#doffy gang
biohazard-inevitable · 2 months
I have come to a realization….
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That these are basically the same character…
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And i’m not sure I can explain or elaborate…
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froggiewrites · 1 month
some days you write 3000 words in only a few hours and some days you barely manage 300 over the entire day and it feels like pulling teeth
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1000sunnygo · 5 months
One Piece Academy Chapter 45: Brothers part 2 (Quick translation)
source | translation index
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Trebol: Corazon?! How come you're okay~?!
Diamante: Uhahaha...Is that Law I see?
Zoro: Ow, those are some mean looks. Are they the Executives?
Sanji: Did they gather to gang up on Corazon?
Nami/Usopp: NOOOO~~!!
Luffy: Mingo you jerk!! Doing what you did to Corao, I still haven't--!!
Usopp: God forbid.. Luffy, don't provoke them!!
Gladeus: So that's the Straw hat? How cheeky...
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Doflamingo: Down there...There's one of my Kitchen cars.
Let's go eat.
everyone: ??!
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Nami: Luffy, you!
Luffy: R-right...I shouldn't eat... they haven't made up yet... !
Usopp: Corao!! That guy definitely has some plans under his sleeves!
Baby 5: Of course! Don't underestimate our Young Master!
Law: *clink*
Cora: *step* *step*
Law: Cora san!
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tears in my eyes
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Cora: Delicious!
Cora: The flavor was a bit strong.
Doflamingo: Kids these days prefer that way.
Coby: It's not a trap?!
And they're eating together like nothing happened... How is that...?
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Luffy: Shiishishihi.... I see!
Baby 5: Is it okay, Young Master?
Doflamingo: I have successfully settled things with Corazon.
But for whatever reason, he's here and doing great. Take it as just another outcome.
T/N: throwback to when Doffy said Law's erroneous choices lead to the outcome where Cora got stabbed
Doflamingo: What is it? Law.
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Law: I will never forgive you. That is all.
Cora: Law...
Law: Not saying in the spirit of revenge, though.
Thanks to Cora san, I've become free... I refuse to live with my heart trapped within your clutch.
I will surpass you by myself, of my own volition.
And someday, I'll have you mopping the floor after beating the crap out of you!
That's how thugs settle their business, don't they?
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Doflamingo: Fufufufu... well, that's something to look forward to.
Sugar: *noms*
Doflamingo: *stands up*
Luffy: Oi Mingo, you don't wanna party?
Baby 5: Young Master is busy! Unlike you people!!
Luffy: What's up with that guy anyway...
*brothers take opposite directions*
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Franky: There he goes. To the school?
Corazon: Well, time for another strategy meeting!
Cora: Huh?
Luffy: FWOOOOOOH~~~!!!
Cora: Straw hat ya!!?
Nami: Where are you going, Luffy??
Luffy: SCHOOL!!!
Sanji: Hold on a second!!!
Continues in Reblog ⬇️
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diminuel · 9 days
Doflamingo as a babysitter/parent is so funny because he is an evil insane crazy villain man BUT he is ALSO canonically VERY good at the TECHNICAL aspects of childcare. He WILL encourage Luffy to kill people but he WILL also make sure he eats his vegetables and is asleep by 9 on the dot and has had a bath.
You know if Dragon and Croc (in ANY crocdad canon) knew about Dellinger it would drive them crazy!!! Thats like the one piece equivalent of being an instagram parent with a spotless house and straight A kids and homebaked bread and designer nails and—
He had a BABY on his SHIP during BATTLES and the kid didn’t come out with a SINGLE scratch!!! Dellinger wasn’t even a secret!!!! Every dangerous pirate and gang Doffy dealt with for 16 years knew he had a little baby nephew and the kid has been seemingly FINE this entire time!!! Yes he’s CRAZY and EVIL but so is Doflamingo!!!!!!!
(The idea of Instagram parent Doflamingo delights me!)
In the one universe where he is babysitting Luffy he's not an insane crazy villain since he was most likely picked up by the marine together with Rosinante (it's potentially the same universe as this comic). The kid clearly has issues that growing up with marines is definitely not going to fix and he does abandon his marine career in favor of becoming a pirate and underworld crime lord. So he could still encourage Luffy to kill (but honestly, Crocodile might encourage that too. He'd much rather have a child that will know how to kill than a dead child.) But definitely, out of anyone he'd probably be the best at actually meeting Luffy's needs as a child and enforcing child appropriate rules (eating veggies, taking baths, bed time.)
And yes! Dragon and Crocodile did so much in order to conceal that they had a child, fearful of him being killed for the sins of his fathers or Luffy being abducted/ used against them. It would probably be especially bitter in an universe where they abandoned Luffy for his own good. It's frustrating to see that Doflamingo could do it so effortlessly but Doflamingo has the benefit that he trusts his crew. He's not just one man with a kid against the world. Crocodile doesn't trust anyone. And Dragon of course doesn't even have the protection that being a warlord grants Crocodile. But I think Crocodile would be livid if he ever found out that Dragon took in a child to be raised on their secret head quarters. Why a random child, why not their child?
And then years later Sengoku announced the truth of Luffy being Dragon's child to the whole world during battle in what must be Crocodile's worst case scenario.
Crocodile (in any Crocodad AU) is not having a great time X'D
Sorry, I drifted off mentally because I'm rereading OP and am about to get to Marineford.
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quinloki · 20 days
Eurgh yan Shanks too though... he's so charming and easy going you'll probably lower your guard despite his status and reputation. Even if he somehow doesn't manage to charm you, he's inevitable. It's unlikely that you or anybody you know can challenge him, so he's not worried about competition. Comes in wherever your job is, offers to walk you home... you aren't sure you want him to know where you live, and try to tell him it's okay, you're sure he's busy. He laughs, insisting on it.And he assures you he's got no reason to hurt you or anybody else, so come on! Just have a drink with him! Come chat for once!
Yandere Shanks is, to me, the most terrifying yandere in the One Piece universe.
Crocodile is the most natural yan, Doffy the most possessive.
Marco's one of the smoothest, second maybe only to Shanks.
Kid's intimidating, and Law's creepy as hell.
But Shanks - Shanks is utterly terrifying to me. He's so easy going, so affable, so smooth, so nice, so disarming. And there's not only no escape, but there's no one that believes you. His future sight keeps you from even seeding doubt in people's minds.
Maybe you can implore Ace enough to have a friend in the face of Marco, and you DEFINITELY can find allies when dealing with Croc and Doffy, but with Shanks?
If you don't know about Observation haki he seems to be fully capable of reading your mind. You can't escape him, you can shake him, all your arguments are useless, he's already got answers to things you haven't even said out loud.
Your only hope is Luffy, honestly, and you might not even know that depending on the universe we're talking about. If you're some islander who was whisked away from your home before Luffy's first bounty? If it's an AU where you don't even know anything about Mafia families, or gangs, or whatever CEO business it is you're dealing with, or WHATEVER the set up is - and
fuck he's terrifying as a yan.
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Shopping Trip With One Piece Characters
Part of a trade with the awesome @softcenteregg
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Doffy - The very definition of “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!”
Has money but you will have to pay for him all day when it comes to lunch and drinks.
Will be sitting at a restaurant at 11 am with a cocktail as he tells you about his week, regardless of if you asked or not.
Checks out the mall hotties.
Laughs when people open push/pull doors wrong.
Always has a cocktail or a Starbucks clutched in one hand, waving his credit card around in the other hand.
Rude to salespeople.
You will be dragged through the mall for hours because he needs to go into every designer shop he can and try on at least seventeen pairs of $400 sunglasses or he’ll die.
Will be the most overdressed person in the area,
When your having lunch with him and he sees someone he doesn’t like, he will be like “Oh hey! Been so long since we hung out, should do it again soon!” then soon as they're gone he’s dishing the dirt.
Also, you will carry his bags, thx.
Makes you wish you could get those reigns for kids but in adult sizes.
In fact, the entire trip is like taking a child out for his birthday.
Ever seen a huge bearded man grinning in pure glee at the new limited edition Build a Bear products? Ever seen one make like 12?
Do yourself a favor and limit his booze and sugar intake.
Is confused he can’t do a pub crawl in a mall.
Buys alot of those ‘alcoholic chocolates’ by the box load in an attempt to get a nice buzz going.
Thrift shopping but he will try on everything he can.
Does not know how to dress but does it with style, oddly enough.
You won’t get a chance to sit down or rest unless it’s dinner time.
At least he’ll sleep well tonight.
Hit’s all the stores that sell music and band merch.
Will snort at people who buy things he doesn’t like.
Throws around words like ‘poser’ and judges everyone.
The kinda metal kid who hangs out at the mall with all the wallet chains looking like their parents grounded them, but in their late 20s.
Will spend hours looking for CDs and just say he’s too broke and he’ll download it online anyway.
Walks around the mall trying to find the right shade of lipstick with Killer, both their arms and hands are covered in testers before they both just get more black nail varnish and the same shade they always buy.
Has a reusable plastic cup that's full of jack and coke. 
Taunts mall cops.
Imagine all of the above but he also spends alot of time looking at fancy new cook wear.
Will spend nothing on food all day but will drop $90 on a brand new crockpot or air fryer for the kitchen.
Very metal of him.
Thatch is fun to go with.
Treats you, buys the coffee and lunch.
Is happy to do whatever you want as long as he gets to check out homeware sections while you look at your things.
You will never lose him behind shelves because you can always see his hair.
Like Jaws but with hair and ozone layer murdering levels of hairspray.
Will flirt with staff, will get talking to them for far too long, and hold up the line.
The type of person who has alot of change and makes it a personal challenge to count out change exactly.
Will carry your bags though, he’s a good boy.
Bit judgey on eatery places pastries.
I hope you enjoy getting nowhere because when you're at a mall with Shanks or out and about in town you will be stopping every ten steps because someone recognises him and comes over and chats.
Has no concept of how long he’s been talking.
Is the type to have a pint with breakfast or brunch when you guys hang out.
Sale on ugly pants? He’d push you down to get there first.
Always texting the gang when he’s out.
Lol Benn guess what, I saw Buggy and he was with that guy, you know, the one with the hook, lol lol
Will drop Uta off at the mall kids' soft play area even though she’s 18 and still forget to pick her up before leaving.
Low key baits mall cops by loitering around and looking like an issue but has no intention of being an issue.
Might skateboard inside the mall.
Poses with ‘no skateboard’ signs.
Hopefully, there isn't an arcade in the mall because if you had any intention of getting things done today, that won’t happen now.
Hungry every 20 minutes and has to grab snacks.
100% the kinda friend/boyfriend who sits on the seats outside the changing rooms holding all the bags and groaning, acting like it’s the worst thing in the world.
Is one of those people who opens push/pull doors wrong.
After taking five minutes to park correctly he’s happy to go with the flow. 
Likes to have a coffee and a people watch with you, chatty and social.
But he will drag you to shoe stores and you will be sat there for ages as he tries on every strappy sandal in the place, walking up and down and asking you what you think.
“I like this one but I don’t know if it makes me too tall yoi.” while you can’t for the life of you tell the difference between that pair and the last 40.
If you meet him at the mall he might be late, very much the shows up 20 minutes late with Starbucks.
Has a tendency to wander off in shops and you spend half your time looking for him.
Doesn’t give a warning when entering a shop if something shiny caught his bird brain.
He hates the mall.
Imagine a dad who has to take his teenage daughter clothes shopping and that’d basically be him with Shanks.
Benn is a very ‘I know what I am here for’ in and out kind of person but he doesn’t mind going to other places with you.
Ignores staff-only signs when he knows there is a smoking area on the other side of that door.
Is the person to remind you of the ‘insert thing here we have at home’ and is a shop sensible person, though he won't say anything if you do buy another T-shirt that looks exactly like the one you already have.
Pretends to be annoyed at carrying the shopping, but he offered and he likes to help you out.
If you complain about your feet hurting he’ll helpfully tell you he told you to wear your other shoes.
Sabo and Luffy
Both have their pictures up in the security office.
Sabo for giving the mall cops the finger, graffiti, and shoplifting.
Luffy peed in the fountain and kept stealing pick-n-mix.
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mightbebobbie · 10 months
tearing my hair out bc i wanna draw zosan, but i also wanna draw kidlaw, and yamace, and namivivi, and frobin, and i wanna do cool character illustrations for cross guild, and shanks, and doffy and fujitora and the wano gang, i wanna draw funny strawhat comics and i wanna draw usopp more and also luffy, and i wanna do comics of my ocs and i wanna design more characters and work on my personal comic and omg there isn't enough hours in the fucking day
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tang3r1n · 6 months
here’s my list of anime dudes and chicks who’d fuck with eating ass and why;
(tw, i allude to dark subjects at some points, please be cautious and keep yourself and your mind safe <3)
animes; one piece, jjk, mha, aot
sanji— he’d be weird abt it, too loud, too wet, too gross abt it, idk man he’d be NEEEAAASSSTY.
zoro— not weird but he’d be like…so in love with your ass. like you gotta beg him to touch your clit cause he’s so focused on ur booty
law— hrrngh. hnnngfh- mmmmph.. love him. anyways, another one obsessed with ass but he’d be that sleaze who licks from your clit to asshole. like he edges you by just licking long stripes from one hole to the other reeeaalll slow. fingerbangs you like a MOTHER FUCKER while eating ur ass tho, like the kinda fast that looks like it hurts but feels fucking fantastic
luffy— obviously. no duh. no shit. he’s feral with it, but like law he switches between pussy and ass.. okay wait nvm he leans towards ur ass more imo, more stuff to actually ingest ig
doffy— he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s so fucking into ass, like the sight of a lil booty hole and he’s rock fucking hard, so he makes it a humiliation thing. like he’s making you feel pathetic and horrible for cumming from your ass like his dick isn’t sore as fuck and he’s cumming dry.
i really wanna say shanks. i really wanna fucking say shanks…. i’m saying shanks. he’d be lazy abt it tho, mainly eats you out to get your ready for his dick ngl, more of an ass fucker than an ass eater.
KIDD. KIDD. ON GOD. he’d be like doffy except he’s open abt LOVING ass AND humiliating you. he’s so fucking mean and on his knees slurping and sucking and fucking. deco loves biting your ass so hard you bleed. he’d fuck dry. yes he would.
hrrngk- nami<3– yall i have a PHAT crush on nami.. obsessed with her being obsessed over her bestie. anyways. FUCK. GOD. she’ll never fucking tell you abt it, never ever, but you can always feel her thumbs twitching near your lil pucker when she goes down on you, BIIIGGG into spanking tho. bitch leaves marks through jeans.
gojo— it’s gojo satoru, of course he’s into ass. he is THE man. THE MAN. he’s gonna eat ass, he’s gonna eat pussy, he’s gonna cum in ur mouth and make out, he’s gonna cum in your holes and eat it out. nasty mf with nasty desires.
g-..hm..yeah geto— he’d also be a humiliator. he doesn’t REALLY like ass all that much, doesn’t mind it, BUT.. it upsets you, makes you all teary and squirmy and he DOES like that. spanks so hard you welt <3
sukuna— fuck off you know why. i-i don’t have to say anything, ITS SUKUNA
mommy— I MEAN SHOKO— big bad mommy dom who makes you eat her ass then shoved all kinds of shit in your holes <3 loves doctor play and ‘taking your temp’ the old fashioned way <3 (god spit on me…)
aizawa— UUUUGGGHHHH :( i feel like he’s one of those men who loves fucking ass more than pussy, yknow? he’ll shove a vibe up there, turn it on full blast, and make you sit on his face while he eats you out and fingers ur pussy <3 a true gentleman who cums hands free when you squirt on his face and squeal then draws you a bath <33
fat gum— too easy. too fucking easy, gang he’s another everything man, loves it all.
ende-hm. en. hm. lemme sit on it for a second.
HOLY SHIT DABI— oh such an ass fucker, such an ass eater. he likes it for the taboo, naughty, gross aspect of it. the more you hate it the more he adores it. OH LORD he’d burn lil hearts on your ass so you couldn’t sit, make you lay face down and naked so he can eat your ass out while you’re ‘healing’ (he’s gonna do it again when they’ve scarred over.)
MIDNIGHT.— shes an either-or. she’ll let you choose which she eats out but both holes WILL be stuffed.
miruko— ofc dude. like. ofc. she’s got this carrot dildo you see, BABE JUST HEAR HER OUT PLEASE JUST LISTE—
eren mf yeager, BOTH yeager brothers— zeke is just an ass man, nothing really weird, just loves bootyhole. EREN NOW. eren’s like sanji. like literally so fucking loud and so fucking annoying and so fucking GROSS. there spit and lube everywhere, he’s drenched, whined and cries when you don’t let him fuck ur ass
jean(?)— also cried when you don’t let him go through the backdoor:( he’s such a crybaby, fucking your pussy so hard you can’t breathe while his thumbs are both hooked in your ass, i bet that’d feel weird as fuck cause he uses them to pull you back in.
hange— another obvious gross one. they’d be..so hot with it. god. i love team ‘girlcock hange’ btdubs. they’re the kind to finger you while DEMOLISHING your ass, spitting on ur pussy and rubbing your clit to tight and fast you’re dizzy all while they try and dig their dick deep enough to punch your gut.
yknow who is??
endeavor, i decided he’d be an ass fucker. ooohh yeeeaaahhh… he’s not weird abt it, but the SSSSECOND you say you wanna get your ass ate he’s tossing you on the bed and ripping off your pants. a snogger, shoves his face ALL up in there <3 another one who SPANKS AND SLAPS AND SPITS AND BITES. he’d be like hange, fucking the shit out of your ass with his.. yknow those like, big logs of ground beef you can buy at stores? enji, anyways, and he’s finger blasting ur cunt with two fingers cause they’re big enough that if he fisted you he’d prolly fucking kill you.
k done. can you tell i’ve discovered a new kink guys?????
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pink-doflamingo · 1 month
How do you interpret Doflamingo’s partnership with Caesar Clown
Doffy and Caesar's partnership. I've been sitting on this question for a while. Whoops.
I don't think I would exactly call it a partnership. Caesar seems to consider himself to be working for Doflamingo. In fact, Caesar seems to consider himself to be using Doflamingo. Caesar isn't a member of the Donquixote family, after all. He's a freelance scientist who hires his services out to whoever's paying him. Much like scientists on this earth work for government grants, Caesar works for 'pirate grants' in a way, and doesn't seem to think much of the people he's taking money from.
Of course, Caesar recognizes that Doffy is in a position of power and can help him when he gets fucked over, so that's when Caesar essentially uses what he knows about Doflamingo's good will to his own advantage.
While Caesar only considers the relationship to be transactional, Doffy is well known for getting attached and even having a soft-hearted approach to failure within his own ranks, so Caesar doesn't hesitate to suck up to him when it's advantageous.
Doflamingo obviously knows on some level that Caesar's a two faced scheming bastard– he sent Monet to keep an eye on him after all– but at the same time he does get attached to people and I'd say he, as he says in canon, thinks Caesar is cute in his own ridiculous way, so he's happy enough to protect him.
In fact, I'd say that I think Doflamingo was pleased to finally have Caesar in a corner where he could actually get a (metaphorical) string on him and bring him closer into the gang, if not the family. Doffy certainly, I think, prefers to deal with people who are knit to him with loyalty and debt, rather than simply working for him for money.
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melkyt · 12 days
The difference between Rosi and Doffy, is the one and only Rosinante Donquixote has this thing called self control that was trained into him by the marines, and trained out of Doffy by Trebol and gang
We see that Doflamingo understood that he just tripped and it wasnt anyones fault. Diamante: "Nonono, thats not right, *the town hurt you*, kill them all"
Like self-control out the window, something he already had very little off, oh something that nobody can control hurt you? Lash out and throw a tantrum, be the celestial dragon you were born to be, with all the enabling to be violent
I wonder if roleswap happened how far would Rosi go, he has his moments of acting on his violent instincts that were all around when he was a child, and the marines do nurture that, as long as the violence has a reason and a target ie the hospital.
If he was taught, trained, and groomed by Trebol, would he end up much like Doffy, or would he fight against it and do something else? He was potentially more vulnerable than Doflamingo at the time they split, and maybe wouldnt even catch anyones attention, just a weak urchin kid,
But i think once Rosi cried himself out and went through even more suffering on the streets, he would go non-verbal as i bet he tends to in stressful situations, and just go into anything to survive mode. Once he is found by Trebol and gang, he will have that empty gaze that Law had, just trying to get through it
While I don't think Rosi would care about Dressrosa, but he would be pointed in that direction as just to get some peace
While Doflamingo in the marine's would be interesting, since he was also open and vulnerable to adults guidance at the time, if they assign the right person to train him, who enables him and fosters his power with promises of going back to the holy land for example, i think doflamingo would work his ass off to get there.
Now when he is older and an admiral, he will do whatever the fuck he wants, not following orders, very simular to Aokiji tbh, doing his own thing and having dirt on the world goverment so he gets most of his celestial dragon power back through official channels, and could be even worse actually xd
Both brothers about to be 'worse' in my roleswap au lol
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
I just realised I missed going another route for Childhood Friends Doflamingo x Reader. Because let's be honest, when you are best friends in that friend group, it's ride or die. You have your own gang with your BFFs, so here are some ideas for that route:
- Doflamingo would make Reader the member of the crew, and once Reader is eighteen, she can use the restaurant as this intelligence HQ for all the info coming and going be it marines or pirates.
- Reader being the official caretaker for the kids and the chef making all the meal plans of the DQ Family... Yeah. If Doffy is the patriarch, Reader is the matriarch.
You may not be a fighter, but you're very valued and loved by the crew.
Idk, I know this is a common trope, so yeah I was thinking just how little caretaking the kids might have got. It was all training with them... They couldn't really be kids. I like to think Doflamingo made sure to teach them how to read and write, but as the crew gains notoriety, he becomes busy so he can't tutor Baby 5 or Buffalo or Dellinger. He only managed to tutor Gladius back when Gladius joined, and even that halfway he had to leave the rest to you.
You once see him napping (no coat, no sunglasses, some short shirt) with Dellinger and Baby 5 curled up into his sides and hugging him after they rob an island; they are very sleepy, pirating is hard work!
You definitely take a picture of that moment. So many pictures. Doflamingo buys a picture album to store them all, and hangs some around the ship, in Spider Miles. He keeps a picture of you and him on his desk in his office.
- Yandere Doffy Anon
Oh my gosh, I loved this. Overused tropes are still good -> use away, use away!! I love a good Dadflamingo and mother reader. They're perfect for one another. I need more Dadflamingo content in my life 😤👌. I love these beautiful ideas!!
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1000sunnygo · 9 months
One Piece Academy chapter 41: The Dark Bingo Tournament, part 1 (Quick translation)
The lore deepens..
source | previous chapter | part 2 | index
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Cover page side note : Sanji-kun's morning starts with black coffee.
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Editor's note: what was discussed while playing trump at the Doflamingo countermeasure headquarters?
Everyone: An undercover investigation?
Cora: Yeah...
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Cora: Doffy is supposed to attend a certain meeting tonight. Law and I will have an investigation trip.
Robin: 'A certain'...?
Luffy: ..Party with Mingo? I'm coming as well!!
Nami: They just said it's an investigation!
Law: Outside, it's a Bingo party with the Grand City enterprises.
But in reality... It's a meet-and-greet ceremony with the Dark World's residents.
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Chopper: The Dark world... Meaning the bad adults? Er, Eleven-Back...
Robin: Eight-Stop (T/N: these are Daifugou card game terms)
Cora: It's all my intuitive prediction, though.
Doffy got himself his first new suit in a long time. There's something to this...
If they meet, it's possible that he'd sign a contract to become part of the gangs then and there. We have to stop this somehow.
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Zoro: What do you mean 'somehow'? You haven't decided what to do yet?
Sanji: You want to stop them without being busted. It ain't a simple task at all.
Vivi: Definitely a high risque plan for high schoolers.... Triple Queen.
Cora: I'm one of the students who is given authority by the country and the school to 'investigate and use force'.
Coby: Something like Student council, or Public morals corps?
Cora: Right... Coby, you were part of the Public morals corps, aren't you.
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Nami: Hey, Cora-chan... Was Doflamingo always like this? You've lived with him, haven't you?
Our family, the Donquixote Family "used to be" one of the great families of the world. We brothers were raised by kind hearted mother and father.
Vivi: The Donquixote Family! I've heart bits about it from Papa.
Cora: 'Cause Vivi-chan's Nefertari family is also one of those great families!
Usopp: That sounds like a nice family!
Brook: What do you mean by "used to be?"
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Cora: A fall from a prestigious family to rock bottom... That's what I mean.
Father, unfamiliar with business, tried his hand at several private charity projects. Unfortunately, every single one ended in huge failure. Our family lost all its possessions, and we lost our social standing.
Those were terrible days, filled with hunger. There were people who's mock and laugh at us for getting the boot, kicked out of the town.
All of it was probably unbearable for my brother. He developed a deep seated hate towards the townsfolk and father.
Then, Doffy disappeared from the sight of me and family. As years passed on...
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Cora: I discovered him in the streets as one of the thugs.
Sanji: I guess, he was royally messed up.
Vivi: So he has a past like this behind that perpetual jolly demeanor...
Chopper: Vivi...
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Luffy: Corao, I'm bringing leftover food with me.
Cora: Bring with you? You're going somewhere?
Luffy: Why, at Mingo's party!
(Continues in reblogs) ⬇️
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Here's a thought. I'm not sure if this is considered a mafia au or whatever but this is the best thing I've thought of.
One day, Doflamingo brings his gang family to a beachside resort, partly to have a vacation and mostly to encourage Law to network.
It's a diplomatic move to pacify Law after killing Corázon. He expects Law to try to murder him just like Corázon but he would rather Law not try anything so soon. Though, Doffy would rather have that than whatever this was. Doffy swore he taught Law better.
Law refuses to look and be nice. He wears the ugliest merchandise tee shirts and hoodies. He plays his horrible rock music out loud. He dances to upbeat girl group pop songs off beat and wears polar bear floaties to the pool without batting an eye.
And to top it all off, all that attracts the attention of this blond young man called Sabo. Sabo looks like those pretty young boys Greeks back in the day idolise for their beauty and Doffy had seen those before. However, there's something about Sabo...
Doffy is aware that Sabo wants to kill him but there's just something so damned wrong about him. It was not his scars or anything like that... It's his eyes...
He observes them from a distance at first, not wanting to get too close because he doesn't want to offend Law's... delicate, asocial sensibilities. He does not like that he cannot control Law more personally but he must tolerate it.
That said, maybe he need not be so worried. Their first meeting went so disastrously Doffy was sure that Blondie would kill Law first.
The blondie is very obviously into Law. Sexually, yes but also because Blondie wants to get into Law's pants to learn more about Doffy's schemes and kill him.
This is your chance, Law, Doffy thinks with some dread... Blondie really was quite handsome. If Doffy were a bit younger he would've gone for him. Damn you, Law! You don't deserve this.
Blondie swam up to the edge of the pool where Law was sitting. Law dipped his legs in the pool and was kicking it around like a child. He was tapping at his phone. He looked busy, but Doffy knew better. The brat was playing Candy Crush to spite him.
"Hey, handsome," Blondie says, tapping on Law's knee. Law glanced up and blinked. "How are you? It's nice today, isn't it?"
Law learned how to read lips from Corázon. He nodded with a polite enough smile that did not mean anything.
"Do you want to get away for a minute?" Blondie said. "We can do something else."
Do what? Law signed. Corázon taught him that too. Blondie was caught off guard but signed back, albeit awkwardly, Whatever you want. Law frowned. Surely, Law was silly but not stupid.
Law must have seen the way Blondie's eyes twinkle. He must have seen the way Blondie delicately used his index and middle finger to tuck some hair behind his ear to look coy and delicate. Blondie gave him a sultry smile, where he only showed one row of teeth.
His lips were so nice, so plump and shiny. Nice figure too, toned and clearly a fun-loving person both in life and in bed. His chest was broad, smooth abs and quite tall too. He probably looked good in a suit too... Or lingerie... Law really was a lucky man.
Doffy and Corázon too, actually, taught Law to be disciplined. Theoretically, to prove his loyalty, Law should reject Blondie and move on but Doffy would not blame Law if he accepted.
To his surprise then, Law does... neither?
He leans forward and Blondie thought they would make out. Instead, Law sings, "dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb" while tapping his head. He then stands up, dances off-beat for thirty seconds, apologises for not knowing more and then walks away while humming the rest of the song like that interaction never happened.
Blondie was absolutely flabbergasted, to the point of being offended. Doffy laughed at the murderous look he gave Law. They made eye contact and Doffy laughs harder.
Good fucking luck, young man!
Doffy taught Law well, didn't he!
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Scars on the Face, Scars on the Heart (1043 words) by thesavagesabretooth Additional Tags: Ficlet, Backstory, Scars, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Doflamingo stroked his fingers over the raised ridge of pale flesh across Crocodile's face as he held him close.
"You've never told me how you got it," Doffy said quietly. "Not that you have to."
Crocodile shifted in his arms, not quite pulling away, but he didn't look at him. "You never told me how you got yours, either, Doffy."
Doflamingo knew he was quiet for half a beat too long before he laughed. "Scars? I don't have any scars. Well, not that you haven't seen."
Now Crocodile looked straight at him, piercing black eyes surely reflected in Doffy's crimson lenses.
"I'm not stupid you know." It was sharp, but there was tenderness in it. Crocodile shifted in his lap again until he was sitting on it, face to face with him. "You never take those off. You turn your head when you're looking at things to one side."
Doffy's smile hitched and he put his arms over Crocodile's shoulders. "Canny bastard, aren't you, Croc? Well, I guess that's one of the things I like about you."
"It had better be," he drawled, slipping his arm around Doflamingo's waist.
He laughed. "Mmm, one of many things. You're so rough, Croc. It's handsome, but there's that wall between us."
Crocodile scoffed with disbelief. "What, you want me to be more open with you? We're fucking around, Doffy, not getting married."
Doffy pouted. He was used to his gang, where they were all open and honest with one another– as thick as thieves. Crocodile, meanwhile, kept everyone at hook's length. And Doffy hated something he couldn't have. 
"Alright— I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours," he offered. A compromise. One he was nervous to make. But. Still.
Crocodile smirked and stroked up Doflamingo's back. "That's more like it. A trade I'll accept. I admit I've been curious. So you go first, and then I'll tell you."
Doffy hesitated. Maybe it was better not to know. Not to make himself vulnerable in front of his fellow pirate. His rough warlord lover. Maybe it was better to keep the secret in his family.
He took a breath, and his hands only shook a little as he took his sunglasses off.
"Fuck," Crocodile hissed under his breath. "Doffy…"
Crocodile's hand came up toward Doffy's face and vanished into the darkness of his blind eye. He felt fingertips on the scar tissue there.
"It's bad, I know."
Doffy chuckled almost self-effacingly. He tried not to look in the mirror without his glasses on, but he knew what was there. Shiny, wrinkly burn scarring all around one milky eye with its iris a faint blue. Traces of old burns around the other eye, both eyebrows completely gone.
He leaned into Crocodile's touch.
"What happened? Those are old scars."
"I was a child." He put his arms back around Crocodile, still holding his sunglasses in his fingers. His voice was hollow in his chest as he recited the facts. "A mob came for my family. They strung us up. One of them shot me with a flaming arrow."
"Damn." Crocodile's thumb stroked gently over the scarred orbit. "You were a kid? A lot of people would have died from that."
Doffy's smile twitched again. "Guess it's a good thing for me I'm not like a lot of people, isn't it? Of course, if I was, it wouldn't have happened."
He nuzzled Crocodile's hand for a moment, and then moved to put his sunglasses back on. Crocodile didn't protest.
"So that's mine," Doffy said, as the world took on its usual rose-tinted shade. "What about yours."
"Heh," Crocodile scoffed and shook his head. "It was when I was a kid, too."
"Looks like a knife wound to me," Doffy mused. "You do it yourself?"
His long mouth twisted into a sneer. "I'm sure my old man would say that I did."
"Your old man, huh?" Doffy cocked his head. "I've never heard you talk about your father. Did he do that?"
"In a manner of speaking." Crocodile was weighing how much to tell him, Doflamingo could tell. "It was his little suck up cabin boy."
"Your father was a pirate, then." Doffy had suspected it for a long time, but Crocodile had never confirmed. He suspected the pirate in question as well, but he didn't think that Croc would say it directly.
"He was a pirate," Crocodile nodded. "I looked up to him until I realized I'd never be out of his shadow. We were in port when I stole from the treasury and went to run. The brat caught me by surprise."
"And slashed you across the face like that." Doflamingo stroked his fingers over the scar again.
"We almost killed each other," Crocodile growled, pressing his face into Doflamingo's hand like Doffy had done when he touched his scar. "I wish I could have finished the job. The old man intervened."
"What happened?"
Croc scoffed and his scowl furrowed deeper on his brow. "The brat wanted him to punish me of course. I was ready to fight both of them. Wish I had. He told me to go if I was leaving. I took what I had come for, and I went. And I never fucking looked back."
"I guess both of us hated our fathers," Doflamingo said quietly. He stroked the other warlord's furrowed brow with his thumb. "Did you ever kill yours?"
Crocodile held up his hook. "You know the answer to that."
That confirmed it then. Whitebeard. Whitebeard who Crocodile had challenged. Who had taken Crocodile's hand. Humiliated him. Sent him spinning into the trajectory of a warlord of the sea.
Doflamingo leaned down and kissed the crook of Crocodile's hook.
The tightness went out of Croc's expression, and he sighed deeply.
"So now you know. Are you satisfied? Are you glad you asked?"
He rested his other hand on Crocodile's chest. "I feel a little closer to you now. Maybe one day I'll break through the wall."
Crocodile huffed— it was almost a laugh.
"Well, I know I can't stop you from trying." 
He caught Doflamingo's chin in his hand, and pulled him into a kiss. As his cheeks pushed aside the edges of his sunglasses, their scars touched for a moment.
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fallensnowfan · 10 months
OP Academy chapter 40, 1/2: Cora San
This cover page is incredible. The snowman Luffy built on the Merry, and a snow Onigiri on a snow Bepo take center stage, while Usopp has built a very impressive snow dinosaur in the background.
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The majority of the chapter is the gang learning about a tamer version of Law's backstory and his connections to Cora and Doffy, which is being looked into by Student Council Pol 9, in only the most fitting of outfits for the job. Their stoic expressions while wearing these absolutely... unique... outfits. I love it.
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After Law tells the story of his past with Doffy and Cora, not fully giving away how it ends, the SHs seems to believe that Cora is dead, due to how Law told it.
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We then follow Law as he walks home, he passes through a fake brick wall into a secret underground passage way, walks through a doorway, is greeted by very good dog Onigiri, and Cora is alive and doing domestic house work. And Luffy followed Law home!? Much to the surprise of Law and Cora. Amazing.
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Next chapter is on the 14th/15th!
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forgedraptor · 5 months
Law had always lived a checkered life; when his family passed away and he was forced into the foster system, he had to go back and forth in adoption homes because no family could handle his attitude problems and anger issues, in those times, hed seen a lot of the nitty and gritty, the harsh & dark twisted realities that was abundant in the world, sick of it all Law had run away and lived on the streets where two brothers found him rooting through the trashbins.
For the first time, someone other than his original family looked at him with kindness. for the first time they didn't see a kid with an attitude problem and anger issues, but a child so traumatized that to protect themselves they took to anger and violence.
They took Law in, grabbed him by the scruff of his clothing like a cat and practically dragged him away kicking and screaming back to their home. Looking back at it, was a good thing that the area was near the Donquixote brothers estate, because the noise would have surely gotten the attention of passerbys, instead, Law was ignored by the Donquixote Family members and helpers as he screeched bloody murder
Dumped in a bath, new clothes and a full late dinner later, Law was too tired and too content with a full belly, clean clothes and a warm room to complain and had promptly fallen asleep even though he tried so hard not to.
It was a rough start at first, he hated he brothers and their meddling. he thought they pitied him and did it as a charity to boost their egos. It was only when he ran away and got caught in a gang fight causing Rosinante to get shot protecting him that made him realize that the brothers were real in their kindness. that they had experienced what he did and didint want him to go through that pain. When Doffy rushed to them with Sengoku at his heels, pale, clothes in disarray and carrying a medical bag to check Rosi and Laws injuries, and a scared and terrified look on his face, Law's walls shattered and he cried. cried for his loss of his family, cried for the pain he had to endure in his foster homes and past foster parents, cried for the hunger and violence he experinced living in the street and he cried for the kindness of these two brothers , for not giving up on him like the others did and for loving him, truly caring and loving him as if he was their own. Falling asleep with his hands around a dozing Rosinante and Doflamingo, he had finally opened his heart, even if its just a few people, once again. And the rest they say, is history.
He really should start calling back Cora-san and Doffy, theyve been pestering him to go on another family outing just the three of them, but with the stress of work and the flowers growing out of his lungs- is stopping him from going. maybe he was afraid of their meddling, he knows for a fact that Rosi and Doffy wouldn't let him rot away and die when they can help it, and Law knows hes weak against their concern and care, especially Cora-sans, but hes not ready to let go just yet, he wants to keep feeling these bubbly and fond feelings when he sees Luffy smile, when he hears his laugh. He loves loving Luffy, and he wants to savour loving him as long as he can afford to.
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