#does the wardrobe of either character reflect the time period i meant this to be in? no! and i'm very annoyed w/ myself about it
fantasticalleigh · 1 month
Hey, I love your work, esp your Dramione stuff! I noticed the tags on some of your posts and I was wondering: are you planning on turning Sweet Sacrifice into original fiction? I would be interested in seeing more genre romance in the mainstream
Aw, thank you! I've had the intent of adapting Sweet Sacrifice away from Harry Potter lore and into its own original work for a while now. (I talk about it some on my writing blog here and here.)
I sort of started on this already by working on an AU comic loosely based on Sweet Sacrifice since last year. It covers some of the same ground but the plot has been reduced down to mainly just being about Caius and Isolde (formerly Draco and Hermione) because if I cover anything else from the actual fic plot this comic would be like a hundred pages long. I'm working on chapter 2 of the comic right now and it's at 13 pages currently and about to get very NSFW, but I don't know if I plan to make a chapter 3 to the comic because it's really intensive work, but we'll see. This is mostly for fun but it's also helped me consider how the story might go now that I've stripped the HP elements from it and am trying my hand at world building and developing these characters further into something of my own and not relying on someone else's lore.
(I'll post more of chapter 1 of the comic but I don't think I'll post it here. So far what I've shared of it has been mainly on WordPress and DeviantArt but the full pdf is up on my Patreon.)
As for writing, I would really love to give Sweet Sacrifice a do over and make it a proper horror novel starting at a point before D + H/Caius and Isolde meet. I really want to flesh out the doomed village better and really delve into life before/during the werewolf's haunting before we get into the whole mated life thing.
I like the idea of doing it on my own and just compiling it into an ebook and "publishing" it on my own site. If I did it any other way I'd probably have to change specific/significant aspects of it to keep it from getting flagged or rejected or something, considering the themes running throughout the fic. I don't want to buckle on it remaining horror/dark romance (and the romance is questionable, at that). I don't see my type of work ever hitting mainstream (and I don't think I'd want it to either, to be honest). I don't like the idea of having to really water down the things I write to appeal to a larger audience when I already have you and many others as an audience (who already know what you're in for)!
I'm sort of taking a break from writing it right now because I've been feeling burnt out at how long the chapters have gotten and I still need to figure out the rest of the plot but the intent is absolutely there so I'll get to it soon, I hope.
TLDR: Yes, absolutely this is something I want/plan to do! I've got this story shredded between my teeth and I'll rearrange these letters to tell it in as many ways as I can, and make it my own.
(This was a really long answer to your question I'm sorry T-T ) but thanks for asking!
bonus: i don't think i've posted these here yet but bottom left is a WIP shot of the SS ch. 2 cover and image on the right is a pre-background/text flats layout of one of the final pages from chapter 1. Putting this bit under a read more bc of the sensitive material.
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1-1snailxd-art · 5 years
Sides of a hero
Chapter index ----------- Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 - A nightmare on Impulse Street
Summary:  All appeared calm in the mindscape. That was a good thing, right? Can the mindscape really be calm? Enjoy the tranquillity while it lasts. Deceit and Depression have other plans.
Virgil felt much better after he returned to his room following breakfast. There were only a few small shadows waiting for him to review; the usual concerns prior to Thomas' friends coming over. He dealt with them easily and Thomas remained focused on preparing his apartment for the arrival of Talyn and Joan. Virgil went over to his second wardrobe and opened the doors to reveal his section of the imagination kingdom; a changing landscape that he could manipulate.
 Years ago, Virgil had helped establish the space along with the other roaming impulses. In this space they could influence Thomas safely; until the core sides  overpowered them. Now, Virgil was thankful that the space was avoided by the other impulses. They all had their own spaces; even Deceit and Rage had a space, despite not being satisfied with it.
Virgil walked through the wardrobes doors to find the space reflected a forest clearing; complete with a calm stream running by. In the centre of the clearing was a drawing table and over the other side of the stream Virgil could see Thomas on his lounge with Joan and Talyn; a simple projection so he could keep tabs on what was happening during the social exchange.  He sat at the desk, pulled on his headphones and started doodling on the paper in front of him.  Virgil let his hand glide over the page and form a variety of patterns and designs; only stopping to process a shadowy thought as they entered his room.
 It was a surprisingly relaxing day and Virgil was thankful for the unusual reprieve, especially following the previous events. Although concerned that Depression would haunt his dreams again, Virgil still forced himself to sleep that night. Thomas had gone to bed uncharacteristically early and was already asleep; which made sleeping a lot easier for Virgil too.
Deceit walked through the mindscape. The landscape shifting and changing as he passed through the different territories; thinking and contemplating what action to take. He had always been pushed away by the core side, but in the past there were more roaming and lost impulses. Now they all had a place.... And he still felt lost. Deceit was good at his job though. He made sure Thomas was never consciously aware of his more 'negative' impulses.
 Deceit knew he was needed, important, necessary. Yet he still felt like he didn't belong anywhere in the mindscape. Talking to Depression hadn't improved his mentality.
 Depression's questions ran through his head - "Have you ever stopped to consider the reason why you feel so lost, Deceit? Why are you the only impulse without a place? Why did the little nameless impulse get a room and not you?"
Deceit found himself walking into Virgil's territory and looked around a tree to see the anxious side working at a drawing table; an unusual sight. Depression's questions ran through his mind again and he snuck around Virgil to enter his room and headed to Depression's cage.
 "I am truly being spoilt with company," Depression cooed as Deceit approached him. "A pleasure to see you again, Deceit. Have you had time to consider my proposal?"
Deceit shook his head, "Anxiety is much weaker than you promised."
"Well that is understandable. He does have access to my energy, as well as the excess power held within the seal." "What do you mean?"
"The seal on Anxiety's arm, that formed this cage, he took a little extra energy. How else do you think he became a core side?"
Deceit looked at the floor, contemplating Depression's words.
"Get me out of here. I can restore balance to the mindscape. This room was meant to be Anxiety's. A cage that YOU could control. Set me free and I will seal Anxiety in here for you."
"How? I just said that Anxiety was weaker than me." "Give me time. I can weaken, Anxiety. I've found a way to influence his memories with the shadows. All you need to do is rally the free impulses and break the seal. What do you say, Deceit?"
 The sound of Virgil re-entering his room cut Deceit and Depression's discussion short, and Deceit vanished without openly responding. Depression wasn't concerned though. Deceit's body language and visit had just confirmed their alliance. There was only one thing left to do... Break Anxiety down.  
The next few days went by at a very average pace. The sides mostly remained in their own realms; only coming together to support Thomas with a livestream, a Wal-Mart trip and a writers meeting. Thomas and the sides were working well to respond to Virgil's concerns; even if Roman was still a bit confrontational. Virgil thought for sure that Ego and a couple of other impulses were probably working overtime to make Roman this way. Roman would recognise their influence eventually and calm down; he always did.
 For Halloween, Thomas had a little gathering and filmed a short video. Somehow, that had turned into the other sides wanting to have a Halloween party in the mindscape. As Virgil could anticipate, it didn’t go smoothly. Logan and Roman spent majority of the time arguing over who the 'real' Frankenstein was. Patton was changing his costume ever few minutes because he thought of an even cuter character. Virgil tried scaring Roman and Logan out of their argument, but only managed to annoy them. However, making Patton scream by conjuring some spiders proved the most effective way to distract the bickering sides. Virgil preferred being scolded than to listen to those two argue.
Finally disappearing back to his room, Virgil ditched his vampire outfit and stood in the middle of his room. He had been processing Thomas' shadowy thoughts while he was in Roman's realm for the party; one of the bonuses to having realms so close. There weren't any shadows in the room and yet something felt off. He couldn't sense anyone in the room or that anything had been changed, and yet something still didn't sit right with him.  
 Deciding sleep probably wasn't the best idea right now, Virgil conjured a small desk in the middle of his room and sat down to draw. I just have to stay awake until I work out what this feeling is. As the night dragged on, Virgil felt his eyelids grow heavier and heavier; his movement slowing and his head drooping down periodically. I can’t sleep now…as much as Virgil wanted to stay awake, his body had its own agenda. As his head came down to rest on the drawing table, Virgil gave in to sleep and let his mind go completely blank.
“Shall we go for another walk down memory lane, Anxiety.” Depression whispered from the cage. He reached a thin hand out from between the bars and rested his palm against the cold concrete floor. He lifted his hand up, pulling a small dark shadow up with him. The shadows had always formed naturally in the room. It was only recently that Depression had discovered he could conjure and manipulate small shadows on occasion. It was the first hint he had gotten that the impulses seal was weakening, and he wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip away.
Depression nudged the little shadow forward. “Go and remind dear Anxiety of who he was. It seems he has forgotten over the years.”
As the shadow floated away Depression laid on the floor of his cage, closed his eyes and smiled. This was going to be a wonderful dream.
A lone impulse sat in the middle of a dense forest, knees pulled close to his chest and chin resting on top. His heart raced as young Thomas was learning to ride a bike. He had been at the forefront of the mindscape when Bravery had scolded him for being annoying. He didn't mean it. He didn't want to upset anyone, but he just knew Thomas needed to feel...something. He had no idea who he was or what role he was want meant to play.
 The crunching of leaves under foot alerted the impulse to another's presence.
"What are you?"
The impulse glanced up at the other impulse wearing a black hoodie and grey brown eyes that matched his own. It was like looking in a mirror.
The impulse fiddled with the zipper on his black jacket. "I don't know."
"What do people call you?"
"Normally...Go away. What are you?"
"I don't know either...But if you are GoAway, then I must be StopIt." He extended a hand down to the sitting impulse. "Want to go find a place for us."
The other impulse sighed and reached up to take the others hand and the two teleported away.
 Virgil stood in the forest. What was that?
That was us. Obviously.
Depression? What's going on? What are you doing?
Just helping you remember.
The world went dark and Virgil felt himself slip away again.
 Time sped by as the nameless impulses roamed the mindscape. Ignored or criticised by the more 'positive' impulses at the front of Thomas' mind, the two found themselves at the edge of the mindscape on the cliff. Other impulses visited on occasion. Envy, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Selfishness, Gluttony, Ego, Anger, Impatience, Guilt, indecision, Deceit, Dread, Avoidance, Nervousness, Panic. None of them cared that the two impulses were nameless. They understood that they served a purpose and were important to Thomas.
"We go through this all the time," a young Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Nervousness. "The swing is perfectly safe, and Thomas' brothers are right there should we require assistance getting down."
"Yeah, but..."
"I want to go higher?" Patton danced around the imagined park. "Let's keep swinging until we get wrapped up around the top!"
"What! No!" Nervousness stumbled backwards into two other impulses that appeared.
"Patton, that is impossible with this kind of swing."
Suddenly young Thomas' laughter turned to screams and cries for help. Patton and Logan froze as the imagined park started to darken and they turned to find a huddle of dark clothed impulses. Thomas' brothers stopped pushing him and Thomas squealed that it was too high.
Patton was nervously bouncing up and down, "I don't feel so good, Logan. What are we going to do? Is Thomas safe?"
"All right. Enough is enough. You all need to get out of here now." Logan looked pointedly at the impulses. "If you are not going to provide anything constructive to this situation then you serve no purpose here." Logan's eyes flashed a deep blue, and the impulses were forced to flee to the cliffs edge.  
   Impatience was surprised by the sudden arrival of the other three trembling impulses. "Panic, Nervousness, Jacket? What happened at the park?"
"I had it under control until these two arrived." Nervousness pointed at the other two.
"Well I only came because Jacket summoned me," Panic said in a high pitch tone.
"I had to..." he played with the zip of his jacket. "I... I don't know why."
"Helpful as always, Jacket" Impatience commented before walking away. Nervousness and Panic soon followed; leaving 'Jacket' alone once more.
 He couldn't stay at the cliff for long; the silence was maddening. So, he walked. The mindscape was changing daily, and every day Jacket walked through the many different areas. Sometimes he walked alone but generally he was accompanied by the nameless side, Hood. The two nameless impulses had two jobs. 
1. Help Thomas. 
2. Find a place where they belonged.
 Virgil found himself watching the two impulses walking through a dark tunnel. Oh, I love this part. Virgil felt sick as he watched the two impulses stop in front of a door that had appeared in the rocky walls.
 "This is new," Hood commented. "Do you think it is safe?"
Jacket shrugged. He had a bad feeling about the door, but his friend looked so...happy...How could an impulse that was always making others sad, actually be happy.
"Do you think we should open it? I mean... It might be the place we've been looking for. We could find our purpose in there. Or better yet, a name like the core sides."
"Don't let me stop you." Jacket looked at his friend and the two exchanged a small smile.
 Stop. I don't want to watch this.
Why not?
Because I have already lived it.
So, then what is the harm in living it again.
 Virgil's body shook with fear and shame as he watched the two young impulses. As soon as Hood twisted the doors handle, the door exploded with black fire. The force of the explosion smashed the two impulses against the cave wall and Virgil swore he could feel his skin being cut up again.
"NO!" Virgil slumped to his knees and wrapped his arms tight around his chest, feeling like his heart was about to burst out with the speed it was beating.
You did that, Anxiety. Look what YOU DID. I TRUSTED you.
Virgil tried to speak but all that came out was chocked sobs.  
You knew something was off about that door. You knew and yet you still let me open it.
Virgil shook his head a willed himself to wake up.
You didn't protect me. You couldn't protect me. And soon...You're going to do the same thing to Thomas.
 Virgil screamed in horror and found himself falling off his chair; knocking his head against the floor. He couldn't breathe; despite the fact his chest was clearly moving. He was sad. He was scared. He wanted to run, but he also wanted to hide.
He was still sleeping. He could feel his body on the floor of his room and yet he was still in the cave, watching black flames lick at the stone walls. Depression yelling at him.
Virgil's room responded by darkening further, and his various spiders sunk further into the room’s dark corners; away from the quivering side. 
Chapter index -------- Chapter 5 
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snail-giggles · 5 years
Sides of a Hero - Ch4 A nightmare on Impulse street
Chapter1 -- Chapter2 -- Chapter3
Summary: All appeared calm in the mindscape. That was a good thing, right?Can the mindscape really be calm? Enjoy the tranquillity while it lasts. Deceit and Depression have other plans.
Warnings: depression, fear, panic, Deceit
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Virgil felt much better after he returned to his room following breakfast. There were only a few small shadows waiting for him to review; the usual concerns prior to Thomas' friends coming over. He dealt with them easily and Thomas remained focused on preparing his apartment for the arrival of Talyn and Joan. Virgil went over to his second wardrobe and opened the doors to reveal his section of the imagination kingdom; a changing landscape that he could manipulate.
 Years ago, Virgil had helped establish the space along with the other roaming impulses. In this space they could influence Thomas safely; until the core sides found and overpowered them. Now, Virgil was thankful that the space was avoided by the other impulses. They all had their own spaces; even Deceit and Rage had a space, despite not being satisfied with it.
 Virgil walked through the wardrobes doors to find the space reflected a forest clearing; complete with a calm stream running by. In the centre of the clearing was a drawing table and over the other side of the stream Virgil could see Thomas on his lounge with Joan and Talyn; a simple projection so he could keep tabs on what was happening during the social exchange.  He sat at the desk, pulled on his headphones and started doodling on the paper in front of him.  Virgil let his hand glide over the page and form a variety of patterns and designs; only stopping to process a shadowy thought as they entered his room.
 It was a surprisingly relaxing day and Virgil was thankful for the unusual reprieve, especially following the previous events. Although concerned that Depression would haunt his dreams again, Virgil still forced himself to sleep that night. Thomas had gone to bed uncharacteristically early and was already asleep; which made sleeping a lot easier for Virgil too.
 Deceit walked through the mindscape. The landscape shifting and changing as he passed through the different territories; thinking and contemplating what action to take. He had always been pushed away by the core side, but in the past there were more roaming and lost impulses. Now they all had a place.... And he still felt lost. Deceit was good at his job though. He made sure Thomas was never consciously aware of his more 'negative' impulses.
 Deceit knew he was needed, important, necessary. Yet he still felt like he didn't belong anywhere in the mindscape. Talking to Depression hadn't improved his mentality.
 Depression's questions ran through his head - "Have you ever stopped to consider the reason why you feel so lost, Deceit? Why are you the only impulse without a place? Why did the little nameless impulse get a room and not you?"
Deceit found himself walking into Virgil's territory and looked around a tree to see the anxious side working at a drawing table; an unusual sight. Depression's questions ran through his mind again and he snuck around Virgil to enter his room and headed to Depression's cage.
 "I am truly being spoilt with company," Depression cooed as Deceit approached him. "A pleasure to see you again, Deceit. Have you had time to consider my proposal?"
Deceit shook his head, "Anxiety is much weaker than you promised."
"Well that is understandable. He does have access to my energy, as well as the excess power held within the seal." "What do you mean?"
"The seal on Anxiety's arm, that formed this cage, he took a little extra energy. How else do you think he became a core side?"
Deceit looked at the floor, contemplating Depression's words.
"Get me out of here. I can restore balance to the mindscape. This room was meant to be Anxiety's. A cage that YOU could control. Set me free and I will seal Anxiety in here for you."
"How? I just said that Anxiety was weaker than me." "Give me time. I can weaken, Anxiety. I've found a way to influence his memories with the shadows. All you need to do is rally the free impulses and break the seal. What do you say, Deceit?"
 The sound of Virgil re-entering his room cut Deceit and Depression's discussion short, and Deceit vanished without openly responding. Depression wasn't concerned though. Deceit's body language and visit had just confirmed their alliance. There was only one thing left to do... Break Anxiety down.  
 The next few days went by at a very average pace. The sides mostly remained in their own realms; only coming together to support Thomas with a livestream, a Wal-Mart trip and a writers meeting. Thomas and the sides were working well to respond to Virgil's concerns; even if Roman was still a bit confrontational. Virgil thought for sure that Ego and a couple of other impulses were probably working overtime to make Roman this way. Roman would recognise their influence eventually and calm down; he always did.
 For Halloween, Thomas had a little gathering and filmed a short video. Somehow, that had turned into the other sides wanting to have a Halloween party in the mindscape. As Virgil could anticipate, it didn’t go smoothly. Logan and Roman spent majority of the time arguing over who the 'real' Frankenstein was. Patton was changing his costume ever few minutes because he thought of an even cuter character. Virgil tried scaring Roman and Logan out of their argument, but only managed to annoy them. However, making Patton scream by conjuring some spiders proved the most effective way to distract the bickering sides. Virgil preferred being scolded than to listen to those two argue.
Finally disappearing back to his room, Virgil ditched his vampire outfit and stood in the middle of his room. He had been processing Thomas' shadowy thoughts while he was in Roman's realm for the party; one of the bonuses to having realms so close. There weren't any shadows in the room and yet something felt off. He couldn't sense anyone in the room or that anything had been changed, and yet something still didn't sit right with him.  
 Deciding sleep probably wasn't the best idea right now, Virgil conjured a small desk in the middle of his room and sat down to draw. I just have to stay awake until I work out what this feeling is. As the night dragged on, Virgil felt his eyelids grow heavier and heavier; his movement slowing and his head drooping down periodically. I can’t sleep now…as much as Virgil wanted to stay awake, his body had its own agenda. As his head came down to rest on the drawing table, Virgil gave in to sleep and let his mind go completely blank.
 “Shall we go for another walk down memory lane, Anxiety.” Depression whispered from the cage. He reached a thin hand out from between the bars and rested his palm against the cold concrete floor. He lifted his hand up, pulling a small dark shadow up with him. The shadows had always formed naturally in the room. It was only recently that Depression had discovered he could conjure and manipulate small shadows on occasion. It was the first hint he had gotten that the impulses seal was weakening, and he wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip away.
Depression nudged the little shadow forward. “Go and remind dear Anxiety of who he was. It seems he has forgotten over the years.”
As the shadow floated away Depression laid on the floor of his cage, closed his eyes and smiled. This was going to be a wonderful dream.
 A lone impulse sat in the middle of a dense forest, knees pulled close to his chest and chin resting on top. His heart raced as young Thomas was learning to ride a bike. He had been at the forefront of the mindscape when Bravery had scolded him for being annoying. He didn't mean it. He didn't want to upset anyone, but he just knew Thomas needed to feel...something. He had no idea who he was or what role he was want meant to play.
 The crunching of leaves under foot alerted the impulse to another's presence.
"What are you?"
The impulse glanced up at the other impulse wearing a black hoodie and grey brown eyes that matched his own. It was like looking in a mirror.
The impulse fiddled with the zipper on his black jacket. "I don't know."
"What do people call you?"
"Normally...Go away. What are you?"
"I don't know either...But if you are GoAway, then I must be StopIt." He extended a hand down to the sitting impulse. "Want to go find a place for us."
The other impulse sighed and reached up to take the others hand and the two teleported away.
 Virgil stood in the forest. What was that?
That was us. Obviously.
Depression? What's going on? What are you doing?
Just helping you remember.
The world went dark and Virgil felt himself slip away again.
 Time sped by as the nameless impulses roamed the mindscape. Ignored or criticised by the more 'positive' impulses at the front of Thomas' mind, the two found themselves at the edge of the mindscape on the cliff. Other impulses visited on occasion. Envy, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Selfishness, Gluttony, Ego, Anger, Impatience, Guilt, indecision, Deceit, Dread, Avoidance, Nervousness, Panic. None of them cared that the two impulses were nameless. They understood that they served a purpose and were important to Thomas.
"We go through this all the time," a young Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Nervousness. "The swing is perfectly safe, and Thomas' brothers are right there should we require assistance getting down."
"Yeah, but..."
"I want to go higher?" Patton danced around the imagined park. "Let's keep swinging until we get wrapped up around the top!"
"What! No!" Nervousness stumbled backwards into two other impulses that appeared.
"Patton, that is impossible with this kind of swing."
Suddenly young Thomas' laughter turned to screams and cries for help. Patton and Logan froze as the imagined park started to darken and they turned to find a huddle of dark clothed impulses. Thomas' brothers stopped pushing him and Thomas squealed that it was too high.
Patton was nervously bouncing up and down, "I don't feel so good, Logan. What are we going to do? Is Thomas safe?"
"All right. Enough is enough. You all need to get out of here now." Logan looked pointedly at the impulses. "If you are not going to provide anything constructive to this situation then you serve no purpose here." Logan's eyes flashed a deep blue, and the impulses were forced to flee to the cliffs edge.  
  Impatience was surprised by the sudden arrival of the other three trembling impulses. "Panic, Nervousness, Jacket? What happened at the park?"
"I had it under control until these two arrived." Nervousness pointed at the other two.
"Well I only came because Jacket summoned me," Panic said in a high pitch tone.
"I had to..." he played with the zip of his jacket. "I... I don't know why."
"Helpful as always, Jacket" Impatience commented before walking away. Nervousness and Panic soon followed; leaving 'Jacket' alone once more.
 He couldn't stay at the cliff for long; the silence was maddening. So, he walked. The mindscape was changing daily, and every day Jacket walked through the many different areas. Sometimes he walked alone but generally he was accompanied by the nameless side, Hood. The two nameless impulses had two jobs. 1. Help Thomas. 2. Find a place where they belonged.
  Virgil found himself watching the two impulses walking through a dark tunnel. Oh, I love this part. Virgil felt sick as he watched the two impulses stop in front of a door that had appeared in the rocky walls.
 "This is new," Hood commented. "Do you think it is safe?"
Jacket shrugged. He had a bad feeling about the door, but his friend looked so...happy...How could an impulse that was always making others sad, actually be happy.
"Do you think we should open it? I mean... It might be the place we've been looking for. We could find our purpose in there. Or better yet, a name like the core sides."
"Don't let me stop you." Jacket looked at his friend and the two exchanged a small smile.
 Stop. I don't want to watch this.
Why not?
Because I have already lived it.
So, then what is the harm in living it again.
 Virgil's body shook with fear and shame as he watched the two young impulses. As soon as Hood twisted the doors handle, the door exploded with black fire. The force of the explosion smashed the two impulses against the cave wall and Virgil swore he could feel his skin being cut up again.
"NO!" Virgil slumped to his knees and wrapped his arms tight around his chest, feeling like his heart was about to burst out with the speed it was beating.
You did that, Anxiety. Look what YOU DID. I TRUSTED you.
Virgil tried to speak but all that came out was chocked sobs.  
You knew something was off about that door. You knew and yet you still let me open it.
Virgil shook his head a willed himself to wake up.
You didn't protect me. You couldn't protect me. And soon...You're going to do the same thing to Thomas.
 Virgil screamed in horror and found himself falling off his chair; knocking his head against the floor. He couldn't breathe; despite the fact his chest was clearly moving. He was sad. He was scared. He wanted to run, but he also wanted to hide.
He was still sleeping. He could feel his body on the floor of his room and yet he was still in the cave, watching black flames lick at the stone walls. Depression yelling at him.
Virgil's room responded by darkening further, and his various spiders sunk further into the room’s dark corners; away from the quivering side.
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