#does anybody remembers this account?
r7inyz · 3 months
anyone remember bloxwatch
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kuchipark · 5 months
I want to rewatch sp so bad, but ever since they changed the website so that you can’t use ad blockers and there is that annoying ever-present cookies button in the corner, I just can’t be bothered. Please, almighty kung fu panda (or whoever else controls the universe ig) restore the website back to it’s original form… I am but a humble girl; I don’t ask much… just this one favor and maybe like some money bc I’m kinda poor rn. Thx
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n7punk · 2 years
i want a neopets nostalgia website you can't log into, it just always looks like you're logged in to the original site circa late 2000s and the main purpose of the fansite is just to recreate the feeling of going onto neopets to do your dailies as a kid. you can click around the world map, and take something from the omelet even though you don't have an account and thus an inventory, and you can spin the wheels, and you can go look in the shops even though you cant really buy anything, and you can go play the old flash games because they've been converted somehow, and maybe there's even a fabricated issue of the neopian times you can check. like it's all very simplified and obviously entire sections of the site like the battle dome would be missing, but you can Get That Feeling again just by poking around. no accounts, so no logging in needed and no large server space or cybersecurity required for the host (not that the real neopets ever had the latter), i just want to click on little secrets on the world map and play the hannah trilogy or ice cream factory or caves & corridors again
#i watched the neopets controversies history video like two weeks ago and ive been thinking about neopets ever since#feel like shit just want her back....#i have literally 0 clue what the site looks like now but i bet its Very Different#and i know a lot of games got lost in the flash conversion#like ive been tempted to make an account just to poke around one more time but 1) i hate making accounts#and 2) they have proven that they cannot handle the pressure of not giving your info out#i want to experience mcdonalds in-the-game era neopets again you feel me#in my perfect vision for this website even the random encounters are scripted into the pages with a boosted chance of occuring#since you're not going to be on the site long and they like. all have static references like its always One Pet In The Code that gets sick#or This Item that gets given or stolen#so it would be a lot simpler and still work with a dummy account page#but it would be there.... like even the money tree would be there just on a static cycle#that would be greatly reduced from how it worked actually lol#also does ANYBODY remember the game with the berries where you tried to get as many of them together as possible i cant remember the name#(also im going to continue gathering replies on that thing for a bit so you get neopets posting instead)#words and things#update: i went to the neopets website and its literally links to their merch and shit#i mean i know theres content there once you log in but wheres MY neopets!!
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thebeamskneems · 1 year
Everytime I see a post on here talking about how horribly internet safety was handled in the early days of the 'net this is what I think of
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woundlight · 4 months
okay so. does anybody remember this creepy image? and yes, it's real, by the way.
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this is barnard 68, a dark nebula that does not allow light to pass through. it's quite close to us too, and so dense that the stars behind it can't be observed from earth. it's just a molecular cloud, though! looks like a tear in the fabric of existence itself, but it's just a very big dark blob of gas floating in space. barnard 68 is often confused with the boötes void, which is also referred to as "the great nothing".
what's that, you say? oh, well... it's a region in space about 330 million light years wide. this is about 0.27% of the width of the entire observable universe. an area this large is expected to have around 2000 galaxies, but this one only has 60. everything else is just... dead, empty space.
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okay, what if i told you that we actually are within a void ourselves? it's called the kbc void. another name is uhh.. local hole. anyways. it's theoretically the largest void we know of, about 2 billion light years across. it's extremely speculative, but it might account for the hubble tension; that is, shit seems to be flying away from us faster than it should be.
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some people claim other things cause the discrepancy in our observations of the hubble constant, some debate whether it's consistent with our current cosmological model at all. it isn't completely accepted by the astrophysics community, but it's not a preposterous claim to make either. i personally think it's cool.
maybe shit does fly away faster from us because we live in a local hole. the rest of the universe is an intergalactic party, and we're not invited.
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superkirbylover · 8 months
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i present to all of you: the designs of the evil au the duo travel to (and... CHARACTER LORE!??!) for dimensional delivery
see under the cut for ~ the lore ~
alright chat, welcome to under the cut. here's the lore @pinkygrocket and i hashed out that i remember
evil pep still runs a restaurant, but he's not involved with it. he used to be and was the chef, but as business grew and steadily turned into a front for money laundering, he grew more and more distant from it. he's so paranoid that he literally doesn't even have friends. anybody he "trusts" he doesn't even trust fully, he always takes into account that they could betray him. basically, regular pep's negative traits but heightened: he's more selfish, paranoid, plus he's gotten a lot better at being manipulative
gustavo runs a more hidden restaurant as a peaceful temporary hole away from the chaos. brick helps him with the place. he's a very good cashier you know. gustavo really does not like the way pep turned out, but it was the breaking point when noise was murdered by pep. gustavo and brick both hold a grudge against evil pep, but gustavo moreso as he used to be best friends with him
mr stick is flat up a loan shark. he's not evil but he's not good either (unless you count loan sharks as evil which is based). he's constantly tried to work with evil pep but because of the latter's paranoia there's been no progress on that front. however stick's loan sharkery outside of pep has been successful so he has a slightly cooler fit to boot
noisette's gone into hiding. she ditched the "noisette" name and costume, just privately going by her real name (which i like to think is hazel). if she goes out in public, it's as mr. incognito. she's lost a lot of her outlook due to noise's passing so she's a lot less silly, but she still has a kind heart
pizzahead also has his own joint, but not for the Wholesome Purposes like gustavo. sure, it's often seen as a place of peace away from chaos like gustavo's, but it's still not great. he cares more about entertainment than about providing a good place so if it's funny and fun to him he doesn't care. fortunately he doesn't find death all that fun
noise was Killed by Evil Peppino ! i don't know the circumstances around it yet but let's just say evil pep definitely justifies it to himself as "oh he was annoying anyway. all he ever did was just get in my way, so i just found a permanent solution to it is all"
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infamousbrad · 3 months
Biden's "Dean Scream"?
A week and a half ago, I was convinced that "Biden had one bad debate performance" was going to be a 3-day story. But now I see why it wasn't. (I mean, aside from the fact that summer is Silly Season in US journalism.) How well do you remember Howard Dean's final run for the Democratic nomination?
Howard Dean was a "progressive" by the standards of his time, that is to say, slightly to the left of, say, Richard Nixon at a time when the post-Bill-Clinton center-right wing of the Democratic Party totally controlled the nomination process, and he was running on an FDR-liberal type platform.
And the press spent the whole time he was in the race asking him the same question over and over again, "Does this mean that you're angry at the 'Third Way' Democrats? I'll bet you're angry at Bill Clinton and the 'Third Way' Democrats? Governor Dean, why don't you say a word about how angry you are?" Because if he was still running against "militant centrism" in a post-liberal party, he must be angry, right?
But he really wasn't. I never saw him actually get angry that whole campaign. He was happy to have inspired so many volunteers, and proud of his plan to rejuvenate the state-party apparatuses in written-off "red states," and never not happy to talk to a reporter, any reporter. Which was all the proof they needed to show that he was not only angry, he was nefarious. Because they couldn't imagine any plausible reason why anybody would go to as much effort as he did unless they were genuinely angry.
After the New Hampshire primary, he stood up in front of a group of his campaign volunteers to cheer them on, and they handed him a defective microphone. So he screamed his cheers into the dead microphone, so the volunteers in the back could hear him over the din. But the press microphones? Worked. And he didn't sound excited, he sounded deranged. And I swear to God, 100% of the political press reported it as "Howard Dean finally reveals his inner anger," even though the video shows him grinning and smiling like a child on Christmas.
Why could nothing disprove the "Howard Dean is the Angry Candidate" theory before, why was evidence to the contrary taken as proof it was true?
Because it fit the pre-existing narrative.
Look, we have never not known that Biden's age was going to be a problem. Even as he was sweeping the primaries in 2020, it came up. That's where the "he knows he's too old, he's just reassuring older voters that the party is normal, he's going to step aside for Kamala Harris" rumor got started, remember that? No matter how many times Biden himself denied it?
And if there was any truth to it, there's no point to it now. She hasn't gotten any better at either of the president's jobs, not at public speaking nor at shepherding legislation, so unsurprisingly she polls even worse than Biden.
Should Biden be replaced because he's getting slower and more mumbly as he ages? Did Reagan? He sailed to easy re-election despite the fact he was visibly declining by the end of his first term, way faster than Biden is now. His White House Chief of Staff, Howard Baker, was, by all accounts, acting president for at least three years, making sure that the last person to talk to Reagan before he had to make a decision was the person Baker thought that Reagan would have agreed with if he could remember anything that was happening around him.
(It's not even the most extreme example in US national politics: look up stories about Strom Thurmond's last term in the Senate, which was full-on "Weekend at Bernie's.")
An entirely senile top official who put a good team into place before he sundowned can do a perfectly good job. And trying to replace him would just hand the election to Trump. So no, even if he were as tired and confused as the press and jealous Democrats are painting him, that wouldn't be a good reason to replace him, not at this late of a date.
(If the entire party apparatus had discussed this behind closed doors and agreed to set up, say, Michigan's governor Whitmer or Pennsylvania's governor Shapiro as an agreed-upon backup candidate in case something like this happened, and gotten it done no later than, say, spring of '23, we'd have a minimally plausible option. But we didn't, so we don't. The choice isn't Biden or someone better, it's Biden vs Trump or Trump unopposed.)
But even given how weak-sauce the argument that a few verbal slips and mutters mean that Biden can't perform the duties of the president is, I suddenly realize now why it wasn't a three-day story. Just like the Dean Scream, he handed them the proof they needed of something they've been saying for four years, long before it was true, and everybody loves being "proved" right. Because, as I always say:
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.
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twptwp · 2 months
Please share
Hello, I contemplated it a lot, I decided it would be best. I will be sharing this beware on a rather big artist here who hurt me personally.
I will write more at the end. Please take care. Warning: the post is very big
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Pestkitty is also known as Nopperabou if I remember the name correctly on other platforms such as Artfight and Youtube
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*It should be noted this is very blatant lying on that guys part, I was keeping to myself for this entire time and harassed nobody, on the contrary his friends had been harassing me. I regret not writing that more clearly
I don't think I mentioned it in the original post images but I would also like to note at the time I was not an adult yet and it was my first time going on a plane... 11 hour flight completely alone is scary, no family, nobody in my family has ever travelled so far. It was a very big deal
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Description from original post on Instagram (it's a lot so I'll make it small):
HI HI PAWB! Lots and lots of people wanted me to put this together, please do share, even if you do not know the people it would be great help. The more people who know the more people who can stay safe. This post is a little overdue but I was gaslit by them into thinking these were not big issues and that I was the one being strange so it took a while for me to gain the stability to put this together, I ended up downplaying my feelings a lot and it wasn't untill somewhat recent when I realised I may be developing a new disorder from their abuse that oh... I was not wrong for my concerns and feelings; these people really are harmful. I do not condone harassment so please do not go messaging these people. Block, share, and move on. Stay safe. That is my internet mission for you🚀
I make this post because they are rather gross and dangerous and have considerably big audiences, people have told me their opinions that they should not have the platforms that they have because their behaviours are dangerous. There is more things they've done that I have not included because I would like some of my own privacy even after my private information was leaked in a comic haha... I've displayed enough behaviour from them to show who they are and what they do though, so this is enough!
This is quite intimidating for me, so, I will be going offline off of this account for a few days and just let this post simmer... Not for too long because I have some awesome art cooking HEHE but YA! If there are questions in the comments my friends will answer for me! Though, I think I've been rather transparent so I don't think there would be any.
I will also be providing more proof in my story, specifically proof that slide 10 IS that guy because quite frankly anybody could be "Instagram user" and they have fabricated stuff against me in the past so I think it would be good to prove it is that account.
Okay bla bla that is all, apologies this is such a scary and serious post especially as I like to keep my account a friendly nice place but ahhh it really has been burning at me. So, thank you for reading so very much. Bye bye pawb!
End of description^
That was a lot! So here is why I'm sharing it to Tumblr:
☆Awareness! NOBODY should have to risk getting close to these people. NOBODY.
☆Better circulation! My Instagram post got over 3000 likes, lots of shares, 100s of comment and many saves so it did very well however after a while things leave the light and become something "of the past". I notice this does not happen so much on Tumblr and things continue to be shared
☆This still effects me. The original Beware is from 3 months ago however I am currently doing this because I was restless from lastnight nightmare (I had a nightmare about these people) and now I'm all nauseous and shaky again! It's 3am and I was panicking a lot so I put this together, I'm yet to rest
And finally....
I notice that if an image in a tag becomes popular enough it shows up on things like Google! Isn't that cwl! So, if a fan of these people searches for them on the internet the beware could show up which may deter them from the artist. This is great, which is why I also need your help in making this popular!
Thank you sincerely for your time, it is greatly appreciated. I feel calmer now that I have made this post, I regret not making it earlier but it is better now than never. Nos da ac breuddwydion melys pawb♡
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ressjeon · 2 years
endearing | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: you're just worried when your loud housemate suddenly goes quiet after serenading you for hours
rating: pg13 | word count: 1.3k
genre/au: housemates!au, romance?, fluff (lmao who's this), they're just fRiEnDs 🤭
warnings/content: just alcohol consumption, they're sweet ig 🥰
a/n: yk i’m supposed to be on break (literally on midterm season) but here we are. also i haven’t written a purely SFW drabble for a very long time so please bear with me i just love him sm. huge thank you to my phone's voice feature lol, i'd never finished this in a few hours with how slow i usually am.
companion song: more than friends by becky g 💖
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You’re scrolling through your phone when you notice that the whole house has suddenly turned quiet.
You couldn’t be that you’re fixated on your phone that you didn’t notice your housemate has ended his karaoke session because you swear the living room was still loud just a few minutes ago. Jungkook, one of your housemates, has been singing his heart out since past 1 AM today. Not that you mind it really, because you’re a night owl, just like him. You love it when he does his live streams because he usually does karaoke sessions in each of them no matter what he was doing at first.
Jungkook’s one of the popular students on your campus and has a huge following on his IG account, which he uses mainly for everything, no matter how random they are. He deletes his pictures often though when he feels like changing his feed. You’re hoping that he just archived them because he’s quite talented at photography. However, he does frequent lives on IG in return since people tune in when he goes live anyway, filled with comments from either his group of friends or his admirers.
It’s been a while since you heard Jungkook singing. He has a very beautiful voice that even though he doesn’t remember the lyrics for most of the songs that he sang, he still sounded so good to anyone who’s listening. Your other housemates are still not back from their reading week vacation, giving Jungkook the only time when he could be as loud as he can in the house without disturbing anybody. He’s aware that you stay up like him and listen to him when he’s singing, relieved that out of your housemates, it’s you who remained with him. Both of you are the only ones who didn’t go anywhere because of your packed schedules.
Tonight, as diverse as his playlist is, you still feel like he’s serenading you with most of his song choices. Those songs are on your playlist too, which he knew since you’ve shared each other’s links before. So now you’re going to let yourself be deluded, humming along to the songs while you’re getting your tasks done. When the music stopped, you thought he was just taking breaks, so you didn’t think much of it. Jungkook usually creates small noises after he’s done, cleaning up the living room and kitchen before going back to his room.
But it’s suddenly quiet. Did he fall asleep already? Should you check, but then why would you? Jungkook sleeps anywhere at any time unlike you, but you’ve always been paranoid. The lazy part of you wants to close your eyes and fall asleep already, but the other part wants to go down and check. It’s just normal right just in case? Besides, it’s also part of your responsibility as a housemate.
It’s the least you could do for Jungkook because he took care of you many times when you come home drunk from house parties at 5 AM. He even took as much as helping you by being there while you let everything out, offering you a glass of water and making sure you remove your makeup before tucking you into your bed after. He cooks you noodle soup in the morning too in case you get hangovers, which you thankfully don't but your heart somersaults every time with how thoughtful he is.
So despite how comfy your bed is right now, you forced yourself to get up and pushed away your comforter before going down to the living room to check.
And your guts were right because you see Jungkook sleeping soundly on his stomach by the couch with a lighted-scented candle on the table in front of him. The light from the candle allows you to see his handsome face clearly, with flushed cheeks and slightly puckered lips as he sleeps in his arms. He looks adorable, wearing a black crewneck in sweater paws, obscuring his colourful sleeve from your eyes. His cute snores crack a small smile on your face as you approach his sleeping figure, carefully taking the remote from his hands. Sure, he’s a deep sleeper, but you didn’t want to wake him up because it’s already 4 AM and you’re a bit sleepy too.
You then turn off the TV and unplugged the mood lamp that he designed for one of his classes. It’s so pretty, and he brings it out in the living room once in a while, especially when he’s doing his live streams. You also just noticed the half-filled beer mug on the table, taking it with you to the kitchen where you’ve put it back on the ref before deciding to look for spare blankets for him. You couldn’t find any though, so you just opted for his room, which is surprisingly wide open.
Jungkook stays in the room on the first floor, so he frequents the living room when he’s not gaming or doing schoolwork. Entering his room, you grabbed his blanket at once, fighting the urge to nuzzle it, given how good Jungkook usually smells when you hug him. You went back to the living room and put the blanket over him, pushing away a strand of his hair from his closed eyes before tucking it behind his ears. His hair had gotten longer and curly, so fluffy too that you’d been expressing how you love this look on him. Jungkook smiles when you do, letting you ruffle his hair more.
He stirs a bit, causing you to go rigid and worried that you woke him up. You don’t move until you were sure that he’s fully sleeping. And though he might not hear it, you still wish him a quiet good night before eyeing the candle. You love the smell of it but for safety reasons, you blow out and retreat upstairs to your room.
The footsteps padding in the hallway woke you up from your deep slumber, being the sensitive sleeper you are. You’re wondering how Jungkook’s awake at this hour and why he’s up here, reluctantly rising from your bed before opening the door. There you watch him scurrying back to the stairs wrapped in his blankets looking like a deer caught in the headlights when he hears you.
“Jungkook? why are you awake? do you need something? it’s still early” you asked him sleepily while rubbing your eyes.
“um, i woke up and i-uh” he couldn’t look you in the eye, the nervousness evident in his voice. “you can’t sleep?” you yawn, yearning to go back to your comfy bed but you just wanna talk to him more. 
Jungkook shakes his head. “i just wanna say thank you for earlier and uh-sorry for waking you up” he grins apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck.
“oh Kook, that’s nothing compared to what you’ve done more for me” you smile at him, truly grateful for his existence in your life. Hold, you’re sleep deprived to be having these thoughts right now but Jungkook just looks so endearing in your eyes despite how sleepy you still are. 
Damn, you really should sleep more.
He’s oddly looking at you fondly so you mimic him, both of you waiting who will back down first. Jungkook looks like he wants to say something more, tongue poking around his lip ring with that doe eyes of his. You smile at him, urging him to continue. He’s back to being shy around you these days for some reason but you don’t wanna pry, just want him to be comfortable as much as possible. 
“i’m still sleepy so i’m going back to my room” you can see him retracting so you approach him, a knowing smile already plastered on your face. “do you wanna cuddle? i think we’ll fit in my bed” his nervous eyes were replaced with excitement, following you to your room.
You didn’t even get to lie down on your bed properly when he tackles you, spurring a hearty giggle out of you with him matching you. “what?” he hugs you right away, mumbling something against your skin as he snuggles his head on the crook of your neck. Your hands automatically card through his luscious hair until you hear his breathing slow down, and his cute snores occurring once again. 
Guess you’ll never know what all these are for until he wakes.
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e/n: i'm testing many things from this so hope it's wholesome enough lmao (i tried). have a lovely week everyone!
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simblorbo-bracket · 2 months
Submission Info
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So, you think you've got what it takes to be Simblr's next sexyman? Prove it!
The Rules:
Deadline for submissions is: September 11th
Submissions must be a sim. They can be from any game, but they must be: Your own original creation, an EA/Maxis premade, your own makeover of an EA/Maxis premade, or the offspring of some combination of the above.
You may not submit sims belonging to someone else. All non-premade sims must be submitted by their creators.
Sims must be at least a Young Adult. Some games do ages differently, but we wont be accepting any teens, children, toddlers, infants, etc.
Sim does not need to be playable or human. For example, Grim Reaper, the mother plant, etc. (We will be following the Harkness test here, ok?)
You may submit multiple sims. Go nuts. Our max number of participants is currently 256, there's no way we're getting there even if everyone submits like, 10 sims.
Images must be safe to post on tumblr. I don't want polls getting flagged and skewing the results, so keep it clean-ish. (I won't blame anybody if a post does get flagged, it's not your fault, but like, no full frontal nudity, okay? Let's use some common sense is all)
No negative propaganda.
Sims may be rejected at moderator discretion.
Ok? Now we're moving on to the real good stuff:
How to submit your sim(s):
Make a post on your blog (or one post per sim, if you prefer), @ this blog (@simblorbo-bracket), and make sure you include the following info for each sim:
Name of sim
At least 1 image of the sim (A main image will be included above the poll, additional images will be below a readmore alongside the propaganda. You can specify which image you'd like to use as the main, if you have a preference)
Whether they are an original creation, premade, or makeover
(Optional) Propaganda! Why should people vote for your sim? Remember: no negative propaganda. Lift up your candidate instead of putting others down.
That's it! Your submission will be reblogged or replied to by this account if everything is in order and your submission has been accepted! If you don't hear back in a timely fashion, you can send an ask or a message to follow up. It's possible I missed it! I'm only human.
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vashtijoy · 2 months
I wonder if Akechi just kind of...appeared in Shibuya or if he just woke up in his room as if nothing happened after what Maruki did? Does Akechi only remember that one part of Shido's Palace because he doesnt seem to remember surviving and now instead of checking into the refuge place, Akechi is placed on Christmas Eve to just turn himself in and prevent The Protagonists arrest thereby no one needs to testify in the later part of the game which is what he was arriving to do in the true ending of the game, maybe? Sorry I was just checking if Im getting this correctly because its a bit complicated., Can you clarify just what exactly does Akechi remember if anything besides that one moment in the engine room moment?.
Hi! The answer is that it's hard to tell. I don't think he has memories missing from further back in his past at all—he never mentions anything like that, and it would have a massive impact on his functioning.
And as for "after I fought you", that could mean quite a bit. We know Akechi remembers making their deal at the end, because he refers back to it on 1/2. We know he doesn't remember dying, because per 2/2 he has to deduce that for himself; I think he only commits to that conclusion after seeing Wakaba.
"until I met Ren again" suggests to me that Akechi legit blinked, found himself in Station Square listening to Sae pressure Ren into going to juvie, and stepped forward. Which kind of accounts for how odd he seems—he's in perfect detective prince mode. Sure, that's likely because Sae is there—you can see him going Detective Prince here and there in the third semester still, because his unfriendly thirdsem face is only for those in on the act!
But it might also be because he's confused; because he doesn't know how he got there, or what's going on. He's left with only his instincts—the mask which is so much part of him, that has served him so well, and the last act of his life: to pay his debts, to face up to what he's done, and to save Ren.
As for those "unclear memories" we uncovered before? Perhaps he has glimpses of memory here and there, but they don't make sense. Perhaps he remembers things and they're gone the next second. Perhaps he sees the whole truth at times, maybe in his dreams, but the pieces fall apart in his hands. Memory loss is a horror, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
And why is he in Shibuya? He's there IMO because Maruki has put him at Ren's side. Like, why wouldn't he? Ren desperately misses his dead friend! Maruki will bring him back and bring them together, and all will be well as they go into the sunset hand in hand. It's not his last miscalculation regarding Goro Akechi.
I don't think Akechi is returning to testify on 3/20. Ren has, after all, long ago been released from detention at this point—that came off in mid-February. Per Sae on 2/13, Ren has been cleared of all charges; even his original assault charge has been overturned. If Akechi was going to return to Tokyo and testify, I think he would have done that before Ren's release, somewhere around 2/10 to 2/12. This of course does not correspond to the dates in the event script, but then it is first draft, and likely written for a very different version of the third semester.
Or maybe Akechi's mysterious favour is something completely different. But what? Maybe he only tells Sae he intends to confess, and reports for a scheduled arrest on 3/20—but back in February, that wouldn't get Ren cleared of shit. The truth is that I really don't think Akechi's 3/20 appearance is linked to Ren's release. Those two guys he's with are just too similar to the ones stalking the PTs in their car. Akechi is part of that plot somehow, or I miss my guess.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Hey I just wanted to ask you, what do you think of the fact that in ToA the fact that Apollo bullied Harpocrates was basically made up and has no basis in myths? I'm kinda conflicted, because I can get behind holding the deities accountable for the stuff they have done, but that one think was made up.
Hellooo <3
I have seen this as a common complaint about ToA. And yes, I see the view - it has no basis in the actual myths, and therefore shouldn't reflect on what actual mythological Apollo has done.
Buckle up. I've got some thoughts to share here.
There are a couple things to consider here:
The Camp Half-Blood Chronicles are not meant to be 100% accurate to the myths. Nor did Rick really intend to do so when he first created the series - after all, PJO started out as Haley's new bedtime story, and to give him a character he could relate to. That was the main goal of Rick's.
Does Rick do his best to stay true to the myths? I do think so. Sure, he trips up at times (details of the myths [ie, Midas was not the judge of the Apollo V Pan contest], characterizations of the gods [ie, Aphrodite & Ares), ect.) but all in all he does do his best to give us a well-rounded story that has Greek Mythology as its influence.
Because also remember - PJO started out as a story about the demigods, not the gods. If the gods had originally been Rick's focus instead, I think we would have a bit of a different tale.
So a bit of creative liberty can be taken here, especially since Rick basically decided 'all myths are true!' with his Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase books - it makes sense, from a storytelling perspective, that (ToA) Apollo would have crossed paths with Harpocrates at some point.
With all honesty, the CHB Chronicles shouldn't even be taken as fact about the myths - about the gods. Because no mythological series is ever 100% accurate, and to assume they are is disrespectful to the culture these myths come from.
And continuing with the storytelling perspective...honestly I think it was a pretty interesting choice on Rick's end. It's not myth-accurate, but I think it does add more to the story Rick is telling us.
He's not using these gods to make them look bad, after all. He's using them to tell a story. To give us a message.
And ToA's mainly centers around abuse.
Zeus isn't an abuser in mythology, but Rick made him one in his books to show us how abuse works. How it can be difficult to accept that you have been abused.
How hard it can be to acknowledge the fact that you have caused pain yourself.
Because while it seems like Harpocrates would cause Apollo's whole character to take a bit of a dive (after all, nobody likes a bully, right? Who would!), I...disagree.
I think Harpocrates deepens Apollo's character.
Stick with me.
I have been bullied in school. Fourth grade and seventh grade in particular were Dreadful for me and in seventh grade I would come home in tears about 95% of the time. I would even skip track practice because I was so emotionally unbalanced from the day I just couldn't take another minute.
There was something that my parents, grandparents, the parish deacon, ect all told me. There is probably a reason why bullies picked on me;
They were jealous.
There was something wrong with them; or, connecting to this point;
They were hurting.
They were hurting.
Anybody else's brains go "Bingo!"?
Because think about it. By the time Harpocrates comes around, Apollo's already spent a lot of time under Zeus's thumb - under his abuse.
And personally, I don't think Zeus likes the other pantheons. And I bet he really doesn't like it when pantheons...mix.
Which is something Harpocrates is. A mix between his original Egyptian self, and what Ptolemy made him to be.
So imagine this: You are Apollo. You have been dealing with your father's abuse for centuries. You are hurting - physically, emotionally, and mentally. You come across this god who's a mix between Egypt and Greece. He is the opposite of you - silence where you are sound.
Wouldn't he be the perfect target to lash out at, without repercussions? After all...I doubt Zeus would care if Apollo was kicking around a mixed deity. Perhaps...he would even encourage it...
But I hear you - "But Apollo barely remembers Harpocrates!" And yes, he does barely remember him and it takes him a bit to acknowledge the fact that he did bully him.
So here's the kicker; I think Apollo lashed out at Harpocrates only a few times. He tried to transfer the pain he felt onto another, on the hope it would make him feel better.
But it didn't. Nothing made him feel better about himself.
And what's something we know about Apollo?
It's how much guilt he keeps bottled up. And I bet that after a few times, Apollo just...stopped going after Harpocrates. I think Apollo started feeling guilty about it, but quickly stamped it down and tried to forget about such feelings by forgetting about Harpocrates.
What you don't know can't hurt you, after all, right?
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Potent love. [S.S & O.G]
Warnings: A little angst, but fluffy + steamy ending. Not explicitly smut, more of a make-out session,but Dom!Ominis, Sub!reader and Switch!Sebastian.
Synopsis (suggested): Sebastian and Ominis x reader where the reader smells them both in the amortentia potion, and ends up avoiding them in fear of being rejected.
Word count: 3.4k
Poly!Sebastian x gn!reader x Ominis
A/N: Not proofread. A little more angst than I intended it to be, but it's still cute. I hope @danielle-marie (who requested this) enjoys it, as it's my first request hehe.
"Today." Professor Sharp started, his monotonous voice cutting through the chatter of students. "We will be brewing the amortentia potion. Can anybody tell me what such a potion is used for?" He asks quietly, limping out from behind his desk to stare the class down with an icy glare. You look away, Sharp's intimidating demeanour sending a chill right down to your bones. You knew he was a just and fair professor, kind in his own way, but it was hard not to be a little scared of him and his stern exterior- especially taking into account how many powerful wizards he'd taken down during his time as an auror. Just as you were about to open your mouth to answer his question, another voice spoke. "It's a love potion, sir. Used to cause the drinker to fall in love." You looked over to Ominis with a smile, glad to see him participating in a class you knew he didn't particularly enjoy.
"Correct, Mr. Gaunt. 10 points to Slytherin." Proffesor Sharp said with an impressed nod, before turning to the chalk board behind him and waving his wand. With the flick of his wrist, words began to appear upon the black surface- information about the amortentia potion and the necessary instructions to brew it. "However, amortentia does not precisely create love. Love is an emotion so complex it is impossible to manufacture or force. Amortentia merely causes an intense infatuation. It is banned upon Hogwarts grounds for a reason. The power of obsession is not to be trifled with, it can cause darkness in people that most wouldn't think possible- in fact, I dare say that it may be one of the most powerful concoctions known to the wizarding world."
You flipped open your potions text book, skimming through a few pages until you found the page on amortentia. It was complicated- and you weren't exactly the best at potions as it was. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard footsteps behind you, and it took a good ounce of effort not to whip your wand out then and there. After a year of being hunted by poachers and goblins alike, you had a hard time remembering that not everyone behind you was a threat. "(Y/N)?" You heard the familiar, low rumble of Sebastian's voice behind you. "I left my potions textbook in the common room...do you think I could work with you on this?" He asks with a sheepish, shy grin, a red blush growing on his freckled cheeks. You notice him swinging his hands by his sides, a nervous habit you knew he'd had after a year of being friends with him. You let out a small, light-hearted sigh, shaking your head with a smile. "Be more careful next time, okay? Sharp won't be too happy with you if you make a habit of losing your things." You speak, stepping to the side slightly to make more room for him at your potions table. Perhaps having Sebastian's help wouldn't be so bad- he was pretty good at potions, after all.
After a short run down from Professor Sharp on the instructions of brewing amortentia, you began to set out all the things you'd need. Ashwinder eggs, pearl dust, a fwooper feather and a few other things. "Okay. I think we're all ready!" Sebastian said, clapping his hands together with a smile as he looked down at your potions table. Ominis was working on the table beside you both- potions class was one of his least favourites, as it wasn't really possible for him to use his wand to navigate. So, he'd gained the habit of working closely to you and Sebastian, whom he trusted with his life, in case anything were to go wrong. He trusted the both of you to tell him if he was about to mess up- because in potions, a small mistake could be the difference between life and death. After all, potions was a precise art and it was difficult sometimes to be precise when you couldn't see.
You got to work filling your cauldron with a base of water from the black lake, stirring in a small amount of pearl dust- so far so good, it had already begun to take on the pearlescent sheen that was characteristic of amortentia. You heard Sebastian click his tongue from next to you, and saw him wave his wand. A fire roared to life under your cauldron, the flames licking up the sides softly. "Now now, (Y/N), how do you expect to brew a potion without the cauldron bubbling, hm? Perhaps your mind is elsewhere today?" He teased softly, unaware that he was quite right with his little joking assumption. You weren't really focused today, all that seemed to plague your mind was thoughts of your best friends. Sebastian and his effortless charm that made you flustered beyond words. Ominis and his subtle care and tenderness that made your heart race out of your chest. "Quiet, Sallow." You deflected quickly, shooting him a playful glare. He was about to say something in retaliation, only to stop short when he was stared down by Professor Sharp.
Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly. "Okay- stir clockwise for 5 whole minutes.." he trailed off with a groan, but began to stir the potion with his wand nonetheless. While he did that, you got to work. Placing a graphorn horn into the mortar and pestle, you began to crush the tough material. It was a bit of a struggle, and you could only get it into small chunks, while it was supposed to be a fine powder. Sebastian was busy stiring the cauldron, so he wouldn't be much help right now. Just as you were about to give up hope and cast reducto to reduce the horn to powder yourself, another voice spoke up behind you. "You won't do much to that horn by just crushing it. You have to grind it." Ominis spoke kindly, coming up behind you and hovering his hands over yours. "May I?" He enquires softly, which made you smile. Ominis was always so considerate. You nod, and he places his hands over yours, guiding your hands to perform a grinding and pulverising motion. Your face flushed at the proximity, the feeling of his chest pressed against your back, his hands closing over yours and his fingers a hairs breadth away from interlocking with yours. You watched as he skilfully crushed the graphorn horn into a powder, wondering how he did it so well without being able to see what he was doing.
When he finished and stepped back, you felt your heart skip a beat- perhaps relief that he'd stepped away and allowed you to breathe again? Or maybe dissapointment that he was no longer so close to you. "T-thank you, Ominis." You speak quickly, trying to act like you're not freaking out internally. He returns to his table with a gentle nod, and you could swear you saw a flush across his pale cheeks. As you turn and place the mortar and pestle back on your table, you accidentally brush up against Sebastian. The action causes him to jolt in surprise, and knock the ashwinder egg off of the desk. You bend down to get it, but in one swift motion, Sebastian has one hand across your shoulder, holding you up, and the other cupping the egg. Just how good were his reflexes? "Careful. If this broke, we'd end up with a magical fire on our hands- and Professor Sharp really wouldn't like me then." He smirks, his face so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath. In that moment, you weren't sure if the heat that was pulsing through your entire body was because of Sebastian or the egg he was holding that radiated warmth.
You quickly shift out of Sebastian's grasp, placing the ashwinder egg back on the potions table, inside a small nest that you'd conjured to keep it from rolling away or falling again. If either Sebastian or Ominis speak again, you don't hear it, too busy dicing up a mandrake root for the potion. As you put the ground graphorn horn and mandrake into the cauldron, it begins to take shape. It is a faint purple, shiny spots dancing in the liquid, and a swirling, spiraling steam begins to emit from it. The faint scent of ancient magic lingers in the air, causing you to sigh happily. You'd never sniffed amortentia, but knew it always smelled of what your favourite scents were. Adding the last ingredient and casting a small charm on the cauldron, it burst up in a cloud of bright pink smoke. Large hearts were floating up above the potion, mingling in with the smoke and steam. "Well done. 10 points to your house, (L/N)." You heard Professor Sharp's approving tone behind you, bringing a proud smile to your lips.
Class was dismissed, and you packed up your things and slung your book bag over your shoulder, gazing over the classroom for your two best friends. Sebastian and Ominis were talking to eachother idly, walking off to their next classes. You jogged up to them, jovially placing an arm around both of their shoulders, practically inserting yourself between the both of them. "Ah, (Y/N), there you are. Look what I snagged." He says with a grin, shaking a small vial of bright pink liquid between his fingers. You gasp, playfully smacking him over the head. "Hey! I did most of the work making that, it's only fair you give it to me." You huff playfully, snatching it from his hand. Ominis only smiles and shakes his head, a deep chuckle coming from his throat. "I've never smelled it before- hang on, I wanna see what it's like." You say, twisting the small golden cork off of the bottle and bringing it up to your nose. You were immediately hit with a whiff of ancient magic, an acrid but still pleasing scent that almost seemed to crackle with electricity and sent jolts through your body. Laced amongst that, was a mossy and damp, but musky and pleasant hint. One that immediately had your eyes widen the size of saucers. It was the same smell that clung to Sebastian- it had since that night in the catacombs, and although it was initially unpleasant had now become one of your favourite, comforting smells. Also unmistakable, was the hit of smoky yet floral, expensive musk of Ominis' cologne. Some luxurious French brand you couldn't even pronounce. Surely this was a trick- you had to be smelling it because of your close proximity, not because you were secretly in love with them or something. "I have to go." You shoved the potion back to Sebastian, leaving the classroom in a rush without another word.
You'd spent the next couple of days avoiding Ominis and Sebastian wherever you possibly could. Hiding away in your dorm, not sitting at the Slytherin table during feasts like you usually would, making excuses whenever they asked to talk with you. You felt really bad and even a little lost without them, but it was better than what you'd convinced yourself the alternative was- them finding out about your feelings and being disgusted with you or ruining what you had. In classes, multiple teachers had asked if you were feeling okay, noticing that you weren't with your best friends as you usually were. You'd been paired with Ominis in astronomy, and skilfully avoided any questions he asked you by outright ignoring him. You saw how disheartened he looked, how his face dropped as he quickly gave up trying to talk with you.
Right now, you were sitting outside of your common room, revising your herbology homework in peace. The scratching of your quill against parchment, and the crackling of the hearth burning next to you lulling you into a sense of security and familiarity. You were humming a faint tune to yourself, only bought out of it as you spotted feet paused right in front of you. As you looked up, your eyes met a very pissed looking Sebastian and a hesitant Ominis, eyes fixed to the ground even though he couldn't see. "Alright, what's up?" Sebastian hissed, his arms crossed over his chest. "You've been avoiding us for 3 days straight, and you've hurt Ominis' feelings!" He growls out with such anger that it actually makes you shiver. Your face falls at this information, breath hitching in your throat. "What?" You choked out, looking over at Ominis with saddened eyes. You hadn't meant to hurt either of them, and it broke your heart to know that you had.
"Ominis, Sebastian, I-" you began, placing the parchment you were working on over the desk, and standing up slowly. Your nails were digging in so hard to your palms that you felt blood begin to bead from the indents. You hung your head, biting your lip as you thought of what to say. When you looked back up again, Ominis was gazing at you with his typical calm demeanour, and Sebastian was looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. "I'm sorry." Was all you were able to choke out, trying to fight back tears that picked at your eyes. "I just...the other day, during potions. I smelled the both of you in the amortentia- and I guess I panicked. Suppose I didn't know what to do, because I'm so damn scared of being rejected and ruining what we have- and, it's not like I could have the both of you, anyway." You hadn't even realised that you'd been rambling or that there were tears streaming down your face until Ominis had his lips against yours, his hand cupping your cheek and wiping away your tears.
When he pulled away, you looked like a deer in headlights. Body stiff and a shocked, flustered look on your face. "(Y/N) (L/N), you absolute git!" Sebastian laughed loudly, pretty much running into you and hugging you so forcefully that you were pushed right up against the wall. "Shut up. Ominis and I have been smitten with you since fifth year, how have you not noticed?" You pushed him away, looking up at the taller with an incredulous expression. "Wait, you what?" Your voice was raised, but not angry. "It's quite true, I assure you. Sebastian and I look at you like a mooncalf looks at a full moon." He chuckles quietly, and you sigh in relief. You're so glad that you didn't cause any irreparable damage in your relationship with the two, although you still felt horrible for hurting Ominis' feelings.
"My turn." Sebastian spoke simply, pulling you into his chest and leaning down to kiss you. His kisses were more rough than Ominis', fiery and passionate but not aggressive- even as he held you, his grasp was gentle and tender, a nice contrast to his feverish kissing. When he pulled away, a string of saliva connected both of your lips, and your faces were both bright red. Ominis was off standing to the side, his face equally as warm- he wasn't really hiding the fact he was enjoying the prospect of his two friends kissing. You knew that Sebastian and Ominis had both liked eachother- they'd both confided in you at separate times, and you'd done what you could for them. It hadn't crossed your mind that they'd also liked you too.
"I say we go somewhere more private, yes?" Ominis rumbled into your ear, his voice more husky than usual. You felt his warm hand slip into yours, and Sebastian followed suit, his hand finding purchase on your other. Now, you were sandwiched between two pretty Slytherin boys, and you couldn't think straight. "I agree." Sebastian nodded with a smirk, beginning to walk. You let the two guide you, unsure of their plans- although you weren't complaining either way. You got a few odd looks from some students as they watched the three of you walk hand-in-hand, but most people wisely looked away. The three of you were notorious after last years events, and most people were too intimidated of you, Seb and ominis and thankfully steered clear. As you climbed up the stairs of the astronomy tower, you realised that the boys were taking you to the room of requirement.
"This is your idea of private?" You giggled, about to speak again when you were roughly shoved against the wall by a pair of strong hands. "As long as you're quiet, no one will be any the wiser." Ominis laughed, his hands running over your hips as Sebastian's lips collided with yours. The sounds of yours and Sebastian's lips gliding over eachother's were almost lewd and caused a heat to pool in the bottom of your stomach. You felt Ominis slip between you and the wall, caging you between himself and Sebastian. The taller pulled away from your lips, leaning his forehead against yours as Ominis' hands found their way to your ass. You felt him roughly grasp at your flesh, kissing his way down your neck as Sebastian kept his hands on either side of your head. The feelings were overwhelming your senses in the best of ways, a mix of a gasp and a moan ripping it's way from your throat.
Sebastian pulled away completely, as did Ominis- you were about to complain, until Ominis took control and shoved Sebastian against the wall just as the latter had done to you moments ago. It took them mere seconds to begin kissing eachother, Sebastian's hands intertwined in Ominis' usually slicked back hair. It was an insanely hot sight, Sebastian, who usually tried to act tough, coming undone under the hands of his best friend slash boyfriend. Your breaths were coming out laboured, heat blossoming all over your body. When the two pulled away from eachother, their lips were swollen and red from kissing, wet with eachothers saliva and their hair tussled messily. It was truly a gorgeous sight to behold, the boys you loved making out with eachother.
Sebastian looked at you, obviously breathless and red, and extremely shy. Ominis didn't even need to see to know that he'd made a flustered mess of both of you, a proud grin on his lips. You sat down on the cold floor, grateful that it cooled your flushed, sweaty skin. You slipped your robes off, rolling up your sleeves. It was only now, as your adrenaline began to subside, that you noticed the sting in your hands, and the blood thickly dripping down your palms. Oh, had you dug your nails in that deeply? Sebastian sat down next to you, clicking his tongue as he noticed the wounds- they weren't deep or serious, but they hurt a bit. "Tsk, how'd you manage that?" He asked softly, taking your hands into his and examining the wounds. He hummed, taking out a small vial of wiggenweld potion from his pocket- you and Ominis had convinced him to carry at least one with him at all times because of all the duels he got into.
Ominis sat on your other side, waving his wand and conjuring a pot of tea in front of you. You felt Sebastian's calloused fingers tracing over your hands, then a sting that made you jolt back into Ominis' lap. "Ouch, sorry-!" Sebastian winced, but you shook your head, grateful for the help as you watched the small wounds slowly heal up until your hands were as good as new. "No, it's okay. Thank you. Both of you." You whispered shyly, taking your hands back and fiddling with your fingers. The three of you sat in comfortable silence, the close proximity making you feel safe and cozy. The crackle of the hearth and the chatter of the beasts from your vivarium was enough to eventually lull your tired body to sleep. Unbeknownst to your now sleeping form, Sebastian and Ominis were smiling down at you, chattering quietly.
"Sebastian?" Ominis spoke quietly after a short while of silence. The other hummed in response.
"I think I really love them." There was silence, and Ominis could immediately tell that Sebastian was pouting deeply- it was almost scary, his ability to tell what was going on despite his lack of vision.
"Oh, don't be jealous, you prat. I love you, too." He softly shoved the other boy, but then leaned over your sleeping form to kiss Sebastian.
"I love you both, too."
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patrasche-enjoyer · 1 year
I suppose it is neither unfair nor untrue to say that Subaru craves connectivity to other humans, something that was certainly fostered by his youth, which was plagued by loneliness and isolation due to his more than complex relation to his father, his imposter syndrome as well has his anxiety disorder, all of which came to their worst climax in his high school years.
Of course, as soon as he is reincarnated and can "start from zero" as the title of the series would imply, he takes the opportunity to reconnect with others, as many of us would do too. However, due to the inherently isolating nature of RBD, he quickly falls back into his old habits of searching for connectivity without actually baring his true self to others. Of course RBD isn't completely at fault for such behavior, Subaru still carries wounds from his past, he never confronted his issues nor did he unlearn harmful habits, even with a "fresh start", it was impossible to truly get better.
[Side note: I do really enjoy that re:zero does not just take into account Subaru's previous life, but also the hardships he had to face back then and doesn't make them seem like lesser struggles in comparison to his newer problems]
Of course, caring about someone deeply and them forgetting about you entirely, as would be the case with RBD, could, at its worst, break almost everyone. So it is not strange, in fact, that Subaru, who is already starved for connectivity, would come across as near obsessive over the people he cared about, especially from the perspective of others who do not remember him from previous loops.
My man Otto doesn't have that fucking excuse tho, he saw Subaru for like a minute and was like "hey is anybody gonna obsesse over that?" and not wait for an answer, my man is ready to kill not just himself but eradicate entire fucking countries for Subaru, there is clearly something wrong with him and being around Subaru clearly unlocked some awful part of his brain
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the-choir-inbox · 7 months
Any questions? Drop it in our inbox! Be kind and appropriate :)
INFO: - this account is ran by @4pplec0re! hi! - i will draw the responses. the designs are based off of the original musical, mostly, but will have my own little twists - speaking of my own twists, this account will contain some sort of headcanons. i will not tell you what kinds or what they will be, because i don't even know yet....simply stay tuned :) - you can put anything in the inbox!!! if you send nsfw i will simply delete it and maybe block you. unless it's like, a mild joke. the kind of stuff a teen would say, you know - anything ooc will be written in brackets, [like so] :) - i'm new here so i don't know how many are in this fandom... but just in case, proshippers are NOT WELCOME HERE! - i don't know a lot of media (games, shows, movies, etc.) so if you have a question about one of those, i'll try my best to answer, but most of the time i will not be able to. sorry! an important detail to this account is that it is set in some universe where they are all revived together, sent back to where the coaster crashed, but survived this time. they do remember the warehouse shenanigans, but did not tell anybody outside of the choir anything about it (it will likely be referenced a lot, though). their reactions are drawn as if they are reacting to an actual online message rather than someone asking something in person. since a lot of people have asked about it, i thought i would put this here: i have never read legoland, and know nothing about it! anything thats said about penny here is based off of jane doe and personal headcanons, and has nothing to do with it. and no, i do not know anything about ezra lamb, either. he does not exist here. want to find a specific character's answers? search up one of these tags on the blog! ocean o'connell-rosenberg - #ocean answers constance blackwood - #connie answers noel gruber - #noel answers misha bachynskyi - #misha answers ricky potts - #ricky answers jane doe/penny lamb - #penny answers all choir - #choir answers (bonus) natalia bolinska - #talya answers stuff i reblog from my main account that has some validity in the inbox universe will be tagged with #outside the inbox. by that i mean whatever i reblog will be canon to tci to some extent, whether it did happen or would happen!
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mrfellsans · 9 months
☆Welcome to this goofy ahh blog☆
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Here is some info bout this blog :3
Welcome to..
Anywho old stuff:
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And here is the thing for ask!
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You may ask anything. As long as it doesn't include weird things like nsfw for example, trying to keep things sfw course.
In this ask you may ask:
MrFell sans
(Other undertale characters of you want.)
Pizza tower ask!
CC Peppino
TH peppino
PB peppino and friends
(And overall anybody relating to the tablewarehighrise series)
Smg8 au ask!
Smg8 and any other character lol
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No anon hate, no hate overall, don't be mean to others.. Basic dni, no racist, transphohia, paedophilia, homophobia and overall just nothing in the lines of those. If you don't like my content don't waste your time hating, just scroll.
Also the creator of this blog is a minor pls be aware of that plus the creator is transmasc, pls use he/him pronouns :3
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Anywho- there might be a lot of cursing cuz I'm an idiot and if I ever touch up on dark topics I will be putting warnings
I don't post NSFW this is a full SFW account, I'm just a silly guy that's gonna post some art lol maybe some like mildly suggestive? I don't rlly post stuff like that often but really nothing too bad!!!
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I hope we can rebuild my account back, I had a great time with you guys on my other account so.. I hope I can have as much fun here as I had there. I love you guys. And if you could help spread this so people could bee aware that would help me a lot <3
Edit: (Thank you guys am for 200+ followers I love you all sm❤❤)
People that my forgetful brain can remember to tag: @yago-undertale @godofautism @pinecone-anon @petal-anon-draws @ink-the-axolotl-rabbit @cutechan555 @the-little-knight @r3set-does-aus @clethythecat @fluffygiraffe @moonflower-pies @excited-anon-acount @ask-crow-aus @freshsans-canonbf uhhh remind me of more
Other socials that I don't use as much
Twitter: @/ThatIdiot_rat or The rat🐀
Tiktok: @/mr.scribbleman or 👹I'm coming for your toes👹 (don't ask)
Instagram: imthebiggestlosernow/✩Mr.Sillybilly✩
Art trades: Currently closed (pls don't push me into doing one)
Commissions: would do that but have absolutely no idea how to work it
Art requests: It takes a while for me to do art for stuff in my inbox sry-
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My normal Sona and smg4 sona
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