#do you guys remember her 😳😳
joyjoy-ahoy · 1 year
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Cakepop the clown 
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kil9 · 1 year
every guy ever interviewing taemin: hi welcome to our show :) first question how were the preparations for this album and btw ive never felt this way about another man before
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il-miele-che-scrive · 3 months
the one where Y/n and Charles had different priorities
this is maybe a bit chaotic because I had one idea and unclear vision, but I like how it turned out eventually
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username1 How do you know? HOW DO YOU KNOW?!
username2 They have WHAT
username3 nah I don't believe in love anymore
username4 But they were together since even before Charles was in formula 1🥺
↳username2 Right? I thought they'll be together forever
username5 And there goes my hope for them to announce an engagement soon
↳username6 Sameeee except I thought someday they'll just have a secret wedding and not tell the media until weeks/months after
username5 Ngl that sounds like a them thing to do
username6 Well, not anymore
username7 My only question is why? 😭
↳username1 Literally because they seemed like a perfect couple. What could go wrong?
username8 Shit, that hurts more than my parents' divorce
↳username10 what 😳
username9 They were together since 2016, I remember Charles saying this in some interview
username6 Yup that's right, he mentioned it many times, he was so in love with Y/n. I swear even recently he said after so many years he still falls in love more and more each day
username9 She was there for him when his dad passed, when Charles joined F1, when he signed up with Ferrari, when he won his first F1 race, I wonder what happened that made them break up so suddenly
username10 Oh so she was there for basically a huge part of his life
username5 I remember when Charles said "she's not a part of my life. She IS my life" about Y/n😭my standards for men have been high up in space ever since
username11 Wow just like Sainz broke up with his long term girlfriend last season. Let's just hope Leclerc won't pop up with a new girl weeks after that
↳username12 Charles and Y/n could be broken up for a long time now, we can only speculate when they broke up
username5 Imagine if Charles posted the Vegas vlog after their breakup 🥹 I'm not okay
username12 That was so unnecessary to say, I'm crying now
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yourusername One for the money, two for the show, I never was ready so I watch you go
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username1 The caption guys...
↳username2 Does that mean what I think it means?
username3 What do you think it means?
username2 "I never was ready" he wanted to take things to the next level, but she didn't. "So I watch you go" means she had to let him go because they didn't want the same thing
username3 How could she not be ready after whole 8 years?
username2 Every person matures in their own time and that's okay, they'll both find someone else
username4 That's a Swiftie going through a breakup
username5 Noooo it's confirmed now 😭 as long as neither of them confirmed it I could stay delulu and think the rumours are just rumours
oldersister Thank you for babysitting Snow White 🐈‍⬛ (I wish there was a white cat emoji)
↳yourusername It was my pleasure! She's an angel (and a professional model)
oldersister Feel free to come over anytime you want, Snow White loves her aunt 🤍
youngersister HEY how dare you steal Y/n like that!! I wanted to take her out for milkshakes sometime
oldersister Chill, you can do that whenever you want I'm not stealing anyone
yourusername I'd love to go out for milkshakes!!
lilymhe No more Y/nLily in the paddock?
↳yourusername The paddock isn't the only place where we can hang out 😂
landonorris what are you up to on the 2nd pic? 🤨📸
↳username2 LANDO, DON'T
↳username1 Fuckboy Lando been doing too much fuckboying lately
username6 Didn't know she's a smoker
↳username7 Yeah, she was very secretive about it
username2 It's not like she was hiding it from y'all
username7 She was, probably because she would be canceled for being a wag who smokes cigarettes
username2 A grown woman can do what she wants
username6 It's better that they broke up, way healthier for Charles to not be around a smoker
username2 Wtf she was with him through bad and good times, supporting him no matter what, loving him, making beautiful memories together and you say it's good that they broke up because she smokes?
username4 May I add we never saw her smoking throughout the 8 years, she probably started after the breakup
username5 after the breakup or BECAUSE of the breakup?
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charles_leclerc Leaving Bahrain with a good result despite some difficulties. Pretty good weekend if you ignore the braking problem, now onto Jeddah next 🏎
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username1 brAking problem or brEAking problem?
username2 How is that the start of the season and there's already something wrong with his car?
yourusername Congratulations on finishing P4🏁given the issues your car had, you did a spectacular job
↳charles_leclerc Thank you 😇 I tried my best, but felt like something is missing
yourusername I'm sorry :(
username4 I wish I could believe they are, but I guess some people break up on good terms
username3 How could anyone end a 8yrs old relationship and be friends? 😭
↳username5 Jail for miss Y/n for leading fans on
username6 He looked so sad the whole time, during interviews and all that 😔
↳username7 Yeah he's either done with the car already or he misses Y/n that much
↳username6 WHAT INTERVIEW??
username8 A lady asked him why Y/n isn't here because she never missed the first race of the season before so it's surprising. He officially said that over the winter break they've decided to part ways due to focusing on different aspects of life🥲
username9 How do you figure something like this out after 8 fucking years? They wasted each other's time
username7 Calm down lol they grew and matured with each other, experienced how their love evolved throughout the years, no time you put into this is a wasted time
username10 I need to know what are the aspects of life they focus on and if they really are that different
↳username11 From what I figured from Y/n's post and Charles' interview - he wanted to get married, maybe even start a family and she wasn't ready
username10 Ahhh I remember how a few years ago Charles said he wants to have three kids. Such a shame Y/n doesn't want the same thing, but it's understandable they figured it now. They were kids themselves when they started dating lol
username11 Not really, they were both over 18 years old
username10 I know, but still that's a pretty young age and you might not know yet what do you really want in life
username12 Plus your brain develops until you're 25, they both turn 27 this year so it explains a lot
username13 I'm telling you, there would be no problems if Y/n was there, @/yourusername get your lazy ass on a plane to Jeddah
oldersister Amazing performance this weekend👏
youngersister Goodluck for Jeddah 🍀
username14 The way Y/n AND her sisters still interact with Charles on social media...
↳username15 Yeah like are they actually broken up??
3 weeks later
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yourusername You'd be surprised if I told you why kangaroos are called kangaroos
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username1 What is miss doing in Australia during the race week?
oldersister I told you this story is fake 🙄
↳yourusername But it's funny so I'm gonna believe it
oldersister Kangaroo DOESN'T mean "I don't know" jesus christ
username2 I thought it does 😭
username3 Too much Tiktok I guess lmao
youngersister Glad I could have milkshakes with you in Australia 😌
↳yourusername Back at you although that was a strange excuse to go to Australia in the first place
youngersister It's just not the same in Europe
arthur_leclerc Y/n in her natural habitat🦘
↳yourusername I swear I was a kangaroo in a past life
↳username4 What is going on? Y/n and Charles broke up but they keep interacting with each other and each other's families
username5 I NEED to know which city it is
username6 Is that true all announcements on public transport are made with Oscar Piastri's voice??
↳yourusername Yup, I wonder how much convincing it took to get Oscar to do the voiceover
landonorris not a lot to be honest
username5 AHA so she is in Melbourne! Also, what are you doing here Lando?
landonorris do you wanna hear another aussie fun fact?
↳yourusername I'm scared but yes (as long as it's not about thongs)
landonorris do you know what an australian kiss is?
yourusername @/oscarpiastri please put Lando back in his cage
username8 Not gonna lie it pisses me off how Lando tries to "flirt" with Y/n in her comments
↳username2 Me too, it's not ethical
username9 I'm afraid Lando doesn't care lol and I don't think Y/n would ever consider going out with another driver considering Charles and her broke up on good terms
username10 I'm just wondering if norris ever tried funny business back when Y/n would come to races
↳username11 prolly not but hey now he's free to do it
username5 Just because he's free to do it doesn't mean he should do it
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username2 OH 😃
username3 So that's what she's doing in Australia
username4 Wait why is Jacob Elordi in Australia?
↳username2 Well, Jacob is Australian, why wouldn't he be there?
username4 HE'S AUSTRALIAN?!
username5 One thing Charles can't beat is the height 😩
↳username6 Is it worth it tho? Jacob treated his exes pretty badly, he's a cheater
username5 And? People change
username6 Bro, he cheated on Zendaya
username5 Chill out, maybe Y/n isn't even on a date with him, maybe they're just hanging out
username7 If I were Y/n I would enter my hoe phase now and Jacob is a good choice to start with
username8 THIS CAN'T BE TRUE
username9 Charles where are you? 😭 Y/n is a sweetheart, she shouldn't be with Jacob
username10 Sometimes I regret opening this app
username11 Didn't Jacob attend a few races? Is that were he met Y/n?
↳username12 Keep saying things like this and watch gossip unfold about how Y/n was waiting to leave Charles for Jacob
username13 Miss girl did a downgrade
↳username14 Is it a downgrade though if he's that tall?
username13 He can be as tall as he wants, but Charles was Y/n's soulmate and I'll always stand by that
username9 Plus the height doesn't make up for the personality
username14 What personality? 💀 Girl you don't even know him
username9 Someone who cheats on their partner clearly isn't a very pleasant person to date
username5 CALM DOWN GUYS we can't be sure they were on a date, it could be just two friends catching up
username9 what friends? I've never even seen them talk before and there were opportunities
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yourusername Don't panic guys, I've been spending most of the time with @/youngersister and her aussie friends
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youngersister Yeah, I clearly didn't set you up for a date with a certain actor...
↳username1 SHE SET Y/N UP WITH HIM?!
username2 Evil mastermind
username3 How did that even happen lmao
↳yourusername Thankfully it didn't go as good as you'd wish it would 😌
youngersister No worries, I have other options up my sleeve
yourusername Keep them up there 🤺
↳username4 I'm confused is [younger sisters name] team Charles or not?
username5 She's just a menace it seems
username6 What's up with Y/n? She didn't wanna be with Charles, but she doesn't wanna move on. That's not normal
youngersister Don't make me set you up with Lando
↳yourusername You'd never, I know you think he's annoying
youngersister Yeah, but he gives me that vibe of a guy who can make you forget about your ex
yourusername That's called a fuckboy
youngersister You deserve a bit of fun don't you 🥳 I'm not saying you have to go straight back to being in a relationship
yourusername NO THANK YOU
username5 Lmao I love how they're having this convo here instead of on dms
username6 OR FACE TO FACE??
username7 Why does Y/n's lil sis support the idea of Y/n having a hoe phase? 😭
landonorris I was hoping you'd come see the race;)
↳yourusername Better luck next time I guess :)
a few months later
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username3 I can't defend Charles anymore
username4 Apparently her name is Angeliqué and she's a daughter of some French entrepreneur (a/n: I made her up)
username5 I didn't want Charles to move on, I wanted him to be back with Y/n 😭
↳username6 Worse thing is, Charles moved on but Y/n didn't. She went on this weird staged date with Jacob Elordi a few months ago and that's it
username7 NOOO 😭😭
username8 Charles better say sike now 🔫
username9 Please tell me it's a joke
username10 It truly feels like some part of me being torn apart knowing that Y/n and Charles broke up for good and he moved on
username11 Do we really know nothing about what's going on with Y/n? She must feel terrible now, I'm sure she saw that Angeliqué girl on TV
↳username9 What makes you think she would still watch races?
username11 It seemed like her and Charles are on friendly terms, so why wouldn't she still watch his races?
↳username12 She hasn't posted anything since Australia, went hella private, she ISN'T okay, I think she even stopped hanging out with Lily M
username13 I did some more research and that Angeliqué girl is 20 years old
↳username12 So we're supposed to believe that Y/n who is Charles' age wasn't ready to start a family, but a 20 year old Charles met weeks ago is? Charles, explain yourself
username9 Honestly the new girl seems just like a distraction from Y/n or a PR relationship
username12 You might be right, maybe Charles can't forget about Y/n so he went with "wanna get over, get under someone new"
username14 Nahhhh cuz she was all over Charles whenever she could and he looked so done 💀 that's definitely a stunt
↳username1 Literally, she was always hugging him, touching, holding hands, she barely let him interact with fans, Y/n was so much better AND she always respected Charles' fans
username15 imagine not being able to move on for MONTHS so your pr team finds you a fake gf
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yourusername Excuse the inactivity, I've been watching Gilmore Girls
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username1 Very understandable in this case
username2 Our Rory Gilmore finally watching the og Rory Gilmore 🙏
oldersister I'm afraid Snow White might like you more than she likes me 😂
↳yourusername I'm the cool aunt 🤭
youngersister Excuse me???
yourusername I said what I said
youngersister And I don't agree with what you said
yourusername Would you watch Gilmore Girls with Snow White? Nope. I do. So I win the cool aunt competition
username3 Guys... When did Charles unfollow Y/n?
↳username2 He unfollowed?
username3 Yeah... He didn't comment nor even like, so I went to check and he doesn't follow Y/n anymore but she still follows him
username2 Ouch that hurts
username4 I don't care that Charles doesn't follow Y/n anymore, what counts is that she is happy 😊 look at the last pic, she's so adorable with Snow White
↳username5 True, she looks happy and healthy while Charles is out there having to put up with a fake girlfriend
username6 What's funny is that Charles doesn't follow Y/n anymore, but both his brothers and majority of F1 drivers do
↳username7 including the ones who followed her after the breakup 😏
username8 Don't try to make up new rumours, Y/n is single and happy
username9 Not to be mean but... It says something about Charles that he had to unfollow
↳username6 He either thought it'll help him forget or the new girlfriend made him unfollow
username9 Either way it tells us he's still thinking about Y/n
landonorris been a while since I last saw you
↳yourusername Let's see how long we can keep the streak up
username10 I'll never be over the Y/nCharles breakup, I'm still going through it months after
↳username11 That's okay because so is Charles
username12 Tbh in Y/n's place I would just take the chance and go for Lando, just to prove that Charles' PR relationship is in vain
↳username2 That's not something Y/n would do, but if she ever did that I would support her
Username13 dating men is so much stress, why bother while you can sit at home with a cat watching Gilmore Girls instead?
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lissomeingenuestuff · 2 months
CLARA BOW // charles leclerc
charles leclerc x figureskater!reader
part 2 part 3 part 4
summary: you're an aspiring olympic gold medalist who just wants to compete and have fun. on the way there, a handsome monegasque f1 driver slides into your dms and changes the trajectory of your life.
note: my first time doing a smau! i've seen and read so many of these that i thought i may as well add one to the pile. there's one tiny error here, and that's the date on some of the tweets: they're in march. winter olympics takes places in february, but i've just decided to ignore it for the sake of the story and pretend that it's in march.
the fc here is mariah bell, but feel free to imagine yourself or whoever you want. comment, like, and reblog if you enjoyed this and want a pt. 2 (maybe with some actual writing in it??)
y/n l/n
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liked by usfigureskating, graciegold95, and 12,017 others
y/n l/n Arms up! Ready for the ride of a lifetime!
view all 153 comments...
nat_.nug y/n looks like a princess!
sk8tergurl95 ok but the way you literally float off the ice!?
graciegold95 good luck! rooting for you! ❤️ by author
y/n l/n hello?? my literal inspiration 🥹
cyannnnna the olympic gold medal for ladies' figure skating is coming back to the u.s.! i just know it! ❤️ by author
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liked by charles_leclerc, adaripp, and 31,551 others
sportsillustrated Meet Y/N L/N and her Olympic bronze medalist coach Adam Rippon (right), in this snapshot taken outside of the Wagon Wheel Figure Skating Club in Crystal Lake, Illinois, just a month before the winter Olympics commence! L/N, 23 years of age, is the U.S. favorite to win a title in Beijing. In an interview with Sports Illustrated Magazine (link in the bio), L/N talks of her hopes, fears, strengths and weaknesses going into the competition.
view all 181 comments...
heyitslena thanks for clarifying which one of them adam is, @sportsillustrated 😭
y/n l/n thanks for having me, guys! an absolute honor to be featured!
lecfosigirlie came here to like a post about my fave figure skater, only to see charles lurking in the likes 😮
sharleclair thank god i'm not hallucinating 😭 what is he doing here?
annaisstoopid sometimes i start feeling good about myself, then i remember y/n l/n started casually figure skating at 16, won her first world championship at 20, and is now officially an olympic athlete 😭
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y/n l/n
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liked by cassievilleneuve, charles_leclerc, and 27,461 others
y/n l/n Hey look it’s me on Instagram again!! 😂 Just popped on to share some photos of the most amazing experience of my life!! Can’t wait for my turn on the ice next week!! GO USA❤️ thank you all so much for your support, I can feel it all the way over here in China 🥰🥰
view all 448 comments...
cassievilleneuve go bestie go! win this one so i can beat your ass in milano-cortina '26 😉 ❤️ by author
y/n l/n still so sad you couldn't come 😢 but i know 2026 is gonna be your year! ❤️ by cassievilleneuve
cassievilleneuve the friends that skate together stay together 🫡
charles_leclerc that's a nice color jacket 😉❤️
y/n l/n it is, isn't it? 😄
adiforza omg!?
f1wagfr are ya'll seeing this or am i still drunk 😳
danielricciardo 👀 👀
avtrusova ❤️
y/n l/n ❤️
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liked by y/n l/n, f1, and 1,003,224 others
charles_leclerc Smiiiiiiiiiile, P1!! All about that last lap in Q3 and I’m very happy with the job done today. Can’t wait for tomorrow 🇦🇺
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y/n l/n congrats 🎉 those were some epic moves you pulled off today! i may be an f1 convert ❤️ by author
cassievilleneuve muahahahaha mission success!
lenalenalena girl your competition is literally 3 days away how are you finding time to watch a race 😭
charles_leclerc thank you so much 😊 although it does not compare to skating and jumping on ice
y/n l/n i'm sure that's not true! there must be so much training that goes into driving like that if you lose weight every time you compete!
charles_leclerc the training can be pretty intense 😄 would you like to come and see?
lecfosigirlie asdfhergerkfje!!!
amylovescharlie ladies and gentlemen we've lost him 😭
ferrarifurlyfe charles rizzclerc!?!?
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arcadia345 · 11 months
Astro notes💋🥀
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Just my observations :)🔞
♡ Scorpio mercury or degree is the definition of elephant in the room, it’s like they try their best to make you uncomfortable with their words , on the brighter side I love how deep their minds are
♡Saturn in the 6th/2nd could go a long time without eating and not even notice
♡ One of my friends had a baby today(Aries moon) and she’s already threatening people not to play with her child💀 cute tho
♡ I feel like the only Libra placement that doesn’t try to be likable is Libra moons, their personality is so lovely for the most part☺️ I’ve only met men with this placement and WHEW they are sooooooo charming🥴
♡ I’ve noticed guys with Venus conjunct their sun can come off a little ✨ even if they’re not they’re just in touch with their feminine side. Also guys with Venus conjunct moon could have this energy as well just more subtle
♡ Aquarius in 7th will always give black sheep energy, no matter how “popular” they are it’s always something that differentiates them from everyone else, could be known for doing questionable things
♡ Taurus season I see lots of people getting lip piercings but lots of new tats and piercings in general
♡ 11th house has to do with hopes and dreams, mars is your passion and drive, having mars in 11th synastry with someone with someone could mean having fantasy’s about them,being fwb, or being friends with someone but wanting to be more. Me and my friend both have this synastry and the tension is HIGH especially with her Jupiter conjunction to my mars🥴
♡It’s not surprise Saturn babies look soo good in slicked back hairstyles since it rules hair and restrictions
♡Also they weren’t joking when they said prominent Saturn placements could make you a pothead😳 I thought I was a smoker but whew they SMOKE 💨
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♡ Aries moon moms are so PUSHY. They’re always trying to dictate your emotions like your not your own human then get insecure when you cut contact with them. And she never takes your emotions seriously till you act out of character, It’s like she never wants you to rest so draining. Also they can be intimidating/scary in a way especially from the stories the Aries moon child shares about them😅 did they lie tho?
♡ Scorpio moons could also resonate but I feel like with Aries moms(sidereal Pisces moon)there’s a innocence to it like they truly don’t recognize their toxic traits until you confront them about it but with Scorpio moon’s mom (sidereal Libra moon) they KNOW exactly what they’re doing when they manipulate. And other people could easily alter ur mother’s perception of you, very wishywashy. They type to be jealous of their kids especially if they have a daughter
♡ Chiron in 12th could get accused of things they didn’t do allll the time , it gets to a point where they don’t even try to defend themselves anymore cause it’s like no one listens why waste your energy 😭 a good example is Micheal Jackson
♡ Gemini moon children have moms that don’t hold back🥴 very blunt especially with some Aries energy added
♡ I giggle every time I remember Park Jimin has a Gemini moon I just know he has the best comebacks and inside jokes😂 (Jimin if you’re seeing this let’s be friends plz😆)
♡ I’ve noticed with Virgo moons children may see one parent more fit to be a parent than the other at some point in their life. Doesn’t mean the other is a shitty parent or anything but if they had to decide to live with one of them they’ll already know who😹
♡ Also Virgo placements why do y’all constantly complain about something you could easily solve? I see this more in undeveloped Virgo placements
♡ Leo moon children could have mothers that are selfish in one way or another, wheither it be their time, money, or love
♡Jupiter in 3rd (natal and transit) what is home? I’ve been to so many places in my city that I didn’t know existed, I also got a 🍕 delivery job so I’m on the go all the time, but since my natal Jupiter is in my 8th it’s kinda a darker transit for me- I literally hit and ran two people in counting 😭 (I’m not even a bad driver they happened on the same week!🙄) communication especially over the phone has been vile omg the amount of times I’ve been cussed out by strangers otp is crazy. Also I’ve lost old friends /gained new one
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That’s all for now💋
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whyse7vn · 2 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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BTW ☠���😂
8 participants - 8 online
hobi: thinking about when we all lived together and jimin would make jungkook tap dance for food
jk: good times :D
namjoon: but jungkook cant tap dance?
jimin: exactly
namjoon: so you starved jungkook?
jk: no i tapped??
jin: horribly
jk: :(
tae: i liked it
jk: honestly 🥺?
tae: honestly
jk: :D
hobi: why is joon acting like he wasn’t there to witness it???
namjoon: sorry
i just tend to block out the traumatic memories i have with you guys
which is most of them
jin: jungkook was the one dancing for food not you
namjoon: being a witness to that was traumatic
yoongi: it was funny
jk: thank u
yoongi: no
namjoon: moving on
y/n: remember when jungkook would like disappear for 4 hours everyday and come back to the dorms at like 5 am
hobi: OMG YES
jimin: the era where he hated us 😪
yoongi: bring it back
jk: i didn’t hate you guys ☹️
tae: he was just getting his dick wet don’t worry about it
namjoon: he was barley 16?
tae: pussy slayer since 05 😝
namjoon: 05??
yoongi: he was 7 in 05
jin: victim since 05
jimin: jin was like 27 in 05
jin: ??unprovoked
and not fucking true
jimin: as long as you’re alive i’m provoked
y/n: 27 in 05 is crazy
jimin: i’m saying like 😭
hurry up and die maybe?
hobi: bros 31 ☠️
namjoon: ok stop guys
jin: fucking hate all of you
jk: omg it’s raining outside i’m so sad :((
tae: my fault stepped outside and mother nature just couldn’t contain herself
she freaky like that
hobi: paying for ur assassination
jk: what does that even mean
tae: the sky squirting for me bro
jk: oh
that’s nice didn’t know that was possible !!
can you make her stop tho
tae: tell namjoon to step outside and she’ll stop
namjoon: ???
tae: it will be hot and dry as shit if joon steps out ong
jk: namjoon pls step outside
namjoon: kook you need to stop taking tae’s word for things
jk: what
i take no words
i have my own
namjoon: nvm
y/n: life would be so much fun if one of you was a crack addict
jin: ????
yoongi: freak
hobi: real
jimin: namjoon is right here like….
namjoon: leave me ALONE
jk: i’ll be a crack addict for you
tae: i’ll be a better addict
y/n: shut up
jk: sorry ☺️💕💖
tae: i could so break jungkook’s legs
jk: ☹️
how will i tap?
hobi: you don’t need to tap anymore kook
ur free from that life
y/n: tap by taeyong
jimin: he may be free from tapping in this life but is the tapping life free from him?
yoongi: what
jimin: mentally jungkook is still my little tapping slut
jk: aw man ://
namjoon: did you need to call him a slut??
can we just be nice
jimin: yes i needed to call him a slut
he’s a slut
tae: he was sixteen tapping for you
ur calling a sixteen year old a slut
guys i think jimin is really weird for that actually
jk: me 2
jimin: so?????
you literally said he was fucking at 16 you indirectly called him a slut too
jk: right !!!!
tae: UMM NO???
i called him a pussy slayer actually
and that could mean anything
jk: like what?
tae: shut up jungkook
jk: ok
i’m sorry
it’s still raining
i’m upset
jin: anyways i think yoongi could be nicer
yoongi: ?????
y/n: yoongi’s great
jin: TO YOU
yoongi is actually really really mean and we need to talk about it
jk: i also think yoongi’s great !!
when i was sad about getting old and sick he told me i probably won’t get cancer and most likely die from getting stabbed at 30 on the 12th of december 3pm
namjoon: oh
y/n: yoongi….
yoongi: no cancer !!
jk: NO CANCER ^0^ !!!!!!
tae: yoongi being cold and mysterious will only get you so far in life
jk: yoongi don’t be cold
y/n: jungkook ur so silly
where are you
i want to bite you
jk: 😳
jimin: take me back to the days where you had to buy bitches 46 plots of land and a horse to get pussy
i can’t do this being dumb ass hell shit
hobi: maybe ur just ugly idk??
jimin: ????
yo wtf
hobi: who said that not me whatttt?
jin: that’s why taemin has jimin blocked
yoongi: woah ok?
jimin: just saying
jin: ur ugly 😂
jk: beauty is subjective
yoongi: do you even know what that means?
jk: yes ofc ??
no 😔
tae: subjective sex
namjoon: stop
i class i would love to participate in
y/n: is this you telling us you don’t know how to have sex???
tae: NO
this is me telling you i love sex and partake in it often
hobi: stds
jk: i’m confused
why do you want to take a class on it then ???
y/n: right
you wanting to take a sex class implies you know little on the subject of sex actually
jimin: nothing about my beauty is subjective btw
it’s fact
jin: that ur ugly
yoongi: lol
jimin: namjoon tell them i’m not ugly
namjoon: guys he’s not ugly
jin: he’s really ugly
y/n: namjoon tell tae to stop shouting
namjoon: taehyung stop shouting
tae: NO
namjoon: kook y/n taehyung knows how to fuck
hobi: namjoon i wont lie to you but u lowkey a bitch
jin: right
namjoon: thank you for that hobi and jin i also love you very much
jk: ohmygod joon loosing his mind again
that is NOT what they said
joon come back to us
fight this namjoon fight it
hobi: fighting by bss
yoongi: who fighting?
jimin: joon and his crippling coke addiction
coke winning
namjoon: can we not
tae: i’ll laugh when you overdose
y/n: exo core
namjoon: i just helped you what is ur issue??
jin: do you notice how yoongi appeared again when the word fighting was said????
we NEED to have this man locked up i’m telling you
yoongi: i’ll have you sectioned
jin: WHAT THE FUCK?????
namjoon: yoongi take that back
yoongi: i take it back
jin: good
yoongi: not
jk: yikes jin he got you
yoongi ur really cool
yoongi: shut up
jk: sorry 😆
y/n: stop being mean
yoongi: cant help it :3
tae: who wants to see me split a watermelon with one hand
jk: ME ME
hobi: tae how is ur financial situation these days
tae: kill yourself
hobi: ok wtf???
i was just asking
tae: jungkook im sorry but no broken watermelon today blame hoseok
jk: hobi what the hell man i was really looking forward to the broken watermelon
y/n: i heard tae filed for bankruptcy
jimin: i heard he lives in a cardboard box
jk: tae omg……… 😧
is this true
jk: pls dont shout at me
i’m trying to remember if your house was a cardboard box or not
jimin: (it was)
namjoon: guys
jimin: ur no fun
y/n: sorry 😔
tae: yeah
you guys better be sorry
stupid idiots
jimin: shut up broke boy
namjoon: jimin please
jimin: whatEVER
tae: namjoon i don’t say this a lot because normally it wouldn’t be true but man i love you
guys i think me and namjoon were married in our past lives
cuz like were so in tune with each other
like he just gets me
i get him
i believe in every life we find each other
like we get married in every single life except this one
namjoon: no offence but in every life i would find you and divorce you if that were true
tae: oh
yoongi: lol
jimin: no i see it the crack addict and the broke bitch love story
tae: at least someone gets it
should of read the whole message first
u guys are just closed minded
im telling you me an namjoon are like super alike someone thought i was him yesterday and he was so real and right for that
jk: i thought you said that guy that called you rm in the park yesterday was a racist not real or right
tae: jungkook
jk: yeah ^0^
tae: stop talking rn
jk: okay😵
hobi: cocaine is like really expensive how would tae and joon work out
tae wont be able to help feed into joons addiction
y/n: why do you know that cocaine is expensive
hobi: i know a lot of things that just happenes to be one of them
jimin: if you think about it when have you ever seen a crackhead be like nah im not gonna have crack today
they make that shit happen no matter what
and i think thats what attracts tae and joon together
like joon will do anything and everything to get his fix and tae would do anything and everything to have a place to sleep so their hardworking nature is what leads them to love
jin: ok !!!!!!
jimin i think you need a hobby or something
that was…. a lot
yoongi: shut up
yoongi: i’ll punch you
jin: and i believe that!
shutting up #now
hobi: i wish i was mark lee rn
he probably doing something really canadian as we speak
jk: like what?
hobi: idk being nice
jimin: you called me ugly five minutes ago
you could never be mark lee
hobi: that literally wasn’t me i have no idea what ur talking about sorry i’m actually mark lee rn so i fr don’t know what ur talking about dude sorry dude i have to go on stage and dance with nct 127 now and then i have vocal practice with nct dream right after so i’m sorry dude i like have zero idea what ur talking about like actually like a sticker 2 baddies beatbox
me as mark lee and scene
jk: 10/10 really believable idk mark lee but i really though you were him for a second
y/n: great performance thought mark was here fr almost kissed you passionately on the mouth
yoongi: what
hobi: thank u thank u
you can still kiss me tho haha lol as mark or not idm
y/n: ok omg come here!!!
hobi: FR?????
y/n: no !!!!!!
but i did imagine us kissing like last week for like five seconds
hobi: yesssss 🙌 😝
a win is a win
yoongi: its not a win
she threw up at the thought
y/n: no i didn’t
yoongi: yes you did
you told me
y/n: i DID’NT
stop trying to gaslight me
it wont work
tae: have you imagined me naked
jimin: liked it better when you weren’t talking
tae: i liked it when YOU weren’t talking
jimin: shut the fuck up
jin: how about you both shut the fuck up
jimin: now why are YOU talking again
yoongi beat the shit out of him
yoongi: nah dont want to
the thought of his face isn’t pissing me off anymore
jin: thank you <3
yoongi: i could punch hoseok tho
hobi: no thank you ???
y/n: yoongi has a framed picture of all of us on his bedside table that he hides whenever you all come over in case you find it
he also has each one of our debut photocards in a small little binder in his studio in a little safe
yoongi: not true bye
yoongi left “BTW☠️😂”
y/n added yoongi to “BTW☠️😂”
y/n: very true very real seen them with my very two eyes
yoongi: you wear glasses
that you don’t actually wear
so who knows what u be seeing
that is NOT true
y/n: i wear glasses to READ and you know that
so shut up
guys yoongi would punch none of you because he loves you very much ok? 😍💖💯
tae: yoongi do you kiss our picture goodnight be honest
yoongi: fuck off actually
namjoon: thats very sweet yoongi
we love you too
jin: i DON’T
i fear my life when i’m around yoongi picture by his bed or not
i’m shaking in my boots i’m scared
yoongi: pussy
jin: i’m telling you ever since he broke that poor woozi guys nose i have not looked at him the same
y/n: ok but that was a mistake right yoongi
yoongi: ?
y/n: it was
and besides has yoongi broken your nose?
jin: no but it’s coming
i know it
yoongi: true
jk: i feel safe around yoongi
yoongi: you shouldn’t
jk: because he hasn’t broken my nose
but jimin did punch me once
jimin: dont bring up my past
hobi: if we think about it jimin should be locked up
jungkook you can press charges you know?
like we were talking about how yoongi actually love us
lets get back to that
yoongi: jimin should be put behind bars
jimin: yoongi loves us
yoongi: jimin is a bully
tae: i love you back yoongi
yoongi: kill yourself
jimin is a literal bully like actually
jimin: and ur a fake one cuz u love us
jk: jimin you are bully
yoongi: ur right jungkook
you are so right
jimin: jungkook yoongi loves you
that’s why he’s agreeing with you
jk: i love you too yoongi ^0^
yoongi: jungkook jimin is bullying you
has been since you were 16
jk: ohmygod……..
jimin: jungkook yoongi has a photocard of you that he’s probably decorated and everything just cuz he cares so deeply about you
jk: he does????????
namjoon: ok both of you stop
jimin you ARE a bully
and yoongi its ok that you actually like us you should stop pretending you don’t
jimin: I AM NO BULLY
yoongi: i like not one of u 😒
namjoon: yeah ok
tae left “BTW☠️😂”
think of this as a flash back/ forward idk of the good happy times ok? ok thank u >_<
sorry for the shit ending i just really like the first part and wanted to post
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
275 notes · View notes
thisismeracing · 1 year
Babe | CL16
Pairing: black!fem!reader x ex!charles; black!reader x jacob elordi. Reader has she/her pronouns.
Warning: curse words, Twitter environment, allusions to s3x, cheating, break up, angst…Minors DNI!!!
Summary: It’s been a little over a year since Y/n and Charles Leclerc ended their relationship, the fans found out through gossip pages and Y/n went radio silent from everywhere...until the Grand Prix day when she came back with a compromising song and pap pictures of her and new beau. They say revenge is a dish better served cold, right?
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
my masterlist | my taglist
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liked by jacobelordi, lewishamilton and others
itsmeyn “Babe” is out now in every streaming platform. I was in a really bad place when I wrote this, but I hope my heartbreak can remind you that we are only humans and the good things will come. 😘
view all 5670 comments
user2 You should not have come back, honestly 🙄
ynsunshine I LOVE IT, QUEEN!!!! Thank you for putting into words what I can’t.
charlesmonaco2 I get it that this is a song and that’s how artists express themselves, but why did she need to drag and expose Charles after almost a year?
⤷ f1winter honestly, I love Charles, but I don’t think she dragged him, she just shared her feelings with us after needing almost a year to heal. She’s quite the brave type.
elordiyn The fact that Jacob is real active and has been feeding us is such a win
⤷ euphoriamazing I hate and love the fact that he doesn’t mind pda too lol you saw that pic of him grabbing her 4ss? 😳 I had such a bi panic
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liked by grandprincess, lewishamilton and others
paddockgossip After over a year away Y/n came back with a new, and hot - we have to agree-, boyfriend. The fact that Jacob Elordi posed for her in front of his white benz did not go unnoticed by fans. Looks like our Ferrari queen moved on.
viewl all 540 comments
user10 why are you guys even talking about her? Isnt this a f1 gossip blog?! She’s not f1, move on
charlesunny I loved Charles and Yn together but I honestly cannot remember about them after seeing her and Jacob…honestly, the height difference, the hand Placement, the pda, the laughs 🥹 Im happy for her, she deserves the best
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liked by itsmeyn, zendaya and others
jacobelordi 💜 life is better with you by my side, honey. Yn-month dump 📌
comments on this post have been limited
itsmeyn I love you, love 💚
zendaya Im over the moon for you guys!
lewishamilton 🤍🤍🤍 Its good to see you smiling again, Yn! Take good care of her, mate.
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make sure you like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
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pupyuj · 9 months
7th member and g!p wonyoung where rumors run around a lot that you and wonyoung don't get along well because you really can't look each in the eye and doesn't interact that much but in reality, you can't look at her in the eye because you're too shy after she fucked your brains out last night and you won't interact that much on cam because wony know that she'll just end up getting a boner and might just consider bending you over right there and then 🥰🥰🥰
sndbdjcncdk i love getting g!p wony asks it's my favorite thing 😩😩😩 it's so obvious that i got way too into this i'm sorry i'm an ive girl through and through .
ya'll know i love giving these things a little backstory and some build-up so... it was just supposed to be a cute little hook-up between you and your favorite dorm mate 😳 the two of you have just come home from a party, giggling and whispering flirty things to each other while you stumbled inside your shared dorm... hands touching and groping anywhere and passing it off as a joke but the next thing you knew you were making out on the couch with wony on top 😵‍💫 she was grinding and humping, needing relief for her cock bcs she has stared at you all night and wanted nothing more but to fuck you, not at all giving a damn about the consequences 🫣 needless to say, you absolutely did get fucked very good, too good maybe, on that couch (and in her bed right after)! you fell asleep in peace thinking that everything will be fine the next morning.. but oh, no they weren't 😬
suddenly you couldn't talk to each other like normal friends 😭 only a few words were shared between the two of you since that night, and you only looked at each other when it was absolutely necessary 😭😭 ofc the fans would notice it very quickly bcs all of your habits around each other have changed :( you used to sit very close to each other all the time, but now you're on opposite sides when the group is doing a live or smth 💔 on top of all that, you stopped talking about each other on fancafes, bubble, etc... it was a bit heartbreaking actually, it was like witnessing a friendship breakup in real time 😭😭 no selfies tgt, no random moments of each other on your individual instas, no reports of a 2 am convenience store run... oh, the (y/n) x wonyoung shippers were in the trenches during this time 😩 (annyeongz shooters can relate—)
and then it gets to a point where it was blown out of proportion online 😬 articles being made, think pieces being written about the current state of your friendship... there was a viral clip of you seemingly side-eyeing wonyoung and acting like a bitch behind her back... which your fans fought everybody to hell for bcs they knew you loved her more than anything 🥹🥹
it was yujin who took notice of this.. thing between you guys ofc and cornered the two of you one day, telling you to get your act together and sort your problems out bcs it was affecting the group dynamic too 💔 apparently jiwon was feeling guilty bcs it was now her that you took to those midnight strolls, and rei always felt like she was 'homewrecking' whenever wonyoung was affectionate with her and not you 😭😭😭 coming home after getting scolded by your leader, the two of you sitting on that very same couch where you fucked, awkward and silent...
"i miss you." it was her that broke the silence. that was really all it took for you to jump in her arms and hug her tightly :(( wony was your best friend, the one who knows all your secrets, the one who remembers every single funny moment in your childhood and reminds you of it to cheer you up, the one who always wiped your tears away when you cried — it hurt to not get along with her 💔💔 "we don't have to make that whole thing be such a bad thing... we can just laugh about it, and... and—" wonyoung looks at you, at your soft smile while you cupped her cheeks in your hands, at your lips (she remembers hoe you kissed her that night), at your body and the way you looked like you belong right on her lap... "and we can just do it again.. and again... over and over..." she says boldly. well that certainly caught you off guard, but who were you to say no?
the two of you were really just supposed to talk, but now wony has you bent over the couch, her hips slapping against your ass while her dick slammed deeper and deeper by the second inside you... your cunt fit perfectly around her cock, it was an almost hypnotizing feeling fucking you 😵‍💫 wony thrusting faster, getting bursts of energy every time you moaned her name... then she's right up in your ear, "w-we... we won't need to leave the dorm when we're bored anymore... we can just fuck.. all the time... does that sound appealing enough, baby?" she was asking.
you nodded, "yes, y-yes, wonyoung... ahh.. mhmm..! i'll always be ready for you... just say the word.. or better yet, just f-fucking... shitshit... just grab me and fuck me... i love your cock.. i love it..." you were convinced that there wasn't a better feeling in the world that getting fucked by your gorgeous best friend, and there really wasn't!
shdbfjfksf wony turning you around so she could look at your face while she pounded into you :((( you were so pretty to her, she will never regret fucking you that night 🤤🤤 deliberately clenching around her cock, smiling at the way it only made her pound you faster — you can't get enough of each other 😵‍💫 kissing as you both came, feeling absolutely at bliss while her cum filled up your cunt... she definitely breeded you all night, she had to make up for lost time! 😉 filled you up on her bed, the showers, on her bed again after showering, even when you slept she was fucking into you... just dumping all of her seed in you bcs she missed you so muchhh :((( and yeah you get your revenge bcs when wony woke up the next morning and she looked down, you winked at her with her cock deep down your throat... and then you rode her until she was a drooling, babbling mess...
sorry did i mention that you guys are just fucking insane? right after that, you were cockwarming her while the two of you had breakfast, then wony was feeling you up impatiently while you washed the dishes, then you were fucking on the couch again while the morning news was on... and you ended up getting ten missed calls from yujin that entire morning bcs wony got very, very busy spilling every drop of her cum inside your pussy AND YET....... it was never enough 🥵🥵🥵
did you ever get off her cock that whole day? probably not... but hey, it did wonders for your friendship!
fans now see that the two of you were closer than ever! back to being jokey around each other, wony now always had an arm wrapped around your waist and you were always combing her hair with your fingers bcs you knew it eased her, and ofc you grew more affectionate towards each other! maybe a bit too much.. but it was wayyy better than when you pretended like the other didn't exist 🤭🤭
see, what they all don't know is after that very fun and loud live at the practice room, wony fucked you to hell in one of those secluded rooms in the company building, making you see the stars while you came all over her cock 😵‍💫 yeah that hook-up was a blessing alright...
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dannyricsmirrorball · 8 months
1989 • dr3 ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ pairing || daniel ricciardo x singer!reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre || social media au
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summary || y/n is releasing a new album!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ a/n || daniel is in the red bull 2023 seat in this btw! ahhh this was so fun, i’m so excited for 1989 tv and obsessed w daniel x 1989 edits so i had to make this.
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liked by danielricciardo, scottyjames31, and 420,781 others
yourusername welcome to new york
tagged danielricciardo
username1 daniel.jpg in action
danielricciardo it’s been waiting for u 😉
username2 best couple back at it
charles_leclerc that is so unsafe y/n!
⤷ yourusername ok grandpa lame
⤷ danielricciardo yeah grandpa
⤷ charles_leclerc look who’s talking 🤨
carmenmmundt pretty girl 😍
dianasilverss new york loves u
⤷ yourusername i love u
username19 patiently waiting for more music
georgerussell63 rogue australian w a camera
⤷ yourusername do u know him? he won’t stop following me!
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liked by jackdoohan, jensonbutton, and 1,161,630 others
danielricciardo you can hear it in the silence
tagged yourusername
username23 y/n and danny in new york supremacy
scottyjames31 lookin fresh DR
⤷ danielricciardo just for u 😘
⤷ yourusername yeah ok.
yourusername you can hear it on the way home
⤷ danielricciardo can u see it w the lights out?
⤷ username41 um… are these… lyrics?!
username56 in love w their love
username43 smth bout danny is that he will ALWAYS be repping his own merch
marcusmumford sexy man
⤷ yourusername very 😮‍💨
⤷ danielricciardo i’m blushing 😘
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liked by aarondessner, sukiwaterhouse, and 192,428 others
yourusername the best people in life are free
username11 guys i think we are entering a new era
username12 i’m calling it. new album coming.
lilymhe i miss u. come see me.
⤷ yourusername come see me!!!!
⤷ lilymhe nyc girls night out?? 👯‍♀️
⤷yourusername alex_albon make it happen
⤷ alex_albon booking flights 😐
username13 guys do we think that this is a lyric…
⤷ username14 we’re so starved
francisca.cgomes 🌟 girl
⤷ yourusername loml 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
⤷ danielricciardo 🤨
⤷ pierregasly 🤨
gracieabrams in love w you
⤷ yourusername in love w YOU
username42 LIVING for ny y/n
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liked by landonorris, wearephoenix, and 342,093 others
yourusername kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats
tagged danielricciardo, landonorris, lilymhe, alex_albon, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc
username34 obsessed w her being friends w the grid
landonorris cute danielricciardo
⤷ yourusername lay off my bf 🙄
username83 y/n’s obsession w new york lately has to mean smth
⤷ username45 RIGHT like even danny is posting so much of new york
⤷ username83 and the weird captions… like lyrics??
⤷ username72 or they’re just enjoying being in new york during the off season?
⤷ username83 ur no fun 🙄
lilymhe u + me 4eva 🤭
⤷ yourusername umm yes? 🤭🤭
⤷ danielricciardo ??
⤷ lilymhe what abt it?
⤷ alex_albon ??
⤷ yourusername square up albono
⤷ alex_albon it’s ok i’ll just shake it off
⤷ yourusername 😳
charles_leclerc i don’t remember what we were looking at
⤷ georgerussell63 🎤🎤
⤷ charles_leclerc ohhhhh yes!!
⤷ alex_albon i’m sure she admires ur subtlety george
⤷ yourusername yeah thanks guys 😐
⤷ username62 UMMMM GUYS?? MUSIC???
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liked by mickschumacher, enchante, and 183,801 others
daniel3.jpg been getting down to this sick beat 🎧
tagged yourusername
yourusername 👏👏👏
⤷ daniel3.jpg ❌🙋‍♂️🎁👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💁‍♀️😱
⤷ username53 um ok…
username72 eating up any scraps of hints to new music
username91 obsessed bf talented gf peak
lando.jpg tell y/n to let me play 🥁 on the album
⤷ yourusername what album??
⤷ lando.jpg oh yk just like whatever one comes next yk like lollollol
⤷ daniel.jpg not looking likely mate
⤷ username57 uhhhh album???!??!!
username82 she’s so girl boss
username73 their matching ugly shoes 🥹🥹
⤷ username88 LMFAO they make it work
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liked by sam_fender, chloestroll, and 980,284 others
yourusername tangled up with you all night 🪩
landonorris OMGOMGOMG
⤷ yourusername 😐
⤷ landonorris 🤷‍♀️
isahernaez that skirt 😍😍
⤷ yourusername omg complimented by the fashion god 🤭
username3 another lyric caption fs
scottyjames31 does he go anywhere without that damn camera
⤷ yourusername no.
⤷ danielricciardo photography is my passion 😍
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liked by landonorris, chloestroll, and 342,510 others
daniel3.jpg high tide came and brought you in 🌊
username56 ok now the captions are just obviously lyrics
username92 he’s so obsessed 🙄 i love them 🥹
landonorris enough of the y/n dedicated jpg posts. mine next??
⤷ yourusername in your wildest dreams
⤷ daniel.jpg ofc 😚
⤷ yourusername oh.
⤷ daniel.jpg oh… 😳
⤷ landonorris AHAHHAA owneddddd yourusername
username72 the way he captures her. they’re so perfect.
username46 the seagulls on the beach??? like y/n’s post as well… this means smth
⤷ username81 someone’s getting delirious
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liked by danielricciardo, gracieabrams, and 2,309,451 others
yourusername new album out 01/03/23 🌟
tagged jackantonoff
username63 OH MY FUCKING GOD
landonorris LFG
username12 WHAT WHAT WHAT
carlossainz55 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
username46 she used the pics danny took of her. im so fragile rn 🥹
⤷ yourusername i love u w my whole heart
georgerussell63 mega mate!!
francisca.cgomes so excited lovey!!! 💖💖
⤷ yourusername ily kika baby 💘
pierregasly let’s goooo
charles_leclerc congrats y/n 👏👏 can’t wait for evryone to see!
⤷ yourusername 🤍🤍 thanku for ur help charlie 😉
⤷ username16 no way…
⤷ username5 are we getting y/n ft charles OMFG WE ARE SO BACK
username3 AHHH SO EXCITED but also why’s it called 1989?
⤷ username78 this is just a guess but im 99% sure it’s bc that’s the year danny was born
⤷ username3 omg a y/n album named after/dedicated to danny, my heart can’t take this
username63 why is no one else talking abt the fact that the release date is daniel’s bday?!
⤷ username3 OH MY GOD IT IS
maxverstappen1 congrats y/n/n 💙
jackantonoff let’s goooo
⤷ yourusername absolute legend
danielricciardo so proud of u baby ❤️
⤷ yourusername i love u forever
lewishamilton 💜
gracieabrams proud asf
f1 ready for 1989 era
danielricciardo random release date 🤔
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liked by arthurleclerc, gangofyouths, and 390,647 others
yourusername nice dresses, sunsets
username12 ugh i need to raid her closet
danielricciardo more of this 😍
lilymhe my girl 🤤😍😘💖💘
⤷ danielricciardo i’m sure u meant MY girl
⤷ lilymhe get ur own girl
⤷ danielricciardo i HAVE my own girl
⤷ alex_albon and SO DO U
⤷ yourusername calm down ladies, there’s enough of me to go around for the both of u 😘
⤷ username23 alex is lily’s bitch confirmed
jackantonoff red lips and rosy cheeks?
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liked by danielricciardo, enchante, and 5,609,183 others
yourinstagram celebrating my person today! danny, thanku for being my rock, my heart, my everything. happy birthday my love, i am yours forever and always.
my new album 1989 is now yours! i am so proud of this album, thank you to everyone involved in creating my newest baby. most importantly, thank you to my most special muse. this album is about life, love, friendship, and everything in between.
daniel this one is for you 🤍
enchante x
tagged danielricciardo
danielricciardo the best present i could ask for ❤️
⤷ username41 nobody speak to me
danielricciardo so so proud of u, forever my girl
⤷ yourinstagram forever ❤️
landonorris hbd lover 😍😍 oh yeah and congrats y/n 🙄 so extremely proud 🧡
⤷ yourinstagram stop tryna bust the moves on my boyfriend - thankuu landini 🩷
jackantonoff PROUDEST
⤷ yourinstagram my partner in musical crime 🤍
maxvertsappen1 WOOOH LETS GO Y/N!!! happy birthday daniel 😘
⤷ yourusername thanku maxxie 🩷
⤷ danielricciardo love ya maxxie
⤷ yourinstagram I LOVE U
alex_albon absolute LEGEND
⤷ yourinstagram so sweet albono
christianhorner congrats y/n 👏👏 happy birthday daniel 😊😊
francisca.cgomes so proud of u my talented sweet amazing girl 💘💘 (happy birthday danny!)
⤷ yourinstagram 🥹 love u sm kika
ausgp it’s y/n and danny’s world, we’re just living in it 👏🥰
username13 how u get the girl??? floored by her genius
charles_leclerc congrats mate!! proud 🖤 happy birthday daniel 😘
⤷ danielricciardo thanku charlie 🥰🥰
⤷ username16 um ig we were wrong abt the charles x y/n song
⤷ yourusername 🤔
⤷ username16 oh?
oliviarodrigo masterclass in pop perfection 😍
⤷ yourinstagram 🥹
marcusmumford two absolute legends!!
joshallenqb hbd danny 🤤 congrats y/n!
scottyjames31 YES MATE! love ya y/n so proud ❤️ happy birthday danny boy 😘
⤷ yourusername thanku scotty 💘
⤷ danielricciardo see ya soon mate love ya
oscarpiastri congratulations y/n!
⤷ yourusername thanku oscar 🤍🤍
redbullracing happy birthday to our honey badger ❤️ and congrats y/n!
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liked by yourusername, jackdoohan, and 1,927,038 others
f1 you’re looking at your australian gp pole sitter 🔥 for the first time in formula 1, the honey badger takes pole position at his home race.
tagged danielricciardo, redbullracing
username63 LFGGGGGG
username82 back where he belongs 👏👏
username9 he went back home and got that shine back
yourusername let’s gooo baby
redbullracing back on top 📣
ausgp 🍯🦡 is back baby
username47 i just know he was listening 1989 in those fuck ass beats the entire lead up to quali
aussiegrit 👏👏
scottyjames31 bring it home danny boyyy
username52 he was defs singing shake it off to zak beige in his head
username13 love to see it 🇦🇺🦘
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 1,209,839 others
yourusername it’s our home gp. it’s race day. danny’s on pole. 1989 deluxe is out.
after all the love for the album, i’m so excited for you guys to hear these three new tracks; wonderland, you are in love, and new romantics.
big love to my big bro jackantonoff for your inspiring dedication to your craft and being a masterclass act.
a huge thanks to my favourite pianist charles_leclerc for playing piano for the most special track - you are in love.
i hope you guys love it 🤍 big ups dannyric today everybody! 🇦🇺🇦🇺
username92 the best wag ever
username02 her releasing the album on his birthday and then the deluxe version on his home gp, she’s so in love.
danielricciardo i am in love, with you, forever and ever and always. thanku baby, my best good luck charm.
⤷ yourusername 🥹
redbullracing on repeat in the garage y/n!!
⤷ mercedesamgf1 same
⤷ scuderiaferrari same
⤷ alpinef1team same
⤷ alphataurif1 same
⤷ astonmartinf1 same
⤷ williamsracing same
⤷ haasf1team same
⤷ alfaromeostake same
⤷ mclaren same
⤷ username3 who invited them 😒
⤷ username85 their love is one of a kind
⤷ username93 a forever kind of love
⤷ username2 her pen goes fucking crazy but it goes even crazier when it’s abt daniel
charles_leclerc it’s finally out! so grateful to work with you y/n/n, thanku for trusting me w this special special song. so proud to be even a small part of this brilliant project. see u tonight!
⤷ yourusername charlie 🥹 thanku thanku thanku! i couldn’t think of anyone more perfect to collaborate with for such a special song. good luck out there today!!
⤷ username16 i’m so not okay
lilymhe daniel is so lucky (don’t tell him yail is actually abt me)
⤷ yourusername 🤫🤫
⤷ danielricciardo i wanna be mad but im too happy rn
⤷ yourusername i’m glad u liked it lan 😭
⤷ mclaren he’s blasting it in the garage
⤷ oscarpiastri can confirm (not complaining)
⤷ username81 he’s just like me fr
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername, and 9,025,727 others
for the first time in his career, home hero, daniel ricciardo wins the australian gp!
for the first time in formula 1 history, an australian driver stands on the podium at the australian gp!
for the first time in formula 1 history, an australian driver wins on home soil, at the australian gp!
big congrats to the honey badger as well as red bull for their legendary 1-2 at this years australian grand prix.
tagged danielricciardo, redbullracing
username82 say australian gp one more time
username92 LETS GO DR
yourusername LETS GOOOOOOO
yourusername BIG UPS BIG RIC
yourusername HISTORY MAKER
yourusername LOML
username94 y/n going feral in the comments is so me coded. she’s down so bad for that man.
redbullracing the honey badger is back baby
jackdoohan yeah brotherrrr 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
scottyjames31 LFG DR! BIG MOVES BROTHER ❤️
christianhorner that’s our driver! congrats daniel, big moves 👏👏
landonorris ricky bobby is back
georgerussell63 yesss dannyric 👏👏
daxshepard let’s go danielllll
jensonbutton good job danny 👏
aussiegrit brought it home 🇦🇺🇦🇺
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liked by danielricciardo, f1, and 14,092,283 others
yourusername race winner. history maker. legend. my boy. he won’t apologise. prouder than imaginable.
tagged danielricciardo
danielricciardo no one id rather do it w by my side ❤️
danielricciardo the best people in life are free 😉
comments on this post are limited
hope you enjoyed 🤍🤍
927 notes · View notes
nymphomatique · 9 months
-ahem after reading your nerd/loser!Miguel I just CANT ✊😩 ❤ I gonna need ask orrrr request something !...YOU MADE SOMETHING AWOKEN something in me that I i JUST can't explain😵😳 but NEED TO BE RELEASED (😏) and now today I wanted to request my take on it if that ok with you 😌😏
Ok hear me out nerdy loser/horny!Miguel x YOU GUESS IT popular/richfm!reader 😝!!!..
So let me explain the plot first 😌 .so let just say we never seen Miguel (it been an long time since) only remember that name while reader was in highschool and reader was one of Miguel bully I guess.. (even though she not the one laying an hand on him 😒😔) as she just watch as her popular group of friends bullied Miguel seeing him have tear down acting nothing like an man... ( what an man baby)'Which taught was more *interesting* about this nerd. but reader always think he was cute (I guess reader say it in her mind) even if he was an loser nerd at high school and more of an quite guy and only care for work.but the best part of Miguel in high school is that he ALWAYS obey no matwhat towards you/fm!reader 😩(god I don't know if I have to explain the next scene but I think I just hints some 😝😋 blow jobs overstuim- i mean many !! I want to see. Him cry on the desk while reader under it 🗣✊)
This is could be an flash back honestly I don't care 🗣🗣 I hope your doing great and having an awesome day
you were cooking nonnie‼️ i hope this translated well into writing. and yes timeskip crumbs 🤭
cw: no smut in this one folks! timeskip present, mentions of cannabis use, miguel gets bullied ;(, reader saves him tho dw, genuinely just fluff, teeny bit of d/s stuff, allusions to sex at the end. italic text is a high school flashback! enjoy 🫶🏾
“i cannot believe you had braces!” miguel laughs at your yearbook picture. you smack his arm and roll your eyes at his laughter.
“s’not funny. was only my freshman year.” you mumble,
“i’m just kidding honey, you’re still gorgeous, braces or not,” he says, kissing your temple. the two of you were sitting on your couch in your shared condo, looking at your old high school yearbook.
“you’re flattering me to get in my pants,” you quip. miguel wraps an arm around you and kisses your neck whispering low. “don’t need flattery to do that.”
you push his face away and snort. “when did you get so suave, mr. o’hara?” you question. “you weren’t as smooth in high school if u remember correctly.”
“you’d be right, but meeting you changed me for the better, no?” he flips the yearbook pages, finding his picture in the sea of others.
“maybe you changed me,” you say lowly.
“aww, come on pete, lay off him will you?” flash thompson laughs. “nah, he’s too easy,” peter replies. they had been roaming the halls, cutting class to smoke a joint. since peter was out early, he figured meeting you once your class period was over would be fun, high sex in the bathroom stalls was on his bucket list after all, and you never told him no when it came down to a good time.
in the midst of both flash and peter roaming the halls, they had ran into miguel o’hara, clutching his books in his hands during his free period, roaming the halls like them. nudging flash in his shoulder, peter made a show of miguel. he had pushed him into the lockers, feigning accident. miguel hit the rusted metal with a thud, dropping his books in the process.
“oh, did i bump you? my deepest apologies,” peter mocks, flash not even trying to hide his smile. miguel looks up from his place on the ground between the two, rubbing his shoulder that hit the locker. not worth it, he thinks, and moves to reach one of his books. before he can grab it, peter kicks it across the hall. miguel’s eyes stay focused on the ground. “aww, what happened? you got butterfingers, o’hara?” flash laughs.
“pick up your fuckin’ books, you’re blocking the hall,” peter directs towards miguel. miguel stays unmoved, pushing his glasses up his nose, eyes still glued to the floor. peters angry, feeling disrespected. “hey,” he says, and the hostility beginning to bubble in his voice is clear. “you fuckin’ deaf or what? i said pick up for fuckin-”
“the fuck is going on here?” you interrupt, seeing peter and flash freeze for a split second. you had left a while ago to go to the bathroom and skip class, but had decided to stop by your lockers, where you found peter and flash bullying some random.
“hey, baby,” peter begins. your eyebrow raises and he drops the act. “we uh- we were just tryna help h-”
“can it. i can smell the pot off you guys, fuckin’ gross. get outta here before you get caught with no hall pass,” you dismiss both peter and flash. peter makes way to kiss you goodbye but you move your head, your eyes telling him to get the fuck on.
when both peter and flash are long gone down the hall, you turn to miguel. “hey,” you say. he finally looks up at you and you see tears welling in his eyes. you wince, and wordlessly kick his book back to him. watching him gather up his books is almost disheartening, usually you laugh at something this pathetic. your feelings get the better of you, so you walk to miguel and buy your hand on his chin, lifting his head up to look at you. the eye contact sends a weird feeling in your chest, his tear stained brown eyes filled with emotion.
“chin up, dweeb,” you say, touching the tip of his nose and winking at him before you get up and leave, off to see what trouble peter found himself in.
miguel is in shock. that’s the first time he’s ever been talked to by someone popular. a popular girl at that. miguel looks back at your figure walking away, hips swaying with determination and he feels his heart swell in his chest.
“you gettin all sappy on me now, baby?” miguel quips. “funny. you must have forgotten what to address me as. i’ve been too nice to you,” you reply, your gaze intense. miguel swallows and his whole demeanour changes. “i didn’t forget, mistress,” he replies. you smile, getting up from the couch, pulling miguel up by his shirt to follow you.
“that’s my good boy.”
700 notes · View notes
natailiatulls07 · 9 months
The golden trio Pt 5
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Max Verstappen & Female!reader & Charles Leclerc
Summary - Being bestfriends with two famous formula one drivers is never easy, but what will happen when you get involved with yet another formula one driver??
Warning - a cringy pick up line, cheating, slight argument and swearing
A/n - I’ve been ill all weekend so I have just been getting some things done so you are getting loads this weekend
There is also kind of a time skip half way through, but you’ll know when 🤍
How is everyone feeling about todays Grand Prix?? 🥹
The golden trio
Text (White: Reader) (Orange: Lando)
Hey, are you lighting cause I make you McQueen 😉
Lando Norris are you trying to use a pick up line on me?? 😳
Of course darling, just trying to shoot my shot
Well in that case if you want to shoot your shot, take me on a date
Tomorrow 6pm I pick you up
Do I get to know where we’re going Mr Norris??
Nope. I’ll see you then 😘
See you tomorrow 6 pm 🤍
yourusername has posted a story
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Gossip Groupchat (White: Reader) (Red: Charles) (Blue: Max)
Hey Bee, me and Charlie have found a new film wanna do a movie night tonight??
Yeah! It looks like a great film, we think you’ll like it 😁
Oh I’m sorry guys, I have a date tonight…
A date?!
With who!??
Um…Lando 🤭
Wait what?? Has finally come to his senses and remembered that night?!
Idk, he sent me a very cringy pick up line to shoot his shot
Yeah and then what??
I then said if he wanted to shoot his shot he should take me on a date so yeah he’s picking me up at 6
Ohhhh so that’s why you were busy all day
Yep, I was getting my nails done and doing some last minute pieces
Well we’ll probably see you just before you leave so I won’t give you the talk just yet 😇
Now I’m considering sneaking out 😅
Don’t you dare young lady!!
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Shooting my shot for her 😍
Tagged: yourusername
Liked by maxverstappen1 and 63,935 others
username I want dates like this 😩
username Lando taking photos of their date is just to make us jealous 😤
= username Well it worked 🫤
charles_leclerc Don’t forget about her curfew
= lando.jpg Of course, don’t want to get on the big brothers bad sides 😳
= username Overprotective brothers!!!
Texts (White: Reader) (Orange: Lando)
I had a great time last night, thank you 🥰
Of course, I had to win you over and I hope I’ve done that 🤞🏻
You were successful in winning me over
Yayyy!! Wanna do it again some time?
I’d be a fool to turn that down 😅
Tumblr media
Monthly dump 😚
Liked by carlossainz55 and 63,826 others
username Not Y/n posting Lando’s back like we don’t know who she’s dating like girl we know, it’s okay 😂
username The food is making me HUNGRY!!
username She’s just like us, posting the ‘worst’ photos of her bestfriends lol
landonorris Who’s that in the McLaren hoodie?? 😏
= yourusername Idk but he uses some cringy pick up lines 😃
username Not Max being an iPad kid 🫣
Tumblr media
Spotted: Lando Norris sharing a kiss with another girl whilst Y/n L/n is seen shopping on the other side of Monte Carlo
Liked username and 2,383 others
username Isn’t Lando and Y/n a thing??
= username Yeah…
= username That means he’s cheating on her 🫢
= username Yeah…
username Why?? Lando why??!
username No I can’t, I just can’t today no!!
username He continues to fuck up my ship! FUCK!
Texts (White: Reader) (Orange: Lando)
Baby I’m so sorry!
No you can’t go ‘baby’ me. No not after you go and kiss another girl Lando.
It’s not what it looks like, please let me explain
Go on then explain why you were passionately kissing another girl in your car
Seen 4 mins ago
I can’t, I’m so sorry darling
Please it didn’t mean anything to me honestly
Baby? Y/n??
I love you sweetheart
username Lando Norris you are gonna need to hide from Max and Charles once they see what you’ve done mate 😳
username He has fucked up so much!
username I bet she’s devastated, poor girl 🥺
username Every thing is okay, everything is okay, everything is okay… we’re fucked
Text (Blue: Max V) (Orange: Lando)
Look I’ve tried to talk to Y/n but I’ve just fucked it all up I’m sorry
Yeah you can say that again. Mate if you’ve come here trying to get cut of any slack you might want to think again
I know, I just wish I didn’t do it
Yk that girl LOVES you, she has been the happiest she has ever been since she started getting hate but you fucked that up
Charlie and I have tried to get her out of her bedroom but nothing so you gotta think of something and fast
I will, I’m sorry
I know you’re sorry, please don’t think that me and Charlie hate you because we don’t
Thank you, she’s lucky to have you guys
We’re just abit annoyed that she has been hurt once again
Tag list: @eviethetheatrefreak @janeholt3 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @namelesssav @amalialeclerc @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @ravisinghs-wife
456 notes · View notes
sunlightmurdock · 10 months
Mav’s daughter and Bradley trying to keep quiet in the room next door to him😳
Mav having all of his buddies over for a football night, it’s a big group of guys all hanging out in the living room, talking about guy stuff. When you get back from drinks with your friends early, you usually would’ve walked right past them and headed to your room. But, your eyes lock with Bradley Bradshaw’s — and seeing as he has already been screwing your brains out every chance that he has gotten for the past few months, your mind is swiftly changed.
He’s already looking over the short dress you had worn out as he lowers his beer away from his lips, his face growing serious as you drop your keys into the bowl by the door and stride confidently over.
“Hi, boys.” You smile, dropping down onto the couch between Bradley and a much older aviator — you can’t remember all of their call signs, that’s too much work. Maverick looks up from the screen and offers you a smile.
“Hey. How was Corrine’s birthday?” Maverick asks, his attention back on the game before he’s even done speaking. Bradley stares at the screen as the smell of your perfume fills his senses and makes his jeans just a smidge less comfortable.
“Corey’s. She got shitfaced and we had to take her home and put her to bed. Lucy’s staying with her.” You explain calmly, reaching out and curling your fingers around Bradley’s beer bottle. He releases it into your hand without protest, not able to stand the thought of your dad seeing you touching him.
You bring the bottle to your mouth and take a drink, humming contentedly as you pass the bottle back to him.
“That sounds like a good time.” Maverick mumbles, brows knitting together as yet another pass is fumbled by his team. Bradley glances down at you. You’re glaring across at Maverick. He knows you hate it when Mav pretends he’s listening to you.
You push yourself up from the couch and Bradley realises just how short your dress is as you have to adjust it.
“Alright, well, I’m just going to hit the hay,” You decide, knowing that Bradley’s the only person in this room listening to you. You lift your arms and stretch them up over your head. “Night, everybody.”
“G’night, kiddo.” Maverick waves you off absently. Bradley feels his throat tighten as he cranes his neck to watch you head towards the stairs. It’s been exactly six days since he was inside you last, and god, it feels like it’s been an eternity.
His eyes are trained in on you as you walk over to a purse that you had discarded on the stairs and bend down to dig through it. The dress does exactly what you want it to do, riding up just slightly and giving him the perfect view of the black panties between your legs.
And then, you disappear up the stairs. Bradley lifts the beer to his mouth and gulps down a quick drink. He knows you want him to follow you. He wants to. But there are like twelve guys in this house, all of whom are his coworkers and one of whom is your dad. He does his best to sit and focus on the game.
But he knows you’re up there waiting for him and he knows exactly which pair of panties you’re wearing, and it turns out that he’s a weaker man than he thought he was. Well, when it comes to you anyway.
He doesn’t even have to excuse himself, they’re all so focused on the score. He walks silently upstairs, crossing the hall and wrapping his fingers around your door handle. He already knows which room is yours, he has been here before.
He twists the handle and opens it, exhaling softly as he finds you out of the dress already and wearing his t-shirt. You’re laying back on your bed with your fingers dipped between your legs, your lip between your teeth.
Smiling, you take a second just to look him over. Just as handsome as when you had first seen him. Wearing a fitted black tee with his dog tags just visible under the collar, and a pair of faded blue jeans, his curls fixed. You press your thighs together and withdraw your hand from your underwear.
He steps inside and shuts the door behind him, crossing the room to press one knee down onto your bed and cover your body with his. He kisses your mouth deeply, fingers plucking softly at his t-shirt as it sits loosely over your body. “I thought I told you not to wear this around here.”
It’s got his squadron on it. Mav would know who’s it is in a heartbeat.
“Are you scared of my dad seeing it?”
“If I was, I wouldn’t be dumb enough to be up here right now.” He tells you calmly, between deeper and deeper kisses. His big hands grab at your knees and part them easily, letting him settle between your thighs.
No, he’s not afraid of your father. He’s afraid of not seeing you again if Mav does find out. He’s afraid of the way that he feels about you now. He’s afraid of the fact that he couldn’t even make himself stay downstairs and just watch the game.
Bradley’s thick hands shove at the t-shirt, pulling it up and over your head. Downstairs, there’s a roar of cheers. Using the sudden volume to his advantage, he nudges your panties to the side and presses a finger into you, curling it expertly and making you jolt.
“Fuck.” You pant out against his lips. He groans softly as you push your hand between your grinding bodies and palm him over his jeans. “More.”
“You’ll take what I give you.” Rooster tells you firmly, feeling you clench around his finger response. He pulls back to look you in the eye. “Cute dress that you wore out tonight. I’ll bet the guys loved it.”
“They did.” You tease him, gasping as he pumps a second finger into you, curling them routinely and making your stomach tighten. “But I just want you. Only you, Rooster.”
He groans softly, lowering his mouth to adorn your chest with filthy, open-mouthed kisses. He knows that. He knows how badly you want him. He’s got the nudes on his phone, and your clothes at his place to prove it. But he loves how desperate you are for him. The way you stare at him across the room, or dangle off of his arm when he’s not paying you enough attention.
The way you’re looking up at him now.
Fuck, he adores it. It’s right as you’re about to cum on his fingers that he slaps a hand over your mouth. He knows by now that you couldn’t keep quiet if your life depended on it. Even with his thick palm covering your jaw, your sound is muffled but desperate as you push your heels into your sheets.
He checks his watch as you’re unbuckling his belt and shoving his jeans down. “Fuck,” He pants out as you’re taking him into your mouth. “Baby, it’s almost half-time. We’ve gotta — shit — we’ve gotta be quiet.”
You hum around him compliantly, but both of you know that it’s quite simply not going to be that easy. Plus, you’ve had to hide from Mav for long enough now that you really couldn’t care less by this point.
Bradley plants you on your back, both of you sighing in relief as he finally presses into you until your hips are flush to his. He leans down and rests his forehead against yours, his dog tags resting against your chin.
“Fuck, you feel so good, baby girl.” Bradley whispers, his brown eyes looking just so endless when he’s up this close. You take your bottom lip between your teeth, trailing your fingertips along the muscles in his back. Bradley swallows, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he looks down between your body and his. “I missed you. So much.”
You hum eagerly, lifting your mouth to pepper kisses along this thick throat. “Missed you too. Can’t believe you made me wait so long.”
“I know,” He groans softly as he starts to rock his hips, his bicep flexing as his fist balls into the soft florals adorning the pillow behind your head. “You were so good, waiting for me. We’ve gotta be quiet now, but I’m gonna make it up to you. Alright, baby? — How’s that sound?”
You giggle softly as he kisses your temple, the sound interrupted by a sharp moan as his cock hits something sensitive deep inside you.
“Shit.” Bradley pants out, brows drawing together as he pulls back to shake his head, still fucking into you slowly. “Shh, shh, shh. Here.”
He presses two digits into your mouth at once, his eyes practically rolling back in his head at the feeling of your tight pussy and warm mouth around him at once. His digits press at the back of your throat as he starts to pick up the pace, your moans muffled around them.
Then, when he’s got your knees pinned back against your chest and needs his hands free again, you turn your face into the crook of his neck, grabbing onto his broad shoulders desperately as you try to quiet yourself to the point that tears are brimming in your eyes.
“That’s it. Cum for me. I’m so fucking close, baby, I want you to do it for me.” He growls into your ear, feeling your nails digging into his shoulder blades in response. He snaps his hips forwards sharply as his thumb works circles on your clit. It’s got to be half-time by now, and as much as Mav irritates you — the last thing you want is for him to see you crying because of how hard you’re about to cum.
Turning your face away from his neck, you press your nails into his tanned skin, pressing your lips flush to his shoulder and grazing your teeth along the flesh. Bradley grunts, his hips stuttering as you quieten yourself by biting hard at the muscle there.
Your walls clenching around him as you ride out your own high sets him off, his hands white knuckling around the backs of your thighs as he spills inside of you.
And then he’s walking downstairs again, fully aware of your nail marks trailing in scorching red lines down his back. Not to mention the distinct bite mark on the swell of his shoulder. He settles back down onto the couch and picks up his beer, not making eye contact with a single person in the room. Not even the one who went upstairs to use the bathroom ten minutes ago and heard Mav’s daughter whimpering Rooster’s name.
596 notes · View notes
happeehippie · 2 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his fiancée evie as they go through his football career.
* face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 873,190 others
evie: did some cowgirl shit
view all 2,739 comments…
millyg: yee frickin haw
> evie: bitches 🤠
user: i was hoping this thing would get called off
joeyb_9: guess i better saddle up.
> evie: i’m coming home to you cowboy. 😉
user: no wait this is so cute
user: not ev in her cowgirl era
> evie: i fear it may be permanent
user: i cannot comprehend that you guys are so in love your getting married….
> user: wym you can’t comprehend it?? they’ve been together for like 7 years and are clearly very happy?
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liked by bengals, bose, and 912,054 others
joeyb_9: locked in #TeamBose
view all 5,108 comments…
user: this hairstyle is the best
user: ev is so lucky
> evie: like it truly doesn’t get better than this.
user: this is giving major top gun vibes
evie: i’m locked in on you. 🤪💗
> joeyb_9: 🌽
user: yalllll this man!
used: if you need consoling after this tough season hit my line
> evie: aw. i might take you up on that offer
> user: if there’s one things ev is going to do it’s make sure errrrrbody know joe is HER man
> user: no like its giving *insecure*
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 910,002 others
evie: my mood for the foreseeable future..
view all 3,107 comments…
user: angel girl
user: she’s a stunnnnna
lahjay10_: if joe ain’t bring some of those cookies tomorrow we may have a problem
> evie: only the best for you jay
user: a ray of sunshine
joeyb_9: photo by me, socks from my closet, cookies homemade, your smile out of this world.
> evie: the man that you are…
user: i don’t know if im rooting for you or not
user: this doesn’t seem like lifestyles of the rich and famous
> evie: you’re looking in the wrong place for that content
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liked by bengals, evie, and 816,901 others
joeyb_9: my hands don’t look small here
view all 6,738 comments…
user: delete this my girl has ig
bengals: caption 🤌
user: you remember what them haters had to say
evie: let’s put them to good use. 😉
> user: EV! it’s too early to be spicy in the comments!
> user: nooo she’s getting some of that BDJ 🤣
user: i wasn’t prepared for this today
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 520,091 others
evie: why is it always so cold in seattle?
view all 6,194 comments…
user: you’re giving pick me vibes
> evie: next time you’re looking for something to comment on, please, don’t pick me. (:
user: seattle is nice when it isn’t raining
user: period !!!
millyg: a moment for YOU 💗
> evie: i luv u.
user: these pics make seattle look bad
joeyb_9: the fit goes HARD
> evie: you can borrow it anytime 🤪
> joeyb_9: game day fit?
> evie: would def be top 5 of the season.
user: why are joe and ev always so goofy in the comments, and yall think they aren’t made for each other????
> user: no bc SAME! i don’t get why people think they aren’t a good fit. they’re obsessed with each other.
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 730,726 others
joeyb_9: Dark Knight
view all 5,720 comments…
user: that’s my QB
joemainmixon: 🐐
user: you ain’t him
lahjay10_: (TOP 2) DAM SURE AINT 2! 🐐
> evie: TELL EM JAY
user: smash
evie: i think i need a hero… 🥵
> joeyb_9: i’ll be your knight in black shoulder pads.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 820,092 others
evie: big week 😳
view all 5,118 comments…
user: my favorite wag
user: if y’all actually are getting married im sick.
user: are you going to share what’s happening?
user: you look STUNNING
user: wym??
user: not prepared for what’s about to go down. i have a feeling.
joeyb_9: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
> user: oh shit
user: not joe about to ruin his life if speculation is true
> user: wow everyone is supportive until you realize he really isn’t ever going to leave her for you. this is crazy behavior!
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 1,737,026 others
evie: i think i like this little life.. 🤍
view all 15,829 comments…
millyg: and that’s MRS. Evangeline Burrow!
> user: not me just now finding out ev’s full name
> user: Evangeline??? Excuse me, that’s beautiful.
user: she doesn’t deserve it.
lahjay10_: we was TURNT TF UP!
user: i am sick with jealousy
bengals: The King and his Queen, congratulations!
user: only ring he will ever get but congrats
> user: marrying the love of your life is a bigger dub than the sb ever will be.
user: congrats!
sam_hubbard_: Finally!!
user: i knew it was coming and somehow i convinced myself he was smarter than this..
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liked by bengals, millyg, and 1,290,001 others
joeyb_9: Mr. & Mrs.
view all 8,628 comments…
lahjay10_: congratulations brudda!
user: most overrated player in the nfl
> user: bro can’t you let him enjoy his wedding?
user: congrats, now go get that other ring!
user: i give it a few months before they are done with each other.
> user: considering they’ve been together for almost a decade, i don’t see that happening
user: we all wish we were ev rn!
bengals: that’s our QB, you lucky boy!
user: another thing to distract him from winning the super bowl
user: not fair
millyg: i’m not crying, you are. jk i am crying. i’ve been crying all day.
user: he’s too famous for this, he will get sick of her.
evies ig stories:
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146 notes · View notes
onsunnyside · 2 years
So while stepdad!aus aren’t my cup of tea I will posit the question to the group….
Isn’t Lloyd Hansen a very stepdad type of guy that gets into the family for some work purpose but ends up walking away with you? He’s just giving the vibe 😳
dear goodness… all holy beings look away
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | stepdad!Lloyd Hansen x reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | age gap, stepcest, possessive behaviour, smut - minors dni, unprotected sex (p in v), daddy kink, spitting, lots of cum, breeding kink, overstimluation, p*ssy slapping, finger sucking, some praise, dumbification, degradation, dacryphilia, smidge of tear licking, squirting, creampie(s). 
𝗪/𝗖 | 1510
🍆 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲? 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲… 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲? 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“T-Too full,” you try to get away, clawing at the bed sheets as his thick, red tip prods at your creamy hole, “can’t—not again.”
“You can,” Lloyd spits on your cunt as if you weren’t already a wet, sticky mess. His head traces up and down your slit, paying extra attention to your sensitive clit. “Remember? You promised me a special gift for Father’s Day.”
Through blurry vision, you spot the handmade card and photo album on his nightstand. That was the gift you spent weeks making, between fussing (and failing) with the card multiple times, and collecting and arranging the perfect album of your stepfather, Lloyd has been in the back of your mind in more ways than one. 
The gift wasn’t your idea, it was your mother’s. She wanted Lloyd to feel welcomed to the family despite it all being business, just a marriage between two of the city’s most influential people for security, power and status. 
She wanted him to feel at home and ultimately, like he belonged. And to do that, she wanted you to be a sweetheart, to create and gift it to him yourself. 
“He’s your stepfather and the reason we aren’t back in that terrible place again.”
You know she didn’t think he’d fuck you in their shared bed. 
“Remember when you used to avoid me? Go out whenever I was home, I heard you even wanted to skip the wedding.” He whispers in your ear, the low creamy tone makes you melt. “Thought you hated me—now look at you, taking my cock like a good girl.” He presses on your stomach, pinning you down as he pounds into your sloppy cunt. “So full of my cum, you gonna let me fill you up again, sunshine?”
“Didn’t hate you…” You trail off to a moan as he kisses your jaw, slowly working down your neck. 
“Well, you didn’t like me either.” Lloyd murmurs against your skin, groaning as your legs wrap around his hips and pull him deeper. “Fuck—you were such a daddy’s girl, huh? Didn’t want me taking his spot?” 
He wasn’t wrong. You weren’t sold on the newest addition to your family, especially so soon after your parents divorce and your father’s arrest. Regardless of how grateful your mother, and the rest of your siblings were, and Lloyd’s reputation and wealth, this new man would never amount to your father. 
But as your mother stated, you needed the label, protection, and image. 
She was a woman who never faltered, even with the rumors of her cheating husband, and his untimely arrest for fraud. She will stand unwavered, and unaffected by the publicity. 
She remains steady with resolve, and will happily marry another high status man within a few months. Even if that man happened to be far worse than your father, neck deep in shady businesses and bad things. To the public, Lloyd was a clean, sophisticated CEO who was the perfect replacement for your cheating and lying father. 
Right now, he’s your stepfather fucking you into the bed he shares with your mother, pumping you with another load while you squirt all over his length. He doesn’t stop or slow down, if anything, the oversensitivity makes him more ravenous. He loves watching you tremble on his cock, caught between begging for a break and pleading for more. 
Your arms shoot out, yanking him down for a messy kiss full of clashing teeth and warm breaths. “Wanted you so badly. Please—don’t stop.” You moan, twitching under him when he pulls out, plugging you with the heavy tip before ramming forward. 
With every thrust, your head brushes the headboard. Lloyd fucks his cum into you, forcing you to take the previous loads and his fat girth, he wants to mark you from the inside out. Your cries are music to his ears, he wishes he could watch his cum dribble out around his dick, and smear down your ass to the once-clean sheets. But, he doesn’t want to move, this position with your breasts against his chest, your fingers digging into his shoulders, and your pulsating walls milking his cock—if he had a choice, he’d never move. 
“I know, your new daddy knows, baby.” He coos, lowering his body until his balls touch the filthiness between your thighs. He’s pressed to the hilt, you can practically feel him in your guts. With slow grinds, he watches as you sink into the mattress, small hiccuping breaths escape your parted lips. “Poor baby, those college boys don’t know how to fuck you. They don’t know how to stretch out this little pussy, make you a stupid mess—bet they leave you high and dry.” 
You can’t do anything but take his pounding, tears trailing down your face as he rams into your spot. Your whole body tenses, and your cunt sucks him deeper, hungry for more despite there being no room left. Squelching noises bounce off the walls and make you cover your face, weeping into your hands as he splits you apart. 
He leans back, and between your fingers, you watch his abs flex and his neck tense. A guttural groan rumbles from within his chest, a stark contrast to your blubbering of daddy, daddy, daddy. Lloyd moves your hands and brings one to his mouth, sucking your fingers and swirling his tongue. 
“You’re going to come for me again.” 
You immediately shake your head, but make no movements to escape, all too lost in the pleasure. Your hand is pulled from his mouth soaked with his salvia, and as if in slow motion, you watch him bring it to your cunt—and that’s when you try to get away. 
Lloyd easily tugs you back, pounding harder and deeper. He’s rearranging your insides, pulling you to meet his thrusts, then reaching down to collect your cream that’s formed a ring around his base. He shoves his fingers between your lips, fucking your mouth as a mixture of your salvia and arousal drip from the corners of your lips. 
“Look at you, getting fucked from both ends. All that’s missing is something in your ass.” He hooks your knee over his shoulder, stretching your sore hole, and exposing yourself to the hot air. You can only imagine how filthy you look down there. “Slap your clit before I do it for you.” 
The next few moments have faded into one. Between his unrelenting thrusts shoving your sweaty body higher on the bed, and his demands of harder, and to spank your clit until it hurts—you fall over the egde again. 
“I know no one knows how to make you do that. That’s it, such a good girl for daddy.” He leans back, watching you squirt and cover his lower half in your release. Your whole body convulses as a silent mewl pours from your mouth, tears of pleasure and pain stream down your face. His thrusts have slowed into thorough grinds as sticky strings connect your most intimate parts. 
You allow him to move you as he pleases, dragging out your orgasm as it bleeds into another—you can barely breathe as he rubs your sore clit, his rough fingertips are cruel on your overworked button.
His face his inches away and blush blooms over his skin. “I’m going to leave your mother, and you’re going to come with me.” He promises, swooping down to kiss your tear-stained cheeks. Lloyd can’t reisst licking a few. “You’re going to be my little wife, and I’m going to fuck you like this everyday, fill this tight cunt with my cum, and you’re going to make me a real daddy.” 
His hips rail forward as you lay a limp mess, still crying as he pumps you full. His cum spurts along your sore walls, trying to find space but there isn’t any left, and it seeps out around his girth, leaking down your ass and his heavy balls. These sheets will never be saved.  
Then, the door downstairs opens, and your mother’s voice rings out. 
Lloyd pulls back with a smile, sweat brimming at his hairline. “Looks like it’s time to share the news, pumpkin.” He takes pride in your dazed expression, you probably can't even hear him now, let alone process his words. Slowly, he starts fucking his cum into you, desperate to knock you up for the final nail in the coffin of his marriage to your mother.
Wet noises seep into your foggy mind, playing dully in the background to your Lloyd-filled thoughts. He’s successfully fucked you stupid, and you’ve never felt so good. 
Your cunt is filled to the brim, his seed coating your core, marking you with his scent and presence. Each grind sends shocks throughout your body, your pussy is a pathetic mess—there’s no doubt that he’s got you pregnant already—and that brief realization shoves you deeper under the surface of pleasure. 
Lloyd groans as you start to meet his motion, although weak and stuttering, you silently tell him you want him too. “Or maybe, she should catch us, hm? Wouldn’t that be interesting?”
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lissomeingenuestuff · 1 month
CLARA BOW // charles leclerc - pt. 4
charles leclerc x figureskater!reader
part 1 part 2 part 3
summary: you're an aspiring olympic gold medalist who just wants to compete and have fun. on the way there, a handsome monegasque f1 driver slides into your dms and changes the trajectory of your life.
note: pt. 4 bby! i'm so excited to finally get into the main part of this story with you guys! you have no idea of the devilry i have planned 😈
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liked by y/n l/n, isabeau.levito, and 8,393 others
cassievilleneuve we weren't cool enough for the amex lounge 🥲
view all 134 comments...
carolinevilleneuve sleepy bears 🧸💙
y/n l/n at least my ass looks nice 🤷🏻‍♀️
cassievilleneuve speak for yourself i look like a potato 😭 thanks care
carolinevilleneuve anytime 😁
leclerclover43 y/n is so unserious i love her 😄 "at least my ass looks nice"
y/n l/n well it does, doesn't it?
leclerclover43 you're so right queen ofc it does 🤧
leclerclover43 also, any reason why you might be traveling?
y/n l/n 👀🤫
leclerclover43 oH
isabeau.levito vacation without me? 🥲
y/n l/n bby issy you have school!
isabeau.levito australia >>>>>>> school
isabeau.levito also, where did all these people come from? what did i miss?
carolinevilleneuve you missed the y/n x hot driver saga!? dm NOW
callsignice am i the only one wondering why y/n's going to australia literally like 4 days after the olympics ended? didn't she just get back home?
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y/n l/n
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, and 22,691 others
y/n l/n cassie's man crush treated us to... whatever that is 😄
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cassievilleneuve i do NOT have a crush!!
y/n l/n bro be so fr i know more about him than i know about my own crushes 😭
sainzismysign don't be shy y/n, tell us, who's your crush 👀
y/n l/n i don't kiss and tell 😝
charles_leclerc Whatever that is it looks like a lot of sugar 😳 can i have some?
y/n l/n i'd get you some, but i don't need your trainer up in my dms threatening me 😔
charles_leclerc Andrea's an angel, I promise 🙏🏻 no threats
pierregasly Andrea, an angel? LMAO
charles_leclerc Pierre, fermez-la!
emmalechair yeah pierre let our boy shoot his shot!
carolinevilleneuve ...where did this picture come from? i don't remember going to a restaurant?
y/n l/n neither did i 😄 the man crush sent it to me
carolinevilleneuve @cassievilleneuve YOU WENT ON A DATE!?
cassievilleneuve IT WASN'T A DATE
y/n l/n liar 😆
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and 390,986 others
mclaren Live footage of @landonorris lying straight to our face after going on a date and consuming his weight in sugar.
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alllyyyssson ehem eXcUsE ME!? LANDO WENT ON A DATE!?
jazzyruiz admin rlly thought they could slip the "lando went on a date" at the beginning of the caption and we wouldn't notice 😭
landosleni my husband is cheating on me!?!?!
landonorris IT WASN'T A DATE
mclaren Sure it wasn't, buddy 😛
danielricciardo why you lying
neonorangepapaya LMAO dragggg him daniel!
y/n l/n ✓ 2m
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Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit Melbourne, Australia
"Are you sure this is even a good idea?" Y/N bit her lip nervously, letting the hometown hero - Daniel Ricciardo - drag her down the paddock.
"Bit too late for second thoughts now, isn't it?" Daniel quipped, nodding his head at a passing mechanic.
"I'm not having second thoughts, I just... he didn't even invite me here."
"Which is the whole point of a surprise," Daniel pointed out. He turned back to look at her briefly, "By the way, where's your friend?"
At that, Y/N giggled, "With Lando. Those two have been joined at the hip ever since he picked us up from the airport."
"So it was a date!" Daniel crowed triumphantly.
"Obviously!" Y/N snickered. "What else could it have been?"
"He was telling everyone you were there too after the McLaren admin made that post."
Y/N scoffed, "Now, that's a lie! I was dead asleep in our hotel room. Cassie snuck out and I didn't find out until I woke up and saw that Lando sent me that picture, saying she was in good hands."
"I'm not surprised. I wouldn't want to be caught dead on a date with Lando either." Daniel nodded, mock thoughtfully.
Y/N giggled again, "I don't think that's why she didn't tell me."
He hummed, but refrained from saying anything else as they reached the Ferrari garage, bustling as it was with mechanics, engineers, and strategists.
Y/N came to a full stop as he called out, "Oi! Frenchman! Over here!"
An accented voice yelled back, "I'm Monegasque!", as Charles Leclerc emerged from the sea of red, clad in his own scarlet racing gear.
"Same thing," Daniel grinned, but Charles' attention was no longer on him.
"Y/N?" He blurted out in shock.
Y/N lifted a hand nervously and waved, "Hi?"
Charles stood there, staring at her like he'd seen a ghost, until someone behind him shoved him forward and he snapped out of his reverie.
"Uh, hi! Hi!" He laughed, hovering in front of her uncertainly. "What are you doing here?"
"Lando and Daniel invited me," Y/N bit her lip, cheeks reddening. "They, um- we thought it might be a nice surprise."
He didn't say anything for a moment, but just as she was getting ready to backtrack, his face broke out into a beaming smile and he pulled her into a half-hug - an uncertain one, the kind you give someone if you know them, but you don't know them enough to give them a full hug.
"Welcome to Ferrari," he stated loudly as camera flashes went off, pictures and videos recording the moment that would go viral on Twitter and Instagram for the entirety of that day. "The best team on the grid!"
tag list: @1655clean, @norwayxo, @thecubanator2, @theendofthematerialgworl, @c-losur3, @lightdragonrayne
313 notes · View notes
Being Shiratorizawa’s Manager:
Trip to the Beach 🏖️
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Shiratorizawa x female! Manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: fluff, reader has a breasts and is wearing a swimsuit, Oikawa makes an appearance because it’s me 😌
AN: this is a request from 🦢 anon!
Remember when I said this team was like super serious and stoic 😃
Well jokes on you because when you go on ANY outing, these boys are just as feral as the rest
Literally, I can tell you exactly how this will go
Semi and Reon are the only adults
Yep, even Ushijima doesn’t count and I’ll tell you why
Man’s will just wander off, like he sees something and is like “hey that looks cool” and then just walks away 🚶
Tendou is riling everyone up constantly
Shirabu and Kawanishi are the actual worst to get excited about anything
Goshiki and Yamagata are just like super hyped about everything
Liberos are all hyper, prove me wrong 🤚🏻
Anyways, it’s literally so much work it’s exhausted
But never fear because our magnificent, wonderful and perfect manager, YN, is here to deal with everything!
And with summer break approaching, you get the bestest idea ever 🥰
So you bring it up at practice
“Hey guys! I think we should go to the beach this weekend!” You say, all cute and excited
Shirabu 👉🏻 Y tho?
You 👉🏻😐 I give all and get nothing back-
“A beach trip? Hey that actually sounds so fun!” Tendou cheers, backing you up
“Shouldn’t we spend the time practicing?” Ushijima adds
“Yeah, I can’t beat Ushiwaka at the beach Yn?” Goshiki screams
You 👉🏻🙄
“I mean, it would be nice to do a team bonding activity,” Semi, our team mom chimes in
You 👉🏻 *nodding vigorously* : D
“Also, we could play beach volleyball. That’s a what kind of workout,” Reon adds
The guys 👉🏻🔥👄🔥 Did you say Beach Volleyball??
These boys are sold 🙌🏻
So you began preparing, you made lunches, snacks and made sure to pack plenty water
You arrived early at school, so freaking excited for your day at the beach with your boys!
When you first arrive, you are wearing a coverup so the boys don’t really think much of anything
Please, they all have a crush on you and god are you pretty, but they also adore you as their manager
That is 👀 until you take the coverup off
Like it happens so casually too that it throws them all off 😂
Like you are just talking with Semi and Reon like, “I packed snacks and lunches, we should be good for a few hours *takes off coverup* also we have to make sure we do sunscreen on everyone because coach will not be happy if you guys can spike or receive with sunburns.”
Semi and Reon just stare 😳😳
“What’s wrong?” You say, completely oblivious as to why these idiots are staring
The rest of the team, well they are surely malfunctioning at this very moment
Goshiki definitely has a nose bleed
Remember when Daichi broke Hinata? Yeah you did that to Goshiki 😌
Yamagata, Shirabu and Kawanishi are all just like “thank you god amen 🙏🏻”
Tendou is actually speechless
Like Tendou knows you’re a girl and he knows you’re pretty but like it sunk a level deeper today
And Ushiwaka, well he…
“YN please make sure you wear sunscreen, you have a lot of skin showing. Would you like me to help you?” Ushijima says, completely oblivious
Like Ushijima thinks your pretty too don’t get me wrong but man’s isn’t thinking beyond sun protection right now
“Wakatoshi that would be so helpful thank you!” You say, handing him the cream
Suddenly, everyone is willing to lend a helping hand 😐🙄
“Don’t you think this is a job for the vice captain?” Reon says
“Are you kidding me?” Semi says as Tendou sneaks in
“I have big hands so like covering surface area is definitely easier for me!” Tendou shouts
“THIS IS A JOB FOR THE FUTURE ACE!” Goshiki interrupts
You 👉🏻🤨 guys I literally just need help getting my back
“I don’t really think they care YN,” Shirabu interjects as you hand him the sunscreen and he helps you
The guys all watch and of course, brood because they are jealous bbys
“Alright it’s time for volleyball,” Ushijima announces as all the guys run towards the court leaving you to your own devices
You 👉🏻🙄 silly boys
But it’s ok because you can finish setting up and hopefully start catching up on getting some much needed vitamin D
Even if you don’t tan, sunshine is great as a mood booster 😁
However, what you don’t realize is that you’ve attracted quite the spectator crowd
Because your team isn’t the only one at the beach 👀
You guessed it, our besties at Seijoh decided to take a team beach vacay too
What a coincidence 🙃
Anyways, you’ve seemed to attract the attention of Seijoh’s #1 pain in the butt
“Hey isn’t that Shiratorizawa’s hot manager?” Yahaba points out
Because, of course he does 🙄
“What? Where??” Oikawa says, eyes alert at Yahaba points you out
“Yeah that’s her, damn Shiratorizawa is so freaking lucky!” Hanamaki says, glaring at Oikawa
All the third years, and the other years, know that Oikawa is the reason they can’t have nice things 😅
“I think we should go and greet her! She looks like she could use some help,” Oikawa says walking towards you
“Should we stop him?” Matsukawa asks as Kunimi pulls out his phone and hits record
“Nah, let Ushiwaka take care of him this time, I came here to relax,” Iwa says, getting a front row to the show
“Yoo-hoo YN!” Oikawa says as you turn to find the source of the agitating voice
“Oh hello Oikawa!” You say, pleasantly
Please, our angel is so nice
I could never 😂
“I just happened to notice you over here, looking absolutely gorgeous and was wondering if you needed any help?” He says as you stare at him
“I’m actually good but thanks anyways!” You beam as Oikawa dies at your cuteness
“You know Yn, I always knew you were gorgeous but I will say, that swimsuit looks incredible on you,” Oikawa says
You blush, “thanks Oikawa! I got it especially for our team trip.”
You turn and show him the suit because that’s what we do, we show off 👏🏻
Suddenly out of nowhere, a volleyball SLAMS into the back of Oikawa’s head
You 👉🏻😳
Oikawa 👉🏻 💀
Kunimi and Seijoh 👉🏻 📱
“Iwa what the hell-” oikawa says, turning to see whose actually responsible for the ball
Ushiwaka and Shiratorizawa LOOM over Oikawa and just glare right thought him
Literally it’s hot out but the cold radiating off the guys right now could cure global warming 😅
“Hey guys! Are you hungry?” You say, completely ignoring Oikawa’s obvious concussion
“Ahh yeah YN we are just taking a little break,” Kawanishi says, coming up next to you and guiding you away from the scene
“Stay away from OUR manager Oikawa!” Semi growls as Reon nods
“Like she’d ever go for you anyways, she obviously has better taste,” Tendou adds
Meanwhile, Ushijima is just glaring, his arms crossed over his chest
“I’d maybe leave before Ushiwaka throws another ball at you,” Yamagata adds
Oikawa rubs his head, standing tall as a smirk appears on his face
“I was just helping your beautiful manager out,” he said as Ushiwaka glared
You 👉🏻 I’m fine but thanks Oikawa 😁✌🏻
Oikawa 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ oh ok…
He walks away as Ushiwaka continues to glare
“YN are you ok?” Goshiki asks in a panic as you prepare lunches
You 👉🏻 I’m fine 😐
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Shirabu asks
You 👉🏻 it’s Oikawa guys, he’s literally harmless
Then, suddenly Ushiwaka comes next to you, giving you an approving head pat
“Thanks for being the best manager YN,” he says as you beam
“Well that went well didn’t it?” Watari said as Oikawa made his way back to the team
“You should have know better loserkawa,” Iwa said, rolling his eyes
“I wouldn’t have expected you to know what it’s like to ask a girl like that out Iwa!” Oikawa spat back before quickly covering his mouth
“What did you say to me?!?” Iwa 🔥👄🔥
Oikawa 👉🏻🥲
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