#dog grooming contest
opawz · 22 days
OPAWZ Spring Creative Dog Grooming Contest 2024
Announcing the winners of the OPAWZ 2024 Spring Contest. https://www.opawz.com/blogs/tutorials/opawz-spring-creative-dog-grooming-contest-2024 The OPAWZ Spring Creative Dog Grooming Contest is a vibrant celebration of creativity and skill within the pet grooming community. Unleash your creativity this spring with OPAWZ! Spring-Themed Dog Grooming Contest 2024 Nature-themed designs: flowers,…
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So I had some time to think tonight at work (in between operating heavy machinery, swearing at the materials, and trying to keep the line running, fun times!) And I asked myself, "self, hypothetically, what might @inexplicifics Accidental Warlord AU look like in another generation or two - once people really get used to witchers being The Good Guys (TM) and helping out?"
And I was like "well, they'd probably get invited to social events - ooh! Who'd like which events best?!? What would that look like?"
Geralt, as we all know, detests anything too formal or Warlord-focused. He enjoys weddings and receptions, but his TRUE favorite is baby christenings. Seriously. Put him in a room with a tiny baby and he's happy as a clam. He'll happily growl away (or weaponize his puppy-dog eyes against) grannies, aunties, and other family members to hold the baby for as long as possible. He's also 90% of the reason that witchers are now rumored to be able to bless babies.
When Mouse and Treyse bring this new rumor to the council, everyone has to just sit. And process for a minute. Because what the ever-loving fuck?!? (Jaskier immediately writes the sweetest lullaby ever, "A Witcher's Blessing", and it is the ONLY song that Geralt ever sings in public, and only ever to babies and small children. Multiple women blame this for their immediate conceptions.)
Jaskier adores weddings and festivals of all types, and if a happy couple includes details of how they met and/or fell in love with their wedding invitation, there's at least a 50% chance that he'll show up to the wedding with a personalized love song, holy shit.
Ciri loves tourneys. Loves watching them, loves displaying in them, loves sneaking into competing in them (omg, heir, NO), loves WINNING them. She's a menace. She has various stealth coats of arms that she rotates between when she's not supposed to be competing, but her favorite is the battle goose. Obviously.
Eskel doesn't like crowds or being the center of attention, which are almost inevitable with public invitations, but he does enjoy being the +1 for his family. Several of his and their interests overlap, and even where they don't, he likes to see them enjoying themselves.
Yennifer becomes well-known as an extremely efficient - albeit terrifying - treaty negotiator. She'll talk to both sides, get a list of their must haves, deal-breakers, would-likes, and don't-wants (as well as - perhaps more importantly - the reason why each of those are on that particular list). Then she draws up a draft and viciously negotiates a compromise. She is genuinely surprised the first time that both sides thank her for her help.
Vesemir, with all his long years of teaching, loves visiting schools and seeing any sort of student performance or sporting event. Kindergarten to university, drama to music to dance recitals to track and field meets to football games to student symposiums to science contests to... He buys out bake sales and funds club field trips and donates several fortunes worth of antique knick knacks to various schools. He's invited as a guest lecturer, a commencement speaker, a competition judge, a referee.
Lambert and Aiden, at some point, discover bachelor's parties, call dibs, and never look back. People learn very quickly not to invite witchers to their stag nights unless they want the entire party to get horrifyingly drunk - but at least Lam and Aiden will make sure that everyone makes it home (or to the wedding) safely. Perhaps not soberly, or sans hangover, but definitely without major injury. (And if the bride asks nicely and the groom and friends weren't total jerks, Lambert can usually be counted on to make a hangover cure. He really is a softie at heart.)
Dragonfly and Serrit get tapped for the odd bachelorette party or ladies' birthday parties. Anything that falls under "I want to be able to drink and party with my friends without worrying about some strange guy hurting one of us." They are extremely protective and have both been drunkenly proposed to several times. (Livi finds this terribly amusing. Gweld just wants to know if he can watch.) Milena and Zofia sometimes go with them.
Milena loves going to wedding showers and baby showers, but outside Kaer Morhen, she has to stay in sight of Lambert or one of his brothers. Lambert's rule. (She got KIDNAPPED, okay? He's allowed to worry!) Usually she'll take Geralt (there might be babies! He's excellent protection!) or Eskel (he's very quiet and has excellent manners, and his signs are impossible to fight) for the more, ah, female-heavy events. If anyone asks, they're her brother-in-law and genuinely like spending time around kids. And very, very married.
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itstheimpossibledream · 10 months
Pairing : Jungkook and reader(y/n)
Word count: 3856
Summary: You drop off Bam from his grooming appointment and finally meet his owner. From there it's sexual tension city !
Warnings : Uprotected sex, domJK, smut , oral, all the things
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“Bam!Get out of the tub- Get o-” 
The doberman’s eyebrows knitted and he seemed to question why it wouldn’t be fine for him to stay in the bathing tub all day. It wouldn’t have bothered you as much if you didn’t have the most splitting headache,your body begging for the day to be over. The rest of the groom went by without contest. Your coworker had already left for the night so, it was your job to finish up Bam’s look and drop him back off at home. You pulled up to the intimidating building and Bam eased out of the car, leading the way through the halls to his place. Your apron was dusted with an assortment of dog hairs and wet splotches where dogs had shaken to their heart’s content. You had groomed Bam a few times. He was becoming a regular client , and you chuckled to yourself, always finding it funny that people with short haired breeds would choose to get their dog groomed instead of doing it at home themselves. Must be rich you snort to yourself raising your hand to knock on the door. Not that you were mad. After his first groom, the owner had requested you. What you did to make him look so much different than other groomers you had no idea but, you were grateful for the client as well as the consistently generous tip. Even if you never knew who it was coming from. The door opened and the music in the background was much louder than it had seemed in the hallway. He was young and surprisingly attractive. His t-shirt fit loose but, you can see the canyon between his pec muscles through the shirt leaving no illusion to the fact that he was incredibly fit. You wanted desperately to reach your hand out and run your fingers over the hard mounds of flesh but, alas your professionalism was unmatched. 
He clears his voice “Thank you.” he extends a colorful arm out to grab Bam’s leash, the large doberman moved accordingly; completely unphased by the facial symmetry of his owner. You feel yourself staring at the tattoos but, each time you think to look away another picture catches your interest. He uses his other hand to put his glasses on his head,creating a temporary headband.
“Was he good?” he asks. While every bone in your body wanted to tell the truth you found yourself unable to disappoint the light in his eyes. The slight dimple, the questioning smile, he was ridiculously good looking. “Yea- ummm he was great !”  You lie shifting yourself in the hallway, finally realizing that you have to pee and your headache has not let up.
“ you okay?” He asks noticing your attention change.
“Mmmmhmmm.”  you turn to leave but, find yourself immediately turning back. “Actually would you mind if I use your bathroom?” You’re almost embarrassed to ask but you convince yourself to be cool. Everyone has to use the bathroom, be an adult. But let’s be honest ,your only thought  was how grateful you were right now that you only had to pee.
“ Ofcourse !” He smiles backing out of the doorway. He clearly thought there was something seriously wrong with you, if asking to use the bathroom was that much of a relief to him. He pointed in the direction of the bathroom and you ran. Embarrassed but aware there was a time stamp on this activity. You relieved yourself quickly; washing your hands and checking your appearance in the mirror and then searching the medicine cabinet for something that would help your headache. You were partially annoyed that you hadn’t found anything and the fancy ass cabinet/mirrored door was so elaborate that it slipped through your hand and crashed into place. You double checked yourself in the mirror and decided to just go with it. Post work you was not your hottest you but, there was really nothing you could do about it now. You chide yourself for that less than helpful pep talk and head out the door. 
As you entered the room he turned from the counter gently placing the small glass of soju on the island infront of you and then leaning on the countertop behind him. 
“What’s that for?” you ask a smile creeping into your cheeks with the thought that he might want to spend more time with you. 
“You look like you need it.” he jokes, extending his arm to grab the other glass that he had filled for himself.
“Cheers!” he smiles like a little kid and downs the liquor. You taste yours as well. He pulls his lips back with a short intake of breath before leaning forward, forearms on the island, bangs beginning to fall free of their glass barrier and floating into his eyes.
“So did that wash down whatever you stole?” his eyes were intent on you studying your face. 
“I mean I know I don’t have anything good.” he says, turning to pour again. 
“I didn’t take anything. I just had a headache and was looking-” you trail off. 
“Ooooo. well you could have just asked!” he brushes past you and goes into the bathroom laughing. He comes back out with the container gingerly twists off the top and you watch as the veins in his fingers work delicately to pull out two pills for you. Your eyes shift to Bam on his dog bed squeaking his toy, happily ignoring the humans in the room. 
“Here.” he rolls the pills into your hand and you mumble a thank you. He reaches across the counter for his glass and the bottom of his shirt rides up the smallest bit. You roll your eyes because it's all you can do to keep from tattling on yourself with stares. AVERT YOUR EYES is all your brain is thinking. He hands you the small glass. 
“Wasn’t this yours?” you ask.
“Scared of drinking after me?” he plays with you, stepping in closer. 
“I don’t know you but, I don’t trust you.” you say mimicking his action and not breaking eye contact. You wonder if it was too much but, you can tell by his body language he was more focused on continuing the conversation. 
“I don’t have diseases, if that’s what you're worried about.” he turns and crosses the room petting Bam on the dog bed. 
“Says the wealthy, hot man in his 20’s” you snort taking a sip to wash down your medicine. Now, you make a grimace. The alcohol and the ibuprofen create a disgusting fizz on your tongue. 
“I’m hot and wealthy you hear that?” he mimics, talking to Bam.It wasn’t like you didn’t stand by your words but, you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as he said it. You look down at the crystal glass in your hand, your thumb picking at the design. 
“You can take off your apron if you want.” He says finishing a scratch on the top of Bam’s head, Bam to invested in his toy to notice. 
“ O ! Yea…” you begin pulling your apron over your head. You feel it get caught in your hair and almost die of embarrassment. He notices your need for assistance and quickly closes the space between you. You hear him let out a small laugh before you feel his warm hands on top of yours. 
“Let me try.” He says calmly.
You huff and put your arms by your side. Acutely aware of the fact that you seemed like a stubborn child but, he soon had you released, popping your hair tie in the process.
“You broke it on purpose.” You joke in a deadpan voice as he presses the broken fibers into your palm. You look up at him and he walks backwards towards his soju again.
“It’s pretty down.” He says winking before he turns to the counter. He moves so quickly you almost weren’t sure if you saw it.
“So you use Bam to lure women back to your home and kill them with compliments?”
“  mmmmm.You started that.” he says between swallows. 
“Well don’t get used to it.” You say. “ I’m usually not that nice.”
He snorts at that. “ you work with dogs, I find that hard to believe.” his glasses fall onto his face but, he doesn’t seem to mind.
“ Ahhhhh there’s where you’re wrong.” You smile “ The dogs don’t care if you’re nice, Just consistent. Plus, they’re easy to get along with. They don’t talk.”
“ You think I only intend to talk with you? “ he asks, raising his eyebrows over his glasses. The act itself was enough to make your breath catch in your throat but you somehow manage to stay calm and collected. For a moment it felt as though all the air had left the room. You quietly held your glass, picking again at its intricate design. Listening to the music of his footsteps as he gently pads his way to stand in front of you. 
“Do you think I poured you a drink and invited you in, only to talk to you ?” You finally looked up from your glass, he toyed with the piercing on his lower a boyish smile playing on his face.
“Am I not a riveting conversationalist?” you say blankly.
He laughs over your dry humor, using it as an excuse to move closer to you.
“You definitely are.” he promises,stepping closer into you. You can’t help but smile at his smile.Your eyes flicker up to him and you find yourself screaming ‘just do it!’ in your head.
He swings his hand to the crook of your neck  and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s simpler than you expected, soft but confident. He holds you like that for a while, his mouth working on convincing you, his hand holding your neck and playing in your hair. His other hand comes to the small of your back and you finally feel contact between your lower region and his. He goes slow, pressing into you to test out the levels of your comfort. You focus on the kiss deepening and at the right moment he pulls back and you're able to bite his lip a bit, piercing the opposite side of his mouth. He smiles, bringing his other arm up to your throat, choking you a little bit. His kiss makes your stomach flip. You’re  lost in the comfort of his arms but somehow manage to work your hands into his hair. He holds your hip and slowly starts to grind into you. Instinctively you let out a moan , which causes him to break into another smile. 
“I’m that good ?” He whispers in your ear. Unable to tolerate his smugness you grab a handful of his hair and pull. 
‘O? Really ?’ He asks. You look up at him , unable to respond but not letting up on your grip either. It almost feels made up but, you swear you can see his eyes darken. ‘Let go’ he commands , voice lower than normal. You open your hand and he pulls his shirt over his head slowly only momentarily breaking eye contact with you. ‘Race You!’ He says, throwing the t-shirt at you and you run behind him practically chasing him into his bedroom. He spins around, scooping you up as you run through the threshold of the room.He holds you so you have no option but to wrap your legs around him so as not to fall. ‘Good’ he whispers , pressing his forehead to yours. You knew, it was too smooth.  You knew he must have pulled that move a million times before. But, at that moment you didn’t care. He must have felt the hesitation in your body though, you momentarily stiffened and he lets you go. Setting you down,you take a few steps back and watch as he removes his socks and pants. He sits there in his underwear,his thighs thick through his clean Calvin Kleins.
“Your turn”  he says, peeking through the bangs of his hair, and folding his glasses on the nightstand. He cocks his head to the side and for a second you can tell he doesn’t know if you’ll oblige him or not. He leans back on his forearms, lip playing with his piercing and the view alone is enough to make you commit to fucking him as long as you physically can. Taking off your shirt makes him illicit a deep hmmm. You feel your stomach flip again at his approval. But, the jokester inside you wins,you turn around and shoot him an overly sexy look. You unhook your bra and let it float to the rug of his room. 
“Whooooo Hot!” he cheers you on. You put your all into it, quickly jumping out of your jeans and turning your back to him. You hook your fingers into the sides of your underwear.  
“Come On….Sell it !” he screams jokingly. You slowly shift it down your hips until they fall to the floor. You turn your back to face him, your hands barely covering all of your chest.
He tuts with his tongue “show me” his voice is soft, as he reaches out a hand towards you. You step forward, taking his hand and revealing yourself fully to him. He sighs, bringing you in close. You get on your knees in front of  him. Somewhat out of want but partially out of habit. 
He frowns down at you .
“What are you doing?” his voice is low and gentle. You look up at him, eyes wide and are almost embarrassed by the position you found yourself in. Completely naked on a stranger’s floor after a bit of conversation and one drink. He must be reading the self judgment on your face because he lifts you up, placing his forehead on yours again.
“Hey - we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” 
You relish in the intimacy of being this open to an absolute stranger. 
“O there’s nothing I don’t want to do right now.” you whisper to him. 
He laughs and the dimples in his cheeks deepen,making it impossible for you not to return his smile. You kiss him and he immediately gives in, lending you confidence that shatters all previous reservations. 
“Let’s just go slower “ he says, breaking from you and sitting at the edge of the mattress. 
“Ride” he says, slapping his thigh. A shiver races throughout your entire body and you feel your stomach flip as you look at him. He’s serious, you can tell. You slowly close the space between you, lifting one leg to straddle his. You look up at him, face innocent. You kiss him again, this time grabbing him by the throat and adding the slightest bit of pressure. You pull back and he is giving a wide, toothy smile like a kid. “Ride me , please” he jests with a lifting of his eyebrow. You allow him to pull you in again; this time as you kiss you find yourself slowly grinding into his thigh. He lets out a low growl in response and your stomach flutters. He sits his large hand in the crook of your hip and helps to move you on his leg. He can hear your moans becoming higher pitched and right before you get to release all over his leg he lifts you up, swinging your leg to his hip. Now you’re fully straddling him and his hands cup your face as he kisses you.  
“I’m sorry I couldn’t wait any longer.” he smiles , you lean in to kiss him but, he pulls back, playing  coy. 
“I thought you couldn’t wait any longer,” you joke.
“I just wanted to see you beg.” he says , lightheartedly.
“ Well I won’t” you say teasingly as he slips a hand between your bodies, smacking at your pussy. You jump a bit at the surprise and his other hand rests at the back of your neck.You omit a low hum as his hand moves in between your legs, coaxing a moan from your body. He smiles, pleased with his work.
“Good girl…. Good girl. Now beg.” You bite your lip, willing to moan but not give in to his demands yet. He uses his hand on your neck to angle your forehead to meet his. You kiss and his lips are unbearably soft. He finally uses two fingers to enter you and your breath hitches in your throat. You rest a hand on his chest and use it as leverage to help you ride his hand. He praises you while you move your hips faster, chasing that feeling. You feel yourself building up to it, almost tasting a touch of ecstasy, right when he removes his hand entirely. Your voice betrays you as you let out a sound in disappointment. He kisses you, soft and slow, holding your neck but extending a thumb to your chin to run the finger over your bottom lip. He sits it on your lip, slowly moving it in and out of your mouth, you suck it instinctively. 
“Say please baby.” He kisses you again, and you break the contact to whisper “please, please “ into his lips. As if making a pact with the devil , he immediately flips you over, removing his underwear and carries you into hell. He is a flurry of creamy skin, tattoos and dark hair as he positions his head between your legs beginning with a slow and consistent lick , eventually building to a mouth and hand combination that makes your legs shake. You lock your hand in his hair, grabbing tightly  and he laughs up at you reminding you to “be nice.” But he doesn't seem to actually care as you go back to suffocating him in your heat. After your third or fourth orgasm he decides it’s finally time for him to enter you. He speaks, sweetly , angling himself at your opening. His smile holds a mirror to the little boy he once was and while your attraction to him is unparalleled you can’t help but find him trustworthy, to feel as though you know that little boy would grow to be the kind of man who wants to keep you safe. 
“I got you , I got you.” he whispers into your ear before trailing his lips down your neck. He can feel your fighting for control of your body again, after coming down from the high of your last O. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and for a moment it feels like floating, him holding you, him filling you up, his voice whispering comfort to you. You watch from below him, as the veins in his neck bulge in the pursuit of his bliss. 
“Mmmm” he seems to say to himself , unaware that every sound he makes, assists in sending you over the edge. He held you down by your neck and you scratched at his back while he pushed into you a few more times, creating a space for himself. Carving out a moment of comfort and oneness between the two of you . His eyes closed, and his brows knit together as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“You feel amazing.” he whispers, into a smile. 
You kiss him and you feel the shiver that runs through his body. You’re momentarily pleased that he's just as surprised as you are by your physical connection. 
“I want to make you cum now.” he says ,sure of himself.
“Oh sooooooo confident !” you joke before he grabs your hips and swings you on top of him. With your hands on his chest you press yourself up and down bouncing on him. He holds the crook of your hip, his tatted arm coming up to grab you by the neck.
You dig your nails into his chest and he tightens his grip on your throat, challenging you as you wind your hips on him. You lean forward and whisper to him “I think I’m going to be the one to make you cum” before sucking on the skin at the side of his neck. 
He groans, letting go of your throat to run a hand through his hair. You lean back up to allow him a better view of you while you continue to ride him and you can see the resolve in his face beginning to break. His bicep looks large against the headboard and taking in his body from up top is too overwhelming. His hand makes its  way to your chest, gripping at your breast, your nipple nestled safely in between his fingers. It begins quiet but, it doesn’t escape your attention. He keeps closing and reopening his big brown eyes, his chest rising and falling with his moans as he lets you ride him. You’ve fully checked out on pleasing him and are focused on your own pleasure which seems to only intensify the sensations for him. You cannot watch your mouth as you near your orgasm and find yourself letting out a slew of curse words as you use him to reach your apex. His moans get louder and seem partially controlled until he feels you cumming. The contractions around him are too much for him to bear and he lets out a guttural noise you had not yet heard from him. He closes his eyes, head titled back towards the headboard trying to steady his breathing as he recovers from spilling inside you. You’re panting on top of him but find yourself unable to move and grateful for his supportive hands at your hips as you bring your lips down to meet his. 
“My god.” he exhales , and you laugh down at him through the wisps of his hair that had fallen in between you. He joins you chuckling, catching your breath as Bam paws at the bottom of the bedroom door. Not in a bad way but, just enough to let you know he is there. Which only makes you both laugh even harder. “I don’t want to move.” he whispers.
“ Well I think  Bam would disagree.” Your eyes read his face, trying to sear the memory of this intimacy into your brain forever. 
“Well Bam gets to see your beautiful face every few weeks, he can wait a little longer.” He smiles, leaning in to kiss you but you move away. His dimples deepen, attracted by your unwillingness to give in so easily. You turn your eyes to Bam’s pawing at the door. 
“Fine.” he rolls his eyes rolling out of you and off of the bed. You watch as the muscles in his back contract as he redresses. He crosses in front of his record collection, coming back to the side of the bed to kiss you on your forehead.
“I’m not done with you yet.” his smile is cheeky as he leaves the room, you can hear the excitement in Bam’s footsteps as they race down the hallway. It was by far your most unprofessional thought of the day but, you found yourself secretly praying he never would be done with you. 
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morallyinept · 6 months
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Shoot: Solar Magazine, November 2017, Issue 3
Photographer: Stefan Ruiz
Interviewer: Igor Ramírez-García Peralta
Grooming: Unconfirmed
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
• Cover shots and original images used in the magazine, including outtakes
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• Close ups
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• Full interview
Bad Hombre Pedro Pascal
Pedro Pascal belongs to a refreshing type of Hollywood stars, who is well educated while remains unpretentious and free from any level of insufferable diva attitude. He understands very well going against his nature will drift him away from his goals. 
Success came relatively late, at 38, with his breakthrough role by polysexual Oberyn Martell, in the fourth season of 'Game of Thrones.'
Between his overseas filming, photo sessions and visiting his family in Chile, a mutual friend put us in touch. One of the countless voice messages that we exchanged to coordinate the interview, breakfast, photo shoot, dinner and drink contest between Colombia, London and Manhattan he said: “Welcome to … [dramatic pause] Colombia”. 
I arrived at the Narcos set in downtown Bogotá on Thanksgiving Day. His two American colleagues (Eric Lange and Brett Cullen) were desperate with the elasticity of the South American minutes in a day that seemed to have no end, while a DEA agent - a real one - was waiting for them at home with a lot of turkey, whiskey, American football - a good portion of testosterone.
Meanwhile, Lucas - Pedro’s younger brother, who will have a small role in the next installment of the series - and I amused ourselves by breaking the mythical folding chairs with the protagonists’ name of the series. 
Interviewing and photographing Pedro has been a luxury that rarely occurs in journalism. A process of months, but continuous, in different contexts and in stages that has allowed me to know him much more than I can normally know who we put onto our covers. At the whims of fate, in addition to Lucas, I also met his sister, in Miami, and it turns out that Francisco Celhay, the other Chilean actor we include in this issue, is his first cousin.
From what escapes from the talk that we transcribe below, I can add that Pedro does not have any food allergies, but that, since he was 20 years old, he knows that he is allergic to cocaine; that his animal spirit is Tigger, the companion of Winnie the Pooh; that he claims not to be handsome - someone told him that he looked like Orlando Bloom after being slapped in the face - and that, from time to time, he remembers a dog, with a bitten ear, that usually visits the set in Cali, and stands outside his trailer. Pedro: we beg you, adopt it.
Narcos adds salt to wounds that are still very open in Colombia. The history of Escobar and the cartels of Medellín and Cali is very recent. How do you digest this and what has it meant for your role?Did you imagine that you would stay until season three?
Honestly, no. I knew I was going to participate in two seasons, regardless of the success of the first. They had a script for Escobar that lasted two seasons and my role, Agent Peña, was part of both. After the success of the first, I knew that the series was going to continue. After all, the plot was never intended to focus exclusively on Escobar, but also on the history, politics, and reality of drug trafficking.
But what I didn’t know, and I really didn’t expect, was that I was going to be in the third season. Out of the characters around Escobar, I thought he would be the last person to be invited back.
Netflix has changed the way television series are produced, distributed and consumed. What do you think about it?
It’s amazing, the whole industry changed in five years. Okay, actually in one. They started with the success of House of Cards, which was not even the first series - it was another that nobody knows called Lilyhammer. The year that we started Narcos, they are going to do, I think, twelve original productions. Now I have lost count… And I confess that I am a victim of what they do, because I see everything. 
I know it sounds absurd but, compared to what is happening in the politics of the western world right now, where everything is so bleak, disappointing and alarmingly retrograde, television is progressing in terms of themes, culture, representation of diversity and the risks that are assumed with the stories that are narrated.
Do you prefer to work in cinema, television or theater?
For me, the ideal is to work in the three media, as all my colleagues do. I moved to New York when I was 18 to study, and I swear, I almost gave up trying to get roles in off-Broadway productions. My friends were actors who mainly did theater, but also television and cinema, some with more success than others, obviously, but in our community we understood that it was time to do everything. I think television is the most arduous medium because of schedules.
A colleague who worked with Holly Hunter on her first television series, after a very successful career in film and theater, told me that she had said to him, “Television isn’t for pussies”. It is curious that she has affirmed that, after having split her back all her life working as an actress, but it is true. The hours are very intense, the days are endless … In this sense, Narcos is a peculiar challenge, because, in a way, it is invented as we go along. It depends a lot on the locations - and these are unpredictable - but, at the same time, we have a script that must be respected.
To summarize, I would say that I do not prefer a specific medium. Television is the heaviest; Theater is the most familiar experience for me, and cinema supposes, in a certain way, the dismantling of a children’s fantasy, because it is truly the least glamorous experience you can have. At least in what I have had to live. You are in a 150 million dollar production, but sitting in the mud, in an absolute plague and surrounded by flies.
You work a lot in locations: China, Colombia, Croatia … And for very long seasons. What about your private life?
What about my private life? Simple answer: I do not have one. My life is work and tourism. It's strange to have this type of adventure being an adult. As a child I fantasized about working in the cinema and after surviving the inevitable broken heart that comes with maturity, being alive and, above all, wanting to be an actor, it is still ironic and funny to achieve your childhood dream at 40.
You miss your house, your bed, your friends, your comforts and the routine, but it is interesting that all of that is interrupted, and more at this age, because I think I can absorb the experience with much more perspective and maturity.
How was your experience in China filming The Great Wall?
I loved it. I had never set foot in China until I stood there for five months to work with one of my favorite directors [Zhang Yimou], whom I never even imagined crossing paths with. And next to fucking Matt Damon and Willem Dafoe! Matt, frankly, is one of the best people I’ve ever met; not from the best famous people I’ve ever met, but from the best people and that’s it. He was there with his family, with his wife - who is even better than him - and his children. On the other hand, I have seen all the Dafoe films since I was a child, so it was a privilege that they served me him on a silver platter, although, at the same time, very hard work, because it is a complicated film, also shot in multiple locations.
The concept of the previous issue of Solar was “Respect your idols!”, a kind of vote in favor of not losing emotion when meeting them and remembering what they have meant to you; Don’t let the fan die inside of you, regardless of how close your childhood idols can become as you enter the industry. How has this been for you?
It’s funny that you ask, because I’m still a big fan. I think this characterizes me as much as my work. In addition to being an actor, I am a spectator. I associate it with being a Chilean immigrant in the United States, with how young my parents were and how unstable their life was when I was born and how pop-culture, film and cable television socialized us and, in a way, they educated my sister and me. Later it turned out that a fantasy became a hobby that, in turn, became my profession.
Come on, I don't hide being a fan. Kingsman was a particularly interesting experience, because it was a fucking circus with fabulous movie stars: Halle Berry, Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Colin Firth, Channing Tatum and Taron Egerton, who, despite being new to the industry, is a fucking love. It’s all a bit overwhelming and scary, but I think the little fan inside me is so dominant that I managed to overcome the fear of working with them.
I have to say that I managed to contain myself, until we finished filming. As soon as they released Halle Berry, I tearfully told her that I had seen Jungle Fever, that it fascinates me, that her character in Monster’s Ball killed me and that I cried when she won the Oscar. I did the same to Julianne Moore and everyone else, until they got fed up.
I know you are a good boy. I feel it, I see it in you, in your family and in how you relate to the people around you. Have you always been like this?
I can’t even imagine what my parents had to go through when they escaped from Chile and that has left me an inheritance of guilt that, perhaps, has determined the way in which my brothers and I navigated the world. We’ve also had very tragic losses in my family, and that helps you focus on what’s really important and how you should treat people. I don’t know what I believe in. I am completely agnostic and the idea of ​​a god seems silly to me. I do not mean that spirituality is alien to me, but I have not developed any link with that concept either, but I do know that the most valuable thing is to be a good person. 
Deep down, I think that’s a lot more important than being famous, powerful or such. I can’t take all that shit to my grave. But I have not always been like this. When I was 12 years old, we were already enjoying a very privileged situation and, compared to others, I was quite a spoiled boy. Then all that was over, and I had to learn the hard way in New York. Maybe if things had continued to be as easy as when I was in high school, I would be a douche now. Maybe the combination of genes, the education my parents gave us, and the fact that I broke my ass for more than fifteen years in New York that shapes you and also teaches you how you should behave.
You spent almost twenty years auditioning. What motivated you to continue, and not to give up?
I didn’t know how to do anything else. There really does come a time, especially when you are a movie and theater nerd, where it becomes part of your identity. In the end, training, practicing and fighting ends up becoming an everyday thing and stop feeling like the big challenge. In fact, changing was what scared me. I think I definitely accepted the possibility of being the typical actor who is always fighting, until the day he could no longer go upstairs to audition, because, as I said, I did not know how to do anything else, and was too lazy to learn. And well, I also had the unfounded hope that I could do it.
And luck, I’m very lucky. As screwed up as the times were, there was always something: a job, a theater play, an experience, a royalty check for an episode of Buffy, vampire slayer - which paid half of the rent - or a play outside of Boston. Every time it seemed like I wasn’t going to make it through the month financially or emotionally, something came up at the last minute that kept me afloat and allowed me to keep going.
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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quillpokebiology · 9 months
Might i have some furfrou facts? I recently caught one and wants to know a little bit of information from someone who knows about pokémon.
Yeah, sure! I also have a post on Furfrou care rips as well!
Furfrou Facts
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(Art by Melissa Lee on ArtStation)
-The scientific name for Furfrou is "Canis Pampus" which translates to "Pampered dog"
-Furfrou is by far one of the most domesticated canines, being specifically bred to live with humans
-There is a breed of Furfrou that was specifically bred to have the longest snout possible. This has led to this specific breeds snout to be 1 foot long. This breed is known as the Sniffer Breed
-Furfrou were specifically bred as show breeds
-Furfrou are very prideful and because of this, are very picky when it comes to choosing their trainers, even outright abandoning them if they don't find them worthy
-Technically, Furfrou has hair, not fur. Fur sheds and falls off, while hair continues growing
-While Kalos's national Pokemon is Sylveon, many people view Furfrou as a secondary national mon to it
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-Every year, Kalos has a contest where they will judge Furfrou from around the world. The Furfrou with the most extravagant fur wins
-They tend to be very picky eaters, only wanting to wat the best of foods
-Despite they're dislike of just anyone trimming them, they do need their fur to be trimmed regularly. Nothing major, just like a weekly cut. Leaving it to grow for too long can get it matted and gross
-Its best to get your Furfrou a silk bed since that can protect their fur from damage
-They don't do well with kids since they don't want to be touched by them mostly, especially after being groomed. There are always exceptions however
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duchi-nesten · 1 year
The wiener takes it all
Jack grew fond of the mutant sausages living in the Fentons’ fridge, so when he saw a poster for ‘’The Best Sausage Contest’’, he had to sign them up!
But why were there so many dachshunds loitering around the contest hall?
Word count: 2,583 || AO3 Link
Second submission for phic phight using the prompt by @Nekcats
‘‘Jack Fenton started considering the alive sausages his pets, and when he saw the "Best Sausage Contest" (A Dog contest) he inscribed his "pets" on it, the judges couldn't disqualify him because he technically had sausages (just literally) and apparently, he show them some tricks for the competition.’‘
I laughed so hard when I read this prompt and it was pure joy to write! Hope you enjoy! :)
They were enemies at first. A side effect of a new hot dog making machine he and Maddie invented. A pest who took over their entire fridge. They kept them only for research purposes, wanting to fix the grill so it doesn’t mutate anything else.
But after they helped him investigate the shed incident and secure the lab, Jack started being fond of the alive sausages. Yes, they bit him sometimes and for some reason attempted to murder Danny a little bit on a few occasions, but the strong hold of their serpentine hug made keeping them all worth it. They became, as the kids would put it, besties.
Of course, his family didn’t fully agree on this. Jazz kept insisting he gets rid of them since they always eat up all the other food. Danny stays clear of them and never even opens the fridge anymore. And Maddie…
Well, he’s caught Maddie in the act of pointing a blaster at the poor sausages too many times to count. 
He knew sooner or later he would lose the fight and his buddies would be thrown out on the cold streets. He couldn’t let them live under a bridge! Or get brutally destroyed by Maddie. He had to convince his family that the sausages were a great addition to their home life and not just a pest, but he wasn’t quite sure how to do that.
That is until he saw the poster.
He and Maddie were out one afternoon hunting the god forsaken ghost kid again. The fight happening right outside the Nasty Burger just wrapped up as they arrived, so they decided to split up, each going to the other side of the restaurant for a better chance of finding Phantom.
As Jack strode across the road he saw the ghost kid fly into an alleyway, just a few feet from where he stood. He held up his gun ready for ambush, when the poster on the side of the building caught his eye.
Best sausage contest, it read.
A contest for his buddies? This was exactly what he needed! If his wiener friends win the competition, his family is bound to realize how awesome they actually are! He ripped the poster off the wall and ran to the GAV.
Maddie wasn’t very happy with him when she found out that he let the ghost go but who cares! Screw that ghost kid! He had much more important things to do now!
The contest was happening on Saturday, which was 2 days away. That was great for him, they got time to prepare!
The short rules on the poster stated that all the sausages needed to be bathed and groomed. He didn’t really know how someone could groom a sausage, but he did give them all a bath. Which they really didn’t enjoy. They viciously bit a hole in the bottom of the bathtub.
Jack made a mental note to replace that before Maddie noticed. 
Another rule was that sausages were supposed to be on a leash at all times. It was a bit weird to keep a sausage on a leash, but he shrugged it off. He went out the next day and bought a lot of rope. 
Unfortunately his buddies bit right through it, so he went out again and this time got some thick steel wire. 
They bit through that as well. 
He had to get more creative. They mutated by exposure to ectoplasm, so maybe something anti-ghost would work? Unsure, he went down to the lab to grab the Fenton fishing line. As it turned out, they could not bite through it. A win for Jack Fenton! 
Soon enough all 37 sausages were tied to the fishing line in a neat little row. He was pretty sure there were less of them before. Can mutant sausages breed?
Ignoring that thought for now, he nodded to himself proudly before looking down at the poster he stole. The last rule was that all contestants had to prepare some sort of act. That was easy! His boys were incredibly talented! He knew exactly which special trick to show!
They were all set! He could already smell the win! And it smelled like a wiener!
It was the day of the competition. He was preparing the last few things in the kitchen, when Danny walked in. The sausages jumped off the table to attack him, but were held back by the Fenton fishing line.
‘’Why are the sausages out of the fridge? And tied to the fishing line?’’ his son asked while taking a small step back. 
‘’Those little boys are about to go and win a competition with your old man!’’ Jack announced proudly. 
‘’A sausage competition! For sausages!’’ he put down the fishing line, securing it with a chair, so the wieners stayed put. Bringing out the poster he shoved it in the boy’s face.
Danny scanned it quickly looking only more confused. 
‘’…Dad… I don’t think…’’ before he could even finish Jack interrupted him excitedly.
‘’Do you want to join us, son? We can make it a father/son/sausage bonding experience!’’ he threw a hand around Danny’s shoulders. ‘’They do seem to dislike you, so it’ll be a perfect opportunity to get to know each other better!’’
‘’No thanks uh. I’m actually super busy today-’’
‘’Nonsense!’’ he slapped his son on the back and started dragging him out the door after also grabbing the sausages. ‘’Don’t wait with dinner Mads!’’
The event was happening in the town’s center hall. 
Jack stepped into the building with Danny in tow and noticed a bunch of dachshunds loitering around. Why were there so many dogs here today? 
Hah! No matter! They were probably gonna eat all the competition! That only made it easier for his buddies.
‘’See dad, I was trying to tell you-’’
He tuned Danny out as he looked around the hall and noticed the sign-up table with the judges welcoming in the contestants. And to his surprise sitting there, as the special guest judge, was none other than-
He heard Danny’s confused sputter behind him as he strolled over to his old college friend. Vlad saw him and his eyes grew comically wide. Aw, he was happy to see him too!
‘’Jack.’’ Vlad started as the man stood before him. He had that funny expression he always did whenever they greeted each other. ‘’What are you doing here?’’ 
‘’Why, Vladdie! I’m here to win the contest!’’ he exclaimed loudly, holding up the Fenton fishing line with all his buddies tied to it. They started thrashing around when they noticed Vlad. Or maybe it was only because Danny joined them at that moment.
The mayor spared the sausages a tiny glance before massaging his temples. ‘’This is a wiener dog competition, Jack. For wiener dogs.’’ 
‘’I've heard! That’s why I brought my bunch! They’re absolute hounds for ghosts.’’ he leaned in and lowered his voice to a stage whisper. ‘’But that’s our final trick, don’t tell anyone.’’
Vlad ignored that and turned to the other judges instead.
‘’We can't possibly let him compete. Those aren’t dogs.’’
‘’Well Mayor Masters…’’ a lithe brunette man, sitting beside him answered. ‘’we never stated that the sausage has to be a dog.’’ 
He and the third judge, a lady with a very high gray hair-do, were looking through a thick book labeled as the rules. There were little dachshunds decorating each page.
‘’Yep. Not even once.’’ the lady confirmed after flipping the book closed.
‘’The word sausage is used throughout the entire book?’’ 
‘’What can I say Mayor Masters , it is a form of endearment for us sausage lovers.’’
Jack heard Danny laugh beside him. He was confused with their entire conversation. Obviously sausages were allowed! It was a sausage contest! But before he could butt in, Vlad muttered something under his breath and signed him up, giving him and his buddies the contestant pass.
He bid Vlad a goodbye for now, which the man huffed at. It was so adorable to see  his best friend was sad to leave him even for a few minutes!
While turning around in the direction of the contestant lounge he thought he saw Danny and Vlad glare at each other, but when he took a second glance Danny was looking at him instead and Vladdie was already talking to some lady with a dog. 
He shrugged it off and continued on to the lounge with a huge grin.
Soon the contest started. All the contestants were lining up on the stage to be introduced to the audience. Jack didn’t understand why the dachshunds from the lobby were now strolling up the stage together with his sausage buddies.
Danny offered that maybe they ate the other sausages and now had to take their place. Which made a lot of sense! Why’d he say that while rolling his eyes was a mystery to him though.
After the introductions were done, the real show started. The contest was divided into a few challenges. The first being a little obstacle course, which his sausages passed by eating all the obstacles. And one of the dogs.
Secondly, there was a bikini modeling showcase. His buddies really impressed the judges by coming together to form a big sausage, which filled out the bikini perfectly! Jack was sure he heard some ladies scream with excitement in the audience!
After that all the contestants were answering some deep questions presented by a man, who kept claiming to be the host. Or their owners were answering the questions for them. Talking about peace or some other nonsense. His boys went out there and ate the host guy! And another one of the dogs too for good measure! The ladies in the audience really loved that one!
They were absolutely rocking it on stage! At least Jack thought so. He had to stop Danny from interfering a few times. His boy really had a good heart wanting to help the sausages like this, but he  just had to believe they could pull through it on their own! Jack would always believe in them!
Finally it was time for the talent show. He was really excited for this one. He talked about their plan to Danny all evening and judging by the way his boy started fidgeting he was excited too!
Unfortunately Vlad insisted that their act should come last. Something about making sure there are no more shortages in the contestant numbers. Whatever that meant. He probably just wanted to save the best for last! 
‘’Two more acts and it’s our turn Danno! Are you excited?’’ Jack asked, looking back at Danny, before turning around to keep peering at the stage from behind the curtain. 
‘’Mm. Yeah… uh, how about I go get us some drinks before they go? You know… so we can be refreshed when they win…’’ 
‘’Good thinking son! Bring some for the sausages too! We can open a cracked one with the boys, as you younglings say!’’
‘’Yeah..uh… sure…’’ he heard Danny say as he retreated to get the drinks. 
Jack looked at the sausages sitting by his legs, still tied with the fishing line. They got bored of trying to aggressively chew on Danny by now, so they were just hanging around waiting for their next performance. 
The two remaining acts weren’t anything special. All the dogs were being quite boring if Jack had to be honest. All they did was jump around or dance. He was slowly falling asleep when the announcer (who replaced the eaten host) called for their act.
Finally! The sausages were gonna show them REAL talent!
Danny was still not back with the drinks though. Maybe he found a space in the audience to get a front row view! Yeah, his son was smart like that!
‘’It’s showtime boys.’’ he said to the sausages leading them on stage. The announcer was already long gone, probably thinking he’s also gonna get eaten.
They stood in the middle of the stage. Jack lined them up in a little line before speaking into the microphone positioned in front of them.
‘’Hello again everyone!’’ he yelled looking around at everyone. He could see the audience shaking in excitement.
Vlad, who was sitting with the other judges in front of the stage, cleared his throat.
‘’So, Jack. What are you gonna present for us now and how many people are gonna get eaten?’’
‘’Hah Vladdie! You jokester! No people are gonna be eaten!’’ 
He was pretty sure he heard Vlad mutter something that sounded suspiciously like thanking some ancients. 
‘’Well then. What are these… sausages gonna do?’’ the lady judge asked.
‘’They’re gonna hunt down and eat a ghost!’’ Jack exclaimed and in a swift move untied all the sausages. (It took him a while to get that move right, good thing they trained last night!) ‘’GO! GO GHOST HUNT BOYS! MAKE ME PROUD!’’
The audience screamed and everyone rose to their feet. A standing ovation already! But then they started running away. Huh. What kind of ovation was that? A running ovation?
‘’JACK YOU BUFFOON. TAKE THEM OFF OF ME!’’ Vladdie’s yelling brought him out of his thoughts. 
He looked over to the man and saw his boys attacking him. He was covered head to toe in wieners who viciously chewed on him like they did with the bathtub. Without thinking he jumped off the stage to aid his friend.
‘’So boys, how did it go?’’ Maddie asked when Jack and Danny (who Jack found right after the event was over) entered the house later that evening. The sausages once again tied to the Fenton fishing line strolling in behind them and going straight for the fridge. They had to be tired. 
‘’We won!’’ Jack shouted, showing her the big trophy he hid behind his back. It was at least 5 feet tall. ‘’The judges loved our outstanding performance!’’
‘’Or more like Vlad was the only judge left after everyone evacuated and he let us win just so dad takes them off of him.’’ Danny added before going up the stairs to his room.
‘’I still can’t believe my boys would confuse Vladdie for an evil ghost like that.’’ Jack shook his head looking off in the direction of the kitchen.
‘’I can.’’ Maddie muttered then looking at their award quickly added. ‘’What are you gonna do with this trophy, hon?’’
‘’Well it belongs to the sausages so I think we can just put it in their lair.’’
‘’Jack, we are not putting that in the fridge. The sausages are already taking too much space.’’
‘’It’s their home Mads!’’
The next morning Jack sat down in the living room to drink his morning coffee. He turned on the tv which showed the morning news coverage. And hey! They were talking about the contest from yesterday!
As Jack tuned in they were just showing a video clip that someone sent in. It was their last act! And recorded from such a high angle too! It was a bit shaky and some echo-ey sound that resembled a laugh distorted the audio a little bit, but he could still see his sausages attacking Vladdie very clearly!
Man, he couldn't believe it. He and his buddies were on the tv! He had to show them this!
He picked up the tv and ran to the fridge yelling.
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lgcmanager · 2 months
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after almost 2 years, legacy is returning to the variety scene with new seasons of two shows, and producing two brand new onesn! to be able to participate in this opporunity, here are the general eligibility rules:
IDOLS & LGC AGENCY: any muse with a minimum of 30 POINTS TOTAL in HOSTING and VARIETY, except the mentors of workshop opportunity 002 ( GONG HYEJOO, KANG MAXIMILIAN, WON YEONWOO, and YAMASHITA ICHIKA )
as mentioned above, this trimester, there are 4 shows to choose from. make sure to read through all the shows and their special restrictions. a muse may only appear in ONE show. however, due to the number of eligible muses, you need to pick TWO shows when signing up. we will try to prioritize first choices.
[ MBC ] DATE LOTTERY is a reality variety show where people are paired up and go on a virtual blind date. after the date, people are given a choice to meet the same person again. ( and as a reminder, this is all for show and those dates should be virtual, not real ).
[ SBS funE ] INTIMATE NOTE (LGC special) is a spin off of the original show which aired in 2008 and 2009, during which two individuals try to get closer through various segments. (ooc note: read here people who are awkward together) 
SPECIAL NOTES: muses must sign up in PAIRS
muses must either be from the SAME GROUP/have PROMOTED TOGETHER (i.e: lgc spring boys), worked on a PHOTOSHOOT or CFS together OR have been in an already aired DRAMA together
[ YOUTUBE ] LGC STYLE  is a fashion inspired show where contestants will be paired up and style a person’s outfit sets and activities for a week. 
LGC AGENCY will highly encourage MODELS ( including MOON JIAH )to choose this show due to the concept. **MODELS WITHOUT THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 30 POINTS CAN SING-UP TO LGC STYLE**.
[ KBS ] STAR TOP PET CARE is a reality show where various legacy artists will run a pet salon and daycare.
no one with pet allergy is allowed to sign up for this show
due to the nature of the work to be done on the show, filming will take place be in the next quarter. this quarter, participants will be taking lessons on how to properly care for and groom cats and dogs.
if you’re interested in taking part, please submit the form to the lgcmanager account before APRIL 13, 11:59PM EST:
MUSE NAME · VARIETY SHOWS Q2 2024 - first choice : - second choice: - restricted muses ( eg. family members ): [ only for the ones interested in DATE LOTTERY ] - partner: [ only for the ones interested in INTIMATE NOTE ] - describe your fashion style in 3 words: [ only for the ones interested in LGC STYLE ]
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starstriix · 3 months
what types of animals would the roti cast be
I haven’t thought about what animal in general EVERY gen 2 contestant would be, but I do have a pet au (keep in mind I haven’t thought hard on specific breeds, just designs that I might post sometime idk):
Cameron - Hamster (his bubble is a hamster ball and he can easily die in horrific ways)
Lightning - Race horse (For non-pet animals, he’d be a Zebra)
Zoey - Mostly Indoor dog
Scott - Rat. Straight up rat
Jo - Stray cat (Non-pet, she’s a spotted hyena or kangaroo)
Mike - Rescue dog
Brick - German shepherd (popular military dog breed) (I’ve seen people put him as a heavily built animal like a rhino and I can see it)
Anne maria - Poodle
Sam - Fat lazy house cat (just like my cat)
Dawn - Bunny (Non-pet, she’s a doe)
B - Massive chill dog
Dakota - SUPER pampered and well groomed house cat
Staci - A parrot
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brightgnosis · 7 months
“Wicca Bashing” Round 2: The Double Standard Of Always Shitting On Wicca But Not TradCraft
What ultimately utterly baffles me the most about the community's constant desire to pull down its pants and crap on Wicca, is that Robert Cochrane (Roy Bowers)?
Was also "A White British Man".
Also claimed the exact same "hereditary Witch Cult" nonsense.
Also created his own Witchcraft Tradition.
In the formation of Cochranite TradCraft, Robert Cochrane (Roy Bowers) also appropriated a lot of practices from other traditions and mythos he shouldn't've. And the tradition is, frankly, a hell of a lot more sex-centric within some strains than Wicca ever is- and that sex-centrism is blatantly erotic and hypersexual, rather than Wicca's focus on the fertility of the land via the Gods. He also decided it too requires initiation to enter his Tradition (even if the Initiation mechanisms are different).
Ultimately Cochranite TradCraft shares a lot of similarities of belief and practice to Wicca. And that's thanks to Cochrane literally having (at least) a 1st degree initiation into Wicca and one of its second major contributors being Doreen Valiente (a Wiccan High Priestess).
Not to mention the Traditions that outright do blend both openly and exist in a weird grey spot that's not quite one or the other. Or the open cooperation of people from both traditions to create materials for both- such as Ed Fitch and Joseph Bearwalker working together to create "The Pagan Way" to meet the demands for outsiders to both traditions. Or, like, y'know, Doreen Valiente whose contributions routinely get ignored and swept under the rug because pissing contests over which White British Man is "The Worst Actually" are more important I guess.
And yet TradCraft is always seen as "more legitimate" than Wicca, and gets absolutely none of the same hyper-policing or discussion of "Red Flags" and dangers, skepticism, outright lies made up about it, (Aleister Crowley and Gerald Gardner co-created Wicca exclusively to groom young hot women into having sex with them? Really? Really ????) etc, that Wicca does. Even despite sharing so many of these very specific similarities of both creator and their creation, structure, and praxis across its own (equally independent) strains of Tradition.
It's almost as if there's a massive double standard and bias in this community about who we police and who we don't ... And once again I have to tell people to pay attention to the crap that lays on their own side of the fence before complaining that their neighbor's yard stinks. Because these problems are not problems with individual groups, but with the community as a whole for a variety of reasons- and it's time to stop assigning all the blame to one singular group and acting like only one of us is "The Worst Actually".
None of us are "The Worst", actually. We all have shit in our own yards to deal with- and a lot of that shit was made by the same group of Dogs howling the same tune at the same damned moon. And we all need to deal with that collectively; this whole "Piss on one another all the time" thing is getting so goddamned old.
Like ... Are y'all not tired of acting like absolutely unnecessarily petulant and petty Toddlers over things, yet? Can you not grow up, stop acting like panicked Evangelist Protestants every 5 seconds, and actually act like the damned adults you're supposed to be, capable of having reasonable discussions already? I know I'm tired. Why aren't the rest of you already?
This is an opinion piece based in 20+ years of experience and research. If you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi; even $1 helps
This account is run by a Dual Faith «(Converting) Masorti Jew + Traditional NeoWiccan» & «Ancestral Folk Magic Practitioner» with 20+ years of experience as a practicing Pagan and Witch. If that bothers you, don't interact.
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pawsitivevibe · 1 year
Ooooh I won a lifetime subscription to all of the content from Leading Edge Dog Show Academy in the National Purebred Dog Day photo contest! Nice!! I likely won't be able to attend much formal grooming or show handling training, so was hoping to do the online courses they have. They have like tons of classes and webinars and such. I'll get access to all past, present, and future content!
The theme was "show off" so Arthur was showing off his perfect balance lol.
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I entered 3 other photo contests too, but didn't win. Still the pics are cute.
"A Nose For Trouble"
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"Scenes from a Book." Featuring Arthur pulling the sword from the stone.
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And "Where's Waldo"
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itztheebrybry · 9 months
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My feral baby now has a reference sheet! 💕
! Small HCs facts !
Four purrs when they’re happy or with X. They also tend to groom X like a cat and lick others in affection REALLY rarely.
Four will hiss and fluff up when scared. They absolutely HATE children due to them being unpredictable and impossible to control. They’re super shy as well, only connecting to certain people.
Four has more cat behaviors, but is just feral in general. They like to dig holes and pop out through multiple they’ve dug just to spook people.
Four enjoys any cat or dog game you can think of. But their favorites would be a toy on a string, or fetch. Anything to get their energy out as they bounce off the walls.
If Four is somehow put on a leash, they’ll either pull whoever is holding it into the sky, or flop limp.
Four HATES water. They hate getting their fur wet.
When Four is upset, Two or X will massage their face. Which causes them to purr and kick their leg.
Four loves being pet but also loves to bite people when they’re pet.
Four loves squeaky toys, and has a habit of swallowing them. They also tend to eat things they shouldn’t. Including contestants. When this happens, Two tries to redirect them with some kind of chew toy.
Spongy’s elimination situation happened twice. Only instead of Four trying to suck them in, he saw them as a chew toy. And when everyone was trying to save Spongy, Four just thought it was a fun game. And unless you’re Two, getting anything away from their mouth is impossible. They won’t let go unless bored. And tugging their victim, only gets him more excited.
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opawz · 3 months
OPAWZ Valentine-Themed Creative Dog Grooming Contest 2024
Welcome to the grand reveal of the OPAWZ Creative Dog Grooming Valentine-Themed Pet Grooming Contest. OPAWZ Valentine-Themed Creative Dog Grooming Contest 2024 Announcing the winners of the OPAWZ 2024 Valentines Contest, chosen by the most number of likes OPAWZ Creative Grooming Club Facebook group on posts tagged with #OPAWZvalentines2024. 1st Place: Rebecca Sandfort 2nd Place: Rebecca…
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adultswim2021 · 1 month
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Soul Quest Overdrive #2: “Meals on Wheels” | February 25, 2010 | S01E01
Soul Quest Overdrive continues to be bad, but this one’s not quite as bad as the original pilot. It does take a hit from the inclusion of noted retard Gavin McInnes as a soccer ball doing a Scottish accent. This one, at the very least, has a plot that sorta resembles a typical absurd Adult Swim style plot. 
The plot: the bible guys are doing Meals on Wheels, but they are just cheaply delivering dog food to senior citizens so they can steal from them. When they arrive at the house of one of the oldsies Bert tries to steal pills, only to discover they are flea meds and aren’t altering his consciousness effectively. The old man behaves more and more dog-like until it’s revealed that he actually is a small dog controlling a human robot body. He escaped dog planet, and a spaceship with dog soldiers on it come down to apprehend him. The soccer ball removes him and his fellow outreachers’ ribs after watching all the dog soldiers successfully lick their own nards. They show the blood!!!
I gave this one tepid praise for resembling the humor of–I’ll just say it!!!–Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I mostly mean this as far as the plot is concerned. The intimidating dog soldiers showing up and immediately tying themselves up by grooming their groins is fairly ATHF. Speaking of ATHF, they show the original Bible Fruit episode on the TV at one point. How fun.
That also sorta hints at the main issue this show has; so much of it, and I mean, SO MUCH OF IT, reminds me of other cartoons. The elderly man rapes Bert like Handbanana. Mortimer quotes “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” from Star Trek, which was a South Park joke over a decade before this. And the intelligent dog in a robot costume is ripped directly off from Rick and Morty. These craven psychos went into the near future to steal. How dare they.
I remember seeing this back when, and was puzzled by the inclusion of the soccer ball character, and had to look up Gavin McInnes, probably pissed off that there was seemingly an interloper in this cast of comedy people I sorta respect. I forget what the exact chronology is here, but I recalled seeing "Dos and Don’ts" videos (A Vice feature dedicated to mocking people wearing uncool fashion; a concept that does worse than nothing for me) hosted by Gavin featuring nearly all of these people. I remember Kristen Schaal saying she hated dudes with a lotta bad tattoos, and then going “oh, wait, sorry” because she was talking to one. I recall Jay “January 6th” Johnston being in one of the videos… (solemnly) a portent of things to come.
Fun fact: My Fox-News-obsessed father once told me he admired Gavin McInnes which really puzzled me because the only thing I knew him from was this and a handful of Vice videos that repulsed me. This is how I learned that McInnes went right-wing. I have to give the guy credit: I can’t think of a single other person who did such a 180° turn politically and remained exactly as hated by me as he was before.
What’s worse is his character sorta adds nothing to the show. Bert is basically the Master Shake of the show and McInnes is like, a second Master Shake but worse? He’s just a drunk guy who, at one point, screams “PUNK’S NOT DEAD!” and thrashes around. It sorta seems like they were literally trying to make an actual COOL character. It’s the sort of comedy that people who aren’t funny try to write. “What if there was a crazy guy who did crazy stuff who liked all the same bands as me”. 
Those following along will note that this is the second of two "pilots" they used for this show for this contest. When the show aired for real, it aired as the second of four episodes (not counting the Gavin-less pilot episode). Like the not-for-television pilot episode, it's half the length of a quarter-hour Adult Swim show. And yet, still too long.
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themunflower · 1 year
Best Eeveelution Hybrids
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BONUS! Flavor Text:
Golden Flame: A popular hybrid type (especially in Kanto), however it is NOT recommended for inexperienced trainers due to turning unruly when not given enough enrichment. Requires a bit more grooming than a Purebred due to the fur texture. Be careful to not pull the tail fur, this will get you bitten. White Smoke: Not a common hybrid outside of Alola. Has a gentle temperament but much like the Golden Flame, they need a lot of enrichment or they become stressed. Requires a bit more grooming than a Purebred due to the fur texture. Infernal: EXPERIENCED TRAINERS ONLY. If an Infernal has no faith in you as a pack leader, they will become agitated and possibly even start lashing out from nerves. Daily brushing with a stiff-bristled brush recommended. Double Spark: Another popular hybrid type. Perfect for physically active trainers, as Double Sparks seem to have boundless energy and are always down for a walk. Regular brushing recommended, as well as regular bathing with dry shampoo if the bulk of their exercise is outdoors. Burnt Pancakes: Not as active as the Double Spark, but still needs regular exercise to stay healthy and avoid becoming stressed. Has some impressive jump height, so be wary of fence height when letting them outside unsupervised. Regular brushing is recommended.
Grill Marks: Playful, but can be difficult to train due to being easily distracted. It is a quite popular pet for families with small children due to having a docile temperament. Regular brushing and bathing needed due to the fur being prone to matting. Smoke Cloud: EXPERIENCED TRAINERS ONLY. Much like the Infernal, Smoke Clouds might behave badly when they don't respect you as a pack leader. Except Smoke Clouds might actually get bold enough to challenge you for dominance. Daily brushing is a must, preferably with a wire brush due to having a dense double-coat. Regular bathing recommended. Cat-Dog: A perfect hybrid for even inexperienced trainers. Short daily walks are are a must, as they are wanderers by nature but can also be lazy. Regular brushing required, NEVER BATHE A CAT-DOG WITH WATER! Not only do they not like this, it strips the protective oils from their fur and can harm their skin. Lion Dog: Intermediate experience STRONGLY advised. Even when human-trained, they WILL try to hunt if allowed outside unsupervised, so enrichment that takes this into account is advised to prevent a Lion Dog from trying to hunt smaller Pokemon belonging to neighbors. King of Thieves: Don't be surprised if they steal small items and hide them. Fast and with impressive stamina and jumping ability, they are a great choice for those looking for a Pokemon that does well in agility contests. Not recommended for those without the time to give them enough time outside to run around. Regular brushing with a wire brush required due to having a dense double coat. Volcano Hopper: Despite gaining a lot of attention recently, Volcano Hoppers are extremely rare due to being a hybrid between a Flareon and the until-recently-believed-extinct Sneasler. Breeders are scarce due to strict laws limiting the capture and training of Hisuian Sneasel and Sneasler both thanks to their critically endangered status. While they're less prone to thievery than a King of Thieves, they tend to hide valuables in harder to reach places due to how well they can climb. Daily brushing required, with extra attention to the long fur tuft on the head.
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
*It doesn't take long for Gears to get through the line and for the show to start. ....So what's happening this year?*
The first contestant is a poodle who has been groomed by the gods. The owner has his poodle looking like a zebra. Beautiful
They trot up on the stage together, and the poodle starts going through a routine of rather impressive tricks. It even ends with a dog backflip. Amazing!!!
You and quill both clap and whistle for the dog. Many other pet owners are looking apprehensive now after that amazing first competitor
…. Next up is a young child with her pet hamster
Quill: oh my stars ❤️
Seems like he likes hamsters lol. Anyways the hamsters talent is being able to fit five baby carrots in its cheeks. Two in each cheek and one across the mouth. Many laugh at the hamsters little orange smile when it finishes
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tobacconist · 7 months
from the weather hermit:-
element repord six-two-two. poo, POO! hot levels: -6 cow angle: 9 theres a cloud-clash: temporary two-to-fourteen, six-to-three gull warning: oh! field weather: 6 simper me with churning rain, ksh! ksh! stop.
element repord for the 24th of lull. warnings of severe droop in knool parish, waxing at 15 and 2, and waning at lights out. bang! bang! bang! possibility of dog-shake (eugh!), with puddle displacement, and backsplash: 3 WARNING: not good for mrs chinnermans hatchday dance (shame!) a heavy front! settling in for the night, despite bad moon-shapes. (oh) blowing it rough in brownlap for the wet meadow raking contest! a glove-graph of the island shows fingerless fleecey, with occasional handrub. aaaand blowthrough! blanket thickness: 2, with occasional sheets rising in the vest.
element repord for foursday the 18th of leafmoss. dunderhatch today, if youre planning to take part in the moss jump at the hoof&hedge hut. and hairsieves for girls. wafting. klesh later, so avoid deliberate stamping in the upper parishes. good news for spatter fans! level: 8-9 all nightly. smoothing to a dripple, with sheep-crouch: 4 by sunclimb. down in the lower parishes: cloud-goo wafting. ah, wafting, ah! ah! moistly mostly, then to edgy; with A CHANCE OF MERRIMENT. heeheehee followed by a deep depression in kraw.
element repord for threesday the 14th of phew. "words in me mouf! make me seem gud wevver!" - but i know its not real. thunder. BLEUARH! OOH! dirty shocker. HAIL! ah! ouch! woof woof bang. WHAT THE PHEFF'S THAT!? oh, its just up. AHAHA! bah! out!
element repord for the 24th of wilter. over in newhaw, ugh, terrible conditions for the fun fungus walk setting off from bobs mould hut at seven and three this nightly. and bring a stick! moOoO~ a real cow freezer in the south. (hueah!) a quick look at the weather-veins: there are cramps in the calves, ankles enlarged; dirty toes. heh...
element repord for threesday the 14th of phew. at seven and two today, warnings from the mellt office: OUCH! with occasional OOH! AH! and ROOFSLATES! with the ability to fry an egg! (no poaching) moving on to two to tutu, to two too to two two to two, too? to, uh, tomorrows picture: mainly light crayon, moving to a heavy felt pen in the south, AHHH! scribbles rising. wind at soft levels: softly, softly. possibilty of electric dogstorm, woof woof bang bang woof woof bang bang bang. dank gussets at dawn...
USE ME! USE ME! (but only for weather purposes) softly, softly my cormorant. kuru-kuru-kuru~ tether my merkintroy with seedless doubt (?) crunchy biscuit for breakfast... baaaaaaaad. reddly-bick houpsto, reddly-bick houpsto, tiddly-bits ahoy; cluttering the basset pipes. ouegh grooming the cloud-horse! (oof) and now trying to ride it. clop-clop-clop-clop-clop-clop-clop-clop
element repord for foursday the 10th of bloom. visibility is low today, especially in the upper parishes. you can see two clogs on a chair at about the distance of 8 cats (10 cats if theyre kittens) theres no crunch, in the atmosphere biscuits. its down from a slight droop two, too, to to a dirty curve, reducing to a soggy pulp overnight. if, like me, youre heading down to the sale at lucys lingerie and booty-boutique:- MAKE SURE YOURE WEARING FOG-GOGGLES. and loose elasticated panties. (hohoy!) brisk walks, end with a nose-breaker, mainly on a door; with pain and bruises rising.
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