#does jasmine tea have caffeine
figofswords · 8 months
wow I didn’t think reblogging that tea post and then seeing people’s tags would deal me such strong psychic damage. come over I can fix you I can find a tea you will like. “I don’t like tea” how can you say that as a blanket statement when there are so many vastly different kinds of tea. head in hands
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amatopunkish · 2 years
i was so productive today! but at what cost?
i have spent 12 hours sitting relatively still and i have SO MUCH energy now and if i have to spend anymore time sitting still without any output for this energy i am going to claw my scalp off
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fairyhaos · 6 months
seventeen as types of tea
requested by anon ! my tea knowledge is like. a little bit extensive. but only a little, so some of these r based off of what google says these teas taste like ++ the vibes they give me ^^
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ginger tea. the warmth and the spiciness and the slight sweetness of the tea definitely give me strong seungcheol vibes. the fact that it's good for you and also super delicious? hmm yeah idk but it's giving scoups
honey tea. a gentle, sweet tea that melts on your tongue. it reminds me of being taken care of by my mother, bc she always gave me honey tea when i was sick. for me, its a comforting tea, and the lovely sweetness gives me jeonghan vibes. 
bergamot tea. most people know it as earl grey tea, and it sounds like it'll be a musky, tasteless old-people kind of tea, but its floral, citrusy taste is very vibrant and lovely. bergamot is also a nice stress reliever, and is also a vv nice cake flavour and idk. the vibes feel very joshua
jasmine tea. dude, everyone loves jasmine tea, and if you don't, then you're lying to yourself. and that's exactly like how i firmly believe that junhui is nothing except absolutely and utterly loveable. it makes me think of dim sum bc the cleansing taste of it always balances the oily food sooo well
tea with lots of cream and sugar. it's almost horrifically sweet, but hoshi drinks it with a straight face and you can't help but wonder if, maybe, it's because the tea is so sugary that it's numbed his taste buds off forever. also he's totally the type to give himself a cream moustache. 
hibiscus tea. the slight cranberry-ish tartness of the taste feels very much like wonwoo for some reason? it makes me think of the shininess of glasses frames, the rough texture of books, and the gentle deepness of his voice. 
coffee disguised as tea. idk how to explain this bro but jihoon is Not Really a tea-drinking person in my eyes (not enough caffeine in it) but people keep telling him that having 7 coffees a day isn't good for his health so he's started drinking “tea” instead. except it's not actually tea and it's just.  coffee. hidden in his flask. 
matcha. matcha is lowkey just an aesthetic tea ngl but also?? it's a tea that's basically known for its health benefits bc it's just sooo so healthy and i feel like minghao, as a tea nerd, would love that. also matcha flavoured stuff is vv yum and makes me think of him for some reason
masala chai. ive never actually had masala tea before, but i think the combination of richness and warmth and spices of it just suits him very very well. just the vibes of it make me think of mmingyu's undeniable presence and his warm, beautiful, colourful nature
peach tea. fruit teas are definitely more dokyeom’s style bc they're kinda attached to the idea of youth and smiles, cuz children r more likely to have fruit teas. also peach tea is just sooo so sweet and fragrant. especially iced peach tea!! to me, i think that it literally tastes like syrupy sunshine. 
rose tea. it's just such a delicate, floral, aromatic tea with veryyyy good health benefits, and not only does it give me seungkwan vibes, i also think that he'd really like to drink it. also the floating rose buds in tea are so very aesthetic. 
tea biscuits. i couldn't think of a tea for him help anyone who has anything negative to say about tea biscuits is gonna have to Fight me bc they're actually sooo nice and i can and will finish half a pack of tea biscuits in one sitting if you let me. vernon probably could do that too. 
milk tea. idk man but for me, i think that the unambiguous milky taste of milk teas just make me think of the all-encompassing and reassuring warmth of chan. he's like the pleasant milkiness of the milk tea that stays on your tongue
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @kikohao
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king-bumis-armpit · 4 months
A Dirty Chai and a Black Tea with Cardamom, Part 1
A Maiko Modern AU
Link to part 2 here
Summary: In Ty Lee’s quest for her crush of the week, a cute blue-eyed barista at the local tea shop, Mai stumbles into a new college friend group. But it’s not all bad. That one grumpy guy is actually kinda cute…
Author's Note: This idea was gifted to me by the lovely @cowpoopies !! I’m pretty sure you were the first person to respond to my call for prompts, which was really encouraging!! Thank you so super duper much!!
And thank you to whoever’s reading this. Whether you interact or not, I love you and I hope you’re doing well <3
I made Mai very, veeeeery oblivious here, lol. My depressing in-story explanation is that her mother ruined her self-esteem. The real reason is that I like Mai and Zuko being super duper awkward and then pining for long periods of time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Part 2 of 2 will be out sometime next week hopefully. 
WC: 5,010
Mai yawned. It was seven in the morning. An absolutely ungodly hour to be functioning in the world. Her roommate had dragged her out of bed at 6:30 and coerced her into getting ready for the day. They were now on their way to acquire caffeine, passing brick house after brick house on the path out of campus and onto Main St. “Remind me why I’m awake right now?”
Ty Lee giggled. The piercing noise reverberated in the suburbs of the quaint town. Mai longed to put in her airpods and drown it all out with music. “I’ve told you like a million times. We need to see the cute barista at the tea shop!”
“And I need to be there because…” she drawled.
“You are going to demonstrate that I have friends and I’m not a murderer. It’s like the mandatory group pic on a dating profile that shows you have social skills,” Ty Lee explained. 
“Right.” Mai knew that arguing was futile. At the very least, she could get a headstart on her Judicial Politics paper. Or she could do her Research Methods lab of the week. Or start studying for her Philosophy of Law exam. Ugh! Time to stop thinking about school. As the houses abruptly became parking lots and store fronts, Mai asked, “So, which crush is this? The girl with the pretty hair, the boy with the blue eyes, or the mohawk guy.”
“Blue eyes! He’s so dreamy,” Ty Lee did a twirl as she walked. “He wears his hair in a ponytail and he makes the funniest jokes. You can’t miss him!”
“And does he have a name?”
“Probably.” Ty Lee skipped ahead and Mai sighed. If Ty Lee didn’t even know this person’s name, then she didn’t see why she was already being called into action as wingwoman. 
They stopped outside of the storefront. Mai was surprised she hadn't noticed the place before. It wasn't far from their dorm building at all, and the warm glow of the lights beckoned her in. The sign on the window read ‘The Jasmine Dragon’. 
Ty Lee walked in first, causing a string of bells on the door to jingle. Mai followed and looked around for their target. The walls were adorned with illustrations of different tea leaves, and Mai recognized a decent number of them from her Aunt Mura’s greenhouse. The inside of the building was much more spacious than Mai would’ve guessed, and housed a number of sage-green tables. The counter was at the back of the shop, likely for the ease of connecting to a storeroom. The menu above the wall housed a wide array of teas and other beverages that sounded intriguing. Mai made a mental note to return at a time when she didn’t feel like death.
Ty Lee was not lying when she said the barista was hot. He was leaning forward on the counter next to the register, cradling his chin in his palm. His eyes were closed, perhaps dozing off. (Mai didn’t blame him one bit.) He had long black hair, but it was not in a ponytail as Ty Lee said it would be. His muscular physique was apparent, even under his t-shirt and apron. Mai was surprised that Ty Lee hadn’t mentioned the nasty scar around his left eye, but she assumed her friend wanted to be polite.
“Excuse me,” Ty Lee said, waking the barista. Mai noted that his eyes weren’t blue after all. He must be the wrong person. “My friend and I were hoping to order.”
He stood up, and glanced between the two of them. He immediately began blushing, and Mai couldn’t help but find it adorable. The poor guy probably had a hopeless crush on Ty Lee, like every other man on the planet, and he had just embarrassed himself by sleeping on the job. Mai hadn’t met Blue-Eyes yet, but so far she was rooting for Drowsy. 
“Umm… Sorry about that. W-what would you like?” he asked. He was looking squarely at Mai, as if Ty Lee didn’t exist. He must be trying to play it cool. Mai wanted to pull him aside and tell him that strategy was never going to work on her friend, but she knew it wasn’t her place.
Ty Lee piped up first, “I’ll take a large vanilla matcha milk tea with tapioca pearls.”
As Drowsy entered her order on the register, a second person appeared from the back.
“Hey! Our first customers of the day. How are you lovely ladies?” This must be Blue-Eyes for sure. He had the signature ponytail and radiant brown skin. Mai couldn’t deny he was attractive. The “lovely ladies” line annoyed her though. 
Ty Lee giggled and batted her eyelashes at him. “My morning is always good when I start my day here.”
Blue-Eyes laughed. “I know Zuko’s customer service isn’t that good. He was sleeping like two seconds ago.”
“I wasn’t!” Zuko demanded, but his vociferous protest did not help his case. He seemed to be fidgeting in his seat.
Blue-Eyes nudged him with his elbow. “Have you even taken their orders yet?”
Zuko nudged him back, harder. “I was before you interrupted!”
Mai took that as her cue. “I’ll have a medium hot dirty chai latte. Her treat.” She pointed at Ty Lee, who smiled brightly.
“I’m a very magnanimous friend.” She pulled out her credit card and passed it to Zuko who cashed them out. 
Blue-Eyes ignored her and focused on Mai. “I never would’ve guessed you were a chai type of girl. You seem like a black coffee person.” Ty Lee pouted.
Mai shrugged, “I don’t want to have to suffer to be caffeinated. Life has enough pain.”
Blue-Eyes laughed. “I feel you. This one time–”
Zuko tapped him on the shoulder. “Sokka, can you help me make the drinks?”
Sokka. So he did have a name. Why did it sound so familiar? And Drowsy– no, Zuko– seemed to be annoyed with him. But maybe that was just how Zuko was. As a fellow grump, Mai appreciated it. 
Mai and Ty Lee found a table while the two men moved around behind the counter getting their drinks and whispering to each other. Mai could only catch snippets but she was pretty sure they were arguing about who should bring their drinks over. 
Ty Lee leaned forward and spoke quietly. “Ugh! I think he’s into you, Mai.”
Mai raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be ridiculous. When in the history of our friendship has that happened? They’re fighting to deliver your tea right now.”
“Hmph!” Ty Lee pulled out a textbook and resolutely ignored her friend. 
Real mature, Mai thought as she pulled out her laptop. She never got annoyed when guys were into Ty Lee. Even hot guys like Zuko. That was like girl code 101.
She pulled up her essay prompt and bit her lip. Justice Own Roberts wrote: “The judicial branch of the Government has only one duty – to lay the article of the Constitution which is invoked beside the statute which is challenged and to decide whether the latter squares with the former.” Does his estimation allow for the justices to exercise their ethical codes? Should the personal ethics of these appointed officials–
“Umm… here’s your tea.” Mai looked up to see Zuko standing over them. Ty Lee had already received her tea, and it seemed to slightly improve her mood.
“Thank you.” Mai accepted her chai and took a deep breath to catch the scent. It smelled nice and strong, just how she liked it. Zuko was still standing over their table, and it seemed he was about to say something more when the door opened.
“Sokka! Tell Toph she can’t drop out of college and become an underground MMA fighter.” Mai recognized the girl, Katara, from a few of her classes. She was followed by Toph, who Mai also knew, and bald guy that Mai had seen around campus.
“No! Tell Sugar Queen here that a college degree is overrated in our fucked economy.”
Mai laughed despite herself, and everyone stopped to look at her.
“Oh, hi Mai!” Katara made her way to stand behind Mai’s chair. “Are you working on Judicial Politics? That essay is killing me.”
Mai nodded. “There is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for that class.”
Sokka made his way from behind the counter. “So do I need to settle the underground fighter dispute or…”
The bald guy shook his head vigorously. “Let’s just hope they forget about it.”
Toph crossed her arms. “We can all hear you. I’m blind, not deaf.”
“Oh!” Something clicked in Mai’s head. “Sokka is your brother, isn’t he? And Suki’s boyfriend.” She shot a meaningful look at Ty Lee.
“That’s right. Are you coming to practice with us later? You can bring your friend,” Katara said. Suki led women’s self-defense courses that Mai, Katara, and Toph all attended. She called her troop the Kyoshi Warriors. Mai thought the name was a bit much, but she enjoyed it all the same.
Mai realized she was in the unique position of knowing more people in a group than her roomate. “This is my best friend, Ty Lee. What do you say? Wanna tag along to Warrior practice later?”
“No, thank you though. I have gymnastics at the same time, remember?”
That was a lie, but Mai nodded along. She had told Ty Lee about Suki in the past, and it seemed that Ty Lee was not in the mood to meet her.
“Well, now that the troops are assembled, I assume you’re all having your usual orders?” Sokka asked. There was a chorus of assent from the newcomers. Sokka grabbed Zuko by the arm to drag him back to work.
“Wait– I haven’t–” Zuko resisted and everyone stopped to look at him. He locked eyes with Mai. “Nevermind.” He allowed himself to be led away. 
“Oh, I get it.” Toph laughed to herself. She must have uncovered his crush on Ty Lee. Despite her lack of eyesight, the woman was alarmingly perceptive.
“Get what?” Katara asked, irritation creeping into her voice. “Secrets don’t make friends.” The two began squabbling and the bald guy extricated himself.
“Hi! I’m Aang. Katara’s boyfriend.” 
“Hi.” Mai replied. She wasn’t sure what to say next. 
“You’re majoring in philosophy and poli sci, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. What about you?”
“I’m a philosophy major too, but I don’t think we’ve had any classes together.”
“No,” Mai replied.
Katara, seemingly finished with Toph, reappeared. “How are you feeling about Professor Jeong Jeong’s Philosophy of Law midterm?”
Mai sighed. “I’m feeling like Toph has the right idea. After that exam, I might have to find a new career plan.”
Katara nodded sympathetically. “We should study together! You can come over to my place sometime.”
“That would be great! Does Wednesday afternoon work?” There were very few people in her classes that Mai would agree to study with, but Katara was an exception. She was brilliant and always kind. Not to mention, Mai was warming up to her little group of friends.
“That’s perfect! I’ll text you with the details later.” 
Ty Lee perked up. “Mind if I join you guys? I’m not in your class, but I’m more productive when I’m surrounded by others. It focuses my energy.” Mai struggled not to roll her eyes at Ty Lee’s bullshit.
“That’s fine by me! It was nice to meet you!” Katara and Aang left to pick up their drinks.
Ty Lee snapped her book shut, mood buoyed again. “Are you ready to head out?”
Mai stared at her blank Google doc and sighed. It wasn’t a productive morning, but it wasn’t awful to socialize for a change. “Yeah okay.” They gathered their stuff, and Ty Lee tossed her cup in the garbage. Mai had no idea how she chugged it so fast.
As they reached the door, Zuko called out, “Thanks for stopping by!” His hand was raised in an adorably awkward wave. Mai kicked herself. He wasn’t into her. Her mom had made it abundantly clear that guys didn’t like gloomy girls. 
Still, Ty Lee wasn’t giving him the time of day. Mai returned his wave and gave him a small smile before chasing her friend out of the tea shop. 
Ty Lee was already halfway down the block by the time she caught up.
“I think Zuko is way hotter than Sokka! You should go for him. He might be single.”
Ty Lee rolled her eyes. “Oh Mai! He couldn’t take his eyes off you that whole time. You should totally go for it, though.” Mai blushed. “Besides, you got us an invite to Sokka’s house, assuming he lives with his sister.”
“That was why you invited yourself to our study session?” Mai laughed. “What if Katara lives with Aang or has a roommate on campus?”
“Then I’ll say the energy is off and it’s affecting my aura and I’ll leave early,” Ty Lee explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“This is why I don’t believe in auras. You change the rules all the time.”
Ty Lee smirked, “Your aura was much pinker in there than normal. Did that have anything to do with a certain sleepy barista?”
“Oh shut up!” Mai trudged on ahead, hearing Ty Lee’s giggles behind her. 
— — 
As the pretty girl and her friend left, Zuko lowered his hand. Was waving cringy? The way he did it probably was. But the pretty girl had smiled! At him! He wanted that to happen again. The friend had stopped by many times before, but she’d never brought the pretty girl with her. Mai, Zuko remembered. 
His friends had congregated around their normal table in the back with their drinks. Zuko claimed a seat in between Katara and Toph.
“Sooooo, you guys know Mai from class and stuff?”
Katara chuckled, “That was not subtle at all. You like her?”
Toph punched his arm, “Looks like Sugar Queen finally caught on.”
Aang was beaming. “This is so exciting! Zuko’s never had a crush before!”
Zuko’s jaw dropped. “Yes I have! You all only met me two years ago. What are you talking about?”
Sokka cut him off, “Well this is the first time you’ve called dibs.”
Katara’s eyebrow twitched. “Eww! You two have a system for calling dibs on ogling your female customers!”
“Hey!” Sokka protested. “It works on all customers regardless of gender. And it’s a tried and true hand signal.” He made a series of complicated movements that Zuko had memorized only through seeing them many, many times before Sokka met Suki. 
Katara glared at her brother. “That’s still objectifying and degrading. Besides, you have a girlfriend!”
“And I love her! I haven’t ogled anyone since we started dating. Zuko was the one who called dibs anyway.”
Zuko sighed. “I thought you could help me out. But I think she was clearly just more into you than me.”
“Dude, what? She was definitely checking you out. What happened to our plan? You were going to take out their drinks and ask for her number.” Zuko appreciated that Sokka was trying to cheer him up, but there was no way Pretty Girl was looking at him for his attractiveness. His fingers itched to touch his scar. He formed a fist in his lap instead.
“Oh please. Do you remember the first thing she said to Katara?” He pitched his voice higher, “‘Oh this is your super hot brother? But he’s dating Suki? Life is full of suffering.’”
Toph kicked him under the table. “I don’t think that was why she asked about Sokka. I feel like I’ve heard that Ty Lee girl’s voice before. Isn’t she always here when Sokka is working?”
“Oh yeah!” Sokka sounded smug. “She was definitely flirting with me earlier. Maybe her friend was letting her know I’m off the market.” He flexed his muscles. While he was distracted by posing, Katara gagged exaggeratedly at Aang, who was trying desperately not to laugh. 
Zuko smiled. His friends always made things seem… slightly less horrible.
“I have an idea!” Katara said. “Why don’t you happen to be visiting Sokka or Aang during our study session? You took Philosophy of Law last year, right? You can offer to help us and talk to her some more.”
Zuko bit his lip. “I don’t know. Besides, I’m probably working on Wednesday.”
Katara shrugged. “That’s not an issue at all. I’ll text her and ask to change the location to here.”
Sokka nodded. “This is a good plan Katara, I’m impressed.” Katara rolled her eyes. “The shop is really quiet on weekday nights. You could probably still sit with them. Who’s working with you on Wednesday?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s just gonna be Uncle and me.”
“That’s perfect!” Aang said. “Your Uncle is going to be so on board.”
Zuko shuddered. “You are NOT going to tell my Uncle about this.”
Aang frowned. “But he’ll be super helpful. I bet he has great advice for love stuff.”
“That’s so embarrassing.”
The younger man pulled out his phone. “I’m gonna text him.”
“Don’t!” Zuko sprang out of his chair and tried to get around Katara to grab Aang. But Aang was quicker and dashed behind a Sokka. A very intense chase through the shop commenced, to the raucous laughter of their friends.
— — 
Ty Lee hummed happily while applying her mascara. “I hope Zuko and Sokka are both working tonight! Then they might ask us out. It would be so fun to be able to go on double dates with them. We could even have a double wedding!”
Mai sighed. “We spend enough time together already, don’t you think? Besides, Sokka is unavailable, so you need to get over it. And I still think Zuko likes you.”
“Not a chance! You’re so dense sometimes.” Ty Lee sprayed some perfume and Mai tapped her foot impatiently.
“Are you ready to–” Mai was cut off by a notification on Ty Lee’s phone. 
The other girl gasped. “OH MY GOD! The girl with pretty hair asked me to get dinner tonight! I’m freaking out! Do I look okay?” Ty Lee began frantically running around their tiny dorm room. 
“You look great,” Mai assured. “I guess this means you’re ditching me tonight?”
Ty Lee shrugged, “Duty calls. We’ll have to take a rain check on that double wedding scheme.”
“Bummer,” Mai deadpanned. “If that’s the case, then I’m leaving now. Have fun and stay safe!”
Ty Lee winked. “I always do.”
As Mai made the short journey to the tea shop, she couldn’t help but feel nervous at the prospect of meeting Zuko again. She hated herself for getting so worked up. She hardly knew the guy, so he shouldn't be affecting her like this. She certainly hadn't thought about Kei Lo this much before they started dating. And Zuko wasn’t into her. No way.
She caught sight of the familiar facade and pushed through the door, to the chime of the bells. The shop was almost completely deserted except for Katara sitting alone at a table near the back. Zuko and an older man were working behind the counter. There wasn’t a Sokka in sight, so it was probably for the best that Ty Lee found other means of entertaining herself. 
“Welcome in!” the old man smiled warmly. “Katara tells me you two have quite the night of studying ahead of you. Order whatever you want, on the house!”
“Oh!” Mai was taken aback by his generosity. “Are you sure?”
“Of course! I’m not so old that I’ve forgotten my school days. Besides, what's the point of owning a business if I can’t flaunt it a bit?”
Mai smiled. Before college, she hadn’t met very many generous people, and even fewer jovial ones. She decided to take a page from his book and be whimsical for a change. “In that case, I want your favorite thing on the menu. Since you’re the owner, you probably have good taste.”
The old man laughed. “I like to think so! But I would be devastated if you didn’t like it. How about I have my nephew whip something up for you instead?”
He gestured to Zuko, who Mai realized was staring at her very intently. Did she say something awful? Did he think she was weird? Oh! He was probably wondering where Ty Lee was. Maybe his uncle was only being so nice because he thought she was the girl Zuko liked.
She could feel her cheeks getting red. “That would be great… Um… Thanks again.” 
The spirit of whimsy whooshed out of her body and she retreated to Katara’s table.
The other girl already had her textbook, notes, printed study guide, and laptop in position. It did not make Mai feel better. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she checked her watch, but luckily it was only five minutes after their scheduled time.
Katara smiled, “You’re not late at all! Sokka, Toph, and I came here after our lectures so I’ve been here all day. Midterms are killing me, but this is a good place to zone in and focus. You should totally come here more often.” Her eyes twinkled and Mai didn’t know what was happening. She would almost think Katara was flirting with her, but wasn’t she in a relationship with Aang?
Mai noticed Zuko, not too far from them working on her order. Mai spoke slightly louder than normal to ensure he heard, “Yeah, Ty Lee loves it here. But Ty Lee had something come up today, so Ty Lee won’t be here.” It was highly un-subtle and inelegant, but she wanted to be sure Zuko understood that Ty Lee wasn’t coming. She hated to think he would get his hopes up, anticipating her arrival.
“Oh yeah,” Katara said, “I forgot she was going to come with you.” Zuko must not have told Katara about his crush.
Mai pulled out her study materials, and Zuko approached their table. “I– I made this for you.” He gently set the cup amid the mess of books and paper. “It’s black tea with cardamom and a dash of milk. It’s my favorite for studying.” He gazed resolutely at the floor.
“Thank you,” Mai said. Zuko didn’t leave and Mai wondered if he wanted her to try it before him. Surely it was too hot.
But then Katara spoke up, “Oh my goodness!” Mai looked up, startled. Perhaps cardamom held a special significance to the other girl. “Zuko, I just remembered! You took philosophy of law last year, right?” 
“Yes. I did,” he replied robotically.
“Do you think you could help us study? You are really smart and get excellent grades.” Katara spoke like she was announcing the fact to a crowd.
“Yes and I love helping others!” Zuko offered. Mai was not sure how that was relevant, but she supposed he couldn’t hurt. Besides, it would be nice to see him up close.
“Uncle!” Zuko called out, “Do you mind if I sit with them for a little while? I can help out if we get more customers.”
The old man was already looking their way, a gleam in his eye. Mai heard the distinct undertone of humor in his voice: “Don’t worry about it! I can manage.”
Zuko turned his attention back to them and looked between both sides of the table. Katara moved her backpack off the floor and into the seat beside her. Zuko sat beside Mai, and Katara smiled from ear to ear.
“So, when I took this class, Jeong Jeong gave us a list of ten essay questions and then he chose two of those to write on the day of the exam. Is the format still the same?” 
Mai nodded. “I printed out an extra study guide for Ty Lee in case she got bored.” She handed it over, and Zuko’s fingers grazed hers as he took it.
He glanced over the prompts. “My strategy for exams like this is to target the readings and lectures that apply to most questions. That way, I know there’s at least one source I can reference. 
Mai nodded. “I think we should start with Aquinas for natural law theory and Hart for legal positivism. That will give us a good overview of the main debate in the course. 
Katara tapped her fingers on the table, “Do you think he’ll take points off if we disagree with him? He’s a big advocate for natural law, right?”
“Definitely,” Mai agreed. “He never shuts up about it.” Zuko chuckled and Mai felt warmth blossom in her chest.
“I don’t think he’ll take points off if you explain your case, though,” Zuko replied.
“Okay then,” Katara began flipping through her textbook. “Let’s start with Aquinas.”
— — 
“Yes, but you have to keep in mind that the judges don’t have a standardized moral code. What if the Supreme Court accepts a case reviewing–” Zuko’s train of thought halted as Mai shifted in his direction. They were almost touching. He could shift and their arms would be pressed together. “I’m sorry, what was I saying?”
Mai gave him a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry about it. It’s almost closing time for the shop and we’ve been at this for ages. Maybe we should call it quits?”
“No!” he said before he could stop himself. It was true that they’d been studying for almost two and half hours at that point, but he didn’t want it to end. Zuko had studied his old notes all week in preparation for this. (It was more than he’d studied when he’d taken the class the first time around.) But he really wanted to be helpful and impress Mai. 
Over his short time knowing her, his crush had only grown. She was beautiful, obviously, but her sharp wit and humor made talking to her very entertaining. Even when the topic was Philosophy of Law. Beyond that, she was incredibly smart and she grasped the concepts very quickly. It was apparent that she didn’t need his help, but he liked watching her in her element. Crap, was that creepy?
Katara rubbed her forehead. Zuko knew she was really stressed over midterms, but she still rehearsed their little speech about asking for his help studying at least half a dozen times before Mai’s arrival. In true wingwoman fashion, Katara backed him up yet again: “I know it’s getting late, but what if we talk through this last prompt really quickly. We’re almost all the way through the study guide.”
Mai agreed, but just then the bells on the door jingled. Zuko looked over to see that it was Aang. He came to stand behind Katara and rubbed her shoulders. “How’s it going?”
Katara leaned into his touch. “It’s awful. I’m going to fail. Why am I minoring in Justice in Society anyway? I don’t need it for med school.” 
Aang smiled down at her. “Do you remember the last exam you thought you were going to fail? You got, what? Ninety-five percent?”
Katara crossed her arms. “It was ninety-two.”
“I’m sorry.” Aang kissed the top of her head and she visibly relaxed a little.
Zuko smiled wistfully. He had never had a long term relationship, but maybe… He glanced sideways at Mai, who was still scanning the study guide.
“Hey Zuko!” Aang got his attention once more. “Do you think you could unlock the upstairs for me? I think I left my Tsungi horn in your room.”
Zuko narrowed his eyes. Aang was terrible at the Tsungi horn. He didn’t own one as far as Zuko knew. “Sure. I’ll help you look.”
They went into the back room and Aang stopped them before they could go any farther. “So how’s the mission going? Katara texted me that she thinks Mai likes you for sure.”
Zuko’s cheeks flamed. “I don’t know about all that. I still think she might have been into Sokka. She was talking to Uncle– Oh! Also, she really got along with Uncle Iroh.” He knew he was probably smiling like a fool, but Aang was in no place to judge.
“Zuko, everyone gets along with your uncle. It would be really concerning to me if she didn’t,” Aang pointed out.
“Fair enough,” he sighed. “But it’s still important to me. Anyway, she was talking to him and he mentioned me. When she first saw me it was like the wind left her sails or something.”
Aang shook his head. “I’m sure you’re misinterpreting things. And that was just at first, right? How have things been going otherwise?”
Zuko bit his lip. “I actually think they’re going pretty well. I mean, we’re getting along well enough but it’s hard to tell. We’re studying and Katara’s there, so I don’t know if she likes me all that much.”
Aang snapped his fingers. “I have an idea! Let’s go!” The younger man grabbed Zuko’s wrist and led him back out into the shop before he could protest.
Mai examined them. “No luck finding it?”
“Nope,” Aang smiled nervously. “Not a trumpet in sight?”
Mai’s brow furrowed. “I thought you were looking for a Tsungi horn?”
“None of those either,” Aang laughed in a stilted manner. “Anyway, I had an idea. Since this exam is so awful, what if we all went out to dinner to celebrate when it’s over? You and Katara can relax, and it'll be my treat! And Zuko can come since he helped out.”
Mai hesitated, and Zuko wished the floor would swallow him. Aang came on way too strong. He was going to scare her off and she would never come back.
Katara spoke up. “That’s a great idea! We deserve it, don’t you think?”
Mai relented. “Okay… but I can pay for myself. You’re all too kind. Seriously.” Zuko almost crumpled to the ground in relief. 
Mai left shortly after, and the shop closed for the evening. But the end of day chores didn’t feel so mundane, with the knowledge that he would be seeing Mai again so soon. 
Part 2
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senjutsunade · 1 month
~Detective AU - Food Head Canons~
#Blind Incandescence
Because its a work place and food is the only thing that makes getting through the daily routine worthwhile.
Note: From the collective chaos that are Narnian Inhabitants. Shared HC's between myself (Typo Queen - TQ), @konohagakurekakashi (Finger Seizure - FS) and @uchihaa-itachi (Crazy Insomniac - CI).
Drinks of choice:- Kakashi does not have time on his side. He is always, always late for absolutely everything, so there are no spare minutes to order fancy coffees/teas/drinks. Most of the time he just settles for what he can get out of the vending machine, flickering in the lobby of his apartment building. Mostly it's a variety of Ooi Ocha green tea, jasmine or hot lemon, being his preference. And in the summer months he'll opt for Mugi-cha. He doesn't drink energy drinks or sodas, since they're too sweet. The only coffee he drinks is from their trusty, office coffee maker-kun when the hours get too long. Breakfast of choice: Tamago Kake Gohan Lunch of choice: Most of the time he has a proper bento lunch which he packed the night before, out of fear that he might have to digest cup ramen or (Kami forbid) some powdery dessert for lunch. If he was too lazy to do grocery shopping for the week or ran even later than usual, he'll brave Genma's gross flirting with sandwich-stand-girl, to get a sandwich. Dinner: He's the guy that demands some form of vegetable on the pizza (No. Tomato, mushroom and onions do not count). Read eggplant or artichoke.
Drink: Anything with alcohol in it. If that isn’t an option - coke. A lot of it. Like dangerous quantities of it. She loves her fancy coffee's though - if she can find the time to get those so the task usually falls on Jiraiya and Orochimaru to be the providers. Honestly though, she'd drink anything with caffeine and copious amounts of sugar in it.  Breakfast: Pancakes/waffles. Drowning in syrup.  Lunch: If she is left to her own devices -it is the dessert she stole out of Orochimaru's lunch box (he swears she hired him only so she could do that) or whatever she can get out of the stupid vending machine - said machine despises her and is known to have eaten many a coin with no product to show for the worth.  Dinner would be picking out the disgusting pieces of eggplant off her pizza - alongside most of the other vegetables. She does it with a lot of skill along with an extremely disgusted face. And flings them across the room with annoyingly perfect accuracy….especially if Genma happens to be in the vicinity. Like WHY do they bother with toppings? Stick to extra cheese.  If she’s home, it's mostly expired instant ramen cups. She can not cook. You don’t want her to try. She will set things on fire and whatever she concocts will be a health hazard. 
Drink: Tea. Mostly Earl Grey (Twinnings no9) or Darjeeling; unsweetened and warm. Unsweetened black coffee is his drink of choice in the office. In the later hours he will pivot towards herbal blends (this becomes more pronounced once Naruto joins them. Too much black coffee is not good for his blood pressure, ne).  Breakfast: Pancakes with half the bottle of syrup, whipped cream, chocolate shavings and sprinkles. Exactly one strawberry on top for aesthetics. Alternatively, an almond croissant. Lunch: A blend of anything he considers nutritious enough (read: sauteed vegetables with some protein or a sandwich). He doesn't care much for food and simply sees it as a way of sustenance -- though he does have his favorites. That being said, he always has a proper dessert (dango, mochi, cheesecake, etc) stowed away in the fridge. Anyone who touches it will face his wrath via perfectly pointy pencils. Dinner: Usually skipped. Unless his mother is around -- then he'll have some fruit.
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thelustdevil · 2 years
Working at a coffee place really fuels those café au’s in my head...
…in honor of that, here’s what some of the boys would order from my shop!
Part Two: Goodies!
Hitoshi S.
This man gets redbulls, idc what anyone else says. Lavender huckleberry lemonade. But if he’s craving coffee, an americano with cinnamon and almond milk.
Denki K.
Blended mango (purée) & passion fruit lemonade, he likes the sweetness and the crunch from the ice. If he wants something creamy he gets a blended matcha.
Katsuki B.
He enjoys cinnamon lattes, hot with the cinnamon either pulled with the shot or steamed into the milk. On hot days he gets black tea, iced with SF blackberry. (Two pumps only)
Izuku M.
This sweet sweet boy enjoys smoothies! Peach is his go to, if he’s feeling adventurous he’ll add strawberry. If it’s cold he likes white hot coco with a pump of peppermint.
Shoto T.
Tea? Tea. Sometimes he’ll ask the barista what tea they like. Does he pick their suggestions? Rarely. He’s a creature of habit. Chamomile tea with honey and cantaloupe if it’s iced. If not, honey and a little lemonade steamed in is perfect.
Eijirou K.
Sometimes he follows denki’s lead and gets a lemonade. Usually strawberry purée with peach. If not he likes a nice iced latte. A pump of vanilla and a pump of cheesecake. Almond milk!
Hanta S.
Sero likes iced teas, usually on the sweeter side. He will experiment, combining different flavors and add-ins. So far peach, raspberry and orange juice with black tea is his favorite.
Tenya I.
Our orange spice tea is a favorite of his. Hot or iced, with a bit of raw sugar. Just a packet or two. If it’s out, jasmine green tea is okay.
He doesn’t go to coffee shops the fuck. Mans drinks kraken out of a mug with a little bit of cold brew. Though he learned what cold foam was and sometimes likes to add it.
Caramel macchiato when he feels fancy. If not some good lemonade is a nice second. Or a peach Italian soda, or-
Mirio T.
Nejire introduced him to iced oatmilk lavender lattes and he was into it. He used to stay away from coffee, he wasn’t into the bitterness. But now it’s his go to.
Tamaki A.
Sweet shy angel enjoys a simple vanilla raspberry steamer when he doesn’t crave caffeine. When he does have coffee, a raspberry white mocha never fails.
Shota A.
Black coffee with amaretto or Irish cream. Hitoshi once brought him a huckleberry redbull and occasionally he’ll get that.
Hizashi Y.
He loves to try the new monthly drinks. He’ll settle on a favorite and continually order it until the next month’s drinks. However a latte from last Spring stuck with him. Toasted coconut macchiato.
*based on my view of them & their personalities*
Let me know if you want to see the girls next!!
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fluffyllamas-23 · 10 months
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
☕ - Coffee or tea?
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
for your girls!!
omg thank you for these!!! My apologies they took so long, I've been having such a rough time with focusing on much of anything and I've been so tired for no reason other than existing is hard lmao but thank you for loving my girls! I did them for Arwen and Marcia, and Jasmine and Saoirse!!
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Arwen: Arwen really hates cooking and figuring out food. She will if she has to but will hate every minute of her, so the best way to get to her heart is to organize that for her. If someone organizes it for her, whether it be cooking for her or getting her favorite takeout, she just melts. Marcia thankfully loves to cook, so they work well together lmao. Marcia: Marcia loves to be spoiled and told how wonderful and appreciated she is. She really loves experiences - fancy date nights, couples dates at the spa, impromptu weekend getaways….stuff like that. Saoirse: Saoirse really loves when people very obviously listen to her and remember things she’s said and act on those things. She teaches high school, and while she loves her students and what she does, it does get really frustrating sometimes because it can feel like she’s speaking to a wall and has to spend the majority of her day repeating herself. Someone hanging on her every word, and remembering something she’d said weeks ago and bringing it up later is something that just makes her feel SO special and loved. Jasmine: Little acts of service make Jasmine feel really loved. She’s so used to having to be hyper-competent at work and it makes her melt a bit when someone does something for her, even if she’s perfectly capable of and planning on doing something herself. Sometimes she’ll come home after a long, hard day of work, and the house is clean, and Saoirse’s just gotten dinner in the oven, and she kisses her cheek and tells her she’ll draw her a bath and pour her a glass of wine, and she’s all 🥺🥺🥺. It works platonically, too. If one of her coworkers takes the time to grab her a coffee from the cart without her asking, she just dies lmao
☕ - Coffee or tea?
Arwen: Arwen loves iced coffee no matter the weather. Even when it’s freezing, she prefers iced coffee over hot. She usually takes it with oat milk and whatever syrup she’s feeling that day, usually hazelnut vanilla. Marcia: Marcia is a tea kind of person. She loves all kinds of tea, but she tends to prefer earl gray or herbal teas. With earl gray, she takes it with a little bit of cream and sugar, and with herbal teas she’ll add a bit of honey. Not too much, just enough to give it a little bit of sweetness. Saoirse: Saoirse is a coffee person, preferably as black as her soul. Even better would be an IV of coffee directly into her veins, but that’s not possible yet lol. She really likes nitro cold brews, or just plain black coffee. Jasmine: Jasmine is neither a coffee or tea person. She doesn’t really like the taste of either, but will consent to drinking tea when she’s sick (only because her throat always hurts SO bad when she’s sick. That and cough drops are the only things that help). To get her caffeine fix, she usually opts for the largest size available of either Diet Coke or Coke Zero. 
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Arwen: Arwen doesn’t really like horror movies. She thinks they’re dumb, and has no interest in watching them. Marcia: Marcia doesn’t like horror movies. She was raised really religious, and although she’s deconstructed years ago, she still doesn’t really fuck with spooky stuff. She doesn’t really believe in it anymore, but It’s just kind of a holdover from it being drilled into her head that horror and paranormal stuff is satanic lmao. Saoirse and Jasmine: They do enjoy horror movies, but really only during spooky season when they can really get in the mood for it. They won’t really watch any of them outside of October.
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
This might be kind of a boring answer, but I don’t really feel like any of these four ever try to impress their partner! They’re all pretty secure and established in their relationship, and any impressing they do is completely unintentional. Marcia may occasionally try and impress Arwen, if only to be given praise lmao.
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
Feel free to ignore if my asks get too much or clog up the ask box!
I'm loving the coffee head canons and I'm curious about Damian. I come from a country where tea is a big thing, and it's pretty common for kids to drink tea even if they're as young as 4-5 years sometimes, though it's usually it's very weak tea and mostly milk based instead of water. I'm imagining the same is true for Damian.
So, here's my question. Is Damian allowed tea and coffee? How does he drink his tea and coffee? Does he usually drink his caffeine with someone specific, the way Babs and Kate do?
so I think in the League of Assassins kids drink tea from basically whenever they're old enough to hold a cup by themselves. (like, I don't know, I'm used to tiny babies drinking tea, I drank tea as a tiny baby, it's probably just flower tea.) I'm not imagining milk, probably just clear tea with leaves and/or flowers - I think Talia would mostly drink jasmine tea with him, and set aside coffee as very much a grownup thing. so I think he would think of coffee as a more mature beverage, and feel special when he's allowed some.
of teas he drinks with the League, there are a bunch of people who mix up masala on the regular, but since he's so intensely athletically trained they want to keep him away from sugar, so he gets nervous around sweet foods and drinks in general. but there's also jasmine tea that his mother does ceremonies with - and wheat tea, but he hates that, even tho it's her favie - and several other green and black teas, including a smoked tea most adults around him find very rich so he tries to pretend to like it. he enjoys flowering teas the most, because he likes to watch them bloom in the pot. one of his tutors loves matcha and does Japanese tea ceremonies as well, which Damian carefully learns and enjoys. he's had occasional exposure to other ones, and he finds tea culture fascination.
once he moves in with Bruce, he's so excited to have a cup of coffee shared with him, like his father is acknowledging his place in the family. (Bruce used to have the occasional cup of decaf with Thomas, and Alfred never wanted to take that memory away, so he's always let Bruce have coffee. so it doesn't register to him it's bad for kids.) and he's proud to drink coffee with Dick, too, because it cements their bond as mentor and apprentice. (Dick doesn't know coffee is bad for kids either, because in the circus it was really normal to share it around, and he didn't notice his parents limiting his intake.) but with Alfred he mostly drinks tea, because Alfred is careful to take care of his humans, and the parenting guides say coffee is for grownups.
Alfred is partial to Scottish Breakfast, because that was Martha's favorite, and Damian is delighted to share that with him. Tim's insistence on saying Earl Grey, Hot all the time makes Damian obsessed with trying some, tho, and so that becomes his tea of choice around the manor. (jasmine, sometimes, when he's homesick. and certain other teas go well with certain foods.) Damian rarely drinks water when he's not actively running, but he can be convinced of peppermint tea when he's looking a little peaky, and oddly flavored teas like berry tea when Alfred thinks he's dehydrated.
tea he almost always drinks with Alfred, and sometimes when entertaining guests, because he definitely thinks of teas (certain specific teas, teapots, teacups, etc.) as important to his duties as a host. coffee is a father-son tradition for Bruce, and a family bonding tradition for Dick, so they're both pretty intent on it. but almost everyone will make someone else a cup of coffee if they're already getting on, and Damian takes these gifts as signs of respect, like they're accepting him as a fellow adult. he doesn't like all of them, but he likes the thought.
he's still wary of sweet foods, so he doesn't like sweet drinks as much, and he even likes his hot cocoa very dark (the way Alfred usually makes it anyway, like the original recipe), but he does like the variety of flavors the different syrups can have, and he's enamored of Dick's favorite (the pumpkin spice latte). he's not old enough for his tastebuds to pick up most of the flavors people are talking about, but he catalogs them carefully, just in case.
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c1tyhaunts · 10 months
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?  Earthy & Floral; like she had been working in the garden for hours on end, kissed by each flower she had touched. It's subtle at arm's reach, tender but strong up close. Lily, jasmine, orange blossom, tea tree, & rose; her body wash, body & hair oils, and perfume mix together beautifully to build that familiar scent profile.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?  Oh! Immediately touching her hands, there's warmth and gentleness. There's a bandage or two wrapped around her middle & pinky finger; accidents from tinkering with the machines she had designed. And yet, they're soft palms - calming, even. The way she holds another, it's intentional. Confident. It speaks to her deceptively distant character.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?   Efficiently, Terrah will claim. Work takes priority, so she'll start her day with coffee & a smoothie to hold her down throughout before lunch. She's a caffeine addict, sipping coffee throughout the day without any issue. Lunch is just a turkey sandwich, fruit & yogurt. Dinner is where she splurges on her favorites, cooking her mother's old recipes from the book she left to her family. She'll end her day with something warm, tea or hot chocolate - for the few times she wants something sweet.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?  Unsurprisingly yes (thanks to her VC), but she doesn't sing often. During her youth, her father forced her into the church's choir and thought it'd be a good opportunity for her to better ingrain herself into the community, but Terrah didn't see herself as the artistic type. In quieter moments when she's either working or focusing on chores, her nice voice can be heard like a chirp. This can be seen when she sings lullabies to Teryn, as well. (example)
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?  Self-imposed insomnia + workaholic = her worse habits. Her mind is constantly ticking, and she values time over everything else. If she can utilize more of the day, she will try to, which leads her to stay up too late, sleep too little, and overdepend on caffeine to function. Plus, with the fact she enjoys the engineering work she does, she often drowns herself in work over pleasure.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?  Comfortable, Professional, and Relaxed; sweaters, high-waisted slacks/jeans, chunky boots or sneakers, or long dresses. Layers upon layers. They both highlight her curvy figure but hide it in conjunction. (E.1, E.2, E.3)
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?   Incrementally, yes; Terrah has always preferred to show her affection physically because she is weary about her words and how they can be misinterpreted. So, she rather shows her care through touch - her personal space is an honor, and she treats it as such. A gentle hand on the shoulder, a firm hug, a secure grip on someone's arm, etc. Terrah's actions will always speak louder than her words.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?    Side-sleeper; specifically, she is one of those side sleepers who has a body pillow that she wraps her arms around as she sleeps.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Never. Her voice rumbles with a husk to it, firm but careful. Yet, her voice is so gentle, it may be even hard to hear in small settings. It's better to talk to her one on one to hear the music from her lips.
Tagged by: I stole this months ago and I don't know where I grabbed it from. Tagging: steal it from me plz.
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findingfirediaries · 5 days
Day 2/100 - 17.09.24
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Sleepless. That's how last night was. I went to bed early, had a hard time finding rest, woke up again at 2am, stayed awake till almost five, then had a rough 2h sleep and stood up at 8am.
going to sleep 22:30 latest (!)
read a bit
Micro Ch. 1+2
Stats Ch. 3
6k run
General notes/ thoughts:
I am reading "Sapiens" by Yuval Harari at the moment
I want to learn meditation to curb my urges, starting at 5-10 minutes a day
I need to get back into running. I miss it.
I am going to incorporate reality checks into my life
I am considering getting a private trainer in November
I got a new scholarship but it is unsure if I will qualify for financial aid due to my existing scholarships, I am nevertheless proud of being one of the 10 people accepted out of almost 300 applicants
Funny thing though: I actually had a lucid dream for a short while. I remember being a god, creating a new world which had an incredibly interesting way with languages. While flying over cities, I reached something looking similar to Paris, however it was as if the buildings hadn't loaded in yet, the upper half of the Eiffeltower missing and so on. I decided to slow down my rapid flight to wait for the city to reveal itself and while doing so, I realised I was in a dream. It was actually very nice being lucid again, even if only for a short while. Even though fake-Paris soon disappeared, I realised that my world lacked realism and made sure all the dark buildings were filled with lights as a real city would have it. Then, descending down into the actual town, I tried (and partly) succeeded to create light in my hand because it was quite dark. While it did work, it went out shortly after. One of the locals then came up to me, showing me how to create a burst of flame in my hand.
"You need to focus your anger.", he said, making a high flame appear. I tried. It worked. But it was hard to control such a flame close to my hand and I was almost afraid of burning myself.
The dream goes on afterwards, into a strange kind of travel dream including my friends and in the end even my mother and an expensive, uncharacteristically wide bottle of glass containing small orange fruits and water that shatters because a certain wave frequency is placed against it in the perfect rhythm, but I wasn't consciously there for those parts.
It's been long since I have been lucid in a dream. I would love to practise it again. I will incorporate RCs into my daily life again, luckily I have quite a bit of experience with lucid dreaming.
But this does not explain my sleepless night. I am having the theory that it's the high amount of Jasmin tea I am drinking which contains caffeine - but I cannot prove it, especially since the amount in Jasmin tea is actually lower than other teas.
I will simply try not falling asleep today and fixing my sleep schedule by going to be early.
I didn't go for a run yesterday, because I felt extremely tired after uni. It's on top of my priority list for today.
I am annoyed I am lacking behind in my schedule but it's okay. I will just start studying now in the hopes of somehow catching up.
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ringosnoop · 2 months
🌸 hope this cup of jasmine tea won't keep us up all night
sure caffeine doesn't have much of a positive effect on us but boy howdy does a cup of coffee too late in the day fuck us over
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leoteaworld · 5 months
An In-Depth Exploration: Does Jasmine Tea Really Have Caffeine?
In the world of beverages, jasmine tea holds a special place. Its delicate flavor and fragrant aroma have charmed tea lovers for centuries. One question that often arises is whether jasmine tea contains caffeine. In this blog, we will delve into this topic in detail to provide a comprehensive understanding. Does Jasmine Tea Have Caffeine? 1. What is jasmine tea? Jasmine tea is a type of…
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merlastagaxe · 1 year
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sevenvirtuespdx · 1 year
Discovering the Charms of Light Roast Coffee
Coffee lovers around the world are constantly seeking new flavors and experiences in their daily brew. If you’re someone who appreciates the intricate nuances and delicate flavors of coffee, then it’s time to explore the charms of light roast coffee. Contrary to popular belief, light roast coffee offers a delightful sensory journey with its vibrant acidity, floral aromas, and nuanced flavors. To embark on this exciting coffee adventure, visit Sevenvirtuespdx.com, where you’ll find a wide range of exceptional light roast coffees to indulge your taste buds.
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The Art of Light Roasting:
Light roast coffee is a testament to the craft of roasting, allowing the natural flavors of the beans to shine through. At Seven Virtues, we take pride in meticulously sourcing and roasting our beans to create light roast coffees that are unparalleled in taste and complexity. Each batch is carefully roasted to preserve the unique characteristics of the beans, resulting in a cup that exudes brightness, subtlety, and exceptional flavor.
Unveiling Subtle Flavors:
Light roast coffee is known for its ability to reveal the delicate flavors hidden within the beans. When brewed correctly, it uncovers fruity and floral notes that can be truly captivating. Whether it’s the lively citrus undertones, the floral aroma of jasmine, or the subtle sweetness of berries, light roast coffee offers a sensory experience that is both intricate and rewarding.
Also read for, Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters: Gluten Free Cafes Portland
Bright Acidity and Complexity:
One of the distinguishing features of light roast coffee is its bright and lively acidity. This vibrant acidity adds a refreshing tang to the cup, making it an invigorating choice for those who prefer a lighter, more nuanced brew. Additionally, light roast coffees often boast a complex flavor profile, with hints of caramel, chocolate, and even tea-like qualities, providing a multifaceted tasting experience.
Supporting Ethical and Sustainable Practices:
At Seven Virtues, we are committed to promoting ethical and sustainable practices throughout our coffee production. We work directly with farmers who share our vision of fair trade and environmentally friendly cultivation methods. By choosing our light roast coffees, you not only indulge in exceptional flavors but also contribute to the betterment of coffee-growing communities.
If you’re ready to explore the alluring world of light roast coffee, head over to Sevenvirtuespdx.com and discover a selection of exceptional light roast coffees that will tantalize your taste buds. Contact us today for more information.
Where can I buy light roast coffee from Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters? 
If you are looking for light roast coffee Portland OR? You can purchase light roast coffee from Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters through their official website or by visiting their coffee shop in Portland, OR. We offer a wide range of light roast coffee varieties sourced from different origins, ensuring a delightful selection for coffee enthusiasts to explore.
1. Is light roast coffee less caffeinated than dark roast coffee?
Contrary to popular belief, light roast coffee actually contains a higher caffeine content than dark roast coffee. The roasting process does not significantly affect the caffeine levels in the beans, so you can enjoy a flavorful cup of light roast coffee that packs an energizing punch.
2. Does light roast coffee have a weaker flavor compared to dark roast coffee?
While light roast coffee is known for its delicate flavor profile, it doesn’t necessarily mean it has a weaker taste. Light roast coffee allows the natural flavors of the beans to shine through, offering a different experience compared to the bold and smoky flavors of dark roast coffee. It’s all about personal preference and exploring the diverse range of flavors that different roasts have to offer.
3. Can I use light roast coffee for espresso?
Yes, you can use light roast coffee for espresso. In fact, many specialty coffee shops and baristas prefer using light roast beans to extract the nuanced flavors and vibrant acidity that add complexity to espresso shots. Experiment with different grind sizes and brewing techniques to achieve the perfect balance of flavors in your espresso.
4. Does light roast coffee have health benefits?
Light roast coffee, like all types of coffee, is rich in antioxidants. These compounds have been associated with various health benefits, such as reducing the risk of certain diseases and promoting overall well-being. However, it’s important to note that the health benefits of coffee can vary depending on individual factors, so it’s always advisable to consume coffee in moderation as part of a balanced lifestyle.
Original Source, https://bit.ly/3P3QDzC
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nityaarnafarms · 2 years
Lemon Balm: The Therapeutic Herb
Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis) is a popular herb known for its calming and relaxant properties. It is a member of the mint family. The herb is native to Europe and Asia and has been widely cultivated for centuries. The lemon balm plant has oval-shaped leaves and small, white or yellow flowers.
The leaves have a lemon-like flavour and can be used to make tea, lemonade, or added to other dishes. Lemon balm is also used in some skin care products and as a natural insecticide. The leaves of the lemon balm plant have a strong lemon scent and are used to make various products, including teas, tinctures, and essential oils.
What properties does Lemon Balm have in stock for you?
* The main active compound in lemon balm is Citronellal. This compound is responsible for the herb's lemon-like scent.
* Lemon balm also contains other compounds that have medicinal properties, including Eeugenol (an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent) and Rosmarinic acid (an antioxidant).
* It has a long history of use in traditional medicine and is effective in treating various conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, and indigestion.
* Lemon balm is thought to work by interacting with the body's nervous system.
* Lemon balm is also believed to improve digestion and relieve indigestion.
* How can Lemon Balm aid in improving your health?
* Lemon balm has a long history of use in herbal medicine. It's been used to treat various conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, indigestion, and headaches.
It has several health benefits. For example, it can help to:
- relieve stress and anxiety
- improve sleep
- boost mood
- alleviate pain
- improve digestion
- reduce inflammation
Today, lemon balm is most commonly taken as a dietary supplement. It's available in capsules, tablets, teas, and tinctures. Some people also apply lemon balm to the skin to treat cold sores, insect bites, and other skin conditions.
Looking to enjoy the benefits of lemon balm? NAF's herbal tea is a great way to get your fix. This delicious, naturally caffeine-free tea is made with fresh lemon balm leaves and is a great way to relax and unwind. So why not give it a try?
To explore more visit us at https://nityaarnafarms.com
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pookjocelyn72 · 2 years
Coconut Milk Tea
Now that you are completely mindful of coconut milk, and comprehend its starting points, you ought to now be glad to find out about the radiant coconut milk tea drink. The beverage is an energized natural blend that brings coconut, milk, and green or dark tea together. These combines added all as one consider a flavor-rich and nutritious drink that makes certain to get your taste buds shivering.
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Coconut in the beverage is plentiful in soaked fats, L-ascorbic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, and lauric corrosive. Dark or green tea, then again, is known for its cancer prevention agents, and polyphenolic compounds, which are wealthy in numerous medical advantages. Envision blending the smartest scenario imaginable and nutritious advantages, which transform coconut milk tea into a superfood that packs one amazing bundle loaded up with various medical advantages. Assuming that you live around the Los Angeles region, and track down a spot that serves the best milk tea in Los Angeles, make certain to try this beverage out.
More Info: https://bonteacafe.com/coconut-milk-tea-a-beverage-from-the-heavens/
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