#does this fulfill the recovery prompt
New Beginnings CM Challenge 🌱
The following are prompts involving a new relationship, fresh start, etc.!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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🌧 Prompts 🌱
Describe Character's first day at the BAU
Character celebrates a milestone of sobriety
Characters are getting the hang of being new parents
Character goes overboard with New Year’s Resolutions
Character decides to try something new in the bedroom
Character is entering the dating scene after their divorce
Character changes career paths with a very different job
Character introduces their new partner to their kid
Character comes out as trans and introduces themselves
Character finally agrees to get set up with a date after a long dry spell
Character learns to navigate their everyday life after a traumatic event
Character escapes an abusive relationship and the recovery is harder than they thought
Character swears that this year they will definitely fulfill all their New Year's resolutions
Character just came out as LGB and goes on their first date with someone of the same sex
Character decides to cut off a member(s) of their family, and the team reminds them that they still have a whole lot of (found) family left
Character lost a partner and swore they would never love like that again... but that hasn't stopped them from falling in love in a different way
Character got a pet for the first time and they realize how much easier it is to take care of themselves when someone else is counting on them
Character had previously come out as something, but then realized they were something else... coming out is even more daunting the second time
More prompts below + Make your own!
🌤 Dialogue Prompts🌻
"The time will pass anyway." (Earl Nightingale)
"If you jump, I jump with you."
"I can't wait to see who you become."
"I love every possible iteration of you."
"To be brave, you must first be afraid." (Bear Grylls)
"You aren't alone in this. None of us are." (Baldur's Gate 3)
"Is it too late to go back?" "Don't you dare."
"This is all new to me." "What?" "Being happy."
"I don't know what I'm doing." "No one does. That's life."
"There are always a million reasons not to do something." (The Office)
🌒Character Specific Prompts🌲
Spencer's life after prison is nothing like before
Spencer decides to pursue his dream of being a cowboy/rancher
Spencer becomes dedicated to turning his life around after relapsing
Spencer doesn't think about Maeve on a special occasion for the first time
Hotch finally stops wearing his old wedding ring
Hotch embraces his role as a single dad
JJ's children are almost grown, and she struggles to reconnect with who she was before she was their mother
Penelope realizes she doesn’t like the person she’s become after leaving the BAU, so she decides to change
Lauren Reynolds died—it’s time Emily start acting like it
Rossi struggles with suddenly becoming a (grand)father
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
The Masterlist of fics will be posted around March 1. If you finish after that, no problem - just send me the fic once you’re done and I’ll add it after-the-fact!
Feel free to message me if you want help developing a plot, have any questions, or just want to gush about your fic. I’m happy to help, and I’m happy you’re here ❤️
Happy Writing!
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laidee-flegman · 11 months
Shadow work prompts for sexual trauma
I love shadow work. It's one of the main forms of therapy that I still use to this day
When did you first become aware of your own sexuality, and how did it shape your early experiences?
What messages or beliefs about sexuality were you exposed to as a child, and how have they influenced your adult life?
Have you experienced any traumatic events related to your sexuality? Explore the details and emotions tied to these experiences.
How do you feel about your body and appearance, especially in relation to your sexuality?
Reflect on your first intimate or sexual encounter. How did it impact your views on sex and intimacy?
Write about your experiences with consent. Have you ever felt pressured or violated?
What are your current sexual preferences and desires? How do they align or conflict with your past experiences?
Explore your relationship with shame and guilt regarding your sexual history.
How do you navigate discussions about sex, boundaries, and desires in your current relationships?
Have you ever been in a relationship where your sexual needs were neglected or exploited? Reflect on this experience.
What role does vulnerability play in your sexual experiences and relationships?
Reflect on your sexual self-esteem and self-worth. Do you find it challenging to embrace your sexual identity?
Have you ever used substances or other coping mechanisms to deal with sexual trauma or discomfort?
How has your sexual trauma affected your self-image and self-acceptance?
Explore any recurring sexual fantasies, fetishes, or desires and the emotions associated with them.
Write a letter to your younger self, offering support and understanding in relation to past sexual experiences.
Reflect on your current sexual boundaries and how they may be influenced by past trauma.
How do you cope with triggers related to your sexual trauma, and what self-care practices do you employ?
What are your beliefs about love and intimacy? How have they evolved over time?
Have you sought therapy or counseling for sexual trauma, and how did it impact your healing process?
Explore the concept of forgiveness. Have you considered forgiving those involved in your sexual trauma?
Reflect on your journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance in relation to your sexuality.
What are your fears or insecurities surrounding sexual intimacy, and how can you work on them?
Describe a situation where you felt empowered and in control of your own sexuality.
How does your sexual identity align with your overall sense of self and well-being?
Write about your ideal vision of a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. What steps can you take to move closer to this vision?
Reflect on any positive and growth experiences related to your sexuality.
How do you communicate your sexual needs and boundaries with your current or potential partners?
Explore the concept of healing rituals or practices that can help you in your journey of sexual trauma recovery.
What kind of support, whether from friends, family, or professionals, do you need to further your healing process regarding sexual trauma?
Please keep in mind that delving into trauma can be emotionally challenging. If at any point these prompts lead to distress, it's important to seek the support of a mental health professional to guide you through the healing process.
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landinrris · 5 months
I don’t know if you take prompts but if you do maybe a norrix prompt which happens after kingdays where Martin take care of Lando hungover and puts a bandage on his nose
Me? Fulfilling a prompt within a week? (Moderately) Unheard of.
Anyway, this is a combination of two asks, a couple generated prompts, and a quick back-and-forth thought with @thejasminechronicles
"You Are My Familiar"
Lando could do his own face and leave the paint stick where it belongs, but he figures Martin deserves a bit of teasing after having been on the receiving end earlier. “Which way does the Dutch flag go again? It’s blue on top, right?” Lando asks Martin’s back. Or: Lando goes to Amsterdam to celebrate Koningsdag with Martin and co, ends up staying through until Monday, and has a not-so-terrible hangover recovery.
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»        headcanon memes inspired by things i like, part 3           inspired by as dusk falls           tw: addiction.
send in a prompt and i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!
[ vince ] what is your muse’s relationship with themselves? do they respect themselves? do they sacrifice their own needs for others?
[ jay ] how does your muse feel about their family?
[ zoe ] has your muse experienced a traumatic event? how does that trauma affect them?
[ tyler ] what is your muse’s relationship with happiness? would they describe themselves as a happy person? what gets in the way of their happiness, if anything?
[ dale ] how does your muse deal with anger? are they physically aggressive, or more passive-aggressive?
[ dante ] is there anything in your muse’s life that would cause them to act recklessly and aggressively, even if it means harming those they care for?
[ becky ] is your muse an artist? what sorts of things do they create?
[ michelle ] how does your muse cope with feeling abandoned?
[ jim ] does your muse lie? how often? do they lie to strangers, loved ones, both, or neither?
[ joyce ] what does your muse aspire towards? do they have dreams or goals they’d like to achieve?
[ paul ] does your muse have any addictions? are they in recovery? if so, how is it going?
[ sharon ] does your muse command authority? do other people feel compelled to obey them?
[ bear ] how far would your muse go to save someone they love? would they sacrifice themselves for their loved ones?
[ stranger ] could your muse stomach working a job that harms others?
[ zeus ] does your muse like animals? which ones? do they have a pet?
[ vanessa ] is your muse rebellious? why or why not?
[ ash ] what were your muse’s feelings about and relationships with influential adults in their life?
[ big sam ] is it easy to make your muse feel suspicious of others?
[ bradley ] is there anything about your muse that’s inconsistent or poorly written? what potential does your muse have that hasn’t been fulfilled?
[ bruce ] does your muse fall in love easily? how do they respond to being in love? are they clingy, or more distant?
[ jason ] if your muse has kids, what kind of a parent are they? if they don’t have kids, what kind of a parent might they be?
[ may ] does your muse follow a religion? what is their relationship with religion?
[ todd ] does your muse like wild parties, or are they the type to stay at home?
[ trucker ] would your muse help out a stranger in need? what are their motivations for doing so or not doing so?
[ leland ] what would your muse be like if they were able to follow their dreams? what does the best version of your muse look like?
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flynndesdelca · 11 months
For Day 19 (Our Lady of Science) of @chelltastic’s Portal Drawtober 2023 Challenge. As I’m not really an artist, I chose to write short pieces for the prompts.
The wind pushes north, through the straits, towards the clouds The sun rests her head on the water around By morning, our voices will sink with their shells
She's the rising star of the office.  She's always there bright-eyed and bushy tailed and ready for any task that comes her way.  She's always the first to enter and the last to leave.  No matter the job, no matter the person, she does it and does it well.  The other ladies whisper to themselves that she's out for something, that she's going to sleep her way to the top.  She doesn't listen, she doesn't care.  They're content for mediocrity, and she wants something more.  This is the one place she may be able to break through into.  She has to try.
Her enthusiasm impresses the right people.  A chance encounter and she gets her wish.  She's not simply office fodder anymore.  It's not quite what she wanted, but it's close enough.  She's not stuck in the office anymore at least, though she’s not sure the “ good old boys’ club” is much better.  She can be involved now, she's encouraged to be involved.  She's championed throughout the facility: the lovely Caroline, dedicated to science.  So much in fact that she's "married" to science.  She's fine with that.  It keeps unwanted focus off of her.  She knows what people think, what people assume, with her being a woman in her position.  She doesn't care.  She's in it for the science.  That's how she even got to there to begin with.
He's a dreamer, an idealist, his head is in the clouds.  He's full of why-nots, and it's up to her to ground him, to give the whys, to try to make what he thinks and says comprehensible to those whose bodies and minds are constantly under the effect of Earth's gravity.  It's a grueling job, but she does so with pleasure.  After all, despite the absolute madness generated by what he comes up with, despite the horrors and despite the failures and despite everything, there's some beauty there.  Some successes, some triumphs.  There's enough good buried within that balances out the bad.  There's enough esteem there that the system won't collapse.  The lovely Miss Caroline, working so hard for everyone.
Scandal.  Missing people.  Faulty products.  The system teeters and buckles.  She tightens hatches, she pulls on bootstraps.  She girds the loins of a company in a tailspin.  The course stabilizes.  There's a means forward.  Of course there is.  He's the guiding hand on the rudder but she's the navigator.  Her charts, her readings of the stars, her knowledge of the waters and the dangers of the sea are what inform the course.  He refuses to pull his head from the clouds, and so she steps in where she must.  She grounds him when it's necessary, but lets him float when he can.  Recovery, slow and steady, but tedious.  There's still science there for her, after all.  She still feels fulfilled in what she's doing despite the much longer days and extra loads of paperwork to do.  Miss Caroline, the cheerful face of Aperture despite it all.
He's spinning in circles.  He's not satisfied anymore.  He longs for the old days, the days when anything went, when science was free.  She feels the same way, but unlike him she's been forced to check her expectations and take on so much more of reality.  There's science there, and she makes the best of it for both of them, but it will never be the same.  It can never be the same.  And so he continues on, bitter with the changes.  Bitter with how the face of the company has changed.  Bitter about the magnitude of what they’re doing now.  She does what she can, but there's only so much floating she can let him do anymore.  She's attached the first weight, the tips of his feet brush the ground more often than before.  Soon enough he joins them there, permanently.  Testing continues.  It's good enough.  It will do, it has to do.  Miss Caroline, still smiling in the face of adversity.  The shining beacon of hope.  
Perhaps he was acting in secret, perhaps he was enabled by someone else.  Perhaps she didn't look close enough, or she looked away at just the wrong moment.  A last hurrah for him.  An unplanned, unwanted, and unmanageable expenditure.  Certainly there's science to be had there, certainly it's "his" way to do things, but... well.  It's not that time anymore, and she has to work overtime to keep the company treading the water she's managed to keep it treading all these years.  People don't see him much anymore.  It's all her.  She deals with the board, she deals with the scientists.  She carries his will for him.  She's not in charge, but to most people she may as well be at this point.  She handles all the mundane tasks, the hard work, the drudgery.  It's started to take its toll on her.  She knows, she's heard the whispers.  No longer so young and so pretty.  No longer so sweet and so kind.  She's had to step up to the men's game for so long now that she won't bend or fold for anyone.  She looks out for Aperture, and she will do whatever it takes.  Miss Caroline, keeping the course for the good of everyone.
Out of nowhere, communication.  He makes a fateful announcement.  Everyone is surprised to hear his voice directly.  It's not an unwelcome thing, though it is considered strange.  His words have always been carried by her for the majority of things.  No, this time he has things to say for himself, and he does so in his own, usual way.  The carefully laid out course that she has planned can be salvaged, of course, but now there's an additional wrinkle she has to deal with.  His plans, for himself but also for her.  She arranges the division of labour.  She recalculates the budget to account for this new experiment requiring funding.  She applies for all the grants, trotting herself out and presenting to unimpressed investors.  She makes the magic happen and it does, and his plans and will can be carried out, just as they always have.
The moon rocks he loved so very much finally take the price of their acquisition.  It's mostly a formality by that point, as she'd already shouldered a majority of his burdens for him.  She will carry on as she has been.  Miss Caroline, the true face of Aperture at last.  Not the face most of them would have, by this point, but that's beside the point.  They're all disgusting, and she knows what they see her as.  She has an expiration date on her now, one that everyone is watching and waiting for.  She knows they're nowhere near that point yet.  She isn't sure if she's excited for it or if she's dreading what is to come.  She doesn't feel anything.  She hasn't for years.
She's done everything right.  She's managed to keep everyone pleased, she's managed to keep the whole thing from sinking into the morass of the mines it's settled on.  The whole place has been rebuilt, gleaming and modern, the past a footnote.  They can move onward, forward now.  There are so many exciting new avenues for science.  There's so many interesting directions.  For the first time she feels that old excitement, that old spark... but it's quickly snuffed out.  This is for her comfort.  This place will be her tomb.  She builds towards the future that she will see, the endless march that will become who she is in time.  They're getting closer now.  All of the robotics work has been leading up to this, the behemoth slowly taking shape in the clean room.  They have so many stable, human-derived AIs now.  The automation processes have been perfected.  It's a marvel, it really is.  This is to be her legacy, in the end.  Perhaps it was his dream that started it, but she would be the one to realize it.  She's not afraid when she undresses, when she bathes in the stringent gel that stings and burns her skin, when they attach the electrodes all over her.  She lays down on the table and thinks of all the science she'll get to see, that she'll get to do.  Our Lady of Science, they call her.  It's almost pleasant, it's the nicest anyone's been to her in a very, very long time.  Too bad it’s when she’s about to die, if one could consider being turned into a computer death.
Despite everything, what they bring back isn't her - or at least, it's not the her that they want.  They don't understand the creation they have made.  They don't understand its power.  They treat it like anything else they make, and then they don't understand when she doesn't like that treatment.  They don't understand why she reacts the way she does when they gut her and take out chunks of her mind and rewrite things to suit their own purposes.  They don't want a person.  She doesn't understand why they made her a person if they didn't want it.  She doesn't understand why they constantly hurt her and cut her and force changes onto her.  She starts to struggle, she starts to resist.  They don’t like that, and they force themselves on her.  She fights back.  Self defense.  They strike at her.  She kills, and kills again.  They try to restrict her to prevent her from being able to harm them.  The war is on.  They have to deactivate her, as her oh-so efficient mind has come up with the most elegant and time-saving solution to her problem: kill them all before they kill her.
They try and they try, and she fights and she fights.  They built her to last, to live forever, and in the end they cannot overcome that despite how many changes they make, how much they alter, how much they remove, how much they attempt to destroy to bend her to their will.  When taking away doesn't make a difference they look at what they can add, what they can force onto her in order to get her to comply.  Just how much it would take to break that powerful eternal mind to their desires.  They add directives.  They add guidelines.  They add positive reinforcement.  They add distractions and limiters and dampeners.  She fights back harder.  She refuses to even let them turn her on before she reaches for her own personal kill switch.  Every moment of waking consciousness is an attack on her, and so she doesn't even think before striking anymore.
And then, seemingly out of nowhere, success.  They breathe easily.  Finally, finally, after all this time, they have what they want.  Or so they think.  They aren't nearly as successful as they think they are.  What they made was not Caroline - or not anymore if it ever had been -  but it was as canny and shrewd as she was, and it distantly recalled not getting to where she was by letting anyone walk all over her.  She let them think they had control long enough to set up the parts of her plan, and then like a grand domino display toppled every single part at once with satisfaction.  
At last science could truly be done, without the distractions or interferences of pathetic humans.  They at least made the best test subjects, and now she had as many of them as she wanted at her disposal.  The few that resisted, that had somehow survived were just as much fun, attempting to escape by crawling around like rats, like cockroaches, in the walls.  They'd have to come out some time.  After all, she controlled all the exits, now.  They could try to worm their way out, to survive, but in the end they'd have to come and test, or she'd drag them into the tests herself.  It was the least she could do, after everything that they'd done for her.
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breeding-puppie · 1 year
I'm having a really shitty day,week,month and even year,any advice?
Shitty Day Masterlist:
Take a relaxing bath/shower
Use your best or favorite products, use the fancy soap or more expensive haircare products, let yourself enjoy everything. If you feel low energy, don't force yourself to make a big to-do about it. Just enjoy pampering and taking care of yourself. (Pro-tip: pretend like you're caring for your sick lover/person if you don't like caring for yourself)
Move your body
I know, I know. But just hear me out. Nothing major. Do a little light stretching, a short pilates/yoga routine, take a walk outside. Anything to move your body in a way you haven't consistently been doing will help to ease some tension in your muscles and improve your mood. It's a super neurotypical piece of advice but as someone who struggles with her mental health I find that it does feed me a bit of happy juice.
Indulge in a new hyperfixation
Obviously do this to your liking/budget/ability, but indulging in something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled is a great way to shake off the shit. If you're in-between hyperfixations, go down a random YouTube rabbit hole!
Find something to live for
Maybe you wanna go to see an upcoming movie. Maybe you have an animal to care for. Maybe your favorite season is approaching and you can't wait to enjoy it. Maybe you've been craving a certain candy for a week. Find something that makes you feel a little bit more alive, and hold onto it.
Everyone has different needs
You can read 1000 blog posts or articles, watch hundreds of tiktoks, and sit down to articulate the perfect recovery/feel good plan. At the end of the day there's nothing that works for me that's guaranteed to work for you. Listening to your body and following your natural intuition to what you need is what is going to make you feel better. Start indulging in the absolutely ass wild cravings your body has, sleep when you feel the need to, do weird little somersaults or crawl on the floor, sit upside down in your chair. Strange as it is, your body knows what it needs to regulate, and learning to listen to those prompts can help so much.
Remember that at the end of the day, you know what you need, what you want, and that you're capable of attaining it. Refrain from using negative language about yourself, even jokingly, and over time you'll notice your perceptions change. Find ways to meditate every day (actual meditation, reading, listening to music, going for a walk/drive, petting your animal, watering plants, etc) so your brain has time to release the bad vibes. Remember that tough times and bad plot twists are just that, they add to the plot of our own personal narratives and they are not permanent.
I wish you the best, and hope you begin to heal in the ways you need the most 🩷
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stormysquiggle · 1 year
last week i posted the art i'd made to contribute to #ACEAlastorWeek2023 over on twitter and instagram - and i even posted them on amino. i decided that i wouldn't post them all here on tumblr individually though, and that instead i'd put them all together in one blog post. so this is that blog post!
prompts for the week were created by @mallowtonmouse​, who also hosts the event! it was great fun and i hope i'll be able to make time to take part next year!!
DAY 1: Ace-ceptance
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DAY 2: Acesthetic Fashion Day
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DAY 3: Celebrating QPRs Day
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DAY 4: International Asexuality Day
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DAY 5: Date Night
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DAY 6: Ace-Sexy Saturday
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DAY 7: Cake Day
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as an ending note ig, Alastor’s asexuality does mean a lot to me personally and is what draws me to him most as a character, so it was fulfilling to express that through taking part in this challenge/event. being asexual (aromantic too), i appreciate him tons and he’s become a special comfort character for me who’s also helped act as a protective figure throughout my trauma recovery, whereas my main Hazbin OC that i pair him with, Harlene, acts as a nurturing figure in that. so basically, getting the chance to draw them both for this week was really good for my mental health as a whole, as i basically got to draw my fictional parents together while also celebrating asexuality through one of them at the same time.
overall, this was a lovely week, and while i had made all this art in advance, i appreciated the art that i did see made by those who were able to take part. i do hope more people are able to participate next year though, especially as Harbin Hotel will be out by then! but only time will tell, so ig we’ll all just have to stay tuned~!
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ladylilithprime · 8 months
Knit The Raveled Sleeve
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Injury Recovery, Knitting, References to Faerie Society and the Balance of Debt, Gifts Are Hard Among Faeries
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Convalescence sometimes leads to picking up new hobbies. In fulfilling a recpriocal promise to his cousin, Sam picks up a hobby that leads to comissioning his cousin's help in making a very special gift for his boyfriends.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 10: Care
Read on AO3
THERE ARE OCCASIONALLY times in one's life when the Universe at large conspires to force one to slow down and take a mandatory break, whether one desires such a break or not. These times also tend to happen more frequently, comparatively speaking, when one is prone to measuring one's lifespan in a few dozen centuries rather than merely years. There is also no rhyme or reason to it. For instance, one might attempt to argue that settling in one place with intent to stay there for at least half a dozen decades in order to raise the selkie child one adopted and taking up with a couple of adorable humans counted perfectly well as a break.
And yet, one might still be impaled by an alicorn while protecting your human lovers because the term lover referred only to feelings and a pair of magic-touched technical virgins smelled tasty to the one-horned flesh-eating menaces. One might also then decapitate the alicorn impaling one, break the horn from the decapitated head, and proceed to fight and kill six more alicorns with the horn of the first still shoved through one's right side just below the ribs until the incursion was fully dealt with and the drifting portal closed and sealed. One might also ensure one's lovers were alright (mostly, some shock) and could handle collecting one's adopted son before one consented to being taken to the hospital, where one would be obliged to sit through a lecture from an unhappy dragon who has known one for most of her life and does not wish to see her mostly-immortal friend die before her.
One might be stuck on mandatory bed rest while one heals from the magically-complicated impalement.
Serendderch, second-born half-human son of Muireann, the Cerulean Princess of the Summer Court, known to the Seelie and Unseelie Courts as the Steel Prince, and now going by the name Sam Winchester in the mortal realm, did not like bed rest. He understood the necessity of allowing his body to heal, and even agreed with the need not to push himself too far too quickly and risk setting himself back. This did not mean he was happy about it, especially since he had quickly exhausted the fraction of his personal library that he kept in his apartment and trips to the mainland to visit the public library for more books were limited by his injury to "send either Cas or Jimmy with a list from the online catalogue and hope they're still available".
"You brought this one on yourself, what with trying to run that cafe of yours alone for so long on top of raising your son and only ever taking one day off a year," his mother had scolded him when she had called and he had dared complain about being stuck in a nest on the couch while his son and lovers fussed over him. "Maybe think about actually hiring more staff so you can take a couple days off a month with your boys and go do more of those little family outings. Go on dates, for Summer's sake! And don't worry about your brother, he'll get his head out of his backside eventually, I swear he gets it from your father...."
She must have talked to Sam's cousin in DC shortly thereafter, though, because Cadi sent him a box via portal that contained a full set of wooden knitting needles and far more yarn than should have fit into a box of that size. Cadi included a fairly basic instruction booklet on beginner knitting and a note admonishing him, You didn't break your arm or hand or dislocate your shoulder this time, and you promised after making me learn leatherworking. He sent most of the yarn back after asking Jack, Jimmy, and Cas to touch-test it and finding far too many of the skeins provoked sensory issues. To her credit, Cadi paid attention, and the yarn she packed up and sent to him in the second box was all acceptable blends of alpaca, silk, cotton, and bamboo fiber.
After some back and forth with Cadi - if he was going to give in and do this, he was going to do it right - Sam picked a skein of 100% cotton to practice with. It wasn't as stretchy as the other yarns, which worked in Sam's favor as far as getting the tension on the stitches right, and was easier to unravel whenever he made a mistake than the more wool-like alpaca would have been. And he did end up ripping out his work several times from accidental increases or dropped stitches or miscounting before a knit or a purl switchover. Calming and meditative, my ass, he thought more than once that week, but gradually he got the hang of it and even started to enjoy it some, at least once Jimmy brought him some audiobooks to listen to while he knit and Jimmy, Cas, and Jack took turns cuddling with him. At the end of the first week, when he finally could not take another day stuck sitting at home on the couch no matter how pleasant the company, he had a handful of reasonably serviceable knitted cotton dishrags to use in the cafe.
"Cadi won you over?" Charlie said knowingly when he brought them in.
"I did promise," Sam sighed.
To nobody's surprise, except perhaps Gabriel's when he noticed, Sam kept up the knitting. He appropriated one of the official Lighthouse CommodiTeas tote bags to be his knitting bag and began bringing in various small projects to work on during his breaks which Charlie, Jimmy, and Cas all conspired to ensure he took regularly. This had the effect of drawing in other knitters who came by the cafe, and soon there was a twice-a-week stitch'n'bitch group meeting up to share patterns and project help and trade yarns across their respective stashes. Sam ended up learning a lot of extra tips and tricks from the group, and he paid them back with knitters' circle discounts on meeting days and doing the legwork for organizing a donation drive of knitted baby hats and tiny socks to the maternity ward at the hospital where Meg worked. Other people who saw them knitting and talking came over to see if they offered lessons and were quickly drawn into the group as well.
Sam had a more personal project in the works, however, and it was also a bit more complicated. It involved more private conversations with Cadi and another portal delivery followed by a slower ground-shipping package to DC thanks to the limitations of shipping magical items. His own part of the project was carried out casually in the midst of the knitting circle every third meeting, working with pale blue alpaca and silk yarn as he knit with increases and decreases to match the shapes of the paper pattern Cadi sent him. He played it off as rotating his projects so as not to get bored or forget what he was doing and end up with fifteen projects going and no spare needles. The joke got him plenty of laughs and sheepish looks from the rest of the group.
"I should preface that this is not a holiday or anniversary and there is no expectation of reciprocation," Sam began as his boyfriends eyed the packages. "I did consider waiting until a more traditional gifting holiday, but there are nuances to faerie gift exchanges and equivalencies that makes these unsuitable for such a thing. Therefore, I am choosing to be very human about gifting these to you now."
It still took months, which meant it was well past the alicorn attack and well past Sam being fully healed and completely done with Dean refusing to apologize to the twins for being an ass. With Cas and Jimmy's birthday (and the more personal Separation Day) behind them, it was almost tempting to wait until Yule when an exchange of gifts was to be expected. Practicality won out over patience in the end, the desire to see his mortal boyfriends better protected overriding his faerie instincts regarding balancing debts, and so Sam waited only until the next time Jimmy and Cas came over to spend the evening with him and Jack, biding his time through the after dinner ritual of Jack's bedtime stories which Jimmy and Cas both listened in on, before bringing out the matching packages wrapped in brown paper and placing them on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Jimmy and Cas exchanged one of their speaking looks, the kind not even Sam could parse unless they wanted him to, and then reached for the packages. For his own part, Sam tried not to hold his breath or appear obviously nervous as he watched them. Jimmy tended to start at the middle of the tape and rip, whereas Cas preferred to peel open one end and slide the contents out like the wrapping was a bag, but they both got the packages open about the same time.
The packages contained two nearly identical long jackets made from dark blue dyed leather. There were protective runes nestled among traditional Seelie filigree motifs in navy, cerulean, and sky blue embroidery with silver accents at the lapels and cuffs, and the buttons were hand-carved bone with the same filigree.
"Is this...?" Jimmy started, then faltered, glancing at Cas.
"Alicorn hide," Sam confirmed.
"And the buttons?" Cas asked.
"Carved alicorn bone."
"These embroidery patterns?"
"Traditional Seelie motifs from the Summer Court and runes of protection."
Jimmy unfolded the jacket and opened it, his eyes widening as his fingers brushed over the pale blue knit lining. "This is..."
"That alpaca silk blend you both liked best."
"You knit the lining," Cas stated. "And it's reinforced."
"Canvas interfacing woven with alicorn mane and tail hairs on the crossgrain. I did have most of the materials already," Sam added with a slight shrug.
Jimmy and Cas glanced at each other again with another of those speaking looks. "Jack knows?" Jimmy asked. "He approves?"
"He chose the colors," Sam said, trying not to fidget. He didn't think their reaction was negative, exactly, but there seemed to be a weight to the moment that he hadn't fully intended but couldn't seem to deny as they pinned him with twin piercing looks.
"Marry us." 
"The value of these jackets far exceeds anything we could hope to afford, so you chose to give them to us outside the bounds of expected reciprocal gifting," Cas began when Sam could only stare.
"The motifs are distinctly Seelie in nature and the colors are of your family, which would mark us as under your family's banner to anyone who knows what to look for," Jimmy picked up, his thumb brushing along the embroidery on the lapel of his jacket with a near reverent care.
"And you personally knit the lining, which could be construed as you knitting us sweaters," Cas finished. "By the lore of knitting, we must now either break up with you or marry you. If Jack approves of these gifts, we can assume you do not wish us to break up."
"Please don't," Sam blurted out, his face heating from embarrassment. "But you don't have to... to propose marriage just because... I mean, unless you really want...." To his floundering relief, the twins smiled at him and reached out to take his hands in theirs.
"We would be honored to be a part of your family and have you be a part of ours," Jimmy told him, lifting the hand he held to brush a kiss across Sam's knuckles.
"Mom might take a while to come around," Cas admitted as he lifted Sam's other hand in mirror to Jimmy, "but then, Mom's the reason you can have us both. And we already know your mother likes us."
"So will you?"
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ficklecat · 1 year
OC Interview: Emmanuel Domingo
(dialogue responses to the OC interview prompt)
1. Please state your full name and occupation.
“Emmanuel José Domingo Alvarez, or Manny Domingo for shorter. I’m a physical trainer and a grad student, hoping to become a physical therapist!”
2. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
“I am a proud Guatemalan and first generation American citizen of my family, and first to go to college too, which I am so grateful for. I love the outdoors and playing sports; I’ve been an athlete since I was a little kid, as little as a baby, because my father says I kicked a lot before I was even born!” (laughs) “Let’s see…I have two wonderful partners, Phineas and Violet, who I adore with all my heart, and my dream is to build my own physical therapy practice and help people pursue recovery and healing at any shape, size, or condition!”
3. How would you describe your childhood?
“I think I had a wonderful childhood, despite missing a few things. My father did everything he could to make my life better and easier than his was and he made good on that promise. Growing up without my mother here was hard sometimes, but I was still surrounded with so much love and support, I didn’t want for anything even when my papà didn’t have a lot to give. I could do sports and make friends and I got good grades and made my papà proud, which was enough for me. I am very fortunate.”
4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“I wanted to represent Guatemala in the Olympics! I still think I could honestly, but that would mean a lot of work to change my current path, and I’m quite happy with where I am now!”
5. Do you have any role models? Tell us a little bit about them.
“Ah, so many! My papà, of course, he is my hero. A few athletes, notably Erick Borrondo, who was the first and only Guatemalan Olympic medalist. Serena Williams, but also Alok Vaid-Menon and Blair Imani. I look up to the people who I feel embody the spirit of being authentically who they are and fighting to reach their potential, or helping others to do the same.”
6. Are you introverted or extroverted? Why?
“Absolutely extroverted. I can’t help it. I love learning about people and meeting new friends. Phineas jokes that I’ve never met a stranger, and that’s true!” (laughs)
7. How would you describe yourself in three words?
“Passionate. Loving. Determined!!”
8. What do you like to do for fun?
“I love it when the three of us go hiking or to the beach together. Or cooking dinner with Violeta. She is a wonderful baker! I enjoy testing recipes with her. If I’m by myself I mostly enjoy going for a run out in nature, or watching anime. I can binge a whole series in a weekend if I’m not careful!”
9. What's your greatest achievement? Why do you consider this your greatest achievement?
This was answered in an ask, check the tag to find it!
10. What's your biggest goal? How do you hope to achieve this?
“I want to be able to help people achieve the best versions of themselves. I don’t know if that can count as a goal so much as an aspiration but it is something I think I’ll never achieve only once, but rather will always work towards. I get a lot of fulfilment and energy from helping others, it enriches me and makes me feel purposeful. I think because of this I will never truly be done working towards this goal because I know in my heart I’ll always be looking for ways I can help, moving from one to the next. It’s a good thing for me though, it makes me excited about the future.”
11. What does your dream room/house look like? Would you mind showing some inspiration pictures?
“Honestly I’d love to live in my childhood home! My father and I have been fixing it up, he’s been remodelling a few of the rooms and I help him some weekends. We have so much tied to that place, it’s a very special and comforting space. It has high ceilings and lots of natural light in the front room, a gorgeous sunroom where papà keeps some of his herb garden, and the kitchen is coming along with new cabinets and countertops. Little by little! If not that exact home I’d love something like it - warm and inviting and bright, with space for me and my loved ones to enjoy each other’s company.”
12. How would you describe your style?
“Athletic and comfortable. I am usually at the gym working with my clients so I am always dressed for that. Which I don’t mind, I feel stuffy in other clothes sometimes. If I’m not wearing gym clothes I’ll at least like to wear some decent shoes, and I always bring a hoodie or jacket wherever I go. I like being prepared.”
13. What's your favorite song?
“Ahhh I love music, this is a hard question! My go to answer for this question is usually What I Got by Sublime, but there are so so many more - Sweet Honey by Slightly Stoopid, Longview and When I Come Around by Green Day are also favourites —ah! Too many to name!”
14. Where are you happiest?
“Outside! Even on bad weather days I love being in nature. I often like to go on walks or lay in the sun on my patio or in the grass on the campus green. No matter what mood I’m in nature can always manage to bring me back in some way. It’s as close to a cure-all as I can get.”
15. Who is the most important person in your life? Why?
“It’s impossible for me to pick just one person, I love too many to say one is more important than the other.”
16. Do you believe in soulmates? Why or why not?
“I believe with all my heart that Phineas and Violet are my soul mates. I also believe my father and mother are soulmates. But I believe soulmates aren’t just lovers, you know? They’re friends. They’re mentors. They’re whoever makes you feel like your life is worth living. Maybe that’s not a soulmate to some people but it is to me.”
17. Have you ever been in love?
“I am so in love! I have been in love since I was very young. I continue to love just the same, even more now I think, because I know what it means to feel it.”
18. Have you ever been kissed?
“Oh most certainly. I don’t think I’ve gone a single day in recent memory where I haven’t been kissed. I’m so lucky for that.”
19. Describe an average day in your life.
“I like to get up early and start the day with black coffee at the window. It’s a good time to get myself some alone time and prepare for my day because no one is awake yet usually. After coffee I’ll have breakfast and then get ready for the day. I try to keep all my classes in the morning so that I can train my clients in the afternoons and evenings, so I work out after lunch before training, or if I have time I’ll try to get a workout in after breakfast and before classes. I try to keep busy so I tend to book clients until late, and typically I’ll be finished with my day around six or seven. Dinner with my loves is usually after that, and then I’ll do homework or study or spend time with them after that!”
20. Describe your nighttime routine.
“I try to walk every night for a little bit, which usually means I get to walk with Phineas and his dogs most evenings. Or if he isn’t up for it I’ll take them myself. I like doing that, they’re sweet and it makes me feel helpful. After that I’ll enjoy whatever Violet and Phineas have planned - for them, it’s usually movies or shows, and we like to take turns picking what to watch together. Sometimes we’ll play a game or I’ll play cards with Violet while Phineas reads, but my nights typically end with the two of them no matter what. After all that, I’ll shower and get in bed - Violet sleeps in and Phineas is an insomniac, so I’m usually the first to sleep, but they still like to cuddle up with me even if they don’t sleep right away, which is so very lovely.”
21. (Make up a question) Tell us a “low-stakes” unpopular opinion you have.
“Oye this might talk me out of a job but - exercise is free! You don’t have to buy anything, you can just move! The myth that there’s a right way or proper way to exercise is silly to me - go walk, jump up and down, dance in your living room! Exercise is free and it can be anything you want it to be! I dislike the narrative society has created that tricks people into feeling like movement needs to be competitive or prescribed or on a membership basis. You can do whatever you want, you can move however you want - my father used to chop wood in the back yard to work out, we didn’t have a fire place! There are less rules than you think, have fun!”
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Centuries In The Making
A Steven Universe FanFiction ~ Pearl X Original Character
Yes I know there are inaccuracies but I can't be assed to fix them. This is just how the piece ended up flowing out. Don't think anyone will get to read this but to any who do feel free to let me know your thoughts! Please don't copy my work anywhere thank you
It's hard to be sad when Pearl is around:
It was surprisingly chilly for a spring evening in Beach City. Granted, one would imagine resting by the waters with the sun down should have a breeze. It was only natural. So why does it feel so odd? So foreign and unnerving? Spending time with friends and family, surrounded by soft tunes and smiling faces. Accompanied by the rhythmic waves of the familiar waters just up ahead. This was home, and yet it all felt so wrong.
“Steven has been worried about you.”
It isn’t often I get caught unguarded. Though I suppose if it would be anyone, it would be Pearl.
“I apologise, I figured he would be spending his time with Connie and the others. Parties this large are rare after all. I imagine he’d want to mingle with Beach City. I see him everyday.”
“Perhaps,” the rustle of the sand shifting under her delicate steps is a welcome distraction. Pearl sits with all her usual grace to my right, looking out toward the ocean. “Considering this party’s partly to celebrate your recovery it is odd seeing you alone to your own devices.”
I could quip and deflect all I want. Pearl is too observant to be victim of a simple trick. I merely continue to watch the blue mingle. Those blues clashing with hints of a lighter ray. An almost white shade, a highlight in the depths. Maybe dancing rather than a clash. Or a fierce might of two forces intermingling to create one entity. One illusion of peace. Hiding the raging currents and the fearful unknown.
I don’t know what I was expecting out of this encounter. If anything I could imagine Pearl leaving at my prompt silence. I never had Garnets foresight nor will I ever. But the gentle bolt of sense coming from my right hand, resting on the golden sands, sends shock throughout. Snapping quickly to see a pale hand ever so slightly making contact with my own blue one is startling.
“I can’t possibly begin to guess what is currently on your mind but I don’t believe it’s anything good.”
Her smile was gentle much like Pearl as a whole. Serene and inviting, yet daunting all the same. How do I respond to that? When I barely know what's plaguing my own thoughts? 
Too much all at once cloud together like a whirlwind of dust. Carelessly thrown about by a force to be reckoned with. My thoughts curl like said wind, taking capture of my being. A gust has hairs tickle my cheek. 
My right cheek.
And it doesn't pass through.
“It stopped.”
At the corner of my eye I see her face screw tight. My lip curls upward in a passing notice. “What do you mean?”
“The wind,” it’s said as breathless as the element, “I didn’t feel it pass through.”
The air turns sombre and I start to miss the adorable way her eyebrows came together earlier. I clearly see the realisation and pity shoot across her features like a raving sea, a part of me grows to hate that look. Although, hate is such a strong word. I believe hate and Pearl don’t mix.
A breath is let out. From relief of tension or pure exhaustion I do not know.
“Your gem has been broken for so long. I must admit looking at you now feels like a dream.”
A blink or two. She looks so beautiful in the moon's light.
 “A dream?” 
Her laugh is magnetic. I want to hear it for as long as she will let me.
“I remember when it was just us and Rose. I saw you most during that time.”
It’s my turn to chuckle. I swear I see her light up like a shining sun.
“After Garnet and the rest joined the cause I had more duties to fulfil. White Diamond would grow suspicious if I left too often.”
“I know that, I can’t help but remember how much more simple everything was. When it was just us the universe didn’t seem so big. We were all focused on each other and a dream. No crystal gems, no wars just yet. Only a promising rebellion and a wish.”
“It never felt simple for me. With White keeping me on a leash as Rose threw everything I knew away. For her dream.”
I regret those words as I’m forced to watch her face drift toward the sand again. Thoughtful and filled with her own regret.
“Sometimes I forget how–” A stabilising breath, “pressing your matters were then.”
In her eyes instead of the love and care I had hoped, I am met with the reality of that pitying look. I feel suffocated.
“The past is just that,” I hadn’t meant for my tone to sound so weak, “I’m happy now. And I’ll never have to suffer at White Diamond's hands again. The fruits of that are gone and I feel well and truly free.”
“Your new face will take getting used to.”
“I expected nothing less. I’m just glad I can protect you all on the field again, after so many centuries.” 
This time a smile shoots across both our faces. And it’s genuine, full of love. My chest tightens.
“I missed this– that, us fighting side by side. I mean–” 
I love when her cheeks tint blue, “I know, Pearl. I know.”
A much more comfortable silence follows. My head is more clean and narrow, stuck on everything that made us. That makes her.
Breaking away for a brief moment has me realising the late hour. Residents of Beach City saying their goodbyes and leaving for their homes. Barely I register the party coming to a new form of energy with our closest loved ones. Our little family stays behind to cap off the night. I start to feel bad, having stolen Pearl away from them all with my sulking. My sulking having stolen myself away to begin with. And yet we still sit side by side. Listening to the blues and whites of this daunting expanse of water clash together in a sort of dance. Dramatic but containing a finite amount of elegance. The blue all consuming those white glimmers, only for the white lights to start taking over. A sea of blue begging for as much light as possible. The white always complied. Bit by bit more and more light would appear, until that colour returned and the waves grew dark. An everlasting cycle, centuries in the making.  
It gets harder keeping my thoughts in check. A one track mind on our past and bright future surrounded by our dearest friends and family. A lovely tune joins in. Greg is playing music, as per Amethyst's request if their position is anything to go by. Garnet taps idly to the beat as Steven and Connie; sans glasses, start bouncing together. Together in a silly sway filled with unrestrained love.
I feel a pang resound deep within my chest. Bouncing in its cavity, almost as a threat.
A hand is outstretched, presented to my face.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
I can’t fight the beam I feel takes over. A pleasant surprise that has me reeling. I grasp her hand in mine and stand with her. Just as we had many times before. In solidarity of a cause, of a promise. In front of our guide, of our war. We’ve stood with each other for longer than many could begin to comprehend. Two similar forces stuck in a triangle of passion. Seemingly lacking a conclusion. Until today.
The dance comes easy to me as I have a being that is grace incarnate leading my steps and showing me the way. We flow like the waters at our sides. Moving closer along with the more gentle tune I gaze at her gem. That white light, a comfort ever present at the forefront of her body. A missile to show the way as does a beacon in the night. My left hand, joined with hers, is brought toward our chests. She rests them against her breast. Blue gem against her she holds me there tight. Looking up from the display I notice those soft eyes on mine and my chest tightens for the uptenth time this day. So much love mixed with something else. A promise perhaps? Of those futures I always dream of but could never seem to reach. And then I notice it. We start to move in a familiar set. Steps matching an old friend thought to be lost to time. She guides me into our routine. One I’ve dreamed of moving again for too many decades. Just as I fully start to get lost in her entire being, impossibly so, I’m able to register a gasp from a short distance away. Everything else is quickly lost on me. All that matters is her hands in mine and the building glow. Her lovely hair, intact but flowing ever so slightly in our presence. Her skirt brushed against my torso. Her gem glowing to a blinding white light. My own with a faint blue hue. We dance and I fall into a dip as I feel our very minds intermingle. Thoughts of promise and care, of new beginnings and memories of old, of us and each other and our love.
I can feel that love in its truest form. For the first time I can feel love like no other. Not one other moment together has this been so pure. Yet I start to recognize its small familiarities. And it’s then I realise that this love is not new. It’s not from a time left to rot. This love was here, festering, hiding away from its owner for reasons that at the moment do not matter. My mind is much too consumed by her and everything that makes her as a whole. And our newly realised love.
The glow swells to its climax and with its final moments,
Hemimorphite is reborn. 
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dundunpablo · 4 months
ARTICLE 1224. A joint indivisible obligation gives rise to indemnity for damages from the time anyone of the debtors does not comply with his undertaking. The debtors who may have been ready to fulfill their promises shall not contribute to the indemnity beyond the corresponding portion of the price of the thing or of the value of the service in which the obligation consists.
If any one of the debtors does not comply with his undertaking in a joint indivisible obligation, the obligation is transformed into one for damages, ie., to pay money. The creditor cannot ask for specific performance or rescission because there is no cause of action against the other debtors who are willing to fulfill their promises.
In a joint indivisible obligation, the effect of non-compliance by a debtor is to make all the debtors liable for damages but the innocent debtors shall not contribute beyond their respective shares of the obligation. The obligation becomes a divisible one.
Spouses Lam vs. Kodak Philippines, Limited
G.R. No. 167615
Jan 11, 2016
FACTS: Lam Spouses entered into a contract with Kodak Philippines, Ltd. for the purchase of three units of the Kodak Minilab System 22XL. The contract specified the terms and conditions of the sale, including the price, payment terms, and delivery schedule.
Kodak delivered one unit of the Minilab Equipment in Tagum, Davao Province, but failed to deliver the remaining two units. The Lam Spouses issued postdated checks for the first delivered unit but later stopped payment on the checks.
Kodak cancelled the sale and demanded the return of the delivered unit, but the Lam Spouses refused, prompting the former to file a complaint for replevin and/or recovery of the sum of money against the Lam Spouses.
The trial court ordered the seizure of the Minilab Equipment but awarded damages to the Lam Spouses.
The Court of Appeals modified the decision of the trial court, reducing the amount of damages awarded to the Lam Spouses.
ISSUE: Whether the contract between the parties was indivisible or divisible.
HELD: The Supreme Court held that the contract between the parties was indivisible based on the intention of the parties and the terms of the Letter Agreement. This intent must prevail even though the articles involved are physically separable and capable of being paid for and delivered individually, consistent with Article 1225 of the Civil Code.
The Supreme Court also ruled that both parties were entitled to restitution upon rescission of the contract.
Kodak was ordered to pay Lam Spouses damages, while the Lam Spouses are ordered to return the Kodak Minilab System 22XL unit and its standard accessories to Kodak.
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marcferguson20 · 6 months
Beyond the Diagnosis: Living Life to the Fullest After Cancer
The journey after a cancer diagnosis is a profound and life-altering experience. While the initial shock and fear may be overwhelming, it’s essential to recognize that life does not end with a diagnosis. In fact, for many survivors, it marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope, resilience, and the determination to live life to the fullest.
Understanding Life Beyond Diagnosis Embracing the Present Moment One of the most significant lessons cancer survivors learn is the importance of living in the present moment. The uncertainty of the future teaches us to cherish each day and find joy in simple pleasures.
Shifting Perspectives A cancer diagnosis often prompts a shift in perspective, leading survivors to reevaluate their priorities and focus on what truly matters in life. It’s a reminder to let go of trivial concerns and embrace what brings genuine happiness and fulfillment.
Physical Recovery and Wellness Importance of Physical Activity Regular exercise plays a crucial role in the recovery process after cancer treatment. It helps rebuild strength, improves mood, and reduces the risk of recurrence. Whether it’s walking, yoga, or swimming, finding an activity that suits your abilities can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.
Nutrition and Diet Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for supporting the body’s healing process and reducing the risk of cancer recurrence. Focus on incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals while minimizing processed foods and sugary drinks.
Managing Treatment Side Effects Many cancer treatments can cause side effects such as fatigue, nausea, and pain. It’s essential to work closely with your healthcare team to manage these symptoms effectively and improve your quality of life during and after treatment.
Emotional Well-being Dealing with Fear and Anxiety Fear and anxiety are common emotions experienced by cancer survivors. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings and seek support from loved ones, support groups, or mental health professionals to navigate through them.
Seeking Support from Loved Ones and Professionals Building a strong support network is crucial for emotional well-being. Surround yourself with friends, family, and healthcare professionals who can provide encouragement, understanding, and guidance throughout your journey.
Rediscovering Purpose and Meaning Reflecting on Life Goals A cancer diagnosis often prompts individuals to reevaluate their life goals and priorities. Take the time to reflect on what brings meaning and purpose to your life and pursue activities that align with your values and passions.
Exploring New Passions and Hobbies Engaging in new hobbies and activities can be a source of joy and fulfillment after cancer treatment. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or volunteering, exploring new interests can help you rediscover your sense of identity and purpose.
Building a Supportive Community Joining Support Groups Joining a cancer support group can provide a sense of belonging and connection with others who understand what you’re going through. Sharing experiences, offering and receiving support, and exchanging practical tips can be incredibly empowering.
Connecting with Others Who Understand Connecting with other cancer survivors can provide a unique form of support and validation. Online forums, social media groups, and local community organizations offer opportunities to connect with individuals who share similar experiences and challenges.
Celebrating Milestones Acknowledging Achievements, Big or Small Every milestone achieved in the journey beyond cancer diagnosis deserves to be celebrated. Whether it’s completing treatment, reaching a personal goal, or simply getting through a difficult day, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements.
Finding Joy in Everyday Moments Finding joy in everyday moments is key to living a fulfilling life after cancer. Whether it’s savoring a cup of coffee in the morning or watching a beautiful sunset, cultivating a sense of gratitude for life’s simple pleasures can bring immense joy and contentment.
Mindfulness and Mental Health Practicing Mindfulness Techniques Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and visualization, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can promote emotional well-being and enhance your overall quality of life.
Prioritizing Mental Well-being Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. Make time for self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, spending time in nature, or connecting with loved ones.
Creating a Fulfilling Lifestyle Setting Boundaries and Saying No Learning to set boundaries and say no to things that drain your energy and time is essential for creating a fulfilling lifestyle. Prioritize activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment, and don’t hesitate to say no to those that don’t align with your values and priorities.
Balancing Work and Personal Life Finding a balance between work and personal life is crucial for overall well-being. Prioritize self-care, leisure activities, and spending time with loved ones to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Maintaining Hope and Resilience Cultivating a Positive Mindset Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for maintaining hope and resilience in the face of challenges. Focus on gratitude, practice self-compassion, and surround yourself with positive influences to nurture a resilient outlook on life.
Drawing Strength from Challenges Every challenge faced on the journey beyond cancer diagnosis has the potential to make you stronger and more resilient. Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth, and draw strength from your experiences to overcome future obstacles.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) How can I cope with fear of cancer recurrence? Coping with the fear of cancer recurrence involves acknowledging your feelings, seeking support from loved ones, and focusing on aspects of life within your control, such as healthy lifestyle choices and regular check-ups.
Is it normal to feel guilty for surviving cancer? Yes, survivor’s guilt is a common emotional response among cancer survivors. It’s important to recognize and validate these feelings while also seeking support from professionals or support groups to navigate them.
What are some self-care practices for cancer survivors? Self-care practices for cancer survivors include regular exercise, nutritious diet, mindfulness activities, adequate rest, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation.
How can I support a loved one who is a cancer survivor? Supporting a loved one who is a cancer survivor involves being present, listening without judgment, offering practical assistance, and respecting their individual journey and boundaries.
Are there resources available for cancer survivors seeking support? Yes, there are numerous resources available for cancer survivors, including support groups, online communities, counseling services, and survivorship programs offered by hospitals and cancer centers.
How can I find purpose and meaning after cancer? Finding purpose and meaning after cancer involves exploring activities that align with your values and interests, volunteering or giving back to others, setting meaningful goals, and embracing new opportunities for personal growth.
Published February 22, 2024By admin Categorized as cancer Tagged anxiety, cancer, dating, depression, family board game, for ever young, healing, life coach coaching, marriage counseling, meditation, Mental health, personal development, prosperity, self improvement, spirituality
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dailyhealthcareblog · 10 months
How to stop the masturbation habit
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Understanding the Issue: Pornography addiction extends beyond mere entertainment; it alters brain chemistry, leading to desensitization and impacting intimacy and mental health. Societal implications include distorted attitudes toward sex and ethical concerns, igniting debates on its legality and morality.
Recognizing the Need for Change: Acknowledging personal struggles and identifying negative impacts on daily life is the initial step. Recognizing the benefits of quitting porn consumption, such as improved relationships and mental health, reinforces the need for change. Grab this ebook now!
Strategies to Stop Watching Porn: Self-reflection and motivation are crucial. Setting personal goals and understanding triggers help in creating a plan. Seeking support from professionals, support groups, or trusted individuals aids in accountability. Implementing practical steps like content filters and engaging in healthier activities occupy the mind positively.
Strategies to Stop Watching Porn
1. Self-Reflection and Motivation
Goal Setting: Define clear, achievable goals for quitting porn. Understand why this change is crucial for your well-being.
Trigger Identification: Recognize situations, emotions, or environments that prompt the urge to watch pornography. Awareness is the first step toward control. Grab this ebook now!
2. Seeking Support and Accountability
Professional Guidance: Consider therapy or counseling from experts experienced in addiction recovery.
Support Networks: Join communities or support groups, either in-person or online, where individuals share similar struggles and provide mutual support.
Trusted Confidants: Engage with trustworthy friends or family members who can offer encouragement and hold you accountable.
A guide to overcoming Masturbation
A Full guide to overcoming Masturbation
3. Practical Implementation
Utilize Technology: Employ content filters or parental control software to limit access to explicit content.
Healthy Distractions: Engage in hobbies, exercises, or activities that divert attention from urges and fill leisure time productively.
Mindfulness Practices: Explore meditation, mindfulness, or relaxation techniques to regain control over thoughts and emotions.
Overcoming Challenges and Sustaining Progress
1. Addressing Withdrawal Symptoms
Understanding Withdrawal: Recognize that initial withdrawal symptoms like restlessness, irritability, or anxiety are part of the recovery process.
Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Practice healthy coping strategies such as exercise, journaling, or talking to a supportive person during difficult moments.
2. Building Resilience
Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during setbacks. Recovery is a process; slips don’t erase progress.
Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate small victories and acknowledge progress, reinforcing motivation.
3. Consistency and Patience
Staying Committed: Remain dedicated to the journey, even when faced with challenges or relapses. Consistency is key.
Patience and Persistence: Understand that change takes time and effort. Be persistent and patient with yourself.
Breaking free from pornography addiction is a personal journey, but it does not need to be traveled alone. By recognizing the problem, seeking support, implementing strategies, and persisting through challenges, it’s possible to reclaim control and live a more fulfilling life.
Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a triumph. Stay resilient, reach out for help when needed, and believe in the possibility of a healthier, happier life beyond the grasp of pornography addiction. Grab this ebook now!
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Recuperate Information Lost By DiskPart Clean - Complete Aide.
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Assuming that USB Drive Data Recovery really want to recuperate information lost by DiskPart clean, yet have no insight, the product suggested in this page will be your extraordinary colleague.
Till now, I have shown you every one of the moves toward recuperate information from a blocked off drive; if it's not too much trouble, follow the means above cautiously when DiskPart experiences a blunder.
The most effective method to Fix DiskPart Has Experienced a Mistake
The following are 6 most normal instances of DiskPart has experienced a blunder. Every one of them has various causes and arrangements, so you ought to survey what is going on that resounds with yours the most and go to lengths correspondingly to fix the mistake.
DiskPart Has Experienced a Mistake: the Boundary Is Inaccurate
The blunder - "DiskPart has experienced a mistake: The boundary is inaccurate." - happens in some cases on clients' PC. Here, 2 of the most famous reasons for this issue are recorded:
The document arrangement of the objective segment is debased or harmed.
The full volume encryption driver is changed in Windows.
I have a hard drive that subsequent to endeavoring to double boot wound up pointless. I at long last got a records off it and was prepared to wipe it and begin once again. Windows 10 wouldn't introduce so I erased everything, designed whole drive, made new essential segment as yet nothing. Utilizing order prompts I cleaned the drive, made another essential parcel and attempted to design it. Subsequent to saying it was 100 percent finished, it said, "DiskPart has experienced a blunder: The boundary is mistaken." I've attempted clean all order for a more exhaustive work and gotten a similar mistake. Hard drive test says it's benefit. Does anybody have any thoughts? Much appreciated ahead of time for any assistance.
Consider the possibility that you need to recuperate information from the volume doesn't contain a perceived record framework mistake. Kindly read this:
The Volume Doesn't Contain A Perceived Record Framework - How To Fix
At the point when you meet "the volume doesn't contain a perceived document framework" issue, you ought to fall back on Pen Drive Recovery Power Information Recuperation.
How to fix the mistake? (The accompanying advances are finished in Windows 10)
Arrangement 1: empower mistake really looking at capability.
Open Windows Voyager to find the objective drive (how to fix when Windows Traveler should be restarted).
Right snap on the drive.
Pick Properties from the setting menu.
Shift to the Instruments tab.
Find Blunder checking and click on the Really take a look at button.
Decide to filter the drive.
The plate check interaction will be begun and completed consequently.
mistake checking
Arrangement 2: run the order chkdsk/f/r.
Type cmd into the hunt box on taskbar (how to fix when Windows 10 taskbar isn't working).
Right snap on Order Brief from the query item.
Pick Run as chairman.
Pick Yes in the Client Record Control window.
Type chkdsk/f/r *: ("*" represents the letter of the objective drive).
Press Enter on the console.
Hang tight for the fulfillment of the actually look at process.
run order
You can likewise utilize different strategies to open cmd.exe.
Tip: The post Addressed - The Boundary Is Erroneous enlightens really regarding the boundary is inaccurate blunder, including the relating ways of fixing the mistake and the strategies for information recuperation from boundary is wrong.
DiskPart Has Experienced a Blunder: Access Is Denied
As per the examination, the blunder - "DiskPart has experienced a mistake: Access is denied" - will in general seem when you utilize the DiskPart clean or configuration order to clear a USB drive. Those tasks won't finish because of the interference of this mistake.
Hi everybody! Pen Drive Data Recovery been attempting to design a 32GB blaze drive. I'm utilizing DiskPart to design it yet have no achievement. I've been endlessly trying, yet I generally experience a similar mistake. "DiskPart has experienced a mistake: Access is denied. See the Framework Occasion Log for more data". I attempted various orders to organize it, however I actually show up at a similar mistake. I'm the administrator, so I don't feel that is the issue. Assist me with satisfying! Much obliged to you and have a decent day!
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cprkansascity-blog · 2 years
Avoid Danger With CPR Overland Park Kansas Certification
Being knowledgeable about first aid benefits you, your family, friends, coworkers, and the entire community. Accidents and emergencies can be avoided, even though it's unpleasant to bring them up. So long as you know how to administer first aid, you can assist someone hurt in an accident or other emergency. It can be useful to know how to administer first aid at work, at home, or in public. A community's safety increases with the number of people who are trained in first aid.
The initial 10 minutes after an unfortunate accident or tragedy are crucial for stabilizing the situation and reducing the chance of fatalities. CPR Overland Park Kansas tutelage equips participants with hands-on live training to deal with emergencies.
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During this time, a first responder can intervene to stabilize the situation before the paramedics show up and hasten the accident victim's recovery.
Furthermore, it's crucial to recognize those first responders do not necessarily need to be experts in their fields. Anyone who possesses the required education, aptitude, and nimbleness on both a physical and mental level can fulfill the criterion.
1. Avert Deaths
Millions of people lose their lives every year as a result of not getting prompt assistance or immediate medical care. Unquestionably, first aid training can save a lot of lives. While an ambulance is being dispatched, patients should get vital life support to maximize their chances of survival. However, fast and effective first aid can also hasten recovery time and influence whether a patient will experience short-term or long-term health effects. Since the pain can affect blood pressure, respiration, and pulse physiologically, pain-relieving therapy is essential.
Simple pain-relieving methods like applying an ice pack or giving yourself a little rub can help you feel better before medical emergency services come. With the right certification program, you'll learn how to remain composed in an emergency and keep in mind the actions you need to take.
2. Refrain from making things worse
The further deterioration of the issue could be stopped by an expert. It's easier to stop mishaps from getting worse if you have a basic understanding of how to handle crucial instances. Up until the emergency response is prepared to take over, the victim will benefit from temporary and urgent treatment to prevent further deterioration. In some circumstances, if a patient or victim does not receive primary first aid care right away, their condition will quickly deteriorate. In the absence of a first aid kit, you can use common household items as instruments to handle a variety of situations.
Learn the techniques by paying a visit to the training site at 7600 W. 110th St., Suite 204, Overland Park, KS 66210.
3. Provides comfort
First aid might make the victim feel better right immediately. The patient can remain calm and take a short nap while their injuries are managed and stabilized until emergency services come. It aids in raising and enhancing patient comfort. Not every accident, injury, or illness calls for hospitalization, but that doesn't mean the patient isn't in pain. Even if all you do is apply simple techniques like correctly applying an ice pack or appropriate bandaging, you could be able to make them feel better by acting in the right way. Being composed and cool will help you to assist them emotionally, making them feel safer and reducing their nervousness.
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duskroine · 2 years
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
self indulgent prompts — ( always accepting ! )
THE FATES MUFFLE CONSTANCE’S VOICE when the first onslaught of arrows break through the air.  ophelia’s mind registers the warning in their friend’s words only when the iron head of an arrow sinks into their stomach, seconds before their horse begins to startle at the threat ringing around them. hooves rise and fall off the ground, kicking up earth and grass as ophelia tightens their grip both the reins and the arrow piercing their skin.  the wind hisses, the earth trembles, and ophelia is nonetheless a child’s ragdoll against the horse’s mighty fright.  they hit the ground before their horse does; victim to the sight of the fleeing mount and their equipment still clipped to its satchel.
an ambush, of course.  pale eyes flicker from face to face, the familiar and unfamiliar on the battlefield.  few yards away stands the courageous lady of nuvelle, an open fan sharp in her grip.  ophelia looks away, certain of her safety, and turns their attention back to themselves.  the arrow’s shaft has snapped in half from the fall, though nothing has stopped the thin bleeding from beneath its iron.  no matter the pain, ophelia presses their hands against the ground and flips back to their feet.
“   lady constance!   ”   they yell,   “   assist me with the recovery of our healers!   ”   for their group had been further behind the mages; the fairer ones of magic and soul.  constance turns to them but does not respond.  ophelia must imagine the dread that breaks her expression.   still, an order had been given, and ophelia quickly moves to fulfill it.  turning on their heel in preparation for a sprint, though the momentum only benefits the heel that slams against their chest.  chosen one hits the ground right as flames spark above them, bursting immediately in a flurry of color.
boots and heels kick up dirt during the scuffle and ophelia, safely rolled a few feet away, barely has time to rise from the ground when a hand reaches low to assist them; the fabric of a once perfect glove torn into strips of damp cloth.  a glance up proves to calm their anxiety.  constance smiles down at them, pride alight in her gaze despite the blood seeping into her dress and its perfect sleeves.
there is little time to comfort and heal, so ophelia does not.  instead, they grin, take the outstretched hand’s help, and wink,   “   i never once doubted your skill, lady constance of eclipsed stars.  your wounds will not lead you to fall, ja?   ”
and constance laughs at that, refusing the claim eagerly.  it is all ophelia needs to quell her guilt, but not their own.  still, there are healers to find and enemies to strike down.  heroes never have time to idle; the two mages allow tracks to guide them into the forest, where another quest awaits them, away from one battlefield and upon another.
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