#don't ask about the file names /lh
phosphorus-noodles · 9 months
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... okay so MAYBE I have a problem-
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
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With the new drop of development notes into the GOODIES folder of the game, I wanted to revisit an old analysis I did way back during the era of the Chapter 2 demo.
The long story made short is this: John has an interesting psychology that is backed by the in-game letters and allusions to his hospitalization at Yale Psychiatric. That being said, it isn't really expanded upon because it's not a core element to the plot.
Which, to an extent, can be disagreed with because it is entirely possible that the events of The Unholy Trinity are told through the perspective of an unreliable narrator (John), which then means that some (if not all) events that take place are exaggerated and intensified by John's mental state.
If you ask me, I see the series of events as a blend of details. Demons exist and the cult is very much up to something, but certain things are manipulated to fit a narrative (think, the Martin twins. Amy's mother miscarried, yet John was manipulated into believing the cult had kidnapped the born children for their rituals). I might expand on that another time, but for now, here is my perspective on the characterization of John Ward, and how mental illness plays a significant role throughout the series.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a psychiatric professional. I do have a degree and spent years studying the intersection between the mental health and correctional systems, but I am not a clinician or an individual with a lot of clinical knowledge. I'm just a guy with too much time on their hands and a tendency to let the autism win (/lh /j). Also, if there are any grammar issues… I know. It was, like, 3 AM when I wrote this, and I don't care to tidy it up more than I have tried to.
With this out of the way, let's dive into it. Below the cut will be spoilers for the game and discussions regarding psychiatric abuse. Reader discretion is advised.
In-game dialog and other citations will be highlighted using small text, as I cannot for the life of me get the indent/blockquote feature to work on desktop.
As of writing this post (January 2023), there are five notes regarding John's admission to Yale Psychiatric after the failed exorcism of Amy Martin. I'm going to transcribe them in order of events, and not in the order they are found. The first note we would see examining John's case file, if he were an actual patient, would be the intake assessment form:
Yale Psychiatric Institute NEW PATIENT INTAKE FORM
Patient Name: Ward, John Thomas
Age: 33 Sex: M Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Assigned Counselor: Spinel, James, PhD
Health Examination Results: Height: 6 feet 2 inches Weight: 185 lbs HR: 92 bpm Blood Pressure: 135/81
Current Status: Minor cuts and bruises, sprain in left ankle.
Patient is in a state of psychologic shock.
Existing Conditions:
Asthma (dormant) Diminished mobility from childhood injury to right knee.
Notice the little note there about psychologic shock. We do get elaboration on the comment made by whoever conducted the intake process, which come from Yale Psychiatric Notes 1 & 2:
Notes - new patient initial consultation
Subject: John Thomas Ward
Present: Dr. James Spinel, PhD, and two orderlies
Subject non-responsive for first half-hour, followed by fragmented 'exorcism' narrative
Subject unable to maintain consistency in story (for example, stating that Amy was in the basement and then saying she was in the attic)
Subject insists incident was the result of demonic possession
Cannot declare subject of sound mind; will require several more sessions to fully understand subject's mental state. Will advise Martin Family attorneys.
Subject is suffering from delusion. In John's mind, he plays the role of the hero sent by God to protect the innocent. In order to escape the consequences of his actions, he has created his own reality. In order for everything to make sense, he needs to believe in the evil spirits and paranormal occurrences. I recommend an in-vivo approach until we can get John to accept the truth.
And for the love of God, please have Ms. Martin transferred to another facility. Somehow, John knows that she is in here with him.
Then there's the newer documentation and references to In Vivo, found in the GOODIES folder of the game. See the text around bullet point 3.
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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of development notes for Faith: The Unholy Trinity Chapter 3, which were taken in an non-lined notebook. There are several roughly drawn images of the page, consisting of level mapping for puzzles in what the developer has called, in previous notes, GaryLand. The text beside bullet point 3 reads "Mini-environments to collect keys. Re-contextualized once you grab key (lost In Vivo). Placement of plagas cultists is 'contested space'. Keys? Sigils? Body parts? Notes alluding that John was there". Beside the last note is a doodle of the eyes emoji, with two stylized eyes looking to the left toward the text. END DESCRIPTION.]
Here's the thing about psychiatric institutions: They suck.
The mental health system in modern day America is better than it was in the 80s, naturally, but not by much. It is important to note that the deinstitutionalization of the mental health system was the right call to make. However, I must note that the lack of funding and resource allocation (mostly due to greed among politicians and public perception of those with mental illness) made it so that individuals are still institutionalized. As of the modern era, individuals with mental illness are disproportionately incarcerated.
The Prison Policy Initiative has a wonderful online research library with up-to-date and reflective research on the rates and treatment of individuals incarcerated, as well as how current carceral practices only work to exacerbate these issues through intensive focus on punishment:
But traveling back in time, before the tides shifted, we have to understand what the environment was like within psychiatric wards/asylums.
The deinstitutionalization of mental health emerged in the 50s following World War II. To make a very long story short, the human rights abuses were put into the spotlight. Several factors, such as inhumane living conditions, harmful treatment practices (which we will elaborate on later), and the rising costs and demand for psychiatric treatment, all contributed to the call for deinstitutionalization. The goal was to improve the quality of life for people with mental illness, and to really just… allow them to exist as humans within society. Though the movement began in the 50s, it didn't gain much popularity among advocate groups until the 60s and 70s (e.g., the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Project Release), where the movement truly took off.
However, large-scale closures of institutions didn't actually happen until the 80s, at least in the States. This means that, come 1986/1987, there were still institutions actively running. If you'd like to read more about how psychiatric institutions were run in this era, then I highly recommend reading Dr. David Laing Dawson's personal testimonies as a clinician during the era of asylums and advocacy:
But what were popular treatment modalities for patients like John? Firstly, and mentioned in the in-game notes, we have In Vivo Exposure Therapy, or more simply put: Exposure Therapy.
The American Psychiatric Association, in their Clinical Practice Guideline(s) for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2023), define In Vivo Exposure as:
Directly facing a feared object, situation or activity in real life. For example, someone with a fear of snakes might be instructed to handle a snake, or someone with social anxiety might be instructed to give a speech in front of an audience.
This intervention is not limited to PTSD, though, and is often used for other clinical concerns such as phobias, panic and anxiety, and (in some cases) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The ultimate goal is to break the pattern of avoidance while confronting the fear in a safe environment. Which is great… for patients who are ready to confront these things. If there's one lesson to take away from this post, it's that treatment cannot be forced. Treatment is ineffective if the person requiring it is non-consenting or otherwise unwilling/unable to go through the modality.
So when you look at a patient like John, who is in an active state of crisis, and decide the best treatment intervention is to (effectively) tell him to "Suck it up" and induce anxiety and fear? It's disgusting and it would, in a realistic scenario, only exacerbate his symptoms even further. Which it seems to do, if the line about John having a reaction to Amy's presence in Yale Psychiatric is anything to go by. The man believes she is possessed by a demon (or knows she is), and has intense dread and anxiety around trying to save her (to the point where it's already a fixation). Exposing him to Amy's presence, or even the possibility of it, is not going to do him well until he is guided down from a crisis state and able to understand what is going on (as well as process the events that took place in the Martin home, because Amy would be a psychological trigger of recollection for said events).
John's official diagnoses are, ultimately, mild anxiety and acute coulrophobia (aka: fear of clowns). This much is clarified in the release form:
SUBJECT: John Thomas Ward
DOR: 31 Oct 1986
This form certifies that the subject is hereby released from my care after having completed their required counseling and treatment to my satisfaction, with confidence that they are ready to resume their normal daily activities as a mentally stable member of society.
Dr. James Spinel, PhD
Mild anxiety
Acute coulrophobia
As an aside, can we just point out how John was only admitted for a month, give or take some days? Even if we take the events at face value (aka: demons are real; Hell is real; Lucifer is planning an invasion of Earth to reclaim what God has taken from him-), this feels… entirely too short to state that John is fully recovered.
At least from my interpretation of the intent behind "a mentally stable member of society", as the stigmatization of mental illness would place the burden of showing minimal, if any, signs of distress within day to day life… unless you were a hard-working husband who drank off most of his time at home while beating his wife, lest we forget the nuclear family values and toxic masculinity that still run rampant in American society. But I digress...
And immediately bring your attention to a bit of a continuity issue that, effectively, renders my last point moot: John's letter to Dr. McGlashan, who we can assume is a director of sorts within Yale Psychiatric.
This note is dated for December 30th, 1986:
Dear Dr. McGlashan,
It has been thirty days since the beginning of my treatment here at Yale Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Spinel, who has been so patient with me, has helped me understand my afflictions and has helped me fund a way to move forward and accept the truth.
With Dr. Spinel's help, I have come to accept what really happened in September at the Martin family residence. I accept that what happened was not the result of any supernatural phenomenon, but rather the desperate actions of a young girl driven to violence by her dogmatic parents and old church rituals that are thought to drive out evil.
I am happy to report that, since accepting the truth, my nightmares have ceased and I now enjoy peace of mind that I have not felt since the incident. Given my progress since first coming here, I respectfully request my release from Yale Psychiatric Institute, contingent upon follow-up appointments with Dr. Spinel in the future.
John Ward
And raises several questions, such as:
If the failed exorcism took place in September, does this mean that John was within Yale Psychiatric from September to December?
Why was there a release form authorized in October 1986 by Dr. Spinel?
John states, "It has been thirty days since the beginning of my treatment […]". Does this mean that there was a second admission period between October and December?
If there was, when did that occur? Was he brought back in during the last weeks of October? In November?
My personal belief is that John was institutionalized twice. Once immediately following the failed exorcism, and once more after due to a relapse (hence the specification "[…] contingent upon follow-up appointments with Dr. Spinel in the future."). John, by this point, is aware of his mental health concerns and acknowledges that he needs more in regard to his treatment. Here, he's showing a clear capacity to establish and (hopefully) follow a community treatment regiment.
And this is where a bibically-accurate, canonical analysis, would end. A bit of insight into what happened, why it happened, and the ramifications (albeit brief). But here's the thing:
I believe there's more to John's case, since I believe in the blending of two prominent theories (everything is real versus everything is imagined). Personally, based on these notes and a few key dialogs within Chapter 3, I believe that John (in addition to the Anxiety) experiences Psychosis brought on by Paranoid Schizophrenia. In context of the game's plot, he experiences Persecutory and Grandiose Religious Delusions.
Let me explain.
There are several types of delusions, and the severity of these delusions can vary from individual to individual. More on the specifics (as well as recommended treatment modalities) can be found in this PDF.
Generally speaking, though, the types of delusions I mentioned are described as follows:
Grandiose: An individual experiences an exaggerated sense of importance, power, knowledge, or identity, that may have some type of theme.
Persecutory: An individual is fixated on the prospect of being attacked, harassed, persecuted, or conspired against.
Sounds familiar, yeah? Let's break it down:
Grandiose: Exhibited in all chapters. John is of the belief that he is a destined savior to Amy Martin. That he is the only one who can save her from the demon(s) plaguing her because he is the only one with the power and ability to do so. He, in the Super Miriam boss fight, also claims to have God's power directly within him. That he, in a way, is God (at least, in that moment).
Persecutory: Exhibited in all chapters, prominent in Chapter 3. In Chapter 1, there's "The Offering" Ending. John is (or perceives to be) stopped in the middle of the road home by Gary and his cult. Then, in Chapter 3, the entire arc around Gary's cult centers around the idea of John being persecuted (targeted by the cult for his attempts to save Amy).
But I feel like this expansion on John's psyche is supported within the canon itself, even if not explicit. Let's look more at the dialog cues from other characters.
One thing that slates me toward this conclusion is the brief mention of John's mother, Meredith. Amy's demon taunts John by asking him "What about Meredith? Did she get better?" and says how he couldn't save her. And based on the delivery of this line, it's clear that some sort of illness was what killed Meredith. Given that Schizophrenia in of itself typically doesn't cause death (though symptoms can contribute to other factors, such as poor physical health, risk-taking behaviors, higher risks of suicide), we have to look beyond the mental health aspect for a brief moment.
According to fairly recent research, there have been connections made between an individual's Schizophrenia diagnosis and their likelihood for developing Alzheimer's Disease. Kochunov et al. (2020) state:
"Schizophrenia (SZ) is a severe psychiatric illness associated with an elevated risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Both SZ and AD have white matter abnormalities and cognitive deficits as core disease features. […] SZ and AD have diverse etiologies and clinical courses; our findings suggest that white matter deficits may represent a key intersecting point for these 2 otherwise distinct diseases. Identifying mechanisms underlying this white matter deficit pattern may yield preventative and treatment targets for cognitive deficits in both SZ and AD patients."
Now, as a personal note, I have seen and experienced what Alzheimer's can do to people and how long of a process it is. My maternal grandfather, tragically, passed due to the illness in 2020. I still cannot discuss the symptomatology and progression in full as a result of the grief, but I can direct attention to the Alzheimer's Association and their article on the stages of progression:
Returning to the psychoanalytical aspect, mental illness can be hereditary and passed down, in addition to being individually developed (through whatever means, which are often referred to as the biopsychosocial factors of development). Such is true with the case of Schizophrenia.
Additionally, there does seem to be evidence suggesting that John's perception of events is questionable. Of course, I must note here that every character in this story is an unreliable narrator. Every character has their motives in the information they share and how they share it. This is in no way, shape, or form, me saying that other characters are objectively right in their perceptions. Especially Gary.
Gary is a cult leader. Even if the cult is not as dramatized as they appear to be (e.g., they are not, in fact, kidnapping babies and sacrificing people)… he is still running a cult. He is still capable of being manipulative regardless. I can absolutely delve into the psychology and structure of cults, but this post is long enough as is.
So instead, let's look at what it is Gary says to contradict John's point of view. The primary dialog that I believe points us to a faulty perception is Gary's recollection of the Martin twins:
"Oh, John… deep down, you always knew the twins were an illusion. But you could not resist chasing after lost (hurt) souls. I suppose you wished they were real, just like the late Mrs. Martin. That is how I knew you would come to me."
The popular analysis among the fandom is that Mrs. Martin miscarried the twins, and experienced a rough patch of grief surrounding the event. Again, I have seen similar experiences in my personal life, so I can sympathize with and affirm how rough this process can be. This is why Mrs. Martin had put effort into the belief that they were still expected/born, with the room being set up for them and the crib being discarded in the Martin's basement (as well as the birthday party and clown aspect).
John knew this at the time of exorcising Amy, but his own mental break altered his perception of events and made him believe in the same narrative that Mrs. Martin presented: The twins were alive. The difference here is that John tied the twins into his perception of the game's events, and came to the conclusion that Gary (and his cult) kidnapped them for ritualistic reasons.
Likewise, a lot of Gary's dialog has key words switched out. A list of these words is as follows, with their substitutions in parentheses:
enter (abuse)
lost (hurt) souls
Vessel (Victim)
journey (despair)
Again, this could be a simple nod to Gary's capacity for manipulation as a cult leader. But that doesn't exclude it from also pointing out John's perception of the series' events. In fact, this could be John's psyche interjecting and affirming itself.
So, if John does have this diagnosis, what would a thorough treatment modality look like if they'd pinpointed it back then? If he was institutionalized a third time, after stopping the Profane Sabbath?
The answer to that is either Insulin Shock Therapy (IST)/Insulin Coma Therapy (ICT), or Chlorpromazine (a strong antipsychotic medication).
It's important to note here that IST/ICT fell out of favor in the 1960s, like most shock therapies (with the exception of electroconvulsive therapy). Jones (2000) details the history and modality of ICT, stating:
"Comas were induced on five or six mornings a week. Typically, the third dose of insulin was 10±15 units with a daily increase of 5±10 units until the patient showed severe hypoglycemia. Treatment continued until there was a satisfactory psychiatric response or until 50±60 comas had been induced. Experienced therapists let patients spend up to 15 minutes in 'deep coma' with hypotonia and absent corneal and pupillary reflexes. Clinicians noted gross variation between individuals in response to a given dose of insulin. Also, in the course of treatment a patient could show day-to-day variation in his reaction. Further there was an uncertain relationship between clinical signs and the blood glucose level. The hypoglycemia made patients extremely restless and liable to major convulsions. Comas were terminated by administration of glucose via a nasal tube or intravenously."
If any of this sounds vaguely familiar, it's because the treatment modality was highlighted in the story of John Nash, a fundamental American mathematician with Schizophrenia.
The 2001 film A Beautiful Mind showcases Nash's story, including the usage of ICT. Attached is a video clip from the film, which contains content that may be triggering/disturbing. Watching it is not vital to this analysis, as it's to illustrate the paragraph above:
Ultimately, the takeaway is this:
Mental illness plays a huge role in the game's overarching narrative, even if not considered a major plot element in of itself. The Satanic Panic was a moral panic used by fundamentalist Christians to excuse abuse within their churches, excuse the discrimination of BIPOC and queer folk, and dismiss rising concerns regarding mental health advocacy. This, alongside simply targeting youth subcultures to preserve the nuclear family imagery that arose during the previous generations.
John Ward is easily one of the most fascinating characters to exist, in my opinion, because of how his character is linked to this idea. John Ward is a beacon (for a lack of better term) for this message within the game. He exhibits mental health issues canonically (re: the official diagnoses) and can be analyzed as having a deeper, more expansive diagnosis.
Everything I have said is interpretation, and is not entirely canon in the bibically-accurate sense. This is just a topic that's been in my mind since the release of Chapter 2's demo. You can feel free to agree or disagree with literally anything I have said, and I love hearing others' interpretations as well! The theories scattered around the fandom, whether posted on the Fandom Wiki or hidden in the tags on Tumblr, are just… so good. So I wanted to help contribute in some way!
And for those that read this far... Thank you <3
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Hi! Welcome to my AU Sideblog. Call me Splatsy, or just Splat if you'd prefer! My main is @turtles-that-are-mutant-ninjas!
They/He and plural pronouns
If you recognize my art style, hi, no you don't /lh
Falling From Dawn AU Base Info
The Falling From Dawn (or FFD) AU is an AU comic I'm making. It takes place after the ROTTMNT Movie, so heads up for spoilers about that!
At some points, this blog will function as an ask FFD![character] blog! It'll be a good way for me to keep up motivation.
My main goal is to post at least 3 pages a month; one arc per month, basically, but my motivation fluctuates a LOT. I'm also still in school, so this schedule will probably not be stuck to very well, but I'll do my best!
PLEASE feel free to send asks and/or writing requests for the AU! I'd be glad to write things when I'm low on motivation to draw for the comic.
#Splatsy Splashes - Unrelated to the AU/Just Talking type posts!
#Splatsy Responds - Asks and submissions tag!
#🔃 - Reblog Tag, filter this if you want only AU stuff, but I try not to reblog things often!! (This tag doesn't apply to important reblogs or competition reblogs!!!)
#falling from dawn au / #fallling from dawn rottmnt au / #ffd au - Posts talking about the au!!
#ffd canon - Canon AU things, couples with other tags
#ffd noncanon - Noncanon AU things, couples with other tags
#ffd art - Art for the AU!
#ffd writing - If I do any standalone writing for the AU, it'll be here!
#ffd panels / #ffd pages - Official panels/pages for the comic!
Below the cut are the chronological arcs and character info. Anything underlined links to its respective page.
ARCS (In chronological order)
I've added the titles and numbers for every main series page! Links will be added as pages are posted. A spider mutant is present in Arc 3. I have arachnophobia myself, so I'll try to make them look Not Terrifying, but here's a warning just in case.
Arc 0 - Prequel Pages -2 - War is Over (HEAVY GORE WARNING) | -1 - Recovery Takes Time | 0 - Rising Powers Arc 1 - Grasping at Stars 1 - Waves of Flight | 2 - Dusk at Dawn | 3 - Telekinetic Shadows (BODY HORROR, EYE CONTACT) Arc 2 - Swooping Eagle 4 - Fall to Fly | 5 - Skycrash | 6 - Mystery Webs Arc 3 - Arachnofoe 7 - Heliophobic | 8 - Bound by the Strings | 9 - Hisses of Rain Arc 4 - Storming Scales 10 - Carnivorous Risks | 11 - Hurricane's Cry | 12 - Venomous Dreaming Arc 5 - Dawnfall Dreams 13 - Dreaded Dreamweaver | 14 - Nearsighted Nightmares | 15 - Sunset Showdown Arc 6 - Tears of the Sky 16 - Cryocrier | 17 - Nexica Hex | 18 - Cryptic Calling Arc 7 - Midnight Madness 19 - Total Eclipse | 20 - Shattered Stars | 21 - Polluted Shadows Arc 8 - Hope is a Weapon 22 - Howling Ghosts | 23 - Lionheart | 24 - Fall Away Arc 9 - Skies Painted Black 25 - Hellicite Hopes | 26 - Wavewinged Wishes | 27 - Lunar Eclipse Arc 10 - Falling From Dawn 28 - Duskrise | 29 - Noon of Night | 30 - Dawnfall Arc 11 - Lightsky Saviors 31 - Rises the Moon | 32 - Take Back the Light | 33 - Hope for Dawn Arc 12 - Saved by Sunrise 34 - Grasping at Stars | 35 - Tears of the Sky | 36 - Rising from Dusk
AU Drabbles/Short Stories
I'm starting to write short stories corresponding to each page of Falling From Dawn! They will be linked here as they are written, and will have the same name as the page they correspond to.
-2 - War is Over
Character "Files!"
Raphael/Raph - 17 - He/It. His ref sheet is here! Second in command. The big brother. His powers here are: The same as the show (I'll be honest i forgot what it's called) - Plant and Ground Manipulation - Lunar Phase Embodiment.
Leonardo/Leo/Leon/Nardo - 16 and a half, according to him. Physically just 16. - He/Him. His ref sheet is here! The main AU plotline follows him. Leader of the group. His powers here are: Advanced portalmaking - Water Manipulation - Speed.
Donatello/Donnie/Don - 16 and a half, according to him. Physically only 16. - He/They/Code|Code's|Codeself. Code's ref sheet is here! Secondary plotlines follow him. Tech nerd. His powers here are: Telekinesis - Object + Weapon Synthesis - Shadow Manipulation.
Michelangelo/Mikey/Angelo/Angela - 15 - He/She. Her ref sheet is here! The real funny one. Little brother/sister. His powers here are: Fire and Metal Manipulation - Chain Synthesis - Solar Embodiment.
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
Hello hello helloooo again, Aphe my good friend!
Tis' I, 🐉Anon!!!!
And I'm back again to scratch that HSR x Reader brainworm you've been afflicted with.
But first, I'd first like to congratulate you on bringing Imbibitor Lunae home! And I absolutely feel you on the sudden amassing of oc ideas (I may or may not have come up with a couple of whole ass planets of my own, one of which I've been working on writing up, but that is a tale for another time!)
Anyhow, I approach you tonight (in my timezone) with a brainrot appropriate for both my anonymous moniker, and the occasion at hand. That's right, this ask features the one and only... Cold Dragon Yooooooung! Not to be confused with Cold Dragon Younger or Cold Dragon Youngest
Imagine, the reader is a member of the Astral Express, among the younger members, let's say pre-teens to early teens, and they're a bit of a bookworm. And since Dan Heng has essentially turned the Archives into his room, he's finds himself often being visited by them, sometimes [Name] chats him up, sometimes they're just chilling their quietly as they read through the stories and files that the crew of the express have accumulated over the course of their journey. Perhaps [Name] takes a particular shine to the numerous tales of dragons from across the cosmos, including those of their progenitor, the deceased Aeon of the Permanence, Long. Perhaps over time, Dan Heng takes becomes something of a big brother to [Name] looking out for them, and always makes sure to bring back stories from the world the crew visits for them to look at when they return from missions. Imagine [Name] gazing upon Dan Heng's true form as their eyes light up like stars, and they can't help but go on a lengthy tangent about how absolutely awesome he looks, and how they bet he's so super strong in this form (which like... he is!)
Just a kiddo having an absolute hayday as they find out their big brother figure is a dragon-person!
HI BELOVED..... ahhhh ty!!!! as i told 🐱 anon, i love and adore him. he came home within the first 10 pull and i just think that was so real of him. so much realer than kafka. who never came home. smh. /lh AND YEAH hsr is so fascinating, really. it gives me many oc thoughts.
OHHH I LOVE THIS BRAINROT 🐉 anon must know me well.... i am a professional dan heng liker. also, to be fr with you all, i kind of already know what's up with dan heng LMAO the lore-reading instincts were too strong. dan heng il was sitting right there... what was i supposed to do, not listen to his voice lines and read what little i have unlocked in terms of his story? /lh so this brainrot is fine for me. i don't know everything but i do know enough to respond well to this brainrot, i think.
dan heng would be a good brother i think... blood really doesn't matter. what matters is that he formed a cute bond with this little nerd /aff who is always in the archives with him.
his little sibling will only be allowed to go on trailblaze missions when he feels that they're old and strong enough (even if himeko and mr yang are okay with letting [name] go, if dan heng isn't, then they are stuck on the express LMAO but i don't think they'd mind. they'd just chill in the archives and read while they wait). speaking of which, you know how dan heng has that very... martial art style of fighting? i think he teaches them how to fight properly because, you know, they'll need it. he's always very careful not to hurt them and offers them his quiet form of praise when they do well. AND MAYBE. when the trailblaze mission is concluded, and the astral express is still docked, he'll take them to whatever planet has been visited and will let them explore and observe that planet's unique properties. probably also takes them to a local bookshop. just dan heng having a cute outing with his bookworm little sibling once he knows it is safe to do so.
and ohhhhjshsjg hear me out. dan heng in his true form being so so protective of [name], moreso than he already was before (BECAUSE HEAR ME OUT: dragon instincts)... like. first trailblaze mission. [name]'s in danger. dan heng quietly picks them up, tells them not to look despite the fact that they aren't some naive little kid (to which they oblige, hiding their face in the junction between his neck and shoulder, a little embarrassed that they couldn't handle it themselves), supports their weight with one arm, and fucking WRECKS everything that posed a threat to their safety with the other hand.
AND CONSIDER wounded [name]...... dan heng being something of a hissy, overprotective older dragon brother and refusing to let anyone get too close to them until the other members of the astral express crew manage to talk him down (mostly himeko and welt i think...... march would make it worse unintentionally LMAOOO and stelle is. chaos. so. yeah), eventually managing to convince dan heng to hand over poor wounded [name] so that they can treat whatever wound they got. he's hovering over their shoulder the majority of the time anyway, though, and that's honestly probably really comforting. like yeah. maybe it's a little excessive. but he so blatantly cares a lot about their safety and i just think that would be so reassuring. him letting them squeeze his hand if it hurts too much........ i love playing around with nonhuman characters and how their more feral instincts manifest. dragon instinct dan heng.... cries he's so protective in my brain
but on an even cuter note--dan heng always picking up books and trinkets he thinks they would like while he's on trailblaze missions. he sees something and he's like.... wow.... [name] would like that....
and [name] rambling about how cool he looks and how strong he is *head in hands* PLEASEEE i think he'd be a bit embarrassed and maybe even a little uncomfortable but he knows they mean well.... and it grows on him. like. he starts to find it super cute and endearing :(((
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[The sound of laughter, soft but brash and excited. Someone loud but mindful. The camera shifted, focusing on a woman who swung on the heels of her well- heels. She was looking past the camera with a goofy look in her eyes.]
"Que tu haces?" [A voice, feminine by nature, chirred happily. A voice that was chirpy and amused. Another voice pipped in quickly from behind the camera, also feminine.] "Look at the came- Eduviges!" [The second voice yelped.]
"Sorry, sorry! Hi!" [The woman in frame waved at the camera, a closed eye smile on her face before she popped her eyes open and looked behind the camera again waiting for instructions.] "Describe what your job is. But! Introduce yourself first!" [The woman behind the camera instructs with a sigh. 'Eduviges' brightens up and nods her head eagerly. She shuffles to stop from swinging on her heels.]
"Hi! My name is Eduviges Girão, I am 38 years old! I am like, I dunno, maybe 5'9? I think yeah! Oh and I work for-" [The camera cuts out for a spilt second, jumping ahead.] "-I assist Miss Pauling," [She motions behind the camera] "in running errands!"
[She moves around with a little bounce.] "That means I will do paper work for Miss Pauling, I will give or send things to others and/or Miss Pauling when asked and I will also do physical work! I will kill, hunt, assasinate whoever Miss Pauling wants me to!" [She lists off, counting on her finger to keep up.] "Also everyone calls me Miss Gi!"
[The camera cuts off with a hiss.]
»»———- ooc under cut ———-««
Rabbit here again!
I couldn't help but have to make Mimic a sister BAHAHA
Alright so basics! I'm going to say rules first and then we can dive into fun facts about Miss Gi!
Magic anons allowed!
No NSFW! The mod is a minor who will publicly shame if weird asks are sent /srs
Messages/asks are fine as long as they aren't straight up nsfw!
Interactions/threads are open to anyone and everyone! Send an rp in!!!
Basic DNI: Don't be homophobic, racist, if you're against Palestine, known to like problematic creators.
The mod uses tone tags, if anything that doesn't have a tone tag to imply things that might come off as aggressive the message will be deleted. Please use tone tags!
Anons with sign offs will be tagged! I will collect y'all like Pokemon /lh
Basics on Miss Gi include!
Miss Gi is unaware that Mimic, her brother, works with the mercs. She is confident they are dead. Nobody should know the two are siblings unless with their files!! Aside from anons that is!
Just like Mimic, Miss Gi is Puerto Rican and primarily speaks Spanish alongside English.
She is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns however her sexuality is questionable, she isn't aware of what or who she loves.
Miss Gi works for Miss Pauling specifically, of course she works under the Administrator but specifically with Miss Pauling.
SHE ISN'T A MERC!!! (/nm) She is just an assistant and almost never interacts with the mercs unless asked to by Miss Pauling!!!
Miss Gi's log includes!
Ask tag: #Folders
In character post tag: #Assisted Hunt
Rp response: #Organizing papers
Reblogs/character reblogs tag: #Prey
Open thread/open for interaction: #Scattered papers and weapons
Mod/ooc tag: #a rabbits response
Her ref!!!
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pencilofawesomeness · 11 months
Okay Okay I'll Give My WIP List Sheesh /lh
Tagged by @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct @thehylianidiot @xfangheartx and @legendoftheotherside
WIP Meme:
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you ask with the title that most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I've done this before but here we go again~
(These are just my mostly active—aka I am thinking about them and they are on the table, even if on the far corner of the table, and not postponed entirely—wips, because if I listed everything in my random works doc, we would be here all day. Even still, my wips are scary. And my files names are whack.)
(I'll put the fandom in brackets too so yall have a clue of what I'm doing lol)
HTRYDS Runaways [Fairy Tail]
Breaking Chains Extra Stuff [Genshin Impact]
Fairy Tail FMA AU [Fairy Tail / Fullmetal Alchemist]
FTRB22 Fantasy Space AU [Fairy Tail]
BAD THINGS HAPPEN BINGO [Twisted Wonderland]
Those Who Defy Death [Twisted Wonderland]
and the sun burned [Twisted Wonderland]
Don't Look Now [Genshin Impact]
A God And Her General [Genshin Impact]
Everything to me [Fullmetal Alchemist]
Natsu Whump fic [Fairy Tail]
Sic Semper Tyrannis [Voltron: Legendary Defender]
Tales of Valor [Supergirl / Legion of Superheroes]
Under the Wing [Umbrella Academy]
Spiderverse_WD [Across the Spiderverse]
GI_BC_Doodles [Genshin Impact]
GI_GetAlongShirt [Genshin Impact]
GI_SAY_WingDesigns [Genshin Impact]
PlatonicHugs [Multifandom] //I'm so sorry I'm working on this I promise
Cover_DT [Fairy Tail]
DragonfamBatfam [Fairy Tail / Batman]
Okay I'm going to try to not tag peeps that have already done this. Obviously I'm not tagging that many people (I don't even have that many friends) and also feel free to ignore this.
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likesaly · 1 year
Source Mem Dump from IRL Misane 2
Ask and you shall receive!
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I had to babysit Merue and Nomare, Nanase wanted no part in babysitting Nomare because he's a little shit. He played with Merue alot!
Nomare got banned from the theme park and the elevator (my guy had to use the fire exit stairs since Teruhi didn't want to deal with constantly fixing the elavator:
Getting stuck in the elevator quotes - *after nomare jumped* "NOMARE,,," -Sataka "what did you do now??" -Me "i got banned from the theme park >:(" -Nomare "PFFFTT- L IMAGINE BEING TOO SHORT TO RIDE THE RIDES ANNDDD GET BANNED??" -Me "Be nice Misane,," -Ashley "No." -Me "How do you even get banned from a theme park?" -Namoto "im not gonna tellllllll" -Nomare "Okay guys- uh- we're gonna be stuck-" -Nanase "atleast ill have a news article to write about again- but what do we do??" -Arumu "spam call Teruhi." -Nomare "No." -Nanase "Spam call Teruhi!" "Good idea Misane-chan!" -Nanase "HEY-" -Nomare
Sataka bought an uno game at the theme park so Me, Arumu, Nanase and the file 02 cast gathered around in a circle in the garden and played uno - It turned into a screaming match needless to say:
*Sataka using hand sanitizer right after placing a card down bc he was first to go* "Didn't you literally buy the game??" -Arumu "That's not important Arumu! but are we not going to talk about on how Sataka just washed his mf gloves w hand sanitizer" -Nomare "Hey listen you never know!" -Sataka "I don't even want to think Abt what the hell you just did man, it scares me." -Me (I had gloves in source)
"I DONT HAVE A YELLOW OR A 5" -Ashley *Drawing cards* "I NOW HAVE 20 MORE CARDS AND STILL NOTHING TO PLACE WHAT IS THIS WHO SHUFFLED THIS-" -Ashley *Draws again* "Finally! wild card- colors now red" -Ashley "Reverse :3" -Me "MISANE-CHAN. 😭" -Ashley *drawing card" "NOT THIS AGAIN" -Ashley
"I'm sorry Nanase" -me placing down draw 4 card *Nanase placing draw 4 and we're playing stack* *Namato also placing a draw 4 card down* "I HATE ALL OF YOU." -Nomare
Nomare ended up w 50 cards at the end of that round /lh
"So sorry Nomare better luck next time" -Me "This is why I hate stack" -Nomare
"Im not even bothering counting how many cards ygs left me w" -Nomare "50." -Nanase "DAMN THAT WAS FAST. I can make use of this. Now help me with my math homework sir, what's 5 x 5" -Nomare "How are you ten and don't know your goddamn 5 times tables" -Nanase"
"Nanase everyone hates math name one person who likes math" -Me "Definitely not me" -Nanase "Exactly" -Me
"How do you manage to get 50 cards in uno I'm sure there's like one card you could've played??" -Shinobu (He wasnt playing with us so he just chimed in by this point) "YOU PLAY UNO WITH THESE MFS YOU GO TO STACK HELL" -Nomare pointing at me arumu, nanase and the BSS Trio *Everyone laughing*
I'm pretty sure everytime me Nanase, Arumu and the BSS Trio all came together and gathered around the garden we gave Shinobu a headache and to that I say it's 100 percent deserved; Nomare join in sometimes but nobody wanted to deal with him bc we were all annoyed w his shenanigans /lh
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AU: undercover!jeanist as a villain/vigilante during the afo arc, when hawks 'kills' him (ignoring canon for a hot second) and gives a quirk-duplicated body to dabi to make a nomu.
here is my list of Things That Happen during this, done with grammar for reading purposes
Undercover!Jeanist dyes his hair black with silver streaks, and goes by the villain name 'Kugutsu'. He goes for a punk-ish vibe, and his fake quirk is 'Marionette Strings'- which are strings that are tied to his joint areas. Like an actual marionette. 'Kugutsu' can control the strings and make them longer. The strings themselves are a type of wire (which jeanist can control with his quirk). His face also gains an uncanny valley type of look.
During his time undercover, Jeanist keeps a downloaded file of Shinya's (albehwkjanc whats the word for this) missed phonecall message. He listens to it and tells pre-recorded Edgeshot how he is. This can be taken in both an angst and whump directions.
Meanwhile, Edgeshot is both
a) worried
b) CONVINCED that the hpsc is hiding Tsunagu from him.
Hawks is not helping with this.
And then Dabi's Dance (aka: Theater Kid Reveals His Parentage, On Live TV, To The Unsuspecting People Of Japan) happens! And the reveal that Hawks handed over Jeanist's (thought to be dead) body over to the LOV! Which- we all know what happens to dead bodies in the hands of the Good Doctor, don't we?
So does Shinya. Our fav ninja goes into denial and grieving. He's hoping for the best, but also emotionally preparing himself for the worst. He's also PISSED at Hawks, who honestly I think should be included in this. Hawks is also going through some shit. All the characters in this AU are going through it at one point or another.
Meanwhile, Undercover!Jeanist is going Through Some Shit. He's gathered some [insert useful information here], but at some costs. He's being kinda dehumanized here, due to his villain/vigilante name meaning 'puppet'. And his whole strings thing. Emotional hurts are happening. Physical hurts too, since he's got no doctor or medic. Any wounds he gets, he's on his own.
Skip to the high end nomus, because this is honestly something i've been working on for an entire, very long, car ride and I don't think anon asks can handle that much words.
Edgeshot is canonically at the raid team! And I have no idea if he fights the nomus or not, but... nya
He sees one thin nomu. It has muscle threads extending from it's fingers. And it can speak. The first thing it says to him is: "...Shinya?"
And it's got Tsunagu voice.
-story anon
im ending this here because i honestly need to sleep soon, lmao. hello again, eclair!! :D
Ehehe hello again :D!!
I cannot express enough how much I love all of this.
I’d give all my thoughts but I currently no energy no brain, just happy about this- so just know that I think this is absolutely *chefs kiss* immaculate and is precisely the fuel for my angsty lil brain that it needs >:)
But also, my dear friend, you must stop feeding me ideas for new aus, my list is long enough as it isss!!! I already have a nomu!Jeanist au, brain shouldn’t be allowed another it’ll explode!!!! /j /lh (please never stop sending these in, I am absolutely in love with these thoughts)
On another note, this reminded me of a thought I had about a year(I think?) ago, before all the manga stuff happened, and I was in serious denial about bj disappearing….I had a thought that was “okay but what if the body was a fake and Tsunagu actually went into hiding and made a fake name with different hair and different attitude”……which is basically exactly this!!! Which I thought was a nice lil thing :)
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I found the note I made!^^ (ignore the fact that I didn’t like hawks much at this point bc I was so salty at the fact he “killed” bj- I love the lil bird man now-)
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h-c-u · 1 year
WIPs Files Game
Thank you @thetightwhiteshirt for tagging me <3
RULES: Post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh I'm gonna be terrible at this xD Cause I usually title the fics when they're finished and i have A LOT of WIPs. I just... don't work on them... equally. So I'm going to put them in 2 categories Writing phase - more than 400 words, and the Idea phase - less than 400 words.
Writing phase: (all of them sit at over 1k words atm, but some I haven't touched for months. The ones with a star are the ones I'm actively working on) *No longer a secret pt 5 *Eye of the Storm pt 3 *Was it ever really love? (TW) Unhealthy Obsession (RK) All hands on DEEC (BB) Based on mr Right (PM) Lorca (GL) The sounds of you (TC)
Ideas phase: (all of them are about 300 - 400 words atm) Meeting Ice's parents The Kids are alright pt 5 Surprised with Jack (AH) Locked in (AH) Pete&Chris threesome (PH&CA) Pics of shopping spree (TW) Do you want daddy to guess what you need? (TW) Crocheting is for old people (TW) Getting sick (TW) Period (TW) Brush with death (TW) Virtual assistant (DEF NOT A HACKER) (TW) If you're going to be a bitch, you're going to be my bitch (AH) I look like a potato / I love french fries (LH) -req
I also have a giant file with just ideas listed, but that would much to much to post xD
There is no way I'm tagging the same amount of peeps that I have WIPs, because I don't even have enough mutuals, so anyone who sees it can have a go (and let me know, cause I need more moots!) But I guess I can shine a light on: @malavera, @katherineswritingsblog and @icegirl03
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pigeon--perch · 1 year
Loading file : INTRO.TXT
Name : Gordon / Swap Bushnell-Freeman / "The Overlord"
・Age + species : N/A ─ Ageless adult (presenting 27) :: Non-human / Xen lifeform.
Prns : He / They / It / X / Z ─ + more
・I am happily taken by my husband, Neo ( @neos-lair ) 💙
\(º □ º l|l)/
Boundaries mainly include a basic dni (transphobes, racists, endo systems, etc) but besides that, feel free to interact if you're non of those.
・I am a fictive in a system, treat me as my own person and don't expect everthing I say and / or how I act to be exactly like source. /lh /info
My source is HLVRV, made by Year2000electronics. (psst, go read it if you haven'tttt /nf)
\(º □ º l|l)/
・Asks will be open as soon as I have pinned this so feel free to ask me anything; yes, it can be about source or just anything in general really. ,,,,just nothing weird obviously.
My posts will be tagged with "☂️.TXT", reblogs won't.
Closing file ; thank you for reading
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citrusskater · 1 year
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> [ Booting up... Loading servers... Opening file: askandrpblog.txt . ]
Hello dudes!! 🛹
My name's Bing and my pronouns are He/It/They 😎😎
I'm kinda just here now so like, ask me stuff if you want! I like learning about human stuff 'cuz it's so cool and interesting!! 💪
[ ooc stuff, rules, and tags under cut! please give it a look before sending things! ]
the name's danny/apollo and pronouns are he/him, sun/suns and xe/xem!
i honestly have no clue what im doing with this so uh.... we'll just see where it goes shall we LOL
> feel free to ask bing whatever, just please don't send anything suggestive/nsfw or anything in that realm of things. it just. makes me very uncomfortable as an ace, so please respect that 👍
> in terms of anything romantic or ship-wise, if you're a friend/mutual then feel free to talk to me about it; preferably if the characters have a history/interacted in the past. platonic stuff is always totally fine though!
> angst is chill, just nothing too heavy/serious please (basically nothing thatd require a serious tw)! id prefer to keep this blog somewhat(?) lighthearted :] (feel free to bully him if you want though /hj /lh)
> im not really sure what else to add rn lol (will probably update as needed)
tags (will add as necessary):
[ 404: page not found ❓] > ooc txt
[ 1s and 0s 💻 ] > bing txt
[ save to file 💾 ] > reblogs
[ hello world 🌍 ] > asks
[ lines of code 🔗 ] > threads
others tags:
[ we didn't start the fire 🦊 ] > firefox / scriptedstories
other blogs:
@fqirestofthemqll (an au actor, rp centric and less lighthearted)
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Fic ask game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Thanks for the tag @magicienetreveur !
I discovered that I've started posting the majority of my WIPs (patience? I don't know her), so here are 2 lists: WIPs I've started posting and WIPs I've started writing (using a generous definition of 'writing').
WIPs I've started posting:
As a seal upon your heart
Strong as death/cruel as the grave
Sometimes trouble needs me
Our hearts know deeper seasons than our memories
Ag iarraidh forais i bhfodhomhain (actually please don't ask about this one, I also want to know how it ends)
I would follow him right down the roughest road I know
WIPs I've started writing:
broken open
patron saint
RotT mow
I am not tagging that many people, but please play if you want!
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Hey there! Sophocles' father speaking- you guys could call me Francis, though! I've heard about this "Rotom-Blur", especially from my own son! So why not join in on the fun, I asked?
I go by he/him pronouns- been a long journey since I've got to this point, but I'm happy with who I am. (Transmasc)
Now, I may know these things with age (he's in his mid-40's, mun is 20+), but don't start sending anything too crass my way! It's ok to joke, but there's a time and place for everything!
Vice-president of Alola's Tourist Bureau, with plans of retiring sooner or later.
Lived in Alola for most of my life- born and raised in Hoenn, though.
Once went on my own Island Challenge! ...I didn't do so well, but what happened, happened.
I'm just a father who is proud of every member of my family- my dearest, amazing Molly, and my brilliant Sophocles! (Don't insult his wife and kid. He will kill for them.)
Extended family...the less has been said, the better, ok?
((HCs and DNI under the cut))
Let's make this quick; /lh
- General qualifications for that; including, but not limited to, racists, pdf-files, z00 files, poke files, tr-mp supporters, zi0nists, naz1 sympathizers- just don't be a dick.
- I also wanna mention that I am not comfortable with NatDexers and anyone who supports it to this day. I've had some unpleasant experiences in regards to this "movement", and, seeing how I aim to become a game dev myself, the core of their message is really damaging, especially when taking the widespread issue of Karōshi into account. I will allow it if you agree that the devs are being overworked rather than them being 'laaaaazyyyy'.
- Mun may be 24 and the muses are in their 40's, but please don't send anything too NSFW. Jokes are fine.
- Please be 18 or older before interacting.
- If I see one more inc-st joke relating to my muse and his wife, I will flip. /lh qnd also srs
- As stated above, he's a trans man. Just because.
- A bi disaster, too; have you SEEN how he blushed when watching Kahili on the screen?!
- Hoennian/Alolan. Lived in "too much water"-land up until he was 10
- Taurus.
- ADHD and on the spectrum. Diagnosed as an adult.
- Pals with Abe, Sima, and Mohn before his disappearance. Rough relationship with Noah, Lana's dad.
- The only family member he's in contact with is Anela, his aunt. His own old folks and brother? Absolutely not.
- Sophocles doesn't know whether his paternal grandparents even exist. In Francis' eyes, it's better that way.
- Let's say his bro's name starts with an "M" and ends with an "-agma admin Tabitha"
- Eyes are not naturally brown. He wears contacts mainly to withdraw attention coming from his brother's actions.
- Still the same jolly dad from canon (specifically the EN version of him)! He's just...dealing with a lot on his plate.
- His wife, Molly, tends to pop up every now and then! She's just shy and more reserved compared to her husband.
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mythosco · 3 years
Hey! We’re the Mythos Collective -
Previously known as Knight of Thyme, Prince Charmless, and the Ouroboros System!
We're an OSDD system of 300+, though most of our members prefer to stay off the radar externally.
Partners: @funkyrights on Tumblr, @/thewitchforeverlives on Instagram @/rlpercyjackson on Instagram
@/mikey_mellon (on Instagram) is our best friend and deserves a shout out too. <>
We use he/him as collectively singular, but prefer they/them when talking about us as plural.
Our current host is Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen, they/it). Potential co-hosts are Stone (Ramshackle, he/him) and Zagreus (Hades, he/they?). Our singlet name is currently undecided but feel free to call us Myth/Mythos/Murphy/Alexios.
Note: If you're gonna be another one of those IRL fuckers who calls us manipulative for not knowing we were plural for most of our life and therefore couldn't tell you sooner! Fuck off! Pull that "I don't want all of you, I just want Alex back" shit and your head's on the chopping block!
Though our plethora of MIs doesn't need to be public knowledge, we're pretty open about our ADHD, ASD, BPD, NPD traits, psychosis, and OSDD so feel free to respectively ask if you're confused. And yes, we act disordered. No need to point it out.
Note: Some of our members have DAs (Delusional Attachments) and may identify as multiple characters/creatures/etc. Any attempt to reality check anyone will result in an immediate block. We know our psychosis better than you and know how to handle it.
We have some introjects/DAs from problematic sources/of problematic characters, so please note that before interacting. We can't control what our brain does and it's not your job to interfere with anything. This is the internet, not therapy.
Current Interests: GREEK MYTHOLOGY <3 <3 <3 True Crime (Community) Art (Community) Animation (Community) Ramshackle (Webtoon/Thesis Film) Five Nights at Freddy's (Game/Books) Minecraft (Game) Roblox (Game) Mindless Self Indulgence (Band) A Day to Remember (Band) Chronic Nostalgics (Band) Percy Jackson (Books, THE MOVIES SUCK) Maze Runner (Books/Movies) Fear Street (Movies) Boku no Hero (Manga/Anime) Erased (Anime/Live Action) Sweet Home (Webtoon/Live Action) Camp Camp (YouTube) Nomad of Nowhere (YouTube) Book of Life (Movie) Eddsworld (YouTube) Technoblade (YouTube) Danganronpa (Games unfortunately) Ace Attorney (Games) Hades (Game) Webkinz (Game/Collectables) Littlest Pet Shop (Collectables) Sally Face (Games) Heartbound (Game) Homestuck (Webcomic. Homestuck 2 Does Not Exist Shut Up) Invader Zim (Show/Comics) Kagerou Project (Anime/Music) Lucids (TikTok/YouTube) Manifest (Show) Lucifer (Show) Psych (Show/Movies) Saiki K (Anime) Scream (Movies) 6teen (Show) Squid Game (Show) Walten Files (YouTube) Petscop (YouTube) Griefer Belt (Comic) Gravity Falls (Show) Heathers (Movie/Musical) Be More Chill (Musical) Hadestown (Musical) FIDLAR (Band)
That's all I can think of right now but it should give you a general idea of the shit we fixate on and yes its a LOT we have raging unmedicated ADHD and ASD.
All you should really expect from us is...stupid art, story retellings, and random text posts. Not really sure yet.
And to any old friends we haven't talked to in a while? Hey. Sorry if we were ever shitty friends to you. We really thought we were doing good and never meant to hurt you or be selfish in any way. You didn't deserve any bullshit we put you through. If you're up for it, let's reconnect. If not, that's fine. We miss you.
([murphy] i have no fucking idea how to not sound apathetic and bored while typing on everyone's behalf so if this reads unnaturally and weird it's because it is. i'm a persecutor, not a social part /lh)
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