#modern sasuke X shippuden sakura AU
keithisbae1 · 5 months
Modern Sasuke X Shippuden Sakura - Part 4
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair.
Those were the three words plaguing her mind now, how could this be fair? 
They had spent years trying to find a way to bring her back to her own world, but Sakura had long given up after two years. No doubt she would either be considered missing or worst case scenario dead. Unless the other Sakura had taken her place, in which case wouldn’t she have gotten used to living there by now?
A big assumption on their part but it made sense right?
Still, the dream of going back home. Of seeing her Naruto, her friends, her Sasuke… they were long gone. She learned to adapt and play the role of the other Sakura… even if Sasuke was still teaching her how to live.
That was another thing as well, she didn’t have to feel alone.
He knew of her, that she wasn’t her and in a way he had to grieve himself knowing the one he loved (even if Sasuke would strongly deny it) was never coming back. 
Knowing she could be herself around him and didn’t have to pretend gave her a sense of relief. Like how she accidentally ended up destroying a forest to prove to him how strong she was.
Her chakra may be non-existent but it seemed her strength was still the same and far different from modern Sakura. To say Sasuke didn’t expect it was well… putting it lightly but the news that covered it referred to it as a ‘mini earthquake.’
They both laughed at their attempt to cover it and Sakura found herself blushing because she had never seen Sasuke so carefree and relaxed before. A rational part of her was telling her not to get too attached, this wasn’t her home. How was she supposed to find a happy ending here? 
Yet after so many years Sakura finally gave in and adapted to this life and now arguing in front of her were the two Sasukes. She didn’t know what was happening given she was further away at the time but caught sight of her other self and Sasuke? 
Then she heard shouting and screaming, the young woman was in between and tried to stop them.
Sakura immediately let go of her carrier bags running up to approach them. And that was when she caught the words modern Sasuke had uttered. 
“You’re in love with her aren’t you?” He was up in his face, almost looking like he wanted to punch him with the way one of his hands had gripped his shirt.
“Don’t tell me you think you can actually make it work.” It was a cruel and mocking tone and it hurt because was he… was he jealous? The other uh her own Sasuke didn’t even say anything, there was nothing in his eyes she could decipher.
“It is true?” The three of them seemed to snap out of it hearing her voice clearly not noticing her presence and that only irked Sakura more. 
Admittedly, she didn’t know which Sasuke she aimed that question at, but did it matter?
They were both in love with the other Sakura.
There was something wrong with her, there had to be.
“Sakura-” This time it was ‘her’ Sasuke who spoke first. How long had it been since they met? So Naruto managed to get Sasuke by himself? How? Why?
Okay, perhaps he wasn’t alone…
“We were looking for you-”
“I call bull! We haven’t seen each other in years and the last time we met you tried to kill me. You expect me to believe that?” 
“It’s the truth!” The other Sakura nodded to confirm.
“It is, I wanted to back. I couldn’t stand being in the other world. There just… wasn't a lot of time with Sasuke and well um…” She wasn’t really sure how to explain it. In the other world, she (as well as some of their friends) was put on a special mission for her. To bring their Sakura back.
Meanwhile, everyone else focused on Sasuke. Then the attack o the village happened with Pain, Sasuke being considered a criminal and then the war-
To put it simply too much was happening at once. 
She didn't have any time to find out how to get back, even when she desperately wanted to.
Sakura didn’t want to hear it however, this only confirmed her thoughts. Her fears, everything… clearly they weren’t meant to be. 
Although she will give credit where credit is due, it was weird that the 'other woman' was herself?
So many mixed emotions were welling up inside.
Why was this happening now?
What did she do to deserve this? 
Did that mean Sasuke did like her? Even partly or is she hoping for too much?
It didn't matter, right?
Because they were both someone else.
She turned to leave only to be halted by the modern Sasuke who grabbed hold of her arm. He looked like was trying to say something, anything.
More like to come up with an excuse for what he said earlier.
“Let go, I want to be alone.” Her voice was defeated and tired. Her heart was broken, twice. Can’t they give her some space? 
She got out of his hold making a dash for it, even with the other Sasuke calling her name.
“Sakura-” But he was also stopped by his other self before being able to reach for her.
“She said she wants to be alone!”
“You don’t know what we’ve been through.” 
“Oh? You mean like how you left her on the bench? How considerate of you.” The two men glared at each other, both annoyed at how the other wanted to get in their way.
“Boys! STOP!” Modern Sakura looked at the two frustrated.
“Your both infuriating, you know that.”
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meowmada · 6 months
In my twisted mind if Naruto was set in a modern au team 7 and konoha 12 would be sasukes nice school friends that his parents trust while team taka would be the outside group with whom Sasuke does weird shit and gets arrested with
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jesseevelann · 1 year
SakuSasu girls 💕
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gayger · 3 years
A Proclivity for Love (ItaSakuSasu)
Hey all!
I’m here just to try and get my fanfiction out there a bit more. This is a modern AU that takes place, for the most part, in a coastal town. It is a slice of life type fic and it is long. It starts off as SasuSaku but endgame is ItaSaku. There are 23 chapters as of right now and all of them are available on both Fanfiction,net and AO3.
Posted Summary:
"Her hand was out the window, bobbing in the night wind. Her head laid back in her seat and the only thing on her mind was the feeling of simply being. The music from the radio playing loud, but she could still barely hear it over the sound of the wind and tires on the road. Rolling her head to the side, she looks into the driver's seat. A soft smile on her lips as she takes in the relaxed expression on his face. His dark brows completely evened out and one hand on the steering wheel, his onyx eyes focused on the road, while the other hand was on her thigh. Rolling her head to the other side, she stares out of the window and watches the beach fade into the choppy waves of the ocean. This was it, she was sure. This is the feeling she was longing for all of her life."
It would mean the world to me if some of you read this and perhaps even enjoyed it!
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kissmekakashi · 4 years
Okay so I made the stupid mistake of reading a fic that would make me cry so much at 3 in the night and that too on my second day of stupid period.
As if the uterus cramps weren’t enough, I went through an intense emotional heart cramp situation. I actively avoid fics which can make me sob because I’m such a cry baby and yet I did this.
Atm, I hate myself so much more than I usually do.
The problem is that the fic is fucking beautiful and it hurts so much because it’s such a sad and yet emotionally beautiful written piece and I cannot thank the author enough for this.
If anyone is interested in an angsty and it’ll-for-sure-break-your-heart fic, I highly recommend reading Something To Remember Me By - heimai
If you’re like me and have a difficult time with highly emotional fics with a bittersweet ending, I would like to caution you before reading.
Honestly, I can’t even say that the ending is bittersweet. For me, this is sad. And I can’t stop crying. But that also has a lot to do with me being on period plus me being a crybaby who can’t argue without tears running down her face.
P.S. I’m not okay after reading this. I need a hug.
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neraawritesxx · 6 years
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Thank you for the request, dear Anon! I hope you like what I came up with. A little angst, a little fluff, and some doctor!Sakura? A perfect combination!
title: lean on prompt: just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I confessed my love to pairing: naruto x sakura word count: 2,354 genre: angsty (really, it’s just wangst lol) // friendship // romance
He found her on his porch, leaning up against the front door, curled up in a sopping wet ball.
There was a split second where Naruto worried he had somehow managed to lock Sasuke out of the house again, but one glimpse of the damp, bubblegum pink hair revealed who exactly his surprise visitor was.
The blond approached with caution.
Naruto hadn’t heard from her in weeks – not since their falling out after, what he now dubbed, ‘the incident’ – and something deep in his chest ached at the sight of her, shivering and soaked to the bone on his doorstep.
What could she possibly be doing here? Now? After all this time?
“Sakura-chan?” Naruto tentatively called out.
At the sound of his voice, the rosette’s head snapped up at breakneck speed; flat, dispirited green orbs locked with his own. They were bloodshot and swollen from crying, rimmed with sunken pools of onyx. The same faded makeup framed the tear tracks which ran down the roundness of both cheeks. Where the wet, sloppy mix of mascara and eyeliner didn’t cover alabaster skin, Sakura’s complexion was flushed with angry, blister-like red patches.
In the back of his mind, Naruto vaguely remembered his best friend informing him that she usually broke out in hives when she was severely upset.
It took a moment for murky viridian depths to recognize him, but after they grew impossibly wide with acknowledgment, the dam broke.
Sakura’s face crumpled in turmoil, and a strangled, agonized wail escaping her parted, chapped lips. She scrambled to stand, her movements overwrought and frantic as she half-crawled, half-launched herself in his direction.
Naruto met her halfway, panic-stricken. He was so unused to seeing this side of his childhood friend.
He grunted with the force of their collision, instinctively wrapping one arm around her waist so that he could keep her upright. Sakura’s right hand clutched at the collar of his shirt, tugging impatiently on the cloth in tandem with her ragged breaths. One of her arms – he couldn’t tell which one at this point – was squished awkwardly between them and Naruto was sure there would be a bruise on his right bicep in the morning where Sakura’s left hand had the muscle imprisoned in a vice.
She was holding onto him as if he was her lifeline.
Just what was going on?
“I di-didn’t,” Sakura hiccupped between her tears. Her chin trembled against his collarbone, the wobbly movement causing her teeth to click together audibly. “I didn’t k-kn-now wh-where to go.”
Naruto’s chest tightened at her defeated confession, and that unnerved pang from earlier became all-consuming, a trickle of trepidation slithering down his spine.
The tenseness in Naruto’s shoulders – a stiffness that he hadn’t realized that he was carrying – deflated, and his body slumped forward, encompassing the petite, cherry-haired woman in a tender embrace.
Right now, Sakura needed him, and there was nothing that was going to stop him from helping her.
Their current fight be damned.
“Shh…,” The blond cooed affectionately. “Shh, Sakura-chan. It’s alright. I’m here.”
He wasn’t sure how long they remained under that awning, out in the rain, but enough time passed for his sweater to become drenched in a soggy blend of tears and the secondhand moisture from her own wet attire.
When a particularly strong gust of wind blew through the veranda, the fair-haired male quivered, though this time, not from the overabundance of repressed emotion.
Naruto expertly extracted himself from Sakura’s secure hold, maneuvering the distraught woman so that she was facing the front door, flush against his chest. His coral-haired best friend had calmed down significantly, sniffling almost soundlessly as she bonelessly leaned against him.
Sakura went along without a fuss as Naruto corralled her through the door and into the townhouse.
Luckily, at this time of day, neither of his roommates were home. Sasuke was somewhat inept when it came to dealing with a hysterical Sakura and Sai…well, if the hole in the kitchen wall amounted to anything, it was that the socially stunted artist now knew better than to call the rosette ‘ugly’ when she was distressed.
Shuffling Sakura into the living room, Naruto gently guided her to the couch, carrying most of her weight as he assisted her when she sat down. He tried to ignore the way the carpet gave a wet ‘squish’ underneath his sneakers, but he could already hear Sasuke bitching about the muddy mess they undoubtedly tracked throughout their home. The impending argument could wait, however, and Naruto brushed away any thoughts of the dark-haired Uchiha, instead focusing on studying Sakura face.
The color of her skin was eerily white, almost ashen in certain areas, contrasting greatly with the bright crimson that ran along her the expanse of her neck and the sides of her face.
“I’ll be right back…,” Naruto murmured, hesitating only slightly as he waited for her acknowledgment. It wouldn’t be worth the effort of leaving the room if he were to come back to find her bawling.
At the small bob of her head, the blond ventured off down the corridor to his bedroom. Naruto kicked off his shoes, socks included and traded in his sodden shirt for an extra-large, pullover sweat-shirt. He could make do with some damp jeans for now.
A quick rummage through a few of his dresser drawers produced a pair of gym shorts and one of his old, long-sleeved rugby jerseys. With unrepressed haste, Naruto exited his room, stopping only to deposit the extra clothing in the bathroom before returning to Sakura’s side.
She hadn’t moved, nor did she look in his direction upon his reappearance.
For a brief, unpleasant moment, Naruto felt out of place and out of his depth, warily watching her as the sound of his heartbeat revibrated in his ears.
He tried to shake discouraging awareness of it all, but the picture that Sakura presented, this unnaturally, heartbreaking tranquility, filled him with immeasurable dread.
Whatever happened to her to make her react in such a way, must have been monumentally significant. Childish theatrics and throwing tantrums wasn’t something that Sakura dabbled in; she never carried on like this without reason.
“Sakura-chan?” The blond ventured. Attempting to hide the slight note of discontent in his voice, Naruto cleared his throat before continuing, “I put some dry clothes in the bathroom for you. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and change, while I make us some tea?”
There was a pregnant pause, then tortuously slow, Sakura lifted her head, shifting her gaze in his direction with languid unhurriedness.
And for a long while, all she did was stare.
It was enough to make Naruto fidget in an uncharacteristic shift of antsy restlessness. Never, never in the history of their relationship had Naruto seen Sakura look so defeated.
Eventually, the pinkette rose from her perch, slipping out of the living room silently. Naruto turned to watch her pad down the hallway, disappearing into the designated sub-room. Only when he heard the soft ‘click’ of the bathroom door as it closed, did he finally move towards the kitchen.
A short while later found them both back in the sitting room. Naruto sat stiff as a board, in the middle of the couch while Sakura was on the floor, tucked between the sofa and the coffee table, a spare blanket from his bed securely wrapped around her shoulders.
She still refused to look in his direction, and Naruto wasn’t sure if he was relieved or not by the action.
This entire thing was a weirdly strange, convoluted mess and all Naruto wanted to do was talk to Sakura about what was going on, but he didn’t know what to say.
How do you comfort a woman who shows up on your doorstep, crying, after weeks of not talking to one another?
The same woman, who had previously confessed her love for you? A confession, mind you, that caused your brain to malfunction and your body to shut down, resulting in you just sitting there and staring at her like she sprouted another head?
Never in his wildest dreams did Naruto believe that Sakura felt anything other than close kinship towards him. He must have garnered a lot of bad karma in his previous life because when the situation presented itself, and he was given the opportunity to finally tell Sakura just how he felt, his mouth stopped working and his mind blanked.
It didn’t help that the rosette took his uncharacteristic silence as rejection, either.
As if Naruto Uzumaki would ever reject Sakura Haruno.
Naruto knew he was being absurd; that this was Sakura and she came to him in her time of need for a reason, but he was nervous, and it was awkward, and the last thing he wanted was for this entire situation to blow up right in his face like most things tended to do.
Despite his apparent desire to provide comfort, Sakura needed to be the one to initiate this discussion.
So, here he sat, idly twirling the mug of steaming green tea between his palms, trying to calm his array of frenzied nerves.
As if somehow sensing his internal dilemma, Sakura finally broke the silence.
“My patient died,” The emerald-eyed woman croaked, voice hoarse from disuse and her earlier breakdown.
Before Naruto could interject with remorse filled words of empathy, Sakura carried on, “He passed away on the operating table…he bled out…right underneath my very hands.”
Ah. Well, that explained it.
Sakura was always naturally drawn to people. She had some unquenchable thirst to help others, to seem them grow and mend with the aid of her skill. It was what fueled her motivation to attend medical school.
The death of a patient came with the territory of being in the medical profession. Thankfully, this only occurred in Sakura’s case twice before – and both times they hadn’t even been her direct patients – but she always took the news particularly hard.
Leaning forward, Naruto placed his cup on the glass tabletop, resting his left elbow on his knee for balance before setting his right hand on the shoulder that was closest to him.
“I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, Sakura,” He assured, giving her an encouraging squeeze.
“That’s the thing Naruto…this…it might be my fault.”
She still wouldn’t look him in the eye, but Naruto felt the muscle under his palm go rigid. She must have been scowling.
“He came in complaining of nausea, fatigue, and shortness of breath…or at least that’s what the referring doctor noted in his chart. There was a familial history of chronic heart disease and blood clots, so immediately, I started him on blood thinners while we were conducting preliminary tests.”
The rosette paused long enough to take a breath, then she said, “I thought it was congestive heart failure. If it wasn’t serious, a few changes to his diet and some medication could help. If it were severe, the best option would have been coronary artery bypass surgery. Either way, it wasn’t a complicated case.”
The shoulder in his grasp began to tremble, and her voice hitched an octave higher as she continued, “What no one told me, or noted in his paperwork, is that he had been in an accident a few days prior to the start his symptoms. While I was too busy focusing on his heart, because that is what his chart lead me to believe the issue was, blood had been pooling in the membrane between his brain and his skull. It’s called a subdural hematoma, and it only got worse because I put him on Coumadin. By the time I realized what was happening and went in to operate so that I could relieve some of the pressure…it was too late and he just…flatlined right on the table.”
She was crying again, her chest heaving with the force of her sobs. “Tsunade gave me a few days off because the hospital wants to look into what happened and figure out where the exact miscommunication occurred. She told me that everything would turn out alright in a few days and I was fine…but Naruto…I could lose my license, and I don’t know what to do! I didn’t know where to go…and I…I just needed you.”
Sakura leaned against the outside of his thigh, pressing her cheek into the already damp material of his jeans.
“I know things aren’t exactly copesetic between us at the moment, but please, just please be my best friend right now. I need the man that protected me from bullies when I was a kid, not the guy I confessed my love to.”
“I’m here,” Naruto rasped voice thick with emotion.
Unable to do much with their current seating arrangements, he lifted his hand from her shoulder, burying it in her short, pink locks. His thumb immediately began to knead small, soothing circles into the soft patch of skin behind her right ear.
He reiterated, “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
At his declaration, the floodgates opened again, and Sakura did her best to muffle her sorrow against his muscle of his hamstring. Naruto tried to ease her pain as best as he could, given the circumstances. A coo of consolation here and a kiss to her temple there. He gave what he could freely and without hesitance.
Under different conditions, he would have provided more verbal assurances, but right now, empty promises that everything would be alright would amount to nothing.
Sakura’s livelihood was on the line over a simple lack of communication, and there was nothing he could say that would ease her discomfort. It would be best let her get everything out, and when it was all over, they would pick up the pieces together. She wanted him there, and he would be; reliable, and stable, and ready to face anything that life tossed her way.
And maybe, when this whole thing was over, and their lives returned to a semblance of normalcy, they could finally sit down and talk about them.
After all, the woman who loved him needed to know that he felt the same.
Send me a pairing and a prompt!
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valeriiene · 2 years
Naruto Masterlist
yandere team minato 
yandere team minato nsfw
yandere kid obito
yandere Jiraiya, Kagami, Ao, Inoichi, Fugaku, Mikoto and Danzo
yandere letters A,E,F and H With Itachi, Madara, Shisui and Obito 
roommate headcanons (naruto, sasuke, chouji, lee, kiba, shikamaru, neji, shino)
yandere kid kakashi
yandere academy kakashi
yandere anbu kakashi
kimimaro may love you, but it would never surpass his devotion to orochimaru
being dumb and 12 years old with team 7
konoha 12 with their children going through the same trauma they did
Three-Man Squad Relationship Headcanons with Deidara and Sasori
Three-Man Squad Relationship Headcanons with Itachi and Kisame
yandere genin sasuke
yandere sasuke rules for team taka
yandere sasuke sweet moments
sasuke fucks reader with a sword prt1 prt 2
tobirama asks hashirama if he misses mito (meme)
sasuke shippuden 
sasuke the last 
team 7 in boruto 
sasuke shippuden 
curse mark sasuke
naruto and sasuke in jonin outfits
kakashi holding kid sasuke and naruto from fighting
itachi and kisame 
kushina with a fox tattoo on her back
kid-teen minato
kid minato and jiraiya
jinchuuriki rin 
genderbend sasunaru
kakashi and obito two sides
good obito/jonin obito
sasuke and obito talk about their boyfriend’s weddings 
tenten in training clothes with her hair down
tobirama painting his lines
normal sasuke and genderbend sasuke with mikoto
uchihas at the beach (sasuke, itachi, madara)
frog naruto uzumaki
madara realizes tobirama is a mother duck with its ducklings
the last hinata with boruto, the last ino with inojin, the last temari with shikadai
akatsuki redesign (deidara, sasori, kakuzu, hidan, kisame, itachi)
sasori fairy thief fantasy au
evil kakashi
sakura x mermaid hinata
sai x ino + road to ninja sai  x ino
saiino faces 
ino falls on sai
inojin holds flowers
16 year old inojin
bored teen inojin
inojin when the wind blows
inojin with shikadai
inojin shielding his eyes from the sun
inojin “you got a problem?”
saiino modern office au
sai face fanart
saiino in the bath (nsfw since they’re pretty much nude)
saiino dark au with sexual tension
the last sasuhina
sasuhina traveling au
naruto reading colored
happy birthday naruto
rtn sasuke and sarada annoying sakura
rtn boruto and sarada
genderbend saiino
adult rin nohara with long hair
nukenin kakashi + being chased by tobi
MASTERLIST for all other masterlists
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keithisbae1 · 5 months
Modern Sasuke X Shippuden Sakura - Part 5
She didn’t know how long she had been running other than needing to get far away from them as she possibly could. She was out of breath, her legs ached and her heart tore in two. 
The pain was all too much. How could she think falling in love with the same man would be any different from being with her own Sasuke? Sure, maybe he did like her but not in the way she wanted. He loved her because she looked like his Sakura and that was all there was to it. 
‘You… remind me of her sometimes.’
Even he admitted that but that was a given. I mean they were them… kind of.
Sakura shook her head before confusing herself even more.
At first, with them spending all these years together Sakura thought there might have been the slightest hope he would fall for her. For who she was. He was the only person she could be herself with having to pretend to be the other Sakura among all their friends.
Sometimes it got so tiring and she would do something out of character, to which he would cover and say she was ‘cranky’ or ‘didn’t get enough sleep the previous night.’ With the look on their faces, questioning they all wondered if the two were together.
This wasn’t high school anymore where his covering up for her made more sense, they were grown adults so how would he know what she got up to at night? And the answer was simple really, they spend all their time together. Still searching and hoping that something would come up but after so long and failed attempts Sakura gave up and decided to stay and live this life. I mean what could she do now for her other friends after spending all these years here?
‘Unless you want to keep looking, for your Sakura that is. I don’t mind-’
‘Don’t bother.’ He told her. ‘Chances are she might have given up as well…’ He didn’t seem happy at the thought but if they couldn’t find anything then what hope did the other Sasuke and Sakura have?
Considering his other self wasn’t even in the picture, to begin with.
‘If we do find something… we’ll take it. And then we can go back to our own lives.’ There was a smile on her face hoping to cheer him up. 
To be more positive.
She was just glad she had one person she could talk to in this world.
That was what she said back then and now this.
Did she even want to go back? What was the point? But if Sasuke had his Sakura back here, then she couldn’t stay here either? 
‘Why do I get myself into these situations?’
Sakura was so caught up in her head that she hadn’t realised where her feet were taking her. To the cherry blossom tree where the other Sasuke had taken her and since had been their hang-out place. 
When in reality it was a place special to both him and the other Sakura.
Life really hated her.
Still, this was the only place to bring comfort and a bit of peace to mind so, she knelt down trying to pretend and imagine that everything was normal.
As normal as they could be.
Then why wouldn’t the tears stop forming? 
It had been more than a few hours and the kunoichi felt someone sit beside her, there was only one possible guess as this was ‘their’ place and indeed as she glanced at him it was the other Sasuke sitting there.
Of course, it wouldn’t be hers. Then again, he probably wouldn’t know how to approach her. It’s been how many years now?
Sakura quickly wiped her eyes and looked away.
“I thought I told you I wanted to space.”
“I know, and I did give you space but I’m not leaving you out here by yourself.” He replied coolly looking straight ahead. There was a silence that followed after, neither one daring or knowing what else to say.
“They’re at my place right now, it’s not like we can have two of us wandering about.”
“Mhmm,” she responded not really wanting to talk about them. So, this was it right? Tomorrow she would be back in her own world, with her own friends and family.
To some degree Sakura was happy, she had missed them so much but wondered how much had changed. It seemed they all knew about the predicament which led her to believe going back home would mean she would have to adjust again.
Knowing everyone would be older and had changed.
At least this time she would be prepared mentally.
“I…” Sakura shifted and Sasuke turned to look at her.
“I just wanted to say, thank you. For everything really.” Now, why did this feel like Deja Vu? 
“I mean you helped me throughout all this,” Sakura felt herself fidgeting feeling nervous with his gaze.
“And I don’t think there’s anything I can do to show you how grateful I am. So uh thanks.” Why did she have to ramble? Now it felt even more awkward and embarrassing. 
She hadn’t noticed the tears falling until his hand gently cradled her head and brush them away.
She felt herself leaning into him and couldn’t decipher the look on his face.
Was he as upset as she was about leaving but that wouldn’t make any sense right? He loved someone else. 
“Sakura,” she hummed in response and that was when she noticed how close their faces were. Until he closed the gap and pressed his lips onto hers.
Wait, what?
They were kissing?
Even his eyes were closed, Sakura pulled back and quickly stood up separating them. Her heart was pounding so fast.
“Are you insane? You can’t kiss me!” No. No, no, no, no. He couldn’t do this to her. Not now and what would happen if the other Sakura and Sasuke found out?
“Why not?” Why? WHY?! Because they were from two separate universes. He had his Sakura and she had her Sasuke. That’s why! What more reason was there.
Instead of waiting for her to respond, he stood up and carefully approached her. She felt so small and vulnerable standing in front of him.
That she’ll give in and allow herself to be selfish.
“Are you staying?”
“Are you staying?” Staying?
“I… you know I can’t…” Even if she wanted to, this wasn’t her home. She had no right to be here.
“Then this is enough,” he laced their hands together. “Be selfish and I’ll be selfish with you.”
“But you don’t-” Don’t love me was what she wanted to say but he hushed her with his finger.
“If I say it, it’ll only make things complicated.”
Complicated? So did that mean he did?
Then what about her?
“We can have tonight, just two of us and tomorrow… you can go back to your world and everything will be normal again.” 
Normal? Just like that?
What about their Sasuke and Sakura?
Would they be happy with this, is this really fair?
No, maybe her Sasuke wouldn’t care. They’ll still have so much to deal with when they get back, assuming that is if anything can be prepared? 
Does he even care for her?
‘You idiot, would he be here if he didn’t?’
She couldn’t do this to her other self though or to him. Before all this, their life seemed simple so how could she take it away? 
“I don’t want you two to be like us… it’s not fair on her, me, the other me. We can’t do this.”
She wanted to, had to pull away before it was too late yet he persisted. 
“Don’t overthink it, you said so yourself how unfair your life was. So let me make it up to you, for his mistakes.” And just like that he sealed their lips again and Sakura couldn’t stop herself from melting into the kiss this time. 
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keithisbae1 · 5 months
Modern Sasuke X Shippuden Sakura - Part 3
“Okay, I give. What happened between you two?” Sasuke snapped out of his daze hearing Naruto’s voice. He didn’t realise he was staring at Sakura across the dining hall. Instead of sitting next to them as a group -which normally would happen- she sat by herself. Until Ino went over with Hinata to keep her company, giving a suspicious glance at Sasuke. “What?” “You and Sakura-Chan, she’s been avoiding you for a while. Not only that but she’s been acting… weird. Even with us.” That’s to be expected Sasuke thinks to himself. She must be trying to distance herself from them too. He’s not really sure how to answer. On one hand, he could make something up and that they got into an argument to save their skin but what if his Sakura comes back. How was he going to explain everything that happened when she was never there, to begin with. Would she even believe him? What if by distancing herself from them, she ruins their friendship? No, this whole avoidance won’t do. He watches as she gets up from her seat, done with the meal and seemingly so cold. 
“I’ll find out.” Sasuke doesn’t wait for Naruto to respond and the poor blonde panics thinking he’ll just make things worse. Everyone else is dumbfounded but they know it’s best to let the two stew for now.
She hated this, she really did. It wasn’t like Sakura wanted to hurt them, but they were too distracting and she really couldn’t waste so much time here when Naruto needed her more back home. A hand was slammed by the wall, the arm blocking her way with an Uchiha. 
“We need to talk.” And then there was this, she hasn’t seen Sasuke in years until their encounter with him at Orochimaru's hideout and now he was right up in her face pissed. “No, we don’t!” Sakura was about to walk around him, but he grabbed hold of her arm keeping her in place. Students around them started whispering, some walked by eyeing them weirdly, and others either stared or pretended not to see not wanting to get caught up in the fight. “I can help you.” He whispered audibly enough for only her to hear, there were far too many students around for his liking. “I don’t need your help, I can’t take care of myself.” She gritted back, did he forget she was a kunoichi. If she wanted to Sakura could easily slip out of his hold and be on her way. But that would mean making herself look suspicious and she’s done enough of that. “You’re making a scene.” “You’re the one causing a scene.” He snapped back. Why couldn’t she just let him explain? “Sasuke.” “Sakura.” Hearing his name without the suffix really annoyed him. He couldn’t figure out why. 
“Can I help you two?” They froze at hearing Kakashi’s voice, it was quite surprising hearing the two of them yelling outside the classroom. Usually, he was used to dealing with Naruto and Sasuke’s fights but Sakura? Sasuke’s hand was also still holding her arm tightly which they only seem to notice, and he quickly let her go. “No,” Sakura coughed, collecting herself. “Everything’s fine. Right Sasuke?” “Hmph.” “Right…” Kakashi didn't buy it for one second. They both gave another glare at one another before Sasuke went back to his friends and Sakura went off elsewhere. ‘Teenagers’.  ~~~
Of course, when she walks out Sasuke is there waiting by the school gates, couldn’t he leave her alone? Sakura decided to ignore him and walk past as she was still annoyed by the scene he made earlier that day. It didn’t deter him though as he only followed behind before walking alongside her. “Where are you going?” “Nowhere that concerns you.” “The library?” “…” “I’ll go-” “No!” She stopped in her tracks facing him. “I want to help!” “And I don’t-” “Need it, I know but we can’t keep avoiding each other. I know you want to go back but you're acting strange to everyone else.” “And why should I care?” “What happens if she comes back?” “She?” “My Sakura, when we figure out how to get you back most likely she’ll come back as well. How am I supposed to explain that everyone hates her because of you?” 
Was he serious? That's a bit steep for ignoring someone, besides if she could get herself back to the other world soon then all this will be over and done with. “They won’t hate her.” “You don’t know that.” “Why do you care anyway?” It was stupid, to be jealous of them. They were them, well another version anyway. And yet seeing how easy everything was for them whilst her own Sasuke left and probably never even thought about her, about them as a team. It stung. “Because… I do. I want her back, the sooner you can go home the sooner we’ll have our Sakura right? So let me help you.” It almost seemed like a slap in the face, no matter where she was she wasn’t good enough for any Sasuke. He only wanted to help her to have his Sakura. And hers... 
“I really hate you.” It was mumbled but he still heard the words, she didn’t even look at him walking past but said he could tag along. Great, now what did he do? 
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keithisbae1 · 5 months
Modern Sasuke X Shippuden Sakura - Part 2
Sakura learns to adjust to this new life but she keeps getting excited over the smallest of things. She’s in awe at all the cars and trains and Sasuke would either have to kick her lightly for her overreaction or in some instances like when their traveling by train and Sasuke uses the ticket to go through the gates, Sakura is still standing there in awe at how this technology works. So, he has to go back through to drag her with him because otherwise, they’ll never get anywhere. 
It’s not her fault that they have such advanced technology, she doesn’t even know how to make posts for social media and unfortunately, the Sakura in this world would post a lot. So Sasuke has to help or be the one in charge of her social media accounts to make them look less suspicious to their friends. During all this, he accidentally discovers his Sakura’s alt-Twitter account where she would either rant about her bad day, what she's been doing or about him. More specifically about her feelings for him. 
Things like how she struggled to be so close to him now when her feelings never changed. How nice it was that she felt confident enough to call him a friend but that her remaining feelings would ruin it.
It was true they had gotten closer over the years, Sasuke was the only one who knew of her nightmares that still plagued her when the three of them were ambushed by the group from Sound. How vivid they were and that's when he found her underneath the cherry blossom tree. How she felt content and peaceful. And it was no secret how much she liked him over the years, even if her fawning over him had died down. He wouldn't have imagined that she was feeling like this and it felt wrong to scroll further and pry into what was essentially her diary, but he needed to know. Then when he looked at the other Sakura, who no doubt had been through a lot worse than any of them here could imagine. Sasuke found himself missing her. ‘She’s right here.’ He tried to tell himself but that wasn’t the truth. “I need to go.” He told her leaving Sakura by the cherry blossom tree. She looked sad but let him be, knowing there was no point in talking to him.
Sakura wasn’t any different. She misses her friends, her family, she knows Naruto needs her to get their Sasuke back. Wondering if she would get something like this with her Sasuke, but then when he has his moments like this of leaving her without warning. Without saying anything as to why… again. She gets flashbacks from the night when he left the village… and she hates it. No matter where she is, Sasuke always leaves. Why her? What did she do? Maybe it was best to be the first one to go? 
It’s not like this place was her home, that they were her real family or friends. And spending time with them takes time out of her day to get back home. 
She goes to school the next day, like she usually does except she left without Sasuke asking ‘her parents’ to tell him she’ll meet him there. This had never happened so when Mebuki tried to ask if they had a fight Sakura laughed it off and just mentioned she needed to get to school early. Her parents didn’t pry further.
~~~ “You could have waited for me.” Sakura wouldn't have imagined he'd be able to get here so quickly. She hadn't even gone through the school gates. He was panting too, did he really run all this way to catch up with her. 
Regardless Sakura had made up her mind. “I think it’s best if you don’t get involved.” This was not what Sasuke had imagined. He had an inkling something was bothering her, that she was angry but where did this come from? 
“I appreciate your help and everything you’ve done for me so far but… this isn’t my home. I can’t keep pretending to be her. I need more time to look for clues, something anything. To go back home.” “I can help, it’s better to have two heads than one-” 
“NO! I mean, I need to do this by myself. You need to focus on your own life, I’ll figure out how to get back to mine.” Leave him before he leaves you. She brushed past him before he could respond back, leaving him by the school gates. What sweet irony. 
The image of his confused and hurt face made her falter but she didn't look back. Don't look back, or you'll only cave in. She’ll put distance between herself and Sasuke, then her friends and stop going to school thus giving her time to start digging for clues. 
In class Sasuke couldn’t stop looking at her, she wasn’t even paying attention to what Kakashi was saying and yet still was able to answer any questions he threw at her with ease. Her eyes were either focused on the window, the notebook, their teacher or Ino when she was happily gossiping but never at him. Something ached in his chest, a feeling he had never felt before. 
Was this what it would have been like with his own Sakura? If it became too much. Did she plan to put distance between them and never look his way? Why did it bother him so much? He unknowingly snapped the pencil in his hand.
Sakura mindlessly doodled on the notebook. A habit she picked up on thanks to Sai. Trying to remember what 'he' looked like when she last saw him. Where is he now? Has Naruto found him yet? Would they ever see him again?
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keithisbae1 · 5 months
Modern Sasuke X Shippuden Sakura - Part 1
She couldn’t stop staring at him, that he was here. So close. His eyes were closed and relaxed, the two resting underneath the cherry blossom tree. Sakura was surprised that Sasuke took her here, although she expected it was partly to get away from prying eyes. “Sakura-Chan what are you-” The blonde’s voice was cut off when Sasuke draped his jacket around her pulling her away from the rest of the group. “We have somewhere else to be.” Was the excuse he gave, and she was grateful. The fewer people that knew the better. 
But why him out of all people who found her, why couldn’t it have been Ino or Naruto? “I know you're staring at me.” Sakura flushed looking down, gloves gripping her legs. They even looked and sounded the same. 
And yet it was clear that he wasn't the Sasuke she knew, nor that this was her world. High school, that's what he called it. Her ninja attired in particular stood out so when their (his) friends started asking why she was wearing such a ridiculous outfit instead of a school uniform he covered for her. They had managed to avoid the teachers and he was even skipping classes for her. “If you know I’m not your Sakura… why did you take me here?” Why go so far? One of his eyes peeked open staring at her and he looked away contemplating. 
“Usually when she gets upset being here would make her feel better… I figured the same would go for you.” At her questioning gaze, he added. “You look like you need it,” he shrugged. Like it was so simple. Maybe this life was simpler. None of them had to experience loss, betrayal, fighting and shedding blood. She held back her tears. “You have no idea.” 
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jesseevelann · 1 year
Sakura sighed softly, rubbing her head as a feeble attempt to soothe the ache. The screams of war made her ears ring, the clash of metal and gunshots making the pain throb. A young girl nestled info her side, sobbing and begging for her father. It was Sakura's duty to get her back to him, but he was far from the safe position on the field.
Sasuke Uchiha was the name, a flustered boy Sakura once new in her early childhood. Now he was a man on the opposing side of a war she was in. He was her enemy, all Uchiha were, but she couldn't bring herself to tear this little girl from him.
She scooped Sarada in her arms, looking out onto the horrors of battle. Blood stained, trampled flowers and grass, corpses littering a once beautiful field, mostly of the Uchiha. She questioned whose side she should be on. The Uchiha were the ones to start it all, but it was because of everyone else that they had to. Families were robbed, innocent children were being killed, simply because of their family. Sakura didn't mind the thought of being killed. She didn't want to see the end result, who lived and who died, but the little girl in her arms needed her.
Sakura trembled when she stood. Pain shooting through her leg where she was shot, her body strained from her injuries, but she was determined. She covered Sarada in protective gear, anything that would fit her just in case something made it through Sakura to her. Sakura stared at her target location and started to run.
Her feet pounded into the ground, mud and dirt kicking up from the intensity. She held Sarada tighter as focus shifted to them, Sakura barely registered bullets shooting into her skin. A faint burn was all she felt.
Her boots slid in the blood soaked ground, blood loss making it harder to control her movements. She jumped over the barrier to where Sasuke was positioned, pushing past two guards and stumbling towards him. She gently put Sarada on the ground, hearing a loud bang before everything went black.
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jesseevelann · 1 year
Sakutaro: Hey, babe
Sasuke: ...
Sakutaro: Babe?
Sasuke: ...
Sakutaro: Sasuke.
Sasuke: Hm?? Sorry!
Sakutaro: Are you alright? Are you sick? *steps back* Is it contagious?
Sasuke: What?? No, I'm not sick-
Sakutaro: I have too many exams to complete for you to get me sick, Sasuke.
Sasuke: I'm not sick! I was... thinking...
Sakutaro: About what?
Sasuke: ... there's a new dinosaur movie coming out...
Sakutaro: ... What dinosaur were you thinking about
Sasuke: ... stegosaurus...
Sakutaro: ... Dude.
Sasuke: What??
Sakutaro: If you're going to think about a dinosaur when I'm talking to you, at least think about a cool one.
Sasuke: Stegosauruses are cool!
Sakutaro: No, they're not.
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Lee and Naruto: *opening a letter from Sakutaro together*
Naruto: I wonder what it is... and why he had to send it in the mail?
Lee: It's so... weird of him to do.
Naruto: *unfolding a note, a photo falling onto his lap* Ain't that the tru- ...
Lee: What, what is it?
Naruto: ...
Lee: Spit it out!
Naruto: He has a kid.
Lee: What??
Naruto: *holding up the photo* HE AND SASUKO HAD A BABY!
Lee: WHAT?!!
Naruto: *reading over the note again and again* Th-they had a baby!!!
Naruto: It's a girl and her name is Suke!!!
Naruto: I KNOW!!!
Lee: WHEN?!
Naruto: *hands Lee the letter and jumps up to mark their calander*
Naruto: D-do we get her a gift?? What can we get her that Sakutaro and Sasuko haven't gotten her??!
Lee: I-I don't know!! Jumpsuits? A dress?? Socks???
Naruto: Wait... oh my GOD we're idiots!!!
Lee: What, what did we miss?!
Naruto: That whooping cough needle thing Sakutaro told us to get! It wasn't something for the flu, it was so we can hold the kid!!!
Naruto: WE'RE UNCLES!!!
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Sasuke often wondered what other kids his age did, what they did for hobbies, or what they did with their friends. He never got that luxury, whatever they did. He was stuck under his father's supervision 24/7. Couped up in his room, forced to read or study. His father had big plans for him, large expectations ever since he was a child, and his older brother got sick.
Sasuke never saw his brother anymore. The second he was diagnosed, their parents threw him out. Deeming him unworthy of their family name, and a disgrace to the clan. Sasuke hated not having his brother around, but he couldn't do anything until he graduated from highschool and could legally live on his own, under the guise of starting his own company out of state.
He resented his parents for the way they treated him, even more so for how they treated Itachi. Tonight in particular, they pushed way too far.
Sasuke stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him and running down the sidewalk in the dead of night, tears of frustration streaming down his face. His fathers shouting echoed in the street, but he couldn't care less.
His heart pounded in his chest, his feet carrying him anywhere they could, until he physically couldn't run anymore.
He found himself in front if Naruto's house when he stopped, by coincidence Naruto was on the front porch getting ready to go somewhere.
"Hey, Uchiha. What brings you here late at night?"
Sasuke wiped the tears off his face.
"... Had a fight with my parents..."
Naruto nodded, understanding completely.
It was one of the only things they could bond on, their relationship with their parents. Although their lifestyle was completely different.
They were both from wealthy families, Naruto's just slightly more so because of all of the inheritance from his passed relatives. They both attended the same tutoring, the same private physical education system, and at one point they were doing home-schooling together, until Naruto's parents took a turn for the worse and Fugaku forbade them from seeing each other. On Uchiha property at least.
They were raised like brothers, but Naruto knew it wasn't quite like that. Friends, certainly, but he could never compare to Itachi. He didn't want to, he always felt like an intruder when he had to take up the older brother role for Sasuke, but there were certain circumstances where he'd push it aside.
"I'm going to one of my friend's concerts. I have a plus one, if you'd like to come? Take your mind off it, yknow?"
Sasuke turned his nose up. Concerts were always loud, and typically not the cleanest of environments.
"The lead singer organised to have these earplugs given out to those sensitive to sound, and because I'm special, we get a reserved space. No touching, no fussing around, front row view. How about it?"
Naruto jumped up from the porch, dusting off his black, gothic jeans. Sasuke watched Naruto start to walk off, and slowly, he walked after him. It was his night of rebellion, and Naruto seemed to have high hopes. What could really go wrong?
Sasuke had known Naruto since they were born, they didn't always get along but Naruto never led him down the wrong path. Naruto preferred to do that stuff on his own, Sasuke worried about his friend for that ideology though.
Distance wise, the walk to the stadium the concert was being held at was quite long. But the back and forth chatter and banter made it come much quicker than either of them expected. Naruto was some of the best company you could have around, when he wasn't smoking cigarettes at least.
Naruto led them inside, passing the bouncer with ease because of his "BFF pass", as he called it. The hallway was fairly dim, leading down to a double door with a couple of stands with boxes. Some for tickets to be put in, some for freebie merch, and of course the earplugs Naruto mentioned. Naruto picked the merch out for Sasuke, refusing to show him until after the show.
Sasuke rolled his eyes at his friends behaviour, but accepted it. Taking a pair of the earplugs for safe meassures.
When they walked through the door, Sasuke's eyes widened the whole stadium was filled with waiting fans, almost unable to contain their excitement. Dull, neon coloured lights lit everything except the stage. Naruto ushered Sasuke down the stairs to get to their spot, wasting no time to get him there. A few moments after they stood in their spot, the lights shut off and the room was pitch black
Smoke filtered around the stage, and red spotlights revealed the band members. The two guitarists, the drummer, and finally the lead singer, who was none other than...
Sasuke's exclaim was silenced by the cheers of the fans, Naruto had to hold back his laughter from Sasuke's reaction.
Sakura was a girl from one of the "less rich" schools, that often rivalled with Sasuke and Naruto's school in means of sports. Sakura participated in most of the sports events, like Naruto, so it was a common occurrence for her and Sasuke to see each other. They never spoke once, though. Sasuke only knew about her from stories Naruto told him.
This, however, never came up in conversation. Sasuke almost wanted to kill Naruto for keeping something like this, but his eyes were glued to the girl he fell head over heels for months ago.
Sakura paid no mind, preforming with her band, flowing with enthusiasm and energy. Sasuke was so overwhelmed with his feelings, he nearly fainted. Fortunately, he found his chair, allowing himself to calm down just a little.
The concert lasted about two hours, before the lights dimmed, only Sakura in the spotlight. Sakura pulled the mic from the stand and pushed it to the side, holding the mic with both hands before there was a moment of silence. Everyone's eyes were on her, and everyone was waiting with excitement flowing through their veins. She took a deep breath, and let out a loud-
The stadium filled with cheers, whistles and screams of joy, Sasuke's heart fluttering at the smirk on Sakura's face.
"Goodnight Konoha!!"
She raised her fist in the air, and the fans followed in suit, before walking off the stage and into the dark.
// End //
For @juisthereforfanfics, hope you didn't mind me turning it into SakuSasu ♥︎♥︎♥︎ and the art for Sakura is here ♥︎
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Sasuke shuddered at the cold night breeze, rubbing his arms furiously to warm the skin. He cursed at himself for not bringing a sweater, especially after seeing the weather reports. Now he suffers walking through the streets at night, cold as ice and all alone.
Footsteps echoed through the night, not from his own feet though. Sasuke stilled, listening to the intensity of every step. Whoever it was, they were running and running fast. Sasuke forced his legs to move; the faster he can get home the faster he can unwind and forget about it.
He clutched his bags strap tightly, the weight of his books holding him down much more than they normally would. His knees felt weak and his stomach twisted, the sound of gunshots rang in his ears. They were far enough to declare himself safe, he only had one block left to walk, but they were close enough to make his heart pound.
A scream erupted from the other side of the street, Sasuke flinched and lost his balance, crashing into a brick wall of an abandoned building, the wind being knocked out of his chest while his vision blacked out. He opened his eyes, seeing two shadowed figures run past, the shine of sharp metal almost blinding him.
He stumbled to his feet, his head spinning, his shoulder and temple pounding where they collided with the wall. His legs wobbled, his ankle throbbing in pain; he must have twisted it on the way down.
The clatter of metal trashcans and rubbish being crushed was much closer than Sasuke would have liked, his knees near giving out just from the sound. Slowly, he moved forward, trying to be as quiet as possible.
A scream erupted from an alleyway, and Sasuke made the mistake of looking in. A figure much larger than him sat pinning a man down by the throat. Raising a small hatchet above their head, slamming it down into the man's head. The sound of crushed bone and gurgled screaming filled his ears, his eyes wide as he watched the hatchet be ripped out, only to go down again.
Blood and brains splattered out onto the concrete, Sasuke's stomach turned sickly. The person stood, deep red dripped from the blade of the hatchet. Sasuke's breath hitched in his throat, his heartbeat echoing in his ears almost painfully.
The murderer turned, gripping the handle tighter. They locked eyes, Sasuke froze under the harsh gaze. The killer was dressed so familiarly, a red letterman jacket and black jeans, bandages wrapped around scarred hands. A plastic mask sat on their face, red splattered over the intricate wolf like design.
The person stepped forward, Sasuke stumbling away in fear, hot liquid dripping down his forehead; he didn't even realise he had a gash. Before he could get too far, a hand grabbed his throat tightly, choking him.
Sasuke coughed weakly, staring at the blade of the axe with wide eyes as it pressed to his neck. His heart thumped and pounded, the breathing of his new enemy filled his ears. It was heavy, fueled with anger and frustration. Their fingertips dug into his skin, lifting him off the pavement.
The blade left his skin, and Sasuke braced himself for the worst, tears streaming down his face. He had so much he wanted to do, so much left to prove, so many things to achieve. He didn't want to die. He let out a sob, waiting for the impact, for the pain, for the end... but it never came.
Sasuke opened his eyes slowly, lids fluttering and blinking the tears away so his eyes would focus. His gaze met a well sculpted face, sharp features with two distinctive scars on the right side of the face.
Emerald stared into onyx, a gasp tore from Sasuke's throat; both for air and in shock. When his throat was released, he wanted to vomit from the coughing. His legs gave out, but to his surprise he was met with soft fabric, although hot and wet with blood.
Strong arms held him up while his cough eased, Sasuke felt the liquid seep into his shirt. He rested his head on a firm chest, listening to the unsteady heartbeat. His breathing became more like uneven panting, shaky and fearful, slowly calming from the adrenaline.
He was just seconds away from being killed, just a moment from having his string cut at the mere age of fifteen, a string he wouldn't have minded if it was cut by the one holding him. Behind that mask was someone he admired, someone he cherished deeply, someone he loved, even if its white paint was stained with red and impurities.
Sasuke peered up at her, letting out a final shaky breath before his nerves settled. She looked down into his eyes, an odd softness glazed the fierce green. Her lips parted, a deep, raspy voice erupted from her scarred throat. Instructions, ones Sasuke understood very, very well. He wouldn't be leaving without a promise, and he wouldn't promise untruthfully; it was clear what his fate would be if he had tried.
He was okay with that, though. Much like with anything, he trusted Sakura greatly, perhaps more than he really should. Her warning, more so a threat, sent shivers down his spine. Shivers of excitement and thrill.
Hot venom coated her tongue, spitting words filled with hate not specified to him exactly, but close enough to be his. Letters of disgust and fury, written by broken hands that held his hips gently, all addressed to his ears.
Her fingers intertwined with his, the night breeze blowing harshly between them. Eyes locked, Sasuke made his promise. Voice hoarse, and hushed; for the first time ever, he saw her smile. It was small, barely visible, but the most beautiful thing one could see.
Stepping back into the dark, her hand slipped out of his, positioning the mask back onto her face before she disappeared. Sasuke listened to the chainlink fence rattle, his face a bright red, both from blood and his blush.
His mouth hung open, lips chapped and dry, like a fish out of water desperate to sink back into the deep blue. His shoes squeaked uncomfortably when he turned, his thoughts rushing around his head like a drugs side effect; fast and overwhelming from an unexpected dose.
A small smile twitched on his lips, blood drying unpleasantly on his skin, cuts meeting dirt, mud and an awful sting. Excitement fluttered in his stomach as he rounded the corner and almost ran to his house, desperate for a shower but also to admire his new job. A murderers assistant.
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