#dog Raphael
brunhielda · 2 years
I have always had this weird idea in my head that Leonardo is very much a cat. Very sleek, fastidious, elegant, ninja. And honestly, comparing 2012 TMNT to Rise Leo only heightened that. Hear me out:
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Rise Leo is full cat. He absolutely has his own mind about everything and will change how he feels about anything on the slightest whim, and KNOWS, deep down in his soul, that he RULES over everyone around him- there’s just no point in letting them know that. Then he’d have to actually work. He even goes by… get this… LEON.
2012 Leonardo is a cat. He is sleek and elegant while fighting, tidy, and, deep down, thinks he always knows best. BUT… he is a cat…who thinks he has to be a dog. He thinks he has to be “perfect leader.” He thinks he has to be Captain Ryan. He wants to be, in essence, a Good Boy tm.
Whether you see Raph as a street cat, a loyal hound who isn’t let out for enough walks, or some sort of angry badger, the idea of this cat “not behaving as it should” is going to frustrate and cause friction. Doesn’t he often say- “We don’t need you to be that guy, we need you to be you”? That happens more in 2003, but I’m pretty sure it pops up in 2012 as well.
Meanwhile in Rise universe, Raph is just a Goodboi (who also is way too big and loves equally his hugs and his play fights), who has accepted and loves this very aggravating cat and will absolutely step in to keep it from getting killed, even when the cat in question was the one who started the fight.
Anyways, my thought in general on Rise TMNT is this is what they turn into when left too much to their own devises rather than growing up under Hamato clan discipline, and the “Cat Leo” theory is no exception. Leo doesn’t need to be leader, so he won’t. And will just enjoy being as smart as he is without putting in any work or attempt at humility. I know I shouldn’t, but much like most jerk faces cats I know… I kinda love him. 💙🐢🐱
Anyways… someone wanna draw me art for this?
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gyancastle · 8 months
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Danny is not having a very good time.
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Commission info | Ko-fi
Versión en español : 👉 aquí
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sleepis4theweak · 2 months
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Baby April and Raph playing <3
When I was little, and we had first gotten our dog, it was recommended that we annoy him (so that when children inevitably yanked on an ear or something he didn't go for the throat). I IMMEDIATELY volunteered for the task, and would bother him constantly (mess with his ears, poke his teeth, etc).
This ^ is something we do as a byproduct of the training. I hook a finger around one of his teeth and he'd gently shake. It reminded me of Raph and April for some reason, so I drew it! :D
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 5 months
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master tacticians at work
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artofrottmnt · 11 months
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storyboard style expressions + poses I love the style of the storyboards they're so cute gvbvhjn
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the-lavender-clown · 5 months
Ok now THIS is what I’m talking about!!
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I cannot describe how obsessed I am with this drawing!! It turned out SO GOOD and SO CUTE!!
Thank you to my lovely beta reader for this doodle suggestion
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risestarkiss · 4 months
Rise Ramblings #612
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I believe that the order Piebald snatched up the boys is the same order in which they all died in the movie.
*tries not to cry*
*cries a lot*
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heckitall · 1 month
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Same As It Never Will Be
Page 13 - (Page 14) - Page 15 (available on patreon!)
This is the end of chapter three! what follows next is a series of smaller stories that jump around in time a bit to get us to our next main plot point. Should be fun!!
this also means they'll prolly be churned out faster... fingers crossed...
im going thru a phase where im swamped with finals that require me to draw comics and wanting to work on SAINWB... so the style of SAINWB is going to wildly change as i experiment. hope ya'll stick along for the ride!
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
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Part 5!
Fun fact - soft shell turtles are very edible
Part 1 Next
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cambion-companion · 8 months
Infernal Cuddles
OKAY so I was cuddling with my cat last night and while he was dreaming his tail was waving around in his dream which got me thinking! haha you know exactly where I am going with this. So please indulge me in this drabble cause it is rotting my brain.
Raphael x reader (gn)
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This wasn't your first visit to Raphael's home, nor even close to the first time you'd warmed his bed.
However, he had never before allowed you to fall asleep next to him.
At first you'd thought it a mistake. A momentary lapse soon to be corrected when he sent you careening back through some portal to the material plane.
Your muscles had tensed as his hand met your waist and pulled you a bit forcefully against him, his body bending around yours and his whispered words in your ear, "Don't move, little mouse. And don't stray. Those who skitter and creep these halls at night are not kind to flesh so soft as yours."
His nails dug briefly into your bare hip, his wing draping down over your flushed body like an eldritch blanket.
You were caught between fear and comfort. Anticipation mixing with the utter exhaustion only derived from being a devil's favorite plaything. Despite the trepidation, you slowly began to relax. Your weight easing back against Raphael, his hand still hot upon the dip of your waist.
Healing sleep enveloped you, your dreams betraying nothing of the hellscape you rested in, nestled in the arms of a quite literal cambion. In your subconscious you could feel the rumble of Raphael's chest as he snored, and you woke only slightly when he adjusted his position to face away from you.
Your limbs tangled in the soft sheets as you stretched, sliding to find a more comfortable place under the black silk. Your eyelashes fluttered, images of what the morning could possibly bring flitting out of thought and worry as you snuggled back down to sleep.
You felt a sharp blow to your backside. A squeak of pain left you, your eyes snapping back open with sudden alertness.
"Ouch!" You complained, massaging where you'd been struck and rolling onto your back. "Hey!"
Raphael had landed another blow, this time across the top of your thigh. You sat up, blearily squinting in his direction.
The room was dim, but you could still make out Raphael's still sleeping form with his back to you, the tip of his long tail twitching before arcing up and landing with a soft thud against the bedspread.
The long devil's tail rose once more but this time you caught it in your hand before it could smack you again. Raphael made a soft noise, the most vulnerable sound you'd heard from him. He seemed to wake, rolling over and sitting up, his tail sliding through your palm until it dropped away.
"You were dreaming." You tried to explain, a little unnerved by his silent glowing stare. "Your tail was moving."
Raphael didn't speak for a moment, taking his time to languidly stretch his limbs and wings, almost catching you in the face as he did so.
You hesitated. Then you scooted over a couple inches toward him, inexplicably seeking the warmth of his touch.
"The hazards of sleeping with a devil." Raphael's voice was husky, it sent a pleasant shiver up your spine.
He reclined on his back and extended his arm to you, his lips twitching slightly when you eagerly cozied up by his side. "Such a good little thing. Eager as a pup."
You didn't argue, not wanting to spoil the moment you'd likely never get to relive.
Raphael didn't apologize. You got the feeling he found the whole situation rather amusing. In the days and months that followed, whenever the two of you were sharing a moment of passion, his tail would often smack against your bare skin. Your answering gasp and flinch would be followed by the familiar low chuckle of your infernal lover.
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valentjin · 8 months
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charm point: his nose scrunches :)
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gyancastle · 4 months
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Gravity Fall referense.
Versión en Español 👇
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Rafa fue adoptado por los Mud Dog hace mucho tiempo, es solo que aún no se a dado cuenta 😋
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tmntismdoodls · 1 year
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familial affection? in MY ‘87 April? more likely than u think.
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seagull-scribbles · 4 months
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Happy valentines! what says ‘love’ like two smelly, unwashed teen boys?
Drew this after a lovely convo with @less-depresso-more-espresso, who also gave me this song to listen to 💕 so this one’s for you bestie aha
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pezhead · 4 months
Can Rosie pls get a hug from the bby turts? 😊
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(That's her smile 😃)
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its-wabby-stuff · 7 months
Replica DTIYS
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Well, I’m flabbergasted that I managed to finish this, and I had a lot of fun doing it. And with enough time to finish my homework.
A gift for @kathaynesart DTIYS. Close ups under the cut, along with line art.
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