#but thank you so much for the ask!
clown-demon · 6 months
Anonymous asked:
(OOC: This thread isn't related to our other current ongoing rp. This one is for Nikolai’s birthday if you're wondering. Also: the 7 year old girl is Debbie Jung)
*a 7 year old girl approaches Nikolai with a very great detailed old-fashioned wind-up style music box made with wood, steel, and gold in her hands* Salutations, sir! I arrived here to bring you a peace offering for your birthday! Or is it called a gift? *she also holds a golden charm that's in the shape of a spade with very accurate details* I also made this for you as well. It is made with 100% authentic gold *she said with a joyful expression* Happy birthday, Sir Nik!
(OOC: I plan for her to give him the same music box in our other rp)
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Nikolai seemed delighted the girl brought him a gift. They didn't know each other too well, but she took the time to make him a gift, and that was very sweet of her!
He gently took it into his hands and wound up the music box to play it's little melody. A smile played on his lips as the music was sung in the air by the small box.
"You made this~? For lil ol' me~? Why thank you, Debbie-chan~. It plays such a nice tune. I like it a lot~. You have such a talent. I could never make something like this~!"
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rindemption · 1 year
📸📸📸 for Jude please?
I am so sorry 😅 I'm only just seeing this
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My dark vampire street boy 😏
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dearamatvs · 10 months
“The way you shushed me was quite rude.”
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APOLOGIES, MY DEAR. With a tilt of his head and regard for the woman before him with a playful smirk, Dorian had to take the opportunity to tease. His mage's staff, adorned with intricate carvings, leaned against his shoulder, a symbol of his power.
With a wave of his hand, Dorian conjured a burst of magical energy that dispersed the approaching demon, its fiery form disintegrating into nothingness despite not looking in its direction but still at her. His voice was filled with faux remorse.
"Oh, my apologies, my dear. You see, I shushed you because there was a rather pesky little demon heading our way, and I simply wanted your undivided attention. But I admit, it was quite rude of me, and there was a much better way to handle the situation."
He gestured dramatically, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Next time, I shall summon a choir of singing spirits to serenade you, or perhaps conjure a banner that reads 'Attention, Please!' in dazzling lights. How does that sound? Much more polite, wouldn't you agree?"
"Allow me to make it up to you. Let me whisk you away into a hopefully much calmer location." He stepped closer, eyes honing in on hers.
With a flourish of his staff, Dorian created a small, glowing portal, its magic crackling with anticipation. "Shall we? Let us make haste."
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joanna-lannister · 13 days
What other characters do you love and are they similar to Cersei (or Jaime)? What tropes draw you to characters?
Oh, very interesting question! Thank you for the ask ❤️✨
Well, as female characters, I love Clarke Griffin, Eleanor Henstridge, Katherine Pierce and the TWD ladies (Michonne, Beth, Maggie, Carol mostly). They are the female characters that had resonated with me for years now, but the one I love (and I don't often talk about her here) and is very similar to Cersei to me is Victoria Grayson from Revenge. They are both driven by their love for their children, ruthless and ambitious. When someone asks me that kind of question, Victoria is the first one coming to my mind. You can easily draw parallel between them. I think Katherine is also kinda similar to Cersei. As for male characters, I love Bellamy Blake, Eric Northman, Daryl Dixon and Rick Grimes. I don't think they are that similar to Jaime, but I would say Bellamy has some parallels with him, like their love for their little sibling.
And for trope I love, you can always count me in for the "Forbidden Love" trope, which can contain multiple of tropes within itself in my opinion. I also really, REALLY love the "Arranged Marriage" trope (we knew that, obviously lmao) that evolve in a happy marriage for the protagonists. I like "Friends To Lovers" too, and "Soulmates" (tho I haven't read that one trope in years). Also, in fics, I absolutely love "Domestic Bliss". Give me the angst in canon, but in fics I'm begging for some fluff and domestic bliss. As for what trope draw me to character, I usually like what people calls "the Bitch" (I hate calling characters that way, especially female characters, but that's how people call them 😔) which is usually the woman that looks cold on the outside, but feels deeply inside and is usually broken by the world around her. I find that kind of characters very compelling. Also, "Asshole with a heart of gold" is kinda my jam too.
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runawaymun · 3 months
2, 5, 18, 20 for the writer ask game ? 💕
Thank you!!
2.  Is there a least favorite character or title you dislike writing for?
Hobbits. Sorry (excluding book!Bilbo) :( I am just not good at writing any of them and I don't feel very confident. I'm not really great at any fellowship members, I feel. Maybe it's just because I don't write for them all that often and tend to stick to the Imladris fam so much, but it always just feels like pulling teeth whenever I try.
5.  Where do you find your motivation?
Writing got into me as soon as I knew what books were, and it won't leave. I was talking about making books before I knew how to read (and coming up with elaborate daydreams that I would draw huge stacks of pictures about in colored pencil), and once I knew how to read and write I was writing down stories. I will literally start descending into a spiral of madness if I don't write something for more than a few days in a row. It's less of a question of motivation and more of a question of endless torment. I jest. I jest. I love it so much. It's just that writing is just...natural for me, I guess? Maybe that's kind of trite and unhelpful. I do have times when it's hard to muster up the motivation and in those moments I just have a rule that, depending on spoons for the day, I have to write for 5 minutes (I can do anything for five minutes. And more often than not it gets the tap flowing), or I have to write 350 words. Generally I shoot for twenty solid minutes of good prose if I'm feeling decent that day. I can get 500 words written in that time in a decent day and up to over a 1000 if I'm really feeling it. If I'm burnt out and I really can't make myself do anything, then I take a break to read a book for a few days instead (as long as I can stand without writing. Like I said, I start to go insane if I go too long without it). I find that usually when my prose feels clunky and writing feels like pulling teeth, it's because I'm trying to output without any input. Playlists also help to get me in the mood. I'm a very "ass in chair, hands on keyboard" sort of writer. I try to write whether or not I feel like it because I know I will feel better and more like myself if I do. Writing is where I find myself and make sense of things.
18. Are there any topics you find difficult to write for?
There are a lot of topics I suppose I am uncomfortable with, I guess? I'm not a great fan of writing anything to do with pregnancy. I also get nervous managing characters who deal with any great gender dysphoria because that's not something I really experience myself and I am nervous about Getting It Wrong (which is where helpful friends and sensitivity readers come in). In terms of stuff I just am clueless about but for some reason always winds up coming into my stories anyway: politics. I don't know why I insist on doing this to myself. It just sort of Happens. Someday I will learn to write it, but until then I am dogpaddling in the deep end of a too-large swimming pool.
20. What’s one thing you want your readers to know about you?
It's really not about talent. Idk I get a lot of people who go "you're so talented!" and that's just not true. Like, I don't believe talent exists. Sure, I think it takes a specific kind of person to write stories -- but if you want to write stories, then you are already that kind of person. Does that make sense? The only reason I am where I am with writing is because of how much I read, and because I have been doing it practically my whole life. Every little bit of scrapped writing was time spent writing, which is time spent learning. Everyone goes through the awkward phase where they're using too many epithets and their prose doesn't sound quite right and they're not sure how to craft convincing dialogue etc etc. No one knows how to do that naturally. It's something that you learn over time, and especially learn the more you read. I think I was just extraordinarily lucky that I started writing so early, and so my writing has been able to grow up with me, so to speak? This problem exists with artists as well: if you're not happy with your work it's just because your skill hasn't caught up to your taste. You know what a good story looks like, you just don't have the skill to get there yet. Write it badly. You can always edit it. You can't edit a blank page. And if you don't write it, you will never learn how. I firmly believe that perfectionism and belief in "talent" and the fear of being perceived will kill your work (the call is coming from inside the house. I, too, am a perfectionist, which is why it takes me so long to finish anything. This is something I am still learning and working on. Idk if I will ever be truly rid of it but w/e).
writing ask game
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daikaiju-arts · 5 months
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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theprissythumbelina · 6 months
*cracks knuckles*
For the not-so-nice ask game:
Break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest? (this might or might not be bait to talk about Nicolette)
Guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
Skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest? (this might or might not be bait to talk about Nicolette)
I absolutely will talk about Nicolette, thank you :D. Nicolette is an isolated/forcibly introverted person, and her breakdowns tend to happen alone. And you know that thing where people will sometimes have a breakdown and then realize how bad it got/they need help? Nicolette doesn't really have that amount of self-reflection. Or anyone to go to if she did. Daisy, her now ex-girlfriend, was privy to one of her breakdowns after the incident*, and contrary to her normal subdued demeanor, Nicolette tends to behave very erratically, laughing, crying, wailing, expressing everything she tries to prevent herself from feeling in her normal life. She breaks down in grief, loneliness, and guilt.
Guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
Nicolette really feels guilt strongly. She tries to do the right thing, really she tries, but she can't help but make bad decisions, and then in her guilt she tries desperately to fix the past mistake, which leads to another mistake, which leads to more guilt. Its a viscous cycle. Part of her character arc is learning to let go of the guilt, to accept the past and look to the future.
Skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
hmmmmm.....no. Nicolette does not acknowledge it, she does not think about it, she tries not to think or feel it. There is a couple of layers to this, because as a necromancer, Nicolette is not really supposed to exist. Under the influence of the Church, only priests and priestesses are allowed to engage in death magic, and only in very limited circumstances like curse breaking. Casually interacting with death magic in the tradition of Nicolette and her mother is highly forbidden and profane. People in this world see it almost the way we would see grave robbing. So that has to be hidden, and Nicolette has a certain amount of shame for just the magic she has. She is also an outsider with no family in a small town, and an odd individual who doesn't have many friends or coping mechanisms. So Nicolette deals with vulnerability by pretending it doesn't exist.
*When Nicolette tried to reanimate her mother's corpse, it was a whole thing
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crabussy · 10 months
god I'm so fucking furious at the removal of Te Reo Māori names from organisations around Aotearoa. it's a complete non-issue, every organisation has the English name directly underneath the Māori name. I have never once as an English speaker been unable to understand what an organisation is for. Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, who is literally Māori himself, said “Te Papa is a historic name but tell me this waka kotahi, how many boats have you seen going down the road?”. Waka does not just mean canoe. it means vessel, and waka kotahi (the transport agency of Aotearoa) explains this VERY SIMPLY on their official website. waka kotahi means to travel together as one. Can you see how fucking upsetting this is. A Māori person in power who is in agreement about banning his own language, being so cocky about something that he does not even understand due to the suppression of the language of his people. It makes me sick. I've seen reports from Māori people all over Aotearoa speaking out about how upset and furious they are, how decades of progress have been undone in the fight to restore the rights of their people who have for so long been oppressed and have suffered the effects of colonisation. Please share this if you can, I hate knowing how few people will hear about this, I know there is so much injustice in the world right now and it is so exhausting, I know. I love you all, keep it up.
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eunnieboo · 13 days
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i've been working on my next graphic novel! it'll be another sapphic romance. please look forward to it ❤️
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egophiliac · 7 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
I hope you take this as the compliment it is intended to be, but you strike the same chord of irreverence-as-love, jokes-to-showcase-sencerity that I get from Chuck Tingle, and I adore both of you.
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You have bestowed the greatest honour upon me.
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orbbo · 2 months
Hey for fannon swap could we please get warden Grian? :D
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Poor guy has to get custom sweaters.
((Thank you all for the request!! I wasn't expecting to get so many but I tried to do my best to do them all justice. I'm no longer taking fannon swap requests now. I'd love to do more general hermitcraft/life smp requests in the future. ))
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qifreyplushie · 2 months
If you're still taking art requests 👉👈 perhaps Xie Lian holding Hua Cheng princess style?
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hua cheng: ok now benchpress me
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erwinsvow · 6 months
Imagine if Rafe let R try a joint
Like, her brains getting all fuzzy and she's even more giggly than usual, and he's just, like enamoured. He thinks she's adorable.
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"one hit, that's it-" rafe says, low and quiet in your ear.
you're curled up on his lap at the party, both of you resting on the couch while you observe the scene around you with big eyes. rafe's friends were snorting powder off of mirrors, washing it down with liquor that was definitely harder than the fruity seltzer your boyfriend allowed you to drink. rafe said you couldn't handle anything harder, and you agreed without questioning him, like you always did.
you had pointed to the white lines on the table infront of you and asked him as sweetly as you could if you could try some. kelce overheard you and starts pushing the mirror in your direction, and you look at him with a smile, before rafe stares him down and delivers a tap to your cheek. it's just to get your attention, not really to hurt you, but you feel your face flushing where he touched you when he speaks.
"hey, you don't listen to him, you listen to me, right?" you see kelce in the corner of your eye, taking the tray back and offering it to the girl next to him.
"i know, i just-"
"no, no just anything. y'can barely drink this watered-down crap without trippin' over your feet." he rests back on the sofa, hands gripping your waist and leg tightly. "wants to snort coke. you're funny, kid."
you pout, taking another sip of your drink. you're only half way through the can but your head is starting to feel fuzzy, already. you decide then and there that rafe always knows best for you, but you still want to try the things he tries, show him that you can handle it. the boys next to rafe pass a blunt over you, directly to him. when they blow out the smoke, you start coughing, but watch carefully as your boyfriend takes a long hit. just as he's about to pass it across to kelce, you catch his wrist.
"can i try that instead? please?" you try your best to straighten up, to show him you can take it and that you're not already drunk. "please," you whine, and his friends turn their head to look. you're sure that they think it's silly, the way you have to ask rafe for permission for everything and anything. you don't care, though.
"kid, stop-"
"i can take it, promise. just this time. i won't ever ask again."
that's how you had ended up like this, rafe talking into your ear while he holds the blunt to your lips.
"alright, suck in. long as you can. you're a pro at that, aren't ya?" his words make you lose your concentration, breaking into a coughing fit before you can even try to inhale.
"rafe!" you whine again, pummeling your fists into his chest, still choking on the smoke. your throat feels scratchy but you know that couldn't have been enough.
"what, kid, i gotta do everything for you?" he takes a long hit, and then grips your cheeks with his hand, forcing your mouth open and then blowing the smoke into your throat for you. then he clamps it shut, holds your shoulder while you cough, and passes the blunt along to kelce.
you cough a little, but before long, you're putty in his arms, leaning your head against his shoulder and giggling at nothing. you poke at his chest and then start playing with his chain, then his hair, and then back down to his fingers. he lets you do it, watching you play with his ring and pressing a kiss to your forehead. you're cute like this, he thinks, less shy and not as worried what everyone must think about you. he thinks he likes it, that maybe he should let you smoke with him every once in a while.
"feel good, baby?" he asks in your ear, and you squirm in his touch, pulling away before resting your head again.
"mhm. really good. this is fun. wish it wasn't a crime." he laughs, taking another sip of his beer. you try to copy him, reaching for your seltzer but knocking it over by accident.
"oops," you say with another laugh. "sorry to-wait, whose house is this?"
"c'mon kid, makin' a mess," he groans, picking up the can and watching the fizzy liquid travel.
"sorry, daddy." in your state, you don't realize how loud you said it, but even with everyone's eyes on you, you don't care much, smiling back sweetly at rafe.
"alright, we're leavin'."
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kimtaegis · 4 months
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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eliotbaum · 4 months
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just perfect
LMAO I screamed
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