#don’t answer that it’s probably L’Oréal isn’t it
frownyalfred · 1 month
It’s funny for two possible reasons: 1) Bruce looks even hotter with his hair mussed, sweaty, and starting to curl (duh) or 2) Clark is like WAIT, you have curly hair too?
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Coming Out Paragraph
for my mom
At 3 am on a saturday night, I had the kind of “oh fuck” realization that you can only have at 3 am on a saturday night. I got out my laptop, and typed into the search bar ‘I can guess your gender quiz’. with shaking hands, I answered the questions, hoping, praying, for something I didn’t know. ‘results’. I clicked the button. a l’oréal paris hairspray ad. fucking hairspray. aren’t there more important things? 5 seconds. 15 seconds. 30 seconds. 100% female. I felt disappointment wash over me. why wasn’t I relieved? wasn’t this what I wanted? i’m a girl, so why am I disappointed that there isn’t something wrong with me. I went back to sleep, but something felt wrong. 4 am. I bolted up again, wondering if maybe buzzfeed just didn’t know what it was talking about. more quizzes. more female. more disappointment. more confusion. ‘am I transgender?’ I demanded answers from the search bar. it told me I needed dysphoria. I didn’t have dysphoria. until i recognized it. the next morning, while you were at the barn, I was having panic attacks in the dining room. my science homework lay in front of me, taunting me. HE made a hypothesis. HE did an experiment. everything was wrong. I felt the world crashing around me. I asked the search bar more and more questions. it told me i’m probably not trans. it still didn’t feel right. I knew it wasn’t right. I told one person. two people. four people. one girl asked me every day if i was ‘sure’. she told me that it was a life changing ‘decision’ to be myself. did she think i didn’t know that? did she think that i didn’t spend all day and all night thinking about it? did she think i didn’t cry myself to sleep thinking about how badly i hate my body? I found out more and more about everything. I spent months feeling horrible about my body, envying those with deep voices, top surgery, beards. I wanted that. so now, in the hopes of finally getting what I want, I am coming out as transgender. I don’t need you to be ‘cool’ about this and say it isn’t a big deal, because it is a big deal. this text changes my life forever. I love you.
let me know what you think! i’m sending this to her on the fourteenth 😅
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