#do they need to announce it doesn't everyone know XD
ridiasfangirlings · 10 months
Yata and Fushimi started dating but haven't told anybody else yet but are planning to do so cause the others are their friends and they can't really hide it from them forever. Yata has to tell Homra while Fushimi has to inform s4 (even if he doesn't know why cause it's none of their business).
To which everyone responds ‘Yeah, we knew that already’ XD Imagine Yata being all nervous about telling Homra and Fushimi just gives him this flat look because even he is aware at this point that like everyone knows about them. Yata’s still adamant that they have to tell their clans, Fushimi argues that his subordinates (and superiors, for that matter) are so nosy they already know and anyway it’s none of anyone’s business. Yata’s like but they’re our friends right — Fushimi snorts at that and Yata’s like they’re your friends idiot — we should tell our friends about our relationship. He says he’ll tell Homra if Fushimi will tell S4, Fushimi sighs all fine, probably already dreading how Captain will want to celebrate the important milestone of Fushimi having a boyfriend.
As expected when Yata tells Homra they pretty much to a man are like ‘yeah, we knew. Everyone knew.’ Yata’s all come on you couldn’t all know and Chitose’s like you’ve literally been making eyes at him since you guys were middle school brats. Yata’s like I was not and Dewa agrees with Chitose on this, it was obvious to everyone from the start that Yata had it bad for Fushimi. Kusanagi feels a little bad for Yata and is like now boys keep it down, offering to pour Yata a drink to congratulate him. Yata brightens and thanks him (and then he’s like ‘you didn’t know, right Kusanagi-san?’ and Kusanagi decides to suddenly be very invested in cleaning a glass). Anna tugs on Yata’s shirt and sincerely congratulates him, saying she’s glad he and Saruhiko are happy together now. Yata’s pretty pleased about that but then imagine he’s about to ask if she knew and Anna just holds a marble up to her eye, Yata sighs instead like right okay I should’ve expected that. 
Meanwhile Fushimi probably just dashes off a group text or something, he doesn’t want to make a whole announcement. Oh maybe he’s typing up a mass email when Munakata comes by and looks at his screen, wondering if Fushimi-kun has something he would like to share with the class office. Fushimi flatly says ‘no’ and Munakata ignores him, instead clapping his hands together and gathering the special forces squad because it seems Fushimi has something to say. Everyone comes clambering over all oh what is it did you need help for something Fushimi-san. Fushimi is getting increasingly more annoyed as everyone surrounds him, radiating nothing but helpfulness and goodwill, and finally he grits out that stupid Misaki just wanted him to tell everyone that they were dating. Naturally everyone is so pleased for him (well, Hidaka and Akiyama are maybe a little bummed, but they’ll be happy for Fushimi’s sake). Hidaka suggests they all go out drinking to celebrate, forgetting that Munakata and Awashima are there until Munakata chuckles and pushes up his glasses all ‘excellent idea.’ Fushimi tries to protest as Munakata asks Awashima to schedule them all an evening at the bar, just steamrolling over Fushimi’s protests because of course this is a time for celebration and friendly bonding. Fushimi quietly vows that Misaki will pay for making him do this.
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hostilemuppet · 8 months
Imagine if fnaf was on hiatus for 7 years and everyone kinda thought it was dead but did their best to keep the fandom alive anyway even though half the time any fan content they make is met with "lmfao i remember this game! Traumatised me as a kid XD its cool how literally no one cares about it anymore" and whenever anyone else brings it up on their own its to insult it for being cheap mascot horror even though it was one of the main things that started the trend that others are riding in the coat tails of
And then after a long LONG silence NFTs are announced and you think "oh there's no way these are official, he wouldn't do that, plus they look like shit" but then Scott Cawthon himself advertises them and you kinda wanna die but others are saying it'll help fund the next game so you try to see the silver lining even if it feels like your heart is getting pulled out and stomped on by big oil
And then months later. They start teasing something else. That actually looks like a fnaf game. And you freak out. And they slowly tease more and more until finally they release a trailer that they're collabing with poppy playtime and you think "ohhhhhh riding in the coat tails of cheap mascot horror" but you hope and pray it'll be good
And they do very little if anything to advertise it outside of the dwindling existing fnaf community and the biggest thing they do is a fanart contest which does set off ree flags but you don't say anything bc it could be fun you guess
And then the day of the collab happens and literally everything in the game was shown beforehand either via trailer or preview and its not fun and its one big ad for poppy playtime with the bare minimum of fnaf content in it so it didn't need to specify it was a #ad, and all the fnaf stuff is so against everything established by previous fnaf games that you don't know whether Scott just forgot after 7 years or if he doesn't care
That's kinda what we've been dealing with lately
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brandwhorestarscream · 4 months
pairing sparkling blurb thingy: Optimus Prime/Prowl
(if you're surprised, you shouldn't be)
The only thing surprising about this is how long it took you to send it XD I was waiting for it from the second I posted about em
ANYWAY! Optimus is the one carrying, and this sheltered little goody two shoes had no idea about interfacing til after landing on earth. He kinda got addicted to it: it just always felt so warm, Prowl was always gentle and made him feel more loved and accepted than anyone ever had before, and he could never get enough of that feeling. It's no surprise he eventually ends up sparked
He's baffled by the concept at first, once Ratchet gives him the news after a standard tune up. There's something growing inside him?! An entire other person, a full cybertronian bot? How?! How can that be? The only way for mecha to come to life is via the Allspark vault on Cybertron, and now the Allspark shards scattered across this planet. He doesn't have any access to that, so how can this be? Error 404, does not compute
Once he gets over the shock and the reality settles in tho, he's incredibly excited. And nervous. This is a huge honor and responsibility, he thinks: if he's making a person then he owes it to them to give them the best possible life! He needs to do everything right! He downloads every single tiny scrap of information he can find about sparklings, and pesters Ratchet with literally hundreds of questions. How much should he recharge, how much should he fuel, does he need to be careful transforming? What's the necessary amount of exercise? He probably shouldn't be fighting decepticons, right? How long will he need to spend building them? Is he going to need to download schematics? What about-
He's the most nervous dedicated carrier Ratchet's seen in a long time 🤭 granted, he's the only carrier Ratchet's seen in a long time. He just wants to do right by his baby, even if he still hasn't quite conceptualized what a baby is.
The first time the sparkling kicks he runs to Ratchet in a panic thinking they're trying to escape early. Ratchet has to gently explain that that's normal, it means they're developing into a healthy newspark. Prowl mentions that there's an old superstition that the first time a sparkling kicks, it means they want their carrier to know they're there, and that makes Optimus light up in excitement. Their creation already likes him! That's great! Everytime the baby kicks from then on to the emergence, he always stop what he's doing to touch his belly and push as much acknowledgment and affection through their budding sparkbond. He wants them to know that he's there, too! He'll always be here for them 💖 and when he finds out that the sparkling will be able to hear voices after a certain development point, he makes it a part of his daily routine to ask Prowl to say hello to them. He talks to them all the time, constantly, telling them about anything and everything. He gets so used to having them kicking in his belly and connected to his spark, he can't get to sleep without one servo on his middle, gently stroking it and humming to the little one.
When they're born, Optimus isn't at all prepared for the pain. It's the worst thing he's ever had to endure--not even getting literally killed by Megatron could compare. In all his time in service to the elite guard and protecting earth, he'd never rated anything on the pain scale more than a 7.5. Labor is a strong 15. He's full on ugly crying and begging Ratchet to make it stop, to GET. IT. OUT!! It lasts nearly 20 hours and Prowl is as supportive as he can be, doing everything demanded of him with lethal efficiency and doing everything in his power to keep his mate comfortable.
When the sparkling finally arrives, they're thankfully healthy. All of Optimus's careful prep and precautions ensured they're born without any complications 😊 a beautiful blue and gold sparkling, perfectly precious. They come out screaming, loudly announcing to everyone that they are not happy about being thrust into a world that's so cold and bright and scary! Once they're cleaned and not so slimy-sticky anymore, Prowl gently helps Optimus sit up so he can hold their newspark. He kinda freezes up, optics wider than they've ever been and servos trembling as they're placed into his arms. They're still squalling, afraid and overstimulated, and he's not sure what to do. Instinct takes over after a moment though, and he cuddles them closer against his chassis. Bouncing them as gently as he can, shushing them with the promise of, "I'm here, I- I'm here! It's me, i-it's me, I'm right here, it's ok... shhhhh..."
And sure enough, that's enough. Hearing their carrier's familiar voice, snuggled close against his pulsing spark, they start to calm down. He watches with wonder as they squirm closer, murring as their tiny newborn systems begin to settle. Their optics squint open for the first time, blurry and unseeing but the most beautiful shade of blue, tiny glossa poking out and beginning to root for their first meal.
Optimus is surprised when he suddenly bursts into tears. He doesn't know why he's crying. He doesn't know where this flood of tears came from but he's just so overwhelmed with emotion he just can't stop. He snuggles them close and curls around them as much as he can, sobbing and blubbering and kissing their little helm over and over again. He's just so happy to finally have them here, he had no idea it was possible to love something like this, to love something this much. He'd of course loved them while they were growing inside of him, but this is so much different somehow. Seeing them so tiny and precious in his arms has brought an entirely new type of adoration bubbling to the surface, and he never, ever wants to let go of this feeling 💖
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arunatheplant · 1 year
February 5, 2023
(Bumblebee x Cheetor)
My headcannons! Ps, it's cyberverse and I'm sorry for the wait, I was busy and tired :((
Cheetor is an innocent babe and Bumblebee is a solider tainted by war, yes Cheetor did fight but he mostly hid the allspark with him, so he needs to hide most of the war.
When Cheetor first laid his optics on bee, he was awed, then it turn to respect then admiration and he fell in love.
As for bee, he was scared, then he was shocked and then respect turned to love.
Hot rod kept teasing bee when he found out and almost slipped when Cheetor walked in.
If someone hurts Cheetor indirectly or directly Bumblebee while personal deal with the person, first he'll talk to them if they won't stop it will be their lives at cost, Cheetor while do the same will convince them to stop or he will do something he regret.
(Bee is kinda different here in my AUs)
Bee will have flashbacks and Cheetor is the one of the persons that can calm him down.
Cheetor and bee was fighting bc bee wasn't taking care of his health and Cheetor slipped up and ran out the ark. (They're alone)
He was captured by a small group of decepticons and they put him inside of a cave and was about to message megatron (my AU is different here) but bee manage to knock them out before they could and took Cheetor on a cliffside and he apologized and confessed to Cheetor.
(Cheetor didn't die :)) the deceptions did get the allspark but wasn't successful to unleash its power and the Autobots managed to get back)
They became a couple! They didn't tell the others, everyone arebetting expect for Roddy, ratchet, optimus for different reasons.
Roddy knows, ratchet doesn't like to bet on it and thought that bee didn't have a bf and optimus was just going with his husband's opinion.
The betting was windblade, arcee and a random femme but completely forgot Cheetor XD.
Then bee announced that he was indeed courting someone and it wasn't anyone that they were betting on, ratchet, optimus, and the others we're shocked.
Roddy was shocked for a different reason, he was not expecting that bee has the guts to do it.
Cheetor and bee was almost caught kissing and cuddling by optimus and he got suspicious.
Ratchet tries to pry the answer for bee but he wouldn't budge.
Ratchet then got suspicious of Cheetor and indirectly ask him if he was seeing someone but Cheetor played dumb, so bee wouldn't be caught, he didn't like it but if bee and him was caught, he didn't know what will happen even if there's couples like them.
Their first date and kiss was on the same cliff.
Two years of courting hot rod slipped up and forgot to send a signal to bee that the others we're coming to the dinner that bee and Cheetor while on a date and was caught.
Ratchet was baffled and Cheetor and bee explained what they thought would have happened if he and bee gets caught, both thought they wouldn't approve.
Optimus and ratchet approved and so was the others.
Bee's nicknames for cheetor
My cheetah, love, dear, darling and mine.
Cheetor's nicknames for bee
My bee, honey, darling, honeybee, my love, my dearest.
Hot rod: Are you dating my brother?
Cheetor:...uh no *chuckles nervously*
Hot rod: uh huh? What type of bee makes honey then?
Cheetor: Uhh, a honeybee?
Bumblebee: *pops his head from a corner, smiling happily* yes darling?
Cheetor: *sweating bullets*
Hot rod: Never fragging lie to me again.
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omoghouls · 1 year
Always happy to see my favorite fawn in yet another fandom of mine ;) 1998 ot4 Vash gets diapered travelling around with the gang (they can't spare the water to keep washing his pants) and has to play roulette everytime he needs a change because Milly is sweet and eager, but she baby talks him the ENTIRE time and manhandles him, Meryl is fine and straightforward but she'll tease him once she has him down on the changing mat, but Wolfwood is the worst because hes gonna do both and spank Vash for wriggling around too much. But he gets a kissy on the forehead afterwards (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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I collect fandoms like neat, little rocks you find on the beach ;w; and then decimate said rocks with piss and diapers xD
AND O M G YA A AAAAAAA- omgomggg
It just becomes far easier to keep the typhoon padded up while they're traveling between cities-keeps everyone dry (because Vash has definitely wet himself while they were in a car which, close quarters means at least someone else got wet too [probably Wolfwood because Meryl was on driving task ])
Ofc Vash gets all pouty about it at first, saying how it's so unfaiiiir, not his fault the other's don't know how to take breaks (Which, gets him retorts of "Well, we thought a 150 year old would have figured out how to hold his piss in by now" or "Tough, either this or you're raw-dogging on a towel.") Eventually, he just accepts this is his traveling arrangement when with the three others xD
At first, the others let Vash change himself, thinking that he'd be at least semi-decent at that.
That arrangement is short-lived because it's very quickly realized Vash is AWFUL at self changes (he doesn't tape it snuggly enough, leak guards aren't pulled out, and he's somehow put them on backwards more than once-). So, it's a tag-team of keeping that man changed-
Milly is definitely eager. She's the one who routinely checks him and announces he needs a change xD She'll just pick him up like he weighs a sack of potatoes and chats the whoole time, definitely baby talking all while Vash is laying there, covering his face with his jacket.
Meryl has a vague idea of typically the times when Vash needs a change, so she'll just lightly drag him off by the hand or ear to change him (and 9/10 she's correct. Which still amazes Vash) and when she has him on the changing mat she'll tease him like "Wow, going to have to double you up if you're going to go through one so fast!"
And Wolfwood omgg xD He'll just pick Vash up like one does with a drenched cat (arms reach out) and walks him over to an area to change him. Ofc Vash squirms because Wolfwood just rawdogs the wipes, so they're freezing! Wolfwood gives a warning look at Vash before spanking like, "If you're going to squirm like a worm, we'll leave you with the damn sand worms. They'll be your new family."
Which quickly has Vash stop squirming, but he now has that sad puppy dog expression until Wolfwood is finished the tape job and he gets his lil forehead kissie for staying still♡ aaAAAAAA
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letstalkaboutit100 · 6 months
Ideas pt 19
I also want an episode 2 parter where Lizzie is given a letter from her mother asking her to come home. And everyone asks if they can come (Alister and Bunny are with them too) and she's like "Sure why not" *everyone looks at Raven* "Ok I have been practicing and I think I got the hang of it! *she didn't lol* but they get there *after many tries XD* and go to the palace into the throne room where Lizzie's mom is waiting for them. (Chase is there too) They say their hellos and have their hugs but Lizzie's mom seems off. Lizzie asks her why she summoned her and what's the big announcement. LM (Lizzie's mom) then says that Lizzie is going to become Queen! Her coronation is in 3 days! Everyone gasps! Even the knight flinched! (I feel that the knights and the guards and maids took care of Lizzie growing up more than her mother. They taught her how to sword fight and the tactics of war while the maids saved bits and pieces of leftover cloth for her so she could use them and make her own clothing. They all love and care for her!) "B-But why?!" "It's far too soon!" everyone is confused and starts to ask questions but the LM silents them and starts to tell *more like shower* Lizzie with all the preparations and stacks of paper while stuffing her mouth with different cake favors. *time skip, fill in the blanks They are shown around the castle by Lizzie, Chase, and LM, and then all go to Lizzie's room and they talk about what the heck just happened! *Some Chase teasing/flirting with Kitty too. She rejects him every time lol* then later after her friends are banished (they discover that it's Courtly Jester in disguise when they offer to talk to LM for Lizzie since she's too busy planning the coronation *Apple offers to stay with her to help. She honestly enjoyed it way too much lol* (She of course tells Lizzie that it's not so bad and is just gushing about how she gets to be Queen so soon! How it's so exciting and she's jealous. "But Apple! I don't want to be Queen! Not yet anyway. I'm okay with becoming the next Queen of Wonderland. I'm mostly okay with my destiny! It's just... I have other dreams too. Things I want to do before I'm stuck and confined to a throne and mountains of paperwork." Apple is shocked! She never thought of it that way. She always thought that being Queen was going to be the best day of her life! And easy for her!) and Courtly as the Queen banishes them from Wonderland! Pt: After being sent home Chase comes out of the well to the school telling them he can sneak them back in and head to Maddie's house where Bunny and Alister are waiting for them. They have tea *Maddie and her dad are talking nonsense lol* and discuss a plan! Back over to the Castle where Lizzie doesn't know what's going on or that her friends have been banished *Apple does though. Chase tells her what happens before going to find the others* Apple tries to Keep Lizzie distracted while the others form a plan. But she finds out and is thrown into the dungeon with her REAL mother for a couple of minutes "If you don't become Queen then it's off with your mummy's head!" So in order to save her mother she agrees and Apple doesn't know that Courlty threatened Lizzie and that she moved the coronation to today! This whole time Chase is an inside guy telling the others what he knows and now that they run out of time they have to expose Courtly now! But by the time they get there, Lizzie is already walking down the aisle! She's now standing by 'her mother' while Courtly makes some grand speech. "Stop!" Raven shouted as everyone burst through the doors. "That is not the real Queen of Hearts!" After a bit of a fight and arguing Courtly is later revealed! In a last desperate attempt, she shouts "I don't know why you're all against me! I'm trying to help her fulfill her destiny! But look! She doesn't even want to be Queen! Wonderland needs a Queen! I am thinking of our home! Our future!" *Lizzie is shocked* This was Courtly's plan along! She didn't want to trick Lizzie into her destiny early! she was trying to take it away!
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winterpower98 · 2 years
We so tornata!!! Volevo solamente dire che ne penso del fatto che wukong (poraccio) abbia avuto così tanta responsabilità da bambino (you don't have to translate this dw)
- he probably took the path of the burn out child or simply the child that grew up faster than other people,
- if we wanna add his stage fright while he was a kid, he probably got overwhelmed and cried when he had to make his first announcement in front of everyone, (making him hide in his room for a day or two)
- since his first master kind of just, didn't let him use his powers (and when he did he got kicked out for "showing off") wukong probably has no idea on how to use them,
And while he, as a kid, learned how to bottle up, he couldn't quite hide the fact that he needed to lash out, or a break with his powers (maybe breaking a wall accidentally, or causing a chaos because he finally snapped, ect.)
- maybe his generals learned how to tell that their king needed a break.
An example can be him staying silent for too long or talking Chinese way too much (aka: cussing like an anon said)
Or bouncing his leg up and down, or pacing or raising his voice accidentally.
- as a king, he likely never got to have the teaching of "no", no one ever told him no and that caused him to make the havoc in heaven, because he didn't know he wasn't doing "the right thing"! He doesn't know that, no one ever told him what's right or not!
- way too many responsibilities as a kid, announcements, work, solving people problem ect.
As much as an extrovert he is, he needs a break from social interactions, that's why i think at one point he stopped interacting at all unless people wanted him.
- this may have caused his whole "i don't need help, i am the king, i am the help" and "i need to be perfect because i am the example of so many people"
- during jttw it's when he finally fucking snapped and let his mental problems out,
- maybe as a rock he was physically strong in general, just like he was heavy and actually pretty hard (in the sense of that if you punch him, you will feel like you hit a rock, which is true)
So he had to work on also training people to defend themselves when he isn't there, another thing to add.
- likely the generals have days where his king gets to have a break and they rule for a day,
- if demons do speak Chinese, Beng, ba and macaque probably did understood his many cuss words or simply "i just wanna sleep" and many complaints in Chinese from wukong,
- if you hear things breaking from wukong room, you know he needs to be left alone, it's one of those days where he can't afford to have people around
Wukong è saltato dentro un cascata per scherzare e dall'ora ha sempre rimpianto quella scelta
He is very much a burned out child... literally too
I think he didn't have his stage fright when he was younger. I think that's something he developed because of his 500+ years of isolation
oh no, he knows how to use them, and really well too. He just wasn't allowed to show the other students what he had learned in secret and that's why he got kicked out
I'm sure his generals know about a few signs that show when their friend is stressed and needs a break. Now, managing to convince to take said break is kinda hard to do
That's actually very likely what happened! I think I discussed that with my friends, especially the "he doesn't know what's right and what's wrong" part
It might also be that he asked his generals to take part of his work. The part that didn't need him necessarily at least
He probably grew up with the mentality that he had to do everything for everyone, and that only he could do it
Yeah that did not get better with the journey
Maybe, who knows how much the fact that he came from a rock affected him
I don't know if that's a good idea because I'm pretty sure Beng would have made a mess XD
All 4 of them could easily understand Wukong
Probably not the healthiest way to deal with anger, but at the same time it's the only one they got
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Gentaro Kisaragi Headcanons XD + Rated E - per Ao3 standards - HCs.
Rated G Headcanons:
Gentaro is a PE Teacher at Amanogawa Gakuen Kouko (Ama High) one of his High School Alma Mater.
A lot of teachers, even the ones who Gentaro encountered in other schools were nervous when they learned that Gentaro was thinking of going teaching as a career.
All of them knew how well he does in academics.
But they also see the positives Gentaro as a teacher could bring.
Even more so from the teachers of Ama High.
Like the friendship monster that he is, his former teachers banded together to help Gentaro to get into teaching as a major in college and get his license to teach (not sure if Japan has teachers need a license to teach, will confirm on a later date.)
This was when they all found out what the best way to teach Gentaro was.
Through hands-on teaching.
Kengo was instrumental in that discovery.
(No, not that way, the Rated E HCs are down the line)
Through that revelation, they were able to pinpoint the subject that Gentaro would be best suited to teach, Physical Education,
It does help that Gentaro knows a lot of physical activities, sports and whatnot.
He even knows how to dance, ballroom or otherwise.
He's no professional but he can teach the basic dance steps.
Soon, with enough dedication, and resourcefulness to adapt basic lessons that could have been easily learned in the classroom setting, into a hands-on experience, Gentaro was able to graduate and get a license to teach.
Gentarou's teachers wanted him to teach in their respective schools, and he did get his student-teacher experience there, but they respected his decision to teach at Ama High.
Although he still does offer his assistance to his teacher-turned-tutors.
Poly KRC Rated E HCs:
With how close the KRC was to one another, it was only a matter of time for all of them to be in a relationship with each other.
and with Gentarou's studies and how they knew him well, academics or otherwise, some subjects were taught with a very hands-on approach by the KRC themselves.
And most of the time, those teacher sessions involved all of them in their birthday suits.
Their teaching aids were their very own bodies.
Miu was a really strict "head" teacher, and kept Gentarou on the edge until he was able to score at least a passing mark on her test about identifying body parts.
and it did not end with just teaching anatomy.
after the teaching lesson, they would all do each other senseless.
Considering Ryusei's job, they had resolved to abstain from any and all activities of that nature if he's not around.
Whenever Gentaro is penetrated by a man or a toy, he's the silent type. He doesn't moan very loud, the most you could get out of him was a grunt and a whimper at times but no moaning.
Well if you count announcing his impending release as moaning, well that's the only time he'll moan.
Whenever he's the one penetrating, he's so gentle. He intends almost always to let his partner do the work and work at their pace, he lets the person who's penetrating him take control of the situation.
But there were times when he was aggressive, he's still gentle but he's the one setting the pace, especially if he's got some frustration from somewhere else.
and everyone loves it when Gentaro's the one setting the pace, because of how rare it happens.
Ryusei almost always lets him be penetrated by everyone else.
There’s a part of him that justifies this action as his atonement for what he did to the group years ago.
Another part of him says that’s bloody bollocks, complete hogwash. Because he does love being penetrated.
He loves being tied up.
Whenever he returns from his mission and that mission got him tied up, he would always seek out the group so that he could release some pent-up “energy” and so that he could be ready for the next mission.
But he does take the lead sometimes.
Everyone found out that Tomoko's dolls work well whenever they're doing their extracurricular activities
They found out that they could not move not when Tomoko wants them unable to move.
There was even a time when she was able to “Stop” time.
Pun not intended
The KRC would find themselves standing in one place one second and then they’re either receiving one particular body part in their mouths or getting their respective nether regions licked the next.
Tomoko also tends to bind everyone with rope, yes including Ryusei.
Tomoko also has a particular hobby of drinking the released body fluids after climax or smearing them on her straw dolls.
Kengo just goes with the flow but he does enjoy both Ryusei and Gentaro being tied up, for whatever reason.
Yuuki likes to tease him that he’s getting back at the both of them
Which Kengo denies.
Yuuki just likes plain old sex.
She does like to dabble in the things Miu and Tomoko would be she generally just likes to penetrate via a strap or get penetrated in all her holes.
JK is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. If someone told him that he needed to be blindfolded, gagged, and restrained, he’d be fine by it.
He just draws the line on things that will definitely hurt him like whips, flogging, and waxes.
He loves the feeling of being milked like a cow.
Even when he’s denied of his release, while he loves the feeling of being denied, he would still demands for his body fluids’ release.
Shun tho, while he just loves plain old sex, like Yuuki, he goes with whatever Miu demands.
If Miu demands that he needs to lick the other boys’ members, he would.
If Miu demanded for her nether regions to be cleaned, he would lick her until she climaxed.
Which would result in him begging for his body fluids’ release.
Yes, Miu is dominant.
She almost always takes charge of this kind of activity.
She would sometimes give any of the boys a turn at ordering everyone around, but she’s the queen and she has the final say.
After the session, Miu also takes charge of the aftercare and they generally sleep in a pile still in their birthday suits.
They take a bath one by one after they woke up and then wait for Ryusei’s return from his next assignment and start all over again.
Daaang look at em goooo
Genchan so good
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Ramble about: 2k3 Raph! Uuhm gimmeanything uwu soft preferably but anything uwu
|Send me the name of one of my Muses you want to learn more about, and I’ll ramble about them.
This turned into random soft head cannons XD
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To this day Raphael still visits Mrs. Morrison, He visits with her pretty often at least twice a month at most? about eight times a month. He still helps to make sure she can afford the place she lives when ever the opportunity arises.
Its not like a secret but he also doesn't announce it either. Everyone is used to Raph dipping out on his after all they just don't know hes off having tea with this old women.
Usually only Casey knows that's where he is, past has shown it's good for someone to at least know where they are.
shes basically grandma to him, Raphael has told her all about his brothers and father and even Casey. She always asking if Casey or him have popped the question yet. And likely would like to meet Casey as well to congratulate them.
Speaking of Raphael's stays he is in contact with Tyle as well. The kid he ran into and helped out.
Because the kids mom was in bad with the mafia though, Raphael found a way to help them move. Likely roped Casey into being the moving man well he hid around to make sure they got out fine.
Every so often Raph gets a letter from them (uses Casey Address) and will write back as well.
Even after his and Yvoones falling out because she lives out on the docks a place he often goes too
Raph actually kept suspicious peps away from her home set up if they were sniffing around there. He may been mad at her for a time but didn't mean he wouldn't look out for her
Course that means Caseys around to help in case there a bit to many low lifes around.
Yeah Raphael has let Casey know about all of this stuff he dose, Raph can't help it when he dose manage to feel close to someone he can't really help but still look out for them.
surprisingly Raphael is very open with Casey but all of this is thanks to Casey in Raph's mind.
I had him state it in reply before but to Raphael Casey is just a great guy who looks out for others. And Casey makes Raph wanna be better especially since the whole city wide gang war. Where Raph was acting selfish and didn't want to be involved in the mess.
In that Casey has influenced Raph to being more open to looking out for others.
Which is fitting seeing how Casey was Raphael's very first stray
Raphael and Casey may have a hard time with the more emotion bits of things but Casey is someone Raph has shown vulnerability to often. Because Casey seems to know best how to talk to Raph, usually he can understand why he's upset about something and instead of reducing him to the hot head he listens.
Raphael isn't much a talker but he will listen to Casey. Either to clam down, when offered to hang out together or when being made to see he might be in the wrong. (07 roof top scene) Casey if he wants can also talk to Raph about whatever and Raph listens to every word.
As a tot another of his favorite games was pirates. Mostly he used to be a butt to Donnie and say he was gonna catch all the mermaid. meaning he try and take their doll it was a game of course but I'm sure Donnie didn't always like it.
The reason he likes the docks so much is because those times he just went to the surface with Splinter they had to hide away there once. Wanting to keep is son clam Splinter acted as if they were simply watching the boats there, and now its where he likes to be when he needs that extra bit of clam. He loves the ocean uwu hint hint
He used to play the villain a lot for Mikey's games of super hero that I'm sure all his brothers got roped into.
Raphael was taught how to knit by his dad in hopes it help him relax. Raph dosen't do it often but he has made stuff for people like a scarf for Splinter, on for Casey. He acts like he can't do it but i'm sure his brothers knows come winter they gonna find some hats or whatever else in thier rooms waiting for them. Just dont directly mention it to Raph hell deny it.
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tarnishedxknight · 2 months
Headcanons: More About Gabranth’s Final Moments, and… the Guardians of Ivalice?
{out of dalmasca} Some more end-of-game headcanons coming at you below the cut, and I got weirdly inspired by a Guardians of the Galaxy gifset, so... be prepared for some random scenarios my brain ran away with from that. XD
Okay this makes absolutely no sense since there’s pretty much no way Mantis would ever end up “back in time” in the FFXII verse, but the left side of this gifset made me think of like… the insight Mantis might have had (if she decided to use her powers, that is) into Noah’s mindset during any of the times that he was injured and fell unconscious, whether after attacking Basch & Co. or Vayne. Earlier at the Pharos, or before he was ultimately fatally wounded by Vayne, if at any of the other times he’d fallen unconscious (there were at least two, heh) Mantis had looked into his mind, that first gif on the upper left could be… perfect? XD Mantis says, “He is anxious, angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt.” If that… isn’t a way to describe Noah through the entire game, but especially after Drace’s death and he’s breakdown at the Pharos, I don’t know what is.
Also, Mantis would have been able to tell that he wasn’t dead after the Pharos. I can just see her matter-of-factly announcing that fact, as Basch is like mourning him and she’s all confused like why are you sad, he’s not gone. I can just see her pointing out that he’s still thinking things, so he can’t be dead, the dead don’t think, heh. And then… cue that gif where she proves it by telling everyone what he’s thinking.
Imagine a verse where the Guardians are sky pirates, heh. It would fit them… SO WELL, in my opinion based on the limited things I’ve seen with them. Mantis and Fran bonding over being empaths… or maybe being scared of each other because of that, heh. Everyone thinking Rocket is a Moogle every time they land and venture into a city, and it pisses him off. Kids call him cute and he gets homicidal, haha. Groot being this little hoodlum who steals stuff in every city they end up in and somehow always gets away with it. He’s the only one who’s told an Imperial off right to their face and gotten away with it because no one can understand anything he says. XD Like I said, it makes no sense and you can’t really take them out of their canon world, but… man it would’ve been some wild fun. XD
I guess if Noah got seriously hurt in the MCU verse on this blog, she could also do the same thing, but.. she doesn't strike me as a person to just automatically use her powers all the time. She'd need a specific reason to want to read him, and a reason why that wouldn't feel like invading his privacy. But if he were dying and wasn't necessarily expected to live, maybe she'd do so to let Basch or anyone else know what he's thinking? I could maybe see that happening.
Okay but having said that Noah had so much anger in him, I know I’m not wrong, and yet… his last couple scenes in the game kindof belied that. Those scenes will never not break my heart because just… Where is the anger? Literally where is that seething, enraged, homicidal hatred for Basch that was just there not that long before? Clearly he’s regained control over his emotions again, and whether that’s because he’s not in a Mist storm like he was at the Pharos, I have no idea, but… it’s like all the anger and resentment has just left him. There’s something so poignant and heartbreaking about that.
Death takes everyone and everything down to its basal instincts, and Gabranth knew he was dying. There just wasn’t a reason to keep being angry. If he was striving for anything, if he had goals, if he had injustices he wanted revenge for, none of that mattered anymore, because it’s all over. Not only that, but when taken down to the basics, what’s most important to Gabranth? 1) Stopping further war, and 2) his son. Or, if you don’t subscribe to my headcanon of Gabranth being Larsa’s biological father, then at the very least… the young prince he’d been charged with protecting and within whom he’d help foster various ideals of stability, peace, and the value of seeking diplomatic solutions… matters most to him. If you think Gabranth didn’t care about Larsa in a fatherly way, even if you reject my headcanon of him actually being his father, you’d be wrong. He absolutely did love Larsa in addition to valuing the hope he represented for Archadia’s future. And Larsa absolutely loved him back and looked up to him, there’s no question. I mean, he was cradling him with a worried look on his face after Vayne dealt that fatal wound, and during the scene I’ve been talking able, where Gabranth’s anger seems to have left him, Larsa is even holding his hand. You can watch it starting here and going until 6:18:30.
And then Gabranth’s death scene, where he’s talking to Basch calmly, respectfully, and Basch is doing the same back… it’s just… so… It makes my heart hurt. It’s sad that it took the death of one of them for them to finally reconcile even just a little bit. But Basch acknowledges Noah’s dying wish, and Noah even says something very telling right when he dies. He says, “Your words put me at ease, brother. Sorry to leave you.” Translation: “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay and at peace, but I understand that this is going to hurt you immensely.” Because Gabranth knows how much it would’ve hurt him if something had happened to Basch.
I know, a lot of you might say wait that’s a giant wtf, because hasn’t he been trying to kill Basch himself through the whole game? Not… really. He was lashing out, punishing, fighting, having tantrums, etc., but he never expected or wanted Basch to actually die. He said he’d kill him to Gramis, but did he actually then go and do it? No. I think he wanted to be able to kill Basch, because that would mean Basch meant nothing to him. But that wasn’t the case. Also, don’t place much stock in how battles look in any Final Fantasy game because they’re all overblown like oh lemme chuck a WHOLE BUILDING at you but then you walk away fine the next second. Battle in those games is… ridiculous, heh. SO you can’t go by the fact that Gabranth like… rained fireballs down on Basch or something, it’s all just FF ridiculousness, lol.
If Basch had actually died, especially from something Noah did, it would have fucked Noah up horribly. Irrevocably. It would have destroyed him. That’s his brother, his twin, his last link to what used to be home and any kind of innocence he remembers having. Basch is his only living blood family from his original childhood family unit, and at that point, besides Larsa, his only family period. He’d lost the father figure he had in Gramis when Vayne assassinated him. He lost Drace when he was forced to execute her. He’s got Larsa… and Basch. That’s it. And if he lost either one of them, especially due to his own actions somehow, it would break him. So I think as he dies, he understands what losing him will do to Basch, because he knows what losing Basch would’ve done to him. You can watch this scene starting here and going until 6:26:20.
Alright, I think I’m done rambling about Noah/Gabranth’s final scenes in the game, heh. Two headcanons posts about it seems good enough. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if something else ends up inspiring me because I’ve been gushing about these two tragic twins since 2006, why would I stop now? XD
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maramiri · 6 months
OA C1 author's notes
welcome to the new home for these stinky notes. man i can tell i was just so excited to share things with ppl smh.
anyway on with the show
Officially AU from 184, and of course, some events have been shuffled around so I could shoehorn them in (detailed notes at the bottom).
Mostly Tanjirō-centric with some Muzan sprinkled in every so often. Occasional Demon Slayer(s) POV; I’mma be real with you, they can probably be skipped if you don’t give a shit about the DS goons.
First arc’s song: Valky — Any Time
Astral projection: I am a very literal/gullible reader and I accept everything I read at face value, so there might be other people like me, heh. When Muzan talks about tethers, paths, lines, astral projection, etc, he is not literally doing any of that. It’s just visuals to help him (and readers) logic his way around as he uses his telepathy to bad-touch Tanjirō’s brain.
Notes regarding going AU from CH. 184:
Deaths: Nearly everyone should have survived, albeit with varying amounts of serious and non-serious injuries. I just can’t handle the death(s) of major characters ;w; Shinobu does NOT live (I wish I could have her live, ‘cos I hecking love her, but her death was a little too hard to come back from haha. I could think of a few scenarios where she manages to scrape by, but she ultimately doesn’t add anything to the plot so I have chosen to let her death have meaning). Oh, yeah, and Tamayo is officially dead but I mean… she died this chapter.
Sequence of events (in canon): I believe Yushirō’s cat delivering the remaining Tamayo drugs, her explanation of them, and Muzan searching through her cells to find the answer, all happen around CH. 191-ish. Since I couldn’t quite clearly tell if Muzan had drugs 1-3 inside of him already and needed 4, or if he only had 1-2 inside of him and needed 3-4 from the demon cat, I decided to have him be afflicted by all four when he was first initially poisoned, and then he learns everything about them from searching Tamayo’s cells while in the forest. While some side effects do remain from a plot standpoint, I don’t think the nuances of this particular scenario will affect my plot overall. Muzan will still definitely suffer side effects as a result of these poisons, but not to their full extent. [FUTURE HILDA HERE: pretty sure I misremembered and the cat actually injected healy-boopies into the good kids, but it still doesn't matter XD]
[Humanification] Well, he obviously doesn’t become human, and he canonically neutralizes it on his own so that’s out. Added bonus: he now knows how to reverse-reverse engineer what Tamayo did, meaning he could probably humanify anyone he wants? Because that’s something Muzan would do?
[Rapid Ageing] Yep, Muzan is now a 10,000 year old vampire loli daddy. The explanation takes place later after CH184, so therefore he wouldn’t have been 10,000 until that point, but that nuance is too much for my poor brain to figure out. Sure, I could use cues from the time announcements to figure out his proper age but…
[Cannot split apart] Well, he better not get caught like that ever again in the future kek
[Cell destruction at weak points inflicted by Yoriichi] This should still affect Muzan as well, but there isn’t really anyone available with the knowledge to take advantage of this weakness. Yushirō would know and would have told the other Slayers, but Tanjirō wouldn’t know, as this knowledge becomes known in like CH194-ish. Since Muzan knows about the drugs’ effects and/or is more careful, he will likely synthesize a ‘cure’ for the drugs in due time. As of now, his body is simply regenerating the damage. So I suppose he would treat them as permanent handicaps to his ‘energy reservoirs.’ In essence, his battle power has decreased (as he has stated in the manga). For the purpose of the fic, I would say his body has ‘naturally’ fought off the second stage of the drug and is attempting to autonomously decompose the third and then fourth stage. Muzan even considered dedicating his mental capacities to dealing with it, but obviously didn’t because he judged it to not be worth his effort and is fully confident his superior god-like body will take care of it—and if it doesn’t, I mean, he has all the time in the world (again) to deal with it later. Plus, like, he needs a lab and he’s currently shacking up with Tanjirō in a hole he dug up.
THE FOREST AND CAVE: I had to flip back and forth through so many chapters to make sure I wasn’t having a fever dream. (In the manga). There is a scene where Nezuko runs through a field of rice paddies towards the city, and in the distance are some spare forests and mountains. So… [roughly applies artistic license juice into your eyes] for my nefarious purposes, it is now a dense forest with a lot of random caves.
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Toni I am such a sucker for silly shoujo manga tropes. Today I had the idea of the traditional shoujo manga trope "the MC usually dresses super casually and doesn't take much care of their appearance and one day they have to get dressed up and OH NO THEY'RE HELLA HOT" (pre-relationship) for the obey me bros + dateables (or just Diavolo if you don't have time/desire, he's my fave!)
Btw every time you post a picture of Nito I have this intense urge to ruffle their hair.
Hope you're doing fantastic~
🌸 anon
(*screams in no fashion sense* I tried really hard on picking nice formal wear for the MC ;v; though I am annoyed, it wouldn't let me post a pic for Solomon, so I will describe what the clothing looks like for his! And please feel free to ruffle Nito's hair as much as you like lolol xD)
Note on the clothing: They are meant to be androgynous/non binary, despite how they are presented. I fully believe clothing is literally just that; fabric that covers your body!
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Considering he always would see MC just in their casual wear or in their RAD uniform, he didn't expect them to dress up too much for the outing he had planned with his brothers
They were going to Ristorante Six, a place that usually one would dress rather formally, but he didn't make it a point to emphasize that fact
Though when he saw them, he did a physical double check, his eyes genuinely widening a bit when he took them in
Their hair was fixed nicely instead of the usual bed head they would keep, clothes no where near what he was used to
And they looked absolutely stunning
His mouth went dry when they walked up to him and asked how they looked; he fought within himself to shower them with compliments and gave a small, "You look nice, MC."
You look nice? That's all? For the Avatar of Pride to have words fail him as such was quite a blow to his ego; but he made it a point to show MC his full attention for the rest of the night
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He tapped his foot in exasperation, looking at his wrist watch a few times before giving an annoyed sigh
What's was taking MC so long? They were going to be late to the get together with his friends at the Fall!
He wasn't used to them caring so much about how they looked; they would usually just throw on a hoodie and jeans, ready to go right away
That's pretty much what he was expecting; maybe they were just talking their time picking out a fancy hoodie they had or something, he figured on a shrug
But when the finally announced they were ready and stepped out of their room, his jaw dropped at the sight of them
Their golden clothes sparkled as they walked towards him, a smile gracing their features as they looked so neat and proper; they claimed they wanted to look good for his friends and not embarrass him with their usual baggy clothes
He had to stifle a growl as he gripped their hand tightly, walking with their arms linked, his hold almost possessive now
"With how you look, I'll have to keep my friends off ya with a stick. Better stay by my side so, ya know, no one messes with ya."
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He was bouncing around with excitement about the meet-up with his idol taking place today!
It was a semi-formal event, everyone required to dress up nicely in order to meet her, so he put on a decent suit, black and purple his colors
He had invited MC to join him, and told them they needed to dress nicely so they wouldn't embarrass him in front of his idol
They always dressed down so much and wore such baggy clothes, he was worried they would come off offensive
With a huff and roll of their eyes, MC went to their room to get dressed, and came back in a stunning number that made Levi freeze in his spot
Their style was on par with his idol, if not far more enticing, and he bit his tongue as a flush spread in his cheeks
They smirked seeing the look on his face, asking if what they were wearing was nice enough to impress his idol or not
He stuttered out an apology for his previous statement, and said they actually looked way better than his idol; though that part was more in a whisper than outloud
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As MC's tutor, he had promised to take them out to a nice dinner if they managed to ace their test that they had been studying over for weeks
When they proudly showed him their test with an A+ on it, he simply chuckled and told them to try and dress nicely, since he was taking them to Ristorante Six
He figured they would wear a baggy shirt and jeans, something he knew they always believed to be 'formal' considering their casual nature
But instead they showed up in a wonderful ensemble, and he had to blink a few times to register that he was looking at the usually casual MC
He found himself glancing and staring at them a lot through out the night, even becoming tongue-tied when he tried to speak to them like he normally would
He felt the flush rise in his cheeks when they would smile and laugh with him
Oh no, oh no, oh no, he was falling so hard
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He invited MC to a photoshoot he was doing for Majolish, taking the excuse as a way to try and get them to dress up a bit
He would tease them (lovingly) about the clothing they wore, always baggy and messy; something they would call 'comfortable' despite the slight eye roll he would give when they laughed
He was getting his make up done when MC stepped out of the dressing room, and he gasped loudly, taking them in
They looked absolutely amazing, so stylish and fashionable, as if they had just walked off the cover a magazine
He begged them to let him take pictures of them in their ensemble, and made sure to get copies of the pictures from the shoot to take home with him
Once he saw MC in something so amazing, he was determined to get them to wear clothing like that more often
(And also as an excuse for them to spend far more time with him at that)
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Beel really isn't one for formal dress either, used to wearing his tank tops and gym shorts often aside from his casual wear
When Lucifer announced they would be having dinner at Diavolo's castle, he knew he would have to dress up and was informed to let MC know they needed to dress up as well
He felt confined in the suit Asmo had picked out for him as he sat on MC's bed waiting for them to come out of their bathroom, constantly adjust the sleeves
But his attention drifted from his uncomfiness to staring slack-jawed at MC
The clothing they wore complimented them so well, and he found himself staring do much that MC asked if everything was okay
Ever the blunt demon, he said they looked absolutely amazing, and that they should dress up more often, making them fluster at his words
He smiled warmly and took their hand, holding it tightly as they walked up to meet with his brothers to head to the castle
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A formal celebration was being held at RAD, and Belphie begrudgingly dressed up in a blue and grey suit, shifting the collar uncomfortably as he waited outside MC's door
He was curious to see what they would pick to wear, snickering to himself that they would probably get a lecture from Lucifer for dressing down too much
So when they stepped out of their room, he was ready to start teasing them relentlessly, only for the words to die on his tongue
The ensemble they wore was nice and stylish, matching their aesthetic to a T; he found himself only able to mumble out a simple "ugh" as he stared at them
They smirked this time, and flicked his forehead to snap him out of his daze, asking him if the cat got his tongue
His own smirk returned and he called them a giant dork for actually dressing nice; though his hand stayed gripping theirs through the rest of the night
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He had invited the demon brothers and MC, plus the other transfer students to a ballroom dance at the castle
Of course he informed everyone to dress up for the event, though he found himself wondering what MC would wear
He was used to seeing them in their uniform more than anything, the jacket always unbuttoned and tie done up loosely; he was curious if they would look just disheveled as they did at school
When they walked in behind the brothers, however, he stopped in his tracks and stared at them
They looked elegant, carrying themselves highly and proudly instead of their usual laid back attitude; he couldn't help but find this side of them extremely attractive...
When they finally came up to say 'hello' to him, he refused to let them leave his side, hogging their dances and showering then with compliments the entire time
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Lord Diavolo had invited the brothers and MC to have dinner at Ristorante Six, a celebration for a successful festival at RAD
Ever the loyal butler, he informed them all to dress formally per Diavolo's request, a teasing emphasis at MC who always dressed down for everything
They huffed at him as he chuckled a bit, but nevertheless agreed to wear something 'nice'
When the night came for them to meet at the restaurant, Barbatos and Diavolo had arrived before everyone, reserving the space for them all the sit
They openly greet d them all when they showed up, though Barbatos found his stunned by how MC looked
He had to admit they had quite the charm to them with how they dressed, and something about their smile at him made his heart do backflips for some reason
He found himself taking glance after glance at them through out the night, though when their eyes locked with his, he almost fainted
Oh what had he gotten himself into...
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The students of Purgatory Hall were going out for dinner together, and Simeon found it would be nice to invite MC, since they all were becoming fast friends
They asked if they needed to dress up, and he of course said it was up to them, since he was used to them dressing casually and relaxed
He didn't want to make them feel obligated or anything; their company was more than enough
Though when they showed up to join them, he had to look away for a moment, a hand pressed to his mouth as he willed the flush away from his cheeks
They were stunning in their ensemble, looking so different than what he was used to that he had to keep his eyes from them until he could get his heart to calm down
When they asked if he was alright, he mumbled out an 'I'm fine', trying to make himself get involved in the conversation and distract himself from day dreaming about them
(Tumblr wouldn't let me include a picture for him which annoys me! But it was a red button up shirt with black slacks and black suspenders, leader boots and a wide brimmed black hat.)
He and Asmo had made plans to get dressed up and go to the Fall, inviting MC along since they hadn't been out much
He teased them relentlessly about actually dressing up for the outing, instead of hiding in their hoodie like they always were
They simply sassed him back, saying they would knock his socks off and he just rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure, MC."
Though when the time came for them to head out, he was waiting with Asmo in the foyer, and a whistle left him when he saw MC walking towards them
Their stride was confident and a smirk on their face as they walked up, hands on their hips as they stood in front of the two of them
"Like what you see?" they teased, and Solomon's usual smirk crept back on his lips as he took their hand
"I kinda do. Might have to keep you to myself while we're there," he whispered to them, making Asmo giggle at the sight
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renchinworld · 3 years
before, during and after the wedding
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- gender neutral
- on crack, what’d u expect from this account lmao XD
- the picture qualities are Jurassic negative HD 0.4K but they still look good because dem visuals infinity/10
DISCLAIMER: Considering that not everyone has the same religion and wedding traditions, just imagine that this is for y’all own culture & religion’s weddings. Also, these men will be down to marry you a thousand times in one lifetime so.... conducting a ceremony again is no problem (that equates to more honeymoons and we love honeymoons).
The “I do this for my squad, I do this for my gang” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: The type to inform family and friends a year before the actual wedding (he says it's an adult thing). You and Mark will have everything ready as early as possible so y'all can just chill as the date draws near. Will also be loud about it but not in an intentional way, he’s just neomu excited.
⊰⊹ DURING: Dude will throw finger guns to the guests *ehem* Johnny & Yuta *ehem* while he’s literally right next to the priest. He will also shed a few tears and laugh at himself for crying as he sees you walking down the aisle. Will never forget to thank God for blessing him with you ♡
⊰⊹ AFTER: Mark will dance with you in different genres (except there’s no twerking and grinding because you gotta leave space for Jesus). After the big reception, there will be a smaller reception at home with just you, him and yall parents before the actual honeymoon. He will do everything you like once you two are alone tho ;)
The “You’ll remember this as the wedding of the century” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: Renjun's the type to write the most touching and heartfelt vow that will make you both cry and then add some savage twist at the end which will make everyone laugh (flashback to Haechan's birthday vlive). He will also make sure that everything--from the theme to the background music--is aesthetic af.
⊰⊹ DURING: Mans will 100% cry as he pictures you and him spending your entire lives together once he sees you walk down that aisle. Also, he is genuinely crying happy tears but will wipe them dramatically while he’s being filmed by your wedding videographer for ✧ remembrance and effect ✧
⊰⊹ AFTER: “Renjun, why is the temptation of wife OST playing in the background?”
He will sing close to your ear and give you a peck on the lips once in a while while everyone's busy partying. You two will greet the guests for a short while and then escape in a private plane to an island getaway for your honeymoon… it will take off in front of everyone because... ✧ art ✧ Also, get ready for the most romantic love making in Maldives ;)
The “You thought it’d be no jam but it was actually the best wedding” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: Lets you take charge of planning, but when he suggests his ideas it’s so top notch that you’ll be all “why aren’t you saying more?” and it’s because he believes that the wedding is not as important as the person he is marrying (opposite to Jaemin: Jeno thinks you’ll be happier if he just lets you do whatever you want--as an act of letting you have freedom in your creativity). He’ll be super helpful if you need it tho so no worries.
⊰⊹ DURING: Will accidentally open your veil before the person in charge says “you may now kiss the bride/groom.” He doesn’t care about the cameras, all he sees is you, you and you. Jeno won't cry in the actual event but he will be teary eyed af for sure (he's saving the tears for when you guys are alone).
⊰⊹ AFTER: He will take all his chances to carry you and hold you in his arms all night long. Jeno’s signature eye smile will be plastered on his face all night. That innocent face also prepared a bed of roses and other surprises in your room ready for the honeymoon ;)
The “We’re not going home until someone blacks out” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: Haechan will pull a prank on you before the wedding so that you’ll coming running to him and he’ll see you (he can’t take the “you can’t see each other the night before the wedding” tradition because he misses you already). He will even make the vow writing a group activity lmao: “Whatchu writing?” “Haechan, stop looking! This is supposed to be a surprise.”
⊰⊹ DURING: He will tell everyone “I’m not gonna cry, that’s sus” but will definitely cry while laughing and get laughed at by family and friends lightheartedly. Haechan will say the funniest vows out of everyone but will also make you emotional because he can switch from being humorous to serious in 0.00001 second.
⊰⊹ AFTER: Reception is real party vibes; it’s not over until it’s game over. He might get bored eventually so you too will sneak out laughing in your wedding attires and just chill around the hotel’s swimming pools. He might also push you into a pool so he can save you and bathe you afterwards ;)
The “I’ve been dreaming of this my whole life” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: He’ll make the wedding planner question their entire existence (opposite to Jeno: Jaemin thinks you’ll be happier if he plans the wedding for you--as an act of service). He’ll be super open to your suggestions though and will immediately change up anything you don’t agree with so no worries.
⊰⊹ DURING: Jaemin will also give one of the funniest vows but it's because he's unintentionally funny in his speech delivery. He will say the sweetest and uplifting words, refraining from being too emotional because he doesn't want to see you cry... but you still do. Dude might do mild aegyo in front of everyone just to see you smile again (you know the finger on pouty lips one that he does with Renjun? Yep, that one).
⊰⊹ AFTER: He will drag you somewhere when everyone’s busy partying just so he can give you a kissth. He’s down to party with your family and friends but only if you’re always by his side. And he definitely won't care if the party's over or not--once he sees that you’re tired or want to be alone with him, he'll announce to everyone that you guys are gonna bounce… and bounce you shall ;)
The “We can afford a Kardashian wedding but I’d rather keep it simple” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: Boi WILL 100% invite his bestie Stephen Curry. There will be three weddings: one for the grand wedding (at an arena for all of Shanghai to see--he doesn’t like this one but gotta keep those investors in check, you know?). Another for a small circle wedding (just family and friends). The last will be the “just the two of us casually exchanging chips and diamond rings while playing pubg” wedding
⊰⊹ DURING: Daddy Chenle will never forget to mention his son Mark in his vows and speeches. His whole clan will shower you with gifts and affection so much that he doesn’t know if he should be happy or annoyed because they’re not giving you two enough time to spend YOUR wedding together. He’s staying put though because hakuna matata #the scorpio side jumped out
⊰⊹ AFTER: No one else is allowed to touch you except for him. He will carry you bridal style away from the building and to his car so he can have you all to himself. He’ll definitely cry happy tears when it's just the two of you.
The “We really should’ve married in secret instead” Groom
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⊰⊹ BEFORE: Will let you take control of the event but will pitch in his creative ideas here and there. Jisung insists that you have a small wedding but the number of NCT members is far from small lol. There's also a high chance of a beach wedding because he loves the open area (gives him more space to breathe plus he’ll see Haechan and Renjun trying to drown each other in the distance and that’s free entertainment).
⊰⊹ DURING: Dude will 100% get clowned by the NCT members while saying his vows (honorable mention: dreamies). He might rap some of his words out of nervousness (which everyone finds cute because it is). He will be all shy and awkward at first and then surprise everyone by his sudden bold moves (e.g. dip you as he kisses you, say the sweetest things). He will also cry happy tears as he sees you walk down that aisle.
⊰⊹ AFTER: He's truly grateful for all the support and love of everyone who attended but as an introvert and an Aquarius Plus Pro Max, he’ll be wishing on the inside that everyone just goes home already so you two can have fun alone. Mans will still get clowned by the members even during the reception but he doesn’t mind because he’s clowning them back now. His hand will be glued to your waist all night and he will sneak in a few kisses here and there.
♡ OT7:
- Everyone will get clowned by the other members regardless of the event so a wedding isn’t an exception. So either you protect your husband or join in on the light teasing... or both. 
- You may also get clowned. It’s NCT we’re talking about.
- This is a work of fiction. Except the clownery & RenHyuck drowning each other in Jisung’s wedding. That’s true to life.
Happy Anniversary to our Dreamies >u< we love you guys sm!
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anxietysslave · 3 years
Fearful pt. 2 (Ethan Winters X Male!Reader)
This will be edited and the first part will be linked here: https://anxietysslave.tumblr.com/post/668074231131701248/fearful-ethan-winters-x-malereader
Y/n means your name, B/n means best friend's name, F/n means fake friend's name
Warnings: Self-hate, mentions of self-harm, internal homophobia
Remember, if you'd like to request something, I will write it up! I have plenty of free time to do it- XD
Y/N's point of view:
I awoke to hear someone knocking on my door. I hesitantly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I winced as the movement caused a lot of pain in my arms.
I glanced at the time to see it was barely noon. I forced myself to get out of bed and trudged along the bedroom floor. I continued to trudge through until I made it down the stairs and to the front door. I peaked out to see no one standing there, which caused me to shrug. I retreated away from the door and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed out an energy drink and opened it up before taking a seat at the island. I sighed to myself as I took a swig from it.
*The door opens*
My head shot in the direction to see Ethan standing there. He clearly looked panicked as his eyes locked with mine. He shut the door behind me and rushed over to me. "Where the hell did you go last night!? Do you know how worried I was!? And you haven't been picking up your phone since Zoe called last night!" He exclaimed.
I sighed. "I went back home. Where else would I go?" I questioned. "In the rain? Y/n, you could've easily gotten a cold! Or worse, kidnapped." He lectured. "That's not really the least of my worries." I muttered. "What?" he questioned. "Nothing." I responded. "Well, now that you know I'm perfectly fine, you don't have to be here. I know Mia will probably want you home to help with lu-" I started.
"If you would've read the text I sent last night, you would've learned that Mia and I split last night." Ethan interrupted. My head shot in his direction. "What?? Why would you split up?? I thought you were going to celebrate your anniversary!" I exclaimed. "I can't be with someone who makes fun of my best friend." He whispered.
"I'm not dumb. I saw all the remarks she made towards you, and the glares." He announced. "And after you left, she made more comments." He added. "Ethan... Just because someone makes comments doesn't mean you leave them. You were happy with her, Ethan. I shouldn't come first for your happiness." I spoke gently.
"You really are blind sometimes.. Mia and I haven't been happy for weeks. The only reason I was going to celebrate our anniversary was because I felt desperate to fix the relationship. But it would not happen. We no longer had feelings for each other." He explained. I sighed in frustration.
"You're just confusing me more! You were acting like you were completely in love with her, then you two split up!" I exclaimed. I growled in annoyance and stood up. "It's too early for this shit, Ethan." I growled as I walked away. He followed behind me. "I saw the post F/n posted." He started randomly.
"And? What does it have to do with me or what we were just talking about a second ago?" I questioned. "Well, it's simple. B/n talked to them after he came home from your house. I know this because I talked to F/n." He explained. "Y/n, is there something you need to tell me?" He questioned gently.
I froze for a moment. "No. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bed." I announced as I walked back up the stairs. He followed behind me. "You said you loved someo-" He started. "You can't just start switching the topic! You were talking about Mia, and now you're pressing me." I growled as I threw the bedroom door open.
I sat down on the bed. "Well, let's see, maybe it's because my mind is running a million miles an hour?" He questioned. "I can't focus on just one topic when I want to find out what's going on. You haven't been yourself for a long time, and it's really concerning me. B/n and F/n know exactly what's going on, but they aren't exactly telling me. And you have been so distant with everyone that it worries me." He explained. "I'm fucking fine, alright!? Can you drop it now!?" I snapped. "No! I care for you, Y/n!" He exclaimed. I sighed in frustration and brushed the hair out of my face.
Ethan's eyes went wide in shock. "What!?" I shouted. "I don't want you to keep pressing me to spill things I don't want to talk a-"I started as I rested my arm by my side again. "Y/n." Ethan spoke sternly. "Show me your arm." He ordered. My eyebrows furrowed. "No! Why the fuck would you need to see my arm!?" I exclaimed. "Don't pretend like you don't fucking know!" He shouted. "Show me your arm! Now!" He ordered.
'Why is he so insistent on seeing my a-oh shit... Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck! He saw it, didn't he!? Shit...'
"No!" I denied. "There is no fucking point in seeing my arm! You see it every damn day!" I shouted. He marched over to me and grabbed my arm. I struggled to get my arm out of his grasp, but it was no use. He was stronger than me and had the higher ground. "Let go, Ethan!" I Shouted as I struggled more.
He ignored me and instead pulled my sleeve all the way down. I winced as I heard a gasp escape his lips. Silence followed it, as his eyes clearly traced my arm. I did not look at him, but kept my eyes trained on the ground. "Why..." His voice cracked. "Why the hell would you do something like this!?" He exclaimed.
I flinched at his tone of voice. "I..." I started. "I fucking hate myself! There, you happy!?" I shouted. "You wanted an answer. There's your fucking answer! I hate my entire existence. I hate that everything I do is a mistake. I hate how disgusting I look, I hate my voice, I hate my body, I hate how I hurt others, I. Fucking. Hate. Myself!" I shouted.
"And more than anything, I hate being gay! Why can't it just be simple where I like a girl?!" I shouted as tears fell from my face. Ethan wrapped his arms around me and brought me into the tightest hug. "I'm so sorry I never noticed... I... Shit, I'm such a terrible friend..." He whispered as I sobbed into his chest.
"I was so focused on Mia and everything else going on that I wasn't paying attention to you... I should've been paying more attention, I should've known something was wrong." he kept muttered as one of his hands started rubbing small circles into my back. He continued to hold me and mutter to himself for a long time until I had no more tears left to cry.
I broke apart from his grasp. "It's not your fault... Because even if you noticed it, you can't make me love myself." I explained. "How do you know?" He questioned gently. "I don't think anyone can..." I whispered. He sighed. "You never know." He muttered. "But how about we get those bandaged up? You don't want it to get infected." He spoke gently.
"I don't mind it. It will kill me faster." I spoke honestly. "Hey. Do not speak like that. Do you even know how I would feel if I lost you??" He questioned. "You would forget about it after a year. I'm not something to dwell on." I replied. "That's where you're wrong. I care for you more than anything, and if I lost you... I don't know how I'd react. You're important to me." He explained. I sighed and looked back at the ground.
He left the room for a moment and returned with bandages and cleaning stuff. He lifted the sleeve of my right arm and stared at the injuries. "How long have you been doing this?" he questioned gently. "Years now..." I whispered. He didn't respond, but went to cleaning the cuts.
*Time skip... Sorry...*
"F/n was talking about you, weren't they?" He asked gently. I nodded slowly. "I can't really blame them... I... I think I really hurt B/n..." I whispered. "Hey, you didn't mean to. I'm sure he understands." Ethan reassured. "But... If it is about you, who is it you're stuck on? It has to be someone really important if they're on your mind." He questioned.
"I really don't want to talk about it. You know them, and I don't want them to hate me." I whispered. "If I tell you a secret, will you tell me?" He questioned. "No." I denied. "Are you sure? Because I know exactly who you like." He spoke gently. My head shot up in his direction. "No that's impossible... You couldn't possibly know." I denied.
He smiled softly. "F/n told me." He admitted. My eyes went wide. "It's me, isn't it?" He questioned. I covered my face with my hands. "Don't be ashamed. I'm not mad." He spoke gently. "I.. I'm sorry... I.." I started. "Hey, there's no reason to apologize." He denied. "How the fuck aren't you mad at me? How aren't you looking at me in disgust?" I questioned.
"I... I was one of the reason's you and your wife split up... She's never liked me because she knew I liked you..." I whispered. "You had no part in it. Because I was worried to tell you I wasn't happy with her, that I was questioning who I was when we returned from the village. That I think I had feelings for you." He announced.
My eyes went wide. "W-What..?" I questioned. "After everything that happened, I realized something. I've always been happier with you than I was with Mia. And Mia saw that. She argued with me about it a lot, which was the final straw for last night." He explained. "So if you're willing, would you let me help you love yourself?" He questioned.
"I..." I started. "Yes... I...Fuck you've completely surprised me." I agreed. He smiled as his hand cupped my cheek. "I promise you, I will help you." He spoke gently. "Because I love you. I love you more than anything." he muttered. I felt tears fall from my face as a sad smile formed on my lips. "I... I love you too.." I spoke hesitantly. He leaned forward and allowed our lips to connect in a passionate kiss.
(Thank you for reading! This is the end of the saga! Let me know if you guys would like more! Have a great day! :) )
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minzart · 3 years
Back on my bullshit but this time with Marceline!mc
Riddle thought having to deal with flyod was hell but just wait till marceline!mc pulls up to the scene.
Riddle: *already annoyed* no flyod leave me alone!
Floyd: huh! But goldfishie*rest on top of riddle*
Riddle: *face becoming red* Floyd...
Mc: AH~ what yummy shade of red Riddle
Mc & floyd: *got collared*
Was able to summon their battle axe-guitar but kept getting in trouble because ya know battle axe..
Crowley: we've been getting complaints on your axe thingy mc...
Mc: it's a guitar
Crowley: yes but it looks like a battle axe..
Mc: yeah because it was once a battle axe
Crewel: what do you mean "it was once a battle axe"..?
Mc: it's a family heirloom.. passed down from my father's father and so on... but a bttle axe really didn't suit me so turned into a base
Azul often hires them to be entertament for the lounge but has mc sing more of their calmer song as he doesn't want a repeat of last time.. because normally when it's announced mc will be singing the lounge becomes super packed
Mc: and one and a two.. i don't know what to without you, I don't know where to put my hands~
Crowd: *whistling and cheering*
Mc: I don't need the world to see that I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me~
Crowd: *starts to get rowdy* *stuff starts to be thrown*
Mc: *gets knocked into; dropping their pick* ugh I'm not playing without my pick...
Crowd: *going ape shit now*
Lounge workers: *frantically trying to find the pick*
Lounge: *gets destroyed but they soon find mc's pick*
Everyone thinks Mc like Lila; they just get weak by the sun.. that is far from the truth. It was a gloomy and rainy day nobody could tell whether it was night or not, but Lila and Mc were thriving. While everyone was sluggish Lila and Mc acted as if they had 3am cat zoomiez. Until...
Mc: *thriving as they don't need to lug around an umbrella or sun hat* ah~ this is the life!
Lila: *sipping tomato cocktail* you say it sister~
Leona: *struggling to stay awake* those assholes are just rubbing it in now..
The ran: *let's up so now everyone is able to PE classes*
The sun: *hehe I'm about to ruined this mans whole career*
Lila & mc: *floaring around like the unbotherd queens they are*
The sun:
Part 2
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omoghouls · 2 years
my favourite thing w diapers is like - with omo its all about the lack of control, but with diapers you're literally handing it over to someone else and letting them have that control over you
that being said; I absolutely go crazy for changes in the trunk. Like its already a big loss of control to let someone change you into a diaper but that's just made so much more significant when you're in the back of a car on the side of the road like?? I swear if we're talking modern au here then Izzy would no doubt have to go through one or two changes in Ed's trunk while they're out doing whatever, touring or smth. He's embarrassed because not only has he wet his diaper, but he's wet it so much and so soon that they can't stop off at a bathroom with a change table and have to quickly change him in Ed's trunk before he leaks all over the car and gets a rash. Ed and Stede give him so much praise as they wipe him down and get him to lift his bottom up, wiping him all clean and putting cream and powder on him before sliding the new diaper under him and taping him up nice and tight. Bonus if the crew is in the car and is whining about him taking too long - he's already embarrassed enough from the semi-public change on the side of the road without everyone complaining about his potty pants and how he can't hold it, but Ed and Stede don't hurry up and take their time making sure Izzy is clean and dry and let them complain. They do threaten that the next person to say anything about Izzy is getting changed into a diaper right then and there, and would have to go without pants until they got to their destination - that shuts a few people up.
Same goes for in canon - once Izzy's diapers become a known thing on the ship sometimes (when he's being an ass) Lucius or someone will come up, pull down his pants to check his diaper, and announce very loudly if he's dry or wet. He gets carried to the centre of the deck and laid down for a change, the crew watching as his soggy diaper gets stripped off and he gets wiped down - there's a running commentary the entire time "Oh wow, this is so wet, Izzy" "Are you enjoying your change Izzy?" "Someone needs a wipe down, don't they?" "You're going to need thicker diapers if you need a change this often, Izzy!" - He's scowling the entire time as he gets dried off, washed up and rubbed down with cream and powder before a clean diaper is finally put on him. Occasionally, if he's been really terrible, they tell him that he's peeing a little too much for his pants, since he's so bad at telling them when he needs a change and they don't want any accidents, he won't get them back until he's a good boy again.
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Oh my goodness tho?? Like yes to that, the controll is now in something snug against the hips, you don't have to exactly worry now but, you now do have a watchful eye over you!
But AAAA OMG back seat/trunk changes are THE BEST?? AND SO CUTE????? Like yes holy shit to their car being pulled over on the side of the road and Izzy in the back just covering his face with whatever he can, pretending he doesn't hear the other cars whizzing by them as he feels the breeze against him as he's getting changed.
He definitely grumbles about how he can do this himself. Only to have Stede and Ed mention the times when they did let him do that and how each time he leaked xD and svtcd6xdrdx66tc6 at the gang shutting up the complaints once they're told they'll be next in diapered
And AAAAAA????? O M G G???? YES. Like when Izzy is being a particularly dickish man the crew does that dip check- omgg Izzy is burning up the whole time just muttering and grumbling because god damnit they really know the buttons to press! And yesss holy shit, no pants for the prick, like, maybe Izzy was a real bastred and made some particularly nasty comments or commands
Sooo surely that must be because Izzy was getting crabby from just how wet he was riight?? Well, now they can see much easier when he needs a change, perhaps that will help him😌
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