#dollsome does tumblr
theladyragnell · 1 year
☕️ + mermaids! (idk why, haha.)
Solid mid-tier of my vague ranking of mythological creatures! The Little Mermaid scared me as a kid (the end where Ursula gets all big and scary is frightening for a sensitive child, okay!), or I suspect they'd be higher, given that in contrast I love centaurs and am very sad they aren't in more things (this is Fantasia's fault, I am basic and many of my mythology opinions come from children's cartoons).
But you know what? I'm going to be honest and say I am not much fond of the Subversions where we have to scientifically explain mermaids and frequently make them horror predators. Sure, they can be predatory, I respect a good siren moment, but "they wouldn't have HAIR and we have to explain how they reproduce" and so on and so forth doesn't really do much for me, these days. Not Everything Needs Explaining. Maybe there are hot fish ladies in the ocean and we just need to be at peace with how that happens.
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zutaralesbian · 2 years
EVE! 8, 18, 26.
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Honestly I’m so bad with remembering specific outfits lol. Fashion is not something I personally pay a lot of attention to when I watch stuff (probably because I myself have like, zero fashion sense lmao). But…that green turtle neck she wore in the S2 finale stands out to me for some reason.
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I think Eve was a kid who acted really good on the surface (she got good grades, tried to follow rules, and mostly stayed out of trouble) but there was always Something bubbling under the surface and when someone managed to make her mad enough, the asshole in her popped off lmao. She had a decent amount of friends but she secretly couldn’t stand a lot of them. I also headcanon that she used to sneak out in the middle of the night once her family fell asleep to watch and research True Crime stories obsessively.
This isn’t related to childhood, but I will forever mourn the fact that we didn’t get an Eve-centric flashback episode featuring Eve in her early twenties going to college and exploring more of the beginnings of her obsession with female killers.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
When she was with Villanelle! And I’m not even saying this as a shipper (tho I obviously am one), it’s just true. With Villanelle, Eve was able to express her true self and didn’t feel like she had to hold anything back. And that’s why (contrary to what Laura Neal said because she understands nothing about these characters) I maintain her ending was as tragic as Villanelle’s. She lost the one person she was able to be herself with.
The series finale specifically (before the last few minutes obviously) was genuinely the most happy I think we’ve ever seen Eve. And it was because she and Villanelle were finally giving in to what they wanted.
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cowherderess · 6 months
okay, i had no idea i've been watching kate winslet's daughter this whole time!!!!
Yeah!! she plays Honoria!
it's wild because i feel like i last saw a picture of her in People magazine when she was like six years old– and i guess that was quite a long time ago...! :D
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
which group do you find the most absolutely delightful at bringing the lolz together??
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hondagirll · 7 months
xfiles season 11 advice i wish someone had been able to give me: the REAL ending is 11.07 (the title of which is unspellable). if you just imagine the series ending there, it's simply perfect.
Oh good, that's the one we have up next - Rm9sbG93ZXJz. All I've gotten from gifs on tumblr is that Mulder and Scully go on a sushi date together and you know what, GIVE IT TO ME.
S10 and 11 has been tough even though some small moments (usually MSR related) have been cute. I don't see myself re-watching anything in these seasons except the Were-Monster episode and the one episode in which Reggie Something reveals himself as the third member of their x file duo and calls Scully "Sculls" which made me laugh so hard at.
I wish the revival season had focused more on humor and interesting cases and less on the end of the world/aliens coming/all the characters being poorly written.
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whyhazelwhy · 1 year
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A hardback rebind of Know Not Why by Hannah Johnson
(some of the process under the cut)
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Your waltzing with Digger fic was lowkey the reason i came to tumblr lol (no i’m not gonna elaborate) i’ve reread it at least 6 times now.
so! that fic, for anybody who has not had the wondrous experience of reading it yet, is here on ao3. (you should check out the other fic there, too. it's great.)
and because waltzing with digger blew my mind and i'll never think of either character the same way again, i only wish i could say that i wrote it. the author was instead @dollsome-does-tumblr, whose blog has only the best taste.
whether you thought i wrote the fic because i was so taken with it, or did mean to send this message to the real author and somehow got me instead, i appreciated the reminder that this story exists. :)
here's a couple of posts about it that i found in my history. boy was i having major feels in both rambles and reblogs! it's just so fun.
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streussal · 7 months
cordelia chase!
Charles Gunn - That episode in early season 2 where Cordelia has a vision of Gunn in danger and sets out to help him and they bicker a bunch? Chemistry! Kind of a crime that it was not explored more, honestly. And they're both a mix of practicality and heroism. It could have worked!!
Lilah Morgan - okay honestly this is mostly just because I think it would be sexy. But also!! Lilah is the cold hard bitch that Cordelia pretended to be in high school (but worse). So they get each other on a certain level. Their scenes in "Billy" that result in Lilah deciding to kill her evil misogyny demon client? Yeah.
Angel - Probably the most developed relationship of Angel the series, even with her barely appearing in the last 2 seasons (s4 mostly possessed, s5 only 1 episode). They balance each other out very well I think.
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bethanyactually · 2 years
okay hold up hold up hold up. is the lost city alan's last name canonically CAPRISON?? like ... the beloved-by-kids stab-it-with-a-straw fruit "juice" beverage??
He doesn't have a last name on IMDb or the movie's website, but his name is cited as Alan Caprison in multiple articles about the movie, and it's actually in the title of this one! And I choose to believe that is his name because I like joy.
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earnmysong · 2 years
film asks: 7, 9, and 12!
i appreciate these muchly, my dear!
sexiest film | honestly? my first thought is ‘practical magic’? tremendously aesthetically pleasing. an on-screen, wall-slamming connection. and one of my most adored, romantic lines of dialogue - ‘i wished for you too’! A CINEMATIC TRIFECTA
the greatest film ever, objectively | the 90s ‘little women’; i’ve adored since i was six and still watch monthly! honorable mention | ‘the princess bride’
the film that makes me laugh out loud the most | ‘my cousin vinny’! ‘i bet the chinese food here is terrible’; ‘what’re you? a fuckin’ world traveler?!’ etc etc etc honorable mention | ‘lilo and stitch’
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warningsine · 2 years
I was tagged by @dollsome-does-tumblr (my beloved). Thank you very much.
Favorite color: Emerald, but most shades of green will do. Also, cyan.
Currently reading: "Papyrus: The Invention of Books" by Irene Vallejo.
Last song: "Bad as Me" by Tom Waits.
Last series: The latest episode of "Better Call Saul" and I still haven't recovered. Pain and suffering!
Last movie: "Atlantic City" by Louis Malle.
Currently working on: A work item and fixing my sleep schedule. Nothing interesting or creative, I'm afraid.
Tag 9 people: @wehadfaces, @sapphicscholar, @keypix4, @mermaidandthedrunks, @itsperfectlyreasonable, @nakedmonkey, @lost-your-memory, @itswickedheadache, @saltforsalt. If anyone else wants to do this, consider yourself tagged.
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zutaralesbian · 2 years
numbers 1-6 for the shippy asks! (or whichever of those numbers you'd like to do, if that's too many!)
1.First ship you remember
As a very young kid I was rooting for Arnold/Helga from Hey Arnold! Lol. I still love them too. They’re sunshine boy/grumpy girl which is, one of my favorite tropes for m/f ships l.
2.Your newest ship
In media that I’ve actually consumed, my newest ship is probably Gideon/Harrow from The Locked Tomb series. Enemies to lovers f/f excellence.
But the newest ship I’m excited for is Juliette/Calliope from the upcoming Netflix show First Kill. I know I’m gonna love them.
3. Favourite ship ever
No way could I answer this lol. But the top contenders are Villaneve, Gallavich, Catradora, and Zutara.
4.Favourite m/f ship
Zuko/Katara from atla!!!! Which is tragically not canon. But Peeta/Katniss from The Hunger Games is a close second.
5. Favorite m/m ship
Ian/Mickey from Shameless US. They are the definition of angst, which is probably one of the reasons they’re the only m/m ship that’s ever truly captured me. I usually gravitate more towards ships with at least one woman in it.
6. Favorite f/f ship:
Either Eve/Villanelle or Catra/Adora. Catra/Adora is definitely better quality writing wise though.
Thank you! :)
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lasshoe · 2 years
2, 12!
2. What was the film that scared you the most? when i was probably about 11 or 12 years old my mom would let me watch “mature” movies with her which i loved until she thought i could handle silence of the lambs and I was so traumatized i still haven’t watched it as an adult and it’s probably why i don’t particularly love to watch horror movies
12. What is the film that’s literally made you laugh out loud the most? this is the end!!! i saw it in a crowded theater with a huge group of friends and the laugh per minute ratio was unmatched. again, haven’t watched it since bc i don’t ever need to know if it’s not that funny lmao
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 10 months
i wrote one good omens fix-it fic right after s2 dropped and now i am writing a second, separate, longer one, just Because, I Guess
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hondagirll · 2 years
THE DURRELLS, YAYYYYYYYY!!!! i hope it is a balm to your soul! <3
Thank you!!!!! I admit this is entirely due to you (your enthusiastic spiel a few years ago put this show on my radar!) but this show is delightful and really de-stressing me right now. I’m excited to continue.
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5chatzi · 8 months
7, 12, 31!
Yayyy thanks for the ask!
7. hair-ties or scrunchies: hair-ties all the way and i keep a comfort one on my wrist at all times 😂
12. what kind of day is it: a could be better day - work has been a roller coaster lately 🥴
31. what kind of music keeps you grounded: i’m a weirdo and don’t listen to a ton of music 😅 i’m not someone who listens to music when i’m feeling emotional. but i have been known to crank some classical music to drown out thoughts.
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