#do u ever see a man so unbelievably pretty you get the hiccups
fivevotesdown · 2 years
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I've pinked him. he's pinked
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barnesxplum-blog · 5 years
Imagine being close friends with Seb for 2 years now, but also in love with him. U don’t think he likes u back, so u decide to get urself drunk to confess to him so that he rejects u in the morn. But thing is, he does like u back and is desperately tryin to get u to understand that despite u being in ur drunk denial. If u can, a lotta fluff would be hella cool, xx!
Sorry this took so long @blueskiesbleakeyes! I love this idea, I hope I did it justice :)
Warnings: None (please let me know if there should be some!!)
not my gif!
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If hell was a place on Earth it would be here, in this bar, right where you were, engulfing you in it’s hot and merciless flames.
Fine. Perhaps that was a tad melodramatic.
You were sat slumped in the bar stool, twirling the umbrella around in your cocktail glass with a forlorn expression plastered on your face.
You almost regretted accepting Sebastian’s last minute invitation to come here, but the look in his eyes almost dragged the word “yes” out of your mouth against your will. 
No one could really say no to Sebastian and not feel terrible for it for at least 3 business days afterwards. Come on. The guy was an unruly puppy confined within in a grown man’s body.
So here you sat, reluctantly watching him smile politely and converse with a group of attractive ladies, all vying for his attention, asking about how he gets into his metal arm and whether he would grow his hair out again. 
“How original.” you thought, surprising yourself at how bitter you sounded.
You rolled your eyes as one particularly pretty girl giggled at Sebastian, (who really wasn’t doing anything funny, in your opinion) and gripped his upper arm, getting a good feel of his toned bicep.
You had even reached the point where you had to mentally repeat in a chant like fashion: 
“He isn’t yours, Y/N. He is not your boyfriend” 
You couldn’t exactly blame her for turning up the charm. Being friends with Sebastian didn’t make you blind to his attractiveness. He was definitely hot, talented, kind, funny and sweet... you knew this and you could see why it would be difficult to resist his charms. What stung the most is that he either refused to accept that he had all of these features, or didn’t believe it at all, forever shrugging off compliments and burying his head in his hands whenever fans or interviewers would flirt with him.
In fact, in recent weeks you’d found yourself in quite the predicament.
You returned your focus to the illuminated display of liquor behind the bar, and asked for a bottle of the strongest stuff they had.
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It all started around a month ago. Sebastian was over at your apartment and the two of you had made some homemade pizzas together, of course, not without a small food fight ensuing, since the two of you had a combined mental age that equated to 12 years.
You were both covered in flour, smearing tomato sauce on each other’s cheeks every five minutes. Each time you did so, you would swear it would be the last time you did it, but betrayed your promise within seconds, just to attack the other with food items again. It was all very juvenile, but at the same time, you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
His flour-y smile and little yelps every time you attacked him made the sticky feeling that lingered on your face feel a lot less irritating and uncomfortable, and more of a reminder of how much you loved to spend time with him. 
After consuming a substantial amount of pizza and ice cream, Seb decided he was far too full and sleepy to make the journey back to his own home, which was only a 15 minute walk from yours, sounding a lot like someone who was at least 20 years older than he was, which you made sure to tease him about.
“Well, when you get to my age, maybe you’ll be more aware of the importance of conserving one’s energy,” He retorted, half yawning in the middle of his sentence.
Even you were feeling drowsy from the mammoth amount of food you had eaten, so you admitted defeat and drifted off into a joint food coma on your couch.
You awoke early the next morning to see light filtering through the the blinds on your window, warming your skin, and illuminating both of your legs, tangled in the single, patchwork  blanket you used for the night that honestly didn't do much to cover you. Seb was a proud blanket thief. 
The said blanket thief was clutching you to his chest in a tight, but comfortable grip, making small snuffling noises in his sleep, his hair unruly and slowly returning back to its natural curly state, freeing itself from its gelled back prison. 
He looked like an angel, in the golden sunlight with his skin glowing, and his lips parted slightly. You almost wanted to take a picture of him looking like this, but you restrained yourself, not wanting to risk him catching you and having to live down the teasing and embarrassment.
You didn’t know what came over you, but you felt a strong instinct to nuzzle into his chest, taking in his natural scent- faintly of his day-old cologne and rain.
You smiled, basking in this rare moment of affection, wanting to enjoy it before it came to its inevitable end, and you were just friends once again. You felt a pang of sadness, just at the thought.
Looking up slowly, you dared to sneak another glance at him. You jumped, noticing his eyes were already partly open, the blue irises focused intently on you in a sleepy gaze.
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards into a juvenile grin, and his eyes fluttered closed once more, so his long, dark lashes fanned out almost touching his cheeks below.
“Five more minutes, Y/N” he sighed, planting a chaste kiss on your temple, before falling asleep again.
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Back in the present moment, you were seriously drunk, having downed countless shots on an empty stomach. The world was spinning. There were now four identical bartenders all mixing the same drink before you.
You raised your arm, despite this.
One more couldn’t hurt, could it?
You only wanted to forget ever wanting your best friend as anything more than a friend. You felt silly for even thinking that could Sebastian see you as anything other than his little, non-famous platonic sidekick.
Especially when beautiful and talented women were prone to throwing themselves at him at every opportunity. You didn’t stand a chance.
“Y/N, enough,” you heard a soft voice through the mayhem of the bar, as karaoke was starting up. His favourite.
Sebastian gripped your hand in his, softly peeling you off of the bar stool. His eyebrows shot up as they usually do when he’s even mildly surprised, when your knees completely buckled under your own body weight.
He gripped you more firmly so you didn’t fall to the floor. 
“How much did you drink?” 
“Enough to allow me to tell you this,” you hiccuped.
It was now or never. At least your inhibitions we’re out of the way for now, and you wouldn’t even remember this, come morning time.
He furrowed his brow as you took his hand and led him with great difficulty to a more quiet corner of the room.
“Sebastian, I love you.” You blurted, holding his shoulders and staring deeply into his eyes.
He broke out into a chuckle and patted your shoulder.
“Love you too, Y/N” he replied, rolling his eyes. “Now let’s get you home”
As he escorted you outside towards his car, you began to resist him with all of your strength, which when comparing to Sebastian, was not much.
“No! I mean..I mean I love you!”
This made Sebastian finally stop in his tracks, and look sideways at you.
“I mean I’m in love with you. Like holding hands and kissing kinda love. And maybe even having s-“
“Y/N stop,” he whispered, cutting you off.
it was like the blood in your body had run cold, and your heart plummeted from your chest to somewhere in your lower abdomen. He continued to escort you to his parked car behind the bar.
It was almost unbelievable how stupid you felt.
“I knew it!” Tears pricked your eyes, and you felt your cheeks growing hot and red.
“I knew you’d never love me back. Especially when women with big boobs and pretty faces are always smiling at you” 
“You don’t know what you’re saying, Y/N” he persisted, opening his car door for you.
“I do! I just told you- I. Love. You.” 
“No...” he replied, breaking every last piece of hope you had stored in your heart.
He sighed, as you sat in the passenger seat of his car, and he helped fasten your seatbelt while a tear rolled down your cheek.
Everything seemed to be a blur of darkness and engine noises for a while. You could see Seb’s outline, a portrait of stress hunched over the wheel, his hands gripping the leather tightly. You wondered whether his hands would leave visible marks in the material, from how his knuckles had turned white with strain. The last thing you remember was him carrying you into your apartment before it all went completely dark.
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You awoke with a throbbing headache, and fragmented memories of last night and how you even made it to your bed.
Fortunately, or rather, unfortunately for you, you managed to recall, in astounding detail, every minute of you confessing and then getting shut down.
“Fuck!” You sighed loudly, rolling over.
As you did so, you realised you were in your pyjamas. You definitely were not sober enough last night to change into your PJs and stow away your heels so neatly by your bedroom door. You narrowed your eyes in confusion, but also partly due to the migraine coming on.
As if on cue, your door flung open, and a shirtless, wild haired Sebastian burst into your room, his eyes wide.
“What happened? I heard you swear” he said breathlessly, his toned chest rising and falling rapidly.
 You screamed helplessly and jumped out of bed, your duvet still wrapped around your waist
“What are you doing here?” You yelled.
“I stayed on the couch because I didn’t want you to be alone” he explained “you could have choked on your own vomit or something”
You calmed down instantly. Well, at least he wasn’t completely scared off from last nights conversation.
“My clothes,” you mumbled sheepishly, avoiding eye contact.
“You looked uncomfortable in your dress.” He shrugged, seemingly unfazed by having to strip you down and dress you again.
“Here, I’ll get you some water and painkillers,” he motioned for you to follow him into the kitchen/ living room space.
As you gulped down the pills you watched him tidy up your house for a while, before deciding to speak.
“I’m sorry about what I said”
His body visibly tensed, and he turned to you, his eyes unreadable.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.”
 “I made it weird. You obviously only see me as a friend and I’d like to keep you as one, only if you’d let me of course” you said, though your nerves got the better of you and it all came out as one convoluted sentence.
He regarded you for what felt like an eternity. His blue eyes, scanning over your face. Almost as if he was mapping you and memorising all of your features. What scared you the most is that his lips were still. His usual goofy smile was nowhere to be seen.
A serious Sebastian is one you hadn’t had much experience with within your friendship, and that was something you loved about him. He was always laughing, cheerful and poking fun at somebody or something. But now, he seemed so severe. It scared you.
 You rubbed your thighs with your palms nervously. Thank god the medicine was kicking in, otherwise there would be no way you’d be able to face the pain of the headache coupled with Seb turning you down twice in 24 hours.
“I don’t blame you if you can’t look at me the same, Seb. And I-“ You added.
“You weren’t listening to me last night,” he blurted out of the blue, cutting you off.
He padded towards you in his mismatched socks and stopped until he was mere inches from your face.
“And I wanted to make sure of something, too.” He sighed “It breaks my heart to imagine you think I can’t look at you the same”
You shook your head and placed a reassuring hand on his arm for him to continue. You could have sworn you saw his eyes glisten a bit from tears.
“Y/N...I wanted to make sure you’d remember everything I say to you. I’ve loved being your friend for the past couple of years, don’t get me wrong” he was now wringing his hands, his face flushed and his eyes darting from your face to the floor.
“But I’ve come to realise, it’s not enough. I can’t hold you, and know that you’re not mine. Not completely. It sounds cliche, but I feel empty every time we’re apart. I try to fill the void but, honestly, no one will compare”
“Every time I see you, my heart feels so fucking full.” He continued, now the smile was starting to appear on his face.
“I just want to grab you and never let go, but I felt so selfish. I felt like I was throwing our friendship away, Y/N” 
By now your jaw had completely dropped. You didn’t even care what you looked like at this point with your bedhead, dark circles and chapped lips from dehydration. All you wanted to know is if what you were hearing was correct.
“You have no idea how much I wanted to kiss you last night, but I knew you wouldn’t remember it” He whispered, leaning closer to you now. “I want you- us- remember it” He whispered.
In one swift motion, his hand was cradling the back of your head and his eyes were staring down at you, his lips parted. He kissed you deeply, wrapping his other arm around your waist and pulling you impossibly close to his bare chest. You could almost hear his heart beating excitedly beneath his ribcage, threatening to burst out
When he released you, his beautiful, stupid smile was back. He almost looked embarrassed at how much he was grinning.
“Sorry it took this long” he whispered, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles sweetly. 
“I suppose it was worth the wait.” You retorted, shooting him a wry smile.
He cocked his head to the side, taking you in for a while.
“Next time I undress you, you’re gonna be able to recall every second of it,” he winked at you.
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featherypromises · 5 years
Rp transcription part 5: Fever dreams
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Jungkook seemed to be in a dark place. In a haze he saw Taehyung in front of him. He was wrapped in the arms of another person who's face he couldn't see. He kissed the figure passionately and turned to smirk at Jungkook with a mockingly raised eyebrow. 'Why would I ever want to be with someone like you? Please grow up!' Taehyung turned and walked away fading into blackness. 
'NO!' He cried, beating his hands against an invisible barrier that separated him from Tae. If he could just explain... but he couldn't even hear him now, 
"Tae..." he moaned, twisting the sheets and kicking free of the blankets, "Tae... come back! I love you!"
Taehyung went inside the room and was instantly surprised to find the younger thrashing and screaming. He swore under his breath and ran to Jungkook. 
The younger's words confused Taehyung. W-What did he mean? Why was he saying that he loved him? What was going on?! 
Regardless, Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his arms and gently rocked him back and forth. "Shhh, bunny, shhh... It's just a nightmare, baby, wake up."
Jungkook opened teary eyes and saw Taehyung above him. He gasped breathlessly and began to sob "I'm sorry" again and again into his hyung's chest. He clutched at the older man as though he might turn to vapor before his eyes and slip away.
Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's back soothingly and cooed slightly. "Aww, bunny, no~ It's okay, it was just a nightmare~ Don't cry~"
Jungkook hiccupped trying to stop the panicky sobs. The parting words of the nightmare Taehyung were ringing in his ears. 'Please grow up!' He crammed a clenched fist against his mouth keeping it shut and tried to breathe through his nose. It was too stuffy so he shook as he tried to breathe slowly. "I-I'm s-sorry. I sh-shouldn't get so upset over a st-stupid nightmare."
"No, no, honey, it's fine. Everyone is allowed to get upset over nightmares, besides, you've got a bad fever. Those always make nightmares worse." He said softly. He just wanted Jungkook to smile and feel better again.
Jungkook swiped roughly at his eyes with the backs of his hands, and took a few more deep breaths to compose himself. He nodded quickly, only halfway taking the words to heart.
Taehyung sighed. "Hold on, let me take your temperature..." He mumbled. He'd brought the thermometer with him, so he took it from the bedside table and placed it under Jungkook's tongue.
The awkward device beeped and Jungkook pulled it out, blinking at the numbers, 38.7. At least he knew why his head hurt now. He sniffled congestedly, feeling stiff and achy. He rubbed at his nose and cringed when it made a squishing sound under his fist.
Taehyung gulped and pulled out his phone to text Namjoon.
[Tae: kook's temp is 38.7°... hyung this is bad... and he had a nightmare a few mins ago... idk what to do]
Rapmon's phone buzzed again. He pulled it out holding up his pointer finger at Yoongi before stepping out of the studio. As he read the text, he cringed. "Poor Kid,..." he typed out a question that a doctor had asked him over the phone when Hobi was sick with pneumonia. [RM: Poor guy... is he sweating or is his skin dry and hot?]
Taehyung glanced over to Jungkook and pressed the back of his hand against Jungkook's cheek to check.
Jungkook leaned into the hand, it felt soft and smooth. Immediately he grew self conscious. He felt gross and was sweating. He was sure Taehyung would be grossed out by him like this.
Taehyung sighed and pouted in sympathy. The younger looked so tired and sick. 
He kept his hand where it was and texted Namjoon again.
[Tae: hes sweating]
[RM: Ok, that's the silver lining here, Tae-Tae. The sweat needs to come off, either a lukewarm shower or bath or a wet cloth if he can't be safe in the bathroom alone. This means his temperature will come down pretty soon, at least a little. Try to get some fever reducers in him. He will probably need a change of clothes too. Do you want me to come back to the house?]
Taehyung took a deep breath as he took all the information in. 
[Tae: alright, I'll start the water in the bathroom. u can stay there, i'll be fine :)]
[RM: ok, I trust u, Tae. If something changes, & u need me, just let me know.] 
Jungkook looked at Taehyung studying his phone's screen and had seen him typing away at warp speed.  He cocked his head to one side, a little curious. 
"Who are you talking with, Hyung?" The maknae rubbed at his nose again. The congestion was uncomfortable.
"Just Namjoon-hyung." He answered with a small smile. "Stay here, I'm gonna go start the water in the bathroom so you can take a bath, okay?" He said, getting up.
Jungkook gave him a small shy smile and nodded. 
"Thank you, hyung, for everything. I can do it though, you still aren't feeling well either. " he sniffled, trying to breathe. He leaned over and got a few tissues, blowing his nose, emptying first one nostril (with a pop in his ear that made him wince under the tissue) then the other. His nose was pink and irritated looking, but he could breathe a bit better.
Taehyung sighed. "Kook, don't worry about me, okay? Sure, I'm not feeling well, but you're feeling worse than me. So let me help you, okay?" He said, rubbing Jungkook's shoulder soothingly.
Jungkook bit his lip. He was worried, he couldn't help himself. Even if Taehyung never... loved Jungkook the same way that the younger man loved his hyung. 
He paused. He loved Taehyung. He suddenly realized that what he felt was love.
He went beet red and looked carefully at the designs on the comforter with significantly more focus than he had ever done before.
Oh geez, what the heck should he do now?
Taehyung noticed his flushed cheeks but mistook it for something related to how sick he was. He sighed and, without thinking, pressed a small kiss to Jungkook's head. He pulled back, blushing profusely and smiling. "Wait here, I'll come get you when the bath is done."
Jungkook was absolutely stunned. Oh, and how unbelievably handsome his hyung looked at that moment with the slight pinkish hue on his cheeks and a shy smile. 
It almost undid Jungkook completely. His cheeks felt like they would catch on fire. Only sheer willpower kept him upright.
Taehyung went to the bathroom, a bright smile on his face. He started the water and hummed happily to himself.
When Taehyung left, Jungkook let himself fall back onto the bed, bouncing slightly as the mattress adjusted. 
What was that...?!? He had finally lost it... or the fever was making him hallucinate! But he had felt it. The softest exhale and the most tender kiss. 
He cupped his scarlet face with his hands. Oh good grief... now he was really torn. This kiss was sweet, maybe it was just a affectionate, caring hyung doting on the youngest member...
But then... why the blush?... 
Until now, he would never have even dared to hope that Taehyung felt anything close to romantic love for him. Could it be possible? Had he save Korea in another lifetime to get that lucky? 
He decided to wait and see. He was still too uncertain to say anything one way or another. He had no clue that he had already said the words to Taehyung that he wanted to tell him more than anything else in this world. I love you.
As the bath filled up, Taehyung pondered about, well, Jungkook. It hurt him to know that he'd caused the younger to get sick.
Jungkook shook himself out of his runaway thoughts. He pulled himself into a sitting position slowly and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He was still in the same clothes from the previous day, and they clung to him uncomfortably. He would get a fresh set for after the bath from his room. 
He stood with an effort, his achy joints protesting. He kept one hand on the wall and walked slowly down the hall to his room. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and a soft pair of plaid pjs pants. He set the new clothes on the bed and went to his closet to get the sweatshirt.  On the closet door were selca pictures of him with the other members. His eyes landed on one of him and Tae when they were younger. He pulled it down and looked at it feeling nostalgic and happy.
Taehyung came back into the living room. "Kookie, the bath is-" He trailed off when he saw that Jungkook was there and panicked. "Jungkook!?" He called frantically.
Jungkook heard his name being called. He try to respond by shouting, but his throat failed him at the worst possible time, and he began to cough instead. 
Trying to catch his breath between coughs, he sat on the edge of his bed, coughing into a closed fist.
Taehyung swore under his breath and started to look around the house, calling Jungkook's name as he went.
Jungkook heard Taehyung's voice again, this time he heard the emotion behind his name, was that anger... or fear? Oh, he hadn't told Tae where he was. His eyes watered as he struggled to take a full breath. At last he managed a fairly loud, "M'Here!" before he was coughing and sputtering again.
Taehyung let out a small sigh of relief and a, "Oh thank god," before rushing to Jungkook's room and wrapping him in a hug. "Aww, honey, just breathe, okay?"
Jungkook's eyes were teary as he struggled to control his body. At last, he whispered a hoarse,
"M'okay..." he coughed twice more, "sorry..." he gave Taehyung the smallest smile, feeling terrible for scaring his hyung. He reached up with the hand he hadn't coughed on and raised it to Taehyung's cheek cupping it in his hand; stroking it gently with his thumb.
Taehyung sighed and pouted slightly. "You really aren't feeling good, are you, bunny?" He sympathized.
As if drawn in by a tractor beam, the younger man's hand moved to Taehyung's chin and his thumb moved over the older man's lips, smoothing the pout away. 
His voice was hoarse and deepened by the coughing fit, but he was smiling as he looked into the smaller man's eyes.
"None of that..." he said gently, "this was my choice, and I would make the same choices again in a heartbeat. I knew I'd get sick, but being sick with you is a thousand times better than letting you deal with this alone."
Taehyung smiled softly his cheeks and ears burning red from Jungkook's actions. "I don't know about that, Kookie. Would you seriously rather go through his nasty virus that laze away and be able to properly breath without having to worry about sneezing or coughing or.. anything?" He questioned.
"Only if you got the same chance. Like I said, I hate to see you hurting, Taehyung. Sick or healthy as long as it is with you, it's all I could want."
Jungkook smiled and looked down, before adding "No guilt-tripping yourself about this..." The maknae's face was inches away from Taehyung's and looked up into Taehyung's blushing face, his large eyes held wells of emotion and an unspoken question.
Taehyung swallowed, his cheeks flushing bright red and his eyes wide. The temptation to kiss him was strong. So strong. But... Jungkook had a fever. He didn't want to take advantage of that.
With a shaky sigh, he said, "I won't. Now come on, the bath is ready."
Jungkook sighed. He had hoped and those hopes were still there, a bit dented, but there. He was not as cautious as he should have been but the older man hadn't pushed him away or told him to stop. That small victory was enough for now. He got up slowly and collected the clothes and the photo and followed Taehyung down the hall.
Taehyung looped his arm around Jungkook gently and squeezed, hoping against hope that the small action would convey the millions of words he couldn't bring himself to say.
When they reached the bathroom, he turned around and gestured for Jungkook to take off his clothes and get in the tub.
The gentle sign of affection from Taehyung encouraged him... but even Jungkook's courage had limits. Especially when they entered the bathroom and Tae turned away and motioned for him to get undressed. 
Now he felt his face getting redder and redder, the more he thought of it, the worse it got. He stammered, his voice cracked, and he wanted to sink into the cracks in the linoleum.
"H-Here?!? But... oh, geez..."
He looked down at the floor.
"I-I can leave if you want... I just wanted to s-stay in case something h-happened and... yeah..." He muttered awkwardly, blushing bright red.
"N-n-no... I understand. Thank you, h-hyung. I'm sorry to put you through this." He swallowed with difficulty and pulled his flannel shirt off revealing the t-shirt. Next he pulled the t-shirt over his head causing his hair to flop into his eyes. He shook his head to move it, as he normally would and regretted it instantly. His vision blurred as his body objected to the fast movement. His knees buckled and he fell none too gently on his bottom with thump. This was why Tae had asked to stay. Because he was too shaky to be on his own. Jungkook blushed with shame.
Taehyung gasped and, despite the fact that Jungkook was shirtless in front of him, ran to the younger's side and helped him back up. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did something bad happen?" He asked, concern evident in his voice and features.
"No, I just was dumb and got a little dizzy. Only my pride is hurt.." He said, "Sorry for scaring you.
Taehyung breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled. "It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay." He sat Jungkook down on the lid of the toilet seat. "Change here, it might help with the dizziness."
He tugged the sweat pants down and off leaving him in just his boxers, shivering.  
What would happen if he removed those and fell again?!? He didn't think he could cope. Instead, he said, 
"I'm going to leave my boxers on, just in case,... I mean... if I fall or slip and you have to,... it's just like a swim suit right?"
"Alright... Can I turn around?" He asked quietly.
Jungkook swallowed, turning pink. 
Taehyung took a deep breath and turned around. He willed himself not to pay much attention to how toned Jungkook was and helped him into the bath.
Jungkook was shivering from nerves and the cool air on his skin. The water would probably have felt warm to a person without a fever, but Jungkook bit his lip as his skin blossomed with goosebumps. He slowly lowered into the water with help from Taehyung and tried not to whine.
Taehyung sighed when noticing this and bit his lip. "Your fever must be really high..." He mumbled to himself. 
"Okay! So, um, here's how this is going to work.." He started awkwardly. "I guess I'll take the shower head and.. uh.. wash you down so that all the sweat comes off you, and then if you want to lather yourself? U-Um... Unless you need me to help, of course..." He rambled, speaking fast the whole time.
Jungkook felt his teeth chatter a bit. He needed help. He hated that he did, but he couldn't risk injury at this point
Taehyung frowned and put his hand into the water. It wasn't cold at all. This really worried him.
"I-I'll be alright... I can get my arms and front but I can't really get the back of me without feeling dizzy." Jungkook smiled at Taehyung in spite of himself. The quicker they finished the sooner he could dry off and get into clean warm pjs.
Taehyung took a deep breath and nodded, smiling back. "Alright, I'll wait." He sat down on the lid of the toilet seat and pulled out his phone.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 6 years
Persona 6 Chapter 10: where we begin but not where we end
Little Jumin never went outside.
He didn't like the outside. The outside was filled with strangers and people and he didn't like that. But little seven-year-old Jumin wanted to make his mom happy, so he went to the park to "socialize". And by, "socialize", that meant Jumin would go to the park-and play on his gameboy.
On this particular afternoon of "socializing", Jumin was hiding out in the playground structure, playing on his gameboy, when his eyes happen to catch a young boy on the other side of the playground, sitting on one of the swings. He was wearing one of those little suits and his hair was slicked back. He was bruised and crying. Jumin was conflicted. Should he go over there and see what's wrong? I mean...it would be a good thing to do. The right thing to do...
With much hesitation, little Jumin stood and crept over to the crying young boy, standing a good few feet away from him. "U-umm...hey. Are you okay?" Little Jumin asked nervously.
The boy looked up, tears in his eyes, shaking his head. "N-no..." He said, trembling. "W-what's wrong?" Jumin asked. "Mother and Father hate me now...I-I am not the son they want me to be...." Jumin tilted his head, confused. "What?"
"I-I keep...m-messing up..." The boy cried. "You're a kid! It's okay to mess up! At least you tried!" Jumin exclaimed.
"That doesn't- does not matter...at least, that is what my parents have taught me...." The boy mumbled, hiccuping now. He looked up and his eyes widened. "W-what happened to your eye?!" He asked worriedly. Jumin touched his bruised eye-the one he forgot he had- and sighed. "M-my mom's "old friend" came over...he....he doesn't like me much either...he says I'm an idiot cause I can't read...I have...dy-dys..." Jumin struggled trying to pronounce what he had. "Do you mean....dyslexia?" The boy said for him. Jumin nodded. "Well, you are not an idiot. You just have some difficulty reading and understanding this because of your ailment."
"...are you speaking English?" The confused little Jumin asked. "I can!" The boy exclaimed. He now had a smile on his face, bowing and shaking his hand. "My name is....my name...My name is Isas Chikako. Would you like to be..my first friend?" He asked, hesitantly, as if his name was something to look down upon.
Jumin lit up and smiled warmly. "Yeah, yeah I would. And I'm Jumin. Jumin Eko."
"I can help you read...and maybe you can help me too?"
"We'll help each other! You and me! Isas and Jumin, against the world!" Little Isas laughed and smiled. "Yes...together."
Together...that's the promise we made together!Jumin could feel an unbelievable amount of power rush through him, making the weight feel like a book on his back.
He felt the power...the power his father felt long ago...the power he needed to protect his family...the power he needed to protect Isas!Jumin threw the chandelier off of him, feeling and gripping onto his power, his now yellow eyes burning in determination.
"Holy shit....this is so fucking cool!" Jumin exclaimed, very enthralled in his new abilities. He then shot a glare at Shadow Isas and his guard, who were obviously not happy by this event. He looked down at the girls, down and hardly moving. Now he was pissed.
"No more...no more holding back...no more hiding when things get rough...now, it's time to step into the eyes of the storm! Let's go- KAMI-NO-KAZE!!" With an unbelievable burst of energy and power, the Japanese god of wind, Kami-No-Kaze, and casted a hard blow of Garudyne and Margaru at once at the guard, blowing him out of existence, dissolving into smoke.
Shadow Isas was furious. "NO! YOU RUINED MY GRAND HALL! YOU BASTARD!" He shouted, storming off in anger and slamming all the doors shut behind him. I'm going to save you Isas...whether you like it or not....I am going to save you...Jumin panted heavily before eventually falling to his knees, exhausted.
"Ugh...ngh...J-Jumin...?" Suki groaned as she was beginning to wake up. Once her vision was adjusted and she saw Jumin, she immediately jumped and scurried to him.
"Jumin! Are you-?!"
"I-I'm fine, Suki...just...getting a persona takes a lot outta ya..." He groaned. "We should get you home..." Suki said. She stood up and walked over to Kimi, shaking her slightly. "Kimi...Kimi...wake up!"
"No...five more minutes..." Kimi mumbled. Suki sighed. This may take a while....
Once the escaped the other world, Jumin immediately went..to vomit up everything he had that day and the last, probably because he wasn't that used to having and/or awakening a persona. After he was done puking up his guts, he regrouped with the girls.
"I-I'm okay now..." Jumin said, cleaning his mouth a bit with his hoodie sleeve.
"You should go home and rest..." Kimi said, rubbing his back. Jumin nodded. "Y-yeah...I will...I just...need to do a few things before that..." Kimi smiled, when she noticed something hanging from Jumin's ear.
"Is that..? Did you...pierce your ear?" Jumin turned a deep red. "H-how did you-?!"
"Look!" Jumin felt his ear, gently taking off a small hanging lapis earring. "Woah...."
"Pretty cool, right?" Kimi said, showing off her own little accessory. Jumin smiled softly and pulled both girls in for a tight hug. "J-Jumin...?"
"...t-thank you..." Both girls smiled and hugged him back. "No problem, Eko-Kun..." Suki said sweetly. They broke away from the hug and Jumin left to take care of some long awaited business.
Jumin's mother, Ghara, was in their small kitchen, making dinner for the family when she heard the front door open. "Yu, hun? Is that you?" She asked. "N-no mom...I-it's me..." Jumin replied, walking into the kitchen nervously. "Oh, Ju! You didn't tell me you were going out this late-"
She turned to face her son with a smile, but that smile changed to shock and her hands flew over her mouth as she saw the strange condition her son was in. "Jumin! The hell happened to you?!" His mother exclaimed, "and why do you smell freshwater and vomit..?"
"I-it's...a long story." Jumin sighed.
"Jumin, what the hell has been going on with you? You've been coming home with bruises and black eyes, you won't tell your father and I, what is-?!" She was cut off by her somewhat short son hugging her tightly and crying. "JuJu...?" She asked concerned. "I'M SORRY!!!" Jumin yelled, his voice cracking. "Sorry? For what baby?"
"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down baby....you're not making any sense. Tell me slowly, okay?" Jumin nodded, sniffling. "R-remember when I was four and that guy came up to me and you pulled me away because you sad he was bad...?"Ghara was confused but nodded. "Well...t-that wasn't the only time he came to see me..." Ghara's eyes widened. "W-what?"
"He...he beats me, mom. H-he comes over here looking for you...but h-he comes to me instead..." Ghara let out a small gasp as she pulled away and rested her hands on his shoulder. "J-Jumin Narukami Eko...how long has this been going on..?" She asked, looking him dead in the eyes. Jumin stiffened up. "U-uh...."
"Jumin. How long?" She asked again, this time more demanding. Jumin choked back a heavy sob before speaking. "S-since I was six....."
Ghara's eyes widened to the size of saucers, tears flooding out. "Oh my Jumin..." She breathed as she hugged him tightly, both began sobbing. "J-Jumin...m-m-my little baby....I-I'm so, so sorry...I should've known-"
"N-no! No, it was my fault...I didn't want you to blame yourself! I didn't want him to hurt you or dad! I was stupid! Like always..."
"You are not stupid...you're plenty smart...You're just...stupidly brave and heroic...just like your father." Jumin smiled a bit as he buried his head in his mother's shoulder. "Thanks mom...I-I love you...a-and I love dad too...I love you both..."
Ghara smiled and kissed his forehead. "We love you too, JuJu...and I promise I won't let the asshole touch you ever again!" Jumin hugged her tightly, but sighed sadly. "That means...you gotta tell dad...he's gonna be mad..."
"Not at you, but he will be mad....but that's only because he loves you, hun." Jumin nodded. "I know mom...I know..." Ghara smiled and broke away from the hug, kissing his forehead. "Now, hurry up and go shower so that I can shower. You got your gross water, boy, and vomit juices on me!" Ghara said jokingly. Jumin chuckled and nodded. "Okay mom....thanks."
"Of course sweetie..."
Suki arrived home to see Akiniko sitting at the table going through some notebooks when he caught glimpse of her. "O-oh, welcome home, Suki..." He said, a bit awkwardly. Suki sighed and walked over to Akiniko...and hugged him tightly.
"I'm sorry I called you a liar. It was wrong of me to do that..." She huffed sadly. Akiniko slightly smiled. "It's okay, Suki...I don't really expect you to trust me-"
"But I could at least try! Try for your sake, and my sake, and for mom's!" Those words hit Akiniko hard, he almost wanted to cry. But instead, he hugged her back and smiled. "Thank you Suki...thank you..."
Suki felt a strong change and resolve in their relationship, the voice in her head coming back again.
"I am thou,
Thou art I....
Thou has created a new vow...
Thou has birthed new life and blossomed forth the vow of the Hanged Man Arcana.
Hanged Man Arcana: Rank 1
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taemond-in-the-ruff · 8 years
Domestic Goodness (JIMIN FLUFF)
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Summary: Jimin and emotions. Two words that were never separated. (You are being emotional and you let it out on Jimin. and Jimin being the mochi he is, lets you) (fluff fluff fluff)
Paring: Park Jimin x reader. side Taekook
Word count:3850
Warnings: Make out session?
(A/N): this was supposed to be a drabble. but then this happened. if you are having jimin feels (which are the worst), i got u. hope you like it. plz leave your thoughts. let me know it you prefer reading (you said) more than (Y/N said) please
Jimin and emotions. Two words that were never good in one sentence. (Y/N) was going through all sorts of emotions and each one of them practically screamed Jimin. Jimin wiped sadness’s tears away. Jimin encouraged joy’s laughter with his own heart warming laugh. Jimin eased down frustration with gentle kisses across the forehead. Jimin Jimin Jimin. Problem was, Jimin wasn’t answering any of (Y/N)’s texts or calls.
(Y/N) lied down on her side with one hand between her knees, the other holding her phone close to her face. Her thumb kept tapping the screen every few seconds before it went black. She felt pathetic waiting for him to call like that. But she needed him…NOW! Honestly, where was he? Especially when he’s the type to throw a tantrum once (Y/N) has missed a few calls from him. He actually went angry with her for three days once because she simply forgot to text him goodnight and didn’t pick up the phone until the next day.
At this point, (Y/N) was so upset that tears slowly started to fill her eyes to the brim. Once she started typing another text _no scratch that_ punching another overly dramatic text that was probably something along the words, ‘Okay I guess you don’t love me anymore’ or ‘I won’t bother you anymore since you’ve obviously found someone else’, her phone vibrated in her hand, showing a photo of her and Jimin where he had his tongue glued to (Y/N)’s cheek and her face lost somewhere between disgusted and happy.
Her whole body jolted up straight and she immediately answered with a breathy “Jimin.”
“Hi. Sorry I was showering. What’s up?”
(Y/N)’s nostrils flared at his cold answer. Jimin was the master of pet names that he in whole seriousness had some of his friends’ names on his phone as flower, sunshine, sun kissed TT… But now, when (Y/N) felt as needy as she could ever get, he uses a pain hi? And what’s up? ‘WHO AM I? your buddy?’ (Y/N) hoped that she had actually said that out loud. Maybe then she could knock some sense into him and make him feel guilty.
“Are you kidding? I’ve called a thousand times.” (Y/N)’s hands flew everywhere as she spoke.
“I told you I was showering. What’s wrong?”
Now Jimin wasn’t being mean in any way shape or form, he simply spoke casually. But to (Y/N), she was so shocked that her anxiety told her, ‘This isn’t the Jimin you fell in love with.’
Her hands dropped to her side as she blinked rapidly. Unbelievable… Right?
“Hello,” Jimin said after a moment of silence.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing.” (Y/N)’s sleeve was caught between her teeth as she chewed on it with her front teeth.
She either, A: plays hard to get because ‘I’m an independent woman who need no man’ or B: Act all cute and girly so Jimin would melt and spoil her with pet names and shower her with kisses later.
“Jimin,” (Y/N)’s voice cracked slightly and Jimin instantly switched to his caring side. Mission accomplished.
“Hey, what’s wrong baby?” There it was, Jimin’s soothing voice washing her doubts away.
“You’re being mean today and, and I don’t like that.” (Y/N) started t hiccup.
“What? No no baby. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Jimin’s baby voice started to make an appearance which was only used on (Y/N)… sometimes on Taehyung too. Because “Jimin you loved me first. Did you forget all the times I spoiled you with gifts and took care of you when you got sick?”
“Yes you’re my first love TaeTae”
“JIMIN.” Comes (Y/N).
“God, take me please.”
… “I tell you what, the boys are here. Why don’t you bring your pretty little ass over as well? I’ll bake you cookies.” He dragged out the last part and (Y/N)’s lips finally twitched upwards.
When (Y/N) rang the doorbell, she was holding a white flower with both hands and her smile reached her ears, but then Namjoon opened the door and her smile dropped.
“Close the door, I’ll ring the doorbell again and this time, Jimin will open the door. Got it?” (Y/N) spoke with her face close to Namjoon’s and her voice low, almost as if she was ready to take on some serious mission.
“Well, hello to you too_” (Y/N) pushed Namjoon inside and closed the door earning a ‘Hey, I’m your Oppa’ from poor Namjoon.
(Y/N) retook her position and rang the doorbell. As planned, Jimin opened the door with a teasing smile already playing at his lips.
“I got you this.” (Y/N) extended both arms and batted her eyelashes. Jimin’s eyes turned into crescents as he pulled her by the shoulder for a hug.
“Thank you baby.” He took the flower and gave (Y/N)’s forehead a hard kiss making a ‘mwah’ sound.
“Come in.”
(Y/N)’s two hands gripped Jimin’s bicep when he attempted to pull her inside.
“Wait,” she gave him a pout and looked up at him with innocent eyes.
“What?” Jimin teased and wrinkled his nose.
Closing the door after pulling him outside, (Y/N) wrapped her arms loosely around his neck.
“Miss me?” (Y/N) whispered as her teeth caught her lower lip. It’s been a few days since they’ve seen each other and all (Y/N) wanted to do was burry her nose in the crook of his neck and sniff him __‘Jiminie you smell like a nice flower that is surrounded by nice flowers sprinkled with baby powder and I just wanna kiss you and play with your chubby fingers and stick your pinkie in my mouth and wrap you in a big towel and carry you with me everywhere I go’.. an actual conversation by the imaginative (Y/N) when Jimin’s cuteness was too much to handle one day__
“Extremely.” Jimins’s fingertips grazed (Y/N)’s lower back under her shirt.
(Y/N) looked up at him and took in his appearance. His usually pushed back hair was down to the bridge of his nose. He wore a blue T-shirt with a star print in the center and plain black basketball shorts. Just how she liked him.
“Jump.” Jimin said as he bent down to hold the back of (Y/N)’s thighs. Laughing as Jimin twirled her around, (Y/N) hugged his neck tightly, her fingers pushing through Jimin’s slightly damp brown locks.
“You smell nice,” (Y/N) said with an exaggerated inhale.
“Did- did you just lick my neck?” Jimin’s eyes widened and his lips formed an ‘O’ shape.
“You smell nice?” (Y/N) said it like it’s the most natural thing to do.
“You’re weird.” Jimin chuckled as he tapped the tip of her nose.
“Where’s my flower?” (Y/N)’s voice raised as she looked around, almost in panic.
“In my pocket babe” Jimin laughed.
“Take care of it Jimin,” (Y/N) whined, “do you know the trouble I went through to pick it up for you?” (Y/N) pointed her finger at Jimin.
“No, you just plucked it out of the neighbors’ garden. Speaking of that, what did we say about neighbors and flowers?” Jimin raised an eyebrow. (Y/N) avoided the question and bit her nail.
“Hmm?” Jimin looked at her through his light lashes.
“It’s not right to do that without permission, but Minii, you love my flowers.”
“You’re my flower.” Kissing the corner of (Y/N)’s mouth, Jimin put her down after giving her bum two light slaps, grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed (Y/N)’s way and she gave him a sweet smile accompanied by ‘Love you Oppa.’
“Your girl is a handful Jimin.” Namjoon said.
“Oh hush. You love her.”
“Hmm, you love me.” (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at Namjoon.
After a lot of hectic moments including Jin’s windshield laughter, Jimin’s entire body laugh, Hoseok’s deafening screams, Yoongi and Taehyung having a serious rapping battle, Namjoon’s horrible dancing skills and “Taehyung give me my phone back”
“NO! admit you’re into me too first”
“Jungkook confess to Taehyung”
Then Taehyung sitting in a corner with his back turned to the room and a deep frown on his face with Hoseok rubbing his back, “Taehyung you know he’s into you, he just doesn’t like it when we talk about it so openly.”
Jungkook finally came out of his way and pulled Taehyung aside _scratch that_ dragged him to the kitchen where they were alone, slapped his arm with a tsk and said, “Stop frowning”
“What’s it to you?”
“Hyung” Jungkook whined, “okay. Fine fine. Gosh. You win.”
“I win what?” Taehyung desperately tried to hide his smile as he twirled a strand of hair around his finger. In response, Jungkook mumbled something under his breath.
“I didn’t hear you. What did you say?” Taehyung took two steps closer to Jungkook, his face so close he could brush his eyelashes against Jungkook’s cheek.
“Hyung,” Jungkook whined again and attempted to push Taehyung aside which only caused Taehyung to grab his hand once it made contact with his chest.
“I said you’re right, I’m into you.” Jungkook admitted shyly, his eyes not leaving the ground.
Taehyung smiled so hard it was almost impossible for Jungkook not to give him a kiss on the cheek.
The house finally fell to a much quieter state. A much neglected movie played in the background as everyone was sprawled somewhere across the room. (Y/N) sat on the couch placed to the right side of where Jimin was sitting. As she looked at him with admiration, stars practically filled her eyes. She felt like she couldn’t possibly love anything or anyone the way she loved him. She felt as if she had the entire world handed to her on a silver plate. Jimin was half sitting up, his body slowly dropping lower and lower every few moments and his legs were spread. (Y/N)’s skin itched for some contact with Jimin and she simply felt he was too far and naturally, the Jimin magnet was working alright on its own. Getting up quietly, she slowly made her way towards Jimin, careful not to step on the mess of bodies. Jimin’s half lidded eyes looked up at her once they were foot to foot and grabbed her hand to give it three light kisses. With gentle fingers, (Y/N) pushed Jimin’s hair away from his eyes to the side and ran her thumb across his cheeks, giving it a light pinch at the end. Tugging her hand down, Jimin wrapped his arm around (Y/N)’s hip to pull her downwards to sit on his right leg. Almost immediately, (Y/N) tucked her head underneath Jimin’s chin after giving it a light kiss. Still in his laid back position, Jimin held both of (Y/N)’s hands in his left hand and rubbed circles on her back with the other one. This wasn’t uncommon for the boys. They have actually gotten so used to it that it was weird when they weren’t all lovey dovey.
“I wish one day kookie and I could be sitting like that together.” Taehyung once told them when Jimin  was lying down between (Y/N)’s bent knees, his back to her chest. Taehyung’s lips in a pout from where he was lying on his stomach, his legs crossed in the air. Jimin’s only reply was, “It will happen TaeTae. I never thought (Y/N) would actually take me seriously when I confessed and it took a while but it eventually happened. Why do you look like you’re about to cry?” Because like Jungkook and Taehyung, (Y/N) and Jimin were initially only friends. Then Jimin started to notice all the small details about (Y/N) that he never paid attention to, confessed after a while and (Y/N) almost threw up on his face from embarrassment, considered it, kissed him straight on the mouth when a girl once was practically undressing him with her eyes, dragged him home and kissed him some more and here they are.
Right now, with their fingers entertwined and their breaths practically one, all (Y/N) wanted to do was kiss, hug and hold him.
“Jimiiin,” (Y/N) whined.
“(Y/N)” Jimin imitated her with a smile.
“When are they gonna leave?” She whispered in his ear as she cupped the side of his neck. Jimin’s chest vibrated slightly as he asked, “Why babe?”
(Y/N)’s warm breath fanned the side of Jimin’s face as she nibbled on his earlobe, grazing her teeth over his ear shell after.
“I wanna kiss you.” (Y/N) looked up at him as she played with the ends of his hair at the back of his neck.
“Then kiss me” Jimin lowered his head to rub their noses together and closed his eyes when his forehead made contact with hers.
“No Jimin. I wanna kiss you.” (Y/N) emphasized.
“Hmm, what else?” Jimin pressed his nose against her cheek.
“kiss you and kiss you and kiss you, then maybe, just maybe if you’re lucky enough, I’ll kiss you all the way to your bed, kiss you some more, then kiss you lower and lower.”
“Yeah?” At this point, Jimin’s voice turned deep and hoarse, his eyes barely opened. (Y/N) has got him where she wanted him, and she was loving it.
“Uh-huh.” (Y/N) innocently said and Jimin wanted to bite her nose off.
“(Y/N)” Jimin dragged out her name with a desperate tone.
“Shhh, keep your voice down baby.” (Y/N) giggled.
“You’re a bad girl. You know that? Very naughty.”
“You love me anyways,” (Y/N) pinched Jimin’s side making him yelp.
“Confident, aren’t you?” Tilting his head to the side, Jimin cocked an eyebrow.
In a matter of seconds, Jimin flipped them so he was straddling (Y/N)’s torso. He pinned her hands above her head and blew raspberries on her neck… and everyone in the room jumped at the sound of (Y/N)’s laughter.
“Fuck you guys.” Yoongi mumbled as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“Anytime, any day hyung.” Jimin winked.
One would not think (Y/N) and Jimin could possibly make it to the bed dressed after everyone’s left, but in reality, they sat in complete silence on the couch. The television was turned off, light emitted from the kitchen across the living room slightly illuminated the room, making it give out a slightly blueish color. (Y/N)’s hand rested on Jimin’s inner thigh, her thumb occasionally circulating the area just under his ridden up shorts. Jimin’s arm was wrapped around (Y/N)’s shoulders, his chin resting on her head.
“Jimin,” (Y/N) said with her eyes narrowed.
“You said there would be cookies?”
“And there was.”
“Jimiin,” (Y/N) whined, “Jungkook doesn’t count.” She pinched the soft skin of Jimin’s inner thigh near the crotch area.
“Ouch” Jimin yelled, yanking her hand away.
(Y/N) stared at him with a blank expression on her face then sat with her back facing him and said with a raise of her hand, “I’m not talking to you.”
“Somebody wants attention.” Jimin chuckled, bracketing her figure with his legs from behind.
“I wonder who I learned that from” (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest.
“Hey,” Jimin yelled, “and why are you smirking?”
“I said I’m not talking to you.”
“But you are.” Jimin’s arms snaked around her waist. “Okay, will you talk to me if I made you cookies?”
“NO! You lied.” (Y/N) attempted to get up but Jimin was pulling her back instantly and she fell back against his chest.
“I love you.” Jimin said, giving her neck kisses wherever his lips reached.
“Let go” (Y/N) desperately tried to act serious but it was hard when she could feel Jimin’s smile against her neck while his teeth grazed the area, and then Jimin was tickling (Y/N) and she was thrashing and kicking out her legs. They ended up on the floor with Jimin’s legs on each side of her waist, his hands pinning her arms up.
“Stop kicking” Jimin laughed.
Finally giving up, (Y/N) threw her head back, her chest rapidly moving up and down as she panted, trying to catch her breath.
“Now, behave so I can kiss you properly if you please.” Jimin’s eyes turned into slits when (Y/N) fisted his shirt and yanked him down.
“Ew. What are you doing Jimin? Stop licking me. Jimin ewww.”
Jimin’s head was buried in her neck as he laughed, his whole body practically giving up on him. after he’d calmed down, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. With his back resting against the couch where he sat on the floor, Jimin pulled (Y/N) by her arms to sit on his legs.
“Hi” Jimin whispered.
(Y/N)’s teeth caught her bottom lip in a teasing manner and said, “Hey.”
Jimin’s fingers lightly grazed the side of (Y/N)’s face then pushed through her hair, gripping at the roots gently. All of a sudden, (Y/N) felt shy under his gaze. Her eyes focused on the hem of his shirt as she fiddled with it. His hair covered most of his hooded eyes, lips slightly parted, tongue occasionally darting out to swipe his bottom lip causing it to glisten slightly. With gentle fingers, Jimin tucked a strand of (Y/N)’s hair behind her ear and swiped her ear shell after.
“Stop,” (Y/N) pursed her lips to the side and lightly slapped Jimin’s chest with her hand, which only ended up with Jimin holding it to give each knuckle a kiss.
“Stop what?” Jimin knew exactly the effect he had on her and the bastard was loving it.
Jimin’s hands gently pulled (Y/N)’s hands away from her face when she tried to cover it.
“Don’t hide that beautiful face away from me.”
“Oh my God, stop. You’re so cheesy” (Y/N)’s forehead made contact with Jimin’s chest, trying to hide her flushed cheeks away from him.
Jimin’s chest vibrated and with a deep voice, he said, “You’re so cute”
In response, he earned a whine from (Y/N) as she pressed her face deeper into his chest.
“Look at me.” Lord have mercy on her soul. Jimin’s voice had suddenly turned so scratchy (Y/N)’s stomach dropped.
After a little struggle, Jimin finally managed to pull her head away from under his chin and face level with his instead.
“Babe,” He whispered.
“Hmm?” (Y/N)’s eyes looked everywhere but into his.
“did I ever tell you that you’re beautiful?”
“What? You are.”
Finally accepting the compliment, (Y/N) leaned into Jimin’s hand where it held the side of her face and gave it a tender kiss. Her hands cupped the base on Jimin’s neck, her thumbs running along his jaw. She shivered as his breath fanned her cheek where his lips mouthed at. (Y/N)’s chest tightened when Jimin’s lips touched hers, barely but present. He gave her a light kiss and pulled back, which unconsciously made her chase after his lips. With a satisfied smile, Jimin finally gave her what she wanted and pressed his lips fully against hers. Hums and groans followed next with (Y/N)’s hand fisting Jimin’s shirt, clawing at his shoulders, his hands roaming her body. The kiss wasn’t gentle as it usually was and gentle was the last thing on their minds. It’s been a while and (Y/N) has had enough with Jimin’s teasing and his damn friends taking too long to leave and well, she just simply wanted as much of him as she could have. Besides, if she did want it to be sweet, Jimin wasn’t helping one bit with all these sinful sounds he was making at the back of his throat. With eyes closed, (Y/N) could picture exactly how Jimin looked like right now. Hair probably sticking out in every direction and (Y/N) is to blame for that with all the tugging and fisting she’s done. His eyebrows pulled together, his neck craned upwards making his adam’s apple pop out. Curiosity got the best of her, and (Y/N) barely opened her eyes to find out that her thoughts are confirmed. Jimin was pulling her so close, almost as if he wanted them to become one, and (Y/N) returned the feeling by tightening her legs around his waist. She wanted more of him, and with this thought in mind, she pulled Jimin’s head back by tugging at his hair and lowered her lips to his neck. Jimin was whiney and with (Y/N)’s teeth grazing his neck, he was losing his mind. He was desperate and (Y/N) wanted to satisfy him. she whispered sweet words between chaste kisses, tongue darting out to swipe the area and it had Jimin throwing his head back in pleasure. He was moaning out her name, telling her sweet words of praise and it had (Y/N) smiling against his neck.
Jimin’s hand searched for (Y/N)’s, his eyes unable to pry themselves opened, and released a content sigh when he found it.
“K-kiss me” He said while tugging at her hand.
“I am” and just like that, the teasing was back.
“No. here.” Jimin’s chest rose and fell rapidly as he raised her hand to place her fingers on his moist lips.
(Y/N) opened her mouth to say something but was immediately cut off by Jimin’s impatient lips. His tongue wasted no time to push into her parted lips. If he had lost his mind earlier, he’s insanely gone mad by now.
“I love you” He breathed out, continuing to kiss her.
After repeating the previous actions, the rush was slowly fading, a content feeling replacing it instead.
“Well, that was umm, what’s the word?”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) laughed, “wow.”
Jimin looked pretty like that, red lips plumper than they already were, his hair an unkempt mess and eyes lazy.
“Sleepy?” (Y/N) asked, her fingers brushing Jimin’s bangs to the side.
“A bit.” His eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of (Y/N)’s finger tips massaging his scalp.
“You wanna go to bed?”
“No. I wanna stay here with you.” Jimin pouted.
“I’ll be with you baby.”
Cheesy moments like that is what the pair lived for. Both Jimin and (Y/N) liked attention, and giving it to one another was never a problem. (Y/N) took Jimin’s hand in hers and walked Jimin’s hunched body towards his bedroom. Jimin fell face first on the mattress and watched (Y/N) with one eye opened as she changed into his clothes. He attempted to whistle but horribly failed with his lips pressed to the pillow.
“Baby, under the covers.”
Jimin groaned, struggling to get under the layers of blankets without actually getting up and immediately pulled (Y/N) to his side when she approached him.
“(Y/N), can I be the little spoon tonight?”
“Yeah, of course. Cm’ere” (Y/N) laughed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
Jimin rested his head on her chest and placed his hand on her stomach under her shirt.
“What, no kiss?” (Y/N) asked and Jimin could practically see her pouting without looking up.
“Yes kiss” He chuckled and tilted his head up, pursed his lips with his eyes closed.
(Y/N) gave each lip a gentle kiss and they shared ‘I love you’s
“Hey Jimin?”
“Please don’t snore”
“Screw you.”
“I love you.”
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