#do you think he’s thinking about how twilight doesn’t know how much he cares about him
gingersp1ce547 · 2 years
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Legend looks so fucking sad in these panels like. He doesn’t even have the time or energy to put up his snarky front because he’s too busy being worried about twi which is interesting to me because the reason why he’s so snarky In the first place is because he’s scared of getting attached to people/people getting attached to him and then them dying because of him.
It’s the fact that it doesn’t work. That all of his time spent pushing everyone away ultimately means nothing because he cares about everyone so fucking much that he would put his own feelings and potential to be hurt away just to keep them safe.
God I love how good Jojo is at characterizing everyone with just a few panels and lines of dialogue.
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
fictional boyfriends (e.m.)
summary: eddie gets jealous of your newest fictional boyfriend from a game he got you into.
warnings: kinda sweet. kinda cringe. eddie is jealous of astarion. twilight reference jumpscare. not edited. biting and vague mentions of sex at the end.
wc: 2.5k+
a/n: this is the dumbest, cringiest thing i have ever written. but on this side of town, we embrace the cringe <3 happy valentine's day, enjoy me combining my current favorite fictional men (astarion and eddie) for my own personal delight. maybe one day i'll write a serious fic regarding the biting kink
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It’s not that biting had ever been off the table with Eddie, per se.
Nips between kisses, using a little more teeth when he’d kiss across your neck, a joking sinking of your teeth into his shoulder when you were vying for his attention — they were all normal occurrences between the two of you. There was just never much discussion about it. No conversation explicitly had in which the two of you said, “Why, yes. This is something I’d like to bring into the bedroom.” 
Until that damn game.
When Eddie introduced you to Baldur’s Gate 3, the last thing he expected was to watch all your free time you used to spend pestering him suddenly handed over to some fictional vampire. He thought it’d be a game you tried, grew tired of, lost interest in, and that was that. Nothing more, nothing less. He didn’t expect a sudden competition for your goddamn affections. 
“Baby, please come to bed,” he all but whines as he drapes himself over your shoulders, trying to nudge off your headphones. He could feel just how warm your ears had grown beneath them. He swears he can feel your back crack from the slightest bit of his weight on your shoulders. And, sue him — he was tired and he wanted to cuddle. 
“One more minute,” you mumble the same phrase to him that he has used a million times on you; he instantly knows it’ll be far more than just sixty more seconds if he agrees, “Let me just finish this-“
“No,” he’s still whining, but it’s more stern now as he properly removes your headset, earning a glare from your bloodshot eyes, “You’ve been playing this game all afternoon, sweetheart. I think I might die if you don’t offer me some immediate attention. Truly.”
For emphasis, he lays more of his body weight on you, your chair creaking from holding up both of you now. 
“Eddie,” you moan out, wiggling beneath his dead-weight, “I swear to God, get off of me-“
“I’ll get off of you if you come to bed.”
You pause. Your hands hover near your keyboard and mouse, but you’re no longer walking your avatar across the world of Baldur’s Gate, and he knows he has you considering it.
More weight. More groans. At this rate, he’s questioning if your chair won’t break from his outrageous method to get your attention. 
The small yes he lets out only earns him a punch to the shoulder. But it gets you off the game, and that’s still a win for him.
He doesn’t even care about appearing over eager as you follow him back to the bedroom. He’s gone as far as preparing the bed, pillows fluffed and comforted pulled back while awaiting your arrival. He’s already washed his face and brushed his teeth (something he usually fights you on as you nag him before bed), and the moment he’s got you in the room with him, he’s dragging you right onto the mattress with him.
“You’re gonna hurt us!” you yelp as he wraps his arms around you and flops down, dragging you with him, but it’s through a laugh. He knows you really couldn’t care less — he’d never deliberately injure you, irritated about your newest fictional boyfriend or not. 
“Oh, no,” he mocks, rolling so you’re laying on top of him, “What ever will you do if I injure one of your precious wrists, and you can’t use it to flirt with your new boy toy tomorrow?” 
“Astarion would be devastated,” you giggle into his chest, not moving off of him despite all your protests. It’s nice — to feel the full weight of you, to just get to bury his nose in the crown of your head as he shamelessly inhales the sweet lingering scent of your coconut shampoo, “He’s even needier than you.” 
“Yeah, ‘cause you serve as his functional juice box.”
“I do not!” you wiggle against him, and it only makes him tighten his arms, “He’s needy because he loves me.”
“Well that makes one of us.” 
Your head lifts off his chest in an instant, faux offense shadowing your features, “You tryin’ to say you don’t love me, Munson?”
He smirks, pressing his lips together tightly, making you huff in frustration. 
Of course he loves you. There wouldn’t be a ring in his sock drawer that he’s terrified of you finding if he didn’t. 
You pout, subtly and adorably so, starting to lift off of him, “If you’re going to be mean, I’m just going to go back to someone who appreciates me-“
“Mean?” he scoffs, enjoying himself far too much. He’s missed your attention, your affection. The effect it has on him is similar to a high, making him dizzy on serotonin as he rolls over and pins you between him and the mattress, “Oh, baby, that’s not me being mean. I can show you mean, if you want.” 
He’s always thought you looked prettiest like this. Under him, eyes wide as you look up at him as if he’s the only thing in this room worth looking at. Worth more than your prized bookshelf, more interesting than all the various posters the two of you have hung on the walls. You look at him as though he’s the greatest thing to exist in these four walls, and he doesn’t take it lightly when your favorite albums and candles are right there.
“You don’t have a mean bone in your body, Munson,” you whisper softly, face going soft for him. The two of you are still surely joking around, the playfulness of it all thick in the air, but there’s something genuine in your words that makes him even more enamored with you. 
He should have predicted you’d fall for Astarion when he showed you the game. You had a thing for people who put up the tough front, but who really just needed a little extra softness and patience under the surface. He was living proof of it.
Unlike your fictional vampire boyfriend. 
“Yeah?” he taunts, leaning down until the tip of his nose brushes yours. His hair works like a curtain, messy as ever as he shields the two of you from the outside world. One of your hands have crept up so that you palm rests against his cheek, and he can hardly remember that flare of jealousy that had gnawed at him when you’d spent your entire afternoon absorbed in the game instead of him, “I bet I could be meaner than Astarion. Although, I’m not sure just how mean that man has ever been to you, given all the war crimes you commit for his approval-“
He’s cut off when the thumb of the hand cradling his face trails up, pressing on his bottom lip. It only makes him grow even closer to you, pressing in, drawn by your touch.
You squint your eyes at him jokingly before cooing, “Someone sounds jealous.”
“Damn right,” he doesn’t even try to deny it, caught in the web of your trap with ease, “Does your pixelated lover even know what a catch he’s got?” 
You snort adorably at that. He pulls away to see the full force of your laughter, lifting up into his elbows to admire how your face scrunches with your smile. He bets Astarion would make some sarcastic comment about it — about the crinkles by your eyes that he aches to pepper with kisses, about the indents in your cheeks when you smile this wide, about the sound of your genuine laughter when you unrestrained and entirely comfortable like this. But there’s not a single joke forming on Eddie’s tongue. He’s all but hypnotized. 
God, he fucking loves you. So much so he’s jealous of a video game character.
“I’m not sure I’d consider this,” you lift the hand not holding him carefully still to motion at your current state of being, “A catch, my love.” 
He has to disagree. Messy hair or not, wrinkled pajamas or not.  You’re the greatest catch of this entire existence; not just Eddie’s, but the Universe’s. Nothing you could say or point out would deter him from this belief. He loves you, mess and all.
“My love?” he chooses to tease instead, all the words of affection threatening to choke him if he so much as considers letting them pour out, “I like the sound of that. If that’s the Astarion effect, maybe he isn’t so bad after all.”  
His elbows are sinking deeper into the mattress. With every passing second, his face is dropping closer to yours, and he’s not sure if it’s by instinct or choice. But when his lips finally brush yours, he decides it’s all the same — it doesn’t really matter what sort of gravity is at work here, as long as it keeps bringing him down closer to you.
“Shut up about the game and kiss me, Eddie.” 
He doesn’t have to be told twice.
The kiss is as sweet as ever. A comfortable dance that still sends shivers down his spine. If either of you looked closer at his arms bracketing your shoulders, you’d see the goosebumps raising as you eagerly returned all his affection.
You taste like the chocolates you’d been snacking on during your gaming. You taste like the greatest gift ever given, and he doesn’t care if he’s exaggerating or not. You’re divine — his favorite good morning and his only goodnight. 
And he’d say all that, but you’d probably accuse him of trying too hard to be like Astarion. Probably bring up that ridiculous line the character once said about you being made by the Gods, just to ruin him.
You were, though. Made by the Gods, specifically to ruin Eddie. Fuck the game. 
“You know,” he whispers against your lips, breaking for air as he adjusts positions. Your thighs open up and welcome him home, letting him slot right between your legs comfortably. He’s not trying to seduce you, but he can’t even be mad about it. He feels like a starved man now that your attention has been divided as of late, “If you wanted a lover who bites, all you had to do was ask, darling.” 
If you weren’t so wrapped up in the kisses he was pressing down your jaw and along your neck, you would have ripped him to shreds for the awful impersonation. 
But you’re already far gone, lost in his touches and his adorations. You let the half-assed attempt at a British accent slide, and you even bare your neck to him at the minute threat. 
Biting had never been off the table, per se, and Eddie was really fucking glad for it.
When he presses one, two, three greedy kisses to that sweet spot just below your ear, he has one intention in mind. Not his usual sucking and nipping and soothing, not leaving behind one of his ordinary love bites. No, he lets himself get caught up in the moment, and when he catches that quiver of excitement the moment he drags his teeth over your neck carefully, he’s fully committed to his decision.
He bites.
Not hard enough to draw blood, or even be terribly painful. He knows it’s nothing like the game or any of your subsequent fantasies you might have had from it. His canines are fairly dull, even as they dig carefully into the skin of your neck, holding for a moment for effect. But your legs tighten around his hips, and he almost wishes he was a damn vampire, able to actually pierce your skin in the moment. Drink your blood. Whatever the allure was with the origin companion.
You let out a soft gasp which has him keeping your skin between his teeth a few extra seconds, and then he’s letting go. Lifting his head and looking into your eyes, a silent exchange of is this okay?
If the glazed over look is anything to go off of, it’s more than okay.
He returns with reckless abandon, switching between his usual desperate kisses and the newer, sharper ones. He has one goal in mind: to mark you up as his, to the point in which you’ll be scolding him in the morning. It’s like a drug, to feel you writhe beneath him as he paints the picture. 
Love notes of freshly born bruises, the imprints of his teeth – a letter across your delicate skin that reads, he was here, and he loved you, more than anyone else in this Universe may ever be capable of. 
“If I had known how much biting would rile you up, I would’ve started doing it ages ago,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck, finally pausing his assault. 
He settles for softer presses of his lip, peppering the affection where he had been a bit more violent. 
Your hands that had taken to tangling into the curls at the nape of his neck have gone more relaxed, no longer tugging but instead just lingering. Pulling him closer. Touching him with softer hands than he’s ever felt deserving of. 
“Guess you’ve got a certain vampire to thank for that,” you tease, but he can hear just how breathless he’s left you. He had sworn he could feel the pulse of your facing heart beneath his lips, even if just for a moment. Even if he just imagined it. 
“Please. Astarion is not getting the credit for that,” he scoffs, lifting up onto his elbows again to just look at you. His lover, his favorite person. It’s nice to see your face when it’s not washed over with the cast of a computer screen. “That was all me. And even if it wasn’t, I won’t forget that you had a Twilight phase.” 
Your hand quickly drops between the two of you, only to smack at his chest. The thump holds no weight as you whine, “I told you that in confidence.” 
He dips down, capturing one last kiss, “It’s okay, baby. It’s good to know that you have a type.”
“I do not-”
He cuts you off with a more playful bite to your neck. Less about marking you, and more just to make a point. 
“Just,” another nip, “admit,” another graze of his teeth, “it.” 
You’re fighting a smile when he looks down at you again, impossible to hide behind your mask of annoyance. “I am not admitting that I have a thing for broody, pathetic vampires.” 
“Well, I’ve got broody and pathetic down-”
“Eddie,” your thighs still bracket him, one hand still clinging to the back of his neck. When you say his name, the game is over. “We can spend all night bickering over the fictional men I love, or you can give me a reason to forget their names. It’s up to you.” 
His eyebrows jump up his forehead, and he’s just about to give up the bit, but not before one last snide remark.
“Kind of hard to do that when I share a name with one of them, but as you wish, sweetheart.” 
Another bout of beautiful laughter from him. Another smack on the chest from you. It’s good – it’s everything Eddie has ever wanted, and it is good.
He does, of course, make you forget their names. And if you find it difficult to get out of bed the next moment, dramatically unable to make the walk to your gaming computer, well – he won’t try to hide his smug smile in between the soft rays of morning light.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
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steddielations · 10 months
Dom Steve Fic Recs
Strange as Angels (soft dom steve) by @munsonkitten
Eddie hasn't been able to get himself off in months, and now he's high, sweaty, and horny, thinking about the very man sitting in his room in nothing but a wife beater and a pair of tiny athletic shorts, and he thinks he might die. Steve notices. Of course, Steve fucking notices, what, with all the squirming Eddie's doing. Steve offers to help get Eddie off. As friends do. (As long as those friends are completely in love with each other.)
Like The Hero Who Never Ran (dom awakening series) by callmejude
While Steve and Dustin are searching for survivors, they're surprised to find Eddie alive, hiding out in Rick's cabin. Steve takes up the task of caring for him while staying in his trailer.
Genius Loci (dom bottom, magic steve) by @sayesayes
It’s 1986, and Steve falls in love with a boy who is leaving. It’s 1990, and Eddie comes back home. The fic where Steve is a selectively mute, homesteading, truck-driving witch with head injuries and also somehow it's canonverse.
(Don't) cream your pants (soft dom steve awakening series) by @corrodedbisexual
“Don’t know how to cream your pants, huh?” Steve asks, unable to conceal a smirk. He hears a quiet whine as Eddie seems to try and make himself disappear inside the couch. “Want me to show you how?”
Gilded (dom steve, blindfolds, ice play) by @cheshiredogao3
Steve and Eddie are looking forward to a weekend all to themselves, but it doesn’t go as planned.
Trouble Looks Good On You (wip, spanking, kink discovery) by me indelicate
It happens like a fever dream. The first time Steve gives Eddie a swift smack on the ass, it’s obviously just an old jock habit that’s stuck with him. It wasn’t meant to have Eddie’s knees going weak, or turn his blood hot under his skin, or give him a brand in the shape of Steve Harrington’s hand, or— Nope, because Eddie’s not even into that. But then, it happens again. Or, Steve keeps accidentally awakening Eddie’s new kinks.
You Make Me Feel Like I Am Whole Again (wip, dom top and dom bottom steve) by @munsonkitten
Eddie has never felt like his body belongs to him. It gets worse after he's nearly mauled to death, left with scars and healing wounds, a lopsided chest, and more trauma stacked on top of everything already wrong with him. Steve Harrington finds out Eddie's trans by accident after the bats, and Eddie finds out Steve's surprisingly okay with it. More than okay with it.
Bite Through These Wires (soft dom steve's strap game series 🤭) by @steves-strapcollection
“Wouldn’t you be Ken, though?” Steve had hoped Eddie would ask a question like that and he had to refrain from punching the air and ruining his punchline. “I come with all the coolest accessories, so clearly I’m still Barbie,” Steve retorted, his voice going just a bit deeper as he leaned closer to Eddie.
Relax (Lay it Back) (soft dom yoga instructor steve) by @wynnyfryd
Five times yoga instructor Steve teaches Eddie how to chill the fuck out, and the one time he learns his lesson.
Melt Me On Your Tongue (soft dom, bathing) by me indelicate
“This okay?” “Yeah it’s— shit, it’s more than okay, Steve.” “… you’re crying, Eds.” Eddie can’t hold back a choked off noise then, somewhere between an overwhelmed laugh and a sob. “No one’s ever done this to me before.” He doesn’t know if he means no one’s ever given him a bath, or braided his hair, or just any of the things Steve does for him, really. Eddie's never had a Steve before.
Kiss Me (Beneath the Milky Twilight) (pleasure dom steve, virgin eddie) by @gorgeousgreymatter-x
Eddie has never been kissed. Steve apparently would very much like to volunteer to fix this.
Getting Lost in the Dark is My Favorite Part (wip, masochist virgin eddie, kink discovery) by queerontilmorning
After his near-death experience, Eddie decides it's time to get rid of his pesky virginity and heads to a gay bar. It leads to some... realizations... for both him and Steve.
You're a Sweet Shot of Kerosene (When I Threw it Back, it Poisoned Me) (wip, mob boss steve) by @gorgeousgreymatter-x
Whatever fucked up shit Eddie’s father had inadvertently roped him into simply by being what he was — a shit-stain excuse for a sperm donor who preferred sticking a needle in his arm to taking care of his family — well, Eddie’s pretty sure it’s about to be him that pays that price. And maybe Eddie’s delirious, because by the time it’s apparently his turn and they’re dragging him down some hallway (and yeah, it’s not like Eddie’s not trying to put up a fight, but it feels almost performative at this point considering he’s pretty much hogtied here), the only real thought he has when they deposit him on yet another cold, wet tile floor is this: Uncle Wayne is gonna be so pissed at me if I get shot in the head tonight.
closer to you (soft dom steve) by @natesfwl
“C’mon baby, where's my little rockstar?” Steve spanks him, groans when he feels Eddie tense up around him from the impact, “Perform for me.” “You let me penetrate you” Eddie stutters out the line as he lifts himself up with his knees. “There you go,” Steve whispers, watching as Eddie fights to keep his eyes locked onto Steve’s when he sinks back down. or the really self-indulgent fic of steddie fucking to the song closer by NIN.
Destroy The Silence (drummer steve) by @artaxlivs
Steve becomes the drummer for Corroded Coffin and Eddie can't handle his thirst
Trouble and Temptation (series wip, businessman dilf steve) by @heartharps
“Come on, Harrington. I’d lay you badly but I’d lay you gladly.” When Steve looked up, he was glaring, as stern and serious as ever. “Eddie, let me remind you that as far as I'm concerned, nothing has ever happened between us other than of a professional nature.”
Sting, and Other Brainworms (series with switching) by @riality-check
“Do you need to go down, baby?” Eddie gets like this, sometimes. Stuck between overwhelmed and incredibly bored. Steve watches until he remembers that they have a way to fix this. Eddie calls it a hard reset. Steve calls it fucking him until he can’t see straight.
Edification (sadist steve) by aristal
“Alright Munson.” She bares her teeth and grins like a wolf. “Tell the class: what’s your biggest sexual fantasy?” A slow smile creeps into his features, and his dark eyes flash. “Oh, you’re asking the good questions, Wheeler.” He takes another long pull of his joint, dragging the moment out for dramatic effect. Steve doesn’t care. He wants to know the answer. He needs to know. Eventually, Eddie blows out the smoke, eyes a little hazy as he grins at the ceiling. “I’ve always liked the idea of being slapped around and choked in someone’s car.”
In My Boxers, Half Stoned (dom bottom Steve) by eddywow
"You can," Eddie said, almost sounding like he was nodding along to his words. The image was too pure for Steve. "You could say anything you want to me and I'd- I think I'd be into it. Because I saw your pics and like, I know your face isn't in them but- but I really like them. Is it okay that I liked them?"
Insatiable (public, skirts, cages) by @cheshiredogao3
When their club ritual is rudely interrupted, Steve and Eddie make a point of proving their bond—rather publicly.
Done Deal (series with switching) by @morningberriesao3
Steve Harrington doesn't have any money with him, so he offers to pay Eddie Munson some other way.
Lovebite (sub vampire eddie) by hellcore
It shouldn’t feel so good, being tasted.
* The next few don't have the tag but in my opinion they have dom Steve vibes and I want to include them here (:
Cyclical (wip, time loop fic, rimming, switching, lots of smut with plot) by @cuips-not-cute
steve keeps finding himself back in the boathouse where everything started, wrapped up in the arms of a boy who can’t stop dying. he's desperate to rewrite the timeline, trying everything he can think of to fix it. including falling in love.
Dirty Words by @morningberriesao3
Steve gives Eddie a lesson on dirty talk, but things start to get carried away.
Memorize My Number, That's Why I Got A Phone (phone sex) by queerontilmorning
while on tour with Corroded Coffin, Eddie makes an important phone call to Steve.
My Right Hand Man (spanking, kink discovery) by @entanglednow
In which movie night takes an unexpected turn, and it's surprisingly easy to just let it happen.
Shot Right Through (pierced eddie) by @entanglednow
Steve overhears a conversation between Eddie and Robin, and then spends a few weeks trying to think of anything else.
Pleased To Meet You (demon steve) by midnightdrive
Eddie accidentally summons a demon who is bound to fulfill his every wish. He, somehow, gets more than he had bargained for.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 9 months
Please please please please please I actually beg, I need a fluff where Sukuna is cuddling with you, his head on your chest while he tells you about… I don’t know, how this is because he doesn’t love you and you’re only good for being a pillow, knowing that is not the case. (Also HIII I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR CONTENT!!! Thank you very much for reading this and I hope you have a lovely day, whether you choose to respond or not :D 💞💞💞💞💞💞)
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Starring: A battle weary Sukuna
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You were never really sure what to do with your nights when Ryomen was away. Normally, you would spend the twilight hours in his room, in his arms, and in his sheets, curled into his side afterwards and falling asleep to the sounds of his heartbeat slowing down. But, that was out of the question tonight, just as it had been for the last week. He was off conquering something somewhere- you honestly didn’t really care. You just wanted your man- your lord back. Luckily, he was due back tomorrow evening. 
Without having many other options, you found yourself curled up on your bed with a book from the palace library. Not a bad way to spend an evening per say, just a lonely one. Ryomen was never a huge fan of cuddling unless it was after he was inside of you- and even then he was more on the take it or leave it side of things. But, his presence was still always appreciated, and on cold nights like these you desperately wanted him home to warm your bed.
You wondered what the fuck was in your tea when you saw him standing in your door way, convinced you were hallucinating. “My lord?” You asked, taking in his battle weary from. “You’re home?”
“Clearly.” He grumbled, death shambling over to your bed and collapsing on it. Admittedly, you were a little put off by it- the metallic smell of blood still clinging to his skin, as if he left the battlefield and went straight to your arms. You didn’t have a lot of time to realize how true that statement was before his arms were wrapped around you, pulling you as close to him as he possibly could and resting his head at the crown of your breast. It almost scared you just how needy he was being. 
“You’re home early…” You pointed out, only for him to roll all four of his eyes at you.
“Refer to my previous statement.”
“I’m asking why my lord.” His jaw ticked at your words. He’d killed nobles for less,what made you think you could take that tone with him? He should cut your disrespectful tongue out for even considering to question him. 
“We were able to slaughter their forces faster than we expected. None of them were higher than grade two.” He explained, closing his eyes to try and relax.
“Oh, that’s great! Another successful battle.” You smiled, running your fingers through his hair. You swore you heard him purr.
“Yeah.” No. No it absolutely was not. Yeah, none of those foot soldiers were higher than a grade two, but that didn’t matter when there was so fucking many of them. A hoard of roaches could kill a snake given the right numbers, and Sukunas entire force was out numbered, for every one soldier he had that asshole had over a hundred grunts. 
It got bleak. Bleak to the point where Sukuna had to really consider the fact he might not be going home. That he might die at the hands of fucking novices of all things. That he might not ever be able to hold you again, to kiss you, to see you. And he didn’t even say a proper goodbye before leaving. For the first time in Ryomen Sukuna’s existence, he was terrified. It wasn’t the first time he had been at deaths door, he was actually a frequent visitor. But this was the first time he made the trip when he had something to live for.
So he pushed through. Unleashed a fourth domain expansion even after the second one took everything he had left out of him, fought harder than he had before, and even felt a black flash. At some point, the enemies stopped flooding in, and it was just him and was was left of his army in the war zone. Yeah, he won, but he would never consider that a successful battle. 
You didn’t need to know that though. All you needed to know was he was home. He watched you read your book, content for what felt like the first time ever as you played absentmindedly with his hair. Moments like these were the ones he dreaded losing the most. Soft moments, where he could actually let his guard down and be at peace, even if it was only for a few seconds. He sighed softly, closing his eyes and snuggling closer to you.
“I missed you too, my lord.” You smiled gently at him. His eyes snapped open. You just had to speak, didn’t you?
“I didn’t miss you.” He scoffed in disgust, but still couldn’t find it in him to move, “Know your place whore.” The “whore” was so half-hearted it was laughable. Normally he was able to put some venom in it, but he was feeling particularly de-fanged right now. 
“Oh of course. That’s why you're clinging to me like this, because you absolutely did not miss me, right? You don’t love me at all.” You teased him.
“I do not.” He snapped, lifting his head up to properly look you in your eyes so you knew you were on thin fucking ice. “You think this is because I love you? Do you think the sky is red too? You’re comfortable wench, that’s all this is. You’re no more valuable to me than a pillow, or a chair. Love is an entirely human emotion, don’t project it onto me.” He lashed out, before dropping his head back on your chest with a limp thud. “You’ll to well to watch your tongue slut, before I cut it out.” He grumbled, managing to find some venom there this time. 
“I’m sorry my lord.” You sighed, returning to your book. A soft, self satisfied smirk did find its way to your lips when you felt him put your hand back in his hair, prompting you to continue playing there. 
“Mmm.” He grumbled. Truth be told, Love was a human emotion. Most curses would never feel anything even adjacent to it in their lifetime. But no matter how much he tried to deny it, Sukuna was human once. Mortal blood once flowed though his veins, and a human heart still pounded in his chest. A human heart you held in soft hands, gently protecting without even knowing. You’d never know how hard he fought just to be by your side tonight, not if he could help it.
You turned off the bedside lamp, settling into bed with him. He gently kissed your forehead, a soft action that was forced to go unnoticed, least he have to make good on any of his threats. Or worse, admit he was a fool in love. 
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pengweng-quack · 3 months
Carlisle Cullen x Human!OC
Summary: Place Carlisle in the Edward situation of falling in love with a human, and see what happens
Chapter 1/?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
The only thing that took so long about this is the title because fuck titles (genuinely)
This is on Ao3 under the same title and username if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54527830)
Probably would be my last (long) twilight post in a while since I've lost interest in the series for a while (give it like 3 weeks before I regain it lmao)
Posting (just like before) is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Much much longer than Being a Witch with Vampires by the way, so we're in a long ride (or you are, because I already know the story)
Word Count: 2294 words
General warning: I used some religious references in this story so read with caution if you're not so keen into reading that
TW for this chapter: None
PM or Comment to be added on the taglist for this one!
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A full year had passed since the Cullens returned to Forks, now acting as grownups instead of some teenager studying in Forks high school, minus Renesmee, to her dismay. Carlisle received a warm welcome back to the hospital, where he encountered new faces introduced to him since his departure.
“Good morning Doctor Cullen.” A nurse with red hair greeted politely to him, he was around his height and had brown eyes, a face that he doesn’t remember during his time there
“I’m nurse Sean, not the chief nurse but I think Eunice is getting her out now.” Sean informed him “You’ll like her I think, she’s professional as fuck.”
A girl with her chestnut hair tied up in a bun walked out of a room. At that moment, all Carlisle could think about was how captivating the woman was, everything about her screamed authority, he knew then and there that she was the chief nurse.
Time felt like it slowed down when they locked eyes, this woman has plagued over his mind. Carlisle subtly admired her face, she had eyes that matched the shade of her hair and pale pink lips that complimented her fair complexions.
“Celine Wright, chief nurse here.” Celine introduced herself with a prim and proper tone. She offered her hand in a handshake and Carlisle accepted it, feeling the warmth of her hand against the coldness of his
“Carlisle Cullen, former chief doctor here.” Carlisle introduced back, pulling his hand away from the handshake “Pleasure to meet you.”
From the stories that Carlisle has heard, Celine was 25 years old when she assumed the position and has demonstrated remarkable competence, excelling in her role for a year prior his return with unparalleled precision and skill.
But it was distracting him, she was distracting him. Despite her undeniable competence, it was her blood that proved to be the real challenge for Carlisle. The tantalizing scent of it often left Carlisle struggling to focus, forcing him to endure long stretches without breathing just to filter out the temptation.
But even after leaving work, her scent lingered in his mind, infiltrating every aspect of his life. Something as harmless as a report file with a hint of her scent could drive him to the brink of madness.
It’s been a year since Carlisle has been working with Celine, a year of extreme caution over his thirst. He was always making sure that he was fed before going to the hospital, making sure that there was always some distance between them. However, as the chief nurse, their interactions were inevitable, presenting a constant challenge to Carlisle's restraint.
It also didn’t help that Celine’s kind and caring nature was growing on him in ways that he didn’t expect that it’ll do so. Her smile became a source of motivation for him, brightening his day with a single glance. He found himself instinctively seeking her out upon arriving at work, drawn to her presence like a magnet.
Celine was growing on him, as a person, as a friend, as someone that he wishes he could pursue openly.
“She’s your blood singer and mate.” Edward concluded, having experienced a similar scenario before “You’re dealing with what I’ve dealt with when Bella was still human.”
“Great,” Rosalie scoffed, crossing her arm “Another human.”
“Carlisle won’t pressure her into something that she doesn’t want to partake herself in.” Esme assured everyone
“We would never know if he doesn’t pursue her.” Alice said, holding on from having another vision whether Celine Wright was in their future or not
“Would we rob Carlisle a chance to finally be with his mate?” Edward argued to Rosalie
“Would you rob another girl’s humanity for an uncertainty?” Rosalie asked him back; the tension was growing between the two
“Enough with the arguing.” Carlisle said, a decision set in his head
“I’ve figured out that she’s my mate. But I will not pressure her into anything.” He stated at once to everyone that was listening to him “Nor will I pursue her whatsoever. Let the future play how it has planned to be. Alice, Edward, no attempting to manipulate it to one of your visions.”
Just in time, his alarm has rung, notifying him that he has a shift to get ready for. He bids his goodbye, going to his office to get ready.
He was painfully slow, questioning whether his choice was the right one, plagued by uncertainty and the fear of denying himself a chance at happiness.
But underneath his own desires was the concern for Celine's well-being. He couldn't bear the thought of forcing her into a life she didn't want, no matter how difficult it was for him to accept the possibility of letting her go.
“Are you sure of your decision?” Esme asked him, walking into his office “Do you really want to just give up like that already?”
“She deserves a long, happy life.” Carlisle spoke softly, grabbing his briefcase with all the reports that he’s brought home “Not be damned for eternity.”
“And if she asks for a long, happy life with you, then what?” Esme asked him, making Carlisle ponder at her question. She was right, what certainty did he have that Celine wouldn’t welcome this life?
‘The risk is too high.’ He thought to himself
He left without answering her question.
It was another late-night shift that Celine accepted. Having heard another alibi from one of her co-nurses. Lying and saying that “they have some important matters to deal with,” only to see them by the bar as she drives by, drunk beyond their capabilities.
‘I have nothing to do anyways, so why not just earn more so I could leave this shitty town.’ She always used that to convince herself
In all honesty, Celine's financial status was not a factor in her decision. She had inherited a comfortable sum from when her parents died, ensuring that she was shielded from any financial struggles. But she’s heard that Doctor Cullen always took a night shift, working perfectly for their family’s set up of needing someone to be at home at all times.
What’s wrong if she was to indulge herself and the tiny crush that she had for him? After all, he wasn't married, a fact his hand had subtly conveyed to her.
“Nurse Celine, good to see you…again.” Carlisle greeted, walking in her office (which technically, is his office too) with a disposable cup of coffee “I thought your shift was over?”
“Yeah, Nurse Alex had to bail, said something along the lines of dealing with some personal stuff.” Celine answered “Made sure to give him the morning shift though, just as some sort of revenge.”
“I do not condone that behavior, but frankly, I would say that you deserve the rest.” Carlisle said, sitting next to her. It was dangerous, he knew. But he didn’t want to leave her alone.
“It’s a slow night.” Celine reported “Just one rush to the E.R. thinking that they were dying because of some spots they saw on their face. After doing some checking on it, it was just some questionably large pimples. Scary? Yes. But not fatal.”
“At least it has been slow so you won’t tire yourself too much.” Carlisle said, pushing the coffee near her
“Why don’t you just say to your sister that you don’t actually enjoy the coffee she makes? It just feels like a waste, giving away your coffee every time.” Celine asked, accepting the cup and drinking it
Carlisle was asked by Celine one time why he wasn’t drinking the coffee that he had, noticing that the cup was left untouched until he throws it away just after his shift. In panic, he fabricated a story, claiming that his sister Esme, who worked night shifts at her own job, often made coffee for herself and would give the extras to him.
He had offered it to her then, hoping that the coffee Esme made because she has missed the aroma of coffee was in Celine’s taste. Celine didn’t answer that time if she had enjoyed the coffee or not, but every time he would offer her the coffee, she would accept it.
This silent acceptance fueled Carlisle's hope that perhaps, in some small way, they were connecting through these shared moments over coffee.
From then, he asked Esme about the recipe and continued to make it from the comfort of his car before he walked in the hospital, using the coffee as a conversation starter, a way to engage with her, hoping to deepen their connection through these small interactions.
“You enjoy it.” Carlisle answered almost immediately. Celine looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion
“I mean, she always makes it at night for her work. Offers some to me, even though I don’t drink coffee, I’m just too shy to not accept it. And besides, you deserve some coffee yourself too.” Carlisle explained further, giving Celine the satisfaction of getting an answer
“Thanks. I owe you one.” Celine said, lifting the coffee and drinking some more of it “How do you even get the energy to do night shifts? Ever since you got here, you’ve like made it your thing to be the one for night shifts.”
“I sleep in the morning.” Carlisle answered, having prepared an alibi for when that question inevitably gets asked to him “Did kind of take a toll on my social life though, I’ll tell you. But I have accepted this way when I decided to step into the field of medicine.”
“Really?” Celine asked, piqued with how he was opening up “Why prefer night shift then? You could easily be transferred to morning shift if you’d just ask.”
“I prefer it this way.” Carlisle answered, Celine pondered if someone has asked him this question before “Besides, who will give you your daily coffee if I don’t join you with the night shifts?”
“I can get myself coffee, thank you very much.” Celine answered, fake insult in her tone and playfully rolling her eyes at him
“I know you can, I do enjoy it just as much to be the one to give you your coffees.” Carlisle said, a smile on his face
‘He looked like a Ken doll.’ She thought, looking at Carlisle and admiring his seemingly perfect features. His eyes was shining golden, a shade she never thought was possible for a human to have. The pale pink tint of his lips stirred a fleeting curiosity about their softness, though she quickly brushed aside any thoughts of how they might feel against her own.
“Some of the nurses are getting jealous, you should give them coffee sometimes.” Celine teased him. Carlisle looked at her, his eyebrows raised at her teasing. He did not want to give anyone else some sort of affection.
His undead heart was with hers before she even knew it.
“That’s if they’ll like 5 teaspoons of sugar and 3 teaspoons of creamer in their coffee.” Carlisle teased her back, watching as she finishes the coffee that he has prepared
“Well, anything that you would give to them, they’ll accept really.” She answered, before going back to reading some reports that the morning shift nurses has prepared for them
The night was long, the comforting silence joining them as they read through. Fortunately, there were no urgent emergencies demanding their attention. It wasn’t until Carlisle heard Celine stifle a yawn that made him check his watch, the small screen showing 8:17 AM.
“Shift over.” Carlisle announced, standing up and faking a stretch
He could have stayed there forever had she been able to do the same.
“Finally.” Celine mumbled, the aftermath of the coffee finally taking a toll on her as she slumps herself on the seat that she’s been on for the past 12 hours “So tired.”
“Need a ride home?” Carlisle asked, seeing that she wasn’t awake enough to go home on her own
Despite his declaration not to pursue Celine, Carlisle found himself engaging in behaviors that seemed to contradict his words. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was unintentionally leading her on, even though she hadn't explicitly expressed interest in him, neither through her words nor her body language.
“I’m fine, brought my car with me.” Celine murmured; her eyes closed as she rests her head on the chair “Just need a few minutes to close my eyes.”
“Okay then.” Carlisle answered, sitting down on the chair where he was sitting earlier, grabbing a bit more reports to read as he accompanies her
The few minutes became an hour. Then the hour became two hours. Carlisle then slowly realized that Celine was beginning to doze off in the chair she was sitting in. He looked at her with a small smile on his face.
He didn’t need to be a vampire or a doctor to know that she was in an uncomfortable position. Her whole torso was slouched down and her head was down, giving the look that she was uncomfortably bowing.
Carlisle moved his seat closer to hers, feeling the warmth of her arm against the coldness of his. With tender care, he lifted her head, cradling it on his shoulder. Though not as plush as a pillow, he knew it would be far more comfortable than where her head had previously rested.
As he sat there, Carlisle gazed at Celine, closing his eyes and synchronizing his faux breathing with hers, attuned to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
Carlisle knew that it was temptation, being this close to her. And a sin to indulge himself in such temptation. But if he was to be damned today, he would be happy to have indulged himself with the existence of Celine.
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aajjks · 11 months
The Conqueror (XX)
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Synopsis: He had conquered everything, anything but your heart.
Pairings: Yandere!King Jungkook x Commoner!servant Reader.
warnings. yändërê bëhäv*öür, töxīc!jk, öbsëssïön, mänhändlïng, mëntïöns öf cryïng, mürdêr, mïnd gämës, ässh*lë jungkook. D-RK THËMËS ÂHÊÂD.
series masterlist.
note. plz hi, forgive me for the delay xx send asks for tc characters, send feedback n ENJOY!
taglist: @mageprincess7 @starsggukk @sprinkleoftee @koremis @minshookie29 @sana-b @bangtannoonalvg @oonaaurora @jeonsweetpea @sugaslittlekookies @outro-kook @kthyg @lunaashes @debicaptain-saturn @laurynne5 @captainsjoongs @myblackconfessions @lanalanexpjm @namjooncrabs @shadowmoon21 @kookunot @natalie-rdr @angelicasdre @iwasfuckinginnocentonce @mermaidtea @foulnightharmony @ungodlyjoon @quechulitaaa @telepathytae @silversparkles11 @j3alous-ang3l @bunzom @1-in-abillion @breadgeniedope @jiminie-08 @artgukk @lovesthetword @bunijmin @pinkcherrybombs @afangirllikeme-blog @twilight-love-nochu-main @wedarkacademia @hollxe1 @bighitfics @darkuni63 @golden-thv @investedreader @sweetempathprunetree @koocreampie (I can’t tag anymore people, it’s full 😭😭)
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Jungkook hides his face into your neck and clutches your body tightly, not giving you any time to think about what’s happening, all you can hear and feel is his panicked breath and his tight hold on your body.
You’re freaking out as your brain slowly starts to process what’s happening, his body feels too hot so close to yours, he’s burning.
“W-What’s wrong, what a-are you doing here?” You try to move away from him but the large man doesn’t let you, you tilt your head back to look at him, and you can’t help but gasp.
He’s crying.
A monster like him is crying.
“Y-YN!” He cries out your name, looking at you with his red tear filled eyes, you cannot understand how can someone so cruel like him look so vulnerable like this, the expression on his face almost pulls at your heartstrings.
“I-I need you!” Jungkook can barely manage to speak coherent words, his voice is thick with emotion, you don’t want to look at him. He disgusts you.
But his eyes are begging you, you find it hard to keep your composure from becoming weak, you try to get his hands away from you, but he only pulls you closer to him.
“Let me go.” You demand, “I can’t help you.” You turn your gaze away from him, fate is too cruel, how can you even feel bad for the man who’s responsible for your ruin, for your family’s death?
You should be happy to see him like this, because the only thing he deserves is pain.
But yet, a small part of you is urging you to listen to him,
“NO! You need t-to comfort me YN!” You turn again to glare at him as the small glimmer of sympathy dies down within you, his tone is demanding and he’s looking at you like you’re some heartless monster.
The audacity of him.
How can he even demand your care, your comfort when he doesn’t deserve it, you want to strangle him, you wish you could but you’re not too brave.
You can’t kill him, even if you want to. Because you’re not like him, you’re not a killer. “No, get away from me, your majesty.” You whisper, trying your best to conceal your anger.
His gaze turns angry soon at that, oh oh looks like you’ve pissed him off. Good for you.
He deserves it.
“What d-did you say? HUH?” Jungkook glares daggers into your face, he gets up and pins you to your bed, putting your hands above your head, you immediately start struggling against him, he doesn’t deserve anything! Jungkook pushes his knee between your struggling legs and growls.
“Get away from you huh? NEVER!” He knows you’re not strong enough to stand up for yourself against him, “fucking heartless bitch!”
You hate him so much.
He’s crazy, selfish and incredibly self entitled. How could he expect you to ever love him or accept him as your future husband.
“LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO!” You spit at him, “I fucking hate you so much, you ruined my life!” You hate how he treats you, you’re not an object that he can play with however he wants to.
He needs a reality check.
“You hate me because of HIM! Don’t you? That fucking bastard better be burning in hell!” You bite the inside of your cheek, “I HATE YOU BECAUSE OF YOU!”
Jungkook starts to laugh, your heartbeat is rapid, your throat feels so scarify and dry, and this maniac on top of you is busy laughing.
“O-Oh wow…” he breathes, you can see his teeth clearly, his mouth is so wide with the way he’s laughing, you start to feel concerned.
Jungkooks laughter is uncontrollable, and he’s trapped you. You wish that he would let you go, forget about you, but when you look at him? You know well he’s never going to leave you.
Only if you die, but he wouldn’t leave you even in death.
There is no escaping him.
“I wonder how much you’ll hate your precious father if I told you the truth about him, eh baby?” He taunts you, the tears in his eyes are still there, glossing over his eyes but he’s smirking at you.
His words surprise you, is this one of his mind games? What does he mean by that? “W-What do you mean?!” You feel hot tears gather, he’s so cruel, “answer m-me!” Your voice breaks pathetically.
You know he’s enjoying this, Jungkook frees on his hands to touch your cheek, caressing the skin tenderly, he swipes his thumb across the liquid that falls from your eyes, not responding to you.
“Not now baby. Maybe another day, or..” he looks at you intensely, inhaling a deep breath, he’s got you holding your breath, you feel so sick.
“I’ll tell you about it on our wedding night. yes. So I hope you’re looking forward to us getting married, because I am.” He presses a kiss on your cheek.
“Now I’ve got to leave.”
A tear escapes your eye as he climbs off you, relief doesn’t come. All you feel is pain as you hear the king’s footsteps become distant.
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Attending the royal court was the most boring part of Jungkooks life, all he wanted to do was spend time with you, talk to you, and lay in your embrace.
But he knew today was really important, so he decided to attend, it was exciting. Even if he was exhausted.
Jungkook walked in with authority as the court’s doors opened, he cringed as the voice of the head guard graced his ears,
He was being too loud and Jungkook was sleep deprived.
But everyone needed to know that their King was here.
“Stand attentive, 주상 전하 [Jusang jeonha] of Jeon Dynasty is entering the 왕실 [wangsil]”
Jungkook walked into the huge hallway, looking around to notice all the governors and political figures standing up, bowing their heads to him.
He smirked.
“I am here to announce a very important matter, but before I go ahead. I do not want anyone’s opinions or opposition.” He sits down on his throne, and makes sure to assert his authority.
The voices of the people agreeing echo and he nods, “I intend on marrying.”
The gasps of surprise don’t bother Jungkook in the slightest, “Yes. And my bride is going to be chief consort L/N Y/N.”
Governor Lim stands up abruptly and Jungkook is quick to notice that, he clenched his fist as he watches the old man’s expressions.
He is in the mood to kill someone today. Maybe it’ll be governor Lim.
“Yes, Governor Lim?”
“Pyeha!” (폐하) the old man bows his head down, “L/N isn’t of Nobel blood, I would like to apologise for my words but you as a king can’t possibly marry a- “YES I CAN GOVERNOR, are you just mad that it’s not Lim Moon I wish to marry?”
Jungkook traces his finger on the thrones patterns, “sit down, old man. Or… I’ll make sure you and your whore of a daughter lose your head if you object to my marriage.”
He gives the cowering man a cruel smile, “like I said, no objections.”
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wayfayrr · 6 months
Did I read correctly? Requests are open? Yay!!! Lately I’ve had a thing for bathtime and especially hair washing!!! Just some romantic, soft, and fluffy LU/Reader bubble bath hair washing. (Extra points if reader has a rubber ducky. There is just something so innocent about adults with small childish things.)
Reader/Wild, Reader/Twilight, and Reader/Legend. You can stop there or add the other boys if you want.
This is my humble request.
Yep, standard requests were open, as of now though it's only event requests for the time being!!
this was fun to write, so thank you for it!! just some pure fluff with the boys you've asked for below the cut <3 it'll go wild, twilight then legend
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“Wild I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now, when’s the last time that you washed your hair?”
“It washes when I go swimming, Why would I waste time washing it?”
Serious, I can tell by the look of shame on his face that he’s genuine here. He’s never taken care of his hair before, never even considered it needs taking care of. Would he even know what shampoo or conditioner is? 
“...Wild.” “What’s even the issue if I haven’t, my hair is fine.”
“Time said that there’s going to be a bath in this inn, I am going to be washing your hair for you. I have some good-quality soap from my world left, I’ll be using them to get you clean”
“[name] really, I don’t have an issue with it. Don’t waste your belongings on me.”
They’re stubborn I’ll give him that, but that doesn’t mean that he gets a pass to not being clean. Even if I break my hairbrush wrangling it through his hair, I swear that I’ll get every last twig out of it. 
“Look wild, I don’t exactly want my future partner looking like this constantly.”
“Your future …partner? Why would they..? OH. OH.”
Well no escaping this now, might as well roll with it. Even though he looks like he both wants to combust and is about to start laughing at this very moment. And well, it isn’t as if his giggling isn’t sweet to hear, I just wish I hadn’t made a fool out of myself in front of him to get him to. It should be easier to convince him to let me help clean him up anyway, so that’s worked a little in my favour anyway.
“Yeah, so I’m going to clean you up a bit wild. It won't be unpleasant either I swear.”
With how caught off of his guard he is it wasn’t hard to drag him up to our shared room and into the ‘revolutionary’ bathroom, not that plumbing is common at all here, best case scenario the water is warm enough for a comfortable bath. Thankfully I’ve got more than enough supplies to make it as comfortable as I can for him, guess that's what happens when you get yanked by a shadow when you’re on the way to a friend's house to have a mock spa sleepover. 
“Is it bad that I still don’t want you to waste your few memories of home on me?”
“I don’t - It’s not a waste if it’s for you wild. Come on I’m running the tub with some bubble bath and if you don’t use it then that will be the waste”
With an almost petulant grumble, he got undressed and slipped into the bath with a contented sigh signalling that I could finally get to work on his hair. Sitting on a stool behind him to start working, gently brushing his hair with a comb to get everything out so that I can lather up his hair, just make him feel like he’s the most important person for a while. Keeping my bag next to me so that I can get anything from it quickly. The way that he’s practically melting under my touch tells me all I need to know about how much he likes this, it’s a little similar to when you pet a cat and they how just don’t stop butting against your hand none stop. Now that I think on it… I might still have that joke gift in my bag still…
“[name]... why did you stop… it feels so nice I don’t wanna get out yet…”
“To think you didn’t even want to do this at first, if you get out though I’ll lend you some of my clothes?”
That did the trick, practically instantly after saying that he was out of the bath and drying himself off. Giving myself just enough time to pull out the dressing gown and gimmick a pair of cat ears that are way too realistic. A twink in cat ears, if that won’t be a reminder of home what will. 
“I’ve got these for you if you’d like to wear them? The dressing gown is warm anyway…”
“...And the ears?”
“Oh these? I grabbed them as a joke, you don’t have-”
I don’t even finish my sentence and he’s already nabbed them out of my hands and has them on his head, like he’s almost proud of the fact he’s wearing them. Like he’s been looking for a reason to get closer and be cuddly with me. Wait if anything the look on his face was like he already knew I had them, did he go sneaking though my bag? Or did he look through the camera roll that time I gave him my phone.
“Wild how long have you been waiting for something like this?”
“Do you want me to answer that or do you just want to cuddle with me and deal with answers later.”
“I knew you’d prefer cuddles.”
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“So this place has hot springs and proper bathing then?”
“Seems it from what all the signs are sayin’, guess he’s noticed how much you’ve been dyin’ for one.”
“Has it really been all that obvious?”
If he did that means that the others probably noticed as well, which would be surprising seeing as no one’s teased me for wanting one. That likely means Twilight went and asked Time himself. He went and asked time himself just for me, I didn’t even ask for him to do that, I never even mentioned wanting one out loud. Is he like this with everyone? 
“[name] you look a bit flustered, you alright?”
“...it wasn’t a big enough issue that you had to go and ask time to stop here.”
“How’d you -”
Ah, he certainly didn’t expect me to figure his secret out so quickly, but he did have the decency to blush and look caught out anyway. A little like a hurt puppy now that I get a better look, he’s cute like this.
“Well, an-nyway darlin’ I wanted to ask if you’d let me wash your hair for you… I - you’ve talked about how much you value your hair an’ I…”
Oh Twi come on, my heart can only take so much right now. He’s trying so hard to make my heart simply melt for him and it’s working so damn well. How could I ever bring myself to say no to him when he’s asking so politely and looking after me like this? I can’t that’s the simple answer.
“Yeah, I would… I’d love that link, I’ve still got some soaps and such too… I mean if you’d want we could…  even share a bath? It’s simply a better use of what I’ve got left from home right?”
“Right - right, just to make the most of your supplies of course.” 
Now we’re both blushing, but he said yes, he wants to share a bath with me. We’re on the way to the baths right away and we’re gonna share one. I think I have a spare set of clean clothes, could I though? I could after… But for now, we’ve just got to get undressed because Twilight’s already walked us to the bathhouse extension of the inn and to where the baths are. So I just have to get out my stuff and undress while he starts filling it, this is fine, I won’t be a flustered mess during this. 
“I’ve got some lavender bubble bath as well as some shampoo and conditioner? Do you like the smell of lavender twi?”
“Lavender? I’m not sure we gave that here darlin’, if you say it’s good I’ll trust you though.”
“Okay then, just drop some into the water while it's filling so it’ll bubble while… we get undressed.”
Just take your clothes off [name] and get into the bath, simple, easy, you can do this. You can do this. Take a deep breath and take them off. Alright, they’re off now, just got to. 
“You gonna get in darlin’?”
“I’m coming now, don’t worry. What do you think of the smell anyway tw- how’d you get that?”
If there has been a single time in Hyrule where I’ve wished above all else that I had my phone working, it would be now. Twilight leaning fully into his wolf side with my rubber duck in his mouth leaning over the top of the bath, it’s so cute I have to stifle a giggle as I slip into the bath. It makes doing this a little less awkward with him being such a goof, but after taking the first step in it’s even less stressful as he drops the duck. 
“Want me to start washing your hair now?”
“Mhm, it’d be nice.”
And it really is, his rugged hands are so gentle as he runs them through my hair making sure to clean every inch, using the soaps as I suggest. It’s one of the nicest things I’ve gone through, a little hard to not fall asleep in his arms; I think he’s seen that now as well as he’s rinsing it off. I wish it could last for longer though, he’s so gentle. Between his gentle touches and the smell of lavender, how could I resist it? I won’t pass out in a bathtub though, no matter how tempting he is. 
“So want me to wash yours twi? It’s only fair.”
“Nah darlin’ I already have, when you were dozin off.”
With that he decides to get out of the bath just to put a - very kindly provided- towel on only to lift me up out of the bath while I’m already too embarrassed to act, drying me off and setting me on a stool with a chuckle. Only to fluster me further by wrapping his hooded pelt over my head with another laugh, tossing some of his clothes to me so that I can get dressed. 
“Wild mentioned you wanted to try ‘em on, so why not? I think you’d look cute anyway.”
“..Especially with how red you are.”
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“So what’s the deal with the captain act?”
“You’re checking yourself out in my shield like he does, what’s the deal with that?”
He’s not even wearing the shield I don’t see what the issue is, I’m only trying to get my hair to look half-decent while it’s so greasy. How do the links deal with this for so long it’s disgusting, I’m not even a clean freak but doing this much moving without having even a 20 second shower? I feel disgusting and that’s not an understatement. 
“Look I’m not used to going this long without bathing, bite me.”
Oh, now he looks even more worked up, lovely, not like I’m trying to come off as a city slicker but I’m just not used to life like this. 
“Wild found a hot spring nearby, you should be able to clean up there. Rulie has a couple of bars of soap too, reckon I can weasel us a bit of time to escape for a bit”
“I get you’re shocked but we won’t be staying here after tomorrow, so if you want to clean up then now is your best shot.”
He’s right, by the sounds of it, it really is my best shot. I’m just shocked that it’s coming from him of all people, not that I should be looking too much into it right now just gotta have a bit of time to clean off. Hot water simply would be divine now after so long with nothing. 
“It is, you’re not lying there I’ll give you that. Wait. ‘us a bit of time?’ you want to come with me?”
A shrug. Lovely that gives so many answers about what I asked him, I now know exactly why he wants to go with me when I’m going to bathe. Does he not see the issue with implying you want to go somewhere with someone and watch them bathe. 
“Don’t give me that look, you know how dangerous everywhere is with the black-blooded monsters. It’s not safe on your own. Especially not vulnerable like that.”
“Yeah but you have to know that I’m still not used to this world and my home has very different implications for that. I’m still adjusting, okay?”
He’s as red as his hair now, if he didn’t have such a pout I’d say it’s cute otherwise, it’s just downright adorable to look at. Getting to know each others cultures is fun, more so when it gets him so worked up over a simple implication. Unless he actually did have a different idea but was too shy to ask.
“Yeah sure, you certainly didn’t want to ask for anything else, whatsoever, not at all.”
“... So what if I wanted to wash your hair for you, it’s not my fault it looks so soft.”
Well that was a surprisingly innocent ask, not one I’d turn down either having my hair washed for me when I’m sitting in a hot spring sounds like pure bliss. For how he acts he seems to get my facial expressions well with how he’s ran off to get the soap from hyrule to getting directions from Wild being being any clue. It’s even cuter now that he’s a bit desperate to wash my hair for me. After getting everything though it doesn’t take too long to get to the springs, legend dragging me by the wrist was a bit of a surprise though, he must really want to do this. Another gentle shove and him turning his back when we got here is all I need to strip down and get into the water, splashing him to get his attention again.
“So how long have you been wanting to do this for then Leg?”
“Does that matter? Just relax before I give you the soap to use yourself.”
A simple laugh on my end and he just moves to lather up my hair and start washing it, being gentle, taking his time and just doing it so carefully. It’s not entirely what I’d assume he’d be like but it’s so nice I’m not sure I ever want it to end. But like everything it has to come to one, hot water being poured over my head as he tilts me back to get all the suds off. 
“Couldn’t you have carried on a bit longer? Not even a few more minutes?”
“It was hard enough getting away, we can’t stay here forever.”
“I knooow.” 
Dragging myself out was borderline painful, the air is simply so cold and I don’t even have a good way to dry myself off now, just a ratted towel hanging on by the barest of hopes. There isn’t an option to not immediately dry off and go back to the camp though, mournfully.
“Hey leg, I know I didn’t really say it before? But thanks for this, really thank you.”
“Don’t ah - don’t mention it.”
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luimagines · 9 months
He’s Turned Into a Kid Part 2
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Part 1
Part two will include Four, Wind and Time
Content under the cut!
“Woah!! Look at that!” The child cried from on top of Twilight’s shoulders. He jumps, pointing to something in the distance, nearly flinging himself off of Twilight in the process.
“Careful!” Twilight grabs onto his legs, struggling to keep the two of them balanced. “Don’t fall.”
You looks forward to where he pointed, but you don’t see anything. “What is it Link?”
He jumps, much to Twilight’s chagrin. “I think I see the castle! Papa is in Castle Town! I’m almost home!”
You wince, along with the few other members of the group. You don’t have the heart to tell him that this isn’t his world. 
When he was hit by the magic, he was transformed into a child no older than six years old. Luckily, he was still able to wear his clothes, even if they were a bit too big for him. But he was certain that he was lost and knew the way back home. So the group figured that if anyone could help him, it was Zelda. Thus, you all stated traveling to the castle.
You didn’t expect him to be so excited for someone who wasn’t there.
“I hope Zelda wasn’t too worried.” He says when no one else comments on his words. “I was supposed to head to the castle to check on her bunnies. I don’t know how I got so far away though.”
“Do you want to see the bunnies first?” You try to steer away from Castle Town. “We have to go to the castle anyway. Then we can find your dad.”
You can see the idea spin in his head. He’s thinking about it. “Hmmm... But Papa would be worried about me too. He doesn’t like me going too far away where he can’t see me... Not that I haven’t done that before.”
You snort. Of course. He’s still Link.
“What do you think?” Four turns his head to look at you. “Am I going to get in trouble?”
“Hmmm...” You pretend to think about it too. “I don’t think so. We can stop b the castle first since what we have to do is really important. Then we can find your dad and I’ll tell him it was our fault, yeah? That way you don’t get in trouble.”
He grins. “Thank you! You’ll the bunnies. They’re very tiny and soft. And not everyone can find a bunny to keep, but Zelda has three.”
“Three?” You grin back. “That must be really special then. She must take really good care of them.”
Four nods back. “Do you have bunnies?”
“No.” You shrug. “I have cuccos.”
Four makes a face. It appears that he’s already learned the hard lessons of cuccos. “...I don’t like cuccos. But I’ll find you a bunny, ok? They’re much better.”
You snort. “I believe it.”
Four points a fingers up, a sign of confidence. “I’m really good at finding things. I find all sorts of things in my house that papa says weren’t there before. We have little mice friends and they can help me find you a bunny.”
“I don’t need a bunny though.” You shake your head, keeping your smile on your face. “But thank you. That’s very sweet of you.”
He nods, suddenly very determined. “It won’t be easy. Maybe I can ask grandpa to help make a little trap. He works a lot with metals. He’s a blacksmith. I’m going to be just like him when I grow up.”
You nod, keeping some little comments to yourself. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if you started talking about him like you already knew him. For all the boy knew, he was just somewhere else, surrounded by strangers. It doesn’t seem like he knows anything of the hero he would grow up to be. 
You hope that Zelda would actually be able to do something about this and fix him. But even if there’s no immediate solution, you can’t say that you’d mind having him around.
“I bet you’re going to be just as good as him, maybe even better.”
He laughs. “No one is better than my grandpa. But if I get close to it, I’d be really happy.”
“What do we do?”
“Oh my god, this is horrible.”
“Time, you grew up with children right?”
“Don’t look at me. I have no experience with babies.”
“Wild, get a fire going, heat up from milk.” You command, trying to hold the group together. “We need to cook a few light grains to keep him full since I think he’s past that age. We need rags, blankets and something to cut them with. He’s going to get cold.”
The boys start scrambling at your orders. Wind looks up at you, easily no older than a year old. He smiles and you can see little baby teeth peaking out from his gums. 
“Oh your teeth.” You stare in wonder. You’ve have some experience with small children. Between your little bother and Zelda, you know some basics, but in reality you’ve never felt less prepared for anything. But at least he might be able to eat more solid food. So that’s a relief.
Wind starts laughing, a light and bubbly sound. You can’t help but laugh back. “What, buddy? What’s so funny?”
“Man, he was a cute kid.” Warrior looks over your shoulder. You shift the child so that he’s balancing on your hip instead on purely being held up in your arms.
“Agreed.” You poke his nose and he laughs more. “He looks like Link when he was this age.”
Warrior makes a face but Wind starts to babble. “Bababababababa...”
“What is it, buddy?” You give your attention back to him. He reaches up but aims for Warrior. You grin. “Oh you want the Captain, little man?”
You happily give the babbling baby to the suddenly panicked hero. Warrior takes him since you leave him with little other choice but he’s holding Wind awkwardly and his fear is tangible. “.....Help.”
You laugh. “Don’t be so stiff. He’s just a baby. He’ll be back to normal soon enough.” 
“The problem is just that. He’s a baby.” Warrior lifts the child higher. “What if I drop him?”
“Don’t.” You shrugs “It’s not that hard.”
“You seem to know what you’re doing.” Wild points his wooden spoon in your direction.
You shake your head, putting your hands up in defense. “I just remember my little brother. I’m a lot older than him so I had to help from time to time. Wind also has some baby teeth, so he can eat more solid food by the way. We just have to grind it up first before we give him anything just in case.”
Wind keeps talking, trying to tell the older hero something but Warrior has no idea what to do. The sight makes you laugh. “Captain, you’re hopeless.”
He looks back at you and back to the kid. Wind blows a raspberry before collapsing into giggles again. You shake your head and finally take his arms, positioning Wind against him so that it’s better from both parties. “Absolutely hopeless.”
“Dadadada! Babrrrrrrr.”
You nod, putting your hands on your hips. “Agreed. Well said.”
Warrior whines. “Don’t leave me alone with him, please.”
You raises an eyebrow. “What about-”
Wind starts crying, suddenly reaching for you. “Momaaa!!!”
You flush and take him back without hesitation. “Me? Did you want me, buddy? I got you. You’re ok. Don’t cry.”
Warrior sighs and ruffles his hair. “We have our work cut out for us.”
“We got as many loose rags as we could.” Hyrule holds a few of them up. “What do be need them for?”
You flinch. “Diapers.”
They pale.
Multiple hands shoot up. “Not it!”
You were going to cry.
The small boy in front of you was too precious, too young and too sweet to be Time. He kept looking around the forest around you as if he had never been here before. And maybe he hasn’t, but that doesn’t stop the way he seems to be looking for something.
“Are you ok?” You ask him, poking his shoulder. You say it gently and yet it seems to take him by surprise.
“Um...” He seems nervous. “I’m looking for Navi.”
You tilt your head. That’s new name. You’ve never heard it before. Warrior goes completely still, not so subtly paying attention to your not so secret conversation. So he recognizes the name. Interesting. “Who’s that?”
“My fairy.” He whispers. “She left after we defeated Ganon...and I don’t know where she is.”
The whole group comes to a complete stand still.
“Oh my god...” Sky suddenly looks ill.
The young boy doesn’t seem to know why it bothers them. He misinterprets their silence. “I know! After everything we’ve been through, she just left. She didn’t even say goodbye. I’ve been looking all over for her! I need to stop by Lon Lon Ranch to get Epona. She’s a tiny horse but big enough for me to ride.”
He’s already saved the world, a little voice tells you. He’s so little but he already did it. You cough, unsure what to do with this information. “A tiny horse? Is she cute?”
He smiles, nodding at you. “She’s a brave girl. I love her.” He doesn’t elaborate any more on the topic because he seems to be lost in thought again. “I know you said you’d help me get home, but I also need to talk to the princess. She had dreams about Ganondorf so she believed me when I said that he was truly as evil as she believed- but she also has the Ocarina of Time. If she can trust me with it, maybe I’ll be able to use it to find Navi.”
You bite your lip and try to control your breathing. Legend is actually crying in the background. You catch him but you’re at liberty to corner him and ask him what the deal is.
Warrior looks simply heartbroken. He’s got his own issues here but your attention is on the young boy.
“So are any of theses guys your boyfriend?” He pokes your stomach. You jump and snap your arm to protect the spot, taken aback by the emotional whiplash.
“No.” You have to keep yourself from adding onto that answer.
“Oh...Is your partner not here?”
“I don’t have a partner. Why do you say that?”
“You’re just pretty.” He says it so casually. You’re almost jealous. “I thought that you would have had a partner. But if you’re here then they’d be worried about you. So I was curious.”
“...Right...” You force a smile onto your face.
Tiny Time turns to you and actually smiles. “I bet you’d look great with flowers. That’s what we used to do in Kokiri Village and everyone would get to look nice and pretty.”
“Sounds like fun.” You’re not reeling. It’s fine. You can survive this.
“I can teach you.” He takes your hand and starts to swing it.
Ok, you give up. You’d do anything for this kid. “I’d like that.”
But how are you going to get him back to the way he was?
Part 3
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Hey really enjoy your writing. I was hoping if you could accept my request. Fem reader is human mate to the volturi kings . She met them while her friends and her where Ghost hunting it was night time and they friend to get in she’s ended up meeting them that way lmao she was 😳
Spooked but intrigued needles to says her life changed that day. She has had a blast getting to know the 3 kings and befriended the guard. She’s was always insecure and sometimes it’s hard to believe she gets to be with amazing people like they have so much knowledge and even been through a lot in life. One day she over heard a new guard talking shit about her. “Why is a human so important to the kings. The probably will just use her and toss her out. She’s so useless and doesn’t do anything. She heard it and got so depressed she locked herself in her room. It got so bad she sorta stoooed eating because she thinks he sorta is right compared to the kings she really does not grasp why they are with her she understands she’s their mate but wishes she could do more.
Cue the kings and the guard being worried /pissed because they can’t see her and got even more worried because she’s not eating and crying all the time. The twins are also mad they investigated and slowly found out how she heard some new guard talking shit. The vampire will now understand the phrases fuck around and find out.
Needless to says the guard is pissed with this vampire and the kings will take care of him soon 😡
But first their b loved need to understand how her work and her perspective as a human is so precious to them and to the her she’s that breath of fresh air that they need she makes their day’s joyful and they can’t see life without her. Marcus s all of them coax and explain how much she means to them. They get very vulnerable with her 🥹🥺
You cans add romance and fluff if you feel comfortable.
Now after reassuring her they take her so she can see them end this fool 😡😈
A trial is done to this stupid guard that dared to do this to their mate it’s not going to be a pretty execution 😈
👁️👄👁️ this is so long but at the same time 👁️🫦👁️ I like it, therefore enjoy 👁️👅👁️
↱ protecting what’s theirs ↰
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➘ summary : a stupid ghost hunting trip leads to an unexpected meeting
➘ aro x reader x caius x marcus, twilight x reader, volturi x reader
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The full moon cast an eerie glow over the ancient streets of Volterra as (Y/N) and her friends ventured into the heart of the city. Armed with flashlights and a sense of adventure, they were on a ghost hunting expedition like no other. Volterra's rich history and legends of the supernatural had drawn them here, but little did they know, they were about to stumble upon a world beyond their wildest imagination.
The cobblestone streets echoed with the hushed laughter of the group as they meandered through the shadowy alleyways. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. The tall, imposing buildings seemed to watch their every move, and (Y/N)'s heart raced as her flashlight flickered, casting eerie shadows against the ancient stone walls.
As they turned a corner, the distant sound of footsteps caught their attention. A chill ran down (Y/N)'s spine, and her grip on the flashlight tightened. The footsteps grew closer, accompanied by an indistinct murmur that sent shivers down her spine.
"Did you guys hear that?" (Y/N) whispered, her voice barely audible above the hushed whispers of her friends. They nodded, their expressions a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
Their flashlights converged on the source of the sound, revealing three figures emerging from the darkness. Dressed in attire that seemed both elegant and out of place, the strangers exuded an air of authority that demanded attention. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, capturing (Y/N)'s gaze and holding it in a vice-like grip.
"Who are you?" one of (Y/N)'s friends stammered, her voice quivering.
"We are the Volturi," the tallest of the strangers replied, his voice smooth and commanding. "And you are trespassing in our domain."
A mixture of fear and fascination washed over (Y/N) as she studied the enigmatic trio. The Volturi - the name resonated within her like a haunting melody, awakening something deep within her soul. Unbidden, her eyes met the piercing gaze of the Volturi king, his crimson irises holding a promise of secrets and mysteries beyond her imagination.
Before anyone could react, the situation took an unexpected turn. A low growl reverberated through the air, followed by the emergence of another figure from the shadows. This newcomer was different from the Volturi, his presence radiating an aura of danger and wildness. His eyes locked onto (Y/N), a mix of curiosity and something more primal flickering in their depths.
"Demetri, Felix, we have guests," the newcomer's voice was a velvet whisper, sending a shiver down (Y/N)'s spine.
The tension in the air was palpable as (Y/N) and her friends found themselves caught in a web of intrigue and danger. The meeting of humans and supernatural beings was fated that night, setting in motion a series of events that would forever alter their lives.
The atmosphere grew electric, the very air around (Y/N) seemed to thrum with a hidden power. She tore her gaze away from the newcomer and back to the enigmatic Volturi kings, who exuded an unsettling mix of authority and intrigue. Questions tumbled in her mind, but the words caught in her throat.
"Forgive our intrusion," one of (Y/N)'s friends managed to stammer, her voice trembling. "We didn't mean any harm."
The tension eased slightly as the Volturi king who had spoken regarded them with an inscrutable expression. "Curiosity often leads mortals to unforeseen encounters," he mused, his tone measured.
"But now that you've seen us, you pose a risk," the newcomer interjected, his voice like velvet edged with steel. "A risk that requires management."
(Y/N)'s heart raced as the implications of his words sank in. What did he mean by "management"? The situation felt precarious, like a fragile balance hanging by a thread.
"We promise, we won't tell anyone about what we've seen," another of (Y/N)'s friends hurriedly assured, her voice quivering.
The Volturi kings exchanged a look that conveyed volumes without a word spoken. It was as if they communicated through an unspoken language that (Y/N) couldn't comprehend. After a tense pause, the leader of the Volturi spoke again, his gaze resting on (Y/N) once more.
"Your words are noted. However, secrecy is not the only matter at hand. There is something... unique about your presence here."
The intensity of the Volturi king's gaze sent shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. She felt like he was peering into her very soul, unraveling the thoughts and emotions she kept hidden even from herself.
"What do you mean?" she managed to whisper, her voice barely audible.
A ghost of a smile touched the corners of his lips, but it did little to ease the unease coiling within her. "Some things are better shown than explained," he said cryptically.
Before anyone could react, a swift movement caught their attention. The newcomer, who had been lurking at the edges of their conversation, now stood in front of (Y/N). His intense gaze bore into her, a mixture of curiosity and something far more primal.
"Would you allow me to show you?" he murmured, his voice like a seductive whisper.
(Y/N)'s heart raced as she met his gaze, her mind torn between fear and a strange attraction she couldn't explain. Her friends exchanged nervous glances, their unspoken concern palpable.
"Show me what?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly.
The newcomer's lips curved into a predatory smile, and a flicker of something unreadable danced in his eyes. "The truth about who we are, and who you are becoming."
As the moon cast an ethereal glow over the ancient streets of Volterra, (Y/N) stood at a crossroads between the mundane world she had known and the enigmatic realm that had suddenly opened before her. Unforeseen encounters had set her on a path of discovery, a journey that would challenge her perceptions and forever intertwine her fate with that of the Volturi kings.
In the days that followed that fateful encounter, (Y/N)'s life took an unexpected turn. Intrigue and curiosity won out over fear, and she found herself agreeing to the newcomer's proposal. What could he possibly show her? It was a question that echoed in her thoughts, driving her to embrace this newfound journey.
As days turned into weeks, (Y/N) discovered a world she had never dreamed of. The Volturi kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, each held a presence that was simultaneously awe-inspiring and intimidating. Yet, to her surprise, they welcomed her into their midst with a warmth and hospitality that shattered her preconceived notions.
There was something about their timeless wisdom and the stories they shared that drew her in. Aro's insatiable curiosity, Caius's unwavering determination, and Marcus's melancholic wisdom—each king offered a unique perspective that broadened her horizons.
But it wasn't just the kings who left a lasting impression. The main guards, Felix, Demetri, Jane, and Alec, became her friends. They possessed a camaraderie that was forged through centuries of loyalty and trials. Their stories, filled with both triumphs and heartaches, served as a reminder that even the seemingly immortal beings had faced their share of challenges.
Despite their extraordinary existence, (Y/N) found that they too were grappling with their own vulnerabilities. Jane's fierce determination masked a deeper longing for acceptance, while Alec's quiet demeanor concealed a well of emotions. Demetri's playful banter belied a complex history, and Felix's imposing presence shielded a heart of gold.
As (Y/N) spent time with them, she began to realize that they weren't just powerful beings, but individuals with their own struggles and insecurities. It was a humbling revelation that helped her see herself in a new light. Her initial insecurities, the nagging doubts that she didn't belong, began to fade.
With each passing day, (Y/N) embraced the friendships she had forged. They didn't judge her for her mortal limitations; instead, they celebrated her unique perspective and her willingness to learn. She found herself laughing more, exploring the hidden corners of Volterra with her new companions, and immersing herself in their world.
And through it all, the enigmatic newcomer who had introduced her to this world kept his promise. He showed her the secrets of their existence, revealing the intricate web of alliances, rivalries, and histories that shaped the Volturi's power. (Y/N) listened with rapt attention, her thirst for knowledge deepening as she delved into the labyrinthine tales.
As the weeks turned into months, (Y/N) realized that her life had irrevocably changed. She had transformed from a mere mortal into someone who walked among beings of unparalleled power. But even more importantly, she had found a sense of belonging, a place where her presence was valued and her voice was heard.
The grand halls of the Volturi castle echoed with footsteps, laughter, and murmured conversations. (Y/N) had grown accustomed to the rhythms of this supernatural world, finding comfort in her friendships with the kings and their guards. But one day, as she wandered near a corridor, her steps slowed involuntarily as she overheard a conversation that shattered her newfound sense of belonging.
The voices, though hushed, reached her ears with a clarity that cut like a blade. Her heart hammered in her chest as she recognized the voice of a new guard, someone she hadn't interacted with much. The words he uttered were like poison, seeping into her thoughts.
"Why is a human so important to the kings? They'll probably just use her and toss her out. She's so useless and doesn't do anything."
Those words echoed in her mind, a chorus of doubt that she couldn't escape. As if struck by an unseen force, she retreated from the corridor and fled to her room, her steps heavy with a sadness she couldn't put into words.
Locked away from the world outside, (Y/N) sank onto her bed, her thoughts a tumultuous storm. The echoes of the guard's words reverberated in her mind, amplifying the insecurities she had once managed to overcome. She had believed that she belonged here, that her friendships and connections were genuine. But now, the shadow of doubt loomed over her.
Tears welled in her eyes as she battled the emotions that threatened to engulf her. She had thought she was strong enough to face the skepticism of the outside world, but the venomous words had struck a chord deep within her heart. The weight of her perceived uselessness bore down on her, suffocating her spirit.
Hours passed like a blur as (Y/N) grappled with her emotions in the solitude of her room. The once-familiar space now felt like a prison of her own making. The world outside seemed unreachable, the bonds she had formed now tainted by the poison of doubt.
But just as darkness threatened to consume her completely, a soft knock on her door drew her attention. Tentative at first, then growing more insistent. With a heavy sigh, (Y/N) forced herself to rise from the bed and open the door, revealing the concerned faces of Demetri and Felix.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" Demetri's voice was gentle, his eyes reflecting a genuine worry.
Her voice caught in her throat, and she turned away, unable to meet their gazes. It felt like they could see right through her, past the façade she had constructed.
"(Y/N), you heard that, didn't you?" Felix's voice was quiet, tinged with a sadness she hadn't expected.
Unable to speak, (Y/N) nodded, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She felt vulnerable, exposed, as if her deepest fears were laid bare for them to see.
Felix stepped forward, his large frame engulfing her in a comforting embrace. "You're not useless, (Y/N). You've brought light into this place, and your friendships are genuine. We've seen it, felt it."
Demetri joined them, his hand resting gently on her shoulder. "We understand that words can hurt, but don't let them define you. You're part of this world because you've earned your place."
Tears spilled down (Y/N)'s cheeks as their words sank in. She realized that she hadn't been alone in her struggle. The friends she had made here saw her worth, even when she couldn't see it herself.
Despite the support of Demetri and Felix, (Y/N)'s mind remained ensnared by the guard's hurtful words. Their reassurances were like a lifeline, but her doubts had taken root, growing stronger with each passing day. The castle that had once felt like a sanctuary now seemed like a place where she didn't belong.
The laughter of the kings and the guards, once a symphony that brought her joy, now felt like a reminder of her perceived inadequacy. She watched them with a heavy heart, wondering why they would choose to be with her, a mere human. In her eyes, they were luminous beings, powerful and wise, while she was fragile and ordinary.
As the days turned into weeks, (Y/N)'s insecurity morphed into something more insidious. She began to withdraw, spending more time in her room, lost in a sea of introspection. The once vibrant glow that surrounded her seemed to dim, and even her interactions with Demetri and Felix felt strained.
The guard's words had taken root deep within her, echoing through her thoughts even as she tried to push them away. Food lost its appeal, and her appetite waned as she contemplated her own worth. She wanted to do more, to contribute something meaningful, but the weight of her perceived uselessness bore down on her, sapping her energy.
Demetri and Felix's concern deepened as they watched her retreat further into herself. They tried to offer solace, to remind her of her place among them, but their words fell on deaf ears. Every reassurance seemed like an empty echo against the overpowering tide of self-doubt.
In the heart of the Volturi castle, a sense of unease hung in the air as Demetri and Felix stood before the three kings. The normally imposing presence of Aro, Caius, and Marcus seemed muted in the face of their guards' obvious distress.
"Demetri, Felix, you both seem troubled. What weighs on your minds?" Aro's voice was laced with a curiosity that never failed to unnerve.
Felix exchanged a look with Demetri, a silent understanding passing between them. With a deep breath, Demetri began to recount the events of the past few weeks—the encounter with the new guard's hurtful words, (Y/N)'s growing isolation, and her plummeting emotional state.
Caius's expression darkened as he listened, his fingers tapping rhythmically against his armrest. "And you say she's confined herself to her room? She's not eating?"
Felix nodded, his voice grim. "Yes, she's been locking herself away, hardly eating, and she seems to be in constant emotional distress. We've tried to reach out to her, but our words don't seem to reach her."
Aro leaned forward, his fingers pressed together in thought. "This is troubling indeed. We were aware of her insecurities, but we had hoped that she would find solace within our company."
Marcus, who had been silent throughout the conversation, finally spoke in his characteristic soft tones. "It appears that the shadow of doubt has taken a firm hold on her. She questions her place among us, her worthiness."
A heavy silence settled in the room as the weight of the situation hung over them. Aro's eyes glinted with a mixture of concern and determination. "We must not let this darkness consume her. We have seen her strength and resilience. It is our duty to remind her of the light she brings into our lives."
Caius's gaze was steely as he spoke. "Felix, Demetri, I want you both to find a way to reach her. Encourage her to open up, to share her thoughts. We cannot allow her to remain trapped in this cycle of despair."
As the guards nodded in agreement, Marcus offered a quiet suggestion. "Perhaps, the presence of the kings themselves might help break through her isolation."
Aro smiled, his expression one of reassurance. "Yes, we shall pay her a visit. Together, we will show her that she is not alone, that her place among us is secure."
With renewed determination, the three kings and their loyal guards set forth on a mission to bring light to (Y/N)'s darkness. The castle's grandeur and power faded in importance as their collective focus centered on the fragile human whose presence had stirred something profound within them.
As twilight settled over the Volturi castle, the air was charged with an unspoken tension. The kings had made their decision, and Alec and Jane, the twins known for their formidable powers, were chosen to investigate the events that had cast a shadow over their domain. The twins moved with an eerie grace, their gazes set with an intent that held an unspoken promise of retribution.
Their path led them to the new guard's quarters, and with a swift motion, Alec opened the door. Jane's crimson eyes bore into the guard, her gaze like a laser that could cut through steel. The guard looked up, caught off guard by their sudden presence.
"Mind if we have a word?" Alec's voice was deceptively calm, but there was a flicker of danger in his eyes.
The guard shifted uncomfortably, his bravado faltering as he sensed the aura of the twins. "What do you want?"
Jane's lips curved into a cold smile, her power radiating from her as she stepped closer. "We heard about your little chat the other night. About (Y/N). Care to elaborate?"
The guard's eyes widened in realization, but he tried to maintain his composure. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Alec's patience wore thin, and his tone hardened. "Don't play games with us. We know exactly what you said. We know about the doubt you sowed in (Y/N)'s mind."
The guard's defiance wavered, and fear crept into his eyes. He stammered, "I... I didn't mean anything by it. I was just venting."
Jane's voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "Your words have consequences. You underestimated her strength, and now she's suffering because of it."
A tense silence hung in the air as the twins' words hung heavy between them. The guard's mask of arrogance had crumbled, revealing a hint of vulnerability that Alec and Jane took note of.
"We suggest you tread carefully from now on," Alec's voice was a chilling warning. "Because you've just invoked the wrath of the Volturi kings, and they don't take kindly to those who threaten their own."
With that, the twins turned and left the room, leaving the guard to his thoughts. As the door closed behind them, a sense of unease settled over the castle.
Meanwhile, within the chambers of the kings, the atmosphere was fraught with a simmering anger. Alec and Jane's report had ignited a fire within them, and the knowledge of (Y/N)'s suffering had only fueled their determination.
Demetri's eyes darkened with rage as he clenched his fists. "The audacity of that guard to undermine (Y/N)'s place among us. She deserves more respect than that."
Felix's jaw tensed, his expression mirroring the anger of his comrades. "It's clear we need to set an example. We can't allow this kind of behavior to go unpunished."
Aro's lips curved into a dangerous smile, his gaze glinting with a mixture of power and retribution. "It's time to show this guard what it means to cross the Volturi."
The kings and their loyal guards united in their determination. The guard had unwittingly invoked the fury of the most powerful beings in the vampire world. The phrases "fuck around and find out" took on new meaning as they hatched a plan to ensure that the guard understood the gravity of his actions.
In the shadows of the castle, a reckoning was brewing—a reminder that the Volturi did not tolerate threats to those they cherished. The guard's actions had set in motion a chain of events that would shape the fate of all involved.
As the days unfolded, (Y/N)'s sense of isolation began to wane. The support of Demetri and Felix, along with the kings' determination to mend the damage, had chipped away at the fortress of doubt she had built around herself. The light that had dimmed within her began to flicker once more, illuminating the path toward acceptance.
One evening, as the moon cast its silvery glow over the castle, (Y/N) found herself alone in her room. The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of anticipation and unease. The knock on her door signaled the arrival of unexpected visitors.
"(Y/N), may we come in?" Aro's voice was gentle, tinged with an underlying warmth.
Heart racing, (Y/N) opened the door, revealing the three kings standing before her. Their presence was awe-inspiring, yet this time, it didn't fill her with trepidation. Instead, a sense of belonging enveloped her, and she welcomed them with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity.
"Please, come in," she managed to say, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her.
As they entered her room, the kings' expressions were a blend of concern and determination. Aro, the one most adept at voicing thoughts, took a step forward. "We want to apologize for any distress you've experienced due to the actions of one of our own."
Caius's gaze was piercing, yet there was a hint of understanding in his eyes. "We should have intervened sooner, defended your place among us."
Marcus's voice was soft, carrying the weight of his centuries of wisdom. "You are not just our mate, (Y/N), but a valued member of our family. Your presence has enriched our lives in ways words cannot convey."
Tears welled in (Y/N)'s eyes as their words sank in. They had come to her, not just to reassure her, but to affirm her worth in their lives. The fortress of doubt she had constructed crumbled, and she felt like she was standing on the precipice of a new understanding.
"I... I don't know what to say," she whispered, her voice catching.
Aro's smile was warm as he approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You don't need to say anything. Just know that you are cherished, valued, and loved.”
Caius's voice was a whisper that held an unspoken promise. "And we want to make amends for any pain you've endured."
Marcus's gaze held a quiet intensity. "Which is why we've decided to have a trial for the guard who caused you harm."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise, a mix of emotions churning within her. "A trial?"
Aro nodded. "Yes, a trial. We want you to be there, to see the consequences of his actions, to understand that the Volturi do not tolerate threats to their family."
Caius's voice was firm. "You will witness his judgment."
Marcus's words held a sense of finality. "And you will know that you are not alone."
Tears streamed down (Y/N)'s cheeks as she met their gazes, her heart overflowing with gratitude and a newfound sense of belonging. In that moment, she understood that her place among them was not just by chance, but by choice.
As the moon bathed the room in its glow, the kings and their mate stood together, bound by a connection that transcended words. In the embrace of their love and support, (Y/N)'s journey of self-discovery continued, her spirit rekindled by the realization that she was an integral part of the world she had come to call home.
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
What is one head canon you have for every individual member of the chain?
only one headcanon for each of them? 🥺
Time: I’ve definitely said this one before, but he is not at all trying to be fatherly. He does care about the boys a lot, but his fatherly actions are all completely unintentional, he has no idea some of them look up to him like a dad, and he has yet to realize he looks at some of them as his kids. In his mind he’s just being kind and brotherly. He has a hard time expressing emotions and seriously struggles with facial expressions, which is why he comes off as so hard to approach and seems more responsible and dad like, but that’s not the case at all. He’s just as chaotic as the others and seriously is oblivious to how some of them look up to him
Warriors: I headcanon he comes from a family of tailors (which is a headcanon ive seen before) who own a small shop in the little village he comes from (he’s not originally a city boy to me, he became a city boy later in life). His family also owns a small farm and he had big dogs growing up. Had the war never happened he’d probably still be with them, taking over his mom’s shop because he was the one most interested in it (i also headcanon he has a lot of siblings)
Twilight: He needs people to take care of or he won’t take care of himself. He just falls into such a slump if there’s no one for him to look after because he feels useless and unneeded. He’s a serious hoverer when one of the others are injured but he feels bad for hovering so he ends up sitting on the opposite side of camp looking like a wet dog and it’s just so sad looking 😭
Sky: I know a lot of people make him super sleepy or give him asthma because of his low stamina in Skyward Sword and also because he just always seems tired in that game, but for me Sky has epilepsy, and that’s why he has periods of time where he’s just absolutely exhausted
Hyrule: Not afraid of much and has a stomach of steel. This kid will eat anything and everything and will be completely fine. Bonus extra headcanon: I think he’s older than Legend
Legend: I headcanon he’s autistic and struggles to control the tone of his voice, and that’s why he can come off pretty harsh. He doesn’t mean to, he’s seriously pretty chill (unless Warriors is involved), but he can come off as disinterested or snappy when he really doesn’t mean to
Wild: Actually extremely good at handling his emotions and dealing with problems (compared to the others). He knows he gets overwhelmed and while he’s not the best at telling someone where he goes to blow off steam, he knows how to hold himself back and handle himself, and he’s perfectly capable of defending himself if something happens when he goes off alone. Sometimes he just needs to be alone, and if he really CANT be alone because it’s too dangerous, Wolfie will trail after him just for backup and keep his distance
Four: BIG reader, he loves to curl up with a good book but it’s hard for him to get his alone time to focus on what he’s reading while he’s traveling with the others. He will make up stories in his head when he can’t sleep or actually focus, and he’s a really animated story teller. He’s told a lot of campfire stories and when he’s doing those it’s one of the very few times the others actually shut up
Wind: Dyslexic and seriously struggles to read, but he absolutely LOVES to draw and would doodle all the time during any lessons anyone tried to give him ever. Give this kid a sketchbook and he’ll literally draw you a masterpiece. He loves sketching scenery and the others and he’s FREAKY good at it
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katnissmellarkkk · 2 months
another thing about twilight. why is it that bella never ever seems to care that the cullens — imo carlisle especially — only care about her literally because they love edward? like of course that is majority of in-law situations in life, like i know that. but bella is like “this is my family! this is where i belong and who i belong with!” and then they all just up and leave her the moment edward tells them to. carlisle especially only seems to care about her imo (beyond the fact that he cares for all human lives) because he cares about edward. idk i would feel some kind of way about the cullens if they literally took me in and then dropped me like a hot potato based off whatever edward felt on any given day.
in a way alice is better and in a way she’s worse on this front. like okay, she and bella are best friends, that much is true. one of the things i will give stephenie meyers (because she’s nowhere near as bad as people claim. stephen king has no business criticizing her when his stories are some of the worst i’ve ever encountered) is she does create and develop actual believable friendships and relationships. bella and alice are very close and lovey dovey. but that makes it worse imo when alice abandons her alongside edward. because her friendship with bella is literally contingent on edward.
but at the same time she does have an actual relationship with bella and you get that she wanted what edward thought was best for bella’s life and she loves her and her heart is in the right place and all that good stuff. but idk. for me, if i were in that situation, i wouldn’t have taken the cullens in as warmly again in eclipse. like bella is all like “my family! we’re all together again!” when in reality i, and i think anyone with enough self-esteem, would be much colder to them. more distant and less open. because even if she’s taken edward back — because really his side of the leaving fiasco is actually more understandable than the entire family’s ditching her and then wanting to act like nothing ever happened seven months later — his family still proved that she’s merely an extension of edward to them. they’re a family, they’ve been a family for around 75-100 years. they’ve been together, functioning as a family unit town to town since before her grandparents were born. like she’s just a modern teenage girl who the one unmarried brother fell in love with and brought along for the ride. like they all abandoned her and had the whole thing with edward/alice/cliff diving/volturi not occurred then the entire family would have just never contacted her again in her life. idk. i get the impression more so from carlisle than any of the others but bella’s whole open heart, open arms thing is sadly pathetic. because she’s clinging to a family that could take or leave her at a moment’s notice.
and honestly some lots may disagree but i do highkey appreciate the fact that stephenie meyers tried to rectify a lot of people’s criticisms with bella, in midnight sun. like she tried to retroactively make it seem like a lot of the “bella is a parentified child and she’s so mature because she doesn’t mind it at all” “bella takes care of her parents because she’s old for her age” was just a first person character blindness on bella’s part and it was actually really messed up in edward’s eyes the way her parents treated her and how it shaped her personality. but personally i wish SM would have included edward realizing bella has a really low self-esteem and that’s why she takes whatever kind of love people offer her without complaint and resentment even after they’ve done her dirty, not because “the cullens are so amazing” and “i’m so lucky to belong with them!”
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monpalace · 1 year
NEW IDEA DROPPED (Back on my pining Time shizzz)
Imagine, reader minding their own business and talking with a bartender, they weren’t doing much really— just buying a few drinks (alcoholic and non) for a few of the boys. Speaking of the boys, mosy sat at a table while others mingled in and out of the bar. The chatter was idle between the heroes, some light banter thrown across the table, but all falls on deaf ears as Time watches you from afar.
He’s not sure why but ever since that late night talk about “types” and “past lovers” he hasn’t been too keen on letting you out of his sights. Its not like he’s forcing you by his side, or following you everywhere— goddess forbid! You’re a grown adult and are well able to take care of yourself, but damn it this ball in his gut just wont go away.
Apparently his quick glances were as subtle as he had hoped because the next thing he knows a unfamiliar hand rests on his shoulder. The table goes quiet and the old man is quick to look to the source of the hand, his own hand hovering over the dagger at his side.
To his left was a older man— older than Time himself —grey hairs and wrinkled face turned into a snarky grin. His unbalanced stance, dilated pupil and awful stench where all the Time needed to know the man was overly drunk.
“Pretty aren’t they?” The drunk slurred his words and clumsy nodding his head you your direction. That ball in his gut only grew.
From the cover of his eye, Time noticed a handful of the boys at the table shift in their seats uncomfortably. Lovely. The hero of Time turned to the drunk, cold eyes meeting unfocused ones.
“Are you in need of something? Or just looking for someone to bother” His words are sharp but voice did not raise. Was that last bit necessary? No. Did he care at the moment? Not at all.
The drunk laughed, mouth hung open as his belly bounced with every forced breath. Some of the boys from across the bar watched, yet you were still unaware it seemed. “Simply wondering if ya knew if they were single~” His eyes fixated on you, racking his disgusting eyes up and down your form. “Can resist a chance with a beauty like that.”
Wind, one of the boys who sat beside Time, was quick to sit up and slam his hands onto the wooden table, loudly proclaiming. “Their my parent!”
The drunk seems shocked for a moment, cause Wind to smirk and Time’s shoulders to relax. How foolish he was to think such a vile man would give up that easily.
A gurgling laugh bubbles up from the mans throat, spray spittle across the table. (Twilight and Hyrule are quick cover their food)
“Do you need a daddy?”
How DARE he—
Wind’s mouth hangs in shock, Twilight nearly cracks his mug with his grip, Hyrule cant help the gag that comes from his gut. And Time? Oh he’s furious
The loud screeching of wood on wood silences the bar. Time looms over this hunched, pathetic excuse of a man, both eyes open wide to star down at this…pig. Time wished to bust this pig’s skull open, slam him into the table until his face was full of splinters. He’d pluck his eyes and carve out his tongue. Let the body get eaten by his brethren.
Not one of his thoughts is shown on his face. His anger is calm and collected, he refused to put so much effort to a worthless low life. Time’s voice rolls like thunder, it pierces like daggers and stings like venom.
“No need for such an imbecilic question, he has no need for one,” the drunk stares up at Time, a slow realization builds behind his eyes. “For he, is mine. And They are mine.”
He doesn’t mean for the last bit to sound like a possessive growl, but the ball in his gut has risen to his chest, rolling around in his chest with every breath he takes. He needs to get it out.
The sound the man lets out might as well be a squeal as he backs away from the frightening hero. Slurred apologies falls from his mouth like a rushing water fall as he stumbles his way out of the quiet bar.
One in, two out. One in, two out. Time repeats, fixing his breathing and calming the violent wishes. Boths eyes now shut as he takes one last big breath before turning and looking back to the three boys. One word to describe their expressions? Utterly and entirely gobsmacked.
Oh, their not going to let him live this down for a while, arent they? His lips formed a tight line, his eyesbrows knitted together. But a quiet cough chases his attention.
Turning —half expecting an employee or boss of the bar telling them they have to leave— he sees you. Eyes wide, mouth silently agape but a twitch of a smile lingers at the corner of your mouth.
“I’m yours?” You spoke, eyes twinkling with something Time cant place.
Oh no..
completely unrelated why did this lowkey remind me of a unspoken rule or something where it's like "if someone puts something of theirs (glasses, hat, etc) on someone, it's an unspoken rule that they're claimed" or smth. idk time just looks like the type of person to do that
ANYWAYS TIME'S LITTLE POSSESSIVE GROWL, VIOLENT (valid) THOUGHTS, AND WHATNOT? he fr let out a few years worth of repressed emotions i refuse to accept otherwise
time just needs to get the papers, legally adopt wind, and put the reader down as the other parent beCAUSE BROTHER 😵‍💫😵‍💫
and reader's response to hearing all that?? why can all i hear/see is them doing druski's little "whadda you mean by that"
trippy im abt to write a drabble stop playin with me 😭🗿
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adoreyor · 1 year
something thats been bothering me is how people are suddenly expecting twilight to be able to drop everything he knows to be with yor and anya. as much as id also love for him to he able to leave his spy self in the past, the truth is, he’s been a spy for so much of his life that even if he were to retire from being a spy, he’s not going to be able to leave that life completely. he’s learned these things to keep himself alive. he isnt going to be able to unlearn them that fast just because he cares about anya and yor.
this is why im frustrated seeing people say that he doesn’t care about anya because he didn’t show affection the way they wanted him to when she got of the bus. i understand most people are making jokes and some of them are funny, but some people get so wrapped up in the idea of the forger family being real that they forget about what loid’s character is really like. do you really think someone who has been a spy for so long is going to suddenly drop that because he cares about someone? especially twilight? the best spy there is? no, he isn’t. and besides, we know he came running back and probably would have done something if he really needed too.
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and yes, i too wanted him to hug anya as soon as she got of the bus, but he’s a spy. he said it himself. it would be suspicious if Dr Loid Forger was suddenly able to make it back fast enough.
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he shows he cares though because he says he’ll make her favourite dinner, which might be a small thing but even that can be appreciated when coming from someone who is supposed to have no attachments to other people.
like i said, i know most people are just joking but i wanted to add my own opinions on this whole thing anyway! :)
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johnnystorms · 5 months
avengers twilight!steve, on regrets, memories and tony stark. written post-avengers twilight #002. stevetony.
Steve has a lot of regrets. Tony—not the real one, the best friend he lost on the day he lost everything, but the one he keeps in his head, his mind’s best attempt at a ghost of the person he misses most—says that’s inevitable, living as long as Steve has.
C’mon, Cap, he says, smiling that way his Tony used to: eyes as bright as the future he was always talking about, everything in him shining. Or maybe that’s just how he looked to Steve, young enough back then to not yet have blinked the stars from his eyes. You live long enough, you run the risk of anything outweighing the good memories. His smile fades, not enough to disappear, but to become something smaller, quieter. Tinged with something requiring care. Do me a favour, handsome. Try not to let that happen to you.
Steve doesn’t like disappointing Tony Stark, not even the one dreamed up inside his head, but he thinks it might be too late on that front.
If someone asked for a list of regrets, he’d have to give that wry, hoarse laugh that makes him sound as old as he feels, and say, Nobody has time to listen to all that. If someone had asked Tony, he’d have a breathtakingly clever quip or an outpouring of guilt, depending on his mood, and who had asked. If it had been Steve, maybe both. Matt would have thought about it, long and hard, and disappeared to a confession booth. Peter – Jessica – Logan – Carol – all of them, he thinks, would have their own laundry list of hauntings, justified or otherwise.
That’s the name of the game, he thinks. You have to take the wins for what they are, but it doesn’t make the losses any lighter to bear. Steve’s posture isn’t what it used to be, even with the Defenders’ replicated super soldier serum in his veins, but his shoulders were shaking under the crushing weight of all his mistakes long before his age caught up to his body.
Janet isn’t here anymore to ask, but he doesn’t know what she’d say. It’s not that he thinks she has no regrets—even outside of the hero business, that’s a tall order for anyone—so much as that’s not how he remembers her. When he thinks of Janet van Dyne, he thinks of her deft fingers readjusting the lapel of the suit she designed and Tony cajoled him into; he thinks of her tinkling laugh almost being swallowed up by Thor’s booming one, the two of them bent double at the disgruntled expression Clint was shooting their way one golden night back when the world knew what heroes were meant to be; and he thinks of her clever, smiling mouth, and the way nobody could ever resist smiling right back. Steve had been no exception.
He misses it so fiercely it burns. Jan’s smile and Thor’s relentless steadiness and even Peter’s terrible jokes as he chased the Human Torch around the city. Carol’s quick fists and Jessica’s quick thinking and Natasha’s quick draw, and the time the three of them had a punch-up contest with the Thing that ended in an exasperated Tony footing the bill to the city and Johnny cackling as Sue dressed down Ben for his part in it. Luke’s laughter as he slung his arm over Danny’s shoulder and Jessica Jones taking photos of the two of them and Logan and Bobbi in the corner, trading tales of Hawkeye’s Greatest Hits: Indecent Exposure edition.
And Tony—always, always Tony. The press of him against Steve’s side, a reassuring line of heat, like, hey, you’re not alone anymore. You’re not cold anymore. You have a team. You have me. His tired eyes and easy smile and razor-sharp wit, even half-dead on his feet. The late nights where Steve coaxed him out of his lab with a hot drink and the promise of conversation, the early mornings where Steve would wear a worried frown and say, you should really sleep more, Tony, and Tony would grin at him and say, and give up these early mornings where you bring me coffee and those big blue eyes of yours? Never, and Steve would sigh, but there would be something fond tugging at the corner of his lips, and Tony would look all pleased with himself, animated in a way no caffeine fix could ever cause, and Steve would want—
Steve swallows.
You’re drifting, baby. It’s Jan’s voice, that classic combination of fond amusement and concern that Clint used to perk up at being addressed with and Tony used to call the van Dyne special, all those years ago. God, Steve misses them all. He aches with wanting. You’re drifting. Bring it back home, Steve. Start with the most important bit. Let’s take it from the top.
There isn’t a team to report to anymore. It is not a new fact, a new thought, but every time, it hits him like a concrete block to the ribs.
There isn’t a team to report to anymore, but Steve Rogers breathes in, and thinks about it anyway. Take it from the top. The most important things.
How the tables turn, Tony says. He’s the only one Steve keeps. All his other ghosts flit in and out of his head, coming and going like the tides, but Tony is the forever haunting. The only one his mind holds onto on a permanent basis. D’you remember, oh, all the way back near the start -- one time you asked me if it got exhausting, thinking so much.
Steve remembers. Steve has never forgotten anything Tony Stark gave him, be it physical or a vow or just the smallest memory that wasn’t intended as a secret but became one in Steve’s desperate hands. The world has taken so much from him, from all of them, ever since H-day. He can’t talk about Tony, because what if the world takes that from him too?
How the tables turn, Tony says again, soft in that way most people didn’t believe Tony Stark could be. Steve knew, though. Steve’s always known. You look exhausted, Steve. Don’t let it be so big. Just -- right now, right at this moment. What’s the call, Cap?
That was what Tony had said that day, Steve remembers. The world was on fire, and about to become a whole lot colder, and they didn’t know that, didn’t know anything about what was to come, just that this was it, this was the moment, this was the do or die, and Tony had stood at his shoulder, the armour a familiar comfort against Steve’s side, and asked, What’s the call, Cap?
An itemised list of all of Steve Rogers’ regrets would take too long, and a ranked list of all time would be impossible to decide upon when Steve has such a long memory and even longer history.
So, in its stead, Steve thinks, he’ll give Tony the right now.
3. Rosa. He’d deserved the slap. He’d deserved a lot of things, really. He’d had good years with Rosa; years of her no-nonsense love, of her careful hands, of the way she looked at him in the quiet of the night with all the warmth their little home could hold, like she still saw something worth believing in him. Maybe she did. He thinks she probably did. His wife was a lot of things, most of them good, but above all else, she was never a liar.
He’s sorry he blew up her life. He’s sorrier about that than the fact he blew up their life together, but that’s always the way it goes with him, isn’t it? There’s nothing he’s felt he had to keep more than the shield. It’s not that they matter less to him—God help him, but it’s not about the love. There’s never been a lack of love—but to his bones, to his core, he’s always been the guy who wants to stand up and help. If the fight needs to be had, he’s going to stand there, fists up, no matter who he is, no matter how old he is. No matter how super he is.
He knew that about himself a long time ago. Maybe if he’d stopped pretending that had changed, Rosa wouldn’t be stuck here now.
2. It’s a little one, in the scheme of things, but it also feels more important than almost anything else at this moment. He wishes he’d touched Matt, that last time they saw each other. Gone are the days where Steve would clasp his friends by the hand, something lost to time and loneliness and gradually brittled bones, but he wishes desperately that he’d clasped his hand to Matt’s shoulder one last time. Just a moment. Just enough for some phantom warmth on his palms, a tangible ghost of Daredevil, not just something dreamed up by his mind in the moments when losing almost everyone he’s ever trusted is insurmountable.
1. He doesn’t know where to begin with this one. H-day. The way it went down. Peter bleeding out in front of him. James Stark growing up without his parents, the best of them both twisted into something Steve can’t look at directly without feeling hopeless, helpless. Clint’s arrow snapped in half, a crater where the Thing should be. His last sight of Reed Richards, stretching further than he’d ever seen before as he reached out desperately towards his wife. Tony’s voice in his ear: what’s the call, Cap?
And that’s what it comes down to, isn’t it? His biggest regret. This one, he suspects wouldn’t change even if it was an all-time list. Tony Stark, the vibrant, blaring truth of him. Something Steve misses so desperately that when the world forced him to live without him, he made up a version of him to keep in his head forever.
It’s more similar to #2 than he thought. He has so many regrets, and so many of them are about Tony Stark—about that day, about missing people, about loving people and losing them because of the fight, whether they were lost in the fight or he left them behind to join it—but more than anything, he thinks he misses the feeling of Tony’s hand in his, pulling him in close, arm going around Steve’s shoulder to draw him into a hug.
I’m not half as good at anything as I am when I’m doing it next to you, Tony says, years ago, so far away from this moment that it might as well have been another world, and Steve, old and jaded and lonely and tired and missing the person he loves best so fiercely it aches in his lungs, thinks, You and me both, Tony. You and me both.
You and me. You and me. You and me.
(When the dossier falls open in front of him, with a blueprint of a tank and photos of him—photos of Tony, and even Tony in pieces makes Steve ache with something he thought had long been buried—spill out, let’s get it from the world’s smartest man, Tony Stark echoing in his ears—
Steve, for a moment, wants to throw up.
Then his jaw sets.
All right, Tony, he thinks. He doesn’t know if he’s addressing the ghost in his head, or the one in the tank, or some nebulous third thing, a Hail Mary thrown to the universe, some last passage of faith he thought he’d forgotten. What’s the call? You and me. That’s the call. I’m getting you out of there.
I’m bringing you home.)
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cafecourage · 4 months
Dragon au part 4 of 4 (finally)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Another serpent boy. But he is a noodle with legs. Four’s scales are a pale yellow color but because of the Colors™️ you can see their respective colors reflected back in the light. Four’s dragon form has four sets of horns the second pair grew in later in life thanks to the four swords.
- Four comes from a family of Earth Dragons with metal ties. Meaning they are metal benders ATLA style. He can also infuse elemental powers into his weapons through the uses of gems. Everything he owns has been updated for him as he went through. Anything he wants to test or experiment he tries on his own weapons and. Equipment. Though I am sure Wild would lend him a few things. Four can also shrink on command and split.
- His scent gland is on his forehead, and honestly his scent is basically a berry medley with a bit smoke. He doesn't tend to rub his scent on things as he doesnt care about claiming much. His family has a lot in their horde already, he also isn’t the type to claim family.
- Unfortunately he does have cat tendencies despite his fear of them. But even then that isn’t something he has clued in on and I don’t recommend pointing it out as he would get pouty.
You honestly didn’t know that Dragons can purr. To be fair only the only ‘purring’ you have heard was Twilight but his was more of a low growl. Four has been cuddling into your side purring. He was a bit sick and being the other medic of the team. He has been rubbing his face on your shoulder for a while now. A fruity aroma was getting stronger and stronger.
You put your hand on his forehead. Still warm… well you don't have the heart to move either. Not when he is suffering this much.
- It honestly doesn’t even process that Four claimed you by accident. He probably just thinks it was temporary since he was sick and is kinda in denial about it all. Claiming isn’t something he was going to do for a while even though he is a slightly hopeless romantic. It’s not the end of the world.
- He honestly is pretty up front about what he did and his feelings. He understands if you don’t want to date him but Four wont let you down. This man is polite and respectful and will spoil you. What more do you need?
- I also feel like he wouldn’t be that subjected to his dragon instincts. He has been around enough treasure and making enchanted weapons enough not to get gold fever. So top tier in terms of semi normal.
Fierce Diety:
- A god in his own right Feirce Diety is of course the strongest dragon in the group. He is built similar to Time, bulky and strong. Similar to Time, FD’s Scales are marbled but instead of just the gray and black tones you find in white marble there is also red, blue and gold. Though on his face you still have his signature markings.
- Fierce Deities powers are weird. He has the ability to affect gravity in the sense that he can make his sword slash go down harder, he can make himself move faster and he can jump higher. He can also make himself stronger in general and change how he looks. Given that so many people wore his mask he can shift into them borrowing their image. Sort of. There are differences between what fierce looks like and whoever he is stealing from looks like.
- I actually don’t know what god would smell like. But I do know he probably has a scent gland on his sides. Making it so when he is protecting you his scent gets all on you as your tucked into him safe and sound. By the end of it would probably smell like dried herbs, sage is probably the highest note there is. But it’s warm and old and comforting to you. Maybe not to others.
The War God doesn’t understand how he was in this situation. Not that he was complaining. It just was so long since he was outside of that prison of a mask that he wasn’t used to so much physical touch. With one of the children cuddled into one of his sides, then the other side was you. The person he went into battle to save. You unfortunately were hurt but not too much. Fierce Deity sighs as he relaxes not really knowing if he should move or not.
But as your arms around him tightened gave his answer. Fierce Deity was trapped here. There was no moving here.
- Fierce deity is another person that honestly will tell you outright and might give you no choice. You are his that (might) be final. I say that only because FD is a god. I would imagine even with him being in the seal he would have the largest horde as it includes people. So if you’re not also courting him, you’re still in his horde and will be in his protection. But uh… I wouldn’t suggest saying no to courting.
- Either way he is more subtle but also the most extreme with his dragon instincts. Like out of all the boys in the chain FD will be the most traditional in his belief. He will not mark you out right but he will be pushy unfortunately.
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 11 months
✦—How do they show that they trust you?✦ SFW
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✦How do my favourite League men show you that they trust you with their whole hearts.
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✧ prompt: ✧ nothing special, just pure stream of words. Fluff.
✧ champions: ✧ Zed, the Master of Shadows; Shen, the Eye of Twilight; Kayn, the Shadow Reaper; Thresh, the Chain Warden; Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper.
✧ reader: ✧ gender neutral.
✧ author’s note: ✧ I love grumpy men having soft spot for the reader hshshshs. Please ignore any mistakes.
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✦Zed, the Master of Shadows; taking his mask off.
Only with you Zed doesn’t mind taking his mask, that usually stays on him, off. In every long and exhausting mission that he participates in, in every training with adepts of the Shadow Order, he prefers to keep his mask on. He does that not only to appear more professional for his students nor to stay quite anonymous, but secretly, deep inside, what only you know, he does not desire to be identified with the majestic yet murderous figure he has created. His armor is both his shield on the bloody battlefield where many dies, but also something distancing him from other people. He is there for them physically, but offers none of his simple humanity. But with you and only you, he - with a lot of effort (a little help with opening up from you was always appreciated by him) - lets his guard down. Though he seldom does that, mostly when all his problems eventually overwhelm him. The moment is always intimate, in his private room, when he takes his mask off, his sharp gaze fixed on you or the floor. That was not the first time you saw his face, but you couldn’t help but admire him. You gently took his face in your hands with a delicate and slow move, as a hidden for so long tear rolled from his eye. Besides his mask, in those rare moments, Zed tends to take off his armor too, so you can see his bare back, sculped with scares and black, sinister-looking tattoos - a painful memory of his past and the power that the unmerciful shadows wield in themselves.
✦Shen, the Eye of Twilight; devoting his time to you.
Shen is a kind man to everybody. With his esteemed reputation as a defender of Ionia, the keeper of balance that everyone lurks for in this land, everyone respects him. He is a patient teacher to every person, his student or not, and he is always there for them. That’s why he is a trustworthy leader that everyone can find comfort in - and you know exactly about this. As much as he is an anchor for his loved ones, you are so, so special for him, that he obviously treats you with a different kind of respect than others. Shen tries to be always by your side, usually sliding a reasurring hand on your back if you are comfortable with it, to make you feel that he is there for you, ready to both protect and give himself fully - either to open up or just comfort each other, rest and appreciate the others’ company. Shen lets his small moves that he only gifts to you slid when you are both alone or when he thinks nobody sees you two - not because he wants to keep your relationship a secret, but he feels like these moments with you are only for you two. Nobody should bother or distract you - that’s the irreplacable time he dedicates to give you his full attention.
✦Kayn, the Shadow Reaper; letting himself be vunerable around you.
As the successor of the Shadow Order and Zed’s mightiest student, Kayn carries on his back expectations of both his surrounding and himself. And, in addittion, the Darkin, a curse that lives in him. But when alone, only you two, disturbed only by Rhaast and his presumptuousness, he lets himself be just him. Gentle and quite lazy, as he tends to lay with his head on your lap while taking almost all the space on his own bed. Kayn secretly enjoys you taking care of him, letting you see his vunerable and sweet side. When far from ubiquitous gazes, where you can get some privacy, the Shadow Reaper feels no longer like being forced to challenge everyone in his sight or proving them that he is worthy of becoming the next Master of Shadows. You put no pressure on him, you understand him as no one else does, and he appreciates your every move, when you show him how comfortable he can be around you. And you, the only person that treats him gently, see him as a normal human being he is. So even when you stroke his silk, dark hair with slow moves and soft hands, that next slide down to hold his face in them, he is not disturbed by Rhaast muttering about Kayn’s weakness. Because he is not weak when with you. He is just himself.
✦Thresh, the Chain Warden; sharing his story with you.
Because how obsessive Thresh is and how he can push himself to manipulate everyone and everything for his beloved one, some might think this man is actually not capable of love, at least not a healthy kind of it. And maybe it is true; maybe the connection between you two is none of an exemplary illustration portrayed by others, but there’s one thing that assures you Thresh’s intentions are clear and, actually, lovely. This man of course would never admit this willingly, maybe only to make you flustrated, but he has showed you his gargantuan collection of souls not only to impress you. He wants you to understand why are they trapped there, where he can toy with them, forcing them to face their merciful owner. They are in here not only because he is a sadistic soulkeeper - which was a surprise for you - but because they heve to suffer like he did. You are the only one, only one alive, who has been priviliged with the knowledge of his past - how the whole Blessed Isles betrayed him and how he has sworn to bring retribution on those who dared opposing him. He shared his story with you while walking past the cages, countless souls screaming inside for justice. Thresh appreciates what a good listener you make and how you seem to not judge him, based on the person he was long way before.
✦Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper; assuring you with simple words.
This man knows better than anyone else how is it like to be betrayed by others. Well, he paid his life for understanding that trust is a powerful weapon; that it should not be given so easly to people. Pyke struggles with something that you might call trust issues, though he would never admit that something so trivial might affect him so much. Neverthless, you were the first person after his, well, death, to hear from him that he truly trusts you. As straightforward as he is, Pyke frequently mutters to you something about how much he trusts you and how important it is to him. It would be almost adorable to hear such words from a ruthless killer with a soft spot for you, if it wasn’t just upsetting how a betrayal can break a man. Eventually, nothing says more than simple and particular words which come with honest intencions; he does not hide that he wants you to feel special about being able to read him like a book. You earned this man’s trust and he show that in such simple acts, like just letting you around him, which is not a priviledge every mortal may possess, as Pyke is know for his… strong reputation in Bilgewater.
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