#doc cannot scape the good times
sarovhs · 1 year
Not even the goat is immune to the good times
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Plus: concrete grinding
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hkblack · 3 years
Keeping One Fic Version in both Word & Google
A question was posed in a Discord Server I am in about what file format folks send their fics to Beta Readers in. Do you send it as a Microsoft .docx file? A Google Doc you are also writing in? A separate Google Doc?
A large part of the answer to this question depends on what tools and resources you as the writer have and are using, and what tools and resources your beta-reader has. Not everyone has a PC, and not everyone has Microsoft Word. Ten years ago, I didn’t blink at people sending Word Documents back and forth with fics, but these days—I don’t want that many downloads on my computer.
As a Beta Reader, I prefer to work in Google Docs. Some of this is because of the downloading thing, and not having to worry about system compatibility. (Shockingly I do know someone who is still using a very old version of Microsoft and Word Docs from them get a fun warning because they were written in such an old version of Word) I also find Google’s commenting & suggestion functionalities a lot better than Word. I also like that the one Google Doc can be used for multiple readers. A Story Flow reader can work along side an expertise picker and a SPAG beta and they can all see when things get changed, why they were changed, and help follow any of those notes forward through out the rest of the story.
Right now, I think all active beta projects I’m working on are in Google Docs. I have a free gmail account that’s got my fandom name. Some of the Google Docs are imports from Word, some are from Scrivener, and some are the same doc that the writer is actively writing in, where others are Google docs that are copies of other Google docs. Whether you have an editor in the same document that you are writing in is up to you. I personally find it distracting as a writer to see the beta notes in there. I’ll get distracted with editing and won’t write unless I have a separate writing file. Some of the people I am reading for are actively typing away a few pages below me as I edit the most complete section. When that’s happening, I generally tell people to make a clear break that says “HK – don’t touch past this line!” I might go skim and read over it to see where we’re going, but I won’t leave any comments until my reader tells me they’re ready. To each their own! Find what makes you most comfortable.
For me as a Writer, I write in Microsoft Word and then import my fic into Google docs. This does mean I always have at least two versions of any fic going at the same time. The one I am writing in in Word, and the one I am editing with my Beta-Reader in Google Docs. This isn’t an issue for complete one-shots. I finish writing, toss it into Google, and then when I’m done editing, I’ll post it from that version. But if it’s an incomplete long story, things can get odd.
Thankfully, there’s several ways to work around that and make life easier, and that’s what we’re going to look at today. This is a long post with lots of screenshots. So buckle up!
The fic you’re going to see in screenshots is a WIP that you may have heard me refer to as my Good Omens “Goats” fic. It’s a Human AU in which Crowley owns a Goat Scaping company and Aziraphale is a professor at the University that employed such Goat Scaping services. It was supposed to be a short and sweet one-shot meet-cute, so naturally I’m currently writing Chapter 11 and am up to almost 50k words. (help)
I write in Microsoft Word and as each chapter or major section is complete, I copy and paste that section into a Google Doc for the excellent @ambrasue to beta read.
Let’s get into the mechanics of this. First, I’m going to go to my Google Drive and click the “New” button. “Yes HK,” you’re saying, “and you’re going to create a new Google Doc and copy paste”
I am going to select “File Upload” and select my Microsoft Word .docx file into the Drive. This is very important for the rest of the steps to work. You cannot just open a new Google Doc and copy and paste for this to work. You have to leave the file as a .docx.
You’ve uploaded the .docx into Google Drive, and you’ve shared it with your Beta Reader. You and your beta have made changes and left comments, and the editing is at a point where you’d like to bring the two files together and have them aligned as you’re still writing.
Copying and pasting will get the changes you’ve made—but not the comments left, and maybe you want to keep those comments because, as above, there’s a comment on a sentence you want to go back to but haven’t gotten to yet. So instead you’re going to go to File, Download, and you’re going to download the doc as a .docx.
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Once you’ve done that, you can open your newly downloaded file in Word and viola! You have the comments and edits!
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But now you have two .docx files in Microsoft Word that are different. Do you now have to move into this new file? What if the new file doesn’t have the latest chapter in it? Do you just copy and paste from the original .docx and add that to the new .docx? What if you did make changes in the original .docx that you didn’t put in the Google Doc though?
This is where we start to fall in love with the “Review” menu in Word.
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I love this tab. It has all my favorite tools and is why I write in Word. That Thesaurus button is my bestie. The Read Aloud? Why waste my voice when the computer can do it for me? And most importantly for this: the “Compare” button.
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Now I usually use the “Combine” function of the Compare button. Ultimately I want this file I’ve downloaded from my Google Drive and the Original Word Doc to be one single file. If you’d like to just compare and contrast the changes, you can do that as well, but I think Combine is more helpful.
So I’ll put the .docx and give it a label in the Original Document Slot, and then the Google Doc Download in the Revised Document Slot.
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Word thinks for a moment and then gives me one big file. On the left it shows me all the revisions I need to accept or deny, on the right it shows me the original .docx and the downloaded Google doc as they are in the same position I’m looking at in the new “Combined Doc.”
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Now for Goats, I haven’t given Ambra Chapter 11 yet, it’s only in the Word version of the document. So to Word it looks like the “revised” document has had Chapter 11 cut. This is when we start to use the rest of the buttons in the review pane. The “Accept” button in the review tab will delete that Chapter 11, because Word thinks I’m accepting the revision of not having a Chapter 11. The “Reject” Button will keep Chapter 11, because it is "rejecting" the "deletion". I’ll go through the whole document and use the Accept/Reject Changes buttons to pick and choose the differences between the two documents that I’m keeping, knowing that Word thinks that the “Revised” Document (The one from Google that my Beta Reader has touched) is the most “Correct” Version
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Look at that! We kept Chapter 11. When I’m done consolidating all of this, I will then save this new consolidated document under the same name as the original Word Document on my computer, thereby replacing the old one with the new, deleting the download from Google Docs, and getting me back down to just two versions of my story. One in Microsoft word, and one in Google Docs.
We have one last thing for me to do before calling this complete. I now want to take this version and put it back into Google Docs, and again, I want to keep the comments relatively intact.
I’m going into the Google Drive folder and right click the file in it’s folder. And then I’m going to select “Manage Versions”
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Remember when I said “do not just open a blank Google Doc?” This is where it comes into play. If you start with a Google Doc, you do not get the ability to “Manage Versions” like this. The file has to be a file that does not have a Google Root. A PDF, a .docx, a .xlsx, etc. You only get to manage versions if it was not originally a Google file.
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Here I’ll select “Upload a New Version” and import that new document. When I do this, it replaces the current document with the new one—but the cool things is, I can always download the last version if needed.
When you import a document from word back into Google Docs, you keep all the changes, and those comments. The one thing with the comments is that it does lose the tie back to your beta-readers email address. Their name will still display the same, but you’ll need to tag their email back in for them to get updates on that comment if you use comment threads as conversations like Ambra and I do. These were all comments left before I took the file out, but if I needed to add a "better" or if I realized she hadn't responded to one yet, I'd have to tag her.
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Finally when you do this, if your beta reader has the file just hanging out in a tab on their browser, you’ll want to ping them and let them know you’ve done this so they can refresh the page to get everything correct. But! That’s it! You’re now down to two matching versions of your story. One for you on Word to write in, and one in Google Docs for you to edit in with your Beta Reader.
Now if you excuse me, I’ve got some revisions to make!!
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enigmaticjblake · 5 years
Best Video Games of the last decade
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The last decade was sensational, a lot of stuff happened, there were dramatic changes all across, especially in videogames. Technological advancements in computer hardware pushed graphical limits and the visual fidelity in gaming kept evolving. Games got more immersive and believable.
The videogame industry saw major changes like the rise of digital gaming platforms such as Steam, Origin, Epic Games Store and so on.
Even the Consoles saw dramatic changes. The PS4 was a major player in the market but Steam on the other hand dominated the PC landscape. Epic Games Store also got a lot of attention.
Even VR stepped out of the shadows and major companies like Microsoft, Google, HTC, Samsung, Facebook and many others discovered the potential of the medium and embarked on the ultimate quest of making the best VR headset in the market. Even Sony made a VR headset for the PS4.
Technological advancements are fine but it is important for us to understand that Videogames cannot just solely depend on technology to be an immersive and unforgettable experience.
They have to have an engaging story, solid and balanced game play mechanics, immersive sound design, perfect balance between narrative and pacing and a few other major factors are what determine a good game and a great game. Ultimately they have to deliver an unforgettable experience.
So after all the trials and tribulations, a few games have emerged to show the world how powerful the medium can be.
So without any further ado, lets jump into the list of best games of the last decade.
  Read Dead Redemption 2
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The critically acclaimed open world wild west adventure game comes straight from Rockstar Games, the same team that has made the GTA Series. RDR2 is considered as one of the most successful titles of the last decade as it gives you a vast sprawling open world with staggering amount of detail. This is one of the most detailed games of the decade, coming somewhere close the end of the current generation of consoles; it utilizes the fullest potential of modern day hardware and delivers a stunning dynamic open world experience like never before.
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Yes, you might be wondering why is CS:GO on this list, well it is there for a good reason. Not only this online classic tactical shooter still among the largest and most played games of all time, it is fun to play even in this age and day. CS:GO manages to bring back an old formula and still keeps it relevant at this age. Countless events and tournaments are centered around CS:GO. Back in the day CS was mod out of another legendary game which we will definitely discuss some day. CS single handedly showed the world what mods are capable of achieving and gave birth to the mod culture. There are quite many games which were mods of the past and apart from that, the game is still fun as hell and me and my friends still play it.
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Fortine has a very strange history, it was originally a defense game like minecraft where you build during the day and protect during the night but it wasn’t that successful. People had already seen the idea before, so when Battle Royale was gaining popularity, Fortnite decided to mix its defense formula with BR. The ratings for Fortnite just went off the charts and many people played it as it was released as a free to play title. It had a cosmetic market though which got Epic tons of revenue and that’s how Epic Games Store came into picture. So if a game can do so much for a company, you can definitely process the impact it had on the industry overall.
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Talk about mods again, DOTA was originally a genre defining mod of War Craft 3 but someone else saw its potential. DOTA was more of an underground thing, it was never so popular in the mainstream and very few knew a genre like MOBA even existed. It was around 2009 when I first saw DOTA in a cyber café where some young kids were playing it on LAN. At first, it looked like War Craft 3 but the mechanics were totally different. Soon I learnt it had a cult underground following and Valve made the smart move of acquiring the talent behind this mod and decided to make this thing into a fully blown sequel. DOTA 2 which pushed MOBA into the mainstream. Obviously there were others who joined the bandwagon of MOBA and tried to distinguish themselves. League of Legends is also another MOBA game which is popular but DOTA 2 is still considered as the king and despite of its age is still among the top played games on steam world wide. There are people who have played the game for a staggering 10000 hours and still find new and interesting things. It’s a game which is easy to learn but difficult to master.
Batman Arkham City
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Batman needs no introduction, for those who do not know, Batman is a fully ripped grown man who wears Egyptian cotton underwear over a grey suit and is passionate about jumping from building to building during the night and saves the city from bad peeps. He is THE Superhero.
If you haven’t played any of the Batman games of the Arkham trilogy, stop reading this list right away and immediately go and play it! Its really good.
It is debatable which one of the trilogy is the best and its very difficult to make that choice. I personally like all the games but Arkham City is amazing for several reasons as it is an ultimate battle between Batman and Joker, the game goes open world and Gotham City is such well crafted. The Unreal Engine does a marvelous job of putting it all together and the game runs so well AND this is why I could not chose Arkham Knight over Arkham City. Arkham Knight is miles ahead of Arkham City but I made the ultimate mistake of playing it on the PC which was a bad experience. Infact the game was such a mess, Steam had to pull it off and give out refunds to the buyers. It was a great experience on consoles but this misstep was the sole reason why I did not chose it for this list.
BUT now the game has been patched extensively and is in good shape. So if you are a PC gamer and want to be like Batman, this has to be the Ultimate Batman Experience.
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Ever heard of souls like titles? These are considered to be difficult as combat in them is of a different nature. These are not your ordinary action games where you go in front of your enemy and start spamming attacks on them. Souls like titles have be played tactically, timing and accuracy are the name of the game. When to strike, when to dodge and parry are crucial for every encounter and even the most basic enemy can strike you down if you are not paying attention.
Bloodborne is an Action RPG title developed by From Software exclusively for the PS4, set in a dark Victorian world we are tasked to hunt down to take down perils of an odd strange world. Blood Bourne stands out for its unique art style, game play mechanics and an engaging narrative, atmospheric and immersive world design and ruthless difficulty. This game has a deep and interesting lore so a lot of content awaits.
Be warned, this game can crush your soul.
Neir Automata
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Set in a dystopian cyberpunk future where sprawling urban scapes are retaken my mother nature, humanity is wiped out by what was considered as their best creation.
Take role of an enhanced cybernetic warrior who is deadly and beautiful at the same time and hack N slash your way through hoards of deadly AI constructs as you make your way to the answers of all the questions that surround the collapse of civilization.
The stunning art style, the graphics, the immersive world and level design blended with fast paced combat makes Neir Automata an unforgettable experience.
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Inside is developed by Playdead, the same studio who made Limbo. Inside is a staggering achievement in the 2D side scroller category of games. You take role of an unknown kid who just appears in this strange dystopian world where society has changed. The world is hostile and humanity is engulfed into some kind of a strange social experiment where a few selected individuals of the upper echelon are on the verge of creating something far beyond anything we can possibly imagine.
Inside is ruthless, deadly and hostile but the art style, presentation, pacing and its subtle yet effective gameplay pulls out the unimaginable out of a genre that is so old. It redefines the side scroller genre.
Inside manages to pull you in right from the get go and as you play further, you are just lost in it.
Its depressing, dark, bold and ambitious.
Don’t miss this one out.
Horizon Zero Dawn
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A PS4 exclusive developed by Guerrilla games, HZD is an open world action RPG where civilization has moved beyond its post apocalyptic phase and mankind has once again emerged out of the darkness of this cataclysmic event and is facing a whole new world.
Civilization is rebooted but is engraved on the remnants of a past civilization. It is still unknown what cause the wiping of the earlier race.
What is known are the strange metallic beasts which roam around the waste lands of earth.
Imagine fighting a giant robotic T-Rex with a bow and arrow.
That’s HZD in one line.
Metal Gear Solid 5
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You wake up in a hospital one day and the doc informs you that you were in comma for 9 years, how will you feel?
Well, Snake doesn’t feel bad at all. Only few hours after waking up you are hunted down by an unknown mercenary group who simply wants you dead for reasons unknown and weird things happen that night. You still manage to make an escape, thanks to your buddy who was undercover as a patient and was protecting you all these years. Soon you embark into a Journey into the heart of Afghanistan to find the answers.
MGS5 is developed my Konami, this is when the legendary Hideo Kojima was part of the team.
MGS5 had a rough development cycle but it turned out to be a great game.
It’s a sandbox stealth action title where you can approach your target or objective anyhow you like or find it convenient. There is a lot of freedom in this game.
You can even hide in a cardboard box and turn it into a makeshift stealth device.
There is base building, you recruit captured soldiers and make them a part of your team.
It’s a damn fine game and the story sometimes just catches you by surprise.
Portal 2
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Portal 2 is a first person puzzle platformer developed by Valve. These guys are magical, whatever they touch becomes gold. Portal 2 puts you in the shoes of a test subject who is a part of a scientific experiment where they are testing teleportation technology, you get hands on a portable teleportation device or simply put, a portal gun. It shoots portals of walls.
You solve puzzles by shooting portals and make use of physics. Stuff such as gravity, momentum, reflection and so on come into the picture. Thanks to the Source engine. The story is also engaging and characters are really deep and well written.
You teleport your way out of these test chambers only to discover all is not what it seems.
Portal 2 is definitely one of the finest games of this decade.
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Seriously? Wondering why this is on the list. Go play it!
Elders Scroll 5 Skyrim
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Its not everyday that you bump into a fellow adventurer who has stopped adventuring cause one fine day he took an arrow in his knee.
Skyrim is open world action RPG that is bold, ambitious and probably the best game made by Bethesda Game Studios.
Skyrim takes place in an enigmatic fantasy world which is engulfed in a political conflict and suddenly an old prophesied threat emerges and is bent on destroying the world.
You take role of an unknown traveler who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as events unfold. Turns out you are not an ordinary person, you are THE dragon born. The only thing that stands between the dragons and the destruction of Skyrim is you.
Skyrim has a lot of content, side quests and the story is deep. You can keep playing Skrym for hours and hours and get lost in a different dimension.
The last of Us
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Naughty Dogs knows what it does. They are the masters of their craft when it comes to developing breathtaking narrative driven experiences. The sheer amount of attention to detail which was earlier observed in the Uncharted games successfully transcends into The Last Of Us.
Exclusive to the PS4, The Last Of Us puts you into the shoes of a man who has lost many things. The world has collapsed and strange mutants ravage the world. As the man of a family it is upto you to protect your loved ones from the perils of the new dangerous world.
The production quality of the game is what sets it apart. A dark and mature story backed by well choreographed cinematics, well acted characters and a blend of stealth horror action gameplay totally set this game apart from anything on this list.
You should get a PS4 only to play this game. Its that good!
Battlefield 1
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This in my opinion is the best battlefield game in recent years, obviously there are other battlefield games and I was thinking of voting for BFBC2, this one won for many reasons.
BF1 is a fast paced action multiplayer experience with a solid punch of World War 1.
The originality and the attention to detail BF1 offers is insane, right from the vast deserts in the middle east to conquests in various parts of Europe, Dice has made the perfect formula for World War 1. Its frantic combat is better than ever, tweaking a few mechanics the game is now more enjoyable and fast paced. Its like the perfect spot between fast paced combat and quick general perception of reaction to things.
The game looks beautiful and environments, animations weapon and character models are so well detailed, they all scream authenticity.
64 vs 64 players never gets dull. Also EA was less greedy about this one, I still feel bad for the Star Wars Battlefront games.
Black Mesa
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This one is not a game, it’s a mod but it has to be on the list because it’s a Half-Life fan remake on the source engine, if you are unaware of Half-Life, you are dead to me.
Black Mesa is a masterpiece and it totally reimagines the original Half-Life in a way just like Valve would have. Seeing new areas in Source Engine is a visual delight, its hard to believe Wwhat limits can be Source pushed to, considering its such an old engine. Valve was truly thinking long term when they made the source engine.
Basically Half-Life puts you into the shoes of the theoretical physicist who works at a the Black Mesa Research Facility. One day an experiment goes horribly wrong and you rip open a dimension into an alien world and now its upto you to fix things.
Half-Life 1 was revolutionary and helped defined the FPS genre. SO YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS.
The Xen levels are out now and the game has left early access, so now is the perfect time to play this timeless masterpiece.
Crowbar Collective has done a neat job.
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This one is my eyes is the true spiritual successor to Team Fortress 2. Made ground up by Blizzard, this one was a very different thing from them.
Overwatch borrows heavy inspiration from TF2 and manages to fuse it with MOBA perfectly.
On the surface I’ve seen many people complaining this is a TF2 ripoff and its rich dudes Paladin, tbh it is like Paladin but both games have different dynamics.TF2 is more of an old school class based shooter at this point and OW is more fast and streamlined.
The wide variety of characters in OW may seem unnecessary but believe me, each one of them is well made and balanced. Its like Blizzard has a secret recipe of game balance and it becomes very clear how important it is to nail that balance in this hybrid genre when you get your hands on similar titles who achieve this perfection.
The art style is spot on and meant to age well. The graphics will never go old, such is the art style.
Jump into a few games and you wont even realize how the hours pass.
Resident Evil 2
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Later this decade a legendary face re-emerged from the mythical shadows of mystery. Resident Evil is Capcoms that comes into everyones mind when we speak of survival horror games, this was the title that created the genre back in the day.
The remake is very faithful to the original, it successfully captures the tense atmosphere and the struggle of managing resources while scavenging the same old corridors of Racoon City Police Station.
While graphics and other things are aligned with 2019 standards, what is more surprising is the fact that the game is so perfectly transferred from those pre rendered 3D environmental backgrounds with fixed cameras into true 3D yet it manages to retain the whole essence of the thing. Its is big achievement and the game does its own thing in a great way.
Animations, Models, Textures, Sounds, Gunplay and the Zombie AI are perfect and the all new Mr. X is totally rad!
Resident Evil 2 being a new comer in this decade has made a solid spot on this list.
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
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The game that saved Star Wars, honestly there were not that many good Star Wars titles in the recent years, both Battlefront games had their issues, while the 2nd one had a good production value, it stirred up the hive with its surprise mechanics. It was basically a Star Wars themed Casino and was brutally P2W. They have patched it now and is pretty playable but whats gone is gone.
Jedi The Fallen Order takes places after order 66 is executed. The Jedi order has fallen and the remnants are forced into exile. The empire has gripped the galaxy with its iron fist and the game puts you into the shoes of a young jedi who is accidently discovered by a high ranking Sith Inquisitor, the event propels the young Jedi into an epic journey of self discovery.
You travel across various planets in the galaxy and learn stuff about the lore which gives the series a fresh angle. It is clear that Respawn entertainment has put a lot of heart and soul into this game, it shows deep respect to the source material.  Star Wars needed that. Also, the combat is fresh. It borrows the best of all the successful mechanics introduced in various games of the generation like platforming, souls like combat give a realistic sense to saber battles. It feels like a true Star Wars game.
Overall, this one just came out at the end of the decade and took all of us by surprise.
The Legend of Zelda Breath Of The Wild
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Zelda always hands over the torch to the next generation of Nintendo Consoles. BOTW is a fresh take on the long running Zelda series. The series departs from its previous gameplay styles and throws Link into an open world filled with perils. But unlike most games, Zelda is a very relaxing game, the art style is soothing and the game is fun.
You can play this one at your own pace and follow your objectives the way you like. The game looks simple on the surface but whatever goes down the hood is very complex as the game takes interactivity to a whole new level. Climb huge rock faces, cut trees, cook food, find rare loot, craft rare stuff and do all this at your own pace.
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Rip and Tear baby! Doom 2016 is simply awesome, its fast, brutal, frantic and fluid. Story is classic as ever, where the UAC accidentally opens a portal to hell and now all the demons are pouring in from everywhere. The key difference between the previous Doom games and this one is, earlier you were stuck in a room with demons, now the demons are stuck in a room with you.
Doom gives you a huge arsenal of weapons at your disposal and heaps of demons to kill, kill them the way you see fit.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
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OOF…..Witcher 3….what can I say…..
CDPR has dethroned Valve in terms of game design, this is what has happened this decade. There was a time when Valve used to make the best games, now its these guys.
You step into the shoes of Geralt, a professional monster slayer who has embarked on a journey to find his missing daughters in a land that is engulfed in conflict.
Witcher 3 takes place on a vast open world which is stunningly detailed, every 45 seconds you bump into something fresh and exciting. The world of Witcher 3 is well crafted, every section of this world feels vivid. The main story line is engaging but even the side quests are meaningful which is not commonly seen in most games.
The game lets you make choices and the story branches out as per the choices you make which drastically alter the outcome of the game which also gives it a high replay value.
If you call yourself a gamer, you have to play this.
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ocean2020yousali · 5 years
Videos /Documentaries Notes
1. Minecraft Short
#.Markus “Notch” Person programmed the Minecraft all by himself in the first initial.  He originally from Sweden and he started programming at 8 years old, Markus had learned game programming in school. There is a six months project when he starts his own company, and it turns out to be a part of Minecraft.  
#.Jakob co-found, Jens-game developer, Donald-business and marketing developer joined in Mojang team.
#.Pre-orders are open! Minecraft Alpha 1.0.6_01, Sold 990 copies! 100 000 registered users! 400 sales in 24 hours! 1000sales in 24 hours!
#.Minecraft’s Millions: an interview with Markus” Notch” Person on the indie Sandbox Building Blockbuster.
#.Markus Want to build the game quickly and then sell it but the fact is the whole process of the project takes them for a long time.
The creative direction is: you make the game that you want to play yourself, then people will like it. Playing Minecraft provides a way to explore, experiences and create everything that you can imagine.
#.Minecraft continues to sell as many as 10.000 copies per day.  In January 2011, the one-millionth copy of Minecraft was sold.
2. Adults Try Minecraft-The Gadget Show
Minecraft the best selling game of all-time at 70 million copies sold, and still selling 15,000 per day, and target at 15 -21-year-olds.
The game has two modes: Creative and Survival and you can create anything you want.
Adults try on Minecraft, first impressions in the creative mode are positive. But after the switch to survival mode, one player think is boring. And the other one seems disappointed and would like to back to the real world to find out the new world, new thing or to read a book, take a walk. It seems the Kids are enjoying and appreciate in the virtual world that they create and build, and they totally forget outside the real world.  
3. Moms Play Minecraft for the first time
Each mom has a different reaction in playing Minecraft. Some feel hard to play it, some feel scared, some enjoy the game, some just play a little and freak out. Some said Minecraft is a hard game to play, some said it’s different of what they are expecting. A mom said the game needs to take a long time to craft, she would not allow her kids to play it.
4. Virtual World/Immersive Education
The professor Alan Walsh develops Immersive education virtual world program for students. The video show step by step how to interact in VR.
An avatar shows us around, the 3D virtual space- Classrooms, Auditorium, and Museum are all accessible.  http://immersiveeducation.org/@/bcis the iED Boston College portal. Also, once you are in the virtual world mute your Microphone first so you don’t interrupt others.  The class will use Google groups for assignments and use Google Doc to access the learning ladder, group projects, spreadsheets and professor’s documents. Pass or Fail status will fill on the learning ladder for each assignment.
5. China’s web junkies: internet addiction treatment center
Documentary in 2008, China declared Internet addiction to be a clinical disorder, saying it’s a top health threat to its teenagers.
Treatment at this center includes a mix of therapy and military drills. It often lasts three to four months.
Hotspots for internet-addicted are Internet cafes. They usually played all night or stayed there for three days.
Study shows that people who spend more than six hours on the internet for something other than work or study are most likely to become addicted to the internet. Some kids are so hooked on gaming that they scape to go the bathroom and just wear a diaper.
Parents are encouraged to stay during treatment and participate in therapy sessions.
Loneliness is one of the biggest issues among these kids.  they look for companions, then they find the Internet.
Since the kid started playing online games, he changed to another person. He became very cruel.
6. Video Game addiction- Client addiction
The world of gaming.
#.Since 5-year olds,twins Jame and Alex play together, blond together, from Computer game, stations, x boxes to VR internet.
#.They acutely forget the world around them when they are gaming. When they don’t do gaming, they feel anxiety, depress.
#.It hard for a parent to know what they can do. They seriously scare that their children cannot do anything in the real world, and he is failling in school.
#.Gaming is the biggest industry in the world. Gaming championship program for kids.
#.Lorien Gughich plays gaming every-night and talks about her life online in  “Twitch”-lollipops. And millions of people all over the world watch it.  Many parents worries about lose child online. But Lorrii Pos screen and make people laugh a lot, her virtual reality world is a happy place. Safe place
#.The twins, after twenty years of gaming, one of them Alice just want to walk outside and feel good to be in the real world. He goes to do exercise, take photograph and force himself to meet strangers. To gain social skill. To meet a new friend, and to do pick up from school. But James still gaming. He wants to program new games, and hope to sell it. The Twin’s father Blair feel better that didn’t have a screen between them. He can talk about the issue of the world not just what is the next game.
7. Growing Up Online
#.Most of us growing up Online. Everyone has Myspace and Facebook.  We Visit friend, talk “ Like” Botton, leave common, take a picture and post it. The lack of policing and control course adolescent online behavior is dangerous.
#.A social network is a place where adolescent can explain what they want in an extreme way.
#.In school, students are more hard to force on learning. Teacher and parents take and using social network seriously, but children take less seriously. They often hide extreme behavior from parents. So parent needs to control the computer, let children work on the computer beside them, have to control the login password else.
#.Children need to know how people will process the information or photo that they post and change to it. It will get into trouble, course online sexual predators too. This is parents respond to prevent their children from extreme behavior in social networks.
However, it seems some parents did overreaction on online extreme behavior.
#. What the social expected to this? Protect the environment and safety. But the social network is everywhere and no safe.
Why adolescent addiction to social networks? Because the internet is always willing to be a listener. You forget who will see it and listen to it. That will impact you or cause the risk in your life.
#.Engagement online, involve in look someone out. real damage can result is teen can do it by themselves.
#.The power of the technology. go to the corner, kids are open, drinking, public, drag. Arguing with parents. The internet is to create a gap between kid and parents. So many devices and hot spot to connect with each other. Library, cafes, online you can do whatever you want. That cause other social issues- cyberbullying online. The words online that you read over and over will make you feel is real.
#.The son suicide for the internet bully. He got online to search the methods towards suicide before he suicided. Who needs to respond for this? Parents may think one of the responsibilities for their son is the person who posts the information out online.
8.Generation Like
#.Culture of life in 2014. Tweeter, Facebook, Instagram and how many “ Like” you get means how popular you are.  
#.Are we asked the wrong question? We all force on the technology itself or rather than behind it. kids are spent more and more time on it even they don’t know the basic what is for? What they are? What the company does it to our kids are throwing the technology to ours. How can be and how can we make more wake?
#.Technology stays and changes all of our life. Especially most of our kids. How? What website allows them to do? What do they ask for a return?
When we make “The Merchants of cool” 2001,  the media equipment are quite different. Now they tell what is cool. Post on Facebook. Start on their own profile.  Cannot wait to check how many people “like” the post. How many people link?
#.Ceili from New York. Like a hunger game a lot. Tumblr post all of the images. The Hunger Games Ultimate Fan Challenge. “ Won Catching Fire trailer—Tweet why you love the #CatchingFireTrailer for a chance to earn a Trailer Badge! It cool when kids like something and they get something back.
#. Tyler Oakley( he get 3,364,156 subscribe in his Youtube account— I told my life online.  New subscribe,  I have made five hundred videos. Talking about everything. Addicted to Pop culture. )
#. This generation is all about the “ Like” button, “ Tweet” button, “ reblog” button. This is a big communication in our lifetime. As a corporate market is,
If kids like something it will become who they are. On social media, some company collected this data and use it at advertising products to the consumer.
#. “Oreo” Brand is there want to help. That image is a huge commercial push. It collects as much data as possible. When you press” like, reblog, tweet, you are creating data. When you search for something, Google can track you. The company knows how to take the date to make money. Because this facebook gains 142.23B dollar.
#. CEO of The Audience company said we help our clients explain themselves to social media. publishing on the network. We help our client's Social network. Marketing plan, taking video, find a sponsor and everyone seems to get what they want.
#. Skip-board kid, he keeps on post his video on youtube. First company Primitive Company find and sponsor him. Post stupid video on youtube, is all about money, all about “like”.
#. Hollywood world movie star. When object post on facebook, I can see the object what is doing? in real time how many viewers, reach 5,441,536 million, impressions 8,964,764. It seems “ likes” become a measure of self-worth.
#. Look inside of the TVG-LA a social media agency just outside of Hollywood.  Promo for the “file-homeland”, they need to research and do the strategy to who is the audience is? And will figure it out how the audience used social media and communications. The challenge is to use that audience is the way that you want to use in order to see the result that we are looking for. In the other wolds. Instead of selling the produce to the audience, the idea is to get the audience sold the produce for them. They want to make interactive and transparency. But that transparency takes a lot of plans.
#. Film” hunger game and catch fire” promoting. New movie post on facebook. The strategy of marketing, day by day, hours and hours,  what they post out, how to get more spark.
#. Your consumer is your marketer.
9. Watch the PBS News Hour piece on Facebook sharing your information
Facebook sharing your information. Shadow contact information, data leaks. The facebook info. you cannot see or control.
Shadow profile.
The profile that you post on Facebook, they are collect info.and share it, give it to another source to collect it and will upload to people that you don’t know. For example your address, name and phone number. It is hard to protect your own individual's privacy. Facebook has the right to access personal info. To get that date that people give it to them.
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