#dominque jackson
nexttopbadbitch · 2 years
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just gimme the (red) light
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perfectday1972 · 1 year
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mj rodriguez (+ dominique jackson) via instagram
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"Flesh & Blood"
Season 1, Episode 10: “Flesh & Blood”
“Officer Nolan and Sergeant Grey are paired up for the day on patrol; Officer Chen is paired up with Captain Anderson, and Bradford tells Chen to protect her at all costs”.
Original Air Date: January 15, 2019
Written By: Inda Craig-Galvan
Directed By: Jessica Yu
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Happy Sunday! Another week, another episode!!
I think we are in for a doozy of a hiatus now that the actors are on strike as well.  I don’t think we’re going to get any new episodes until well into 2024, but ya know what, the writers and actors deserve to get everything they are asking for, especially our writers. Yet again, I don’t know what these studio execs are thinking….without the writers, they would have nothing!  I pray they get everything soon! #WGAStrong
Shall we Get in the Shop…?!
A silly quick, fun cold open, with John going to pick up his son, Henry, at the airport, but it wouldn’t be classic Rookie style without some cheesy laughs as we watch John getting put in handcuffs by an airport cop for “breaking into” his own car!!! Classic!
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Jackson and Lucy meet John and Henry in the station lobby and as John goes to introduce them to Henry, he’s surprised to find out that they all know each other already, at least they do through social media, as they all follow each other and John is clueless to it, and clearly showing his age, and the significant difference between him and Jackson and Lucy.  The John and Lucy relationship has finally come to a complete close it looks like as well. There are no more longing stares and sad faces, as we saw in the previous episodes after the break-up.  Truly happy that chapter is closed.
Captain Anderson is present in the roll call room and has decided that her and Sargent Grey are going to ride along with the rookies.  Captain Anderson chooses to ride with Lucy, and by no surprise Grey chooses to ride with John which also means that Tim and Talia will be riding together for the day.
Tim places the fear into Lucy before she starts her day with Captain Anderson forewarning her that the Captain better not even come back with a scratch on her.  Considering Tim warned Lucy of what would happen to her, if anything happened to Captain Anderson (which it did),  I wonder why we don’t see Tim scold Lucy at the end of the shift regarding what happened.  This is pretty much the only Tim and Lucy interaction we have in this entire episode.  We are still only getting itty, bitty crumbs of them.
You can start seeing the friendship really form this episode between Jackson and Angela.  It’s slowly becoming more than just a rookie/T.O relationship and into one of true friendship.  Angelas phone won’t stop buzzing with notifications from her mom; is Angela going to bring a date o her brothers wedding… this is the first mention of a personal relationship for Angela, so that only means that we are going to see some momentum happening in her personal life?  
Angela and Jackson are grabbing some coffee and they see a man running for a briefcase, Angela stops him and sparks are flying between Angela and this man.  We have no idea who he is except for the fact that he’s a lawyer.  Who is this man?  The lawyer has a tracking app in his briefcase- once they find the thief and the briefcase, Angela and the lawyer, who is still nameless 26 minutes into the episode, start arguing with each other: police vs lawyer, and their chemistry is undeniable.  They don’t even know each other, but it’s fire.  At the end of the day, as Angela is leaving, the lawyer is still at the station, as he was waiting to apologize to her.  Immediately after he asks her out on a date and Angela invites him as her date to her brothers wedding.  Even at the end of the episode, we still don’t get Mr. Lawyers name.  I’m excited to see the potential between them!  (We know what it is, but again, I am watching/writing these as if I’ve never seen an episode and this is all brand new to me!)
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We are also introduced to Dominque, who is Grey’s daughter.  I think this is the first time we see Sergeant Grey be less than domineering in the precinct and it has everything to do with his daughter, he is showing a different side to himself, a much more lighter, less intimidating side.  Its smart storytelling watching Grey with Dom vs John and Henry.  Two older police officers with their kids.  Henry is voicing his concerns over John being a cop and those same concerns came tru with Grey and Dom.  Henry is scared every day of getting that phone call that John gets shot while on the job.  Dom received that phone call once, and she doesn’t want to get it again.  We see some bonding between John and Grey, and it’s because it’s over there kids.   
Tim and Talia are at a standoff- who is getting the shop gear bags? The stubbornness is coming through and we know for a fact that Tim will not budge, not even the slightest hence why immediately after we see Lucy carrying an overload of bags and guns.  There was no reason why Lucy needed to get Tim’s shop ready, considering he was more than capable of doing it himself, but because she’s his boot, she thought she had no choice but to listen to him.  Captain Anderson doesn’t like that and makes Tim and Talia get their own gear, as they just should’ve done in the first place.
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There is head butting between Tim and Talia, two veteran patrol officers having to ride together, and neither wanting to take a step back as lead.  Tim was Talia’s T.O for two weeks until she got a new one.  I don’t know if we got the reason why she switched T.O’s, but there is evident tension between them.  Lucy is still too scared to give Tim a run for his money, but Talia has zero problem in doing it.  She is giving back to him just as much of what he is dishing out to her.  Tim is assertive in taking point in the apartment call, so when they go in the basement to find the big bad intruder, he gets a surprise as he gets sprayed by a skunk.  At the end of the day, Tim apologizes to Talia for his actions and the way he treated Talia.  I think this is the first time we are seeing Tim apologizing to anyone really.  Its just another layer of Tim Bradford that we are seeing get pulled back (but not exactly with the person we want to see him opening up to…ahem Lucy Chen ahem)!
John is nervous., it’s quite obvious. What should he say, or do? He already knows that Grey dislikes him and now he’s going to be on a 12 hour shift with him, so he wants to make sure he does everything right and by the book, but also to impress Grey, or at least try too.  He is not off to a great start with the pulled over grandma, who ends up kicking him right where it hurts.  They next respond to a call in an apartment complex- a woman claims her neighbors won’t stop fighting and screaming.  The awkwardness between John and Grey is still in the air.  John still just wanted to impress him and Grey still isn’t budging either.  They get into the apartment and start getting attacked by the neighbors.  Strike 2?  The last call they respond to isn’t even a call- they witness a gas break right by a house- and they respond in getting everyone out of the house.  John wants Grey to stay outside because of the gas leak but they both put on make shift masks and rescue all of the remaining people inside of the house.  I think this is where John impresses Grey.  No matter what the call is or what it entails, John will put his life on the line every time, for anything and anyone.  I think baby steps have been made between them.
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Lucy and Captain Anderson respond to a domestic dispute, when they enter the house, the couple are fighting in Farsi, and as Lucy is calling in for an interpreter, Captain Anderson starts talking to them in Farsi.  Come to find out that Zoe was in the Marines, where she learned to speak Farsi. Its super impressive and intriguing.  Why haven’t we seen much of Captain Anderson and he past background in the force.  I want to know about her.  As she is trying to de-escalate the situation, the ex-husband is asked to leave the house and as Lucy is escorting him out of the house, he makes a quick run for the upstairs bedroom where he locks himself inside…we hear a gunshot and the husband has shot himself. Captain Anderson comforts the wife as Lucy watches from afar.  There was nothing that could’ve been done.  
Zoe and Lucy respond to the next call, of two neighbors arguing and as Lucy goes to arrest one of the neighbors she ducks, and the other neighbor swings and lands a push right in the captains face.  Lucy knows that she’s in trouble.  Lucy can’t express her apologies enough to Zoe, but she wipes it off her shoulder, its just another day on the job.  Lucy’s eyes light up while talking to Captain Anderson.  This is a person who Lucy hopes and strives to be one day.  She made a name for herself in a male dominated career and its something Lucy wants to accomplish as well.  This episode is the most we have seen of Captain Anderson and she’s been nothing but a positive influence on everyone but especially Lucy.  
Back in the precinct lobby, a freshly released prisoner starts to ask Captain Anderson questions about re-sentencing, which starts to sound fishy and she is quick to pick up on it.  He grabs a helpless woman as his victim and aims his gun on her.  Captain Anderson talks try to talk him out of it.  Like Lucy, she expresses great empathy.  I don’t want to say its a female cop characteristic, because I don’t think Angela has the same type of empathy that Lucy and Captain Anderson show. She figures out that talking him out of this won’t work, so she’s thinks quick on her feet and tricks him, knocking him to the ground and arresting him.
All jokes are on Tim as he finally gets himself back into the station and gets laughed at, as Lucy points out, “Oh my god, did you get skunked”.  As serious as this show can be, it can also switch into its comedic side at the drop of a ball and it is done very well.
At the end of the episode, Lucy goes to talk to Zoe.  You can see that the events of the day are weighing on Lucy’s mind.  She feels guilty of what happened to Zoe but Captain Anderson puts her at ease when she praises Lucy and her policing.  Lucy is on her way of becoming a very impressive cop.  Captain Anderson sees it and so do we. 
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Honorable Mention:  Introduction of Wesley Evers aka Mr. Lawyer
Episode Peak: Captain Anderson
Episode Pit: Guilt Ridden Lucy, we love a happy Lucy!
Quote of the Episode: “You don’t tell people that you’re a badass, Officer Chen.  Just got to show ‘em” ~ Captain Anderson to Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: I give this episode a solid 7/10.  It had a little bit of everything in it.  Not terrible but also not the greatest.  It did give us a hell of a lot more of Captain Anderson, which is much appreciated and it pushed the Nolan/Grey storyline a bit forward; and we also start to see little inklings of the cop that we all know that Lucy can and will become, there was just a certain someone that she had to get rid of first that was holding her back… lets hope for some more Tim and Lucy content in the next upcoming few episodes!!!
Until next time in, “Get in the Shop”…
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Total OC List
So... I should never be well known for my counting ability. I have (at least) 91 named OCs. All of the kids have their ages in their relationship explanation, the adults do not, and I put spoilers by the people we don’t like. Not all of these will be appearing in my continuation fic btw, they might appear in others instead.
Now presenting my OC list ordered alphabetically by last name. These are only the one’s mentioned by name and have an impact on the story at some point during my fics (as of now).
Lina Adam - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Mahdi Arjuna - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Briley Andrews - Becky’s bio little sister (spoiler: we hate her).
Mary Andrews - Becky’s bio little sister (spoiler: we hate her).
Adlartok Atene - Hobbs’s daughter.
Amaruq Atene - Hobbs’s child.
Anik Atene - Hobbs’s son.
Siqiniq Atene - Hobbs’s spouse.
Emilo Batalla - Ash’s estranged bio 9 year oldlittle brother.
Hugo Batalla - Ash’s estranged bio dad (spoiler: we hate really him).
Julio Batalla - Ash’s estranged bio 9 year old little brother.
Paula Batalla - Ash’s estranged bio mom (spoiler: we hate her).
Francesco Bianchi - Mike and Nancy’s newborn son.
Gabriella Calloway - Clay’s bio little sister, deceased.
Bethany Clayford - Marcus’s estranged bio little sister (spoiler: we hate her).
Howard Clayford - Marcus’s estranged brother in law, husband of Bethany (spoiler: we hate him).
Roselynn Clayford - Marcus’s estranged 4 year old niece, daughter of Bethany.
Samuel Clayford - Marcus’s estranged 2 year old nephew, son of Bethany.
London Fonua - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Quentin Foudre - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Angel Gutiérrez - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Somsak Han - Marcus, Stan, and Barry’s Parole Officer.
Allison Harrison - Norman’s bio little sister.
Yuu Hasama - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Nyla Ibrahim - Mizuki’s girlfriend.
Dominque Jackson - Porsha’s bio mom.
Liam Jackson - Porsha’s stepdad, Dominque’s husband.
Karina Järvinen - Gunter’s older bio sister.
Daisy Johnson - Mrs. Crawly’s bio twin sister, deceased.
Esther Johnson - Mrs. Crawly’s older bio sister, deceased.
Josephine Johnson - Mrs. Crawly’s older bio sister, deceased.
Mary-Beth Johnson - Mrs. Crawly’s older bio sister, deceased.
Hilda Logersan - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Hyun Mèng - Ryan’s maternal grandmother.
Pei Mèng - Ryan’s maternal grandfather.
Javier Micheals - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Nam-Gil Myeong - Ryan’s best friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
James Noodleman - Nana’s older bio brother, deceased.
John Noodleman - Nana’s older bio brother, deceased.
Linda Noodleman - Nana’s older bio sister, deceased.
Xian Nyguen - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Abuya Ochieng - Harry’s bio 12 year old little sister.
Joseph Ochieng - Harry’s bio 15 year old little brother.
Naserian Ochieng - Harry’s bio 17 year old little brother.
Zawadi Ochieng - Harry’s bio 7 year old little sister.
Hoshi Otori - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Jeremy Pavlova - the son of Lila’s old boss, Ryan’s babysitter growing up.
Marceline Pavlova - Lila’s old boss, Ryan’s honorary godmother.
Isla Peart - Nooshy’s 10 year old bio little sister.
William Peart - Nosshy’s bio older brother.
Owen Peart - Nooshy’s 8 year old bio little brother.
Christopher Pèrez - Rosita’s estranged bio older brother.
Flora Phillips - Stan’s estranged bio mom (spoiler: we hate her).
Graham Phillips - Stan’s estranged stepdad, Flora’s husband (spoiler: we hate him).
Harris Phillips - Stan’s estranged bio dad (spoiler: we hate him).
Robert Phillips - Stan’s estranged bio brother (spoiler: we hate him).
Daniel Reynolds - Ryan’s estranged bio dad (spoiler: we really hate him).
Alexi Rikke - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Carter Robbins - Herman’s son.
Taylor Robbins - Herman’s son.
Ghazal Romano-Hassan - Alfonso’s bio mom.
Omar Romano-Hassan - Alfonso’s bio older brother.
Tommaso Romano-Hassan -Alfonso’s bio dad.
Zara Romano-Hassan - Alfonso’s bio little sister.
Emily Rossi - Nancy’s bio sister.
Donuia Siddiqi - Suki’s right hand in PR for Out of this World.
Amandeep Sidu - The Taylor’s neighbor, runs the gas station next door.
Kie'u Sidu - The Taylor’s neighbor, runs the gas station next door, Amandeep’s wife.
Raghubir Sidu - Amandeep’s son, Johnny’s childhood friend.
Thao Sidu - Amandeep’s daughter, Johnny’s childhood friend.
Aarav Sutar - Johnny’s maternal bio grandfather, deceased.
Jahnavi Sutar - Johnny’s maternal bio aunt, deceased.
Jahnu Sutar - Johnny’s maternal bio uncle, deceased.
Rishi Sutar - Johnny’s maternal bio grandmother, deceased.
Hira Tahaan - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
Amelia Taylor - Marcus’s estranged bio 15 year old niece, daughter of Lucien.
Anna Taylor - Marcus’s estranged bio mom (spoiler: we hate her).
Christian Taylor - Marcus’s estranged bio dad (spoiler: we really hate him).
Henry Taylor - Marcus’s estranged bio 18 year old nephew, son of Lucien.
Jessica Taylor - Marcus’s estranged sister in law, wife of Lucien.
Jia Taylor - Johnny’s bio mom, deceased.
Lucas Taylor - Marcus’s estranged bio 20 year old nephew, son of Lucien (spoiler: we hate him).
Lucien Taylor - Marcus’s estranged older brother (spoiler: we hate him).
Elizabeth Walker - Marcus’s deceased bio aunt, Christian’s sister.
Leslie Walker - Marcus’s aunt, Elizabeth’s wife.
Charlotte West - Jeremy’s fiánce.
Amy Willis - Ryan’s 6 year old (technically half) sister.
Bella Willis - Ryan’s 4 year old (technically half) sister.
Ellie Willis - Ryan’s manman (technically his stepmom).
Lila Willis - Ryan’s bio mom.
Lorrel Yang - Ryan’s friend, and a member of the dance troupe.
If you want to know more info about anyone in particular let me know. I have at least a bit of info written out for each one.
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syfyhq · 2 years
mwf ??
fantastic starting question 'non, check the list below !
current most wanted female fcs ;
dominque jackson, mj rodriguez, patti harrison, frances conroy, lily tomlin, viola davis, irene bedard, lena headey, ivory aquino, alaqua cox, chloe hayden, elçin sangu, mary galloway, grave dove, quannah chasinghorse, wunmi mosaku, hailie sahar, danielle brooks, amara zaragoza, josie totah, ashley moore, dichen lachman, anna diop, michelle yeoh, kiana madeira, maggie q, meagan tandy, nadia hilker, neslihan yeldan, laverne cox, karrueche tran, anna akana, & amber midthunder !
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rebeleden · 10 months
Brother of Keke Palmer’s Ex-BF Accused of Choking His 'Insecure' Costar DomiNque Perry as Custody War Intensifies
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hardcoremagicalgirl · 2 years
I understand in the context of the show, but everytime I see that clip from Pose of Elektra reading the bridal shop owner and he says "These designers are artists and I won't have you turn their work into a freak show" I'm like "YOU'RE GOING TO SAY THAT TO DOMINQUE JACKSON?"
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vsthepomegranate · 2 years
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American Horror Stories, Bloody Mary (2022)
by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Angela Harvey
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studentmyself · 3 years
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liesandbrokenhearts · 3 years
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• Thierry Mugler Spring 2021 but with only the clothes I have in my closet •
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rcowern98 · 3 years
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The Only 3 That Can Play Lady Dimitrescu.
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imagerymoodboard · 5 years
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Hot villains and their mastermind wives
sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 // @cinvonquinzel photo
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bi-trans-alliance · 6 years
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The cast of Pose as part of the Out 100
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spiderthan · 5 years
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The women of Pose by photographer Ruven Afanador for GQ
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rebeleden · 10 months
Brother Of KeKe Palmer’s Ex Submits Texts as Evidence in Custody War With 'Insecure' Costar DomiNque Perry
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