#doesnt mean he sat down and nodded along to all these changes & told them to be as whack as possible lmfao
landinoandco · 3 years
Hey could you do one with max verstappen, where the reader a fight about him not helping around the house (witch he doesnt do because he is just tired from working hard but the reader dont know) so they yell at max and he suddenly walks away but then they find him crying in bed, because hes overworked and feels like hes never gonna be good enough at being a driver and the readers boyfriend. And feels like he can only dissapoint the reader, his dad and cristian. But the reader comforts him. Tnx
Because I'm not good enough...
Max Verstappen x Reader
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Warnings: angsty
Word count: 2 k
Requests are open :)
You were sat at the dining room table, staring out at the empty seat in front of you. Your arms crossed across your chest and your lip in between your teeth. You had been sat there for an hour - in the grand scheme of things an hour didn’t seem like such a long time but it was his final warning and an hour was just long enough to allow for your anger to boil over.
Dinner was in the fridge - the same dinner you had cooked an hour ago, your phone lay screen up on the table - the same phone you used to call Max two hours and a half hours ago, he told you he was on his way home. Home whilst you were in the UK was 25 minutes away from the Redbull HQ. This was becoming a regular occurrence, some nights he would come home so late that you had already taken yourself to bed. The atmosphere in the house seemed to freeze over whenever he was around even though you were yet to come out of summer, there was something hanging over the pair of you - unspoken feelings and as of now a red hot anger that threatened to escape from your usually composed nature.
Ever since the championship had taken a turn in the favour of Redbull, Max had started to become much more distant. It started off with him not inviting you along to the races, leaving on the Wednesday before race weekend and sometimes not seeing him until the following Tuesday and that was on a stand alone race weekend. On the triple headers, it could be nearing two weeks until you two were spared 5 minutes alone and even then it was a brief conversation before he rushed back to the factory or to train.
You thought you knew what you signed up for and since yours and Max’s relationship and that was three years ago so you thought you had seen it all - been through it all with him, witnessed every high and every low. This was a new territory and you knew that if it wasn’t tackled soon -
The click of the door lock echoed in the hallway, you straightened in your seat - eyes locked ahead of you and your knee bouncing.
Max sighed loudly and wiped his hand over his face, it had been a long day - he had been at the factory up until Christian had invited him out to lunch, it was nice to catch up with his boss and Max felt like he owed the man so much; guiding him through the years that had led up to the moment they found themselves in. Max felt like over the past years he had matured as a person, sometimes still short tempered but being an F1 driver it wasn’t necessarily a bad trait. After his lunch with Christian, his dad had called him - the less said about the conversation the better. By the time you had called, the last thing he wanted to do was come home and risk upsetting you. He had taken himself on a run - to clear his head and focus on what he was going to say to you because he felt like something definitely needed to be said.
He also owed a lot to you, you had put up with so much over the years and standing by his side even when he had made a mistake - although you were very quick to tell him when he was in the wrong. You seemed to be on his level, a blunt and forward look at life - there was no time for dawdling about when you had things to be done. Life was short and there was no time to waste.
Recently however, he was putting so much pressure and stress on himself about work that the hours slipped away from him and so did the time spent with you. He felt the atmosphere change around the pair of you - as though he was always walking on thin ice, the cracks beginning to show. The guilt he felt was nothing like he had ever felt before, all he wanted to do was talk to you but he was scared of pushing you away - which is ironic because not talking and letting the pent up anger build up was having the same effect. He was never that good when it came to talking about how he felt - as much as he wanted to he felt as though he would be a burden and that he would put too much pressure on you. He could never tell you what he really felt like inside. It was embarrassing, he knew that a professional athlete should never feel what he felt. It weakened him and having weaknesses in a sport like Formula 1 was not an option.
Max shrugged his coat off and walked through to the main room of the apartment - the room where you were sat waiting to pounce as though he was your unsuspecting prey.
He offered a tired smile, in response he got a sneer. Swallowing hard, you felt the anger take over, like some monster escaping from a cage.
“I have been sitting here for an hour, Max -” You shot to your feet, pointing at the table, your voice cracked slightly. “For months, you’ve been leaving me - it’s me who’s been cooking for us both, cleaning, washing - everything, Max. By myself.” You were shouting now, your heart threatening to break free from your chest. Max just stood there, a blank expression on his face - his gaze fixed to the ground. “I don’t understand what went wrong, Max. We were happy, hell, we spoke to each other. Now, I’m alone. In fact, I may as well be alone if this doesn’t change.” The words had fallen out of your mouth before you had any time to consider them - or the consequences. Your eyes went round with shock and you fell back to your seat. A loud silence filled the room.
Max, too, had not expected the words that had initiated the silence. He opened his mouth, eyes still on the ground, then closed it again before raising his head and looking you dead in the eye.
“You don’t mean that.” He managed to mutter, barely being able to raise his voice any louder. He felt a tired emptiness, this was the last thing he had wanted to happen.
“That’s all you have to say to me.” You rounded on him again, angry tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“No - I -” He stuttered, then closed his eyes, inhaling slowly, “I just don’t think we should talk things through whilst you’re angry -” He saw you about to interject, when he raised his hands. “You have every right to be. That’s not what I’m saying. I think we should wait to talk about it so we don’t say things we are going to regret later.” Max could feel his throat constricting, he was battling to keep his emotions at bay.
You sniffed and nodded slowly, placing your head in your hands - hot tears escaping and shoulders tensed.
Max swallowed thickly, his eyes swimming with tears. He made a move and after no interruption left the room. He had only made it to the stairs before he collapsed, the fatigue getting the better of him. He was such an idiot, a fact he was certainly aware of now, how could he have let things get this bad. Did that make him a selfish person?
He couldn’t hold it in any longer, a harsh sob escaping from his mouth - fingers shaking and his head a loud mess.
As soon as Max had left the room, you had gotten up to get some water - when you paused, a sound catching your attention - a deep sounding sob. You waited, a line appeared between your brows. Slowly and carefully, you inched towards the door - waiting with baited breath for the sound again.
It was coming from the stairs and there was only one person it could be. Regret instantly pooled in the pit of your stomach, you hadn’t meant for him to cry. You were just so angry and he needed to know that.
“Max.” You called out softly, unsurprisingly there was no response. You went in the direction of the stairs and hunched over in front of you was your boyfriend - attempting to stifle his sobs. You rushed forwards, placing your arms around his shoulders and pulled his body into yours. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around your waist. You kissed the top of his head, stroking his hair as he continued to cry - you allowed him to empty his emotions out; some tears of your own betraying you entirely.
“I’m sorry, I really am.” Came a muffled voice. Pausing, you released your hold of him and placed your hands either side of his face - offering him a watery smile. Then, using your sleeves you wiped his tears away - he watched your every move, waiting for you to say something. When you didn’t, he braced himself - lips trembling; he knew it was now or never. He had to tell you how he really felt.
“I’m not good enough.” He stated simply, his eyes glossy. Your forehead furrowed. “I’m never going to be good enough to take the championship, I’m going to let everyone down. Everyone that has ever believed in me - it doesn’t matter what I do, how much work I put in - I’m never good enough. And you -” He paused, meeting your gaze, a lump forming in the back of your throat. “I keep letting you down, time and time again. I was the one who caused this, I’m never going to be good enough for you.”
“If you believe that -” You began, kissing the newly formed tears away, “Then I will eat your race shoe.” You moved to sit next to him on the stairs, pulling him into your side. “Why didn’t you tell me that’s how you felt.”
You felt Max shrug, the side of his head resting on yours. “I didn’t want to burden you with all of my problems, you already put up with so much.”
“I will always have time for you, Max.” Grasping his hand in yours, “You are enough, you are more than enough. You are Max Verstappen, the fastest, strongest guy I know.” You chuckled lightly, “I know it may sometimes feel like that and that’s ok. You are putting yourself through so much - maybe, it’s time to give some consideration for your personal life. It’s unhealthy to work all of the time - then we run into issues like these.” You spoke softly, almost whispering but you could tell he was hanging onto every word you spoke. “I love you, Max. I don’t know what I would do without you.” You admitted, turning your head to look at him. He chewed on his bottom lip, processing your words.
“I love you too, more than anything.” He murmured, placing his forehead on yours. You lifted your head slightly to leave a soft kiss on his nose, earning the corners of his lips to quirk up.
Closing your eyes, you relished being in his arms again, to have him close to you. You had missed it. You had missed him. Both of you knew you had a lot to work through, that it wouldn’t simply disappear but both of you were going to do it together. Hand in hand. And that was more than enough.
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Move This Along
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: After months of waiting, Spencer decides he finally wants to have sex with Reader. Category: SMUT (18+) Warnings: Language, sex (oral sex- female receiving, virgin!Spence, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie) Word Count: 5.6k
Full Request: “...so a smutty oneshot with like virgin!spencer but im talkling like baby spence. and hes super blushy and cute but then when it happens its rlly raunchy and therws a lot of dirty talk. and like reader doesnt work at the bau but theyre close friends. and like she goes out to a bar with him and the team and they tease him so then she takes him home and literally fucks him after a movie or smth idk...” — @mggscumrag
NOTE: It took me forever to figure out how I wanted to do this, but once I did, it came out so quickly! I hope it’s to your liking 🥰
The first time she went out to meet Elle's friends from work, Y/N found herself absolutely nervous, and she wasn't sure why. She was always great with meeting new people, but for some reason, the prospect of meeting her next-door neighbor's co-workers seemed to really do a number on her.
She remembers how anxious she'd been, constantly worrying that they wouldn't like her, not to mention they were all probably super smart and strong and intimidating, just like Elle. Anyone who aided in putting away serial killers, rapists, and other monsters had to be just about the most intimidating personality there ever was.
But as Y/N soon learned, that wasn't quite the case at all.
To be fair, they were all intimidating in their own little ways, though it was really easy to forget about that when she was laughing with them, sharing drinks and stories, and exchanging phone numbers to stay in touch.
That's how she and Spencer had come to be good friends. Despite how obviously shy he was whenever they saw each other, the two of them managed to have conversations on just about everything. It usually happened that he talked and she listened to whatever he was teaching her, but she'd always add on the occasional, "Wow, I didn't know that," or "That's really fascinating." All of which she could tell he was surprised at and appreciated.
And since the first time they met at Elle's birthday party, the night she met the whole team for the first time, they'd been practically inseparable. While Y/N was good friends with the whole team, save for Gideon, who always seemed to like it better by himself, her relationship with Spencer seemed to even surpass the bond she'd built with her neighbor-slash-best friend.
Elle even told her as much one Saturday night, as the two of them were driving to the bar to meet up with everyone for a few drinks.
She'd mentioned it as a joke, but Y/N was instantly apologetic.
Elle only laughed. "Don't apologize. Actually, I think it's good that Reid has another friend outside of work. You're good for him. And you know, I think he has a little crush on you."
Warmth rushed to Y/N's cheeks, and she tried to hide it but failed miserably, causing Elle to give her a knowing smile. "Y—You don't know what you're talking about, Elle, it's not like that."
"Oh come on, it totally is. You give him the light of day when no one else does, he talks about you all the time, and everyone at work knows it."
She paused. "They... do?"
"Of course they do, we're all profilers, but it doesn't take one to see how obsessed that boy is with you. I think you should go for it."
Y/N would have been lying if she said she hadn't thought about asking him out. But in the end she had always figured it was a little weird, being that she was friends with all his and Elle's co-workers and she'd kinda been adopted into their family of sorts. But hearing what her neighbor was saying... She started to think differently about it.
"You really think so?"
Elle nodded. "Absolutely."'
"Okay," she replied with an excited smile. "Maybe I will, then."
A week later and the two of them started dating. Y/N always thinks back to the first few weeks of their relationship, how adorably shy and blush-prone Spencer was, even after they'd been together for some time. They spent almost all their free time together, and it still seemed like he was nervous to be around her. He'd assured her on multiple occasions that that wasn't the case, but Y/N still wondered why he hadn't fully warmed up to being around her.
Especially in public. Oh, in public it was worse. Y/N clung to his arm, and his face immediately got red. What confused her the most, though, was that every time she pulled away to make him more comfortable, he pulled her back in, seemingly desperate to feel her warmth.
In the end she and Spencer had grown to develop their own little communication system for public settings, something to let the other know when something was really wrong, and when to ask if the other was comfortable.
One night everyone was meeting after a rough case somewhere in Denver, and Y/N offered to buy everyone drinks once Spencer had called to tell her they were all back. It wasn't out of the ordinary for her to do that, but it had been a while, so everyone was quick to except. Well, mostly everyone— Gideon as per usual went his separate way, and Hotch was eager to get home and see his family.
Y/N was waiting for them at their favorite bar downtown when she heard a loud squeal that sounded a lot like her name. Sure enough, it was easy to spot a very yellow-clad Penelope Garcia headed straight towards her with her arms stretched out for a hug when she turned around. The smile she adorned was instantaneous as her arms came out a well, embracing Penelope with a large hug that almost knocked the wind out of her.
"I missed you!" she exclaimed, still hugging Y/N and swaying them back and forth a little. "I mean, I know I don't ever travel with the team, but because of that we should hang out more."
"Next time I need some company, I know who to call."
Y/N spotted Spencer then, behind Penelope and patiently waiting for a greeting. She smiled at him and whispered, "Hi," to which Penelope must have heard.
She quickly released her from their embrace and stepped out of the way. "Oh! I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from your boy wonder."
She laughed as she transferred from Penelope's arms to Spencer's. He muttered a little, "Hi," into her hair as she squeezed him and shoved her face into his neck. If she had to bet, he was probably red as a tomato right now with how close her mouth was to his neck—it was his weakness and she knew it. And just to tease him a little bit she quickly kissed up his neck, his jaw, and placed a decent peck on his lips before pulling away and grabbing his hand.
Despite the shy smile and the blush adorning his cheeks, he squeezed her hand tight and kept her at his side like they would die if they weren't touching at all times.
Everyone gave little greetings to Y/N as they all made their way to a large booth near the back. Y/N was sitting on one side with Elle to her right and Spencer to her left, while Derek, Penelope, and JJ sat across from them. Y/N got them all their preferred drinks, and a beer for herself, which Spencer couldn't help but find oddly attractive.
He glanced over at her as she took swigs from the bottle as the night progressed, and for whatever reason the sight made his insides all warm and tingly. And when she used her unoccupied hand to grab his under the table, rubbing gentle circles over the inside of his palm with her thumb, he'd never felt more in love with another person. He wasn't even drinking any alcohol, yet his head swam and his heart soared all the same, every bone in his body humming with euphoria at just the mere thought of her.
He must have been staring a little too obviously, because Derek kicked his leg under the table, pulling him from the lovesick daydream he never wanted to leave.
"I can't tell if those are cute ol' puppy dog eyes or bedroom eyes," Derek laughed, and everyone laughed right alongside him.
"Oh, stop it," Penelope said, swatting his arm. "He's obviously just very in love with her, what more could you need to know?"
"Oh, come on, tell me you're not curious to know how they... operate."
She smacked him harder this time, and everyone laughed.
Knowing her boyfriend didn't really care for the spotlight, especially when it came to their relationship, Y/N squeezed Spencer's hand under the table in reassurance. She drew a question mark in his palm, their signal for, "Are you uncomfortable?" And he responded by drawing an "X" in her palm, their answer for, "No." She laced their fingers together then, and set her beer down.
"Morgan, our sex life isn't any of your business," she stated simply.
Spencer felt his stomach churn at the sentence, if only because said sex life was, as of late, non-existent.
He and Y/N had made out a lot, sure, but the one time they did try having sex, he made it about ten seconds being inside of her before he finished, and since then he'd been kind of embarrassed about it. They only ever made out since then, because before it ever got that far he stopped it, nervous that he'd disappoint her.
And now his non-existent sex life was the topic of conversation, and if anyone picked up on it, he would have felt worse about the whole thing.
So, he didn't stop himself from speaking. "But if you must know, it's great."
Y/N's hand tensed up in his, and she looked over at him, shock marinating in her eyes. To anyone else it would have looked like she was surprised he'd even bring it up, but he knew she was most likely more curious to know why he'd lied about it.
Their friends laughed regardless, Elle adding a curious and joking, "Care to elaborate?"
Ready to change the subject, Spencer shook his head. "Nope."
"Yeah, actually I think we're gonna head out early," Y/N added. Spencer was suddenly worried he'd made her upset, but she rubbed gentle circles into his hand that reassured him everything was okay.
He got out of the booth and Y/N followed, as their friends grumbled.
"Oh, come on, we didn't mean to embarrass you guys," Derek said.
"No, that's not it," Y/N said as she threw on a light jacket. "You just reminded me how much I'd like to operate with my boyfriend since I haven't seen him in a few days, so we're leaving. Have a good night."
Spencer felt searing heat rise to his cheeks as he turned around and ushered Y/N out the door, accompanied by low whistles and claps from their friends.
The two of them were sitting on the couch now, Y/N having just set down a couple classes of water.
"Sorry if you wanted to stay," she said quietly, playing with her thumbs. "You know we don't... actually have to operate if you don't want, obviously, I was just looking for something to say..."
"Oh, Y/N, I know. Don't worry about it. Really, I... I was the one who even brought it up, I should have just let you handle it."
She looked up at him with a small smile. "Why.. did you bring it up anyway?"
"Well, I... I guess I just felt embarrassed. And I know what we do together isn't any of their business, but I was just... I really was thinking about how much I love you, and when Morgan brought it up, I felt like I wasn't... living up? To your expectations? I don't..." He sighed, unsure how to properly articulate how he was feeling. "I don't know. I just thought about the last time we tried having sex, and I felt embarrassed about it, that's all."
"Oh, honey," Y/N cooed, scooting closer to him and bringing her hand up to brush some of the hair from his face. "You know, you... don't have anything to prove, right? I know how much you love me, and you don't need to be having sex with me to show me, I hope you know that."
Still, he couldn't bring himself to look at her face. "I do," he choked out, pulling at the hem of his shirt. "I'm... I'm sorry."
Y/N's tongue clicked, and she leaned into him, wrapping one of her arms around his neck and placing the other across his lap. She held him tight and kissed the side of his head. "Don't you ever be sorry, unless you cheat on me. Then there will be something to be sorry about."
He laughed at her joke, turning his head to brush his nose against hers. "I love you."
"I love you, too," she whispered, giving him the lightest of kisses on the lips.
When she pulled away, he leaned in again, kissing her a little harder, and she gladly reciprocated. With every passing second, all of his worries started to melt away like the snow to her sunshine. Within every kiss was an emanation of outpouring love and comfort that warmed his soul and gave him the confidence to try something bold.
His hands threaded through her hair as he drew her in closer, and instinctively, she climbed over his lap, resting her hands on his shoulders as he gently probed her mouth with his tongue. The sound of her sigh as she opened up to him and allowed him to fully explore her mouth with his made his stomach bubble and tense.
This would be about the time where he'd stop, telling Y/N that they should slow down, and she'd sweetly oblige and stay cuddled into his side as they drifted off to sleep.
But tonight he didn't want that.
Tonight he wanted more.
While one of his hands remained in her hair, gently massaging her scalp, the other snaked down to her lower back. He gently slid his fingers under the fabric of her shirt and pressed his palm flat against her, pulling her closer to him with a desperation that both shocked and excited her.
Deciding to test the waters, Y/N rolled her hips, feeling him jump slightly underneath her, followed by a whine that vibrated her mouth and sent a low hum of pressure through her stomach.
Still, she pulled away.
Well... She tried to.
When she pulled her face away from him, Spencer used the hand in her hair to bring her back, tilting his head in the other direction and continuing to kiss her with enough passion for the both of them. And it didn't help that the sound she made when he did it spurred him on. She whimpered loudly into his mouth, and the hand on her back involuntarily slid down to grab her ass.
"Hey," she managed to get out when he pulled away momentarily for air. "Hey, you don't... We don't have to really do this if you don't want. I—I don't want you to think that what happened earlier means we have to have sex."
"Y/N..." His hand gently kneaded her ass, and against her better judgement, she rolled her hips again, sighing out against his lips. "I don't want to put it off any longer... Really, I... I want to. I want to show you how much I love you."
She kissed him softly again, bringing both of her hands up to cradle his face. "You already do. Every day."
She was giving him an out, and Spencer appreciated it. But with the way his insides were practically melting away at her presence, he knew more than anything that this was what he wanted.
"I know," he said. "But if you don't mind, today I'd like to show you a little extra." And then he kissed her deeply again.
Her hands tightened on his face, right before they slid up and through his hair. She gently tugged at it, and he let out one of the most delicious sounds she'd ever heard. For future reference, she relished in that sound, in that feeling, and made a mental note to try it out some more when they got further along in their sexual path.
But tonight, she would let him call the shots. He was finally ready to try it again, and seeing how confident he grew in his touches and kisses when she submitted to him, it was the simplest decision.
So she remained on his lap until he made another move, encouraging him with whimpers and languid rolls of her hips against his. Her hands grew frenzied in his hair when he dipped his hand past the waistband of her jeans and underwear, sticking his fingers in only about a knuckle deep. The warmth of his hands against her bare skin sent shivers down her spine, which she let show by involuntarily grinding down on his lap.
Spencer groaned deeply more than whined this time, his grip on her hands gripping tighter to her backside. He forced himself to remove his mouth from hers long enough to breathe out, "Bedroom. Please."
As much as Y/N didn't want to get off of his lap, she knew that what waited for her in the bedroom would be worth the momentary loss of complete physical contact. So she peeled herself away from her boyfriend, grabbing him by the hand, and lead him to her bedroom.
Once the door was closed, he was on her again, caging her face between his large hands and capturing her lips in another heated kiss. They moved backwards until she hit her back against the door, and the second their movement stopped, Spencer used their standing position to press his full body weight into her, their legs tangling together.
Meanwhile, Y/N was trying to figure out where to put her hands. She wanted to brace them on his chest, but it was pressed tightly against hers. So they wandered over his back, but she couldn't decide whether to place them under his shirt or on his butt. Or maybe she wanted to grip his arms to feel the veins as they strained against his skin from holding her face. The possibilities were quite endless.
So endless that they were even surprising—Spencer noticed her wandering hands and promptly decided to place them where he wanted, which was apparently above her head. He removed his hands from her face and pinned her wrists to the door above her head, and she huffed a breath as he pulled away to speak.
"Is this okay? I wasn't too... too rough?"
The concern swimming in his lust-filled eyes drew a little whimper from her throat as she struggled to find the right words. But finally, she settled on, "That was so fucking hot..."
Relief flashed over his gaze right before he grinned. His fingers flexed against her wrists, and even though she couldn't see them, she could imagine how it looked. And it really was fucking hot.
Seeing the expression on her face, Spencer leaned forward again and kissed her one last time. Their lips moved together hungrily, dancing in perfect synchronization, the music being the frantic beating of their hearts.
And then he started to trail his kisses down her jaw and neck, keeping her hands firmly pinned to the door. Usually she was the one to explore his neck with her tongue and teeth, but this time he wanted to try it for himself. Mirroring what he'd felt her do to him hundreds of times over, he soaked in every single sound she made, from the little whimpers of pleasure to the soft, choked whispers of his name dancing over her lips. And when her hips canted forward, searching for any kind of friction, he decided to grant it to her.
As his kisses moved down along her collarbone, his hands gently slid down with him, over her arms and then down to the bottom of her shirt as he kneeled in front of her. He lifted the shirt slowly, each new inch of exposed skin being met with soft kisses until it reached her breasts. He reached up to palm them over her bra while he trailed his kisses downward again.
Even though she was wearing jeans, he pressed kisses to her legs anyway. She squirmed under his touch, and the feeling made his heart soar.
"Please, Spence," she huffed, bringing her hands down to lay overtop of his. She felt the tendons and veins in his hands as they squeezed her, and with everything she had, she tried not to beg him to use them in more interesting places. She wanted to let him take his time, to be a vessel for his exploration, but it was growing harder every second to be patient.
Thankfully he seemed to get what she was feeling, because his hands slid out from under her shirt and rested at her jeans. "Can I take these off?"
The fact that he even asked when she so clearly begged him to do it made her heart swell. "Please do," she chuckled, though it turned into a choked sigh when his fingers actually started undoing the button. And at the sound of her zipper going down, she could have come undone right there.
He pulled her jeans down slowly and helped her step out of them. And she thought maybe he'd take the next step and do the same with her underwear, but he opted to use his mouth instead.
With gentle kisses, he traced the hem of the fabric all the way to either side of her waist. And then he looked up at her with curious eyes and shifted his face, pressing his nose right up against where her clit would be. Her hands immediately went to his hair, but he grabbed her wrists again and laid them at her sides. "Do you want me to move this along?" His voice wasn't teasing as much as it was genuine curiosity.
Still, Y/N resisted the urge to tell him yes. "I—I want you to do whatever feels right. Tonight's... about you. What you want."
"Well, what I want is to make you feel good. So, again... Do you want me to move this along?"
Every time his lips moved, they brushed up against where she desperately wanted him. And it was killing her. So, she nodded vigorously. "Yes, please," she whispered.
And with that, Spencer released her hands and used his fingers to gently rub her over the fabric. The contact made her shiver visibly, and he took that as a good sign. So he wasted no more time and replaced his fingers with his tongue, fluttering his eyes closed at the taste of her. And he knew that once the thin fabric was gone it would be stronger, but even then he was thoroughly wrecked.
He kept lapping his tongue over her, feeling her panties get wetter with ever second, and he only finally removed them when she started grinding her hips closer to his face, desperate for more.
When he did finally bring his tongue to fully taste her for the first time, they both let out the filthiest sounds, months and months of build-up starting to come to a head. He tasted her like he would an ice cream cone, and for the first few moments his eyes remained closed, all his focus on this brand new sensation. But he wanted nothing more than to see her react to him. So he opened his eyes and continued his ministrations, pupils blowing wide at the sight of her above him.
She was panting, her mouth hung open and her tongue just barely peeking out over her bottom lip. Her eyes remained shut, though Spencer could tell she was struggling to open them. With a tentative flick of his tongue over her clit, he took notice of the little gasp she made, and he knew he'd found it. So he repeated his action, providing small kitten licks to her clit as she picked up her breathing and clenched her hands at her sides.
He picked up the pace then, taking note of every little thing that made her cry out or jump with pleasure until she was clutching his hair. He was sucking on her clit now, his middle finger gently sliding in and out of her when she spoke.
"Oh, fuck, keep doing that. I'm... I'm almost..."
He felt her tighten around his finger as she started careening off the edge, and he did his best to keep his eyes on her face, because it had practically been haunting him, wondering what it would be like to see her come undone at his mercy.
To say it was better than he could have ever dreamed was a severe understatement.
Y/N's head leaned back against the door, her chin jutted out so he could see the beautiful contours of her chin and neck. He saw her throat contract as she moaned out his name, saw her chest heave as she struggled to catch her breath, and best of all, he felt her flutter around his finger and mouth. And if that was high inducing, he couldn't wait to feel wat it would be like to replace them with something else.
The mere thought had him trembling.
He pulled back when she huffed out an over-stimulated, "Okay, please, please stop, oh..."
Though it could just as easily have been a painful sentiment, the hungry, dazed look in her eye suggested otherwise.
Spencer stood up and brought his finger to his mouth, still caught up in her taste before she ripped his wrist away and kissed him, threading her fingers through his hair and moaning into his mouth.
Before he could get lost in it, though, she pulled away and nodded. "Okay. I think you're wearing too many clothes."
He tilted his head down in a little flush, and with the help of Y/N, his shirt peeled away from his body and joined her pants and underwear on the floor.
Y/N mirrored his actions, kissing gently down his jaw, neck, and then down his torso. Her hands wandered his bare back as she sunk to her knees. But when her hands moved to his belt, he stopped her.
She peeled her hands away and looked up at him. "Are you okay? Do you want to slow down?"
He visibly swallowed, and she could read that look on his face that he got whenever he was embarrassed to tell her something. "N—no, I... I want... the opposite, actually."
"I don't follow..."
"Well, I know that... if you return the favor, I won't last very long, a—and I... I don't want to wait anymore."
Y/N smiled, standing again and bringing her hands to rest on his shoulders. "So you're saying you... want me to move this along?"
Spencer smiled at her recollection of his words. "Yes, please."
They travelled to the bed then, Y/N taking off her shirt and bra when they got there, and leaving her completely bare to him. She sat down and reached for his belt, looking up at him as he stood.
"I'm clean and on birth control, do you still want to use a condom? I have some in my table drawer."
He thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "As long as you're sure."
Y/N undid his belt quickly and threw it to the side, making work of his button and zipper with a smile. "Oh I'm so sure..."
The way she said it made his dick twitch, images running through his mind of how it would look seeing her filled and dripping with—
Her hand was palming him through his underwear now, and it was all he could think about. He had already been hard before, but now it was tilting on the precipice of painful pleasure. So he stopped her, taking a deep breath.
"Lay down?"
"However you want me," Y/N answered, positioning herself on the bed so she was leaning back, her head nicely laid out on the pillows.
Spencer swallowed and removed his underwear before climbing on the bed and kneeling over her. Her legs were already wide, feet flat on either side of him as he positioned himself and got ready.
She reached out and gently grabbed his forearm, a gentle smile on her face. "You ready?"
"Mhm," he answered with a curt nod, bringing himself forward to run the head of his dick through her wetness. They both sighed at the feeling, and Spencer knew he was in trouble.
It was finally happening, he was getting another chance to have sex with her, and if he didn't last long again, he was going to—
"I love you," Y/N said reassuringly, rubbing circles into the hand that rested on the inside of her thigh.
He looked into her eyes and saw that love radiating from them. It warmed his insides and gave him the confidence he needed to finally, slowly push into her as he whispered, "I love you, too."
Once he was fully sheathed inside her, he let out a large breath, leaning down to brace his arms on either side of her head. The pressure of her clenched around him was overwhelming in the best way possible, and he never wanted to move.
But he had to.
She stroked his hair, pressing soft kisses all over his face, and whispered, "I love you."
With those three words, Spencer had the courage to pull back and then forward again, testing the waters and more accurately, his limits. He picked up a slow pace that burned him from the inside out, every muscle and vein in his body on fire with the knowledge that he was finally, properly making love to the woman he was pretty sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
But he was holding back. Y/N could tell. He glided through her with ease, sure, but his eyes were squeezed shut like he was concentrating, like he was pacing himself and trying to hold on to this feeling.
She moved her hands down to his back and lightly ran her fingernails over the skin, feeling him tremble under her touch.
"You feel so good, Spence," she whispered. "So perfect for me..."
The words made his hips stutter just a little, and Y/N knew then what the hesitation was.
He wanted to go faster.
So she moved her fingers lower, cupping his ass and scratching featherlight circles into the skin as she moaned. "You like when I talk to you, baby? Does hearing my voice help you out?"
Spencer choked out a groan as he opened his eyes and saw how feral she looked. Her pupils were blown wide, her mouth was pouted cutely, and she smiled as soon as she saw him bite his lip.
"You wanna go faster?" she cooed, digging her fingernails a little harder into the flesh of his ass. "Hmm?"
"F—fuck, Y/N... I..."
"You fuck me however you need to, baby. Don't hold back. Just let it all out."
He groaned out then, his hips picking up speed. She felt the relief and the tension rolling off his body as he finally gave into his urges, and it was just about the sexiest thing she'd ever witnessed.
"That's it, baby... Don't stop... Give it to me, let me feel you..."
He leaned down and kissed her then, pumping into her harder and harder with every second. She moaned out against his mouth, swallowing all his breaths and grunts. Meanwhile her fingers gripped his ass harder, relishing in the feeling of his muscles as they aided in fucking her.
His mouth pulled away as he shoved his face into her neck, and she sighed. "You're doing so good, baby. Fuck... " His hips kept moving, and she clenched around him hard, hoping to gauge his reaction.
Sure enough, he groaned against her neck and canted his hips harder. Every thrust forward now was so deep he hit her g-spot, and the sensation made her sigh with a smile. "That's fucking right, baby... Just like that, don't stop, don't stop. You fe—el so... ohhh."
Her words lit this fire in him that was impossible to put out. His body was hers for the taking, and so he'd give her everything he had. Which is why he picked up the pace and fucked into her as hard as he could, dangerously close to finishing.
"Fuck, Spence, I'm gonna... —na..."
Y/n's moans turned into a quiet scream as she came, clenching tightly around his dick and digging her fingernails into his ass. Her eyes squeezed shut with the swirling patterns of fireworks exploding behind them, meanwhile he twitched inside of her and lost it at last. As she came down, she helped him hold himself there, deep inside her as his cum spilled over in warm increments. They both moaned out at the feeling, all their tension easing and dissipating.
By the end, all that was left between the both of them was a thin sheen of sweat and murmured promises of "I love you."
They could have fallen asleep right there. Y/N's hands slid up his backside, over his arms, and then to the back of his head, combing gently through his disheveled hair as he pressed loving kisses to the patch of skin where her neck met her collarbone. He was still inside her, unwilling to leave the warmth she provided, and she did nothing to object.
"How are you feeling?" she finally asked, opening her eyes.
Spencer tilted his head up to look at her, his heart once again swelling at the adoring look in her eyes. "I'm great."
She laughed, and he laughed with her. And they were silent for a few moments before he spoke again.
"So, uh... What we just did is what we're counting as our real first time together, right? Like, the other time doesn't count?"
Y/N laughed again, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "If you want to count this as our first time, then yes. I'd be more than happy to agree with you."
"Good. This was much better."
Even though she would never hold their first first time together against him, she was inclined to agree.
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes  @s1utformgg @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud
TAGS NOT WORKING: @takeyourleap-of-faith @emilyprentisslittlewhore
If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment, and I’ll add you!
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sloppykyuu · 4 years
Kitten stuff incoming
Issei is in uni and sometimes he brings home some classmates and some of them r woman and his kitten really doesnt mind but it happens frequently and they get along so well and they can move so freely while she has to hide her tail and her hears and whenever they're all out shes embarrassing him and whenever she does embarrasse him his classmates laugh a bit and it makes her so sad so whenever they come around she hides in the closet knowing she'll be alone cos Issei has to focus on his work and waits for them to leave but it's been so many months that his study group is coming over or them going out that it takes a heavy toll on his kitten and he dont really notice her change - neither does she but after being free for a few days he thought it would be nice to go out with his kitten and they do and hes enjoying it the entire time until he realizes that it's going too good cos normally she would've done something embarrassing but she hasn't all she did was check if her tail is still in the big sweater and if her ears look fake enough and right after gripping the bottom of her sweater trying to make sure she doesnt give herself the chance to touch anything and Issei is just confused to why nothing has happend yet and he keeps an eye out for her and hes confused to why she didn't start jumping when they saw the big help kitty statue she loves and why she isnt trying to steal the fish at the market and why she isnt asking him to buy cute pillows and plushies and when he asks her why she isnt as cheerful as usual all she says it that this it the new kitten and hes like "ah okay" but hes still suspicious but that was only the beginning even home she started to act rather strange she stopped running around naked, stopped trying to kill the birds and doesnt hump everything and whenever the study group is there is sits somewhere really quietly not saying a word and everyone thinks its weird which upsets her even more cos they already thought she was weird which embarrasses Issei but now that she thinks shes like them they still think shes weird and now Issei is even more embarrassed so from then kn his kitten spends more and more time in the closet and at one point he felt really helpless cos the "new" kitten is very different so he calls his three friends and asks them to bring their pet gf so she can talk to some friends and then they lock themself in the bedroom while Issei and the others sit in the living room talking about the problem and hours later when they have to leave again he asks them what she told them and they're left to tell him she barely said nothing only that shes a new kitten and Issei is so stressed now not understanding anything (◍•ᴗ•) I'll make another part about this so u dont need to come up with an ending lol also I didnf mean for making this so long im sorry but please write this forgive me
He doesn’t know when the ‘new kitten’ started but he’s not too sure he’s liking her or not. You don’t beg for a photo at every stop, or pick up the fish in the market and walk off, or pull him into stores and ask for the cute pillows. You just clutch onto his hand, and stop at any reflective surface to check your ears and tail. There’s just a glint of disappointment in your eyes and he’s not sure why, why you aren’t acting like yourself or laughing at his jokes like you used to but it makes his chest ache.
“You okay, kitten?” He asks when you stop for something to eat, sitting down on the benches in the park. He watches you nod, eating the food that sits in your lap. “You sure? You’ve been acting different.”
“This is the new me, new kitten.” You mumble the last part, scratching your nose. He gives a breathy huff before returning to his food, maybe you’re just sleepy.
But even after a long nap, that he had to pin your body to his so you’d cuddle with him, this ‘new kitten’ is still around. You sit cuddled on the couch in his big shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He can see you from where he sits at the table with his classmates, can see the almost empty look on your face. He can’t even bring himself to study because all he can do is watch you.
He’s brought out of his thoughts by a snicker next to him, “why she acting so weird today, like, weirder than normal?” He can tell you heard it, a slight droop in your ears and the way you slowly walk off to his room indicting so. He doesn’t see you for the rest of the night. Doesn’t even hear sniffles or whines from the bedroom, you’re just silent.
Even after the group left he’s still sitting on his couch alone, with his favorite show playing. There’s no naked kitten jumping around his apartment or humming sounds following loud purrs and moans. There’s nothing. Just him, the tv, and his worries. “Is everything okay, baby?” He tries when he goes to bed that night, but there’s nothing still, he’s almost thinks you’re not there but he can hear the slight shuffle.
He wakes up the next day to his closet still locked and bed empty. You’re not trying to kill the birds outside or playing with the toys in the living room, you’re still in the closet, doing god knows what.
He’s utterly helpless.
He called his friends in hope for some guidance, maybe their girlfriends can help his precious kitten because all he wants is to see her again. When they do show up, he feels relief flood him because if there’s anyone you trust taht jsnt him it’s these three.
But the moment they step out of the bedroom, he can feel his heart breaking, because no, you’re not even talking to them. There’s sadness laced in their features because you didn’t even respond to them poking your cheeks, didn’t hiss or swipe your claws at their attempts to annoy you, you just sat there back facing them.
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doyumacy · 4 years
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*gif not mine
PAIRING: donghyuck x reader bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of yuta, taeyong, jaemin and jeno. swearing, hospital, gunshots, handguns, stabbing, falling down the stairs, blood. character death
You didn’t even hear what Donghyuck had to say.  You burst out running from his place and you fell when you were running and landed your knees and you thought you might have bruised something. You were in pain as you struggled to stand.
You can't run fast but you counted on his knowledge of you to carry you to where you know you should go. It took you a little over one minute to get to your destination, your house. You would be safe there. With Yuta.
As soon as you got home, you felt someone grab your arm so you whirled around to punch them. Taeyong clutched his nose, cursing as he felt blood gush out of his nose. You had one hell of a punching arm if you asked him now.
"Oh my, God," you covered your mouth, startled. "I'm sorry, Taeyong. I thought you were Don-"
"(Y/N)?" Yuta called you from behind.
You turned and ran to his arms. "I'm sorry. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry, Yuta."
Yuta wrapped his arms around you. "What happened?" He whispered to your ear.
"Donghyuck," you cried as you tightened his grip, not being able to say more.
Taeyong glanced at Yuta and Taeyong frowned looking at your knees that were bleeding.
"Put her in her room and send the medic there as soon as possible," Taeyong said.
Yuta nodded and took you in his arms, carrying you to your bedroom. When he put you in your bed, you grabbed his hand and looked him into his eyes. "Don't leave me alone, please. I'm scared." You whispered.
Then Yuta knew you knew, and for a moment thought how much you knew, but seeing you like that, asking him to stay then it meant Donghyuck didn't tell you about him. And that relieved him since he could finish what Donghyuck couldn't.
"I'm here, doll," he ran his fingers through your hair, "I won't let him get any mile close to you. I promise."
You nodded and you turned on your back, sinking your head in the pillows. You were shattered. You felt betrayed and so stupid. That was his plan; making you fall in love with him and killing you as if you were nothing but a piece of trash.
The next morning, Taeyong knocked on your door and let himself in after you did not respond. He shut the door behind him and sat next to you in the bed. (Y/N)? You have to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry,” you said, with your eyes still closed.
Taeyong sighed. “What happened?”
You gulped and sat on the bed. “Donghyuck…” you closed your eyes, trying to hold your tears. “He was all of this.”
“What?” Taeyong stood up, upset. “I’m gonna kill him. Son of a bitch.”
“Taeyong,” you cried. “I need you, please.”
Taeyong lay next to you and hugged you. “I’m here and I won’t let anyone hurt you, you understand?”
You nodded, whipping your tears. “I feel so stupid. I was so easy to fool.”
“Hey, don’t do that,” Taeyong pressed his lip against your temple. “You’re a good woman and sometimes people will try to take advantge of that, but that doesn’t make you stupid.”
“I’m not defending Donghyuck, but he was just doing his job, which is disgusting and you don't know how bad I want to beat the shit out of him.”
You sighed, maybe for the fiftieth time in the morning. “Whatever. Sometimes I wish he would just finish it with this.”
“That’s something selfish to say, you know?” Taeyong looked at you.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you cried again. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m here and if all you wanna do is to cry in bed then I’m laying in bed with you all day.”
“And  what was your plan?” Jeno looked at Donghyuck. “How did you even think she was going to react?”
“Jeno, I really don't need this right now,” Donghyuck glanced at him and growled. “She didn't even let me explain everything.”
“What are you gonna do now? Jeno sat next to him.
“I’m sure Yuta will take advantage of this and finish it,” Donghyuck stood up walking around the living room. “I need to get her away from him. He 's dangerous.”
“Maybe you should… kidnap her?”
“Are you out of your mind? She hates me enough, I don't want her to hate me even more. She’ll despise me.”
“Right,” Jeno grimaced, “what about her friends? You should talk to them and warm them about Yuta so they can keep an eye on her.”
Donghyuck nodded. “Taeyong won’t listen to me and neither will Lena, maybe Jaemin. He seems more… flexible.”
“Then we should get going.” Jeno threw him his car keys and his black jacket.
Donghyuck and Jeno arrived to Jaemin’s restaurant and after a long battle with the host, she finally let Donghyuck talk to him. Jaemin tried to shut the door in front of him and threatened him to call the police if he didnt leave.
“Give me five minutes, that’s all i ask,” Donghyuck begged him and raised his arms. “I’m unarmed, I promise.”
Jaemin stared at him for a couple of seconds and then nodded. “Five minutes, that’s all you’re getting.”
“Thank you.”
Donghyuck didn't sit and  just stayed standing up in front of him. “You need to talk to Taeyong and tell him Yuta is dangerous. He’s planning on hurting (Y/N).”
Jaemin laughed and looked at him astonished. “You have some balls to show up here and talk shit about the man who’s been there for her, protecting her. Fuck you.”
“Jaemin, listen to me. Yuta along with her father is planning on killing her so they can keep her company. She’s a threat to them, that's why her father hired me.” Donghyuck approached him a bit. “As I got to know her, I realised she’s just… amazing. I fell for her. I could never hurt her. All this time I planned something so she could make it out alive.”
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows. “What plan?”
Donghyuck pulled out two fake passports and placed them on the table. “I was planning on leaving the country under a fake name with her for a couple of days until I could get all the proof against Yuta and her father to the police. Including me.”
Jaemin grabbed the fake passports and stared at them for a couple of seconds. He then looked up to Donghyuck. “Promise me you’re not bullshiting me.”
“I am not. I love her, Jaemin.” Donghyuck looked right into his eyes. “I will die for her if I have to.”
Jaemin squinted his eyes and then stood up. “I have a private jet that will take you anywhere you want. I’ll try to talk to her and take this,” Jaemin wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to him. “Here’s the address where I keep my jet. Be there on Saturday at midnight.”
Donghyuck nodded. “Thank you, Jaemin.”
“If I find out you’re lying about this, I swear to God I’ll destroy you, Donghyuck,” Jaemin warned him.
“I know,” Donghyuck nodded.
Later that day, Jaemin went to your house and brought you your favourite food but you weren't hungry and excused yourself early. Jaemin and Taeyong stayed in your living room and Jaemin unbuttoned his shirt. “I saw Donghyuck today.”
“And why would you do that?” Taeyong stared at him.
“He told me everything and even told me…” Jaemin made sure they were alone in the living room. “Yuta is behind along with her dad.”
“What?” Taeyong frowned. “That’s bullshit, I mean, her dad maybe but we’ve seen how Yuta behaves with her.”
“And we also saw how Donghyuck behaved with her,” Jaemin raised his eyebrows. “ Anyways, I’m gonna help him.”
“You’re gonna help Donghyuck?” Taeyong laughed. “Have you lost it?”
“Hear me out, okay?” Jaemin looked at him and Taeyong rolled his eyes.
“Good afternoon, Yuta,” your father greeted him and poured some whisky in his glass. “Have you found Lee Donghyuck? I need him dead along with my daughter.”
Yuta shook his head. “We haven't been able to track him, but I will find him. Luckily, your daughter refused to listen to him and she doesnt know we were the ones who hired him.”
“Great, that gives us more time,” your father sat down on his leather couch.
“We should not wait.” Yuta licked his lips. “I’m gonna do it tonight.”
“Rushed, but okay. The sooner the better I guess,” your father shrugged. “Call me when it’s done.”
Yuta came back to your place and for the first time, you got out of your room and ate something. You missed Donghyuck so much, his touch, his kisses, his smile, his smell… everything. But you were hurt. More than hurt.
The next day, you woke up feeling worse than other days and took a long bath. Maybe that would help you feel better, but it didn’t, so instead, you spent the whole day zapping, not really paying attention to what was watching on the tv. In the night, you went downstairs and frowned not seeing any guards in the front door or the yard. Maybe Yuta had changed his mind about the security.
You entered the kitchen and opened the fridge watching all the things you got and spotted the food that Jaemin had brought you a night before. You grabbed the food container and put it into the microwave. You sighed waiting for the food to come out and leaned against the counter.
You turned and got the food out from the microwave putting it in a plate. You decided you would watch something and zap again. You turned to go to the living room and you dropped your plate when you saw a man dressed in all black wearing a black ski mask. Your heart fell down to the floor, freezing.
That was it. That was how you died.
But a voice inside your head screamed at you to run or at least to die fighting.
“Listen,” you began in a quiet voice, trying to reason with him, “—I whatever they're paying you I can give you twice the amount, but please don't hurt me.”
The man in front of you didn't say a thing and he pulled out a gun and propped it his hand. He made a few steps getting closer to you and you were quickly enough to grab a knife. “Don’t move— don’t you fuckin’¡g move. I swear I’ll stab you, I’m not afraid to do it!” The man stopped.
You walked backwards until you were cornered in the sink and you cursed at yourself. The man made quick movements and in a matter of seconds, he had his hand around your neck, choking you. You tried to push him away with one of your hands, the other smacking wildly at his face and chest. He just got his other hand around your neck, making more pressure. At that point, you were gasping for air, you were not going to give up.
Your hand tucked into his ski mask and after pulling it a few times, you finally saw the man behind it: Yuta. You couldn't breathe and it wasn’t because of Yuta’s hands around your neck. Donghyuck was right. You should have never trusted him.
You even didn't think twice, you stabbed Yuta -or that’s what you thought, - in the chest and he released his hands growling. You pushed him aside and ran to the front door trying to open it but it was locked from the outside. You saw Yuta running to you and whined running upstairs to lock yourself in your bedroom and call the police. Unfortunately, Yuta made bigger steps and as you were about to reach the second floor, he grabbed your wrist. "Let go off of me," You tussled with him and tried to push him so he could fall down the stairs.
But Yuta was stronger and pulled you with him making you both fall down the stairs. Your foot went down for your third step it continued to fall, your eyes filling with fear as your lips parted.
It seemed like everything was going in slow motion.
Your body started to slip back as your arms went to the sides. The right hand landed on the wall but you continued to slip back, the other grabbing for the railing that wasn’t there. Your back hit the stairs and you screamed out, your eyes closing as you slid down. Your head hit the wall at the bottom of the stairs loudly, and time sped up again once Yuta fell beside you.
Every part of your body ached and your muscles weren't responding to your brain's signals to run and hide. You felt a warm liquid dripping from your forehead and you pressed your fingers on it. Blood. You were bleeding from your head. You turned your head slightly to see how Yuta stood up, groaning from the pain.
"Stupid bitch," he hissed between teeth and bent over to grab you by your hair making you stand up. "You've given me enough headaches. I'm gonna fucking kill you."
You whined from the pain when he clenched your jaw, tightening it. "Get on your knees."
"Yuta, please," you cried. "I'll give you everything, but please don't kill me."
Yuta pulled out a silencer and attached it to the handgun. He looked at you and smirked. "You already gave me what I wanted. No need to beg."
You cried again and Yuta finished loading his gun. "You won't even feel a thing. I promise, doll."
You closed your eyes and you heard a gunshot, you prepared yourself for the pain and but then opened them but you heard Yuta growl. Did he shoot himself? Yuta was bleeding from his stomach and he pressed a hand against his wound. "Fuck. He's here. Shit."
Who was there? The police?
You tried to stand up but Yuta was quick and hit you with his handgun making you fall. "Goodbye, (Y/N)." And then, you heard nothing.
“Hey, hey, don’t close your eyes, love. Look at me. Look at me, (Y/N) -”
Yuta was dead. A bullet to the heart, not even 6 feet away, and you tried to replay the events that had led up to it but you don't remember a single thing after Yuta hit you with his gun.
Then you were shot.
“Hey.” You vaguely registered Donghyuck calling for medical in the background, but all you can focus on was him. His hands were pressing down on the hole in your chest, and he kept looking between it and your face like you’ll magically disappear if he looked away for more than a few seconds.
Something in the corner of your eye moved. It was Jeno. Taeyong and Jaemin, kneeling down beside you, faces contorted with shock. They looked strange, like you’re looking at them through glass. Blurry, steadily dimming…
“Stay awake,” Donghyuck urged, hand slapping the side of your face gently. “C’mon, love, you can do it. Don’t fall asleep on me.”
“But I‘m… tired,” you slurred, whining with another twinge of pain. “Ah... my chest hurts, Hyuck, it hurts-”
“I know, love,” he’s gasping it out, he was holding back tears, you realised, and you couldn't fathom what for. “You’re doing so well, okay? Medical, where’s medical?!”
“They’re on their way,” somebody said.
“What’s taking them so long?” Somebody else exclaimed.
“I… I…” You couldn't speak. You couldn't. You were too tired, your lips almost refused to move, and it was getting harder to formulate words.“Donghyuck, I… love you… and I... forgive you okay…?”
The panic in his voice increased “Hey, no, don’t-”
But against your will, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and the world faded to black.
The journey to the hospital passed in flashes. The ambulance ride was a flurry of hushed talking between paramedics, the siren numb and shrill in the back of his mind. You were too still. Too grey-looking, too pale, and he knew the image would stick with him.
He walked with you as far as he could. Donghyuck had one bloodied hand on the side of your stretcher until one of the doctors who’d gathered around you kindly told him that he couldn't be past this point because you were going to have surgery. You were going into surgery because you got shot in the chest and your blood was all over his hands and he was still got his bulletproof vest on and
“Donghyuck, you need to clean yourself up.”
The rest of the guys arrived maybe10 minutes after he did. Donghyuck registered them walking towards him, registered the way they stopped and stared. He guesses he made an image, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head bowed, blood up to his forearms. He told them what the doctor had said, word for word, but that wasn’t much — and then he didn’t say much afterwards, either. Just sat and stared at the ground, mind moving too fast for him to keep up with.
The third hour in, though, Jeno leaned over, a firm hand on Donghyuck’s shoulder. “C’mon. We’ve got you clean clothes. Go and change.”
Donghyuck wanted to say no, but he and his clothes were a mess and that was the last thing you needed to see. In case you'd wake up.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
He Loves Love (3/3)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: solo singer! AU
Word count: 4K+
Warnings: none! just a playful Baek!
--- Please make sure to read the the notes at the end! ---
tags: @iloveagain​ @buttercupbbh​ @wooya1224​ @baekberrie​ (sorry if I left out someone? its been ages since i updated and I didnt know if its okay to tag those who commented on chap. 2 :( didnt want to be rude ><)
1 <<< 2 <<< 3
It was the day of the release. The release of his magazine cover.
The PR went… mad.
“Listen, sweetie, editor, I don't think we will have enough pieces. The damn thing is literally going to be sold out in a matter of hours.”
You received this call before lunch time. Lunch time was very early on in the day. So why was Baekhyun's magazine cover about to be sold out in the entirety of Korea on the same day of the release date?
“Erm, yeah about that. I am an editor, just like you said. You need to call the-”
“I know, I know,” she interrupted but there wasn't an inch of impatience in her voice. “What I am trying to say is - congratulations! You did a great job!”
It took you a moment to realize what she was saying, because she was right. Your participation in this issue was big; after all you took care of the props and settings and you were looking over his pictures during the photoshoot. Out of nowhere, your heartbeat sped up. “Oh, thank you! That's very kind of you, but I still need to improve a lot-”
In that moment, the happy ding! that never failed to make you all trembly and nervous, sounded on your desk.
Waiter: miss editor am I seeing correctly????? wowow ihavenowords
Waiter: did you just make me sell out your magazine?????? ihavenowords
Waiter: did you save yourself at least one piece??? huhuuhuhuuu ihavenowords ><
Waiter: i think someone just made themselves a good name in the mag industry ^^ congratulations!!!
Waiter: does that mean i will get to see you? hmmm maybe to give a congratulatory bouquet of flowers???? 🤭🤭🤭 🌹💐🌺
Biting your lip quickly to suppress the happy grin, you quickly attended to the phone call, chatting a bit more with the PR lady. Honestly, you didn't like to talk to them much as they were all over the place, too demanding and didn’t have a great understanding of a creative mind. Thankfully, you didn't have to deal with them too often.
It hadn't been that long since your last meeting with Baekhyun. His kisses on your cheek and one kiss on your forehead seemed to be still burning on your skin, sometimes making you drag the pad of your index finger over the mentioned places, needing some sort of closure from him that you had yet to receive. 
Texting now was a full on habit between you, causing you to become sad, disappointed and even anxious if he wouldn’t reply that soon, worried he changed his mind about you, and his feelings towards you. Because even though you admitted to him that you liked him, he was being still very cautious, still very polite with you, as if there was some sort of invisible line between you two that he was scared to cross, for some reason.
Trying to look at it from his point of view, there were many risks of him wanting a relationship with you, and you couldn't not agree. If anything, you were being thankful for his thoughtfulness and carefulness, for if he messed up even the tiniest bit around you and your secret meetings of a blooming start of a relationship, he would not see the end of the hate, and neither would you. Heck, his career was on the line.
You managed to reply to his playful messages that went on and on, before you would have to dive into another cover magazine plan that you had to start thinking through.
Me: I think I should congratulate YOU! the most wanted man in Korea it seems ;)
Me: these days i have some important meetings… an upcoming cover… im definitely doing overtime today :( when is it good for you? I will try to arrange my schedule with yours
Waiter: ohoh the most wanted man you say? i wonder if the one i want wants me just as much…….???
Waiter: i would like to see you more often before my album drops, you know i will get quite busy and not seeing you for too long doesnt seem to work well with me anymore ><
Waiter: sooo… i will come pick you up from work tonight just shoot me a msg *^
Just as his messages could make your heartbeat go into a crazy overdrive, it seemed he could also make it completely stop. Or so you thought. His flirting and now his proposal to pick you up gave you a huge shock. That would be a first for sure.
Me: sure! have your phone with you Mr Korea
Me: I wonder too if that person wants you as much ;)
You decided not to pay him any more attention after that as much as you were tempted. Your belly was levitating along with your body, feeling high on vitamin Baekhyun. Pressing down the urge to tease him, you put your phone away, your hands slightly trembly from the attention you kept receiving from someone like him.
If your predictions were even close to correct, you wanted to tell him: yes, the one that he wanted, wanted him just as much.
You were fast to leave your work that day. Excited butterflies were eating your insides away, and the only way to make them calm down was to finally meet the person who always made their wings flutter.
Baekhyun was already parked in the underground parking lot, his car the only one with the motor on - and the only car of his class. You spotted him sitting in his car in his white jersey shirt, his left elbow propped on the windowsill as his index finger was stuck between his teeth, gnawing at it. When he saw you, he took a double-take and quickly changed his posture which made you giggle.
Baekhyun was following you with his eyes, going even to the length of leaning in over the passenger seat so as not to lose sight of you until he reached over and opened the passenger door for you so you could slide in.
“Why, thank you,” you smiled cheerfully as you sat down. You closed the door and put your bag down in between your legs.
“My pleasure,” he said back with a pleasant smile. “Hand me the bag, I'll put it in the backseat.”
You quickly did as he asked and then reached for your seatbelt.
“How was work today? We should celebrate!” he exclaimed as he put the car into drive and made his way out of the parking lot.
You hummed, gnawing on your lip. “That would be wonderful,” you said but hesitated about offering anything further. It was difficult to read the situation; you wouldn't know what you could afford to do with him and what not; what would be stepping over the line and what wouldn't. But Baekhyun said he liked you. In fact, he even told you to look at him like at any other man. That meant you shouldn't doubt all the possible hang-out ideas you had, right?
“I think it is you who deserves a gift,” you murmured and stole a look at his concentrated face. You reached the outside now, the dark evening slowly changing into night, the light of passing cars illuminating your faces.
“Hmm, I think so, too. Something in lines of - I can pick whatever I want, huh?”
Hiding your smile behind your hand, you nodded. “Yes, I can grant something. But don't make it expensive. Even though you sold out our magazine, it doesn't mean I will get a pay rise right away.”
“Oh, it won't include any monetary value,” he promised and turned to look at you when he stopped at the red light, the line in front of you seemingly going on for at least a mile. “It would be something you can and should be able to do freely.”
Despite the darkness of the car, Baekhyun could still spot that gorgeous, astounding blush colouring your cheeks. He really grew to love it; to make you so flustered you couldn't help but grow all red, just for him. “What do you think?” he asked quietly, still observing you with a small lopsided smile.
First you looked at your connected hands in your lap and then looked up at him through your lashes. “Depends what it is, but I owe you, so…” you trailed off.
He chuckled quietly, causing your heart to skip a beat before he started driving again, the line in front slowly moving. “Wonderful.”
Within forty-five minutes, you found yourself seated in a Korean restaurant, both yours and Baekhyun's shoes left at the entrance. Baekhyun, knowing the owner, asked for a separate room where people usually held business dinners, to ensure you would have full privacy and could enjoy each other.
It was a bit mind-blowing how much he could just do. His authority was admirable but at the same time it reminded you how you could hardly compare. If you would have asked the owner to give you a separate room, you might have had to fight for it or give him some money. Baekhyun seemed to walk in like a prince, confidently talking to people as if it was so natural.
“Can you give me a moment?” he asked suddenly, already standing up. “I forgot something in the car. Choose a meal until then.”
You nodded and saw him shuffling towards the door. Quickly going through the menu, you were thankful it was just an ordinary Korean restaurant that specializes in noodle soups and wasn't pricey. Picking the one that seemed the most special, you put the menu away just in time for Baekhyun to return back. His right hand was behind his back, obviously hiding something.
He had a sheepish smile on his face as he stepped towards you and handed you a beautiful bouquet of colourful flowers, the smell of which instantly hit your nose. You felt your mouth stretch into a wide smile as you stood up to your feet.
“Oh my god, what is this for, Baekhyun?” you asked, looking up into his eyes just to find them sparkling with anticipation.
“I know I never asked you out on an official date, so I might not be dressed up to my best potential, but I really wanted to give you something and today, as I said, I wanted to give you a bouquet. Please, accept it,” he added breathily, watching you with bated breath, nudging the flowers out to you.
You giggled and he smiled right away as you took the bouquet in your hand, careful as to not hold his fingers that were still curled around the stems. “Thank you.”
As you wanted to pull back, he leaned in, grabbing your wrist gently that was holding the flowers, bringing you closer. His lips hovered over your cheek and he eventually pressed them there. “Good job on your first cover,” he murmured and leaned away the slightest to watch your surprised reaction. Your eyes were watching his mouth and he had to restrain himself from going any further. He didn't want to cross the line. Not yet.
Unfortunately, you had to separate when the doors opened and the waiter came in. She was taken aback for the slightest of moments when she noticed you and Baekhyun backing away from each other but both of you recovered quickly and sat down, ready to order.
“This Vietnamese noodle soup is my favourite,” mentioned Baekhyun, looking at you. “So that is your gift to me - eating my favorite food with me.”
It was late June, the beginning of the most humid weeks of the year with the monsoon season around the corner.
Baekhyun became so busy with the release of his album back in May, that you rarely got to see him afterwards, although he made sure to see you a couple of times per week even if he was on the verge of falling asleep. Besides meeting, you were always chatting on the phone, him updating you about his daily schedules while you would mostly talk and send pictures about the same old stuff - your office, your computer screen or your late lunch. Or a selfie. You were on that basis now, despite a first kiss never happening.
It made you think sometimes if you were the one who was supposed to make the first move. If you grew eager to finally feel him in that way, then he must have also had some similar feelings, right? You had been dying to kiss him since the first time he said he liked you. And it was late June now.
Late June meant that the music awards show was happening just this particular night. Baekhyun had been texting you eager messages to double-check that you would really be attending like you told him you would.
While you quickly looked yourself over in the mirror in your office - you worked even today, a Saturday - you checked your phone's screen, seeing the previews of his messages.
Waiter: finally our schedules overlap ❤️ Waiter: i cant actually believe it  Waiter: huhuhuhu missy are you done with preparing? im curious to see.... Waiter: its just that it would be difficult to do so without it…
Hastily checking your earrings, you read the previews with a large smile. It would be an exciting night.
When you arrived at the event along with your colleagues, you couldn't help feeling clammy from the excitement. The possibility of spotting Baekhyun was making you sick with anticipation. It wasn't even the amount of people attending the event, it was just him; just the idea that he was somewhere there and hopefully he was looking for you just like you were looking for him.
Your colleagues hurried to sit down as the ceremony was about to start. Since you were busy in the office, you ended up leaving the headquarters much later than planned, but there was nothing you could do about it anymore.
The lights dimmed just when you made yourself comfortable, making it too difficult to look around and recognize faces. Deciding to quickly check the messages you didn't have time to look at before, you finally saw what Baekhyun was bombarding you so much about.
Waiter: finally our schedules overlap Waiter: i cant actually believe it Waiter: huhuhuhu missy are you done with preparing? im curious to see how you look so you could send me a selfie and so then i can recognize you at the event hm? without having to stare everywhere and become suspicious Waiter: its just that it would be difficult to do so without it sooooo ????? Waiter: yah!! where did you go?? Waiter: ex...excuse me? ehm ehm!!! Waiter: wow okay… Waiter: Y/N … disappeared... Waiter: i guess you are busy >< im arriving at the venue soon update me so i know where you attttttt okiiii??? ㅎㅅㅎ
You hid your smile behind your hand and quickly typed him a message to update him like he demanded. You couldn't send a selfie anymore because of the silly lights and your superiors being at the same table, you couldn't afford to be on your phone all the time. Hyeri, as much as she was kind, didn't like it when the job was not done properly, so you made sure to pay attention to the performances while you felt your phone vibrate with messages most probably from Baekhyun.
You bit your lip to keep in the smile, your heart fluttering. How was he able to be this… gorgeous even through messages? How was he able to make your heart beat frantically even when he was not around you? Unknowingly, your desire for him grew by tenfold, the sudden urge to meet him almost overtaking your actions, but one strict stare from Hyeri and you stopped squirming in your chair as you realized you did with a horrified look. Wow. You had to do something about this, and it had to be very soon.
To your big misfortune, you never spotted Baekhyun until it was his turn to overtake the stage. As much as you expected something huge, it was anything but that. No props, just a simple mic stand and then, a Baekhyun in a ready-to-go-for-a-date look, plus four dancers and he was able to fill the huge stage to the brim with his presence. That was it. Simple as that.
You inhaled his entire performance, the loud screamings of crazy fans not enough to pull you out of your reverie that consisted of Byun Baekhyun and Byun Baekhyun only. His movements, so sharp yet so smooth, his flirting with the camera, his lip bites, and that crazy happy smile; all of it. He was changing images from lethal sexy, through lazily suggestive, then sweetly gorgeous until becoming cute and ready to pet on the head. Without anything more to add, he had each flavor of a candy to offer and you had never been this addicted to candies in your life.
You met him accidentally when you were leaving the toilets that were meant for the VIPs. Closing the door behind you, you felt its cold surface press to your bare back when Baekyun appeared in front of you, freezing momentarily when he recognized you.
He smiled instantly, happy to finally see you, before he let his eyes wander. Finally, he let you know that he was looking. Oh he was. Your dress was revealing on the back, which he had yet to witness, but the front was completely covered, hugging your chest and waist, telling Baekhyun that there was something to look at for sure. The long, wavy skirt that stopped just above the floor was bunched up in your hand, showing sparkly high-heeled shoes that were the cause of the pain in your ankles.
None of you said a word as you took a note of his fancy suit, the simple stage outfit now gone. It was fully black, but once again you couldn't comprehend how broad his shoulders and chest were despite his shirt that was tucked into his pants being black, too.
“Good performance,” you broke the silence finally, meeting his somewhat eager gaze. “I have to admit, I was swooning with the other girls, too.”
That got Baekhyun's attention. His eyebrow rose in question and he stepped closer but not before making sure there were no prying eyes in the small corridor. His body covered yours from anyone, were you to be disturbed. “Oh, were you, really?”
You nodded, your smile teasing. “Yeah.”
He smiled gently, his gaze running over your features that were touched up with make-up. “I'm glad. If I wanted to impress someone, it was you.”
“You did that a long time ago,” you admitted shyly, averting your eyes so he wouldn't catch you shyness.
You heard him letting out a laugh through his nose. “So cute,” he muttered, stepping even closer. “I have to run back but let me drive you home tonight.”
His words made your head snap up though you weren't that much smaller from him anymore thanks to the heels. His words ignited something inside of you. “You came with your car?”
“I asked my friend to bring it over to the venue,” he said. “I am not going back to my company after this. I finally found you here and-” he sighed softly, shaking his head as he looked at you, “I want to spend some time with you. Alone.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, his look making you all itchy and needy. Without much thinking, you found yourself nodding a tad too eagerly which made Baekhyun smile. “Alright,” you whispered, “text me. But I can't leave before my superiors do.”
“Can I just steal you?”
Giggling, you shook your head and suppressed the need to hold his hand. “I'm afraid no. But I will try my best to get out of it quickly.”
His smile was so gentle as he nodded slowly, closing his eyes for a second before stepping even closer, his fingertips running over your clothed forearm in the most feather-like way. “Okay. I'll be waiting for you,” sweetheart.
The car came to a complete stop in front of your small apartment building. Audi had quite the silent engine anyway, but now with it being turned off, you felt like silence had a physical form and was growing in on you, making the tension between you and Baekhyun the more difficult to withstand.
Given his silence, you knew that you should say something, and you also knew what you were supposed to do. It was now or never. “Would you maybe… like to come in?”
He glanced over, checking your expression to see if you were serious. He parted his lips but hesitation stole the words away from him. You chuckled when he opened his mouth again and smiled abashedly. “'I’d love to.”
Oh my god, you thought as the both of you made your way towards your apartment. In panic, you tried to quickly think over what state you left your flat in exactly, but it seemed that your mind was clogged up, unable to come up with anything that could possibly explain what was happening in that very moment. Byun Baekhyun, the superstar, was coming inside your apartment. And he seemed to be rather quiet.
Was he overthinking this? Maybe he would realise this was all a mistake and that you weren't good enough for him. Maybe you did something off-putting today?
As you were typing in the code to your house, you felt his strong presence behind you, his gaze on your naked back, and you swore the tension just grew even more when you let him enter your little safety den first. Surely, it was no luxury like he must have been used to by then, given the many years of singing career, but you could only hope it would be enough.
You had been far too gone for him. If he were to dump you, you might end up hurt and heartbroken. 
Letting the door close behind you, you wanted to follow him only to see him standing just a couple of steps ahead of you, looking into the apartment but not moving further inside. “You can enter, Baekyhun.”
“You look so beautiful tonight,” he said softly out of nowhere, catching you off guard with his honest words. Letting them sink in, you bit your lip, feeling your heartbeat accelerate again. It wasn't possible to get a heart attack, right? 
He was standing in front of you while your back was pressed to the front door you just closed behind you. “Thank you,” you whispered, matching his intimate tone and feeling like you were about to combust. “You look really handsome tonight.” And everyday.
He smiled, which you couldn't see as he still had his back on you. Just then, he turned and with that pleasant expression on his face made those separating two steps towards you until he stood right in front of you, causing you to look up. “Thank you.”
You nodded, feeling the terrible blush creeping up into your cheeks. Actually your entire body was suddenly on a heat wave, feeling the prickles of sweat to form under your dress as he stared at you affectionately. God, you wanted him so much it was really becoming unbearable.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You just asked one,” you replied mischievously, grinning, just to be rewarded with a wide smile from him as he stepped even closer, your heart clenching painfully. Was it the chemistry that was so painful?
“Cheeky,” he whispered, his breath almost hitting your cheek. You kept his eye contact before you nudged him with a go on.
What, do you want to kiss me on the cheek again? you desperately wanted to ask, to tease him. Or would this finally be it? Would he finally just... kiss you? 
“May I kiss you, sweetheart. On the lips.” His intonation was far from that of a question. He was so hot, goodness. And your knees were suddenly jelly-like as you couldn’t stop staring into his eyes when you nodded.
He let out a breathy laugh when he almost pressed his body into yours. Almost. “You don’t like to confirm things out loud with me, do you, beauty?”
“Yes, you may kiss me, Baekhyun. Please, just finally kiss me.”
It was almost as if he wouldn't wait for your approval anyway, as he was leaning in before your words even left your mouth, his hands coming to gently rest against the door; caging you in, yet making you feel even more safe. He was carefully watching your features as he pressed his lips to yours, one hand coming to cradle your face gently before he finally captured your upper lip and you melted. 
Closing your eyes, you sighed as you let your hands slide up his toned chest and around his neck when he pressed himself into you just a little bit closer, a very much satisfied hum coming out of his throat that sent shock waves down your body. That deadly hum. It could really do anything to you, it was that attractive to you.
You dared to run your fingers through his hair that had gel in it, but still felt so cutely soft under your touch. You played with his pillows, prolonging the gentle sucking as you dragged his lower lip towards you, feeling the wetness of his mouth. He leaned in as you separated for the slightest of moments, tilting his head to the other side, unconsciously making one step closer so you felt him on your chest and the surface of the door on your back.
Smooch after smooch, you soon realized he was a loud kisser that liked the licking sounds and the responses from you as you breathed out softly while his thumb caressed your blushed cheek.
Another loud smooch, and this time he was the one who dragged your lower lip towards him with his teeth, as he bumped his nose with yours, tilting his head to the opposite side again while both of his hands cradled your face with utmost care.
Eventually, he kissed you one last time, ending it with him pressing his forehead to yours, not opening his eyes just yet. You didn’t either, relishing in the lingering feeling of him around your mouth as his warm pants pushed in through your parted lips. Slowly, he nuzzled your nose and you giggled softly which prompted him to open his eyes to meet yours already on him.
“That was better than I could ever imagine,” he whispered and smiled handsomely.
You blushed even more, if that was possible. “Ditto.”
His eyes widened and he leaned away a bit. “Don’t tell me you fantasized about kissing me?”
You shrugged but didn’t meet his eye. “How could I not? I’m a human, aren’t I? And you know I like to be straightforward.”
He smirked, knowingly nodding to himself. “Oh yeah, right. The straightforward business.”
You chuckled. “You’re too good of a kisser.”
“Only the best for you,” he winked and those words made you feel things. Before you could reply, he blurted: “Can I be your boyfriend?”
Smiling widely, you nodded, feeling absolutely elated. This was really happening. “Yes, you can be my boyfriend, Baekhyun.”
He sweeped you in his arms, bringing you in for another kiss. “That means,” he murmured between the kisses, “that I can kiss you just like that. And I can finally call you sweetheart,” he breathed the nickname before opening his mouth and devouring you, showing how passionate of a kisser he could be.
You never doubted him, of course, but in situations like these, reality was always better than your poor imagination, for your brain could never produce the exceptional feeling of having Byun Baekhyun’s lips on yours, feeling the moisture and his playful tongue, his creativity of teasing you with it astonishing. No. Nothing could ever compare.
There was only one Byun Baekhyun and he was a superstar. Off-limits to almost everyone. But not to you. Not anymore.
--- --- --- --- ---
A/N: And that is the end! This is the final part, so with this, I am also saying goodbye to this story that made my heart flutter a wee bit... ^^ Thank you to whomever sent me support via comments/reblogs, dms, I was glad this story could bring something enjoyable to the table! ❤   
--- As you know, these 3 chapters were supposed to be about how our characters met and became a couple. So I hope I delivered well! I know I put the M sign in the beginning way back in May, but while plotting, I realized it wasnt suitable for these 3 parts. It would take me more chapters to write to bring it to that point (hint: if you request it as a standalone oneshot later, I am willing to write it but otherwise it would need more relationship building). 
I hope this explains it! 
Thank you again!
Please let me know what you thought, it would mean a lot and its free!
CuriousCat Ask box is also open! Or comments!💕
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Oh God
TimeTraveler!Son x Haikyuu!! Part 2
a/n: hehe i wouldnt put ‘x haikyuu’ if manager y/n ends up with that certain character. youll just have to,,,, wait for the end 😏
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he didnt want to lie but he had to so he could survive
hinata offered his hand to help him up and natsu winced at the scratches and the slight headache as he stood on his two feet
‘you okay?’
hinata asked and natsu nodded
‘yea, just a headache’
natsu tried to play it off as cooly as he could bc this must’ve been from the car hit before and he couldnt just say he got ran over by a damn car
‘where do you live? i can go and treat your wounds there’
natsu was about to respond but he remembers hes not in tokyo anymore and he cant just spout out his address
so he did the thing his mom told him to do whenever it was necessary
he lied
he fumbled for an excuse but he sighed to maintain the act
‘i got kicked out’
he mumbled and hinata had to make him repeat it twice because he said it so quietly
the tangerine boy gasped and held his arms
‘what?! why?!’
natsu sniffled
‘my dad,,,, he just,,, doesnt want me’
well, that was actually true
so a true statement could equal that lie, right?
thankfully, hinata bought it and he grabbed his arm to walk forward while his other was pushing his bike
‘i hit you with my bike so the least i could do is take you to my house and treat you!’
and that was what they did
natsu’s phone was dead even though he was sure he charged it from denki’s powerbank during practice but it remained its black screen no matter how many times he hit the power button
his surroundings was also something unfamiliar
his mother only kept him in tokyo and never took him to go visit her family because she was kicked out and had to go live with her auntie when she found out about him and his father refused to help her
‘so, sendai, huh?’
he mumbled and hinata looked at him confused
‘sounds like youre not from around here. where you from?’
he replied and saw hinata’s eyes brighten
‘oh?! you look like youre my age so you must have been in a high school in tokyo, right? what school?’
‘hah?! yuuei?! what is that?!’
natsu rolled his eyes and shrugged
‘a school’
hinata persisted though
‘do you know other schools?! any other school friends?! like nekoma?! or fukurodani?!’
natsu shook his head and he was supposed to be happy that he got to meet, even talk, to his idol yet his younger self was much more hyper than his mellowed out behavior on tv
‘i stick to my friends from yuuei’
‘but what are you doing all the way here?’
natsu’s throat dried up and he watched his feet kick the pebbles to distract him of his urge to just whine and throw a tantrum with the confusion from this mess
‘i dont know’
he choked out and he was so tired and confused and all he wants to do is cry in his mother’s arms like he used to but she doesnt even know he exists
hinata sensed the tension and sadness from the boy beside him and tried his best to stay quiet until they get home
to say his mom was angry was an understatement
‘kaa-san i was so angry and bakageyama was yelling at me and hit me and-’
natsu sat there on their couch awkwardly watching the black-haired woman yell at the human tangerine
he coughed in impulse and she turned away from her son and went to sit next to the h/c boy
‘dear, im so sorry for my son and his terrible biking. i didnt catch your name when you entered, what is it?’
even hinata forgot to ask his name but thats such a hinata thing to do though
natsu froze
if he was to say his mother’s last name, it would raise suspicion that he might know her in this time period and izuku has shown him enough doctor who to show him what happens when he messes up in time
again, he lied
‘kiri,,,shima,,, natsu. kirishima natsu’
he inwardly apologized to eijirou for using his last name
mrs. hinata raised a hand to her mouth with a surprised gasp
‘oh! my daughter’s name is also natsu! natsu, dear! can you come here for a second?’
natsu heard soft sounds from the stairs and she shyly walked down 
‘come say hi’
she softly urged her daughter to come closer and the little girl ran to hide behind her older brother who gently smiled and held her hand
‘well, thats her. she just turned 10 a few days ago. look dear, kirishima-kun has the same name as you!’
she waved slightly and natsu felt his heart swell at the sight of the adorable little girl
his mother never really had time for relationships so he was an only child and never got to experience a sibling, only hearing the experience of having siblings from his friend, shouto
mrs. hinata placed a gentle hand on his arm to revert his attention back to her
‘shoyo told me what happened and im sorry that this is all happening to you’
he felt guilty at the sight of her sad eyes because this was all a lie but he knew if he told them the real reason, they wouldnt believe him
so he had to continue with the lie
‘everything was falling apart and i wanted to leave everything behind. so i just took the shinkansen to nowhere and ended up here’
mrs. hinata felt her heart tug because he was just a little boy and he was too young to experience this so she offered him something he shouldnt have agreed to but again, survival
‘you can stay with us in the mean time. our guest room has been collecting dust so you can live here’
‘what? no! i can’t!’
natsu instinctually turned it down because he hated people giving him charity
but the woman squeezed his arm to give him a smile
‘i will not allow a child to live in the streets because of something he couldnt help’
‘arent you worried youre inviting a total stranger in your home?’
but she gave him a knowing smile
‘im a mother. i can trust you, boy’
in exchange for board and food, he promised to get a part time job so he could pay her back and get out of their house as quickly as he could
shoyo led him to the bathroom upstairs so he could treat the wounds from the ground
natsu sat on the closed toilet seat while his literal idol was putting cream on his boo-boos
he still cant wrap his head with everything
maybe it was because he was so busy trying to come up with lies that he wasnt able to fully sit down and think about the fact that he just TRAVELED BACK IN TIME and could accidentally change it
‘shoyo, what year is it?’
he mumbled
he answered and natsu sighed but his head perked up
oh god
thats a year away from 2013
the year he was born
that meant shoyo’s team manager was going to give birth to him next year
‘why? did you hit your head so far that you forgot?’
hinata joked but he paled when natsu didnt laugh
natsu shouted, equally surprised
‘whew, thank god. again, im so sorry i hit you’
‘shoyo, dont worry about it, okay? im fine, i swear’
during dinner, mrs. hinata told him about his school situation
‘you can go to karasuno with shoyo. what year were you in?’
‘perfect! shoyo is too so he could easily help you around the school!’
natsu nodded quietly, still out of it and his brain finally starting to accept this impossible reality
‘but i dont think i could help you with the entrance exams. im not the most-um-smartest, per se’
shoyo apologized but natsu already knew that
he was no extreme fanatic but he knew quite a lot about hinata shoyo, the player he watched during the 2021 olympics and the reason he started playing volleyball
natsu dreamed to join the msby jackals just like his idol did and eventually reach the national team like hinata did
it was during the olympics of 2021, he knew he wanted to be like him
this boy who sat next to him was the reason he came to love volleyball along with his other idol, oikawa tooru, from the argentina volleyball team after seeing that legendary match 
when oikawa hit that service ace, natsu wanted to be able to receive that
he was merely 8 and his neighbor, midoriya inko, was babysitting him and she placed him and her son who was his friend, izuku, in front of the tv where they watched the olympics match
‘someday, ill be someone great. ill be great like him’
he promised and from then on, he worked to achieve that goal 
‘natsu? hello?’
he was shaken from his thoughts as shoyo nudged him back to reality
mrs. hinata laughed
‘maybe you should head to bed early, dear. you must be tired after having a hard journey’
he nodded and was about to go and wash his dishes when she stopped him
‘no. go and sleep, ill take care of this’
‘i have to do my part in here, hinata-san. please, let me do this’
she finally agreed and he was scrubbing the plates when his mind wandered over to possible solutions on how he could go back
there was an episode that he watched with izuku that the character had to do something to go back
and he had a feeling that he would have to do the same thing
but what would that something be?
there had to be a reason he was thrown all the way in this time and it couldnt just be a coincidence that supposedly, this would be around the same time his mother would get pregnant
but who would it be?
he finished putting the plates on the drying rack and he felt really thirsty suddenly
opening the fridge, he found no water bottles and natsu had a very sensitive stomach so he couldnt drink tap water
his next favorite beverage was there and he pulled a glass from the cabinet
‘hinata-san, is it okay if i can have some milk?’
he called out and she shouted that it was okay
natsu poured the drink on his glass and started drinking it when hinata entered the kitchen and snickered at him
‘yknow, you remind me of my idiot teammate. none of my other friends drink straight milk except for him’
natsu placed the glass down and wiped his lips
‘chocolate milk make me sick and i hate the taste of flavoring in milk. but i just hate flavoring in general. except for gari gari popsicles, those are good’
natsu reasoned, watching hinata move across the room to get an apple
‘still ew. but come on! lets go to bed so i can show you around school early before practice tomorrow!’
natsu noticed his excitement by the way he bounced in place and he chuckled
it reminded him of his friends mina and denki
hinata led them both to his room so he could check his wounds again just to make sure
then something caught his eye
‘kirishima-kun you like volleyball?!’
that threw him off
partly because he wasnt used to being called by his friend’s last name
but also because of the question
‘huh? how do you know that?’
natsu asked, almost defensively
hinata shrugged
‘i saw your volleyball shoes in your bag’
hinata reasoned and excitedly pointed at them
‘you should play for us! im part of the team too! oh oh! what position do you play?!’
natsu stuttered out, slightly overwhelmed by hinata’s energy
hinata started circling him, inspecting his height and looking at him up and down
‘yanno, kirishima-kun, youre really tall. like much taller than the rest of my club. maybe not saltyshima but really!! youre so tall!!’
hinata whined in envy and natsu laughed
‘blame it on the paternal side of the family. my ma isnt really tall’
he laughs but then memories of his mother resurfaced and he suddenly felt gloomy, guilty, even, bc he doesnt know if time stopped there or it kept going and if so, shes probably worried sick
and he knew she was always one who blamed herself
hinata noticed his downcast expression and thought he probably remembers his dad and got sad since he got kicked out
so our baby sunshine freaked out and he frantically waved his hands around
‘oh no! gomen kiri-kun! gomen! i really didnt mean to make you think about him! gomen!!!’
he even bowed which surprised the h/c boy and made him stand back up
‘o-oi shoyo! dont! you didnt because i wasnt thinking about him!’
he fussed and patted hinata’s hair
‘i dont care about him. to be honest, there isnt much to think about’
he didnt think about what he said until he heard himself
natsu’s eyes widened, fearful of how hinata could take it but he flinched when the orange-haired boy’s eyes were filled with his own tears
then launched another series of apologies and natsu had to calm him down
oh dear
it was early in the morning like 5 when hinata bursted into natsu’s room
the loud shout of shoyo made his eyes blink open and he groaned before turning to the side
‘come on, kiri-kun! we need to go to take your exam!’
it was quite a battle for hinata to even just get natsu out of bed but he managed to bribe the latter with some milk bread from the bakery down the street
natsu showed his two fingers and hinata sighed before nodding
‘yes. now go hurry so we can leave!’
dressed in his grey sweatpants and a yuuei sweatshirt, natsu cursed as he only has clothes good for 2 days and he didnt want to bother the hinatas so he was at a loss
mrs hinata bid the two boys good bye and natsu was yawning and dragging his body to walk while hinata was skipping over to his bike
then he finally realized the problem
he nervously looked at natsu and the taller boy didnt understand why he was looking at him that way
shoyo pointed at the bike and awkwardly smiled
‘uh,,, you see,,, i dont think youd,,, fit,,, at the back seat’
natsu shrugged
‘then ill bike. ive done it before’
he sauntered over to the bike and swiftly lifted his leg before testing out the brake handles
‘its good and better than mine back home’
‘a-are you-’
‘sit down, sho’
hinata gripped on to the back of natsu’s sweatshirt as he told him the directions to how to get to the school
natsu remembered watching an interview of hinata talking about his high-school life and he remembered the star player talking about his dedication to go to karasuno everyday for volleyball
and the boy couldn’t believe hes doing that right now, with his idol literally behind him, and driving to the legendary karasuno high school
from the jackals to the adlers and even some other teams like the frogs, natsu cheered for them
there was a memory of his mother sitting with him on their couch during one of her rare day offs as they rewatched the recorded copy of the olympics
it has become natsu’s favorite thing to watch
‘with great talent comes great hardships. people don’t become good overnight and i watched those people suffer through it all but look where they are now’
natsu was snapped out of his thoughts at hinata’s shout
then it morphed into pure and utter confusion
shoyo laughed
‘since youre from the city, this must be a weird sight for you, huh? well, in the countryside, this happens a lot!’
but natsu didnt mind
in fact, he loved cows
he loved any farm animal in general
maybe it was his upbringing in the hustle and bustle of the city that he grew to love the countryside
shoto took him with his family to a trip to the country once and he remembered loving the smell of grass
they were able to do an activity in a farm where they worked in a rice farm and the peace and serenity was something he will always remember
his mother was lucky she grew up in a place like this
‘kiri-kun, ive been wanting to ask, how is your volleyball team in the city? are you a powerhouse?’
natsu felt pride bubble up in his chest
‘of course! we got second place in nationals!’
he boasted and blurted out before he could stop himself
then he felt fear
he shouldnt have said that because for all he knows, yuuei probably doesn’t exist at this time period
hinata had a different reaction and his eyes shone
natsu didnt know what to say because he had a feeling he definitely just did an oopsie
so he switched topics really quick to divert the attention away from his past
‘o-oi sho, once youre done being a pro volleyball player and stuff, we should have our own rice farm’
of course it was such a random idea but it distracted the orange boy
hinata shrugged
‘i mean,,, i have to be a pro first but i guess we can!’
‘hmm,,,, i dont think you have to worry about that’
@hartbeat-art​ @yakus-yakult​ @nerdyphantomlady​ @jollycowboysaladhero​ @cynicallychaotic​ 
a/n: oh god this sat in my drafts for so long and i really dont know what im doing like i kinda have a rough outline of what im doing but im just going with the flow but i dont think the flow is quite flowy 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, flirting, Bruce is frustrated
A/n:So been in a dc mood today and couldn’t get this out of my head i really hope you enjoy it xx
Bruce meets you when you both get called into the school and instantly wants you to himself.
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If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle.
You grumbled as you walked up to the pretentious school pissed that it wasn't near any bus routes, cos these type of people don't use that sort of thing. The walk was long and arduous especially after the 10 hour shift you just finished cos some stupid little twat decided he didn't feel like coming in today and called in 'sick' at the last minute even tho you heard his giggling girlfriend in the back ground. Sighing you pulled out your hair tie slapping it up into a neater messy bun as you made your way into the school reception stopping ,you raised an eyebrow at the receptionist as she gave you a side glance pretending not to notice you. You looked up to the ceiling praying for some restraint because you'd had just about as much as you could take today and didn't need the snobby attitude of these people. After a few moments you looked at her.
"Excuse me I'm here to see Mr Koleman I'm running a bit late so could you sign me in?" you said as calm as possible she rolled her eyes.
"Mr Kolman doesnt take personal meetings on the school grounds" she said snidely dismissing you , you growled at the implication.
"I'm Jack Cookes sister you phoned me earlier?"
"oh? you have an appointment?" she said. you grit your teeth.
"Trust me if I didnt I wouldnt be here" she gave you the once over then reached a perfectly manicured hand beside her screen lifiting a clip board
" and your Mrs?" you shook your head
"Miss Cooke with an e" a chuckle and whispers rippled through the office as she checked you in and handing you a visitors pass. You snatched it and made your way down to the hall to a mini reception outside the principles office. As you opened the door you spotted your little brother supporting a bloody nose ,cut cheek and eyebrow. Ignoring everyone you ran across the room stopping before him and his best friend.
"Oh for fuck sake Jack, here let me look" you said tilting his face this way and that you looked beside him swivling on your feet pulling the boys face up.
"Damien are you ok- seriously you to?" you cut yourself off seeing a dark bruise on the boys jaw you tutted rummaging through your bag pulling out a pack of ibuprofen and small bottle of water passing it to them both.
"here take these" stopping as the principles secretary snapped at you.
"Miss! you cannot give medication to other student's god knows what they are!!" you rolled your eyes giving the sleeve of tablets to Jack who then popped out two and gave them to Damien before taking his own.
"Happy?" you quipped at her with an innocent smile then turned to Jack
"Jack please please tell me you still have all your teeth" he smiled showing a full set then looked at Damien who copied. You sighed in relief smoothing both boys hairs then placed a kiss on each of their heads. You continued coddling them unaware of the man behind you watching shocked as damien sat still letting you fuss over him. Bruce didnt know you from adam but damien apparently did
"Was it them again? I told you if your gonna retaliate keep it off campus!" you said kneeling in front of them hand on either boys knee.
"We didn't start it." your brother stated and you believed him , he and Damien get themselves into trouble I mean there a couple of teenage boys there bound to act up but he doesn't just 'verbally disrespect people and attack other students' as the teacher on the phone had put it.
"Ok what happened?" you asked they both looked down Damien spoke up first
"They started calling us names again, kyle tripped and blamed Jack for it getting him told off so i called Kyle out on it then they started calling us names again we told Mrs Hatt and she laughed saying sticks and stones" . Jack continued
"So I called her a drunk fat bitch who was at best a fucking baby sitter, kyle slammed my head into the desk for it cos he's a little ass lick." you sighed as Damien took over
"SoIi punched kyle in the face knocking him on his ass and Clarence hit me and Jack headbutted him then we were pulled apart"
"yeah were did you learn to punch like that? he went down like a sack of shit" Jack asked laughing damien joined him laughing you deadpanned as they high five'd one another.
"Ok guys thats neither here nor there the point is your teacher sat back and watched?" they nodded there teacher seemed to have a problem with your brother due to your social class, he'd been accepted as part of a new law that all private schools must accept a certain number of full scholarship students to give everyone 'an equal opportunity' you'd been complaining to the school about the bullying and the teachers attitude but nothing has been one it seems.
"So you didn't hit them first?" you asked Damien shook his head at you. you believed them they were good kids.
"Good but you know fighting isn't the answer right?" they shook their heads you stood up fully taking a seat beside them.
"Damien thank you for helping him and Jack fuck sake don't you know headbutting hurts you more than the other guy. I'm sorry this is still happening guys but I'm gonna take care of it ok? trust me?" they both nodded at you still looking a little sorry for themselves you swung around in your seat only now seeing Bruce sitting opposite you.
"Bruce Wayne, you must be Jacks sister Y/n was it?" you nodded as his hand devoured your in a hand shake.
"Yep that's me. sorry your boy got dragged into this" he chuckled waving it off
"He will always find trouble at least this time its for sticking up for his friend, im glad to finally have a face to put to the name they talk about you alot" you nodded at that couldn't help your breathing hitch slightly at his smile his eyes seemed to burn into you analyzing you. You flushed slightly under his gaze
"Good things i hope" he nodded at you licking his bottom lip damien sighed you loked away before smirking at Jack.
"You really called her a drunk fat bitch?" he laughed proud of himself
"Yeah, sticks and stone and all that thought id test it" you laughed out loud
"To quick for them huh? I see where your going with it tho smart ass" he smiled sheepishly
"Well it worked for you, had to give you a leg to stand on" you laughed high fiving him . Bruce flinched as the display made you look your age. your relationship with your brother was a strange one. One moment you had to be the 'politically correct parent' the next you could return to being his 'cool older sister', there was 12 years between you but it didn't bother either of you , it wasn't that long ago that you were in school so you understood him. You struck up a conversation with the two boys, Damien had been the only one in the school to get along with Jack and you were thankful that they found each other two peas in a pod and he seemed to be coming round constantly it hadn't taken long before you started mothering him to. They were always together at your house or the manor but youd never met bruce jntill today sure damien had spoke about him, convinced that the two of you would hit it off, you just laughed him off saying it was wishfull thinking, but you couldnt help but wonder as you sat across from the handsom man well aware of his eyes watching your every move. Bruce watched fascinated as you seemed to be on the same level as the boys , if he was honest he was happy to see Damien relaxed around someone. Damien constaly gushed about you to him and he could see why as his eye scanned you up and down taking everything in , you was certainly beautiful petite and slightly heavy set you had a young carefree air about you that still held a nurturing aspect , probably what drew damien to you the boy had never had a motherly type of women around him, hell even he felt drawn to you in more ways then one, he noted as he felt,his blood rush south. It had been a while since any woman had coaxed such a strong reaction from him. He'd never been one for the young domestic type but there was something in him that wanted you. He tried reasoning that it was because of the way you had coddled his son, or maybe it was that he missed that motherly affection himself, but no there was something more then that a deep atraction pulling at him.He could see why Damien had taken a shine to you he'd be lying if he said he hasn't already been thinking of a reason to meet up with you outside of school. It was rare that someone caught him by surprise and you had defiantly caught him by surprise. Clearing his throat he re-position himself on his seat as his boxers became tighter embarrassed and admittedly a bit confused as watching you mother the two teens had begun to arouse him. You looked over to him with concern.
"Are you ok Mr Wayne?" he inwardly groaned at the name and way you looked at him so innocently ,no idea what you were doing .fuck. He forced a charming smile
"Yes just wish they'd hurry up." you sighed pouting slightly
"It seems a bit stupid calling this an emergency then making us wait this long. twats." you snipped crossing your arms across your chest huffing he chuckled hearing the barely held back irritation, imagining just how bratty you could be, and exactly how he could deal with said bratty behaviour a shiver ran down his spine, he sucked through his teeth as his cock twitched at the thought his mind racing to other tempting scenarios of you and him, shaking his head he had to snap himself out of it. The door opened and you were both called in. He watched wide eyed as you rose your demeanor changed completely, gone was a fun loving motherly young woman and there stood a less than impressed mama bear under 5ft tall but walked like a giant. He blinked and staggered in behind you thankful that he opted for a longer blazer that helped cover his 'situation' once in the office you set down in front of Mr Koleman the principle a stout balding man that was king of his own little castle and like to let everyone know it.
Mr Koleman looked at you with distaste then smiled shaking hands with Bruce.
"Ah Mr Wayne good to see you again tho I hoped it was on better terms. Miss Cooke I'm glad you could come down today I wasn't sure you'd make it this time." he said condescendingly you smirked putting on your polite 'adult' voice.
"well I've been trying to get an appointment with you about these issues that I'm sure your fully aware of, however you seem fully booked so I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to straighten a few thing out" he grimaced as he took a seat behind the desk.
" Yes well I am a very busy man." he said
"Yes I noticed that when the receptionist mistook me for a personal visitor." you hear Bruce cough covering a laugh as the principle opened and closed his mouth speechless.
"Any way what was it you wanted to discuss Mr Koleman?" he scowled not used to being shut down by a young women. He leaned forward shuffling papers
"yes well we've been having problems with Jack for a few months as your aware-"
"Yes I'm aware that he is being targeted by his teacher and bullied by other students in the class which is being over looked and in some instances encouraged by the staff at this school. but go on." you interupted him staring at him unblinkingly Bruce gapped before collecting himself sitting back to watch the show the distinct feeling that you were going to rip this man a new arsehole.
"Uh-oh i was not aware of that"
"do not lie to me" you growled 'and here we go' Bruce thought he'd been with enough women to know that all hell was going to break loose as the quiet sweetheart form out side became a little spitfire in the office and couldn't help the a quick fantasy of you being this fiesty for him in his office. You pulled out a small red diary from your bag turning to dates in it.
"On the 4th of March I phoned the school and spoke to a Mrs Hatt to discuss cases of bullying she said that it was being taken care of and that I had no reason to worry. March the 12th Jack came home with bruises on his back caused by the same students they had tied knots in there ties and whiped him with them while getting changed for p.e, I had raised concerns about it nothing was done. I phoned again and once again was fobbed off by Mrs Hatt that there was nothing happening, then Jack comemhome with a sprained wrist, then it was bruised stomach, then a cut forhead and a brokennfinger from them smashing it in a door etcetera these incidents continued and I continued to report them and it was always the same names that popped up, the same three boys. I'd had enough on May 21st I phoned and asked to speak to you instead I got through to a Mrs Hamsten? the vice principle?" you watched as his face became paler and paler as you spoke he nodded. Bruced leant back eyes blown finding himself getting hotter as he watched you tear down the man infront of you.
"Yes and she said that the boys had been put into detention for it which turned out to be a lie another student confirmed that nothing had been done. I then put my issue in writing, I wrote a letter sent by recorded post to you about the issue and received a reply, sighed by you, that you have a no tolorence policy and would look into it, nothing has been done and now you have the audacity to call me up and have me come in here because he finally had enough and stuck up for himself because this little shit split his face open on a desk whilst the teacher watched? tell me Mr Koleman do you still want to pretend you dont know what I'm talking about because I've recored all the calls I've made about this." you tore into him as he shrunk further and further into his seat not prepared for you to come at him so direct. Bruce didnt know what the fuck happened to the sweet little thing he saw outside but what he did know was that was one of the sexist things he'd seen as you asserted yourself beautifully not giving the man time to respond. If it wasn't for Mr Koleman sitting behind the desk he'd already have you spread out on it underneath him. 'Another time'he thought to himself he licked his lips tugging at his trousers again trying to ease the ache in his cock as it strained against its confines.
"Ah yes well, now that I think about it I do remeber a letter" he stumbled over his words you nodded your head
"Yes I'm sure you do. Today was the inevitale blow up." He collected himself looking at Bruce for some sort of back up instead the billionaire scowled at him.
"Be that as it may there is no excuse for calling a teacher a drunk fat bitch." you nodded
"I agree how ever it was for science. Your member of staff who has neglected her duty to keeping my brother safe on school grounds ,has brushed off his bullying useing 'stick and stones' so he decied to test that theory by calling her a drunk fat bitch, turns out names do hurt and caused her to become agitated that she allowed him to have his face smashed into a desk by another student cutting open his eyebrow, cheek and bloody his nose. I dont think she should be able to teach if she cant practice what she preaches and certainly shouldnt be left incharge of children if she is that unstable that she would allow an attack to happen because her feeling were hurt."
"yes well he dragged Mr Waynes son into this-"
"Damien and Jack are friends Damien saw Kyle attack Jack and defended him which is more I can say for the staff at this school. I'm warning you Mr Koleman sort it out before I go to the press. How do you think that would look? when your school board find out that Mr Wanyes son was injured defending his friend when the teacher didn't lift a fucking finger. You wanna go there? cos I fucking will I've had enough." he sat up straighter alarmed, Bruce moaned deep in his chest but watching you was really doing it for him he didnt know why or care in all honesty he just wanted more of you.
"No, no theres no need for that. We can sort this out between us no need for the governors or press. Mr Wayne is there anything you'd like to add." he said trying hard to wrap up this meeting. You looked at Bruce who frankly you forgot was even there he shook his head looking strange, shifting in his chair uncomfortably.
"I think Miss Cooke summed everything up wounderfully, and she has my full support sort out these kids, I know that they have been causing Damien problems name calling getting him in trouble such and he has said the teacher dosn't do anything about it. I wont stand for it any more , if its not sorted out by the end of the week I will bring Miss Cooke with me and we will speak to the school bored in person." You let out a breath you didnt know you was holding relief flooded you as he said this slightly worried that he'd throw you under the bus. He locked eyes with you his pupils were blown wide and he was breathing heavy he winked subtly, you flushed looking back to the man behind the desk as he cleared his throat.
"Right well I will see to it personally and it will be sorted by the end of the week, you both seem to have concerns with Jack and Damien's teacher so as of tomorrow I will have them moved into another class whilst I investigate. I will phone you both up to check in with the boys I'm terribly sorry that it has been left this long." he stood motioning for you both to do the same ending with.
"The boys can leave early today while I deal with this." Bruce opened the door letting you through growling as the principle made a point to oogle your ass as you left, quickly standing between you blocking his veiw of you he glared at the fat prick his message was clear. That hot little spitfire is mine so back off. He stared down at him chest puffed out standing taller and broarder intimidating the little weasel until he looked away. Bruce smirked then left the office slamming the door behind him finding you explaining to the boys what was happening, joining you as they stood up getting there bags .
"you boys go out and wait by the car while we sign out at the front." Bruce instructed they nodded running ahead to the school enterance.
"The car?" you asked looked up at him shyly
"Yes i will give you both a lift" he said leaving no room for argument. You thanked him then spoke quietly looking down trying not to freak out as he stood closer then you thought was neccasary.
"Thank you for sticking up for me in there, I dont usually get like that but you know I get a bit protective." he chuckled at you showing off a brilliant smile
"Its no problem, to be honest I found the whole mama bear thing very sexy your lucky we we'rnt alone" he said winking you blushed
"Wh-what? sh-shut up" you squeeked out he shook his head at you as he put an arm out over you holding the doors to main reception you thanked him queitly skipping through feeling small catching yourself breathing deeper to smell more of his fresh scented cologne.
"No I'm serious any where else and well" he wiggled his brows at you making you giggle
"and the way you are with damien?ive never seen him like that" he asked trailing off
"Yes well he is a sweet kid, he comes over quiet a bit as you know Alfred drops him off and the boys go off doing their thing, just sort of started to mother him a bit sorry" he smirked at you
"Well if I'd known how stunning you were it'd be me dropping him off. And dont apologize I'm not mad just a bit jealous. Tho not for long" he said handing his pass to the snooty receptionist who gave him bedroom eyes before glaring at you for keeping his attention.
"J-jealous? of Damien why?" you stuttered then bit your lip blushing. He groaned the site of it as he throbbed agin nearly cumming as his cock rubbed harshly agains the soft cotton of his boxers, he just couldnt control it. oh he was definatly gonna have you for himself, somehow you turned him into a horny teenager all over again.
"Well he got to have all your attention earlier, hurts a mans pride when his son can capture a beautiful woman's attention and he cant." you looked away from him giving your pass to the secatary who snatched it with a snarl.
"Im hoping you'd show some mercy and come out for lunch with me?" you gasped snapping your gaze at him.
"Wh-what you mean to talk about the school?"
"No as in a date" he explained you froze feeling butterflies in your tummy looking at the gorgeous man.
"Date? now? like right now?" he nodded smirking thoroughly enjoying you being so flustered.
"yes now I dont have anything else planned for today." you gulped when he gave you a heated look you felt like a meal taking a step back
" I'd love to but I have to clean up Jack and-." you began your excuse only for him to cut you short.
"Nonsense he can come to the manor and spend the day with Damien, Alfred is a good nurse he will patch them up." you blinked trying to think of another reason as he stood staring you down at you waiting to for to decide feeling like a deer in the head lights you realized this alpha of a man wasn't going to give you much of a choice.
"O-ok if your sure alfred wouldn't mind watching him." you nodded shyly Bruce gave a triumphant smirk and threw an arm across your shoulders tucking you against him walking to the main doors.
"Alfred wont mind watching the boys." you both walked outside to the boys Damien sighed at his dad before Jack spoke up.
"Told you he was looking at her ass"
"JACK! He was not!" you screeched at him damien laughed and bruce unlocked the range rover
"I thought I was being subtle about it" you gaped at him speechless as he opened the passenger door the boys gagged getting in the back. You got in the car pouting to yourselfand Bruce climbed in.
"Fucking hell I've never seen her speechless, how'd you do that?" Jack said Damien scoffed
"Dad just keep your boner in your pants until were out of the way."
"Yer shes my sister dont need to see her sucking face." You blushed trying to shush the boys
"DAMIEN! He does not have a boner!"
"Uh yer he does look."You tired not to look you really did but it just sort of happend you squeeked covering your mouth faceing forward and jumped as bruce leant over buckling your seat belt whispering in your ear.
"I did tell you the mama bear was sexy" puljng away he spoke to the boys
"Dont worry boys, we will behave until your out of ear shot" You gapped as they cringed with cries of 'ew dad no' and 'come on thats my sister' he laughed at them patting your thigh before pulling out of the school
"So you asked her on a date yet Dad?" Bruce raised and eye brom looking at him in the rear view mirror pulling out onto the main road.
"Well we are dropping you both off at the manor does that answer your question?"
Jack groaned not sure if he likes the idea of his sister dating his best friends dad.
"dont you hurt her Mr Wayne I know where you live" you smiled at that finding it cute him trying to be the protective little man. The drive was quiet for a while before jack piped up.
"Holy shit if they get married I'd be your uncle" you groaned holding you face in your hands bruce only laughed
"Jack its one lunch date jesus"
".....Can I walk you down the isle?"
"What she means is well cross that bridge when we come to it" you stared at Bruce as he smirked enjoying teasing you the boys snickered in the back. You sat back wondering just what you'd gotten youself into.
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brelione · 4 years
Not as Terrible (Rafe Cameron X Routledge!Reader)
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Warnings:Not proof read, swearing
Being John.B’s older sister was definitely and adventure.You were only older by a year but that one year age gap did a lot for you.Whether it was arguments or discussions on who would do a dangerous task you could always pull the older sibling card.
Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt but it was always worth a shot.But then again being the older sibling and John.B’s only family meant that you had other responsibilities,including messing up anyone that messed with him.
Rafe kissed you gently, a grin on his face. “I love you.”He grinned,hands in your hoodie pocket. “I know.I gotta go soon,JB’s gonna get made at me.”His face fell,pouting. “He shouldnt be your responsibility.”He grumbled,holding you tight.
You simply shrugged, not wanting to go through your life story and how it was now your job to take care of him.He could never understand the situation, he didnt really give a damn about Sarah.He also had a father, a shitty one for sure but he still had a father at least.He couldnt understand being a pogue either.
You guys were completely different in pretty much every way imaginable but ‘opposites attract’ or whatever bullshit. “I know….I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?”You asked,sitting up.He nodded,pulling you into another quick kiss before kissing your forehead lightly.
 “Dont forget to hate me.”You reminded him,opening his window and sliding down the fire escape,feeling his eyes on you as you hopped the fence.He sighed, becoming tired of the little game you guys had to play.
Because Rafe was the direct enemy of your brother and his friends that meant that you were supposed to avoid him entirely.It was just the rules of life.But that being said if you ever came across one of your brothers enemies you had to mess with them.
That included messing with Rafe,randomly showing up and flicking the back of his head,disappearing before he knew it was you.It started as you being an annoying presence to ruin his day,spitting gum onto his windshield or placing fake tickets on his car.
But slowly you started falling in love with him because of course you did.It was fucked up but you couldnt stop it, him eventually falling for you too.Thats when this little game began, sneaking out of your house and over to Rafe’s to cuddle and watch movies together,coming home late at night when John.B and his friends were having a fire.
JJ would pull you onto his lap, asking where you had been.He had a thing for you, claiming that it would be fine if the two of you guys got together because you were only eight months older than him so it wasnt that strange.
The age gap itself wasnt strange, it was the fact that he was your brother’s best friend for the last eight years that made things strange.You were fine with sitting in his lap while he whispered jokes into your ear in attempts to get you to laugh.
Of course it felt a little wrong because you were dating Rafe but you couldnt exactly tell him that without John.B finding out too, instead just letting JJ mess around with you because you knew nothing was going to come from it.
The next day you were decided to go with them to the beach, regretting it when you saw Rafe with Topper and Kelce, sitting in beach chairs with beer bottles in their hands.You saw JJ’s jaw clench, John.B rolling his eyes.
 “Why are they here?This isnt fair.”You brother grumbled, Pope nodding in agreement.The five of you decided to sit in the sand for a while,JJ’s hand on your knee almost like he was trying to protect you from Rafe’s eyes.If only he knew.Rafe kept looking over to you, a blush on his cheeks as he did so.
Eventually they left, leaving you and your brothers friends alone on the beach. “You know, I think im just gonna head back home.I have a headache.”You told them, making your way up the sandy hills before they could question it.As you began your walk down one of the dirt streets to get back to the house a bike pulled up next to you, your boyfriend being the one riding it.
 “Hey pretty girl.”You could practically hear the smile through his helmet.You sighed, stopping your walk to stare at him as he took off his helmet,leaning down to give you a quick kiss. “You coming to my house tonight?”He asked, twisting the fabric of your tshirt.
You shrugged, not sure what your brother was going to be doing. “I dont know if I can, John.B and the others might want me to go get groceries with them or something.”You replied,feeling his grip on you tighten,humming. “I havent messed with them in a while.”He muttered, glad when you smiled. 
“Thats good, I would have beat your ass if you did.”You teased with a roll of your eyes. He chuckled,kissing your forehead. “I would've liked it though.”He admitted.You laughed,smacking his arm lightly. “Shut up.”You grumbled, unaware of JJ watching you guys. 
“Is he bothering you?”JJ asked, coming out from his hiding spot in the trees.Your eyes widened, your stomach tightening.Shit. “Uh...no, everythings fine, JJ.Just go back to the beach.”You told him,hoping you didnt sound too suspicious.His blue eyes fell to your hand, the one that was holding Rafe’s.Fuck. 
“Is something going on that I should know about?”He asked,glaring at Rafe like he was trying to make his head blow up. “No, just go back to the beach.”You told him, a sort of assertive tone to your voice that was reserved for John.B when he wanted to do something dangerous.JJ’s eyebrows furrowed, not used to you speaking to him like this.
He nodded,walking away, sending you a look of disappointment before disappearing into the trees, most likely about to tell John.B what he had just seen.Rafe noticed how uneasy you were,hugging you. “Hey, dont stress about it.He’s got nothing on you, whats he gonna do?Complain that we were having a conversation?”He asked, not really helping.
“So I just saw (Y/N) talking to Rafe.”JJ grabbed a beer from the cooler, all eyes falling on him. “Cameron?”John.B asked, not really believing that you’d ever talk to such a vile human being.JJ nodded,sipping the alcoholic drink.
 “They were all over eachother, it was weird.”He grumbled, a slight jealousy in his voice.Kiara raised her eyebrows, a little mad about the situation. “What do you mean they were all over eachother?”She asked, looking over to Pope.
 “I mean they were holding hands and shit,giggling and he was like,I dont know.Its weird.”He tried his best to explain,realising it didnt sound as serious as it was. “(Y/N) doesnt giggle...she just...she just stares at people.Are you sure it was Rafe?”Pope asked.This was out of character for you.You had joined their conversations before, all of you talking shit about the Cameron family.
You had called Rafe a “Cruel, disgusting bitch.” it didnt make sense that you’d willingly talk to him.Meanwhile you were on the back of Rafe’s bike,arms wrapped around him tight as he pulled into his driveway, trying to figure out the best way to sneak you inside.
You ended up being hidden by him as you guys shuffled up the stairs, nearly getting caught by Ward.Luckily he was too busy on a call, not paying attention at all as Rafe pushed you inside his room, locking the door with a sigh. “What do you wanna watch?”He asked,falling on the bed next to you, grabbing the tv remote.
You shrugged,wrapping an arm around him with your head against his chest. “Doesnt matter.”You replied, watching as he picked a random horror movie,knowing that hed probably end up squealing and holding onto you.Your phone dinged, vibrating against your thigh.
You sighed,picking it up to check what someone could want or why they were trying to talk to you.It was a text from Kie, asking why the hell you were at Rafe Cameron’s house.There was no way in hell she actually knew that, she was probably just guessing.You sat up,taking Rafe with you, his chin on your shoulder and a frown on his face.
Kie:Your snap map is on.What are you doing with Rafe?
You:Im not with Rafe
Kie:Seriously like are you ok
You:Im fine lol
Kie:But why are you with Rafe?
You sighed,turning to look at the kook king. “What should I tell her?”You asked, unsure what to do.If you told her that you in Rafe were dating then she would obviously tell John.B and that meant that you would be in deep shit and would never hear the end of it.He sighed,kissing your shoulder lightly.
 “I dunno, baby.Tell her whatever you feel comfortable telling her.”That wasnt really helpful.You couldnt exactly lie to her.There was no other reason that you’d be at the Cameron’s mansion if it werent for Rafe.You hated Sarah because Kiara hated Sarah so you couldnt exactly use that excuse either.You were anxious the whole time you typed, praying that she wouldnt tell the others.
You:Can you keep a secret?
You:What would you do if I told you I was dating Rafe?
Kie:You dumb idiot
Kie:Rafe??Really?Out of all people?
Kie:Hoe you could do better
Kie:So like youre cool with him hitting JJ and Pope?
Kie:Shit you need to tell JJ
You sighed,biting the inside of your cheek. “Why do you need to tell JJ?”Rafe asked,curious.You groaned,leaning against him. “He’s got a thing for me.”You explained, hoping you hadnt made him feel insecure.
You:He’s nice to me,ok?Plus he hasnt beat anyone in months and im happy and I just need you to not say anything
You waited for an answer, only seeing a ‘read’ receipt. “Shit.”You sighed, realizing that you had probably made the wrong decision by telling her about your relationship. “What?”He asked, not understanding exactly what had happened. 
“Watch her tell everyone.”You tossed your phone down onto the blanket, laying on top of your boyfriend. “It wouldnt be so bad,would it?”He asked, knowing that you were probably embarrassed to be with him. “I just...you know how they feel about you.”you reminded him, hearing him sigh. 
“I know.”He replied as he rubbed small circles along your stomach. “Im trying to change though.”He muttered, pressing a kiss to your neck.You nodded, understanding. “I know you are but they dont.”You grumbled,your leg resting at his hip as he continued leaving kisses down your neck.
You didnt leave until four in the morning, staying up with him the whole night.Ward and Rose had gone out on a date, leaving the two of you with his house to yourselves.You sat on the kitchen counter,your legs around his waist as you shared a pint of icecream.
 “This is the expensive kind.”You noticed,coming across brownie chunks and bits of chocolate truffle.He smiled, nodding. “Yep, its just kook life I guess.”He replied, not really caring. “This shit is like...ten dollars a pint.”He only laughed, not understanding how you hadnt grown up with the same things he had.
He just couldnt wrap his head around the fact that not everyone was like him.You couldnt exactly blame him, he had been isolated most of his childhood and if he wasnt by himself he was surrounded by kooks. 
“You can go to the grocery store with me next week if you want.We can get all the expensive icecream you want...maybe we can get some for John.B too, you know, to win him over.”He explained his idea.You shrugged, not sure how to feel. 
“You dont even do your own grocery shopping, remember?”You asked, seeing him roll his eyes. “I’ll go grocery shopping for you, baby.We can get cookie dough and mix it into brownie batter.”He continued,scooping another spoonful of icecream.You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking about it.It sounded fun but most grocery stores wouldnt be open at the times you were with Rafe.
“I gotta go, i’ll see you tomorrow though.”You promised,kissing him quickly.He backed away to let you slide off the counter, putting your phone in your pocket. He tugged at your t shirt, bringing you close to him so he could place a kiss on your lips, enjoying the feeling that he knew he wouldnt feel for a day at least.
He knew that the second you left his happiness would leave with you, making his mood a bit dull as he hugged you.“Do you want icecream to go?”He offered.You were quick to shake your head, leaving quick so you could get home.He pouted, wishing you two could be together more often.
You tip toed into the house,turning on your bedroom light only to see The Pogues all sitting in there, staring at the door. “Rafe Cameron?”John.B asked, sitting up on your bed.You sighed, sitting down. 
“Really,Kie?”You asked, looking over to the brunette. “JJ took my phone!”She exclaimed, making your eyes travel to JJ. “Are you serious?”You asked the blonde, noticing him pouting. 
“I thought he should know.”He muttered.Pope just seemed mad. “How long has this been going on?”Your brother asked, glaring at you. “Im not doing this right now.”You shook your head, going to leave the room when he grabbed your wrist.
 “(Y/N).What would dad think?”He asked.You scoffed, unable to believe that he went there. “Dad would want me to be happy, unlike you.He hasnt bothered you guys in months!Cant you see that he’s changed?”You asked,all of them avoiding eye contact.
 “No!People like Rafe Cameron cant change, (Y/N)!Do you think he actually likes you?”John.B asked, regretting it the second it left his lips. “Oh, fuck you!”You exclaimed, leaving the room and slamming the door behind you. 
“What the hell, John.B?”Kiara shouted, angry with her friend. “I didnt mean it like that!Lets give her a minute to cool off.”John.B grumbled, feeling JJ and Pope glaring at him.
 “What the fuck is wrong with you?”Pope asked, just as angry as JJ.John.B just sat, listening to their cursing and anger. “I didnt mean it!”John.B shouted eventually, tired of their yelling.JJ shook his head, going to find you.
You werent in the bathroom or living room, leading him to think that maybe you had left until he looked out the kitchen window.He saw you in the hammock, leaving the house with a slam of the screen door and going to lay down next to you. 
“What do you want?”You asked, not looking at the blonde. “Does he really make you happy?”JJ asked,waiting patiently for your answer.You nodded, turning to look at him. “Very much, yeah.”You answered,seeing a grin on his face. 
“So then why does it matter what we think?I mean, im definitely the better choice here but if he makes you happy then go for it.”He chuckled, looking over to the house. “John.B is mad.”You muttered, wrapping your arms around JJ’s torso as the sun began to come up.
 “He’s always mad, doesnt matter.If he can hook up with girls all the time I dont see why you cant have a healthy, loving relationship.It seems dumb to me.”He shrugged.You laughed quietly, not understanding when JJ became a life coach. 
“Yeah, I agree.I just dont want him to be mad at me, you know?Its not like if he’s mad at you, you can just leave the house but I cant.Im stuck with that bitch all the time.”You ranted, earning a small laugh from him. 
“Yeah, true.I think you should just live your life how you want to live it.If you want to be with Rafe then be with Rafe.Personally im not a fan of him but that doesnt mean I can just control your relationships.I mean, youre right.He hasnt really bothered us in months and I havent seen him around The Cut looking for trouble so maybe he has changed.As long as its healthy and everything is consensual.Everything is consensual,right?”He asked, looking down at you.
You hadnt really seen this side of JJ before, usually only seeing his flirty and joking side. “Of course.”You replied, flicking his stomach. “Right, so thats good.If John.B’s mad then that sucks but there’s nothing you can do about it.”He sighed, staring up at the sky through the tree branches. 
“Are you mad?”You asked, curious for his answer.He bit his lip, thinking about it. “No, not really.I just cant believe you like him of all people.”He chuckled, feeling you flick his head. “I didnt like him at first, it kinda just happened.”You replied.JJ nodded, not saying anything else.
You fell asleep in the hammock next to JJ,waking up at noon.There was a note on the kitchen table saying that they had all decided to go out on the boat for the day and that there was pepsi and yogurt in the fridge.You could tell by the handwriting that Pope had written it, everyone else had probably forgot about you.
At eight the next night things werent as tense as they had been before.John.B had even driven you to Rafe’s house, ranting about safe sex and telling you to give Rafe a slice of ‘humble pie’.You rolled your eyes,getting out of the van and telling him to fuck off before walking up to Rafe’s front door, knocking lightly.
He told you that you didnt have to climb through his window anymore.Since you had to tell the pogues about your relationship he had decided to tell his family about it as well which meant he didnt have to hide you anymore.
John.B watched from the van as Rafe embraced you in a hug, smile on his face as he kissed your forehead.He had never seen Rafe look like that, the only smile he’d ever seen on Rafe Cameron was the kind that belonged to an angry sociopath.
But now he kind of just looked like a squishy, smiling gremlin.You and Rafe stood in the doorway for a moment, talking about how things had gone with John.B.Rafe had noticed the van sitll in the driveway, sending a quick and awkward brave towards your brother.A grin came across John.B’s face as he backed out of the driveway.Maybe you dating the Kook King wasnt as terrible as he thought.
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cherishedkids · 4 years
luck || tokito muichiro x reader
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anime: kimetsu no yaiba  warning/s: angst, sad, spoilers from the manga, mentions of death and bloodshed words: 3,973 pairing/s: tokito muichiro x reader request: “ (⚠️ manga spoilers you can just delete it if you havent read the manga) hi can i request angst with fluff ending? muichiro's pillar!childhood friend but he doesnt remember her tries to talk to him then he gets mad at her for being annoying and she runs away. then she encounters kokushibo (upper moon one) the same time the village got attacked and muichiro gets back his memories but when he tries to find her she is very injured in the butterfly estate then she wakes up then fluff~” from anon!
A/N: thank you so much to the anon who requested this!! i have to admit, it was a bit hard for me, but i like challenges! i do hope it lived up to your expectations!! enjoy reading!
Luck was what you normally relied on. All the achievements you have accomplished and all the obstacles you have conquered--you could attribute to luck. From what you could see, you relied too much on it, harboring no skill whatsoever. Your flame breath wasn’t anything special, and there was still a long way to go before you could see yourself mastering it.
This was especially true when you actually lived through the Final Selection. You heard from others that some people never got out of there alive. But you had to endure, as it was one of the hurdles to becoming a demon slayer. And if you did not become one, you would not be able to achieve your dream of being able to protect others from these evil creatures, nor would you be able to honor the memory of your childhood friends. So, for seven grueling days, you had to fight and survive the demons that inhabited the mountain.
As you stared out the rising sun, the smell of wisteria filled your nose. At the break of dawn, you became a low-ranked demon slayer. But that was enough to bring a smile to your face.
You could only get so far with luck, however. There were only a small number of people who could use the flame breath, as according to your old master, it was hard to master it. The flame breath was a dying one, with only a dwindling amount of families being able to use it. Even you had difficulties with the forms themselves, as your joints creaked painfully after every battle.
But even so, you did your duties as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. What else was there to do? For two years and a half, you strived and little by little, you improved your own breath. It came to a point that a crow delivered a very important letter to you. You only knew it was important because it kept repeating and yelling the words, ‘urgent, urgent!’. It was from Ubuyashiki Kagaya, inviting you to his abode. The famed Ubuyashiki?
You set forth to journey to him, with guides carrying you there. It was a secret place, so you were blindfolded the whole time.
The moment you set eyes on his gentle eyes, you knew you could trust him. He sat alone on the tatami covered floor, the light of the moonlight serving as an indirect light. A lantern was light beside him and you could see the scar that spread across his face.
“___, it’s a pleasure to meet one of my children, face to face,” A smile was on his face. “I am not able to see you, of course, but you understand,”
“Of course, Oyakata-sama,”
“You might be wondering why you had to go through great lengths to visit me, and actually, I have a request to ask you,”
“What is it, sir?”
“I’m sure you have heard of the passing of the former Flame pillar, Rengoku Kyojuro,”
His death sent shock to the entire community. Of course you have heard of it. It was a pity that a fellow flame user had died, but along with his death, he was able to bring two other demons with him--one low-ranked and one high-ranked one.
“...I have, yes,”
He was not able to see you, yes, but the change in the atmosphere was enough to alert him. “I am asking you to take over his position as the Flame Pillar,”
“But I’m too young--”
“I have been keeping watch over you; your ability is on par with the other hashiras, and you have killed over fifty demons so far.” His tone was still gentle, careful not to rock the boat. “Please understand--your very presence may boost the morale of the other demon slayers,”
You close your eyes. How was this happening? Ubuyashiki might not know that you had just used your luck as a crutch. You did not want to disappoint him. 
“I’m sorry, Oyakata-sama, I believe that I won’t be able to meet your expectations. I have no real ability in swordsmanship and my breath is not powerful. I truly hope I did not waste your time,”
“Nonsense,” His face had turned into a worried one now. “You look down on yourself too much, ___. Meet with the other hashiras, and you might change your mind,”
Sighing, you agreed to this compromise. He had a spare room for you to sleep in. It wasn’t a surprise, as his house was huge. The next morning, you woke up to change into your uniform. Ubuyashiki told you that the hashiras would arrive before lunch, so you waited for them. Ubuyashiki Amane and her children kept you company as you nervously imagined how the meeting would go.
When you heard people muttering outside, you peeked and saw a group of people. You had never seen the other hashiras before, so it was eye opening. Quietly, you came out of the room excusing yourself from Amane and the children.
Their attention turned to you. The same way you had never seen them before, they also were not familiar with you. Ubuyashiki was still sitting on the floor, attending to them. “___, please come closer,”
He requested, and so you did. 
As your eyes skimmed over the handful of people powerful enough to be part of the Pillars, one boy caught your eye. A very familiar face. One that you thought had died so long ago.
“Muichiro?” You wondered out loud, and his eyes locked with yours. But he did not show any sign of recognition. His eyes remained cloudy and uninterested. Even so, he still had his beautiful blue eyes. Ones that used to shine brightly in the moonlight, ones that used to hold great concern for you.
Ubuyashiki did not seem to hear it or, even if he did, did not deem it important. “I have been thinking of recruiting ____ ___ as the next successor--in place of the fallen Flame Pillar,”
They seemed to have mixed reactions. There were those who nodded, and some who seemed disgruntled by this suggestion. But you kept your eyes on Muichiro. He had changed--his eyes had turned lifeless. Was it because of the hard work that was required in becoming a demon slayer? Had he killed enough demons that he had changed? You hoped not.
A white haired man with scary eyes stepped up. “As much as I respect you, Oyakata-sama, I have to wonder. Why a kid again?”
He was right, but you didn’t care. Tokito Muichiro was before you. One of your childhood friends that you thought had perished under a demon. Why was he here? 
“Her combat skills are worthy of becoming a hashira, Sanemi,” He briefly explained.
“I think it’s great that another girl will join us!” A woman with pink and green hair exclaimed. “It’s been so hard when all my peers are men,”
“Technically, she is not yet a hashira, as she tells me she is too young and inexperienced to become one,” Ubuyashiki explains, and you turn red. Did he really have to mention that part? 
A woman with a butterfly hairpin comes forward and places a hand on your shoulder. Her expression is unreadable, as she hides it behind an empty smile. “I think you should trust in Oyakata-sama. It’s an honor to directly serve under him, ___,”
“I still want to leave the decision to her, Shinobu,” He interjects, not wanting any conflict to arise. 
But the moment you saw Muichiro, you had already made up your mind. If anything, curiosity fueled you, and you just wanted to know what had happened to him. Just seeing his face was enough to convince you. They all wait for your decision. If you accepted, they would be leaving his house with a new colleague. Sure, luck was always present for you, but when it came to decisions, you had to rely on yourselves. This was a leap, and you’d hate yourself if you made the wrong choice.
You face Ubuyashiki and bow lowly, placing your head on the hard tatami floor.
“I accept your request, Oyakata-sama. I’ll do my best to live up to your standards.”
After your inaguaration and announcement that you were to be the next Flame Pillar, you rush to Muichiro. It had been years since you had last seen him, and he just disappeared without a trace! As he was about to leave, you tap him on his shoulder.
“Muichiro! Long time no see!” You say, a smile on your face. Even so, his expression did not change.
His response completely subverted your expectations. Honestly, what did you think would happen?
“Do I know you?”
The same cold eyes that his twin brother had, stared back at you. But you were sure you were still talking to Muichiro. You had seen Yuichiro’s body in their small house when you were visiting them, not his.
“Don’t you remember?” There was slight shame present in your tone, but you were determined for him to recognize you. Maybe it was just that the years changed you so much that he couldn’t remember you anymore. “I used to visit you and your brother! We even used to play in the flowers near your house!”
You explain, but the look in his eyes never changed and his lips stayed in a straight line. “I don’t remember meeting anyone like you.”
But you did not waver. Almost three years--and he’d just forget about you? “But we used to be so close--we’d even hide from Yuichiro--”
You could not finish your sentence as he cut you off.
“Just because you became a hashira does not mean you can pretend to know me,” There was a sound of distaste in his voice. “I, particularly, do not care about the others. But if you play with my memories again, I assure you, you will create an enemy out of me,”
There was only silence as he stared you down. Almost the same age, but you could tell he was much more powerful than you. He was even confident enough to doubt your abilities as a hashira.
“What happened to you?”
He looked at you in distaste. “What do you mean by that?”
“You used to be so sweet and gentle, you’d even try to braid my hair!” Recounting the memories brought back happiness and sadness for you. “But you changed. You’re no longer warm, you’re just… indifferent,”
If he was the same Muichiro, he would have cried at your comments and apologized. But it was clear that he was not the same. “What about it?”
Every word he said struck a blow to your already weakening heart. There was no way he’d forget the time you comforted him because of the death of his parents. There was no way he’d forget about the time you helped him get wood and taught him how to cook rice. There was no way he’d forget about the promise you made to each other--that you’d protect and be together always.
You grabbed the sleeves of his black uniform. Hands shaking at the thought that such a dear friend would just lose all memories of you so abruptly. 
“Come on, Muichiro, stop joking around--it’s not funny anymore!” That’s right, he had never been the funny type. This sick joke he was playing had already run long enough. It was time to give it up. “You’re the only one left from my past… I just… I can’t lose you again,”
Slight concern showed up in his expression, but he immediately changed it to one of anger and offense.
“If you really cared about me, you’d stop babbling about this nonsense and go do your job as a hashira,” He moved his arms away and turned away from you. “I have better things to do than deal with your lies,”
At this point, you had dealt with so much hardships, trying not to die everyday. This is what you get from the universe? A childhood friend that won’t even try to remember you? You gritted your teeth and curled your hands into fists. If that was what he wanted, then that was what he got.
“Fine, Tokito.” You said, warmth that you willingly gave him, lost now. “I’ll go and do my job as a hashira,”
With that, you left. 
Muichiro cursed himself as he watched your figure fade away into the distance.
Those desperate and pleading eyes were familiar to him. He had seen them in a dream once. It was only a dream, he tried to reason with himself. But he could not ignore the guilt that gnawed at him inside.
He could not dwell on it for long, as he still had his own worries. He headed in the opposite direction, quick to find a guide to take him to the swordsmith village.
You wandered in the woods for the longest time. It was the only way you could calm yourself down. You were not sure yourself just how long you had been walking. Had it been days? Or had it been mere hours? All you knew was the anger that built up inside you.
The crow that had been assigned to you sat on your shoulder, berating you to go do your mission. But you were too tired and unfeeling to do anything. Was this how Muichiro felt? Empty and hollow. Even if you did ask him, you doubt he’d ever face you again after that encounter.
Perhaps it was foolish of you. After all, you were only invited there because Ubuyashiki wanted you to become a hashira. You were not there to re-spark friendships that had faded over the years. After all, what was the reason you even became a demon slayer in the first place? 
Right. It all came back to him. To honor his brother and his memory. But even he did not seem to acknowledge it.
You sigh. Were you ever going to have a break?
It seemed not, as you heard rustling behind you. Maybe a normal Mizunoto-ranked slayer would not hear that, but after two years of fighting against demons, you had known their techniques.
You turned behind you and saw a man in a kimono. Was he a samurai? He held a sword in his hands and he was about to sheath it. You could not see his face, as the moon provided little light. Once you saw that he was not a demon, you relaxed.
“Don’t worry, sir, I am not a demon,” You show your sword to him. “You can let go of your own sword,”
“That’s too bad,” As he stepped forward, you could feel your stomach drop. “Because I am one.”
Three sets of eyes showed itself to you. The middle part, you could see that it spelled out ‘Upper Moon One’. There were red markings on his face and neck, and you almost felt your life flash before you.
You take out your own sword and hold it up against him. “What are you doing here?!”
You ask, desperate to stall him and to find a way out of this. It was clear that luck was not on your side today. Your own childhood friend dismissed you, and now? One of the most powerful demons had popped out of nowhere! Talk about misfortune!
“I could ask the same thing to you,” He said, as he slowly took his own sword out. “But let me humor you--I was simply practicing my breaths,”
Breaths? There was a demon who knew how to use them?
Before he could make a stance, you rushed to cut him up. You had to strike him and keep the element of surprise. A bright light came from your sword as you sliced the arm that held the hilt of his sword, flames following the cold metal. Then, you jump backwards, waiting to see what would happen. Your eyes widened as his arm was still intact. 
“A flame breath user?” He chuckled slowly, a feat that you could not enjoy. “I see his own technique worsened over the generations,”
Then, he took a stance, and in a flash, he was in front of you. “I guess I can give you a bit of credit, as you are still young,”
You try to dodge him, but his own breath disoriented you. Inconsistent crescent moons came from his sword and some had cut against the uniform you wore. You grunt as you feel wounds open up from his attack. But you had no time to rest, as you quickly used his closeness to attack. Flames came out of your sword again, and you target his hand again. It comes off clean, but you see that he regenerates again.
“My brother’s sun breath burned worse than that.” He remarks, and you knew that you were never going to defeat alone.
Turning away from him you hurry and run through the woods. You did not care if what you were doing was cowardly. The difference in strength was crystal clear.
“Running away? And you call yourself a swordsman?”
It was all you could do. Your luck had finally run out, and you knew that you’d die if even for a second, you faltered. Not when you still had a hundred more things to accomplish!
You breathe in and out, navigating the dark forest. You needed to live. If you could just see Muichiro one last time, you’d forgive him.
Muichiro wakes up in the Butterfly estate. He doesn’t really know why he’s here, nor how he got here, all he remembers is the masked faces of the swordsmiths he protected in the village. 
Right… the village! He gets up, but he feels pain everywhere in his body. That was a huge mistake, so he lies back down again, and slowly raises himself up, grunting at the pain. In the same room, he sees other beds that are occupied by familiar faces. Kanroji Misturi, Kamado Tanjiro, and a few injured swordsmiths caught in the action. 
But someone else that he hadn’t seen that day is also there. She’s covered in numerous bandages, and a worker is sitting near her, looking over her. He can tell that she’s in critical condition. The worker near her hears him groaning and he rushes over to him.
“Tokito-dono, it’d be wise to lay down--your wounds aren’t fully healed yet!”
He rolls his eyes. “It’s fine, I’ve gone through worse,”
Muichiro’s eyes can’t stop being drawn to the figure on the bed. “Say, can I ask who that person is?”
The worker follows where Muichiro is pointing, and sighs out of concern. “That’s the new Flame Pillar, _____-dono,”
You? He can’t hide his shock. Before he lost consciousness, he saw all the memories you claimed to have with him. Each and everyone of them he relived, and he could feel embarrassment and regret building up inside of him. He suddenly gets up from his bed and in the blink of an eye, he’s by your side.
The wounds that he had, he ignored. There was nothing else more important at the moment!
“What happened to her?” He asks in a frantic tone. The worker is a second too late, and Muichiro asks again, with more venom in his voice. “What happened?”
The worker stammers, but the words finally come out of his mouth. “She encountered the Upper Moon demon alone in the woods… and well, she’d been in recovery for almost a week now,”
A week… So while he was journeying to the swordsmith village, you were fighting for your life? He felt like an idiot. The last time you spoke, he talked down on you. He looked at your pained expression, and he could tell that you were in immense pain right now. 
“Tell me everything--how was she found?” 
He had to know.
“Her crow escaped as she was battling the demon and told near demon slayers near her. Thankfully, Himejima-dono was praying in a temple nearby and was able to save her,” The worker’s voice trembled. He was afraid that Muichiro’s anger would turn towards him. “When she got here, she had numerous slashes and her heart stopped for a minute...”
Muichiro looks at the worker in alarm. But he already had a response to this. “Don’t worry! Thanks to Kocho-dono, she survived that. Now, it’s all up to her if she’s able to wake up,”
“I see…”
Shakily, Muichiro reaches for your hand. There’s a slight hesitation in him, but he whispers, so only you can hear it.
“I’m sorry.”
He can’t believe that he could not remember who you were! The one who was always there to protect him from his brother, the one who was able to make him smile during hard times, and the one who he promised eternity with. 
He was not entirely sure if you were going to survive this. If you had encountered the demon that was second to Kibutsuji Muzan in terms of power, he could only pray to the gods that you’d be able to pull through.
The worker excuses himself. He sees the intimate moment happening in front of him, and he respects the both of you.
“I swear I’ll never let you go again. Just please…” Muichiro feels tears well up in his eyes. He is not able to stop them. His voice cracks multiple times and he grips your hand tightly. “Please wake up, ___…”
Your hand twitches in his, and he feels his heart skip a beat.
“You’ve always been a crybaby,” You croak out. Your head is throbbing, and your throat is dry. “I guess not everything about you has changed,”
He rushes to get a glass of water and hands it to you. Then, he makes sure that you are able to sit properly. Wiping his tears away, he looks at you. “I was so scared,”
“You clearly haven’t met the Upper Moon demon, then,” You muse, and Muichiro is not able to complain as he is just so happy that you are actually sitting and talking to him again!
“I regained my memories a few days ago…” He confesses, and he turns his gaze to the ground. “I apologize… for what I said to you. I didn’t mean it. In fact…”
He trails off, and his cheeks take on a light color of pink. “You’re the best thing I have in life right now,”
You also blush from his comment, but you had to ask him. “Why did you just suddenly disappear all those years ago? Why was Yuichiro dead?”
He tells you the story of how a demon had attacked the both of them, and how his memories disappeared from him after. “I forgot about everything after that… I’m sorry that I left without a word,”
“I… I understand,” Muichiro thinks that you’ll tell him to get out of your face. He expects that you’re disappointed in him for thinking that you’d forgive him so easily after he insulted you, until you speak up.  “Before I actually lost consciousness, my last thoughts were forgiving you. lt’s in the past, isn’t it?”
It might have been the crazy amount of medicine that you were on at the moment, but you turned bold. You gestured for him to come closer, and you kissed his cheek. “All that matters right now is the present, Muichiro,”
He smiles at this and kisses your hand multiple times. “Then I’m ready to fulfill my promise of staying with you forever,”
You felt warmth spread throughout your body. You both will be alright, as long as you have each other to depend on. All the obstacles and hardships you encountered at the start seemed worth it, if you found Muichiro in the end. 
Luck really did end up being on your side.
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shuatoyou · 4 years
one last summer - l.c
[day 38 of a tct summer collection]
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✗ pairing; chan x reader
✗ genre; fluffy fluff and angsty angst :p
✗ wc; 3900
✗ summary; each day is spent counting down until the end of summer, you do this every year but this time around, its harder to watch the days go down knowing once the count hits zero, its time for him to go.
✗ song; pink skies by LANY <3 
✗ a/n; i cant believe this is my longest fic yet ?? i hope u guys like it !! i chose to write for chan kinda on a whim bcos i dont do that a lot and he is just the best angel ... also i thought i should involve a little bit of my signature angst for my first writing collab with my best friends if u wanna see amazing stuff click below to travel to . . .
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the alarm ringing at a time you would never find yourself awake during summer, it could only mean you had an important day to look forward to.
today was the beginning of the countdown to the last day of the last summer you had together.
“chan, wake up,” you mumble sleepily at the boy, who was in a deep sleep at the foot of your bed. he scrambled about for a second before going completely still. of course he was back asleep.
you groan at the sight of him cuddling into the blanket, even more in spite of your attempt to wake yourself up and him at the same time. although, it was cuter than you wanted to admit. perhaps your heart went slightly crazy... but that was another issue for another day. or never.
“fine don’t wake up loser, i’ll eat pancakes on my own.”
hearing that, he jumps straight up “i don’t think so.” he glares at you while you sit under the warm blankets amused at his reaction.. he sighs in defeat once he realises it was all a play for him to wake up. of course you wouldn’t indulge in a beautiful breakfast without him.
morning flies by, and before you know it noon comes around. the clock reads three pm and you’re both sprawled over the couch binging ‘a silent voice’ for the nth time. the entire movie makes you sad but after watching it so many times you become immune to the tears.
chan on the other hand, doesn't. like always he finds himself getting teary at the same scenes every time. perhaps that was one of the qualities you adored in him: he never hid how he felt even if he hated the teasing that came with it.
after deciding on a whim you didn’t want to waste the day inside, you switched off the tv and threw a box of tissues at the emotional boy.
“what was that for?” he whines, throwing the tissue box off him.
“wipe your tears. i wanna go out,” you smile cheekily before skipping off to get your shoes on, shortly followed by chan.
“we’re going out in sweats?” he questions, pointing at the lazy attire you had both become accustomed to everytime you were together.
you shrug, grabbing the keys off it’s special hanger. special because it was made by chan himself when you were both in the second grade and making matching key hangers for each other's houses was sentimental you could say. or as your parents said.
when you were both younger, they were convinced you two would grow up together and maybe get married in the future. the two of you became inseparable over a short amount of time - all because of the one day he offered you his juice carton after yours had been stolen by the class bully in the first grade. that was almost twelve years ago now and that same boy was still standing in front of you.
“what are you thinking about?” chan nudges you as the two of you walk down the same road to your usual frozen yoghurt place.
“just some stuff,” you shrug.
he hums in response, and you take this as an indication to go on.
“our parents really dealt with our crazy friendship the daily playdates... imagine if we ended up how they wanted us to.” you smile fondly, the thought of it all was enough to plaster an expression on your face.
“don’t remind me, they would’ve married us the moment we turned 18 if we left it up to them.” he chuckles. “they think we were meant together”
“do you?” you retort.
“do i what?”
“think that?” you ask not facing him. you would rather not have him fully see the crimson building up on your cheeks.
“i don’t know, i guess. we've been friends for so long, i've never thought about it.”
you nod understandingly and walk the rest of the way in silence, a comfortable one at that. there was never anything else when the two of you were together.
maybe that’s why you didn’t want to let go yet.
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“ugh, do you seriously have to scream that down the entire hallway, y/n?”
“yes because it’s beach day!” you yell one more time, forcing a reaction out of him but your amusement quickly dies down after feeling the soft impact of your pillow in your face.
chan proudly walks out the room leaving you dumbfounded but you quickly scramble back onto your feet and chase after the boy jumping on his back earning a grunt from the much taller male.
“you suck.” he groans
“be careful you are in my territory little boy” you snicker signalling to your house which had been the location of the endless sleepovers for the summer holidays.
“speaking of, i really should go back home and pick up some more of my stuff before we leave for the beach.” he mentions as he lets you down from his back and the two of you take your seats by the kitchen island.
“oh that’s fine, want me to come with you? i miss your mom anyways.”
“don’t you have your own beach bag to pack?” he asks, grabbing a plate which mimics his actions and starts piling up your plate with his favourite breakfast stuff before passing it over to him.
“i can do it later” you smile now making your own breakfast plate. chan looks down hesitating with it.
“nah it’s okay, i’ll be back quick anyways” he mumbles, picking at the food making you lift a brow without saying anything as you delve into your own happily.
he didn't want to upset you but the small little things you had been doing for him had been harder to let go of as time went by.
however it's not long before breakfast is over and chan waves a quick goodbye before leaving for his own home for the first time in ages. it was quite normal for the two of you to spend a large amount of time at one and others houses both families gave up in trying to send you two back to your respectable homes.
meanwhile you spent the time he was gone packing your own beach bag consisting of the usual tower, sunscreen and one of the disposable cameras you bought for summer memories documenting. chan had laughed at the big box that arrived at your house a month ago especially when you told him it was a box of eight disposable cameras.
“you have your phone plus a polaroid camera, why do you need disposable ones?” he asks curiously prodding at the box.
“these ones come out cuter don’t judge. plus i’ll give you one or two that we use during the many adventures for you to process and hang up the pictures in your new room” you look up at the boy hopefully as he sighs in defeat.
giving yourself a little round of applause you open up the box and immediately grab one of the cameras pulling chan closer to get a selfie.
“this one is to mark the start of our summer adventures documented by a disposable camera.”
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shaking your head you pull yourself out of your daze right on time as the doorbell rings. you only assume it’s chan and you’re right as you open up the door to the boy with his hands filled.
you take one of the bags from his hand letting him into the house.
“what’s all this?” you ask curiously trying to look at the bags as best as you could through the little openings.
“extra clothes, stuff for the beach and snacks my dad brought back from japan for you. he said he forgot to give them the last time”
excitedly you rush over to the bag he held up to you, japanese snacks were one of your favourite and chan's father had made it a regular occurrence to always bring you back some after his long work trips away in osaka.
which was where the family would be moving by the end of summer hence why the two of you spent each day doing something new counting down the days till the moment he stepped onto a plane without you.
noticing the sad look on your face while you looked at the snacks longingly chan threw an arm around your shoulders.
“what’s with the look? come on we’ve got waves to catch y/n”
“i'm gonna miss you” you pout and his gaze softens pulling you away from the bags and into his embrace allowing you to relax in his arms for a bit. he thought this would happen one way or another but he only expected it when it was the last day.
“are you ready to go?” he whispers while rubbing your back and you almost wanted to say no just to be able to stay like this a little longer but nevertheless you pulled a way nodding beginning to walk over to the bags so you could put them away into the car.
the drive to the beach was only peaceful, which was normal when it came to you two. just endless music and comfortable silence but you knew the tension in the air would not decrease anytime soon due to the nature of this entire summer.
“will we still talk when you leave?” you blurt out, failing to face the boy currently sat in the driver's seat.
“why the sudden question?” his face evidently changed to the questioning look he’s always had when he was confused about something.
you shrug and he doesn’t question furthermore which you appreciated because it would’ve been tough having to explain the endless worries in your mind.
reaching forward for his phone you scroll through his playlists until you find the one song that the two of you often found comfort in when together or apart.
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“we have seriously got to get over this song”
‘shut up, i love you’
you laugh at his statement but that doesnt stop the two of you from singing along to the lyrics like it was your own song. you occasionally turned to the other watching him nod along to the song, your heart was in pain. how could you let go of him so soon?
‘you're my best friend’
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another morning, another day crossed off till chan had to leave by the end of summer. the thought of him leaving soon made your stomach churn to the point you wanted to scream. so many unexplained feelings and yet you had to act like everything was okay and making the last few memories this summer would be nothing. you had no energy to get out of bed and do anything today even if you knew that the day would just go to waste.
“so what are we doing today? making more memories?” chan asked right on point with your thoughts almost teasingly.
“you ask that as if i have no reason to do this.” you mumble turning away from the boy and nuzzling further into your blanket.
“there's still time before i leave y/n”
“not enough though, chan.” you finally turn back to him, frustrated that he couldn't understand why you were so keen on spending time with him.
“yeah but i don't want to do all this just for the sake of time, i want to do it because we both love spending time together. don't we?”
you nodded pitifully, struggling with the real reason why it was harder to get through summer. your feelings were a factor in it all but you couldn't find it in you to tell him.
“can we just spend today at yours?” you asked softly, scared if you raised your tone it might betray you somehow.
this time it was his turn to nod before moving closer to you, unsure of what he was going to do. you looked up at the boy who only brought you into his embrace once again, causing your heart to do countless backflips.
“you’ve been giving me a lot of hugs recently.”
“mind your own business”
you giggle, letting your breathing steady at the pace of his. your mind drifts to the fact somehow you only felt this way when he was the cause of it.
he couldn't help but smile to himself when you let go in his arms, allowing him to hold you, physical affection was never a common thing in your friendship.
‘i think our hearts are starting to show’
“let's get ready to leave, hm?” he spoke, almost in a whisper as you pulled away and met his eyes. they had that usual sparkle in them. the one you adored.
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his house, you were always warmly welcomed by mrs lee who treated you like her own child, perhaps that's why you and chan’s friendship was able to last as long as it had, your families ordered each other as much as the two friends did.
“i was wondering when he would bring you around again, how’s summer been so far?” his mom asked as you took your seat on one of the island chairs like you usually would while chan went to grab a bottle of water for you and him.
“it's been okay” you smiled at the woman now sitting across from you with a kind smile waiting for you to continue. “we’ve just been chilling you know how it is.”
“has he confessed his undying love for you yet?”
“mom! what the hell?” chan exclaims in shock trying not to choke on his sip of water and you sit there stunned.
“i'm joking sweetheart” she reassures the two of you noticing the red on either of your faces, giving you a knowing smile before turning away which lingers on your mind slightly longer than you would have wanted.
it takes a moment for chan to calm down and when he does he drags you out of the kitchen to his game room hoping to get away from his mother's endless teasing.
“god, i'm sorry i hate when she does this.” he runs a hand through his hair expressing his frustration and you chuckle nervously.
“does she say this stuff all the time?” you wonder, taking your seat on chan’s gaming chair making him sit on the bean bags on the floor. but he doesn't seem to pay any attention to it while he recovers from the past events.
“sometimes, it's always stuff like when am i going to ask you out or confess or something crazy you know?” he explains, fanning himself.
something crazy… the words stung momentarily as you thought about anything happening between you guys would be crazy to him. nothing would happen anyways, not now.
he shakes his head while walking over to plug in his monitor, “my mom truly believes we’ll end up dating.” he laughs to himself but you only go red at his statement, turning around on the gaming chair dangling your legs trying to distract yourself.
he frowns at the way you turn around but does not question it any further, instead, he picks up two of his game controllers and puts one in front of you before settling back down into the beanbag.
“what are we playing?” you ask finally turning back around
“mario kart?” he states more like a question though and you agree, leaving the gaming chair to sit beside him on one of the other beanbags.
you couldn't help but think how much you were going to miss this, zoning out as you think of the last time you two played.
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“if i win, you have to fulfil one of my wishes, and if you win then… whatever you want.” chan writes it all down on paper kind of like a mock contract and you laugh as he slides it over to you to sign.
“please don't wish for anything crazy or expensive” you beg jokingly.
the only response you get from the boy is a simple wink which directly sends the butterflies into your stomach like every other time he does something.
you guys start your game and immediately the tension rises as the two of you compete for first class, occasionally nudging each other to throw the other off.
“i am going to win this, i promise you.”
your words lose all meaning as the big number two appears beside your character and you huff, mad at the fact you lost to chan once again who had managed to secure first place. it was frustrating how good the boy was at this game.
“what was that?” he lifted his hand to cup his ear teasingly waiting for you to repeat your previous statement.
you shove him away from you and cross your arms still salty at the loss.
“i think i choose to use my wish now.” he looked at you now.
“fine, what is it lee chan?” you kept your arms crossed as you also turned your body to face him.
“i’d like a kiss.”
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you never expected to kiss him that night, and even if it didn't make things too awkward afterwards it only made you sure of the feelings that grew for the boy.
“wanna make a bet if one of us wins?”
you look at the boy stunned at his suggestion.
“did you forget what happened last time?” you ask fiddling with your fingers.
“yeah we kissed, no big deal right?” he turned away to turn on the game and you sat with your face evident with disbelief.
“really? no big deal?”
“huh?” he looks at you, puzzled.
“friends dont just kiss…” you try your best to explain but it felt like it was going over his head from the way he looked at you with so much confusion.
standing up, you unwantedly raise your voice “all summer you keep filling your head up with these things like we can never date and all of that rubbish after we literally kissed not so long ago, does that not mean anything to you?”
“it wouldn't matter anyways, i'm leaving. i’ll be gone soon.”
“that doesn't mean we won't stop talking. you said so yourself.” you fretted with a pleading look.
he looks at you saying nothing and you can only scoff feeling all the blood rush up to your head in anger before opening the door to leave. staying would only make things worse and you knew he wouldn't try and resolve anything if you did.
“where are you going?” he calls out as you’re about to go down the stairs with tears of frustration filling up your eyes.
turning around, you respond quietly to the boy, “is that all you’re going to ask?”
“what do you want me to say, y/n?”
you laugh in disbelief and struggle to keep yourself from choking out any tears, “i’ll give you time to think about it.”
with that you make sure to compose yourself enough to wave at mrs lee with a big smile by the time you’re down the stairs and she responds with a pitiful one, she most likely had heard you both. letting yourself out, you also let out the breath you’d been holding, leaving your childhood best friend all alone for the first time this summer.
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walking home all alone was the worst part because your overwhelming emotions would not stay inside of you causing you to spill every sadness filled tear onto the pavements you walked on.
you made your way inside your house and without greeting your parents you locked yourself away to wallow in your sorrows for that entire weekend occasionally letting your mom in to comfort you without telling her the reason to your sadness unaware that at one point your parents worriedly notified chan you weren't feeling good sometime, it was only till you heard your mom softly knock on your door to tell you the said boy was waiting for you downstairs.
your heart wouldn't quit racing in your chest as you opened the door to her soft eyes begging you to talk to him after realising whatever happened was something to do with him. so you follow her downstairs, making your way into the living room where chan was sitting uncomfortably on the couch hoping for you to show yourself. you walked as slowly and quietly as you could trying not to notify him of your presence but that didn't work when you heard his voice call out your name making you shut your eyes tight in pain.
“i know you’re there y/n please talk to me”
freezing on the spot you decided not to go further into the room in fear of bursting into a sob at the sight of him. so you sit on the floor behind the wall separating you two.
“im listening.” you call out as quietly as possible.
“i'm assuming you’re not going to come in, that's okay.” he nods to particularly no one, perhaps himself.
it was silent as chan inhaled deeply, thinking about how what he was going to say would change things.
the atmosphere got more awkward by the second which was a new feeling for the both of you, never once had there been such a moment together.
“i'm sorry”
“i’m sorry we never sat down to talk about our feelings much lately. i feel like everythings been about me and the fact i'm…” he stopped mid sentence he was hesitating although it was inevitable one way or another you would be hearing this out loud again.
“i'm leaving y/n and i don't want to leave without telling you that you do mean more to me than just a best friend.”
your eyes widened in shock as you stood up hoping to run away from this situation but chan was one step ahead of you as he held onto your wrist, a gentle but burning touch that pulled you back towards him.
“maybe i'm too late but i'd like you to know later than never. so please say something?” he pleads, searching your eyes for some sort of a non verbal answer while waiting for you to speak up.
“you’re leaving next week… good luck.” you whisper, straining your voice enough so it wouldn't break. “im sorry too.” you pull out from his grip and walk off to your room without making eye contact with your mom who stood by the staircase with a pitiful look, all meant for you and the boy you left standing alone in your own house.
and when he left you knew that was the last time you’d see him.
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“chan? you’re home quite early. how was y/n’s?”
he looked at his dad with a blank expression and shrugged his shoulders, his mom hadn't told him she saw y/n leave upset.
“it's going to be tough but i hope you’re both ready to say your goodbyes soon,” he smiled, giving his son a pat on the back.
if only it was like that and if only he could go back to reverse all the stupid things he said.
the blank feeling burdened you also as you caught a glimpse of the photos you had already gotten processed from your disposable camera.
letting go now would make it easier for the two of you when the time came though in your heart he would still be the most important person for a while until he wasn't. maybe in another world something would be different so the two of you wouldn't be where you are right now, instead in a much happier place.
perhaps in that happier place you would’ve said goodbye…
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kwanisms · 5 years
Jealousy - ick
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anonymous said: can i ask for something smuty with changkyun where he’s your best friend or something like that, and doesnt admit hes jealous of you until he loses his mind? thank uuu love your work <3
⤑ genre: angst with a bit of smut, idol!Changkyun, best friend reader ⤑ pairing: idol!Changkyun x bff!Reader ⤑ warning: sexual content, foul language, slight daddy kink, choking, ⤑ summary: Changkyun is your best friend and you notice how distant he’s become since you befriended the rest of his members, especially his hyung, Kihyun. ⤑ word count: 5k
a/n: I hope this is okay, I wasn’t sure what you wanted Changkyun to be jealous about so I made up a reason. Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it! ~K♡
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You pulled out your phone and felt a pang in your heart when you saw that Changkyun hadn’t opened your message. It had been two days since he last talked to you which was odd. Changkyun had been your best friend since you were kids.
When he became a trainee, the two of you lost contact but after he debuted with Monsta X, the two of you reconnected like you hadn’t spent a day apart.
It happened at a fan sign. You bought a ticket, luckily, and flew to Seoul to attend. You were halfway to the stage when you spotted Changkyun. He was smiling at and talking to a fan, signing their album while they told him a story.
After she finished, she moved on and Changkyun took the opportunity to look around, spotting you instantly and his eyes widened when he recognized you. The entire time you were working your way down the table, he threw glances at you until you finally reached him.
“Wow,” he breathed, dropping Korean for your language instead. “(Y/N),” he said smiling at you. “It’s been a long time,” he said, resting his chin in his palm and looking at you with a grin. “You look amazing,” he added looking down as you pushed your copy of their album at him.
He took it and started flipping through the pages of the photobook. Once he found what he was looking for, he started writing. “What have you been up to?” he asked.
You regaled him with the tale of your high school experience without him, navigating the halls you once roamed together until you graduated and went onto university. He listened with interest as you recounted the past few years without him.
He smiled up at you, capping his marker and taking care to close your album and put it back in its sleeve. “Let’s catch up, yeah?” he asked, giving you a wink and handing your album back to you. He took your hand in his and gave it a small squeeze.
“Make sure to look through the whole book,” he said nodding at the album. Before you could ask, you were ushered along to the next member while Changkyun turned his attention to his next fan.
After the fan meet ended and you returned to your hotel room, you pulled out the album and pulled out the photobook, flipping through it to find the members’ messages to you. It wasn’t until almost the end that something caught your eye. Changkyun had written a note at the very back of the book on a blank page.
“I have a new number, but my KKT is the same. Message me sometime,” it read. You hadn’t used the Korean texting app in years, losing it when you changed phones and never redownloading it.
You decided to give it a shot, downloading it and trying to sign in with your own credentials. It worked. You had all your old contacts back, including-- Changkyun.
You clicked on his user and pressed the freechat option. Your thumbs hovered over the keyboard, not sure what to type. You settled for something simple. “Hey, what’s up?”
His reply came quickly.
Kyun [21:42]: hey (: not much. Just got back to the dorms. Wbu? You [21:43]: just chilling in my hotel room. I check out in a couple days. Kyun [21:44]: you don’t leave for another day? You [21:44]: nope Kyun [21:45]: i’m free tomorrow after morning practice. Want to meet up?
You froze. Should you? Wouldn’t he get in trouble?
You must have taken too long to reply because Changkyun sent another text.
Kyun [21:47]: you okay? You [21:48]: won;t you get in trouble for hanging out with me? Kyun [21:49]: probably, but who cares? (; You [21:50]: … okay (:
The next day, the two of you met up around lunch time, grabbing a bite to eat before exploring the city. You wore a black dust mask and baseball cap at the request of Changkyun. “To protect your privacy,” he told you. The two of you spend a whole day out together, enjoying the mild weather.
You parted ways, promising to keep in touch until you moved to Seoul for work.
Months later, you made the move and Changkyun used bit of every free time he had to spend time with you. He called it making up for lost time. You were loving it. Everything was almost as if you never parted.
At first, Changkyun didn’t tell the members about you, wanting to keep it a secret for a while but eventually, they found out and started pressuring him for details. He couldn’t keep you a secret any longer. He told the guys about you and how he knew you.
To his surprise, they encouraged his friendship with you and even extended an invitation to you to come around and meet them and perhaps join them in a movie night, an offer you accepted the moment Changkyun told you about it.
So one Friday night, you got dressed in your comfiest clothes and made your way across town to their dorm. Changkyun met you downstairs and led you up to their dorm. Once inside, you were introduced to the rest of the members of Monsta X.
You had a great time hanging out with them and they enjoyed having you over so they continued to invite you over. Movie nights were a popular thing with your group. Changkyun always sat you between him and Kihyun whom you formed a very fast friendship with.
Little did you know how much your friendship with Kihyun would affect your relationship with Changkyun.
Before long, Kihyun started asking you to go out with him. You didn’t think much of it, since it was kind of the same when you went out with Changkyun. Just two friends hanging out.
After the first time was when you noticed Changkyun’s distantness. You asked him if he was okay and he confirmed he was. He asked you to spend a day out with him and you agreed, needing another day out after a rough week at work.
After going out with Changkyun, he seemed to return to his old self. Until you mentioned going out to get lunch and go shopping with Kihyun.
Changkyun refused to answer your texts and that was where you were at now. Dealing with him being unresponsive.
You were starting to worry so you did they only thing you could think of. You called Kihyun.
He answered on the fourth ring. “Hey, (Y/N),” he said in a cheerful voice. “Hey, Ki,” you replied. “Are you guys home?” you asked. “No, we’re out right now. Well,” he said. “Changkyun’s home.” he added. “He mentioned not wanting to go out,” he said.
You nodded to yourself. ‘He has to be ignoring me then.’
“I was thinking of popping by to see him. Is that okay?” you asked. “Of course!” Kihyun replied happily. “Try to cheer him up, if you can. He’s been acting like a kicked puppy for a couple days now.” You thanked Kihyun for giving you the code to get in and started getting ready to head over.
The commute over was long, giving you plenty of time to think about what you were going to say to Changkyun. Maybe figure out why he was being so distant.
When you reached the dorm, you made your way up, unlocking the door to get in. Once in the dorm, you looked around, noticing that there seemed to be no sign of Changkyun. You made your way back toward his room, the sounds of a computer game growing louder with each step.
You peered into the room through the cracked door and saw Changkyun sitting at his desk, playing some sort of online game. You pushed the door open quietly, watching him for a few minutes. He was cursing and muttering under his breath at his opponents.
It was kind of cute. You decided to get his attention and coughed, clearing your throat. Changkyun jumped, spinning around to look at you. The moment he looked away from his screen, his character died and he swore loudly, rounding on you angrily.
“How did you get in?” he asked, getting up from his seat and crossing the room to meet you at the door. “Kihyun gave me the code,” you said, letting out a yelp when Changkyun grabbed your arm and started to lead you down the hall and towards the door.
“Well, Kihyun isn’t here, so go home,” he snapped, shoving you toward the door, causing you to stumble. You stood up straight and rounded on him. “I didn’t come to see Kihyun. I asked him for the code so I could come see you,” you said, your eyes narrowed.
“But clearly I made a mistake coming here,” you added bending down to slip into your shoes. “(Y/N),” Changkyun started scratching the back of his neck. “Don’t worry,” you said, choking back sobs. “I’ll just go since you clearly don’t want me here,” you said reaching for the handle of the door and turning it.
You had only pulled the door opened a little before Changkyun pushed it shut. You turned to glare at him, finding only his soft expression instead. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. The two of you stared at one another before you sniffled. Changkyun pulled you into a hug, wrapping you in his warmth.
“You’re mean,” you murmured, your voice muffled by his shoulder. He shushed you, hugging you tightly. “I know,” he replied. “I suck. I’m sorry,” he repeated. The two of you parted and Changkyun led you back down the hall to his room, shutting the door behind you.
You turned to face him, watching as he sat down on the edge of his bed, running his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh. You moved to stand in front of him, reaching a hand up to ruffle his hair. “What’s wrong?” you asked. He looked up at you and instead of answering, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, resting his head against your stomach just below your breast.
“I’m an asshole,” he said plainly. You smacked his shoulder lightly. “You’re not wrong, but don’t say that,” you said as you rubbed the spot you hit. The two of you said nothing until something hit you.
“Why did you think I was coming to see Kihyun?” you asked. He shrugged. ‘Nope. That’s not good enough.’ You took Changkyun’s face in between your hands and forced him to look up at you. “Answer me, Kyun. Why did you think I was coming to see Kihyun?” you asked again.
“Because you’re always spending time with him,” he murmured, not looking at you, instead looking off to the side. You narrowed your eyes at him. ‘Was he… jealous?’
“I spend time with you,” you countered and he shrugged. “Lately it feels like you’re all about Kihyun,” he said quietly. You poked his shoulder. “I can’t believe this,” you said and Changkyun looked up at you. “You’re jealous,” you said. The word struck a chord with Changkyun and he got defensive.
“No,” he said. “I’m not.” You smirked at him. “Oh my god, you totally are!” you said. Changkyun growled and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you down past him onto the mattress.
You let out a squeal as Changkyun tipped you backwards onto his bed. “Changkyun!” you said, propping yourself up on your elbows as your best friend hovered over you, his face dangerously close to yours. You gulped, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks as your heart thudded erratically in your chest.
You had never been this close to him before and it was affecting you more than you’d like to admit.
“W-what are you doing?” you stammered, noticing the way Changkyun’s eyes dipped to your lips and then back up. Neither one of you moved nor said a word. ‘What is his deal?’ you wondered. ‘What is he thinking?’ you asked yourself.
Sometimes Changkyun was an enigma to you, doing and saying things to make you think one thing and then turning around and acting the opposite. It was confusing but you got used to it. You were experienced with his weird mannerisms. His cool facade.
What you weren’t used to was this man before you. The one with a stoic face but eyes that burned with the fires of jealousy. Changkyun had never been the type before to express jealousy before. He had never gotten mad at you for spending time with other guys. That just wasn’t him.
The man before you now was exactly that. Someone driven to do things he wouldn’t normally do because he got jealous over you spending more time with another man. What happened to him?
The feeling of Changkyun’s breath fanning over your face brought you out of your own thoughts, reminding you of the situation you were in. You watched as his eyes dipped to your lips again and back up to meet your eyes, flashing a split second warning before he acted.
He closed the distance between you, pressing his lips against yours and taking your ability to breathe away just like that. Your head swam with thoughts but your subconscious pushed those thoughts aside, allowing you to focus instead on what you were doing. You were being kissed by your best friend. So you did the only thing that made sense. You kissed him back.
Changkyun was shocked at himself for crossing the line he said he would never cross but he was even more surprised when he felt you soften under him, your lips moving against his gently as one of your hands moved to grab onto his bicep, squeezing slightly, urging him to continue.
Changkyun slowly laid his weight on you, forcing you down on your back, his hips resting between your thighs. The kiss slowly progressed as Changkyun parted your lips with his, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth and start exploring as your free hand moved to comb through his hair.
Feeling your nails against his scalp, Changkyun let out a soft moan, muffled against your lips. You tugged slightly, signaling him to pull back a little. The two of you didn’t move, instead stared at each other intensely as you both struggled to catch your breath.
“How long?” you finally asked. Changkyun took a couple of short breaths before responding. “Years,” he answered. You took his face in between your hands. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” you asked, studying his face. Changkyun shrugged. That answer wasn’t good enough for you.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you asked again. Changkyun sighed. “Because I would rather have part of you than none of you at all,” he answered. It was sweet in a self sacrifice sort of way. 
You smiled, running your fingers through his hair, pulling him back down for another kiss. “You can have all of me,” you murmured before kissing him again. Changkyun pulled away, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Do you mean that?” he asked sitting back up. You sat up to meet him. After studying his face you nodded. “Yes,” you said. “I mean that.”
Changkyun reached out, taking one of your hands in his. “Like, right now?” he asked and you cocked your head to the side watching as his eyes trailed down to look at his lap and back up. Glancing down you could see what he meant. You could see his growing erection through his sweats.
A sly grin pulled over your lips as you looked back up, meeting his gaze. You nodded your consent before grabbing the front of his hoodie and pulling him toward you, locking him in yet another kiss. Changkyun wasted no time in taking control, pushing you back on the bed, his lips still on yours.
He broke the kiss momentarily to remove his hoodie, revealing his white tee shirt. His lips attached to your neck, kissing along the sensitive skin under your jaw while his hands were free to wander, feeling their way down your sides to your hips and down the outsides of your thighs.
His hands gripped the underside of your thighs, pulling your hips closer against his as he pressed his hard on against your core, earning a gasp from you. You felt him nip at the skin on the side of your neck, running his tongue over the same spot before biting down a little hard, allowing a moan to escape your lips.
Changkyun, incited by your sounds of pleasure, grinded against you again, letting out a satisfactory moan at the friction. You could feel your arousal starting to pool in your panties and if he kept doing what he was doing, you would be soaking in minutes.
Despite never being intimate with him, Changkyun seemed to know your body better than you thought. Or perhaps he was just a quick learner. Whatever the case was, it was clear he knew what he was doing. Changkyun bucked his hips again, pressing his hard member against you and this time, you moaned out his name.
He pulled his head back to look at you, his pupils dilated as he looked into your eyes. “(Y/N)?” he whispered. Your hand moved to the back of his neck, preventing him from pulling away. “I need you,” you said breathlessly. Changkyun couldn’t believe this was happening.
He had fantasized about this for a few weeks now. Ever since he’d realized his feelings and desire for you were real, he’d wanted this exact moment to come but now that it was here, he didn’t know what to do. He froze, staring at you with wide eyes. ‘Shit.’
You sat up, taking his hand. “Changkyun?” you asked. At the sound of your voice, he seemed to come back to reality. His eyes met yours. “Are you okay?” you asked. He nodded vigorously. ‘A lie. He was terrified.’ “Yeah,” he said. “I’m fine.”
You could tell he was not fine. You could hear it in his voice. Instead of pressing him further, you scooted closer to him, almost straddling him. “Do you want to stop?” you asked softly, watching as he considered it. After a moment, he shook his head. “No,” he breathed.
He pulled you in for another kiss, his hands moving to your hips, guiding them against his own. You moaned, breaking the kiss to throw your head back while Changkyun’s lips kissed down your neck. “Lie back,” he said softly and you did, lowering yourself back onto the mattress. Changkyun grabbed the sides of your shorts and slowly pulled them down, pulling your panties with them.
He maintained eye contact as he discarded your shorts, tossing them to the side. His hands rested calmly on your knees before pushing them apart gently, eyes trailing down your body until he stopped at the place where you thighs met. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Your cheeks burned as he looked at you and you wanted to move; close your legs, cover yourself, something. Changkyun brought one hand down to trace your lips coated in your arousal and you shuddered at the contact, your eyes fluttering shut as he slipped a finger past your folds to find your clit.
He watched your face as he slowly massaged in circles, enjoying the way your hips twitched and you bucked involuntarily. It wasn’t long before he had you trembling, slowly building up your orgasm. He smiled as you tossed your head side to side, whimpers and moans leaving your mouth.
“Does that feel good?” he asked in a low tone, amusement laced in his voice. ‘Was he mocking you?’
You nodded, biting into the plush skin of your bottom lip. “Mhm,” you moaned, your hips slowly rising and falling to match his ministrations. Changkyun watched in awe as you started to ride his hand, your breath coming in shallowly, uttering soft whines occasionally. He couldn’t have you coming undone so easily.
He slid his finger into your entrance, enjoying the warmth that enveloped the digit. He could only imagine how amazing you would feel around his cock. The thought of sinking his hardened length inside you had him twitching in his sweatpants. He pushed those thoughts aside for later.
Right now, he was focused on your pleasure and making you feel good. Changkyun added a second finger, slowly pumping them in and out of you. One of your hands traveled from above your head down to cup your own breast and Changkyun’s mind filled with ideas.
He slowed his hand, causing you to look up at him. “Don’t stop,” you moaned. Changkyun chuckled, enjoying the amount of control he had over you. ‘Did he ever feel like this?’ he wondered but pushed that from his mind. Even if he did, it didn’t matter. You wanted Changkyun now, not Kihyun.
“Take your shirt off,” Changkyun said, nodding at the offending article. You obliged, taking it off you easily and tossing it aside. Changkyun had to stop and appreciate the sight before him now. You lying on your back, legs spread for him in nothing but a black lace bra. You were stunning.
Changkyun resumed his earlier speed, his fingers moving in and out of you quickly, stopping inside to curl against a spot that seemed to draw out the deepest moans he’d heard yet come from you.
“Fuck,” he swore, enjoying the way you sounded, knowing it was all because of him. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, watching the rise and fall of your chest from your labored breathing as he coaxed a climax out of you.
“Please, Changkyun,” you whimpered. “I need you.”
Changkyun smiled, moving to lie on the bed, his head between your thighs. “Soon, baby, okay?” he said softly. “I promise,” he added. You opened your mouth to respond but any words were taken and replaced with a moan when you felt the tip of his tongue against your clit.
He flattened his tongue, running it up and down, over your clit repeatedly before kissing it, sucking softly. You let out a cry, your walls clenching around his fingers. He tried not to smirk as he continued, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves while simultaneously pumping his fingers in and out of you, coated in your juices.
You couldn’t bear it anymore. Your body shook from the build up, unshed tears in the outer corners of your eyes. You just wanted to come already. You voiced your wants to Changkyun who merely chuckled.
“You want to come that bad, baby?” he asked, watching as you nodded frantically. He curled his fingers inside you again, rubbing against the rigid spot inside your walls that had your body trembling. “Do you want to come on my fingers or tongue?” he asked. Now he was getting cocky.
You shook your head quickly. “I don’t care, just please let me come!” you whined. Changkyun chuckled again. “Okay,” he said. He didn’t speak again, instead putting his mouth to better use as he brought you to the brink of orgasm with both his mouth and fingers.
Your body reacted to the overload of sensations by shuddering before you whimpered that you were about to come. Changkyun pulled back momentarily to encourage you. “Do it,” he whispered. “Come for me.” He curled his fingers inside you, his tongue working wonders on your swollen clit, pushing you over the edge and you came with a cry of his name, your body shivering as he helped you ride out your high.
After a few moments, you felt Changkyun pull his fingers out, leaving you empty. He was only gone for a few moments before you felt the bed dip. He settled between your legs, moving them to make space. You felt the tip of his cock graze your entrance and you tried to sit up. “Wait,” you said and he paused, looking up at you with concern. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?” he asked.
You shook your head. “I should return the favor,” you said only to be met with a chuckle. “Maybe some other time,” he said. “I’d rather just be inside you right now,” he said, rubbing the tip of his dick against your slick folds. “Let me know if I hurt you,” he said, giving you a serious look. You nodded to show you understood. Changkyun slowly pushed past your lips, gliding into your wet pussy rather easily.
Or so you thought.
Once the head of his dick was inside you, he started to push further, a slight sting greeting your senses and you hissed. Changkyun stopped immediately, searching your face. “(Y/N)?” he asked. You nodded. “I’m okay,” you reassured him. “Please keep going,” you added.
Changkyun nodded and returned his attention to his length, slowly disappearing inside you. Little by little he slid in until he was fully buried inside. The throb of his member inside you made up for the feeling of emptiness earlier. Changkyun waited as your body adjust to him, feeling your walls contract around him occasionally. Finally you gave him the go ahead to move.
He held your hips in place as he slowly slid out of you until just the tip was inside before slowly pushing back in, drawing out his thrusts in an agonizing pace. “Stop teasing me,” you said after a few moments of this, causing Changkyun to laugh softly.
His grip tightened as he picked up the pace, thrusting into you at a faster speed. You moaned at the feeling of being filled, the earlier sting now replaced with a dull ache. You couldn’t be happier.
Changkyun, on the other hand was elated. He reveled in the feeling of your warm walls tightening around him as he thrust into you, a soft moan, falling past his lips as his eyes fluttered shut. It was undeniably the best feeling he’d ever experienced and being that it was you made it all the more special for him.
Your moans grew in pitch as he continued thrusting into you, the head of his cock hitting at rigid spot he’d felt earlier while fingering you. It seemed like that was your sweet spot and now that he found it, Changkyun was taking full advantage of it. He aimed for it, slamming into you harder, faster, and deeper in an effort to hit that spot, repeatedly. He wanted you to scream his name.
He wanted the whole building to know that he was the one fucking you so good. Not him.
Feeling his own orgasm drawing nearer, he focused on making you come again, his hand slid up your stomach, ghosting over your breast until it reached your neck. He softly wrapped his fingers around your throat, enjoying the way you clenched around him.
He remembered what he’d read about choking, taking care not to press against the front of your throat, only squeezing the sides, restricting the blood flow to your brain. You were still able to breathe but you head started to swim from the lack of blood to your brain, You let out a deep moan, your walls clenching around Changkyun tightly as he thrust into you, deeper than you thought possible.
He loosened his grip, allowing blood to flow once more.That didn’t stop his hips from snapping against yours though. Your entire body was hot, as if you had a fever but you knew you didn’t. You were close now. “I’m close,” you whispered. Changkyun moved his hand from your throat, sliding down your body until he pressed his thumb against your clit, massaging in time with his thrusts.
“Are you going to be a good girl,” he started, watching your face as your body started to shake, particularly your legs. “And come for me?” he added. You nodded, whimpering out a “yes.” Changkyun took this opportunity to push you just a bit further. “Yes, what?” he asked in a husky voice, his own orgasm within his reach.
You looked up at him, your face flushed, looking fucked out. You were a sight to behold. “Yes, daddy,” you breathed and that was all Changkyun needed to send you over the edge. Your second orgasm hit you like a wave, washing over you as you came on his dick with a cry of his name. Changkyun helped you ride out your high by chasing his own. He pounded into you, holding your hips against the mattress.
Not long after your second orgasm, you had your third as Changkyun was going for his. You came a third time with a whimper, begging him to stop. “It’s too much,” you panted, your body shuddering from the sensitivity of being overstimulated. 
“I’m almost there,” Changkyun whispered in your ear. 
He made good on his promise, and after a few more thrusts, he came with a groan, releasing into the condom he’d put on earlier. After a few shallow thrusts, he stilled, buried inside you as he panted to catch his breath.
After a few more minutes, he pulled out of you and rolled onto his back beside you, removing the condom and tying it off to toss in the trash can.
The two of you lay in silence for a few moments before he spoke. “That was incredible,” he said and you giggled, a blush forming on your face. You looked over to find him staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah,” you agreed. “It was.”
Changkyun turned his head to look at you. “I guess this means that you and Kihyun are--” he started.
“We were never a thing, Kyun. Honestly. We flirted a little but that was the extent of it. We never even kissed or held hands. He’s literally just a friend,” you said sitting up and looking at your best friend.
“I never wanted him, Kyun,” you added. “I wanted you. From the beginning, I always wanted you.”
Changkyun sat up, studying you with excited eyes. “I guess you can have me,” he said with a lopsided grin.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
Ahhhh what about a scenario where Todoroki’s fem s/o breaks up with him because Endeavor wanted her to and didn’t want her to get in the way of his ‘purpose’ (but she doesn’t tell Todo this) which leads to a very depressed Todo wondering what he did wrong and desperately trying to get her back (srry if it was too specific but ahhhHHHH)
You're really making me write this angst 😥, its ending happy I'm sorry I have to
"Shouto... I... I think we should break up."
Shouto stared back at you with wide eyes, processing what you had just said. "Wha- What? What do you mean?"
You blinked the tears in your eyes away - you had to be strong. Endeavor had came to you one day, telling you about how he felt you were a distraction to Shouto and that his duty in life was to become the number one hero. And as much as you hated Endeavor... maybe he was right. Shouto would ignore his training to spend time with you, hed ignore his homework and let his grades slip a bit, just for you.
"I just... we shouldn't be together. I'm sorry, goodbye."
At that, you walked away - walking back to your dorm room. Part of you wished that Shouto would run after you, and beg you to stay, then maybe youd change your mind. But he didnt, he was too shocked to do anything as he watched you walk away.
Shouto was up all night crying- you, the love of his life, left him? He thought things were going great, you told him that you loved him, and you always seemed so happy. Why would you break up with him suddenly. Did he do something wrong?
He had to know that, at least. If he could know why you left him, then maybe he could be at peace.
A few days later, you were walking through the common room when Shouto ran over to you and grabbed your wrist before you could run away.
"Y/n, can we talk?"
You frowned - you didnt want to talk. You already had to break up with him when you were completely in love with him, it was torture to be around him. His eyes were red and puffy, and that only hurt you more.
Noticing you weren't gonna say anything, Shouto sighed, "y/n, please, I just want to know why you left me... did I do something wrong? Was I not showing you I loved you enough? I promise I do, and I'll show you it every single day If that's what you need."
Tears were flowing down your face at this point, and you were thankful that no one else was around to see it. You shook your head, "No, that's not it... I just- I figured we have different goals in life. It's better to end it now before we get hurt later."
Shouto was destined for greatness - you knew this, and you were just a distraction. You couldn't get in the way of his purpose, you loved him too much to do so.
He let go of your wrist, his arms going limp as he tried to figure out what you were talking about. But before he could say anything else, you ran off.
The next day, you woke up and got ready for class - already dreading having to be in the same class as Shouto. But if you kept talking to Mina before class and left quickly, then you wouldn't have to see him.
You opened the door, and - what's this? On the floor, there were multiple boxes along with a note. You brought them all back into your room and placed them on the bed. Opening the boxes, you noticed multiple things. Your favorite tea flavors, a CD from your favorite band, a plushie of your favorite animal, and some beautiful jewelry.
"I know you dont want to talk to me right now, but I still love you y/n. I dont want to go on without you, so I'm going to do everything in my power to fix the issue. You said we have different goals- do you think I dont care about you? I know this looks materialistic, but I got you some gifts. I know these are your favorites, maybe it will show you that I do care?"
You sighed deeply, why did he have to be so amazing? This is why you were struggling in the first place, you want to run to Shouto and scream out that you love him, that breaking up was a mistake, but you couldnt.
Arriving at class, you sat down, ready to grab Minas attention and ask her about her weekend, but then Deku walked up to you with a sad smile.
"Y/n... I heard about you and Todoroki, I'm so sorry."
You gave him a sad smile back, "dont worry about it..."
"You know, he still loves you."
"I know..."
Deku sighed, patting your back lightly, "Listen y/n, I dont know what happened, but it looks like you love him still too. Maybe you should think about it."
He walked away, and you sat there quietly, contemplating what you should do.
Shouto felt his eyes well up with tears as he trained at his house dojo. He was stressed and angry, so he decided to train, but he missed you so much.
"Shouto, ah! So that girl broke up with you? I'm glad she understood. Now, you can fulfill your purpose."
Wait, she understood? Shouto turned to his father, "what do you mean? Did you tell her something?"
"Only the truth, that she needed to leave you for your good. Shes just in the way of your training, you're better off without her."
Shouto growled at the large man, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Before could answer though, he ran out of the room and out of the house - going back to the dorms where he knew you were.
Arriving in front of your room, he panted, having ran as fast as he could all the way here. He knocked, and waited impatiently for you to open the door.
When you did, you almost immediately shut it again, but Shouto grabbed the door and held it open, "y/n, my dad told me what he did. You listened to him? You know he doesnt actually care about what's best for me, he only cares about how it will look for him. Y/n, listen to me now. I love you, you are my purpose. Without you, I dont know what I'll do. Please, please-"
Slamming the door open, you shoved yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around his chest as you cried.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didnt want you to suffer because of me, I'm sorry..."
Shouto sighed, starting to cry himself. "Its okay, love. Its okay- were fine now, okay? Just promise me, dont listen to anything my asshole of a dad says again, please?"
You nodded into his chest, and he ran his fingers through your hair as he hugged you tightly. Finally, you were back in his arms.
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gaydiekane · 4 years
before we start~~
greyson- ahhh yeah they/them pronouns but originally greyson used he/him so if you see any stray he/hims that i forgot to change please lmk (comment with the sentence or smth it'd be greatly appreciated)
link to chapter 1
i do not own any of the characters or settings from the riordanverse, all rights go to richard russell riordan. i also don't own perry the platypus, that goes to dan povenmire
finally, this is only my current draft, so when this whole thing is done and completed this chapter could be entirely different. i'm also a cHiLd so my writing isn't that good please bear w me 💀 i also suck at titles if u have any other ideas lmk 💀💀
The Currently Unnamed Fic
Chapter 2 - i think this is now named An Intro to New Life but im not 100% sure?
The boy led me down the hill and to the Kansas house. There was a man and a few other people playing a card game. I mean, I thought they were people, but they looked like goat boys. Something was nagging at me in the back of my mind, like something about this was familiar, but I couldn't figure it out.
"Mr. D," the kid said, "we have a new camper. And- hold up," he turned to me, "what are your pronouns?"
He turned back to Mr. D. "She's fifteen!"
Mr. D placed his cards face down on the table. "Fifteen? Whoever your parent is is awfully stupid."
Some useful information, I suppose. And, parent? My mom said she was bad at math in school, and my dad. . .
"My mom mentioned something about my dad when she dropped me off here," I said.
"Well, you're not one of mine," Mr. D said, and averted his attention back to the game. "Owen-"
"-would you mind showing her around?"
"Oh, I would love to, but," the kid, Oliver, flashed the book he was reading, "I've got some reading to do. And I'm also redirecting mortals, so. . . . Catch ya later," he said walking away.
"He could've just said he didn't want to," Mr. D said under his breath (but still loud enough for everyone to hear). "Uh, Garrett Smith! Can you show around the new kid?" he asked to the nearest kid in the strawberry field.
The kid looked around my age, maybe a bit older. They had curly strawberry blond hair and tan skin like they spent almost all of their time outside. "Sure thing, just let me put this-"
"Nonsense, Sandra over there will take care of whatever it is." Mr. D interrupted. "I've got a card game to finish, so if you would please, George Salazar, show around, er, what's your name?" He turned to me.
"Elizabeth Herman," I answered. "I go by Ellie, though."
"Yes, show Lizzy Henderson around."
"On it Mr. D," the kid said. I didn't trust that their name was Garrett Smith or George Salazar.
I left the table and met the kid at the bottom of the stairs. They greeted me with a bright smile. "Hey, I'm Greyson Summit," they said. "I wish I were George Salazar. Oh, to be on Broadway, instead picking strawberries for the god of wine," they said dreamily.
I returned a smile. "I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you."
"Oh, and don't worry," Greyson added, "you don't have to bow down to Mr. D. He doesn't do much."
I nodded my head. Like Perry the Platypus, I thought. "Why would I need to bow down to him?" I asked.
"Oh, right, I should explain," Greyson said. "That's Dionysus, the god of wine and all that. You said your mom said something about your dad, right? I'm assuming she meant he's a god too."
I felt like I had been hit by a brick. I probably was at some point if I didn't remember basic stuff from sixth grade English, but that's not the point.
"Wait, I think I've read about this place," I said.
Greyson got a confused look on their face. "Like, in The Lightning Thief?" I nodded my head. "Woah." They laughed. "Not to be dramatic, but you should probably be dead. Let's head to the east."
Greyson began walking off towards what I assumed was the east, leaving me the opposite of "no thoughts, head empty."
I ran to catch up with them.
"By the time we're done it should be time for lunch, then I'll show you the other side after," they were saying.
"Sounds like a plan," I said.
We made our way along the creek towards the east woods. Greyson wasn't the best tour guide. We would pass by something and they'd randomly point out what it was. At least it wasn't a safari. I nearly giggled at the thought.
"Volleyball court. Art's and crafts. Hermes kids doing. . . something. Oh no, there's fire again."
I watched as a couple kids tried to stomp out a small flame in the grass.
"Again?" I asked.
"Yeah," said Greyson. "Come on."
They tried to strike up small talk. Unfortunately, both of us were quite bad at making conversation. Maybe it was best we weren't as good at striking things up as those Hermes kids.
I tried thinking of some icebreakers and introduction questions while we walked around.
"What are your pronouns?" I asked.
"They/them," Greyson said. "I'm genderfluid, but it's easier to use they/them pronouns than correcting people all the time. But if it really bothers me sometime I'll correct you, just a heads up."
"Cool. Thanks for letting me know."
More silence.
"Your pronouns are she/her, right?" they asked.
I nodded.
"So. . . where are you from?" Greyson asked after a bit more silence.
"Arizona," I answered.
"Oh, cool," they responded.
More silence.
"Where are you from?" I asked.
Out of all the new and crazy info I'd gotten that day, that one won first place by far. "But I thought Kansas didn't exist?"
I shrugged.
We made it to the rock wall. The heat emitting from it reminded me of Arizona summers. A girl dropped down nearby where we were standing.
"Beat ya!" she shouted up. She looked over at us. "Oh, hey Greyson. Who's this?"
The girl was short. Well, maybe short to me, I'm 5'8". She was maybe 5'4"? (Is that short?) She had dark brown skin and vitiligo. She also had brown eyes and dark brown coily hair.
"This is Ellie," Greyson said. "Do you think Kansas exists?"
She blinked. "What?"
"Do you think Kansas exists?" Greyson repeated.
"Yes, of course," the girl answered.
"Even before you met me?" they asked.
She paused, before answering, "Well, I hadn't given it much thought before."
"Damn, alright," Greyson said. "Ellie, this is Leila."
"Nice to meet you," I said.
Another girl dropped down from the wall. She had black hair with a split dye that was hot pink. Her hair was steaming, and her tan skin looked blistered in a couple spots. "You cheated!" She pointed at Leila accusingly.
"How do you cheat at a rock wall?" I asked.
"How can you think Kansas doesn't exist?!" Greyson asked me.
"Hold up, you didn't think Kansas existed?" the new girl asked me. "Wait, who are you?"
"I'm Ellie," I answered.
"Cool, I'm Chleo," she said. "Anyways, you thought Kansas didn't exist?"
"I thought it was made up for the plot of the Wizard of Oz!" I said. They all just looked at me. "How many people have you met that are from Kansas? What has ever happened in Kansas? What exists there?" I asked.
"Well, I know Greyson. . . ." Chleo said.
"The National World War I Museum is in Kansas City!" Greyson claimed. We all just stared at them. They put their hands up defensively.
"So. . . how do you cheat at rock wall climbing?" I asked again, hoping to drop the subject of Kansas.
"Oh I'm a daughter of Hecate," Leila said. She snapped her fingers and her and Chleo had switched places as Chleo went to rest her arm on Leila's shoulder. "The mist is easy to manipulate for me." She shrugged, ignoring Chleo on the ground.
"You bitch!" Chleo exclaimed from the floor. "Which also means, she cheated," Chleo said, getting up.
"No, I just used my resources!" said Leila. "They tell us to do that."
A horn sounded in the distance. "Come on Ellie, we have to line up for lunch," Greyson said. "We can go with the Hermes cabin, since they're here." He glanced above my head before walking towards a forming line of kids with mischievous looks on their faces, like I was told I had.
"Who's your godly parent?" I asked Greyson.
"My dad's Apollo," they said quietly. "We're not really supposed to talk in lines but lots of people do anyways."
We walked in silence to the dining pavilion. We went over the creek, passed by a huge arena, an archery range, the cabins. I knew there wouldn't be much left for Greyson to show me after lunch, but I knew continuing to let them show me around was better than to be friendless.
I was handed a plate of food and sat on the end of table eleven next to a kid with curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked older than me.
"Oh, hey newbie!" he said. "I'm Austin."
"I'm Ellie," I said. "Nice to meet you Austin."
"Nice to meet you too Ellie," he said. "I'm the head of cabin eleven and one of the camp counselors this year. It doesn't matter too much, but I suppose it's good to know. Come on newbie, it's our turn at the fire." We all got up and walked over to the big bronze brazier in the middle of the pavilion.
I watched as Austin pushed a portion of his plate into the fire. "Hermes," he said.
I pushed a portion of brisket into the flames. "Hermes?" I said, though it came out as more of a question. Austin laughed and shook his head, and we went back to table eleven.
Back at the table I talked a bit more with Austin. He told me he has a twin sister, Kaite, and how he's from Michigan and moved to New Jersey a few years ago. He's turning nineteen this October and is really into crafting because he grew up doing it with his mother as a kid.
"What did you mean it didn't matter that you're head of cabin eleven?" I asked.
"Not that part, the part about being camp counselor," he said. "Camp counselors and cabin counselors are different. We call cabin counselors cabin heads to avoid confusion, but you'll hear both. Cabin heads just make sure none of their siblings are being absolutely stupid and lead them to their activities. Prep for inspection, all that. Camp counselors are more of like, the older sibling to everyone, they're all cabin heads, they do inspection, stuff like that. Kinda take charge. They're the people you go to if you need something. Some cabins have more than one counselor, by the way."
"What about Chiron?" I asked.
"Well, you'd go to him for super important stuff, like emergencies. A serious injury, an attack. Mr. D, well, just, never go D with an emergency. He'll most likely do nothing. Actually, he's good to go to if you have any questions regarding sexuality or gender identity." He paused for a moment, before continuing, "Camp leadership! Right!
"So once Percy and Annabeth -- you know who they are? -- Coolio, once they left everyone realized they forgot how to run the camp because they did everything and wars and all that jazz. Instead of trying to remember, they made new over-complicated systems to run the place. They work though. Until the older heroes came back. A couple summers ago the older campers came back to teach here." He pointed to the director's table. Along with Mr. D, I saw a few other adults chatting and eating. "Ever since they came back, us camp counselors have been kinda demoted. No one comes to us much anymore. Granted, they do know more, but it kinda sucks being demoted. Some of the cabin heads get replaced by the adults too, if they have an adult sibling here. But since they teach they're not around much for their cabin. It doesn't make too much sense." He shook his head.
"Maybe it's just that awkward telling a twenty year old what to do," I suggested. "Who are all the camp councelors?"
"There's me, Emma from the Aphrodite cabin, Ricky from the Apollo cabin, and Asia from the Iris cabin," Austin answered.
"You see? I just came to you for a question, you're not useless!" My words of encouragement didn't seem to make him all too much better. Though, I was never too good at encouraging others.
"I guess," he said. "That reminds me, after lunch is over I need to get you a copy of the Camp Half-Blood Confidential. And a shirt."
"The what now?"
"Years ago, after the last war, they were talking about what they would change about camp and all that, and Nico said the orientation video, which only he had seen. Everyone ended up watching it and they decided, 'Woah, this is terrible!' So they wrote a book."
They did what now? "That's stupid," I said. Who would write an important informational book for kids with dyslexia to read?
Austin looked at me questioningly. "What do-" He was cut off by a loud voice from elsewhere in the pavilion.
"Alright everyone," Mr. D stood up for announcements, "we have a new camper. Everyone say hi to Lizzy Henderson." There was a bit of hesitant applause before someone else from the director's table stood up.
"Maybe we should let her introduce herself," she said, giving a quick glare to Mr. D. He muttered something about how he did a fine job before the woman continued. Her gray eyes scanned the tables for the new face. "If you want to stand up so we can all see you..."
The blonde lady began to reminded me of a middle school English teacher. And I don't know how she didn't notice me, I was the only one not in bright orange. I should've stuck out like a sore thumb.
I stood and her eyes fell on me. Her smile wavered and she said something I couldn't make out to the man next to her, whose back was still facing me. She looked up again and continued, her smile returned. "How about you tell us your name, your age, and where you're from?" she asked.
Most eyes were on me, which bugged me because now I didn't know where to look. I decided to try keeping my eyes on the woman. "I'm Ellie Herman, I'm from Arizona, and I'm fifteen," I said.
I heard a few people start whispering around me. The lady furrowed her brows and looked back down at the man next to her, who then turned around to look at me. I noticed the man's black hair and sea green eyes, along with a nasty scar under his right eye, the same way I had imagined Luke's while reading the books. Then it hit me. The woman talking to me was Annabeth Chase, like, the Annabeth Chase.
"Do you know who your godly parent is yet?" Annabeth asked, sounding almost hopeful.
I shook my head. "No."
After a moment her smile returned. "Well, we're glad to have you here, Ellie." Annabeth turned to the rest of the campers. "Everyone welcome Ellie Herman, undetermined."
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yennefer-stark · 4 years
The time was night, the date was wednesday and it was cold and dark because the winter is approached. The lamps in the street gave to the road a dim-lit light as well as the sidewalk. She walked directly to the bridge, and no, she doesnt wanted to commit suicide, she just wanted to be alone, sang out her sadness in the night.
"Everyone got their soulmate... Tony got Pepper, Thor has Jane, Clint already had a family and two kid, Natasha and Bruce are a couple... Hell even Steve with Bucky"
She thought that and started to sing:
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel my heart? 
Can you feel my heart?
Can you feel my heart?
I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone.
I long for that feeling to not feel at all.
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink.
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim.
Can you feel my heart?
Can you feel...?
Her beautyful voice slowly closed, a knot grew in her throat as she started to sob, then cry. She felt nothing but darkness and being alone, while she was the heart of her team. The fact and happy memories didnt helped. But remembered when Steve laughed in the joke, remembered when Tony gave her a compliment about her progress, the training in the gym with Nat, sometimes with Bucky or Steve, even the archery competition with Clint. Her brain closed out those memories and forced her to not let inside. On the other hand... a tall, slim figure watched her. He has got long black hair, a pair of mesmerizing emerald green eyes, sharp features wich was particularly attractive, pale skin and mysterious aura. He hid in the shadow, just like he did in his childhood. He understood her pain, what's more, he felt the same. Being lonlely and left behind. To be honest, the girl would gave everything for a hug and being in a comfy place... Between someone's arm.
-Yes. I can feel it. Why are you here in those times? It's dark, dangerous and you dont know how many serial killer around you. You should go home.
-I dont think that two killer would've such a good talk like us.
Said the girl without looking back. She wasnt scared, she was still sad. The man, however was suprised from the answer.
-In fact, I'd be happy if you'd kill me right here.
-Why would I? I mean I'm not going to kill you.
-Then why are you here? Why dont you leave me alone? You know what? You're right... I'm going home and put on my "nothing happened me, i'm perfectly fine" mask.
Then without a single word, she vanished from the bridge back to the Avengers Tower, where ofc everyone was happy. Well, almost. While our girl was in her room, deep in her thoughts, the black haired man stormed through rooms, used the elevator until he found his brother. He knocked on the door, with a bit of nervousness. Soon, a tall, muscular, bearded blonde man opened the door. His face immediately light up btw. He loved his not so little brother.
-Where you've been Loki?
-None of your business brother.
-Then why are you energised? You always nap and brood in silence. Something has changed I can tell.
-Whatever. How can someone make a sad person happy?
-Someone wants make you happy, or you are the one who doesnt want to commit a crime?
-This time, the second one brother.
Loki quckly arranged his face before Thor could've figured out what caused the change in him. He really hoped that the girl told the truth to him, but doesnt thought that she's inside the Tower like he or everyone.
-Well... Kind words helps most of the time.
-Geez, she wanted to die, by my hands. BY MY HANDS! Shes even more depressed than me brother.
-How she looked out?
-Well, she was at my chest height, or at least i think, she sat on the ground, and i'm not a cat, I cant see in the dark... Btw she had dark hair, maybe brown or black, waist lenght, straight. Her voice was.... Truly beautyful, even when it broke and started to cry.
-Hmm... Looks like you met with Valr. Oh brother, if you really want to know her better, it might be a big bite for you. She only talks when someone ask something from her, and I've never seen or heard her laughing. Most of the time she is in the library, gym or in her room when she isnt on a mission, out here with us. But to be honest, it could be anyone. I wish you good luck, if you really saw Valr... She's a worthy warrior.
-One more question before Ieave. Does she used to attend at dinner?
Thor nodded as an answer for the question, then closed the door after Loki, who teleported to the library. He found it empity tho. But at the other hand, Valr successfully picked herself up from the floor and walked to the common kitchen. She sighed in relief, she was alone, but not for a long time. As the time passed, the table was ready for the dinner. A whole set of plates, forks and knifes with table napkins. As the clock hit 7:30pm, the rest of the team slowly started to attend here and fill the room with energy and happines... The first, and most hungriest person was Bucky, then Steve, after them Natasha and Bruce. Thor followed them with Loki who seemed distant from the others. Clint arrived before the two god. As usual, Tony didnt showed up.
-Ah, Lady Valr, take a seat and eath with us.
-Thanks Thor, but I'm not hungry. I already ate and now I'm full.
-At least, stay with us and drink Val'.
-This cant cause any problem I guess.
The god of mischief immediately looked at Valr from the corner of his eye, when she lied to Thor without batting an eye. He already liked her, and planned to give her leftover food. Somehow he felt what the girl felt. The hardness of keeping the mask on... He greeted as an old friend. Sadness, even depression? Those kind of feelings too, but he played along with Valr. After they finished the dinner Steve stayed in the kitchen with Bucky to do the dishes and everyone went to their room. Except Loki, who kept an eye on her and sneaked up some food for her. He knocked on the door.
-Yes? It's open.
-Thank god it's open, I brought food for you Lady Valr.
-Why? I said I'm not hungry.
But Loki just smirked under his nonexistent mustache and placed the plate on the table. He found her reaction rather funny...
-Honey, you can not lie to the god of mischief.
-Great. Thanks for the food, you can go away and leave me alone. I dont need anyone in my life.
-Really? Then why are you scared to get close and hate being alone?
-I said, you can go away and leave me alone. Are you deaf or what?
-Slow down Lady Valr, there isnt such a reason to behave so mean, but as you wish. I leave you alone now, but I'll keep an eye on you.
-This is what I missed... I dont need baby sitting.
-Have a goodnight, Lady Valr.
If she could have a good night, she'd have a dream, but the next day's morning she went on a mission with Bucky. So she woke up at 5am, streched a bit, then had her regular morning routine before grabbed the suitcase and went to the kitchen, where Bucky waited for her. The smell of coffe enchanted a smile to her lips. The man with the metal hand greeted with a nod, and offered her a cup of coffe. Luckily he knew how Valr likes the caffeined black-ish liquid.
-I cant believe you are in this mission, I know how much do you hate Russia.
-Yes, but you cant dance with Nat, and noone else can speak fluent russian beside me. Do you have that magic tho?
-Poof. It will last while we're close to each other. Maybe one mile... I didnt need to use this spell until then.
-Wow. You amaze me every time Valr.
-Now let's go, I'm sure Tony already booked a flight to Moscow...
They boarded the plane and sat in silence after they talked through the plan. Bucky, who could never escape fully from the past, started to analyze Valr, but it was hard, even for him.
-З-здравствуйте...меня зовут...Valr...
-The hell did you just said?
Bucky never heard Valr talking in Russian so perfectly. She said those words without any accent, and he almost answered in the same language.
-Just one of thies things I can say in Russian.
-Well, it was perfect, but let me talk in Russian. Not because I love it, but 70 years experience from missions is still experience... Oh god, I already miss him...
-If you show feelings towards him, we might be caught. Steve still wanted for the underground, secret organizations in Russia. I know, you're gay for him and he's bi, but we need to play that we're a couple.
As the days passed by, Valr and Bucky grew closer to each other, talked about how they got captured/kidnapped and used to achieve bad goals. Not that fact they were so distant from each other, but they were the two person out of the Avengers... who were the quietest. As the day approached, they practiced a little dancing. You need know that the thing they search for, can be found in a Ball, wich held and organised secretly by Hydra. Extremely evil, right? But they had allies in the shadows and under the sun... When the day has arrived, you could cut the nervousness in the air with butterknife. Now, Valr understood why Bucky doesnt like to take a walk at daytime, unless he did it with Steve, his safe-place.
Untitled "little" story
Part one
I hope you liked it if you tripped over it...
@winterbuckytho @itsbuckyb1tch @i-smell-penniess
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Highschool Au Moceit: Part One
Day One:
Patton wasnt the best with social etiquette, his smile was to wide, his eyes to shiny, people found him weird for being so happy. He wore dresses, to, lots of dresses, and he loved them. It didnt matter to him that none of his clothes quite fit like they should, or that his glasses were almost two sizes to big for his face, he liked it that way. He hoped the kids at his new school would like it to, he wanted to make friends quickly, friends made him even happier.
Patton put on a white long sleeved shirt and a light blue dress over it. He fixed a white bow in his hair and cleaned off his glasses before putting his shoes and backpack on and running out the door. His parents werent there to say goodbye, they were always busy. He didnt mind most days, it wasnt their fault they had to work after all!
He ran up to the bus stop and hopped onto the wall, swinging his legs back and forth as he waited.
"Hey, I dont think I've seen you around before, you new here?" Patton looked up. The person standing in front of him was tall, with short purple hair and a black hoodie.
"Yeah! My names Patton, he/him pronouns, you can call me Pat, nice to meet you!" Patton held his hand out for the kid.
"Virgil, he/him," said the boy, returning the hand shake awkwardly. Patton heard snickering from behind him.
"If you're a boy, why are you wearing a dress? Do your parents hate you or something?" said a snobbish voice. Patton felt his face flush, he shook it off.
"Mind your business Carol," said Virgil, shielding Patton from the view of the small group of people.
"Its ok, I'm used to it," Patton rubbed his arm and looked away slightly, Virgil sat down next to him.
"Being used to something doesnt make it ok, Pat," he said, pulling his hood over his head.
"You dont let people tell you what gender should define you, got that?" said the purple-haired boy. Patton simply nodded and smiled. He waited next to Virgil until the bus showed up, then hopped aboard and sat in the seat closest to the front. He watched the trees pass outside and drew hearts in the dew on the windows until they reached the school.
They reached the school after a few minutes of driving around to other stops. Patton skipped down the steps and was about to walk inside when he bumped into something tall and soft. He looked up to be faced with a pair of menacing eyes, one brown and one yellow.
"S-Sorry- didnt see you there," he said to the figure. They simply growled under their breath and walked in a different direction. Virgil got off the bus and grabbed Patton by the arm.
"That's Deceit, if you know what's good for you you wont talk to him, hes bad news," Virgil said. Patton stole one last glance at Deceit before walking into the school building. He didn't seem like a bad guy, But Patton supposed no one really did at first glance, after all, he'd only just gotten there.
He ran to homeroom and sat down in the seat closest to the teacher's desk. He ignored the snickers and murmurs behind him until the teacher walked into the room.
"Class, we have a new student today, he's going to introduce himself," she said, moving out of the way so Patton could stand up.
He fumbled around a bit trying to stand up on the table, and nearly fell off, which caused a snicker to ripple through the back of the room.
"Hi! My name's Patton Prescott! I use he/him pronouns, my favorite animal is cats, and my favorite food is cookies!" he smiled brightly, swaying from side to side a bit before getting back in his seat.
"Well, welcome to class Patton," said the teacher. Patton grinned, causing his eyes to close slightly. They waited in homeroom until the bell rang. He ran out of the class and upstairs to the science lab. It seemed as though most of the seats were taken in the front, so he decided to sit in the back.
"You're in my spot," said a voice, in what sounded like a low hiss.
Patton froze and turned around, only to come face to face with Deceit. He let out a small squeak before gathering up his own things and running off to another desk. He noticed Deceit watching him from the corner of his eye and buried his head into a book, hoping it could block his face enough.
"Hey girl, are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten I see," said a voice from in front of Patton. He heard a groan from the other side of the room.
"Noooo- last time I checked I'm a boy from Florida," Patton watched as the expression on the face of the kid in front of him changed from one of smug flirtation, to mortified panic.
"What kind of guy wears bows and a dress! You look stupid!" he said angrily.
"The only stupid one here is you, he can wear what he wants, it's none of your business why," said the menacing voice of Deceit from across the room. The boy stormed back to his seat and Patton buried his face in his arms.
He waited out the rest of the class without speaking or looking at anyone before running through the hallway at top speed to escape the stares. He felt someone grab onto his shoulder and whipped around to face them. It was Deceit, he looked upset.
"I wanted to make sure you were ok, I know that cant be a fun experience for you," he said.
"Its fine, I'm used to it," Patton mumbled, shuffling his feet.
"Society just cant handle people having different tastes can they," Deceit's vibrant eyes seemed to stare into his soul. He shuffled his feet again and ran a hand over the back of his neck.
"Yeah, but they dont mean anything by it! People make bad choices some times," Patton said, his smile faltered slightly.
Deceit smirked slightly "you'll have to change that opinion eventually, optimism like that might get you hurt one of these days," he said. He ruffled Patton's hair slightly and continued down the hall. Patton frowned.
"Patton! Are you ok? What'd he do to you?" Virgil skidded to a halt next to him.
"I'm fine, he was just checking on me, someone mistook me for a girl in class today," Patton said. Virgil's eyes seemed to blaze with fire.
"People sometimes, it's like they think pronouns are a joke," he snarled.
"It really wasnt that big of a deal," Patton said. He was beginning to get tired of the subject. He and Virgil walked to their next class, talking about what they'd learned.
They'd gotten separated somewhere along the way to the gym, but Patton found him again once they reached the actual gymnasium.
"Gods I hate gym class, dodgeball has got to be the worst thing society has ever come up with," Virgil said. He'd gotten benched within the first few minutes of playing, he didnt seem upset about that fact though. Patton couldnt focus completely on him as he was trying to dodge a few blows from a boy with black sunglasses.
He was knocked back by a sudden blow to the chest, and landed with a thud on the gymnasium floor.
"Point Remus! Told you I could beat you!" said a boy with brown hair and a poorly drawn mustache on his face.
"Remus! You could've seriously hurt someone!" another boy who looked like the first, with redder hair and no drawn-on mustache, held his hand out to help Patton up and guided him over to Virgil.
"You did good!" Virgil said, nudging him in the arm.
"Yeah- wasnt expecting that though," Patton giggled.
"Remus is a bit of a wild card on most days, not his fault though, hes related to a class president, gotta make a name for himself somehow," Virgil said, pointing between the twins.
By the end of the day, Patton had solidified himself friendships with Virgil and the Prince twins. He was glad, the three of them were. nice. Even if Remus was a bit off putting at times, but he guessed that wasnt his fault. He felt like he was going to like it here, and he was happy with that.
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simplygojo · 5 years
killer queen - chapter eight
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Series summary : Y/n, a native to London England, gets asked by the legend himself, Freddie Mercury, to help manage the band. Obviously she accepts, and it ends up being the best decision she has ever made. Quickly she becomes close with each member of the band, Roger Taylor specifically…
Chapter Summary : Queen has a meeting with EMI records to discuss Queen’s second album. Afterwards y/n goes back to Roger’s house for some tea.
Word Count : 4.6k
Pairings : Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader 
Warnings : Swearing, SMUT,
a/n - Sorry it took so long to update! This chapter is MUCH longer than usual, but that's because so much shit is about to go down… 
            “You’ll always have a chance with me!” You said to Roger, completely serious. This was one of the biggest emotional risks you have taken recently, and you could feel yourself getting more and more anxious about it. Roger slammed the car door and walked over to you, power in every one of his steps. You stared at him, frozen in your place. He stopped in front of you and just stared into your eyes for a moment, looking into them as if he was searching for something. You could feel his breath on your face, only slightly though. You noticed his eyes flick from your eyes to your lips. “Always?” He asked cautiously. You nodded in response. “Always.” You told him, not quite sure how this was going to play out. He leaned forward, and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’ll see you later y/n.” He said as he began to walk away. You watched him get into his car and then you let out a huge breath, which you did not even know you were holding in, and watched him drive away. You walked back into the studio to grab your jacket and purse, then proceeded to get in your car and drive back to your flat. As you walk into your flat you immediately notice that Scott had already moved out. Your heart dropped when u realized this. The whole flat was missing something, but it wasn’t just one thing, it was the dishes that Scott would leave out, his jumper he would forget on the couch, his shoes laying in front of the door. Although you knew that ending your relationship with Scott was for the best, you did miss him being around, it felt lonely without him. You pushed those feelings away and put the kettle on as you began to get ready for your meeting with the record company. You put on the most sophisticated outfit you owned which was a white blouse and a pair of suit pants. You opened up your bathroom cupboard and grabbed the perfume from Paris. You stood in front of the mirror for a bit contemplating if you should change or not, maybe change your hair. As you stared at yourself, you glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that you would soon be late. You frantically grabbed your purse and ran down to where your car was parked. Turning the keys you heard your car roar to life, without hesitation you began to speed towards EMI Records, praying that you would not be late. You made sure that any emotions you were feeling about the situation with Roger were pushed aside for this meeting, you wanted it to go perfect. 
          After what felt like an hour of driving you finally got to the record company and got out of your car. You began walking towards the glass doors until you heard Brian and Roger talking amongst themselves. As you turned the coroner both of their faces, and Deaky’s came into view and you shot them all a small smile. You saw Roger look you up and down, trying to be discrete, but you simply ignored it. All three of the boys were wearing jeans and a dress shirt, but only Brian andRoger has ties on.“Well well well, y/n, I didn’t know you cleaned up this well!” Brian joked causing you to roll your eyes and push passed him. “Come on, lets go inside now. Our meeting starts in…” You paused to check your watch. “In 10 minutes. We don’t want to be late.” You told them as you pushed the front door open, the three boys following closely behind you. “Y/n, Fred’s not here yet.” Roger told you and you sighed. “Why am I not surprised?” You responded. You saw John Reid standing in front of the elevators and he smiled as the four of you walked overto him. “Where’s Freddie?” Reid asked and you just shook your head. John knew that Freddie liked to be extra, and that he would probably be late. “Alright then, upstairs we go.” He said as the elevator door slowly opened. Once the five of you got upstairs, a man with reddish-brown curly hair greeted you. He had a thick Scottish accent and wore dark sunglasses even though he was indoors. “Alright, let’s go, I’m Ray Foster, we’ve only spoken on the phone, but I believe it’s time to start busines-.” He paused as he looked around the five of you standing in front of him. “Where’s the main one?” He asked. “Uh, he’s not here yet.” You told him. “Who the bloody hell are you?” He asked, giving you a rude look. “I’m y/n y/l/n, Queen’s as-” Roger interrupted you “Queen’s secondary manager.” He said, looking over at you with the side of his eyes. He knew how much you hated saying you were someone’s assistant, how it made you feel small. “Right, well let’s take a seat.” Foster said as he walked into a room, the five of you following him. The room was bright, awards hung on the walls and Ray Foster sat behind a desk, with windows covering the wall behind him. You sat down on a couch in the middle of the room with Roger on your right, and Brian and John on your left. Reid stepped outside for a moment and then came back into the room with another man, they both remained silent. 
          After 10 minutes of this awkward silence, Freddie finally entered the room. “Hello.” He said as he shut the door behind him and waltzed over to the empty chair in the coroner. ‘You’re late.” Foster said to him. “Am I?” Freddie countered. “Saved you a seat.” “Lovely.” You all sat there while the two of them bantered. “Okay, so now that we’re all here, uh, Jim this is Ray Foster, Ray this is the band’s lawyer Jim Beach.” Reid stated, ensuring that all of you knew that your lawyer was present. “Oh we must stop calling him that.” Freddie groaned has he took a  cigarette out of his pocket. “Fred, that’s his name.” You old him, in hopes to shut him up. “No we can not keep calling him Jim Beach,” Freddie lit his cigarette. “No that’s absurde, not to mention unspeakably boring.” You all sat there in silence, dumbfounded that Freddie was attempting to change their lawyers name. “Miami. From now on I dub thee, Miami Beach.” Luckily, Jim Beach was a man with a sense of humor, so in response he just let out a soft chuckle. “The sun always sets behind you, doesn't it, on Miami Beach.” He responded, causing Fred to give a small shrug. Although you and the band all enjoyed a good banter, obviously Ray Foster did not. “All right, now that every has an acceptable name, let's get to it.” He said adjusting himself in his chair. “Look, we just really need something special, more hits, like ‘Now I’m Here’ or ‘Fat Bottom Girls’ only bigger.” He said almost pleading the boys to just simply recreate those songs. Roger lifted up his hands “It’s not bloody widgets we’re making. We can’t just reproduce ‘Fat Bottom Girls’.” Roger said as Freddie stood up and walked towards the record player near Foster’s desk. “No,” Freddie said has he placed a record on the machine and let it play. “We can do better.” You glanced at the boys to your left, both of them having a confused look upon your face. Suddenly opera began to play, the confusion not leaving your body, but you knew to always back Freddie up when it comes to music. Roger and Brian both had a soft smile of realization, and gently nodded as they both realized what Freddie was wanting to do. “It’s opera.” Foster said, evidently not pleased. “Opera!” Reid chimed in. Deaky chuckled and nodded. “Yeah there seems to be an echo in here!” He said over the loud woman singing. You looked over at Roger, who had a peaceful smile on his face as he looked at Freddie dance around Ray Foster’s desk. Freddie dramatically hit the desk along with the music, ever so often startling Foster, only making him more confused. Freddie tossed one of the small records off the desk, however Brian caught it and threw it back. Freddie walked back to the record player and turned down the volume. Within those few seconds that the opera was playing, All four of you knew exactly what Freddie was trying to say. “You see, we don’t want to keep repeating ourselves, the same formula over and over.” Brian said as an attempt to explain what Freddie had just tried to do. “Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time.” Freddie said standing beside Ray’s desk. “Formulas work. Let’s stick with the formulas, I like formulas.” Foster said. “We’ll call the album, a night at the opera.” Freddie said, ignoring Foster completely. Foster let out a frustrated sigh and looked at Freddie. “Are you aware that no one actually likes opera?” “I like opera.” Miami said. “Do you?” Foster asked. “I do!” Reid said holding up his hand. “Now, don’t misunderstand darling, it’s a rock and roll record, with a scale of opera. The pacos of greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare. The unbridled joy of musical theatre.” You looked at Freddie, realizing how much of a genius he really is. There is no better songwriter than him, no one more creative or intuitive. “It’s a musical experiance, rather than just another record. Something for everyone, something, hm, something that will make people feel it belongs to them. We’ll mix genres, we’ll cross boundaries, we’ll-we’ll speak in bloody tongues if we want to!” Freddie snickered. “There’s no musical ghetto that can contain us.” Roger quickly added in. “That's it.” Freddie pointed at Roger. “No one knows what queen means-” Deaky started and you added in “Because it doesnt mean one thing!” You said, a smile creeping onto your face. You all looked at Foster, the anticipation eating you alive. “What do you think, John?” He finally said. John shrugged in response “I...agree with the band.” He said with a hidden smirk. Foster looked like he was defeated as he said, “Of course you do.”  Under his breath. “How about you, uh-” “Miami-,” Freddie chucked. “Fortune favours the bold.” Miami said, giving his support to the band. You stood up and walked over to Freddie while Ray Foster thought silently. You opened your hand, asking for the cigarette in Fred’s hand, and you took a long pull, allowing the smoke to flow from your mouth as you walked over to Fosters desk, placing both your hands on it. “Surely a man of your...unique taste, isn’t afraid of a little risk.” You said almost challenging him. Foster shook his head and looked at you. “Please don’t make me regret this.” He said, a smile immediately appearing on all of your faces. Freddie pointed at him and smiled. “You’re fun.” The group of you all shook Foster’s hand and calmly walked out the door, minus John Reid who Foster wanted to talk to privately, and downstairs to the lobby of the building. 
            As soon as no one could see you, the lot of you you all erupted into laughter. “I can’t believe that worked!” Brian said. “Darling have I ever failed you?” Freddie said taking his cigarette back from your hands. “That was awesome.” You said with a big grin on your face. Moments later reid came back down the stairs and clapped his hands together as he walked towards you. “Alright, he isn’t the happiest about his decision...but he wants to send you guys to a farm not too far from here, so there are no distractions from the production of the album.” He said, all of you still smiling. “That’s great Reid!” You said and the boys nodded along. “When do we leave?” Deaky asked. “Very soon, tomorrow at 4:30am to be exact.” Reid said, causing Roger and Freddie to groan. “The bloody sun won’t even be up yet!” Roger said. And you rolled your eyes at him. “Oh relax, you’ll be fine.” You said. “Alright, everyone get their bags packed and set your alarms. We can meet at the studio around 4:00? Mr. Foster has gotten you a large van to drive to the farm in, there will be six of you so you won’t all fit in one car.” Reid explained. “Wait hold on, six?” Brian asked, as if on cue Paul Prenter waltzed out of the elevator, causing you, Rog, Brian, and Deaky to sigh. “Nevermind then.” He said, rejecting his previous question. “One of you will have to drive there, I don’t want any pit stops.” Reid said and you nodded. “I can drive it, I don’t mind.” Roger chimed in. “All right then it's settled. See you all tomorrow.” Reid waved bye and left with Prenter by his side. You began to chat about how excited you were and what song ideas everyone had as you all walked towards your cars. “Alright then boys, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said as you began to walk to your car. “Hey y/n, can I catch a ride with you? Deaky drove me here but he’s going to his girl’s place so he doesn’t have time to drop me off.” He explained casually, leaning against your car. You hesitated, as you mind drifted to what had happened just hours earlier. “Yeah sure. Hop in.” You said shortly as you opened up the drivers door and got into the car. You began to drive towards Roger’s flat, the two of you not talking as the radio softly played classical music. “You listen to classical?” Roger questioned. You gave him a dirty look and hen focused back on the road. “Yes I do, it helps me think clearly. Have a problem with that?” You said your eyes not leaving the road. “Not at all.” He chuckled. “I think it’s interesting.” He said as he watched you drive. The both of you just listened to the enchanting music flow from your old car’s staticy speakers until you arrived at Roger’s flat. “Come in for a cup of tea?” He insisted, although you just looked at him. “Please love, just like old times.” He said again, causing you to sigh but nod, as you turned the keys to turn off the car. The two of you walked up to his flat, it looking exactly the exact same as it did before. “I’ll put the kettle on.” He said as he began filling it with water. “You know, this flat has a beautiful view Rog.” You sai as you walked over to the large window that overlooked the small town they were in. “I’m actually selling it.” He said from the kitchen. You were shocked. “What why? This flat is ten times nicer than mine, I would kill to live somewhere like this.” You explained walking a couple feet over to the couches. “I have more money now, so I want to get a nicer place, something closer to the city.” He said as he cautiously walked over to where you were standing between the two brightly coloured couches with two white mugs in his hand. You reached out and grabbed one of the mugs. “Thanks.” You said before you took a sip and sat down on the red couch to your right, Roger sitting down beside you. “Plus, I want to get rid of all of this kiddish furniture, I’m an adult now, not some 18 year old kid who just moved out.” Roger laughed as he looked around his apartment. “Well I think this furniture suits you.” You said with a slight smirk as you looked at him. “Oh does it?” He bantered back at you. “And why is that, might I ask?” You laughed before taking another sip of your tea, the mug half empty now. “Well, it’s very flashy and preposterous, just like you are.” Roger chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Preposterous? The bloody hell does that mean?” He said taking another gulp from his mug. “Ridiculous, absolutely wild, just like you can be.” You said teasing him, then taking the last sip of your tea and placing the empty mug on the coffee table. “God, y/n, you’re so well spoken.” He admired as he also finished his tea. 
            “Hey Rog, why did you actually invite me in. I know that it wasn’t just ‘for old times’, I want the real reason.” You said as you looked him directly in the eyes. He took a moment before he responded. “I just missed us.” He admitted. “As friends obviously.” He said quickly after. “Of course.” You agreed as you stood up. “Alright well I should get going. I have to pack my bags still.” You said as you went to walk to the door, Roger close behind you. “Yeah, I suppose.” He agreed. “Y/n?” Roger asked, just as you were about to open the door. “Yeah Rog?” “What did you mean when you said that I’ll always have a chance with you?” He asked, looking directly into your eyes. Looking into his eyes made you never want to look away, they were enchanting. “I meant exactly what I said.” You told him, with a straight face holding the intense eye contact. You could feel you heartbeat get stronger as the silence went longer. Roger took a step closer to you and placed his hand on your cheek, his hands feeling rough but warm on your soft skin. You waited to see what he was going to do, when it came to Roger Taylor, you never knew. Not more than half a second later, he leaned forward, placing his other hand on your waste and pulled you in for a hungry kiss. You closed your eyes and wrapped both your hands around his neck gladly kissing him back The kiss was soft at first, almost as if you were worried that this longing kiss would ruin everything, but that thought quickly left your mind when you felt Roger wrap his index finger around your belt loop to pull you in closer. Your hands began playing with his hair as he backed you up until you were pressed flat against the door, making the kiss more heated. His hand moved from your cheek softly down to the hem of your shirt, just playing with it, teasing you. “God Rog, don’t be such a fucking tease.” You said pulling away for a second and he looked at you, his eyes glazed over with something you haven’t seen before, pure lust. “You’re so fucking hot.” He growled as he moved his hands to your thighs, picking you up and pushing you harder against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands remained around his neck. Roger began sucking hungrily on your neck and you gladly let him. Your head rolled back to give him better access and your eyes subconsciously shut. A soft moan came from your lips as he finished kissing your collar bone. “Why don’t we take this to your room?” You suggested, out of breath. Roger put you down, the glaze leaving his eyes as he looked at you. “Y/n, are you sure?” He asked, making you a bit confused. “Since when do you ask that?” You laughed resting your hands on his chest, he looked you dead in the eyes as he said, “Since I got a chance with you.” He said, your heart feeling as if it was doing backflips. “Aw Taylor, you’ve gone soft.” You teased, faking a pout. This remark immediately made his eyes glaze over once again. “Oh baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He said as he picked you up just as before, one leg on either side of him as he carried you over to his bedroom. He laid you down on the bed and you grabbed his tie, pulling him on top of you as you kissed him yet again. Your hands roamed his body as his roamed yours. You slid his black blazer off his shoulders as he undid the buttons on your blouse. You unbuttoned his shirt watching the white fabric flow off of his body and onto the floor. His hands went to your face as you continued to kiss passionately, your lips fitting perfectly together. You pulled his head closer to yours as he laid you back, your lips never parting. You reached for your pants zipper but felt Roger’s hand grab yours. He pulled away and began to slowly unzip your pants, feeling the heat between your legs grow stronger. He gently slid your pants off your legs as he admired your body. He looked at you as if you were a goddess; as if he was worshipping you. You gave him a playful smirk and sat up to kiss him once again. You undid his belt buckle and he quickly slid his pants off. You went to get on your knees when he chuckled and pulled you back up. “Love, you’re a Queen, you get it first.” He smirked and slowly pushed you so you were laying on your back. He slowly trailed sloppy kisses down your neck, then between your breasts, then down your stomach, and then to the place you’ve wanted them the whole time. You felt his lips on your inner thigh placing soft kisses, being a fucking tease. His index finger hooked around your thong and slowly slid it down your legs, then tossing it to the side. You let out a small gasp as you felt him quickly insert two fingers into you. He began pumping them in and out, his thumb gently rubbing your clit as you leaned your head back in pleasure. “Fuck Rog.” You exclaimed as he began to move more aggressively. You began to squirm beneath him but he quickly placed his free hand on your stomach and roughly held you down, this only bringing you closer to your finish. You grabbed his bedsheets in a fist and rolled your head back as you came to your finish. You had a layer of sweat on your body now, but you haven’t felt that good in years. Roger came back up to you and kissed you roughly. “Your turn.” You said smirking as you went to get up, but Rog stopped you. “No y/n, I need to fuck you, now.” He said, the glaze over his eyes almost getting darker. You simply nodded in response as you began kissing him again, while simultaneously taking off his boxers and letting them fall to the ground. He was already hard as a rock as he laid you down again and stood himself at the end of the bed. His hands wrapped around your ankles and pulled your body to the end of the bed, your legs falling to either side of him. He entered you slowly but wasted no time with thrusting. He moved in and out at an even pace holding you still from your hips. You sat up and his hands moved from your hips to the small of your back, pulling you closer with every thrust. You kissed him again, every kiss sloppier than the next. His thrusts got faster and faster as he began kissing down your neck again. “Fuck y/n!” He yelled as he finally finished, you surprisingly finished again seconds after him. The two of you laid down on the bed for a moment, just catching your breaths. You began to think of the consequences that might come with what you just did. This would forever change your relationship with Roger, and you didn’t know if you’d become just one of the girls he brought home and fucked. Roger looked over to you and let out a chuckle. “That was fucking amazing.” He said, placing a kiss on your temple before he sat up and put on his boxers. You rolled your eyes at him and began getting dressed, which was difficult when you have just had sex and had a layer of sweat covering your body. Once you were both fully dressed, you sat back down on Roger’s bed and looked at him. The dark glaze over his eyes was gone, and you were just looking into his gorgeous bright eyes. “You know I have to go now.” You told him and he looked at you confused. “I have to pack still, as do you.” You stood up and began to walk over to his front door. “Woah woah woah, you’re just leaving like that?” He said, obviously a bit mad that you were just going to go home. “Yeah, isn’t that what all the other girls you hook up with do?” You asked him casually as you put your shoes on. “Are you joking? Y/n, you aren’t like any other girls, you’re different. I would never do that to you.” He said. You looked at him, this was one of the first times you felt like you were someone's first choice, you were wanted, maybe even needed. “Well in that case…” You stepped forward and gave Roger one last kiss. “I’ll see you in five hours.” You smiled wide at him and he smiled back. You shut the door behind you and walked over to the elevators, the grin not leaving your face. Roger walked into his bathroom staring at himself in the mirror. His smile was wide too, and he felt happier than he had in years. “She’s the one.” He said to himself before walking into his room to pack his bags. You finally got back to your flat, quickly throwing together some clothes and toiletries into a duffle bag, you laid down on your bed and passed out.
            The next morning, your alarm went off at 3am and you could already feel the exhaustion take over you. Your eyelids felt too heavy to open, and getting out of bed felt like the hardest thing to do at the moment. You eventually got up, brushed your teeth and hair, got changed into grey joggers and a comfy jumper, made an extremely large coffee, and went to get into your car. You sat in the driver's seat and adjusted the rear view mirror, that’s when you noticed the three massive hickeys on your neck. “Well fuck.” You said as you ran back up to your flat in hopes that your only turtleneck is still shoved at the back of your drawers. You found it after five minutes of digging and slid the tight black shirt over your body. You ran back down your stairs and finally, began driving to the studio. Once you get there, you saw that everyone was there except you and Freddie. You got out of the car and apparently your concealer didn’t cover up your eye bags. “God y/n, you look exhausted.” Brian exclaimed. “Rough night?” Deaky said with a chuckle. “I stayed up way to late.” You said, looking at Roger through the side of your eye, who was smirking at you. “Alright y/n, where’s your bag, lets load her up.” Roger said, walking over to your car and grabbing the duffel bag from the back seat. “What a gentleman.” You said sarcastically as Roger carried your bag over to the large van. Soon Freddie arrived and after loading his four suitcases into the trunk, you were all ready to go. Roger sat in the drivers seat with you in the passengers, everyone else squished behind. Although you could hear some bickering between the boys happening, you couldn’t help but drift off to sleep. About half an hour into the drive, Roger looked over at you and a warm feeling engulfed him when he saw you peacefully sleeping. You really were different to him, to him you were the one.
Series Taglist : @triggeredpossum @toger-raylor @antoouu  @s-e-l-e-c-t-i-v-e-listener @creativedogs @wvnhedas​ @rockyroadthepastryarchy   @coltonthekanima @anna1523 @fandomshit6000 @shutup-sorry @a-crowd-of-newsies @butterfliesflewaway @ultrunning @unicorntrooper @digicharr​ @howmanymoregalileos @sargent-barnes @sincereleygmg​ 
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