#don’t you stop me from crying my eyes out
uzurakis · 2 days
hi :D can you do jjk boys doing like a tiktok prank and telling reader to shut up but they've a really bad day and either get mad/really sad? angst with or w/o comfort plz
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featuring: gojo satoru. fushiguro megumi. itadori yuuji. geto suguru.
n. some comfort and some w/o comfort lol. thanks for the req babes, not breaking my angst writing stride. if you could understand why i wrote gojo like that, then you paid attention to s2. enjoy </3
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GOJO SATORU. you dropped your bag by the door and took a deep breath, hoping to find some comfort in his presence; finding your boyfriend lounging on the couch, his eyes glued to the tv screen.
“satoru,” you said, voice tinged with fatigue. “i had a really bad day today. the higher ups are a fucking pain—“
“shut up, babe, i’m watching tv. see?” without looking away from the tv, gojo cut off your words.
you froze, the sting of his words hitting you harder than you expected. you stared at him in disbelief, feeling a mix of hurt and anger rising within you. “wow. thanks for that. really needed it today,” you said laced with passive aggression.
gojo finally turned his head to look at you, but it was too late. you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, and you didn’t want him to see you cry. you pivoted and exited the living room, displacing him in the process.
as you retreated to the bedroom, you could hear the faint sound of the tv continuing in the background. the reality of the situation settled in, and you felt the tears spill over, silently streaming down your face. you sank onto the bed, burying your face in your hands.
moments later, the sound of the tv stopped, and you heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door. it opened slowly, and gojo stepped inside, looking all confused and a tad concerned. “babe,” he said softly, “seriously, what’s going on?”
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. “can’t you see i’m busy? can you shut up for a sec?”
you froze, his words hitting you like a punch to the gut. your shoulders slumped further, and you felt a knot form in your stomach. “i don’t need this today. just leave me alone,” you muttered, turning on your heel and heading towards the door.
megumi’s head snapped up as he realized something was wrong. “wait, hold on,” he called out, but you didn’t stop. “hey, i was just joking. come on, talk to me.”
your pace quickened as you left the dorm room, but you remained silent. you needed to leave before you totally lost it because you could feel the tears starting to burn in your eyes. megumi's voice could be heard calling after you as you went down the corridor; growing more concerned with each attempt.
“please, wait!” he shouted, tone now filled with worry. “fuck, i didn’t mean it like that! it’s a tiktok prank, babe!”
you kept moving, the door closing behind you as you stepped outside into the crisp evening air. you leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths to calm yourself. the last thing you needed was more pain on top of an already unbearable day.
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ITADORI YUUJI. anger flared within you and your eyes widened. “why would you say that to me? what’s wrong with you?” you snapped, voice sharp as a knife.
yuuji’s gaze moved to look at you, and he immediately saw the pain in your eyes. his expression shifted from surprise to regret. “wait, wait, baby, i’m so sorry! it’s just a tiktok prank. i swear i didn’t mean it like that. please, forgive me.”
“a tiktok prank? do you think this is funny?”
he scrambled off the couch and came over to you, face earnest and pleading. “no, no, it’s not funny. i thought it would be harmless, but i can see now that it wasn’t the right time. i’m really sorry…”
“forgive me, please?”
you took a deep breath, trying to calm down. the sincerity in his voice and the worry in his eyes made it hard to stay mad at him. “yuuji, i’ve had a really bad day. the last thing i needed was for you to tell me to shut up.”
your boyfriend nodded vigorously, looking like a guilty puppy. “i know. i messed up big time. can we start over? we’ll order your favorite takeout and watch a movie? my treat!”
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GETO SUGURU. your frustration, already simmering beneath the surface, boiled over. “excuse me? you don’t get to talk to me like that, geto suguru. especially not today!”
“whoa, hey, calm down. it was just a tiktok prank. i didn’t mean it seriously.”
“and you think that’s funny?”
the guy stood up, hands raised in a placating gesture, trying to approach you cautiously. “okay, okay, i get it. not funny. i’m sorry. how about we forget about it and i make it up to you?”
you could see the genuine concern in his eyes, but you weren’t ready to let it go just yet. “you really don’t understand how bad my day has been, do you? and you choose today to pull something like this?”
suguru sighed, taking a step closer to you. “i do understand. i’m sorry i made it worse. i was just trying to be playful. let me make it up to you.” he dropped his voice to a softer, flirtatious tone, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “you know i can’t stand it when you’re upset with me.”
“you damn flirt,” you huffed, trying to maintain your anger, but the familiar charm in his voice made it difficult. “you can’t just flirt your way out of everything, geto suguru. i’m still mad.”
he stepped closer, gently taking your hands in his. “maybe not, but i can try. let me make it up to you tonight. we can do whatever you want. i’ll be on my best behavior, promise.”
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rreids · 1 day
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implied fem reader (self-referential when talking about women but can be ignored); fluff; sunshine!reader x grumpy!spencer; spencer realizes he is in love with reader; implied years of friendship + building to this; kissing; promises; slight angst (crying, mild insecurity); reader has a fear of storms; ~1.5k
part of @reiderwriter's writing challenge using grumpy x sunshine; oh, oh; and libra (modified somewhat to fit the scene more)
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Spencer could feel your pulse calm as he rubs his thumb over your wrist. It was an odd sensation, someone physically relaxing under you and your attention. It wasn’t unwelcome, though, and he felt himself match his breathing to your slow exhales as you steadied yourself and your emotions. 
He brought his thumb up and wiped your tear stained cheeks, rubbing the skin gently. You lean into the touch, nuzzling into his palm. He felt like his heart might stop when you let out a soft sigh, eyes fluttering shut. He could smell your shampoo with you this close, a coconut smell and a hint of vanilla. It was… pleasant. 
You nod wordlessly. Your breath tickles his skin but he can’t bring himself to move away. He jumps when both of your hands find his free one and you intertwine your fingers with his. You inhale deeply before lifting your head, and the redness to your eyes makes his heart ache.
“Thank you.” Your voice is scratchy and Spencer smiles sadly, tracing his fingers up to lightly ghost over your temples and brows, a barely there touch with just enough pressure that you relax again.
“You don’t need to thank me.”
“I woke you up at one a.m. because I walked to your apartment in a thunderstorm just so I wouldn’t be alone. I think I do.”
Spencer smiles. “You’re welcome any time.”
“Really?” Your voice is small. He realizes he’s never made clear that you’re not crossing boundaries when you visit when you ask “I’m not intruding?”
“You’re not Morgan,” he teases lightly, and your smile is like a ray of sun finally breaking through a gray overcast. Everything is warm again. “I don’t mind. Really.” His hand has finally stopped and dropped back to his side, but you keep your fingers tightly twined with his.
“Why is that, Dr. Reid?”
“That I don’t mind you being here?” He can hear the confusion in his voice clearly. Why would he mind? It’s a sign you feel safe, with him, and you’re good company. His favorite company.
“Why am I an exception?” Your voice is infinitely small, and he almost misses the question. It drips with vulnerability and his chest aches.
Spencer doesn’t answer for a moment. He knows it’s just a few seconds, but it feels like time stops as he looks at you. Your small smile still plays at your lips, gentle curls to the corner of your mouth; a sparkle is returning to your eyes; your face, puffy from tears and marked with tear streaks is as beautiful as ever.
He’s in love with you.
He doesn’t know how he didn’t realize before. But he can’t imagine not being in love with you either, head tilting and mouth parting as he hopelessly tries to find words that won’t overwhelm you the way the revelation is overwhelming him. 
Spencer’s eyes flick to your lips again and he realizes he wants to kiss you. 
It’s wrong, he knows that. You’re friends. Coworkers before that. You came to him in a moment of fear and anxiety, desperate for support and seeking solace in him. You wanted a safe space that he could and did provide. He would be taking advantage of your emotional state if he were to spring these feelings on you, especially since he only just realized them himself. 
And yet he wants to.
“I—” Spencer clears his throat. “You… you’re comforting, to me. It’s never too much. It doesn’t feel imposing because you will and always have respected my boundaries.” You always treat me well. I want you. Nothing could bother me beyond superficially and momentarily because I am hopelessly attached to you. “I make exceptions for you because you make them for me.”
You laugh softly. “So our relationship is only transactional?” There’s humor in your voice. You’re messing with him, and he can’t bring himself to care.
“If that’s what you want to call it.”
Your brow furrows. He wonders if he’s ruined the moment.
“Do you want it to be transactional?”
“No!” He answers too quickly, too emphatically, barely able to process his own words. “God, no,”
“Wow,” you drawl, all anxiety and tension gone from you. “You’re calling on God.”
Spencer can feel his face burn. He pulls his hand from your hold. Words escape him.
“Spencer.” Your tone draws his gaze to your face immediately. “I need you to be honest with me.” He nods before he can think to reject you — not that he’d deny you any request. He never can. “What are you thinking about?”
He studies you carefully, breathes out “you” before he can psych himself out of speaking. “Why I make exceptions.”
“Care to share?”
You’re so close to him. He can feel the warmth of your chest inches from him. Can see flecks of color in your eyes, could even count your eyelashes. He has half a mind to do so.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate,” Spencer whispers softly, shoulders relaxing as you toy with the sleeve of his hoodie. “You were just crying.”
“So it’s inappropriate?” You wiggle your brows and look up at him, eyes innocent and bright. Beautiful.
“In a sense.”
You smile, innocence to your expression vanishing. “So you want to sleep with me.”
Spencer coughs. “I didn’t— __, I didn’t say that! Don’t put words in my mouth.”
“You don’t want to? I’m hurt.” You’re grinning. “Here I was, thinking I’m irresistible.”
“I didn’t say I don’t…” he trails off. 
You’ve cornered him. You have a Cheshire Cat grin.
“Will you run away screaming if I tell you a secret?”
“Depends. Are you going to tell me you kill pretty women and I need to make a break for it?”
Spencer laughs. “No.” The humor fades quickly, and he can feel his pulse pounding. Hear his heartbeat racing in his ears. “I love you.” His voice hitches on the words. “I’m— I just realized I’m in love with you.”
“Well, it took you long enough.”
He can’t think of a smart reply. He can’t think much at all. All he smells is you and your shampoo and bodywash, and he tastes vanilla chapstick when your lips press gently to his. You don’t give him time to kiss back.
“Are you sure?” Your fingers trace his cheekbones and his head is swimming.
“Sure about what?”
“That you want me. I mean, I was crying on your couch for an hour because of a storm. Do you really want to deal with all of that?” All of you. You’re asking for reassurance you’re not a burden.
As much as he wants to kiss you, he doesn’t. “I want you as you are. If that’s what you want to know,” Spencer whispers. “You are enough for me.”
“And if I’m not enough?”
“For me or for yourself?”
“... both.”
“You are. You will be,” Spencer ducks his head to kiss a scar on your collarbone, a knife mark from one of the first cases you were on with the BAU. “You’ll find it. The balance between who you want and need to be. What you want others to see you as,” your fingers twirl the hairs at the nape of his neck and he’s hyper aware of your touch, buzzing with anticipation of more contact. “For now, you have to learn to be satisfied with who you are.”
You swallow. Nod. Blink back tears again.
“And you’ll have to be satisfied with how I am. With all my scars and flaws.”
You smile. “I think you’re perfect.”
Spencer rests his forehead on your shoulder. “I’m not. No one can be. As long as you promise to be how you’ve always been with me, then, yes, I’m sure.”
“So you don’t want anything to change?” The lightness is strained. You’re too emotional for it to land, but he doesn’t call you on it.
“I’d prefer if you kissed me.”
And you do. He basks in your warmth, your sunshine. You break his dark clouds and his barriers. It’s enveloping, a heat and comfort. Familiar. It’s like you were destined to slot against him, warm him from the inside out. He can taste your tears. A sun shower. He can’t pull back, soaking up your affections like a plant. You’re smiling despite the way your breath hitches from your emotions, and he knows you’re happy. Overwhelmed. It’s everything and not enough.
He traces your spine.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” His heart matches his mumbled words, beating to your tempo. It was years coming, in the making, years of your smiles and sweetness breaking down his walls and becoming part of his world in every way.
And yet the rhythm is familiar, as natural as breathing.
Spencer is tired of being upset with the world. And whenever he’s with you, he isn’t. Can’t be. He just hopes he can provide the same light you do.
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i am trying. idk.. it's a fic!!! that's all i got.
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januaryembrs · 2 days
hot chocolate!
(last one i promise)
reader & spencer who aren’t exactly enemies but they’re def not friends but reader always double checks if spencer’s fbi vest is secured correctly which in return makes spencer check her over as well and they’re always like ‘stop checking up on me and worry about your own safety’ and it just happens every single time and they swear up and down that they dislike eachother deeply (they need to make out)
BANE OF MY EXISTENCE | Spencer Reid x reader
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description: Spencer hates you, and you hate him, until it comes to protecting each other in the field
length: 0.7k
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His fingers wound through the back of your vest as you made a move to dart past him, trailing after Hotch as you loaded your glock. 
You felt a yank at your neck, his obnoxiously long arms giving you a firm tug back with little to no effort, all but making you stumble backwards as he forced you to stop, and his fingers were at your hip, adjusting the strap before you could ask him just exactly what he was doing. 
“Wha- Reid, let go, my vest is fine,” You snapped, huffing when he ignored you, in the interest of fixing your belt, his brow turned down into a frown. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get shot in abdomen and suddenly you’re bleeding out, and you lay there and thinking, dang if only the smart FBI would have told me to adjust my kevlar, and I’ll be right there to point and laugh and say I told you so,” He huffed, his fingers making light work of the fiddly strap, tightening it until he couldn’t see a single inch of your shirt to the point he heard your breathing constrict, but he thought he’d rather you be a little uncomfortable than shot. 
“I mean, if I’m laying bleeding out I won’t really have much to say other than, Reid, get medical, I think they hit something serious, please don’t come to my funeral, you were insufferable enough when I was living,” You said, allowing your body to be tugged back as he started on the other side, because there was no use fighting it when he got in those moods when he always needed to be right. 
He paused, his brain catching up to your words and he drew in a silent breath, wondering if the other side of your jacket needed tightening even more, or better yet, if there was any way Hotch would make you stay in the car as back up. 
Spencer yanked the strap with a vendetta, ignoring the way you whined it was too tight, and his lips pursed together. 
“Would you relax, I was clearly kidding,” You said, thinking his mood had come from your teasing, because you seemed to know exactly what to say to push every one of his buttons, “What I would probably be thinking however is if you’ll be able to flag down a medic with your shoelaces untied,”
His gaze snapped to his converse, and sure enough the double knot he relied on seemed to have failed him, and his strings were hazard material as they dragged along the pavement, already mucky where they’d probably been undone for hours. 
“Make sure you do them before we move in, I’m not carrying your bone head out of there if we start taking hits and you trip over your own feet,” You snipped, and he finally released you, immediately leaning down to fix his own issues, completely missing the way your eyes trailed down to make sure he did the loops tight enough because you were being serious when you said it would loathe you to be the one to carry him away from the danger, though probably not in the way he thought. 
He huffed, standing back to his full height and giving his feet a wiggle in their shoes to make sure they were comfortable, and he looked back at you where you were watching him carefully, catching the split second where something close to worry pooled in your eyes. 
It snapped back into your usual cold demeanour when you realised he was looking straight at you, and you whirled you keep your back to him, inspecting your loaded gun some more as a way to busy yourself. 
“Try not to miss, it doesn’t look good on the reports when I have to save your ass twice,” Spencer snarked, and he practically heard the scoff before you even gave it. 
“That was one time, Reid, and it was only cause I couldn’t see past your stupid fluffy hair. You’re a cop, Reid, not a poodle, you don't need that much volume,” You snapped back, the two of you squabbling the entire walk to the building, until Hotch separated you for the sake of his growing headache. 
He just wished you two would talk things out before he seriously considered Emily’s proposition of locking you in the broom closet together.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 2 days
sarah cameron’s brother
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pairings - rafe cameron x reader
summary - rafe always did things to piss you off or make you cry.
warnings - sexual intercourse, fingering. (18+)
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You searched high and low in the cupboard, waiting for your eye to catch sight of the unopened packet of pink chips you had hidden in the back of the pantry. However after several minutes you came up short, the chips were nowhere in sight. “I swear I brought them” grumbling to yourself, checking once more before slamming the door closed and leaning back against the bench with a sigh.
Just as you go to walk back to your room, the door of the kitchen opens and Rafe walks in. Crumpled up bag in his hand, the smell of salt and vinegar just about smacks you in the face. “You ate my chips!” You shout, stalking towards your best friend's brother in anger. He was always doing something to anger you, he liked getting under your skin. “I don’t see your name on them” he states, he pulls his hand back and throws the balled up bag and it hits you square in the nose.
He chuckles deeply and moves to walk around you, your hand grasps the front of his shirt in frustration. “They were mine. You don’t even like that flavour! Stop stealing my shit!” He laughs again and stares down at you with an unreadable expression, his irritatingly gorgeous blue eyes inspect your face. “It’s cute how mad you get, you're under my roof so I’ll eat whatever I want” he states, his hand moves to grip your wrist, your fingers loosen instantly and he pulls you away from his shirt, rubbing his palm over the wrinkles. “That doesn’t mean you can just eat my stuff… Why are you always doing things to annoy me! Don’t you have a life?”
You don’t even know why you're arguing with him, you know he gets nasty quickly and has you crying in your room for hours. His words always hit too deep, they wouldn’t hurt so bad if you didn’t have such a silly little crush on him.
“Y/n.. I’ll eat whatever the fuck I want. You live here for free, just because you're my sister's best friend doesn’t mean you can tell me what I can and can’t do. And honestly you need to get over yourself.. You think I’m ‘always’ trying to annoy you but maybe have you looked at yourself and realized you're the annoying one, you're the one who came in my life and disturbed my peace. I already have two annoying sisters I didn’t need you as well”
“You're such an asshole!”
“Cry me a fucking river… now get out of my face”
Your neck heats in anger, his words causing you to become slightly emotional. He knew why you were staying with them, he knew you couldn’t go home to your alcoholic parents and his dad wouldn’t take no for an answer. He knew the damage your parents had caused you and yet he still throws around shit like that.
“Fuck you!”
“You fucking wish… I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole”.
You can’t stop the tears that prick behind your eyes, your bottom lip trembles in embarrassment. “Your such a fucking asshole”.
Your feet carry you out the door before you can hear his response, climbing the stairs and slamming your bedroom door closed. Your fingers twist the lock as the tears fall from your eyes, silent sobs wrack your body as you press your palms to the back of the door.
“Open the door y/n”
Biting your lip when his voice bounces off the door, you're shocked he came after you. He usually spits out hateful words and leaves you to wallow in them. “Y/n open the fucking door”.
“Leave me the fuck alone Rafe” your voice cracks, swallowing down your tears in embarrassment. His fist meets the door causing you to jump back in panic, the door handle jiggles as he tries to open the door, you can hear him huffing behind the wooden door.
“I’m not playing around open the door”
You stay silent and move over to your bed, he kicks at the door this time in frustration. You knew he would be pissed off for a few hours but would get over it eventually. Just as silence falls over you the door swings open and you jump at the intrusion, pressing your hand to your chest.
“I told you to open the door”
“Leave me alone Rafe, I don’t want to hear anymore”
He closes the door behind him and walks over you, his fingers grip your chin when you turn your head away from him. “I didn’t mean to make you cry”
You swallow the lump forming in your throat, blinking the tears away. “It’s nothing new Rafe”
“You make me cry all the time, don’t know why your concerned this time”
His eyes scan yours and he runs a hand over his face in fruatration. “I didn’t know I made you cry… I assumed you could take what I dished out”
You pull out of his grip and sit back down on your bed, bringing your knees to your chest. Looking up at him with glassy eyes, he hated seeing you look this vulnerable.
“Not when you call me names or bring up my living situation” he takes a seat next to you, you can feel his thigh on the bottom of your toes. Sending goosebumps up your arms and down your back, your body shivers at the contact. If he notices he doesn’t comment, his eyes are on the picture of you and Sarah on your bedside table.
“You should have told me”
You shake your head, wiping away the tears that had managed to escape again. “You wouldn’t have listened or you would have just made me feel worse by telling me to grow up or something”
His eyes meet yours again and you both stare at one another in silence, you take this moment to appreciate his chiseled Jaw and buzz cut. His skin is soft and flawless, everything you expected when up this close. “I didn’t mean what I said”
“It’s whatever Rafe, I’ll get over it”
“No it’s not, I didn’t mean it and I didn’t want to make you cry. I just.. I don’t know why I always argue with you, it’s easier”
Your eyebrows crease together at his words, his fingers brush yours slightly and it sends shivers down your spine again. You drop your knees from your chest and instead cross them in front of you. “Why would that be easier than treating me like a human being?”.
“It’s easier to argue with you… because than.. because than I’m not constantly thinking about how I want to kiss you”
Your mouth suddenly feels like the Sahara desert, no words form in your brain as you stare at him with wide eyes. “I-”
His hand is on your knee, skimming across your thigh until his fingers grip at your waist. Your legs shake at the contact, excitement courses through your veins “What are you doing?” You whisper, it feels as though your heartbeat was in your ears. Your chest feels heavy with anxiety as his face inches closer to yours “Rafe”.
As though your voice brought him back to reality he swipes his nose against yours, you can feel his breath on your lips. A fresh set of goosebumps paint themself on your skin. “It’s so much easier just being an asshole to you but I can’t anymore.. not after seeing you cry, not after knowing the words I say cause you to cry alone”
Before you can respond, his lips graze yours, it’s not even a proper kiss and you already feel dizzy from his touch. Your legs unravel themself as your fingers find home at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer until his body pressed against yours, his lips meeting yours firmer this time. Almost desperate.
Your nails scratch down the back of his neck as his tongue works against your own, your hips raised off the mattress until you could feel his heavy body against your sensitive one. “Fuck” he groans into your open mouth, your lips almost bruising from the fierceness behind his kiss, his fingers massage at the skin of your waist.
Your hands fall from his neck to creep under his sage green shirt, fingertips kissing the skin of his stomach. You can feel him clench under your touch, pressing his erection to your cunt. “Oh god” you moaned at the ache that gnawed at your sensitive bud, you needed friction. You wrapped your legs around his hips and flipped the two of you over until your clothed pussy pressed firmly against his bulge. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long” he mumbles, attacking the delicate skin of your neck, sucking and nibbling until your hips begin rolling against his cock. “Me too”.
His hands slide up the backs of your thighs, gripping your cotton covered ass cheeks. You're embarrassingly wet, your arousal soaks the panties you wore. His rough hands part your cheeks, you can feel your pussy opening waiting for the intrusion of his fingers but instead he presses you firmer against his erection. Rolling his hips into yours, your sensitive clit throbbing with each movement. “Oh fuck” you curse, your head falls forward causing your hair to create a curtain over your face.
Your forearms press against Rafe’s chest to keep you up right. One hand leaves your ass and slips under the two of you to grip your throat, he pushes you up slightly so he can get a look at your face. “You like that?”
“Mhm… I need more” he doesn’t say a word and instead slips his fingers inside your panties. The dampness of your pussy has him grunting, his eyes don’t leave your face as he toys with your clit. Your mouth falls open as you try to organize the words in your head, the feeling of his fingers has you going crazy. “More” is all you manage to choke out, he slips a fingers between your lips and nudges at your opening. Your pussy pulsating around air until he finally slips a finger inside, your arms shake but the hand around your throat stops you from falling onto him. “How many fingers can you take?”
“I- I don’t know.. maybe two?”
He slips three in instead, you cry out in pleasure. You can feel him all over you, he begins to finger fuck you hard. The wetness of your pussy has his fingers gliding in and out without resistance, his mouth kisses at your chest. With the ounce of strength you have left you pull down the fabric of your top to expose your breasts, his eyes fall to them before looking back up at you for a brief moment. He envelopes your perky nipples into his mouth and sucks your tits like it’s his last meal. “Fuck me Rafe”
Your breast falls from his mouth with a pop and he slips his fingers out of your pussy, bringing them to his lips to suck your juices from them. “Now”
He chuckles but obeys, standing up to slip his shirt over his head while you unbutton his pants. Tugging them until they meet the ground and come face to face with his pretty cock, you pull him back onto the bed and climb over him. You’ve stripped your own clothes off and straddle him completely naked, pressing your wet pussy against his cock. His eyes roll to the back of his head at the feeling of your warm pussy “I don’t have a condom,” he says, leaning up on his forearms as you roll your hips against him. “Don’t need one, I’m on the pill” you mumble, too in your head right now to comprehend what he’s saying, focused on rolling your hips against his cock. “Hey, y/n focus please”.
His hands halt your movement, your eyes fall open at the loss of friction. “It’s fine, if you're okay with no condom so am I” you rush, he studies your face for a moment and nods his head, dropping back down against the bed. You reach between the two of you, giving him a few soft tugs before running the top of his cock between your folds. “Jesus” he moans, his cock slowly disappearing within you. He can feel you pulsing around him, he could blow right this second from the warmth of your cunt. “Oh sweet Jesus” you cried as you began to ride his cock. The tip of his head hitting your spongy walls with each thrust, you could already feel your orgasm brewing again. The tips of your toes tingle and your belly swarmed with butterflies, circling your hips against his.
His hands teased your nipples, reaching his head up to capture your lips with his. He let you choose the speed for a bit longer before his hands gripped your hips again and he bucked his hips up, causing you to cry out with each thrust. No longer able to hold onto your orgasm, your walls clenched around him, digging your nails into his chest as he pushed you over the edge until all you could see were white spots. “Fuck fuck fuck… I’m coming!” His fingers slip between the two of you to massage your clit, bringing you over the edge. “Fucking hell… I’m close” he warned, though you were blissed out you met his pace and continued to roll your hips, another orgasm already brimming as you got him closer to his own orgasm. “Rafe yes yes o-h”
Lacing his fingers around your throat as you both came, his own orgasm felt like it wasn’t going to stop as your walls sucked him in deeper as your orgasm riddled your body with pleasure. Your chest meets his, resting your head as the two of you regained composure. Silence fills the room but his fingers dance across your back in an almost sweet gesture, when you finally regain your vision and breath you pull away from him. Reaching to grab your clothes in sudden embarrassment, your cheeks tinted a shake of pink as he watches you get dressed. “Who said we were done?” He questions, grasping the panties from your hand and throwing them across the room. He grips the back of your thighs and pulls you back down onto him. “Shouldn’t we maybe talk?”
“We can talk all you want babe”
Your cheeks flush a deeper red at his nickname, the kindness being foreign towards you. “But I want to kiss you a bit more before we get down to the hard stuff”
🏷️ Tag list- @laylasbunbunny @maybankslover @h34rtsformilli @hallecarey1 @outerbankspov @cameronmedia @crunchy-leaves77 @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade @rafemotherfuckingcameron @s-we-e-t-t-ea @rafesthroatbaby @alltoomay @moremaybank @mrssturnioloo @darleneslane @tierra-0604 @gabys-gabs @starkey-zegras @definitelynotholly-blog @renmpsworld @delicatepiratecloud @speedycomputerfury @tiacordelia02 @bbycowboi @jscameron @rafegirly @drudyslut @drewstarkeyslut @loverofdrewstarkey @ijustwanttoreadlols @spookyscaryspoon @ailee-celeste @ashpeace888 @xo-hayleyy-xo @ethereal0810 @tayygriffith @pankowperfection @oceandriveab @slut4ani @spideysimpossiblegirl @kamninaries @rubixgsworld @pickingviolets @wearemadeofstardust0 @one-sweet-gubler (if I have forgotten you please let me know or if you no longer want to be tagged let me know)
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uluvjay · 1 day
Please, please, please-L. Norris
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Lando Norris x fem! Reader
In which Lando takes care of you after a night out.
Warnings?: alcohol consumption, drunkenness, kissing, talks of sex, mentions of flashing, prob some errors, not the best ending, got the idea from tik tok so everyone say thank you Alix Earle for breaking my writers block!!!
Lando swore he was only turned around for a second, him and max weren’t talking for long before his best friend was laughing and pointing behind Lando’s shoulder with a shocked expression on his face.
Turning around Lando’s jaw dropped at the sight of you standing on top of the bar, your Louboutin heels stranded on the ground below you as you screamed the lyrics to Sabrina carpenter’s newest song.
With a laugh lando made his way back towards you, “Y/n!”
Your body spins at the sound of his voice, glazed eyes staring down at him as a large smile took over your face right as your favorite part played through the speakers.
“Heartbreak is one thing, my egos another. I beg you don’t embarrass me motherfucker.” You sang as your body swayed, foot pointing at lando as you sang the lyrics.
He couldn’t help but laugh at your shenanigans, his head shaking as you turned around again, your back once again facing Lando.
“Baby! please get down, it’s not safe up there.” He called once again.
“Fineee.” You whined as you turned back to him with a pout going to sit down on the bar in order to get down however the Brit found himself launching forward to stop your movements the second he caught sight of your panties due to your position.
Confusion grew on your face as he gripped your waist and pulled you off the counter himself, your hands shooting out to steady yourself on his shoulders.
“Lando!” You scolded as he placed you on the ground and picked up your heals from the ground along with your clutch.
However your drunken nature proved that to be impossible as you began to whine about your feet hurting leaving the boy no choice but to pick you up bridal style and carry you out of the bar.
“What was that for?” You groaned into his neck as you began to place sloppy kisses on the skin.
“You almost flashed everyone in our section darling.” He breathed.
“Oops” you spoke but the giggled that followed had Lando quickly realizing how far gone you truly were.
You were silent for the rest of the walk to the valet and as lando sat you in your seat before walking over to the drivers side of his Uris, making sure you were both buckled tightly before heading home.
“Can I see your phone?” You asked softly.
“Right in the console”
He laughed at the squeal that escaped you, watching for a second as your hand moved towards the volume nozzle and you turned it up almost as loud as his speakers would allow.
Soon the familiar tune of “Please Please Please” began to play throughout the car, your voice quickly following Sabrina’s as you serenaded your boyfriend.
Lando jumped at the feeling of your hand on his jaw as he rolled to a stop at the light, your hand turning his head towards you as you sang out to him.
“And I have a fun idea babe, maybe just stay inside. I know you’re craving some fresh air But the ceiling fan is so nice.” You sang, finger pointed at him as you leaned closer and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips.
Some people might have found you to be too much when drunk but lando loved it, he adored the way your affection was always on level 100, and how you seemed to giggle at every little thing, how you were unashamedly yourself.
Your small concert continued until Lando pulled into his parking spot in the garage and turned the car off, a cry of annoyance leaving your lips as the song was cut off.
“Sorry baby, time to go to inside.” He smiled softly as he unbuckled both of you and exited the car before helping you out and holding onto you tightly as he walked you into the house.
He walked you into your shared room, placing your heels down before coming behind you to unzip your dress.
“Ohhh, is it sexy time?” You smirked at the feeling of his fingers on your dress.
Lando giggled at the tone of your voice, doing your absolute best to sound seductive despite your slurring.
“Nah not tonight baby, but I promise to take care of you tomorrow if you’re feeling up for it.” He apologized, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade before allowing the dress to fall to the floor.
He moved across the room to the dresser to pull out one of his shirts for you to sleep in and by the time he turned back around you had already stripped your bra and had your arms raised in order for him to pull the shirt over your head.
“Are you sure we can’t have sexy time?” You pouted once you were dressed in his shirt, your arms wrapping around his neck as his came to hold your waist.
“I’m very sure, now let’s go take your makeup off and brush our teeth.” He spoke placing a small kiss to your lips before lifting you off of your feet and carrying you towards the bathroom.
Settling you on the counter he pulled out your makeup remover and cotton rounds, dousing two in remover he began to gently rub your skin.
“You looked so handsome tonight.” You spoke up.
“Mhm, love when you wear your shirts like that.” You nodded, lip pulled between your teeth as your eyes ran up and down his body.
“Thought I looked like a slut when I opened them like this?” He laughed, bringing up your joke from before you two headed out for the night.
“Well yeah but you’re my slut.” You shrugged.
He shook his head at your words, his signature giggle bouncing off the walls of your large bathroom.
“And that’s all I ever wanna be darling, all yours.” He cooed, lips connecting with yours once again.
“Good because I’m not letting you leave.” You replied, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling his body closer to yours.
“Nope.” You said popping the p, eyes locking with his, “Your stuck with me forever pretty boy.”
“I can deal with that.” He smirked before giving you a lingering kiss, the taste of your choice of alcohol for the night filling his senses.
“Mm, yep let’s get those teeth brushed, all I can taste is vodka.” He spoke causing both of you to break out in giggles.
Many people didn’t care for nights where they had to take care of their drunken partners but you’d never catch Lando complaining about it, even if you spent fifteen minutes with the same song on repeat as you screamed the lyrics, he’d never trade in moments like those for anything else.
After brushing both of your teeth Lando carried you to bed and tucked you in before stripping his own clothes until he was only in his boxers, your wolf whistle making his body shake with laughter before he joined you in bed.
“Get over here you muppet.” He smiled pulling your body closer to his, sighing contently as you snuggled into his side, leaving a small peck to his chest before he quickly hear your soft breathing fill the room.
He placed one last kiss to your head before allowing sleep to over take his own body.
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dazed--xx · 23 hours
SKZ!Reactions: It Was All a Bet II (Hyung Line)
Part 1 Maknae Line Masterlist
A/N: I put this out as like a little birthday present for myself lol but yeah, i hope you guys enjoy. a lot of you have requested this and have been waiting on the edge of your seat for this so here it is. i hope it lives up to you guys expectations.
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A series of rapid knocks slammed against your door; you roll your eyes from your position on the couch not moving a single inch to open the door. Turning up the volume on your t.v you hear your phone ring, seeing Chan’s contact name on your screen you snort to yourself. Another round of knock’s bang against your door. “Y/N, I know you’re home! Please just talk to me!” Chan pleads on the other side of the door. You shake your head to yourself, continuing to ignore him. You turn the volume up on your t.v. again drowning Chan out as you try to ignore the ache in your chest. The betrayal you felt beyond measure as you remember the way he laughed as he jeered at his friends about his win almost being guaranteed. How could he? You thought he loved you. You believed him every time he kissed you and held you close. The nights you spent wrapped in each other’s arms felt real, you couldn’t describe the pain you felt as he uttered those devastating words. It had been 4 days since you heard it, you couldn’t handle opening that door and seeing him after he took your heart and smashed it to a million pieces. You sniffle as you wipe a stray tear flowing down your cheek.
“No…Don’t cry over him…you’re not some weak heroine….” You tell yourself as the calls and knocks come to a stop. The sound of your door opening makes you jump in a panic, your eyes widen as you turn to see Chan entering your apartment. You shake your head as he slowly enters, his head hung low as he closes the door behind him. His eyes meet yours and you notice all the tension in him leave his body he reaches toward you, a desperate look on his face as he strides across the room toward you. “Babe--No.” you cut him off monotonously as you look away from him.
“Get out.” You demand.
A look of horror spreads across his features as he stares at you. A painfilled gasp is released from his throat “Y-You wont even let me explain?” His voice cracks as his eyes fill with tears. “There’s nothing to explain…. everything we had was based on a lie” You counter coldly. He shakes his head as he steps toward you, his heart cracking as you take a step back “N-No..you really misunderstood. Please…. please let me explain…l-let’s just sit, a-and talk. I promise its not what you think” You shake your head. “It doesn’t matter…. —I asked you out before the bet was made” He cuts you off desperately. “I-Im an ass for making the bet but, I never asked you out because of a bet I promise you that.” He continues nervously. Your head whips toward him, your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as he explains “The bet was about the length of our relationship. I swear. Im not saying I was right to make the bet, but the guys kept saying that we wouldn’t last three months. My schedule is hectic and unpredictable so they kept saying that you’d feel forgotten about and that we wouldn’t even be able to make three months. So, I just made the bet and yes, I was stupid, but I love you. You know that I love you and I would never do something so terrible. I made a mistake a huge mistake, but I promise you that I love you and I won’t let my mistake ruin what we have…” He states as his right hand caresses your cheek as his left encases your waist pulling you into his lean frame, you turn your face away from his as he leans in closer to you.
“How long did you give us then?”
“How long did you bet we’d be together?”
Chan smirks at you flirtatiously as he leans in close to your face brushing his lips over yours “I tried to say for the rest of our lives, but Minho talked me down to a year” You blush as he presses his lips against yours softly. “I’m so sorry, I was an ass, and I was so wrong but please…. don’t break up with me, okay? I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I felt like I was losing you. I love you” He pouts as he pulls you into his chest his arms wrapping around you firmly. “You’re still on thin ice…. but I love you too” You scold as out look up at him, pecking his lips softly.
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You stared out the window watching Minho pace in front of your job for the nth time while he contemplated coming inside. You watch him as he lifts his phone from his side as he begins to type out a message before deciding not to and running his hand through his hair. Your heart ached for him as you noticed the distressed look on his face, but you were much too frustrated with him to have sympathy for him. With a heavy annoyed sigh, you make your way from behind the counter and stride toward your ex. Pushing the front door open you glare at him “At this point, this could be considered stalking….” You scold. Minho’s head perks up as his movement’s halts, the moment he notices you he rushes toward you; his arms wrapping around you as he pulls you against him his legs giving way as he holds onto your waist. His body trembles as you feel your shirt growing wet as loud desperate sobs erupt through his chest as he buries his face in your shirt. “Im sorry, don’t break up with me. Im so sorry” He pleads. You try to shove him off softly.
“No! Please! Im sorry! Im so sorry please”
“Lee Minho, get ahold of yourself.”
 He shakes his head, “No. ill beg and plead and do anything I have to so that you can forgive me, and we can be together. I’ll explain, you’ll be mad for a while but—but…” He stares up at you with a pleading pitiful look “…we can figure it out. We can talk about this; we can work this out. I can fix this; I’ll do anything to fix this s-so please don’t break up with me. Please at least give me a chance to fix this…. I need one chance” You stare at him in disbelief “Why so you can finish your year?” A look of heartbreak forms on his features. “I don’t care about that…Y/N…h-how could you say that? How could you ask me that?” His voice cracks, as more tears form in his eyes as he stares down at his lap. “Y-You must think I’m this disgusting person now…. Fuck!” he cries. “Minho, this is my job. This isn’t the place for this.”
“Where else could I do this? You refused to see me this past week. You won’t answer my calls—you don’t have time for this. Where did you suddenly pull all this free time out your ass? Move on Minho. I found out about your bet to date me” You cut him off harshly. He finally brings himself to his feet, his hands encasing your shoulders. “Does that matter? Like truly?” He asks “Why does it matter? We are together, we care about each other, it doesn’t change the things we’ve been through this year. So why does it matter how we started?”
“Because its all a lie!”
“I have never lied to you!”
“Our entire relationship is a lie!”
Minho freezes as he stares at you with a painful expression “Y-You don’t believe that I care about you? Y/N…. I—you said I was tolerable, and that this year was a breeze because of it” You cut him off. He winces at the mention of his message. “I-I said the wrong thing. T-the guys would know what I meant. I didn’t mean to send you that message, and when I realized I did…. Y/N I promise you I never wanted you to find out this way. I was going to tell you, in person and beg you to understand and forgive me. But my feelings for you are real. I love you and I care about you, and this is fucking breaking me right now. so please, j-just give me another chance to show you that you mean more than anything else in this world to me.” You stand there for a moment as you contemplate, you notice your boss staring at you with a disapproving look from inside. You give a sigh, “This really isn’t the time…. I get out at 8. We can do dinner or something and talk I guess” you state. Minho’s eyes light up as he nods enthusiastically pressing his lips to your cheek. “T-thank you…You wont regret this.”
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“Do you not know how to read or something?” You growl as Changbin stood in your private studio. Changbin stared at you with a pout on his lips. “It’s been two weeks Y/N…” You shrug “Wish it had been longer” You state as you shove past him and sit at your desk. “How much longer are you going to punish me? I already apologized. I’ve been calling, texting you. What can I do to get you to talk to me again?” He whimpers as he stares at you sadly. “I don’t want to talk to you. Its that simple, Seo Sunbae-nim.” You state professionally. A look of horror and disbelief paint Changbin’s expression “Don’t—Don’t do that… don’t put distance between us like that.” He pleads. You shake your head “If you’re not here to discuss your next project I’d suggest you leave” You state as you focus on your computer.
“I-Im not leaving. Not until we talk about this.”
“Oomph, seems like you’re going to be moving in here. How fun….”
“Why are you being like this? Why can’t we just talk about this? I already said I’m sorry—yeah, right before you begged me to pretend, I don’t know about the bet so you could win.” You cut him off with a look of disgust on your face. Changbin freezes in his place as he stares at the ground as guilt fills his stomach. “That wasn’t the reason…. I know that I said I needed the money and that it would be doing me a favor but, I was panicking, and I just said whatever came to my mind that I thought would get you to stay with me.” He confesses nervously. “Well, that’s just stupid…” You state as you continue to stare at the computer pulling up a file for a new rookie group you’ve been working with. “If that’s all, can you leave? Im going to be having a session soon.” You state monotonously. Changbin’s eyes well up with tears as he turns your chair around, dropping to his knees he stares up at you with pleading eyes. “Please, please forgive me. I was wrong to make a bet to date you. I would never do anything that terrible again, I would never betray your trust again. I’m so sorry and I really regret making the bet, but I don’t regret dating you. The only good thing to come out of something this stupid is our relationship and how you make me feel. I will do anything to make this better, I can give you time, I can give you space so you can be mad at me all you need. If you want to curse at me in the middle of the night because of the pain I’ve caused you, I’ll answer the call every time. I’ll be your friend if that’s what you want for now, but I need to know that I will have a chance one day to fix this. I can do that; I will do that. I care about you, and yes, this relationship started without me truly feeling for you the way you did for me, but it is the same now. we love each other and I know I can fix this, please give me a chance to. Please, I can be better—I will be better for you. Im so sorry” He begs, a heartbroken expression painted on his features as tears stream down his face. His voice cracked as he spoke, causing the walls you placed around the section of your heart that was filled with Changbin to come crashing down. You stare at him feeling a pitiful guilt at the pain you caused to the man you love.
“B-Binnie…” You whisper naturally. His head perks up as he stares at you hopefully. His hand caresses your cheek. “You don’t understand how sorry I am” he whispers as he leans in slowly, and hesitant. “Sorry can’t fix this…:
“No, but I can’t force you to forgive me and just say yes to staying together when I hurt you. I need you to know how terrible I feel, and I want to turn back time, so I didn’t make the stupid bet.”
“We would have never been together if you didn’t...” You state, Changbin shakes his head in denial “No, we are meant to be together. Even if you don’t forgive me now…. I’ll wait for you because there’s no one else meant for me. Even if I didn’t make that stupid bet, we would have ended up together eventually. You’re meant for me, and I’m meant for you….”
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You roll your eyes, unamused as you exit your apartment and see Hyunjin standing on your porch as you make your way to your classes. He smiles at you brightly “Hey Babe” choosing to ignore him you brush past him, a monotonous look on your face as you make your way to your car. You resist the urge to look back and see his reaction. HA! Take that ‘Male Lead’ You snort to yourself mentally. Unlocking your car your eyes widen when Hyunjin pulls open the passenger door and takes a seat before you could enter the car. “The audacity…” You whisper under your breath. With a sigh, you open the back door pulling out your bag and opting to walk to the university instead. Shrugging the bag over your shoulder you begin making your way down your driveway. “Y/N, Are you serious right now?” Hyunjin groans in annoyance as he exits the car closing the passenger door behind him before he walks around the car pressing the lock button before closing the door. You continue walking as he rushes from behind you taking a hold of your forearm and halting your movements. “Fuck, don’t do this to me….” He whimpers “Talk to me, look at me, something please…” His voice cracks. You shake your head as you try to pull your arm out of his grasp. His grip grows a little tighter. “I’ll explain. We can talk about this.” He pleads.
You continue staring forward and bite your lip, so you don’t respond. “You’re killing me here…you know that?” He whimpers. “I told you, its just better for you to leave well enough alone….” You state coldly. “And I told you that I’m not giving up on you” Hyunjin counters. You shake your head “I’d rather you did. I won’t be helping you win your bet.” A pained scoff erupts from his throat “Is that why you think I’m here? That stupid fucking bet?!” He growls angrily. You nod, knowing that the bet probably wasn’t the reason, but you allowed the pettiness you felt in the pit in your stomach take over. “You don’t even know what the fucking bet was about!” He shouts angrily.
“Excuse me?”
“You. Don’t. Even. Know. What. The. Bet. Was. About.” He grits. Your eyebrows furrow as anger boils in your stomach “Do I need to? I heard enough. I know you made some bet to date me and would get 500 dollars after a year” You argue. “No. The bet was I would confess to you and prove that I was actually serious about you within a year because I had a habit of developing feelings for any girl that treated me like a fucking person instead of Hwang Hyunjin from Stray Kids. Im not some disgusting prick that would date a girl I have no interest in for fucking pocket change Y/N. it’s not like I need 500 dollars, if you didn’t know Im kinda doing well in my career.” He snaps. “I made the bet to prove to myself and the guys that I was actually serious about you. Was it stupid? Yes, but I won’t let you just sit there and say that I was fucking playing around with you when you’re the first girl I want to be serious with in a very long time.”
You stare at him in disbelief. Words not coming to you as you replay his explanation over and over in your mind. It felt like an eternity before you said anything. “That’s a stupid ass bet if I’m being honest” You state with an annoyed pout. “Oh, you thought I was smart?” Hyunjin jokes as he leans into you pulling you into a back hug as he rests his chin on your shoulder “Can you please give me another chance? I wont ruin this again. I won’t do anything that stupid again.” He pleads softly, you sigh “Please just give me sometime to think about it?” Hyunjin groans “Please? Baby, this is torture…if you weren’t going to forgive me, you wouldn’t be letting me anywhere near you right now.”
“So, you should have your answer then….” You state sarcastically.
“But I’m not sure if you forgave me if you don’t say you do….” He pouts.
You shrug as you pull yourself out of his arms and make your way to your car. “I got a test and I’ll be late, so I have to go.” Hyunjin follows behind you with a kicked puppy expression as you unlock your car once again. “Will I see you after your classes?” He questions sadly. You pull open the driver’s door taking a seat and rolling down the window as the engine roars to life. You wave Hyunjin to lean into your window, he complies with a sad pout. You press your lips to his cheek as you whisper “Depends on your schedule…” His cheeks heat up turning a bright crimson as his hand caresses the cheek you kissed. You wink at him as you reverse out of the driveway.
Taglist: @corrodedthorn n @lovesunshinefelix @lailac13 @moonchildlv @neyangi @hello-stranger24 @tamlinsfiddle @allyrarara @yangbbokari
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luvs4matt · 2 days
Can you do headcannons about all the times matt and reader got caught
3 times matt and reader got caught NSFW
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pairing - bf!matt x sub!reader
warnings - SMUT, sir kink, nicknames (baby, honey, hun, princess, my girl), squirting, breeding, riding, missionary, orgasm denial, pervert!chris, toys (vibrator), p in v, begging, getting caught, edging, overstimulation, couch sex, no aftercare (matt obvi does aftercare tho)
summary - the title tells you all
a/n - i can’t tell if i like this or not but i hope all of you do, especially you anon!!
• the first time you and matt got caught, you didn’t even know you had been and still don’t know you were
matt was laying down with you laying on top of him as you bounced up and down on his cock. your head was buried in his neck muffling all of your moans and crys of his name.
his hands were gripping your waist helping you, his head was buried in your shoulder with his eyes clamped shut “you’re doing so good for me honey” he praises.
you let out a louder cry as your pleasure increased “sh sh sh, don’t want them to hear do you?” you struggled to speak from how matt was now meeting your hips in the middle “n- no sir”
“then stay quiet baby” little did you know, chris stood in shock in the doorway as he watched this whole interaction happening. he originally was going to sneak in the room to scare the couple.
but when he seen the situation, he was too shocked to move. he seen you cum all over matt, and that’s when he realized what he is seeing and doing, quickly leaving the scene quickly and quietly.
• the second time was caused by you screaming, and they thought you were hurt.
matt had been edging you for the last hour, he was using a vibrator on you to make the feeling more intense. you were sore from all of your ruined orgasms “you wanna cum princess?” you rapidly nod your head, begging to release “yes! yes yes yes! please! please!”
“10…” he starts counting down
“9…” you aren’t allowed to cum until he was done counting down
“8…” you had been so desperate for your orgasm that it hurt
“7…” you were using all of your strength to hold back
“6…” only six more seconds, can’t be that hard, right?
“5…” a front door slams but neither of you acknowledged it
“4…” you let out a scream from matt suddenly sticking a finger inside of you
“3…” nick and chris hear your scream
“2…” they start to run towards matts room to make sure you’re okay
“1…” chris and nick burst through the door
“cum.” both you and matts head look at the door
“oh my god, i- I’m so sor- ah fuck! no no no! i- i’m c- oh my god!” your orgasm hit you unexpectedly
your hips lift off of the bed as you turn on your side, trying to get the vibrations off of you but they won’t. of course your hands were handcuffed behind your back, and the vibe he was using on you wasn’t handheld.
“please! take it off! take it off!” chris had almost immediately ran out of the room when he walked in on you, while nick is still standing there frozen “not yet hun” he looks back at the door to see nick standing “you can go now!” matt yelled
“oh, yeah, right.” he hurried out of the room, grabbing his laptop to find a new therapist.
• the most recent time you got caught, you weren’t even surprised considering you were on the couch in the middle of the night.
your back was against the couch as matt made slow, deep thrust into you. “you feel good baby?” his voice was low so no one would wake up and catch you at 1 am.
“y- yes” you whimper, your moans were muffled by either biting your lip or matts hand over your mouth “being such a good girl f’me” chris walked up the stairs quietly hoping to wake no one up.
he walked by the couch, not noticing you, and you didn’t notice him. he was getting close to the fridge to grab a drink, but came to an abrupt stop when he heard your moans and whimpers.
“matt, i- i’m gonna cum” he quickens his thrust a bit more “can i? please” he places soft kisses on your jaw “go ahead baby”
“t- thank you” your noises start to pick up in pitch the closer, and closer you get to the edge “open your mouth” he demands. you expected him to spit or stick his tongue in your mouth, but instead he stuffed your panties in your mouth.
“gotta keep you quiet honey, don’t want chris to hear how pretty my girl sounds.”
chris felt weird for hearing all of this go down, but he felt confused for why matt mentioned his name. he stood in the kitchen, listening to your muffled moans as you reached your climax.
matt continued to thrust into you, which got you over stimulated. he could tell you were trying to say something so he removed the panties from your mouth “t- too much matty, i- i can’t”
your voice cracked while tears built in your eyes from the overstimulation “yes you can, give me one more then ill stop, understand?” your whimpers start to get louder again “y- yes sir”
he stuffs your panties back into your mouth. he watches your face contort in pleasure, your third orgasm of the night approaching (matt the munch), but this one was different, it felt like you were going to pee.
matt could tell that and started rubbing your clit. his orgasm was approaching just as fast as yours “you gonna let me cum inside of of you? hm?” you nod your head, desperate for him to fill you.
chris walks to the first step, standing behind the wall. “fucking shit, i’m cumming baby, cum with me, i know you wanna squirt all over this cock” you feel him finish inside of you which triggered your release.
your juices fly out from between you two with a loud moan from you and a loud groan from matt. chris finally walks down the stairs to his bedroom, he should be disgusted from what he has heard but he can’t help it when he takes care of his ‘problem’ by thinking of your noises, your words, your reactions, he can’t help but want to be the one cumming inside of you.
he never got his drink.
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azzifudd · 2 days
that you let me wear home
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: "who's closet do you think the clothes come from?" - paige bueckers
rated: teen
~760 words
Paige wakes to the sound of stifled laughter and strange music. It repeats over and over in short sequence. She finally opens her eyes, squinting as the light hits them and throwing her arm over them, bumping her glasses into her face. 
They had been getting a nap in before their evening plans, and Paige must’ve been even more tired than she had thought because Azzi had woken up and gotten out of bed without her even stirring. 
Azzi stands at the side of the bed, giggling as she taps on her phone, which is suspiciously pointed in Paige’s direction. 
“Azzi… Whatcha doing?” 
“Nothing,” replies Azzi, snickering. But then she turns off her phone and tosses it to the bed, climbing up the bed and astride Paige’s hips. 
Paige slides her hands up smooth thighs, head tilting back as Azzi’s lips find her jaw. 
“Mmm,” she murmurs as Azzi kisses along her jawline and down her neck, stopping at the base of her neck and sucking lightly. 
Paige is so distracted and intoxicated by Azzi’s scent all around her that she almost doesn’t hear the sound of her phone buzzing almost incessantly on the bedside table. 
“Wait.” She brings one hand to the back of Azzi’s neck as the other reaches out to grab for her phone.
“Ignore it,” Azzi mutters against her neck, but the buzzing continues. Paige nudges at her a little. 
“Baby, that’s too high up, you know I bruise easy.” 
As Azzi moves her head away, Paige finally gets a hold of her phone, tilting it to look at the screen. The team group chat is blowing up with texts. The same thing keeps coming through over and over along with their teammates’ jokes and the crying laughing emoji.
“What the hell?” Paige nudges Azzi off of her and onto her side. It’s a video showing her asleep in Azzi’s bed that quickly morphs into some strange animated drawing of a half dressed woman. 
“Dude, is this what you were doing? Were you distractin’ me?” 
Azzi starts laughing, burying her face in Paige’s neck. Another text comes in. 
“You put it on Tiktok?!” Paige sits up. 
“Just on my story.”
“Delete it!” She turns and spots Azzi’s phone on the bed, and reaches for it. Azzi catches her hand in hers, intertwining their fingers.
“It’s probably been screen recorded a million times by now.” Azzi replies, giggling, and she’s smiling so hard her dimples are deep in each cheek. 
Paige stops trying to grab for the phone, instead running her hands down Azzi’s sides and tickling her until they’re both nearly crying from laughter. 
Hours later, they’re in Paige’s apartment getting ready to go out for the night. Paige enters her room to find Azzi standing in front of the open closet. She’s dressed already, in a black top that exposes the skin of her arms and belly and tight gray jeans that hug her figure. 
Paige comes up behind her, arms encircling her midsection, hands coming to rest on the soft skin of her bare stomach, before she presses a quick kiss to Azzi’s shoulder. 
Azzi sighs and Paige feels her body melt into hers. 
“You sure you don’t wanna come to the game tonight?” 
They’ve spent the entire day together, but Paige doesn’t think she’ll ever get tired of spending time with Azzi. She’s still recovering from the near week they just had to spend apart. 
“No, you should take Kayla. She’ll enjoy it more than me.” She has plans with their friend Sam anyways.
Paige nods into Azzi’s shoulder. “You outta bring a jacket. It’s raining a bit.” 
Azzi turns in Paige’s embrace, Paige’s hands sliding along her waist to rest on the bare skin of her lower back. 
“Pick something out for me?” But she doesn’t let Paige move, instead bringing her hands up along Paige’s arms until they’re draped over Paige’s shoulders. 
Paige leans in to press a kiss to that dimpled smile. She pulls Azzi closer, about to deepen the kiss when Kayla breezes by the door, knocking on the frame. 
“I don’t dare to come in, but you guys better almost be ready or else we’re gonna be late.” 
Paige laughs, finally pushing Azzi away and stepping to her closet and pulling out a light pink button up and helping Azzi into it. 
“Damn. You always look so good in my clothes.” 
“Okay, sweet talker." Azzi gives her a little peck. “I’m gonna head out. Have fun. I love you.” 
“Love you.” Paige watches her go and misses her right away. 
240 notes · View notes
gojotojis · 17 hours
Dracula pt.2
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part one
summary: because of yours and Sukunas actions, there’s a consequence that threatens to ruin everything
pairing: sukuna as Dracula x fem reader
content MDNI: abuse,Dracula, vampires, unplanned pregnancy, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, death, mentions of abuse, violence, fingering, arranged/forced marriage,
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Your hands cling to the ring handles of the door as Naoya grabs you by the legs in attempts to pull you away. You refuse to let go as your wedding guests watch you throw a tantrum. You scream loud enough to pierce the air like a banshee and everyone’s clutching their ears.
Mitsuki stares at you, like you’re the most amusing human she’s ever encountered. Your legs kick at Naoya but your grip doesn’t loosen.
“How is she so fucking strong?” He hisses using his body weight to pull you and you scream more, you don’t care how insane you look. You’re not leaving with him and nobody can make you.
Devastation hits you when strong hands grab yours and easily pluck them from the door. You claw at him until your arms are wrapped around his neck, feet kicking Naoya in the face so your legs are free to wrap around Sukuna.
You cling to him like a monkey that was nearly drowned. His arms remain at his sides as he walks with you. The guest in attendance stare in shock that he’s allowing this.
“Must you be so difficult?” He asks with amusement in his voice.
“Please don’t make me go, please. I’ll do anything, I’ll behave I promise, I’ll stop leaving books everywhere and I won’t laugh at you ever again” you plead.
“You knew the deal,” he says.
“You’re The Count, deals don’t matter unless you say so” you remind him and he hums.
“Nine and ten moons acting like a child, what will your husband think?” He asks.
“It’s a good thing I didn’t marry him to think” you say and his chest vibrates, you think he’s going to laugh but he doesn’t as his hands grip your thighs to pull you off of him. You squeeze tighter.
“Come on little mouse, it’s time to go” he says using his genuine strength to pull you off of him. Naoya pulls you to him and Sukuna walks away.
“Sukuna” you cry and for the briefest of seconds he pauses.
You’re hauled into the carriage with no one to save you.
4 months later
Your feet hit the dirt, dress snagging at the branches from the trees. Your lungs burn as you watch the flames from the torches disappear. You can still hear the shouting and the hounds sniffing for you.
“Come out murderer!” Naobito yells. You tremble feeling the ice cold air freeze your skin. Thunder rumbles and you panic as rain patters, beating against your flesh.
“She’ll freeze to death, let her die out here” Jinchi says as you hide behind a tree, hand clasped over your mouth.
“She killed my son”Naobito grits.
You try to think of what to do, one thing comes to mind and it’s easily the worst decision you can make but the only one that may protect you.
You run for Sukunas castle, hissing as twigs and rocks imbed themselves in the soles of your feet. Your dress is shredded by the time you reach the massive double doors. Your fist beat against the door as you freeze to death. You bang desperately until Mitsukis opening the door, she pulls you in as water drips from your body creating a puddle on the floor.
“You’re freezing”she says guiding you up the stairs and to your old room. She pulls out one of your nightgowns and strips you. She inhales at the bruises that cover your body. Her fingers graze your black eye and then your busted lip, eyes lingering on the purple hand print that marks your neck.
Her eyes widen when they land on your stomach, round and swollen. You turn away from her and slip into the dress. You climb into the bed shaking and she sits beside you.
“What did you do?” You hear his voice before you see him striding into the room shirtless, drops of blood on his bare chest.
“I slit his throat”you breathe. Your husband was violent, and the night he realized you were pregnant with a child that wasn’t his, he beat you for it. Then he beat you to force you into obedience.
“Let me heal you”he says and you glare.
“I don’t want your blood, you’ve done enough. I begged you not to make me marry him, I begged you not to let him take me and you did. Now I’m as good as dead once the Zenin find me,” you hiss as he bites into his wrist.
“Still a volatile little brat” he says, gripping the back of your head and forcing you to drink from him. You fight against him but his strength is too much. You feel the liquid slide down your throat and you become delirious. Your head hits the pillows as your eyes close.
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Your eyes open to three women staring down at you, fangs on display as they twist and tug on the strands of your hair. One pokes at your cheek and they giggle.
“She’s pretty” one whispers.
“She smells so good” another moans.
“She’s pregnant” the third says, her claws drag up your belly and you smack her hand away.
“What did I tell you about touching things that are mine?”you hear from the doorway and the women pull away.
“But we’re hungry” they cry in unison.
“Then chase a goat, I’ve had it up to here with you three”he says and they run off.
He walks toward you, eyes narrowing in on your protruding stomach. Your arm wraps around it, refusing to let him near her as you crawl to the furthest part of the bed.
“You sleep like the dead” he comments but you don’t answer him nor do you look at him and it drives him crazy.
“You can ignore me but we’re stuck together till that brat is born”he says and your head snaps to him, eyes enraged.
“She’s not a brat, she’s just a baby and you will not have her for she does not belong to you,” you say watching him stalk to your side of the bed.
His fingers lift your chin up and his claw taps the skin.
“There’s nothing in this world that’s going to stop me from killing it, not even you can save it from that,” he says, his voice is dark and any traces of Sukuna are gone, this is solely Dracula talking.
“She’s not Naoya’s” you whisper and his brows raise.
“You were unfaithful?” he asks, that doesn’t sound like you but then again what did he know. You despised your husband the moment you met him, it was clear you’d never love him.
“No, I’ve only slept with one man” you breathe and the air escapes his lungs. His eyes flick from yours to your stomach and then back.
“She’s yours, Sukuna”you say hesitantly grabbing his hand to splay it across your belly. Something appears in his eyes but is gone as soon as he pulls his hand away like you’ve burned him.
“What did you do?!” He yells and you flinch.
“I didn’t do anything, it just happened. You were there just as much as I was. You can’t hurt her, she’s your daughter” you whisper.
The word feels foreign, mundane and prettifying.
His instincts are to wrap his hands around your throat but he fights them and leaves the room.
“He won’t hurt her, he won’t” you tell Mitsuki at dinner. She’s still in shock at the news you’re carrying her niece. Sukunas never slept with someone and not killed them after, this is the consequences of his actions.
“He killed our family, if you think a child will change that then you’re mistaken,” she says. She’s never been one to sugarcoat anything and you like that about her but in your heart you believe she’s wrong.
When Sukuna had hurt you, he fought against his very own nature to be gentle, to kiss away your tears and apologize, not once but twice. There’s a part of him that cares and you know it, you’ve seen it.
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At five months pregnant you grow concern, she still hasn’t moved. You thrum your fingers along your belly, gently tapping in hopes of getting her to kick but she doesn’t.
You whisper to her at night and sing to her but she’s unresponsive.
A sigh leaves you as you climb out of bed, and walk to the room down the hall. It’s been a month since he’s spoken to you, you don’t push it because you believe with time he’ll love her too.
The times you’ve been so close to talking to him at night, you hear the grunts from his room and turn away, certain he’s inside another woman but you shouldn’t care.
The door pushes open and to your surprise he’s alone sitting on the edge of his bed. Your eyes trail his muscular body and you hate how responsive it makes yours. Pregnancy’s made your lust grow, and not even your fingers are able to dull the ache between your legs.
His eyes look up and find yours before they stare at your belly. You slowly walk toward him to stand between his spread legs. He’s never been a weak man but there’s something about you that has him turning to putty in the palm of your hands and it’s not your blood.
He feels your belly pressed against his chest and he smells it, that sweet scent coming from your daughter. His eyes close, and your fingers slide their way through his hair, nails gently grazing his scalp.
“She’s not moving” you whisper and his eyes open.
“It’s fine” he says, listening to the steady thump of her heart mixed with yours, it’s like a melody. You sigh in relief as he stares at your stomach, there’s so much turmoil in his eyes.
“I want to name her Katalina, it means pure” you admit and he stiffens against you.
“You’re growing attached” he says and your fingers pull away from him.
“Why wouldn’t I? She’s our daughter,”.
“It. Is a mistake,” he says and you shake your head. You don’t regret any of it, not when you feel her grow inside of you. You grab his hand and force him to feel her.
You gasp when she kicks against his palm for the first time. The feelings is strange but beautiful. His face is stoic but his eyes look conflicted and she kicks again.
“She likes you,” you smile feeling his thumb graze over the spot she kicked.
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“Don’t wander far” Mitsuki says as you walk along the garden. You nod in response kneeling to pluck flowers for your room.
“Do you know how to ride?” She asks as she pets the black mare named Juniper.
“No” you answer, gently setting the flowers in a basket.
She wants to say she’ll teach you but there’s no point, after Katalina’s born, they’ll send you away.
“She likes Sukuna” you tell her and her brows raise.
“And how would you know that?”.
“She only kicks for him,” you smile and her face softens. She finds herself wanting to care for the baby as much as you do but it’s useless. Sukuna has never had an issue killing his own flesh and blood, this will make no difference.
“Would you like to pet Juniper?” She asks and your ears perk up. You nod as you stand, holding your belly. You’ve never pet a horse before.
“Can I bru-“ your words are cut off at something hissing through the air. Pain explodes in your chest, you look down at the arrow protruding through your skin and blood pools from your mouth.
“Sukuna !” Mitsuki screams as your body hits the ground with a thud. Red eyes appear above you, his lips are moving but you can’t hear a word as you choke on blood.
He yanks the arrow from your chest and you scream. His fangs dig into his wrist and he holds them to your lips. There’s too much blood pooling in your throat for you to swallow.
Your brows pinch in anguish as your skin pales. He can hear your heart slowing before he drags his fangs across your wrist, splitting the skin open. Your wrists touch and his blood seeps into yours.
His hand rests against your belly and Katalina kicks, the thump of her heart so strong that he finds himself sighing in relief.
Mitsuki tears though the Zenin mercenaries sent to kill you as you roll on your side and cough out the blood. You gasp when you can breathe again.
“Is she okay?” You choke and he nods, lifting you into his arms and carrying you back inside.
“You care” you weakly smile, eyes closing.
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The sound of lightning striking the ground has you tossing and turning until you’re out of bed and walking toward his room.
Only a few candles light the room as you enter and walk toward the bed. You pull back the covers and climb in. He turns to face you, and fingers graze your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, the concern to clear on his face. He’s losing this war.
“I can’t sleep” you say innocently.
“Katalina?” He asks and you smile wide.
“You said her name,” you point out.
“That doesn’t mean anything” he says making you shake your head.
“It’s okay to love her, I know you want to” you confess feeling his fingers brush against your belly under the covers. Katalina kicks and you giggle, his hand moves and she kicks again.
“She only kicks for you, she loves her papa” you say looking into his eyes. He’s scared and you can see it. You lean forward and gently kiss him, slowly pulling away. War is over when his lips find yours, his fingers run circles into your belly as your daughter kicks.
His tongue forces its way inside your mouth and licks at it, letting him get drunk off the taste of you. You moan against his lips, feeling him move to hover over you. Your legs spread to accommodate him and he breaks the kiss to pull your dress up.
His eyes look over your belly and his hand presses against it. Katalina kicks up a storm and he does the most human thing you’ve ever witnessed, he smiles. He hesitantly leans forward and presses a kiss to the skin earning a kick from his daughter.
He looks up at you and lets himself feel. You’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on, now full and carrying his child. He’s been utterly seduced, taken down by the one thing he was meant to kill.
His fingers touch your core, feeling how soaked you are. You inhale as he pushes a finger inside of you, eyes holding yours and you moan.
“There’s not a day I haven’t thought about this” he says pressing a kiss to your cunt and you bite your lip. He adds a second finger, moving slow and deep inside of you, pressing kisses to your belly and your inner thighs.
His thumb rubs furiously at your clit and you cry out, feeling yourself clench onto his fingers. Your legs shake as he continues until it’s too much. You slump against the bed as he moves to lay beside you.
“I need you inside of me” you say feeling his lips graze your forehead.
“I don’t want to hurt her” he says, thinking about how rough he had been taking your virginity.
“You won’t,” you assure him, he hesitantly gets back on and between your legs. He’s too far gone, with you and your daughter. He couldn’t hurt her if he tried, she’s a part of you that he’s grown to love. In those months you were away he was miserable and when he believed you to be pregnant with Naoyas child, he felt anger.
He can’t hate something that you made.
“Hurry” you say and his fingers graze your neck.
“Little brat” he says lining his cock up to your hole and gently thrusting home. The stretch will take getting use to but you moan once he’s fully inside of you. He doesn’t move and it annoys you as you sit up on your elbows.
You roll your hips and moan as you feel him deep inside of you. “So impatient” he whispers pulling out and thrusting in. You shake as he repeats the action over and over. Your hands reach for his and he laces your fingers, listening to your whimpers.
“Harder” you beg, you want to laugh at how afraid he is of hurting your daughter.
“Always demanding”he grits, hips pulling from you and slamming into you hard. You gasp and he does it again feeling you clench around him.
He skin slaps against yours lewdly as he builds a faster and hard rhythm of fucking into you. One of his hands leaves yours to roll your nipple between his finger and you cum around him gasping.
He lifts your leg up and pulls you impossibly closer, burying himself in the depths of you, feeling you cum again. A scream leaves your lips mixed with his harsh grunts.
His thumb drags across your clit, working circles into it. He grips the back of your head and pulls you as close as he can, lips locking with yours. Your breathless gasps hitting his lips, your nails claw at his arms when he hits your cervix and you both cum arms wrapping around him to steady yourself.
You fall to the bed drenched in sweat as he pulls out of you. He kisses your sweaty forehead, listening to Katalinas heartbeat.
Minutes pass and you get up, grabbing your gown and putting it back on. You start to leave until his hand clasp against your wrist.
“Stay” he says and you swallow roughly, climbing back into the bed. He pulls your back against his front, hand splaying across your belly. Katalina kicks and you laugh.
“Does she ever rest?” He asks.
“No,” you answer.
“A brat like her mama” he says and you roll your eyes.
“What are you going to do about the Zenins?” You ask, they had been so close to killing you, to killing Katalina.
“Wipe them from the earth” he says and you frown.
“Some of them are good people, very few but some. They shouldn’t suffer for the sins of their family” you say feeling his lips press against your shoulder.
“That heart of yours bleeds for all the wrong people” he whispers, feeling your hand cover his.
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Sukunas still trying to wrap his head around becoming a father, it’s not easy fighting your instincts or changing your beliefs.
He fears now, it’s strange but he does. He fears everything that could go wrong, how either you or her could die, potentially both. He worries he’ll corrupt her, or she’ll grow to hate him. Often times he feels like he can’t breathe, lying awake at night listening to your breathing and her heartbeat.
He nearly had a heart attack the other night when you almost tumbled down the stairs, now he insists on escorting you everywhere and holding your hand.
He slaughtered most of the Zenin clan besides the servants and a few members you asked him to spare. Dracula didn’t spare, only one person was ever spared and that was your mother. He spared her for his own selfish tendencies, but you simply asked him and he obliged.
He feels like a puppet and you his master, he fears when Katalinas born he’ll be wrapped around her finger just as he is yours.
Mitsukis still hesitant, fearing his mind will change. She finds herself touching your belly from time to time, Katalina doesn’t kick of course but Mitsukis trying to learn to love her.
You’re getting so close to giving birth, you’d be lying if you said you’re not scared. Your mother died giving birth to you, a burden you carry with you. You talk to Katalina all the time, incase something goes wrong, you hope she’ll remember your voice.
Sukuna watches you waddle toward the bed, you’re hissing with a limp and he’s instantly at your side.
“What’s wrong?”he asks, kneeling infront of you, hands kneading your belly.
“My feet” you whisper and he looks down to your swollen feet, a sigh leaves you as he begins massaging your right one. His lips kiss the arch of your foot and you giggle as his fingers dig into the flesh. You’re so ticklish but it feels really nice.
He moves onto the other one, repeating his actions as you cradle your stomach.
He leans forward and presses a kiss to your belly button earning a little foot pressed against the skin.
“You’re hurting your mama” he whispers to your belly and you feel a sharp kick to your ribs making you inhale.
“Behave little one” he whispers tapping your belly, feeling Katalinas foot press against his finger.
“Sukuna” you say and he hums, looking up at you.
“If anything happens to me, you have to take care of her. You have to love her, unconditionally” you whisper and he tenses as you speak his worse fear into existence.
He palms your cheek and you lean into it. “I’d turn you before that ever happens” he says. You blink, not having considered that as an option, not sure if that’s what you’d even want.
“I don’t know if I want that, I don’t want to become-“.
“A monster?” He cuts you off. You feel guilt at the admission but he’s not a good man, he’s the reason several children grew up without fathers, the reason your people would hide in their homes and barricade themselves. He’s the reason your mother was unable to flee and be with your father.
He’s done so many horrible things but despite them you find yourself loving him. He’s given you something so precious, something equally you and him. He needs you, he needs her.
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Pain erupts in your stomach, hands clutching it as you wake up with pinched brows and you cry out. You feel the liquid running down your thighs and Sukunas immediately awake.
“It hurts” you cry, his hand grabs yours and you clench it. His lips kiss your temple as he yells for Mitsuki.
She rushes in with your midwife and you feel your legs being pried apart. You’re scared, wide eyes looking to Sukuna. His jaws clenched, a face of indifference but his eyes tell you he’s worried.
“She’s not fully dilated yet, it could be hours” the midwife informs.
“Hours of suffering?” Sukuna grits and you squeeze his hand to be nice to the woman merely doing her job.
“It’s okay” you whisper, kissing him. You press your forehead against his, he has to know. Incase these are your last hours with him, he has to know.
Mitsuki and the midwife rush off to fetch towels and water while Sukuna pulls you between his legs, your back to his chest. His fingers pet your hair as your body aches, preparing to deliver your daughter.
“Sukuna, I love you. Incase we don’t have more time I want you to know that. I forgive you for everything and I don’t regret anything. I’d do it all over again to have her, to be with you,” you say and he stills. He doesn’t reply, he can’t bring himself to utter the words. His hands rub your belly and he kisses your temple.
When Mitsuki comes back, you requests a moment alone with her.
“Thank you for everything, for showing me kindness and compassion in the darkest of times. For being my friend, I don’t hold anything you did against you. You love your brother fiercely and I can only hope Katalina receives that same love,” you smile at her.
Hours pass and Mitsuki holds your left hand, Sukuna your right as your Midwife kneels between your legs.
“She’s crowning” she says and a scream leaves your lips as you push, it’s painful. Mitsuki rubs circles into your hand and you watch tears fall from her eyes. You kiss the top of her hand and smile weakly at her, the sister you always wanted.
Your body feels broken the harder you push, sweat coating your skin.
“I love you, I loved you the moment I heard you tell those villagers you were born of fire and blood. How something so vulnerable and beaten could say something so deranged and laugh. The way you showed me not an ounce of fear, sending you away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and easily my biggest regret but I love you” he says in your ear and you smile giving one last push.
An earth shattering scream pierces the air. Katalina enters the world covered in blood, fists curled. Sukunas bites his wrist and offers you his blood but you shake your head.
“I want to feel this, at least for a few more minutes” you say, he doesn’t understand but he nods as the midwife cleans your daughter and cuts her umbilical cord.
She wraps her in a pink quilt and you sit up, weak and tired and so desperate to meet the little girl that’s completely changed your life.
You sob at the sight of her, her father’s twin with two crimson red eyes. Her hair a mass of pink curls as her fists curls around your finger. Mitsukis crying, fingers grazing Katalinas curls but the baby’s eyes seek out her favorite person. Her eyes land on Sukuna, big and curious.
His whole world stops when their eyes meet, time stands still and suddenly that cold organ that thumps in his chest is filled with so much warmth it’s overwhelming. He leans down to kiss her little fingers smiling, surrounded by his three favorite girls.
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Eight years later
Glass shatters and a scream erupts, you’re climbing out of the bed immediately with your husband following behind.
Thunder rumbles outside and you can hear the pitter patter of feet. Your eyes follow the trail of muddy foot prints downstairs and broken pottery. Books thrown everywhere, red and yellow painted handprints coat the walls and you feel on the verge of a heart attack.
The footsteps lead to the kitchen, cupboards open and pots scattered everywhere.
Sukuna spots the pink highlighted head of hair and snatches her up, she screams and her little feet kick at him. Chocolate covers her mouth in a ring and all over her grubby hands. He pretends to bite into her neck and she giggles, feeling him attack her with tickles.
“Papa no” she gasps, hands clawing at his face, coating it in chocolate.
“Come out, now” you say, and watch three heads peek out around the corner. Paint covers them, feet coated in mud and you pinch your nose.
“Mama…”Katalina starts and your brow raises.
“Soreena started it” Adrian accuses pointing to the little girl in Sukunas arms. Her eyes, one brown and the other red widen.
“No I not!” She shrieks.
“Papa, she chased us with paint” Katalina says walking toward her father, eyes big and pleading as she leans into his side and clings to his free arm. Soreena attempts to kick her in the face but he holds her little feet down.
“The truth or you all are sleeping with the horses” Sukuna says and their eyes widen.
“Soreena” the three siblings say.
“Katalina,” he warns and her eyes look to the floor.
“We just wanted to have fun, mama won’t let us outside” she sighs.
“It’s raining, I don’t think I’d like my children being burnt to a crisp because they couldn’t outrun lightning” you say.
“Papa would save us” Nikolai says and you roll your eyes, you swear you’ve raised a cult obsessed with your husband.
“Well I would” Sukuna agrees looking to you and your children grin.
“Told you!” Nikolai says, six years old and the perfect combination of you and his father.
“That’s fine, because of your actions, papa won’t be reading to you tonight” you say and they groan. Soreenas eyes water as she starts to cry.
“Mawma pwease” she begs, you sigh kissing her forehead.
“It’s okay” Sukuna says stroking her hair and kissing her little tears. Her lips pout and her little fangs poke out.
“Where’s Elena?” You ask looking around, Soreena never goes anywhere without her twin sister.
“Here” Mitsuki calls from behind you holding the sleeping three year old. The only child of yours that’s obsessed with you.
“She was behind the sofa” she says as you take her from her. Her cheek rests against your chest as your hand rubs down her back.
Sukuna kisses her chubby cheek, careful to not get chocolate on it.
“You gave birth to demons” Mitsuki says eyeing the mess your children have made, and you can’t seem to argue with her.
“Mimi” Soreena says giggling at her aunt, earning a smile and pat to the head.
“Let’s get you bathed and in bed, papa can read to you but this gets cleaned tomorrow” you say and they nod their heads furiously before running into their father.
Once the kids are bathed and in bed, Elena rests between you and Sukuna with Soreena on his chest. They’re the spitting image of you save for the streaks of pink hair and the one red eye.
His hand trails up and down Soreenas spine as he stares at you three.
“I’m glad you killed your husband” he says and you laugh.
“Which one?” You ask, turning to face him.
“Both,” he says watching your eyes twinkle.
“The verdicts still out on you” you tease and his chest vibrates, making Soreena lift slightly.
“To die by your hands would be the sweetest death” he whispers grabbing your hand to kiss it.
“I love you” you smile.
“I love you to the ends of the earth and beyond that”he says leaning to kiss you. You break apart at the creaking of your door to see Katalina rubbing at her eyes with her stuffed bunny Mitsuki had made her as a baby.
She walks toward the bed and you expect her to go for sukuna but her arms wrap around you.
“I love you mama” she says climbing over you and laying between you and Elena.
“I love you too my angel ,” you say arms wrapping around her. You hear two sets of feet and your sons climb into the bed.
You kiss their foreheads and look at Sukuna and smile, your fangs on display.
“I knew it’d be impossible for you not to fall in love”.
“I never stood a chance, I was already defeated from the start. The bride of Dracula, the cruelest of creatures”
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Note: I really enjoyed writing this though it was stressful. Their children are half human half vampire, their vampire traits are more dominant than their human ones like their immortality, aging, healing etc.
Human wise they are more human than animal so not like the instincts sukuna was born with and also have an appetite more for human food than blood.
Adrian is five so he’s the the third oldest and looks like Sukuna in the same way Katalina does. They adore their mom but Sukuna is just the fan favorite. Elena is a mommy’s girl through and through though. Reader has heterochromia not sure if that’s obvi, one of the reasons she was accused of being a witch and her children aside from Katalina and Adrian inherit that from her.
I picture Soreena and elena to have black hair like I do the reader with pink highlights like draculara from monster high kind of look. Nikolai’s hair is mostly dark with pink frosted tips. Sukunas features are more dominant thus the pink hair and red eyes but the twins look like the reader in every other aspect.
Though reader is a vampire, her blood is still the same and addictive to him as is their children’s but he doesn’t crave it anymore, he’d never let his bloodlust bring him to kill his family, at least not again! And he does feed from reader during sex, it’s a kink ;)
Also I was gonna kill her off but I started crying too much lmaooo.
@firefly-333 @idkkkkd @bluebirdhangingonawheepingtree @chxrv @bubb13gumb1tch @kiki17483 @xra1 @berries06 @ilestreign
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izzyreadingblog · 1 day
The dinner | Fridolina Rolfo x reader
+18 minors please do not read it.
Semi public sex, light bondage.
A/N: English is not my first language and I'm a newbie writing this type of content, sorry if is bad and for the mistakes.
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“Hello, sweetheart, I'm already home!” Frido announced, her voice full of love and warmth. “You don't know how cold it is outside, I'm an ice cube right now!”
You hadn't seen her yet, but you could hear her advance down the hallway, and you could sense the pout on her face because of her baby voice.
“An ice cube? You’re exaggerating, my love. And you know, you’re from Sweden, so you should be used to the Barcelona cold. It’s nothing compared with the Swedish one!” you say.
“Do you think I’m exaggerating? This cold is worse than the one in Sweden!” Frido said, opening her arms when she arrived at the living room, to show off her outfit. Her inseparable black hat and a scarf that gave her three turns gave her a rather mysterious look, with just the barest glimpses of her beautiful blue eyes and the tip of her nose, red from the cold.
You couldn't help laughing. “Are we sure that my girlfriend is under all those clothes?”
“And you make fun of me, you who are on the couch so comfortable with the blanket and with a hot drink in hand,” Frido said, her eyes twinkling. Frido had detached herself from the scarf, the hat, and the coat she was wearing.
“Hello, darling, it was you indeed underneath all those clothes,” you said, smiling at her. “Come here, let me give you a kiss.”
“Yes, it's me. Hello, baby,” the Swedish woman approached and threw herself on top of you to greet you.
You made a little hiss as soon as Frido got on top of you when you noticed how cold your girlfriend was everywhere.
“Frido, please get down, you're very cold!” you say.
“But it was you who asked me for a kiss!. Are you rejecting me? Don't you love me anymore?" You crawled backward on the couch, laughing, while the blonde chased you.
"I love you so much, but you're frozen, my love. Take it, put the blanket on it for a little while, and get warm." You threw it at her so that she would take it on the fly.
"You're not going to escape from me that easily," the Swedish girl said, moving to trap you in the corner of the sofa and grab your face with her hands.
"Frido, stop, you are going to freeze my cheeks!" you said, covering her hands with yours, trying to warm them because they felt like ice.
"Give me a kiss," Frido said again, with an adorable pout on her face. “Don’t I give you pity?”
“Pity? Nah. Look, it’s a good thing you have this beautiful speculated face.” You purred before catching Frido’s lower lip to lick it.
"Mmm," Frido moaned because of your action of pampering her mouth. “I’m starting to get warm, please keep kissing me, and don't stop”
You couldn't help smiling at your girl's face of pleasure, who seemed to be in paradise with your attention. It didn't take long for you to invade her mouth with your tongue, slowly, tenderly, filling every nook and cranny with heat.
“I love you so much right now, baby,” Frido says with a smile on her face.
"I'm just warming you up, sweetheart," you whispered against her mouth.
You began kissing Frido all over her face, and the blonde-haired woman settled more comfortably on top of you. You let out a little cry of delight when she hid her frozen nose in your neck.
“Oh my goodness, Frido, please stop. Your nose is frozen! It's colder than an ice cube. Are you sure you went out to Barcelona and not to the North Pole?” You brushed your neck trying to warm it back after that icy contact.
“Yes, I’m sure it wasn’t the North Pole, even though it felt like it,” Frido says with a toothless smile. “It's so comfortable and good in here, my love. You are like a stove.”
“Am I your favorite stove?” you asked.
“Yep, you are my favorite, always,” Friso replied, kissing your chin and putting her icy hands under your plush pajamas without warning.
"FRIDOLINA ROLFO I'll kill you, stop it right now!" You said as you jumped due to the contact of her cold hands with your bare skin.
“I’m just trying to get warm. My hands aren't so cold anymore, are they? It's only at the beginning, that’s why I’m giving you kisses until they warm up, to make up for it.”
“I don't do that to you when I come home frozen,” you said, with a little laugh.
“You love this, don’t you?” Frido said, kissing you repeatedly.
“So now that we are here, can we talk about something please?” you say.
“Of course, my love, what are you going to ask me?” Frido walked away a few centimeters to be able to look at you because she knew that little tone perfectly.
“It’s nothing you don’t need to worry about…”
"I'm afraid, 'cause every time you say that is cause is something that really bothers you," the blonde frowned.
"Oh come on, don't be dramatic," you said, giving her shoulder a little pat.
“It's just that I know that tone and that innocent face. Come on, let it go, without anesthetic. I'm ready,” Frido said, sighing theatrically.
“It's just that Friday is the company's Christmas dinner,” you said in a kind of low voice, feeling all the nerves building up.
"And are you going to go?" Frido asked with a grimace of displeasure. “You can do whatever you want and I hope you will do what you want, but with those annoying people… I suffer for you, you know? I don’t like any of them.”
“I wanted to ask you something…” You started slowly while fixing the collar of Frido's shirt to soften the blow. “That if you come with me to the dinner…”
“Oh, no, no, no” the blonde stopped you, catching your hands with hers and fervently denying. “Again, no, no, no. I’m not going to that dinner, sweetheart.”
“Oh, come on, baby…” You tried to use your big, puppy eyes and pout to get your way.
“No, baby. They are all so focused on work and money all day. I don't even know why you want to go, that's up to you and I respect that, but I don't even paint anything there. So no, I’m not going.”
“Oh, where’s your Christmas spirit, my dear? It's just a dinner, please.”
“My love, they can't even see me either. What's the point of going if we are not going to have a good time?” Frido tried to make you understand her point. 
“To be with me? Make my night more bearable? Do it for me, pretty please. What does it cost you, love? Is just a dinner, is like 3 hours long, that's not much. I want to try and get along with them. It's the job of my dreams. It's very, very, very important to me," you whispered, giving Frido your best puppy eyes to convince her. 
Frido softened with an amazing ease at your words. "Okay, but let's negotiate first," she conceded, scanning it with a slanted smile, and you knew that you had already won.
"Negotiate? What do we have to negotiate?" You raised your eyebrows playfully, aware of the game you were both about to start.
“Yes, negotiate. I say that you will have to give me something in exchange for that torture I’m going to endure if you want me to accompany you, sweetheart,” Frido said as she caught her lower lip between her teeth.
“Something like what? What do you want?” your scratchy voice brought out an even bigger smile on your girlfriend.
“I don't know, you're the one who has to convince me. What do you offer me, baby girl?”
“You love it, huh? Feeling powerful… you can tell that it doesn't happen very often” You couldn't help but tease her a little and play the game back.
“Is that how you want me to agree to accompany you? I think you're on the wrong track, baby. I'm always open to offers, but you've got to be generous after this misunderstanding."
Without a moment's hesitation, you reached out and took the blonde's hands to your ass under your pajamas, and raised your hips to increase the contact between your two bodies.
"Okay, let's see… You accompany me to that dinner and I'll reward you with the best sex of your life when we get home. Imagine it, I think is a fair trade." You proposed, and she was all ears.
"During dinner," Frido replied, leaving a little kiss in your mouth and squeezing her hands that rested on your buttocks.
“What?” You said, a bit confused.
“The dinner is going to be really long and boring and unbearable. I want us to have sex during dinner.”
"Oh, Frido, you're crazy!" you laughed. “There will be people, you know? My bosses, for example.” You still couldn’t believe what Frido wanted to do.
“And there will also be a bathroom, I imagine. You are a girl with resources, my love. You'll think of something to make it possible," Frido says with a grin on her face.
"Okay, I'll think of something," you nodded, already picturing the situation and all the different ways it could go. "So is there a deal? Or do you want to negotiate something more?"
"Mm, no. I'm not completely convinced and don’t want to negotiate anything more. I think it's a fair agreement."
"Oh, Frido," you began to unbutton the buttons on your girlfriend's shirt, covering with kisses the skin you were leaving in sight. "You don't know the dress I bought for dinner. I chose it with you in mind. You're going to love it."
"Oh, yes? Am I going to love it?" You nodded and kissed Frido again, leaving her breathless.
“It’s black, short and it makes my ass look really good… You’ll see it and I’m sure you will love it.”
“You do have a really nice ass, I can’t wait to see you in that dress, sweetheart,” Frido said, paying attention to that part of your anatomy.
“It’s worth doing the difficult thing, isn’t it? You come with me, like the best girlfriend in the world you are, aren't you?"
"Only if you go to dinner without panties," Frido laughed, her eyes twinkling.
"Yes, whatever you say, baby," you accepted Frido’s proposal and then sealed the deal with a kiss. "You are the best."
"I know," Frido blinked.
"Don't you feel like doing a little preview of Friday night right now?" you whispered in her ear. “I mean, so that you get completely get warm and all that as you were an ice cube…”
“It's always such a pleasure to make deals with you, my love.”
Frido smiled mischievously and got up from the couch with you hooked to her neck, to take you to your bed. You took just a couple of seconds to roll on the mattress to get on top of Frido and get rid of her clothes. You grabbed her sex with one hand above the black thong she was wearing, making her moan inevitably.
"The negotiations left you so wet, sweetheart," you whispered in the blonde's ear when you lightly brushed your center with your fingers, without removing the garment.
“Baby, please” Frido bit her lip, eager to feel you inside.
You didn’t make Frido beg again and, without stopping to kiss her, you finally undressed her completely and took care with your fingers to give her an orgasm that left her in the clouds.
"Okay?" you asked, caressing her side delicately.
"As an advance for what is coming, I accept," Frido said with a feigned grimace of indifference, her agitated breathing and burning eyes saying something else entirely.
“Oh, you liar! Let's see what you know how to do.” You spread your legs, leaving her full access to your sex.
Frido didn't hesitate for a second to jump for the treasure. With her hands perched on your breasts, her tongue was in charge of driving you crazy, tracing patterns that quickly and intensely brought you to your climax.
“Not bad, baby. Again?” you asked, as you pulled the blonde's hair so that she didn't move from the place.
“As many as you want, my love,” Frido winked at you and then immersed herself again in your intimacy.
You made a 360 spin in front of Fridolina’s dislocated face.
“How many more turns do I have to do for you to say something?” you say after a couple of spins with no words on her part.
“You are… You look impressive” Frido finally spoke, while she’s still eating you with her eyes.
“I knew you were going to like it,” you said proudly. “Thank you for coming with me.”
"I’m not going to leave you alone in the face of danger, love," Frido replied, distractedly rubbing the skin of the edge of your dress. “Everything we negotiate is still standing. Including this.”
You noticed a pull on the elastic of your thong, although you didn't know at what point Frido's hands had reached that point.
“Were you serious about it?” you asked, a bit surprised.
"Very serious my love," Frido said, lowering the garment.
“It's too much, baby,” you whine a little.
Frido didn't say anything and knelt in front of you to finish getting rid of that tiny obstacle.
“Baby please, they're going to realize.”
"The truth is that I hope to be the only one who gets a hand on you," Frido countered calmly as she examined her trophy with adoration.
“Idiot” you hit her shoulder. “You are very horny with this situation, aren't you?”
"A lot," the blonde nodded as she pulled on your lower lip. “Are you going to tell me that you aren’t horny?
“I can’t deny it” you agreed with a slightly longer peck “Shall we go?”
“Let's go.”
“Hello there!” your boss called you when he saw you and Frido enter through the door of the restaurant.
"Good night, Marcos," you greeted him with two kisses and pulled Frido’s hand forward. 
“Do you remember Fridolina?” “Your friend? Yes, of course” he greeted Frido with a loud smile.
"My girlfriend," you clarified seriously.
"Yes, well, whatever," the man downplayed it, causing a snort on your part.
“No it’s not whatever it is, Fridolina is my partner.”
“I'm not going to get in there. It's up to you what you do with your life” he responded calmly to your comment. 
“Can you please tell us where our seats are?”
Marcos just turned around to the table to guide you both to your assigned seats, luckily away from him.
"Well, we started well," Frido complained in your ear. ”He hates me, I told you. What if we turn around and leave?”
"My love, I'm sorry," you kissed her thoroughly. “Now we sit away from that ogre and that's it. The rest are decent people. Hold on a little please.”
"Okay, let's go," the tallest, resigned, rolling her eyes.
You both took a seat at the younger table. Frido vaguely knew some of the attendees thanks to her visits to your workplace. Although they were pleasant, they seemed too dull and stretched for her taste. The conversation did not take long to lead to professional topics that Frido understood little about, so she began to do her own thing.
First, she delicately posed the palm of her hand on your thigh, you looked at her sideways as a warning sign. Frido shrugged, showing the innocence of her gesture, which became rascal as she went up a few centimeters until she found herself under the fabric of the dress.
You put your hand on the other's, interlacing your fingers with hers to stop her but the blonde, after a slight squeeze, got rid of your grip and took her fingers to your center. A single touch was worth it for you to have to get your composure back together in your chair trying to disguise the situation.
"In the next few years the company will grow enough to compete with other ones, thanks to the project we have with France," you said, without wanting to give Frido the pleasure of seeing you babbling.
Frido then raised the bet and crossed your folds with two fingers, your cheeks reddened non-stop, at the same pace as the culprit's smile grew.
Your interventions were getting shorter and more incoherent, to the rejoice of your girlfriend, who was trying to play with you to take you to the edge of your climax. 
“Love, what do you think?” you tried to get Frido into the conversation to try to dissuade her of her evil intentions when you saw that she didn't plan to stop.
“I think that any client would agree to sign with you after you introduced him to the project” Frido intervened with all the calm in the world, while still playing with your clitoris. “Your talent is… irresistible.”
“Frido…” you couldn't help but sigh, because it was getting harder and harder for you to maintain a minimum of composure.
"Are you okay?" asked one of your workmates.
"Yes, perfectly," you assured him. 
When the others resumed the conversation, you threw the napkin to the floor and took advantage of the fact that Frido crouched down to pick it up to ask for clemency.
"Frido, please, enough," you whispered in her ear. “Everyone is going to notice.”
"It's just what I'm trying to do, baby," Frido countered, leaving a peck on your lips.
You were going to explode with pleasure at any moment, but your girlfriend was in charge of strategically lowering the pace when you were about to do so. You glanced at her and asked her a question as best as you could because your pride prevented you from letting Frido get away with it.
"Would you go with me to the bathroom, love?" You asked her aloud a few seconds later, getting up from the chair.
Frido nodded and imitated your movements to follow you to the service, where you locked the both of you in one of the large cubicles.
"You're going too far," you stared at Frido and got close enough to feel her breathing.
“Do you think so?” Frido raised her eyebrows without erasing the mischievous smile from her face.
“Totally. I understand that you enjoy your role of power, cause I don’t let this happen often, but you are going too far”.
“And what am I doing? Did I get you horny? I’m making you nervous?“ Frido said as she bit the lobe of your ear. 
You took Frido's hand to your sex, you were more than wet at this point.
“Leave me halfway, Frido” With your free hand you grabbed her jaw so that you looked directly at her. “Three times.”
Frido couldn't help but smile, enjoying having you at the limit. "Three times," Frido repeated, leaving a lick on your lower lip.
“I don't know why you say it so happy, it seems that you don't know me.”
“Precisely because I know you. I love to make you angry.”
“I love it when you're a pimp, you know? But it makes me even more horny when you are obedient and you behave well” you explained while playing with the button on her shirt, which kept Frido a centimeter away.
"And I'm not behaving well?" Frido blinked exaggeratedly.
"Ah, no?" Frido said ironically, causing you to have to close your eyes to arm yourself with patience.
“Look, chulita, the game is over.”
"Wow," Frido hesitated, tightening the rope even more.
“If you want to get out of here, give me back what you owe me” You put up your dress and fit on two of Frido's fingers. “You owe me three, so you're already in a hurry.”
Frido didn't hesitate to start moving her fingers to give you what you asked for. Based on strong and quick attacks, you soon let yourself go, drowning your moan in Frido's neck.
Frido increased the intensity of her movements and took the opportunity to play with your blonde's nipples, right at the moment of you reaching the second orgasm.
You couldn't help but moan much louder than normal.
“Do you think they will have heard this one? Or should I make you scream louder?" Frido snarled, with her eyes burned with desire.
“Louder, although I don't know if you'll be able to.”
“We're going to find out right now.”
Frido used the skills of her tongue, on her knees on the bathroom floor, to more than fulfill her threat.
"Come on," you offered Frido your hand to return to the table after she was done cleaning herself.
“ What about me?”
“Nothing, my love.”
“But we negotiated and you said that…”
“We said we would fuck during dinner, and that's what we just did.”
“But only you have come.”
"And we've both enjoyed it," you smiled. “Is that right?”
“You are a traitor.”
“Come on, don't cry to me, I have fulfilled what we negotiated. If you put it wrong, is it really my fault?”
"It's unfair, you know what I meant," Frido crossed her arms.
"I also like you a lot when you're angry," you kissed her again.
"I'm not upset," Frido protested. “I'm angry.”
“Come on, let's go to the table so that everyone can see the vampire bite I've left on you” you laughed caressing the exact point where the mark of your teeth became unmistakable on her neck.
“I hate you. You always get away with everything.”
“As it should be.”
“Is everything okay?” a workmate said as you came back to the table.
“Yes, everything is perfect. It's just that Frido isn't feeling very well” you said.
"Yes," said Frido. “I think it's still something I've eaten. Some clams… Sometimes they don't feel good for me.”
You rolled your eyes and pinched your girlfriend's thigh.
"Oh," Frido complained, theatrically.
“Does your gut hurt a lot, baby?” you were falsely interested.
“The truth is that yes. I don't want to make it a thing, but maybe it would be better for me to go home. It's not the first time I've had these allergies and you already know how I get," Frido said, looking at you with a face of suffering.
“Well, I'll go with you, my love. I'm not going to leave you alone.”
“No, no, you stay, it's your work dinner…”
“I'm going with you. Don't you mind if I take her home?" you asked your colleagues, who understood the situation.
It took you both less than five minutes to leave the restaurant and get your car.
"A clam indigestion, really?" you asked indignantly.
“Have I told any lies?”
"You're not ashamed?" you mumbled without taking your eyes off the road.
“Me?” Frido raised her hands as a sign of innocence.
“Yes, you. I'm looking forward to arriving home.”
And, indeed, as soon as you both set foot on her floor, you took care of getting rid of your girlfriend's jacket, while taking the shirt out of her pants. All without stopping kissing. You practically pushed Frido to the room you both shared, to which Frido barely arrived in her underwear.
With only an intense look, Frido knew that you wanted her lying on the bed, and you obeyed, licking when she saw you detached herself from your dress, being completely naked before her eyes.
"Come to the bed," pleaded Frido.
You growled, lying on top of Frido, who put her hands on your ass, while you were in charge of making your centers touch. 
"You make me go, crazy baby," Frido gasped when you took a stride of her thong, accompanying your journey with wet kisses on her legs.
“The hands where I can see them, askling” you ordered pulling the hands away from your ass to tie them rudely with the first thing you found.
"But…" Frido protested.
“But nothing, I just want your mouth, for now,” you said.
You crawled down the mattress, climbing the body of the tallest until you placed your center at the height of your girlfriend's face.
Frido, very excited by the situation, put everything in her hands to please your desires, making you enjoy the thrusts of her tongue at your most sensitive point. Until you came in her mouth shouting her name. You then descended through Frido’s body, until your pelvis was at the height of the blonde's abdomen. Frido effortlessly caught your lips, making you taste your flavor in a fight of burning tongues and constant gasps.
“Untie me. Is four to zero, baby. It's my turn” Frido asked between kisses.
You took your fingers to your girlfriend's sex and couldn't help but let out a laugh of disbelief when you saw how wet she was.
"We have the Atlantic Ocean here," you sneered.
“Baby… Untie me” Frido demanded again, even knowing that by making a minimum of force, she could detach from the fabric that held her hands.
“First I'm going to equalize the game a little.”
You took care of massaging and sucking Frido's breasts while your other hand penetrated her in slow but precise thrusts. Frido stirred, biting her lip, until she finally exploded into a huge orgasm. You then untied her hands, which went straight to your ass to direct a hip movement that would allow the contact of both your intimate parts. In that swing of gasps and agitated breaths, Frido freed herself for the second time that night.
A long time later, you ran with your tongue through the folds of Frido, giving her the fifth climax of the night.
"Baby, I can't take it anymore," Frido sighed against your neck, and you smiled satisfied.
“That's what I wanted to hear. Have I rewarded you enough?”
"Yes," Frido kissed your neck. “Highly rewarded.”
“Does that mean that you will come to next year's dinner?”
“Well, not so fast, love. First, we will have to negotiate it," Frido said, taking her head out of her hiding place to wink at you.
“It will be a pleasure.”
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russo-woso · 2 days
Recovery || Leah Williamson
Warning smut 18+, fingering
Based on this request here.
When Leah went down during the match against Manchester United, you knew exactly what had happened.
Being a physiotherapist for Arsenal, it wasn’t you who ran over to her, instead, you had to wait on the sidelines to do further research as to what she’d done.
However, with your experiences with Beth, Viv, Laura and Teyah, you knew that your wife had done her ACL.
Watching her smack the floor in pain and anger, killed you.
The thought of her not being able to play in the World Cup shattered you.
Since the euros, Leah worked hard non stop to prepare herself for the World Cup and the fact she couldn’t play made tears spill from your eyes.
But the hardest thing for you, was knowing the agonising nine months Leah would have to go through.
It killed Leah too, but you made the torturing time less torturous for her.
You were there when she needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there when she needed something and she couldn’t get it herself, but the thing Leah loved most, was you were there to give her the best massages.
Leah loved it when you gave her a massage, your hands on her body, gently caressing her skin.
Normally at night time, when Leah was relaxed, you’d massage her knee, but sometimes it didn’t always stay a knee massage.
When Leah came to you one night and said she wanted a full body massage, you knew what she wanted.
“Come on then, baby. We’ll start with your knee.” You tell Leah, guiding her to lay on the bed as you grab the soothing lotion.
Rubbing some on your hand, you spread it across Leah’s knee, careful not to hurt her.
You managed to undo the knots of tension in Leah’s knee, before moving further up her leg to her thigh.
“That feels good.” Leah mumbled as you kept rubbing her thigh, moving onto the other one before telling her to roll over.
You rubbed Leah's shoulders, light noises escaping Leah's mouth as you hit certain spots.
Your hands got lower and lower until you were massaging her lower back.
The sounds coming out of Leah’s mouth convinced you that she wanted something other than a massage and you were prepared to give her exactly what she wanted.
“You want my hands here, baby?” You teased, massaging her ass.
“Yes, please.” Leah almost moaned, a sigh escaping with it.
You continued the movements with your hands, hoping to release tension from Leah’s body.
“How you feeling, baby?” You asked. “Anywhere else you want me to massage?”
“You know where else.” Leah sighed, her eyes looking lost.
“Here?” You teased, your fingers finding her soaking folds.
“Please.” Leah begged, her eyes shutting as you continued to run your fingers through her pussy.
“Relax, baby.” You whispered in her ear, Leah muscles relaxing as she laid her head against the bed.
You entered one finger, Leah letting out a low moan, before pulling it out.
“That feel good, pretty girl?” You asked, Leah frantically nodding in response.
“Please keep going.”
“Don’t worry. I will, baby.” You reassured her
Entering her again with one finger, you thrusted in and out, stretching her out before adding another.
Whimpers and moans left Leah’s mouth which just urged you to quicken your pace.
“Fuck, please don’t stop.” Leah said, her words coming out as breathy moans.
“I won’t. I promise.” You told her, using one hand to rub her sides.
Sounds of moans and your palm hitting Leah’s skin filled the room.
“I’m close, I’m so close baby.” Leah whined, her eyes screwing shut.
“Touch yourself, Le.” You said to her and she quickly started circling her clit.
“Fuck. Right there, baby. Right there.” Leah cried, your fingers hitting a new part that made Leah melt. “I’m coming, fuck, I’m coming.”
“Good girl.” You praised, gently thrusting your finger in and out of her to guide her through her orgasm.
When Leah’s fingers stopped circling her clit, you pulled out of her, not wanting to overstimulate her.
“Feel better?” You questioned and Leah slowly nodded her head against the mattress.
“I like these massages between us. When it’s just us.” You told her and she let out a small hum of agreement. “Think we should do it more often, huh?”
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It’s your name! | Quinn Hughes x reader
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Summary: Quinn hates his full name, and you’re the only one who calls him Quintin.
Warnings: swimming, biting, only fluff, language? Idrk sorry
Italics are memories/the past
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You need to stop calling me that!” Quinn laughs. He begs for me to come sit with him on the boat. Right now, im spending the night at the Michigan house with the Quinner.
Jack is still in Michigan, but I’m sure he’s been out and about. Luke is in Ohio, he’s been hanging out with the umich kids for the summer.
“Come! Please just sit with me! It’s weird if I’m on the boat and you’re sitting on the dock. The wood is probably rotting anyway.” Quinn whines, his freshly shaved chin wrinkles in enjoyment. He smiles so big to the point I see all of his teeth.
“Quintin!” I scream at Wuinn, he just recently finished the season off from the playoffs, he finalized his last words in interviews and press conferences. He’s living the life as an athlete.
“I can’t help it! They asked me what I was planning for the summer!” Brock and Petey asked Quinn what he was up to for the summer, they were planning a party for the season closer.
Quinn replied with, “oh you know. Y/n and I are gonna have some fun. Probably sleep around, go boating, eat out, and skate around, work on the game when it gets closer to October.” How stupid can Quinn get?
“Quintin!” I giggle out as Quinn pulls me into the boat. His hands on my waist as he picks my butt off the wooden planks that set the boat dock. He picks me up and sets me down on his lap. He sits up on the couch the sits on the big boat. I’m on his lap, legs crossed over his legs, my head resting in his arms.
Quinn holds my head like he’s watching his whole world pause and sing to him. He loves me, and I’m not saying it in a cocky way, but the way where I can feel the spark between him and I.
“So, when is my ring coming in?” I joke with him.
“What ring?! How- what?” Quinn astonished, he looks around. “What cameras are you loookung for?” I laugh out. My smile hits my ears, my teeth shimmer, my eyes shine out the sparking colors, beaming into his eyes. My love bends into his heart, his eyes, his smile, his hands, and his love for mine.
We’re intertwined. An invisible force is literally connecting us, we’re never going to be torn apart. To much stories have been written.
“Seriously! Quintin?” He whines. Quinn’s wet brown hair flicks everywhere. He just jumped out of the lake. He knows my irrational fears of fish and leeches. So I don’t always swim with him.
“Jump in with me. I’ll hold you up. I promise.” He locks his finger in with mine. He rubs my feet with his free hand. Kisses lie on my open stomach.
My bikini looks like a swimsuit, it’s there for the tan, the looks, the beauty.
Just kidding, I love to show Quinn the possibilities of night swimming.
“Baby! I’m sorry. But was I supposed to lie?”
“Snuggie!” I cry out. I call Quinn Snuggie because he loves and lives for snuggles.
I’m not mad. I’m just upset, I was really looking forward for the Canucks after party. I’m the WAG that everyone either hates or loves.
It looks like I’m never at the get togethers the WAGS have, which is a lie. I’m always there, just never on camera. Everyone either hates me because I’m with THE Quinn Hughes, but I’m happy, and he’s happy.
“You’re the only exception, I have never cared about going out with people, until I met you.”
“QUINTIN!” I yell. I wave my arms up. Quinn pulls me down into the cold refreshing water. He jumps in from the boat leaving me alone on the cold seating of the white boat.
I grab my digital camera. I take a video. It’s waterproof so when I get dragged in, I have proof that I’ve been taken.
“That’s not my name!” Quinn hold my hands down as he pins me up a wall. He bites down into my neck. “Say it one more time! I dare you!!” Quinn walks me over to our bed.
Quinn pulls me into the cold water. I feel the freezing temperature hit my veins. I breathe. It’s like needles pecking into my skin. It feels good?!
“Quinn! Seaweed!” My foot is tangled in some seaweed and I can’t get up. It’s pulling me down.
“Hold on.” Quinn dumps his head down. He swims to the bottom of the lake. Detabgling my foot, I record him from.
“Ow! QUINTIN!-“ he cuts me off, “I said one more time.” He barks at me. Quinn pushes me down into my back ontop of our wake and fkuffy bed.
“Quintin, jerome-“ I look up into his beautiful blue- grey eyes. They freeze me. “I got you!” Quinn tickles me and I feel like im going to pee. I push him off of me.
“are you okay baby? Let’s get out.” Quinn carried me out of the refreshing lake. My foot red from the tangled seaweed. Quinn cradled me up to the kitchen.
“Towels are all used, most of them are washing right now. Let’s go shower so we can go out.” Quinn sets me down and takes my hand to shower with him.
We make it to our bathroom, he turns me over so he can untie my swimsuit. “You’re so pretty.” He smiles.
“Quintin? Why.” I laugh.
“Because, I love you. Duh!” He kissed my cheek form behind me. He wraps his arms around me.
I walk around with him glued to me. I turn the shower on. How steamy.
I walk away from the tickle monster.
“Do you want some yogurt? SNUGGIE?” I yell out, he never answered. Gosh. It’s beeen a long day but it’s only noon.
I grab two small bowls and fill them with yogurt, i add in some blueberries, vanilla granola, and more youvhet. Another layer goes by, I add in more blueberries and granola. I finish off mine and I head up to our room.
I grab a bite out of Quinnys because I know he’s probably knocked out.
“Baby?” I turnthe corner to our room. I see Quinn lying on our bed, starfished.
I walk over to him. The bowls in my hands. “Baby?” I tap him with my right foot.
I set our bowls down onto a nightstand. I contort myself into his arms. I snuggle into Quinn.
“Quinitin?” I kiss his open chest. “I made some yogurt.”
We jump into the shower and he washes my body. I scrub his back with his loofa that I made him buy. “You are going to smell so yummy quinny.” I kiss his back after washing the soap off.
“Wash yourself.” I point to his hard cock.
“We’re not doing anything.” I scoff and laugh. I push him away, “Quintin?” I look up at him.
He looks down, smirking, “what’s up.” He grab my left ass cheek, and he holds my upper back with his left arm. We sit knotted together in the shower.
“That’s not my name.” He points his laser blue eyes into mine. I’m stuck in this position. The shower is slippery, my eyes burn from water.
“It’s your name dummy. What else should I call you? Snuggie?” I suggest jokingly, and Quinn pulls me closer. He kisses my neck and behind my ear. He whispers, “you’re the only one who calls me Quintin. It’s weird of you don’t call me that.”
He washed himself, and he makes a good point. I am the only one that calls him Quintin, I’m the only one who calls him Snuggie, or bear, he’s mine.
“You’re the only exception, y/n. I hate when my mom calls me that, or when my brothers call me that. Only you.” Quinn bites his lip as he drys off from the shower.
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tomscumdump · 2 days
Can you write a really rough smut with bill being really mean and dominant n stuff? Like calling reader REALLY degrading names (I like "cumdump" way to much for my own good)
Anyway it's totally fine if you don't want to write this ik a lot of ppl aren't into stuff like this<3
yes ofc !! lwk excited to write this lollll :33 anywaysss here it is , enjoy you freaksss 💋
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-18 +
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“BILL!! fuck- please I can’t!!” I cried out, grasping at the white bedsheets. that didn’t stop him, my boobs moved up and down as he rammed his dick into me.
“no, you’ll cum as much times as I tell you to.” he said sternly, a few groans and grunts coming from him, skin slapping and moans filling the room. small strands of his black highlighted hair stuck to his forehead from sweat.
he pulled out, rubbing his tip rapidly on my clit, causing me to gasp unable to exhale. “oooh my ~nghh~ billy p-please!!” I was so shocked he had been able to go on for this long, this had to have been the longest we had lasted.
“shiiitttt you feel—“ he said getting cut off by his orgasm hitting him like a bus, his warm cum spurting into me the sudden action making me cum as well. “fuck!” we both moan out, my back arched and his head tossed back. “so good..” he said breathlessly
my eyes were glued shut, every breath in and out my stomach shaking slightly. I knew it wasn’t done, I felt his intoxicating eyes on me. he lifted my legs up with one hand giving him a pretty view of my pussy.
he moaned just at the sight. “your pussy is so fuckin pretty schatz..” I gave a small moan in return, my words being jumbled. “.. b-bill I don’t think I can d—“ the new position he had put me in had made it easy access for his dick to hit my g-spot.
“oh my ~mhh~ fuckk!!” I cry out. my arms flinging to his arms for some kind of support. he lets out a groan as he catches his breath, he pulls out slowly until only about half the tip is in. then he crashes back into me. “this pussy, is mine. you hear me you slut?” he grunts as he rams in and out of me, I felt lightheaded and dizzy. his words ringing in my head as it was the only thing on my mind.
“look at you. my little fucking cum dumpster hm?” he said with a smirk on his face. he pulled me closer and his dick managed to dig even deeper into me. I couldn’t even speak. small tears trickled down my face from the amount of pleasure and overstimulation I was feeling.
“my good little girl. my princess takes my cock so good hm?” he slaps my pussy and gets a whimper in response. he chuckles and runs his free hand up and down my leg, giving me shivers. “you like that? you like it when I slap that pussy?” I give a weak smile and nod my head. “y-yess..” I say breathlessly. the feeling was so euphoric I almost couldn’t take it.
I noticed bill getting a bit slower with his pace, he pressed his hand down on my lower abdomen and he picks up his pace. he chuckles and moans out, both of our orgasms coming close. “oh shiitt…”
“pleaseeee— billy cum in me please..!!” I couldn’t help but moan with my mouth agape. he shoved his fingers into my mouth. almost immediately I started to suck and lick his long skinny fingers.
he rammed into me just as hard, I felt my orgasm coming. “I-I’m gonna cum!” he grabbed my hands and held them above my head. “no, no no. you only cum when I cum.” I whine and squirm around begging to cum. “billy i-i ~gah!!~ I can’t!” I thrust my hips up to try and feel more and more.
I wanted it all.
he slapped me and grasped my face to face him. “if you fuckin cum your not getting shit, slut.” I whined and nodded yes, the way he spat these harsh words at me only turned me on more. “yes.. yes I’ll listen billy!!” he shoved in and out of me a few more times until he finally came.
“~nghh~ fuckk I’m cumming!!” he cried out, the feeling of his warmth spurting into me felt so good I couldn’t get enough. I thrusted my hip up once more and came as well. “b-bill!!!” I felt my legs shake, this orgasm having to be the one that hit me hardest. bill let go of my arms and legs, picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom.
“bill p-please I can’t go again…” he kissed me and brushed my hair to the side “yes, yes you can schatz.” he bent me over the bathroom sink. I could see his face in the mirror. his black highlighted hair being stuck to his forehead from sweat, small beads of sweat forming on his nose.
”your so gorgeous liebe. your mine, all mine..” i smiled at his words, knowing they were true. no man or dildo had ever been able to fuck me just as good as bill. his tip teased my entrance, I whimpered as he slowly shoved himself in.
his hands snaked around my body down to my clit, he rubbed rapidly as he rammed into me. the feeling felt so good, but I couldn’t take it. “one more. cum for me one more time.” he grabbed my hair and lifted my hair up to see in the mirror. “look at you, you whore.” he grunted in my ear, I was getting closer and closer just watching him kiss and suck on my neck in the mirror, and feeling his dick inside me.
he sighed out and leaned back slightly, I could tell by the look on his face he was close. but he had no more energy to keep going. I scoffed my ass back and did the work for him he looked down and watched me fuck myself.
“yeah baby, use my cock cmon.” I kept going until I was getting close to cumming again. he smirked and praised me more. “keep goin, shiittt I’m gonna cum baby…”
I kept going, picking up my pace as I felt that familiar knot form in my stomach again. the look on his face told me he wanted to degrade me and tease, but he couldn’t take it. and neither could I.
”~fuckk~ yes baby cum on it.” he grunts, throwing his head back as he lets out a laugh with a shaky breath. I push myself back against him, fully standing up using his body as support. I cried out as he let out a long groan, both of us reaching our climax . I repeatedly moaned out his name and he dug his face into the crook of my neck, biting down hard.
he thrusted into me gently once more, milking every ounce of that sweet high we both desired. he kissed my cheek and whispered with his raspy, croaky voice.
“im gonna need this more often.”
omg this took so much longer than I expected. anyways woohoooo first little one shot for u freakksss :33 hope this was good!! sorry abt it being short lmao.. :/
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jksprincess10 · 8 hours
If I can't have us || Joel Miller x reader
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A/N: This was made for @janaispunk 1.5k celebration. I got "neck kisses" as a prompt.
Summary: You beg Joel to give you want you want.
CW: Public setting, exhibitionism, mean!joel, innocent and younger!reader, fingering, unprotected p in v, car sex, pet names
(baby girl, etc.), choking, minimal editing.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
Moodboard by @janaispunk
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You look pathetic like this, straddling him in the front seat of an old truck that survived the apocalypse. His hands are on the wheel even though the truck has stopped a long time ago. He refuses to touch you, to let you in under his skin. Your lips are latched onto his neck, licking and sucking at his throat like a vampire.
“Joel, please.”
“No.” He tries to stay firm, but he feels his resolve slowly slipping as you grind against him, his traitorous cock hardening. Before he slips more, his hand circles your delicate throat, and he pulls you away roughly.
“Too young. Too sweet. M’gonna ruin you.” He groans.
“Ruin me, Joel.” 
Joel finally breaks. With his hand still a collar around your throat, he smashes his lips against yours, tasting the saltiness of his own skin mixed with your sweetness. Your moan vibrates in his mouth as he deepens the kiss, his free hand grabbing onto your hair, keeping you where he wants you.
“Please please, touch me. Need you.” You beg as he comes up for air, and it’s his turn to kiss and lick your throat.
His hand unzips your shorts and slips in the front, cupping your wetness.
“Jesus, you’re this wet already? Fuckin’ pathetic.” His middle finger breaches your entrance without softness, but that’s what you wanted. Your eyes roll in the back of your head. His fingers were so big, you thought yours would never compete after this. You grind against his palm, not a care in the world as you moan loudly.
“You can cum just like this, huh? C’mon, fuck yourself on my fingers.” He taunts as he inserts another finger, stretching you more. He stops moving, just resting his fingers there as you do the work, moving your hips as you look at him with hooded eyelids. He takes his hand away just as you’re about to fall off the edge, and you feel like you might cry.
“I don’t think so, baby girl. You’ll cum on my cock.”
You watch closely as he unclasps his belt with one hand and unzips his pants. He pulls them down along with his boxers just enough to free his erection.  Joel circles his girth with a calloused palm and pumps a few times. Meanwhile, you get rid of your shorts and your panties to the best of your ability, your movements restricted by the small space you’re in.
“C’me here.” He holds you as you descend slowly on his cock. Your mouth hangs open. He feels so big.
“Told ya I’d ruin you.” Joel chuckles. “I’ll fuck ya dumb, baby.”
His thrusts are already brutal, his hips moving up as you try to hold on to the seat.  It’s dark out, but you can see the flashlights of a few Fedra officers doing their rounds. They’re coming closer.
“Hurry up or they’ll see us.” You whisper.
“S’fine baby. They won’t do nothin’ to us.”
He somehow thrusts in deeper, and you almost scream as he reaches that sweet spot. You muffle your moans in his neck, sucking and licking at his throat. From the corner of your eyes, you can see the light swiping over the truck window.
“Show them how pretty you look when you cum.”
 Your legs shaking, you finally wet his dick. Joel gives you two more powerful thrusts before he pulls out, just before he spreads his spend on your thigh.
The Fedra officer knocks on the window, but when he sees Joel’s glare, he leaves.
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 days
The Fuck Up Chapter 5
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
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Bucky pulled up at 2:53 p.m. to the little house. He stared at it, admiring just how much it looked like Y/N’s style before parking his bike and slowly walking up to the door. He adjusted his backpack as he took a deep breath, then knocked. He heard the footsteps behind the door and tried to steel himself.
The door opened to reveal Y/N. She froze as she gazed up at him. Bucky stared back at her, unsure of what to say or how to start the conversation. After a minute of them just looking at each other Y/N finally gave him a small smile. “Hey Buck,” she greeted him quietly.
Bucky let out a sputtered breath that he was unaware he was holding. “Hi,” he replied. He felt like he was frozen, stuck to the spot where he stood, his heart hammering in his chest.
Y/N watched him amusedly. “Would you like to come in?”
Bucky nodded, then rigidly moved forward and walked inside the house. He stood in the small entryway as she shut the door behind him then passed him to stand by the wall. “You can put your stuff there,” she instructed, pointing towards a storage spot on the opposite wall.
“Thank you,” Bucky said, quickly shedding his shoes, helmet, backpack and his jacket. He turned back to her, seeing her gnawing at her lower lip as she looked toward the hallway. “Y/N,” Bucky said quietly. She looked back at him, releasing her lip and licking her lips. He felt the tears build in his eyes again as he looked at her. “Honey I’m so sorry,” Bucky cried, shutting his eyes tight.
Y/N sighed then reached out and took one of his hands. “Come on.” She led him over to the couch behind her and sat, gesturing for him to sit next to her. When they got comfortable she turned toward him and held one of his hands in both of hers. “I’m sorry for not telling you,” she said, her fingers softly massaging his hand. Bucky shook his head but she shushed him. “No, I need to say this. I know I should have told you the moment I found out, but I didn’t want to distract you while you were out there and be the reason you weren’t focused. There’s nothing I can do about it now but say I’m sorry,” she paused, swallowing harshly and looking down. “And I’m sorry for running away. From you, Becca, your parents. I thought I needed to handle it on my own for some reason, but I didn’t, I know that now. I just needed a break, and it turned into me getting scared and isolating myself. I don’t blame you,” she looked back up at him, making sure he was looking at her and listening. “Do you hear me? I don’t blame you. We weren’t thinking. But when I saw those two lines? And heard that little heartbeat? I couldn’t give him up. And that became one of the best things that’s ever happened in my life.”
Bucky’s tears never stopped. He could sit and listen to her forever, and he had a glimmer of hope at her words. “I fucked up that morning,” he turned to face her more, his hands gripping her fingers firmly. “I should have woken you up. I should have said a proper, real goodbye. We should have talked about it before I left. But I couldn’t…I couldn’t handle it. And I’m sorry,” he choked back a sob, “I’m so sorry that you felt like you had to do it all alone. I don’t deserve your forgiveness but, I hope I can work to earn it from you.” He raised her hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “I promised you I’d come back home to you. You’ve always been home, Y/N. And now, with him…” Bucky opened her hands and kissed her palms.
Y/N was now crying, biting her bottom lip. “I forgive you, Bucky.” Bucky broke down and he leaned forward until his forehead rested against  her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him and held him, running her hands through his hair and kissing the top of his head. He held her against him as close as he could, crying into her chest. As his crying died down after a few minutes he kissed the spot over her heart and she inhaled shakily.
“I forgive you, Buck, but I’m not ready for anything like that,” Y/N said quietly.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky said, pulling away and giving her space. “I didn’t mean…” He shook his head.
Just then a noise came from one of the back rooms and Bucky’s head whipped towards the sound. Y/N sighed again and stood. “I’ll be right back,” she said, walking towards the room. Bucky wiped his eyes as he tried to calm his thundering heart. He sat stiffly on the couch, waiting, until Y/N came back out a few minutes later with a bundled blanket in her arms. A tiny arm reached up out of the blanket and the tiny hand tapped her chin. “Bucky?” Y/N walked towards him slowly. Bucky’s eyes were wide, his mouth dropped open as he stared at the little bundle. “Would you like to meet him?”
Bucky nodded frantically and Y/N sat on the coffee table in front of him. She shifted her arms and moved the blanket so he could see the baby’s face. When he did he gasped lightly at just how similar it looked to him. He huffed a laugh, a small smile brightening his face as he leaned forward to look at him. “I named him Avriel James Barnes. I thought a cute nickname could be Avi,” Y/N spoke quietly, watching Bucky’s face carefully. Bucky swallowed and smiled wider. “Would you like to hold him?”
Bucky nodded again and Y/N handed him the baby. Bucky slowly and carefully held Avi, his tiny head fitting into the palm of his hand as his other hand held him under his back. He gazed at Avi, memorizing his tiny features as Avi squirmed to get more comfortable. “Hey Avi,” Bucky cooed at him, his deeper voice seeming to relax him. “My little man,” he whispered as his thumb curved around and caressed Avi’s cheek. He looked back up at Y/N who was already looking at him. “He’s beautiful.”
Y/N smirked, “Just like his Daddy.”
Bucky scoffed and hung his head to hide his blush. He couldn’t stop looking at Avi. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here at first,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against Avi’s soft cheek. “But I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.” He glanced at Y/N. “Can I please stay?”
“Of course you can stay,” Y/N said, reaching out and squeezing Bucky’s knee. “We’ll figure this all out.”
Bucky sighed this time. “My parents are dying to come see him.”
“They’re welcome,” Y/N said, blinking back some tears.
Bucky called his parents and Becca soon after and they drove out to meet them. Y/N hugged them and apologized, but all was forgiven with the family. Winifred and George were beside themselves as they held Avi, and Becca wouldn’t leave Y/N’s side, finally getting her friend back. After a few hours of catching up they went home while Bucky stayed.
“You can stay in this room,” Y/N offered him the guest bedroom. “My room is just across the hall and the nursery is next to it,” she gestured towards the doors. “If you need anything just let me know. Avi usually wakes up around 1:00 a.m. and then 5:00 a.m. for feedings, but that’s not consistent, so I hope you can get used to baby cries at all hours.”
“I’m sure I can manage,” Bucky said as he rocked Avi to sleep.
“Alright. Do you want to put him down?”
“I’ll try,” Bucky said, walking towards the nursery. Y/N followed him, staying at the doorway to let him have his moment. “Okay little man, here we go,” Bucky kissed Avi’s forehead lightly and slowly set him down into the crib. Avi squirmed a little and Bucky rubbed his belly and shushed him. “Goodnight Avi. I love you.” Y/N smiled at the cute moment. Bucky followed her out of the nursery and as quietly as possible closed the door behind him.
“Thank you, Buck,” Y/N said as she inched towards her door. “Um…goodnight then.”
“Right,” Bucky said, looking at her wistfully. He slowly took a step towards her. “Can I just ask for one thing?”
“I don’t know, you asking questions is dangerous,” Y/N teased him as she leaned against her door.
Bucky snorted. “It’s tame I promise.”
“Mhm,” Y/N gave him an unimpressed look.
Bucky smiled and shook his head. “Could I just have one of your famous hugs?”
Y/N’s gaze softened at that. “Sure.”
He opened his arms and she stepped into them, wrapping her arms around his waist and holding him close. She was a bit shorter than him, but he did his best to be close to her. His cheek rested on the top of her head as he breathed in her hair and his hands tenderly held her around her upper body. She squeezed him lightly, her face resting against his chest. They stayed like that for a while until Y/N started pulling away.
“Goodnight Buck.”
“Goodnight honey.”
A small whimper woke Bucky up. After Y/N had fallen asleep he had moved the mattress in the guest bedroom to the nursery and laid it next to the crib. He couldn’t seem to be able to relax until he knew that Avi was sleeping well. He’d already missed so much and didn’t want to miss a second more. As the whimpering got louder Bucky hoisted himself up and looked into the crib.
“Hey little man,” he whispered, reaching down and picking Avi up. “It’s okay.” Avi calmed down a little but was still squirming. Bucky checked to see if he needed to be changed and when he didn’t he took him out of the room. He went to Y/N’s room and knocked before entering. “Y/N,” he called to her lowly. She didn’t hear him so he moved towards her bed. “Y/N,” he sat on the opposite side from her on her bed and reached over, nudging her shoulder. She stirred and groaned.
“What?” she said groggily and turned towards him.
“I think it’s feeding time,” Bucky murmured to her, then Avi let out a wail.
“Okay, I hear you,” Y/N yawned and fully turned over. She reached for Avi and Bucky helped tuck him next to her in bed. Without thinking she lifted up her shirt and helped Avi latch onto her breast. Bucky looked away, a deep blush on his cheeks. Y/N seemed to remember he was there and chuckled dryly. “It’s not anything you haven’t seen before, Buck, it’s fine.” Bucky scoffed before looking back at her. “Might as well lay down,” she yawned again as Avi fed, making little suckling sounds. “He’s gonna be a minute.”
Bucky grinned and got himself comfortable in her bed. He turned to face her and watched her feed Avi as she closed her eyes, her arms cocooning Avi into a little bubble on the bed. He kept smiling, amazed by the beauty of the moment. The woman he loved with his baby. He had always loved her, and was frustrated with himself that it took almost losing her to realize it fully. He knew it would take time to build that trust and friendship, let alone anything more romantic with Y/N again, and he was willing to do whatever it took to get to that point with her. He reached over and pushed some of her hair that was hanging in her face back with his fingers, then caressed her face with the back of his fingers softly. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him sleepily. Bucky smiled at her, and she smiled back. They would get there, he knew it.
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puck-luck · 1 day
last resort | trevor zegras
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warnings: face-sitting, fingering, dirty talk… etc. trevor is kind of a little subby in his words, but he’s VERY much in charge, so. pairing: trevor zegras x inexperienced!reader request: “face-sitting! she would be soooo hesitant and shy about it but he would literally love everything abt it (also trevor kinda has the perfect nose for face sitting icl)” wc: 1250
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“Look how pretty you are riding my fingers,” Trevor murmurs in your ear, his head tilted down to stare at the place where your hips are bucking against his hand. He’s fully clothed beside you, one of your legs thrown across his lap and the other spread wide, dangling off the bed. “Can’t wait to see how pretty you look riding my face.”
You whine, your hips still swiveling and trying to get some friction onto your swollen clit. Trevor is torturing you, wanting to bring you to orgasm with his fingers alone. You’ve been going at it for what feels like forever, with sweat lining your brow and causing your hair to stick to your forehead in a way that is decidedly NOT sexy, but Trevor loves anyway.
“I’ve been thinking about it,” Trevor continues. 
His voice sticks to your skin and bounces around in your head like a growing fog. You throw your head back and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus on the way his fingers feel inside of you rather than the dirty words that are distracting you.
“You’ve gotten so good at moving your hips for me and making yourself feel good,” he says. “I love when you use me like I’m your toy.” 
He smears a kiss on your cheek and you cry out as the pads of his fingers rub over your walls, pressing incessantly against the one spot inside of you that’s causing you to see stars behind your closed eyelids. 
“I want you to fuck my tongue like you fuck my fingers, baby.”
Your orgasm is so close, just out of reach, and you can’t handle Trevor’s words.
“Stop talking and just fuck me,” you grit out, your hand finding his chest and fisting at the fabric of his shirt.
“Why don’t you shut me up?” Trevor suggests, teasing you by stilling his fingers inside of you. 
You grind down, trying to get him to move again, but he refuses. He draws his fingers out of your cunt and brings them, dripping, to his mouth. When you open your eyes, you find him sucking on the digits, staring at you like he had been waiting to make this point for ages. He moans around his fingers, drawing them out of his mouth with a pop.
“You taste so good,” he says. “So sweet. I’d die a happy man if I suffocated between your legs.”
You glare at him, still feeling incredibly empty and incredibly exposed. Your hand goes between your legs, filling yourself up for a singular moment of reprieve before Trevor takes your wrist and brings it behind your back, along with the other. He holds your wrists with one of his hands and the other comes up to cradle your breast. He squeezes, watching you squirm and grow red.
“Give it to me,” Trevor breathes out, tilting his head to ghost over your lips with his own. “C’mon, baby, it’s simple. I want you to sit on my face and you want to come. I’ll be a good boy for you, so quiet as I fill you up with my tongue. Just want to make you feel good, please?”
You whimper, your lip jutting out in a pout. “Trevor,” you reply, your voice shaking. You don’t trust yourself to say much else. 
He understands anyway.
Trevor takes the chance to kiss you, a pinch to your nipple causing you to open your mouth in a moan, and he slips his tongue inside your mouth. You lose yourself in the feeling of the kiss, following Trevor’s lips when he pulls away. 
Eyes hazy, you watch as he lays back on the bed and looks at you. 
“Come up here and take what you need,” Trevor says.
Your eyelashes flutter at the command, still feeling a little stupid from the way his tongue invaded your mouth in that kiss. You know Trevor’s good with his tongue, but you’ve never sat on his face before. The dynamics of the act fill your head. Are you supposed to sit-sit? Are you supposed to stay up on your knees and let him do the work? Are you supposed to grind down on him? Can he even breathe?
As you consider it, Trevor just smiles at you with raised eyebrows. He sticks out his tongue and wiggles it at you, making you laugh. You shuffle towards him on your knees, and his smile turns into a predatory smirk. He places a hand on one of your thighs and looks you up and down. He licks his lips.
“I want you to sit on my face,” he commands. “And I want you to ride my tongue until you come.”
You swing a leg over his body, so that now your knees are bracketing his head. “Shut up,” you tell him again, angling yourself so his mouth is right under your hole. It aches to be filled, just inches away from relief, but you can’t manage to lower yourself down yet.
Trevor wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you down, anchoring you on his face.
You let out a loud moan at the first contact, the flat of Trevor’s tongue flexing against your entrance while he nuzzles his face into your folds. He keeps you in place as he begins to lap at the wet slick that had already accumulated while he fingered you, deciding that only once you were cleaned up, he would stick his tongue inside your entrance.
Your mouth drops open as his nose bumps against your clit, making you buck your hips forward. You can’t move much due to Trevor’s strong arms, but he allows you to make your aborted grinds against his nose while his tongue probes your hole.
You feel a bit cross-eyed when he finally licks into your entrance, your fingers finding his hair and pulling at the light brown strands. Your eyes, lids hooded and vision fuzzy, find his clear green ones below you. They’re full of a challenge and you know that if he could smile, his lips would be turned up in a smirk. He’s begging you to come undone. 
You throw your head back and whimper, little sounds escaping you with each grind against his nose. Trevor flicks his tongue inside of you and you bring one of your hands up to knead your breast. With a pinch to your nipple and a pointed thrust of his tongue, your legs shake and you come all over Trevor’s mouth. He licks you through it, continuing to suck up your juices like it’s his last meal until you’re wrenching yourself away and collapsing on the other side of him.
You breathe heavily, trying to catch your breath, and Trevor turns to lay on his side and face you. Your stomach flips at the glistening fluids dripping down Trevor’s chin, at the way his tongue darts out to swipe over his lips to capture as much of the come as he can.
You reach out and drag him closer, licking into his mouth and tasting yourself. Trevor’s hand rests on your hip, while the other returns to your chest, and you find his hair again. 
“Was it everything you dreamed?” You ask.
Trevor shakes his head. You blink in surprise, ready to open your mouth and ask why, ask what you could’ve done better, but Trevor silences you with a statement of his own. “It didn’t last long enough,” he says. “We’ll have to go again.”
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notes: hi welcome back i thought i would reward y'all for your patience this past week with an inexperienced!reader oneshot! <3 loving you guys big, as always, hit me up! talk to me in my inbox! i miss you guys!
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