#doffy is a quiet reader when he is alone but i have a feeling he would talk so. much. about the contents of the books/newspapers
veroinfaciem · 9 months
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DQ Brothers reading a book together. Comfy jumpers are a must have, m'right?
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syrupfog · 5 months
I have a lot of trouble reading amnesia fics, and I’ve decided to dissect that. 
I think I just really struggle with reading the rest of the characters in constant emotional pain. I put myself in the shoes of the amnesiac and *i* feel guilty about not being able to remember them
So like. What would it take for me to write an amnesia fic? It would have to be one where no one is hurt by the amnesia. Maybe even one where amnesia is a good thing. 
I think it would start from the (3rd person) pov of the person waking up with amnesia.
And it would be written so we as the readers aren’t suffering from the knowledge that the character’s family/friends are missing them/looking for them/sad at being forgotten. 
So like. A lulaw fic maybe.
Law wakes up in the middle of nowhere. All he knows is his name and that there’s rage inside of him. 
I think we’d meet members of the heart pirates early on, as a promise to the reader that his crew aren’t in pain missing him. They haven’t met, haven’t formed a crew.
Actually I’d like it if the heart pirates (as we know them) are scattered between other pirate crews and Law eventually picks them out and adds them to his own. 
But that would be way later down the line.
I think it starts with him waking up in a little dinghy that’s washed ashore on an empty beach. No one around, totally lost, he tries to scavenge but all his inherent knowledge is how to fend for himself in city environments
So when a ship appears, he begs for a ride to… somewhere. 
He’s welcomed warmly, excitedly, by the captain with the scar under his eye. The others aren’t as trusting, and the archaeologist looks like she wants to say something, but stops herself.
They bring him aboard and he awkwardly tries to integrate while unsure how much to trust them. He feels anger inside, still, and nothing to do With it. 
I think eventually Robin tells him that she knows some of his story. Recognizes his tattoos.
He has his normal forearm and hand tats, but no hearts. 
She tells of a man who matches his appearance who is wanted for burning a country to the ground.
He was second in command of a powerful pirate named Doflamingo, she says. No one knew what transpired between them exactly, but there had been an argument, a fight between them, one that destroyed miles of land around them. Scorched earth. No one had seen either since.
Law doesn’t gain his memories there but he wonders if that’s true. He wonders if he’s a monster. 
What he knows about himself is he’s surly and can’t show emotions on his sleeve like the captain of his ship. He knows he feels rage.
He knows he doesn’t have natural warmth the way these people all seem to. A carefree joy and happiness that he’s surrounded by. 
He thinks he must be evil. 
He wonders what he’s supposed to do about that. Turn himself in?
Luffy says no, that’s dumb. You’re a pirate now, and anyway you don’t remember any of that shit so it would be stupid to turn yourself in. 
He makes it sound simple. 
Law doesn’t think it is.
Oh I think Bepo is on the straw hat crew. 
I think he’s drawn to Law. They make quite a pair, the timid apologizing bear and the quiet, angry man. 
I think when they reach a larger island, Bepo asks permission to follow Law. He’s worried about him. Doesn’t want him to be alone.
I think that’s the start of the heart pirates. 
Penguin and Shachi are on Kid’s crew, and I think Kid only lets them follow Law because Penguin and Killer are married so they’ll always have SOME loyalty to him.
But they find him much later, after Law’s picked up a small ship with Bepo. They have a run in with the Kid pirates because Kid had MET Doffy and Law at some point previously and he tries to fight Law. 
This is the first time Law learns he has a devil fruit.
Because he’s running from Kid (“I don’t fucking know you stop acting like I do!”) and Kid is confused why he’s not at the very least using room to get away. 
When he stops trying to beat Law’s ass (mostly because Bepo protects him), Kid very angrily explains.
About the op op fruit and about how Law had been the one to sever his arm. 
Law maybe has a panic about that. More proof he’s evil. 
Kid says with Law’s fruit he didn’t have to worry about bleeding out at least. He just. Didn’t have an arm anymore.
Was that a kindness? Who knows? 
(Eventually Law knows. He knows he was trying to help, knows there was something in him that told him enemies of Doffy were his allies). 
Anyway he gets Penguin and Shachi there. 
He still gets Jean Bart at Sabaody, the next time he sees Luffy.
He still keeps running into Luffy, the personification of warmth and the one who first saved him. There’s gratitude there. There’s love, later. 
His memories come back to him in nightmares. Flevance. Doflamingo. 
He doesn’t remember Cora.
He doesnt remember Cora but he does remember Doflamingo arranging a marriage. Charlotte Pudding (okay she’s like 10 years older in this timelines are hard). He didn’t tolerate her, but he could never disobey Doffy.
She DID escape the fire. He finds her over a year later. He gets back the memories she took, at Doffy’s command. 
He remembers Cora. 
The heart pirates get their name. 
He gets his heart tattoos.
He knows where the anger in him came from. Even when she took his memories she couldn’t take the love and anger buried in him. 
The next time he sees Luffy he’s a full fledged pirate captain with a crew who’s been there as he’s discovered himself.
He’s grateful to Luffy but Luffy doesn’t care about that. 
He cares about the first time he sees Law smile with real joy on his face. 
And then I dunno they kiss or something.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hii,this is my first time making a request so if its bad don't mind it,i want to make an emergency request of law,ace and luffy comforting reader after they just lost a freind to suicide,i don't mind if your not going to do it
You did perfectly fine, my love!! I'm sorry about your loss, suicide is a difficult thing to grieve over. Just know you did all that you could, and no one can blame you for that.
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Understands what your friend went through. Law lives extremely close to death every day and has come to accept his death a long time ago. 
He expected to die so many times already, it actually shocks him that he’s still kicking. Though he doesn’t particularly care if he lives, he is at least trying to find a purpose for his life.
Tries his best to understand your pain, but similar to your friend, he didn’t consider your feelings when he was out in Dressrosa fighting Doffy, so he feels a bit hypocritical. 
Tells you that people have choices in life and that your friend made theirs, it’s not your fault and you did all you could. It’s okay to grieve and mourn, but don’t blame yourself for something you couldn’t control.
Does his best to be a comfort for you with long hugs and a listening ear, it’s truly all he can do in this matter.
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Similar to Law, Ace didn’t expect to make it this far in life, nor did he want to. Ace has a horrible self-esteem, and this causes his own thoughts on the dark matter. 
However, he reminds himself of his reasons to keep going and that enough keeps him here with you. This doesn’t mean your friend didn’t value your relationship, but they were just too far gone to consider it, and Ace never wants to get that far.
Tells you that your friend isn’t sad anymore and maybe in another life you two can meet again, but for now we can just mourn him and never forget he existed, let his name live forever.
Asks all about the friend, what their favorite meal was or favorite memory you had together. Trying to remind you of the good you had experienced.
Tells you stories of his own lost friends and his other brother that died when they were kids, letting you know he understands your pain, but you have to keep living.
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Probably the most emotional out of the three. Luffy is known for his selfish behavior and to him this is a selfish choice that shouldn’t go unnoticed. 
He’s extremely upset with your friend, even if they weren’t close, he will still cry and scream. Yelling out loud with you how unfair it is that this had to happen. He’s angry, he’s annoyed, furious even, but above all else: he’s hurt.
This reminds him all over again of Ace and Sabo, how they risked their lives for him and considered theirs nothing. How easy would it be if the world went the way we wanted it to? 
He mourns with you, a void that once was a sunshine fountain. Don’t worry though, this won’t last long, and he will be back on his feet again, but for now; he’s quiet.
You both will build each other up again, when one falls the other will crawl, and that’s okay, this is a difficult time. Just know you aren’t alone; he feels your pain too and wants you to be happy again.
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doctorgerth · 3 years
When you have the time later or really whenever you want to- I would love to see how you write Doflamingo, Crocodile, and Mihawk (or Katakuri whichever one is easier!) reacting to their s/o getting all soft out of nowhere and telling them how much they sincerely love and appreciate them. Just some cute fluff hc/reactions- Of course you do not have to if you do not want to! Have a great day Love! <3
a/n: gdi I hate Doffy but man did this make me soft for him I went ahead and added Kata too cuz he is precious. 🤧 these ended up being more like imagines than proper reactions, I hope that’s ok! thanks for sending this in, I enjoy making totally NOT soft characters utter fluff balls perhaps a lil too much 💕
featuring: Doflamingo, Crocodile, Mihawk, & Katakuri x gn!reader
warnings: big scary men being soft for you
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〚 “I really love you, you know that?” 〛
⤷ DOFLAMINGO‘s lips drop into a pout, almost a scowl as your sweet words ring in his ears. At first you think you might have caught him off guard or simply pissed him off, but when that infamous grin returns after some time, you feel almost relieved when he responds with a cocky, “Who doesn’t?” You roll your eyes and playfully swat at his chest, which elicits an amused chuckle deep within him as he instantly tangles his slender fingers with yours. You attempt to wriggle away but Doffy pulls you close, colliding his forehead gently against your own, and leans in to place a heavy, prolonged kiss along your pouty lips. He’s silent as he pulls away to stare at you, fingers delicately trailing your skin as if you were glass, the two of you enjoying the quiet morning together. His lips tremble, and he quickly pulls you in for more kisses so you don’t witness him crumbling under your loving gaze. But of course you see it, you can feel it in the slight up curve of his lips as they chase you endlessly, and in this moment, you know what he really means to say is: “Thank you for loving me.”
⤷ CROCODILE immediately stops writing and blankly stares at the paper on his desk, stiffening as the words on his paper which previously spelled out business jargon, now read your loving phrase repeatedly. He stares at it like a foreign text, unable to decipher its meaning. Did you want something? Were you upset with him? His heart drummed loudly in his chest, nearly deafening in the silence as he anxiously waited for the soul crushing but... to follow. Yet when he lifts his head up, you offer him a look so tender, so full of genuine devotion his body ignites from head to toe, those damned butterflies filling his stomach. Crocodile motions you over with a low, “C’mere.” because that’s all he can mutter at the moment. You easily oblige and make home in his lap as he stares up at you, offering you the same look of utter adoration. He places the cigar in the ashtray, deft fingers toying with your hair and grazing along the soft skin of your cheek, before placing a kiss along your jawline. “Now how am I supposed to be the big scary boss when you go around saying cute things like that?” His grin widens with love and a little mischief in his eyes as he squishes your cheeks in one hand, “I love you, my dear, but your charms will surely be the death of me.”
⤷ MIHAWK instinctively freezes as you wrap your arms around him from behind. He’s still not quite used to your affections, though he welcomes them. Just as he begins to relax in your embrace, he feels you mumble that phrase into the fabric of his shirt. He freezes once more, this time dropping the spoon he was using to stir the sauce into the sauce pan. In a frenzy, he retrieves the spoon and hurries to the kitchen sink so as to avoid any further messes on the floor and counter. He remains composed on the outside as he washes the spoon off, but on the inside, he is a flustered mess. It was far from the first time either of you had said those three words, but the way you said it tonight really resonated with him. It felt so surreal, to love and be loved in return, and the way you embraced him as he prepared the two of you dinner felt wondrously domestic. “Mihawk?” You drug him out of his thoughts and as he turned around to see you standing alone in the middle of the room, he knew he would do anything to keep you just like this forever. He approached you, damp hands cupping your cheeks, “Te amo con todo mi corazón.” His lips crashed onto yours as you shared a passionate kiss under the warm kitchen light.
⤷ KATAKURI blushes intensely and buries himself within his scarf, mumbling incoherent phrases about how “embarrassing” and “blunt” you are. Nonetheless, he reaches over to tuck you in, pulling the comforter snug against your cheek as you smile up at him, tired eyes and giddy smile, like an innocent child who is too excited to sleep. Kata’s eyes are focused as they try to look anywhere except you, because you are just too damn cute when you are sleepy like this. He’s sure your confession is nothing other than a slip of the tongue, your mind fuzzy with sleep. Either way, he had to take a couple of breaths to cool his heated cheeks before removing his scarf and crawling into bed with you. Immediately, you snuggle into his chest and sneak a chance to reach up and kiss his exposed lips. The two of you are hesitant to pull away but as you do, he stares at you dreamily behind long lashes, whispering a soft “I know.” You beam once more in victory before crashing against his broad chest. He can’t help but smile as the light of the moon peaking through the window reflects on your hair. He instinctively toys with your loose strands, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as your steady breathing fills the room. “I hope you know how much I really love you.”
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vizkopa · 7 years
Celestial (FallenAngel!Doflamingo x Reader) CHAPTER 7
Chapter 7: Interlude ~
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You woke the next morning to a quiet house—a luxury that did not come often these days. You showered and, still yawning, made your way downstairs, passing the guest room in the hall. It was empty and the bed was still made from the day before, unslept in. Doffy wasn’t in the kitchen either, or the living room. The TV was switched off and the coffee machine was unused. You chanced a look at the time on the microwave and then out of the kitchen window towards the forest, where the sun was hanging high in the sky above the trees. It was almost noon. You hadn’t heard him leave last night, but it wouldn’t be the first time the errant angel had slipped out to return to the site of the crater and lost track of time. He always came back when he grew hungry, like a cat that had wandered too far from home, though you simultaneously anticipated and dreaded the day he would leave and never come back. A man like that, even stripped of his divine powers as he were, could wreak havoc in an unfamiliar world.
You resolved to go searching for him if he wasn’t back by lunch time and went about setting a fresh pot of coffee to brew. Your phone chimed obnoxiously on the counter, the screen lighting up with Nami’s name and picture (she had practically commandeered your phone when you’d first exchanged numbers to make sure the ID picture was acceptable). You groaned inwardly, noting the several missed calls and messages from her number before sliding your finger across the screen to accept the call. “Spill,” she said before you could even open your mouth to greet her. “Nami, I haven’t even had coffee yet, can’t this wait until later?” “It most certainly can not. Please tell me the reason you made me wait all morning is because you were getting a lesson in anatomy from Dr. Heart Stealer himself?” “No such luck, I’m afraid,” you sighed. “He didn’t stay the night.” “What!?” You had to hold the phone a foot away from your ear as Nami screeched into the receiver. “I went through all the trouble of setting this up for you and you didn’t even get laid?” “Yeah, well, you can blame a certain blond for that.” “Are you telling me you were cockblocked by your cousin?” You laughed bitterly. “Something like that. He can be… a little over-protective.” Well, that was one word for it. “He and Law didn’t seem to like each other very much.” Nami hummed. “I can always take him off your hands for a night if you want some time alone with Law.” You could practically hear her suggestive smirk over the phone. “That is the worst idea you’ve ever had.” “I’ll gladly take one for the team.” “You don’t understand. Doffy is… extremely religious.” “Are you trying to tell me he’s celibate? Because there’s no way a man with a body like that is—” “Nami!” She fell silent at the serious tone in your voice. “Just believe me when I say this, okay. He’s a jerk and you should stay away from him. Besides, he’s leaving at the end of the week and trust me, it could not come soon enough.” “Okay, okay, I get it. He’s off limits,” she huffed. Just then, the back door slid open and Doffy stepped inside as if he owned the place, offering you little more than an uninterested glance before brushing right past you to pour himself a mug of fresh coffee. “Speak of the devil,” you muttered. Or rather, the angel. “I have to go, I’ll talk to you later, Nami.” “Alright, fine, I know when I’m not wanted. But if there are any updates on Operation Get [Name] Laid, you’d better call me.” “Is that what we’re calling it now?” “I admit it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but—” You sighed. “Fine. Sure. Bye.” You hung up before she could protest. “Good morning,” you said to Doffy, your tone clipped. The angel grunted in reply, burying his nose in his coffee and ignoring you as usual. You rolled your eyes and took a sip of your own coffee, scrolling through the notifications on your phone. After deleting all the missed call notifications and increasingly insistent voice messages and texts from Nami, you were left with two text messages: one from Law saying he’d enjoyed your date and he’d see you on Monday and, thank god because until Law’s text you had forgotten school started again in just two days, a message from the computer repair shop saying your laptop was ready to be picked up. “Finally,” you breathed, setting your mug down in the sink with a loud clink, breaking the silence in the kitchen. “I’m going into town.” Another grunt. By now you had surmised that usually meant ‘I don’t care what you do, it has nothing to do with me’. Doffy was a man of few words. Or rather, no words most of the time. His silence was simultaneously incredibly frustrating and also strangely appreciated. Even his mute brother talked more than Doffy did. When it became clear that the angel had no intentions of coming with you this time, you snatched up your keys and left him alone. After last night, he had proven he could, at the very least, be trusted not to burn down the house. But part of you still dreaded, despite the property being so far out of the way, that someone would come knocking and meet an unfortunate end because they rubbed him the wrong way. At least you could be sure Law wouldn’t come around unannounced. He’d seemed adamant about not coming anywhere near the house and its resident angel. Even when he’d dropped you off, he’d maintained a safe distance from the front door and refused to leave the car. You had been a little too distracted at the time to take much notice (damn, that man knew how to kiss) but now, as you pulled out of your driveway and into the street, you were beginning to realise just how strange his reaction had been. Did he feel threatened by an apparent ‘other’ man in the picture? How could you convince him that definitely was not the case? You tapped the wheel idly in thought, humming along absently to the song playing on the radio. ”Your date is not who you think he is.” What had he meant by that? Whatever the reason, Doffy would be out of the picture soon enough and you could get on with your normal, ordinary life and have hot sex with the man of your dreams without fear of Heaven’s judgement from the very next room. You found yourself in an unreasonably good mood as you pulled up in front of the computer store, the tune you had been humming following you inside and all the way up to the counter. But after the initial joy of being reunited with your laptop after a week apart, your heart slowly sank as you realised just how much work you had to do to prepare for next week’s lessons. The technician had managed to salvage most of your files, and you had them all backed up to a cloud service anyway, but everything you had been planning to get through over the last week now had to be condensed into a day and a half. Needless to say, when you returned home twenty minutes later, you were in an even more sour mood than when you had left. Doffy looked up briefly from the television when you slammed the front door sharply behind you and stormed off to your office, but otherwise made no comment on your return. You thought you heard him mutter something that sounded suspiciously like “humans” before you slammed the door of your office behind you too. You let out a frustrated sigh as you sank into the chair behind your desk. This whole angel business was beginning to get to you. Or maybe it had gotten to you long ago and you were just now realising how irritable you had been over the last few days. Your date with Law had been a welcome relief and for a few hours, you’d forgotten all about angels and gods and the heavenly courtroom that awaited you less than a week away. What you wouldn’t give to go back to that—to be naïve again, oblivious, but… There was still so much you wanted—needed—to know. Your eyes drifted away from the untouched document open on your screen to the pictures adorning the walls of your office. A child with a gap-toothed grin astride a bike while her father stood by; a young girl holding a science fair trophy flanked by two proud parents; a young woman dressed in graduation robes and a mortarboard, her smile tight and strained and eyes full of worry, this time alone. Your eyes blurred with tears as you recalled the night of your graduation. When that photo had been taken, you hadn’t known. The text had said they were simply running late and despite the heavy feeling in your gut, you kept believing that they would be there any minute, that they would push through the crowd to take you up in their arms, apologising profusely even though they knew you would have forgiven them anything. Especially now. A stray tear slipped down your cheek. Were they up there? Were they looking down on you right now? You swiped the tear away and got to your feet, padding over to the door and cracking it open to peer out into the living room. Doffy was still seated on the couch, eyes glued to the screen. He didn’t notice you cross the room but his gaze flickered to you in surprise as you sat down silently beside him, drawing your knees up to your chest. You both sat in silence, the television anchor droning on in the silence between you. “Doffy?” He grunted. Hey, it was better than the usual silent treatment. It took you a few moments to gather the words you wanted to say. You were prepared to be disappointed, but you had to know the truth. “When humans die, they go to Heaven, right?” His eyes flickered to you again, suspicion in their blue depths. “Not always. But, yes.” “Where else would they go?” “Hell. Purgatory. Some are reborn into a new life. Some simply fade into nothingness if their souls are not strong enough.” “And what determines what happens to them?” A slight frown marred his features as he answered. “It’s not as simple as whether they were good or bad. There are many factors that determine where the soul goes once the body can no longer sustain it. Every soul is different.” You fell silent again, watching the images flit across the screen. When you spoke again, your voice was so faint you weren’t sure he could even hear the words. “Do you think my parents are in Heaven?” “Who knows.” “Would I be able to see them again if they were?” You were crying again, unwittingly. Doffy seemed to be becoming increasingly more uncomfortable the longer this interrogation session went on. The appearance of tears made him balk. “Why all these questions?” he snapped. You stared at each other for a long moment, then you hung your head. “I’m sorry. I was just… I was thinking. I never believed in any of this, you know? I never thought I’d see them again after… And now suddenly angels are falling out of the sky and God is real and the impossible is suddenly possible and—” A finger pressed to your lips stopped you in your tracks and your eyes went wide. Doffy was watching you, a slight furrow to his brow as he appeared deep in thought. You gasped softly and as your lips parted, they brushed his finger ever so slightly. His frown deepened and his own lips parted as if in response, but then all too soon, he seemed to realise what he had done because he pulled away, withdrawing his hand as if it had been burned. He averted his gaze and got stiffly to his feet. “Your mouth moves faster than your mind,” he huffed, and made to turn away. As he did so, you heard him mutter: “I’m sorry, I don’t have the answers you seek.” And then he was gone and you were left alone on the couch with nothing but the TV for company. You could still feel his touch against your lips, a tingling, electric sensation that left your cheeks burning and your mouth dry. What just happened? You sat and watched the TV a while longer, not really taking in the news stories that flitted across the screen. Your mind was far, far away from Earth and its wars and disasters. You’re not sure when, but eventually you fell asleep, the incoherent sounds of the TV lulling you into a light doze. When you woke, the room was dark, the television switched off, and a figure sat perched beside you on the couch. You recognised his figure immediately. “Doffy?” As you shifted, the throw rug from the couch slid down your shoulders and you realised he must have placed it over you while you slept. “What happened?” “Hm?” You stifled a yawn. “Your parents.” “Oh…” You shifted into a sitting position, pulling the throw rug up to your chin. You fiddled with the tassels as you gathered your thoughts. “They died ten years ago. Drunk driver hit them on their way to my graduation ceremony.” Doffy only watched you silently. “I can understand your hatred of humans, you know. The guy who hit them, he just… drove away. Left them there to die on the side of an empty road. For so long I hated the world and everyone in it. I was so consumed by it, I lost sight of the good and only saw the bad in everything.” You stared at the blank television screen. “I realised that hatred was destroying me. So, I stopped watching the news, stopped assuming the worst of every situation and threw myself into work.” “Ignoring the evil in the world does not make is disappear.” “I know that. I just… sometimes it’s nice to just pretend, you know? I try to see the good in people, no matter how hard it is to find.” You let yourself be drawn into his icicle blue stare. “Like with you.” A fleeting look of surprise crossed his face before it was back to its usual stoic façade. “You’re a fool for trying.” “Maybe,” you admitted. “And maybe it’ll be my downfall one of these days. But spending your whole life afraid of the world is no way to live.” “But what is the point when you live for little more than a second in the eyes of God?” “We’re not on this Earth for long. It’s for that reason we should make the most of what little time we have here, don’t you think?” Doffy said nothing in return. Maybe you had finally stumped him. Maybe he was just sick of arguing with you. “I should go to bed…” you sighed, getting to your feet and letting the throw rug slide off you. You handed it to Doffy as you walked past. “Don’t stay up too late, okay?” He said nothing as you left, his eyes downcast in thought as he clutched the rug in his lap. At the foot of the stairs, you stopped and turned around. He looked up when he heard your footsteps grow still. “I’m going to help you get home,” you said softly. “Not just because I want you gone, but because I really do believe there’s a good person in there somewhere.” Then you ascended the stairs before you could wait for his reply.
More chapters: http://vizkopa.tumblr.com/post/159265149223/masterlist
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
take all the time you need to with this i dont want to rush you,,,
but i explained my situation on discord and was hoping to get a couple of my f/o reacting to a reader who feels that way? if its too much you can delete this,,, i know those are some troubling thoughts so i wont be hurt
as for who,,,,, could i get my main two boys of sanji and luffy,,,,
and if you could see it maybe doffy but if not then hhhhhhhh cora,,,,
or both if you see that and write that many 😅
I'll do all four since my limit is four, but just a reminder, Doffy isn't the best to go for comfort and I do my best to keep the characters in character, so Doffy is going to be a jerk about stuff 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Reader is feeling unwanted/ignore Reader is gender neutral!
Babes Below~!
Vinsmoke Sanji
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He knows what it’s like to be ignored or unwanted, his own birth was a mistake in the eyes of his father and brothers. However, he also knows that not everyone thinks that about him, and the same could be said for you! 
When you are feeling these emotions, please let the man know so he can help you! He doesn’t mind listening to you vent or talk about your day, since he’s a mixture of an affirmation and physical lover, be prepared for lots of praises and a hand rubbing your back softly or kisses to your head.
If you get really depressed and can’t find motivation to eat/drink/sleep, he will be a bit harder on you. It’s all in good nature, but he wants to make sure you take care of yourself and know how important you are to him. So, if a lecture or a plead will work, he will do it!
Will suggest hot bathes or eating your favorite meal to help you feel better! If it becomes something more serious where an individual tells you negative things, he will talk to that individual about how deeply words can hurt a person.
Monkey D. Luffy
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Luffy will do his best to understand, however, the brunet has no problems with people not liking him, in actually he probably doesn’t like that person either. So when you have issues where you feel a person doesn’t want you around, he might be a bit confused, but can tell you’re upset.
When he knows you are upset, he will react in a defensive manner, wanting to know who hurt you to the point of crying or feeling depressed. If you don’t tell him or say it’s nothing, he will get quiet, both of you knowing there is more to the story. 
Will leave you alone, mostly to calm his own brain as he reacts first and thinks later. It’s something Robin taught him to do, so he figures he could give it a try. Once he does calm down, he will come back and check on you, asking what he can do to help.
Expect lots of hugs! He likes kissing, but hugs feel more intimate to Luffy, they create a warmth that no other touch can bring out. Will mostly cuddle with you and offer you some of his food, maybe even let you wear his hat while he talks about something cool Shanks did when he was a kid. 
Donquixote Doflamingo 
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Doffy is a God (in his eyes-), he was taught at a young age that humans are below him and he deserves to rule them. So who cares if some low-class mortals don’t like him? If they keep talking his subordinate might have some new toys to play with~
Now as for you, if you truthfully came to the blond, tears in your eyes, telling him you feel unwanted and useless, he will probably chuckle and question you. Would someone as great as him really waste his time on something useless? Now you’re just offending him. 
Will suggest you get your head checked, that if you really worry about people’s thoughts on you than maybe you aren’t worth his time. He’s not here for comfort, don’t mistake his interest in you as something sweet like that, you are there for him, that’s all.
Whatever you do to cure your depression, please do not expect him to help, because he will not. I suggest going to Baby 5 or Senior Pink for advice, because all Doffy will give you is another heartbreak.
Donquixote “Cora-san” Rosinante
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Cora is a lot better at comfort than his brother (I mean lot’s of people are, but I digress-), so be prepared for affirmations and bear hugs from this man!! He somewhat understands your pain, he’s been rejected by humans due to his bloodline, but he also was accepted and raised by other humans, so he knows not all of them are bad. 
Will listen to what you have to say, will also try to make suggestions and encourage you to talk to these individuals, because sometimes misunderstands happen. If you choose not to, he won’t force you to, but will still remind you every now and then.
Tries to make you laugh by doing something dumb, luckily for him, he’s rather clumsy so that is easy to accomplish! This also might help distract you, as you are now worried about the bump on his head, either way he’s happy you aren’t thinking about negative thoughts anymore!
If you do need more softer love, he will do his best to cuddle with you, however he gets flustered easily, so don’t be surprised to see his face red and him refusing to look at you. He will get there eventually, just not today-
Tag List: @angeltani @admiral-hiba @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @simping-master-69 @rosiinante @lukasismissing @xxtoothachexx @1-800-cherri @kodi-bear and anyone else who wants to join in!
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vizkopa · 8 years
Celestial (FallenAngel!Doflamingo x Reader) CHAPTER 5
Chapter 5: The Human Stain ~
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You woke that night to the sound of the television blaring downstairs. Sitting up in bed and rubbing your eyes, it took you a moment for your sleep-addled thoughts to catch up and remember you weren’t alone in the house. It had taken you ten years to forget the sound of your father’s footsteps in the halls, of pots banging in the kitchen and the smell of your mother’s pancakes enticing you awake. The sound of late night sitcoms humming in the background while your parents chatted in the living room used to soothe you to sleep, but now the harsh TV audio only unnerved you. Having company again after so long was going to take some getting used to. Grumbling to yourself, you clambered out of bed and made your way downstairs, stopping at the landing to let your eyes adjust to the flickering blue light.
Doffy was seated on the couch, leaning forward as he watched the screen with elbows resting on his knees and his hands folded neatly under his chin. His face was cold and impassive. He hadn’t noticed you yet, eyes forward and fixed on whatever he was watching. From the sounds of it, he had found a news station. You sighed, trudging down the remainder of the stairs to announce your arrival. “For the love of God, Doffy, it’s four o’clock in the morning. Go back to sleep.” He didn’t look up or make any acknowledgement that he had even heard you. You hovered closer. “Doffy?” You almost jumped when he finally spoke. “I do not understand it,” he said, lip curling in disgust at the images flitting across the screen. “Care to elaborate?” He turned to you then, eyes searching for something. “Through all your mistakes, all your faults, you were always Father’s favourite. What does he see in you?” It took you a moment to realise he wasn’t talking about you specifically. You shrugged. “Humans may not be perfect, but we have our moments.” He was silent for a long time “My kind were designed to be the perfect beings—beautiful and terrible and, above all, obedient. And instead Father chose a flawed creation to rule over the Earth.” He gestured to the television. “War, crime, greed, pollution—humans have been left to their own devices for far too long. Your world is corrupted by the stain of your existence. You are destroying yourselves and the planet you inhabit.” “We only do the best we can,” you said quietly. Your eyes turned to the screen, banners scrolling by describing countless atrocities. It had been ten years since you had watched the news. “Trust me, I know better than anyone how awful humans can be. But there is good in this world, you just have to look for it.” “I have been searching for ten thousand years and I still have yet to find any evidence of that.” “Then you haven’t been looking in the right places.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, then turned back to the screen. “You were never meant to become what you are. When the first humans walked the Earth, Father never expected them to rebel, to take the fruit from the Forbidden Tree. I was there that day; I stood witness to His fury.” “You were the one who cast Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, right?” He nodded. “It was less than they deserved,” he snarled. “But Father always had a soft spot for your kind. His pride and joy—He could not bring himself to destroy you, even when my brothers and I urged Him to do so. Instead, He decided to experiment with your newfound knowledge, and with every test He threw your way, you continued to surprise Him. Then, two thousand years ago, He stepped back entirely, granted you free reign over the Earth. And the wound festered.” He turned to you again, a wild glint in his eyes. “How does it feel to know your God has abandoned you?” “Until a few days ago, I didn’t even believe He existed, so…” “But does it not anger you that you are little more than an experiment? That you are just entertainment to Him? He could end world hunger, eliminate disease, stop war in its tracks and yet He refuses to even lift a finger. All because He is so curious to see what you humans will do next. Your fumbling struggle for survival delights and amuses Him.” You searched his face in the dim light. His eyes were so blue they were almost luminous in the darkness. They reminded you of glaciers—cold and unforgiving. “Why are you telling me all of this?” Then realisation dawned on you. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me. You’re jealous.” “What did you say?” “Humans may be flawed, but we have something you’ve never known: free will. You want that. Or else you wouldn’t be here right now.” You didn’t even see him rise from the couch before he was in front of you, expression livid. “You do not know of what you speak, little girl,” he hissed. “I would sooner die than become like you.” You stood your ground, despite the panic alarms sounding in your brain at his proximity. Too late, you realised you had left your pistol upstairs. “I’m right, aren’t I?” you scoffed. “Daddy’s picking favourites and you’re jealous of baby bro who gets all the praise and attention, always forgiven no matter how many times he screws up. You spent so long trying to be the perfect son—obedient, loyal. And for what? Second place?” You were cut off when his fist collided with the wall beside your head and you felt loose plaster trickle down onto your shoulder. You dared not break eye contact to examine the damage. You were far more afraid for your own life than you were for your wall. That could have just as easily have been your face. He leaned in close, the tip of his nose barely centimetres from your own and there was nowhere to look but into those blue eyes burning with malice. “Understand this,” he said, annunciating every word. “You are dirt. I am made in the image of God himself. You are nothing compared to me.” You looked back at him calmly, though you could feel your heart pounding painfully against your ribs. “And yet here you are,” you said coldly. “Amongst the dirt and the worms and the filth of humanity. Best get comfortable, Doffy. Looks like you might be here a while.” He glared at you, teeth clenched so tightly you were afraid they might shatter under the force. A vein throbbed in his forehead. You had gone too far. He stepped closer, your back now pressed against the wall and the heat of his body almost flush with your own. “Do I need to teach you your place?” he hissed. Your composure slipped and the smallest whimper escaped your throat. Your knees grew weak and hot tears prickled at the corners of your eyes. This was where you died. All because you couldn’t keep your stupid mouth shut. But instead of wrapping those long, deadly fingers around your throat, he grinned wide—wicked, maniacal. Demonic. “There it is. The fear. Not so brave without your little peashooter, are you?” How did he know? “Now you understand. You are nothing. You’re not even worth killing.” And with that he stepped away and disappeared down the hall, slamming the door behind him. You didn’t breathe for the longest time. Then finally, when the edges of you vision began to swim and fade to black, you took one great shuddering breath and dropped to your knees on the floor, no longer able to hold yourself upright. You cried silently, tears of anger, of relief. You cursed your own stupidity. And suddenly you wished you had gone on that date with Law the night of the meteor shower. That you had never been there to see the comet fall from the sky, to see the man lying in that crater. A million questions still burned to be answered, but for the first time in your life, you found yourself pushing them away. You didn’t want to know. You didn’t want to be part of this world anymore. The sun was beginning to peek over the edge of the horizon when you finally composed yourself enough to return to your bed, but sleep remained elusive. All you could do was lie wide awake as morning broke, staring at the ceiling and clutching your handgun tightly to your chest. Doffy, despite spilling his guts to you in the early morning hours, was back to his quiet, stoic self once the sun rose and you yourself were more subdued than usual. You found yourself stiffening unconsciously every time he entered the same room and would only relax again once he was gone. He seemed to notice your uneasiness around him—you caught a few hidden smirks in your direction throughout the day, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you break again. You continued with your schoolwork as usual, albeit more warily and never without the handgun far from your reach. As the morning slowly gave way to afternoon and the day grew warmer, you were beginning to feel restless under his smug scrutiny. You needed to get out of the house. And never come back, you thought to yourself. Oh, how easy it would be to just run and leave it all behind. But you were afraid of what the angel might do if he were left to his own devices. You bit your lip. There was clearly no love lost between him and humans. You didn’t need that kind of weight on your conscious should he act on his hatred in your absence. Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud ping from your phone and you jumped violently. It was a text from Nami. Don’t forget about your date with Law tomorrow night! ;D It pinged again as she sent a follow up. You owe me BIG TIME btw. You groaned inwardly. You had forgotten about the date. How were you supposed to enjoy yourself when all you would be able to think about was the overgrown cherub wreaking havoc in your house while you were away? You briefly entertained the thought of asking Nami to babysit but discarded it quickly. You weren’t sure who would be more dangerous in that situation—the homicidal angel or the red-headed force of nature. No, it was best those two were never put in a room together. You would just have to trust that Doffy would stay put. He was waiting for a messenger after all, he wasn’t stupid enough to leave the only place they knew where to find him. It was either that, or take him along as a third wheel. You snorted as you imagined the look on Law’s face. But the impending date brought up another worry besides what to do with your errant angel: what the hell were you going to wear?! Romance had been the absolute last thing on your mind before Law showed up. You estimated it had been a good four years since you last let someone take you out for dinner and you had the sneaking suspicion the contents of your closet was now severely out-dated. Not only in terms of what was considered fashionable these days, but in dress size as well. You sighed. There was no way around it. You would have to make a trip into town. But what about… You peered over your book at the angel that was now rooting around in your refrigerator for leftovers. He never told you when he was hungry, oh no, that would mean he would be relying on you to feed him and we couldn’t have that. You rolled your eyes. He really was just a seven-foot-tall child with anger issues. No harm in bringing him along with you, surely. He wouldn’t dare start something when his very place in heaven was at stake, right? “Doffy.” He didn’t reply. He never did, but you knew he was listening by the way the muscles in his jaw tightened in annoyance. “I have to go into town to pick up some things. Do you want to come?” You received no reply, no gesture of acknowledgment. You had gotten used to the silent treatment so it came as no surprise, but it still stung. Shutting your book perhaps a little more harshly than you meant to, you stood up, the chair grating noisily against the tiled floor. “Fine. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” But just as you were putting the keys in the ignition, the sound of the passenger side door opened, startling you to drop your keys down the side of the seat. You glared up at Doffy, who simply ignored you in favour of opening and shutting the air conditioner vents over and over. You rolled your eyes. “Next time, use your words if you want to come with.” No response. Of course. Grumbling to yourself, you dug out your keys from under the seat and started the engine. “Put your seatbelt on. If we get pulled over by the cops, I can’t guarantee I won’t just hand you over to them to get you out of my hair.” Wouldn’t that be nice. Once you were sure he was all buckled in (a concept that took some convincing on your part because “how dare you restrain an Angel of the Lord in such a way!”), you backed slowly out of the driveway and you were on your way. You couldn’t deny you were anxious—hands a little too tight on the wheel, foot a little too heavy on the accelerator. Starfall wasn’t exactly a small town, but it wasn’t very big either, and word travelled fast. The last thing you needed right now were rumours spreading about you and your… whatever Doffy was to you. “Cousin from out of town” was bound to satisfy only the truly apathetic. The drive was silent, Doffy staring blankly out the window and you tapping your fingers mindlessly against the steering wheel, partly in irritation and partly to the almost inaudible beat from the radio you had turned on low just to ease the heaviness between the two of you. You had tried and failed to make light conversation, but after the night before, the angel refused to respond to your prodding, even when you began to lose your patience with him. “Would it kill you stop pretending I don’t exist for just a second!?” you snapped. Silence. Apparently, it would. “And here I thought you loved hearing the sound your own voice,” you muttered under your breath. You gave up on the small talk rather quickly after that. You pulled into the mall carpark and shut off the engine. “Wait here,” you said to Doffy as you gathered your purse and phone. “I won’t be long.” But as you shut the car door behind you, you heard the sound echo from the other side of the car. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Or you could follow me in like a lost puppy, that’s fine too,” you muttered through your teeth. So with the fallen angel trailing behind you, you went about your shopping trip, trying to ignore the numerous pairs of eyes all turned in your direction. Well, it wasn’t necessarily you they were looking at. And you couldn’t quite blame them—Doffy was quite a sight in his unbuttoned shirt and ill-fitting trousers. The abs and the smouldering gaze probably did nothing to help matters either. You tried not to think about the fact he wasn’t wearing any shoes because none you could find came anywhere close to fitting his monstrous feet. Ducking into the first clothing store you could find, you breathed a sigh of relief as the prickling on the back of your neck subsided. Doffy lurked over your shoulder, completely oblivious to the scene he had just caused. “Why are we here?” he hissed. “Hey, you wanted to come. I have a date tomorrow, I need a new dress.” The look on his face told you that he knew he had made a mistake by insisting on coming, but was too proud to admit it. This was becoming a theme with him. “You could have stayed in the car,” you offered. “And sit quiet and oblivious as you sell me out to my enemies? I think not.” “I’m not going to—! You know what, sure. Fine. Go sit over there while I try on some dresses.” Doffy seemed strangely fascinated by the ritual of picking out a dress. His eyes followed you across the floor as you selected a gown, then followed you back again as you entered the dressing room to change. Then lingered on you as you emerged to show off your twirl to the sales assistant. You could feel his heavy gaze on you, but you refused to meet it. To be looked on with contempt was not what your self-esteem needed right now. What you needed was the gorgeous gown you had just slipped on. You turned this way and that in the mirror behind the curtain, chewing your lip. It was sexy, elegant, it hugged your form in all the right ways. You nodded to yourself and pulled back the curtain, stepping out onto the shop floor. “Perfect!” cried the assistant, but for some reason it was not her approval you sought. Finally, you met the piercing blue star from across the room and you stopped. For the first time since you had met him, you saw something more than just disgust in those impossible blue eyes. It was something akin to awe, to admiration, with just a hint of confusion. And then all in an instant it was gone, replaced with the usual contempt and perhaps a touch of anger. Smiling slightly, you turned back to the shop assistant. “I’ll take it,” you said. As you left, you practically had to drag Doffy away from a woman who had set her sights on him. She had her claws in him—literally, her perfectly French-manicured nails creasing the fabric of his sleeve—and though he tried to look disinterested, she refused to take no for an answer. “Did it hurt?” she had asked as she fluttered her impossibly long eyelashes up at him. “Did what hurt?” he had replied, suspicious. “When you fell from Heaven, Hon.” “Considering the fall left me unconscious for two days, I did not have the opportunity to feel pain—” “Okay, Doffy, time to go!” you interrupted, smiling apologetically at the woman as you pushed him out the door. “He’s European,” you told her, hastily. “His English isn’t perfect.” “She knew,” he hissed in your ear as the two of you made you way back to the car. “You told me no one would know.” You laughed. “Oh, no, she was just trying to pick you up.” Doffy only stared at you blankly. “She thought you were hot.” Another blank stare. “She was sexually attracted to you.” That got a reaction. He made a face then fell into deep and silent thought as he tried to grasp the concept. The drive home was just as quiet as the ride over. You didn’t even bother turning on the radio, but hummed to yourself instead. You weren’t sure what had brought on your good mood—Doffy hadn’t treated you any differently since leaving the store—but for some reason you felt as if you had accomplished something, proven something. What though, you couldn’t say. And as you pulled into your driveway, suddenly you felt at peace with your situation. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but it could be worse. You could be dead. All those thoughts went straight out the window the second you stepped into your kitchen. A man stood at its centre, his hulking presence almost reaching the high ceiling. He turned to you, his face split in a wide smile, and spoke, though you did not see his lips move once. “A human, Dophiel? Well, this is certainly a turn of events.”
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
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