#does dennis is gay?
psymachine · 3 months
post-macdennis reveal episode in the same vein as "the gang spies like u.s." where mac and dennis get tired of fighting and decide to look for a third partner for casual sex so they can both bottom get what they want. except they have a hard time finding a guy they're a. both attracted to and b. neither of them are jealous of, so they keep sabotaging/scaring away each candidate.
meanwhile, charlie sees them sneaking around to screen all these guys and thinks they're trying to replace him with another gay friend since they're both gay now. a confused confrontation ensues where he essentially re-applies to be their friend by bringing up all the weird shit they've done together over the last 30 years and insisting he can fulfill all of their needs even though he's not also gay.
dennis and mac misunderstanding this and freaking out while considering whether they should/want to just fuck charlie until everything finally blows up.
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sunscall · 9 months
what if. what if the reason they've never shown mac kissing a guy... is because he's never even actually been with a guy. like all of mac's talk about having so much gay sex is really just him being delusional about being a successful gay when he in fact has zero rizz, just like how he brags about doing backflips all the time but he never actually does it
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charmac · 11 months
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Pick your poison
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badn3w · 9 months
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Thinking about the way Mac misremembers Dennis leaving. In his own mind, he wishes he left with Dennis, but in reality he didn't. He let Dennis walk away and out of his life. He didn't chase after Dennis, but he wishes he did.
A theory for why Dennis acts different towards Mac after returning from North Dakota is that Dennis is resentful towards Mac for this very reason. Mac let him walk away. He had always thought Mac would be there by his side, to catch him when he faltered, but Mac had failed him. Dennis was waiting for someone to chase him, and it should have been Mac, but Mac didn't. Mac didn't even bat an eye. Mac let Dennis slip away, and this is something he will never forget.
When Dennis was away, he never checked in with Mac. We know he gave Mac a fake number, so Mac couldn't contact him, but Dennis has Mac's number memorized. He could've called Mac, but he never did. Maybe he was avoiding Mac. Maybe he didn't want to show that he cared for Mac when, in his mind, Mac didn't care about him.
I wonder if Mac is aware of this. I wonder if this is why Mac wishes he had chased after Dennis. I wonder if Mac remembers that night this way because it's what he so badly wishes had happened. He wishes he had followed Dennis, but he didn't.
Maybe he thinks Dennis would love him if he had.
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franks-orange-crocs · 2 months
could you draw us some passionate macdennis yaoi ❤️
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nezuchuuko · 1 year
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 13, Episode 10 - Mac Finds his Pride. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
“You don’t know what’s going on inside of me.” “I mean the struggle to be who I am.” “There’s like this storm inside of me and it’s been raging my whole life, and I’m down on my knees, and I’m looking for answers, and then God comes down to me and it’s a very hot chick and she pulls me up and we start dancing.”
“Wait, wait, wait…you’re gay, but you’re dancing with a hot chick, and she’s God?”
“The Catholics really fucked you up.”
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mikhardwheat · 11 months
So, the drowning scene of tggth pt2...
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I'm about to be so annoying about this whole sequence.
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Here, when everyone starts kicking each other, Mac doesn't let go of Dennis and wraps his leg around him before their hands separate.
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When Mac starts falling backwards, he tries to grab Dennis' arm so stabilize himself. We can see that Dennis doesn't push him off, despite the fact that he makes it harder to catch Dee, who already has the upper hand.
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While Charlie is using Mac's head to resurface, Dennis watches Dee and Frank swim away and then quickly turns to the side and tries to grab Mac by his hand, which he doesn't (?) let him do.
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Then we get this cursed shot of Dennis being basically glued to Mac's side, where Mac is swimming with his single free arm and isn't even trying to shake him off. Later we see what exactly clicked in Dennis' mind in the previous scene, where he came up with the idea of using Mac for the impact.
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Bonus scene with him getting punched seconds after betrayal.
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dennisboobs · 5 months
#the reason cisswap lesbian macden does nothing for me is bc i get my dose of lesbianism from canon charden <3#i say it (jokingly) all the time but i think if the sunny fandom was more open to charden y'all would have more fun#everything ppl do with macden to make it ~more fun~ is literally. already there with charden#macden is a lot of fun in its own way but if i want butch/femme lesbians i have charden already--#this is literally why i ship both. if i want to fuck around with gender i can throw charden together#if i want to fuck around with weird codependent loser roommates i can throw macden together#they have different dynamics and both bring different shit to the table#also idk such a massive part of dennis is his (often unapologetic but still stifled) more 'feminine' gender expression#so making him a cis woman who likes being feminine is like. yea. that sure is. cis woman dennis.#as someone who has an extremely complicated history w expressing femininity or anything that is even seen as being remotely femme#it doesn't grab me#the genderfuckery is not there#but TRANSBIAN CHARDEN???? YEAAAAAH#i think mac being so focused on upholding traditional mascilinity IS a very interesting dynamic to have next to. you know. dennis.#wheras charlie could not give less of a fuck#i think gender exploration with macden would take a completely different form but still be extremely interesting for both of them#but there's a lot less initial acceptance and a lot more hiding on den's part#especially if the two are in a relationship#because mac coming to terms with being gay took so long so dennis being at all feminine or even transfem is like#mac needs to do. more introspection#which is an entirely different set of issues to charden gender exploration where like#charlie being nonconforming. not shaving. not caring abt using she/her pronouns. being nontraditional in every way and not giving a fuck#would be absolutely fucking absurd to dennis who is very conformist after she comes out#and would probably be content to conform to whats expected of her as a woman with mac IF she did manage to come out at all#bc dennis would have to actually manage to come out. instead of hiding the fact she's trans > looking at carmen and the way mac treated her#i think both paths have additional challenges and that's. you know. whats interesting.#is cisswap den butchy? does she hide her masculine interests? is denise transmasc...??#cisswap mac being butch is like. you know. nonconforming so it doesn't quite do the same thing as canon mac either#mac being Traditional and catholic and having to push past homophobia (internalized and externalized) to be himself is. pretty huge#would cisswap mac be a tradwife. like. thats sort of the equivalent
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snitling · 1 year
Okay I've been debating with myself whether or not to say something so controversial (yet so true), but Dennis' fantasy about being utterly helpless and unable to have sex....what if Dennis asexual
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pollencoveredwoman · 11 months
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badnew2005 · 1 year
the way bitey fixed tomshiv i think it could fix macden
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charmac · 11 months
Do you think we're just imagining things macdennis this season and manifesting to hype some eps up or it was really there ... we're not making it up right?
Absolutely not, lmfao. Like, look, watch the episodes while high it's just, batshit insane. Inflates. Like, dude, they shared a fucking pull-out inflatable couch. Right after Dennis told Charlie he has a whole empty bedroom, thus no reason to be sharing a bed with Frank, he is sharing a bed with Mac, when they have a whole TWO (empty) bedrooms.
Two bedrooms?? There's TWO bedrooms? And you're sharing a bed with Mac...for TRULY NO REASOn.
Man that was the first episode. And since then, how many fucking gif sets and screencaps and goddamn collages can we make out of the looks and the touches.
Were you here for 15? Did you experience 15 live? Same number of episodes, you know how many Macden touches and/or looks we got? I could count on one hand. That was CRUMBS. Nothing, barely anything. You know how many Macden touches and/or looks we've got this season? Bro I couldn't even ballpark it for you. Like. My mind starts whirring like a slot machine, pull the lever, any scene with Mac and Dennis you're landing on some look, or some touch, or a goddamn gay ass moment. A fucking, I'm catfishing you and I'm the one controlling the anal beads that are currently jammed against your prostate, watch, I am literally stimulating your protstate right now, Mac.
And okay 15, sure, was a different season, but 14? Dude, I love 14 but it's incomparable the way Dennis treats Mac, it's insane. It's like we're living in some fuckin fantasy AU Dennis is a neutered man, my god. Gets Romantic is my all time favourite episode and look, look, look at that bed sharing, "what are we doing here?" and now LOOK AT THE BED SHARING. God, Dennis is so kind... look at him, letting Mac and Charlie have a convo about fancy nuts in the middle of the night...translating for Mac...why the fuck did they SELL all their furniture man, that's just. That's.
What is happening in Bowling, what is. Don't do it, Mac, don't do it. I won't. DEFY.
And the looks, there's looks, every where all the time. Booze, what's happening, why's Mac getting one up on him, and he's letting him. "Why are you fighting me on this?" "...C'mon."
Oh, wow. Mac's got him, hasn't he? That's real...very real. There's something pulling Dennis down, keeping him placated and right under Mac's thumb, not perfectly, not completely, but man, oh man, are his balls being held well.
Erm what? Is it all in our heads? Are we hyping it up too much? In comparison, the past 10 years, since Mac came out, no. It's not in our heads, there's very much a lot going on that we haven't seen in a decade. Very much so. What's it worth? Remains to be seen. Do I think we'll get an explanation next week? Probably not. I think they're pushing it heavy-handed and well, but not explicitly, not yet...
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gaydennisreynolds · 1 year
Gay best Dennis just lo
someone sniped anon partway through sending this message because they were speaking too much truth 🫡 rest in peace brave solider
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fantasy-costco · 1 year
After this semester ends in like a week I won't have any more religious studies classes like. Ever again. My religious studies advisor already told me that people have tried to put religious studies classes towards history degrees in the masters program but the school won't let them. I can always keep researching on my own and part of the point of this minor was to get the tools to do so but religious studies is a field full of so much bias and it's nice to have someone to guide me through that.
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cutemeat · 1 year
ok jesus i didnt know u guys had like a Whole THING last night already sheesh u all move too fast 4 me. i feel like charlie leaving the party at 8pm u guys are up till midnight
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dennisboobs · 1 year
jesus christ are the commentaries with dr drew ever fucking painful
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