#doctor who conspiracy
capital-eyyyy-ohhh · 1 year
DW 60th Anniversary 14th Doctor Theory
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I tried to look to see if anyone else had this thought, and I didn't see it, but I just want to say-before destroy y'all's hearts-I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry.
I, as much as everyone else, am so excited about seeing David Tennant back as the Doctor. But apparently because I like to hurt myself, my brain immediately was like, "Damn, now we have to say goodbye again!" Which like, totally sucks in and of itself but then it got me thinking...
We've had David leave us twice as the Doctor-the first time was his very first regeneration of course, and then again on the 50th Anniversary, when he gets back in his Tardis to fly off somewhere. Both of these times, he's said the infamous words that break hearts everywhere. "I don't want to go." (David you're an ass, we adore you).
I've given this some thought, and even though those seem to be his "parting words" each time, and it SUCKS each time, I think it's going to be worse. I think this man will find a way to look dead into the camera, like he's talking directly to us and say,
"It's time for me to go now...and y'know, I think I'm ok with that."
Anyway, sorry it's so long, but I've been thinking about this for a while.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
> new series release (space babies) coincided with the uk seeing the northern lights for the first time in years
> the devil’s chord coincided with paul mccartney’s long-missing hofner bass guitar being found, by a doctor who fan no less
> boom coincided with an actual meteor crash
> 73 yards is coinciding with a rise in bizarre supposedly-occult animal sacrifice rituals in britain (the folk horror part) and rishi sunak finally calling a general election (the political drama part)
> hypothesis: russell t davies has somehow managed to tune in to the universe’s divine frequency ??
> conclusion: messing with the forces of fate, cause&effect and coincidence, even if it’s for the pop culture franchise you’re showrunning, actually turns it into an egregore, but only if it’s been going for long enough (sixty fucking years to the dot) and watched by enough people (tens of millions). which it has
> ergo, postscriptum: television magick is real and is being unintentionally performed by the creators + audience of the world’s silliest science fiction show
> /jk. unless?
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being-of-rain · 1 month
Something that really gives Doctor Who some cognitive dissonance is that it champions science, but it also, of course, loves to make sci-fi stories out of ideas in popular culture. Like conspiracy theories, cryptids, all the stuff you'd see on the X-Files. Lots of stuff that in our world goes against science, and is even dangerous or bigoted.
So the Doctor will be like "science leads," but also all of human history has been masterminded by extraterrestrials, psychic powers are real, magic is real, there's a species of lizard men who rode dinosaurs and now sleep beneath the earth, the loch ness monster is from outer space, every tenth planet ever invented is out there somewhere, aliens built the pyramids and Atlanteans built the sphinx.
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
if that story is true and Moffat wrote the Doctor's Wife, why wouldn't he just give himself credit?
He didn't write the Doctor's Wife, exactly; it /is/ a work by Gaiman, it's just that Moffat is rumored to have done some pretty heavy rewrites which likely should have warranted a cowriting credit.
Quite honestly this is normal, pretty much any given episode you see is going to have a ton of input from the showrunner (yes, even the ones they said they didn't edit at all), and it's (to my knowledge) up to them if they feel that warrants a cowriting credit. If true, I'm sure Gaiman being a guest writer who's name would undoubtedly draw viewers was certainly a big factor in Moffat leaving himself uncredited; "co written by Neil Gaiman" is just not a good look for marketing.
(The only reason it's notable here is because Gaiman later came off as a bit unprofessional and vindictive toward the production over his second episode (which was very poorly received), usually describing it along the lines of him having wrote a great script he was very proud of and the people working on Doctor Who not understanding his vision or not giving him as much creative control. So "actually, it seems very likely that he had a lot of creative control on the bad one and a lot of rewrites and guidance on the good one" is just a funny little counter to it all.)
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arlospace · 10 months
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If I had a nickel for every time a David Tennant's immortal, genderfluid character had their day ruined by coffee, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird it's happened twice.
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oodlyenough · 3 months
not to go on about it. again. but i'm gonna
but i also kept thinking about how devil's chord explaining susan to the audience, plus the twist song, plus the pantheon stuff, plus the pyramids of mars-esque scene about devastated future london ... was probably meant to be the previous week's episode instead of the bridgerton riff
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timespacegirls · 6 months
the new doctor who episode titles just dropped!!
Space Babies (written by RTD, dir by Julie Anne Robinson)
The Devil's Chord (written by RTD, dir by Ben Chessell)
Boom (written by Moffat, dir by Julie Anne Robinson)
73 Yards (written by RTD, dir by Dylan Holmes Williams)
Dot and Bubble (written by RTD, dir by Dylan Holmes Williams)
Rogue (written by Kate Herron and Briony Redman, dir by Ben Chessell)
The Legend of Ruby Sunday (written by RTD, dir by Jamie Donoughue)
Empire of Death (written by RTD, dir by Jamie Donoughue)
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something something rose temple-noble inherited the meta crisis dna from her mother something something she can regenerate something something time travel something something toymakers dimension something something timeless child something something grandfather paradox something something half human on my mothers side something something
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bemular · 4 months
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Sam Reich is a time lord. This is not an opinion nor is it subjective.
My first piece of evidence: look at him
Second piece of evidence: the deja vu episode
Third piece of evidence: Brennan Lee Mulligan is the master
Fourth piece: maybe he's the master and bennan is the doctor.
One of these truths must be true.
Fifth piece of evidence: the doctor took a vacation between Tennant and Gatwa so what was he doing. This I have to assume.
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the-1-foxy · 2 months
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2nd Doctor adventures: Conspiracy of Raven yayy
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causalityparadoxes · 1 year
I totally understand why some don't enjoy the news Murray Gold is returning to Doctor Who. I'm ecstatic, but i get why some people aren't.
But lads, RTD has had Murray Gold composing for literally every show he's made in the past 2+ decades. They did Queer as Folk, Second coming, Casanova, Doctor Who, Years and Years, It's a Sin, and now Doctor who again, together.
Theres no conspiracy. yes I'd like a new take on the music too but Murray Gold and Russell T Davies clearly just like working together
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leoreadss · 2 months
Did anyone look up the parallels between Doctor Who and Good Omens?
I'm watching the Doctor Who TV series (currently on S3 Ep6 so no spoilers please) and noticing strange coincidences and similarities with the Good Omens (especially season 2) series.
If anyone knows of pages or accounts or links that dive into these two worlds, please leave them in the comment below. I'd love to read some conspiracy theories about it.
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nat-20s · 9 months
RTD if you're listening 🙏🙏🙏🙏 you've given me everything I could ever want for Donna and I cannot thank you enough for that. Now please let me hold Apollo's dodgeball and manifest an on screen apology from followed by actually healthy friendship with The Doctor for my queen Martha Jones
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androids-insides · 6 months
Gives me a bit of a headache and I don't want to kill anyone (yet :) )
Monochrome versions, for the Girlies:
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vv Coloured ones below vv
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It's always a good day when I get a package from Big Finish in the mail.
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the marian conspiracy (audio: 2000)
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