#vigilantes 85
thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 85, Replies Part 2
1) “Phelps, once again, don`t fucking start after you turned a blind eye for over two years. You more than anyone can be blamed by the vigilantes around the neighborhood.”- He turned a blind eye to a bunch of kids ‘playing’ vigilante, but if a serious incident like Bee Pop had occurred at any point during that time skip, he’d have been all over it and acting like he is now. 2) “Well, saying stuff like that make me question your previous affirmation of not been won over his little speech, even if you are secretly on their side considering the whole Knuckles affair. Luckily, Phelps is a moron and won`t notice it.”-He did say that Soga’s little speech didn’t win him over…because Knuckles had already long convinced him to lend a hand to the Vigilantes, so he was always on their side from the start. 3) “Goddammit dude, you`re not a metronome to keep swinging from one side to another like that, decide already if you want to imply you agree or not with them before Phelp`s brain starts short-circuiting.”- He wants to keep Phelps on his toes and also perhaps convince him to loosen up his strict worldviews a little by getting him to see things from a different perspective. 4) “Oh, so Endeavor got ahead of himself and acted unwisely when dealing with a villain? Interesting, I wonder if this will ever be relevant again”- Well, at the very least, at present, he’s acting unwisely when facing Tomura solo because there are no good chocies to make, so he’s making the best of the ones he has. 5) “koichi, stop doomscrolling, this is bed for your mental health. Get back to hunting down the bastard that made that mess in the first place.”- He’s not Knuckles. So he can’t detective out a trail on Nomura’s shadowy moments to find his lair. Luckily for Koichi, in this case he doesn’t need to, because the situation has provided him with the perfect bait to lure Nomura to him instead. 6) “You do? That`s new to me Koichi, the only time I actually saw someone threatening you was when you were stopping them from committing crimes, which is an understandable reaction from them. I don`t remember a single time besides that where someone wanted to kill you”- What Koichi’s saying is that there’s a difference between irate people yelling that they’ll kill him because he’s annoying, and somebody genuinely, whole-heartedly meaning it, and he’s never faced that kind of intense focused animosity from somebody else before, nor does he understand what he did to deserve it. 7) “Don`t worry about that Koichi, you don`t have the full picture
hell, we that do have it still don`t get what he`s on about. “- By his own admittance, everything about Nomura is half-baked and incomplete, thus even when he explains himself, there’s s till a sense of him being ‘hollow’ or just ‘not right’ somehow. Like he’s trying to fit into a role he’s just incompatible with and pretending to be something he’s not, because not even he’s sure what he is. 8) “That depends, do you still have your gun?”- He’s got a sniper rifle, and a perfect vantage point to scope out the target whenever he arrives. 9) “…
And… the hospital is just gonna let you guys do that? And the heroes and the police are cool with it as well?”- Well, not like they can stop them from loitering on the street if they’re just hanging outside the hospital grounds – and those of them in the know will appreciate the minor extra help with keeping an eye out for Pop. 10) “For a moment I almost thought it was McBee, but he wouldn`t be this stupid- no, he would, but it would be too soon for him to do that.
Also, even this dude can tell those guys were not supposed to be here, where`s the police to stop those thugs from shaking down innocent workers? Too busy arresting people that are fighting crime for free?”-  I figure Tanuma is pulling some strings to avoid them getting some extra flak for this whilst Pop’s still in critical condition. Once she wakes up and can move on her own, then the police will likely turn their attention outwards, but whilst she’s asleep and vulnerable, they’re focusing their attention on those immediately nearby her, not outside the hospital doors. 11) “OH WOW WAS THAT KOICHI
HOLY SHIT, AND APPARENTLY HE`S SOMEWHERE FAR SINCE THE DUDE DIDN`T EVEN SAW HIM”- Koichi is now a lethal weapon, locked and loaded. 12) “oh he was far
also, again, Koichi is just sniping people from ontop a building and the police wasn`t alerted? Nor the heroes? Nobody came to see what the fuss is all about? Even though they are looking for him as well?”- The media guy’s not likely to kick up a fuss given he was trying to illegally obtain footage of pop, and again, I figure Tanuma is doing what he can to direct attention away from the group whilst they’re on the lookout for the real villain. 13) “WAIT WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT OF SNIPING DOWN THAT GUY`S TOOLBOX, SECURITY WOULD NEED TO CHECK IT BEFORE THEY LET HIM IN, ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY WOULDN`T SENT IT THROUGH A X-RAY MACHINE? WHAT THE FUCK?
I MEAN, IT WAS COOL, BUT STILL!”- True, but again, this group aren’t trusting  anything to the heroes or the police. Even if the guy had been stopped by security, they’re doing what they can to make the checks themselves, unwilling to trust anything about Pop’s well-being to the authorities beyond what they have to.
14) “Our guy right there, although I’d love to know what the hell that quirk is even supposed to do”-  It allows criminals to walk free of police custody. @thelreads
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sofyreneko · 2 months
hc that one thing everyone in the batfamily knows without doubt is: alfred knows everything. hidding anything from alfred is a waste of time and energy, because he always just knows. so they simply don’t. they dont need to tell him, but they dont need to hide it, he always knows anyways.
however, the thing is alfred is just a regular old man who spends all of his time cleaning, cooking and making sure they dont die. he doesnt have time to be figuring out what the bat ninjas he has for a family is hidding so most often than not he doesnt know. it doesnt help that no one in the family ever tells him anything, because they expect him to just know. he just has a really really good poker face and an inability to be surprised by much so everyone just assumes he already knew once he discovers anything.
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stovreye · 15 hours
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My Bruce HC for Batman Day 🦇 !! Also it’s basically already Halloween season, so I feel like this post fits the vibes 👻
Reblog if you love the lego batman movie (it’s my comfort movie fr 🫶🫶)
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everytsukauchi · 2 years
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Batman "I don't like working with others, I don't trust them, and I won't sacrifice Gotham to help out unless it's absolutely dire."
*Has an extensive network of vigilantes in Gotham and elsewhere, is on 85 different Justice League Rosters, would die for half of them*
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man *fighting every hero he ever meets*
"Weird that no-one likes me, don't know what their fucking problem is, I should fight them"
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sgiandubh · 3 months
2023 or last week
That's not really matters', what is interesting is that Caitríona has a very high level of privacy in her movements or travels
She has a private life that is completely away from notice and attention, no press, no ordinary people, no fan who meets her by chance
Wow.. as if she had the invisibility power since 2019.
Dear Privacy Level Anon,
We're going to do things a bit differently, this time, with an audio answer. Nice to meet you, by the way:
For those who need a transcript, here goes:
'Your charade has very simple answers:
No Press? The Press would have to actually care or be sold a juicy tip/story, about that elusive B-lister who is such a compelling Claire Fraser (huh?) from Outlander ('wait a minute, that nice, secksay series around 2016, right?'). Press interest is, however, likely to immediately jump up, the minute she lands a better PR team and/or a part in a really relevant cinema project. Let's see what those two next movies bring, Anon.
No Ordinary People? Imagine you're Jane Doe (aka, an Ordinary Person), traveling from 🛫 London to 🛬Bangkok. Upon arrival at 🏯Suvarnabhumi Airport , while waiting in line for the notoriously looooong passport control (full profile pic included), you spot C (or S, or C and S, or C and S and Boos 1, 2, 3... 554). They vaguely remind you of someone. That someone could be anyone from a) your cousin Matilda's co-worker you have been briefly introduced to, three years ago; b) someone who looks like your homeland's host of 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire' TV show (totally random example, here); c) someone who looks like that actress you once saw in that TV series which name you can't really remember. Ultimately, the fact that you are unable to put a name on that face really irritates you. Your feet hurt, you are sleepy, grumpy and you need to go to the bathroom ASAP (🚨🚨🚨🚨). Meanwhile, S and C kiss, Boo #456 is as unhappy as you and wants his blankie. Did I mention you need to use the 🚻 (somewhere far away from 🛃) ASAP? S and C 💋💋💋💋 some more. YOU NEED TO USE THAT TOILET AND YOU'RE STUCK IN THAT STUPID LINE. Boo #433 wants their mommy's attention NOW (🥹🍼🤦‍♀️), so you sympathize a bit ('what a cute 👶, just like his/her parents') but you are really focused on your 🧻problem. By the time you dragged your 🧳to the 🚕 area, in the thick, humid heat at Arrivals, you'd have forgotten everything about it, but remember every single second of your Passport Control Ordeal.
No Fan? Outside of these Tumblr/X/Instagram jihadist pockets, no casual 🪭 would probably ask for a pic, provided they remember the name of the series (it is really poor taste to go for it and candidly tell her/them something like ' oooh, I remember you from The Last Kingdom, such a wonderful series'). Out of those who still go for it, I bet the farm:
85% keep The Nice Pic tucked in their iPhones and just randomly share at the next school bake sale/corporate teambuilding/ Rotary Club meeting with random people saying random things like 'oooh, she's nice, wait a minute, wasn't she in The Last Kingdom'?
10% foolishly post on X or Instagram, to be immediately greeted by The Fandom Vigilantes, courtesy of alerts installed on their own iPhones: 'where was it/ when was it/was she alone/yes? why?/no? why and with whom/ what did she say/ did she say anything/ why didn't she say anything'. If, by a very probable misfortune, what you have to dish out does not click with the Greeting Committee's agenda, expect to be: a) treated like a 5 year old idiot or a tortured POW ('was she alone...? was she alone...? are you sure she wasn't alone...? ARE YOU SURE SHE WASN'T ALONE? ANSWER ME, WAS SHE ALONE?'); b) Caitsplained she is married to someone else and what you saw is an optical illusion; c) perhaps even forced to adjust your own narrative (maybe that 6′ 3" Viking was Tony McGill, after all? 😵). You immediately regret posting it on your public Social Media accounts, erase the pic and go private. By the time you do it (12 hours from posting), it would have been dutifully screencapped, in a middle of a full blown Fandom Skirmish.
5% know what Tumblr actually is (at a minimum) and/or are actively involved in its Fandom Subset. The minute they post is the start of just another Nagasaki episode. The DM inbox will explode with a rich array of pleas/insults/more Caitsplaining. Comments will range from the ecstatic to the revoltingly vulgar. And remember (LOL for weeks):
The Fandom will eventually never forgive you for sharing.'
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nightmareinfloral · 9 months
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Jericho- Where to Read?
Joseph William Wilson (Jericho) is the youngest son of Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) and Adeline Kane. Beneath the cut is a complete list of Joey’s major appearances updated as of January 2024. Most important issues are in bold.
The 1980s:
Tales of the Teen Titans (1984) 42-44, Annual 3, 45-48, 50-52, 56-57, 58
The New Teen Titans (1984) 1-2, 3-5
Crisis on infinite Earths (1985) 3-5, 9, 11
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe (1985) 11
The New Teen Titans (1984) 6-10, Annual 1, 11-13, 14-15
The Omega Men (1983) 34-35
The New Teen Titans (1984) 16-17, 18, 22, 24-31
Action Comics (1938) 584
Teen Titans Spotlight (1986) 3-6
Secret Origins (1986) 13
History of the DC Universe (1986) 2
The New Teen Titans (1984) 33-34
Blue Beetle (1986) 11-14
The New Teen Titans (1984) 35-37, Annual 3, 39-49, Annual 4
The New Titans (1988) 50-55
Secret Origins (1986) Annual 3
The New Titans (1988) Annual 5, 57-59
Batman (1940) 440
The New Titans (1988) 60-61
Secret Origins (1986) 46
The New Titans (1988) 62-63
The 1990s:
The New Titans (1988) 64-67
Hawk & Dove (1989) 11-12
The New Titans (1988) 68-69
Who’s Who in the DC Universe (1990) 1
The New Titans (1988) Annual 6
Wonder Woman (1987) 47, 49
The New Titans (1988) 71, 75-79, Annual 7, 80-85. 86
Deathstroke the Terminator (1991) 1-7, 9, 11, Annual 1
Showcase ‘93 (1993) 2
Batman Shadow of the Bat (1992) 34
Deathstroke (1991) 48
JLA/Titans (1998) 1
Nightwing Secret Files and Origins (1999) 1
The Titans (1999) 10
The 2000s:
The Titans (1999) 25, 46
Teen Titans (2003) 2
Batman Gotham Knights (2000) 44
Teen Titans (2003) 3-5, 7-8
Avengers/JLA (2003) 4
Teen Titans (2003) 9, 11-12, 21
Nightwing (1995) 106
DC Special The Return of Donna Troy (2005) 1
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins (2005) 1
Teen Titans (2003) 33, 39-47, 52
Countdown to Final Crisis (2007) 36
DC Universe: Last Will and Testament (2008) 1
DC Universe Decisions (2008) 3-4
Titans (2008) 6-12
Teen Titans (2003) Annual 1, 69
Vigilante (2008) 5
Teen Titans (2003) 70
Titans (2008) 13
Vigilante (2008) 6
Teen Titans (2003) 77-78
The 2010s:
DC Universe Legacies (2010) 5
Titans (2008) 37-38, Annual 1
Deathstroke (2011) 0, 13, 19-20
New Teen Titans: Games (2011)
Deathstroke (2014) 2-6, 17-20
Convergence New Teen Titans (2015) 1-2
Deathstroke: Rebirth (2016) 1
Deathstroke (2016) 1-3, 6-10, 12-16, 18
Teen Titans (2016) 8
Deathstroke (2016) 19
Teen Titans The Lazarus Contract Special (2017) 1
Deathstroke (2016) 20-25
DC Holiday Special (2017) 1
Deathstroke (2016) 26-27, Annual 1, 28 -32, 34-50
The 2020s:
Dark Knights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe (2020) 1
Batman Black and White (2020) 5
Deathstroke Inc. (2021) 1, 5, 7
Future State Gotham (2021) 12
Tales of the Titans (2023) 2
Thank you to @jerichogender for helping me compile!
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mossfrg · 1 year
Jersey Gotham pt 2
Small one for this part but I Could Not get this out of my head because it’s the funniest shit ever:
Fellow Gothamites/jersey people are like… 85% positive Batman is the Jersey Devil or some offshoot of that. There’s three “camps”— Batman is the Jersey Devil, Batman and Jersey Devil are same species, Batman and Jersey Devil were/are dating. For the first camp, people just think the JD moonlight as a vigilante cause the Pine Barrens get lonely and he wants to help people.
For the second group, it’s widely accepted that Jersey Devil is rural cryptid and Batman is urban cryptid and they stay out of each other’s ways. Tim, Duke, and Babs in paticukar love this theory and fuel the flames when in costume. (“oh Jersey Devil? No no they’re so chill, Bats has them over for dinner sometimes.”)
Jason, Dick, Cass and Steph fucking love the third group. They tease Bruce about it all the time. Dick has gotten him Jersey Devil sweatshirts so he can “flaunt his mans” (Bruce debated un-adopting after Steph joked that the kids should get to meet their stepfather). Jason goes as far as to implying that Batman and JD have ~history~ and the real reason Superman can never come to Gotham is because JD is jealous (“no fr B and JD were a thing for decades and then they got into a fight and B broke up and moved away and that’s how he met Superman, and then they started dating but JD still loves B so Supes can’t visit but B can’t go to Metro cause it’s too bright and he’d melt”). Cass just smiles sweetly and says Bruce has a type for murder-inclined criminal badasses. Damian doesn’t quite get the joke for a while and is horrified that Bruce is courting “that thing” and not Talía who “may murder but is at least human!” I just really want Bruce debating whether Batman/Jersey Devil or Batman/Bruce Wayne is worse.
Clark makes a comment about the whole Jersey Devil-Batman thing and it pisses Bruce off, and while still angry he’s at a party and gets a bit tipsy; he starts flirting with the official Jersey Devil Twitter account as Brucie Wayne. Fanart is made. “Brucie has two hands” trends for weeks. Alfred, completely straight faced at dinner, gives Bruce his blessing to be with JD, or Batman, “I fought in the war I won’t judge your lovers Master Bruce”
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 85
Danny keeps freezing things. That on its own. Not a big deal. When it takes ectoplasm to melt, naturally or by an ghost attack it becomes one.
He could also just will it away. To bad he doesn’t know that. In Amity it just goes away on its own. How could he know that doesn’t happen everywhere?
Now his parents have dragged him on a cross country tour of all the ghost haunts and attractions.
If only the other vigilantes rouges would stop attacking around them. He keeps having to freeze their feet to the ground. He would not let another joker incident happen.
Rogues are not ghosts.
The other rouges need to be protected from his parents.
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patchiko · 7 months
Can you write a Jason Todd x reader where reader is a vigilante with element powers
And their eyes turn the color to represent the element they are currently using
Also if they could not have total control over their powers and Jason comforts them
hey anon! id love to write more about this but i need some more deets! if you have a more specific plot set down or a specific prompt, let me know in my inbox >:D
heres a short fic on
Jason Todd Comforting Element Powered!Reader
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tw; overstimulation, physical discomfort,
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Your body felt hot and overstimulated , like it was 85° and you had no fuckin’ AC to turn on. Curled into a ball, body burning, the cement around you burnt. Barely able to think straight, the physical discomfort around you made your head spin. Your tears rolled down your face from the physical discomfort of your powers, the sweat, the burning feeling in your palms. Starting to let out shaky breaths as the heat in your body got worse as your emotions exceeded your daily limit of bullshit.
“Hey.” His voice in itself was like a cool winter breeze, all you could do is peer your heard to look at him.
Jason was 10 feet away from you, so he wouldn’t get burned if you had an outburst. You still clutched at the fabric of your clothing, rocking yourself as tears streamed down your face. “You need to breathe, slow.”
Jason’s voice instructed. Your body was frozen, so he repeated again flatly. “Slow, you need to breathe slow so I can help you.” It took you awhile for you to control your breaths.
Mind buzzing back together slowly, you were in an alleyway, the pizza you were holding got cold, you tried to warm it up with your powers, and exploded the whole thing on accident. You had a shittier then shitty day and this was the final push, so you broke down in the alleyway. Turning every rat into a free steak.
You jumped as you felt Jasons hand press against you, tapping his fingers against you to be sure your skins not gonna make his palm melt off.
“Sorry.” He said softly, smoothing his hand against your shoulder,”Bad day?”
“Terrible.” you choked out. Wiping your tears and sniffling. “terrible…” you whimpered out again, letting your palm drop to the floor. Molten feeling like its ready to seep from your body, the burning sensation licking at your skin.
“Well, I can’t help you out if you turn me and this entire block into Gotham’s biggest campfire, so I need you to look at me and calm down.” He was half joking. He still won a chuckle out of you, peering into his eyes. Your red pupils slowly fading back to your original eye color. Continuing to breathe slowly, to count the sheep in your head, just like he would tell you to.
“How many sheep?” He asked
“105, and then i’ll get you icecream and we can talk about it.”
“Alright.” You looked down, he sat besides you and you leaned onto him. A tranquil silence falling between you two :)
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sorry this took awhile anon D:
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cazzam · 2 years
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Cassandra Cain is the daughter of assassins David Cain and Sandra Wu-San (better known as Lady Shiva), and was raised by Cain. She is an expert hand-to-hand combatant, and able to read body language to the point of interpreting complex thoughts, but learning to communicate better through speech and text. She has operated as a vigilante under the names of Batgirl, Kasumi, Black Bat, and Orphan, and is currently sharing the title of Batgirl with Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon.
Basic Reading
Batgirl (2000)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Detective Comics (2016) #934-987
Batman and the Outsiders (2019)
Batgirls (2021)
Spirit World (2023)
Birds of Prey (2023)
Cassandra's major appearances are listed in chronological order (mostly) under the cut. My favorites are bolded.
No Man's Land
All issues collected in Batman: No Man's Land (2011) vol. 2-4. I recommend reading the entire event.
Batman (1940) #567 [first appearance]
Detective Comics (1937) #734
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 [Cassandra takes up Batgirl mantle]
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #56-57
Batman (1940) #569
The Batman Chronicles #18
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #60-61
Robin (1993) #73
As Batgirl
Issues that are part of events may be confusing out of context.
Batman: Gotham Knights #2, 5
Batman: Gotham City Secret Files and Origins [first story]
Batgirl (2000) #1-2
Young Justice (1998) #21
Batgirl (2000) #3-11, 12 [Officer Down start]
Birds of Prey (1999) #27
Catwoman (1993) #90 [Officer Down end]
Batgirl (2000) Annual #1, #13-19
Harley Quinn (2000) #10
Robin (1993) #88 [first meeting with Stephanie Brown]
Batgirl (2000) #20, 21 [Joker: Last Laugh start]
Joker: Last Laugh #3
Supergirl (1996) #63 [transphobia cw, Joker: Last Laugh end]
DC First: Batgirl/Joker
Batgirl (2000) #22-23, 24 [Bruce Wayne: Murderer? / Fugitive start]
Robin (1993) #98
Batgirl (2000) #25-29
Batman (1940) #605 [Bruce Wayne: Murderer? / Fugitive end]
Batgirl: Secret Files and Origins
Batgirl (2000) #30-32
Batman: Gotham Knights #33, 35
Batgirl (2000) #33-38
Batman: Family #7
Detective Comics (1937) #782 [backup], 790
Nightwing (1996) #81
Superboy (1994) #85 [first meeting with Kon-El/Conner Kent]
Batgirl (2000) #39-44
Batman: Gotham Knights #42, 45-46, 48-49
Robin (1993) #119
Batgirl (2000) #45-47
Superman/Batman #5
Batgirl (2000) #48-50
Birds of Prey (1999) #61, 63
Batgirl (2000) #51-53
Solo #10 [third story]
Detective Comics (1937) #796 [backup]
Robin (1993) #127-128
Batgirl (2000) #54
War Games
All issues collected in Batman: War Games (2015). I don't recommend reading the entire event.
Detective Comics (1937) #797
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #182
Nightwing (1996) #96
Batgirl (2000) #55
Batman (1940) #631
Batgirl (2000) #56
Nightwing (1996) #98
Batgirl (2000) #57
Batgirl in Bludhaven
Robin (1993) #132 [Fresh Blood start]
Batgirl (2000) #58
Robin (1993) #133
Batgirl (2000) #59 [Fresh Blood end]
Batman Allies: Secret Files and Origins 2005 [third story]
Batgirl (2000) #60-73
With the League of Assassins and Deathstroke
I don't recommend reading anything in this section except Batgirl (2008) #6.
Robin (1993) #148-151, 161-162
Supergirl (2005) #14
World War III #2
Teen Titans (2003) #43-46
Batman and the Outsiders (2007)
Batgirl (2008) [recap of this era. Bruce adopts Cassandra]
As Black Bat
Battle for the Cowl: The Network
Batgirl (2009) #1 [Cassandra gives Batgirl mantle to Stephanie]
Red Robin #17
Batman Incorporated (2011) #6
Red Robin #25
Batman: Gates of Gotham
As Orphan
The New 52 reboot changed Cassandra’s origins, personality, and relationships with other characters. Rebirth was a soft reboot that kept New 52 canon but brought back elements from the previous continuity.
Batman and Robin Eternal #1-9, 11-14, 17-26 [New 52]
Detective Comics (2016) #934-940 [Rebirth]
Batman (2016) #7 [Night of the Monster Men start]
Nightwing (2016) #5
Detective Comics (2016) #941
Batman (2016) #8
Nightwing (2016) #6
Detective Comics (2016) #942 [Night of the Monster Men end], 943-962
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #15
Detective Comics (2016) #963-964
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #15-17
Detective Comics (2016) #965-981, 983-987
Batman and the Outsiders (2019)
DC: The Doomed and the Damned [seventh story]
Batman: The Joker War Zone [second story]
Batman (2016) #104
Return of Batgirl
The Infinite Frontier reboot considers all past continuities canon.
Infinite Frontier #0
Batman Secret Files: The Signal
Batman: Urban Legends #3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14
The Joker (2021) #3-4, 7, 11-12, 15
Detective Comics (2016) #1038 [backup], 1049, 1052, 1057
Batman (2016) #112 [main], 115-116 [backups]
Nightwing (2016) #85-86
Batman (2016) #117 [backup]
Batgirls #1-6
Task Force Z #8
DC Pride: Tim Drake Special
Robin (2021) #15
Detective Comics (2016) #1061
Batgirls #7
Catwoman (2018) #45
Batgirls #8-12
Batman One Bad Day: Two-Face
Tim Drake: Robin #4
Batgirls Annual 2022, #13-19
Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate [fourth story]
Spirit World (2023)
Birds of Prey (2023) #1- [ongoing]
Detective Comics (2016) #1084 [backup]
Other Appearances
Ghost/Batgirl [Dark Horse Comics crossover]
Batman: Outlaws #2
Batman: City of Light [not recommended]
Justice League Elite [as Kasumi]
Wonder Woman (2006) #600 [second story]
Batgirl (2016) #50 [third story]
DC Festival of Heroes [first story]
Truth & Justice #6 [#16-18 digital first]
Alternate Universes
Tiny Titans #33, 39, 43, 45
Batgirl: Futures End
Convergence: Batgirl
Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey (2020)
DCeased: Unkillables / Dead Planet #5 / War of the Undead Gods
Shadow of the Batgirl [YA graphic novel]
Dark Knights: Death Metal Robin King [backup]
Future State: The Next Batman #2, 4 [second stories]
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures [webtoon]
DC vs. Vampires
Dark Knights of Steel #9
Last updated: April 23, 2024
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 85, Replies Part 1
1) “And thus, we start a new era of vigilantes! The queen hast fallen, and McBee got McFucked, his plans were thrown into the trash, and he swore revenge. Koichi is in a big pickle. Oh this arc has a lot of potential- famous words said before a disaster, I know, but I still keep my hope! At least we won`t have Fires georg here to be annoying.”- Not unless you count his appearing in a tv for a scene or two anyway. 2) “IT`S PHELPS
NICE SEEING YOU HERE MY MAN, WHY THE SUIT, YOU GOING TO YOUR SISTER`S WEDDING OR SOMETHING?”- He needs the suit because it’s time for  MHA Law & Order: Special Quirks Unit. 3) “Oh, they got the bastards? That`s unexpected, they technically didn`t do anything, there`s no evidence they helped koichi, besides the giant net to break his fall.”- I mean, they could technically hold them in custody, but honestly, it’d be a waste of their time and resources, especially sicne they’ve got the means to sic Makoto on Phelps via Koichi if needed.
4) “Now Puto that was the most suspicious bullshit you could have said, but honestly that is more believable than what the other guy said.
Jesus, it seems you guys at least bothered to agree on a single story.“- You just know that Soga had them all agree on the cover story, but Tochi just had a massive case of stage fright and fumbled his lines. 5) “Now, how far do your “knowledge” about her not being a typical villain goes, I wonder…”- They at least have physical evidence that there was something fucking around in her brain and altering her cognitive processes, but that’s something that would have to be saved for a court of law, and Nomura and AFO aren’t planning on letting things progress that far 6) “And after that she fell into a coma, we aren`t sure when she`ll wake up.”-
7) “That sigh better be about postal workers on strike, because if she does have amnesia or is in a coma I`m going to fucking lose my shit.”- ….Cough. 8) “Oh jesus, is that an hospital or a prison? Did they brought Pop to fucking Tartarus or something?”- High-security hospital wing, but honestly, with the kinds of powerful Quirks naturally embedded into people’s bodies, taking extra precautions and security measures isn’t that bad an idea – not even counting aberrations like Nomura who have multiple abilities through surgical experimentation and can sneak a bunch of assassination tools in under the radar, like exploding fists. 9) “IT`S MOM☆STEP AGAIN
and no sight of DAD☆STEP, I wonder where he is.”- Chugging beers with Izuku’s dad, would be my guess. 10) “Oh, this is interesting. How is she now? Did the Bee affect her personality and made her permanently unhinged? She was pumped full of trigger pretty much all the time, there`s no way that hasn`t given her a few lingering side effects.”- Pop not only needed immediate surgery, but also immediate protection, especially with Nomura’s declaration of war fresh on Koichi’s mind. They wanted her stabilised, but also put in a position where It wouldn’t be easy for Nomura to reach her and make Pop have a ‘tragic accident’ during the surgery. 11) “Phelps please, you know where your brother-in-law is, don`t be stupid, you don`t think he`s at home right now? I bet he didn`t even went to that secret warehouse, he`s probably on his bed as we speak.”-  He’s presently training himself for playing Sniper Elite, IRL version 12) “Yeah, no need to bullshit him with things like “I don`t know who you`re talking about”, he knows he was involved, he always is, especially when it comes to Pop.
Being direct here is the best option, Koichi is busy hunting his hunter.”- It might be the worst possible spokesperson, but Soga is making the good points to be made about the vigilantes’ involvement in this case right now. 13) “For fuck`s sake Phelps, don`t get started with that crap, you let him run around doing as he pleases for two years, you know he is innocent, and if you really wanted to talk to him you`d ask your sister for his number.”- One way I see this is Phelps being concerned for Koichi’s well-being, wanting to have him in police custody so he doesn’t put himself in harm’s way between a dangerous unknown villain and the efforts of the police and the heroes to counteract this threat. 14) “The Muscle, yeah I agree.
Because he surely as fuck ain`t the brains.”- Also a nice acknowledgement that Koichi has now far outstripped the trio he initially struggled to fight against in chapter 1, and is now capable of being an independent vigilante on the streets if he needed to, present crisis notwithstanding. 15) “What? Like, four heroes? Five at most? Phelps, you are talking like Koichi personally threw a bus full of orphans into a volcano, chill dude.
Also, now we suddenly have a body count for Pop`s acts? Suddenly it wasn`t just a bunch of harmed civilians, now she actually killed someone? How convenient.”- I think Phelps was trying to guilt-trip Soga into giving up Koichi location by implying the damage done was far more deadly and serious than we’ve witnessed, only for it to fall flat because Soga’s unphased by that accusation and instead deftly turns it around on him. 16) “I do agree but shut the fuck up Soga, go talk like that to him when you survive a pointblank shot with a rubber bullet.”- Soga speaks truth, which is a good thing, but then again, it’s Soga speaking the blunt truth, which is bad. 17) “Yeah it was him, as we can see by Phelps` pissed-off face.
But I`m still surprised that they haven`t actually met, I would think that taking over Knuckle`s operation would require him to establish contact with his old assets, just to make sure they are okay with him when he needs their help.”- I’m guessing Soga’s distrust of the authorities extended to even the contacts Knuckle had on the inside, not to mention Tanuma’s department wasn’t directly linked to pop’s villain assault at the time, so he wasn’t a way ‘in’ for them during that situation. 18) “yeah yeah, get a room you two, we are here for business, just let him go already since  you don`t have anything on him.”- I have to wonder what Soga’s future is after all this; if he’ll step into the role of a younger vigilante Knuckles for good or if he’ll wind up doing something else instead. 19) “Oh we`re gonna use some metaphor now, I see.
But you know Knuckles, there wouldn`t be holes in your socks if you didn`t bought cheap-ass socks.”- He needed to save up for all the back-alley drugs, equipment and improvised weaponry he bought instead.
20) “tthe fuck kinda metaphor was that knuckles my guy”- I dunno, it does kinda make sense. People ignore the need to replace what they already have if they can cover up the ‘holes’ or imperfections in the current possession so it all looks fine at a glance, but that doesn’t chance the fact that there’s still a hole there and it’s continually getting worse and worse underneath from all the wear and strain until you start getting a new hole torn into the cover-up…and there’s only so many socks you can wear before you need to face the root of the problem head-on.
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franollie · 4 months
i finished batgirl (2000) and i loved it so muchhhh i cant even put it into words aaaaaahhhh
anyways do you have any more recs for Cass, Steph or Babs bc i need more (also any fic recs too?)
OKOK so I recommend this reading list for both steph and cass by @/jlquarterly. they also have a more condensed reading list for steph and cass individually as well as more extensive ones for them too. overall just a great account to follow if you need reading lists.
Some overall reads that I recommend:
Batman (1940) #567
Detective Comics (1937) #734
(No Man's Land in general is a good read for cass but these are considered her first appearances)
DC First: Batgirl/Joker
Superboy (1994) #85 (i love this issue it is very dear to me)
Detective Comics (1937) #647-649
Secret Origins 80 Page Giant
honestly all of Robin 1993 starting with issue #3
Robin (1993) #88 (Steph and Cass first meeting)
Batman: Huntress/Spoiler- Blunt Trauma (HELENA AND STEPH YIPPEEE)
Batgirl (2009)
The Batman Chronicles #5 (Oracle: Year One)
All of Birds of Prey 1999
General "batgirls" recs:
Convergence: Batgirl
Steph works in the medical field, the writers acknowledge her pregnancy, its about her relationship with the batgirl mantle, steph and cass live together and have a pet rat together, it's literally perfect
This is where we play the "pick and choose from canon" game
Let's Not Talk About It by Procrastinationfairy
T - 4k
Summary: cass explores how words fail to describe feelings, especially in terms of attraction.
God this fic....here to start. I'm obsessed with the way it tackles cass’s feelings for steph and the lack of language she would have for her emotions…insane...Her anger at tim for not “properly mourning” steph
If taken, I'm yours by evanescent
T - 8k
Summary: Sheer determination is not everything, though, and after exactly eight seconds Stephanie finds herself laying flat on her back after getting knocked down with a very real-feeling baseball bat. For a moment, she thinks the strange sound is her ears ringing, but then she sits up and finds Batgirl standing next to Batman, her shoulder shaking slightly. She’s laughing, Stephanie realizes. Batgirl must catch her staring because she makes a quick, swiping motion with her hand.
“I think,” Batman says, and Stephanie wonders if she has a concussion after all, because he kind of sounds amused, “she’s telling you to be faster.”
In a world when you have your soulmate's first words to you imprinted in their handwriting somewhere on your body, the fact Stephanie can't decipher hers seems like the least of her problems, most of the time.
A really sweet rewrite of Steph as batgirl
heroes and thieves at my door (i can't seem to tell them apart anymore) by hinn_raven
T - 4k
Summary: Bruce really can’t help but think that Stephanie Brown, pre-medicine, piano player, and honors student, with Leslie vouching for her, would be a far better girlfriend for his daughter than Spoiler, the new vigilante in town.
This one has me kicking and giggling every time i read it
It's delightful and funny and just an overall good time
Now Stick It Thick by thebodydies
E - 1k
Summary: Cass’s body always did exactly what Cass wanted. And now Steph’s body did as well.
nobody look at me
Highly recommend checking out all of Hinn_Raven's works especially if you're a steph fan!
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universaltribalsimp · 1 month
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Name: Negascruff (nega + megastar + scruff)
Type: Normal/Fighting
Category: Big Puppy Pokemon
Height: 1'02" (0.36 m)
Weight: 19.5 lbs (8.85 kg)
Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
Ability: Moxie (HA: Acknowledgment - Prevents opposing Pokémon from fleeing from battle)
Learnset: Tackle, Lick, Baby-Doll Eyes, Endure, Crunch, Roar, Bite, Submission, Superpower
Dex Entries:
Despite its size, Negascruff can hit like a truck. A tackle from this Pokemon can bring down the strongest of doors.
This little fella tries its hardest to prove itself to humans and fellow Pokemon. Most just want it to go away forever.
It is said that this Pokemon was once part of a trio of vigilantes. After a horrible betrayal, he chooses to fight alone.
A few people adore Negascruff, but the vast majority couldn't care less to put it lightly. This rubs the poor guy the wrong way.
HP: 65
Atk: 70
Def: 40
Sp.Atk: 40
Sp.Def: 40
Speed: 45
Total: 300
Negascruff evolves into Fallenine starting at level 35 while holding the Golden Belt.
The Golden Belt is an item that gives the holder a 60% chance of landing a critical hit but drains 1/10 of the holder's HP each turn.
Name: Fallenine (fallen + canine + "fall in line")
Type: Dark/Fighting
Category: Fallen Hero Pokemon
Height: 4'11" (1.50 m)
Weight: 139.7 lbs (63.4 kg)
Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
Ability: Acknowledgment (HA: Moxie)
Learnset: Crunch, Lick, Body Slam, Sucker Punch, Hammer Arm, Fake Tears, Fly, Submission, Night Slash
Dex Entries:
After Negascruff acquired the Golden Belt, that's when it snapped. It forces everyone around to acknowledge it.
This Pokemon wants nothing more than the world's attention and respect. It will even report to beating it out of anyone.
It's said that the years of trauma and torment transformed Negascruff into Fallenine. The Golden Belt was just the final push.
No matter how much this Pokemon despises the world for how it treated it, there's still a part of it that wants to do right.
HP: 80
Atk: 85
Def: 50
Sp.Atk: 75
Sp.Def: 60
Speed: 70
Total: 420
Fallenine evolves into Luponic at level 45+ by landing 4 critical hits using the move "Morality Punch" without the Golden Belt.
Name: Luponic (Canis lupus + Byronic)
Type: Fighting/Dark
Category: Grey Hero Pokemon
Height: 6'03" (1.91 m)
Weight: 287.3 lbs (130.3 kg)
Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
Ability: Moxie (HA: Acknowledgment)
Learnset: Crunch, Lick, Fly, Facade, Taunt, Submission, Superpower, Body Slam, Hyper Fang, Drain Punch
Signature Move: Morality Punch
Category: Physical
Type: ---
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (max. 8)
After powering up, the user punches the target. This move is either Fighting or Dark type, depending on which deals more damage to the target.
Dex Entries:
Those who break away from the Golden Belt's influence can become Luponic. It still has a rough edge, but now it uses that for good.
This Pokemon is still as big a menace it was as Fallenine. The difference is that its dark nature is used against bigger evils.
The punches of Luponic are practically unparalleled. Fueled by its conflicting morality, a single punch can knock out the strongest of Pokemon.
Despite its dark nature, Luponic is a loyal and loving Pokemon to those it considers its family. It just takes a lot of love and understanding.
HP: 100
Atk: 130
Def: 95
Sp.Atk: 95
Sp.Def: 80
Speed: 100
Total: 600
In the words of Agent Stone, he's back. HE'S BAAAAAAAAACK!!
After losing the Undisputed title at WrestleMania 40 and being MIA since then, the Original Tribal Chief makes his grand return at SummerSlam! And he even came out with the WM40 version of his theme, which might be better than the original, but more on that in a little bit. I've tried making a Pokemon based on Roman Reigns a couple of times in the past… with awful results. This time around, however, I think I can say with full confidence that this is my Tribal Chief as a Pokemon. And it's my first pseudo-legendary too!
So the main thing that inspire me to make this kind is the first place is WM40 version of "Head of the Table" - officially named "I Am Greatness". It has a sort of antihero/last-minute hero vibe to me. Like just when all hope seems lost, this guy shows up. He may not be a typical hero, but damn it, he's here to help. As you can see, the entire line is based on a dog. I wasn't looking at any particular breed of dog, but Negascruff does give off husky energy, while Luponic is basically a grey wolf. However, they're not just regular dogs. They're Hainus, winged dogs from Japanese mythology. Just as menacing to humans as wolves, but are capable of becoming loyal and loving pets. The entire line also references stock superheroes with the mask-like pattern around the eyes, while the multiple stripes along their right eyes is a clear nod to Roman's tattoos. And of course, they all share the same clipped ear because nothing screams Fighting-type like scars and clipped ears.
But now let's go over each Pokemon one by one. Negascruff is based on the "Big Dog" run when the WWE was trying SO DESPERATELY to push Roman as the big face of the company and the fans weren't having it. And that's putting it lightly, just as lightly as the dex entries explain. Hell, even the name is kinda messed up. Combining "scruff" with "nega" (denoting the negative counterpart of a unit of measurement) and "megastar", it's pretty much saying he's not a star, but he's trying so hard to convince everyone that he is. And you know what's funny? I gave Negascruff blue eyes, almost forgetting that Roman wore blue contacts at the time, which is something I'm sure a lot of us will never understand.
Now things get a little scary once the Golden Belt gets involved. As you can probably tell, the Golden Band is the Pokemon version of the Undisputed title with some mild corruptive properties. Remember the Smackdown after Roman faced Jey Uso in an "I Quit" Match at Hell in a Cell 2020 and Jey was like "This title got you trippin', Uce!"? That's what I had in mind when crafting up the Golden Belt. I also thought of the same episode when Roman told Jey to "fall in line", which sounds pretty similar to the name "Fallenine". Speaking of Fallenine, it's based on Roman's "Tribal Chief" run with those red diamonds representing the Ula Fala Roman wore at the PLEs. It also takes on a more demon-like appearance with its red eyes, bat-like wings, and its ears turning into horns. The reason for that is to allude to the concept of "fallen angels". Negascruff was just a lonely and traumatized little guy trying to prove himself, but the world just shutting him down and like one of the dex entries states, he just snapped. You can only push good people so far before they finally decide to push back.
And finally, we have Luponic, which is probably my favorite of the trio. However, this is when the source of inspiration gets a little personal. Luponic is based on Roman's "Original Tribal Chief" run… which barely even started, but it's more based on how I think this version of Babyface Roman would act. I don't think he's gonna be a straightforward babyface. I think he's gonna be more of an antihero of sorts. He's still gonna be a menace, but it's just to the bad guys now. And that's exactly what Luponic is: a hero whose morality lies somewhere in the middle, but still doing some good. Its design references this even further by combining the colors of the good-natured Negascruff and the absolute menace Fallenine, as well as fusing their wings. After all, things aren't always black and white.
And now to decide what to give Luponic - a Mega Evolution or a Gigantamax form?
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everytsukauchi · 2 years
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 days
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Pearlescentmoon aka Pearl Moo the Un-beelivable Postmaster.
CR 18 NG/NE Medium Humanoid Shapechanger.
XP 153,600 (if used as npc for encounter)Human Entothrope Werewasp(Bee variant)Vigilante (Splintersoul)17
Neutral Good/Evil Medium humanoid Shapechanger(Human, vermin)
Init +6; Senses Perception +27 Darkvision 60ft Low light vision
AC 29, touch 19, flat-footed 23 (+6 Dex, +4 Deflection, +9 Armor) (+2Natural armor in Hybrid/vermin form) Hp 165 (17d8+85) (17 temporary Hp while in Hybrid/Vermin form)
Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +16 (+1 in Fortitude and Reflexes while in Hybrid/vermin form)
Speed 30 ft, 20ft climb, 60ft flying(good) Melee Axes+20/15/10 1D6+2(+9d8 precision damage) 
Only in hybrid/vermin form: 2 Natural attack+18 1d4+2 Sting+18 1d8+2 plus poison(DC24 1/round for 6 rounds 1d2 Dex cure 1 save) and curse of entothropy DC15 RangedCrossbow +19 1D8+3(+9d8 precision damage)
Racial Bonus feat (Master crafter), +1 Skill point per level, Speed 30 ft, Change shape Hybrid/vermin form(+2 Natural armor+2Dex +2Con, DR 5/silver, 20ft climb, 60ft flying, Darkvision 60ft, Low light vision, Natural attacks, Curse of entothropy), Entothropic emphaty, Insect mind.
Traits Excellent penmanship, Empty mask.
Class features Splintered identity, Seamless guise, Vigilante specialization: Stalker(+9d8 precision damage), Social talents: Renown, Celebrity discount, Great renown, Social grace[Bluff, Intuition, Stealth], Safe house, Quick change, Sudden change, Surprising change, Vigilante talents: Lethal grace(natural attacks, axe), Evasive, Cunning feint, Blind spot, Hide in plain sight.
Str 10, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 24
Base Atk +12/7/2; CMB +18; CMD +28
Feats Strong personality, Extra vigilant feats: Strike the unseen, Vital punishment, Up close and personal, Combat skill(Improved vital strike, Greater vital strike), Shield of blades, Signature weapon(axe), Returning weapon.
Skills Acrobatics +16, Appraise +6, Bluff +17, Climb +8, Craft(Stone & Metal) +20, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +20, Disable device+20, Escape artist +12, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (Dungeon +6, Engineering +6, Local +6, Nobility +6), Linguistics +3, Perception +17, Perform(oratory) +11, Profession(Postwoman) +10, Ride +10, Sense motive +4, Sleight of hand +15, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +26, Survival +5, Swim +10, Use magic device +11.
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Orchis, Aquan, Infernal, Vermin empathy.
Combat gear Distance Cunning Light crossbow+1, 50+2 Bolts, Merciful huntsman axe+2, Silencing axe+2, Ring of protection+4, Shadow mithral chain shirt+5, Belt of physical might+4 (Dex, Con), Headband of mental prowess+4 (Int, Cha, Spellcraft), Cloak of resistance+4, Amulet of mighty fists+2, Burglar boots(minor), Gloves of reconnaissance, Coat of pockets, Courier’s secret pouch, Hat of disguises, Black marketeer’s bag, Bookmark of deception, Codex of conversation, Corset of the Vishkanya, 4 Potions of Cure critical wounds , Manual of quickness of action+2(Used), Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), 6 Doses of Blue Whinnis, Vigilante’s kit, Postmaster’s outfit, Mwk thieves tools, 2 Cats(Nugget & Olive), 10GP, The crimson shroud(Artifact).
The crimson shroud: This artifact is a ring with many ruby shards poking from the golden surface and glows and eerily crimson during the nights of full moon creating a full red cloak to shield the user. During said nights, the holder of the ring becomes even more unhinged and powerful granting a +6 bonus on Natural armor Strength and Constitution (an effect similar to the barbarian rage but without any other effects). The user feels compelled to perform acts of violence for no reason or under some animalistic instinct but NEVER against other creatures of the same kin(like humans or other bee creatures). While the user cannot notice or remember the acts it has an instinct to prevent to remove the ring as it makes the user immune to fear and charms that would even “suggest” to remove it. Furthermore, the ring rewards those that performs act of violence (even under guise) by granting the holder a regenerative ability healing the individual by 2Hp each round and increasing by 1 for every victim or defeated target (to a maximum of 10) during the night. The ring is said to be made with the crystallized blood of a war god and the only way to destroy it is to find his corpse and deliver it. To remove it from the finger without harming the user, one must use a couple of Rings Gates to deliver the ring on the other side at 100 miles, then have it being pulled out using a DC25 Strength check.
Background PearlescentMoon simply known as Pearl or Mrs Moo is one of the many inhabitants of the land of Hermits where many buildings defy the laws of possibility and brings wonder to those who lay their eyes upon them. Pearl is known as one of the many that helped to build many of these wonders, especially for Grian. She is in her own right a great builder herself that loves to mix various styles and she is known to have recently created a postal service along with Ethoslab and Tangotek where she is the Postmaster. She is a friendly outgoing person, especially with the “Soup Group” composed of Geminitay and ImpulseSV. However, deep beneath some people remember another Pearl, a red one, one that predated, hunted, killed: the Scarlet Pearl. Very few remember the events that transpired during the events known as Double Life but one that stood was when Pearl fell into a different more “Scarlet”persona, one that spilled the blood of both friends and foes. For some unknown reasons(maybe for the best) Pearl thinks that the event was but a dream. Who knows, maybe the other hermits subdued her to make her forget the event and let her return to her “better self” or maybe something more macabre occurred, no one knows. However, while her work distract her form these dreams she keeps seeing them especially during the full moon. One night she was restless and could not sleep so she went for a walk, the night was clear and tranquil but her fear of seeing again those dreams was more real than ever. “Do you want to be free of those dreams? I can make it happen.” Said a voice. Pearl jolted but found no one she was alone. “If you want to discover your crimson self and surpass it come find me, if you can. A guiding light is however, mandatory.” And she noticed a crimson light coming from a small hole in the ground. Pearl heard whispers in her head and could not resist, her hand reached in and as it came out it was wearing a golden ring with rubies on it. As soon as that happened the world changed around her and she found herself in a new land close to a town in front of an abandoned postal office. Her memories wandered but could not remember much, however she remained under her instinct as postmaster and carried on her duty not knowing that the night would have called for her other self to spread and grow her hive using her sting and punishing the criminals around the land. The Crimson Pearl was reborn, albeit a little different.
Image made using Heroforge.
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