#do not fight me about virgo i was struggling to choose lol
eddiediaaz · 2 years
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911 VERSE COC WEEK | day 1: favorite character(s) of color ↳ carlos reyes (insp)
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leolo404 · 3 years
🦊Astrology Observations Pt.2🦊
Hello everyone! Am back with my second astrology observations post. I hope you enjoy it🧡 Also I recommend checking out the blog of @venusfun , her blog is really fun and informative. She's also my mentor in doing these astro notes🧡
⚠️Sidenote⚠️: Please take this with a grain of salt for not all of my personal observations will resonate you entirely.
GIF: NCT 🧡 Taeyong
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🦊A well aspected Jupiter/Jupiter dominant can make someone look cute and chubby 💗
🦊While a well aspected Saturn/Saturn dominant tend to look tall and have mature features.
🦊I noticed that most Aquarius moons or risings are INTPs or ISTPs base on personality types (MBTI)
🦊Venus in the 9th House/Venus aspecting Jupiter or Uranus/Venus in Sagittarius/Venus in Aquarius can indicate someone who likes to try listening to other genres of music (Example: You always listen to pop music but you are curious about listening to heavy metal or jazz so you try them out and see if it fits your taste.)
🦊And they tend to enjoy listening to foreign music as well. (I have one of those placements and I love listening to Kpop lol and same goes for my friend who likes listening to Japanese/anime music)
🦊Your midheaven not only shows your public life, social standing, and destined career but also your representation which is why if your ascendant is how you see the world, your midheaven is how the world sees you.
🦊Gemini and Virgo moons are the most argumentive moon signs and they tend to love debating
🦊Speaking of Gemini and Virgo moons, they also are pretty much the most anxious or neurotic moon signs, maybe because of the mercury influence
🦊The degrees really play an important role to your natal charts, they can really influence you and affect your overall personality. (Example: I have my Scorpio sun in 5° and as we all know, Scorpios are known to be reserved, secretive, and mysterious but with that 5°(Leo degree) this makes me more open, sociable, and extraverted)
🦊Scorpio and Pisces risings have the most alluring and magnetic eyes
🦊12th house stellium(especially if it's in personal planets) in a composite chart can show that there are hidden agendas or issues in a relationship. There can be many problems with decision making where one wants something while the other is hiding their feelings of disagreement. This can indicate of having a lack of stating their true feelings because both partners are uncomfortable with it.
🦊Leo/Cancer/Pisces moons can go to the heights of self love to the depths of self hate. It's either they can go from being very confident and optimistic or very insecure and pessimistic. No in between 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️
🦊Aries moons are more sensitive than Cancer moons because cancer moons are more secured and protective with their emotions while Aries moons tend to be very expressive about it.
🦊Base on my experience, the two sister signs that don't always get along are Aquarius x Leo and Virgo x Pisces. Both Aquarius and Leos have very different values, Leo wants authority and rulership but Aquarius is against it due to them being humanistic and have this savior complex? While Virgo is the most human sign and is very down-to-earth which clashes Pisces' tendencies for living in another realm or feeling the outside world, more like fantasy vs reality.
🦊Air placements are so good at technology and networking.
🦊Air Sun/Moon 🤝 spamming in their group chats with random lyrics, foreign languages, or emojis when bored
🦊Geminis and Sagittarius can just be as indecisive as Libras, it's hard for them to choose and prefer to have their options open for more opportunity.
🦊We are under the age of Aquarius and you can really notice that this era consists of progressions, inventions, humanity, technological improvements, science, and rebellion against authority. (This is base on research only)
🦊Taurus/2nd House placements are really great at handling their finances. They are always careful with their money and can be really practical with it so they won't be wasting an amount of money with unecessary things, they have a strategy on how to balance it.
🦊But Neptune in the 2nd house may struggle when it comes to handling their financial terms. Please learn to prioritize your needs and wants so you won't be struggling 😭
🦊Venus in 2nd house do attract money easily and have no problems when it comes to financial issues but they have a tendency to overspend it. This can also resonate to both Libra and Leo Venusians.
🦊People who have their Pluto in the 1st house may experience hopelessness and confusion with themselves. They tend to be struggling with their inner self and personality. I have this placement 😔
🦊Scorpio is probably the only sign who experiences death and rebirth and tends to experience transformation constantly. This is the reason why Scorpio's final stage represents the Phoenix, we self-destruct and destroy ourselves then rise again stronger and better. (Applies to Scorpio Sun, Sun in 8H, Scorpio Moon, Moon in 8H, Scorpio Rising, Pluto in 1H, 8H and Scorpio Stellium)
🦊Having Aquarius in the 4th house can indicate that you are most likely the black sheep in your family.
🦊Virgo and Scorpio mercuries are very observant and speculative, they are like detectives. They know how to pick up clues and are good at researching🕵️‍♀️🕵️
🦊When provoked, Taurus/Capricorn Mars can go physical and it's very hard for them to be angered so when they are infuriated it's very unusual and frightening to see them like that. Virgo Mars are scary as well when they are vexed, but instead of going physical they are more prone to verbal fighting.
Btw my astro notes may include some relations to personality types, random zodiac theories, and some Kpop gifs for promotion and aesthetics lol but not always. This is my way of balancing all my interests out for good💃💃 Also thank you guys so much for the 100 followers, 🧡 I don't even know if I deserve this 😭
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bee-s-honey · 3 years
aaaah im living for your event. I made this tumblr acc to follow all of my favorite writers djfksjs ok so my three favorite are Illumi, Hisoka and Chrollo. I'm 5'1", Caribbean/Latina with neon pink hair. im a virgo sun, leo moon and gemini rising. I'm very shy and express myself through my style by dyeing my hair a lot and i have a septum piercing and nose ring but once you get to know me i don't shut up, i kin illumi because i relate to the family trauma making me have an anxiety disorder. i honestly don't really care much about people, i love animals and appreciate my cats dearly and i guess my grandparents. im not close with my friends and i've never had a relationship because i feel like i might be aromantic maybe or just demi. I have trust issues and i can't see myself being vulnerable or opening to anyone else bc trauma 🤪. I love to read and watch horror, anime, books and manga, to draw, bake and gardening. I'm a junior in college majoring in languages and I already speak 4 making me a polyglot. I can sing and play violin and piano.SORRY FOR THE ESSAY I READ THE RULES AND WENT TOO THOROUGH ☠️☠️
Don't apologize for writing so much this gave me a lot to go off of!
Event info☜
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Well, I mean you kin him for a reason so obviously there's a lot in common. Illumi seems like type to really get attached to someone like him, mainly because you would make him feel comfortable. He would really like you!
He'd think you're just another random person he can't possibly relate to at first because of how you act outwardly, but after knowing more about you, your trauma, ect ect, he would really enjoy your company
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Hisoka would like you because you're like Illumi too lol. I can't say he'd be soft or lovable, but he would like you in a 'toying with you' or 'wanting to break/fight you' way either. Like Illumi, he'd like to go on missions or stuff! You wouldn't be super close but you would just hang out
Of course he would still tease you for things every once in a while and try to get you to be vulnerable simply because you say you can't, but he wouldn't be too mean
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Chrollo would surprisingly also like you! He would observe and be intrigued by your trust issues and avoidance of vulnerability, relating to it simply because you're also a human that struggles with certain things and probably keeps a lot inside that nobody will ever know.
He would also like that you choose to express yourself through looks and hair because your anxiety may not always let you do it through being some extrovert, and I mean hey! He doesn't care much for people either! You're still quite a bit more human than he but you're relatable enough that he would get along with you at the very least
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saturndivine · 3 years
another libra moon here, just wanted to add that my relationship with my mom is okay but I feel like growing up I always had to choose who to side with because my parents fought a lot with my siblings (esp. my sister). so it was like I either defend my parents & my sister feels bad, defend my sister & my parents feel bad, or side with neither and just feel anxious from the constant arguments between them. or my parents fighting with each other, but my mom doesn't usually argue back & avoids confrontation. having to comfort my mom after my dad yells at her & she stonewalled because she struggles to be open about what she wants or her feelings. a few times she's shared things that maybe she shouldn't share with me as her daughter. she's really sweet & easy to get along with & rarely every snaps at anyone, but doesn't let anyone get to know her on a deeper level, she has her guard up even though you wouldn't expect it because of how she acts. I feel a lot of anxiety around my family because I always feel like if they're together too long it's just a matter of when the argument will come... a lack of argument is more surprising. in my family there is no such thing as car ride where they don't argue at some point. that's why earphones are my best friend lol.
oof so this is the case where you had to play peacemaker... yeah libras do have that title of “balance” and equal treatment of everyone and ultimately being the peacemaker but it comes from libras being involved in heavy turbulence at young ages or through childhood. but im hoping your family will release this anger and maybe talk in a civilized manner?? i talked about it earlier and saw people agree but ive met libra placements (including myself) that hate screaming or yelling and ive found its because we grew up in harshness and it turned us off. so ya. also my mom is the same way, verh sweet but she shuts down (virgo sun, pisces moon, libra rising)
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hag-lad · 4 years
Digging Deeper
Thank you to my radiant wonderful friend @alienfuckeronmain for sending me EXACTLY the type of self indulgent wind-down activity I wanted on this otherwise depressing weekend! If anyone else wants to answer FORTY-NINE QUESTIONS about themselves, I’m super nosy and will read it all! @fight-the-seether @ptolemyofchaos @butchwizard @metalbutch @nyndelion @comrade-ziltoid @leatherdear @kristalknobb Enjoy, friends!
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? I prefer black, but I always feel like I write neater in blue??
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? The city, but only if it has breathable air, green infrastructure, and decent public transit. So like... definitely no city in America lmao
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? The ability to quickly become fluent in another language! I’ve been struggling with Spanish for literal YEARS and it’s honestly pathetic. My brain is so stuck on English.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Look pal. If I wanna drink sugar, I’m gonna have a soda, not herb water or bean juice.
5. What was your favorite book as a child? I was OBSESSED with The Wish List, by Eoin Colfer (of Artemis Fowl fame). I remember being so fascinated by how dark it was?? It’s an afterlife adventure, where the main character has to escape purgatory by atoning for her crimes of robbery and fraud and whatever. I had a crush on her, so basically this book made me want to pursue a life of crime, even though it explicitly condemns crime and depicts Hell as a very real and horrible place. I was in like fourth grade and was super morbidly curious about Hell and the possibility of going there! Lol
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Baths... but only when I’m not actually dirty going in. A bath is leisure, not hygiene.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? 100% fae! I would build my dwelling within a sidhe mound, steal shiny things in the middle of the night, make bastardly little contracts for no reason, and cause harmless mayhem and mischief because mortals really are fools (go off, robin goodfellow!) Also I love mushroom circles and dancing in the moonlight.
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper all the way! I read much more content electronically, but it’s usually in the short story or article format. Books are much better in print, I think.
9. What is your favorite item of clothing? Probably my rust-brown overalls.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I’ve always hated my name but no alternative has ever stuck, unfortunately. My name is Amy, and I don’t think it fits at all. If I knew I’d never have to correct anyone on it, I’d probably just change it to Amelia?
11. Who is a mentor to you? My little brother! He’s this genius musician, and he has taught me so much about song structure, polyrhythms, guitar technique, production tricks, all kinds of trivia that really deepen my appreciation for music and the LABOR that goes into it.
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? No, never, not for anything. I cherish my anonimity so much, I don’t even put searchable tags on this blog cuz I get an adrenaline spike from anxiety if too many people interact with me. I also just think fame is a fucking hideous construct. I don’t think it’s even slightly cool or desirable.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? No, I’m a fucking log. I can easily sleep for 12 hours straight. Thanks, depression!
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? No, actually. I’m very much in love, and it brings me lots of joy to do nice things with and for my partner! But romance feels very difficult for me to connect with. I’m super domestic, like, I love the idea of marriage but not necessarily a wedding, or a moonstruck romance or whatever. Those dramatic gestures feel very awkward for me.
15. Which element best represents you? EARTH. Specifically, like... dirt, or soil.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? I want to be geographically closer to my family. We’re thick as thieves, but we all live like 50 miles apart from each other. I miss my brothers and my parents so much, I feel so incomplete and depressed without them to hang out with, especially since quarantine.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? See above! Lol
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. When my little brother was a baby, he had this grey car seat with a folding mechanism which held his legs in place. It made a very satisfying clicking sound when the mechanism moved, AND when it was fully unfolded, it looked a lot like a Klingon battle cruiser. (Or so my five year old brain thought.) So! My older brother and I would take this seat out of the car CONSTANTLY so that we could unfold it and “sing” the Klingon theme music from Star Trek: The Motion Picture while we scooched our car seat battle cruiser across the living room floor, pretending to shoot phasers into the TV or the dining table or whatever else got in our way.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Gifilte fish, maybe?
20. What are you most thankful for? My family, including my wonderful partner and all the cats in our lives!
21. Do you like spicy food? Yes! But my tolerance for extreme spice decreases every year, unfortunately. So I can’t handle as much heat as I used to, but I do enjoy a good kick.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Lmaooo I made the regretful decision to PAY FOR a meet&greet with Fall Out Boy in like 2006, which was so fucking awkward and painful, I vowed to never approach that level of lame again.
23. Do you keep a diary or a journal? TONS! I’m an obsessive record keeper. Some years I journal more than others, and I’ve found that it is super difficult to keep up with it while working full time. But it’s absolutely one of my favorite hobbies.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or pencil? Pen for writing. Pencil for drawing, and math.
25. What is your star sign? Virgo sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising 🙃
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Crunchy! A shallow bath in that milk is key.
27. What would you want your legacy to be? My artwork. I go through these aesthetic phases every year that I become super obsessed with/ focused on, and I’ve always meant to catalogue them in annual art journals, but I’ve NEVER FINISHED ONE! They always get pushed aside by the need to work, and I hate that so much. If I could just take a year off work and backfill all of my missed concepts into completed books, I would be so happy. But I literally have NO WAY to pay for that, absolutely none. I fucking hate capitalism.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I love to read, but finishing a whole book has been A STRUGGLE lately! Right now I’m chipping away at Tending Brigid’s Flame, which is a quaint lil devotional for the Celtic fire goddess. Very new agey, like cheesy Wiccan vibes. I love that shit!
29. How do you show someone you love them? Quality time!
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Only if I have a straw. Ice touching my teeth kinda makes me wince.
31. What are you afraid of? Incompetance, doing a bad job, letting someone down, taking up too much space, being a nussiance, etc
32. What is your favourite scent? Incense! Especially cinnamon, dragon’s blood, and amber.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? I always call people, regardless of age, by the name they ask me to use. Sometimes it’s a surname or title, usually it’s a first name. I’ll ask their preference if I’m unsure. But I definitely don’t default toward a surname, that’s weird.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY!!!!!! The need for money rules literally every single hour of my entire life, and I hate it so much. I’m naturally nocturnal, but my job requires me to get up super early and sit in a car for 11 hours a day. I wake up at 5am, come home front work at 5pm, spend an hour or two trying to unwind, then go to bed and do it all over again. I hate my life! Really! I never see the stars, I never exercise, I am completely exhausted and burnt out all the time, and I barely get any quality time with my partner. If money were no object, I would sleep til noon or 1, make art and hike all day, ride my bike and stargaze all night, stay up til 4am reading and playing with my cats, and sleep like a baby. My partner and I would cook dinner for each other and watch Star Trek and collaborate on art projects and I would be so happy.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Here’s my hierarchy: Private pool > ocean > public pool
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? I’d look around to see if anyone obviously dropped it and try to give it back. If I couldn’t find anyone, I’d exchange it for dollars and deposit that shit into my account!
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Of course!! Hundreds!
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? America is evil and needs to be destroyed.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Lmao this is so cute. If you HAD TO HAVE a tattoo! I really wanna finish my damn sleeves, they’re literally 9 years in the making and barely half finished. But I’d also love more art on my legs! I DESPERATELY want Ziltoid in a lacy valentine heart on my thigh.
40. What can you hear now? Our fish tank water bubbling and my fan on full blast.
41. Where do you feel the safest? Home alone, doors locked, windows covered, lights low. I absolutely LOVE to not be seen or perceived in any way.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My fear of discomfort
43. If you could time travel to another era, which one would you choose? I feel like I’d want to be a teen in the 80’s and an adult in the 90’s. Does time travel work that way?
44. What is your most used emoji? 😭 or 😎
45. Describe yourself using one word. Defeated
46. What do you regret the most? Convincing myself that math was too hard or boring (or something?) when I was in middle school. I feel like I’m actually a pretty intelligent person who could’ve totally overcome that difficulty and gone on to understand all kinds of patterns and concepts which have eluded me to this day! It’s so frustrating to try and fight that formative self-concept, which now comes naturally but ultimately sabotages me. 💀
47. Last movie you saw? I made my partner watch Troop Beverly Hills, one of my childhood faves. It’s so fun! I love chick flicks so much.
48. Last tv show you watched? Deep Space Nine. Getting through the first season has been harder than expected. It’s actually my favorite Star Trek show?? (Orrrr maybe that’s TNG, ahh! It’s so hard to choose!) But season one is so baffling and awful! Why is there so much space capitalism??! And racism? And war? And drinking alcoholic beverages? #notmystartrek
49. Invent a word and its meaning. I used to call a single strand of curly hair a “curly quink” when I was a child. Therefore, a “quink” is a section of hair, usually a particularly cute or iconic one.
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
Okay ... episode 82 really fucked me up there at the beginning and I kind of figured it would. I’m really glad I didn’t watch this last night. The emotional whiplash between Asuma dying, Naruto doing his stupid, inconsequential clown act and then Shikamaru struggling to process what happened would have pissed me off ten times more if I hadn’t spaced these episodes out. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to squeeze Naruto’s godforsaken training right into the middle of this heavy, emotional shit but I hope he got fired.
The guy who directed “Team 10” though? Fuck. I’d kiss him right now if I could. And I’m not just saying that because I’m rabid over Shikamaru. This episode was a full on experience, especially the first half. The directorial choices were just consistently on point; the lighting, the camera angles, the pacing. This is the first time throughout the entirety of Naruto that I’ve watched so far where the mood was unhindered, uninterrupted, unburdened by whatever stupid shit is going on with team 7. It felt decidedly raw and the emotion throughout was palpable. This episode was a directorial masterpiece as far as I’m concerned and I will revisit it again at some point, without a doubt.
I’m sitting here trying to figure out which part was my favorite and I just can’t come up with an answer. Everything leading up to the break was simply fantastic. The opening scene with Shikamaru and Kurenai? The abrupt reminder that Konohamaru has now lost his uncle in addition to his grandfather? Shikamaru just coming right out and telling the bbq lady that Asuma is dead, like he wasn’t silently suffering under that cool facade? The shogi scene??? Fuck. That was intense. Watching Shikamaru gradually become more and more restless and irritated while his father talked was moving - at least for me, because I’ve definitely been there. Struggling to keep your feelings in check, trying desperately not to let the dam break when you’re so dangerously close to reaching critical mass, and the inevitable explosion. The way he really stepped up to Shikaku like he was going to do something. Just looking for that fight because it’s the only safety net you’ve got to fall back on when you’re literally incapable of comprehending your own heartache.
And then the cathartic numbness that comes after you scream and cry and allow yourself to actually feel the helpless anguish you don’t know what to do with. When you’re lying there, weak and spent and gross with dried tears on your face and aching puffy eyes, and you finally just stop feeling. It’s a blissful moment of internal quiet and you could see the moment where Shikamaru started to mentally pick himself up, trying to put the broken pieces of his psyche back together again while running completely on autopilot, and the accompanying symbolism of him picking up the shogi pieces was just ... nut. Like, it was real shit. I felt that entire scene deep in my bones tbh.
Actually this episode made me feel a LOT of things and I’d absolutely label it the best the series has to offer at this point. And what’s funny is you can tell it still didn’t have a very big budget but the director skillfully made due with what he had to really convey a very poignant and, imo, heartfelt message about the profoundly personal experience of loss. It was very human in a way that Naruto as a series has up until now failed to deliver on and, honestly, my love for Shikamaru has only grown because of it. I’m honestly weak right now. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually.
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I would die for Shikamaru and that’s not an exaggeration. Lol
But also can I mention how much I love Shikaku. He doesn’t get to show up very often but it seems like every time he does, he leaves an impression. I get this vibe from him that hes just slightly more empathetic than his son but he sort of coats it in a tough, hardass, masculine way that makes him come off as very blunt and almost cold. Which is exactly where Shikamaru got it from but (imo) his virtue as a Virgo sort of softens the bite. Whereas with Shikaku it feels borderline antagonistic, almost like he’s being purposely mean, but if you listen to what he’s saying he’s actually telling you exactly what you need to hear. It might not be what you want to hear but it will help you in the long run. This is not the first time he’s served up some cold hard truths and, in all honesty, it seems like every time he does make an appearance it’s specifically to kick Shikamaru’s butt into gear. I know I’ve seen people say that he didn’t really seem that bothered about his dad dying (which I take offense to, I haven’t even gotten to that part and I know that’s wrong) but I think we have to acknowledge the inherent difference in his relationship with Asuma and his relationship with his dad.
They BOTH played a huge role in shaping Shikamaru into the person he is but in completely different ways, drastically different roles. Asuma was almost like the cool, rough and tumble older brother he never had and Shikaku was the immovable rock supporting him throughout everything he did in life. This is why I so badly wanted the other characters to be satisfactorily fleshed out and explored because, based on what little tidbits of detail we’ve gotten about Shikamaru’s home life, it seems that even though he comes off as almost stern Shikaku never actually pushed him in any one direction. Nudges sure, I have no doubt. But even when his son was putting in the absolute bare minimum with no real goals or drive, he let him be. Like, I have this nagging thought in the back of my head that Shikaku knew Shikamaru would find his own way in life without his intervention, because he both loves and trusts his son, so he simply watched over him instead of trying to force something out of the boy. Protective and supportive, but at a healthy distance, yknow? Which is another thing ... I’ve also seen people say that Shikamaru was spoiled growing up and honestly? That’s not wrong. I don’t think he ever experienced real hardship until Asuma died and the growth we’re seeing in him as a person is just ... ugh.
Anyway, I word vomited all that just so I could say: my heart broke when Shikaku started talking about how he’s proud to be Shikamaru’s father and that he knows he’s not stupid enough to run off and get himself killed. I know what he was doing. Indirectly saying he loved him and would support whatever choice he made at this crucial junction. He let Shikamaru make his own decision and he was clearly proud of the path his son ended up choosing. But fuck, if the morbid irony didn’t pull at my heart strings. 😭 Knowing what’s coming at some point in the future, I look at scenes like that and I just ... it makes me real fucking sad, fam.
I’m just so weak for father figures anyway, even if they’re not good fathers. But when it involves a character I’m emotionally soft for AND he’s got a good dad .... god. Imma need a box of tissues here in a second. I wish Shikaku was my dad. 🤧 And I mean, I’m just saying, but I have this very distinct feeling that the Nara men - both Shikaku and Shikamaru - would treat a girl child different from a boy so honestly Shikadai is real fucking lucky he didn’t get that sister Shikamaru was talking about during the Chunin exam because he’d be all up in his feelings about it. He’s probably got it bad enough with Mirai tbh. But also how absolutely beautiful would Shikamaru’s hypothetical daughter be, hnnng.
Y’all thought my mans was spoiled, wait until you see what daddy Shikaku’s got to say about me.
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mynameistaurus · 7 years
The signs as people I know from each sign
Aries: you're my friend and I love you. I know you thought of us as more then friends, and you did it quick--but I just can't see us like that. I wish I could because you are perfect. Thank you for never leaving my side even after I rejected you. Years later, we still talk everyday even though miles separate us now. Thank you for never giving up on us, for never leaving my side even though my family situations served as the largest challenge Taurus: the last time I saw you in person was four years ago. We don't talk much, but you're always there. We are comfortable enough with each other to where I could say anything, but after what you said to me months ago, I don't know if our friendship can ever go back to the way it once was. Still, I find myself caring for you deeply. Gemini: you're my brother from another mother (lol) you're always funny, except when you get into your moods--then you're just a pain in the ass. You taught me a lot about getting out of my comfort zone as you graced me with intense stories of your past. I know your a dude, but you'd be my maid of honor at my wedding. Cancer: we were good friends at one point. But that all changed when you took things too far. We stopped talking much for the next few days, and although you apologized, all I really needed was space. I thought I could forgive you until I found out you were spreading awful rumors about me. You were always insecure, and you always tried to tear me down to build yourself. You were trying to make the situation look better on yourself even though it was your fault. I don't hate you, but I'm disappointed. The years we were friends feels like nothing more than a dream. I see you sometimes and I can barely remember when we were friends. I know it's hard for you to let go of people, but I didn't choose this rout for our friendship. You did. Leo: I clash with you a lot, but when we are together, having fun and talking, we are inseparable. I have a lot of fun with you when you're not up my ass. Sometimes you play with my feelings as well which is totally not cool by the way. There is a lot of good memories with you, but also a lot of bad. Virgo: you're my older sister. I love you we've had 4 am conversations, you've given me boosts of confidence that I need, and reassurance. You have helped me experience life. We plan things together all the time. We always want to go somewhere and try something a bit different. I can't wait for the memories ahead of us. You're my second hand. Libra: we clash a lot, we fight a lot, but when it comes down to it, we always have each other's back. We never let people get between us no matter the shit we spread about each other. We love to make jokes together and have fun. Sometimes though, I wish you'd be a bit more open with me. I don't know why you don't open up to me. I wish you would. Scorpio: you're my friend, but you're manipulative. At times, you are condescending without realizing and several times, you have brought my confidence down talking about the boys I talk to. I know you don't have too much experience with guys, so sometimes I feel like you wish you did and that's why. You also never like my social media photos, but you like everyone else's which I'm salty about, but I think social media has a lot to do with your self confidence. I know you don't like it. Still however, thank you for writing me smut and being there when I have to vent. I know I probably drive you crazy. We've known each other for much too long. Sagittarius: you're the type of friend I don't have to speak to for MONTHS, but then, as soon as we talk, it's like we never stopped. Thank you for that. I know we aren't the closest, but we don't have to be. Capricorn: there is a lot of anger towards you. You were my first friend, and my first love, but you never saw me like that. As we got older, you pushed me away, and now, we aren't friends anymore. I wonder why you ever wanted it this way. Then there is another one of you. You tore open my soul. I tried to get closer to you. You opened up to me once, and I thought if I opened up to you, you would do the same. I was wrong. You just wanted sex. You wanted to fulfill a fantasy, so you told me you liked me, told me I was beautiful, but you were telling that to multiple girls weren't you? I was blinded by your charm, your humor and slick words. We went to a Wendy's together once, and now when I drive past it, I can't help but to think of you. I won't ever go to that Wendy's again. Everything about you brings me so much pain, so I had to unfollow you and delete you off all my social media. I didn't have sex with you, but I feel naked and exposed by something I told you. Because, I thought you were struggling through the same thing as me, but it doesn't seem like that now. You put on a show to gain attention. You dropped me so fast, so I don't think you'll even notice that I've attempted to rid every memory of you. Aquarius: you get me. You're a close friend, and when you moved away, the distance made us stronger. You understand my humor, my drive. We don't text everyday, but it's always golden conversations when we do and I tell you I love you at the end of every single one. Pisces: I can tell you're suffering inside. I told you everything about myself because you told me your deepest secret. I'm glad you chose me to trust you. It made me feel proud, however, no one else knows and I feel somewhat responsible for helping you. You're my sister and you understand my actions, even if they are stupid, you get my thinking. You've always supported me, so I will always support you.
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missbiddle · 7 years
Get to know me post- just answer them all for us?
so i ad multiple anons ask for questions then this one so i guess i may as well answer them all.
1. selfie - Nah. No one wants to see that.2. what would you name your future kids? - Uh havent even thought about it coz i dont want kids lol.3. do you miss anyone? -  Yeah a few people, my best friend who i had a fight with awhile ago espcially. Could really use him right now. 4. what are you looking forward to? - A day off tomorrow omg.5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? - My friend Patty. 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? - No, not really cause i struggle to make emotional attachments to people7. what was your life like last year? - Eh. 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? - Yeah, a few times9. who did you last see in person? - My sister.10. are you good at hiding your feelings? - Yep11. are you listening to music right now? - Always12. what is something you want right now? -  Lexa to be alive13. how do you feel right now? - Regretting eating ice cream and tired14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? - Gross hetero act.. um i honestly cant remember lol15. personality description - No idea tbh. Tho i get told cold hearted and closed off often16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? - Hasnt everyone?17. opinion on insecurities.- I have a lot of them :’)18. do you miss how things were a year ago? - Nope19. have you ever been to New York? - I wish20. what is your favourite song at the moment? - Ah i dont have one atm tbh. Tho i am quite enjoying Chained to the Rhythm by Katy Perry 21. age and birthday? - Old... 25, 7th september 199122. description of crush. 23. fear(s) - Vomit, and getting any fatter/uglier24. height - 174cm25. role model - Angelina Jolie26. idol(s) - Lara Croft27. things i hate - Myself lol28. i’ll love you if… - ... ??29. favourite film(s) - WAY too many to list. Tarzan (disney), I cant think straight, Casper, the mummy series to begin with30. favourite tv show(s) - The 100 (obvs until THE episode), The OA, Stranger Things etc etc31. 3 random facts - Uh.. a dog with an infected uterus has Pyometra, homosxuality isnt a choice and uh someone with two different coloured eyes has heterochromia32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? - Guys lol33. something you want to learn - Well i want to re-learn german34. most embarrassing moment - I have way too many to choose one35. favourite subject - art36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? - I dont actually have any dreams?37. favourite actor/actress - Cant really name a favourite, i have too many38. favourite comedian(s) - Danny Bhoy i guess39. favourite sport(s) - Netball40. favourite memory - Getting my dog Symeria41. relationship status - Complicated i guess42. favourite book(s) - Deadly - Morris Glietzman and Paul Jennings43. favourite song ever - Hurricane by 30 Seconds to mars, Frozen by Madonna, Room of Angels from Silent Hill 4 (cant pick)44. age you get mistaken for - Under 18... i get carded almost everytime i try buy smokes45. how you found out about your idol - Tomb Raider lol46. what my last text message says - “Omg. Thats exactly me.”47. turn ons - Kissing, neck kissing48. turn offs - Clinginess, controlling, manipulation, dirty talk during the act49. where i want to be right now - New Zealand50. favourite picture of your idol - I cbf lol51. starsign - Virgo52. something i’m talented at - Uh i used to have a bit of talent in netball53. 5 things that make me happy - Wolves, Symeria, Vet Nursing, GAMING, Memes54. something thats worrying me at the moment - Getting my course work finished55. tumblr friends - A lot! Too many good friends on here56. favourite food(s) - Spaghetti Bolognaise57. favourite animal(s) - Wolves followed by Goats58. description of my best friend - Tall, lanky, blonde hair of the gods59. why i joined tumblr - Cause im gay60. ask me anything you want - N/A
Geeez that took ages.
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tis-me-riri · 7 years
All of em sweetheart :)
1. What are your hobbies?
Gaming, reading, writing sometimes. Basketball.
2. If you could have dinner with any 3 living or dead people, who would they be and why?
Living: my friend megan. cuz we talks about everything and anything and thats fun. Can’t think of anyone else tbh Dead: probably my grandfather. I dont have a third sorry.
3. What makes you laugh?
Honestly I laugh all the time. everything makes me laugh. its my way of trying to cope with my crippling anxiety most of the time.
4. What was the last good thing that happened to you?
My friend at work gave me a banana at lunch :)
5. What is your biggest goal?
6. What do you think is the meaning of life?
I think everyones life has the meaning they choose to give it. Or, that should be the case. But hah. My life personally is meaningless atm.
7. Do you believe in an afterlife?
to some extent I suppose.
8. Do you have any pet peeves?
yes. being ignored. loud chewing and slurping. grinding teeth.
9. What do you like to do on the weekends?
Like nothing. or hang with megan. or game.
10. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
I watched everything. I had a huge tv boxset collection that grew and grew. cannot select a favorite haha
11. What is your favorite TV show now?
there are too many shows to determine this. sorry.
12. What are your favorite movies?
Harry Potter movies, Marvel and Dc movies, thriller/ horror
13. Tell me one surprising fact about you.
I have feelings. I know maybe not what you are expecting, but hey, people seem to have trouble grasping that fact. soooo this is my response.
14. What do you look for in a significant other?
kindness, honesty, sense of humour/sarcasm is really attractive. But also being able to have mature conversation. being able to talk about anything. 
15. What were you like as a child?
As a child i was treated like shit but didnt care and i was always a happy person. playful and outgoing. Now I cannot say the same. I cannot socialize. almost at all.
16. What are some things on your bucket list?
travel. meet some people. buy a house.
17. Who has had the biggest influence on your life?
friends and family. all in different ways and everyone both positively and negatively
18. Do you have any pets or have you ever owned any?
Currently 2 cats. Ive owned many cats, a few dogs, some birds, etc.
19. Talk about a challenge you had recently and how you overcame it or how you plan to.
my recent challenges are still on going and im not sure im ready to talk about it just yet.
20. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?
21. Talk about a favorite childhood memory.
being happy.
22. What is your favorite commercial?
hate them all.
23. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
people suprise you. be careful.
24. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
a friend.
25. Who is your celebrity crush?
this changes alot and i currently have not paid enough attention to have one
26. Who is your favorite musical artist?
here are a few: evanescence,halestorm, the civil wars, in this moment, five finger death punch, motionless in white
27. What is your favorite music genre?
Rock/metal/alternative styles. I listen to alot of music though.
28. What is your favorite color?
29. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
share and save :)
30. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Mind reader hands down.
31. What is your dream vacation?
travel the entire world!
32. What actor or actress would star as you in a movie about your life?
ask me later.
33. Where did you grow up?
Ontario canada
34. If you could trade lives with anyone else for one day, who would you trade with?
it would be cool to be anyone else for a day. just to see what its like. truly understand a person. etc.
35. What is your favorite book?
HP books
36. Who is your favorite author?
No favorite.
37. Who do you look up to?
my mom in some ways
38. What is your favorite food ever?
chicken wings
39. Are you a picky eater?
40. Drunken story time! Go!
at a bar I def danced the pole, but other then that nothing too fun yet
41. What beverage do you consume most often?
coffee and water
42. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?
I tend to wash my arms, neck and chest first
43. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
44. How are you feeling right now?
really upset. really bad about myself. hah.
45. Do you plan out your outfits?
oh god no.
46. What is the closest red item to you?
liqor bottle label
47. Talk about the last dream you remember having.
I was fighting off some creep. My friend was standing in the background laughing. wouldn't help me.
48. Do you love yourself?
im trying too
49. When was the last time you cried and why?
I literally kinda just did, but it was really held back.
50. Have you ever met a celebrity?
yep. slash. at an amusement park where he was doing a concert.
51. Have you ever been to a concert?
several now.
52. What are you listening to right now?
eternally yours by motionless in white
53. Have you ever flown in an airplane?
many times.
54. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
im boring. so nothing crazy.
55. Are your parents or guardians strict?
the opposite of.
56. Did you have a good childhood?
not the best. not the worst.
57. Have you ever been in love?
yes. a few times. 
58. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I like to mix it up.
59. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life ever apologize?
If they ever come back ill let you know.
60. What are some of your turn-ons?
i dont have any sexual turn ons. but omg smiles make me melt.
61. What are some of your turn-offs?
ASSHOLES. and not the good kind.
62. Would you go skydiving?
sure would.
63. What are you thinking about right now?
what song to put on
64. Do you ever rent movies?
65. Do you ever illegally download entertainment such as music, movies, etc.?
I use spotify so nope not anymore.
66. What is your zodiac sign?
67. Do you believe in karma or predestiny?
68. Is there anything you want to say to anyone right now?
oh fuck ya. lots of things to a few people. probably wont though.
69. Would you rather live a shorter life but be wealthy or live a longer life and struggle financially?
wherever im happier.
70. What is your stance on abortion?
i have a neutral opinion. personally if someone is not prepared to care for and raise a child, or isnt able to provide for them in every way neccessary i see no shame.
71. Do you believe in ghosts?
72. Who do you admire and why?
little bits of all the people i love.
73. What was your worst experience while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
urmmm nearly walking off a two story landing.
74. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
car accident
75. What do you daydream about?
being cared for. 
76. Where do you want to live after retirement?
somewhere warm
77. What would you change your first name to?
I wouldnt
78. If you believe in a God or Higher Power, what one question would you want to ask Him or Her?
I dont.
79. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
i can be both
80. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
81. What is your dream profession?
Film Director
82. What do you worry about most?
how people i care about think about me. LOL i know its bad but, its the truth. I’m always afraid theyll realize im not enough for them.
83. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
new work shoes. 2 days ago. they are great.
84. Who do you compare yourself to?
i know im unique.
85. What excites you about life?
feelings. but also scares me the most too
86. What five words would you use to describe your personality?
sarcastic, shy, talkative, quiet, kind
87. What is one life lesson you learned the hard way?
people suck
88. What belief do you have that many people disagree with?
oh god. plenty and im not gunna start with it
89. If not now, then when?
90. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?
yep sometimes not saying something can be a lie.
91. What activities make you lose track of time?
gaming, and other fun things
92. If you had to teach an academic subject, what subject would you want to teach?
93. What is your biggest regret?
that i failed
94. What will matter most to you when you're 80 years old?
95. Are you a messy person or a clean person?
i toss between the two
96. Are you a perfectionist?
97. How tall are you?
5 ft 11 in
98. What is your guilty pleasure?
99. Do you prefer sweet or salty?
i like both
100. What is your favorite social media website?
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teamsteffy2point0 · 7 years
Tumblr media
Hey Team, feels like it’s gonna be one of those weeks for me. I have given more “sideeye” stares of the late then I probably did for the whole year last year. Definitely feeling TESTED. But I do feel that it’s the “air” in which I am in, so I planned to breathe more slowly and seek calmer spaces.
Are you feeling a little “off” or being pushed out of your zone? Well maybe this Weekly Horoscope can be sort of a guide for you this week...for those who care to indulge for some answers within the stars. lol
Horoscopes Written by Jessica Lanyadoo
Just when you thought things were ready to calm down: supriiiiise, they’re not! This week there’s a New Moon in heady Aquarius. New Moons are usually a wonderful time to open up to possibility and mark the start of a new cycle. This one, not so much. Tenderhearted Venus will take a swift kick in the gut from hardheaded Saturn, and it’s likely to make for some defensive and sad feels all around. This is a great time to get clear about what you are and what you ain’t, because gurl, if you’ve been letting someone else define you, it’s gonna hurt. By the time Mercury catches up with Pluto on the 28th, you’ll have plenty to obsess over, but whatever you do, don’t pick fights. The energy from the 27th-1st is going to be too wild to tame, so investigate, gestate, and meditate for best results. Ask yourself if the reason you’re pressing for answers is because you want to avoid the stress of sitting with things as they are rn or if you actually think you can change things up. When in doubt, wait 72hrs before saying your piece because this week, motive means everything. Keep yours squeaky clean, bbs.
March 21-April 19
There’s no value in trying to push past obstacles this week, Aries. Allowing yourself to react on impulse is going to make you feel all kinds of ways, but none of them will be terribly comfortable. The forces in motion in your life are powerful, and the best approach is to cultivate a big-picture plan. Getting caught up in the details will be satisfying, like picking off a scab, but it won’t help you to heal. Pace yourself, and when you can’t do that, at least don’t let your fears guide you.
April 20-May 20
This week’s New Moon is a solid time to up your professional game, Taurus. Carve out time to do the things that require either concentration or innovation, whichever feels more important for the tasks at hand. If you follow through with your goals, you can make meaningful headway that will breathe fresh life into your projects, so don’t waste this opportunity. If you are suffering from the doldrums, don’t worry about it too much; let work serve as a distraction for a few days, and your heartaches should ease.
May 21-June 21
It’s easy to connect with people when your role is clear but what about in emotionally intimate situations or when you don’t know if the other person likes you? This is when you have a tendency to escape into the fun house of your head and stop actually connecting. Closeness and connection happen when you show up, Twin Star. The only way to get intimate this week is by stomaching the discomfort of the unknown. There’s nothing to figure out; just show up.
June 22-July 22
This week may bring up some seriously obsessive thoughts and the bad vibes that come up with them. The truth is complicated and messy, but it’s still true. Don’t act like you are blameless when you know you had a role to play in your broken situations. Be humble and own your part, even if the other person is more wrong. There’s a serious risk of confrontation, especially later in the week, so be prepared to show up instead of just defend your position, Moonchild.
July 23-Aug. 22
What do you want for yourself, Leo? Do you want to be at the job you have? Do you want to keep spending time with your same group of people? You have choice, even though it’s easy to fall into a lifestyle that perpetuates itself. Use this New Moon energy to get clear about what partnerships and collaborations you’re aligning yourself with. If you don’t like your options, it’s time to seek out new ones. You can’t get what you want if you don’t make a beeline for it.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Love is so complicated; you think that things are going one way, and then people go and do something that take them in a whole different direction. The problem is that relationships involve people – pesky, unpredictable, nonsensical humans. Gah! They go left when you think they ought to go right, and it’s a huge mess. So let it be, Virgo. Accept what others are showing you of themselves because that’s the truth. If you can’t accept the truth, that might mean you’re the nonsensical one. It’s time to get real, my love.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
It’s hard to be direct about what you’re feeling all the time; sometimes you don’t know for sure what’s going on inside of you (indecision), and other times it feels too risky to rock the boat. This week brings with it some choppy waters, and trying avoid that will be ill-fated. Confront the uncomfortable, Libra. Go for authenticity over accommodation. When it’s tempting to be fake, you always have a choice to placate or show up. Choose wisely.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
When you're in a state of anxiety, you can’t hear the voice of your inner wisdom over all that mind chatter. Your top priority this week should be to get some calm. You’re unable to see all of your choices from a panicked place, so bring it down a notch, Scorpio. For support, lean on the people and resources that you have access to. How you take care of yourself is an important part of your long-term wellness; commit to the highest quality of life that you can create this week.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
You don’t need to convince anyone else of your perspective in order to substantiate it. It may feel that if you explain it correctly, people will have to see it your way and agree with you, but it’s not so, ‘Tarius. Your feels and perspective are valid because they’re yours – not because they’re ‘right’. Don’t get into power struggles as a result of not being able to accept the very real differences between yourself and others, no matter how tempting you may find it this week.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
You are likely too find yourself preoccupied by intense thoughts and ghosts from your past. The worst things you can do is to either indulge obsessive thinking or pretend it isn’t happening at all. Try and understand what’s going on for your heart underneath all that stressing, Cappy. It’s possible that someone will come your way with a truckload of drama, and there’s not much you can do about that beyond how you respond. Be the bigger person this week.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
It’s super vulnerable to not know where you’re at. This week you’re likely to feel all over the place and long for a clearer sense of purpose. Instead of forcing an answer that you just don’t have, be open to seeing new sides of your problems. The New Moon in your sign on the 27th may shed light on stuff, but it’s not likely to be a spotlight. Allow space for your instincts to fill in the blanks by creating downtime to retrospect in, Aquarius.
Feb. 19-March 20
It’s not mean to say no to someone, Pisces. You’re going through a crash course in boundaries, and you need to experiment with what your limits are and how to express them. Through this process you may step on toes or cross your boundaries, but don’t worry – it’s OK to make mistakes! If you allow your fear of being wrong to stop you from finding new and better ways to be right, you’re limiting yourself unnecessarily. Be brave in the name of self-love.
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