deusvervewrites · 9 months
Not so Ordinary: I dunno if the beach gets cleaned in this AU but I just had the image of Izuku dogpaddling while Ippan swims around him like a shark and I love it
I don't see why Ippan wouldn't clean the beach. For the purposes of this AU I already established her as living in or around Mustafa. In short: very possible
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sspacegodd · 13 days
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The park was filled with lots of guys who should have kept their shirts on. A barefoot blond dreadhead perpetually hopped from foot to foot whilst stroking and tapping a Pringles can like a Tibetan singing bowl. A bearded guy drummed on buckets. This really skinny kid did skateboard tricks while displaying a constant plumber’s butt. Don’t you have to be fat for that?
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Food Not Bombs was all set up but not many partook. Feeding people is always better than blowing them up but no one seemed impressed. They would rather wait in line for a ten-dollar bowl of macaroni and cheese at Noodles.
All in all, it seems the general public will only accept food from earthy, nose-ringed, lime-haired leftist hippie punks if it’s inside a shiny co-op with sneeze guards.
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A group of guys nearby were chatting entirely in Greek (at least that’s what it was to me) until they suddenly all started inexplicably singing (in English) Mad TV’s “Lowered Expecta-ations…”
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There’s always a small group of youngsters, probably from a nearby unincorporated village, led by one guy all punked out with a mohawk, never-used leather cockrings around his wrist, and fresh razor slashes in his brand new jeans, swaggering around while the other incredibly normal keeping-the-status-quo kids follow behind at a respectful distance. I don’t really have a problem with poseurs. At least they’re trying.
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And appearing as ubiquitously as always: the Cro-Magnon monkey lady in the dirty red Capri's and grey head scarf whose only activity seems to be purchasing cigarettes.
The same skinny black guy rode by three times: each time ON A DIFFERENT BIKE.
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I looked around the smoke-free patio at all the people who probably wouldn’t have sex me and drank a warm half glass of beer that somebody had left. The guy sitting at the table next to me still hadn’t turned around or taken a break from his rapt attention on the single Pringle drum circle so I drank his beer, too.
The bucket drummer seemed to have come equipped with a bunch of the same song played at different speeds. It was okay but he had some really good musician sex faces.
Nobody in the small crowd seemed all that worked up, except the one guy who started looking around for his beer.
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I made my way to the restroom and bought a whole bunch of novelty condoms. Just in case.
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The dreaded hippie had just started the next version of the last song when I dove back into the sparkling hot city and dogpaddled away.
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blackjackkent · 4 months
🥞 PANCAKE, 🕷️ SPIDER, and 🏊 SWIMMING for Hector
(OC Emoji Asks)
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Hector really doesn't have strong food opinions I think, given that he grew up in a place that almost certainly served exactly the same foods every day for fifty years. So his comfort food is probably something pretty low-key and ascetic that he would associate with his time at the monastery - like plain oatmeal or something in that realm.
The rest of the group thinks he's a bit weird for this.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Hector's biggest fear is very much the Absolute and losing control to it (probably, honestly, followed by the fear of giving into the temptation of controlling it). On a more mundane level, he definitely has social anxiety in large groups or crowded places; he got very overstimulated even just by Rivington, let alone wandering around the Lower City.
He's also VERY freaked out by dragons, although it's hard to say whether that is an irrational fear or not. :P I would also probably be freaked out by dragons if one had breathed fire directly in my face.
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
I think I established somewhere that Hector doesn't know how to swim particularly; not a skill the monastery would have taught him. He can float, as evidenced in Riverbed, and can probably dogpaddle in a pinch, and he's not afraid of water, but he doesn't really know how to maneuver well.
That said, he's never been to the ocean (except seeing it from a distance when they reach the city) so he might be a little intimidated by trying to swim there. :P
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kitseaton · 2 years
🐞More Wacky Art to Live in Your Home Instead of Mine. Seriously, it Needs to Goooooo 🐞
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Hey All!
Here’s a big hearty thanks from me for helping me find homes for a bunch of art I’ve made over the years! In turn you’ve also helped me pay a few bills and dogpaddling through the turbulent river that is the times we live in today. It means a whole heckin’ bunch to me. Y’all’r awesome♥️
Mushiness out of the way, here’s a handsome helping of original pieces on offer. Pups looking for new homes if you will. Except you don’t have to take them out for a quick piddle at 2am. Not saying you can’t ~ no judgement. We’re all weirdos here.
I also have signed volumes of my graphic novels, postcards, mini comics, and my digital costume resource guides all available at the kœfï coffee place ☕️ ~ see profile for linkage!
Mwah! 🐞
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Even on the waves, there's certainly something about Dinky
As if Uncle Dudley's deteriorating state of health wasn't enough to have Sandy and Monica (and their rather ironically-named Old English Sheepdog/Irish Wolfhound mix, Dinky, for that matter) sent to live with a somewhat eccentric relative living close to Venice Beach wasn't already upsetting enow ... it took an otherwise predictably boring-looking Sunday afternoon on a rather isolated stretch of beach between Venice and Malibu known widely as a "clothing optional" such to show a most unlikely athletic angle to Dinky.
And it all came about with a desire for the sisters for to try some bodysurfing themselves.
But not just bodysurfing per se--bodysurfing in its purest and most natural form, as if bodysurfing, in and of itself, wasn't merely the purest form of surfing known, the fact of which going back to the ancient Polynesian peoples as practically invented the ideal.
Otherwise known as bodysurfing wearing but yourself.
Even with one of those beach blankets designed to allow beach sand to fall though, saving much needless shaking of the blanket when one was leaving, our gals (and their canine compadre) couldn't resist letting their inner wahine out .
It may have taken about an hour after arriving on the beach for "just the right wave" in the bodysurfing fashion to come along, but the way the sun warmed everything, Sandy and Monica couldn't resist such an interesting desire.
Neither could Dinky, judging by his excitability towards the waves and a desire to ride such as would give new meaning to "hot dogging," come to think of it.
"Yet, Sandy," Monica observed, "doesn't it seem a little weird to imagine Dinky bodysurfing, what with the sea salt bound to cling to his fur when all is said and done?"
"Might it surprise you to know, Monica," Sandy remarked, "that sea salt could actually do wonders to a dog's coat, as well as general time in the sea?"
Dinky couldn't have agreed more as our trio, wearing themselves essentially, charged into the surf heading towards the break (though Dinky's movements amounted to a comical dogpaddle, which were enough to cause a mix of concern and fascination to the gals) ... and once in the break, preparing to duck-dive their way into bodysurfing's annals, Dinky charged into the break with such gusto that no other bodysurfer, human or canine, seemed to possess.
And what a feeling came over the bodies of Sandy and Monica in their utterly Polynesian-like nakedness, diving their way through the underside of the wave ... as well as the ever-enthused Dinky, first to lie in the prone position essential to bodysurfing as a whole. A feeling which continued as the party of three glided through what must have been a four-footer of a most impressive shade of turquoise blue, and hardly any embarrassment over the nakedness deployed!
"What could be more fascinating," Sandy remarked with her usual stoked-up enthusiasm, "than just surfing yourself, wearing but yourself, Monica!!" Dinky barked out his agreement after shaking his body dry from the sheer ecstasy of the exercise, to the sheer agreement of his handlers. Not long afterwards:
"Uh, Sandy," Monica was asking a bit on the off-hand side of things, "how exactly was it that we learned bodysurfing, to begin with ... and when?"
"Obviously well before Dinky came into our lives," Sandy replied. "We must have been, like, six, seven, maybe eight years of age, now that you think of it."
To which Monica suggested, "I believe it was at a summer day camp on the beach; remember our parents wanting us out of the house pretty much every day during the summer vacation from school?"
"Now that you mention it, Monica," remarked Sandy, "I admit some initial resentment, but realised that the parents especially needed it."
"Yet, looking back, I couldn't help but think how Mom and Dad were forever calling us out about 'taking up space during summer vacation when you should be out and about'!", replied Monica.
Dinky couldn't help but chuckle.
"But suffice it to say that the experience of learning bodysurfing," to hear Sandy explain it, "was a rather memorable one!"
"And fascinating!" Monica added.
Enough so to pull off a couple more bodysurfing rides, with Dinky, for some reason, being especially enthused about his hairy canine body being an ur-surfboard, before calling it an afternoon. Back at the apartment of the relative they were living with for sandwiches over supper, over the discussion about the bodysurfing experience that afternoon, came--
"It's about Uncle Dudley," the relative explained.
Enough to have Sandy and Monica gasping in concern.
"I don't know how to explain it, but ..."
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giriduck · 1 year
When I played Skyward Sword, it was shocking to me how dangerous and creepy Skyloft was a night. How the full moon glowed like an ominous spotlight over the huge, looming Hylia statue was quite intimidating, and felt like a precursor to the later Blood Moons in BotW and TotK. Finding the streets crawling with monsters was also such a surprise.
As was getting chased by seemingly possessed remlits. I refused to fight them because they were too cute to hurt, but they were very intent on attacking me. One even chased me into the lake. I thought that it would give up on the shore’s edge and wander away, and then laughed so hard when I turned and found it and growling and snarling while it dogpaddled after me in the water. 😂
It is often these small and unexpected corner case details that the devs decided to implement that bring the most joy for me in gaming.
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the-trinket-witch · 2 years
Cottage core asks: every third one?
(Cottage Core Ask) Cause ya didn't specify which characters you wanted...Ya get'em all.
Pond: can they swim? What’s their favorite water activity (swimming, fishing, boating, etc)?
Albert: Yes-he is more of a 'float along the surface and get dragged under to bump unfortunates with one of his eel boyfriends' type
Yuu: They can dogpaddle, but their favorite activity is...was fishing with their late abuelo.
Tidus: He's a merman...I'd hope to fuck so XD He loves swimming, but he is enamored with the concept of boating
Laz: He does not, actually.
The Janitor: They have no experience, but being an animated plastic skeleton model, They are surprisingly buoyant.
Aadesh: He can, but doesn't have a preference one way or another as far as activities. Has been on Mr. Khan's private yacht once or twice.
Queen Anne’s Lace: do they have any good luck charms?
Albert: He doesn't carry any, but he has some mementos left at home.
Yuu: They wear a cross as a gift their parents had gifted for their confirmation into the Catholic Church.
Tidus: I am gonna say no, currently. May go back on this later.
Laz: His Family's Guitar. Passed down to the oldest sibling in the youngest generation, it serves as both a symbol to remember the past, but also a reminder that luck can turn around when you least expect.
The Janitor: They don't have so much a lucky charm as a magicless pen only good for writing. It helps them feel included.
Aadesh: Why bother with luck when you are always 2 steps ahead of everyone around you?
Banana bread: how patient are they? Do they do well with waiting for something to be done?
Albert: They are almost infinitely patient.
Yuu: They are...much less so. They can be short when their patience is wearing thin
Tidus: His patience is relatively high-he has to because the only time he's lost his patience made him realize how strong he physically was.
Laz: He's rather average, patience-wise. He of course finds it annoying when being interrupted in making his music.
The Janitor: They have relatively low patience, but the most they do is quietly seeth when being made to wait.
Aadesh: Patience of a saint, which is ironic. He can wait as long as needed for something to bear fruit.
Teapot: how do they relax after a long day?
Albert: They prefer Cleaning to relax, along with having some tea. Even just sitting in front of the fireplace with a cuppa is fine.
Yuu: They like cooking to get their mind off of the day
Tidus: Most of the time he likes just going out for a swim, or reading more on human culture and sketching it down in his notebooks.
Laz: Just listening to music, playing music, anything music related he can dive into is his way to unwind
The Janitor: There isn't much need for rest or sleep for Them. So this is kind of a boring answer but nothing?
Aadesh: He usually is at the gym at the end of his busy day.
Apron: are they a good cook?
Albert: Very-He likes to pride himself in being able to cook for his dorm. Necessity is the mother of invention, and this has led to him being a wiz at making dishes incorporating tuna.
Yuu: They can cook about as well as most teens can. They don't care about making anything Michelin-star, but they know how to make some big-batch food that keeps very well in the fridge.
Tidus: Rather good-He is another mainline cook for the Monstro Lounge. Though, he wants to get better at making Human dishes.
Laz: His most proud dish his pan de muerto, which he's got just the touch to make the perfect batch.
The Janitor: They do not eat. Nor are they required to work the cafeteria. Sadly they also don't make a very good taste tester for Sam or any other big cooks on campus.
Aadesh: His cooking skills only really extend to a bachelor's palate, just simple foods to satisfy hunger between work.
Fireplace: do they prefer to wear plenty of warm clothes or wear less clothing and warm up under a blanket?
Albert: He's a Wool AND Blanket guy. Not that he gets cold easily, he just likes the additional weight around him.
Yuu: They're the type to wear minimal under the thickest blanket and wear it around the dorm like a cloak. It's fun, okay?
Tidus: He doesn't ever really get cold, so he's kind of the opposite. He's quick to shed layers especially in dorms like Scarabia.
Laz: He 100% has one of those plush throw blankets with tigers printed on it.
The Janitor: No skin, no muscles, They don't have a concept of cold.
Aadesh: Being cold blooded, it's one of his only real weaknesses. He needs layers, and his bachelor sofa is more or less the Blanket Burial Ground, for him to nest in when it gets cold.
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runawaymun · 3 months
2, 5, 18, 20 for the writer ask game ? 💕
Thank you!!
2.  Is there a least favorite character or title you dislike writing for?
Hobbits. Sorry (excluding book!Bilbo) :( I am just not good at writing any of them and I don't feel very confident. I'm not really great at any fellowship members, I feel. Maybe it's just because I don't write for them all that often and tend to stick to the Imladris fam so much, but it always just feels like pulling teeth whenever I try.
5.  Where do you find your motivation?
Writing got into me as soon as I knew what books were, and it won't leave. I was talking about making books before I knew how to read (and coming up with elaborate daydreams that I would draw huge stacks of pictures about in colored pencil), and once I knew how to read and write I was writing down stories. I will literally start descending into a spiral of madness if I don't write something for more than a few days in a row. It's less of a question of motivation and more of a question of endless torment. I jest. I jest. I love it so much. It's just that writing is just...natural for me, I guess? Maybe that's kind of trite and unhelpful. I do have times when it's hard to muster up the motivation and in those moments I just have a rule that, depending on spoons for the day, I have to write for 5 minutes (I can do anything for five minutes. And more often than not it gets the tap flowing), or I have to write 350 words. Generally I shoot for twenty solid minutes of good prose if I'm feeling decent that day. I can get 500 words written in that time in a decent day and up to over a 1000 if I'm really feeling it. If I'm burnt out and I really can't make myself do anything, then I take a break to read a book for a few days instead (as long as I can stand without writing. Like I said, I start to go insane if I go too long without it). I find that usually when my prose feels clunky and writing feels like pulling teeth, it's because I'm trying to output without any input. Playlists also help to get me in the mood. I'm a very "ass in chair, hands on keyboard" sort of writer. I try to write whether or not I feel like it because I know I will feel better and more like myself if I do. Writing is where I find myself and make sense of things.
18. Are there any topics you find difficult to write for?
There are a lot of topics I suppose I am uncomfortable with, I guess? I'm not a great fan of writing anything to do with pregnancy. I also get nervous managing characters who deal with any great gender dysphoria because that's not something I really experience myself and I am nervous about Getting It Wrong (which is where helpful friends and sensitivity readers come in). In terms of stuff I just am clueless about but for some reason always winds up coming into my stories anyway: politics. I don't know why I insist on doing this to myself. It just sort of Happens. Someday I will learn to write it, but until then I am dogpaddling in the deep end of a too-large swimming pool.
20. What’s one thing you want your readers to know about you?
It's really not about talent. Idk I get a lot of people who go "you're so talented!" and that's just not true. Like, I don't believe talent exists. Sure, I think it takes a specific kind of person to write stories -- but if you want to write stories, then you are already that kind of person. Does that make sense? The only reason I am where I am with writing is because of how much I read, and because I have been doing it practically my whole life. Every little bit of scrapped writing was time spent writing, which is time spent learning. Everyone goes through the awkward phase where they're using too many epithets and their prose doesn't sound quite right and they're not sure how to craft convincing dialogue etc etc. No one knows how to do that naturally. It's something that you learn over time, and especially learn the more you read. I think I was just extraordinarily lucky that I started writing so early, and so my writing has been able to grow up with me, so to speak? This problem exists with artists as well: if you're not happy with your work it's just because your skill hasn't caught up to your taste. You know what a good story looks like, you just don't have the skill to get there yet. Write it badly. You can always edit it. You can't edit a blank page. And if you don't write it, you will never learn how. I firmly believe that perfectionism and belief in "talent" and the fear of being perceived will kill your work (the call is coming from inside the house. I, too, am a perfectionist, which is why it takes me so long to finish anything. This is something I am still learning and working on. Idk if I will ever be truly rid of it but w/e).
writing ask game
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Autism in Women — Dogpaddling Through Life
In learning about neurodivergence, I came across some startling information about women and autism that I was compelled to share for Autism Awareness Month. Autism in Women — Dogpaddling Through Life
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yogahollis · 3 years
#yogahollis . . Save a Unicorn,🦄 Ride a Cowboy! 🤠 . . . . . . . #unicorn #pond #pondfun #rideaunicorn #rideacowboy #rideemcowboy #summer #summerfun #swimming #fun #instaunicorn #iloveunicorns #pooltoys #unicornlove #unicornlife #dogpaddle #paddleboarding https://www.instagram.com/p/CR3BdbJjQil/?utm_medium=tumblr
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guenthergroup · 3 years
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Summer begins in the PNW. . . *** #dogpaddle #kayakdog #rainier #mtrainier #cabintime #keypeninsula #thegreatescape #southsoundlife #guenthercabin #pugetsound #nauticallife #pnwliving #yellowkayak #memorialdayweekend (at Longbranch, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPjPMD9NYyr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sspacegodd · 3 months
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The fire began to gush rhythmically from the hearth, undulating and crackling, coyly licking the floor until small sections finally flickered, then each flame raced to merge with the others to burn an octogram brightly into the center of my living room floor.
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I pushed the couch back a little.
The fiery star roared and whirled anti-clockwise forcing the monks in Tibet to chant louder and lifted into the air. Most people assume a pentagram is best for this kind of operation.
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They’re wrong.
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The octagram's scorpionic section is the door that purifies whoever enters with destruction, death, and dissolution. The trick was seeing through that kind of illusory transition by using Sleight of Mind--the act of seeing without resulting in a discernible vibration--tossing our consciousness into a free-range organic shredder.
When the see-saw becomes a propellor.
We must not be trapped by our own perspective! That’s limiting!
The only way to not be pinned down like a butterfly on a piece of Styrofoam is to shed our old dog-eared perspective and dogpaddle beyond.
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It’s always in the last place you look because then you stop looking, haha, like jumping into a flaming octagram at just the right nanosecond when everything lines up perfectly like the door of the revolving bar at The Gobbler, a one-shot chance to get out and open a can of Vulcan Mind Meld on whatever super-meta force was acting all hard and shit and flip its lingam to the OFF position.
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wallacedotdog · 6 years
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Swimmies at the lake! Woof!
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susieq4522020 · 3 years
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While we waited at the oval for Jessie and Harry a gorgeous big floofy maremma cloud moved swiftly! The airedales arrived and it was on for young and old! Jessie and Jenny wore each other out while Harry moved around gracefully, checking out scents of who’d been before! Energy zapped for a brief time the dogs looked to Meredith for a treat or two! Jussi the French Bulldog arrived and demonstrated her terra firma dog paddle skills which calmed her itchy tummy! The dogs were intrigued at this but didn’t attempt it! Itch scratched she then enjoy a romp with the big dogs! She is grieving the loss of her doggy sibling who passed away a couple of weeks ago! She is gradually getting more settled with the company of J, J & H! Jessie and Harry said goodbye and Jenny and I walked around the oval with Jussi then headed home stopping near the rotunda in the hope of seeing Harriet and Co. I could hear GBB activity away in the distance! After breakfast at home Jenny and Toscanini ponder what mischief they can get up to! Have a good day/night all! #walkingthewhitewolf #jenny #canepastoremaremmanoabruzzese #canebianco #maremma #floofydog #iwanderedlonelyasacloud #floofycloud #février #mardi #airedaleterrier #jessie&harry #doggyplaydate #jussi #frenchbulldog #dogpaddle #scratchthatitch #treatsplease #thatswhatfriendsarefor #redfloweringgum #morninglight #toscaninithenaughtypuddytat #jelliclecats #besties #australianmagpie #musetta https://www.instagram.com/p/CZaRodvhYEF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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explorebrowncounty · 5 years
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A true adventure on the Explorer tour yesterday! Barney chased a deer into the lake. Have you ever seen a deer swim before? Happy to report that Barney eventually left the deer alone! #swimmingdeer #dogpaddle #zipline #ziplining #xbc #explorebrowncounty #valleybranchretreat #nashville #indiana #nashvilleindiana #browncounty #browncountyindiana #deer #doe (at Nashville, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmqlHiCgftw/?igshid=2j0g6sjsswsa
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meadowmines · 2 years
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kiryu Kazuma/Majima Goro Characters: Kiryu Kazuma, Majima Goro, Nishikiyama Akira, Original Characters Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, idiots to lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Crack, substory vibe in the front to main story vibe in the back, Porn With Plot, Mentioned Sagawa, Mentioned Nishitani, Majima Goro Being a Little Shit, Oblivious Kiryu Kazuma, (or is he?), Original characters are mostly punching bags, Post-Yakuza 0, POV Majima Goro, New and Improved Lord of the Night Majima, Implied/Referenced Torture Summary:
It’s not like he’s done anything stupid like catch actual feelings for the guy. Yeah, Kiryu is easy on the eye and he’s got a good heart and it’s fun to hang out with him but that’s it. They can still do that, can’t they? After they give the fake breakup of their fake relationship a little time to cool off, they can still do that. It happens all the time. Guys hook up and break up and a couple months or weeks or days later they’re throwing darts and shooting the shit over drinks like all they’ve ever been is perfectly platonic buddies.
But he needs to sit Kiryu down and have this conversation out loud, Majima thinks. Because someone is starting to get attached, he thinks, and obviously it’s got to be Kiryu because it sure as hell isn’t him.
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