#dog pram
weepingfoxfury · 2 months
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The man on the radio talks his way through Tuesday morning and throws out toe tapping tunes. Weatherwise it's a Woolworths pick 'n' mix kind of day ... definitely leaving my name on 'the umbrella' list. The traffic lady came and went with collisions, tailbacks and road closures on the menu.
Today's groaner: a retired boxer goes to see his doctor as he's having trouble sleeping. "Have you tried counting sheep?" the doctor asks ... "I have" says the boxer "but every time I get to nine I stand up" ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
Little Dude saw the vet yesterday, was declared to be healing well and then got to see the delights of the shiny metropolis. I think the whole being wheeled around experience blew his little noggin. New smells, sights and sounds ... people upon people ... up and down in a lift, different pavement surfaces and different directions with the world whooshing past. A lot for a small chap to compute.
First time out in a doggy pram, and first time the pram itself had been used. One of those purchases that sat for months with me thinking "why oh why did I buy that?" No room in the house for it, so it resides in the boot of the car ... and gets moved between house and boot every time I head in and out of the shiny metropolis. Still, worth it for the delight on Little Dude's face yesterday.
Tuesday in Tuesdayville once more and coffee is hitting the spot ... tomorrow back to town as one of the cats is ill ... tis the poorly critter season it would seem ...
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hrsports1 · 1 year
A dog carriage is a special piece of equipment that allows dog owners to transport their pets safely and comfortably. Dog strollers can be used for many purposes including training, travel, and medical needs. Here are some benefits of using a dog stroller.
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Jamie Wyeth; ''A very small dog'', 1980. , detail
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
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Look at the curvature please
Also where he is I was walking over it a couple weeks ago and almost died - very hilly area 🤣🤣 I don’t know how he’s pushing a pushchair too.
London, hilly? You’re probably mocking me right now from your hill 🤣🤣🤣
I'm laughing at the sign behind him that says "wine Wednesday" that's just tickled me for some reason.
DAT ASS 😂😩girl that belt is digging in real tight barely clinging on to life against the muscle LOOK AT IT look at his THIGHS girl look at his chunky THIGHS. Im weak weak trash today I need to smother myself against that spandex and blow into it so it feels hot under my mouth before I bite it sigh
@gigglingtigger @mochie85 @cheekyscamp @wheredafandomat @joyful-enchantress @thomase1 @superficialdomina @coldnique @maple-seed @ladyofthestayingpower @thedistractedagglomeration @loopsisloops @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @alexakeyloveloki @simplyholl @sarahscribbles @lady-rose-moon
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timoswerner · 1 year
these new people that have moved in 2 doors down have not endeared themselves to anyone i want moose the cats owners back
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Old Couple and Baby Carriage (Poetry)
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While walking the dog in the evening,
In the distance I saw an old couple pushing a pram.
I thought they were carrying their grandchild,
I was a little surprised because it was a beagle dog on board.
For them, is the dog also an existence that should be loved?
like human infants.
But, the "grandmother" said he should walk a little,
and unloading the dog from the pram.
If you care about your dog's health,
I thought it would be better to let him walk from the beginning.
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ryansholin · 2 years
Jamuary 31: They're all good horses, Brent*
Downloaded some new free stuff, did more Minilogue knob tweaking, did some overindulgent acoustic guitar delay, kept some constants like the Farfisa and some Pram-adjacent malletous instrument from a new softsynth.
End of month. Learned a ton. More to come.
*Two things. One, I always remembered the original as "they're all good dogs, Brent" and that's wrong, there's no all in the original. Two, the day that tweet went viral, I swear there was another viral thread or something about somebody's lab partner or classmate or coworker or something getting their name wrong all day like Brent/Brant/Bront, and that made the joke a thousand times funnier, but that detail seems lost to time. Anyone? Anyone else remember this?
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mercoglianotrueblog · 14 days
Do people resemble both their cars and their purebred dogs?
#SKorea:lowest birthrate,pooches in #prams outpace actual baby carriages
#purebred #dogs,#owners tend to resemble each other at some level
1 #picture of front view of car & frontal headshots of possible owner:you match both car & owner better than #chance
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weird-and-unwell · 23 days
I always try to be kind and remember people probably have reasons for doing things.
But when you or a mother with a pram are unable to get on a bus because someone has a dog in a pram in those spots you start to get a little irritated.
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moralesispunk · 3 months
i love older! bf ghost as much as the next person, but what about simon riley you've known since his enlistment days (f! reader, mentions of pregnancy and pining simon)
simon who was a few years older than you but you knew about the Rileys the same way most people did, uttering of "those poor boys" mentioned around the town
simon who always comes into the pub you work at for his first pint on leave, quietly sitting in the corner, hood up and hidden in the shadows. he always asks you how you are, stops any drunk men from flirting with you and is your own guard dog at the end of the bar
simon who starts to walk you home after your shift, just to make sure you're safe
simon who becomes your friend and you become his, in a way he's never had a friend before. you aren't linked by work or trauma or anything else, you choose to spend your days with him.
simon who disappears for a while and comes home to find you with a new fella
simon who stays your friend, even when he doesn't like the guy you're dating. who ignores the glares your fella gives him, who tries to accept your excuses of red rimmed eyes whenever your have a fight
simon who truly is happy when you tell him you're pregnant, knowing how good a mum you'll be, but who for the first time has the thought that it should have been him with you
simon who is there for you when your fella leaves
simon who goes pram shopping with you, moves you into his spare room and helps with all your cravings, who you have to practically shove out the door when he needs to go on leave for a month, who sets automatic texts to tell you how big your baby is every week, who drives you to the hospital when you go into labour, who holds your hand every step of the way
simon who holds your baby when you fall asleep, looking between you and your little girl and promises he'll protect you, his girls, for the rest of his life
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aliveria · 1 year
I'm at the lakes so let's play a game of 'does that pram have a baby or a dog in it?'
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shijas · 2 years
i’ve been so quiet and low-key about it i love mayoi btw he’s my fave i love that guy i love him
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hrsports1 · 2 years
Strollers and prams are one of the most popular pet supplies for dog owners. HR Sports have listed the top three best dog prams you can buy online in Australia.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Second Time's The Charm IV
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: Alexia gets her puppies
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His name was Kitchen Sink Putellas, though everyone just called him Sinky.
His name came about by accident just like him.
Alexia would say that it was fate. You could swear she had set you up for it.
It had happened on one of your night walks.
Maya was a bit of a restless baby so you had found that going out for a little walk in the early evening was good to get her to fall asleep without too many tears.
You were pushing her pram gently as Alexia chattered your ear off about getting a puppy. With the house fully completed and all three of you moved in, Alexia was adamant about getting Maya a puppy.
She seemed to forget that you already had a family pet in the form of old Mr Stinky, the extremely senior cat that you had gotten at seventeen from your parents.
At thirteen years old now, he was very slow and slept a lot but he was your little furbaby and you just adored him.
Alexia, less so but she had always been a dog person, which was why you weren't surprised when you saw she had adopted little Nala.
Even through social media, you could see just how much she adored Nala and just how heartbroken she was when Nala unexpectedly passed away.
You could still see the pain lingering in her eyes now when she spoke about getting a puppy for Maya.
Alexia had adored Nala and hadn't thrown a single thing away, still packed up in a box she thought she had hidden in the back of the closet.
You got into a relationship with Alexia knowing she was a dog person and, while she secretly loved Mr Stinky, you knew no animal would come close to being loved like how a dog would be loved.
You had already been convinced weeks ago but you weren't letting Alexia know that. You were curious to see just how far she was willing to go.
You were focused completely on Maya's sleepy face as Alexia spoke. You hadn't even noticed she stopped talking until you turned to look at her.
She was crouched on the ground, her hand offered out to a little puppy on the side of the road.
"Hi, little guy," She cooed," It's okay. I'm here to help."
The little puppy whined, taking a step forward before retreating again when Alexia reached for him.
"It's okay," She said again," Come here. Let's get you some help."
He was a tiny thing. Absolutely tiny and he shook in Alexia's arms when she finally managed to pick him up.
You reached into Maya's baby bag to pull out a spare blanket, helping Alexia to wrap him up nice and warm.
"We need to take him home, amor," Alexia said, suddenly deadly serious," I can't see his Mama anywhere. He is alone."
You glanced around the area, brows furrowed.
Alexia took that as refusal and she looked ready to get on her knees. "Amor, please! You cannot think we should leave him here!"
"Take the puppy and Maya home, Alexia," You said, whipping out your phone," He doesn't look old enough to be weaned. I'll try and find him some food. I'll meet you back at the house."
You watched Alexia gently place the blanket wrapped puppy in Maya's pram with her before sprinting down the street with the speed only a professional athlete could possess.
It was late out but you paid extra for puppy milk and wet food to be delivered in a few hours. It was a flimsy excuse to make but you just couldn't shake the thought that this puppy wasn't completely alone.
It wasn't a rural area that you lived in but there was a park that backed into a little wooded area and surely you would have noticed if the puppy had been dumped in a box.
You flicked on your phone light to wander through the park. You checked everywhere you could before you came across a little bush.
The soft barks were enough to confirm your suspicions and your heart broke at the sight.
She was panting heavily, lying on her side as a throng of puppies drank from her. A heavy stick of wood was planted firmly in the ground and a piece of rope was fixed like a noose around her neck.
She wasn't aggressive as you released her. If anything, she sagged in relief and allowed you to gently stroke her fure.
She was some kind of collie though in the low light, you couldn't quite tell what kind.
You'd had a rough collie as a child. Good old Mr Porkchop who had been put down when you were eleven.
He had always been well looked after though, the pride of your father's life. This collie was nothing like Mr Porkchop though and you dialled Alba instantly.
"Alba? Can you come to the park near our house? I'm going to need your help."
Alexia was desperately working at the kitchen sink when you came in. Her sleeves were pushed up to her shoulders as she desperately scrubbed at the little puppy, trying to get him all warm.
A ring of soap was around his neck.
Clearly, she had listened to your lecture a few weeks ago about how it prevented fleas from climbing onto the heads of animals.
"Amor!" She called out behind her after hearing the front door open," I'm just getting him washed! I put him up on the counter while I changed Maya into her pjs but he fell in! I think he's chosen his name!"
"I know it will be a lot of work," She continued," But I promise I will take great care of him. We can set him up next to one of the portable heaters tonight and I've got the day off tomorrow so I'll take him to the vet and-"
"I know you said Maya is still young and I know you think keeping a puppy this little is dangerous but-"
"Alexia Putellas!"
She turned. "What is-?"
"I found his Mama and siblings," You said plainly, leading the mama in gently as Alba trailed behind you with the other puppies," I've ordered food already and we'll have to take them in to the vet tomorrow."
"Now." You gently guided the mama to a pile of pillows as Alba reunited her puppies with her. "What's this about his name?"
The puppies and mama were all healthy or, at least on their way to being healthy. The mama had no collar and no microchip. The vet theorised she was part of some puppy mill because she was barely out of puppyhood herself.
You knew by Alexia's face that you would be keeping them all. The Mama, Sinky and his extra three sisters.
You were nervous about it all but Alexia really took the reigns, a far cry from the thirteen-year-old version of her that once cried when you made her leave a cute dog being walked by its owner at the park.
Maya adored the puppies as well and seemed to know to be gentle. Even Mr Stinky seemed to enjoy their presence, taking shifts when the mama was sleeping to make sure that none of the puppies got into mischief.
Mainly, you were impressed about how long it took Alexia to spill about having puppies in the house.
Four weeks since you found them and you finally allowed Alexia to take them into training.
"I'll be out with the others soon," Alexia promised as she wrapped Sinky up in a blanket.
"Ale," You said," He doesn't need the blanket anymore. He's a big boy."
"He's a baby!" Alexia insisted, wrapping him up like a baby in a swaddle.
You rolled your eyes. "Go and bring out your teammates, Ale."
She practically skipped into the locker room with her little bundle of blankets.
Mapi was the first one she noticed and paled dramatically. "No!" She declared," No, you can't be serious, Alexia! You've already got one baby! You can't have gotten another one so soon!"
"Don't be silly, Mapi!" Alexia laughed," We didn't get another baby. Now yet anyway."
"Then what is that?!"
Sinky barked happily as he was uncovered by the blankets.
Ingrid rubbed Mapi's back as she hid in her girlfriend's neck.
"Sinky?" Keira echoed," Like Sinclair from Canada?"
"Don't be silly," Alexia said," Because it's short for Kitchen Sink, which is his name."
Mapi might have burst into tears.
"But there's more!" Alexia continued," Come on, come on! I'll show you!"
She sprinted out of the room and her teammates scrambled to keep up with her.
She'd traded in her old Cupra a few weeks ago for a much more family friendly minivan and she pulled open the door.
The first and most obvious thing everyone saw was Maya, happily in her seat waving one of her stuffed toys to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which was playing in the car.
The next was the beautiful brown and white Border Collie, Lady. You had laughed a little bit about the name Alexia had bestowed upon her, making a joke about her enjoying naming dogs after Disney characters.
Sweet Lady sat in the seat next to Maya, laying her soft head on your baby's legs.
Her three remaining puppies wrestled in the stair well and all came falling out as soon as the door was open.
"Oh no," You heart Mapi say.
Alexia smiled triumphantly. "Oh yes!"
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slaybestieslay946 · 8 months
luke castellan x fem!reader in the future as parents 🥺
omg i love this idea sm!
word count: 700
pairing: Luke Castellan x reader
warnings: None!
Saturday mornings in the Castellan household were hectic to say the least. But that wasn’t surprising, considering the fact you had a house of two kids, a dog, and an adorably idiotic husband. 
And while you usually loved it, sometimes it could be pretty exhausting.
“Babe?” You called out, striding through the house, a pram in one hand and a packed lunch in the other. 
“Yeah, in here honey!” Luke replied from the living room, laughing slightly at something. 
You walked in to see him sat on the couch, bouncing your baby daughter on his knee while the girl laughed with glee. 
Normally, you’d sit down beside him to coo at your daughter and all her little facial expressions. But this morning you had things to attend to, such as laundry, taking your son to soccer practice, grocery shopping. You didn’t have time for distractions. 
“Did you wake up James this morning?” 
“I thought you were doing it, and I was handling Violet?” He replied, perplexed. 
“No,” You sighed, exasperated. “That was last week. You’re on wake up duty, remember?” 
It was then that it appeared to click in his head, and he quickly returned the girl back to her cot, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before rushing out the room, calling out frantic apologies to you on the way. 
You’d been late to James’ soccer practice because of it, and he’s missed out on collecting his player of the match award. He’d been understandably upset, and it had caused some tension in the house for the past week. 
You weren’t angry with Luke per se. Irritated was probably more accurate. He’d apologised profusely to both you and James, and the boy had gotten over it when his dad took him out for pancakes the next day. 
As for you, he hadn’t yet delivered his grand gesture to atone, so you were still waiting on that. One thing you did love about your husband, is that he always made it up to you, no matter what mistake he made. 
And make it up, he did. 
The next Saturday you woke up without the usual ring of your alarm, and instead you found yourself waking naturally out of a lazy dream. The morning sun cast its rays over your face, warming you slightly as you smiled, rolling over to face your husband. Except he wasn’t there. 
Immediately you were confused, sitting up in bed and glancing at the clock. It was 10 o’clock. You were so late. 
You cursed quietly, practically leaping out of bed and pulling on the nearest pair of trousers you could find. 
You were in such a frantic state that you didn’t even notice Luke entering the room until he called out to you. 
“Honey, please, get back into bed.” 
“What! We’re late! Oh god, James is gonna be so upset, he’s missed all of soccer!” You exclaimed, turning to face him, only to see him holding a tray full of food. 
“What’s that?” 
“Breakfast. Please, just get back in bed, I’ll explain.” He said, a sheepish smile on his face as he herded you back into bed. 
You followed, willing to hear him out, especially when he was offering you pastries and coffee. 
“Is everything-?” 
“It’s all sorted,” He said, cutting you off, “I took James to soccer, and then he’s going to Leon’s for a playdate. I’m really sorry for last week, you let me get away with so much, and you work so hard, so I thought I’d let you have a lie in, and bring you breakfast.” 
You were speechless, staring directly into his chocolate brown eyes. 
“Are you happy? Sorry for not telling you, I wanted it to be a nice surprise.” 
Then you snapped out of your daze, grabbing his face and kissing him hard, before pulling back to giggle at his blushing face. Sometimes he was still like the awkward teen you had met all those years ago. 
“It was a great surprise. I really appreciate it.” 
You grabbed a croissant from the tray, and quickly began to sate you hunger, grinning the whole time as you tried to figure how you managed to get so lucky to call this man your husband, the father of your children. 
It really was perfect. 
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henk-heijmans · 3 months
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Boy with a pram, in which a dog, Nieuwezijds Voorbugwal, Amsterdam, 1946 - by Ben van Meerendonk (1913 - 2008), Dutch
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