#dominick carisi jr.
shania-twain · 1 year
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Dominick Carisi Jr., father of three
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art-by-jas · 25 days
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𝑈𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 (AO3)
𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘪 𝘑𝘳 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Word Count: 5k
Rating: M
Summary: As the new addition to the Manhattan SVU, Detective Sonny Carisi found it challenging to fit in without causing a stir. He had a chance encounter with you while doing laundry late one night in the new apartment he moved into. The following day, after a long shift working a case, he happens to run into you again at the coffee shop where you work.
As the clock strikes midnight, the old laundry room in the apartment building is illuminated by the dim, flickering overhead lights. The air is thick with the scent of damp fabric and the rhythmic hum of the aging washing machines. 
 The sound of rain pounding against the glass can be heard through the small, grimy window. There is a sense of calm doing laundry at this hour.
 The door to the room creaks open, the sound barely registering in your consciousness as you sit hunched over your phone, thumb mindlessly scrolling through an endless feed. 
 “Hey, Ummm… I’m sorry to bother you, but do you have a few quarters? The machine decided to munch on mine! I just need a few for the dryer." A cheerful voice interrupted your dissociated episode of staring at your phone screen.
As you lift your gaze from the flickering screen, the unexpected sight of another person in the dimly lit room greets you.
"Yeah, sure," you say, reluctantly setting down your phone to retrieve a few quarters from your pocket. "Here you go," you say, passing the coins to the newcomer. "I have had that happen before; it is annoying as hell."
With a chuckle, the man reaches out his hand and accepts the quarters. "Thank you so much," he says, his warm smile brightening his face. An easy grace and a playful glint in his eyes gave him an endearing quality.
 He glances at the whirring machines, watching the damp clothes spin inside. "Doing laundry at this hour? Couldn't sleep?" He opens the washer, transfers the wet clothes to the dryer, and feeds quarters into the slot. His strong, steady fingers move with precision, confidently guiding the process.
"Yeah," you reply. "Insomnia's been keeping me company lately. You?"
The man echoes, "Same here," as he closes the panel on the machine and presses the start button. The machine instantly springs back to life, its hum resuming with renewed vigor. 
Turning back to you, the man's warm smile remains. "It’s my first day at a new location for my job soon," he explains, leaning against the machine.
"Sometimes I have late nights at the office, so my sleep schedule's all over the place."
"I noticed the room across from mine was being cleared out. Did you just move in? You don’t look familiar," you ask.
The man's soft, low chuckle sends a strange flutter through your chest. "Yeah, you caught me," he admits, smiling at you. "I just moved in last week, and I'm still unpacking, trying to figure out where to put everything." He pauses, meeting your gaze. "I'm Sonny, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Sonny. Welcome to the building. I know it's not much, but it's a nice little spot to call home." You introduce yourself to him as you move to shake his outstretched hand.
Sonny tips his head in acknowledgment, his gaze holding yours for a moment. "Thanks; I appreciate it," he replies, his voice low and soft. "I've lived in worse places, so this is a definite upgrade." Sonny runs his hand through his silvery hair. He glances at the machines, then turns to you with a casual curiosity. "So, I take it you've been here for a while?" he asks.
You nod, "Yeah, a few years now." The realization you’ve lived here long enough to be considered a "long-term resident" is faintly disturbing. You run a hand through your hair, feeling slightly disheveled. "It's a fairly quiet building, for the most part."
Sonny’s voice took on a thoughtful tone. "That's good. I've lived in places where the noise was constant. You could never get a moment's peace. It was maddening, to say the least." He turns his gaze toward the window, his eyes taking in the faint glow of streetlights filtering through the rain.
"If you don't mind me asking, where did you live previously?" You inquire.
"I used to live in Queens," he replies, "but it didn't work out, and my job ended up transferring me here instead," Sonny speaks, his fingers tracing an idle pattern on the cool metal surface of the washing machines. "But it's not all bad," he adds, a hint of optimism resurfacing in his voice. "New places can be good. Fresh starts, you know? Sometimes we need those."
A moment of silent understanding passes between the both of you before he speaks again, a half-smile playing at the corners of his lips. "And hey, at least I’ve got neighbors like you to keep the company."
You manage a small chuckle, the compliment sending a subtle flush of warmth through you. 
Sonny's smile widens, his eyes holding yours for a moment. The silence returns, but it feels different this time—more comfortable, less isolating. The rhythmic hum of the machines continued to fill the room, like a shared heartbeat between two strangers in the night. The rain continues pattering softly against the window, creating an intimate atmosphere in the old laundry room.
The washing machine beeped, signaling that your laundry was finished and ready to be transferred to the dryer. He observes, watching as you transfer your wet clothes to the dryer. As you make small talk, time idles by while you wait for your clothes to finish.
"So," he finally says, "what do you do when you're not doing laundry at ungodly hours?"
The unexpected question momentarily catches you off guard, prompting you to pause and carefully formulate a response. "Well," you begin, a faint smile tugging at your lips. "When I'm not tackling the laundry, I'd like to think of myself as a fairly interesting person. I'm an avid reader, enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, and may or may not have been known to binge-watch an inordinate number of TV shows."
Sonny's smile reveals his rapt attention as he casually studies you, his eyes brimming with curiosity. "An avid reader, a connoisseur of the kitchen, and a TV aficionado," he muses, his voice laced with amused approval. "Quite the impressive trifecta you've assembled there."
Leaning in slightly, his eyes alight with curiosity, he asks, "So, what shows do you binge-watch? Because the answer will either make us friends for life or enemies for eternity.”
The playful challenge in his tone was unmistakable, and you can’t help but feel a flutter of excitement. "Hmm," you think about, pretending to ponder the question. "Well, I enjoy science fiction, thrillers, and the occasional drama. But if you must know..." You lean in. "My guilty pleasure is baking competition shows. There's something about the dough, sprinkled with the tears of defeated contestants, that really appeals to me."
Sonny's rich, hearty laughter echoed through the room. "Baking competition shows, huh? I enjoy those myself, but 'Cake Boss' is a bit much. I appreciate the artistry, but those cakes are just towering, frosting-laden monstrosities that make my teeth hurt. I'd much rather stick to perfecting my nonna's classic cannoli recipe."
You both exchange a knowing glance. "Ah, cannoli," I reply, my mouth nearly watering. "A classic Italian dessert. Do you come from a large, close-knit family that gathers for lively Sunday dinners?”
Sonny's broad, guilty smile confirms my suspicion. "I come from an Italian family, full of the loud, opinionated, and emotional dynamics you'd expect," he confesses. "And yes, our Sunday dinners are quite the spectacle—a lively blend of mouthwatering food, family gossip, and heated debates on everything from politics to the proper way to season a ragu."
Seeing Sonny's smile, you couldn't help but mirror it, the warmth and vibrancy of his family gatherings stirring a touch of envy within me. 
"It sounds like a lot of fun," you say. "I'm a bit envious. My family is more... subdued, I suppose—less colorful." You chuckle as you watch him, for it’s his turn to retrieve his clothes and begin folding them. A few minutes pass, and you follow his movements of folding your own.
"Shall we head back upstairs then?"
Sonny agrees with a nod. "Yeah, we should probably call it a night—or morning, rather." 
He passes your neatly folded clothes over to you, and his fingertips graze yours, sending a subtle shiver through you.
Your conversation flows effortlessly as you make your way back to your apartment. The dimly lit hallway cast a faint yellow glow, broken only by the soft patter of our footsteps and the occasional creak of the building's aged floorboards. Reaching your doors, you both pause. The silence between you grew comfortable, a lingering sense of familiarity and connection palpable. Sonny's gaze met yours, his eyes conveying a mix of reluctance and resignation.
“It was nice meeting you, Sonny,” you say with a smile.
Sonny's boyish smile returns, his warm gaze stirring an unexpected flutter in your chest. "Likewise," he replies, his pleasant, rumbling voice lingering in the air. "I'll catch ya around, alright? Have a good night."
He vanishes inside, the soft click of the door closing behind him echoing in the otherwise silent corridor.
Rushing to the precinct, Sonny carries a coffee and takeout bag in one hand and his gym bag in the other, determined to be on time. Realizing the sergeant was not present, he saw no need to rush once he made it inside the bullpen. With a few minutes of free time, he decides to explore and familiarize himself with the layout. Several other detectives sit at their desks, filing paperwork as he looks around.
Two women's voices filtered into the bullpen. The first had dark hair flowing freely, slightly older than the other. The second woman's blonde hair was tied back, with a few stray bangs falling across her face.
As Sonny interrupts their conversation, he exclaims, "They shot at cops right outside the police station? So, they want us to know they're crazy."
"You must be my new detective," the brunette says.
Dominick Carisi, Jr. ” He introduces himself, "Call me Sonny. I brought Zeppoli," as he shakes their hand.
"I asked for an experienced, empathic detective, and they sent you," she says.
"I'm way experienced. Sensitive and moody, too, and I can do that whole empathy thing," he assures.
"Where are you from?" the blonde woman asks.
"Staten Island SVU for two months, Brooklyn for almost a month, and then Queens last week," he rattles on.
“So, they love you wherever you go, Carisi?" The brunette says he later finds out that this is his new boss, Sergeant Benson.
"Call me Sonny. I know I was supposed to start tomorrow, but I heard about the shooting over my scanner, so I came in. What's our read?"
Benson and the blonde, who introduced herself as Detective Amanda Rollins, brought him up to speed on the current case, explaining how it connected to a previous case from a few months ago involving Ellie Porter. Ellie had been the victim of human trafficking and gang-raped before being set on fire—a horrible crime. 
Sonny also learned that the young woman they arrested that morning while 'serving’ a john appears to be associated with the same crew. Benson teams up with Sonny to go pick up the girl and instructs Sonny to follow her lead, warning that failure to do so would result in him being sent to the SVU in the Bronx.
Sonny nods, his expression conveying understanding. "Understood, boss," he replies firmly and resolutely. "You have my word. I'll follow your lead."
Benson drives Sonny and herself to Luna Garcia's house. The peaceful journey was accompanied by a pleasant, cloudless day. Sonny savors the warm sunshine and gentle breeze as they drive. His mind wanders briefly, but he refocuses when Benson speaks up.
"So," Benson begins, "you've worked with the Special Victims Unit before; how was that?"
Sonny gazes out at the passing cityscape. As Benson inquires about his past SVU background, he shifts his attention to her, offering a faint smile. "It was intense, no doubt," he replies. "But also immensely rewarding. Dealing with victims of such heinous crimes is grueling work, yet being able to provide even a small measure of comfort and justice makes it all worthwhile."
His expression softens, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of empathy and understanding. The memory of those past experiences still weighs heavily on him. "It can take a toll, though. The trauma those victims endure... it stays with you, you know?"
A brief sigh crosses Sonny's face, the weight of his memories momentarily visible. After a contemplative pause, his gaze returns to Benson, his tone shifting to a more conversational manner. "My time with the SVU has taught me a lot," he remarks. "How to handle sensitive cases, how to approach victims and witnesses, you know the drill."
Benson's gaze flickers to Sonny before returning to the road. “You seem to have the right mindset and approach,” she observes, 'but I need to ensure you play by the rules,” she says, offering him a kind smile. The drive to the girl's house was filled with pleasant conversation as they got to know each other better.
After bringing Luna back to the precinct, the detectives interview her, showing her a photo of Ellie. At first, Luna was uncooperative, insisting she would rather go to jail than provide any information. Benson tried coaxing her with a gentle tone, but this approach went nowhere fast. 
Sonny then intervened, speaking to Luna in a manner he thought might appeal to her, before switching tactics and offering to help her obtain T-Nonimmigrant Status, but only if she helped and gave them a statement.
After Garcia's sudden change of heart, Serg pulled him to the side, outside of the interrogation room, and told him that what he had just done in there was not how they do things here in Manhattan. Sonny apologized and continued working Luna over.
As the day progresses, Sonny is introduced to his new colleagues, Odafin Tutola, and beat cop Nick Amaro, who originally was in the SVU but due to recent events was demoted. 
Together, they planned for Nick to go undercover as a dirty cop looking for a handout with the information he has and a raid for later that evening. Sonny rubs his tired eyes, surprised by the eventful nature of his first day on the job. He stops at a nearby coffee shop to refuel before the eventful night, while Nick prepares to pull over Joaquin Menendez and warn him of the impending raid, a gesture of good faith to maintain their cover.
Sonny's fatigued senses were beckoned by the rich aroma of the corner coffee shop as he walked in the door. As he waits, his mind drifts—a mix of energizing adrenaline and overwhelming exhaustion swirls inside him.
Sonny's eyes widen in surprise as he recognizes you standing behind the counter.
“Hello, thanks for stopping by. What can I help- Sonny?” 
Surprise flickers across his face, his blue eyes widening as they meet yours. "Hey," he says, a smile spreading across his face. "I didn't expect to see you here." Joy stirs in his eyes, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. He steps up to the counter, leaning against it lazily. A hint of weariness still clung to his features, but the sight of you brightened his mood considerably.
With a grin, you say, "What can I get for you? It's on the house."
Sonny's eyes widen in disbelief as he protests, "You can't be serious." A grin tugs at the corners of his lips as he shakes his head. "I can't let you do that. Let me pay."
Chuckling at the memory, you reply, "Nonsense, it's not every day you bond over doing laundry at midnight."
He laughs, Alright, alright," he concedes, "if you insist."
Sonny's eyes scan the menu, weighing his options. "I'll have a strong espresso," he declares. "Caffeine is all I've had today."
You frown. "That's it? Sonny, let me get you something from the bake rack. You can't survive on just coffee."
He chuckles faintly at your concern. "Alright," he surrenders again, a sheepish grin on his face. There's something about squabbling with you that feels oddly familiar, comfortable even. "Surprise me, then."
 Sonny waits for his drink and glances around the cozy coffee shop. The walls are adorned with eclectic artwork, and soft music plays in the background, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Leaning against the counter, Sonny's gaze occasionally flits to you moving efficiently behind the bar. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the lingering scent of sugar and pastries filled the air. After a few minutes, you place a steaming espresso and a blueberry muffin on the counter. 
Sonny smiles appreciatively as he sips the rich, robust espresso, then bites into the warm, fluffy blueberry muffin. He moans. "This is exactly what I needed," he says, savoring the perfect balance of bitterness from the dark roast and sweetness from the muffin. He settles into a chair near the counter, continuing to sip and nibble on his delightful breakfast.
The espresso's caffeine gradually revives Sonny as he leans back. Every so often, you'd enter the lobby with a rag to clean the tables and restock the napkins, making sure to chat with him whenever you could between helping other customers. As he watches you navigate the coffee shop, skillfully attending to other customers, Sonny couldn't help but admire the seamless way you worked. 
However, he also noticed the subtle signs of tiredness in your eyes; he could empathize. Despite your exhaustion, you continue serving customers with a genuine smile. Sonny's admiration for you grew, not just because of your coffee-making skills but also for your resilience and warm personality.
Sonny gathers his belongings; his thoughts linger on his enjoyable coffee break. He makes his way to the counter.
"Hey," he begins, his voice slightly rough from the potent espresso. "I have to get back, but I just wanted to thank you again for the coffee and muffin. You didn't have to do that."
You dismiss his concern with a casual wave of your hand. "It's no big deal," you say with a warm smile. "I know you've had a long day, and I'm not letting you leave without something in your stomach besides caffeine."
Sonny chuckles softly, knowing that arguing with you is futile. He rubs the back of his neck, still marveling at your kindness. “I owe you one, you know?"
"I'll keep that in mind," you reply with a mischievous grin. 
During a nighttime raid, the SVU team discovers several undocumented girls as well as a 14-year-old named Missy Brooks. They also apprehend Joaquin, but Detective Tutola allows him to leave after he mentions Amaro's name, to make him think the whole Amaro undercover story was real.
At the precinct, Rollins notices Missy's cell phone background is a photo of an infant. She tells Missy that the police raided a house in May and found children inside. Rollins then asks Missy where her baby is. 
Meanwhile, the TARU team examines the phones of the trafficked girls and discovers they all have the QuickRide app installed. However, Missy remains tight-lipped and refuses to provide any information.
As dawn approaches, Sergeant Benson instructs Sonny to go home and rest for the night, assuring him that the team has the situation under control. She promises to call Sonny once they gather more information and leads.
Sonny nods, visibly tired after a long day and an intense raid. Although he wanted to stay and help the case along, he knew Benson was right. He needed rest if he was going to be of any use.
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Sonny trudges into his small apartment, shuts the door behind him, and leans against it for a moment, letting out a long, weary sigh. The quiet embrace of his apartment envelopes him, and the realization that he was finally alone after such a hectic day washes over him with a sense of relief.
The apartment fell into a peaceful hush, save for the whisper of Sonny's gentle breaths. Occasional murmurs from the air conditioner and distant city noises punctuated the silence. Sonny finally surrenders to a well-deserved sleep.
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
When it rains, it bleeds. In Attica, Little Tino was viciously stabbed by three fellow prisoners and required emergency surgery, narrowly escaping death. 
Meanwhile, in the Bellevue prison ward, someone fatally injects a lethal dose into Diego's neck. 
Across town in Queens, Missy and a client are discovered shot to death inside a car. 
Concerned for her son Noah's safety, Detective Benson calls his nanny Lucy, only to learn she has taken him to the DeWitt Clinton Playground. Suddenly, Benson hears the chilling sound of gunfire over the phone. Racing to the playground, she finds that, mercifully, no one has been harmed. 
At the precinct, the squad regroups, and Sonny is introduced to Rafael Barba, an eccentric Assistant District Attorney. Benson then proposes a plan for Nick to meet with Joaquin again, leading to the arrest of both Nick and Menendez.
Time ticks by, and the squad tirelessly works to piece together the complex puzzle. Sonny can feel the exhaustion of the relentless investigation gnawing at his mind. He glances at the clock on the wall, surprised to realize hours had passed. Rising from his chair, he stretches his limbs, his muscles protesting the prolonged sitting.
Benson and Fin visited a now conscious Tino at the hospital, where they ran into his mother, who told them so information to further the investigation to arrange a meeting with a woman named Carmen on Craigslist to locate Selena.
In the seedy hotel room, Sonny prepares to play his part, pretending to be a disgruntled "John" seeking a rougher, more aggressive sex worker. As the knock on the door signals her arrival, Sonny puts on his creepy charm, complimenting the woman and touching her hair, though he feels conflicted about the situation. When she offers only a massage, Sonny becomes aggressive, prompting the woman to flee to the bathroom and call Selena. Moments later, Selena and her driver arrive and confront Sonny at gunpoint. However, Detectives Fin and Rollins intervene and apprehend Selena and her driver.
After escorting the group back to the precinct, the two detectives left Sonny to take a few minutes for himself. Needing time to refocus and regain his composure, Sonny stepped outside the motel and sat down, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. Knowing a visit to his favorite coffee shop would lift his spirits, Sonny soon headed that way, eager for the comfort of a familiar routine.
The familiar and comforting scent of freshly brewed coffee fills his senses. He notices you behind the counter, your smile effortlessly radiant as you greet him.
Taking a deep breath, he approaches the counter, his nerves and the events of the day already making him tense.
He returns your smile, attempting to appear composed despite the nervous energy coursing through him. "Hey," he began, his voice slightly strained. Sonny made his way into the shop, the familiar and comforting scent of freshly brewed coffee filling his senses. He notices you behind the counter; your smile is effortlessly radiant as you greet him.
"Hey there, can I get a repeat of yesterday?" Sonny steps closer.
"Of course, coming right up," you say with a grin.
Sonny leans against the counter, his eyes on you as you pour the black coffee into the cup. 
You place the cup and this time a banana muffin in front of him. Sonny couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. "Thanks," he says, his voice slightly rough. "You don't know how much I needed this today."
He accepts the cup and muffin, his fingers subtly touching yours for a brief moment, sending a jolt through him. The contact felt natural but also electrifying as if his body was hyper-aware of your touch.
He glances up from his cup and muffin, his eyes flickering over to the counter and you. The thought of asking for your number comes to him. He goes to the same chair next to the counter and begins to eat and sip.
After cashing out a customer, he notices you approaching him and takes a seat on the opposite side of his table. 
"Hey," Sonny replies, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He studies you, noticing the little details he hadn't observed before—the subtle sparkle in your eyes.
"I hope I'm not interrupting your lunch," you say, your voice casually light. "But I wanted to check in on how you're doing. You look tired."
Sonny chuckles softly, surprised by your observation. "I am tired," he admits. "It's been a long day." The weariness has settled into his eyes, and his slumped shoulders probably betray his exhaustion. He takes another sip of his coffee. "But I appreciate you checking on me," he adds, his eyes meeting yours.
"How did your first day go? You mentioned in the laundry room that it was coming up soon." You ask.
"It was..." Sonny starts. Where to even begin summing up the events of the two days he’s had? It had been a whirlwind of chaos and danger. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, then replies. "It was intense, to say the least. Long hours, lots of work,” Sonny smiled slightly, touched that you remembered their brief conversation from a few days ago. 
You let out a lighthearted laugh as you remarked, "Well, that's not at all mysterious and cryptic."
Sonny chuckles at your remark, feeling the tension in his shoulders lighten a little. "Can't give away all the secrets," he replies, his voice just slightly teasing.
Sonny appreciated that you didn't pry further, even if he could see the curiosity and maybe a bit of concern in your gaze. It was refreshing to be with someone who respected his boundaries and understood not to press for details. He takes another sip of his coffee, the conversation settling into a comfortable rhythm between you two.
"How was your day?" he asks, genuinely interested to hear about your life and experiences. Alone with you in the quiet coffee shop, he hoped to continue the conversation, savoring the chance to linger in your company.
“A customer ordered a drink with sparkling water. I handed it to her, but she immediately frowned and asked if it contained sparkling water. I reminded her that the menu clearly listed the ingredients. Ugh, it frustrates me when people don't read.” Your cheeks redden as you realize you are ranting. "Sorry," you say.
Sonny's exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as a soft smile tugged at his lips. Listening to your little story, he finds himself amused by your rant. He could see the frustration in your expression and the way your cheeks flushed just a bit. It was endearing.
"No apologies necessary," he says, his voice gentle. "I get it. Some people just can't be bothered to pay attention, even when it's spelled out right in front of them." He chuckles softly, enjoying the glimpse into your world. He wonders how many other little annoyances you deal with on a daily basis. He finds himself wanting to know more about your life—the things that made you laugh, the things that made you angry. And he couldn't help but realize that he found your rants quite charming.
"Besides the sparkling water incident," he teases, "was the rest of your day uneventful?" He leans back in his chair, his eyes fixed on you, enjoying the lighthearted moment amidst the day's chaos.
"Yeah, it's pretty dead today, which I'm thankful for; last week we were so swamped."
"Well, here's to a quiet day then," Sonny replies, his tone earnest. He takes another sip of his coffee, his eyes still lingering on you. He was grateful for the brief reprieve the calm atmosphere of the coffee shop provided—a chance to reset before diving back into the chaos of his day.
He glances at his watch, realizing he should probably get back to the precinct soon. But the thought of leaving the quiet comfort of the coffee shop and the easy conversation with you made him hesitate for a moment. He wants more time to talk to you and to know more about you. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his chair back, signaling he was getting ready to leave.
"Hey, Sonny..." You begin calling out to him before he leaves. "Can I have your number?"
Sonny stops in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat at your unexpected question. He turns back to you, surprised but pleasantly so.
"Uh...yeah, sure. I'd like that," he replies, a genuine smile spreading across his face. He quickly grabs a nearby napkin from the counter and fishes a pen out of his pocket. Writing his number onto the napkin, he can't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement. Handing the napkin over to you, he watches you closely.
"I'll text you later; you go save the city." You giggle as you hold onto the napkin.
Sonny can't help but smile at your words. There's something about the way you say it—so casual yet sincere—that makes his heart skip a beat. Your carefree attitude is a refreshing contrast to the seriousness of his job.
"And you save me a coffee for tomorrow," he replies with a wink before heading out the door.
He can't help but feel a little lighter than he did before—a subtle boost of energy and anticipation. He knows he has an exhausting day ahead of him, but the knowledge that he'll see you and talk to you again soon makes the idea of returning to work much more bearable. 
Sonny enters the precinct, and the familiar sights and sounds immediately bring him back to reality. He put on his game face. He makes his way towards the squad room; a small smile still lingering on his lips, evidence that the thought of you had brought a glimmer of joy to his day.
Chapter 2
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thena0315 · 3 months
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Rollisi Apartment in Season 25
They need a bigger apartment or a house
2 Adults + 2 Elementary Students + A Baby + A Dog has made the place too small now
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witches-unruly-heart · 8 months
He's such a nerd -- I love him so fucking much! 🤣❤️🥰
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When Carisi wiped Amanda’s tears and Amanda kissed him on the cheek, I couldn’t help but think of Stephen and Christine!
Doctor Strange (2016)
Law and Order: SVU (2022) Season 24 Episode 3 “Mirror Effect.”
**Doctor Strange GIFs, I don’t remember who I got them from. SVU GIFs, my girl from Twitter: @shania-twain!**
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sematarygirls · 4 months
no bc i fr want to give this man the nastiest, sloppiest, most unholy, sheet gripping, toe curling, eye rolling, jaw clenching, mouth watering, breathtaking, leg trembling, heart attack inducing, exorcism causing, sweat pouring, mortifying, paralyzing, beastly, foul, electrifying, earth shattering head known to mankind
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goodoldfashionedrazz · 3 months
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Happy Pride to my favorite middle age yaoi couple
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kryptonitejelly · 7 months
Hello! LOVED your Sonny Carisi first kiss 😍 How about some pillow talk with our favorite ball of Sonnshine 😏🌞
send asks for sonny carisi x reader (5 sentence baby blurbs!)
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
“Yes,” Sonny’s eyes are still closed, his arms wrapped around you, but his answer to your ridiculous question is immediate.
“What if I was a -”
“Yes,” his voice is thick with sleep, but he cuts you off with a quick answer.
“But I haven’t finished my question,” you protest as Sonny’s eyes flicker open. He flips you in one swift motion; you are with your back on the bed, Sonny’s arms caging you in.
“Doll,” he drawls, lips going down to the column of your neck; you can feel his voice against your skin, “the answer is always yes.”
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adarafaelbarba · 8 months
Hello, hope you're doing well! If it so inspires you, may I suggest "Feel this? It's just for you." from the smutty one-liners with Sonny Carisi? Thank you 😊
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a/n: sorry it isn't a long piece 😅🫣❤️ also please ignore how sad Sonny looks here, he's not sad in this piece 😅
warnings: MINORS DNI!
He stands in front of you, looking deep into your eyes, intoxicating you with his closeness and the smell of him.
"Do ya have any idea what ya do to me, doll?" He asked in a low tone.
Shaking your head you gasped when he grabbed your chin, tilting it so you looked down between the two of you, to the bulge in his slacks.
You carefully moved your hand to cup him, shocked at how big he felt.
"Feel that, doll, that's just for ya," he murmured, finally leaning down to kiss you.
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squadmuse · 5 months
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sonny Carisi is the epitome of affection - he is so soft, caring and loving! He’s a touchy kinda guy, so he loves hugs, touching you whenever he can. His love language is cooking for sure and he loves taking care of you… and he loves kissing you too.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Sonny is a friendly guy and talkative, so it didn’t take you and him long to become friends and then best friends. The two of you bonded at first over family and food, and you two support rival ice hockey teams (you & the Rangers, while he supports the Islanders) so you affectionately argue over them & go to games a lot. You’ll be over at each others homes cooking too and have most likely met each other families and friends.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sonny is the King of Cuddling, he loves it so much! He is long and lanky so his limbs wrap around you like an affectionate vine. He loves cuddles on the couch, you on top of him with legs intertwined. Spooning happens a lot too with him pulling you right against him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Oh my god, YES! Sonny desperately wants to settle down, and he is so talented at cooking in particular. He wants marriage, to be married to you with a ton of little ones following soon after the big day. The two of you dance and sing together as you clean as you’re both goofy and it makes you both laugh after tough jobs.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
His Ma would kill him if he didn’t do it in person! He’ll be really explanatory yet guilty, especially if you cry. He’ll want to remain friends afterwards if at all possible.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sonny is the King of Commitment. He is loyal and dedicated to you. He is a devout Catholic who wants a family and doesn’t go into relationships unless they want the same & understand his faith. If you’re wife material then it happens fast but he knows you’re The One.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sonny is so gentle in every way possible. He is literally so so soft and squishy! That saying, he does have off days. He’ll never raise a finger to you at all.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Sonny loves hugs and to give them too. He does it a lot in different ways: cuddled in bed, wrapped up on the couch, snuggled in the bathtub, from behind as you cook or do something etc. Sonny’s hugs are warm, welcoming and just such an experience.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Sonny will say it once he knows you’re his endgame, which can be fast or slower than usual depending on the situation or external circumstances. He just loves you so much, you mean so much to him and he will not stop saying it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Honestly, Sonny isn’t a jealous kind of person at all. He trusts you and knows how loyal you are too that he doesn’t need to worry about that sort of stuff. However he is a protective guy and keeps an eye on you whenever he can.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Such a great kisser, and they leave you dizzy & weak in the knees. Sonny loves kissing you on the lips most but he will kiss anywhere he can such as your temples, neck, nose, cheek, hand etc.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Sonny is a natural with children and particularly with younger children & babies. He adores his nieces and literally can’t wait to become a dad of his own brood.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Sonny start with him up early to shower and cook some light breakfast, he’s a firm believer in a healthy cooked breakfast to start the day. The two of you work in tandem as you make the coffee using the Italian machine that cost a fortune and check emails for work etc. The weekends however are when he usually has a lie-in or morning sex…
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Weekdays are more tiring as you both work in the law area (with him as a detective and then assistant district attorney, and you as an assistant district attorney also) and it’s basically a warm home cooked meal made from some frozen meal prep and cuddled together on the couch, chatting and destressing. Saturday nights are usually date night so Sonny takes you out somewhere, sometimes a nice restaurant or dancing, maybe a movie sometimes before coming home to rut like rabbits
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sonny could talk about his family until the cows come home, he’s so proud and loving about them all. Even though you’re a lawyer, he hates bringing work or the effect of it on him home and takes a bit of time before he gets able to know you’re able and wanting to be there for him. He doesn’t want you scarred, you’re his safe space & home.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Sonny is usually a guy who is extremely patient and sensitive, and is very very hard to anger. However he is human and bottling it all up can explode out of him but he never gets physically angry. As an assistant district attorney now, he’ll come home and you can hear him stressing out in Italian in his study.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tries his best so much! He doesn’t forget your birthday or anniversary though, he has reminders in his phone and physical paper calendar too - and now as an assistant district attorney, he has an assistant who can remind him if he he’s knee deep in cases. He’ll remember your favourite recipes and coffee order/like though too.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It is a tie between your first kiss or the first time he was taking you to his parents home for Sunday Mass & lunch/dinner. The kiss happened at your apartment door, he had walked you up to it so to make sure you got home safely after a date night together where he had made a fantastic dinner before taking you to a Broadway show for a change… and that kiss was so good but as your lips touched it was then that you both knew. Now, the other story; Sonny had arrived to your apartment early to take you out to Staten Island and found you cursing at the oven to hurry up. You had went to the trouble of not only baking ricciarelli but also melanzane alla parmigiana and lasagne al pesto too. He had been blown away by the effort you had put into it all and couldn’t help but kiss you right there and then.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
As a detective or assistant district attorney working in sex crimes, Sonny is very protective of you. He makes sure you know how to protect yourself, perhaps even how to fire a gun too. If he’s in danger then he’s having you in protective custody or with a 24/7 police detail around you. Sonny knows you’re very protective of him too and like a mother bear at times.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Sonny tries to make every date, anniversary etc. better than the last one but sometimes he’s too busy or drained and you never judge him. Whether it’s sticky notes on the mirror or elsewhere or homemade biscotti with a warm cup of coffee, you know how heartfelt Sonny’s action is.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He works long hours and can’t get away at times. Also he loves his family so much that he can sometimes prioritise them over you at times. As a Catholic, Sonny prefers praying or attending Confession over opening up which takes a long time for you to get him to break as a habit (sort of; he still goes, but now he tells you also) Sometimes as well, Sonny makes a mess in the kitchen with his concoctions and you don’t know where to start with the washing up.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Sonny loves his hair. He also loves fine Italian suits and other fashion items. Once upon a time he did have a moustache but he keeps himself clean shaven now and puts gel in his hair. However on when it is his days off, then he’s not as precise and will cuddle up with you in just a laidback shirt and jeans with his hair floppy (which you love).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh man, Sonny would be lost without you! You’ve become a part of him; his heart, his soul and his everything.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sonny mentors children within his church and teaches Sunday School when he can, he loves being able to do some good in the world. When they’re older and looking for an internship or work experience, he’ll help them out.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Sonny doesn’t like bigots or bullies, and he doesn’t want someone who isn’t loyal or supportive nor anyone who doesn’t want a large family and to settle down. He also isn’t a fan of aloofness or smugness either.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sonny sometimes takes a sleeping tablet to help him sleep as he’s got a stressful job and he’s seen some horrors in his career too. He also likes watching you drift off to sleep next to him as it helps anchor him. When he’s a dad, Sonny is absolutely bringing the baby or babies into the bed and cuddling with you & them on the weekend.
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malevolent-muse · 1 month
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 3 months
Mr Right
So, anonymous requested this request. And not gonna lie it was hard to write in so far as making Rafael a dick but otherwise I loved writing adoring Carisi caring for pregnant reader.
Warnings: Swearing, threat of violence, angst
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You casually walked through the squad room, smiling at your fellow detectives as you made your way to Liv’s office. You paused briefly as you saw them all look at each, their smiles not quite convincing. You shrugged before continuing on, thinking that they were just concerned with how you were handling the baby Drew Incident. Which…fair, you probably weren’t handling it as well as the others, and Rafael hadn’t answered your calls or been at home when you went by his place. The two of you had been dating for around six months and you wanted to check on him and not being able to tell if he was okay was worrying you. You hoped that he had at least talked to Liv which was why you were making a beeline for her office.
“Hey, Liv,” you leaned against her doorway rapping your knuckles against the glass.
“Y/n,” Liv waved you in, you noticed her smile was forced as well and you could see the strain around her eyes. “Come in. I wasn’t expecting you to be in today.”
“Oh?” you asked tilting your head as you stepped through, closing the door before taking a seat in-front of her desk. “Why?”
“I thought maybe you might take some time off or even request a leave of absence,” Liv sounded confused. “Maybe even talk about a transfer once you two had discussed where Rafael was moving to.”
“Moving?” you asked even more confused. “Rafael, is moving?”
“He hasn’t told you?”
“We haven’t talked since his trial, he said he needed some time, and I gave that to him but when I tried to call him or go by his place there was no answer,” you could feel your heart speeding up, as a burning sensation built at the back of your throat. “Rafael talked to you?”
“Yes, he said he had put in his papers and was thinking of leaving,” Liv’s voice turned to steel as she put together the pieces you were still missing but were slowly putting together.
“He…he’s leaving, and he didn’t even tell me,” your voice quivered as your vision became blurred as your eyes filled with tears. “He’s left me.”
“I am so sorry,” Oliva stood up and moved around to you. She wrapped her arms around you holding you close to her as you cried. Your chest felt tight as you tried to get your breathing under control, but it was difficult as the buzzing in your head got louder.
“I can’t believe he wouldn’t even call me,” your voice was soft but measured as the buzzing in your head slowly disappeared. You could feel your body slowly starting to heat, you took in a deep breath before letting it out in a shaky exhale. Anger started to fill your veins, pushing away from Liv you started to pace, your hands running through your hair. “I mean what the fuck?! We were together six months we were even talking about moving in together, getting a place. I-if I ever see him again I…I’ll…fuck!”
“Your anger is understandable,” Liv stood up watching as you paced. “Take the day, more if you need.”
You spun around to face her, your chest heaving as you tried to get control, not wanting lash out at your friend. Just as fast as the rage hit you it was gone as your body sagged as if someone cut your strings. Tears filled your eyes again as you nodded. Liv’s eyes softened as she watched you switch emotions so quickly; she couldn’t believe Rafael wouldn’t even call you. She was going to kill him for hurting you.
“I’ll get Carisis to drive you home,” Liv’s voice was gentle as she reached for you again. “I don’t want you driving like this.”
You just nodded, following her out like a lost puppy. Now you understood the looks the others gave you. They knew. They bloody knew. Great so everyone but you knew that Rafael left you. You braved a look at the others, and was a little surprised. Finn looked murderous; it seems Olivia had enough time to tell them that you had in fact not known that Rafael had left. Amanda looked torn between helping Finn commit a crime and comforting you. Carisi, well, Carisi looked like someone had kicked his dog as he came towards you, his jacket in hand.
“Hey,” his hands started reaching for you but aborted their movement before they dropped to his side. You tried to smile at him but you were sure it came off a little more like a grimace. “Come on, let’s get you home.” Once again you followed after one of your friends like a lost little puppy.
It had been over a month since you found out that Rafael had left you like the bastard he was. And your sadness had almost completely been replaced by rage. The others had taken to be careful not to mention his name around you. It wasn’t that you would start frothing at the mouth in rage but rather you would shut down and that apparently made the others uncomfortable. Well, Carisi got more concerned then uncomfortable. He had started bringing in an insane number of baked goods and would also show up at your place with ingredients to cook dinner.
It was probably the best you had eaten in that month, or well ever apparently. Your favourite pants had gotten a little tight, actually, all of your pants had gotten tight. And that didn’t make any sense, because you were throwing up randomly throughout the day, which also tended to coincide with when someone mentioned Rafael. The throwing up just made Carisi even more concerned for you, which had him making you even more food. It was a little vicious cycle. You stared down at your pants that you were currently struggling to do up. You pouted as you tried once again to get the two sides of the pants to come together, your eyes narrowed as they once again did not come close to touching.
“What the fuck?” you whispered frowning as tears started to fill up your eyes, chest heaving as a sob crawled up your throat. “Great now I’m crying. Again.”
Giving up on your pants you fell back onto your bed allowing the sobs to run their course. You couldn’t wait for whatever this was to end. Hopefully, it would be soon. You couldn’t take much more of this. It was ridiculous. It was worse than the ups and downs during your cycle. Wait. You bolted up into a sitting position. Your sobs stopping just as quickly as they started.
“Not possible,” you whispered, grabbing your phone and opening your calendar. The date stared at you, like some big massive joke. “Nope, nope, nope.” And, yep, there are the sobs again. Flopping back onto the bed you threw the phone to the side, covering your face with both hands you sobbed harder. “Maybe if I ignore this, it will go away.”
Your little session was interrupted by a knock on your front door. Groaning you sat up, glaring down at your jeans before aiming the glare in the direction on your front door. The knock came again, dragging out another groan from you as you forced your body up tugging your shirt down as much as you could to cover your undone pants.
“I’m coming,” you called out as the knock sounded again. “Don’t be so god damn impatient.” You yanked open the door, glare firm on your face even as you continued to cry.
“Hey-woah, are you okay?” Carisi stood on the other side, the smile freezing on his face as it morphed into a concerned frown.
“Do I look okay?” you demanded turning away from him and walking back towards your kitchen leaving the door open for Carisi to walk through.
“I mean…no?” Caris seemed unsure if he should answer that question honestly. You huffed reaching to get a glass, Carisi’s eyes zeroed in on your undone pants and the swell of your stomach. His eyes slowly moved up, taking in any other changes he could see. Only to stop when he caught your eyes, your puffy, wet, red eyes that were currently glaring at him.
“Can I help you?” your voice was cold, almost seething, as you set the glass down and tried to tug your shirt back over your pants again. “I am aware that my pants can’t do up at the moment, but that is no reason to look at me with judgy eyes.” You voice broke as the tears started falling again. “And fucking hell, can I stop crying for five minutes please?!”
“Trust me I was not looking at you with “judgy” eyes,” Carisi promised, arms twitching as he resisted the urge to hug you. “I was concerned. And I think I may know what is going on.”
“Of fuck off, with your knowledge because you have sisters,” you cursed. “I am not…I can’t be…pregnant.” Your voice was so quiet he almost didn’t hear you but it broke his heart. You sounded so scared.
“You’ve been throwing up a lot, and your body has changed,” Carisis thought better of using the phrase “gained weight”, his sister did not appreciate it one bit. “Not to mention how you’re switching between emotions really fast. It might be a good idea to take a test. Just to be sure.”
You looked up at him, all the anger fading from your face as you heard someone else voicing the thoughts that ran through your head once you realised it had been nearly two months since your last period. Shaking your head, you closed the distance between the two of you and fell against his chest. Carisi was always an affectionate person with his friends and right now you needed his hugs and you knew he wasn’t going to offer, not after the last time. Where you may have bitten his head off. Which you now at least had a theory as to why you reacted the way you did. Even if you really didn’t want to entertain the idea, you knew taking a test would be the smart thing to do.
“Can…I mean, will you be here, when I take it?” you asked in a tone so close to broken that Carisi wanted to hunt Rafael down.
“Of course I will,” Carisi soothed, running his hand up and down your back. “I’ll go out and get a test. You stay here, want me to maybe also get you some different pants?”
“Yes,” you nodded, hiccupping as you refused to let him go. “But just...stay here for a moment.”
“I won’t leave until you want me to,” Carisi promised, arms holding you tight to him.
“You promise?” you couldn’t help but ask him. You couldn’t help but fear that one day everyone you cared about would decide to leave you, with absolutely no warning. “You won’t leave?”
“Never,” Carisi pressed a kiss to the top of your head, heart finally shattering. It was then that swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to help you believe he wouldn’t leave, that there were people in your life who cared about you and would never leave you. It doesn’t matter what it will take, or long it will take until you believed him.
“You have to come out of the bathroom eventually,” Carisi called knocking against the door. “It’s been long enough, what does the test say?”
“I think the fact that I am in here having what is most definitely a panic attack should answer that!” you tried to sound angry but the sobbing and fear in your voice did not help.
“A panic-I’m coming in,” Carisi frowned, opening the door he found you sitting on the floor against the bath tub, the test in your hands. At the look on your face, he once again found himself wanting to hunt down a man he once considered a friend. You were so pale, your chest heaving as your breath came out in rough pants, your eyes looked unfocused.
“Oh, darling.” He couldn’t help the pet name as he kneeled beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you against his chest. His other hand carefully took the test out of your shaking hands, noting the positive result before setting it aside so he could rub your arm in comfort.
“What am I going to do?” you asked, voice shaking. “I can’t, I’m pregnant.”
“It’ll be okay,” Carisi whispered.
“How?! How the hell is this going to be okay?” you demanded pulling back from him, eyes blazing, panic seeming to fade as the anger at your situation hit you full force. “I’m pregnant, and the bastard of a father left without even so much as a good bye! I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can,” Carisi assured you. “You are so insanely strong, not to mention brave. You would be an amazing mother. Whatever decision you choose I will support you.”
“You will? Why?” you asked confused.
“You’re my friend and I care about you,” he answered, voice firm.
“Regardless of my decision?” you wanted to confirm, knowing that Carisi had his faith. “Even if I decide I don’t want to keep the baby?”
“Yes, it is your decision,” Carisi nodded. “But, again, regardless, I will support you through it. Now come on we need to get off this cold floor and you need to eat something.”
“Carisi, I can’t,” you whined, mood switching again. “My pants don’t fit.”
“I got you new ones remember?” he gently pulled you up off the floor, pulling out a handkerchief and wiped away the tears that had started to fall down your cheeks again as your rage ebbed away at the thought that your pants don’t fit.
“Oh, right,” you bit your lip as your eyes drifted up to Carisi’s face, taking in his features as he wiped away your tears. “Thank you.”
“Any time,” he smiled tapping you on the nose. “I also got some ingredients for a pasta dish.”
“Ooh, can we have that garlic bread you made the other week?” you asked brightening. Carisi’s food always made you happy, even if at first you thought it was making you gain weight.
“Yes, of course I got ingredients to make that garlic bread,” Carisi couldn’t help but laugh at not just your quick change in emotion, he was use to that, he thought it was adorable you got so excited about his food.
Amanda, Liv and Finn all stood around staring. Watching as Carisi handed you a container with what looked like homemade food, and he then placed a bottle of something on your desk.
“You need to remember to be taking your vitamins,” they heard him scolding you. “The Dr said your levels were low.”
“…they tasted funny,” you pouted, hand settling a little on your stomach that had started showing.
“I know that is why I went and got some different ones, apparently they taste like orange, which I know if something you are currently craving,”
“Is Carisi smiling differently?” Amanda asked, head tilted to the side.
“Yeah, he looks like y/n hung the moon,” Finn huffed.
“It’s kind of adorable,” Amanda muttered.
“She looks happy,” Liv smiled softly. She was glad to see it, you hadn’t looked so happy in months. And she was worried about what being pregnant with Rafael’s baby would do, but apparently Carisi had it all under control.
“Carisi, never brought me home made food when I was pregnant,” Amanda complained.
“That’s cause he wasn’t in love with you,” Finn chuckled as he walked away leaving the other two to watch Carisi moon over you. It was sickeningly adorable and for Carisi’s sake Finn hoped nothing went horribly wrong between the two of you. Finn would hate to have to add a list to the names of those he would shoot on sight. It currently had one.
You pouted. And pouted some more. Staring up at the poor man through your lashes. Said man was trying, rather admirable, to ignore you, blue eyes looking anywhere but at you. Your eyes narrowed as you stepped closer to him, puffing out your cheeks.
“Please?” you asked.
“No,” Carisi sighed, rubbing his forehead.
“Carisi,” you whined. “Please.”
“It’s nearly midnight, I am not going out to get you ice cream,”
“But I want pickles and ice cream,” you huffed. “And we only have pickles and no ice cream…oh and sprinkles! With peanut butter, that sounds sooo good. Doesn’t that sound yummy?”
“Sure,” Carisi laughed, this was the fourth time in two days that you had started out wanting something only to find several things to add to it.
“So, you’ll get the stuff?” you bounced lightly on your feet, hands moving to hold your stomach. You were entering your second trimester, and the cravings were only getting stronger.
“Fine, but you are coming with me,” Carisi tapped you on the nose, grinning when you scrunched it up.
“Good idea!” you nodded. “We can get pizza as well.”
“Pizza?” Carisi asked, face scrunching in confusion as he led you out of your apartment. You nodded, grabbing his hand without thinking and tugging him along.
“Yes, now come on.”
You weren’t entirely sure when your feelings for Carisi changed from friendship to wanting to always be around him. On the odd night when he wasn’t at yours you missed him, when he went out into the field and you were stuck at the desk doing paperwork, you missed him. And also worried about him an insane amount. You weren’t sure what you wanted to do with this change but you were happy to let things happen when they happened. And you didn’t wanna read into too much but he had been spending more time with you lately, it was very rare that he wasn’t over at yours or you weren’t over at his.  Like right now, the two of you had just finished an amazing dinner that Carisi had made you, and were now watching tv. You had curled up against him resting your head against his chest as his arm wrapped around your waist. You felt content in a way you hadn’t for the longest of times, and you didn’t want anything to change.
Just as you were reaching for the popcorn, your separate bowl that was drizzled with salt, sugar, caramel and chocolate, you felt a pressure in your stomach. You gasped sitting up hand pressed against your stomach.
“What’s wrong?” Caris moved with you, the arm wrapped around your waist tugging you to his side as his eyes moved between your face and your stomach, his other hand hovering over yours. “Are you in pain?”
“No, that’s not it,” you shook your head. “Oh, oh!” you grabbed his hovering hand and placed it where yours was. “The baby is moving.”
Carisi’s whole body felt warm as he felt the light pressure against his hand. His chin came to rest on your shoulder as he looked down at your stomach where your hands were joined together. He tried so hard to ignore the feelings that were building the longer he was around you, this wasn’t suppose to be anything more than a friend helping a friend but the more he watched you bounce happily when you ate his food. Or every time you looked at him with those soft eyes, pouting at him to get your way. It was near impossible to do anything but fall for you. That small little crush of his that had started when he joined the team, that he tried to ignore when he saw you liked Rafael, came back full force about two months into helping you.
“Look at that,” he whispered, his voice directly in your ear causing a small shiver to run through your body.
“Our baby has a strong kick huh?” you asked turning your head a little, nose rubbing against his cheek.
“Our baby?” Carisi felt his brain screech to a holt. You jolted, eyes wide as your own words repeated themselves through your head. Echoing a little in Carisi’s head as well.
“You called the baby, ours,” Carisi moved his chin from your shoulder so he could look at you properly, trying hard to keep the smile from his face but there was no way to keep those blue eyes of his from shinning.
“I guess I did,” you nodded slowly licking your lips, suddenly finding it difficult to look at those eyes.
“Did you mean it?”
“I…I did,” you nibbled on your bottom lip, stomach fluttering. “I mean, you’ve taken me to every appointment, you’ve gone with me when I needed to get new clothes, you put up with every little craving I have and…you’re always here for me. Just like you said.” Your hand shook as it rose to cradle his face, thumb stroking just under his eye.
“Darling,” Carisi lent into your hand, those eyes burning bright with hope. “Can I kiss you?”
“You better,” you demanded leaning close to him.
“Gladly,” Carisi chuckled as he closed the distance between the two of you.
The feel of his lips brushing yours made your heart quicken, your hand cupping his cheek moved to cup his jaw as you angled your head, moving your lips against his. His hand on your waist stroked up to hold the back of your head, lightly tangling with your hair and tugging it gently as his tongue swiped out teasingly. You gasped into the kiss when you felt a slightly stronger kick, pulling away from the kiss you looked down where Carisi was stroking your stomach.
“Someone’s a little excited,” you smiled, pressing a kiss against his cheek before leaning back and putting both hands against your stomach. “Do, you wanna stay the night?”
“I want this baby out,” you groaned lowering yourself onto the couch next to Carisi holding your shoes in your hand. “I can’t put my shoes on.”
“Give em here,” Carisi rolled his eyes grabbing your shoes and kneeling in-front of you. “It won’t be long now before you give birth.”
“Thank fuck,” you rubbed your stomach giggling at Carisi when he raised an eyebrow at your comment. “Hey, you try growing a baby in you, carrying it for nine months, getting cankles, craving the oddest combination of food ever, having your body change in ways you never even thought about, your back constantly hurting, and finally needing to pee every five minutes.”
“Fair enough,” he focused on putting your shoes on, knowing already not to comment on anything that you just said. Last time he did, you cried. Although when you were crying about having cankles and he tried to be supportive you threw a pillow at him. So really, it was a fifty-fifty how you would respond.
“Come on, let’s go,” you held out your hands making grabbing motions at him.
“Alright, up you come,” Carisi grabbed hold of you and helped you up. You grinned up at him and took a step just before a sharp pain radiated from your stomach. You gabbed hold of it wincing in pain. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m totally fine,” you waved him off. “It’s just my stomach trying to kill me, been happening on and off for like the day.”
“Wait, you said your back was hurting?”
“Yeah so, I’m carrying around a watermelon,”
“Normally, constant back pain can be a sign that you are going into labour,” Carisi said. “And you are getting cramps?”
“Well, I’ve gone nearly two decades with getting cramps and while those where definitely painful these are something much different and are coming closer and closer together,”
“Um, honey,” Carisi started. “I think you might be in labour.”
“What like three weeks early? Pfft, unlikely, my family has a history of being like either exactly nine months or like two weeks late,” you shrugged just as your felt a gush of something wet leaving you. “On the other hand, I think you might be right…my water just broke.”
“Oh shit!” Carisi started to panic. “We don’t have your hospital bag ready and we don’t have our route to the hospital!”
“Dominick!” you shouted lightly tapping him on the cheek. “It’ll be fine. Let’s just go, we can always ask one of the others to get me some things.”
“Right, right,” he nodded. “Let’s go.” His arm automatically wrapping around your lower back to help support you as he offered his other arm for you to take as he led you carefully to the car.
“Dom, look it’s our daughter,” you whispered breathlessly staring down in wonder at the beautiful little girl in your arms. You had been worried that she would noticeably look like Rafael but thankfully your baby girl had inherited nearly everything from you, and you hoped that it stayed that way. But it truly didn’t matter. Carisi was her father in every way that counted, and every way that mattered.
“She’s gorgeous,” Carisi’s breathed, eyes wetting with tears as he carefully reached out and gently stroked her cheek. “Just like her mother.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t wipe the smile from your face. Your eyes drifted to the bag that Olivia had brought in for you, when she came in to say hello to your beautiful baby girl, and leaving with a wink.
“Sweetie, can you get something from my bag? It should be right on top,” you nodded towards it, breaking Carisi’s little mutterings that he was making towards your daughter.
“Oh, sure yeah,” he nodded distractedly. You grinned down at your daughter in secret, leaning to press a kiss to her soft little forehead.
“I’ve got a little surprise for your daddy,” you told her.
“Um, babe, is this? Is this what I think it is?” Carisi turned around holding a ring box in his hand, the lid opened to reveal a man’s ring. The band a gorgeous mixture of black, gold and silver intertwining with a hint of blue.
“Dominick Sonny Carisi, you have been my rock for the past near nine months, bringing so much happiness and light into my life,” you started, feeling yourself getting choked up. You blinked furiously. “I fell for you without even noticing. You are the father of my daughter, and without a doubt you are the love of my life. We’re already a family but I think we should make it official. Will you marry me?”
Carisi’s mouth was open, his eyes welling up with my tears as he stared at you, sitting there in the hospital bed holding his daughter. Looking more radiate than he had ever seen you. And all he could do was nod silently and take the ring out of the box and put it on his finger.
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lovecarisi · 7 months
Mistakes We Knew We Were Making
Chapter 1: The Boathouse
You knew you were a goner the moment you locked eyes with him, those brilliant blues staring into yours. You could tell he was an old soul mixed with mischief with the intent to fuck up your life in every possible way. Dominick Carisi. Oh dear lord.
Now you are following his every move, from the way those long, slender fingers are wrapped around his whiskey on ice, his Adam’s apple moving up and down as he swallows, your thoughts racing already thinking about nibbling at his neck. You blush and force yourself to look away as you feel yourself growing wet, that spot deep within you coiling in on itself. No man has ever had this effect on you, and you don’t even know him. You share some mutual friends from law school who had introduced you at this party you both happen to attend. It’s Memorial Day weekend and you’re in the Hamptons with that same group of friends. 
You hate the Hamptons and the pretentiousness of it all but suddenly you don’t care, you just want to be near him. And you pray to all the gods he will end up at your friend’s house afterwards. and for once the gods listen because you end up sitting next to him in the car ride back. The way he smiles at you as he climbs in the backseat, a whispered ‘hey’ and you ask yourself why he is whispering but you forget all about it because his lips are only inches from your neck and you take in his scent, woody and earthy, with a touch of mint from the gum he’s subtly chewing. You curse yourself for letting a man affect you this much and you wish you could deny him the attention that he is so obviously attempting to elicit from you because you pride yourself in being better than this, in not letting a man reduce you to a lecherous little mess. 
But you can’t help it. He’s oh so charming without trying too hard like other men often do. There was an instant attraction between you two. So you turn your head slightly towards him and you whisper back a coy ‘hey’, and he laughs, such a sexy sound. And of course you immediately wonder what other sexy sounds you might get out of him tonight. Your legs touch, and you are dying for him to put his hand on your thigh. You can tell he wants to, by the way he swallows hard as he stares out the window, his hand covering his mouth trying to hide a smirk as he notices you watching him. 
You get to your friend’s house, there’s about twenty of you, the music is turned on, bottles of alcohol are being opened and dispensed, and everyone is getting comfortable. 
Dominick’s hand had brushed the small of your back as you walked down the path from the car to the house but you hadn’t seen him since.
The party bores you. A bunch of rich people talking about whatever, like they are the experts on everything just because they have money. Or rather, their families do. You don’t know how you ended up here. You refill your glass of red wine and step off the porch barefoot into the damp grass and start walking towards the water. The music and chatter grow quieter as you make out a silhouette sitting on the little dock. Of course, it’s him. You were hoping you’d find him somewhere out here. 
Dominick gets up as he hears you approach, as though he’d been waiting for you and he grabs your hand without saying a word. Your heart is pounding in your throat but you manage a smile; the thrill and excitement of finally being alone with him, and the wine, but mostly the thrill and excitement of finally being alone with him. Your pulse is racing. He more or less drags you to the small nearby boathouse, out of sight of the other partygoers, and presses his forehead against yours. 
‘What do you want?’ Dominick asks, his breath hot and heavy on your mouth. 
You don’t hesitate. ‘All of you. Everywhere.’ 
He smiles and takes the glass of wine from your hand, putting it down on the floor. But instead of standing again he stays down there and you feel his hands on your ankles and his lips on the inside of your calf. You know what he’s up to and your brain can’t keep up because he’s already wandered to your knee and switched sides. Holy shit, there he is kissing the inside of your thighs. You quietly beg that he won’t tease you because you need him badly and urgently, and apparently it wasn’t so quiet because he chuckles. 
‘Don’t worry, my sweet, I won’t, I need you just as bad.’ 
He still takes his time, as he pulls off your panties and his head disappears underneath your dress. It’s torture. Pure torture. He gently slips two fingers through your folds. ‘My god, you are so wet.’ he groans and you can hear him lick his fingers. Jesus Christ. 
‘I…I’ve been wet all night just looking at you…’ you admit, and he peeks out from under your dress, cheeks flushed, the most magnificent sight. You feel his fingers return to your wetness and moan out his name. ‘Dominick!’ 
He smiles. ‘More?’ You nod. He pulls off your dress and your bare skin hits the rough wood of the boathouse but you don’t care. 
‘You’re so beautiful.’ he whispers and picks you up so your legs are on his shoulders and begins to eat your pussy like it’s his last mission on earth. 
Your eyes roll back and you can’t do or say anything except moan his name in defeat. His mouth is on your clit and lips, sucking, tongue circling, while his fingers are pumping in and out of you, drenched in your juices, skillfully massaging the most delicate spot inside you. He has you in a firm, strong grip, whispering how absolutely delicious you taste. You can’t help but grab his head, running your fingers through his already disheveled brown curls, pulling ever so slightly in pleasure. He buries his face even deeper in your pussy, hungrily devouring you and you wish you could capture just how fucking hot this moment is and how special he makes you feel with that expert mouth and fingers of his. You can already feel yourself tensing up, you know he’s gonna make you cum so fast like no man ever has. He can feel it too, as your insides begin to twitch. He can feel you pulling tighter on his hair but he doesn’t care, he loves every second of it. All he could think about since the moment he laid eyes on you earlier that night was making you feel this way. Making you tremble, as you scream his name. He wants you to cum, cum on his face and he can’t wait to fuck you once he’s done. He smiles against your pussy and you bite your lip. You look desperate for his cock. 
‘Please Dominick….’ you whimper and the way you say his name makes him harder than ever. 
Good God this woman is gonna be the death of me and it’s gonna be the sweetest death, Dominick thinks to himself. He adds another finger to your clenching walls, fucking you faster, curling over that g spot, sucking your swollen clit hard. You cry out, for a second he’s not sure whether he hurt you or it’s your orgasm, but as your thighs begin to quiver and a stream of ‘oh my god’s’ and ‘yes’s’ begin to leave your mouth he knows, and helps you ride out that sweet, sweet orgasm. You die a little death, you have never experienced anything as intense as this, it seems to go on for minutes and just when you think it’s over, his fingers plunge into you again and you shudder once more. 
‘Nooo Dominick!’ you beg but you mean yes, of course. 
After a few minutes or so, you don’t even know, he’s just smiling and kisses you, tongue slipping into your mouth, and you taste what he’s been tasting. And you must have him inside you now. Now! You eagerly start fumbling with his belt buckle, hands shaking, whining while he pulls off his shirt. God lord he looks good. Lean, strong, begging to be touched and kissed fucking everywhere. He helps you pull down his jeans and his cock springs free, hard as a rock, tip moist with pre-cum. Even though you are spent from your orgasm you want nothing more than for him to fuck you senseless. He gasps as you turn around and raise your hips slightly as an invitation, not that he needs one. He grabs you, slides over your entrance, wetting his cock with both your juices, and pulls you towards him before slamming into you. You both moan, finally feeling each other like this. Dominick is immediately obsessed with the way your pussy feels so tight around him and you love the way he stretches you to your very limit, your insides still so raw from your previous orgasms. 
‘You okay?’ he whispers in your ear, his lips brushing your sensitive skin. You nod, reaching back to stroke the back of his neck as he starts pumping in and out of you slowly. 
‘You feel…so fucking good inside me…ugh Dominick!’ you moan and he slips an arm around your waist, hand wandering down until his fingers find your clit again. 
‘I’m not gonna last long baby, you got me so riled up just eating you out, you drive me absolutely mad.’ he sighs, picking up the pace as you arch your back more showing him you can take it like a good girl. 
‘Mmhhmm you’ve already spoiled me so much…please just fuck me.” you whine. “However, the fuck you want. I just want you to cum. You deserve to cum so hard for how amazing you make me feel, Dominick.’ you spur him on. 
He moans into your ear and it sounds so animal, so sexy, so manly, so feral. He pinches your clit as he pounds into you harder and faster, and without a warning, you cum again. He doesn’t stop, he ignores your cries, he just fucks you harder, ramming into you over and over relentlessly hitting your gspot and you almost go blind from pleasure. the walls of your pussy clenching around his hard cock as you shake and whimper his name. The sound of your bodies slapping against each other, your combined moans, his dick pumping your soaked pussy, faster and harder with each thrust. 
‘I’m so close.’ he moans, placing kisses on your shoulder before biting down softly. 
‘Cum for me, Dom. I want you to cum inside me, fill me up. Please, please baby. Fuck me harder. I can take it.’ 
He cries out, you know he was holding back. You feel him pick up the pace again, burying his cock so deep. His fingers rub your clit just the way you like it, the way you do it when you touch yourself. You feel absolutely raw, exposed and spread open but have never felt more worshiped, taken care of and sexier. You’re not sure which part of you is more on fire. You don’t know if it’s tears or sweat running down your cheeks but you’re sobbing with pleasure. His thrusts become sloppier, even harder, and faster, you know he’s cumming. 
‘Fuck!!’ he moans. ‘Fuuuuck’ he shoves his pretty cock into you a few more times before he trembles and you feel his hot seed filling you. Your last orgasm shakes you so hard, even more intensely than the ones before, knowing it’s with him. Your whole body convulses as he holds you tightly, for who knows how many times that night. Time stood still. A lot of ‘Fuck’ and ‘Oh my god’ and some ‘Holy shit’ in between. You never thought some guy’s cum running down your legs would somehow be sexy, but here you are. You curse him because you know it is the first but it certainly won’t be the last time. Dominick pulls out of you slowly and turns you around to kiss you fervently, you wrap your arms around his neck like a drowning person, you wonder what this is gonna lead to.
‘What now?’ he asks and you bite your lip. 
‘No idea. But this was too good for a one time thing.’ you reply with a smirk hoping he will agree.
‘Well fuck, no kidding.’ he blushes before kissing you again. 
You start to shiver, suddenly aware of the fact that summer’s not here just yet and you’re completely naked in the breeze by the water. He quickly picks up his cardigan and wraps it around you before looking around for the rest of your discarded clothes. Reality sinks in and you kind of hate it. You don’t want to let him go. 
‘Hey.’ he notices the look on your face as he hands you your dress, reaching into his jeans as he pulls them up. ‘Can I have your number please?’
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thena0315 · 5 months
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Peter Scanavino as Dominick ‘Sonny’ Carisi Jr.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 
(2014 - Present)
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witches-unruly-heart · 8 months
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violetgauze · 11 months
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keep trying to watch svu and just getting distracted by how pretty he is
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