#dog ruins house
doberbutts · 2 months
I would feel bad for the mice that get caught in my traps if it were not for the fact that I have now killed 3 in the span of 2 hours to the same trap. I feel like if you keep sending members of your family out to forage for food and they keep going "ooo! Yummy peanut butter :)" to the same very obvious trap in the same location, at some point that's kind of on you.
So now my reaction to walking into the room and seeing the exact same trap with yet another mouse inside is "...idiot" instead of "poor thing".
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Woke up today thinking about Vegas sulking after he gets blacklisted and petulantly telling Pete "I'm NOT going to the safehouse alone."
It's YOUR fault I'm getting put in time out so you HAVE to come and keep me company and play house with me and if you think you can say no I will KILL YOUR GRANDMA
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top-rhaenyra · 6 months
thinking about alicent hightower literally makes me want to throw up sometimes like oh my god someone give her a hug
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My favourite situation: open book, coffee (finished, about to get another cup), and my sweet pup 🥰
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mothmiso · 29 days
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Etna (2) (3) (4) by Panegyrics of Granovetter
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tittyinfinity · 7 months
welp my mom and I went to clear out the shed in the back yard and found out that my sister's boyfriend has been using it to store stolen lawnmowers. there were four
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samuraisharkie · 1 year
If you’re putting off loud ass firework tonight in the suburbs around other houses, let it be known I hate you. nearly kills my dog every year.
#first day of disability month is flooded with panic inducing noise. fuck America#could you losers drive out to open country that’s flat to let out fucking industrial level fireworks.#I don’t mean the small driveway ones or even just one or two smaller ones#I mean the ones that fucking send a shockwave through the whole house like a bomb is dropping.#nothing BUT those it sounds like a war zone out here#I hope you people set ur house on fire#killing birds bats and bugs and more#y’all aren’t even celebrating veterans like you think you are. every vet I’ve ever talked to or heard of HATES it.#putting people in danger to blow out ur eardrums setting off massive fireworks at close range.#y’all are fucking annoying#I wish there was like. etiquette for fireworks this time of year.#where you could put a sign out like ‘this neighborhood as a very anxious senior dog’ or ‘this house is sensitive to loud noises’#’this house as someone w PTSD’ etc. but no everyone is supposed to get over it and shut the fuck up#and if we don’t like it we’re joyless funkillers#and if the sign is out then you have to find somewhere else away from that house to set off your fireworks.#and if you can’t find a spot without signs then you fucking get over it and have ur burger without ear shattering noise#or you know. go watch PROFESSIONALS set off fireworks instead of risking yourselves your neighbors and everything around you#I’m sorry if ur 4th of July is ruined bc you could set off industrial professional level fireworks then you genuinely need psychiatric help#if you set off a few. this isn’t about you. if you’re putting on a fucking show stopping finale this in fact is#every Fourth of July is a borderline extinction event for wildlife too. animals can die just from the sound.#they DO die. there’s a massive amount of dead animals found every year after nationwide firework events like this#y’all are killing the wildlife and then scratching ur dumbass heads going ‘huh I wonder where the fireflies went’#you know what’s prettier than polluting the air with pyrotechnics? fireflies! where are they? you killed them!#i LIKE fireworks too. I just don’t like them in my neighborhood by my novice neighbors surrounding me on all sides.#not every single house needs to set off fireworks. fucking stop it
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figuerockfaeth · 6 months
#i woke up at 3 pm bc this was my 1st day ‘off’ in forever#and when i went to grab something to eat our back door was fully open and my car was nowhere to be found#cat*#so i freaked out and started looking outside but when i realized she wasn’t there and my roommate also wasn’t recently outside#i knocked on her bedroom door and she was like ‘oh sorry i was asleep do you want me to help look’#YES i want you to help look what are you talking about#eventually i found her bc my cat is the best girl in the world and never left our yard- she was in the crawl space under the house#but not only am i pissed she let my car out then took a nap#but we don’t live in the safest city in the world and while we were both sleeping our door was fully 90 degrees open#so now not only do i feel like kevin (cat) isn’t safe here but I don’t feel safe sleeping here anymore#the lease is up in july and i finally get to leave#this girl is a random roommate my former roommate found to replace her#and the whole process/experience has been awful#i just have to survive 4 months#during the summer i might keep paying rent but fully leave and go live with family#bc my school isn’t in driving distance of any of my family#now i’m thinking about asking someone if they’ll take kevin for a couple months bc im so sorry about her#but my dad has a dog that doesn’t love cats and my best friend is allergic and my mom lives in another state#personal#delete later#also this is unrelated BUT every weekend without fail she does laundry at an insane time in the morning#and our washing machine is the loudest washing machine i’ve EVER heard#and of course it’s right against the wall of my room#not hers#i only get two days a week to sleep past 630 am and she almost always ruins it
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buck-yyyy · 7 months
everything is wrong so fucking wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
edit: i hit tag limit. warning for an insane vent about maybe-abuse i guess though i doubt many people will read it
#time is wrong my memory is wrong i feel wrong my head is wrong everything is WRONG#i hate him i miss him i can’t decide if it was really abuse and it is all so wrong and out of place because it’s two years later and he’s#still in my head and my frog hoodie feels wrong because of him and i’m forcing myself to wear it anyways because it is MINE and i loved it#until he ruined it and it’s a weird texture against my skin and the arms get in the way and it feels so different than i remember after#being on a hanger lying dead in my closet for two years with a broken zipper and a newly uncovered layer of ickiness#and i am scared and i am tired and everything is just so. fucking. wrong.#i hope he goes to ohio and i hope he rots and i hope my skin will stop FUCKING crawling at the damn park I HATE IT#I HATE HIM#he fucking ruined me two years late#and i still. can’t. tell. if. it. was. my. fault.#because isn’t it? isn’t that why all of this happened because i pushed and i pushed and i fucking pushed#and most of it happened when we were just friends and it wasn’t that bad and no one else said anything so what the fuck do i know#but i can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. and i blame him.#i miss his dog. i wish id gotten to meet her. i cant express how thankful i am that i was never in his house#but she didn’t deserve any of that#i miss her i hate that she’s gone and i hate that i feel somewhat bad for him because of it#i am so. tired#and done#and i want to go home and i AM home but im not because its all FUCKING wrong#i hate recognizing traits of his in other terrible people#i’ll watch that damn vod and think ‘fuck he did that too’ and i’ll hear them talk and think ‘fuck he did that too’ but surely it shouldn’t#mather because it was friendship and we were never REALLY dating#but deserved lol. and my ribs. and my knuckles. and the jokes-not-jokes and the reiteration that i’m stupid#and he was only continually nice to me when he thought i was The One#but even then he was shit#just… in a more hidden way#poking and tugging at boundaries until they moved back bit by bit#and i don’t remember i don’t remember i don’t REMEMBER how bad jt might have gotten#fuck#fuck i need to be held
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cinemacrypt · 1 year
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imaushi-ji · 8 months
I think the anxiety of living is catching up to me
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
cassie and her dad managing roxy's dogisms? based on your stories i mean stuff like her zooms, howling / barking, allergies, sleeping in weird places etc.
Oh this is a fun one. There's so many dogisms to deal with, but in the case of managing them, it's more teaching Roxy what is and isn't okay to do, when she can do these things and accommodating for it wherever they can. Gonna put some of this under a readmore for dashboard convenience
Obviously, she can't catch ducks for any reason at the local park and she can't just randomly stat barking for funsies when they have neighbours. Her chase instinct being so high is a pain for the first one and is mostly about her building impulse control she's never particularly needed before, but the barking isn't too big of an issue. She'll bark very occasionally, and is always very tempted to when actual dogs do, but that's pretty much the exception, and making friends with local dogs is probably not the worst thing for her to be doing anyway. The howling isn't a problem at the start. It's mostly a problem when she gets too excited or is incredibly sad/lonely and just needs to vocalise it. If it wasn't so loud people on the other side of town could hear her, it'd be fine so she has to settle for little half howls instead. It's not as fun though :( They make exceptions for her though! If it's only every so often and not the middle of the night, it's fine but they have a feeling the neighbours would complain if she did it too much, hence the limits. As she settles in, and starts to feel happier about where she is, it becomes a bit more frequent though
Sad pupper whines and other such dog noises for all ranges of emotion are totally fine though. She's probably invented a few new ones for herself with the fact she can speak. Fun fact: Roxy learns fairly quickly how to combine a howl with her singing voice and she's so damn proud of it. She can howl and bark as much as she likes in the Plex ruins so with DJ making the music and a borrowed stereo CD player, she's got plenty of time and space to practice and get all the loud energy out before she goes back to the flat. They live in a flat (apartment) by the way, hence the need to not howl there or bark too much there literally everyone in the building would hear it lmao
Anyway, things like running on four legs instead of two, the tail wags, the ear swivels and stuff don't exactly need much managing, but I will say, it can be very funny. She's darting around on her fours at a park with Cassie and some asshole comes up to them to demand Cassie put her dog on a leash. Roxy stands up, stands over Cassie, very obviously dressed like anyone else hanging out at the park would be and shows only a few teeth as she asks if there's a problem here. The reactions range between horror, shock, embarrassment and anger, and some people are just very funny to surprise like this lmao. If she were taller, she could loom over them too and add the intimidation in there but she's not so the teeth snapping will have to do
Speaking of teeth! That takes some getting used to! She can't just snap her teeth at people or snarl at people that piss her off and that's the most annoying thing to her. She doesn't care to improve her impulse control that much for this, she finds it's much easier to remind people she can rip their arm off than to pretend she's 'civil' as many of these people put it. More fun too.
Something that does need some accommodating though is the need to chew. Cassie's dad makes a habit of giving her bones from the butchers to chew on and she'll sit there for hours chewing on them. The other part of this is that she's got quite big claws and likes to use them, so Cassie and her dad have a box they put scrap paper in for her to tear apart. She's now the household paper shredder. But as a back up to that since they only have so much scrap paper, Cassie's dad also sets up a board covered in sisal in her room, sort of like a cat scratch for her to run her claws through. It's not as good for her, but it works.
The zooms are a little harder to accommodate, and Cassie's dad was initially in favour of her holding them back and containing them, but has since learned that it's really not possible for her to hold off on it. He's mostly just worried so won't notice something and either break something, hurt herself, or crash into Cassie and send her flying through the wall or something. The solution is just 'avoid what sets them off until she can go outside and run around to her hearts content'. Obviously, that's not always doable, but it's the best they've got. The only time she's not allowed out on her own is when it's late or dark out because Cassie's dad worries about how safe that is. Like, sure, she can defend herself but she shouldn't have to, ya know?
Now, the sleeping in weird places isn't too much of a problem. It's not like she's an actual dog that's not allowed on the furniture (though Cassie's dad soon jokes about that once the shedding season starts if she has one) so she doesn't need to be particularly creative about it at the flat. Where this is a problem is when she's hanging out at the ruins of the Plex. Sure, it's cold as fuck in there given it's abandoned aside from animatronics, there's no heating system anymore and there's holes in the walls, but if she can find a cosy spot such as in a sunbeam from a hole in the ceiling, she absolutely will take a nap there. She's got a curfew now though and this becomes a problem when Cassie's dad comes to find her and they've all fucking lost her because she vanished to take a nap somewhere. Some of the Minis are with her of course, there's a rule she's not allowed to go anywhere in the Plex on her own anymore just in case something happens, but finding her can be really hard sometimes. It's like a needle in a haystack and Cassie's dad has had to talk to her a lot about disappearing like that and not getting home before her curfew. She normally either goes quiet or says she was home and every time she does that, he gets a little sad she doesn't see the flat as her home too yet. But he supposes it's a little difficult when her first home was the only life she'd ever known until very recently so he's not about to grill her about it or anything. If she wants to talk about how she's feeling about all of that he just makes sure she knows the door is open for her to talk to him. Thankfully, she doesn't miss her curfew that much. It helps that it's only ten minutes before they normally have dinner. She likes her food too much to not be there for it, ya know?
Anyway, yeah, there's only a few things they have to sort of support her with while she learns to keep a lid on it, they try to accommodate her as much as possible. And a lot of things that come up are double sided too. She starts slowly getting more and more protective of her room, something that can be attributed to a wolf's territorial nature, but that also means she's starting to value the space more and starting to see it more as her own space that belongs to her. And all they need to do to not stress her out over it is to just. Not go in there without her permission anyway. Which they weren't really doing all that often anyway (just on occasion, like if someone was vacuuming or whatever) so it's not like it's too big of a problem. All she has to do when these things start to bug her is tell Cassie's dad when these things start getting to her and it's totally fine. (Though that is another issue all on its own but that's not for this post) The goal here for Cassie's dad isn't to have her be 'normal' or anything, it's just to make sure she's comfortable in her own fluff while she grows into the world she's in now. And thus, he needs to make sure her second home (as Roxy has decided it to be) is as comfortable, safe and accommodating to her as possible, as he feels is his job as a parent. (Even if neither he or Roxy have always seen him as such)
Yeah... on that last note, Cassie's dad is gonna eventually be the proud father of both Cassie and Roxy. Just... a bit of a slow transition into that I'd say. For a million and one reasons.
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insomnikat-mused · 1 year
My dear! 🌺🐶🤠 for the ask game :3
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
It fluctuates depending on whether I've answered for work or for fun but generally: INTP in a work setting and INFJ in a more casual setting. But the "P" in INTP was something I matured to save my sanity-- I still need to have clearly outlined and documented expectations, but how I achieve it is now flexible.
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
I used to joke that there could only ever be one 'kat' tolerated under any roof I live under so... no.
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
On the one hand, I zealously guard my personal space and am absolutely miserable if I cannot occasionally have complete silence. On the other hand, the countryside has much larger and meaner bugs and less diverse (though arguably fresher) food offerings. So in the end I'm going to say I'm more of a small city person.
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oglegoggle · 2 years
I really fuckin hate dogs and I fuckin hate dog people
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rooksnooks · 1 year
Thank fucking god that the human body is 60% liquid because if there wasn't an explanation for how you could cut me open and find burning magma in there I would just die
#Thought life was good but NEVER FUCKING MIND BECAUSE THE ASSHOLE SPERM DONOR DIRTBAG HAD TO RUIN IT AGAIN#my mum and sister are EXHAUSTED from being outside the whole of today and this dickwad piece of shit goes and invites a family of SIX (6!!)#hosting and being around people to study for the biggest exams of my life!! ever fucking mind that people here because some BITCH wanted#to have a tea party with his ASSHOLE FRIENDS#Just trying to have one??? good??? day???#But this ASSHOLE has to go and ruin it for everyone whilst sitting on his ass and doing NONE of the labour he just volunteered us for#a family of SIX (6!!!!) to the house in less than twelve hours!!!!! A family of six visiting from overseas!!#A family of six I am not comfortable near my shit!!!! A family of six with young children!!! (and no hate on them they ain't done nothing)#And when I say young I mean my DOG is heavier than two of those kids for fucks sake!!!!!#he jumps on people and you know who is gonna get mad and scream about a dog going dog on people he invited over with 11 hours warning!!#This entire fucking house needs to be cleaned!! The dog needs to be wrangled!!!#The actually fucking backbreaking labour that is usually done over a week leading to an event like this needs to be done in 11 hours!!#And guess who is gonna sit his ass down on the couch and watch the critical-thinking-eroding-chinese-version-of-fox-news-on-youtube#on the TV my mother paid for??????#WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT??? WHY IS THIS BITCH SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE HERE NOT SLAVES DICKWAD#I WISH HE HAD FALLEN AND BROKEN HIS NECK INSTEAD#FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU#I WANT HIM DEAD I WANT HIM GONE I WANTED ONE GOOD DAY BEFORE EXAMS IS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOU PIECE OF SHIT?????
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