique itself took some time to summon willingly, and gojo would often show you his limitless barrier to help, which in a way was similar to yours.
but yours focused on a grander scale. not only creating a protective barrier but being able to find things within (with a precise location), in comparison to gojo’s, which was merely for protection.
“when you use your technique, you’re sending your cursed energy not only throughout your body, but also the ground.  this helps you geographically, and it maintains its shape as you move.  and ironically, it keeps you physically grounded, meaning unless you’re distracted and your energy runs out, the barrier will work.”
gojo elaborated further.  “also, the cursed energy you project allows things, or people, within your walls to preserve their current state.  so if i walk in completely healthy and well, then i won’t be able to get hurt from outside sources.  i could also walk in completely beaten up and bloodied, but i still won’t be able to get hurt. comprende?”
there were other abilities you could do within your technique, such as mirroring and teleportation, but those skills needed to be developed further.
anyway, you found that you must be emotionally motivated (negative emotions like depression and anger worked better) to activate it, and gojo helped you with that by showing you sad movies (the one you liked the most, besides the training, was the notebook).
time passed, and your skills developed greatly, so much so that you started joining the first years on missions.  the lessons with gojo, still mandatory by the principal, started to become more and more laid back.
now gojo was always a talker, in and out of the personal lessons.  but he, too, started to question you more.  and you, who was absolutely smitten with him since the moment you saw him (even though you would never admit that to yourself), would tell him anything if he asked.
“we’re done for the day.”  the white haired man stated, sitting in the padded training room.  he started to stretch his arms over his head.  you couldn’t help but admire his face.  well, it looked silly now, all distorted from stretching (but you still thought it was cute).
“an hour early?” you questioned, looking at the clock. you sighed, but you weren’t really disappointed. he has been doing this a lot more recently.
you crossed your arms over your chest.  “what should i say if the principal sees me walking around, knowing damn well i’m supposed to be with you?”
“tell him that this jujutsu prodigy is tired and needs a nap.”  gojo joked, standing from the floor.
his height was another factor that you liked.  a whole head (and a little more) taller than you, so you had to look up at the man when he was near.
“if you say so,” you replied, as you turn away from him and start to collect your things.
there are a few moments of silence, and then gojo decides to speak.
“so what will you do, now that i’ve liberated you?  will you take a walk around campus?  will you go get something to eat?  will you hang out with your friends...or your boyfriend?”
the last part of the question caught you so off guard that you nearly choked on your own air.  you froze for a second too, but you quickly started moving again, hoping that gojo didn’t notice a shift in your demeanor.
he probably did.  the man had his blindfold on, but he has his six eyes ability, after all.
“i’ll probably hang out with nobara or something.” you try to say confidently (unknown if you did), shoving your school sweater in your backpack.
“so that’s a no on the boyfriend then?”
“i don’t have time for that.”  you replied, finally turning to gojo.
his head was tilted to the side, but the man had a stupid smile on his face.  “just because you’re in the jujutsu world now, it doesn’t mean you don’t have time for normal things...like love.”
“love?” you ask.
gojo’s smile fades, but he playfully shrugs.  “or lust.  passion.  whatever you want to call it.”
“i see.”  you say.
“so, y/n, let’s raise a hypothetical question.  if the opportunity for love, lust, passion–what have you–arose to you right now...what would you do?”
you didn’t even notice that the man was so close now.  when the hell did he do that?  he was even leaning down towards you.
“what would you do?” you questioned back.  you tried to keep a calm demeanor, but to be honest, every part of your insides fizzled with desire and anxiety.
not only was gojo a talker, but he was also a flirt.  the man flirted with any and every adult that was in near proximity to him, including you, so it wasn’t necessarily a surprise to see him this way.  that’s just how he was.  however, he’s never outright asked you about your personal life, or even your relationships.  so what was he trying to do here?
“well, if it were me...” gojo murmurs softly, his fingers lightly touching your shoulder, and the action alone was enough to electrify every cell in your body.  his fingers then landed upon your hair, and he used them to play with the strands.
with the other hand, the man pulls down his blindfold, and his eyes gaze upon you.
it was rare to see gojo’s eyes–the man always had them covered, if not with his blindfold, then his tinted sunglasses.  you knew they were blue, especially since yuji told you about them, but his description didn’t do them justice.
who needs the sky, when you could just look into gojo’s eyes?
“if it was right here...right now...i’d give in.”
the hand that was playing with your hair was suddenly on your waist, pulling you closer.
your body couldn’t reject his touch, not when it was one you wanted for so long.
a tender kiss was placed on your lips, and it was so sweet, so gentle.  the kiss was slow but passionate, as if gojo was pouring out his heart and soul into it.  and you reacted the same way, a little more confident now that he was yours in this way, and wrapping your arms around his neck.
a slurred moan came from gojo, and after a few moments, he broke the kiss.  with the both of you breath taken, all you could do is stare in each other’s eyes.  this gaze was new to you, one of tenderness and kindness, causing your heart to swell.
“what are you doing to me?” gojo asked himself, leaning down and placing his forehead against yours.
the man continues to speak, now with his eyes closed.  “do you know that i think about you all the time? since the first lesson.  you were intimated, i mean who wouldn’t be with me around, but you didn’t let that distract you.  and even though i beat you, again and again, you kept trying.  i didn’t doubt you for a second, but you definitely surprised me, getting better by the second.  i admired that.  i admired that so much, that it turned into something i can’t explain.  it’s to the point where i’ll go crazy if i don’t see you at least once a day.  do you understand how hard it’s been to be so close to you, nearly every day, and feel this way?”
you never answered a question faster in your life.
next thing you know, you’re laying on a bed with your legs spread open.
after you made out with gojo in the training room, it was nearly impossible to keep your hands off of each other.
“this isn’t too fast for you, is it–” you interrupt him with a kiss.
but you two needed to be careful, as it probably wasn’t good to find that a student and a teacher were intimate with each other (even if they were adults).  so gojo took you to his place, an apartment just a few blocks away from the school.
“you’re practically leaking for me, angel…”
your eyes, that were once closed in anticipation, now opened.  you see gojo laying on his stomach, in between your thighs, staring at your pussy.  the white haired man licks his lips, suddenly hungry for you and only you.
“may i?” gojo pleads, looking at you with lewd desire.  the bastard was also breathing right on your cunt, and the suspense of it all was so agonizingly sweet.
“gojo–please…” you hiccup, blinking back at him.
“you asked so nicely, but i thought we were past the formal names, baby.” gojo mumbles, placing some tender kisses on your inner thigh.
what a fucking tease.
your breathing pattern changes as he continues to do this, and the man chuckles, switching sides.  he had an intention with every kiss, sucking on your skin, because it would be so hot for him to know that he marked you there.
“call me by my name,” gojo said between kisses, “and maybe i’ll focus on a different spot–if you know what i mean.”
you bit in your lip in frustration, muttering out, “satoru–”
that was the green light that satoru was waiting for.  after all, he was satiated with the hickeys he left you.  the man didn’t hesitate to slightly change his position, moving his arms.  the same arms that were once gently keeping your legs open now wrapped themselves around your thighs, locking you in place.
the speed of his movements caught your attention, and suddenly, his mouth was on you.  you were grateful, but the man’s tongue was still being a tease, softly licking around your aroused clit with a delicious pressure.
“mmm.”  satoru hummed, intensifying the bliss of the action.  he would eventually change it up, kissing your clit and suckling on it, before tongue fucking you while rubbing your clit with one of his fingers.
satoru was eating you out so good, so good that your hips found themselves bucking up in pure delight.  the white haired man chuckled, briefly detaching himself from you.
“feels good, doesn’t it baby?” the whited haired man stared at you, his blue eyes reading your soul like a book.
you could only nod, too dumb to say anything else.  satoru continues to eat you out, the pressure on his tongue becoming more firm and sloppy on your cunt.  using his fingers to support where he wasn’t actively paying attention to, a slow storm was starting to pool in your tummy, and you were whining at how astounding it all felt.
“you taste so sweet, princess.” satoru breaths, his intense gaze not leaving yours.  “i wouldn’t mind having you for dessert everyday.”
unbeknownst to you, your man was getting hard at just the sight of you.  eating you out was a big factor, of course, but the view overall was too beautiful to ignore.  you wouldn’t know, and maybe satoru would tell you one day, but he would often imagine you in these filthy ways.  to have one of them manifest now is a dream come true to him.  so he was going to give it his all when it came to you.
soon enough, you were panting.  “satoru, i’m gonna cum,” you breathe, your chest moving up and down.
this only made satoru more motivated to finish you off, placing his final move.  his mouth now entirely focused on your clit as his slender fingers pump you, the nerves of your clit and g-spot in your pussy being completely overwhelmed with pleasure.
“cum for me, darling, i know you want to,” satoru sloppily stated, humming on your cunt in mere satisfaction. “i want you to cum right in my mouth...can you do that for me, princess?”
you lasted only a minute, at best, before the immense sensation of euphoria came upon you.  satoru took you all, devouring everything you released.  as you recovered, nearly shaking, you held your breasts for something to grasp.  only moments passed before they were removed, and satoru’s mouth being on them instead.
you don’t know when, but the man removed his pants at one point, because you could feel his hardening cock against your thigh.  satoru continued to flutter your chest with kisses, eventually trailing up to your lips.
“good girl.” satoru spoke, kissing you softly.  “eating dessert first was a good idea, but now it’s time for the main course.”
your man pulled away from you, positioning himself between your legs again.  this time, however, he sat on his knees.  you could now see his cock, a pretty pink, with its length and girth (just at the mere sight) making your pussy clench.
satoru smirked, finally removing his shirt.  “it’s not nice to stare, y/n,” he tsked, spitting in his hand and grabbing his member.  he slowly started to pump himself, his head tilted to one side.
“i could get off just from the sight of this, if you ask me.” he states, staring down on you like a hawk.
“no,” you plead, your hole clenching again.
“no? why not?” he questions stupidly, starting a steady pace on himself.
“i need you inside me, now.”  you begged, with your own hands wandering your body in despair.
“is that a demand, or a request?” he says, continuing his pace.  you see satoru lightly jerk his hips to his own satisfaction.
oh...he wanted to play.
you don’t say anything, but instead bring one of your hands down to your needy clit, rubbing yourself in response to satoru’s actions.  the game is short lived, however, with satoru using his hand to immediately remove yours from your sex.
“correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t recall saying you could touch yourself.”  he scolded.  he nonetheless intertwined his fingers with yours, releasing it after a few moments.
he positions himself at your entry, and holds his member.  but being the tease satoru is, the man brushes the head of his cock anywhere but your hole.
it’s annoyingly thrilling.
“satoru, please,” you beg, eagerly bucking your hips. “fuck me.”
“took you long enough.” satoru grunts, using his free hand to stop you from moving.  you brace yourself for impact, your soaked cunt clenching as you feel satoru push his member into you.  you panic for a second, quickly realizing that satoru was a lot bigger than you imagined, and you whine softly.
“i know, i know, baby…” satoru whispers, not being even halfway inside you.  the man pulls out, spitting on his cock thoroughly, before trying to enter you again.  this time, it’s much easier, and soon enough satoru is buried into you.
“damn,” he breathes, his hands now pressed firmly on the bed.  “you okay?”
“big,” you breathe, smiling at him.  the man blushes for a second, you think, quickly leaning down to kiss you.
you know that satoru wanted you to adjust before he went any further, but you were okay.  so you slowly rock yourself against him, catching the man by surprise.
the both of you sigh, releasing yourselves from the kiss and now focusing on a different task.  you continued to rock yourself against him, your walls getting more used to him by the second.
satoru gets the hint and starts a slow rhythm along with you, saying some “ahs” in between thrusts.  he couldn’t help it.  you were taking him so well and it felt too good to stay quiet.
but you were ready to be broken.  you brought satoru’s head down to kiss him, and he didn’t reject you.  “faster,” you say, clenching around him.  the man only nods, already drunk from your cunt.  and thus, a new pace begins, one that causes you to be more vocal to his movements.
satoru too, starts moaning, but he puts his mouth to better use by kissing your neck.  the vibration from moans escalated his kisses, and you find yourself wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
satoru’s thrusts become more intentional, and you gasp as he quickly finds your sweet spot.  satoru realizes this and chuckles, stabilizing himself on his hands once again and making sure to keep these movements consistent.
satoru would never admit to this, but he was close to cumming the minute he was inside you.  but he held back for his own sake.
“you deserve a reward for being this good,” he grunts, snapping his hips into you.  “what do you want, baby?”
“i want you to cum,” you reply quickly, tensing your walls around him.
satoru laughs but whimpers halfway through, surprised with your answer.  he regains himself, saying, “i thought you’d ask for a free day from tomorrow’s lesson–but that works too.”
the man pauses completely, grabbing one of the pillows that was near your head.  he pulls out and sits on his knees again.  you were slightly confused, but satoru lifts your bottom half and places the pillow underneath.
next thing you know, your legs are raised, with your ankles hooking onto his shoulders.  satoru enters you once again, not giving you enough time to process what just happened.  “satoru,” you breathe, surprised but loving how stuffed you feel at the moment.
satoru doesn’t hesitate to start at a rapid pace, and the man directly hits your sweet spot as he does it.  you need to hold onto something, finding your breasts to be your sanctuary.
“you’ll get your reward very soon, i promise,” satoru states, lightly kissing your ankles.  you’re starting to get a warm feeling in your stomach, but it feels much heavier than the one before.
satoru uses one of his free hands to focus on your pussy, rubbing your clit in conjunction with his thrusts.
you contract in pure bliss, and satoru nearly growls.  “i’m gonna cum, y/n,”  he states, his thrusts becoming sloppy but nonetheless remaining powerful.
you nod, biting your lip.  “cum for me, satoru...cum inside me, please.”
only a few thrusts more, and satoru tenses up.  “i’m–i’m–cumming,” he gasps.  you can feel his cock explode inside you, and you moan in support.
but satoru knew you weren’t finished.  he bit his lip and started thrusting into you again, the man nearly shaking as he overstimulates himself.
you, on the other hand, weren’t expecting this.  you mewled, “satoru, i’m, i–”
and your second orgasm hits you hard, as you thought about satoru fucking his own cum into you repeatedly, along with the rubbing that he continued on your clit.
satoru pulls out almost immediately, because the clenching from your cunt as you came would’ve made him pass out if he stayed inside any longer.  but he remained holding your legs until you recovered, admiring how you shook from his pleasure.
once you two recuperate, he helps you clean up, and soon enough, you two are nuzzled close in his bed.  still naked, you wrap your hand around satoru’s chest, as he lays on his back.  the man makes sure to wrap his arm around you as well.
there are a few beats of silence, but it is soon disrupted when satoru kisses your forehead.  “so you’re definitely excused from training tomorrow.”
“how generous of you,” you joke, now planting your chin on his chest, looking straight at him.  you meant it.  satoru made sure to keep you laying down as he cleaned the both of you up, which you were thankful for, considering your legs felt like jelly after you came.
“it’s the least i could do,” satoru shakes it off, rolling his eyes but winking at you shortly afterward.  you simply scrunch your face with a smile, and it makes him smile, too.
“can i ask you something?” he asks, using one of his hands to brush a strand of hair (one that was blocking his view for your beautiful face) behind your ear.
“mhm,” you hum.
“if i were to–hypothetically–ask you to stay the night, and possibly forever,” satoru states, speeding past the last part, but you heard it loud and clear.  “would you?”
“hypothetically…yes.” you reply simply, placing your cheek on his chest and tracing your fingers along his skin.  you feel satoru sigh in relief, and his fingers too dance around the skin on your back.
a lot of things were unsure now.  how would you two move forward, with both of your lives and occupations intertwined at jujutsu tech?  the thought did trouble your mind, causing some mild anxiety to arise.
you suddenly hear soft snores, and you turn your head in amusement.  in all his glory, satoru has fallen asleep on you.
but you smile. 
satoru was the strongest, after all.  whatever came to you two, you’d be able to face it–together.
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
Promp idea: Jaskier finds a new born Griffin and Griffin thinks Jaskier is the mom. It starts to follow him. Like how hard it can be being a mother of a cute but deadly baby.
hello my dear <3 Ahh I am so so sorry it took me forever to get to this prompt! But better late than never, right? *laughs nervously*
word count: 1877
warnings: none
pairing: Geraskier, pre-relationship
Geralt spent more time than necessary brushing down Roach. If anyone had asked for the reason, he would have told a lie, or more likely just grunted noncommittally. Anything but tell the truth, which was that facing Roach allowed him to smile like an idiot without Jaskier seeing it. If the bard were to see that his ramblings made Geralt drop his mask of gruffness, Geralt would never hear the end of it.
“- really is heart-warming how much you care about Roach,” Jaskier said from where he said on the forest floor, something he would never have done when they had first met – or at least, he wouldn’t have done so without complaining about getting dirt on his breeches. “There’s nothing more charming than a man who takes care of animals, wouldn’t you agree?”
Geralt’s hand accidentally brushed against the braids Jaskier had plaited into Roach’s mane, while Geralt had been away on a hunt this morning. He faltered, but then he gripped the brush tighter, doing his best to pretend he hadn’t reacted to Jaskier’s words at all, when really, he couldn’t help but think that Jaskier was right.
Each winter, when Eskel brought Lil’ Bleater inside the keep to make sure she wouldn’t be cold, Geralt would feel a new wave of affection for his brother. When he saw a pompous lord drop all decorum and posture to bend down to pet a cat, Geralt would feel an unreasonable sort of respect for the otherwise stuffy and unlikable noble.
And when Jaskier snuck Roach treats when he thought Geralt wasn’t looking, he – well. He was glad that his travel companion was someone who got along with Roach. Her liking him was the main reason why Geralt had let Jaskier travel with them. He couldn’t break Roach’s heart by making her leave one of the few friends she made on the Path. Empathy for Roach - that was all he felt as he thought of her and Jaskier together. Definitely.
“Say, Geralt, how would you feel about getting another pet? Hypothetically speaking.”
Geralt huffed, his lips twitching up.
“I have already enough work feeding and cleaning up after you, songbird.”
“Excuse me?” Geralt didn’t need to see Jaskier’s face to know his mouth was opened with indignation. “Well – I have enough work washing and brushing your hair. Between the two of us, you’re the one who gets muck everywhere, wolf.” There was a brief pause. “But…that means you wouldn’t want another pet?”
Geralt’s shoulders sagged as he sighed and finally gave up on his pretence of brushing Roach. He turned, carelessly tossing the brush to the bags sitting on the ground next to Jaskier.
“Careful!” Jaskier squealed.
Geralt rolled his eyes. “Calm down. I didn’t hit you, did I?”
“Well, no, but –“ A strange noise coming from bags made Jaskier stiffen, his eyes widening, before his smile turned painfully artificial. “As I was saying, it is very rude of you to just throw-“
“Quiet,” Geralt hissed, his eyes not leaving the bags.
Jaskier shifted his weight on the ground and it was obvious he was avoiding looking at the bags. “Now really, I know you just love complaining about my voice, but –“
Geralt’s tone made Jaskier’s mouth snap shut.
For a moment, there was utter silence. Then the strange noise returned and the bags began to move.
With slow and silent steps, Geralt crept closer, praying that Jaskier wouldn’t panic and make any sudden movements that would startle whatever was lurking in their bags and make it attack the helpless bard.
With one hand, Geralt unsheathed his silver sword. The other hand he held up in a signal for Jaskier to remain calm.
Jaskier, of course took that as a sign to do the exact opposite. The spiking of his pulse and the sudden scent of nervousness hitting Geralt’s nose were the only warning Geralt got, before Jaskier jumped up. But the bard didn’t run away from the danger into the thicket or to hide behind Geralt. No. He stood in front of the bags, holding up his own hands defensively.
“Geralt, listen. I –“
“Get away from the bags,” Geralt growled, a sudden spike of fear piercing his chest at having Jaskier so close to that unknown thing.
Jaskier only shook his head, a look of determination crossing his face.
“No. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. I…uh… might have acquired a pet? While you were off fighting…that ugly thing with the deadly teeth that I wasn’t allowed to get close to.”
Geralt halted, blinking.
“A pet?” he replied incredulously, lowering his sword.
Jaskier swallowed thickly, his eyes darting to the side, revealing that he was about to lie, even before he opened his mouth.
“Yeah. It’s a cat.”
“A cat.” Geralt repeated deadpan.
Whatever Jaskier saw on his face, he must take it as Geralt believing him, for his own expression flooded with relief. “Yes! A cat.”
“And you kept it hidden from me because…?”
“Because cats don’t like witchers! Or witchers don’t like cats. I’m still not sure about that. But anyway, I thought that maybe, if I got Daisy used to your smell first and talked to you–“
Daisy chose that moment to tumble out of the pile of bags, knocking her small head against Jaskier’s shins in the process.
Geralt and Jaskier both stared dumbly down at her. For once, Geralt was the one who found his voice first.
“A cat, huh?”
“Yes?” A furious blush rose in Jaskier’s cheeks. “In my defence, when I found her I did actually think she was a cat.”
Geralt rubbed a hand over his face, while the griffin-baby that could in no way be mistaken for a cat, began climbing Jaskier’s leg until Jaskier took mercy on her and lifted her up in his arms. He groaned with the effort. The griffin was nearly big enough to obscure the sight of Jaskier’s face. Jaskier’s nose scrunched up adorably – no, there was nothing adorable about an idiot who was snuggling a griffin-baby! – when the griffin’s fur tickled his nose.
“What the fuck made you think that was a cat? Was it the beak?” Geralt lifted a brow, shooting a pointed look at the wiggling beast. “Or maybe the wings?”
Jaskier gave him a decidedly unimpressed look. “It was dark in that cave you left me in! Not all of us have witcher-eyes. And she was alone and happy to keep me company while you were gone on your hunt.”
“Yes,” Geralt said slowly, so that Jaskier couldn’t possibly miss the ‘I-think-you’re-an-idiot’-tone of his voice. “I go on hunts. Where I kill monsters like her.”
Jaskier squawked in outrage, pressing the griffin protectively against his chest. The griffin made a noise not dissimilar to the one Jaskier had just made, but after the shock of being nearly squashed receded, the griffin snuggled contently against Jaskier, chewing happily on the fabric of his doublet.
“She is not a monster! Daisy is a baby and an adorable little darling that would never do anything wrong ever!”
The sound of fabric tearing and a triumphant griffin-shriek disproved Jaskier’s words instantly.
Geralt groaned. He did that far more often since he had started travelling with Jaskier. Life had been so much easier when it had been just him and Roach. No bard who had made it his life’s mission to get in as much easily avoidable trouble as possible.
Life had also been much more boring and lonely without Jaskier. Still.
“She won’t stay a baby forever. Give it two months and she will do more than just tear holes into your clothes.”
Jaskier’s face lit up. “So I can keep her for another two months?”
“I – that’s not – “
“Besides, did you just imply that Daisy tearing holes into my clothes isn’t a bad thing?”
Geralt didn’t dignify that with a response, which Jaskier apparently took as a victory on his side, for he came closer to Geralt, holding Daisy out to him.
“Look at her, Geralt. Look into these eyes and tell me, she isn’t the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen.”
Geralt didn’t need to look at her to know that that was objectively untrue. It couldn’t be true, not while Jaskier was standing right in front of him. Still, he indulged Jaskier and reluctantly stared into the little monster’s eyes, glaring at her in the most intimidating way he could. His own eyes reflected back to him from the dark griffin eyes.
An excited noise that almost sounded like purring left the griffin and with her beak, she snapped at Geralt’s hair that had fallen into his face when he had bent down to look at her.
“She likes you!” Jaskier cooed, while Geralt quickly straightened his back and put some distance between his hair and the beak and claws of the griffin. Still, she tried to snatch the strands, not unlike a cat would. Alright, so maybe Jaskier had had a point with that comparison.
That didn’t change the fact that the bard was holding a damn griffin in his arms.
“She’s already practicing hunting,” Geralt said.
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “She’s only playing. Tiny adorable griffins are allowed to play, aren’t they?”
“She won’t stay tiny! Don’t you listen to anything I told you about monsters?”
“Of course I do.” Jaskier lifted his chin in a challenge. “Which is why I know for a fact that we have to keep Daisy.” The narrowing of Jaskier’s eyes stood in stark contrast to the gentleness with which he stroked the griffin’s feathers and fur. “Griffins are reliant on their parents’ care until they learn how to fly. And!” Jaskier added, before Geralt could so much as open his mouth to protest, “You can’t leave me to take care of her on my own, because I also know that griffins mate for life and a griffin baby needs both parents to survive.”
A triumphant grin spread across Jaskier’s lips.
Geralt’s brows drew together. “I am not letting you rope me into becoming that griffin’s parent.”
Jaskier huffed. “Oh please, don’t be silly. Of course you’re not her second parent.”
Small mercies. Geralt was already about to release a sigh of relief, when Jaskier added, “That position’s already filled. Her other parent is Roach.”
And Roach, the traitor, took that as her cue to trod over to them and nose at the little creature in Jaskier’s arms that returned the mare’s greeting.
Geralt stared incredulously at the bard and Jaskier…Jaskier’s eyes softened as he watched that display. His fingers buried into the soft fur of the griffin and he pressed his cheek against the griffin’s head, nuzzling into her. He looked…happy.
Something twisted inside Geralt’s chest. He looked at Roach – a last hope of getting the moral support he needed to keep him from making a very very stupid decision.
But Roach payed him no attention. She huffed some warm breath into the griffin’s face, before nibbling on Jaskier’s already ruined doublet affectionately.
Just like that, Geralt’s fate was sealed. After all, Roach seemed to like Daisy and he couldn’t break her heart.
And…well, Jaskier had been right. There were few things more attractive than a man who liked animals.
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tuiccim · 3 years
Terrigenisis (Part 17)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 1700
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Warnings: a god of Mischief (He’s a warning, okay?)
Terrigenisis Series Masterlist       Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You lounged on the lawn furniture in the back of the compound watching Dizzy run in joyful circles as Redtail made loops overhead. You had brought a tennis ball out and Dizzy was adorable as she ran around with it in her mouth. Occasionally, she’d drop it in your laugh and you’d throw it out into the expanse of lawn. You laughed as she leapt into action each time the ball was thrown. Redtail would swoop down every now and then to tease the dog. 
The rest of the team was out on missions or meetings. Sam, Steve, and Bucky had been sent on a mission yesterday afternoon and you were enjoying some down time. It felt like it had been some time since it had happened. You stretched lazily, basking in the feel of the sun on your skin and the feeling of contentment. 
You hear footsteps approaching and turn to see Loki walking towards you. He had been in a meeting with Thor, Tony, and Maria Hill when you had checked earlier. 
“Hi. How’d the meeting go?” You greet the god. 
“It went well. Nothing of grave importance,” Loki takes the chair next to you, “What are you up to?”
“Relaxing in this glorious weather,” you see his eyes take in your tank top, jean shorts, and sandals. “You know, I’ve never seen you in anything except the leather. Is there casual wear on Asgard?”
“Simple tunics and robes but, as prince and warrior, I do not wear them often.” Loki raises an eyebrow at you. 
“I see. What about for Tony’s party this weekend? Will you wear this?” you motion to his attire.
“I plan to wear a suit.” Loki chuckles. 
“I look forward to seeing that. Isn’t the leather hot though? It’s 80 today.” 
“I could strip for you if you’d like.” Loki smirks playfully. 
“That’s okay,” you hold your hands up in defeat. 
“Is this better?” Loki’s form shimmers for a moment before revealing him in bermuda shorts and hawaiin shirt. 
You grin, “I like it! You look ready for a beach vacation.” You stare at Loki for a moment, wondering about his personal life. He knew a lot about you but rarely revealed much about himself. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, darling. Anything.”
“Do you have… someone? Here or on Asgard or… somewhere?” you stammer through the question. 
“Your two lovers are not enough for you?” Loki chuckles. 
“They’re plenty for me. You don’t talk about yourself much, Lok. I mean, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to but I’m curious about you. We’re friends and so I wonder, is there someone? Are you a player? Are you a monk? You know my story. You haven’t given me much of yours. Have you ever been in love?”
Loki studies you for a moment and then nods as if deciding something to himself, “I suppose I would be what you Midgardians refer to as a player.”
“Love ‘em and leave ‘em?” you giggle. 
“I suppose. There’s only ever been one person who…” Loki trails off. 
“Who what?” 
“Who I thought I could fall for.”
“What happened?” You question. 
“She belongs to another.” Loki says as he looks away. 
“She belongs only to herself.” You counter. 
“Of course. She’s engaged to another.” 
“I’m sorry.” You tell him. 
“Thank you.” Loki pauses to contemplate before asking, “Are you happy? You’ve been through a lot in your short life.”
You smile at the statement, “I’m not that young, Loki.”
“I’m over 1000 years old.” Loki deadpans. 
“True,” you laugh, amazed at the lifespan of Asgardians, “Yes. I am happy. This isn’t what I imagined my life to be. Terrigenisis tore my world apart but you make the best of what you have. I have a family in the team, lovers in Steve and Bucky, friends, a purpose. This is… home.”
“And I’m your friend?” Loki asks. 
“Of course you are.”
“Aren’t you afraid I’ll betray you at some point? I mean, I am notorious.” 
“I trust you, Loki. I think I know your heart, but understand that I live by the statement, ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’ I may let someone make a fool of me once but I won’t let them a second time. Once you lose my trust, it’s gone and would take a great deal to earn it back,” you explain. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I have to trust you. I’m letting you play with my brain.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Giving me a chance. Trusting me. Seeing me as something other than the villain that I was.”
“You’re more than your past. Oh!” you exclaim when a slobber covered ball is dropped in your lap. “Hi Dizz.” you laugh and throw the ball for her. 
“She has you well trained.” Loki smirks. 
“That she does. Speaking of training, are you up for another session?” you ask. 
“Same time as always, darling. I’ll see you then.” Loki gets up. 
“See ya later, friend,” you watch as Loki walks back to the building, dropping the glamour to reveal his normal outfit as he walks. He sends you a brief wave before walking into the building. Your attention is pulled away when Dizzy drops the ball in your lap again. Time to play.��
You get to the training room early to do some climbing and ended up in the rafters as you were known to do. You were just about to climb down when Loki entered with Thor trailing behind him. 
“Drop it, brother,” Loki grouses at him. 
“Just tell me you aren’t playing at anything with her and I will,” Thor demands. 
“Mortals are your weakness,” Loki rolls his eyes at his brother. 
“Love is not weakness, Loki.”
“I do not feel that way about her. She is a friend. Much like Sif is to you.” Loki says pointedly.
“That’s all I wanted, brother,” Thor smiles. 
You clear your throat loudly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”
Loki looks up at you in amusement, “How long have you been there?”
“Well before you came in,” you wink at him. 
Thor looks at you sheepishly, “I’ll let you two get to your training.”
“Okay. See ya later,” you are holding in your giggle as you make your way to the climbing rope and jump to it. When you slide to the floor, you look into Loki’s mischievous eyes and you both burst into laughter. When it’s spent you say dramatically, “Loki! I can no longer control myself. I must swoon into your arms!” You pretend to faint against him and he catches you. 
“You’re ridiculous.” Loki narrows his eyes at you. 
“Yup! And you, my friend, are stuck with me!” You stand back up.
“You know that won’t be the last time someone will make the insinuation.” Loki says quietly.
“People have a hard time believing a man and woman can be just friends,” you shrug.
“That is true. Can I ask you something?” Loki asks. 
“Of course.”
“Hypothetically, would you have been able to fall in love with me if…” Loki trails off. 
“I don’t think I would let myself fall in love with any Asgardian,” you admit.
“How old are you, Loki?” 
“A little over a thousand years.”
“Exactly. Asgardians live for around 5,000 years, right?”
“That’s why. Humans live maybe 80 years. That’s a blink in comparison. I’ve lost a lot of people who are important to me in my life. I don’t think I could purposely put someone through that. Falling for an Asgardian, letting them fall for you, would mean making them watch you die while they live on for millenia. I don’t think I could do that to someone, ever. It’s difficult enough being friends and knowing that. Being lovers, it would be unbearable.”
Loki nods, “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” 
You smile at him, glad he understands. “How about we get to work?”
“Let’s go, darling.”
Over the past week, you had worked up to slipping into Loki’s mind without the unbearable pain. It still caused a headache but you were able to see through his eyes and communicate in a similar fashion to how you did with animals. Today, you were attempting to take control of Loki’s movement. It wasn’t easy. Just lifting his hand took a toll. You drop the warg after a moment. 
“What’s wrong?” Loki looks concerned. 
“It’s difficult. The pain is worse,” you explain.
“Why don’t you warg and I’ll do some magic? Just play around a bit.” 
“Okay. Sounds fun,” you warg back into Loki. He begins doing some simple tricks and you watch in delight. You try to concentrate on the motions he makes, the feel of the magic flowing through him, and his thought process as he works. A picture flashes in Loki’s mind and you catch a glimpse of a beautiful face before he forces it away. 
“Does she know?” You ask in his head.
“What?” Loki hedges. 
“Does she know?” you drop the warg.
“No.” Loki says. 
“Then she’s not.”
“Not what?”
“She’s not lost to you. How do you know she doesn’t feel the same way?” you push. 
“She… I… I don’t… She couldn’t-”
“Oh, I’m gonna stop you right there. She could. She really could, but if you never told her how you feel, what’s she supposed to do?”
“She’s engaged.” Loki insists.
“She’s not married, Loki. You should tell her. Wouldn’t it be better to know?”
“At least then you’d know. Either she doesn’t and you have closure to move on. Or she does and you two can figure it out. ‘Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’, right? Better to say it and know than to spend the next few millennia wondering,” you needle. 
“I…” Loki falters with a far away look in his eyes. 
“Just promise me you’ll think about it.” 
“I will.” Loki nods.
“Good,” you see Loki’s concentration is completely gone, “Why don’t we leave it for today?”
“Oh. Yes, good. I’ll see you later.” Loki walks away lost in thought. 
“Later, loverboy,” you whisper with a chuckle to yourself.
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Part 18
Tuiccim’s Masterlist
Permanent: @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff @finleyjayne @caplanreads @connie326 @daydreamerinadazedworld @bugsbucky @chrisevanscardigan @harrysthiccthighss @palaiasaurus64 @rebekahdawkins @tllynn15 @learisa @jelly-fishy-babie @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @liebs82 @stuckyslutt @a-really-bi-girl @saiyanprincessswanie @baddie-barnes @aikeia @marvelgirl7 @starlightcrystalline @kcd15 @slytherinambitious @sallycanwait68 @slytherdorxmd @fangirlforever2412 @rainbowkisses31 @whisperlullaby @thejemersoninferno @thehumanistsdiary @supraveng @dispatchvampire @juenenfeu @sxbby-barnes @allonszassbutt @y-napotat @is-it-madness @harold231 @buckysbaby32 @purselover2 @ene-rene @chrisevansbaby @mrsbarnes-rogers @sarahp879 @rosesanchez12298806 @xxpapasfritasxx @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @softie-socks @bestofbucky @bella-bear03 @randomfandompenguin @jjsoccer11 @hiddles-rose @courtneychicken @pureromancebykaci @awaywithtime @automatic-tragedy @ximebebx @magnoliamermaid @milkymil-k @get-me-some-chai-bitch @freckleblaze @angrythingstarlight @unknownmystery22 @please-buckme @daddysdumbsweaterwearingtart @buckysnumberonegirl @buckyfan12   Terrigenisis: @dark-night-sky-99 @amiets2 @captain-asguard @the-soulofdevil @redbarn1995 @dottirose @fallenoutofrose​
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 years
The PDF That Saved My Life - Why I Love “All Tomorrows” With All My Heart
(Content Warning: Discussions of trauma, suicidal ideation and sexual abuse)
*clears throat* So, as some of you may be aware, the past few weeks haven’t been easy, not in the least. I was struggling with serious suicidal urges and feeling extreme anguish towards my own body and soul. I believed myself to be tainted, filthy and all manner of destructive and negative things.
The reason behind this breakdown was due to the realisation that I had experienced sexual harassment and assault multiple times throughout my life, including an occasion last year in which I was groped by an immediate relative. I had been aware of the incident since it happened, but was in denial. I was thinking “It couldn’t have been that bad, right?” But after trying unsuccessfully to repress it, I had to face the facts that she did what she did. I was heartbroken and I’m still deeply saddened by the realisation. Everything just seemed to fall apart and I psychologically imploded, plummeting into a dark pit of worthlessness and childlike sorrow. I felt as if I had been thrown into a mental oubliette; just tossed away and forgotten about on every level. Whenever I wasn’t bawling my eyes out and grieving my lost innocence, I was stress-eating and lying in bed, feeling nothing. Every now and then, I’d receive a short burst of energy, but nothing substantial, and the feelings remained.
Despite all of that, though, I didn’t want to die. A small part of my mind wanted to hold on and ride out these waves of suicidal thoughts. But I also knew I shouldn’t have to be going through this cycle of building up and breaking down, so I finally managed to seek professional help. There’s another thing that also pushed me towards seeking help and eventually guided me out of this dark place, and that’s the work of science fiction I mentioned in the title. All Tomorrows by C. M. Koseman (I hope I’ve spelled that right).
I don’t remember exactly how I came across it, but I think it was the video by Alt Shift X on YouTube that did it. As you can imagine, my dark thoughts weren’t only directed towards myself, but the world at large. I was wondering how life could be so cruel as to let something so horrific happen to me. I saw the thumbnail of that video and I didn’t know what it was. I had vaguely heard of All Tomorrows, but was more familiar with the much more nihilistic Dougal Dixon book Man After Man, and as such I got the two confused. I clicked on the All Tomorrows video, barely paying much attention and dismissively thinking: “oh great another sci-fi dystopia that predicted humanity’s inevitable downfall”.
What that video showed me absolutely blew my mind. As I discovered C. M. Koseman’s intricate worldbuilding science fiction project, I became fascinated and enthralled by the journeys and evolutions of the various post-human species, from the fun-loving Satyriacs and the mellowed out Snake People, to the bloodthirsty Killer Folk and the horrifying Bone Crushers. Yes, many of the stories were very, very sad. The Mantelopes lost everything and devolved because intelligence was so painful. The Striders, Titans and Temptors were all wiped out before they had the chance to truly reach their full potential. The Qu and Gravitals, one could say, ruined everything. But what truly amazed me was the fact that many, many of these stories also contained great happiness.
The Colonials, for example, suffered through the kind of torture that I wouldn’t wish on the Devil himself. Being wedged together into a wall of flesh bricks, all while retaining intelligence. And yet, they managed to turn into the beautiful Modular People and create a utopian society. Yes, the Killer Folk are traditionally violent, but the ones that made the biggest progress were the ones that chose peace over war. The Satyriacs started off as the mindless Hedonists, but were able to use their intelligence to appreciate every moment of their joyful lives. The lowly Worms became the comfort-loving Snake People, always able to appreciate the little things in life. The flattened Lopsiders rose up from the ground and became the proud, tall Asymmetric People. The list goes on, but you get my point.
The point is, even though this future humanity went through the sort of Hell that makes the past few years look tame by comparison, they always managed to rise up. Sure, nothing was ever quite the same again, but they managed to make something new and wonderful out of that. When you cut an orange, you may not have a whole fruit anymore, but you have lots of slices that can be shared with everyone. The best thing you can do is move forward. The future will always hold something better for you, even if that seems impossible. Don’t be afraid to reach for it. The final quote of this incredible piece of sci-fi wiped away the remnants of dark still clinging to me: “Love today and seize all tomorrows.” To me, that meant “Be a kind soul and you can achieve anything.”
This entire story ignited a strong feeling of empathy within me; an emotion I thought I was too traumatised to ever properly feel or express again. I think that was the point. Sure, the many strange post-humans may not look like us, but we cannot deny that they are human and that brings out the best in us. We shouldn’t be afraid to show empathy for our fellow humans. Thinking lowly of what collectively proves to be our best quality, claiming we’re “above” it and aiming to become “bigger than” everything else deprives us of our humanity. Empathy, compassion, love, that’s what makes us truly powerful. If we can learn to love today, the utopian future we all dream of will finally be ours.
Love is something that, from an early age and for over half my life, I was never truly given. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give it to others. Just as the post-humans were able to move forward and rise from the ashes, I fully intend to do the same. I’m safe now. The people who hurt me are gone from my life and will never hurt me again. I’m surrounded by loving friends, in a city I love, attending a university I love, receiving the therapy I need to heal and soon to be medically transitioning too. Even though I still struggle to accept it, I’m learning to love myself as well. I think that’s the greatest love someone can ever feel. If I continue to love each today that comes, all the tomorrows will be brighter and brighter.
And to think this all started because of a PDF about the hypothetical future of humanity. I’m determined to hold on no matter what. Idk if C. M. Koseman uses tumblr or any other social media for that matter, but if he comes across this somehow, I just want to say “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t be here today without All Tomorrows.”
(PS: I know I have stumbled and made mistakes on my platform as well. I’m still a little bit unsteady after being in such a dark mental state for so long. I’m sorry about that. I am doing better. Thank you all if you made it this far. I love and appreciate every single one of you.)
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