#do i wear this metallica shirt too much? also yes
mxgyver · 2 years
off to do a little Christmas shopping & decided to not wear jeans for once 😌
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baphmochii · 3 months
Shigaraki Headcannon's Again:
CW: SFW, Slight Mention's of NSFW but it's mostly SFW. Mention's of s/o. f!reader.
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Music Taste:
I like to think Tomura listens to metal and heavy metal music such as: Slipknot, Metallica, Rammstein, etc. I do like to think he listens nu-metal music as well. (ex: KoRn, Static-X, Nine Inch Nails, etc.).
I feel like Tomura would secretly love pop music from the 2000's or like emo music from that era, it's mostly like MCR. It's hard to imagine him listening to crunkcore or scenecore stuff. I'm open minded with it.
If Tomura has a gf (s/o) he would be happy to share his selection or taste in music with you, he enjoys sharing his interests with the person he truly loves.
Tomura does still wear his usual outfit which consists of his long sleeve v-necked shirt and black pants that reveal his ankles. In his downtime or whenever the LoV doesn't have anything going on, he chills around base in a casual t-shirt and sweats.
If you're wondering.. yes, he wears band t-shirts sometimes. I like to think his most favorite one is Slipknot not only does he like the music/band but likes the shirt designs.
I don't really see Tomura being one to head bang to the music he plays, I like to think he uses this genre of music as a sort of stress reliever, if that makes sense? I do the same thing so.. ya lmao.
Aside from just metal music, I think Tomura would listen to vaporware or some type of synthwave music. Perhaps some 80's pop and rock.
If you and Tomura are cuddling he would most likely put on something more calm and relaxing to fit the mood between the two of you. It wouldn't be much of a good idea to play metal while trying to unwind and cuddle lol.
If Tomura has wireless earbuds or even wireless, he would definitely want to share his earbud with you, again I think the man would want to share his music taste with you and only you. Tomura knows you won't judge him for his interests on anything and he loves you for that, heh.
*Dumb Thought: but if you have a driver's license since y'know Shiggy can't drive because of his quirk or maybe he can, idk. If you're on a drive together, you'll let him play music. Shiggy loves playing DJ in the car. It makes him feel special.
NSFW Mention's (18+):
(these might not be good so.. bear with me..)
If you and Tomura are engaging in sexual activities we would most likely play music that's toned down, maybe soft rock.
I like to think one time Shiggy played metal while pounding away at your pussy and after that day you banned him from playing metal while the two of you fucked. You were extremely sore after that day too lmao.
Shiggy loves fucking you to sexual songs and I mean heavily sexual songs like: Closer, Freaky Now, Tonight I'm Fucking You, etc. He thinks it kind of sets the mood to get down and dirty.
I also see Shiggy not playing music all the time, he enjoys hearing your cute little mewls and moans when he thrusts into you, he loves hearing the sounds of his skin against yours. He just wants to hear you in general.
That is all l have so far, some random headcannon's based around Tomura and music. I'll try to do more in the future if I can think of any to do, if you have any ideas my inbox is open. If I haven't gotten back to anyone, I promise I'm not ignoring sometimes I'm really unsure on how to answer certain asks in my inbox.
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axl-rose-lover-1987 · 9 months
“You Don’t Really Hate Me”
Axl Rose x reader
90s Axl
Warning: some smut
y/b/n = your bands name
You were exhausted literally two days ago you had finally made it home to your apartment after touring for what felt like eternity. You and your band had been on tour with Guns N’ Roses and Metallica. It was one of the greatest and worst experiences of your life. You had planned on spending this whole week recovering and sleeping alone in your apartment but your manager had scheduled lots of press for after the tour. So here you sat half awake in a stupid MTV interview answering question after question. They were all boring questions too the same old same old what’s it like being the lead singer? Was it hard to be the only female singer on tour? Did you enjoy it? And blah blah blah.
“So what did you think of that Axl Rose guy is he a jerk like they say?” The interviewer asked. Shit you thought yes he was he really was. Well to clarify to you Axl was. You had seen Axl be perfectly nice to other people on tour including your other band mates but you he was always a real dick to you. He would make rude comments about you and he would talk to your lead guitarist instead of you. He was always late to shows which messed up when you would preform and one time you went backstage to confront him only to find him eating out some stupid groupie. Damn did that guy piss you off. “Y/n you didn’t respond did you hear me?” The interviewer asked. You didn’t realize you spaced out thinking about how much you hated that guy. “Sorry sorry um” “We just well hes kinda a dick” you said. The interviewer seemed very intrigued now. “Really care to elaborate” the interviewer said grinning. “Well Axls got a huge ego, he was very rude to me, and he’s dramatic that’s all .” You said smirking. “I guess the rumors are true than” the interviewer said. “Yeah something like that” you said. You could tell the interviewer wanted more drama but you were so over doing press. Finally the interview ended and you decided you needed a drink so you made your way to the bar.
Axls POV:
I’m finally done with touring for now I need a day to fucking relax. I was channel surfing when I landed on MTV. And there she was that girl from y/b/n she had been a real bitch to me the whole tour. “So what do you think of that Axl Rose guy?” The interviewer on the tv asked. This made my ears peek up. And sure enough she dragged my name threw the mud what a pussy I know why she doesn’t like me, and I don’t like her that’s just how it was the whole tour. Her interview ended with that I was done with tv I needed a drink.
~time skip~
You sat at the bar counter taking shots and trying to unwind. It had been working so far and no one recognized you so you were enjoying yourself. Then that’s when he came in. He was wearing a t shirt and some basketball shorts and sunglasses covered his eyes. But you knew. You knew it was him he took a seat farther down on the counter away from you. You wanted to leave the last thing you needed today was confrontation with Axl. You waited until the bar got a little busier and now more people were standing around. You made a break for it and kept your head low. Then you ran into someone. “Sorry” the voice said. You knew that husky voice it was Axls “it’s fine” you said trying to get away before he realized it was you. “Hey wait a damn minute” Axls voice said. Then a hand grabbed your arm pulling you back in front of Axl. “You really thought I’d let you get away with saying all that shit about me sweetheart?” Axl said in a very snooty voice. “Shut up Axl” you said trying to walk away. He stuck his arm out. “No,no sweetie if you’ve got something to say about me say it my face” Axl said smirking. “Fine your a dick” you said crossing your arms and looking him dead in the eye.
Axls POV:
I really didn’t expect y/n to say that to me I thought she’d chicken out. But now I didn’t know what to do. I was half pissed and half turned on to be honest. I was also a little drunk but messing with y/n was one of my favorite things “Really well your a bitch” I said back at her. She blew me off and started to walk away again “No no your coming with me I’ll show you how much of a dick I am” I said grabbing her arm and leading her out of the bar.
You didn’t know what to do. Everything stopped your brain knew it wasn’t a good idea to go with Axl but somehow every rational thought you had didn’t matter at all you were going with Axl. Axl took you to his apartment he never exchanged a word with you the whole walk there. Then when he got in the apartment he sat right on his couch and didn’t even look at you. This went on for at least 10 mins before you had enough. “What the fuck Axl you drag me to your apartment you won’t fucking leave me alone at the bar, you treated me like actual shit on the tour and now you’re giving me the silent treatment.” You said you were so enraged at him. He sat quiet for another few mins. You were done. “I’m leaving” you said making your way to the door. “Fuck you” you said about to leave. “Wait” Axl said. “You don’t really hate me y/n” Axl said smirking. You walked back over to the couch. “You hate that I won’t give you the time of day, I give it to everyone else, I give it to all these other girls.” Axl paused and stood up his face now inches from yours. “You want my full attention you want me” his breath fanned over your neck and his voice was heavy with lust. “You want me to make you feel special you’ve seen me do it to other people you want my validation but I won’t give it to you and that pisses you off doesn’t it sweetheart.” Axl said in your ear. You were frozen he was right. He read you like an open book. “I bet you wished you were that groupie you saw me with don’t you?” Axl said in a heavy whisper. Fuck was all your brain could think you needed Axl and he knew it he had you all vulnerable for him. You couldn’t look him in the eyes you stared down at the carpet. “Y-yes” you said quietly. “Look at me baby” Axl said lifting up your chin. Your eyes met his. “Y-yes” you said a little bit louder. “You want me to give you all my attention sweetheart you want me to make you feel all special?” Axl asked. “Yes” you said in a weak voice. “Ok baby” Axl said.
He lead you to his bedroom. You both were now naked. Axl laid down on the bed. “Come here sugar” he said to you. You came over to him. His hands guided your hips and soon his cock found your entrance. “Oh-Axl” you moaned taking him in. “Shhh ride me baby” Axls hands guided your hips up and down on his cock he started out nice and slow. “I’ll kiss you threw it” Axl said. He kept kissing you as you rode his cock. He would whisper things into your hair but one time he said loud enough for you to hear. “Your so beautiful you know that right your so fucking beautiful.” He really was making you feel special, extremely special. As Axl sped up his pace your cum began to spill onto his dick. He then pulled out and you both rode out your orgasms. “I knew you never really hated me” Axl said. “Shut up dick” you said now sorta using it as a pet name for him. Axl laughed. “You know I always kinda like you” Axl said. “I always liked you too” you said. Axl leaned over and started to kiss you. “Remember this the next time you try to drag my name threw the mud though ok sugar” Axl said pulling away from the kiss and winking at you. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget tonight” you said. “Yeah this’ll be something we tell our kids” Axl said. “Our kids?” You said. Axl laughed. And then it was quiet. Axl then broke the silence “I really am sorry for being a dick to you I didn’t mean to do that but I can be difficult.” Axl said in a sincere tone. “It’s ok thanks for apologizing” you said. Axl smiled. “Damn the press will go wild if they find this out” Axl said laughing. “Yeah they will” you said. You and Axl were now cuddling in the bed watching tv when Axl flipped it to MTV news. “A recent source has turned in photos of Axl Rose and y/n l/n holding hands and leaving a bar together.” “Y/n was just recently saying how she hated Rose, was it a cover up? Or are they enemies to lovers?” Axl flipped off the tv after that and you both looked at each other wide eyed. You both were in for a lot of shit that’s for sure.
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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Blackberry + Smash
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Summary: Oh my god, it's your little day date! I wonder if he'll like your choice of nails?
Word Count:6.3k
A/N: Part 2 to Blackberry, still for @newlips milestone of love! I broke these up because I was having a hard time reading it all together and this part got, well, too long honestly. However it's fun and dirty just how we all like it. (18+ NSFW you know the drill)
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The mirror in his bathroom isn’t lying to him, he sure is 32 and still has no idea how to dress himself. He’s gone through at least 6 versions of the same black outfit, only now realizing he owns nothing for a date. He scrubs a hand over his face and sighs. 
Casual. It’s lunch, this ain’t rocket science and you’ve seen him covered in a multitude of stains and you still kissed him 9 days ago. 
Yes he’s counting, has counted every day. Every boba tea he’s left since, every carton of cookies has a little heart drawn on it with an ‘E’ in the middle. 
He wasn’t even this lovesick as a kid. 
Eddie gives himself a disgusted scoff before ripping off his faded Megadeath tee. He lets himself have a little tantrum, stomping his feet around and whining. Rolling his head back and forth. Couldn’t you two just slide under his sheets and roll around for the rest of eternity? Then he wouldn’t have to worry about fuckin’ clothes! There’s a yell building in his chest but Jeff is sleeping and he won’t wake him, not with a full Friday night ahead of him. Instead he stalks off to his room to root around some more, looking for something less faded when his phone pings. A message from you: ‘holy shit, am I actually ready on time? 🖤’, and a picture that he immediately taps on. 
It’s a mirror picture of your outfit. Black sweater, black pants, black shoes. 
Oh what a fucking pair you’ll make. Dour food service workers in their mourning best. 
He’s never been happier. 
This also sets his nerves at ease. He can look normal. On top of his pile of clean laundry he finds his Hideout shirt and his good Metallica hoodie. Has one last moment of asking himself if he’s still actually 16 before going back to the bathroom. 
Rings on, his pick and his Cuban link chain lay against his collar bones. Finds the matching bracelet and decides to wear the silver nose hoop and in the final glance he rolls his eyes. 
It’ll do.
He shoves the shirt and hoodie on, glances at the clock and sees 9:30 glowing up at him. He finds his jacket, grabs his keys and wallet and has enough time to pick up coffee for the two of you. 
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You got nervous and decided to wait outside for him, the sun helping to edge off the chill of the morning. You’re scrolling through Instagram when the familiar sound of his truck pulls through the gate of your complex. Immediately it feels like your stomach is up in your ribs. You’d spent four fucking hours this morning getting ready, redoing your makeup three times before just settling on big wings and red lips. Classic, easy, and you were running low on makeup wipes really. You’d switched out jewelry enough you’d irritated the piercings, yet again settling on leaving in your medusa and just going with silver everything. In an attempt to calm yourself you’d sent the picture to Eddie, not really expecting him to reply. He did heart react to it though and that had sent you horizontal on the couch for a few minutes, kicking your socked feet around. 
He pulls up in front of you and before you can get a hand on the door he’s leaned over to push it open. You’re staring very obviously for a moment, eyes fixed on the ripped knees of his jeans where you can see a smattering of tattoos. You hadn’t given much thought to that. You knew about his arms obviously, had seen pictures of his chest and back pieces but no one had mentioned his legs. Eddie clears his throat and you immediately flush. He gives you a look and you prop a foot in to help push you up. Then you notice the two Dunkin coffees. 
“Did you get me iced coffee?” Surprise pitches your voice high, a little ‘oh!’ following when he holds up a small paper bag. 
“And a donut.”
“Eddie!” You reach over to grab the bag and also slap at his elbow. He just chuckles and watches you tear it in two, holding one side out to him. He can see the pink still tinging your cheeks. 
“I already had two.”
“Oh I see how it is.” A raise of your eyebrows and he tells you to put your seatbelt on. Asks for the address of your nail salon. 
“It’s gonna take a little while, I’m getting acrylics so. I don’t know if you want to hang around or not.” You say around a mouthful of donut. 
“Am I gonna be in the way?”
“I don’t think so, just depends on how busy they are.”
It’s busy as shit. Thankfully you have your appointment, so it’s just a waiting game for a station to open up. 
“There’s like, so many people in here.” He looks like a big worried puppy. “Do you mind if I wander over to the bookstore on the other side?” Eddie flicks his head at the front door. Across the parking lot is a Barnes and Nobel that you saw him eye when you parked. 
“Not at all.” A hand on his forearm with a gentle squeeze and he smiles down at you. What had Cate said? 
“You’re a simple for dimples.” Christ. 
“Text me when you’re almost done, okay?”
You nod, shooing him off towards the door. He’s slow going, waiting for you to turn around the corner to go look at polish colors. When he sees you disappear he rushes the front desk, the receptionist startling at his figure popping up. 
“Hey, your 11 o’clock with-“ he gestures over to you, mouthing your name to try to keep it quiet. “How much is her bill?”
“Well, she’s set up for a regular acrylic set and-“
He’s keeping an eye on you but wants to get out of here before you turn around again to find a seat. 
“Look, whatever the like, top tier thing is, I don’t know nails. Can I just pay ahead of time for that for her?”
“For the nails and the pedicure?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever it is. I’ve got the tip too.”
She hands him a small receipt and he only balks at the price because why is this shit so expensive? He made it a point to not have a band of cash on him today, trying to be a modicum of classy, so he pulls out three hundreds from his wallet and tells the receptionist to figure out the tip. Smiles and tells her to have a nice day. He darts out before you get a chance to sit.  
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“Eddie.” The sound of your voice makes him pick his head up from his phone. You’re standing in front of the door to the salon, arms crossed and a pinched expression on your face. 
“Yeah?” He’s playing stupid. Only for you. 
“You really didn’t need to do that.”
A small smile pulls at his lips and he halfheartedly shrugs. 
“I’m serious! That was expensive.” Your laugh is exasperated but your not really mad. Just taken aback. First dates don’t pay for nails. 
“I know, that’s why I did it. You’ve been talking about these fuckin’ things for a week now. Figured I’d surprise you.” He puts his phone away to stare up at you from his seat on the bench. 
“Let’s see ‘em.” Eddie leans forward and holds out his hand expectantly. You twist away and playfully squint down at him, holding your hands clenched under your chin. 
“I don’t know if you deserve it.”
“Oh come on, let’s see what my hard earned American dollars got you.” Laughing and reaching again but this time his hand drifts south, fingertips grazing the back of your thigh, gently pulling you back towards him. 
The little hitch in your breathing goes unnoticed but the blush flooding your cheeks doesn’t. His smile widens and he pulls you again, knocking your knee gently into the bench between his own. 
“Please?” Holds his other hand out, big palm facing up and you lower your own down to wiggle your fingers at him. Eddie let’s out a low whistle while he turns your hand around to look at the little gold stars dotting the matte black claws; turns it over to see the glittery red underneath. 
“Oh I’d say that’s worth it.”
“You like?” 
“Mhm. You get you’re toes done too?”
That makes you blush harder for some reason but you nod. He’s still holding your hand gently, like he’d lean in for a kiss to the back of it. 
“Yeah, same red color.” His other hand is resting fully against your leg now, thumb moving slowly back and forth over your knee. He glances down at your feet briefly, toes hidden in your shiny black loafers. 
“I bet that’s real pretty.” When he looks back up at your face, dark eyes framed by dark lashes and that damn smile pulling those dimples out, you look away quick. If anymore blood rushes to your face you’re bound to pass out. 
“Did uh, did you wanna like, grab lunch or something?” He’s got you stuttering while you look around the parking lot for a distraction. Anything to get your mind off of his hand still gripping the side of your thigh. 
Jesus suffering fuck. 
“Sure. There’s a ramen place up the road that’s pretty good.”
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It’s a small restaurant, ten tables and a bar. It’s just the two of you for a while in the booth that Eddie asked for. He’s been tapping his foot against yours since you sat. 
“Are you playing footsie with me?”
“Maybe.” His grin is infectious. You jostle him back and it devolves for a few minutes until the waitress shows back up with your drinks and a knowing look on her face. 
Eddie notes how easy you blush. It’s been at least four times today and he’s only been around you for maybe three hours. He’s trying to recall any other time he might have seen it, but he doesn’t think you’d let that kind of thing slide at work. It’d be seen as a weakness or some shit you and Cate make up. 
He briefly wonders how far down your neck it goes. 
“So do you actually like cooking?” You ask as your food arrives, unwrapping your chopsticks and dumping and ungodly amount of togarashi into your ramen. 
“Yeah actually. My uncle taught me how to cook, he made it fun. It just kind of stuck around I guess.” He looks bashful, swirling his chopsticks around the bowl. You realize this is a whole side of Eddie you don’t know about. 
“What’s your favorite thing to cook?”
“Honestly? I really like smoking ribs. Wayne had this contraption he built himself out back of his trailer, and he’d make some real creations out there.” He sounds wistful when he talks about his uncle. He’s brought him up a few times but never really explained why he spent so much time with him. You don’t want to pry, but your interested in this home brew smoker now. 
“Please tell me it was like some 50 gallon drum deal.”
“Oh of course! He used to be a welder in the Army so he had all kinds of shit he made. Still has that grill too.” 
Eddie rambles for most of lunch, constantly trying to deflect back to you but you’re invested in this uncle of his. Wayne sounds like quite the guy. 
“So you lived with him till what, you were 23?”
“Yeah. I just wanted my own space and he also needed his own space. I have dinner with him once a week though. At least.” Eddie’s been rubbing his hand on the back of his neck for a few minutes and you’re starting to get the signal to stop mining for now. 
“I’d love to meet him.”
“Oh he’d love you.” That rolls off his tongue fast and you both laugh. “Maybe I’ll drag you to dinner next week. You can tell him all about your drive thru crazies.”
“Oh I’m sure we’d both love that.”
The check has been sitting on the table for 20 or so minutes and when he tucks his card in, after swatting your hand away, the waitress descends and disappears with the check.  He’s nervous again, twirling his rings around his fingers, leg bouncing. You’ve taken a minute to check your messages but under the table you slide a hand onto his bouncing knee. It stills immediately, the flash of a smile you shoot at him quelling any knots under his ribs. It’s such a small gesture, your hand warm on his knee. He’s already decided he’s kissing you again outside.
“This was fun, thank you again for my nails. Seriously.” 
He reaches out for your hand, tucks his fingers up under your knuckles to stare at the gold stars. He doesn’t let go, instead pulling you along behind him towards his truck. 
“Unless you’ve got other plans, we can find something else to do. I’ve got all day.” 
“Okay.” You say it so quick, looking for any excuse to stay around him. It’s only taken you this long for a single date, you might as well make it last. “Wanna see a movie?” 
When he stops at his truck he doesn’t unlock it, just leans back against the door and pulls your hand in against his chest. 
“Anything good playing?” He asks quietly, laying his hand over yours to lay flat against him. You fit right between his feet, boots bracketing your loafers. 
“I don’t uh…” Your stuttering, caught watching his eyes flit between yours. “I’m not sure.” You finish lamely. 
“Well, I’ve got all means of streaming at my place. If you want.”
A year ago with anyone else this would have made you scoff and push back, spell being firmly broken by even the implication of some form of Netflix and chill. 
Eddie though? Eddie makes it sound like the sweetest thing in the world. And who are you, presuming he’s even gonna try and put a move on you?
(You’ll be absolutely devastated if he doesn’t.)
The warmth of him is enveloping you, the spice of his cologne and the last cigarette he had drawing you further in just before his hands do the same. Big palms cradle the sides of your neck, thumbs resting on your cheeks and he leans in. 
His lips are plush and warm and you tuck up close to him, arms squished between the two of you. His fingers inch up into your hair, holding your head, keeping your lips to his and honestly? Honestly. 
How dare he be so good at this and keep it from you for so long. You thought he liked you and he’s been depriving you of his lips parting and running his tongue over your own and-
“Ed.” You break the kiss, breathless and face hot but you’ve only got eyes for him. His pupils blown wide in the bright daylight, you can see a frown starting between his brows. “No, hey I’m not-this is great. Can we get in the truck?” It’s almost one long word of a sentence but he understands. You’re around to the passenger side before he’s even closing his door, your hand over the center console to grab his bicep and pull him over to you.
In the confines of the cab, kneeling on the seat so you can grab his hoodie and it’s your turn to pull him in. The little sound he lets out almost sounds like a whimper and it just makes you all the more confident. It’s your tongue running along the seam of his lips, the curve of a smile before he opens and lets you in. He taste like the mango mochi you two shared and your hands run up into his hair to keep him close. 
This is all you’ve been thinking about since he kissed you last week, waiting for another moment to lay your lips on him. It’s a few minutes of heavy kissing and his hands just under the edge of your sweater; you still haven’t let his hair go yet. Eddie is the first to pull away though, eyes squeezed shut when he rests his forehead against yours. 
“We can go back to mine, uh if you want? We don’t have to I know I said that earlier but we can go out and see a movie-“ You press two fingers against his lips to silence him. 
“I want to.”
The ride to his apartment is quiet. He drops his hand on its new home in the middle of your thigh, fingers digging in a little bit every time he turns a corner. 
That blackberry has been picked and washed and fully eaten in earnest. 
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His apartment isn’t what you expected honestly. It’s two men living together, so the neatness throws you off. Everything has a home it seems, unlike your own place that’s like a cozy disaster zone. 
“I like your place.” You say over your shoulder standing in the open living room. He’d busied himself with putting your jackets away and dropping his stuff into a tray on the counter. Now he’s just standing in the kitchen watching you inspect the bookcase by the TV. 
“Do you like bourbon?” 
You glance at your phone to see 4:30pm. 
“A little early for dark liquor.”
Eddie shrugs and pulls out two rocks glasses and a round bottle, little jockey stopper on top. 
“We hit some kind of goal or something and Stacy and her husband bought everyone in the kitchen really nice bourbon.” He pulls the seal. “Thought I’d hang on to it for a special occasion.”
“Is this a special occasion then?”
“Yes.” His smile is warm. Looks at the little topper for a moment before sniffing the bottle. 
“That kind of smells like Christmas.”
He pours less than a finger in each glass and slides one over to you. He’s not wrong, and after he fishes out an ice cube for you, it goes down smooth. 
Hip cocked into the counter top and nursing your tiny glass of stupid expensive bourbon, you listen to Eddie go in on all the deserts he could use this in. You had no idea he could bake too and you feel a little cheated after all those bakery bought cookies he’s brought you. 
“Oh you know what else,” he ducks into his fridge and pulls out a mason jar of dark syrup, “this might be blasphemy but I don’t care. Let me see your glass.” You hold it out and he uses a spoon to drizzle some of it in the dregs of your drink. “Thats a blackberry and rosemary syrup I made and- what?” Your laugh cuts through his words and the way his face lights up makes laugh more. A clearer sign from the universe, you’ve never had. 
“I just really like blackberries.” 
He does put something on tv eventually but neither of you pay attention. It murmurs in the background while you two talk and when the sun starts to stretch across the wall of his living room you climb over the cushion separating you and try valiantly to invade his chest. He’s cozy and warm and he tastes like that syrup he made. He says something about whiskey tasting good on you too and any inkling you may have had about leaving his place tonight goes firmly out the window. 
The couch is comfortable and him nosing at your neck, dropping lazy kisses up and down the length of it makes you melt. His hands are heavy in your hair and where they slide down to meet his lips along your neck. You’d finally gotten a hand under his shirt, skin hot and soft. You can feel the muscles flex under your touch and you find out on accident he’s ticklish when you’re skating your new nails back and forth over his happy trail and the weirdest giggle escapes him.
“Sorry.” He smiles shyly. 
You want to hear that sound again but he has other plans. Untangles your legs and stands up, holds out his hand to you again. 
Just over the threshold of his room he looks at you, fully sincere. 
“Is this okay?”
Yes yes yes yes yes yes
You nod and gently kick the door closed behind yourself. 
With that barrier to the outside closed Eddie descends on you. Backs you right up against the door and kisses the breath right out of your lungs. You hang onto his shoulders while he pulls your sweater off. It hits the floor and his hands are right back on you sliding up your sides to cup your tits through your lace bra. You’d worn the set in the hopes that this exact thing would happen. 
“How’d you know blue’s my favorite color?” He whispers against your mouth before diving right down to the swell of your breast and nips lightly. You suck in a gasp and he does it again to the other one, runs his thumbs over your nipples. Your trying your hardest to get your fingers to cooperate and pull at the hem of his shirt. 
“Worry about me later.”
“Eddie, please.”
“Wanna see you first, gorgeous.”
When his hands fall to your jeans you let out a whine that makes him look up at you. 
“You okay?”
“Yes just. Please don’t stop.”
He hurries then, pushes your jeans down and turns you both to walk to bed. When the edge hits your legs you lift one to crawl backwards, a finger hooked in his belt loop in an attempt to pull him with you. He rips his shirt off instead and it’s truly it’s insane how he just keeps getting hotter. The dark lines of his tattoos against his pale skin makes you pant. 
“Oh what the fuck.” 
“I was just about to say the same thing.” He sounds breathless. Eyes roaming to take in the matching underwear that clings to your body. The tattoo on your sternum that he had no idea about and the other two just under your collar. There’s dark lines wrapping around your hip that he’s going to dig his teeth into soon. He reaches and lightly runs a finger over your sternum before trailing it down your stomach and stopping at the elastic of your underwear. 
“You wear this for me?”
You nod. 
“Oh good.” 
You don’t think you’ve heard him this quiet ever. He’s all whispers and heavy stares, that finger tip that’s inching into your underwear making your heart rocket into your throat. You wrap your hand around his and pull him so he has to kneel on the bed too, inch his finger down further. 
“Hm?” It rumbles in his chest. You snake both arms up to wrap around his neck and bring him in to ghost your lips over his. 
“Touch me. Please.”
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Of course he has silk pillowcases, you think to yourself when the side of your face is pressed into them. The cool material is slick against your hot cheek, Eddie’s big hand laying between your shoulder blades. He isn’t pushing you down into the mattress but the suggestion is there. 
You’ve ended up in the middle of his bed bent in half with him kneeling behind you, gentle hand pulling your knees apart. You’re blushing for a thousand and one reasons, mainly because you’ve never played this little game before. At first you’d tried to hide your face and he’d tutted at you, gently prying your forearm away. Now you’re just trying not to grip the pillow too hard, only partially conscious of your new nails. 
“Eddie.” Your muffled whine gets his attention and he leans forward, puts a little pressure on your back. Your eyes roll.  
“You okay?” His voice is dark next you, quiet and gravely and you clench around nothing, he hasn’t even touched your pussy yet. A garbled ‘uh huh’ gets past your lips and you can hear him grin, the bastard. 
He slides your underwear over your ass and down, tossing them into some corner of the room, swings his knee over your calf and knocks your leg out to side some more. Your hips drop and he sighs, his right hand coming to slide up the back of your thigh, gripping at the soft skin and over the swell of your ass. 
“I’ve been waiting months for this.” A low laugh, how can he laugh at a time like this. You try to sit up a bit, to give him an incredulous look but he holds you down. You don’t mean to let out the moan you’ve been holding in, but he knocks it out of you. Laughs. Again. 
“You didn’t have to wait months.” Muffled again by the pillow. 
“We were having fun. You’re a good chase.” He gives your ass a light tap and then grabs the flesh hard. You arch your back into his touch and he immediately lets go to graze his fingertips over your slit, dipping in between your folds. 
“Jesus your so wet,” he huffs through his nose, “this for me too?”
Of course it is. You’ve been wet for him since he picked you up in his stupid truck, looking too good in his stupid jeans and big hoodie. Since he grabbed your thigh and asked about your god damn toes.Since the couch and his weird giggle. 
You’d like to be a smart ass and list off all the ways he’s driven you crazy just that day, but instead you just whimper. 
“Hmm?” He dips a finger down to circle your clit agonizingly slow. It sends a burning jolt through you and you cant your hips back to chase his touch. 
“Yes, oh my god!” It comes from deep in your chest, voice low and full of want. Every time he’s come in to visit you, hanging over the partition to joke and flirt at you. His little touches at the bar, a hand always lingering on your lower back or fingertips dragging over a knee. That drunk kiss in the parking lot of the bar a week ago. 
All you’ve done is want for months now. You’re about to bully your way into sitting up when he leans down and places a wet kiss on your shoulder. Drags the hand there down to your lower back, still splayed wide and warm. It makes you pause and he uses that minor distraction to easily slide two fingers deep in your cunt. 
It punches the air out of any argument you were trying to start, hands searching for something to grip. One finds his thigh and he still has his god damn jeans on? 
The slow drag of his fingertips inside you makes your mouth hang open. They’re big and you’ve been worked up since you woke up this morning so it just feels too good. 
Actually that’s a lie, you’ve been worked up since that first day he walked into the cafe with Jeff, all jokes and pretty eyes and no idea if he even liked coffee. Some dumb espresso joke later and you’d been stupid for him. 
Kind of like now, with one of his hands holding your back in an arch while his other moves at a torturous pace in and out, the wet sound of you sinful in the space of his room. 
“Do you know many times I thought about inviting you back here after the bar?” You roll your head back and forth, hiding your face under your hair. 
“Every time I gave you a ride I thought about it.” He enunciates his line with a particularly deep prod of his fingers, bringing his thumb to circle your clit again. “Coulda just bent you over my lap and shoved my fingers in, huh?” You clench down, files that little thought away for later. He gets his free arm up under your chest so he can hold you to him. Lays his weight against your back when he picks up the pace of his fingers and the strangled cry coming from you makes him even harder in his jeans. He peppers kisses along your shoulders, noses your hair out of the way so he can nip at the back of your neck. When he licks a stripe up to your ear he feels your strings cut, the chanting of his name sounding like music. 
“I gotcha baby. You gonna come for me?”
You’re nodding, whining his name, breath hitching in your chest. Between his thumb tracing hard and his fingers dragging against that sweet spot inside your eyes water and you grab at the back of his head, nails digging into his curls. The feeling building low is white hot where it creeps down and makes your legs shake. Pinned down under him you try to chase his hand with your hips, looking for that edge of relief and it’s just out of reach until it’s not. 
His chin is hooked over your shoulder so he can mouth at the side of your face while you go rigid under him. He’s still moving his fingers while you spasm around him and jesus christ he can’t wait to fuck you, plain and simple. 
“Breath baby, come on.” He whispers into your ear when he realizes you’ve been holding your breath. You let out a low groan that turns stuttering when he doesn’t relent with his thumb on your clit. 
“Eddie I can’t- too much!”
He ‘aww’s’ at you playfully but slows down his hand, only pulling out when you’ve regained some kind of normal breathing. Cuddled up behind you, face still close to yours where your breath fans over his cheek he leaves a wet kiss on yours and the toothy smile he sees in the waning light makes him feel warm. 
“Knew you’d be worth the wait.”
You slap his arm as he rolls off the bed to stand. The clink of his belt buckle makes you turn your head against the pillow to stare at him. His eyes don’t leave yours while he undoes the button and fly to push them down off his hips. He leaves his boxers on and before he can climb back on the bed you sit up in front of him, hug his thighs with your knees. From here you can look up at him and map the tattoos across his chest and over his shoulders down to his fingers. It’s past sunset now and the purple fading light does nothing but make his pale skin glow under all that dark ink. You pull his own move on him from earlier, tracing the tip of your nail up the back of his thigh. He shivers, leg jumping and when you firmly run both of your palms under the edge of his boxers he smiles down at you. 
“Tryin’ t’get fresh?”
“Maybe.” Sucking in your bottom lip to bite at it, you bring one hand around and run it down the flat plane of his stomach to the band of his underwear. 
“Can I?” A whisper and his eyes go half lidded, pupils dark and wide under his lashes. An almost too quiet ‘yeah’ and you tug the fabric down to free him. 
You must be making a face because he chuckles and runs a finger down your jaw. When you look back up at his face you grip the base of his dick and he hisses low, run your hand up the length of him to watch his head loll back. He’s big, thick and flushed red, the fat head of his cock hot against your palm. Damn near salivating you run the flat of your tongue up the underside of him, to the tip before fully wrapping your lips around him and hollowing your cheeks. Eddie is making a lot of noises you’ve never heard before, one’s that you want him to keep making but only after a few bobs of your head and hand he’s gently pulling your head back where’s he’s laced his fingers in your hair. 
“If you don’t want this to be over in five seconds, I’d suggest we stop that.”
“You get too excited?” Frowning at him you make a move to grab him again he crowds you instead, makes you crawl back towards the middle of the bed. He shuffles across to settle between your propped up knees and tosses a wrapper on your stomach. 
“How romantic Munson.”
“You wanna touch my cock so bad, you put it on.” His forwardness shuts you up. You tear the wrapper open in a rush, grab him again and give his dick a few tugs before rolling the condom down. His thumbs rub little soothing circles on your knees until you pull your hand away and he’s hauling your legs up to wrap around his waist. Pulls you to him with hands in the crook of your knees and he’s cradled in your hips, rocking his own forward to rub the tip of his cock along your folds. Catches it on your sensitive clit and you yelp. His frown is mocking yours from a moment ago, tilts his hips and does it again.
“Aw, honey is that too much?”
“Eddie I swear to god I’ll-“
“You’ll what?” He pulls back enough to line up, gives you one last chance to say something before he eases in. Slow drag until he’s fully seated against you and you both moan in unison. “That’s what I thought.” Your warm around him everywhere; thighs hugging his hips, hands running up his chest. 
“Jesus Christ you feel amazing.” 
The fluttering of your walls around his cock is doing nothing for his stamina, coming to terms with himself that this might not last long. 
That’s fine, you weren’t leaving tonight. 
The look on your face, eyes rolled back and mouth hanging open, makes him roll his hips to watch you squirm. He starts a slow rhythm, grabbing the cups of your bra and pulling down to let your tits free. When he pinches one between his knuckles you keen and arch your back. He does it again to hear that high sound and he picks up his pace, drilling deeper and making you chant his name again. 
“I can’t believe I waited this long for you baby, you feel so fucking good for me.” He pulls your legs from around him to push them up towards your chest, canting your hips with them to get at you deeper.  
“Eddie Eddie Eddie.” It’s high pitched and whiney and music to his ears. He can feel you pulsing around him like you were earlier. Props one of your legs on his shoulder to get his hand between the two of you to rub fast circles over your swollen clit.  
“You gonna come again?”
“Yes fuck, please don’t stop Eddie!” 
His hips snap against your ass and with every push your letting out a stuttering moan. Watching your lips form around his name, panting and pawing at your own chest, your hand around the back of his neck and long nails scratching against the sensitive skin brings everything to a pinpoint. His hips begin to stutter when you clench around him, your no slick coating your thighs and his fingers and his cock and it’s all it takes for him to bury himself deep. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” He’s muttering, slowing his movement and rocking the two of you through the aftershocks, running a soothing hand up your leg still on his shoulder. 
“Come here.” Hands splayed to beckon him, cheeks pink and flushed, hair stuck to your sweaty forehead he thinks he might be falling in love after all these months. He’ll keep that to himself for now. Instead he pulls out and discards the condom over the side of the bed. Drops his weight on you, a huff from you and a smile pushed against your chest from him. The light touches from the tips of your nails make goosebumps pop up along his back where you gently rake your nails. 
It’s a while before either of you move and it’s only to get under the covers when the cooling sweat makes you cold. Eddie holds the corner up to help you get situated but holds out a hand when you try to tuck your feet in. 
“Hold on, hold on.” He snatches one of your feet to bring up closer to his face, making you bend weird and squeal. It tickles but he won’t let go, looking at your toes the way he did your nails earlier. 
“Eddie, seriously!”
“I knew they were pretty.” He places a light kiss on the outside arch of your foot and you wrinkle your nose. It tickles and it’s cute and his hand is warm on your cold foot. He only lets go to run a hand up the back of your calf to pull you under the covers where he drapes himself over you, hair curtaining and smothering you in him. 
In the middle of the night, after Jeff comes home and deftly ignores the scene left in the living room and you’ve gotten up to use the bathroom and rinse your mouth out you cuddle back up to Eddie’s side and wait for him to turn his head and look at you. 
“Hey, you wanna call in sick Sunday?”
“Yeah, you can be my plus one for the wedding.”
“Cutting it a little close, no?”
“It’s my aunt, she won’t care.”
“I don’t have a suit.”
“Then we can get you one tomorrow.”
“It’s a date.”
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guizika · 6 months
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Dean Winchester x Male Reader
Cw - Male reader, you/yours pronouns, fluff, Mention of death, violence, drinking, maybe it’s a bit ooc.
Synopsis - You decide to go to a bar to forget your problems, but unfortunately you end up finding more problems, but you also find a solution.
Word count - +1500
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A love disappointment, problems at work and some encouragement from your friend were enough to make you go to a bar. The bar was located in a more secluded part of town, and most people went there at weekends.
You left the house wearing your favorite outfit, a white T-shirt and black pants. When you got to the bar, you ran into your friend, who was already drinking and hitting on the bartender. As you approach, you nudge her shoulder lightly and she lights up when she sees you. "You really came!"
"Of course I did, I'd never miss a chance to drink myself into a stupor." You say jokingly, smiling amusedly. Soon, you sit down next to her and order whisky to drink, chatting about silly things. Some stories have already been told, but they're still funny. You drink and laugh as you reminisce about your teenage years.
"Remember when you and Willian nearly blew up the school laboratory?" She says, laughing out loud as you let out a nasal laugh. "Firstly, that was far from an explosion and, secondly, it was all Willian's fault." You say defending yourself, laughing as you remember that day.
"Hey, do you remember when you flooded the bathroom at school?" Her laughter stops and then she blushes with embarrassment, drawing a genuine laugh from you. "It wasn't my fault, I was unfortunately in the bathroom and then disaster struck." You finish your whisky and then smile sarcastically at her. "Yes, of course, whatever you say."
Before you can order anything else to drink the Bartender hands you a beer, causing you to raise an eyebrow. "Uh, sorry, but I think you gave it to the wrong person, I didn't order a beer." The bartender smiles at you and then points to a man sitting on a bar stool by himself. "That man sent you that drink."
Your gaze goes in the man's direction, analyzing his face, he notices your gaze and smiles seductively at you, then takes a sip of his beer. "Oh my God, you have to go to him now!" Your friend whispers to you excitedly, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Don't worry, I've already found someone I want to stay with tonight." She says as if she knew what you were going to say, making you sigh with relief.
"Wish me luck." You smile and then walk over to the man, clearing your throat to talk to him. "Ah, hello, did you send me the beer?" He nods and then you sit down next to him, your beer in hand. "So, what's your name, handsome?" He smiles and then takes a sip of his beer.
"James Hetfield, but you can call me daddy, and what would your name be, sweetie?" he says, smiling seductively. He says, smiling seductively as you raise an eyebrow and laugh slightly. "Oh yes, you're the lead vocalist of Metallica, I'm John Lennon, nice to meet you."
He laughs, catching your drift. "I'm Dean, now, what's your name?" He takes another sip of his beer as he waits for your answer, after you reply he smiles and then looks around. "Right, well, what do you say we get out of here, sweetie?" His tone comes out suggestive, making you smile and then agree immediately. You finish your beers and then leave the bar kissing, you go to his car and then he takes you to the motel room where he's staying.
"Just don't make too much noise." He says between kisses, making you bite his lower lip and smile seductively, he lays you on the bed and you continue kissing.
The next day you open your eyes and see that the man is still asleep, so you get up and put your clothes on. After buttoning up your white T-shirt, you go out and then order a cab on your cell phone.
You see that your friend has sent you a few messages and you laugh, opting to reply when you get home. The cab arrives, you get in the car and say the address, driving home.
After two months, a lot of murders began to occur in your town, worrying most of the population. These crimes usually occur at night, so many people stop going out, but that doesn't stop you from going out to cool off.
The bartender looks at you and greets you, smiling and then placing a glass of whisky in front of you, already knowing what you were going to order. You finish your drink and the bartender hands you a Cuba-Libre. "That's the man who told me to give it to you." You look at who the bartender pointed to and notice that the man has pale skin and long black hair, he smiles and then walks over to you. His gaze never leaving your face, looking at you with a mischievous smile.
"Wow, what does someone like you do in this kind of place?" he asks, smiling and looking at you seductively. You take a sip of the drink he's sent you and smile kindly. "Just enjoying life, that's all, how about you?" The man seems to like your answer, looking you in the eye and then taking a sip of his drink. "I'm just enjoying life too."
After talking for a while, you leave the bar, he kisses you and takes you to his car. "Well, you're very handsome, I confess I'm sad to have to kill you." Hearing his words, your eyes widen and you try to push him away, only to be surprised by a blow to the back of the head, knocking you out. You hear other people's voices and then faint.
"What the fuck, ouch." You feel a strong pain in your head, probably because of the blow, you try to get up or move your arms but realize you're tied up, becoming more aware of your current state.
"You're finally awake, I thought you'd died from the blow." The barman's voice echoes off the walls of the shed, he turns on the light and your eyes close, opening only when you've gotten used to the brightness. "Where am I?" Your voice comes out hoarse, probably because your throat is dry.
He laughs, the laugh containing malice. "Well, you're in the nest." Your expression shows doubt. "Nest?" The man snorts, then opens his mouth and bares his fangs. "Yes, well, I'm a vampire and this is my nest, there are lots of vampires here." You stay silent, trying to process what he's said.
"Vampires?" You whisper, making him smile. "Yeah, I'd explain it to you, but there's no point because you're going to die soon." His words make you squirm as he approaches, screaming and begging for help even though you know it will be in vain. However, before he gets too close to you, the sound of a door opening can be heard and then he turns around to see two men.
You look too, relieved that someone has arrived, but after looking for a while you realize that one of the men is Dean. "Hey, bloodsucker, how about you come over here and face us?" Dean says and then the vampire charges at them, but he's easily defeated.
"Hey, how are you?" The taller man comes towards you, cutting the ropes that bind you and helping you to your feet. "Well, I almost got killed by a, uh, vampire, I guess, but I'm fine." The man smiles embarrassedly and then introduces himself. "I'm Sam Winchester and that's my brother, Dean." You smile and then introduce yourself.
They get you out of there and then take you to the car, you lean against the car and then cross your arms. Sam leaves you and goes to talk to someone on the phone, leaving you alone. Dean ends up explaining their work to you, causing you to let out a sigh.
"Well, I had no idea that James Hetfield also hunted monsters." You say in a joking tone, smiling in a relaxed way. "But seriously, that was super unexpected, like, I never imagined that these things actually existed." Dean laughs lightly and then lets out a snort, looking away.
"Well, I don't think anyone really wants to imagine that sort of thing." After he says that, you look at each other, until Sam arrives and clears his throat, making you look embarrassed and then look at him.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to Dean." You just smile and shrug, watching the two of them walk away, talking about something you can't hear. After a while they come back and Dean lets out a sigh and looks at you.
"Looks like we have to go, another case has come up." His tone contains dissatisfaction, but he tries to mask it, you let out a sigh and then smile at him. "All right, but when you pass through this town, come and visit me."
Dean brightens up and then takes his cell phone out of his pocket, handing it to you. "I've got a better idea, put in your phone number, so we can, well, keep in touch."
After that you both get in the car, he drops you off at your house and then he drives off, heading for the place of the next case.
Maybe you'll meet again in the future...
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Please don't translate or copy my work and don't repost on other social networks, if there are any grammatical errors I ask you to excuse me!
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madxyy · 1 year
anything for munson pt.2 - eddie munson x fem!reader
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| summary: eddie takes you out on a date...and more ;)
| warnings: smut, use of pet names, cussing, unprotected p in v (please practice safe sex kids), praise kink, possessive kink?, banter, eddie still being a menace, CHEESY, bantering, unrealistic orgasm
a/n: i tried not to describe hair, also tysm for sm love on pt.1 mwa
Standing in front of the mirror, you adjust the straps of your overalls. Your eyes raked over your figure as you took into account what you were wearing, a white plain t-shirt underneath the denim material, cherry chapstick adorned on your lips, giving it a tint of red. You hummed in approval.
You and Eddie decided to just stay in and cook dinner (although ‘dinner’ might not be the word you’re looking for). He insisted "a queen like you needs a fancy dinner and luxury", but you told him you didn’t want anything that big, just spending time with him is enough. You’ll always remember the way his cheeks blushed when you said that.
 A honk coming from outside made you jump. You got your bag and speed walked to the front door. Opening the door, you stand on your front porch and lo and behold you see eddie munson, standing outside of his van looking handsome as ever, hands behind his back, washed up blue jeans settled on his hips, a cropped black metallica t-shirt, and black boots. 
His whole face lights up as he sees you. 
Coming down the steps, he wolf whistles, “damn baby, might I say you are looking very very hot this fine night, like come and plant vegetables at my farm.” You lightly punch him in the arm as you giggle “oh my god! you are so stupid”, he pulls you by the waist and you instinctively put your hands on his chest “stupid for you.” 
Rolling your eyes “ookay stop being cheesy”
“never” giving you a radiant smile, god he’s so beautiful 
You both stood there for 10 seconds just taking in each other's presence. As much as you would like to stand there and gaze at him , you had a date to go to. “Alright, alright, let’s go munson, we can’t stand here all day looking at each other”, he puffs out a breath
“why not? It’s basically looking at art, so we are basically at an art museum” you shake your head as you smile “you promised me a date munson.” He sighs but reluctantly releases the grip he had on your waist and opens the door for you, “my lady” he bows, you roll your eyes god I love him. After settling into the passenger seat, he closes the door and gallops–yes, gallops–to the other door.
 He looks at you, giving you a beaming smile “are you ready for the most mind blowing sex.” You bark out a laugh “eddie I swear to god i’m going to get out this van” fingers already curled on the handle. 
“No no i’m just kidding sweetheart, I’ll stop” 
You give him a look
“No you’re not.” 
A guilty smile slowly creeping its way onto his lips “you’re right.”
Let’s just say the whole car ride consisted of banter and scolding, once when eddie almost ran a red light, then again when the cars behind him were honking because he was too distracted looking at you, after hearing all the honkings you turn to him telling him to keep his eyes on the road and that resulted to him blaming you. You turned to him, jaw on the ground, eyes bulged out, “what do you mean that was MY fault?!” he rolls his eyes “listen babe, if you didn’t look so damn beautiful in green lighting we wouldn’t be in this predicament” he said matter-of-factly.
“As soon as we get out of this car, i’m going to literally strangle you munson”
You can already see the gears in his head forming an inappropriate joke from a mile away. His mouth started to open but was quickly interrupted “don’t you dare say it eddie”, he closed his mouth but a smirk still on his face. 
“Wow, you’re just cruel y’know that, like why don’t you like me for me? How come I can never be myself?” 
“I’m literally on a date with you and please for the love of god don’t start this, you have been saying this ever since I took the last pizza slice and that was 2 years ago”
As soon as you arrived at his trailer, he rushed over to your side and opened the door, “can’t have a goddess waiting”, he offered his hand, you accepted and stepped out the van “why thank you, my dear lord.” He grins.
Stepping into the familiar trailer, you get flashed backs of the last visit here–a very pleasant visit–eddies lips, the taste of liquor still etched on your lips, his rough hands on your hips, messy kisses as your clothed folds started rubbing against his thighs, back and forth, back and forth, rough palms cupping your cheeks, eddie breathlessly murmuring–”baby?”, blinking out of your daze, you realized how damp your underwear has become - shit it’s the beginning of your date. Get it together. Clearing your throat “yeah, sorry”, he chuckled, “it’s okay, I just asked what type of flavor do you want”, you think for a second “mmm chicken is sounding really good right now.” He gives you an approving nod “I'm glad I chose a woman with basic taste.” You scoff “oookaaaay buddy, i’m literally dating you” he shoots you a look that makes you bark out the most horrendous laugh “ha ha ha, so funny, I take that as a compliment, you are just basically calling me spicy”. The sounds of your laughter automatically come to a stop as soon as the word ‘spicy’ leaves his mouth.
“Why must you always ruin my fun” 
“Because ruining your fun is my fun” 
You cross your arms and pout at him, he chuckles as he gives you an affectionate smile, “i’m just kidding baby, c’mere” he says opening his arms for you. You sigh and drag your feet to the him, “I don’t know why I have to go over there, you should be coming to me” midway of saying that you were already hugging him, face squished into his chest, arms circled around his back as his hands come up from his side to grasp your chin, angling your head to look at him “you weren’t putting up a fight nor are you complaining at the moment.” Narrowing your eyes, “whatever, let’s just make this already, i’m hungry.” He smiles in triumph as he finally won “of course my queen”, you step in front of the stove; packets of ramen open and sitting patiently to be boiled, the pot already filled with water, lime and packets of chicken flavor also idly sitting by the side. Eddie turns the handle “now we shall wait”. You hum, 
“in the meantime,” looking up at him
“we should put on some music”
“fine but only if I get to pick the songs” 
He makes a dramatic sigh “listen babe, no hate, you are a true angel from heaven, seriously, but you listen to music that makes me fall asleep and I seriously can’t handle it” 
“pleaseee” batting your lashes as you smile innocently
Pursing his lips “that’s not fair”
Still smiling up at him while awaiting his answer “FINE!” you squeal and run off to his room to put on music that sure as hell will make his ears bleed. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as soon as he heard the trailer humming with Al Green’s voice. But it was bearable as soon as he heard your voice sing along with it too even if it was bad singing--but he won't admit that, “I’M SO IN LOVE WITH YOU”, shaking his head “stop torturing me”, ignoring what he said, you decided to make a whole performance and grab the closest thing shaped as a microphone–which was a small silver spoon–and started swaying your hips to the beat. “‘CAUSE YOU MAKE FEEL SO BRAND NEEEEWW.” He bit his lips as his eyes were focused on you and solely on you–although since it’s Eddie, he can’t help but be a little shit.
”Why must you do this to me? make it stop, my ears are ringing, oh my god, i can already feel the blood” 
“oh my god! stop being a baby and come dance with me”
“nah i’m good”
“oh come on munson, just one dance and you can go back to sulking”
Still not budging from his spot, you dance towards him, hips swaying to the tempo of the song. He’s already frantically shaking his head as you get closer, but you don’t care as your hands reach out towards him, grabbing hold of his shoulders, his folded arms naturally goes towards your waist. As you hum the song he looks down at you with an amused smile.
“Stop being stiff eddie and move those hips of yours”, he chuckles 
“Fine, but only because I know how badly you want to see these hips move”
You shake your head in disapproval “whatever you say”
His hips starts swaying with yours as you both moved smoothly to the music. 
“Wow, who knew you can move your hips”,
“I've been telling you”
Swaying in each other's arms, you look up at him with captivating eyes, “y’know you’re really handsome eds” he softly smiles down at you, “you’re not so bad yourself my love.” Just looking at him makes your heart pound rapidly against your chest. 
Soon enough, one of his hands comes up and grasps your chin, delicately stroking the soft flesh. The pad of his fingers slowly makes its way to your lips, tracing and tugging down at the plump skin. Shallow breaths hit his hands, “eddie...” you say horsley. His Index finger slowly pushing its way into your mouth, you swirl your tongue around his digit making a whole show for him as you stare directly into his eyes. Grabbing a hold of his wrist, you suck back and forward, batting eyelashes looking up at him. “Fuck” he exhales, you detach your lips with a ‘pop’. You clean up after yourself as the pad of your fingers glides underneath your lips, taking off the excess of saliva. “Come on munson, the food shan’t wait anymore”, you giggle silently to yourself as he stands there frozen, mouth agape, eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, breathing heavily,“baby wha-“. With a smirk displayed on your lips, you quickly pull yourself back—before he has a chance to do or say anything—and put the ramen into the boiling water. 
As you start mixing the noodles you feel a warmth pressing to your back, eddie stands behind you, needy hands reaching underneath the blue denim to sprawl across your stomach as he plants sweet kisses to your neck, lightly pushing at his head “eddie i’m hungry” you whine. But he doesn’t buy it. He chuckles dryly, paying you no mind as he removes one of his hands to drag down one of your straps, slowly, painfully slow. He leaves a messy kiss on the new exposed skin, “baby, don’t act innocent now,” electricity sent straight to your spine, “sh-shut up cmon-”. You hear a ‘tink’ and are quickly turned around by eddie, breathless “eddie what are you doi-”, a muffled whine coming out as his lips pressed to yours, quickly pulling back, “eds, what about the food?” you say breathlessly (like you actually care about the food). 
He smirks at you with lust filled eyes, pulling you by the nape until you can feel his breath hitting your lips, “baby, quite frankly that’s not what i’m hungry for, so how about you shut up and I make you feel good, hm?”, not even having a chance to respond, he crashes his lips to yours. His body pushing yours against the stove, hands tangled in his hair in an instant, pulling him closer, harder against your lips as the smell of tobacco and sandalwood overtakes you. It was like heaven to both of y'all, especially eddie, he wanted to kiss you ever since that saturday night, god he couldn’t get enough, he needed more, he needed you. 
Lips still colliding, he crouches down and shortly enough, you feel rough palms grab a hold the back of your thighs, “up” he demanded. You happily obliged. 
He picks you up and walks you down the hall to his room, feet kicking the door shut. Softly laying you down on his bed, he stands and he can’t help but take the sight of you in, flushed cheeks, droopy eyelids staring back at him with dazed eyes, parted lips. “Babe, are you going to stand there all day or are you going to fuck me, hm?.” Blinking rapidly out of his haze, “uh ye-yeah,” clearing his throat  
“damn give a man a chance to appreciate the beauty in life, okay” 
“Whatever, just get over here”
Making a salute, “aye-aye whatever you say, my queen,”
Shaking your head you softly whisper to yourself “stupid” 
Eddie was too busy taking off his shirt and disregarding it on the floor to pay attention to what you were saying–thank god, he would’ve made a whole scene. But now it was your turn to take him in for all his glory, curls ruffled everywhere, cheeks also flushed, tattoos that you can’t wait to put your lips on, kissing each of them, one by one. 
“Babe, are you going to sit there all day or are you going to let me fuck you, hm?” 
“Damn give a woman a chance to appreciate the beauty in life, okay” you retort his words back to him
The corner of his mouth lifts. 
Making his way back to the bed ended abruptly as the palm of your hand made contact with his abdomen, nails lightly scratching at the happy trail that disappears underneath his washed up blue jeans. You look up at him with the most beautiful bedroom eyes, “you forgot one thing” you whispered. He couldn’t move, it’s like he was glued to the floor.
 He was going to say something, literally anything but all his thoughts vanished as soon as he saw the mischievous smile you’re giving him. You kept eye contact with him as your hands unbuttoned the jeans, pulling the zipper down. Your hands brush against his clothed bulge. He sharply inhales at the contact. Pants disregarded to the floor. You push yourself back up the bed and eddie quickly follows after you. 
As your lips meet again, he could taste the sweetness of your lips, the cherry chapstick you always wear that he always loved. He could smell your perfume, a mixture of you and him that made his head swim. The warmth of your body pressed against his had him shivering. Hands everywhere, legs arched beside him, one of his hands cradling your face as the other one is attached to your hip. His clothed erection grinding against you “shit” he panted. “Baby you need to take everything off right. now.” Say no more. Unfortunately, you lightly push him off. Missing his warmth as both of your clothes now are forgotten somewhere in his room. 
Eddie couldn’t believe his eyes, a true fucking art piece oh my god, he thought to himself. There you were, left in nothing but your bra and underwear, staring at him. 
You smile shyly at him, “wh- what, do i have something on me” he doesn’t miss a beat as he shakes his head. “No no it’s just,” nervous eyes looking back at him, he sighs “you have” he kisses your knee “no idea” then your belly “how beautiful” and finally your lips “you are.” You were left breathless and the only thoughts were to bring him down and crash your lips together. 
The tips of his fingers make their way to the clasp, sending goosebumps up your back “may I?” you smile “of course”, He quickly unhooks your bra. “There’s my girls” your feet pushed at his torso, but he grabbed your ankle and pulled it back where it was beside him as he kissed on the valley in between your breasts, basically making you putty in his hands. 
You let out a soft sigh and let your head fall back as he starts biting and sucking on the pink flesh. While the other hand kneeds and twists the bud with his thumb and index finger. “Eddie….please” you whine as you squirm under his touch. With a loud ‘pop’ he removes his mouth from your nipple, your buds hardening by the cool air. He looks up at you with the most beautiful lust blown eyes. 
You whine at the loss of contact. “I know baby, I know…” softly pecking underneath your belly button. He leaves a trail of kisses until he reaches the elastic of your underwear. He pauses and looks up at you. You give him an affirming nod, he gazes lovingly at you as he tugs down the cotton material down your legs. 
His mouth waters at the sight of you, completely bare underneath him. Eddie attacks your lips, sighing into the kiss a little too loudly. His hands wander everywhere on your body, he practically moans at the feeling of your skin on his. Your hands are tangled in his hair again. Legs arched up beside him. He starts to kiss down your body but you quickly pull him back to your lips.
“Let me eat you out”
You shake your head with a smug smile. He whines.
“Come on baby, let me just- let me get you ready”
“No, I just want to feel you eds.” you say bravely.
The total and selfish truth is he wanted to eat you out since he picked you up and saw you in those overalls. Thighs on display, thighs he wanted spread over his shoulders as he buried himself into you, kissing and licking the places you needed him the most as his thumbs ran soothingly over the skin. fuck
“Fine,” he says  “Fuck fine!” he presses a kiss to your cheek.
He hovers over you, long hair tickling the sides of your face. 
Eddie looked you deep in the eyes as his hands reached between you both, he ran the tip of his cock between your folds, you both shivering at the feeling. Hands clutching harder at his hair. “Are you sure you still wanna do this sweetheart?” He searches your eyes for any doubts. You gaze up at him oh-so-lovingly that it makes his heart stop. These moments of you just looking up at him, reassuring him always makes him realize how much he would love to spend an eternity just bickering with you over stupid things, how lucky he is that he’ll scream it from the rooftops–he really would. You give him a gentle smile “of course” you whispered. No doubts. 
Slowly he starts pushing himself into you. Both your mouth parts at the sensation. Eddie stills as his jaw tightens. Eyes fluttering closed for a moment at the feeling of being inside you. “Shit,” he groans. You push your heels to his back as an attempt to make him move. “Eds please I need more,” you whine “I need you.” He leans down and kisses you. His hands grab ahold your thighs, “me too baby, fuck-.” ​​He could feel your soft, warm body underneath him, and he caressed your thighs, while he slowly began to thrust inside of you. “You feel so good babe.” He groaned in your ear as his hips began moving more swiftly. Your nails dug into his skin moans slipping past your lips. 
“Fuck eddie.” You gasp out throwing your head back; he’s quick to lean and suck on your neck, his tongue trailing your warm skin.
Your skin felt like it was on fire every time he touched you but this time it was too much, you felt in a daze. Everything around you disappeared except for eddie, everything eddie eddie eddie. You were so engulfed in just him; his guitar pick that’s gliding against your chest as he thrusts in and out of you, his touch on your thighs making you feel dizzy, the vein that’s prodding out his neck, the sounds he’s making that’s just making you wetter. 
Your hands grapple for a better grip on his broad shoulders. Like he can tell what you’re asking for instead as one of his hands travel from the grip he had on your thighs to clasp atop yours. He tugs it off and presses it against the sheets beside your head, calloused fingers interlacing with yours.
You clutch at his hand, squeezing your intertwined hands together as Eddie goes faster, your moans egging him on. His face drops lowers, warm breath fanning over your face as his other hand tugs your hips back on his cock strongly. He strokes in. Your skin burns warm; back arching up as the nails of your free hands sinks into his back.
“My girl.” He practically coos in your ear. The thought of being his girl makes you mewl and adds more to your burning arousal as you clench around him. He whines. “Baby- nggh” He gathers the strength to muster up a dry laugh “If I knew you had a possessive kink, I would’ve said that a while ago- fuck me.”  Your face heats up a crimson.
“Eddie.” you mewl.
“I know I know” he murmurs. His hand squeezes yours as he gives you a particularly deep thrust, the head of his cock finding the spot inside that makes you squirm. Making your toes curl and the blood in your veins run cold; a long moan drags out your lips and you bury it into his skin. 
“Y’feel so good eds,” you cry softly. Your hips are moving without thought, meeting his thrusts and he moans brokenly when your cunt flutters around him. “You’re doing so good for me baby.” You praise him with a whimper.
Hips stuttering a bit at your words, and the strength to hold himself up falters, more of his weight pressing against you and you welcome it, legs tightening their grip around his waist.
“My girl, my girl, my gorgeous girl- fuck” he breathes out hotly against your neck “eddie please” you whine out. You don’t even know why you are saying please. Probably for him to stop saying “my” anything because you will definitely not last long or perhaps the overwhelmingness of him buried deep inside you, it’s all just too much. 
You bring your hands to the side of his face, getting him out the juncture of your neck. He looks so beautiful like this; his hair disheveled and wild, cheeks rosy, a slight sheen of sweat on his brow, button eyes staring back at you. The whole time his motions don’t slow the slightest, keeping the same pace as one of his hands messages your hips. “I love you.” 
Eddie’s cock twitches inside you, paired with a soft moan that Eddie buries into your neck. His thrusts speed up, chasing desperately as he whines, the noise pathetic and whimpery, and he grips your hand tighter. 
“Fuck, I love you too baby.” He says, sloppy kisses planted all over your neck, teeth scraping the now bruised spot, it sends electricity through your body, then he laughs “please tell me you’re close too.”
“I am,” you gasp, head nodding and eyes scrunching closed as the buzz of the heat expands inside you, thighs twitching and clenching around him tighter. “I am, baby, please.”
“C’mon sweetheart” he urges with a pant, voice strained and face wrecked. His other hand travels up, angling your face up so he can see your face and his nose nuzzles against yours. “I know you can do it. Y’gonna be my sweet girl and make a mess on my cock, yeah?”
His tone turns desperate, sticky with bliss “C’mon be sweet for me. Cum for me, baby, please.”
You tense up as his words hook into the coil of your stomach and tug, unraveling it and you with a soft cry. You arch and writhe as the ache in your cunt pulses so deliciously, pleasure flooding every nerve. Eddie fucks you through your own orgasm, as well as his own shortly after yours. 
He releases a desperate moan which dissolves into a kiss, soft lips scrapping yours. His hips move a bit slower, jerky motions, as he clenches your hand tightly. His forehead presses against your forehead “see, I told you, most. mind. blowing. sex. Better than all the sex dreams I had” voice raspy as he grins affectionately at you. 
You weekly push him off you. He lands next you with an oomph “why must you ruin every moment we have” you say lightheartedly. Eddie turns on his side as his arm anchors him up “can’t help it baby” his free hand glides underneath the covers and pulls you closer by the hips. “Of course you can’t.” 
The room now smelling of sex and filled with comfortable silence as you both lay next to each other in awe. Eddie - of course - breaks the silence “so,” a cheeky smile making its way onto his lips “you said you love me.” You purse your lips together trying to fight the smile as you meekly say “I did, yes.”
He smirks “I’m just surprised,” 
“Well, I for sure thought I was going to say it first, like- do you know the many times I almost blurted it out and said it?”
You shake your head giggling
“No baby, I'm so serious, it was really bad, there was that one time you had the flu and you coughed all over my jacket and you kept on apologizing but all I was thinking is how I can form the words “I love you”.”
The lovely response you were about to give to him was cut short as you were brought back to that memory and you gasp “wait- eddie, you jackass! You made me feel bad by giving me that ugly ass look the whole time and you said “ew.” ”
“Okay well you coughed up a loogie on me sweetheart, so sorry for reacting humanly”
You roll your eyes “when do you ever react humanly” 
“Well,” he kisses your interlocked hands “mostly with you, but I beg of you to not tell that little shit Henderson, he’ll be teasing me for weeks.”  
You smirk mischievously at him “and what if I did?” His gaze turns a familiar cold “now,” the hold he has on your hips tightens. “You wouldn’t do that,” He presses sloppy kisses to your neck as he hovers over you. Slowly he makes his way under the covers, kissing the inside of your thighs, bringing you and the sheets down. You whimper as Eddie’s nose grazes your already sensitive clit. He removes the covers from his head “would you baby?” Not being able to get a proper response out, “that’s what I thought.” He’s already making his way under the covers where he drags his tongue through your folds.
You still told dustin afterwards, shortly after though, you were “punished” with your fingers tugging Eddie's hair as he was buried in your thighs.
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veemunson86 · 5 months
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Mrs munson
Chapter 5. Was so tired when I wrote this, I'm gonna start a little section of the mastlist with little in detail extras of the moments at random. Also send in some requests you'd like to see for this series!!
Ever since the day he met your girl, Eddie was never the same again. It amazed you how great he was with her, and how much she adored him.
It was rough at first, having her break from her routine now that he lived with the two of you, but it was an adjustment you all worked on together.
It was hard explaining a cover story to prove he was really innocent, nobody could ever know what really happened. Everyone knew of what happened to Jason, and it was Steve's idea, to tell everyone Jason went out of control and he was the one responsible for chrissys death, wnd couldn't cope with what he did, and spiraled out, attacked Lucas before the events after. And surprisingly, everyone believed it. It meant alot to finally have his name cleared.
The hardest part was trying to find a way to explain to everyone who thought he was dead, that he was alive. So you did what you should have done from the beginning, you told the truth.  The only people who knew of his death were the hellfire guys, and the party's parents, you told the parents that was the safest thing for eddie until his name was cleared, and you told his friends the truth. You didn't sugar coat anything, and they took it very well, just haply to have their friend back. They had all become uncles to Amelia, and she grew to love them all.
You woke one morning to start your new routine.  You sat up, before being dragged back down my Eddie. He groaned tiredly" 5 more minutes.' He mumbled sleepily. " babe it's already 9." You giggled softly. Every morning was like this now, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You were about to agree until you heard babbling coming from your daughters nursery . "I'll get her." He said eagerly, jumping out of bed and running to the nursery, coming back with you're happy girl. She gave you a big toothy grin, now having 2 on the top row. "Goodmoring my sweet girl ' you kissed her cheek. She squealed and kicked her chubby little legs. " ready for today little flower girl?" Eddie asked in a cutesy baby voice. Ah yes, your wedding. Now, like everything in Hawkins, it would be a bit different, not a big wedding.  You planned a small get together in a beautiful outside area in the middle of town, and then a small after party at your home.
"You're gonna look so cute in your little dress aren't you sweetie?" He asked, kissing her cheeks. She cooed and looked up her dad with a wide smile. " what time do we have to be there again?" He asked, bouncing Amelia in his arms,  causing her to coo " 11. So we have like a hour and a half to get ready, then we will leave at 10:30 to head there." You said smiling. "And are you sure you don't want me to wear a tux? I will if you want me to." He said smiling. You smiled "I want you to wear what you want. I'm not wearing a big fancy dress, it's just a quick ceremony and then we have the party, so we should be comfy." You said kissing his cheek.
You both decided to dress your style, so he wore black jeans, black boots, a long-sleeved led zeppelin shirt, and his vest. You wore shorts, a Metallica t shirt, and a red leather jacket, and high heeled black boots.
Although you wore that same outfit every other week in school, it was the first he'd seen since he'd been back, so when you walked down his jaw dropped. You blushed as he stood at the end of the hall with wide eyes and a open mouth." You look... wow.." you giggled "thank you, you look very wow too" you smiled and kissed him softly, which he returned. "She ready?' You asked as you saw Amelia in her stroller. Eddie picked her out the cutest outfit which had a matching diaper cover. It was a pink flowery dress with matching pink bows, as he did her hair in little curly pigtails. "Oh she is adorable!" You got out your camera and snapped a few pictures.
*because I'm not about to type out the whole ceremony, skip to the end*
Steve was thrilled when you and Eddie asked him to be the one to marry you both. He finished and let you guys go in with vows " you may now kiss the bride.' He smiled and everyone cheered, you laughing as Eddie picked you up, your legs around his waist as he kissed you. "Ready to go party Mrs munson?" Mrs munson.. it had such a ring to it. "Let's do it Mr munson." You said before kissing him again. He set you down "alright everyone, party at the munson house !"
If you'd like to see the wedding after party, I will Have a little section of the masterlist with extra moments and little thoughts soon!!
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eddiernunson · 2 years
Trapped | Eddie Munson | Part 4 | 18+
Prev Part | Master Post | Next Part
Paring: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 10.5 K
Warnings: Smut, oral f! receiving, unprotected penetration (wrap it up, don’t do this), first date talk, dirty talk, knee grinding, general newbie when it comes to writing smut.
This is smut, and it's very like lovey smut. Hope y'all don't mind.
Authors note: Oh jeez I’ve written smut but I’ve never written it when it’s all the way I always back out when I try. Sorry it’s been so long I was really upset on the first and I think we all understand why 😭 I miss him. I did just spend the last like three days working hard on this.. hopefully you’ll enjoy. Lots of build up. It’ll be worth it, I hope. Also I love writing Eddie do dirty talk. I know he's a virgin here but I feel like he'd just be good at it. MINORS DNI
edit: totally forgot a read more. oops.
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Your shift ended at 5, and your date was at 7. After you were done work, you dragged Robin right into your car so she could help you get ready at your house. Your parents were home when you arrived, your mom rushing to you as the door closed behind you and Robin. “Aaah, there’s my girl! Haven’t seen you since yesterday morning!” As she says this, she grabs your face cheeks rubbing your increasingly red face. Thank goodness this wasn’t the first time Robin was over. With Robin’s aloof parents it was a bit much for her at first but now Robin usually sits back, smug ass looks on her face, watching as your face gets redder and blotchier.
“Hi mom,” you say annoyed yet loving it at the same time. “Sorry, I ended up staying later than expected at Nancy’s last night.”
Your mom pets your hair, her head tilted and smile warm. “Oh of course! Did you have fun at least?”
You felt Robin elbow your right lower back. “Yeah, Y/N. Did you have fun?”
Your mom’s question was innocent and genuine. Robin was just being an ass. She knew damn well where you were last night.
“Yes, thank you both for asking, Robin.” Your mom puts her hands down from your face as you turn to face her. “I had a lot of fun.” Robin makes a subtle gagging face as you glare at her. “I need to get ready for something tonight, I have about 90 minutes.”
“Oh, okay. Let me know if you need anything.” You’re running up the stairs with Robin right behind you. As you think you’re in the clear your mom says, “Wait, hunny I was doing laundry today and I found a Metallica shirt on your floor. Was that yours? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”
Thank God you are both around the corner of the steps because the look Robin gave you would’ve given you away in a heartbeat. “He gave you a shirt!?” She whispers, her eyes wide and face red.
“Mom, I think a friend lent that to me when I might’ve spilled something on myself.” You thought quickly. “When I tried to give it back, he just told me to keep it.” You were such a shitty liar.
Your mom knew this very well. Your lies stopped the age you realized she wasn’t buying any of them, you were that bad. “Okay, alright.” Her voice didn’t sound like she was convinced. “Just checking. Did you want me to wash it?”
“No, it’s not really that dirty yet.”
A beat. “Okay. Love you, dear!”
You run to your room, yelling you loved her too before closing the door behind you. “Your mom knows something is up.” Robin says, her face serious. “You’re gonna have to tell her.”
You fly your hands up exasperated, running across your somewhat now organized room from your mom cleaning up to your closet. “I know, I know. When I tell her I’m not going to be able to spend any more nights at his trailer, though. I really liked waking up there.”
“You realize, when Eddie comes to pick you up that the cat will be out of the bag?” Robin points out, rubbing her hands together as she sits on your bed criss-cross.
You toss a dress you thought about wearing onto her face, mildly annoyed. “Stop pointing out flaws in my plan and just help me choose something before I go nuts!”
Robin takes off the dress off her head, slightly unamused. She comes to your closet where you were and starts sifting through your many many clothes. “Jesus, you own a lot of clothing.” She mutters starting to pick out options.
As she goes through your closet, you sit at your vanity, playing with makeup ideas. Do you want to do bright, or go more subtle? Should you do your hair? What about just a pretty bow in your hair? You hear the phone ring downstairs as you put your head in your hands, too anxious to make another decision.
“Y/N! Phone call! Who is Steve?” Your mom’s voice is closer as she calls you, becoming suggestive as she says Steve’s name. She knocks once before tossing you the phone. “Is that whose t-shirt I found?” You put your hand over the mouthpiece, really hoping he didn’t hear that.
“No, mom. He is just our co-worker. And someone I might hang out from time to time. I’ll tell you about the t-shirt later.” You say, hoping that’ll get rid of her.
Your mom put her hands up, as if to say, Alright, I give. Out the door she went, closing it behind her.
“Steve Harrington, you’d better have a good reason for calling before my damn date.” You talk into the phone, scratching at your forehead out of stress. Robin gets your attention, holding between two dresses. You point the one on the left, narrowing down to a final few.
“Well- I never!” Steve says, almost sounding offended. “Also did I hear something about a t-shirt being found? Rookie mistake, L/N.” You roll your eyes, exasperated.
“Yeah, yeah, tell me what you want before I hang up on you.” You say, turning toward Robin and picking the dress on the right.
“I just honestly wanted to wish you luck tonight. Also, I pulled in a few favours and got you a reservation down at Chef’s Table for 7:30”
You stop in your pacing tracks, your eyes wide. “Wait, did you tell-“
“Munson already knows,” he says, interrupting you, “he asked me to call these favours in.”
You hear rustling of a phone being stolen. “Hey, are you finally dating him, so we can stop watching him stare at you across the cafeteria?”
“Henderson, you-“ Steve in the background, faint but coming closer as he catches up to Dustin. Rustling again and Steve’s voice even louder now as he’s in control of the phone again. “Always the goddamn babysitter.”
“Have any last pieces of advice, oh wise one?” You ask, picking another dress Robin had you choose between.
“Be yourself.” He says simply. “You work with two dating disasters who both had to learn this the hard way when it comes to dating. Just do it. Have fun.”
You thank him and press the hang up button, mind racing at the phone call. “Alright, Robin what other dresses do I have to pick between now?”
Robin is now on your bed, laying across it and reading a magazine you had left out. “Oh, you already picked it out.” She points her thumb to your closet. You look to the dress on a hanger, hung up on the door. It was perfect. “I guess when Steve was occupying your noggin you weren’t thinking so hard about what you wanted to wear.”
You glanced at the time, thinking you might need to shower. It was only 5:45. A 15-minute shower will be ok, right? “Robin I’m going to have a shower. You can stay and read about Ralph Macchio. I’ll be right out.” You toss her the magazine, a big editorial about The Karate Kid. You didn’t know it would be useless to Robin who was already reading about Fast Times, but it was the thought to her that counted.
You showered quickly, shaving some areas admittedly a little haphazardly. You washed your hair, your face, everywhere else, and was out of the shower in less than 8 minutes. You grabbed the good blow-dryer on the way to your room, wanting to dry your hair immediately. When you enter the room, Robin had called Steve back, hearing the end of “She’s so nervous it’s adorable” from Robin
You cleared your throat, announcing your presence. Robin stopped talking, her hands stuck in place on the magazine.  You shook your hair dryer to her, signalling its about to get a little loud in here. She understood and let Steve go. “Hey, I-I thought you’d take longer than that.”
“My anxiety is also a time traveller. She doesn’t let me take my time when I feel anxious.” You inform her.
Robin knew what you meant. “Mine never shuts up.”
When your hair is finally dry you shut off the tool one last time, the final dry test done. You get your hair out of the way, clipping it back. As you do your makeup more subtle than you initially planned on, you really appreciate the way Robin has come into your life. The two of you talk about anything and everything, getting your mind from your date. You’re about finished your hair when you hear a honk outside. Robin looks out your window by your bed and starts getting up.
You give her a questioning look as you spray the last piece into place, not knowing what was happening. “Steve offered me a ride home.”
“That’s really sweet of him,” you say, getting up from your vanity. “Can you give me a hug before my nerves set in?”
Robin isn’t affectionate by any means, so she knows when you ask for it, it means you need it. “Here,” she says her arms open awkwardly.
“Thanks for helping me get ready tonight, Robin. I really needed it.”
Robin patted your head affectionately. “As long as you call me to tell me how everything went. Seriously. I want to know. Also plug Nancy in she has been dying to know details, too.”
You nodded sheepishly, unsure what exactly they were hoping in these phone calls. “Go give Steve a punch in the shoulder for me.”
“You know it!” Robin shouted as she went down the stairs to your front door.
Less than five minutes (felt like an hour) passed when the doorbell rang. “I got it!” Your mom calls from downstairs. Uh oh.
You put your ear to the door, dying to know how this will go. You still haven’t told your mom you were going for a date. You were curious how she would react when Eddie Munson shows up.
“Why, hello.” Your mom says in an overly polite tone.
“Hello, Mrs. L/N,” Eddie says, his voice sounded higher than normal, more polite. He had a parents’ voice.  “I’m here to take Y/N out on our date tonight.”
Silence. You wished you could see your mom’s reaction to this. “Y/N L/N! Eddie Munson is here to pick you up for your date tonight!”
You ran to the stairs, fighting back the giggles as you reach the top. You put one hand on the banister, suddenly aware of how cliché this all is. But it was perfect.
You start walking down, avoiding the bewildered look your mom is giving you. As Eddie pulls into focus, you can see the way he is looking at you. His brown eyes soft and wide, the corner of his lips turning up as you come closer. You can take in his outfit for tonight. He’s wearing a white button down, not tucked into a pair of unripped blue jeans. His hair looks more groomed than normal. You switch your glance momentarily to his hands; he’s still wearing his rings. Good.
As you look back up to his face, you take one last step onto the main floor at the front entrance. You fiddle with your hair, tucking some pieces behind your ears. You look down at the floor sheepishly, and finally glance to your mother. It takes every ounce of self control to not burst out laughing when you see her face.
“So, is this is whose shirt I found this morning?” Your mom says, talking purposely loud enough so Eddie could hear.
Eddie smiled widely at that, both dimples on his face clear as day. He was struggling to hold back laughter, avoiding eye contact with you and your mom.
“Can I tell you later?” You say, grabbing your jacket slowly as if to not alert her you were leaving.
“Oh, we’ll talk later.” She threatens, her eyes serious but her mouth somewhat upturned. “Have her home by midnight.”
Eddie coughs. “Uh, yes m’am.”
“Bye mom!” You yell behind you as you grab Eddie’s hand and shut the door.
As the door closes Eddie breaks into laughter. “She found the shirt?” He asks, now catching his breath.
“Apparently, I am no good at sneaking.” You say shrugging. “I didn’t realize my mom knew every piece of clothing I owned. I thought she would just think it’s a pajama shirt.”
Eddie stops and his van, leaning his back against his passenger door as if to block you from getting in. “Can I point out something I don’t think you have thought of?”
“Whats that?” You ask, staring a glimpse of his lips now that you’re up close to him.
Eddie pus his hand up to frame your face, pinky resting on your jawline. “We don’t smell the same sweetheart. She might’ve thought it was yours until she smelled my cologne.”
Your eyes go wide as you realize how she knew the shirt couldn’t have been yours. Shit, you were not good at this sneaking around thing. Eddie chuckles lowly as he leans and gives you a kiss, allowing you to breathe him in. As he kissed you his other hand went to your hip, thumb swaying absentmindedly. As Eddie separated from you, you realized you were standing there with your hands by your sides, taken aback on how your night has barely started yet he can leave you speechless.
He tugs you back a half a step, your brain too foggy to understand what he was doing. He turns around and opens the door. He moves out of your way to pat the fabric of the passenger seat. You get in wordlessly, Eddie closing the door behind you before scooting into the to the driver’s seat.
Eddie starts the van, his music coming on a little lower than you normally expect coming from his van. He smiles shyly, aware of this deliberate choice. “I didn’t want to leave a bad impression when I pulled up.”
He is so cute. You had no words still, so you grab his hand, the one with the rings, and you intertwine yours into it.
He pulls off to the road, heading the right way to which Steve mentioned. He passes a few lights and lets the feeling of being hand in hand get comfortable before saying “So incase you were wondering the plans for tonight I can break it down.”
You smile closed mouth, turning to face him as he keeps his eyes on the road. “Harrington already spoiled Chef’s Table, I’m afraid.”
You see the reaction on his face, the immediate clenching of the jaw, followed by him relaxing and regulating himself. You were impressed. “Can’t tell nothing to nobody these days,” he says, a hint of humour in his voice.
Your hands fly up to your face as you laugh, the honesty of his statement very true. “You can’t trust Steve Harrington with dating secrets. He will spill. Tell Robin if you must keep it from me, but if you need connections Steve was the way to go.”
Eddie huffs a laugh out, his eyes squinted, and his smile closed but wide.
“Chef’s Table, anywhere else? We do have five hours.” You ask nicely, petting his hand to butter him up.
Oh, did that work. “Yes, I figured if we have time, and we might we can hang back at my place again. Watch something a little better than Back to the Future, maybe.” He said, shrugging.
Your brain says something that you have to muster the courage to say out loud. “I hope when you say watch a movie, you really mean make out on your couch again.” The words felt like they came out jumbled and out of breath, but Eddie literally does not hear that part.
He only can resist the urge to pull over and start making out with you right now. Cause the way you looked tonight; he was barely holding it in as it was. “You can’t say something like that looking the way you look right now,” Eddie grimaces, his hand tightening around yours. “That’s not fair.”
You giggle, finally taking his eyes off him. It wasn’t long before he was pulling up to the parking lot of Chef’s Table, less reckless than usual.
You hold your breath as he holds your hand and escorts you to the door, gulping.
Oh god, shit. You could barely breathe. Please go well.
Eddie led the way into the restaurant, the candle lit atmosphere engulfing the two of you. Shit. You’ve never been here before, but it was intimate and fuckin’ romantic. The host at the front greeted the both of you, warm smile in a suit and tie. “Good evening, do you have a reservation?” He asks politely.
“Yeah, we have one for 7:30 for Munson,” Eddie says, clearing this throat after. As the host looks to his reservation list, Eddie yawns, his forearm flexing has his hand squeezes around yours. “Sorry, darlin,” he whispers, leaning down to tell you. “Being crazy excited for tonight has kind of worn me out.”
You bump into him without moving your feet, not looking at him to avoid him seeing the smile that captivated your face.
“Oh, I see it. Harrington’s favour.” The Host mumbles under his breath. “Yes, Munson. Sorry that took so long. Right this way.”
The host leads the two of you down a long line of tables, passing candle lit couples as you continue to an ever-dimmer back area. “A back corner table with lower lighting, as per request.” You will have to both kill and thank him later. “Here are your menus. Can I get started off with a drink tonight?”
“Water” You say.
“Perfect. Your waitress will be right out to help you out.” The host, hair somewhat like Steve’s and a dazzling smile, probably would’ve made you blush maybe a week ago. Tonight, the only thing you cared about was the man with the scraggly hair next to you in the booth, arms crossed and leaning on the table, looking at his menu.
You grabbed your menu; suddenly aware you had never been here before and you have no clue what’s on the table. “So,” Eddie says, feeling him scooch closer to you. “Three years huh?”
You set the menu back down, relieved in the momentary release from the bubbling anxiety of a new restaurant. Sad news meant that this anxiety was replaced with the anxiety of being this close with him. “Yeah, three years. It would still be ongoing if it weren’t for my meddling friends. I would’ve probably let myself stare at you until graduation.” You spoke honestly, it made you feel vulnerable and entirely too open.
“Really? So, how are they meddling friends?” Eddie says his body turned towards you and his chin resting in one hand.
You smiled, thinking about how their antics gave you more action than any of them were expecting. “Well, to start, I’ve known the Wheelers for quite some time. My parents are friends with their parents. I’ve never been all that close with their kids until three or so years ago. By some miracle Nancy didn’t even know I had a crush on you until around this August when I saw you at the library doing some research and I nearly crashed into a whole bookshelf. From then on, she couldn’t unsee it.
“Then Mike got into your club like I had hoped he would and upon hearing this I nearly panicked. I was at their house, just hanging out and I remember full on choking on my soda when he announced it. Nancy was very prompt about asking what you were like so Mike could describe you without feeling weird. After he said that you were, and don’t tell him I told you, literally the nicest, coolest guy he’s ever met he saw my face and finally put 2 and 2 together.”
“Alright here are your drinks,” a young girl’s voice interrupts your story, giving you the coke and Eddie the water. “Hi, I’m Daisy I’ll be serving you tonight.” You look up at Daisy, a girl what you swear is everything you were insecure about not having. A better body type, her hair was picture-perfect, she even managed to make an awkward dining uniform look half decent. “Are you ordering any appetizers for tonight or do you need more time?”
And she’s also only talking to Eddie. She hasn’t even glanced at you.
Eddie looks up at her and looks back down at the appetizers. “We’ll have the breadsticks, please.” He says, his voice overly polite and unlike himself.
“Great, I’ll bring that right out for you,” Daisy promises, awkwardly avoiding any words to negate from acknowledging your presence.
Daisy leaves, leaving you to look at Eddie with wide eyes. What if he decided that you weren’t what he wanted? What if the moment he knew he had more options he took it? You pushed this thought aside as he grabs your hand. He’s here with you.
“So oblivious Mike Wheeler knew, what next?” Eddie asks one hand holding yours and one supporting his head.
You blank for half a second before remembering your train of thought. “Well, he told his three best friends and his girlfriend El, who told her best friend Max, who ended up retelling Lucas, who told his sister Erica, who probably told Tina.” You sighed. More people knew about your stupid crush than you realized. “Before Nancy found out it, I worked at Scoops Ahoy! at the mall before it burnt down with Harrington and Robin. I told Robin when she asked why I wasn’t hitting on any of the guys who came in. Well 1, I’m too nervous to, and 2, I had already liked you for two years at that point. That’s when Harrington also found out, but he didn’t know that I had never spoken to you. He assumed we had interacted once or twice at least but I neither confirmed nor denied. I just carefully avoided the subject.” Eddie squeezed your hand, his head tilted and attention fully onto you. It felt like the stars in the sky were all aligned.
“For the record Steve said if he knew about my crush on you earlier, he would’ve shoved us in a closet and locked the door.” Eddie chuckled, letting go of your hand to start fidgeting with his rings. You look away for a second, that absolute tease. “I don’t know how well you know Nancy Wheeler, but she gets shit done. So, she sent Mike to ask you to pick up a movie for him, told my co workers to go on break for 5:30. Honestly, that was the only way I was going to talk to you. Trapping me. Then of course last night with DnD and ‘not enough seats in the car’ was absolutely planned. Erica was in on it.”
“Wait she planned that shit?” Eddie asks, genuine surprise in his features.
“Could you not tell?” You ask.  
“Oh god no. Most people don’t go into a scenario like that thinking they’re being set up, sweetheart.” You shrug your shoulders, apologetic. “I just figured that I got lucky. I got to spend more time with you.”
Holy shit how did this man own your ass so easily. You took a moment to recover from hearing those words come out of his mouth. “The only person that didn’t know very much about it was my mom, and she found out the moment she opened the door. I wouldn’t be that shy about liking someone unless it was for a good reason.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes, sitting closer now. “That reason is?”
“I think you know, Munson.”
“Not sure I do, L/N. I’d appreciate it if you would expand.” Eddie knew what you meant. You just looked so cute when you squirmed.
You sighed, prepared to tell the embarrassing truth. “My mom knew I liked someone. Sometime in freshman year she was asking basic questions about how school was going. She mentioned boys and I just went completely silent. Every time she brought up the idea of liking someone and I would just..stutter through the conversation. I think she knew the person I liked was just not someone she was expecting. You’re very different than I am from what I’ve observed.”
You paused, giving Eddie a moment to soak in what you told him. “I also didn’t tell people outright most of the time because if it was mine, and only mine then no one could ruin it. What if you found out and you wanted nothing to do with me? What if you laughed at me? Worse if you let me down gently. Rejection wasn’t an option if nothing was ever going to be done about it. To me, it felt like a crush where you have it despite knowing you had no chance with the person.”
“No chance? You thought you had no-“
Eddie was interrupted by the sound of white flatware hitting the table. “Here you go. Did you get a chance to look at the menu yet?”
You picked up the menu, quickly spotting something you usually look for at other restaurants. Eddie ordered one of the specials, barely glancing at his menu. “Perfect choice,” she says, again only looking at him. “I’ll be right out with your food.”
Eddie stared off at her for a moment, face unreadable.
“She’s pretty,” you say, feeding off a reaction from him.
Eddie looks back to you, his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. “Is she? Never noticed.”
You smirk, looking down at your fingers fidgeting on the table. “I mean I would probably be able to tell more if she actually looked at me.”
His jaw clenched, he reaches out and put his hand on your further shoulder. “You noticed that too, huh?” He lets his face turn into a smile, he was just looking at you softly, his eyes wandering around your face. “She doesn’t want me. She wants the thrill of stealing someone’s date. Next time I won’t say a word to her. You can speak for me. If you say something I don’t want, fuck it. I will eat it happily if it means taking Daisy down a peg.”
You giggle at that, Eddie’s long lashes suddenly coming directly into view as he puts his forehead against yours. “I’m here with you. I want to know you. Don’t mind awful girls like her.”
You wanted to savour this moment. You closed your eyes, wanting nothing more to just kiss him. Would making out in the only nice restaurant in town be in bad faith? Probably. Probably, yeah. You regrettably disconnect your forehead.
“I wanted to get back to what you said there before. What made you believe you had no chance?” Eddie’s face looks concerned, looking in your eyes as you avoided his.
You looked into his eyes, noting the concern he had for you. “You need to talk to someone to have a chance, for one. For two, you are” you pause, feeling anxious about what you wanted to say. He tucks the loose hair framing your face behind your ears, silently encouraging. You take a breath. “You are so out of my league, it’s insane.”
Eddie loses his breath, grabbing your face and kissing your lips. Hard. He stops, you’re both sat up, feels like you’re airborne.  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.”  He says it against your skin, his breath against your cheek. You lean your head back, staring at his face.
You really couldn’t believe you were here, right now. You grabbed his hand, interlocking them as you kissed the back of it.
“Enough about me and my embarrassingly long crush on you. What about you? Tell me why you’re here. Please.”  
“Well, at school I tend to get stared at a lot. Sometimes just getting up to throw garbage in the trash feels like walking down a really bizarre runway. I’ve been able to tell when it’s vindictive versus when it’s fearful. Random jocks or lost little sheep are a dime a dozen each. When I first noticed yours, you were a freshman. There was that look of fear in your eyes, which I’m used to but now I’m wondering if that was cause you were a freshman. I didn’t know what to make of it until I caught you consistently over the next few weeks.”
Your eyes went wide, not believing what you are hearing. “You have been catching me staring at you since my first week?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ve made a game of it. I see if I can catch you with out you noticing. When you do notice, I don’t catch you again for another week or so.” Eddie shrugs. “I never approached you because the idea that someone was looking because they might want me for something more than a friend was almost too good to be true. Plus, there was one other factor.” Eddie paused, reaching forward for the still untouched bread sticks. “You want a bread stick?” He asks, pointing one towards you.
“Why breadsticks?” you ask, accepting his offer.
“Do you not like breadsticks?” He retorts, knowing the answer.
“I do, its just-“
“Exactly. Everyone likes them.” Eddie says cutting you off. “Now eat. I got shit to say.”
You follow his demand without delay, adding butter generously before you start chewing on some admittedly damn delicious bread.
“Good girl.” Well, that just awakened something in you didn’t expect. Hopefully your expression didn’t give you away.
Eddie noted the pause in your chewing. It did.
“I don’t know if you can tell, but people at Hawkins High and just Hawkins in general don’t like me.” Eddie was saying as he chewed on his piece of stick. He laughed without humour. “With being called a freak at the end of Junior High somewhat as a joke to being Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson by the entire town in two years comes with a lot of baggage. I usually don’t tend to spend too much time mulling over it since I owe them literally nothing, but it’s not for the faint of heart. Even my club and my band members know that if they associate with me, their social standing immediately plummets. Like I’m talking” he makes a whistle descending in pitch followed by an explosion, his hands mimicking an explosion for effect. “And sure, they don’t mind. Most of them never had a good standing on a social ladder to begin with. I can kind of live with my friends being social outcasts because of simple association, but I could never live with the idea of it affecting someone who would be the closest to me. Having someone who I care about in that way being scrutinized for caring back would kill me. I couldn’t fathom the idea of you, shy as you are, also facing what I receive daily. It completely stopped me from ever approaching you.” Eddie paused, his mouth full busy working on a breadstick again. You were done with them for now, leaving room for actual dinner.
Eddie swallowed his piece audibly, you sit there waiting patiently for him to continue. “I mean, I could’ve probably had a fling with a girl maybe behind closed doors.” Eddie waited, dramatic effect. “That’s just not my style. If I am dating someone, I want to show them off. I want them to wear my rings, sit on my lap during hellfire, make other people uncomfortable by how obsessed I am with them.” His voice had increased in volume as he continued. He stopped, realizing how loud he had gotten. With Eddie, passion means volume. In everything.
Your breathing was heavy, imagining yourself on Eddie’s lap giggling in the cafeteria. You’ve pictured yourself sitting with Hellfire once or twice, usually only right next to him. Now the picture was much clearer, the smiley kisses, the groans from his club members, the middle finger Eddie flips them in return. You felt your face heat up dramatically. “You okay there, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, putting his hand up to hold your face.
“’M fine.” You say, squeaking out the words.
“So, I convinced myself it was for your own good that I didn’t approach you. I was perfectly fine. Until all of your meddling friends got in the way.” Eddie licked his lips letting his hand drop down.
“Alright I have your food right here.” Daisy sets down the food, awkwardly apart from each other considering you and Eddie were sat shoulder to shoulder. “Can I help you with any thing else?” Daisy flirts, a bit too comfortable.
Eddie grabs his plate and silverware as if Daisy wasn’t there. Then you remembered only you were speaking to her now. “Can we please get some refills?”
Daisy’s eyes turn sharply to you, a glare before a dazzlingly fake smile appears on her face. “Of course! Anything else?” Her eyes are back to Eddie, hoping for him to respond.
“Mmm, this is really good,” Eddie exclaims, looking to you.
You move the breadsticks forward on the table to her. “We’re done with these, thanks!”
Daisy doesn’t say a word, taking the hint. Hands off, bitch. She walks off in what you could only describe in what a toddler does when they don’t get their way. Why were you jealous of her again?
Eddie starts laughing next you, his mouth full of food still as he struggles to keep it in. He finally swallows, his contagious laughter infecting you. “Do you mind continuing?” You ask sheepishly. “We were really getting into the good part.”
“Patience is a virtue, Y/N.” He retorts. “But I think you have plenty of it if you want to put up with me. Your friends ruined my plan of not ruining you. Seeing you so close put a wedge in the wheel of my bicycle of life.”
You giggled, reaching for your silverware as you realized you should start working on your meal. It looked genuinely good. Now you understood why your parents opted to come here every time they needed a night out.
“Literally everything I had thought about before went to shit. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I fully panicked. I got high that night to numb it and it just intensified it by a million. I spent well into the night perched on my bed like a goddamn gargoyle scared. I mean, once I have spoken to you, I just couldn't not speak to you again. I had whole idea panned out for next week, but they crashed it. I was planning on talking to you more and more as the week went by. Yesterday I just initially planned on saying hello after first period. Lunch time was a happy accident, but it gave me the courage to ask you sit next to me.”
You were sure glad you were eating because you were pretty sure what he was saying would’ve made an empty stomach churn. You found it impossible that he was this overworked about you. The way you were freaking out after Thursday was the same way he was, too.
“I was going to keep talking to you every day more and more before asking you out on Friday to take you out on Saturday. You girls are sneaky. Ruined the plan. Last night, you couldn’t have ruined the plan any better than you did.” Eddie took another bite, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe it.
You swallowed your current bite, a question hopping into your brain and out of your mouth before you could stop it. “Were you nervous, last night?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Eddie answers like it was obvious, mouth full. He swallows, “I’m a hell of a fidgeter so I just made the popcorn to stop myself from pacing around the trailer like a madman, sending you running.”
You are almost done your bowl, surprised at how much you’ve eaten while listening to him. This felt incredibly easy right now. You had forgotten the feeling you had on Thursday at work, how incredibly uneasy and nervous you were. You were nervous now, but it was pretty jitters. “I spent about what felt like ten minutes overthinking what movie to watch. I thought asking if you were a virgin would send me walking 7 miles home.” You nearly held back what you had just said, but you’re quickly realizing you didn’t want to. Not anymore.
“Not going to lie, that one hurt my ego a little bit.” Eddie says, finishing up his dinner. “The fact that you didn’t flip out about it made me feel better.”
You melted, turning your body so you could reach out to pet his hair comfortably. “Why would I flip out? We all go at our own paces. Plus, you have the ability to make one into jelly even without the experience.” You feel yourself open up more and more as the evening goes on.
“Princess you might want to watch it unless we skip going back to the trailer and make out here.” Eddie warns you, his eyes dark and his voice a tad rough. “I know we have a dark corner but it ain’t that dark.”
You fail to hold back a smile, proud of yourself. You take your hand out of his hair, somewhat reluctantly. “I guess I can wait.”
Daisy comes back at the end of your sentence, much less cheerful than she has been all night. She drops the check on the table, both of you haven’t even asked for one. She grabs both of your plates and wordlessly walks off.
“Wow. I’ve seen the basketball team take losses easier than this girl has taken your rejection,” you comment.
Eddie shrugged, never seeing a game before. “Well, the way she was behaving you figure she is looking to hook up with other women’s dates often. Either she’s not used to rejection or just a brat. Neither one is the better option.” At the end of his sentence, he reaches forward for the bill, his face wincing ever so slightly upon seeing the total.
“Hey, let me see,” You grab the check, and squish your face at the total. “Ouch. Do you want help paying for it?”
Eddie shakes his head, his hair doing a dance around his face. “No, its ok. I make an ok amount dealing with the assholes. I make them pay an asshole tax. They wanna buy from me but still make me out to be a villain for existing? Sure. For a price.”
You smile at the thought then shake it out of your head. “I work, and have been saving since I was 13,” you state, surprising him. “I have enough to go half, let me. Please, Eddie. This is way too much for a first date.”
Eddie gulps. “If you insist, sweetheart.”
Eddie uses his card, you giving him enough cash after Daisy returns with it. “Did you tip?” You ask, scooting out of the booth with him.
“Nope. Didn’t earn one.” Eddie says, placing his arm around you. He kisses your temple as the two of you walk back down the dimly lit aisle, still lined up with couples on dates. You wondered how many first dates tonight were as good as the one you were having.
The host wished you goodnight as you headed out the door, an airiness of amusement in his voice. You wondered if Daisy complained about not getting what she had wanted. Oh well, she’ll live.
You walk back into the night, the crisp almost winter air dark and slightly cold. You nearly trip over yourselves as you both half run to his van. It was unspoken, but there. You were going back to his trailer, but it was not to watch a movie.
Eddie is driving as his normal reckless self, wanting to get to the trailer as quickly as possible. The silence the two of you sit in is comfortable, but there was an air of excitement. A buzz, if you will. You held his hand as a Metallica tape played in the background. Eddie mumbled along to the words, his lyrical voice relaxing you as you kissed his ringed knuckles.
“You know, I sometimes watch when you draw with your finger on your desk. Always wondered what it is.” Eddie muttered, his fingers flexing under your lips.
“Nothing important. Stars, doodles. Our classes together are so boring I just need something to do with my hands.” You answer, knowing your question for him. “Why do you wear your rings?”
Eddie turned his hand over against your lips, highlighting his rings. “I liked the first one I tried on, found the next two over time. Now I just feel safer with them on my fingers. You like ‘em?”
Your voice went small. “A little.”
Eddie chuckled, taking his hand from your lips and used his hand to rub your cheek. You leant into it, smiling.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his hand against your cheek. You felt Eddie’s speed slow down, approaching his trailer. As soon as Eddie hit the breaks, his van was put into park and the keys were ripped out of the ignition. He hopped out of the van and ran around the front to open your door. You appreciated his enthusiasm, excitement bubbling up from your toes and up your entire body.
Arousal sat in your gut, something that kept a wet spot on your panties all night. You grabbed Eddies hand as you hopped out of the van, keeping hold of it as his pace forced you to run quickly to his front door with him. You run up the mini front porch, Eddie unlocking the door with a fumbled single hand, determined to unlock it still holding yours.
He flings the door open, slamming against the wall of the trailer. Eddie tugs you inside, his teeth showing through a big smile. You wanted to smile, you really did, but all you felt were nerves. Your core was aching, your thighs tense and chest heavy.
Eddie slammed the door shut and did something you weren’t expecting. He pushed you up against the door, connecting his lips hard against yours. You were suddenly trapped with the wall against your back and Eddie’s chest against yours. His rough hands on your jaw, the smell of him so strong, you inhale sharply, everything finally catching up to you. You start kissing him back, loving that the kisses started open mouthed. His other hand on your hip, solid and digging into your skin.
These kisses feel desperate, wanting, and a little rough. Eddie cuts a kiss off with a bite of your lip, earning a whimper right out of you. He kisses his way down to your neck, starting to use his teeth against your neck. You whimpered again, feeling too much at once. “You look so goddamn good right now,” Eddie nearly growls, the vibrations of his voice only making it feel better. “When I found out we had 5 hours to do what ever we wanted I almost just skipped the reservation and took you here.”
You grab his neck pulling his face back up to kiss him. By its own admission, your knee rises, hooking around his hip. Eddie backs up from you for only one moment, lifting his arms up and back to grab at his shirt. As he takes his shirt off, he watches you, his brown eyes dark. You would cower under his stare if it didn’t drive you so wild. His shirt hasn’t even hit the ground when Eddie’s lips are on yours again. He presses even closer to you now, you only barely touching the floor as he semi holds you up. He moves his knee in as he deepens the kiss, making direct contact with your clothed cunt.
You pull back from the kiss suddenly, moaning at the long-awaited release. Eddie watches you against the door after mistakenly using his knee against you. He leans into your ear, “You liked that sweetheart? What happens if I,” He does it again, aiming this time. You whine higher, louder. Your cunt gives itself away happily, soaking through your panties and surely through his jeans. Eddie’s hands are digging into your back, helping to support you as you’re basically off the ground and grinding helplessly against his knee. You feel his breath against your face as he chuckles lowly. You lean your head against the door, moving your hips for more friction. “Oh sweetheart you’re so wet, already.” Eddie kisses you again, moving his knee again, a final time. “Were you thinking about this at dinner, baby? I was, it was just so hard to hold back in that booth. Surely it was dark enough no one would have noticed if my fingers just,” he moves his hand up your dress and next to his knee, light pressure in the crevice where your legs meet your center, “slipped.”
You let out a frustrated moan, your fingers digging into where they were at the base of his neck. “Please, Eddie,” you whine, grinding against him needily.
Eddie stops his kisses, tilting his head very slightly. “Please, what princess?” He leans into your ear, “Use your words baby”
“Touch me, finger me, please do something!” You whine, his knee stagnant now and you doing all the work.
“Hmmm, so needy.” He says, finally letting his knee down and setting you down on the floor. He grabs your hand, leading you down the hallway to his room.
As soon as you’re through the entrance of his room, he grabs you by the face again, kissing you hard. You waddle backwards until you hit his bed, falling backwards, Eddie falling onto you. You giggle as he straddles you, suddenly can’t believe that it’s happening again. Eddie starts lapping your neck, making his way to the crook. He places his hand under the hem of your dress, barely touching you on your thigh. “I have one question that I almost asked you on our date tonight.”
You looked at him, craning your neck to see his face. “What?”
He leaned into your ear, real close to you. “Have you ever thought of me while touching yourself?” He places a single finger onto the center of your throbbing  core, not placing any pressure.
You were taken aback by his question, the breath in your lungs gone. You definitely did. A lot. You felt too shy to verbally confirm, so you nod your head.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Eddie says rewarding your silent yes with very light pressure on your clothed folds.
You grab at Eddie’s arms, your nails digging into his biceps. “Yes, yes I did.”
Eddie groans at that, holding back again. He couldn’t get the picture of you grinding on your own fingers out of his head.
He rewards your verbal confirmation with a small up and down motion, you got wetter, feeling your juices coat your thighs. “H-how many times, princess?”
You gulp, trying to focus on the warm feeling in your stomach. “Once or twice,” you pause as the pressure of his fingers gets harder as you say it, “a week.”
Eddie looks up at you, his eyes vulnerable and momentary confidence he had gone. “Really?”
He wasn’t being judgemental; he couldn’t believe that you were thinking of him like that. Weekly.
You nod your head, looking into his eyes, searching for any hint of him being disgusted or freaked out. You didn’t see any. If anything, all you saw was wonder and curiosity.
Eddie bites his lip, letting his finger moving your panties aside, moving his two fingers along your folds and hovering over your entrance. “Can you tell me what you were thinking about, sweetheart?”
Your eyes were closing against your own admission, already in bliss. “You, obviously.”
“C’mon, don’t be smartass,” Eddie chides as he pauses his movements. You grind your hips up, wanting a better release. Your clit was aching at this point, begging to be touched. “What had you so riled up?”
“Your hands, God your rings. Your arms, your tongue when you stick it out, your back. Just to-“you pause when Eddie places his thumb on your clit, rubbing small circles. “Ah! Just to name a few.”
Eddie’s eyes roll in the back of his head, incredibly turned on and starting to crave friction himself just from watching you come apart. “Jesus that is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. Take off your dress.”
You immediately sit up, taking your dress off as fast as you can. As he straddles you, you are now half naked with only a set of matching bra and panties, you feel small. You try to distract yourself from this feeling, accepting the look Eddie gave you as confirmation he was liking this, too. Eddie leans down to kiss you, trailing down your chest and through the valley of your tits, using your hand under one of the cup of your bra. He plays with the nipple between two of his fingers, experimenting to see how you reacted. When your chest heaved and eyes closed, he moved the fabric aside, moving in to suck on your nipple for a moment, teasing you with his teeth.
Once he was satisfied, he moved further down, leaving wet kisses as he moved further down and down your stomach. “God, you’re stunning like this,” Eddie mumbles against your skin, his hands exploring all he can reach. “Falling apart for me. I love watching this.”
He finally reached your aching cunt, begging for the attention it once had. Eddie’s slow pace is replaced rather quickly by him moving your panties off in one quick fluid motion. You move your head up to look at his face, seeing him lick his lips as he openly stares at your pussy. It makes you open your legs more, willing to be more open. He leans in, breathing on you.
Your legs start to twitch, barely holding up. “Please touch me,” you beg, your head falling back down onto his bed.
Eddie leans in, lapping one long lick down the center of your folds, his tongue just barley going into your entrance. Your legs close in on his head because of this, tensing up because of the insane amount of pleasure it just gave you. Your head is woozy, one hand in his sheets, the other searching for him. Eddie grabs your legs, and pulls your hips downward, so he can be right on top of your pussy I rather than just near it.
He wastes no time again, digging right back in. Eddie continues lapping along your folds, taking a moment to suck on them. The sensation sends waves of pleasure through your body. You feel yourself get wetter, your pussy juices flowing down and drenching your thighs. Eddie moans against you, gripping your thighs, his dry hands feeling rough against them. You start to need more release, your hips grinding up and into his face. One of his hands on your thighs goes to your hips, holding them down.
You whimper, the feeling of wanting more still there.
He laughs, the hot breath against your pussy overstimulating you. “Patience, sweetheart.” He says, low but loud enough for you to hear him.
“I can’t, I can’t,” you whine, the knot in your stomach beginning, your thighs right up against his face.
“Relax your hips, sweetheart,” Eddie whispers, stopping. You open your eyes, facing his ceiling, a poster or two in the corner in your eye. You let your hips relax, your eyes focusing and unfocusing, your legs shaky. “Good girl.” You tense up reflexively to this, shifting your hips.
After letting you relax once more, Eddie starts to lightly tread one finger along the folds of your entrance, allowing only one fraction of his fingertip enter you. The finger crooks, bending as it barely presses against you. “Please, Eddie. More.” You beg him. This was too much to handle.
Your eyes closed, almost blissed out from the world, you don’t see the dark smile Eddie gives you mouth wide from the ecstasy he feels by being able to see you come undone like this. He finally places his finger inside of you, all the way to his knuckle where you can feel slight pressure of his ring. It goes back out just as slowly, starting to pick up the pace. As it builds pace, he starts to suck on your clit in a rhythm.
You feel yourself come closer to the edge, the not in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter. You don’t know if you believed he had limited experience like he claimed because he was so damn good at it. “Is this what you thought about princess? My fingers fucking you like this?”
You moaned loudly at this, nodding your head. “Uh-huh.”
Eddie takes his hands off holding your hips down, letting your hips buckle up instantly. As he leans in, he supports his crouched self onto the bed, you look at him, feeling the position change. You can see what he’s doing now, working on you but supporting himself that allows him to grind up against the bed for some release of his own. You let your head lay back down, eyes rolling in your head as you comprehend what he’s doing.
“I’m close, Eddie,” You moan, continuing to grind up against him.
He moves his finger faster, adding a second one to help. “Come on, sweetheart.” Eddie said, sounding a bit out of breath. “You’re doing so good, baby, taking this so well.”
“Just like that.”
Eddie bends his fingers then, hooking right against your g spot. It was the perfect thing to send you over the edge. Eddie could see from your brows knit together and face squished up you were close. You had no time to even warn him, the knot in your stomach snapping all at once. “Good girl,” Eddie says, working you through your high. You feel like you’re floating, unable to feel his bed beneath you. You grab onto him, attempting to ground yourself. Your vision goes white momentarily, your legs shaking.
You come down, feeling like a feather just flown into the wind on its downward trajectory. Slowly swaying back and forth as it floats down. You open your eyes, the ceiling coming into focus, Eddie’s heavy breathing grounding you. You sit up slowly, using your hands to support your shaking weight. You were still shaking in the aftermath, feeling yourself pulse around his fingers.
He takes his fingers out when you sit up. You take in his appearance, hair disheveled, and pink mouth with a wet shine on it. You reach down, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards you. He happily obliges, crawling up to you with a stupid big grin on his face. He slams his lips against yours, forcing you to fall right back down onto your back. You laugh into it, his chest against your half uncovered one. You preen your hands behind your own back, reaching for the clasp of your bra. “Can you help me?” You ask, now lying awkwardly on your arms.
He looks over you, huffing a laugh as he sees you with your arms trapped behind your back. Eddie reaches behind your back, unclasping your bra for you after fumbling with it for half a second. He rips it off you, tossing it aside to god knows where.
As Eddie leans in to kiss you, the fresh feeling of his skin directly against yours, you are all too aware his jeans are still on, boner pressing against the harsh fabric. You reach down, grabbing at his bulge. “You need to get rid of these jeans,” you mutter, starting to kiss his jaw as you move your hands to undo his jeans.
Eddie pulls away, giving you a look you couldn’t quite place. He opens his mouth, hesitating.
“You can tell me anything.” You say, pausing on his belt loops.
“I want you.” Eddie says, his face unwavering and suddenly serious.
You smile, reassuring him. “Baby, I don’t think I could’ve made it clearer; you have me. You literally owned my lingering eyes for way too long.”
Eddie gulped, looking away from you, mustering courage. “I want” Eddie paused, sighing. “I want to fuck you.”
Your smile fades, his words drenching the sheets beneath you. “Yeah?” You ask, your voice soft.
Eddie nods, his eyes moving up and down along your body.
You tighten your grip on his belt loops, leaning in to kiss him. As your lips connect, Eddie moans into it, loud and needy. You bring his pants and briefs down in one swift movement, keeping his lips on yours. He kicks them off the bed, his cock now brushing against your stomach. You break from him, keeping your foreheads connected as you reach down to start to fist him. Eddie bucks his hips into your hand, needing the release you offered him.
“You think you’re ready?” You ask, moving your hand at a steady pace, flicking your thumb against his slit occasionally. “I don’t want to rush you into doing something you’re not ready for.”
“I have been wanting to fuck you since I saw you in my shirt yesterday morning.” Eddie says gruffly. “I have condoms, in the drawer.”
You feel impulsive. “Who said anything about a condom? I want you too. I want to feel all of you.”  
Eddie’s eyes noticeably widen, taken aback by your bold statement. “Oh.”
You reach up to kiss him again, more tender than you’ve been kissing him all night. “Please, I want you inside of me. Now.”
Eddie’s breath hitched, framing his hand on your cheek. He leans up to reposition himself, moving your legs so he’s sat in-between them. He pauses, cock in his hand as he hovers around your entrance. He looks at you, one last time to make sure you were all in. You lick your lips, your eyes moving up to his face as you nod.
“Shit,” Eddie mutters, scooting towards you. You feel the head of his cock barely touch the folds of your entrance, moving up and down to position himself. “Ready baby?” He asks, his voice barely coming out.
You look at him, knowing this was his first time. "Are you?"
Eddie nods, his face looking desperate. He really wanted to be inside of you. You squeeze his hand, and nod.
Eddie finally moves himself into you, moaning as your wet heat completely enwraps his cock. “Fuck,” he grunts.
He was bigger than you anticipated, needing a moment to adjust. You held your hand out to signal for him to wait.
“You okay?” He asks, concern in his voice.
“Mmhmm” You whimper, your legs tense and eyes squeezed tight. “You’re just, really big.” A moment passes, and the pain transfers to pleasure. You nod.
He moves in a little more, now only halfway in. His hands are on your hips, caressing them to comfort you as you wince again. It takes only a moment before you’re ready for more. “You can move, if you want.”
Eddie starts to pump, only moving about an inch. “Oh shit” You mutter, you move your legs to frame his hips.
“Fuck princess you feel so good. So tight.” He whispers, barely able to hold back from thrusting hard into you.
“More, Eddie.” You whisper, wanting to feel even fuller.
His hips buckle at your request, going deeper inside you. “How does that feel, Y/N?” Eddie asks, voice gruff.
Your voice is barely intelligible, eyes rolling back at the mere feeling of Eddie fucking into you.
Holy shit you were fucking Eddie Munson. The man you’ve wanted for three years. Holy shit.  
“Your perfect little cunt feels so goddamn good princess,” he moans, his thrusts gaining in speed.
You have too much to say back at him, but your mind and your mouth don’t seem to connect at the moment. You grab at him, pulling him so his forehead rests against yours. He used the more solid foundation he had to fuck into you harder, now thrusting his entire length into you.
As he continues moving faster, you lift your legs wider, your feet up in the air as his cock fucks your pussy open. “Baby, that feels so good,” You manage, not sure if he can even understand what you’re saying.
He leans into your neck, nipping at your skin as the rhythm gets sloppier.
Eddie is mumbling something, border lining on rambling at this point. “So good..so...tight…fucking..Y/N…”
You grab his face, pulling your foreheads together again. “Eddie, are you getting close?” You felt yourself get close again, a second orgasm usually not far behind a first. Eddie nodded, his face in a desperate state. “Where do you want to come?”
Eddie’s hips start losing it’s steady rhythm, bucking into you. It’s perfect, it’s needy, it’s rough. “Let me come on those beautiful tits, sweetheart.”
You move your hands to cup them, playing with your own nipples. Eddie leans in at the sight, rewarding you with messaging your bright red bud. The mixed sensations are enough to send you over the edge, your cunt tightening around him.
Eddie jerks his hips out, crawling onto you so he’s straddled onto your stomach. He buckles into his hand, wet come shooting out of his cock. He moans into it, clearly forgotten how to be self conscious about how he sounds. You open your mouth and stick your tongue as you come down from your high more easily, accepting the rogue come happily.
He collapses onto you, his hair in your face as he lands on the pillow you’re resting on.
A moment passes, both of you catching your breath. He’s covered in sweat, and as are you, despite him doing most of the work. Eddie lifts his head up to your face, connecting your foreheads. “That was,” he breathes a bit more, a loss for words.
“I know,” you say, agreeing. Eddie smiles, leaning down for a kiss.
This kiss you share is sweet, closed. Not the kind of kiss one usually gives after literally fucking the sense out of someone.
Eddie collapse next to you, yanking you into his arms so you are cuddling. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to sit in this moment before you realize. “Eddie can you get me a cloth, please? I’m still covered in your come.”
Eddie chuckles and kisses your forehead.
He gets up wordlessly, not bothering to put on any clothes as he wonders into the kitchen to grab you a wet cloth. You glance at your watch, not knowing the time. It was almost 11. When Eddie comes in with a wet cloth, you reach out for it. He yanks it out of reach. “Allow me.”
Eddie wipes the cloth on your chest and a little on your neck, completely taking care of you. He runs back out to throw the dirty cloth into the laundry and comes back after a bit of scrounging around in the kitchen. He had a glass of water. “Here. Drink up.”
You sit up, your legs feeling weak. “Thanks.” You take a sip, keeping an eye on him. You drink it all in one go, handing the glass back to him. “You know it’s just after eleven?”
“Well then, I guess we better get going soon then if we want to make curfew.” Eddie sighs dramatically.
You roll your eyes at him, shaking your head. You scoot yourself so you’re standing, nearly unable to. Eddie almost asks what you’re doing when you reach in to give him a hug. “I really like you, Eddie.”
Eddie pets your hair, kissing your head. “Well, I really like you too.”
“Did we just?” You ask, all too aware that you were both still completely naked.
Eddie rests his chin on your head, nodding. “Yes, princess we did just fuck. And I think we do an ok job of it.”
You hide your happy face into his chest, nuzzling the slight hair. You stay like that for another ten minutes before you both had to get ready to avoid being late for your curfew.
The ride back is not as quiet, the music turned down so you could talk. You talk about everything, what you were planning on doing tomorrow, the assignment you still haven’t done.
You hold his hand absentmindedly drawing on it with your other. You felt yourself falling harder than you could even think possible. Hell, you thought for one second you might be in love with him.
As he was talking animatedly about his new campaign he had planned, you listen intently, laughing at his antics.
You really could get used to this.
taglist: @emturtles @yourthebrokengirl @steeldaisies
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rhoorl · 4 months
Hiiii friend!!
I'm here to ask you a silly TF boys headcanon question 😊
Karaoke night: who is the first up on stage? What songs are selected? Who protests the most or downright refuses? How much alcohol is required to get the spoilsports up there to participate? Do any of them get real into it and incorporate some dance moves with the music? Duets??
I look forward to your answer! Have fun!!
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Some boy tax 💗
Hi friend! Oh you know I am a sucker for a TF headcanon question, so thank you so much! As to be expected, I was long-winded in my answer so I have it below the cut. But first ... the boys
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Omg karaoke night. What a funny visual this has been to ponder. Who is up on stage first? Gotta be a race between Benny or Pope. Let’s go with Benny 😉 
A little spoiler for anyone reading Delta Landscaping, but Benny is quite talented artistically and can sing. He grew up listening to classic rock and some country …basically whatever his Cousin Joel 😏 listened to (look I know it’s not canon-compliant but I’m going with it lol). Thunderstruck by AC/DC is his go-to, and I have to pay homage to his KISS shirt from the movie and throw in Rock and Roll All Nite. Maybe some Skynyrd…Simple Man seems like a good one for him. 
I also think that Pope is a decent singer, and also a big ham like Benny. He loves a song like Hero by Enrique Igelsias. It’s a little on the nose, which he finds funny, but he can be super dramatic about it and put on a show complete with full-on arm choreography. Another one he likes is Kiss From a Rose by Seal. 
Will and Frankie are the protesters who will need the group pressure to go through with it. Usually Will prefers to watch and laugh at the others guys, but once in a while Benny wears him down enough that they’ll sing Enter Sandman by Metallica together. The guys still remember that one night they were able to convince Will to go up after a cute girl made a comment that all the boys looked like they were in a boy band (yes, Tom was there too). So, they all sang “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. The solo parts were dished out as follows: Benny (Nick) and Pope (Brian) and Frankie filled in terribly (but was still oh so cute) for the Howie parts. 
Frankie isn’t going to be the first one to throw his name in the ring, but he can be persuaded after a couple of beers and maybe a shot. It helps if someone goes with him, which Pope is always eager to do. They end up picking some 90’s hip-hop songs like Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice, Push It by Salt N Pepa, or Rapper’s Delight by The Sugar Hill Gang. Basically, Frankie is trying to have fun and he and Pope trade off the verses. 
This was so fun to ponder and was a nice distraction for me from a hectic day so thank you!
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munsonssub · 2 years
Lets take a ride. Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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A/N; literally wrote this in three hours so if it sucks im sorry, not proof read also. ALSO no one can tell me eddie wouldnt ride a motorcycle bc if you think he wouldnt youre wrong also please let me know what you think. I’m not used to posting my writing so I need feedback
Summary: you’ve had enough, being a triple senior, losing your dad, and your mom blaming you for anything, you need an escape, luckily eddie can do that for you.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, mentions of a slight panic attack, sexual innuendoes (MINORS GO AWAY) 
word count: 2368. (whoops)
It was a normal day, sorta, you had a rough morning, like usual, no big surprise. Your mom had been meaner than usual, which is fair, you ran out another one of her boyfriends with your attitude, or at least that’s what she yelled at you this morning before you left for school.
What ever doesn’t matter anymore, you thought to yourself as you pushed the door open at Hawkins high. Maybe this year, your third senior year at Hawkins you’d finally graduate. You weren’t alone in your third year though, one other, who you were almost too much like, was there also. Eddie Munson, the metal head cult leader, freak as many of your peers called him, was also on his third year. Which didn’t surprise you.
Honestly you wish you had the same excuses as him, smoking pot, not really giving a fuck, just enjoying existing. But instead, you had a dead dad and a bad attitude and an alarming number of fights with teachers that landed you here.
Surprisingly you hadn’t been handed the title of a freak yet, loser, yes. But freak? Nope. You liked metal music and dressed more punk than your peers would like, but you kept to yourself, which also left you with the name bitch. Not wanting to entertain conversations with anyone you felt alone, but that’s okay, that’s how you wanted to be. But today, God today, you wish you had someone, anyone really that you could talk to.
The day went by slow, the need and urge for something more eating at you, not letting its ugly head hide. Maybe just maybe you could find something to give you the rush you need.
Maybe I could jump into the river, or play chicken on the highway. You thought. Just as you exit the building you hear the roar of a motorcycle to your left, glancing over you see him, Eddie Munson in all is dumb, cute long-haired glory, wearing a Dio shirt, ripped jeans, his trusty leather jacket and combat boots. He’s standing over a Yamaha Virago, showwing it off to his friends. You can hear parts of their conversations.
“So, this is what you’ve been doing with your cut from the hide out gigs?” one of them asks as Eddie nods and then starts on a spiel about how long it took and what year the bike was. 1984, dude its so cool, only took like fours months to save for with both gigs.
That, that’s what you need, some adrenaline from a risky bike ride. You thought, mustering up the courage you walk over, pocketing your car keys you had already grabbed out.
“Hey Munson!” you shout as you get closer, his friends turning to look at you as Eddies eyes widen.
“L/N, to what do I owe the pleasure of you finally talking to me after all these years?” Eddie smirked. Looking you up and down, checking out your black jeans, the chains hanging and the Metallica shirt you had just gotten.
“Was wondering if you’d be up for having a backpack for a cruise? Like the bike by the way, my dad had a Yamaha too.” You cringe, not meaning to bring up your father. Eddie eyes you for a second before nodding.
“Right now, sweetheart?” he pats the handle bar and smiles at you.
“Uh,” you freeze, you weren’t actually expecting him to say yes. “How about later, before sunset? if you’re free. I have my car here and if it isn’t home by four my mother will lose her mind.” You level with him.
“Sure, thing sweetheart, wanna meet me at the arcade for seven thirty? Also make sure you wear your boots and leather jacket, can’t have you getting hurt if we go sideways.” He straightened out and walks towards you, his hand out ready for you to shake, you take it and try not to shiver at the feeling of his hand in yours.
“Sir yes sir, ill bring my helmet too. Seven thirty. See you then Munson.” You let his hand go and wave bye as you walk away, trying to calm the sudden rush of breath.
You get home, thankfully your mom isn’t there. Three and a half hours to kill, you could do that easily, considering it would take you a half hour to walk to the arcade anyways. You go up to your room, putting in the new Dio album on and laying out your home work.
Two hours pass easily, you’re done the work you needed to get done, ate some dinner and now you’re looking for your helmet, your dad bought it for you just before he died. Telling you he was gonna teach you to ride his bike so you could take it when he fell sick. Annoyingly though you mother sold it for money that she owed one of her ‘friends’.You’d gotten over it quickly, knowing she would’ve sold it anyways before you could get your hands on it. Finally locating the black helmet, you smiled to yourself, mentally highfiving yourself as you stood and walked out of the garage.
6:45. The clock read as you walked past, quickly setting down your helmet you ran upstairs to grab your jacket and boots. Writing out a note for your mom that you left tacked to the fridge before you pulled on your boots and jacket and grabbed your helmet, locking the door you started your trek to the arcade.
The walk went by easily enough, your nerves hitting you just as you round the corner to the arcade and see Eddie standing by his bike, a lit cigarette in his mouth as he talked to kids you recognized from his DND club. Shaking your arms, you let out a shaky breath and gather the courage to finish the walk to him.
“Munson.” You nod your head as you get closer, a slight smile on your lips even though you feel like puking. He quickly says goodbye to the kids and turns towards you.
“L/N! you came! Hope you’re ready for the ride of your life sweetheart,” He winked at you. You lightly scoff and put your helmet on. Eddie does the same before straddling the bike and kicking up the stand. “c’mon sweet thing.” He gives you a gentle smile, seeming to notice your nerves.
“Better treasure this Munson, it’s the only time you’ll be in between my thighs.” You say as you get on behind him.
“Oh honey, I wouldn’t say that just yet.” He winks at you as you put your arms around him and he starts the bike.
You ride around town for thirty minutes before he stops at a stop sign, leaning back, which causes you to sit up a bit. He pus his hands on your thighs, patting a beat to a song that must be stuck in his head.
“What do you say to leaving town? I know a place.” He yells over the engine noise from the bike.
“If you think you’re taking me to skull rock you are sorely mistaken. Not making out with you there.” You reply.
“Sweet thing, I don’t have to take you to skull rock to get you to make out with me,” He smirks. “that’s not a no. you ready for some speed?” he pats your thigh again before you nodded against his back. He leaned down and you followed. Keeping your hold around his waist as he took a turn out of town.
You slowly gained speed as you drove out of town, towards the unknown location. You yelled for him to go faster once you hit the open road hoping he heard you. The only indication he did was the bike getting louder as you took off, squeezing him you lifted off of him a bit to watch the sunset and the scenery passing you by. You don’t know where you’re going but honestly you don’t care. He could murder you for all you care right now. Would make this shit easier you think as you hit a clearing with no trees.
Suddenly its too much, your emotions suddenly hitting their peak, all the dread and depression you’ve been holding in, falling out, you could feel tear start to come down your face, a sob escaping your mouth as you clutch tighter to Eddie. The speed and noise suddenly setting off all your alarms.
You can feel him shift down and start to slow down, pulling off onto a look out, you don’t even know when you went up the glorified hill, which locals would call a mountain, but you could see all of Hawkins. Signalling it was good for you to get off Eddie pat your hands the were clutching to him. You quickly let go before putting you hands on his shoulders and pulling yourself off the bike. The first thing you did when you got off was rip your helmet off and throw it at the ground before covering your face with your hands and screaming.
You could hear Eddie get off the bike and turn it off before the soft sound of boots crunching gravel hit. Your hands were still on your face when you felt him hug you, one arm around your waist and the other coming up to the back of your head. He held you for a moment while another sob wracked your body, you took your hands off your face before slipping them around him and shoving yourself into his chest more.
“Hey, sweet thing shh you’re okay, hey can you take a deep breath for me? Just one? C’mon sweets.” Eddie cooed into your hair, his hand rubbing the back of your head.
You feel yourself nodding before slightly pushing off of him, looking up at him, catching his eyes that are full of concern.
“Copy me Y/N c’mon,” he takes a deep breath that you copy, you panicked breathing calming as you keep breathing with him. “There yah go sweets, nice and calm for me huh? Good girl.”
Your breath hitches with him saying that, a blush hitting your cheeks.
“Fuck I am so sorry, I don’t know what happened, I was fine then fuck man. This is embarrassing.” You shake your head pushing yourself away from him and sitting on the ground at the edge of the look out.
“Why would it be embarrassing?” he asks you, coming to sit beside you, knees bent and his arms resting on them.
“Because fuck I don’t know?! You’re so fucking cool and metal and you probably think I’m a fucking poser siting over here crying over nothing important like a goddamn drama queen.” You glower, laying flat on you back to look at the now night sky. Not noticing is face heating up with your compliments
“Drama queen? Lil bit. Poser? Fucking never, actually wanna know something funny?” he lays down beside you, on his side and resting his head in his hand.
“Sure Munson, humour me for ruining the cruise.” You say as you turn your head to now look at him.
“I have wanted to talk to you for months, no scratch that, years, but I was always scared,” you accidentally cut him off with a laugh. He jokingly glares at you before pushing your arm. “Yeah, yeah laugh, but honestly Y/N, I’ve been so scared to talk to you because you have this sick aura about you, you don’t give a shit, about what anyone says, and I know I don’t either but honestly I kinda do, why do you think I do shit just to get reactions.” He pauses and you readjust, copying his position.
“But you god you, you fucking intimidate me, I felt like I was gonna die when you walked up to me earlier, then you asked to go for ride and I swear I thought I had died and gone to heaven.” He looks into your eyes finally as you smile at him.
“Can I level with you?” you asked honestly.
“Always sweet thing.”
“I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while too, just walk up and strike up a conversation with you about bands or anything really, but I always chickened out because I have a lot of baggage and didn’t wanna scare you off.”
“Oh, sweet thing, nothing you could do could scare me off.” He smirks, a sweet smile starting to grow on his lips. You felt your heart jump into your throat and a blush start on your cheeks. With out thinking much you leaned forward, smashing your lips against his.
It takes a minute for him to start kissing you back but when he does the kisses intensity is dialed to eleven, you hand finds his face as he pushes your shoulder back with his and is climbing on top of you, slotting himself between your thighs.
“Told you id get between your thighs again.” He smirks as he breaks the kiss, a scoff leaves your throat before you are pulling him back down again.
Things started to escalate quickly, a moan leaving your lips and he pushed his hips against yours. Your hands pushing the bandana he had on off his head so you could grab his hair as he let out a hiss at you pulling it, you didn’t want to stop, honestly, you’d let him do anything he wants to you if he asked. But you knew you had to, it was already probably past your curfew and you already knew you be in shit when you got home, so reluctantly you disconnected your lips. Only to have him immediately start kissing down your neck, making you moan.
“Eds, eds, baby we gotta stop, you gotta take me home.” You sigh as he groans against your neck.
“You sure sweet thing? Could take you back to my place.” He smirks lifting himself off you.
“Tempting, but my moms already gonna have my head because I’m out so late.” You pat his chest as e helps you off the ground.
“Okay L/N, but we are continuing this tomorrow after school.” He smiles and he grabs your helmet and puts it on for you.
“Gladly Munson.”
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intheorangebedroom · 2 years
Pleased to meet you, chapter 5
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Summary: After moving to Jersey City, you meet a Benjamin Miller...
Pairing: Frankie Morales x French fem!Reader. And I guess Ben Miller x French fem!Reader 👀
Rating: Explicit 🔞
A/N: Let's all pretend this is a world in which there is no such thing as visas... Also, heartfelt apologies to anyone from Jersey City, whose city I'm making up almost entirely, albeit very respectfully. It's the city of Reader's recovery ❤️
This chapter contains a direct nod/reference/homage/straight up plagiarism of one of @frannyzooey genius post that can be found here. I plead guilt. I love her and her brain, your Honour. Kelli, thank you for your help on this chapter. Ily more than words can express 🧡
Word Count: 4.8k.
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Chapter 5: Boy meets girl
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There’s a hardware store, not too far from the bookstore where you work, a gigantic, monster of a place whose size fits that of this country. Alleys and alleys of power tools and appliances of all sorts, hammers, screwdrivers, hinges, rivets, nails, screws, bolts, and things you can’t even name in your native language. It’s your third attempt at getting the material you need to hang the black-out curtains you bought three months ago, currently laying in a shopping bag on your living-room floor. None of the four windows in your apartment have blinds, and if it doesn’t matter much in the living-room, you can’t sleep if the bedroom windows are not blacked out. You’ve been waking up at dawn since you moved in, and if it didn’t matter much back in February, it is August now, the summer flew by, and you’re exhausted. And it’s beginning to show… 
Standing in front of neatly displayed rows of… screws? Are these screws? You feel as out of your depth as if you were to perform brain surgery. You curse yourself as your mother’s voice rings in your ears, “Vraiment, tu ne pourrais pas être plus inutile. Écoute, tu n’es pas manuelle, sors de ma cuisine” [“Could you be more useless? You’re not a manual person, just get out of my kitchen”]. 
No, manual, you are not. However, you still need to hang up these damn curtains. And your mother can go grill her ass on smouldering coal because you will. Hang up. These damn. Curtains. 
“You need help with something?”
The loud and booming voice jolts you out of your thoughts. You’re mumbling, your face scrunched up in concentration. It’s a few seconds before you can extract yourself from the memory of your mother’s impersonal kitchen, the smell of chlorine burning your nostrils. The voice belongs to a very tall, very handsome man, standing a few feet behind you on your left. Thirty-five years of being a woman fending for herself in big cities and travelling on your own, distrust is something of a survival instinct. 
“No, I don't”, you shoot back reflexively before catching yourself. “Wait yes, I do, do you work here?” 
You eye him sceptically, scanning him up and down in appraisal with a raised eyebrow. Worn out dirty blue jeans, Metallica T-shirt, shaggy, dark blond hair, he’s not wearing any name tag nor the ugly green vest employees have to sport here. He flashes you a charming smile. Wow. Very charming. Plenty of good teeth. 
“Nope,” he says, obviously not deterred by your suspicious demeanour, “but you look lost and… you’re kinda blocking the view.” His deep voice rumbles in the alley, yet it’s not exactly unpleasant; almost velvety, it resonates in your chest.
“The what?”
“The view. I just need to grab…” he plunges past you and picks up a pack of small metallic whatever-the-hell-they-are, “… these. What are you looking for exactly?”
Interesting. He doesn’t look like he wants to leave. You can ride with that. 
“I’ve got these curtains, or drapes… no, big heavy curtains I need to hang in my flat. I mean apartment. I’ve no idea where to start.”
“Do you have a power drill? Your place, is it drywall or concrete?”
You’re pretty sure you’ve never looked dumber when you blurt out your answer of “Dry…what?”
“Please tell me you got his number.”
Rosie doesn’t mean any harm but the implicit allusion still makes you involuntarily wince. You try to cover it up and roll your eyes so hard you can feel your retinal muscles strain. 
“Ah ah,” you answer flatly. “Yes, I got his number, and he’s got mine.”
“And he’s gonna help you with the curtains?”
“With the curtains and something else maybe?”
Rosie’s eyebrows shot to her hairline as she nearly chokes on her rice. 
Tuesday is one of your two days off, and on Tuesdays you share lunch with her near the Jersey City Medical Center, where Rosie works as a nurse in the imaging center. “Work” being an inadequate word to describe her level of  commitment to the job. A few months after moving into your own place, you’ve successfully convinced her to negotiate more day shifts (“It’s ridiculous, Rosie, they’re just using you and you’re letting them. You never get to enjoy them gardens you’re so obnoxious about.”), and you soon instated a weekly date to catch up with each other. As with everything between you and Rosie, a new routine soon felt like an established tradition, and whether she’s working or not, you share lunch, gossip and deep thoughts every Tuesday. Over tacos, more often than not. As a joke (typical of Rosie’s humour) and because of the proximity of a taco place on the hospital’s grounds. Weather permitting, you sit outside. The New York City skyline draws a jagged line against the horizon. You’re fond of this view from Jersey City, different from the one tourists are usually fed through postcards, cheap art, tote bags and what not. You’ve always enjoyed a change of perspective. Across the Hudson bay, midtown Manhattan and its bustling cacophony, and further still, Brooklyn. And Greenpoint. An empty apartment and a bare window.
“What’s his name again?” she asks in between two sips of orange juice. 
“Benjamin. He asked me to call him Benny.”
She groans in approval. 
“You said he was tall?”
“Mmh”, you nod, swallowing your mouthful of nopales taco, “you’d like him, he’s a giant. Nearly two meters tall.” You ignore her clueless shrug, weights and measures a bottomless well of misunderstanding, and carry on with your bulleted list in a clinical tone. “Thick blond hair, on the darker side, rather unkempt, dark blue eyes, or maybe grey, I didn’t look too closely, good shoulders, good teeth, nice voice, what else… he was wearing a band t-shirt, but I can’t remember which one, something metal looking, with a skull on it? That’s a point for him –”
Rosie speeds up her shewing and dabs her mouth with her paper towel; you pause and wait for her intervention. 
“Wait, blond hair blue eyes? You kidding me? I thought we didn’t do those anymore?" 
“Oh trust me, he’s got nothing to do with Éric.”
It’s going to take more than your good word to convince Rosie. 
“How? Elaborate.”
You lower your taco and lean in closer for dramatic effect, so she can take in the mischievous glint in your eyes when you say, conspiratorially, “He’s fucking sexy, Rosie.” 
Her dark eyes grow wider, she folds her hand in mock prayer. 
“Oh my fucking god, tell me you texted him already.”
The levity of the conversation makes you giddy. You feel lightheaded, exchanging knowing looks and giggles over cheap tacos, as you discuss your next possible date with a ridiculously handsome man you met in a ridiculously large hardware store. You can’t help but recall where you were just over a year and a half ago, however hard you try to push back the memory, lest tears come prickling the corners of our eyes. You want to hug Rosie, crash your mouth onto hers, squeeze her tightly against you, so she can never ever doubt your love and gratitude.
“No”, you swallow thickly, “no I didn’t, I’m waiting until tomorrow, you know, the three days rule thingy…”
“Love”, she scoffs, “we live in the time of Tinder, that stupid rule expired like in 1997”.
Rosie treats sex the same way she handles the other aspects of her life: casual efficiency. She did date the birthday boy from her improv class, Kyle, aspiring Broadway actor, blond hair, blue eyes… Invested six years of her life into their relationship, sharing an overpriced apartment in Park Slope complete with succulents and two cats, only for him to break up with her the minute his parents threatened to stop financing his Bohemian Brooklyn lifestyle if he didn’t change at least one parameter of his life. That parameter being his girlfriend. A simple nurse with a crushing student loan, skin at least two shades too dark, the illegitimate daughter of a Colombian single mother, Rosie didn’t stand a chance. It didn’t matter that she put herself through med school or that Dolores was a business owner. She didn’t fit in the picture. There simply was no room for her in this wasp heaven, between Christmases in Aspen and summers in the Hamptons.
She hurt, then, you know she did, the true reason behind the break-up causing a shockwave that reached far beyond the end of a romantic relationship. The following summer, you convinced her to join you in Europe, and together you spent a week in Berlin, exploring the city museums and touristic landmarks by day, getting blackout drunk at night. Rosie being Rosie, she grieved for a while, but all things considered quickly moved on. She has been, ever since, on a strict one-night-stands regimen, enabled by recent technology, enough to sustain her sexual drive but no further injury. 
“Text him now. We do it together. I don’t trust you. But no date on Sunday, we’re going to my mom for chicharron.”
“Rosie, the guy I’d skip your mom’s chicharron for is not fucking born yet.”
Well he is. But you lost that number…
On your first date, you meet Benny in a crowded bar downtown. Slightly nervous, he put in an effort: clean hair, clean jeans, clean-shaven. 
Your choice of clothing caused quite the fuss over the meal in Dolores’s living-room, until you brilliantly won the argument. 
“I know what I’m gonna wear: I’m gonna wear that 70’s jeans –” you ignored Rosie’s protests, “the one that I got in your store –” you pointed your fork at Dolores, “that looks two sizes too small, and my T-shirt that says ‘The future is female’. You wanna piece of this sweet ass, you better be a feminist.”
“Shit.” Rosie kept a straight face as she raised an eyebrow. “That’s pretty good, actually”. 
The last time you went on a date, Bush was in Office. The year was 2007, and it was with Éric. Yet, you’re strangely relaxed, confident, even. Benny’s the one who asked you out, and you’re here with him; in your mind he’s out of your league, it’s apparent that for some reason, he thinks you’re out of his, so whatever happens next is a bonus. 
The two of you trade the usual information over a pint of beer. Benny likes the great outdoor, live music, running in the morning. He tells you he enjoys singing and that he plays the guitar; you note that he doesn't make it sound like he’s boasting. It’s just one of the things he loves and wants you to know about. You like museums, books, analog photography, but you find several common grounds with food, dogs, and movies. That’s more than you ever shared with Éric. You remain vague as to why you left Paris but ramble on for twenty minutes about your former job, the priceless first editions, the patrimonial treasures, the secret access to the rooftop of the Hôtel de Ville de Paris, until you stop abruptly to apologise for talking too much. Old habits die hard. He asks you to keep talking, says it’s “pretty awesome” when people love what they do so much.
He mentions his previous career in the military but doesn’t elaborate on what he does now. He talks a lot about his older brother, a guy named Will, whom he describes as his role model and the reason he joined the army. He drives a Mustang 1967, something he’s proud of, says it was a lifelong dream he paid for in sweat and blood. He’s touching, like an overgrown kid, when he speaks about his hometown of Somewhere-you-don’t-catch, Colorado. You ask him to repeat the name twice. He thinks your accent is nice and he tells you as much. He’s got good shoulders, and an endearing smile.
His honesty is unsettling, bordering on bluntness. It’s refreshing. What you see is what you get. 
When you get home later that night, you call Rosie and feed her each and every detail. You certainly had a good time, but the giggly conversation with your best friend is priceless. You’ve already agreed to see him again. You’re more carefree than you’ve been in a long while.  
The following Sunday, you take him to an obscure cinema to see a black and white Argentinian art-house film with subtitles. You feel bad about this one, but you want to know if you’re losing your time. You’re not. He’s not into it, but for you, he’s willing to be. After the movies, he proposes a drink; neither of you wants the evening to end. 
In the bar, he hardly sits still, avoiding your eyes and rubbing his palms dry on his jeans. His nervousness puzzles you, you thought the date was going fine, maybe you overdid it a little with the movie. Rosie’s going to shred you.
“Look”, he starts, his loud voice startling you, “before we go further, I mean, you know, if you want to, I mean go further, I gotta tell you what I do. For a living.” 
Or maybe you’re going to shred Rosie for pushing you to text him. You nod, indicating you’re listening.
“I’m in the MMA circuit”. 
Your face remains impassive. That doesn’t tell you anything. You wait for him to expand, but he just looks at you, lips sucked in and brows furrowed. It tugs at something inside your chest, you want to reassure him, or at least put him at ease.  
“Ok… MMA is a French insurance company, but I got a notion that’s not what you’re talking about,” you say tentatively.
“No, that’s er… Mixed Martial Arts.”
“Oh, you mean the thing where you wear funny costumes and throw chairs at –”
His face takes on an indignant look and you understand you’ve said something stupid, perhaps even hurtful. But the way he speaks next, sitting up straight in his chair, animated and passionate, is a definite improvement from his anxious behaviour.  
“No! Fuck no! That’s WWE! No, MMA is a real sport, you use techniques from different combat sports, like, from all over the world, it’s based on –”
“Wait”, you interrupt, “you’re telling me you get hit in the face? For a living? Real punches?”
“No,” he scoffs, “‘cause I'm fucking good, but yeah, it happens.”
“I don’t believe you”. You shake your head to emphasise your disbelief. 
“What do you mean, you don’t believe me?” 
“Well, look at your face! You can’t look this pretty and get hit in the grill on a daily basis!”
He relaxes in his chair, flashing you his most charming, mischievous smile. 
“You think I’m pretty?”
You narrow your eyes, seemingly not impressed. 
“Oh come on, you know you are. Can I come to see a fight, one of these days? When’s the next one? I can cheer you on.”
“I don’t know,” he hesitates, “don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t imagine you in this kinda crowd…”
“Gimme enough alcohol and I’ll mingle in any kind of crowd.” 
Eager to make your point, you down half your beer in two sips, draining the tension from his frame. He looks like himself again. You ask him if there’s good money in it, he shrugs, explains that with his military pension it’s enough, he doesn’t need much. That’s another point for him.
“So that’s not a dealbreaker?” he asks.
“No. A dealbreaker is if you’re a Trump supporter or… or if you think equality is a dirty word… or… You’re not a Trump supporter, are you?”
“Nope.” His lips make a popping sound on the P, and you briefly wonder what they would feel like pressed against yours.
“OK, then. We’re good,” you declare.
You’re good. 
Before your third date, Rosie comes over and waltzes into your apartment with a command.
“This time you're wearing a dress.”
You don’t own many, but she digs out a short wrap dress in a dark shade of blue that you bought years ago in Sorrento and haven’t worn since. The kind of outfit you only feel brave enough to wear on a holiday abroad, far from home and your usual self, only to relegate it to the depth of your closet once you come home to your everyday life. It certainly is flattering and, as she declares, it means business, so you comply. 
When you meet Benny outside the dinner, his hungry expression speaks a thousand words. Rosie was right, as always. You share fries and milkshakes, the thing so quintessentially American, you fancy yourself in one of the 80s flicks you grew up watching. The conversation between you is easy. But tonight, you both have something else in mind.  
His house is small and you’ve been to tidier places, but it’s clean and homey. The small living-room is dwarfed by a big, comfortable looking leather couch in a caramel tone. There is no ceiling lamp, the warm light is provided by two disparate table lamps and a floor lamp holding up straight with duct tape. Above the couch, a poster of Twin Peaks, and on the adjacent wall, a large framed print of a colourful landscape, a lake surrounded by rocks and fir trees and on the horizon, a mountain, which you assume to be in Colorado. Acoustic and electric guitars are laid against furniture across the room. There’s a vintage stereo and a record player, no books but neatly stacked rows of vinyls, a big television and, you note with delight, a VCR player.  
“I didn’t think you’d come here tonight,” he apologises, swirling around the place, putting dirty dishes in the sink, picking a T-shirt from the floor, kicking a pair of running shoes near the door. 
Walking over to the shelves to take a peek at the records, your attention is drawn to two framed pictures. In one of them, an official-looking portrait, a young Benjamin stands proudly against a plain blue studio background, looking dashing in a military uniform. His hair is short and a lighter shade of blond, his serious face in contrast with his childlike features. You pick up the other one to study. A little kid with a wild mane of honey blond hair, dressed in a cowboy outfit, is holding a baby in his arms, standing on an outdoor patio. His face is grave, and a golden retriever stands by his side. The colours got saturated by the years, the picture now in shades of orange. 
“My brother and me,” he says, taking the frame from your hands and replacing it face down on the shelf. “You wanna drink something?” he offers, standing so close now, his hooded gaze fixed on your lips. 
You shake your head no. He undoes the knot of your dress, and holds it open, taking in your body, his blue eyes darkened with lust. 
“Fuck, baby, I’ve wanted to do this all night. You’re so beautiful.”
You let him crash his lips onto yours and open up for him, trying to fight back thoughts of the last person to ever call you baby.
After that night, you see each other twice, sometimes three times a week. You meet in bars, at the movies, or directly at his house. It’s three weeks before he asks you to meet Will. You agree without hesitation, you understand that you have to be granted his older brother’s seal of approval before he can commit himself further with you. Will is slightly shorter than his younger brother, strongly built, bulkier. He wears his blond hair short, and his sharp chin is toned down by a neatly trimmed beard. An independent contractor, he's responsible for a support group at the VA and gives regular lectures to new recruits. He’s a quiet man, observant and reserved. To your surprise, the two of you strike an instant friendship. A profound bond that makes Benny suspicious at first, until he realises there’s nothing remotely sexual about it. You recognise something in each other, an original wound, deeply rooted in your childhood, one you two have yet to disclose. You share an interest in books and museums. An art student, he dropped out of college to enrol after 9/11, his little brother just fresh out of high school following suit. Their mother still resents him for it. Strangely enough, Benny never talks about his years in the army. It is Will who provides you with this information. 
It’s another couple of weeks before you introduce him to Rosie. She takes an immediate liking to him. They’re not unlike each other, open, enthusiastic and straightforward. But mostly, she likes him for the way he looks at you, with covetous eyes, for the way he makes you feel worthy of it, for the way he makes you laugh.
Benny runs every morning, cold, rain or hangover be damned. He tirelessly asks you to come with him, you tirelessly send him to hell with a hearty laugh. When you order food, you bet on who will get the most copious dish. You watch marathons of classic horror movies. You spend entire evenings debating which installment of the Alien franchise is the best, and whether The Shining is a Stephen King adaptation or a Kubrick movie.
It’s a longer while until you agree to stay the whole night at his place, always coming up with a good excuse, but after having done it once, you do it more and more often. 
He asks you to come with him and Will to Colorado for Thanksgiving, but you decline, arguing the holiday doesn’t mean anything to you. He’s not deterred, he never is, and asks you again before Christmas. This time, you’re celebrating with Rosie and Dolores. His third attempt is for New Year’s Eve. You loathe what you hardly consider as a holiday, but you don’t find it in you to turn him down, instead telling him you’d love to kick in the new year with him, provided you stay at his place. He surprises you with Irish whiskey and French cheese and the complete collection of The Tales from the Crypt on VHS. It’s by far your best date, although you don’t watch TV for long. As often happens, you end up naked and entangled on the living-room floor. 
Benny likes it rough, and so do you. You’ve had four and a half years of tepid intercourse with Éric’s flaccid dick, rolled in cold sheets in your pitch-dark bedroom, before he stopped fucking you altogether. You love it when Benny bends you over the kitchen table and pulls your jeans down, nudges your legs open with his booted feet, spits on your cunt and shoves his hard cock inside you without any other preamble. You love it when he cups your pussy through your clothes and presses against the fabric until he makes you come in the dark of the movie theater. You love it when he drags you out of the shower and hauls you onto his shoulder, a wet, laughing mess, throws you on the bed and fucks you with your legs hooked on his shoulders. You love it when you’re lying with him on the couch, and he grabs the remote, pausing whatever it is you’re watching and tossing it on the floor before lifting your shirt with a growl of “you think you can rub these fucking gorgeous tits on me and I ain’t gonna do nothing about it?” 
He’s got a filthy mouth, you love that too, and gets a kick out of detailing the nasty things he’s about to do to you, his deep voice thrumming through you like boulders down a cliff. He texts you when you’re at work to tell you he’s fucking his fist to the scent of your shampoo on his sheets. And you love this, too. One day, you ask him if he minds your sensible underwear, does he wish you wore more intricate and refined lingerie, lace and such? His answer is unequivocally straight-forward, “baby, I don’t give a shit what you wear as long as you can take it off fast enough.” To the point.
He fits you like a glove, the girth of him sliding perfectly inside you, filling you up without stretching you, you’re always ready to get down to it. You don’t let him fuck you bare, however, even though you two are clean and agreed from the beginning to be exclusive. You tell him it’s because you don’t use any contraception. “It’s a feminist statement, Benjamin, women are fertile four days a month while men can impregnate us 365 days a year. Contraception shouldn’t be our fucking problem”, and Benny doesn’t argue. He never does. And when you tell him it’s political, you almost believe it yourself, it’s so much easier than to acknowledge the true reason. 
There would be clues for him to pick up, if he only knew that he was to look for them. But how could he? He’s never been to your apartment. Never got around to hanging these curtains. He would happily spend every waking hour in your company, but he understood early on that you need long periods of time on your own. Your apartment is where you retreat, then. Sometimes you wake up with a start in the middle of the night and fumble blindly in bed. When your hands find his body, you turn onto your side; he doesn’t think much of it, it’s probably just a bad dream. He has a lot of these himself. You told him about Éric, eventually, and the reason why you moved here. He listened through clenched teeth and tight fists, and when he fucked you after that, it was the softest he had ever been. He treats you like a wounded wild animal: his hand always extended, letting you approach at your own pace. He has no way of knowing your heart is hollowed in the shape of another man. 
You settle into a comfortable routine, one that the two of you enjoy. Unless you chose to be alone, you spend Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights at his place. On Sundays, when you’re not driving to New York with Will to visit some exhibition or other, Benny likes to take you upstate for a hike, and more often than not, draws you away from the trail to fuck you standing against a tree, the bark bruising the soft flesh of your back, the cold biting your naked legs, his hand pressed against your mouth to muffle your mewling sounds. You go to every one of his fights, screaming his name until your lungs burn, embarrassing the fuck out of Will, and afterward, you languidly suck the tension out of his cock, his sore hand tugging your soft hair, telling him how well he did, how watching him fight makes you proud and turns you on, even when he loses, which he rarely does. 
Tuesdays are for Rosie and on Fridays you’re on your own. That’s when he meets “the guys” in their usual dingy bar outside of town. “The guys”, this tightly woven pack of men, the individuals indistinguishable from each other in your outsider’s eyes. When Benny talks about them, it’s with such devotion, such absolute loyalty, you wonder what they’ve been through together. You don’t ask, even though for the first time in a long while, you actually genuinely care; he’s not innately secretive, but there are underlying forces in his refusal to discuss his time in the army that you don’t fully understand. In the meantime, you provide him with something else, warmth and a cosy familiarity. 
Once, you tried teasing him about what you called their silly code-names, Pope, Catfish, Redfly, but were quick to realise you struck a nerve. You know Will is Ironhead, because he told you himself, but that’s as far as it gets. Now you refer to them as The Goonies. You made sure Benny knows it’s affectionate. 
So you are quite happily surprised when, on a Sunday morning, he announces nervously that Redfly’s in town the following week, and if you’d want to meet them.
“Meet who? The Goonies?” you ask, your spoonful of cereal hanging in midair.
“Oh fuck off,” he shoots back, failing to keep a straight face.
“Oh my god it’s happening! This is a code red! I’m gonna meet the Goonies!”
“You ok with that?”
“Sure! You know it’s one of my favourite movies.”
“No but for real, baby. I’m serious. It’s important. You wanna meet the guys?
God, he’s cute when he’s nervous. You lower your spoon and put on your softest smile when you reply. 
“Yes, Benjamin Miller. I do want to meet the guys.” 
“Ok. It’s done, then. Now c’mere, I’m gonna fuck those glorious tits and come all over that pretty face.”
“Can I finish my cereal first?”
You love that popping sound.
Thank you for reading till the end! If by any chance you liked it and would like to read further installments, I made a taglist.
Taglist (thank you💕): @elegantduckturtle @mashomasho @lola766 @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine
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harper-dearest · 6 months
Here's another vid with voice headcanons, except it's just Edge, another oc of mine named Jake and Taylor. This was before I decided Edge needed a sister
Slight info on Edge, Cliff and Jake below the cut
So, first I made Edge. He started off as a drabble design in PLP, and I decided to make his name and surname common nouns, hence the name Edge Price.
I then realized how much he looked like Simon Petrikov. I then later realized he could pass for a Petrigrof fankid, so that became his gag and what his design was based off (he gets a hair color change to look more like Betty's, since his hair here and in the previous video is much too pink-ish)
So yeah, more than Simon, I based him a lot on Betty design and slightly personality-wise.
Enough about his design tho, let's get to a bit more of his lore.
To summarize it, he's the Larry Needlemeyer/Miss Rabbit of the Papa Louie restaurants (i.e. he works at every damn one alongside the other two canon chefs who he lets keep most of the money out of pity). Because of his financial issues, he eventually sold his heart in return for a sum of money large enough to keep him sustained and indulge a tiny bit. He has a "two sizes too small"-esque tattoo on his chest where his heart used to be. He has a robot heart now.
Cliff Price became a thing after I decided that it'd be nice for Edge to have a sister that looked opposite to him but still resembled their fanon parents. (Edge has Simon's skin, Simon's hair cut, Betty's eyes and Betty's hair color, Cliff has Betty's skin, Betty's hair cut, Simon's eyes and Simon's hair color)
Edge's shifts at every restaurant are split into weeks, and Cliff likes to tag along with him to jog around the town they're in and saying hi to the locals. Unlike Edge, who's a bit more on the shy and quiet side, Cliff is very sociable.
I don't have a lot of lore for her yet, so have a few funny things abt her.
Cliff once ran up to Duke Gotcha while he was live on the news, hugged (i.e. nearly strangled) him while waving at the camera and ruffling Duke's hair.
Cliff is an athlete, and her favourite things to do are jogging and hand-to-hand combat. Regarded as one of the strongest people in the Flipverse for her addiction to working out, Edge changed her contact name to "Donkey Kong," in part because of how extroverted, loud and unhinged she can be. She has no idea about this.
And last, but not least, Phineas Jacob "Jake" Cody.
Jake is an art major in college and a big heavy metal and rock fan. They're Edge's roommate in Tastyville, they also occasionally tag along whenever Edge travels and whenever they do go with him, they bring their electric guitar.
Some of their favourite bands are Los Prisioneros, Nirvana, Café Tacvba, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Los Tres and Depeche Mode. They also listen to Scarlett and the Shakers (hc these guys sound like Led Zeppelin)
Another random headcanon is that they gets along with Chuck. One time, they went with Edge to his shift at Starlight City for the Wingeria and they saw Chuck wearing a shirt that said "fome" (fome is a chilean synonym for boring, also the name of a Los Tres album), so they were like "holy shit u listen to los tres??" and Chuck was like "holy shit yes" (chuck, among others like treble and rudy, looks like the kinda guy to like chilean rock bands leave me and my silly headcanons alone–)
Yeah anyways that's it yippiee
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dwindlinghaze · 6 months
🪞diamond castle : give me a description of yourself and your preferred aesthetic and i will make a moodboard (you can also add any character if you will)
🩰 dancing princesses : send me a description of yourself (including your gender preference) and i will ship you with a character from the marauders era
I am 5'5, I have dark brown hair that is curly and a little longer than shoulder length. I have two purple colored strands of hair in the front of my head and my lower layer of hair is completely purple
I sadly have pale skin since I hate suntanning lmao
Brown doe eyes and a button nose
I am extroverted but also can be seen as sassy or even rude to some
Most of my friends thought I was intimidating, scary and cool before we became friends but now I'm either described as a 'sweetheart' or a 'lunatic' by my friends
I usually wear baggy jeans and some shirt with a cool design, a H&M sweater and converse, I don't have a specific style but one of my friends said I have a 'downtown girl' style so ig its that 🤷‍♀️
My favorite things to do is to listen to music and draw or read books
As much as I like to read, I am NOT a fan of studying and usually get lower grades but not drastically bad ones.
My music taste can vary as I do not stick with one genre but I usually listen to Lana Del Ray, Tv Girl and Metallica
My friends see me as an older sister most of the time
I have a very soft spot for children <3
I am a female and straight :)
Idk what else to add lmaooo
hii tysm for participating my 500 celebration !
here's the 🪞 !!
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
🩰 : i ship you with james potter
╰┈➤ your style really fits with james potter in my head <3
╰┈➤ your hair is so cool!! james definitely loves to run his hair through your hair as he watches the purple strands peeked out from beneath his fingers. he definitely likes the feeling of your curls and textures.
╰┈➤ he never really minded about your pale skin. after all he's infatuated and you alone are breathtaking.
╰┈➤ 'a sweetheart' and 'lunatic' are definitely the traits he looks for in a partner. he needs someone with the energy and attitude that complemented his. you can be sweet to him when he craves for it but also be hysterical at the right time. a perfect balance of intimacy and excitement.
╰┈➤ on rainy days where there's nothing to do, you'd put on some music while you draw on your notebook. james will softly hum to the tune, spending time with each other in silence. james is a noisy and a never-shuts-up kinda guy but he needs time of tranquility too.
the sound of rain softly pattering on the curtained windows, the scratches of your pencil against your paper, and james' soft hums were the only sounds heard. on days like this you can fully relax with your partner by your side. his head was rested against your legs, a mop of shiny black hair brushing your skin. "you sleepy?" you said in a soft whisper when you heard his humming stopped. james mumbled a yes in response, dragging himself to a better sleeping position.
╰┈➤ though you enjoy reading books and receiving knowledge non academically, study dates are nonexistent in the relationship. you prefer creating memorable things in your year rather than stressing yourself with piles of educational materials. and james is literally the perfect person to chaperone with that.
╰┈➤ he'd take you downtown where all the lights are bright to listen to the music of the traffic in the city. having talks on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty. you both would stand on the side of a store just admiring the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova and the noise and hurry of people around.
╰┈➤ visiting music stores to get records that the both of you like !!
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For the Fanchild/Child f/o asks, 👕 🙂🍴 for Vivian Munson?? I remember all the pictures of her in the sims being absolutely adorable!! <3
👕 - What style of clothes do they wear? If they're not old enough to have a specific style, what style do you think they'll have?
She likes shirts like Daddy's! She also likes pink and purple dresses! Eddie and Mika have to go out of their way to find Metallica shirts in her size and Eddie will get her the frilliest little dresses he sees without a second thought.
She was also so excited when Mika bought her her first leather jacket.
🙂 - What was their first word? How old where they when they said it? How surprised were you and their other parent(s) if they have any?
"Metal" would it be anything else? She was about 14 months and Eddie freaked out. 'Yes it is metal babygirl!' 'Oh I've got the most metal baby ever!' 'What a little rockstar!'
🍴 - What's their favorite food? Are they a "picky" eater or do they pretty much eat anything?
I think it's obvious by now that she's a Daddy's girl. So yeah, her food taste comes from him too. She loves Chicken nuggets and mac'n'cheese. Mika gets her to eat veggies tho, and Viv does really love Sugar Snap peas too.
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autumnalreaper · 2 years
The Doors, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Metallica, The Ramones, The Mamas and The Papas, Nirvana, The Who, Genesis, AC/DC, The Kinks, Motley Crue, The Misfits, Janis Joplin, Deep Purple, Aerosmith,. Have fun answering all of these lol
omg, well thank you my friend, you helped me waste time at work lmaoo 🤪
the doors: 2 places you’d like to visit - scotland & new zealand
pink floyd: what are some things that make you sad? - my own brain cause it makes me feel unwanted and like i’m a burden 95% of the time, also homelessness
jimi hendrix: answered
metallica: do you have any special talents? - not really, i’m kinda mediocre at everything i do
the ramones: do you have any pets? - 3 dogs and a cat
the mamas and the papas: define yourself in 5 words - stubborn, empathetic, shy, loner, sad
nirvana: answered
the who: 2 of your favorite foods and 2 foods you hate - sushi & artichokes. asparagus & mushrooms
genesis: do you genuinely care about others, even strangers? - yes
ac/dc: name 7 things that people do that piss you off - litter, too much arrogance, disrespectful of others, too judgmental, not accepting of others personal preferences when it comes to anything, having a big mouth and not being able to keep their comments to themselves, and people who think being mean is a personality trait
the kinks: 3 of your favorite blogs - @apparitionalprincess @the-mighty-het-speaks @starchild0985 🖤
motley crue: what are your favorite brands? (Define your sense of style) - literally wear band t-shirts and leggings/yoga pants all the time, along with my crocs or vans. old navy for my pants, and hot topic, band sites, disturbia clothing, vampire freaks, dolls kill, etc for shirts or other various clothing items.
the misfits: do you have any tattoos or piercings? - 8 tattoos, and septum, nostril, stretched ears, and nipple piercings.
janis joplin: in your opinion, what was the greatest time or era for music? - 70s/80s/90s
deep purple: 3 of your greatest fears? - i’ll just give you some of my phobias. thalassophobia, submechanophobia, trypophobia.
aerosmith: favorite celebrity? least favorite? - jack black. idk i hate a lot of celebrities, hard to name just one.
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nikoalasblog · 2 years
what is fandom all about?
This week my group and I presented on Fandom! It was a really interesting topic for us to cover (and one of my favourites from this unit) and we enjoyed sharing our thoughts and personal experiences on it.
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Speaking of fandom, I'd like to share more of my personal opinions on it. Growing up, I used to be a part of many fandoms such as Littlest Pet Shop, Sylvanian Families, loom bands, slime, Ariana Grande (I used to have an IG fan account for her where I posted edits), Justin Bieber (I remember owning a Justin Bieber t-shirt but let's not go into that) and probably many more which I can't necessarily recall right now. I can say that being part of a fandom is definitely really fun and it gives you something to look forward to every day. It's something that just gives you pure happiness and releases dopamine. One thing I noticed about being part of a fandom is how much money you would spend on it (concert tickets, merch etc.). I used to have a huge collection of Littlest Pet Shop toy figures and houses so when I sold them off, I realised how much they actually cost. Other than that, when I was in my slime era, I used to experiment with SO many ingredients and recipes to perfect the texture of my slime. After finally perfecting it, I would sell it to my classmates in secondary school. I still remember the looks on teachers' faces when they realise a 14-year-old is doing business in school so eventually I had to stop selling my slime but I did receive a lot of compliments saying I was clever for a kid (lmao). Looking back, it was one of the peaks in my childhood and represents an experience that I would never forget.
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What fandom am I part of now?
I am a fan of music in general but to be more precise, I enjoy R&B, hip-hop and also pop. One of my top favourite artists would be Frank Ocean. The picture above shows a guy hugging one of his albums (Blonde) with headphones on which is such a mood. It's one of my favourite albums of his. Well, actually he only has 2 studio albums available on Spotify (Blonde & Channel Orange), 1 visual album (Endless) and another debut mixtape called Nostalgia, Ultra. If you have never heard of him, please go check out his music (warning: beautiful music for sad people only). Besides Frank, two of my other favourite artists are Mac Ayres and Daniel Caesar! Yes, I think by now you can tell that I love R&B.
Toxic fandom
I'd also like to share my thoughts on toxic fandom that I have seen and experienced. I realised that being involved in a fandom can be scary sometimes because other fans may start interrogating you in a way where they think they know about the fandom more than you do. For example, if you mention you like Arctic Monkeys they would start "testing" you to see if you are a "true fan" based on your answer by asking which is your favourite song/album or asking you to name all the members in the band etc. (I find that it is more common if it is a music artist or band). I mean, I understand that one can get defensive over their own fandom and classify other fans into groups because of their egos/superiority complex but damn it can be quite intimidating. Can't we all just say we are a fan without being judged so brutally? I do understand their POV though, they simply think that you should only call yourself a true fan if you know EVERY SINGLE THING about the band/celebrity from height to blood type lol (I'm over exaggerating but there is some truth in it).
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In my own personal experience, I remember I wore this oversized Metallica t-shirt from H&M and one of my mutual friend got pissed because I wasn't an avid listener of the rock band BUT I know of them. Okay, before people get mad, I can say there are two sides to the story. First of all, I admit that I too would be annoyed if someone was wearing a Frank Ocean t-shirt if they NEVER heard of him at all because number 1, you don't deserve to be wearing it if you are not a fan and number 2, you are ignorant for wearing a shirt that you don't even know the meaning of. However, I've sort of grown out of that mindset because what's the harm of wearing the shirt though? It's literally free advertising. At the end of the day, it's just a t-shirt and people have the freedom to wear what they want. Some people may just like it because of the design but still, at least KNOW what the shirt means. I mean, I've kinda learnt my lesson. To be safe, just educate yourself before wearing a band tee. What's worse is some people still think The Rolling Stones is a brand.
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That is all for Week 9! See you in the next post.
No references were used.
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