#dominique goblet
bobfishpresents · 1 month
I ❤️ Dominique Goblet 🙌 ⚓️🐚🦐📒 No better place to read her Ostende than i...
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dynamobooks · 3 months
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Dominique Goblet: Att låtsas är att ljuga (2007)
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
futures of comics: 8-9-10 juin @ librairie stendhal, rome
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balburder · 2 years
[Vá com o Carmo] Especial: Como ler Benoît Peeters – Legível, Visível (Capítulo 4)
Imagem capitular adaptada Estamos de volta com mais um artigo da série sobre a leitura do livro CASE, PLANCHE, RÉCIT: COMMENT LIRE UNE BANDE DESSINÉE ou QUADRO, PÁGINA, NARRATIVA: COMO LER UMA HISTÓRIA EM QUADRINHOS, de Benoît Peeters. Na última coluna, acompanhamos a reflexão de Peeters a respeito da sofisticação presente nos layouts de autores como Winsor McCay e Frank King que, ainda no…
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kl1vogel · 6 days
centre pompidou - bande dessinée, 1964-2024 (exposition)
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edmond baudoin
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joann sfar - grand vampire, tome4
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kazuo umezz
bernie wrightson - frankenstein, or the modern prometheus
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dominique goblet - faire semblant c'est mentir
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alex barbier
nicolas de crécy - le bibendum céleste, tome 3, planche 35
[(film/camera) vibe; lighting]
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nina bunjevac - la réparation
[image narrative, details]
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seth - dominion
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
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It’s the last week of the fest! This week, we’re looking at the bonds of sisterhood, genetic or otherwise. Like the weeks for mothers and daughters, this week is for sisterly bonds and relationships, or lack thereof. The Evans, Black, Greengrass, Patil, Delacour, and next gen Weasley sisters are great candidates, but so are 'like a sister’ bonds of your own creation!
Sisters before things got hard: Lily and Petunia pre-Hogwarts, Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa pre-elopement, Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour pre-Goblet of Fire
Bellatrix/Narcissa reuniting after Azkaban/dealing with their relationship/trauma while she’s in the manor 👀
Sisters while things are hard: Daphne and Astoria supporting each other during the war, Padma and Parvati doing the same!
Sisterly squabbles: what do sisters fight over? Clothes, toys, boys? Up to you!
Next gen sisters: Victoire and Dominique Weasley, Molly and Lucy Weasley, or maybe all the Weasley cousins are like sisters for each other!
Hermione: did she want a sister? What about Ginny or Luna? 
2023 Fic Masterlist
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hello, tedoire 46 please? thank you :)
Tedoire - 46 is a kiss out of envy/jealousy. Get ready for some TOOTH ROTTING TEDOIRE FLUFF. Read below or on AO3. French translations below.
“You’re staring, Vic.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Dominique sticks her tongue out and points her nose toward the Hufflepuff table, where Teddy Lupin is grinning and laughing with that flirty Gryffindor sixth-year, Seraphina Podmore. 
“It’s breakfast,” Victoire says primly, spreading jam on her toast. “No one wants to see that when they’re trying to eat.”
“You mean people being friendly?” Dominique goads. Victoire is tempted to smash her sister’s face into her porridge.
Victoire sits up straight and attempts to mimic her mother’s cool, indifferent aura. 
“À quoi ça sert d’être une Veela,” she mutters, “si seuls les garçons moches vous aiment?”
Dominique rolls her eyes at the comment and returns to her porridge. Victoire knows she’s prettier than Seraphina. It’s not as if Seraphina had a pile of valentines delivered to her a week ago. It’s not as if the Gryffindor girl can make boys swoon with just a look. 
What does precious Seraphina have that Victoire doesn’t? 
“Maybe he sees you like a sister or a cousin,” Dominique offers, pushing a goblet of pumpkin juice at her. “We practically grew up together.”
Victoire frowns deeply. It’s true—there was never a time she didn’t know Teddy. He was always there in the background, at birthday parties, weddings, and weekly Sunday dinners. He isn’t a Weasley though, not like her actual cousins. 
“He’s coming over, Vic.” 
Dominique’s elbow in Victoire’s side makes her wince, just as Teddy comes to sit at the Ravenclaw table, right next to Victoire, with an apple in his hand. 
“Wotcher, Vic,” he says, pushing the turquoise fringe out of his warm, brown eyes. He sees Dominique and musses her hair playfully, earning a scowl from the younger Weasley.
Perhaps the cousin or family theory is right, and that’s why Teddy’s never looked twice at her. Victoire suddenly remembers that cousins have been married before, without letting their familial relationships get in the way of true love. Besides, she and Teddy aren’t even blood cousins!
“You look like you’re laying an egg,” Teddy says, as he grins and takes a bite of his apple. “Bee in your bonnet?”
“O.W.L.s,” Victoire replies automatically, feeling decidedly unattractive and embarrassed after Teddy’s compared her to a bloody chicken. 
“Need help with anything?” He takes another bite of the apple and wipes away the juice left behind on his chin and lips. 
It’s so unfair that he’s fit, handsome, brilliant, and—
“Victoire,” Dominique says, stabbing her with a fork. “Teddy asked you a question.” 
“Come again?” Victoire is certain her face is as red as Gryffindor’s crimson.
A class bell rings and students are leaving; Victoire’s got a study period first thing in the morning and Teddy’s not moving. 
“Il est amoureux de toi, imbécile,” Dominique whispers rapidly and harshly into Victoire’s ear. “Ne partez pas encore. Les garçons sont des idiots. Embrasse-le pour qu’il sache que tu ressens la même chose.” 
Dominique wags her finger at Victoire and the third year waltzes away, joining her friends on their way to Charms; Victoire wonders if she can get away with slapping her later.
“Don’t you have class?” Victoire says nervously, realizing she’s quite alone with Teddy at the Ravenclaw table.
“Not till the afternoon. Sprout’s got us monitoring the Mandrakes and they’re, er, getting busy this morning.” Victoire nods in understanding and he adds, “Besides, I wanted to see you. It’s been ages since we last talked.”
“Ages?” Victoire smiles nervously. “We saw each other the other day, at Hogsmeade.”
Teddy makes a funny sound and waves his hand. “You were with your girlfriends and I was on Head Boy duty. It doesn’t count. Two minutes isn’t enough with my favorite Weasley.”
Victoire feels fluttering in her stomach and heat radiates to the tips of her fingers and toes. “I’m your favorite Weasley? Not—Jamie or Al or Lily?”
Teddy arches a turquoise eyebrow. “Jamie, Al, and Lily are Potters. You’re a Weasley.”
“Oh, right.”
“Sera said the same thing,” Teddy tells her. “Jamie might be a Potter, but he does look an awful lot like a Weasley.”
“Sera,” Victoire repeats, sniffing disdainfully. “Seraphina Podmore.”
“Did you see her earlier? She’s wicked funny and clever—”
“—I did. She seemed to be having a good time with you.”
“She’s a good friend.” Teddy’s brows come together. His apple is down to its core and he swings his leg across the bench, facing Victoire directly. “Did I say something wrong? You’re—you look upset.”
Kiss him, Dominique said. Boys are idiots.
Teddy’s mouth is slightly parted and he’s got a confused, adorable look in his eyes. Victoire swallows hard, trying not to stare at his chiseled jaw, kind, gentle eyes, or his full, perfectly kissable lips.
Victoire closes her eyes and cuts him off, covering her mouth with his so lightly, so briefly, she wonders if it happened, but when she tries to pull away, he growls and brings her face back to his.
He tastes like a tart apple and feels warm, but firm against her face. Victoire doesn’t know where her hands should go but they find his hips and settle there as he deepens the kiss and pulls her closer. She obliges and feels his fingers creeping away from her face, finding her arms, waist, and—
They break apart at once and Victoire’s jaw drops when she sees Professor McGonagall eyeing them sternly.
“Mr. Lupin,” she says briskly. “Miss Weasley.”
Victoire is mortified but Teddy is smiling. 
“I apologize, Professor,” he says. “As you know, I took the matter of inter-house relationships very seriously when I became Head Boy.”
Victoire isn’t sure if McGonagall is amused or offended. The Headmistress takes five points away from both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and orders them out of the Great Hall, but doesn’t assign detention. 
Teddy helps Victoire gather her things and they run out to the Entrance Hall, both pink in the face and glowing. She thinks, just for a moment, that she might have been dreaming it all. 
“Room of Requirement,” Teddy whispers, his eyes flashing back to the Great Hall where McGonagall is watching them. “Eight o’clock. I’ll be done with rounds. That is—” A charming blush creeps onto his face. “—if you want.”
Victoire squeezes his hand and grins. 
ship kiss asks
French translations: (correct if wrong, my dear Francophones)
“À quoi ça sert d’être une Veela si seuls les garçons moches vous aiment?” = "What is the point of being a Veela if only the ugly boys like you?"
“Il est amoureux de toi, imbécile. Ne partez pas encore. Les garçons sont des idiots. Embrasse-le pour qu’il sache que tu ressens la même chose.” = He's in love with you, you imbecile. Don't leave. Boys are idiots. Kiss him so he knows you feel the same way.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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2,000-Year-Old Graves Found in Ancient Necropolis in Paris
Archaeologists have discovered 50 tombs in an ancient necropolis just meters from a busy train station in central Paris, and these tombs belong to a lost necropolis of the Gallo-Roman city of Lutetia, the predecessor of present-day Paris.
These graves provide a rare look at life in Lutetia, the city that predated Paris by nearly 2,000 years.
Despite numerous road works over the years, as well as the construction of the Port-Royal station on the historic Left Bank in the 1970s, the buried necropolis was never discovered.
Only after plans for a new station exit were announced did France’s National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) open a series of test trenches covering 200 square meters (2152.78 sq ft) of land around the station.
The excavation revealed burials believed to be part of the Saint Jacques necropolis dating back to the 2nd century, the research institute said in a news release.
Camille Colonna, an anthropologist at INRAP, told a press conference that there were already “strong suspicions” the site was close to Lutetia’s southern necropolis.
The Saint Jacques necropolis, the most important burial site in the Gallo-Roman town of Lutetia, was previously excavated in the 1800s. However, only objects considered precious were taken from the graves, with the many skeletons, burial offerings, and other artifacts abandoned. The necropolis was then covered over and again lost to time.
The INRAP team discovered one section that had never before been excavated.
“No one has seen it since antiquity,” said INRAP president Dominique Garcia.
Colonna also stated that the team was “very happy” to have discovered a skeleton with a coin in its mouth, which allowed them to date the burial to the 2nd century A.D.
The excavation has uncovered 50 graves, all of which were used for burial — not cremation, which was also common at the time.
The remains of the men, women, and children are believed to be Parisii, a Gallic people who lived in Lutetia, from when the town on the banks of the Seine river was under the control of the Roman Empire.
The Parisii were skilled in agriculture, metallurgy, and long-distance trading and lived in the area around the south banks of the Seine River in Paris during the 2nd century AD. The Parisii founded Lutetia (now Paris), and despite fierce resistance to the Roman conquest, they were subjugated in the first century BC.
Ceramic jewelry, hairpins and belts, jug goblets, dishes, glassware, and other grave goods have been recovered to help date the burials. According to INRAP, the positions of hundreds of small iron nails, that attached soles to leather shoes, informed the archaeologists that while some were placed on the feet of the interred, others had been buried with shoes on either side of the bodies as a type of offering.
The entire skeleton of a pig was found inside one coffin, and the remains of another small animal were found inside what is thought to have been a sacrifice pit for the gods. Furthermore, a coin was found lodged inside the mouth of a buried person. The coin, known as “Charon’s obol,” reflected the story of Charon in Greek mythology, in which a coin was given to the ferryman of Hades to transport the souls of the deceased across the river Styx.
INRAP president Dominique Garcia said that the ancient history of Paris was “generally not well known,” adding that the unearthed graves open “a window into the world of Paris during antiquity.”
Unlike the excavation in the 1800s, this time the team plans to remove everything from the necropolis for analysis.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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neverneverland · 4 months
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Dominique Goblet
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evillittlebirdie · 11 months
Entanglement (Tav/Astarion)
No. 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
Dominique was surprised by the floral arrangement on the dinner table. Blood red roses surrounded quite an exotic pale pink flower. It contrasted nicely with the black tablecloth, gold-plated silverware, and candles.
Astarion, himself, was gorgeous. Clean, coiffed hair, expensive clothing, and jewelry shined beautifully, including the brilliant True Love's Caress. 
"I'm glad you're home. I've missed you while you have been gallivanting up and down the Sword Coast," Astarion purred teasingly. 
'Not bad for a Baldurian street rat,' Dominique thought proudly. A grand house in the high city. Prestige and fame. Piles of gold. A handsome, intelligent elf as his married partner. 
Well, the elf could do a bit more. But that's why Dominique went 'gallivanting' after all.
Astarion pulled out the chair at the head of the table, inviting Dominique to sit. "I sent the staff home early, so we'll have the house to ourselves."
Yes, Astarion could pull a sensual, romantic mood like no other. But that was quite different when it came to actually participating in the boudoir.
"You must have truly missed me then," Dominique beamed, sitting down. The food looked delicious, and the wine smelled heavenly. He watched as Astarion pulled out his own chair and gracefully sat down.
"Where did you go again?" Astarion questioned, his voice light and harmonious. He didn't have his own plate. Instead, he swished around his goblet of wine. 
"Daggerford, mostly. Did some grunt work for their spy network," Dominique responded smoothly, drinking his wine. 
"A bit banal for the Savior of Baldur's Gate," Astarion challenged with a slight raise of his eyebrows, "Do you truthfully miss striking things with that mallet of yours?"  
Dominique chuckled, indulgently Astarion's question, "It makes me reminiscent of the days when I smashed heads for coin in the Lower City." He was grateful when he finally grew in height and muscle. Dominique could defend himself and earn money to take care of himself. 
"Nostalgia. How quaint," Astarion hummed, crossing his legs as he sat in the chair. "Still...You were gone for a while."
Dominique stopped chewing when Astarion spoke. Odd. Astarion never pointed out how long he was gone. He swallowed before answering, "I wanted to see the sights."
"Is Daggerford that bewitching?" Astartion queried, swirling his goblet once more. "I thought it was a little hamlet. Not too much to see there." 
"Just because it's not a metropolis doesn't mean there's nothing to see. I like to forage. That's why I didn't bring you. You would have been bored and complaining," Dominique disputed pointedly. 
"Ah...foraging. Of course," Astarion acquiesced with a smile, "I remember you and Gale picking up every little herb you could find." 
Dominique quickly changed the subject, "I bought some poetry books there. I've left them on your nightstand." He brought his napkin to his mouth to hide his cough.
"Thank you. I will add it to the peccant section of my library," Astarion noted with a tight smile.
"Peccant?" Dominique repeated as he furrowed his brows. "You don't have to flaunt your knowledge, you know. Just speak like a normal person." He had enough of men spewing expansive vocabulary lately. He brought the wine goblet to his lips, hoping the liquid would stifle his cough.
Astarion chuckled mirthlessly, "My apologies, dear. After your journey, I thought you might have learned a new word or two."
Dominique coughed again, this time spitting specks of wine onto his hand. Whatever mind game Astarion was playing, Dominique was not interested in. Frustrated, he waved off Astarion's words. He wiped his hands with his napkin. His eyes blinked suddenly as a sudden blur assaulted his vision.
"Hells," Dominique muttered, pushing the table with his hands so he could slide out of his chair. As he stood up, Dominique felt his legs lock. He stumbled to the ground. Dominique grabbed the table only to pull on the cloth, pulling his plateware down. Astarion placed his hand on the fabric, stopping Dominique from pulling the entire table placement down. 
Dominique lost his hold on the tablecloth. He managed to land on his hands and knees. He felt another cough leave his body before finally falling to his side. 
Astarion got up from his chair and strolled to Dominique. Bewildered by Astarion's lack of care and urgency, Dominique tried to speak. His mouth opened, but only a wheeze squeaked out. He realized that he couldn't move his arms or legs. Only his eyes darted back and forth rapidly. 
"'Star..." Dominique hoarsed only for Astarion to chuckle. 
"Paralytic agent. Tasteless, scentless, traceless," Astarion explained to Dominique. He picked up the plateware and cleaned up the food. He placed everything back on the table before sliding the tablecloth in place.
"I could forgive many things," Astarion reasoned, his voice consistent as he knelt beside Dominique. "The fellatios from every starstruck fanatic." He moved Dominique as though he was a mannequin. "The mistresses you keep up and down the Sword Coast and the brats you pay for..." He set Dominique on his back with his arms and legs straight. "The prostitutes who provide you with your wildest dreams with only a word and a coin purse in exchange."
Was this over the affairs? That traitorous elf. Dominique wished he could move. Leave it to a rogue to  cheat . Astarion would never win in a  fair  fight.
"All of this I could forgive. Because you come home to me," Astarion continued, glancing down at Dominique. "There are things I cannot do...And things I will not do...You have left me no choice but to accept that if I wanted your love." His voice lowered to a sad whisper. 
The fighter could strangle Astarion. How dare the elf look at him with suffering? He's the one that bloody poisoned him! 
"And for the longest time. I always thought I had your love. You would buy me books after each indiscretion. A silent apology," Astarion sighed, bowing his head. He was quiet momentarily, his finger grazing Dominique's bearded cheek. "And before long, I had a bookcase of poetry staring back at me." 
"I'm not as stupid as you think I am," Astarion fumed as the sorrow morphed to quiet rage. "You went to Waterdeep, not Daggerford. I found the letters," Astarion blamed in an accusatory hiss. "And..."
Dominique's breath caught as Astarion pulled one of his daggers from his belt. No...He couldn't possibly.
"I will not be in a love triangle with Gale ," Astarion seethed as he raised his knife.
And plunged.
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fluffyfluffysblog · 6 months
Top 5 Must-Try Treats from New York City's Dessert Franchise Scene
New York City is a melting pot of culture, diversity, and, of course, delectable treats. Amidst its bustling streets and iconic skyline, the dessert franchise scene stands out as a haven for those with a sweet tooth. From classic confections to innovative creations, here are five must-try treats that encapsulate the essence of NYC's dessert paradise:
1. Cronuts from Dominique Ansel Bakery
When it comes to iconic NYC desserts, the cronut reigns supreme. Created by pastry chef Dominique Ansel, this delectable hybrid of a croissant and a donut has garnered a cult-like following. The flaky layers of a croissant, combined with the shape and indulgence of a donut, are truly a match made in dessert heaven. The flavors change monthly, offering a delightful surprise with each visit. Be prepared to wait in line, but trust me, the heavenly taste is worth every minute.
2. Milk Bar's Compost Cookie
Christina Tosi's Milk Bar has revolutionized the dessert game with its playful and inventive treats. Among their stellar lineup, the Compost Cookie stands out as a must-try. Packed with pretzels, potato chips, coffee grounds, oats, butterscotch, and chocolate chips, this cookie is an unexpected symphony of flavors and textures. It's a perfect representation of NYC's vibrant and eclectic culinary scene.
3. Magnolia Bakery's Banana Pudding
A dessert list in NYC would be incomplete without a mention of Magnolia Bakery's iconic banana pudding. Creamy vanilla pudding combined with fresh bananas and vanilla wafers creates a nostalgic and irresistible treat. It's the perfect balance of sweetness and creaminess that will transport you back to childhood with every spoonful. Pro tip: grab an extra serving because you won't want to share!
4. Levain Bakery's Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie
Prepare your taste buds for a life-changing experience with Levain Bakery's Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie. This cookie isn't just large; it's massive in flavor. The crispy exterior gives way to a gooey, fudgy interior filled with chunks of premium chocolate and walnuts. It's the epitome of a classic chocolate chip cookie, elevated to a whole new level.
5. Serendipity 3's Frozen Hot Chocolate
While known for its whimsical décor and extravagant desserts, Serendipity 3's Frozen Hot Chocolate is a standout indulgence. Imagine a rich, velvety chocolate concoction blended into a frozen, creamy delight. Served in a giant goblet with whipped cream on top, this dessert drink is a testament to extravagance and pure indulgence.
The beauty of NYC's dessert franchise scene lies not only in these specific treats but also in the diverse options available. From gourmet bakeries to nostalgic sweet shops, the city offers something for every palate. Each dessert tells a story and represents the creativity and passion of its creators.
Visiting these iconic dessert franchises isn't just about satisfying a sweet craving; it's an experience. From the anticipation of waiting in line to the first heavenly bite, these treats encapsulate the essence of New York City's vibrant food culture.
So, whether you're a local or a visitor, exploring these top-notch dessert spots is a delightful journey through the heart and soul of NYC's dessert scene. Indulge, savor, and immerse yourself in the sweet bliss that only these iconic treats can offer.
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Fleur Isabelle Delacour
SPECIES: witch, 1/4 veela
OCCUPATION: Part-time employee at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, interior decorator
FANDOM: Harry Potter
FACECLAIM: Anya Taylor-Joy
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 25
BIRTHDATE: September 20
HAIR: blonde
EYES: blue
HEIGHT: 5'6″
ORIENTATION: pansexual
MOTHER: Apolline Delacour
FATHER: Renard Delacour
SISTER: Gabrielle Delacour
HUSBAND: Bill Weasley
CHILDREN: Victoire (daughter), Dominique (daughter), Lous (son)
MBTI: ESFJ-A / “Consul”
ALIGNMENT: lawful good
POSITIVES: loyal, loving, compassionate, driven, blunt, perceptive, brave,
NEGATIVES: arrogant, competitive, elitist, snobbish, blunt, defensive,
LIKES: romance novels, music she can dance to, singing, lush fabrics, hosting dinners
DISLIKES: being underestimated, Celestina Warbeck, hot weather, laziness, open water
Fleur was quarter-veela, and grew up in France. She grew up with her parents Renard Delacour and her half-veela mother Apolline Delacour. She also had a much younger sister, Gabrielle. Fleur's grandmother was full Veela and at some point contributed a hair, that would later become the core element of Fleur's wand.
Fleur attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, where she worked hard to earn good marks. She excelled at charms, arthimancy, and mathematics.
During her last school year in 1994 she, along with Beauxbatons' Headmistress Madame Olympe Maxime and a dozen other Beauxbatons students travelled to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her school did this to enter in the Triwizard Tournament. They arrived in a huge, powder-blue chariot pulled by roughly a dozen flying horses on 30 October at around 6:00 pm. She laughed derisively during Albus Dumbledore's speech during the Welcoming Feast. Part way through the feast, she walked over to the Gryffindor table to ask Ron Weasley for the bouillabaisse in front of him. On her way back, she caught the eyes of most of the other boys in the hall.
Fleur placed her name in the Goblet of Fire, and during the Hallowe'en Feast, was selected to be Beauxbatons' student representative and Triwizard Champion. While awaiting further instructions in a small room off the Great Hall, she learned that the Goblet of Fire had selected a fourth Champion — Harry Potter. When Ludo Bagman told her what happened, she first thought he was joking, then was surprised and outraged that they were to let a "little boy" compete in the Tournament.
Prior to the First Task, Fleur took part in the Wand weighing ceremony presided over by Garrick Ollivander. After being handed the wand, it produced pink and gold sparks and was confirmed, by Fleur, to contain a Veela hair as a core; a gift from her grandmother. Ollivander described her wand as "inflexible", and in great working condition when it produced a bouquet of flowers without problem. Fleur's entrance into the Tournament was overshadowed in the Daily Prophet due to Harry Potter's participation; she was only mentioned in the last line of Rita Skeeter's article, with her name misspelled.
Forewarned by Madame Maxime that the First Task would involve dragons, Fleur tackled the task on 24 November 1994. To eliminate all advantages, the champions were made to choose a dragon at random. She drew the Common Welsh Green, and faced her dragon second after Cedric Diggory. She managed to lure the dragon into a sleeping trance, but was immobilised when the dragon snored and released a jet of flame that set her skirt on fire. Fleur extinguished the fire with water from her wand, then managed to retrieve the golden egg.
In the run-up to the Yule Ball, Fleur attempted to attract Cedric as a date, but he had already asked Cho Chang. Caught unaware by her Veela heritage, Ron Weasley spontaneously and unwisely asked her to the ball, to which her initial reaction was seeming disdain and shock. Suddenly aware of what he had done he ran away before she could answer him. This left Ron feeling incredibly embarrassed for several days to come and word spread around the Gryffindor common room.
Finally, Fleur selected Ravenclaw Quidditch team captain Roger Davies as her partner. Davis was completely helpless to her charms and to whom she spent some of the night complaining about the flaws of Hogwarts and the British Wizarding education system in general. Fleur and Roger, along with the other Champions and their partners opened the dancing at the Yule Ball. As the night wore on Fleur and Roger left the Great Hall and headed for the gardens, sneaking into the rose bushes for a romantic engagement of some kind.
On 24 February, Fleur participated in the Second Task. Having figured out the clue in the golden egg and understanding the need to breathe underwater for an hour, she chose to use the Bubble-Head Charm. During the Task, she was attacked by Grindylows and was forced to retreat. Unaware that the hostages were not in any real danger, she was quite hysterical and fought so hard to return to the water that even Madame Maxime had difficulty restraining her. She was overjoyed when Harry, determined to rescue all the hostages, not just his own, returned to the surface with both Ron and her sister, Gabrielle. She thanked him and Ron profusely by giving them a kiss on each cheek, and after the incident became friendly toward the two. From then on she came to view Harry as a respected friend. Upon learning that she had been awarded twenty-five points, she remarked that she deserved zero, as she had failed to retrieve her "hostage." After the first two tasks, Fleur was in last place going into the Third Task.
On 27 May 1995, Fleur joined the other Champions in viewing the beginnings of the maze for the Third Task on the site of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch.[25] On the morning of the Third Task, Fleur was visited by her mother and Gabrielle who had been invited to watch the final part of the Triwizard Tournament. She also laid eyes on Bill Weasley for the first time, and was immediately attracted to him.
Being in last place, Fleur was to be last to enter the maze behind Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, and Viktor Krum. However, due to the machinations of Barty Crouch Jnr — disguised, via Polyjuice Potion, as Alastor Moody — Fleur did not last long. Crouch wanted Harry to reach the Triwizard Cup so that he could be transported to meet with Lord Voldemort. To get the other champions out of the way, Crouch used Moody's magical eye to locate Fleur in the maze and stun her, though she managed to scream once before it hit her.[27] When Harry returned with Cedric's dead body, who had been murdered by Peter Pettigrew, Fleur and her fellows from Beauxbatons were the first to realise Cedric was dead and were horrified; Fleur herself let out a scream and clapped her hands over her mouth.
After the Triwizard Tournament and the murder of Cedric Diggory, Fleur attended the Leaving Feast at Hogwarts. This feast served as a memorial to Cedric. During the feast she was seen being very upset, as Cedric was a friend of hers. Fleur left Hogwarts the day after with her family, saying goodbye to Harry and Ron. She kissed Harry on the cheek and proceeded to tell him that she hoped they would meet again. She was hoping to return to England to work and improve her patchy English.
During the summer of 1995, Fleur secured a part-time job at Gringotts. It was then that she was reacquainted with Bill Weasley, who had returned from Egypt and taken a desk job to help the Order of the Phoenix, and the two began dating. Fleur and Bill dated for a year, falling in love, until Bill proposed to her. Fleur accepted, and in the summer of 1996, Bill brought Fleur to The Burrow so she could get to know his family. She was delighted to know that Harry was going to stay with the Weasleys for the remainder of the summer.
However, her blunt nature and critical attitude created conflict between her and the female members of the Weasley family, including Hermione Granger. Mrs Weasley did not care for Fleur at all, believing that she was not the right choice for her son. Ginny and Hermione disliked her for her general attitude towards everything; Ginny gave Fleur the nickname "Phlegm," although they never openly used it in front of her. Still, Fleur was tolerated for Bill's sake. She spent Christmas that year at the Burrow as well, further annoying Mrs Weasley by loudly stating her dislike of Celestina Warbeck, Mrs Weasley's favourite singer.
On 30 June 1997, during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower Bill was brutally savaged by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Because Greyback was not transformed Bill did not become a werewolf, but rather developed some wolf-like qualities (such as a preference for very rare steaks). Fleur rushed to Hogwarts with Bill's parents and was shaken by Bill's scarred face. She fired up at once at Mrs Weasley's assumption that she would not now want to marry Bill, since he was no longer attractive. Taking offence she criticised both the idea that she would not wish to marry him out of vanity, and that his feelings may have changed towards her because of possible werewolf contamination.
Fleur in fact, took pride in his wounds as living proof of his bravery and stated she didn't care about how he looked as she was "good-looking enough for both of them." Mrs Weasley, finally seeing that Fleur and Bill were truly in love, reconciled with her future daughter-in-law over Bill's hospital bed, and offered Fleur the use of her Aunt Muriel's goblin-made tiara for her wedding day.[30] In the days following, Fleur took care of Bill as he recovered from his injuries, and attended the funeral of Albus Dumbledore.
On 27 July 1997, four days before Harry's seventeenth birthday, Fleur was part of the effort to get Harry safely to The Burrow and participated in the battle that ensued. She participated in the battle out of loyalty to Harry, when he previously saved her sister's life in 1995. She took on the role of one of the fake Harrys, using Polyjuice Potion to take on his physical appearance. Paired with Bill, the two were to fly north on a Thestral in an effort to fool any pursuing Death Eaters.
After departing, Fleur and Bill personally witnessed the death of Alastor Moody. This happened after a dozen or more Death Eaters descended on the Order in an effort to capture Harry. Fleur and Bill were chased by half a dozen Death Eaters, but managed to escape and return to the Burrow and relay the news. Fleur was greatly upset over Moody's death and voiced the opinion that someone may have betrayed them, as the Death Eaters seemed to know the plan to escort Harry to safety.
On 1 August, 1997, Fleur and Bill were married at The Burrow. The ceremony and reception took place in a marquee tent which "revealed rows and rows of fragile golden chairs set on either side of a long purple carpet."
White and gold flowers and golden balloons were some of the many unique elements added to the occasion. Ginny and Gabrielle were both bridesmaids. Fleur wore a simple white dress and Muriel's tiara, and looked so beautiful that Bill did not look as though he had ever met Fenrir Greyback. The celebration was overshadowed, though, by the news that the Ministry of Magic had fallen to Lord Voldemort, and the death of Rufus Scrimgeour. Death Eaters, with the full power of the Ministry behind them, broke the protective spells surrounding the Burrow and Apparated into the reception. Fleur was questioned by them, along with the rest of the Weasley family on the whereabouts of Harry Potter, but was later free to go.
Fleur and Bill relocated to Shell Cottage, and spent their first Christmas there together, along with Bill's younger brother Ron, who had secretly come to stay with them after abandoning Harry and Hermione on their Horcrux hunt.
Following Harry, Ron, and Hermione's escape from Malfoy Manor, Fleur helped to look after them and their fellow escapees: Dean Thomas, Luna Lovegood, Garrick Ollivander, and Griphook. She helped Hermione recover from the torture she suffered at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange, and healed Griphook's legs with Skele-Gro.[34] Over the course of the next few weeks, she looked after her unexpected guests, although she disliked Griphook. When Ollivander was well enough to be transferred to Aunt Muriel's, she asked him to take Muriel's tiara back with him as she never had a chance to return it after the wedding. Fleur expressed concern over Harry's plans to leave Shell Cottage on his quest, telling him it was better for him to stay where it was safe.
Alongside her husband and his family, Fleur answered Neville Longbottom's call to arms to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. During the tense reunion between Percy Weasley and his family, she led Harry Potter and Remus Lupin in a side conversation regarding Lupin's son, so they would not intrude.[36] Fleur would have witnessed the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort, thus ending the Second Wizarding War.
Following the war, Fleur and Bill had three children; Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley. She was granted medals of honour from the French and British Ministries of Magic for her actions in the war.
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artbynadine · 2 years
Compte-rendu - Julie Delporte
En tant qu’artiste, Julie Delporte s’intéresse beaucoup à l’autrice Dominique Goblet qui lui sert d’inspiration pour ensuite créer ses propres œuvres. D’ailleurs, celles-ci sont surtout composées de bandes-dessinée, d’essais et de dessins sur céramique. En effet, l’artiste effectue son art à l’aide de prismacolor. De plus, en tant que féministe, Julie Delporte écrit beaucoup d’essais et de bandes-dessinée axés sur l’identité sexuelle, le traumatisme et l’estime de soi. Ceci est le cas dans l’une de ses œuvres : Corps vivante, une bande-dessinée publiée en l’an 2022. Dans cette œuvre, Julie Delporte raconte l’histoire d’une jeune fille évoluant dans les normes de la société où la femme est vouée à l’homme et où les relations sexuelles sont banalisées. De ce fait, l’autrice raconte les diverses aventures liées à la sexualité du personnage principal, dont le viol à un jeune âge par son cousin et l’homosexualité découverte à l’âge de trente-cinq ans. On peut déduire de la bande-dessinée que les évènements décrits ont été vécus par Julie Delporte elle-même. En effet, Julie incorpore un dessin pour chaque phrase écrite dans le livre. Les dessins sont souvent composés d’une palette de couleurs chaudes, et certains d’une palette de couleurs froides. J’ai beaucoup apprécié l’histoire racontée et les dessins qui l’accompagnent. Julie Delporte incorpore parfois des dessins abstraits qui ne correspondent pas aux péripéties du récit. Par exemple, en racontant les aventures du personnage principal, Julie Delporte dessine un chien à travers une fenêtre, ainsi qu’un vase et une chaudière pour illustrer la fois où elle est allée voir un film. On peut toutefois ressentir un lien entre l’énergie des couleurs que les dessins dégagent, ainsi que les mots et les phrases choisis par l’autrice. Par exemple, celle-ci débute son livre en incorporant des couleurs plutôt sombres comme le noir et le vert foncé pour illustrer l’homosexualité et l’inconfort vécu par le personnage principal. En outre, l’artiste compare souvent des objets aux parties du corps humain. Par exemple, l’autrice dessine des cristaux coupés en utilisant des couleurs chaudes pour représenter les parties génitales féminins. Aussi, Julie Delporte s’intéresse beaucoup aux sujets tabous de la société comme l’identité sexuelle, le traumatisme d’agression sexuelle, d’inceste et de faible estime de soi. En effet, à travers la bande-dessinée Corps Vivante, on découvre que le personnage principal a été victime de viol par l’un de ses cousins. Cet évènement est relié à sa faible estime de soi puisqu’elle n’a jamais osé avouer ces crimes. Ainsi, elle poursuit sa vie en donnant son corps aux hommes dans la peur du rejet et de l’abandon. Le personnage principal ensuite découvre qu’il n’a jamais érotisé les hommes et qu’il ne suivait que les normes sociales de la société. C’est, ainsi, qu’à l’âge de trente-cinq ans que Julie Delporte commence à s’intéresser aux femmes. Cependant, cette découverte de son identité sexuelle s’accompagnait de honte et de culpabilité puisque qu’elle aurait préféré s’en rendre compte plus tôt. Finalement, elle termine son histoire en avouant n’avoir jamais regretté son hétérosexualité.
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angergrls · 3 years
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by Dominique Goblet
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dynamobooks · 4 years
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Dominique Goblet: Pretending is Lying (2007)
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lassociation · 5 years
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Sorti en 2010 et épuisé depuis plusieurs mois, Chronographie de Dominique Goblet & Nikita Foussoul sera à nouveau disponible courant avril 2020 chez L’Association.
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