#does anyone have any other tea rec's??
soulmvtes · 2 years
i went to get some jasmine tea today bc mine are finished but there was also rose green tea so i got it and i'm so excited to try it
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guiltyasdave · 4 months
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it’s that time of the week again 🫶🏻 and it’s rather heavy on series this time, so if you’re looking for a good long fic to dig into, you might find one here :)
as always, if you read any of these and enjoy them, please show the writers some love <3
for a list of all my recs ever, go here!
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i'll sort the fics by character and add emojis to indicate the contents a little. still, please look at the tags/warnings and decide for yourself if something might not be your cup of tea.
💘= fluff • ❤️‍🔥= smut • 🤍= angst • 🖤= dark
aaaand a new one:
📖= oneshot • 📚= series
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dave york
solum by @ezrasbirdie ❤️‍🔥🤍🖤📖
the honey inside your hive by @ezrasbirdie ❤️‍🔥📖
rare by @ezrasbirdie 💘❤️‍🔥📖
work song by @eupheme 💘🤍📖
dave york & marcus pike
playdate by @daddy-dins-girl 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
desires & complications by @ezrasbirdie 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
din djarin
i’d look for you by @undercoverpena 💘📖
javier peña
on call by @hellishjoel 💘❤️‍🔥📖
old habits die hard by @liltangerineart 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
joel miller
chrysalism by @gasolinerainbowpuddles 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
birds of a feather by @macfrog 📖
does anyone know where the love of god goes? by @shellshocklove 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
i wanna be your lover by @shellshocklove 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
curls by @tommysversion 💘❤️‍🔥📖
your summer dream by @swiftispunk 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
heartbeat by @joelsgreenflannel 🤍📖
the art of breaking by @corazondebeskar-reads ❤️‍🔥🤍🖤📚
resting eyes by @frenchiereading 💘📖
woman by @dancingtotuyo 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
max phillips
i cannot get you close enough by @leslie-lyman 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📖
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in other news
i have nothing new of my own writing to share this week, but in case you missed it and want to join, there’s now a dave york brainrot discord server 🥰 click here for more info <3
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sitp-recs · 3 months
hey! do you have any recs for fics with good magic theory/worldbuilding? evitative by vichan got me started on drarry, and i’ve been hooked on that trope ever since
What a great ask! Love myself an immersive world building. I’m sharing below some favorites on mine, also thank you @amindamazed for reccing Lily’s Boy by SomewheresSword!
Short fic:
The Slytherin Urn by @icmezzo (E, 4k)
Nothing turns Harry on quite like redemption.
Inside These Walls by RenVeree (M, 5k)
The year before Draco moves to Los Angeles, Harry Potter disappears. Draco doesn't mean to find him. He's just doing his job.
And Save Me From Bloody Men by @blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
Long fic:
Eternally Consistent by kitsunealyc (E, 44k)
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter assumed they would never be anything but civil enemies, until Potter lands on Malfoy's doorstep, bleeding, covered in curses, and acting very strangely indeed.
Turn From Stone by @harryromper (M, 45k)
Harry knows there’s nothing he can do to stop Hermione (war hero, historian, author of the reissued “Hogwarts: A History”) once she sets her mind to something. Even an extremely risky last-ditch effort to restore the ancient castle and lay its newest ghosts to rest. What he wasn’t counting on was her insistence that Draco Malfoy be part of the plan.
The Unplottable Time Conundrum by @writcraft (E, 45k)
When the past starts bleeding into the present at Grimmauld Place, an old academic article pulls Draco Malfoy out of his life of luxury. Haunted by the memory of a fleeting post-war kiss and thrust into the ghostly spaces inhabited by Unspeakable Harry Potter, Draco’s easy life is about to get a whole lot more complicated.
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424 (E, 47k)
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant but before any other canon info had been released.
What Shall Not Be Unearthed by @iero0 (E, 49k)
At the northernmost point of Shetland, surrounded by pointed cliffs, towers the Ootsta Lighthouse on a small isle in the middle of the open sea. Little does Harry know that he's not the only new lighthouse keeper. Draco Malfoy is as obnoxious as he always was, with his posh tone of voice and his luxury yacht jumpers. Harry tries his best to avoid the git—who knows what he's up to anyway?
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (E, 58k)
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
The Compact by astolat (E, 64k)
Hermione frowned. “The real question is why the magic of Britain would be failing now, in fact.” “That is not the real question!” Ron said loudly; he’d woken up fully by now, and Harry had too; it was starting to sink in that they’d found the problem. “The real question is, how do we fix it?”
Transfigurations by Resonant (E, 71k)
Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.
Timecode by Rasborealis (M, 73k)
Harry Potter has been dead for two years, and Draco would laugh in the face of anyone claiming differently. Well, anyone but Hermione Granger.
Among Ancient Pines by @graymatters (M, 74k)
Every day, Draco Malfoy tries. With every fiber of his being he tries. But he doesn’t much think about what he’s trying for. In his final term of Healer training, Draco is unfortunate enough to find himself on a plane, the only means of traveling to a small, magical town in rural Alaska
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Shibboleths by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 109k)
Muggle Immersion co-Professor Harry Potter spends his days hanging with his son, reading to his "dog," teaching magical kids about the internet with his cousin Dudley, and irritating Snape’s portrait. He’s understandably annoyed when his cosy life is interrupted by the Headmistress hiring on Draco Malfoy to be Hogwarts’ new Ancient Magical Cultures and Spellcasting professor.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound (E, 149k)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Oath Breaker by GoblinCatKC (T, 181k)
At the start of seventh year, the Malfoys perform a dramatic double-cross against the dark lord and Draco educates Harry in an old school of magic. With a wild dragon chase, narrow escapes and an unlikely romance as Draco is forced to reveal to a hostile wizarding world that the Malfoy family is dark.
In The Dark by @bixgirl1 (E, WIP)
In the aftermath of an apocalypse, Harry receives an order to find and bring Draco Malfoy nearly a thousand miles, to the tenuous safety of Hogwarts. But more than distance separates them from their goal. The world has fallen, and death is hungry.
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fbfh · 1 year
curiosity is a wonderful thing - chapter 1
wc: 2k
genre: slice of life, slow burn, best friends to lovers
pairing: slowburn best friend ben! x fem daughter of alice!reader, current audrey x ben
warnings: audrey being a bitch, unnecessary amounts of tea, ben being ben, mildly implied nd reader
summary: after a junior royal council meeting, you hype up your best friend Ben to tell his parents about his plans for his first proclaimation as king.
song recs: main titles 1 2 & 3 - descendants score/david lawrence, cheshire kitten (we're all mad here) - sj tucker
a/n: THE NEW SERIES IS HERE!!!! I am so excited for this, it's been one of my comfort indulgence daydreams for the longest time so I'm really elated to share it with y'all. BIG FAT FANGZ TO CICI FOR BETA READING!!!!!! and fangz to you guys for reading!!!!! I hope you enjoy lol <333 have an optional outfit. as a treat.
tags @dustyinkpages @demirunner @strawberry-cake1 @kiara7777 @yesv01 @magcon7280
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Audrey was shocked when Ben had first told her that you and he weren't dating. She knew that you were friends, best friends at that. Everyone in Auradon did. Everyone also knew that what you had between you couldn't possibly be just platonic, not with the way you look at each other, how much time you spend together, or how intimately you speak to each other. It’s like you have your own language.
Everyone in Auradon knows this, with the exception of you and Ben, apparently. Even now, in the middle of a junior royal council meeting, Aziz shares a pitying look with Herkie at the way Audrey holds onto Ben’s arm while he goes over the agenda. Neither of them miss the way her gaze flicks between you two, trying to see if you’re stealing glances. You’re seated at his right hand side, like you usually are, as he goes over the last few items on the agenda for the meeting today and try to pay as much attention as you can. You scribble in your notebook as he does, nibbling at a tea biscuit and trying not to miss any of the important bits. 
“...Facing a longstanding struggle to keep up with the increased demand of the textile industry,” Ben says, skimming through his papers. He glances up, and he knows no one is really paying attention except for you. “Looking to open up a- a more collaborative process of dialog with key workers in the textile industry, and unified front between all the major groups who paved the way to textiles as we know them today, while also compensating for the rise in automation.” 
Across the table, Chad yawns. Lonnie and Melody pass notes between them, at least attempting to be subtle about it. You listen to Ben continue to update everyone on the ongoing current events in Auradon, and your pen drifts away from taking notes as you do, and begins to scribble little shapes in the margins of your well loved notebook. Your other hand moves down under the table, adjusting your pale blue skirt and tugging at the elastic of your black and white striped stockings. Ben’s gaze flicks over to you as you adjust in your seat, tugging at the puffy sleeves of your white blouse a moment later. He can tell you’re starting to get fidgety, which means it’s about time to wrap all this up. Plus, he has a suit fitting in ten minutes that he can’t be late for, or else Lumier will probably char something by accident. 
“Negotiations are still in progress, and of course, we’re looking for any way possible to avoid an embargo. I think that’s the last thing anyone needs…” Ben trails off with a chuckle, only to be met with silence. He looks back at his paper, trying to find his place before the silence gets anymore awkward. Before he can, he hears you let out a puff of air in agreement. 
“That’s quite an understatement.” You smile up at him, catching his eye before you each return to your respective papers. Your Wonderlandian accent is comforting, like a familiar friend in a tough crowd. People have described your accent many ways, most concluding it’s somewhere between british and transatlantic, but you don’t think you have much of an accent at all. Ben says you do, and you trust his judgment on the topic. Audrey maintains a tight smile on her face as Ben gently frees his arm from her to look through his papers in more detail. Once he’s sure he’s not missing anything, he goes through the usual motions of wrapping up a junior council meeting. 
“All party planning committee members are welcome to hang back, the floor is yours,” He says to Audrey, gathering up all his papers with a smile. “Everyone else, thank you for your time as always, and have a good evening.” 
Ben heads to the door as people start to funnel out and make conversation. Audrey waits as the other people on the party planning committee move up the table to sit closer to her, glancing at you as you put your notebook, pens, notes, and teacup back into that teapot shaped bag you always carry. It’s enchanted with Wonderland magic, and it makes her uneasy. She thinks you should just get a tote bag, or backpack, like a normal person. 
“Bunny,” Ben calls from the doorway, getting your attention with the nickname he’s had for you for years. Her train of thought quickly turns away from bags as  you look over, noticing it’s time to go and scurrying over to him. She watches you both talk quietly and head to wherever you’re going next, trying to ignore the quiet, burning jealousy seeping up into her. It’s nothing new, she reminds herself. She knew you two were best friends when she got together with her Bennyboo, so she knew what she was signing herself up for.
“Are we ready?” She asks curtly, turning towards Jane. She refuses to spend another second worrying about you, and instead, she channels all her energy into sifting through streamer sample colors. Whatever you two are doing can’t be as important as this. She’s sure whatever you’re discussing right now during Ben’s suit fitting is just meaningless small talk. Nothing of any importance. 
“I… truly don’t think you could have picked a better, more impactful first proclamation, Ben.” You conclude with a sip of raspberry tea. A wave of relief washes through him as he pulls on the blue suit jacket for Lumier to tailor. 
“You think so? Because, I-I’m only going to get to do this once, and-” 
He’s cut off by you nodding solemnly. 
“What better way to pave the way to the future than mending rifts of the past?” You ask rhetorically. 
“Yes!” Ben exclaims, letting his hands fall to his sides with a smile, a gesture you mirror. “You get it…” 
“Of course.” You smile at him, and it’s quiet for a moment as you take another sip of your tea. “You know your parents will…” You begin, but Ben is already nodding. 
“Oh yeah.” He agrees. “I wrote down everything from the pros column, and ideas for everything in the cons.” 
“Good,” you say, encouragingly. 
“And I have a great mission statement.” He adds, and you can see him getting fired up. You know how much this means to him, how much of his heart he’s putting into helping as many people as possible and being a good king to everyone, even the citizens on the Isle. If you know Ben - and you’re sure you do by now - you know how he can start to overthink things right before a presentation, even an informal one. He’s as prepared as he’ll ever be, and you have his back. He knows this.
“Oh, I meant to ask,” you say breezily as Lumier enters, “how are things going with Audrey?”  
You wiggle your eyebrows at him, sending him a comically scandalous look. He laughs as you wave hello to Lumier, and you think it’s the first time he’s relaxed in the last 30 hours or so. You flip through your journal, selecting a few pictures you took recently of flora in Wonderland, doodling their leaves and stalks on a mostly blank page. He laughs, hanging his head at the unexpected nature of the question, and Lumier pulls out a tape measure to begin the alterations of Ben’s suit. 
“You’re really- we’re really going to go there?” He asks through a smile. You look up at him, nodding. 
“Mhm.” You confirm. He can’t say no to you, he never can. 
“Okay. Uh, yeah things are good. With me and Audrey.” 
“Good,” you smile, looking up from your paper. He wonders what you’re working on, and always looks forward to seeing your little drawings. Even the ones you dislike, he finds beautiful. He tries to think of what else is going on with Audrey. 
“We, uh… we have a date later this week.” 
“Sleeve.” Lumier interjects, moving Ben’s arm.
“Oh, how fun!” You smile. 
“Head.” Lumier turns Ben to look out the large windows. He thinks for another moment, struggling to find anything else Audrey related to talk about as you distract yourself with the expression of a pouting mushroom you’d gotten a good picture of last time you were in Wonderland. Before he can think of anything else his eyes land on the Isle. His mind wanders toward how forgotten everyone out there must feel. You look up at him, following his gaze. 
“I know.” You say softly. You’ve discussed the Isle and its’ residents at great lengths, both finding a greater deal of compassion for them than most people seem to have. 
“How is it possible that you’re going to be crowned king next month?” Comes King Adam’s booming voice as he and Belle enter from the patio doors. 
“Hello, dear,” Belle smiles at you, resting a hand on your shoulder as they pass, approaching Ben, and you smile a greeting back up at her, and begin putting away your notebook. As close as you two are, you can’t expect anyone but the royal family to be in the room during discussions of Ben’s first proclamation. Both you and Ben knew this had to be a conversation between him and his parents, and as much as you both might like it to be, it’s not really something he can do with you by his side. You scurry past him, sending him an encouraging look. 
“You’ll do great.” You say, your voice just low enough for him to hear it. You touch his arm encouragingly until Lumier shoos you away, not wanting anything to jeopardize the way he finally got Ben’s shoulder to lay on that side. Ben locks eyes with you as you leave. It’s only a moment, but those three words, that one little gesture from you have him more ready than ever. He prepares himself with a breath. 
You’ll probably sneak off to Wonderland for a while, like you usually do with any pockets of spare time you find, so you’ll get to update him on the feud going on between the bluebirds and inchworms by the time he’s done. He takes comfort in that, knowing that even in the worst case scenario, even if everything goes horribly wrong, you’ll still have some fascinating Wonderland stories for him, just like you always do. He finds great comfort in the thought as his parents approach, and knows two things; it’s time for him to begin stepping up, and that you have his back all the way. 
You close the heavy wooden door behind you, walking a few feet down the hall so you don’t accidentally eavesdrop. You sit down against the wall to wait for Ben, and your mind drifts to Wonderland, as it so often does. There’s a peace there, something you’ve never been able to find overland. It calls to you, like a sailor’s heart calls to the sea. You wonder if you have time for a quick trip, just a few minutes in paradise, but you know it’s never really just a few minutes. Time works differently in Wonderland than it does in overland, and it’s unpredictable. The last thing you want is not to be here when Ben is done talking to his parents. 
“I’d better not…” you sigh. Being here for Ben is more important right now. He’s your best friend. So you settle into your little spot in the hallway, smoothing out your blue skirt around you. You reach into your teapot shaped bag, pulling out a small white porcelain teacup with little violets on it, and a matching saucer. You think for a moment about what kind of tea you want right now. Hibiscus, you decide, with a touch of honey. You tilt the spout of your bag, letting the perfectly brewed cup of tea fall from the spout. You take a sip, leafing through your homework to see what you can bore yourself with to pass the time. You don’t know how long Ben will be in there, and you don’t care too much. You’re sure he’ll do wonderfully, and that’s really all you care about right now. 
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windsweptinred · 1 month
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@mashumaru I hope you don't mind me answering your question here? There was no way this was fitting in the comments section. 😅 So these are what I'd call more Sunday afternoon murder mysteries then gritty crime dramas, as that's what I'm mainly watching at the mo. But if you'd like some darker recs, just let me know.
Midsomer Murders
The ultimate Sunday afternoon watch. Murder most foul, represented artistically in the form of a cream tea. Starring Inspector Barnaby(s), the most teddy bear men ever to exist. Every episode will include chocolate box village eye porn. Murder weapons have included but are not limited to: a cheese wheel, drowned in chocolate, a headless horseman and a steampunk werewolf. It sounds ridiculous but once you start, you won't be able to stop. I promsie you. The horrors: 0/10, though may leave you with a life long phobia of morris dancers and village fetes.
The Morseverse (Endeavour/Inspector Morse and Lewis)
Ah Morseverse, my beloved. The English academic elite does crime. Oxford is it's own splendorous character, with every episode crammed full of towering libraries, awe inspiring architecture and fanatically manicured, college quads. A must watch for those whose hearts belong to dark academia. Endeavour and Morse are set in the 60s/70s and 80s/90s respectively. And follow the same character, Endeavour Morse, from brilliant, blue eyed, troubled twink to brilliant, blue eyed, grumpy old man with a definite alcohol problem. (Never play drink along with Morse, it's a surefire way to get alcohol poisoning.) The baton is then passed to his sergeant, Robert Lewis in Lewis, set in the relative present (as of this post). The relationship between Inspector and Sergeant is what ultimately makes these series, be it Fred Thursday and Morse, Morse and Lewis and Lewis and James Hathaway. And you'll come to treasure them. Be prepared to leave these series with a well earned fictional degree in classical music. Murders CAN and WILL be based on obscure, literary references. The horrors: Well it depends.... I'd say Endeavour is the darkest, Lewis is the lightest with Morse settled nicely in between. If you finish this series not wanting a Jaguar Mark II, you did it wrong.
Vera Stanhope, my northumbrian queen, my geordie goddess. A middle aged plus woman, with no makeup (or two f*cks to rubs together) decked in a brown hat and mac and driving the world most beaten up land rover.... Owns everyone. And it is sooo satisfying to watch. The scenic southern eye candy of the two previous recs is replaced with the wild, isolated landscapes of the North, very much reflecting our DI. She's joined by sergeant dark and dishy and the ever more put up Kenny Lockhart, as well as host of others. But what really makes this series is Vera herself. As equally formidable as she is kind hearted, with no hint of glamour. She's the kind of female representation we both need and deserve. The horrors: Vera passive aggressively calling vicious murderers 'pet' fixes all world problems. It's scientifically proven.
Things you may have heard of:
Sherlock Holmes, the Granada edition starring Jeremy Brett. No finer Sherlock has ever graced our screens to this day (And yes, I will stand and fight for that statement.) One of the most loyal adaptations of the books ever made.
Poirot, staring David Suchet. No offence to Kenneth Branagh (Your Henry V got me through high-school English lit sir). But David Suchet is THE Prirot for me. Another loyal book adaptation. Over a 25 year period Suchet lived and breathed Poirot and it shows.
If anyone's got any other recommendations please feel free to add them on. I know I've missed a ton! Anywho, I hope that helps me dear. 😁
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vechter · 2 months
do u have any fics addressing dick’s trauma?? specifically like maybe discussing his SA with the titans or bruce? or bludhaven blowing up? just like having ppl he can talk to for once? kind of in a cycle of learning more abt him! tysmm if u answer!
hi anon
your continental divides by isawet, reisling: it's one of the first dc fics i read and it set the bar way too high- probably one of the best dick grayson fics out there. directly addresses the whole catalina event (although blüdhaven hasn't been blown up in it). it's beautifully written and shows dick's connections, both to the bats and the titans. but my favourite thing about it is that it doesn't take away dick's agency. in a lot of the fics i've seen, it's always something leading to dick being forced to reveal what happened or people finding out and confronting dick about it.
The Center Cannot Hold by Kieron_ODuibhir: one shot that only vaguely alludes to SA but it does focus a fair bit on dick and the various instances in his life where he's had his agency taken away. tim and bruce are around and even though, no one explicitly talks about anything too heavy, there's a wonderful level of comfort.
When it Rains by vellaphoria: dick and tim centric, with an initial appearance by cass. set in the red robin era. their relationship hasn't fully healed yet but the love is still there! it builds off of the whole league of assassins arc and tim's own experience with attempted SA.
Bet Your Bottom Dollar by husborth: dick and bruce!!! bruce's love and concern for dick and his well-being are like a laser in their intensity and the author really captures that. unfortunately, while the writing and character arcs are excellent, it does stick with morrison's version of talia and damian's subsequent conception which is um... not my cup of tea. but the comfort element is great.
goal-oriented mindset by BeatriceEagle: okay, this is a conversation between catalina and dick after everything. it's catalina's pov and focuses on restorative justice. this one might not for everyone but devin grayson's portrayal of catalina was so deeply warped by racism and misogyny; dc has a long standing habit of caricaturising women of colour. and while i completely understand being furious and wanting revenge from a rapist in universe, the place where catalina was written as one feels wrong when you consider the ramifications and reasons for/of it out of universe. dick's character, in this, feels very authentic.
sorry, these are all i got. i can't think of any about blüdhaven being blown up- most fics just pretend it didn't happen? i guess it's because they brought the city back in n52.
also, none of the other fics i've read (admittedly, there are very few with the titans) about miriam/liu/catalina have felt authentic to any of the characters, especially dick. and too many of the ones with the bats are about jason wanting to kill her or all of the bats acting in a way that's... out of character. but if anyone else has any recs, please drop them in the comments!!
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Sickfic Recs
I'm down for the count with Covid after avoiding it for three years, and thus have been reading/rereading some sickfics that have brought me comfort. I figured while I was at it, I may as well make a list of a few of my favorites, in case anyone else was in need of the same!
In no particular order:
1. A Tree of Life by aknightofthe7kingdoms
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 Crowley was certain that he wasn’t ill. He just wasn’t feeling...quite well.
2. La Grippe by LadyWallace
Summary: Aziraphale had watched it take too many lives already, he wasn't going to let it take his friend too. It was lucky then that he just happened to stumble across that deserted barn somewhere in the green fields of France. Sick!Crowley Historical backstory
3. Helped By Angels Unawares by Sodium_Azide
Summary: In the late middle ages, Aziraphale stumbles across a human tragedy that has somehow also affected his demonic adversary, and abruptly understands much more about what he is willing to do for the sake of the Serpent of Eden.
4. Fever Dreams by Lady of Prompts (Aethelflaed)
Angels don’t get sick. They can, however, burn through enough of their grace that their corporations begin to malfunction. This happens to Aziraphale far more often than to other angels. Aziraphale gets a fever and Crowley takes care of him!
5. A Matter of Opportunity by PinkPenguinParade
The pain danced sharp and angry, lit up ragged nerves. Pulled him on, toward that fuzzy promise of rest. Fifteen feet, maybe? He could do fifteen feet. Could do fifteen feet standing on his head, right?Seven feet.
He reached out for the door and slapped it once, twice, the wood pulsing against his skinned hands.
6. Such Selfish Prayers by spargelseason
Crowley, while still apparently comatose, had somehow managed to wrap himself so thoroughly around Aziraphale on their way up, that any attempt at dropping him onto the mattress without being pulled down as well proved futile.
And hence, quite defeated, Aziraphale found himself lying in a warm tangle of Crowley and blankets. He felt a little stunned.
7. The Words We Say by QixxiQ
Summary: Aziraphale calls Crowley a plague rat one time and it kinda messes him up for roughly 300 years.
8. In Sickness And In Hell by entanglednow
Summary: Crowley picks up something unpleasant while mingling in Hell, and is determined that Aziraphale not see him while he's sick.
9. Temper by TeaCub90
‘Angel, I told you not to fuss,’ Crowley croaks, somewhere underneath the blankets – and then he emerges, all tousled hair and black vest, looking both three shades paler than usual and more than a little annoyed at the absolute audacity of the angel for bringing him a hot drink.
‘It’s no bother,’ Aziraphale bats away his irritation, ‘this should be better for you, especially after you threw the Lemsip at the wall. And the hot Ribena.’
10. And In Health by Kalimyre
One of the many ways Hell is awful is the demon flu that is always going around the office. Crowley comes down with it, and this time he allows Aziraphale to help.
Indulgent, soft fluffy fic, because Crowley deserves to be taken care of sometimes.
+1 Bonus self rec (cause I'm learning how to get better at doing that)
Our Side by theshoparoundthecorner
Aziraphale gets sick. He doesn't know how, and it really shouldn't be possible, but he does and unfortunately there's nothing he can do about it. When he decides he has to cancel his plans to see Crowley, Crowley insists he come over to the bookshop with soup. When he arrives, he looks worse than Aziraphale.
Cue a mysteriously sick Angel and a mysteriously sick Demon, taking care of each other in a London Soho bookshop, drinking tea, eating soup, and having an oddly easy time of it.
Well, at least for the first forty-five minutes.
In which Crowley and Aziraphale see each other at their worst, love each other for it all the more, and learn that being on your own side isn't so bad after all.
Those ten are just a few of my favorites, and I have more that I've been reading and bookmarking, so I might do a second rec soon! Meanwhile, if anyone else has any good omens sickfic recs they want to make (or self recs!!), feel free to do so in the reblogs or comments!
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messrsbyler · 1 year
Hello!! what do you think about the tag those days? do you have a fav blog? who do you think is saving the tag from dying with posts and theories?
i think the tag is slowly dying tbh and it's sad to see? the reality is that for the past year or so the tag has been kept alive (from what i've seen and my personal experience here) because of art/fic creators and analysis blogs. however, it's been a year since s4 dropped and as i've seen some people around the tag say, everything that could've been analysed or said about byler in the last season or all seasons has already been said. now, i personally LOVE doing analysis even to this day, doesn't matter if i'm probably repeating something someone else spotted and blogged about two months ago. it's fun to make those posts, but we can't ignore that they are becoming repetitive and that side of the tag is burning out. because of that, things like fics/art/headcanons/ficlets/aus are so important now.
we don't have to run out of content to enjoy in our tag, but people should be willing to step outside their comfort zone and accept that canon is limited to what can he done and said about byler. aus however open new doors that this tag hasn't really explored yet, and for some reason there's a bit of resistance? and that leads us to a dead end because then there's no new not repetitive content and the tag starts dying even with its huge following.
another issue is definitely the lack of rb in the tag. i can jump on any post in the byler tag and check the notes and i know the ratio between likes and rbs will be ridiculous. ofc i can't force anyone to rb if they don't want to, but liking a post and not rb kills a post bc it stops reaching new people who will then engage with said post and then it will reach even more blogs. liking does nothing, it's a dummy button.
rb not only allows a post to stay alive, it's also a great opportunity to create conversations in the tags and engage with other people on this side of the internet. and well if you aren't into that or don't like to add tags to every rb, a simple rb still does much more than a like.
i have many fav blogs and i'll probably forget some, but from the top of my head i have @andiwriteordie (writer and au lover) @foodiewithdahoodie (amazing takes and headcanons) @astrobei (writer and artist) @wiseatom (amazing writer) @doriandrifting (analysis and amazing takes) @emblazons (amazing takes and gifs) @mayahawkins (one of the best gif creators in the tag) @perexcri (amazing writer) @likegoldintheair (amazing writer and amazing headcanons/ficlets) @elekinetic (amazing writer and amazing scripts) @kidovna (beautiful art and aus and comics) @noodles-and-tea (art art art i am obsessed) @nnilkyway (again beautiful art) @strangeswift (writer and a fun blog to check out) and many more that i'm probably forgetting right this moment.
if you (anyone who is reading this) have a blog rec pls lmk!!! i'm always looking for new byler content!!
(if you have stonathan blogs recs uh also lmk i need more stonathans on my dashboard thanks)
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kandisheek · 6 months
I love all of Cluegirl's voices for the Avengers – they're so funny, and the team family vibes just warm my heart. Cluegirl's writing is fantastic, and if you haven't already, you should go and read their entire AO3 catalogue, because everything in it is great!
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Pairing: Gen Rating: G Words: 1,260 Tags: Injury, Team Feelings, Action
Summary: Steve Rogers has work to get done, and staying down is not on the schedule. The rest of the Avengers are not on board with that plan.
Reasons why I love it: Tony the Italian Grandma is hilarious, oh my god. I love how the team immediately swoops in to save Steve after he makes his blunder, the way they care for each other is so sweet. And Steve toughing shit out is as frustrating as it is admirable, which feels like it should be a tag line for his character. I love this fic, and I bet you will too!
Tea and No Sympathy
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 1,286 Tags: PWP, Masochist Tony, Misuse of Yoga
Summary: Tony needs to pass Gym class. Steve needs not to wring his neck while coaching his strength training. This is their compromise.
Reasons why I love it: I wouldn't wish having to work out with Steve on anyone, holy shit. Then again, the view might make the pain worth it. I love this one, it's sassy and fun and a perfect little pick-me-up. Give it a read if you haven't already!
Operation Extraction
Pairing: Gen Rating: G Words: 2,117 Tags: Humor, Team Loyalty, Morphine
Summary: Far be it from Tony Stark to educate SHIELD Medical on any particular details, but it just so happened that it was totally possible to make a stable boot cast out of common office supplies.
Reasons why I love it: Tony is so funny in this, holy shit. I could read the way Cluegirl writes him all day. And the rest of the Avengers nonchalantly foiling his plans is hilarious. I adore this fic, and I bet you will too, so I hope you give it a shot!
Stony Going
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 6,070 Tags: Sassy Steve, Clint's A Troll, Smut
Summary: Steve Rogers makes an awkward discovery on the internet. This does not work out at all the way Tony Stark expects it will.
Reasons why I love it: Three cheers for breaking the fourth wall with some good ol' fanfic-ception. I love Steve being more experienced than anyone thinks, and that bit about critiquing someone's fanworks made me nod along. Preach, girl, preach! This fic is amazing, and you should definitely read it!
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,447 Tags: Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: A weak man knows the value of strength. A guilty man knows the value of forgiveness. Steve finds Bucky dredging the shadows of his past late one night, and rattling the bones of long-dead ghosts while Tony sleeps, unawares. But this time the terrible confession Bucky has to make isn't the one he's been braced to hear -- it's actually worse.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, I love this so much. Those last few sentences really tear at my heartstrings – one quote specifically, you'll know it when you see it. Because you SHOULD see it, please go and do that right now if you haven't. I bet you'll love this story just as much as I do.
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anincompletelist · 11 months
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rwrb fic recs round two! :D
HELLO! I was going to wait a bit longer before doing another rec, but I've read some phenomenal works lately and I wanted to share!
as always, if you feel inclined to share your own recs or even self-promote, please do! also, please remember to be kind and give back when possible by sharing fics, commenting, leaving kudos, or reaching out to the author to let them know that you enjoyed! happy early thanksgiving and all ;)
thank you again to these authors, as well as anyone who makes content for this lovely little corner of the internet. your work and art continues to get me through the persistently dark days, and I am eternally grateful to get to be privy to your talent and labors of love!
I hope you're all doing well, and happy reading! <3
in no particular order --
I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In | doeyedgirlyevil | E | 42k | WIP
There he stood. Frozen. In the presence of a man who Henry was willing to swear before Queen and country, under pain of death, was the single most beautiful person on the face of the planet, and possibly several galaxies beyond. A man who possessed the kind of magnetic pull that could persuade Henry to believe in a Catholic God. A man Henry needed to get at least 800 kilometres away from before he caused an international scandal in a tea room at Kensington Palace. - Henry has a new equerry. And he's too hot for Henry's fragile, gay heart to handle. (AKA the Alex as Henry's equerry AU that I'm sure someone asked for)
Mr. Party Hardy | @inexplicablymine | T+ | 7k
Delicate isn’t the kind of word that would describe Alex Claremont-Díaz, not in this world or any other. He is fiery passion and loud excited exhaltations on whatever subject has currently caught his fancy. He is explosive lacrosse plays, the effusive energy he’s told he radiates. Nobody has ever treated him like he is something delicate, soft. Someone who needs a “Caution: Handle with Care” sign. He didn’t realize he needed that kind of care so badly. But Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor does that and then some.  A look into what college parties look like for Mr. Party Hardy B.H. (before Henry) and A.H. (after Henry)
the clementine thing | anonymous | 6k | T+
And, really, it doesn’t matter whether or not Alex explains it to Liam and the rest of his friends. They’ve never really discussed it between themselves through the years. Slowly, Alex had gone from asking Would you please peel this for me? to Please? to silently extending the citrus without any comment at all, just a soft smile. It’s one of the things that make them Alex-and-Henry; the silent conversations and the contentment in each other’s company. Now, as Alex starts to flourish through his position on the lacrosse team, his slew of AP classes, and his role in student government, getting him to slow down at all is a feat. The only way that Henry can do it, guaranteed, is by one of those innocuous little fruits. There’s nothing Alex can’t do—surely, he could peel a fucking orange if he felt so inclined—but Henry delights in being able to do this for him. (Five times Henry shares a clementine with Alex, and one time Alex returns the favor)
they're gonna watch me disappear into the sun | @raysletters | 18k | M
Alex and Henry have been living together for four months already, and they couldn't be happier.
It all crumbles down when one morning, Henry is rushed to the hospital.
get him alone | @congee4lunch | 103k | E
Alex looks at him, like Henry’s a speck of dirt on his pristine chinos. “Why would June send you to check up on me?” “Because I’m her best friend and you’re her brother?” “I always said she has bad taste.” “Well,” Henry smiles. It feels as placid on his face as it probably looks. “I would say the same thing, but family doesn’t account for one’s taste, unfortunately.”
(in which henry fox is june’s childhood best friend and alex claremont-diaz is june’s younger brother. as the years pass, they tolerate each other at best and are downright destructive at worst. until they begin falling into each other's beds.)
the beagle, the ghost, and the wardrobe | @dumbpeachjuice | 11k | M
Henry’s new flat comes with one unexpected feature: it’s already inhabited. But not by a human. By a ghost.
that's all for now! I want to do another one of these very soon once the halloween, huh fics have been revealed! until then! happy reading! :D
-- anincompletelist / sarah
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nikholascrow · 7 months
welcome to my page ☆ ———
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About me ☆ ———
Hey there darlings <3 I’m Nikholas but most people call me Niko, you can also call me Nick or Neeks or give me a your own nickname if you want I love nicknames and my pronouns are he/him
things I like: seaslugs, flowers and plants, grandpa sweaters, tea, coffee, matcha, sea life, skating (mostly long boarding and figure skating), drawing, sewing, acting, writing, reading and annotating books, singing, organizing, baking (although I’m not super good at it) photography and cinematography, space, random deep conversations, nature
I tend to use a lot of <333 and petnames just naturally if that makes you uncomfortable please let me know, I wanna make sure all my mutuals and followers are comfortable around me
although I really love marauders and some parts of harry potter I do not in any way support jk rowling and I would like to avoid associating with anyone who does
I also tend to not use periods when I’m speaking because they feel very harsh to me and they make it difficult for me to get my tone across properly (this does not extend to my writing)
My Hogwarts house is Slytherin. my Pjo cabin is a ongoing debate but either Hades, Apollo or Dionysus. And my birthday is August 17th in case you were wondering :]
I love receiving asks and dms so feel free to send me some any time about anything <3
What to expect from this blog ☆ ———
I mostly post about marauders since that’s one of my main interests at the moment, but you may also expect: occasional fandom content from pjo (the books only unfortunately I can’t watch the show atm), harry potter, and very rarely starwars. my thoughts on the books I’m currently reading. random little snippets of my life and very occasional fanart for the earlier mentioned famdoms.
My linktree ☆ ———
if you wanna support me in other places consider checking out my linktree which can be found here I make mostly marauders content on my other platforms as well and if you’re ever wondering what I’m up to when I’m not on tumblr I probably have stories going on instagram my Ao3 is on my linktree as well
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Fics written by me ☆ ———
Shower Thoughts (pre-rosekiller) - fluff, word count: 423
Out - Regulus’ pov - Word count: 167 Tw: past parental abuse
Out - Sirius’ pov - Word count: 165 Tw: past parental abuse
finally dead - suneeker - word count: 199
She loves me - Regulus - word count: 291 - Tw: child abuse, physical abuse
Destined - Word count: 211 - Evan and Regulus friendship angst
Alone - Word count: 53 - rosekiller christmas fluff
And they were roommates - ongoing - rosekiller
Christmas at the Potter’s - pre-rosekiller + bg sunseeker- word count: 673 - merry fucking christmas to everyone who celebrates and big hugs to everyone who’s holiday experience has sucked because of family
whisper - wolfstar + bg sunseeker - word count: 902 Tw: parental and physical abuse - hurt/comfort
Fic recs ☆ ———
(I’ll fill this in later)
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My lovely mutuals ☆ ———
@thedvilsinthedetails @a-dork-yable @coffeedrunk @regulusmeanslittleking @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @daydream-of-a-wallflower @lady-stardust-incarnate @cademygod @cazzythefrogking @my-beloved-fandoms
if you want to be added to or taken off this list please let me know, if you follow me and you wanna be mutuals shoot me an ask or a dm there’s quite a few of y’all now so I can’t always go through everyone and follow back people I’d love to be mutuals with <333
Final notes ☆ ———
Goodbye y’all, I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember to take care of yourselves I love y’all so much <333
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foolishlovers · 6 months
Hi! I'm thrilled to find another fic rec blog, I'm always down to more good fics! Recently I had trouble while trying to find good fivs with D/s dinamic with sub!Aziraphale and dom!Crowley. I'll prefer longer fics (my ideal fic starts from 100k words, but at this point I'll be glad for 10k) and human au, but it's not so important, I'm more interested in good psychology, especially in Crowley figuring out what Aziraphale needs, getting him to trust him enough to let go, etc. There's a lot of fics with opposite dinamic with Aziraphale being caring dom that wants the best for his sub, and I love them dearly but I want some variety, you know? I guess fics without D/s but focused on top!Crowley pampering bottom!Aziraphale will do too (I'm desperate). Would be really grateful for any help, thanks a lot!
oh i feel you, my ideal fic starts from 100k words too sigh... here are some that i've read with that dynamic (although i can't say that i have read any that are quite that long yet):
By Any Other Name by Tartan_Temptation (18k) Aziraphale stared at his reflection. He looked pale aside from the light dusting of pink that was slowly fading from his face. His eyes looked too bright, almost fearful. His blond curls were more disheveled than usual, undoubtedly from the nervous hands that had been carding through it as the reality of his… situation hit him with all the gentleness of a punch to the face. He gripped the sides of his sink and looked his reflection in the eyes. You are a sugar baby. You have a sugar daddy. Crowley is your sugar daddy.
Mint Tea by CopperBeech (31k) Workaday clerical drone Aziraphale Fell unexpectedly comes into a cottage in the South Downs. But life is as drab as ever, and worse, a disastrous decision has left him with mint running rampant through all the beautiful plantings. It's clearly time someone got him- er, his garden - under control. A quickie of cheerful, unredeemed filth, which… grew chapters and a plot. I only work here.   “I must say I’ve never encountered anyone using a – a system like yours,” he said, facing away as if the view outside the window were entirely arresting. “I mean – it was very exciting er interesting the way you were, ah, instructing those plants as if they could – does it really get the results you want?” “Oh, gets results all right,” Crowley said. “Wouldn’t believe size things can grow to, talk to ‘em right.” This, Aziraphale considered, was accurate. The state of things inside his trousers had become genuinely alarming.
Sugar And Spice by SylWritesStuff, ladydragona (95k, WIP) Queer technology giant Anthony J. Crowley is just about ready to throw in the towel after relationship after relationship has failed, but there's a new barista at the company coffee shop and he's cute and sweet and Crowley's never been able to resist blond hair and blue eyes. The tabloids will have a field day, they always do, but his assistant is getting married and a temp is needed. A temp who really isn't very good at making complicated coffees, has past experience in reception, and absolutely no idea that the latest complicated coffee order came from the owner himself. Aziraphale only knows that he's handsome, patient, and was the first person who told him he was doing well. How could he refuse the temp position? Or, he soon discovers, more.
[You can request more fic recs here.]
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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today is hubby’s bday! few people know this but he was my first supporter when I created this blog - in fact, the whole thing was his idea! at the time I had a starker/MCU blog and did a couple reclists. when I fell back into the drarry pit he was like “what if you did the same thing for drarry but with single recs like those book review YT channels” I was very reluctant because big fandoms can be overwhelming and I didn’t feel creative or qualified to rec HP. not only I wasn’t up to date in terms of reading, I’d always been a lurker and didn’t know anyone around here; starker was a smaller, safe community without an insane to-read list or any other type of pressure. when covid hit I decided to take his advice and created the blog to distract myself at lockdown, that’s how the sit-pee brand kick off 😂 the rest is history. I’m feeling nostalgic and wanted to celebrate him somehow; since he’s a fan of fantasy books and magical creatures - dragons in particular - I decided to do a 🐉 reclist! I’ve been wanting to rec some Charlie rarepair fics so this is the perfect excuse. enjoy!
Sanctuary by @stargazing-enby (2021, G, 2k)
Harry finds warmth in peculiar ways on a freezing Romanian winter day.
Keeping the Dragon Keeper by @xx-thedarklord-xx (2018, T, 4k)
Charlie still wasn’t sure what it was about dragons that drew him in. Perhaps it was their intense nature or the way they protected their kind. Maybe it was the way Harry cared for Draco, or the way the latter always kept an eye on his mate. Either way, he would do anything to protect them.
Tiny Dragons & Where to Find Them by @tasteofshapes (2020, T, 5k)
Draco finds the tiny dragon sleeping on the staircase leading up to the astronomy tower.
Dragon Wings and Flying Things by rillalicious (2018, NR, 6k)
The Annual Broom Race of Sweden is headed through the Swedish Short-Snout dragon reservation. Charlie has arranged for Harry to bring Teddy. In the midst of all the excitement, Harry finds out that one of the most famous Dragonologists in recent history is someone very familiar.
Fighting fire with fire by azyxy (2021, E, 12k)
As Deputy Director of the Ministry’s Fire Brigade, Draco Malfoy is an expert firefighter. But after things get out of hand in what should have been a routine operation and Harry Potter arrives to help, Draco finds himself getting hot and bothered for totally unprofessional reasons.
Fata Morgana by @icmezzo (2014, M, 16k)
“It’s only a mirage,” they tell Draco (and Pepper). “You must be imagining,” they dismiss him in turn. But Draco Malfoy is certain that something is out there, and, come hell or Harry Potter, he’ll find out. He will.
Next Time I Fall by sassy_cissa (2019, E, 21k)
When Harry visits Charlie in Romania – he ends up finding more than he bargained for.
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore (2016, E, 22k)
Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?
Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants (2022, E, 33k)
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed?
Blood and Fire by @lqtraintracks (2017, E, 45k)
Harry has spent the last twelve years in Romania, not returning to England as often as he knows he should. It's complicated. But when Ginny asks him to be her best man and help her plan her wedding, he can't say no. Having a reckoning with his choices, with himself, won't be easy. To say nothing of seeing Draco again.
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424 (2011, E, 46k)
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant but before any other canon info had been released.
An Offering of Dragons by Lomonaaeren (2015, M, 46k)
Harry decides that he really needs to take a holiday. He hits on the idea of touring the respective dragon sanctuaries of the world, and invites Draco, who he’s casually dating, to come with him.
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w, art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (2022, E, 76k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Such Great Heights by aideomai (2015, E, 93k)
Draco Malfoy, wide-eyed and pale and in a decidedly ragged shirt, was crouched next to the pile of whatever the dragon had been eating. Harry threw himself to a halt and yelled, “Merlin, how many times do I have to save your life?”
Chasing Dragons by @the-sinking-ship (2021, E, 98k)
Draco can think of only one way to outclass his pleat-front-khaki-wearing politician ex, and that’s by making headlines with an obvious upgrade. And who better to upstage the cheating bastard than the Saviour of the World, Harry Potter himself?
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by @korlaena (2021, E, 140k)
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine.
love on high by tryslora (2015, E, 1.3k) - Charlie/Draco
Charlie loves to take Draco up on dragon back and fuck him high above the ground.
Use My Last Breath (to say I love you) by Cassiara (2020, E, 6k) - Charlie/Harry
Harry loves the way Charlie's hands feel around his neck. He's not sure how to feel about the tiny dragon or the long-distance relationship.
On the Same Side by rillalicious (2018, M, 7.5k) - Charlie/Teddy
Teddy is heading to Romania to protest a proposed anti-dragon law. He finds an interesting ally there.
Where the kind things are by epsilonargus (2018, T, 8k) - Charlie/Teddy
Charlie didn't think there was any other way to live, until he was forced to take Teddy Lupin in as a dragon trainer. Teddy didn't think he could ever be forgiven, until Charlie Weasley told him there was no shame in being kind.
Putting Charlie Right by mindabbles (2018, E, 9k) - Charlie/Teddy
Teddy is good at his job. He can take the most disorganised, poorly maintained record keeping system and have it pass any audit within weeks. Teddy is very, very good at his job, and he’d be able to prove that fact if Charlie wasn’t bent on distracting him.
In the Land of Dragons by megyal (2008, M, 10k) - Charlie/Draco
Charlie's job has changed from dragon-keeper to dragon-hunter in the apocalyptic aftermath of the war. DH-based, but not EWE-compliant; I'm sure I can say it veers into AU territory. Influenced by the movie Reign of Fire.
Exhaling Invisible Fire by gonergone (2014, G, 12k) - Charlie/Harry
As the Wizarding World tries to get itself back in order, Harry needs takes the opportunity for a rest.
Charlie Weasley's Fuck Autobiography by @lqtraintracks (2014, E, 14k) - Charlie/Teddy/Harry/Draco, minor Charlie/Bill
Charlie doesn't think that this is his Fuck Autobiography. But it so is.
Dreaming Skies by @sweet-s0rr0w and @tackytigerfic (2021, E, 20k) - Draco/Ron
Draco's life is going nowhere, so when Charlie Weasley offers him a job out on his reserve, Draco doesn't think twice before booking a Portkey. After all, it's not as if he has many other options. But when he arrives in Romania, he realises that nothing is quite what he expected...
Licurici by @lou-isfake (2021, E, 133k) - Harry/Charlie/Draco
Charlie wanted Harry, but he’d never planned on having him. He’d never planned on Draco Malfoy, either. He hadn’t planned on anything but living out his days in Romania, with his friends and his dragons and his safe, peaceful distance. Apparently, it wasn’t a very popular plan.
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fbfh · 2 years
husband!kit walker x reader hcs
wc: 900
genre: fluff, domestic bliss
warnings: kit being adorable, optional mention of reader having a bad family, kit standing up for you, kit is a good husband and head over heels for you
song rec: be my baby - the ronettes
a/n: I LOVE THIS MAN!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!! AWOOGA!!!!!! also I actually rested and it only took two days and I feel literally reborn???? I should do that more often lol
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Honestly I can’t even start with dating headcanons
Kit Walker is such pure raw husband material that if you get within six feet of him a diamond ring appears on your finger
He’s a simple man really
He just wants to do a good job at some honest work to provide for you
Come home to your cozy house you share
Kiss you on the lips and dance around your kitchen while dinner cooks
Maybe a couple of rugrats running around 
You know that tiktok audio of “you can pick anyone fictional to be your husband but divorce is never an option” “I COULD GO INTO HEAVY DETAIL. AND I WILL.”
It’s Kit
That’s literally Kit
If you need a fake husband 
Or a temporary husband 
Don’t choose Kit
Bc he will treat you so fucking well
You’ll get way way way too attached
To get this out of the way
I hate to see Kit in distress or pain
But dear god does he look hot when he is
Anyway back to happy Kit
Which is all the time bc he is so so happy around you
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, this man’s full name is Kit “that’s my wife!” (proceeds to knock someone out swiftly with one punch) Walker
He starts every morning by waking up smiling
Because he gets to wake up next to you
He looks at you, all sun soaked in the morning light, and he can’t believe he gets to live another day with a living dream come true like you
Then he wakes you up with kisses
So so so many kisses
Sometimes other things but that’s another story (and not for the sfw hcs)
This man knows everything about you
He knows how you like your coffee or tea or whatever, your favorite food, your favorite songs for kitchen dancing
He knows everything you love and hate
Yk the “excuse me! he asked for no pickles >:(“ meme
That’s Kit
Kit will (very politely bc he’s kind and understands how hard it is to work jobs that involve the general public bc of all the assholes that come through the garage) fix your order if someone gets it wrong
When someone asks if he’s your boyfriend he’ll happily and proudly correct them that he’s actually your husband
He doesn’t do the thing where he holds up his hand and points to his ring but he will pull you close and wrap his arms around you 
And most likely kiss you in front of the person
God I haven’t brought up The Look in a while
But Kit Walker CONSTANTLY looks at you with The Look 
Like all the goddamn time 
He’s not racist, probably an ally, and definitely a feminist
And he loves you so so much
God he’s such a catch
Once your friends spend a few minutes around him they start to realize that too
Or anyone really
You’re usually met with “wow where did you dig him up?? Where did you find him?? How do I get one??” 
Feel free to say you met at the mental hospital bc no one can tell if you’re joking or not
And he is literally perfect to bring as your date to holiday parties and family events
I mean he’s your husband so why wouldn’t he be your date
But no matter how hectic or crazy family stuff gets, he can totally handle it
He’s the perfect buffer
He’s so naturally smooth and likable and charming 
Everyone in your life that meets him totally approves
I mean all they have to do is see the way he looks at you
No one can deny that
If your family is really bad
Or generally not someone you want to be around
Kit will defend the HELL out of you
He’s not scared of confrontation, especially if it’s on your behalf 
And he is not scared to counter any underhanded comments with “Now, what did you mean by that?”
Will not let it go
He’s not going to let anyone talk shit about his spouse, his love, his sweetheart 
Especially the people that should have your back
It’s so interesting to watch because even when he’s confronting someone and defending you and telling people off for thinking they can treat you like that
It still doesn’t make him feel scary or less gentle than you know he is
And he is so so gentle with you
He says I love you all the time
With every touch
Every kiss
Every look and act of service
He’s saying it
He tells you how much he loves you all the time
Because how can he not??
You’re the most knockout dynamite dreamboat he could ever hope to be around 
He doesn’t know how he got you to fall for him back 
How he got you to love him
(he absolutely swept you off your feet)
But he’s just so glad that you do
He knows you inside and out
He knows everything about you
And he loves all of it
And you know everything about him
And you love him right back
Because you guys really are a match made in heaven
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attackfish · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any atla fic recs?
Here are the seventeen best fics in the Avatar fandom, and I swear this list is totally not just the favorites of one person whose choices are completely subjective and entirely based on personal preference. Yeah so these are my personal faves, your milage may vary.
"Who by Fire" by Kaberett: [Link]
There was precedent, of course, for succession in the event of the untimely demise of the incumbent ruler. Between political intrigue, ambition and necessity - and these qualities have never been in short supply within the ruling classes of the Fire Nation - history contains no shortage of examples. Deposal in the absence of bloodshed, however, is another matter entirely: and more so when the Heir Apparent is the banished prince, who has, contrary to every expectation, found the Avatar and brought him home.
"Enslaved" by Sharkflip: [Link]
A triumphant war party returns with an exotic slave, a gift for the ruling house. Multi-chapter, Katara/Zuko
"Eight Principles of Yong" by Psocoptera: [Link]
The pen is mightier than the sword, or how Zuko saves the day via the power of good penmanship.
"Five Ways Toph Created Her Own Family (Whether She Liked It or Not)" by Lady Ganesh [Link]
The title is the summary.
"Tea with Destiny" by @awesomeavocadolove [Link]
After the shock of Lu Ten's death, Iroh makes a fateful journey into the Spirit World. The tea there is exquisite, but the company may give Iroh a run for his money.
"Without a Fight" and "Never Give Up" by @suzukiblu [Link] and [Link]
Thirteen years old and alone in the Earth Kingdom, thrown out of his life and family and destiny with the burn on his face still raw and new, Zuko does not want to go on. Song/Zuko
"Gilded Green" by @caelum-blue [Link]
At the end of Iroh's Siege, the Dai Li decide to test their brainwashing abilities on a Fire Nation soldier. They don't know that their guinea pig-rat happens to be a supposedly-dead prince. Multi-chapter and multi-part
"Til Death Do Us Start" by @loopy777 [Link]
Mai's parents arrange a marriage for her. The first problem is that she's been dead for fifteen years, and the second problem is that her husband isn't who anyone is expecting. Mai/Sokka
"The Airbending Master" by @liz-squids [Link]
Teaching airbenders is not the same as restoring the Air Nomads
"In Which Mai and Toph Are Not Remotely Ladylike" by @liz-squids [Link]
Mai and Toph drink too much, talk too much, engage in petty vandalism. Their mothers would be horrified.
"Drink Some Fucking Tea" by @unjapanologist [Link]
A parody of 'Go the Fuck to Sleep'. During season one, Iroh unloads some frustrations about his beloved nephew that he can't very well voice out loud.
"Red is the Color of the End of the World" by @sholiofic [Link]
Post-series, Katara is adjusting to the new shape of the world. They all are.
"Chromatism" by @glamaphonic [Link]
Ty Lee is soiled and unclean and bursting with color.
"Life Began With Waking Up" by @glamaphonic [Link]
It was a simple truth that Mai had never really thought about her children. Mai/Zuko
"His and Her Circumstances" by Lavanya Six: [Link]
AU. Two years ago, it's believed the Fire Lord exiled Prince Zuko to distance himself from responsibility for his son's subsequent assassination. Five months from now, a boy in an iceberg will awaken. Tonight, Mai runs across a masked criminal. Mai/Zuko
"Escapee" by @liz-squids [Link]
So you're a traitor. Now what? AU from "The Boiling Rock" where Mai and Ty Lee escape with the others. Mai/Zuko
Unnamed ficlet #4 by @liz-squids [Link]
The AU where Azula never found out Zuko and Iroh were in Ba Sing Se, and 16 years later, the Fire Nation has won the war, and Mai is the governor of Ba Sing Se, and she and Zuko have an awkward 30-something reunion. Mai/Zuko, past Jin/Zuko.
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giraffefeather · 9 months
Look, I know I'm the minority here and that's okay. But does anyone have any fanfic recs that don't revolve around romance? Like just blorbos on a little adventure, not 12 chapters of then fucking each other's brains out.
To be clear, smut fics are totally valid! Just not my cup of tea.
Also, I don't mind romance on the side. A little kiss on the adventure never hurt anyone, ya know?
Oh! Also looking specifically for fandoms: Torchwood, Doctor Who, Dragon Age, and any crossovers including those.
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