#don't comment on the fact that there are two. it's 1:30 and i got back from doing laundry not too long ago and i just aaaaaaa
zaradress · 7 months
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pairing: George Russel x Toto Wolffs daughter warnings: age gap, sexual themes, fingering, pain kink, forbidden trope. prompt: Cami Wolff is the daughter of the mercedes team principle. She goes out of her way to not meet George Russel just because she finds him so attractive. One night she goes to a party and it turns out that the party on the yacht is hosted by none other than George Russel.
I had noticed him from the day I first saw him. It wasn't a crush or some infatuation. Instead it was some kind of admiring from a far type of thing. Dad tried to introduce me a couple of times but I refused. 
The young driver was the only driver I had not talked to out of all the mercedes drivers I had ever met. Which weren't a lot but still. I didn't know back then why I refused to talk to him but I know now. Like I said it wasn't some kind of crush or infatuation. No, it was an attraction that I did not want to feed into with being introduced to him.
I just knew he must be good in bed and every time I caught his eyes I thought about that fact. Which is why I decided it was for the better to just not meet him.
In Monaco, after Lewis had won the race, everyone decided to go celebrate on someones yacht. I didn't know who's yacht nor did I care. If there is a party I will be there. So I got ready with my friend, Chelsea, and as soon as we were done we left. 
From what I had gathered it would mostly just consist of only workers for mercedes, with some exceptions. My dad, thank god, wasn't going to be there. He'd honestly kill me if he knew that I even attended. 
We walked on to the yacht and went to the bar immediately. "What you getting?" I ask Chelsea. Whilst thinking about my own order. 
"Something that I can get hammered on, this week has been rough", Chelsea works as a PR manager for McLaren so her statement makes sense. 
"Let's just get eight shots, divid them by two and then down them all, one after the other", I tell her. She couldn't have agreed faster. What the hell are those McLaren drivers doing to my poor friend? I laugh whilst she orders the drinks. 
Whilst our drinks are getting prepared Lewis walks up to us and says hey. "Didn't think you'd show up", he comments.
"Why do you say that?" I laugh confused.
He looks around. "Well this is Georges yacht after all, didn't think you'd show up with how you are clearly going out of your way to not talk to George", I stopped smiling, shocked.
I knew that George was going to be here but not that this was his yacht.
"I'm not! Just haven't got to talk to him yet", I tell him, lying through my teeth. 
"So you could just walk over to him and talk to him right now, right?" he asks me smirking. 
I laugh nervously. "Of course I could", I say to him. "Don't be silly Lewis".
"If that's so, go talk to him right now", he challenges. "Or even better come play a game with us in like an hour or two, bring Chelsea with you". 
What have I gotten myself into. "Alright, we'll be there", with that he says goodbye for now and leaves. I had 1-2 hours to get as wasted as possible. 
I turn back to Chelsea. "Order another eight shots", I tell her as I start to down shot after shot. 
"Slow down Cami", she laughs. 
I chose to not listen to her and drank the remaining four from the second round. At first I din't feel anything but after 30 minutes I knew it was over. So was Chelsea but not nearly as much as me. She was perfectly drunk. Enough to think clearly but also enough to have fun. 
Me on the other hand was more than ready to start playing. If it was going to be truth or dare I was going to be up for anything. 
Chelsea and I danced away on the dance floor. She turned to some guy, dancing with him, and I decided to do the same. Not thinking about who it was. The guy put one of his hands on my hips as I was swaying them against him. 
Maneater playing in the back ground whilst my eyes were closed. I turn around just to be face to face with George. Out of all people, George. Thankfully I was so drunk that I didn't care and just put my hands around his neck. 
I doubted that he at that moment knew that I was the daughter of his team principal or he simply did not care. He took a hold of my hand and spun me around. Dancing with me until my friend dragged me to the toilet. 
Chelsea has always had a fear of bathrooms. She was scared that someone might hide in them. So whenever we had a night out it was not uncommon for me or someone else to go with her. 
By the time she was done. George was gone from the dance floor and Chelsea and I just continued to dance with one another. 
After the two hours had passed the party had died down. It was more or less a gathering now. Which was the whole point. A few other drivers arrived and we were maybe 15 or 20 people sitting on the four couches. That's probably why Lewis said one to two hours, so there'd be a little peace and quiet for us to play.
I was still drunk off my ass and was going to be for another few hours. The others were pretty much sober. I'm ashamed to be even saying that I even kept on drinking just a lot less. 
"Let's play then, everyone know how it goes?" Lewis asked. We were going to play truth or dare. A very simple yet exciting game. No one said anything so Hamilton bent over to the table to spin the bottle. "Oh and if you decide to not do it or answer it you have to take a piece of your clothing off", by the time he said that the bottle landed on me. 
The only problem: I have a dress and underwear on. Nothing else. "Truth", with that information in the back of my mind I chose to play it safe. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. George. Which made me push my thighs together. It was like he was undressing me with his eyes even though he sat two meters away from me. 
"What's your body count", Lewis asks, genuinely interested. 
"Don't have one, virgin", I answer which was the truth. Sure I had had boyfriends and situation-ships but never had I ever gone the whole way. Only close to it. Somehow I just never felt the desperation for it, so until I found someone I couldn't keep my hands off I wasn't going to do it. 
Everyone looked at me in disbelief. Georges eyes turned a darker shade of blue, looking at me even more intensely. "She's telling the truth and I have known her for a couple of years", Chelsea confirms. She leans into me whispering something in my ear. "George is practically staring at you", she tells me which I ignore. I spin the bottle and so we continued to play. 
As time went on more and more people left only the six of us remaining. Lewis, Chelsea, George, Alex, Lily and me. Three guys against three girls. All of us still had cloths on. But at this point I probably was so drunk I wouldn't have cared if I did. 
The bottle lands on Lily. Chelsea had spun it so she had to choose. "Dare, of course because I'm not boring", she laughs.
Lily just smirks to that. "Remove a piece of clothing of off the guy closest to you but without using you hands", she giggles knowing it was Lewis and how she is going to enjoy this show.
"Okay easy", she sits down beside Lewis and starts to take off Lewis's shirt but he helps her a little because he saw that she was finding it difficult. The rest of us were chanting her name.
When she was done we all started clapping, to which she just turns red and returns to her seat. She spins the bottle and it lands on me. After seeing how tame her dare was I felt like I could choose dare as well. "Dare, why not?" I say unknowing of what was about to come.
"Show us one of your kinks with another player", well fuck Lewis is taken by Chelsea right now and Alex and Lily are both in a relationship with one another. That only leaves Chelsea as an option. As I was about to say her name, she adds on something. "The player has to be male", she smirks.
I knew what she was doing and she knew too because that only leaves George as an option. It was noticeable how he was waiting me to pick anyone but him.
So when I walked drunkenly over to him and tried to sit beside him, it came to him as a shock. He even had to help me sit down because of how drunk I was. Throughout the game we hadn't talked and now I was supposed to show him one of my kinks. 
"So, what's your kink?", he says putting a hair behind my ear. 
I bite my lip which he sees. "Wait if I take off a piece of clothing I can skip this dare, right?" I turn around and ask. 
"Sure but then you wouldn't have anything on you, would you now? So what's worse?", George says looking me up and down. 
"Come on Cami, we've all done worse than whatever your kinks are", Chelsea says to which everyone laughs. 
I turn back to George and get closer to him. So close that if I whisper only he could hear. "I have a pain kink. So if you chock me and than slap me hard I will get turned on immediately, especially if it's from you", I whisper.
"Little Virgin Mary not so pure in actuality, huh?", he laughs. Everyone was confused about what I could have said.
His eyes didn't leave mine as he put one hand on my thigh and the other one started going up from my chest. He just had to take full advantage of this situation didn't he. His hand finally comes to my neck and he starts applying pressure.
The pressure felt so fucking good and it made me close my eyes. His hand leaves my neck and I open my eyes again just to look him in the eyes. That's when his hand slapped me, hard enough for a little moan to escape my lips that only he could hear. 
I return to my seat, drunk and now horney as well. "Fuck me that was hot", Chelsea was the first to say anything and everyone else just started giggling. George on the other hand didn't leave my eyes. 
"Didn't think you had that in you, Cami", Lewis says shocked. I just ignore the fact that I just showed everyone here that I like pain. 
As I spin the bottle I reach for the vodka bottle and take two more shots. George shakes his head in disbelief. 
The bottle landed on George and he chose truth. "What sexual acts arouse you most?" I asked him downing another shot. Not expecting anything interesting.
"Chocking and slapping", everyone was in disbelief. He had not just said that. "Giving not receiving, of course". 
My mouth hung a gap not able to utter a single word. "You two should get a room", Alex laughed. 
The round kept on going and the alcohol was starting to hit again. I had taken off my shoes and left just to go to the speaker and sync my phone to it. I put some music on and started dancing a little. George looked over to what I was doing too which I gestured for him to come to me. 
"What is it?" he asks with a smile on his lips.
I had gone over my drinking limit a while ago. "Dance with me", I tell him. He smiles and looks away.
"How much have you had to drink?" he asked concerned.
"Only like half a bottle of vodka", I say oblivious to how much that actually was. 
"Fuck Cami, this is going to hit you hard when you wake up", he tells me.
"Why don't you hit me hard instead?" I said to him. Looking into his blue eyes. 
He clears his voice. "Let's get back to the game", he leads me to the couch and sits beside me. There was no way I was walking to the couch on my own. 
I rested my head on Georges shoulder as Lewis spun the bottle and of course the bottle had to have landed on me. "Truth", honestly I couldn't move even if I wanted to so it was the obvious choice. 
"I can't come up with a good question, can someone take over for me?" Lewis said to which George takes over.
"Have you ever fantasised about an F1 driver?" he asks.
"That's a good one", Lewis said and everyone agrees.
I don't even have to think about it. "Of course", by the looks of it they weren't expecting me to answer it. 
"Who?" George asked. 
There was no way I was admitting to who I fantasised about. "That's another question and there is no way I'm saying it", I laugh and go to spin the bottle. 
It lands on Alex and he chooses dare. To which I told him to seduce Lily. "I am going to find out eventually who it is", George whispers into my ear. As I was about to respond everyone starts to clap and shout. 
George and I joined in. Alex than spun the bottle and it landed on George. "Truth".
"How long was your longest session, if you know what I mean?" if you know what I mean. 
He thinks about it for a little. "I think it was an hour long", he laughs embarrassed.
George spins the bottle. "You lasted for an hour? No fucking way", Lewis laughs. 
The bottle yet again lands on me and before I can even think I chose truth immediately regretting it. "Who Cami?", he said seductively.
"Well I guess I will have to strip then", I stand up looking him directly in the eyes a teasing smile on my lips. My hands go to my straps and pull one after the other off. 
It was almost as if he didn't believe I would do it. Only when I was about to pull my dress off he stood up and stopped me. Pulling my straps up for me. "I think that's enough for tonight, let's get you sobered up, wouldn't want Toto to get mad at me now would we", he says as he starts leading me inside the yacht. "I'm going to let her sleep here and call Toto probably, is that alright with you Chelsea?", he asks.
"Yeah that's fine by me, with how much she has consumed I don't think I would be able to get her home anyway", she says.
"Perfect than, Cami stays here and I'll take Chelsea home", Lewis says.
They start to pick all their stuff up and George carefully holds me leading me inside the yacht. 
He brings me to the bed and lays me down. He takes a shirt out of his closet and when he turns to give it to me he looks away just as quick. Because he saw how I was starting to take my dress off. 
"George?" I said.
"Yeah what's up?" he still didn't look at me.
I struggled with my bra and couldn't get it off. "I need you to help me take my bra off", I tell him.
"Fuck", he said very quietly as he turned around. 
I still had my dress on but only from the waist down. So my chest was very much on display. He went to my back and slowly unclasped my bra and immediately looked away. 
"Thanks", I said and put the shirt on, shimmying the dress of and fold it with my bra on the bed side table. 
George disappears into the kitchen probably getting some water. He returns with some water. Which I downed in a matter of minutes. He just stood across the bed with his arms crossed looking at me. 
"You just going to stare at me from over there?" I ask him slightly sobering up.
He smiled at that comment. "Yes", he said. "Well, until you tell me who you fantasis about at least", he smirked.
"Come here and I'll tell you", I said to which he walked to the bed and sat beside me whilst I was sitting on my knees. 
"So tell me", he was so eager to know. 
I thought about it for a second. Should I tell the truth or lie? "Let's talk about something else", I giggle. 
"Like I said earlier I will get the answer sooner or later but fine let me ask something else than", he starts saying. "What's the reason behind you going out of your way just to not meet me?".
My smile vanished a little. "Its the same reason I don't want to tell you who I fantasise about", I boldly say. 
He looks me in the eye leaning one hand on the mattress whilst being a bit turned to me. "So you are attracted to me and fantasise about me?" he said almost cocky and not even a bit shocked.
"Can't fall for one of my dads workers now can I?" I said.
"I guess not", his other hand is on my naked thigh, caressing it. "What do you think your dad would say about how you danced with me at the beginning of the party?" his hand traveled further up.
"Not much. What do you think my dad would say about you chocking and slapping me earlier?" I asked him teasingly, acting as though his hand didn't do things to me. 
"Don't think he'd be so happy with me. What do you think he would say about me fingering his pure virgin daughter?" My heart was in my feet. Did he just really say that. 
I gulped slightly. "Well he'd definitely not be too happy about that, but that hasn't happened so we don't need to think about that", his hand traveled even further.
With that our lips met. He put me down on the bed and I put my thighs around his waist. My crotch meeting his, a moan escaping from my lips. One of his hands held my thigh whilst the other one was aggressively traveling over my body until it got to my neck and chocked me. 
I didn't think it was possible for me to become even wetter. His crotch was hard against me and I could feel how he started getting hard. He was actively pushing against me hard. Only making me more horny. 
His hand travled to my sex painfully slow. "Your so fucking wet, so fucking perfect", he pushed my underwear to the side going straight inside me with two fingers.
"George", I moan overwhelmed by the feeling I was experiencing. His thumb went over my clit.
"Your taking my fingers so well, like a good virgin", he tells me.
George started going faster bringing me close to finishing. "George I'm going to cum", I told him.
All the built up tension from all the weeks I had been refusing to meet him were finally going to be released.
"Go on than", he tells me. "Be a good girl for me and cum", he says which takes me over the edge and I hit my climax . He gets a towel and cleans me up a bit.
I have never been fingered better. Even though I didn't do anything I still was more than exhausted. I didn't want to leave him hanging but he assured me that he was happier over having made me cum than anything else. "Come here", he said to me making room for me to snuggle into him.
We than fell asleep and sometime around six AM we woke up again and continued on talking until we fell asleep again.
This was going to be the beginning of something good.
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Language Barrier (Yandere male x reader) p8
tw: violence, blood, afab reader, infantilization , short chapter
Minors and ageless blogs you will be blocked
hi<3 thansk for readeing, i appreciate the reblogs n comments n messages very cool and very motivation
i do have a set plotline timeline vfor this, just a little iffy on how it ends,
pls dont critizwe 2 harsh on my worldbuilding i tired my best ok </3
as allways, no proofreading <3
Happy New years !!
part 1, part 7, Part 9
"He said it's to make sure you're always in his line of sight." Said the translator.
Now you know why 2718 always carries you on his front, never giving you a piggy back ride even though it's much easier.
You looked up to the sun. It's in the middle of the sky. You swear that the entire ordeal has taken up more than a day.
The translator is lugging her own backpack, you assumed she bought it sometime before the three of you arrived home. You asked her if she's okay.
"Yeah. Nothing I can't handle. Are you?" She asked, adjusting the heavy straps on her shoulders.
You asked, how many hours are there in a day? A day in this planet, you mean.
"They considered 30 hours a 'day'. But actually, it takes approximately five thousand and nine hundred hours for this planet to complete a whole rotation- in other words, around two hundred 'accepted days' in a 'real day'. You get me?"
That doesn't explain the first five days you spent here, the sun seem to set and rise at regular intervals!
"Sunlight hours here are fucked up. You just got lucky. During your three-day coma, I even saw the sun flicker. Sometimes, the sun would just disappear for a few 'days' and come back, at full brightness for a week straight."
You asked her why that happened, the translator trailed behind 2718. You rested your chin on his shoulder.
"You can rent the sun. Literally. Farmers would pay for more sunlight, nocturnal inhabitants would turn it off, corrupt business owners would manipulate it to get a higher profit, spoiled rich kids would mess around with everyone's day for fun, Oligarchs get to have longer ass-kissing dinners, normal citizens would pool money to maintain the regularity... if you have the resources, you get to play god for a while."
You asked how was that possible.
"They claimed it's controlled by magic. But I think that's bull, they must have some massive, planetary-scaled machine that made this possible- The ball of fire up there must be an artificial sun. My reality is no stranger to artificial celestial bodies, we even make our own stars too. But we use science, not some childish, made up idea." She grumbled.
Who are "they"?
"The guy your friend offed for shoving glass in your throat."
The reminder of the disgraced citizen made your blood run cold.
"Listen, he's going to be fine. In fact, you probably did him a favor."
Exasperated, you asked how was that a favor.
2718, sensing your distress, whipped around and pointed his dagger at the translator. Thinking that she was either insulting you or scaring you.
She raised her hands up and backed away, reasoning with him.
You pressed your hand against his face, gently pushing him to the direction you want him to go. He begrudgingly back turned around, letting you face the translator again. His hold on you became firmer, though.
"Trust me, I know he went out... with a bang. But he's going to be just fine."
You don't think that he is going to be 'just fine' and you can't believe that she is this apathetic. However, you decided to drop the topic for now.
"I didn't get all my knowledge of this place from that one guy, though. Most of it came from my associates living here."
You asked why she didn't contact them for help.
"I'm trying to. But it's tough when I can't go 'online' through myself. I need an external vessel, like a computer- or a smartphone, perhaps."
You asked why she didn't use the coins to buy a cheap burner phone or it's equivalent, assuming they exist.
"I'm 'offline', off grid, even. I effectively lost all my contacts... maybe even a whole chunk of my memory- I don't know, I won't know until I reconnect myself to the galactic internet again. I wouldn't know who's ID to call anyways. Might as well use it to buy stuff necessary for me to live another day."
You went onto ask what the name of this planet is and how many planets are there in this solar system.
"In English? I'm sure you can guess."
You really can't. The properties of this planet sounds... familiar. But yet, so foreign.
"I'll give you another hint. This planet spins backwards. Well, used to."
"We're in Venus. Venus with major tweaks done to it."
Venus!? Your jaw went slack, this piece of information blew your mind. You can't believe you're in Venus! Absolute insanity, is the translator sure that this isn't actually Earth? But in an alternate universe?
"Yeah. Earth is used as a landfill now. It's still populated though. Mainly by kind volunteers and the... less-than-fortunates. It's a big mess, mind you. We aren't using tiny terms like 'international' anymore. It's Interplanetary and beyond. So the social systems and all that junk are way more complex."
You asked, what IS this solar system?! The past? The future? The present?
"It's convict central, baby!" She sarcastically waved her hands in glee. "It's prison. But worse." She deadpanned. "Because everyone is free. The strongest gets to call shots around here."
"But if you're talking about the solar system before it became a dumping ground for thugs, it's just some poor, alternate timeline where Earth is a budding Type 1 civilization. They stood no chance against Type fives."
You asked what civilization is... 'Convict Central' under.
"Type two, on their way to becoming a type three. Again, the people here claim to 'generate' their own energy through magic. Take their precious Dyson Spheres away and let's see if their whimsical magical hero powers can feed trillions every day."
You quietly noted her disdain on the matter and said nothing about it.
You went onto ask her about clocks, watches or any tool that tells the time. It seems to be nonexistent here.
She snorted.
You asked her what was so funny.
"Let's see, you're considered partially deaf, partially blind, partially mute.... and temporally disabled. I'm glad your friend got you first before anyone else."
Temporally disabled? You asked her to clarify.
"I have a chronometer installed in me, and that's understandable because I'm part metal. Your friend, has one too. But he evolved to have it, and it's damn accurate too. Down to the nanosecond."
She wiped the sweat off her forehead. It made you realize that you're not sweating, because it's comfortably cool. 2718 must be cooling you down.
"The inconsistent sunlight, the gravity, the atmosphere, the stress and generally everything else got my chronometer a little fucked up. As for your friend? You can drop him at the edge of Andromeda and he will calibrate himself immediately. He will know what time it is-- hell, it's damn impressive to even perceive time at that point!"
You brought your hands to your head, upset that you didn't get a chance to experience a world never seen before. And you never will, you're just not evolved enough to grasp it.
"Hmm. Okay makes sense... That makes sense." She mumbled to herself, scratching her chin.
You asked her what made sense.
"He could easily bring you home in a blink, if he had a glass teleporter with him. But seeing that you're still a... primate, he knows that it might screw something up in you."
That explains why you vomited after appearing at the market.
"Yep. That sounds like spatial-temporal sickness alright. Keep that up and it might cause a brain hemorrhage."
Your eyes widened in horror. Absolutely terrifying news, you're grateful that the only side effect was devastating nausea.
You shuddered, creeped out by so many things. That made 2718 stop in his tracks again, glaring at the translator from the corner of his eyes.
The translator defended herself with a whine, swearing that she didn't do anything to you.
You were curious as to why 2718 set you down.
"He's taking a water break." Explained the translator. She took out her own water bottle from her bag.
Your companion softly nudged your arm with the waterskin. You twisted your head and picked it off his hand. He patted your head.
You looked into the distance. It's still a long way to go, you huffed. You felt very demotivated, you really don't want to sit through this entire journey.
Maybe 2718 felt your demoralization too, or the translator told him in a frequency that you cannot hear, but he cupped your cheeks and stared into your eyes.
He gently squished your cheeks, forcing you to pucker a bit, before letting go. The man then pressed a loving kiss onto your forehead. You closed your eyes when he affectionately nuzzled his nose against yours.
"He's said that it's going to be okay. You're doing well and he loves you." Your eyes shifted to the woman.
This translation cause 2718 to growl at the translator for ruining the moment. He shielded you in his arms as he barked insults at her. She argued back, this time annoyance was apparent in her tone and face.
You asked if 2718 actually understands you.
"Not really. But I bet anyone would look at that-" She pointed at his house in the distance. It looked like an ant from here. "-And go 'aaaugghhh... still a long way to go...' I know, I do. He's trying to cheer you up, that's all. You had a sad face on anyways."
You leaned into 2718, tiredly resting against him as he drank some from the waterskin. You don't know why you're so exhausted. It's not like you did most of the walking.
"You have been awake for 35 hours, of course you're going to feel like shit. You're accustomed to 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. Today someone rented out the sun and left it on longer than I liked. You better thank them, though. Dealing with creatures of the night is no easy feat."
You groan, has it really been that long? You told her to ask him; how long did it take for him to recover from his injuries earlier.
2718 uttered something to her.
"He said six hours, 27 minutes, 13.0348... Okay, I'll just round it off to the nearest second. 6 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds. The fight with the insect took thirteen minutes- around thirteen minutes, he's giving me a twelve digit number and I'm not saying all that."
Assuming the three of you spent half an hour at the lighthouse, that means... the journey from the house to the translator's base took around 28 hours and 20 minutes. You're way behind your sleep schedule, you're going to get eyebags!
But, how does she know that you're awake for 35 hours?
"Your friend told me. Oh yeah, he actually told me to tell you this earlier, so you would... you know, be comfortable sleeping. In his arms. Sorry. I forgot. And I'd be lonely without you talking to me, so..."
You guess you can see why he doesn't trust her to translate his words. You also wonder what else is she omitting from you for her own benefit. You would have forced yourself to stay awake anyways for her sake, she didn't need to lie or 'forget'.
You're giving her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the language is just too complex to catch everything in one breath. Nevertheless, it does disturb you that the translator could easily manipulate the situation to her favor if she wanted to- by giving false translations.
2718 probably won't buy into her tricks as much. But you know you would, because she's the only one you could understand. And you have no choice but to rely on her.
It made you question if the words she said that made him hostile were congruent to what she tells you.
All these thinking are giving you a headache. You don't want to talk to her for now.
You told her that you're going to sleep for the next... however many hours it takes to walk back. She's disappointed, but she understands.
2718 lifted you up by the arms and lets you sag onto his shoulder. His cold hands, spreading harmless frost all over the fabric of your clothes. Chilling you under the scorching sun.
You let your eyelids droop, slowly giving into the sweet embrace of sleep-
"What the fuck happened here?" You lifted your head at her remark.
This earned a yell from 2718, not at you, at the translator. He must be angry at her for waking you up.
You're more concerned about the matter that made her say that. So you rubbed your eyes before looking around.
Oh. After realizing that you're still on... Venus, and not in some sort of blood-painted, tropophobia-inducing hellscape, you relaxed. Actually, it was extremely bizarre to think about it. Venus, a planet known for it's inhabitable conditions, and you're in it? Alive? And not burnt to bits?
You explained that the epic battle between your companion and the insect took place here. He bled out profusely from his leg and eyes.
You lolled back onto him, adjusting your hat so that the sun doesn't touch your eyes.
You heard the translator grumbled something under her breath. 2718 didn't respond, at least not in a way you can perceive.
His rhythmic trudging lulled you deeper and deeper into slumber.
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carefulfears · 1 year
top five annoying mulder moments <3
okay, i have two lists for you: annoying moments that i find endearing, and annoying moments that make me want to beat him over the head with a chair
annoying moments that i find endearing:
(as of today, these could all be different tomorrow)
1/ "you mean i might get my 29.95 worth after all?" (731)
insane thing to say with 6 minutes to live about the mail-order VHS tape that might save your life. the way he casually cracked jokes in front of that bomb haunts me. unfortunately, this joke made me laugh so hard when i first watched this episode, that it became a core memory of the show to me, and it's still one of my favorite lines
related: putting on a comedy show for the nazis in the pine bluff variant
"ooh, is this the pepsi challenge? how 'bout some fresh air, boys" "you can just call me a cab, that'd be fine" sir they are about to execute you in a field
2/ his general behavior with the neighbors in arcadia
not his behavior towards scully, that's a different thing. i'm talking about mulder showing up in a neighborhood that deeply values regulations and appearances, and dragging out his basketball hoop at 10:30 at night. kicking mailboxes. putting that plastic flamingo in the lawn.
he went undercover in this subdivision to investigate the disappearances of multiple missing families, and his entire investigative strategy, is to fuck around and find out.
the fact that the neighbors start off concerned for him, worried that the monster is going to kill him for violating the HOA rules, and trying to warn him and help him, but eventually are so irritated that they decide to just leave him to die
is without a doubt my favorite thing about this episode.
3/ running in front of a car (colony)
literally made eye contact with the driver and kept running into traffic....busted up that guy's whole windshield.....like he went THROUGH that guy's windshield.....once again, i say, do you have ANY IDEA HOW PISSED I WOULD BE to just be minding my own business driving home from work, and end up with a MULDER-SHAPED HOLE in my windshield.....and then he just mumbled something about getting the wind knocked out of him?? and got up and kept running?? you KNOW he didn't pay for that guy's car. used "i got hit by a car" as an excuse for not filing his report on time??? i love him but he is not serious people
4/ reading the articles in a porno mag at the office (the jersey devil)
the jersey devil my most beloved most watched episode ever....cannot even express to you how funny i find it that when scully got into work, he's just sitting there staring intently at porn and starts telling her about the articles. he turns the magazine so that she can see. kinda the funniest thing that he ever did.
+ scully's lil "workin hard, mulder?" and "sorry to interrupt your serious investigation" ...they're best friends
5/ "why don't you take that gun and shoot yourself in the head like you shot my father" (piper maru)
BONUS: all of his comments about religion (various episodes)
i put this one on the list and took it back off so many times but i have to speak my truth. every last one of them. i know they're mean and judgmental. i like it.
honorable mention: the mulder ditch™ (too many episodes in too many circumstances to make one of the lists but the way he constantly just leaves scully places deserves to be included. he literally has the object permanence of a 3-month old)
annoying moments that make me contemplate violence:
(only came up with 4 for now...but they're serious to me)
1/ "when he's old enough, tell the kid i went down swinging." (vienen)
me when i'm two weeks out of the grave and have purposefully endangered my ass on a boat full of killer alien goo and my idea of a funny sarcastic joke is to goad my partner into saving me by JOKING!!!! about her having to tell my baby that i'm DEAD!!!
what compelled him to say this. this is my "WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS" infographic mulder moment.
my favorite part is how scully doesn't even address it she just gives that kind of "jesus fucking christ" sigh and tells him to put doggett on the phone lol
2/ “all this because i didn’t get you a desk?” (never again)
literally god forbid a girl have an existential crisis in some FUCKING PEACEEEEE
3/ "diana saw it too. and no matter what you think, she's certainly not going to go around saying that just because science can't prove it, it isn't true." (the beginning)
listen, i defend him for the diana stuff, and i get it. i could write you a dissertation on the complications and emotions of it and why he says things like this or whatever. but it still annoys the ever-loving fucking hell out of me.
this one bothers me more than "scully, you're making this personal" because it's such a direct blow to the core of their dynamic and to what she tries to do for him. this comes so soon after he looked at her in the hallway and told her that her rationalism and science saved him.
which is a moment that meant so much to her and that she references in this same episode. she grabs his hand and she says "you told me that my science kept you honest. that it made you question your assumptions. that by it, i'd made you a whole person."
she has memorized everything that he's ever said and she heard him so deeply in that hallway. she stays so dedicated to offering that science and rationalism that she knows he needs, that she heard him say was best for him.
that moment in that hallway changed them for the rest of their lives, and this is when skepticism and belief start to morph from genuine ideology into roles that they play for each other.
she's doing her part, she's offering him her side, she's playing her role. and he throws it back in her face, says he'll just go play with diana then, because diana would never counter him with science.
LOLLLL okay then spooky, we'll fucking see if it's diana that comes to save your ass in the bermuda triangle
4/ "you act like you're surprised" (three words)
debated putting this one on here because everyone knows i loveeee three words and i loveeee s8 mulder and i'm obsessed with this scene, i've written multiple pieces about the fish in it, i wouldn't change a word of it
but i just have to because this is the other one that grates at me in the back of my head from time to time...because it's not that he doesn't think resurrection is surprising. it's not that he thinks it's a given that he'll always be around.
he just cannot hear and acknowledge how painful and difficult losing him was for her. because it would mean hearing and acknowledging that what he does matters, not because of what he can do or find, but because it matters that he's there. because it matters whether he lives or dies.
this episode is so heartbreakingly cruel in a way that they just aren't to each other, and that's what i love about it and what makes it stand out to me.
she's pregnant with his baby and she buried him. she was ripped off of his corpse screaming and she planned a funeral and decorated a nursery at the same time, alone. she sat in a hospital chair and held his hand for days when she knew he couldn't feel it.
for six months, he was gone. for three months, he wasn't ever coming back. that first day that they were looking for him, she teared up and whispered, "i just can't take the chance that i'm never gonna see him again," to skinner, and then she lived in a reality where she was never going to see him again. for three months.
she prayed and she prayed and she prayed and then she got to cry and laugh and hold onto him and take him home. and she tried to tell him, quietly, about the last six months. about how she doesn't think he could ever understand what it was like. about how she prayed, and about how her prayers "have been answered."
she told him how hard it was to learn he was missing, to search, to find him dead. "and now to have you back...," she smiled and said through tears.
"well, you act like you're surprised."
in less than 24 hours he is going to run towards death again and she is going to be left again with nothing to do but pray, and he cannot hear that it matters.
(y’all, remind me to do a post about mulder + humor in s8)
BONUS: referring to his mother's house as "the vineyard" (various episodes)
this one isn't that deep to me but "scully, i'm at the vineyard" just IRKS me like it gets on my NERVES. just an obnoxious ass thing to say
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evilrat-sabre · 8 months
Welsknight Season 7, EP 3 and 4 a Rat's report
So I guess I am doing this, I am watching the entirety of Wels Hermitcraft Season 7 series and doing a actual written report on it.
First / Next
Deep Storage Warehouse | Hermitcraft 7 - Ep. 3
27:41 lenght, posted 29 may 2020, watched 30/01/2023 and 31/01/2023
He clicks record button and it starts raining. He complains that this is "Just his luck" and I agree, this sums his lucky very well. (Personal note: I had a brief flashback to Doc in season eight talking about the fact of how hard is to see rain in Hermitcraft, and I find it amusing that Wels is one of the culprits, as one of the local sleeping maniacs.)
He is tiding up his river "Basically you are trying to avoid the appearance that you just spammed bonemeal, even though you just spammed bonemeal everywhere" (Time stamp 3:50)
"So I don't think there is a rule against two timelapses in a single episode, lets do it!" Stares in House Flipper series at this 3 year old video.
Personal note: I was building a puzzle with friends while watching it and I zoned out a bit, when I zoned back he was so amused talking about his own building that it just put a big ol' smile in my face.
Fwhip mentioned! He built one of Fwhip's boat designs and gave credit, he started talking about Fwip and how he likes his videos and how he watches it! Idk it just made me soft seeing he talking about Fwhip, knowing that in like 2 years? The man would be steeping in Hermitcraft ground, its a shame Wels wasn't active and didn't got to interact with the Empire people.
"My knight time senses are tingling" *proceeds to spam clicks a bed
"My sleep sense are tingling again" *proceeds to spam clicks a bed (I guess this is his superpower now)
He needs to make a shop
-Wels: No one sell leather and I need a good source of food -Me: Nodding in redstoner "Okay so he will make a hoogling farm, sounds fun" -Wels: I need some cow -Me: Excuseme what? -Me: Stops and thinks for the exact amount of 3 seconds, oh yeah the nether was still bad.
He will vote for Joe as dog catcher! Good to know!
He bought the Hermit Heralds!!! The only thing I managed to read was "Unsanitary Scar"
Wels is talking about cow, stops mid phrase "Problem must sleep" Sir just admit you have a problem.
Wels is doing a cow pen (This is where I suffered from multiple organs failure) "Ha you are mine, forever forever, forced to live a life of breeding" SIR (pERSONAL notes: Yes I am one of the mods in correct Hermitcraft quotes, and yes I have posted worst things there (It was Keralis and xB), and NO, I will not post this in the blog, for the sake that my little rat hearth will NOT survive receiving this quote as a notification.)
FULL House Interior! | Hermitcraft 7 - Ep. 4
25:12 length, posted 5 june 2020, watched 01/02/24
This is a interior decor episode, this Brazilian redstoner Rat will do some comments about Wels decor, be prepared.
Decor talk: I love what he is doing with the ceiling, I could never though about that, I would have let it as it was and sulked.
"If I decided to put a basement in this house, this would be the ideal place to put it, and if not, this can be storage, closet, stairs, you know; Harry Potter could live in there or something" (Time stamp 7:30)
Decor talk: Ok that bedroom is gorgeous, the bed isn't functional, but at least he can sleep in the bench (that is actually a bed)
I will describe the next sequence of actions because it's funny
Goes to the shopping district to buy skulkers
Sees the free samples barrel
clicks on it
Zombies appears out of nowhere
It's a trap.
False for mayor trap!
She kills the mobs and walks away looking honestly cool
It actually worked! Wels retreat his concrete vote for Stress
He realizes that got distracted and goes and buys the shulkers
No free samples for Wels
The great entrance hall is attached to the wrong door, the main entrance door is connected to the kitchen "Planning 10/10" At least it's pretty?
Decor talk: He keeps making benches, he doesn't have a functional bed, but he has a lot of benches.
One of his goals for season 7 was to get better at doing interior!
Decor talk: He is doing great, all he builds is so good omg. For all that I joke about his house flipper, this man knows how to decorate and I really appreciate his buildings.
Beef tunes! He is buying a piano!
So I will cut a bit here, to say that Wels did a honestly moving speech about things that were happening at the time in the world, and I feel like are relevant to today 3 years latter.
I urge everyone to go watch it, because it's truly powerful and it was a good reminder of why he is one of my favorite youtubers.
Its starts roughly at 16:53 and ends at 20:06
I will now transcript part of it here, but I can't stress enough, go watch the whole thing, it got me really by surprise.
"However I will say this, I don't give a damn, and I use that word deliberately, because this is important enough to warrant it.
I don't give a damn about the color of your skin, who you love, your religious beliefs, what political party you belong to, or other description that people may use to categorize you, good people are always welcome in my community, and all it takes to be a good person in my book is to follow the golden rule of treat other as you wish to be treated."
The speech is way longer, and I got really really touched, I am still looking at it and reflecting.
Anyway back to normal now.
Some time and world observation:
In the Hermit Heralds it was written "Get gorgeous" I am curious how much it cost Stress to put this there
Shopping district remains a ugly mess
I did this at 2 am, good night.
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dlamp-dictator · 3 days
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Welp, this is about as far as I go for Railway 4, at least with the Sinking Team I built for it. I'm never really one to clear these endgame content segments since I don't play this as intensely as others, nor do I really care for the bragging rights of beating a hard mode of a video game in my older age of 30. That's not a backhanded comment, I just legitimately have other things to do than grind levels and other games I wanna' play when I'm off work or have a shorter shift than usual.
Not really going to go into as much depth as I did during Railway 2 with the Bleed Team, but I do have some thoughts.
This is a little more chill than my usual rambles and dives, so I'm not going to go in as much preamble, but I had expected this ride to be smoother than my Bleed Team since it didn't rely on chip damage and an ironically useless Rabbit Heathcliff. This was originally meant to be something of a fun little callback. I decided to make that Sinking Team I said I'd make back during Railway 2. This is the Sinking Season after all. And given that I thought a Sinking Team might actually be good for this Railway.
I… was conceptually right. Sanity and Gloom damage is nice, but… there were some flaws in my thinking.
The Peccatulum
Man, those Envy Peccatulum are just the worse. I thought I could manage it after the first part of Section 2, but being so harshly knowledge-checked in Section 3 just killed my confidence. I swear, if I have to deal with even a tenth of this in Canto 7, I might actually cry. The idea of fighting your own IDs doesn’t sound too bad, especially if you understand their weaknesses. They aren't impossible, but it's annoying as hell to deal with the bullshit of big numbers you've been using on emotionless, unfeeling pixels and PNGs. And the fact that they get so much speed was just... UGH. I know for a fact only two of these IDs should be pushing 7 speed, and that’s usually with haste buffs.
Like I said, it was doable for the most part. I was able to power through Section 2 since I had two characters with Binds and Yi Sang had Sunshower, but this was a challenge. Kurokumo honestly felt like a nice break, but Jun and his counter spamming never felt more unfair towards the end. I actually got through this clean on my first try, but then the servers had to update and it nixed my clear. Redoing things was a nightmare since I had to deal with a lot of the harsher points of the Peccatulum EGO-spamming me on turn 2, and I had to pull the gamer move of resetting for better speed rolls a myriad of times.
Seriously, that was some nonsense.
The Ego Resources
This wasn't too bad. A Sinking Team is naturally Gloom-heavy, but they’ve got a good spread of EGO resources all around. I was pretty starved for Gluttony since I wasn’t using Butler Ish, but few EGO (that matter for a Sinking Team) require Gluttony. I had both Binds, Sunshower, and Fluid Sac at the ready, so all was fine in the end, but it was a struggle when I needed some Lust since I depended on Outis’s Skill 3 for that.
Sanity Damage and Enemy EGO
The sanity damage was... okay. The Gloom damage was nice in Section 1, and the sanity damage was great against Nelly and Jun, but… not much else. Without Sunshower Yi Sang to truly cash in on those massive sinking stacks this was just… passable damage. It also had the double-edged sword of bringing a Peccatulum down to -45 Sanity just to have them nearly nuke my Sinners with their massive Threadspin IV Corrosion EGOs. There was no clashing with that, and it felt like Peccatulum!Meursault just spammed Pursuance.
Solemn Lament Yi Sang is... Interesting
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This Railway really had me thinking about how to use Solemn Lament Yi Sang in the future. A lot of people said this ID was a brainless powercreep of Sunshower Yi Sang and he really isn’t. He’s stronger than Sunshower Yi Sang in terms of general content since he can do consistent gloom damage and his skill 3 nuke is just a bit better, but in terms of harder content where you have to plan and think he needs twice the micro as Sunshower to get things done. To keep things brief, Solemn Lament Yi Sang is good to have on a sinking team, but he's better for focused-encounter big bosses where you can comfortably stack on the Butterflies on a single, sturdy part or in non-focused encounters where you can just spam away without too much worry about his reload mechanic. But in Railway you need to think. You need to kill the Peccatulum in the proper order to keep his ammo up and not waste a turn reloading. His semi-consistent sanity loss means you have to babysit him a little before making big moves and nukes. And while you can get consistent Gloom Resonance on a Sinking team, he really needs to play around it for maximum efficiency. He works, but you have to work with him.
Anyways, that's it for me. I'll try to stop being stubborn for Section 3 and just build a team that can truly work around this current section of the Railway. Here's hoping I finish this before the season ends. Until then, I'll see you all later.
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Fic Tag Game
Thank you so much for tagging me, @starwalkertales
How many works do you have on ao3?
30… I'm quite proud of the fact that I've made so many, and 29 of them in just 2½ years (granted, most of them are quite short, but there are a few longer ones in between)
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
272,066… Holy Force, according to a quick google search, that equates to about 3 average novels, damn.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, mostly the prequel trilogy. I have two “older” Yu-Gi-Oh fics.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Rain with 298 kudos. This is actually my newest story and in just a week after I posted it, it had overtaken all my other works (I guess people like it). It's cute fluffy and smutty obikin, where our boys get stranded and given a small but much-needed holiday.
2. ‘Com’Passion with 280 kudos. I can't hide the fact that my guilty pleasure is threesomes. This one is smut with a lot of emotion, involving two experienced masters (Mace and Obi-Wan) taking Anakin to their bed after he walks in on them.
3. Nanika the daughter of the Force with 279 kudos. This fic, where Anakin is sent back in time as a woman, is my baby and biggest challenge.
4. Hearts' desires with 263 kudos. Sweet, smutty obikin with too much plot, featuring Anakin and Obi-Wan's first time together.
5. All I want for Christmas with 211 kudos. This is last year's tooth-rottingly cute and fluffy Christmas fic, where Obi-Wan returns home and realizes he can't escape Anakin and Padmé's love.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! (It can sometimes take a few days if RL is demanding my attention) Commenting is the lifeblood of fandom, and it's through commenting that I've found many of my friends here.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um, I have a few that could compete for that title... but I'd have to say Fallen, it's short, ambiguous and it hurts so much. I have others equally angsty, my very first SW fic In The End is also very angsty.
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
All I want for Christmas, it is just SO happy that it is nauseating (I got fluff poisoning writing it)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, and I'm very grateful for that. I have a few people asking if I'm going to continue with Nanika soon... I will, promise!
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, I do... I don't know if it's a specific type... but it's not very kinky (I love reading all kinds of smut, I'm just not brave enough to write it yet)
10. Do you write cross-overs?
I have a few faint bunnies in deep freeze, but they're not very detailed and most likely won't be written… so no, but never say never.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nop, but I'm considering translating back one of my own stories at some point, just for the fun of it.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have. I wrote The Jedi and the darksider together with my sweet heart Zolita. It was an inspiring and challenging experience to write Melany and Zaya's story.
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Obikin (I can't deny it), BUT they are not my only love, and I will happily let them take a third to bed with them at any given opportunity.
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Pirates of the Galaxy, and it is a damn shame!
16. What are your writing strength?
I've been told that I'm good at writing atmosphere, and admittedly, it's one of my favorite things to write, so it's not really surprising. Haunt me for a year is testament to that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue... I struggle with it every single time, but I'm stubborn and will keep practicing so that maybe one day I'll feel like I've gotten good at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?Probably not dialogue, but I'm toying with the idea of writing spells in other languages, preferably old Sith, there's just not much known Sith language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Yu-Gi-Oh, back in 2016 before I stumbled into the SW fandom and got lost in the galaxy far far away.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I love them all, they all have a very special place in my heart and it is almost impossible to chose, but I will say Tave Jen’drajuna; the dark family is just… it is me.
I want to ad a bonus question.
21. What fic would you want to rewrite one day.
My very first long fic Light and darkness. I still love the idea of vampire Sith Anakin, but I was so inexperienced when I wrote it and even though I adore the story the writing could be better.
I will tag anyone who wants to do this, and also @fleetstreetfatality @prahacat @barmadumet @demon----dean @tideswept @briliantlymad @fangeek-girl @dark--whisperings @lilredghost and @knightjane if you have already been tagged or have answered, please just ignore me, and of course there is no pressure.
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sparkles-oflight · 9 months
Sorry for this review coming out this late. I know the album has been out for me for the past 14 hours, but 1. Fandom is not my life priority and 2. Yesterday I was close to collapsing due to dehydration, hunger, and lack of sleep so I hope you understand why I'm putting this out now (I'm okay)
Sunny Side Of London
I don't have a lot to comment on because we already had this song, but I'll never not say that SSOL live is so much better than the studio version ESPECIALLY because of the ending. We don't get 30 seconds of emptiness but we get a wholeass show!
The perfect transition???? I didn't notice the song changed.
I love how you can hear the people singing along
I got ads between songs -_- (3, I hate you Spotify)
Bele Sanje
Uuu u uu
Bele Sanje my beloved
no lala :(
guitars :)
Bojan's interpretation is so good.
He didn't get too invested - which could be bad because he could lose the vocal aspect - but instead he did just enough for us to get the message and keep the quality, which I love(I hope this makes sense)
Proti Toku
See, I think on this one he was close to cross the line of "too much interpretation".
Kris' voice???? Audible??? 👀
My baby <3
Inject Kris' back vocals in my veins
I had to take a break to go groccery shopping and have lunch
it's so good live...it has no right
It was the best song in the Madrid gig and I can say it sounds just as good here
You can hear the guitars so clearly
Idk if it's just me, but I would think people would be quiet during this song because it's so depressing, but it sounds nice either way.
They still need to make the break between Padam and Demoni longer, imo. We need time to process our feelings.
Don't mind me, I'm just doing a quick google search on how to have JO's discography in my veins
A sem ti povedal
My mom called me to help with shores halfway through it -_-
The isolation of Bojan's voice IS SUCH A GOOD CHOICE
Bojan stop trying to make me cry
The solo owns my life
I need Kris' voice to be louder for a true duet
Omamljeno Telo
I love you so much
Kot Scre, Ki Kri Poganja
Martin in the credits 🥹
It's such an important song to me, so I don't mind
This song is like a massage in my head. Does it make sense?
Vse Kar Vem
Live is the only proper way to listen to this song
I really wish Kris mic's volume was just a bit higher
"Brave Oceana"
Ah yes, my favourite Batman In song
I love that a SEA of people sang a part on their own.
Get it? Get i-*gunshots*
I refuse to spell the whole name and I hate that each word starts in caps
"what brings you to Ljubljana?" IT'S YOU
the fact that yesterday I was even talking about how last year I wanted to do Erasmus this year in Ljubljana and I say "nO, because nobody speaks or knows slovenian"...oh boy (sometimes I'm dumb)
"Ya ya"?
Vem Da Greš
Tbf, it's still the song I probably care for the least. I only listen to it from time to time.
Ne Bi Smel
Jure's soooooolo
so good
oh, okay, kris? wanna make this a duet?
Petition for Kris' to sing the female Ona voice
omg...what's this? AN AD!?
Tokio will never not have a special place on my heart
I want whatever universe Tokio is in my life
Umazane Misli
In my veins, nowx2
Oh, someone actually go to sing it?
Also, I love how they still let everyone sing the chorus multiple times
Novi Val
Novi Val.
That's it.
I can't describe it.
Carpe Diem
<3 hvala lepa fantje for my making my year better
The bass??? hello???
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claire-starsword · 23 days
Authentic Story of the Shining Force - Saint Fencer Max - Author's comments
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Final translation notes:
Yodobashi Camera is apparently a japanese electronics retail chain, hence the label on the bag.
A volume with 40 pages only feels very weird to me, but I couldn't find any other possible translation for what he says here. Besides, the structure of this thing is already wack anyway, chapter 1 has like, 10 pages while chapter 4 has almost 30.
In any case, I get the feeling that this manga got robbed of an official publication, and this volume is an independent work of sorts thrown together by Ono. Might explain why the printing is wack and cut panels at points. Still very glad it exists, because I doubt scans of the original run would have ever surface on the internet otherwise. Actually, I appreciate this whole afterword so much, it's a lot of info I would have never found out by myself, and god knows video game stuff does not keep any track of its own history overall. Any recorded info helps.
Tao indeed appears in Tanuma's manga with the same design as here. I will not be translating that thing, but Tao's couple of appearances are pretty much all I liked from it, so here:
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Ono also refers to that manga as only "Tanuma's version", which I feel is the main way JP fans refer to it, but since the artist's name had already been mentioned, I used the subtitle as well, which I feel is the best way to specify it.
I don't know what a Game On is, nor what a Game Dome Harumi Shop is :( Those are very unfortunate names to try to google (in fact, the latter only gave me results for this very manga lol). Let me know if you know anything.
The fact Ono has worked with Masaki Wachi later however is interesting to me. I assumed through most of my notes here that some odd elements of this manga, especially Max and Cain's backstory, could be hints of things changed late in development, and brought back for the GBA version. I still think that's the most likely explanation, as at least one of the GBA-only flashbacks is very similar to unused content in the game itself. However, I eventually did figure that something else should be considered. Perhaps certain similarities between this and the GBA version are also things Wachi liked from the manga and wanted to add in the remake, since the two continued to work together somewhere. Who knows?
The wife. For the longest I've been reading her name as Sega Blue, which was an easy reference to parse, but while joking in the tags ten seconds ago I realized I was misreading it. I'm not sure if Brel is supposed to mean anything or be read a different way. Oh well. We still have the second name for an easy laugh.
That's all for this weird piece of Shining Force, thank you all for coming along with this ride. I feel this manga has quite a lot for fans to enjoy and think about, and I think it sucks that it is even more obscure than the Tanuma one. I hope this translation helps bringing it more to light, and I hope you all enjoyed!
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wingkink · 4 months
I'm out of the loop, what happened with twitch rivals?
BESTIE WHAT DIDNT fundamentally the issue is they didn't playtest any of the games (I heard they didn't want to risk the games being leaked before the event) and so several of them had issues either with bugs or just straight up fundamental gameplay flaws that made it suck to play/watch. They shot themselves in the foot on day 3 by deciding to redo a game that had eliminated 30/70 players. I checked out by this point so idk the exact reasoning for why (I heard bugs/glitches but didn't see any in the povs I watched). But they replayed a game from earlier in the event with the full 70 and a different 30 people got eliminated. Prize for first place is $70k mind you so people have a good reason to be pressed about elimination
The final day with the top 20 was a wreck from start to finish, they had a game that was designed to eliminate 18 people and leave a final 2, but had a bug on the display that basically told players to go to the wrong exit and causing some ppl to run the wrong way and potential cost them the win. People are upset bc they felt it was unfair, now rivals have already set a precedent on day 3 of rerunning games when something goes wrong, but if you redo it that's unfair on the two players who got through the first time. situation NOT helped by the fact one of the qualifiers was sapnap whose community is like fully willing to believe he was being personally victimised.
anyway they deliberate for OVER AN HOUR, players are saying just split the prize 20 ways at this point they don't care any more, ppl are trying to throw weight around big time. tubbo got involved??? they end up letting the 2 qualifiers stay but redo the game again with the other 18 and have 2 more players go thru and will turn the final game into a 4 player bracket. FINE probably best decision they could've made here to be honest I'll give them that.
the final game is basically connect 4 except with an extra mechanic to aim and hit a target to put a piece in, you can miss and not get a turn. which like entirely changes the game because you can miss on purpose rather than be forced to make a bad move <- remember this it will be relevant later
in the 2nd semifinal, fein was 1 move from winning and missed the throw, on his screen + his opponents it looked exactly like it should have gone in but admins are like well it didn't go in serverside, it wasn't a bug you just missed. like basically unlucky. nobody is happy at this point, sneeg and shadoune are in the finals but sneeg is saying he feels like it's unfair to fein, but again unfair to shad to run it back. both players are suggesting splitting the money but the admins not interesting
anyway first game of the finals. ends in a stalemate where whichever player puts a piece in will enable the other to win. both guys just keep missing on purpose because why would they choose to lose, and like bc of the way the game is designed they can't be forced to. admins reset the board. they play again to a tie. at this point they're going this is so dumb, we are never going to get anywhere. let's just not play.
so yeah they just stood in front of the board and started chatting to each other while refusing to play and saying they want to split the prize money with each other. sneeg also kept making pointed comments about missed shots.
anyway in the end admins caved (altho they did apparently add both finalists to a private discord channel and try to convince them to keep playing) and shadoune and sneeg have split the top prizes 50/50. $41k each I believe.
this is honestly not even everything it's just like the main points. there was other stuff with games that felt basically like rng, no skill based play just the players who happened to be in the wrong place got eliminated.
overall like. yeah I did feel like the event was worth watching. the players made it fun the whole way. prox chat was doing some heavy lifting. there was def some great moments of gameplay as well. but I don't think anyone is gonna remember that as much as the bad stuff, esp for people in that final 20 and their viewers.
sorry for the rant I was trying to keep it tldr but like you really had to be there
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 022: The Master Plan of the Molten Man... and Dracula is also there (ASM 132-133, GSSM 1)
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In this duo, we see an old friend... or two. And then, we meet a vampire. OoOoOh~!
I really enjoy the Molten Man's new design! Gorgeous cover.
It may be January in the Marvel-verse, but we're in May 74, publication-wise!
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Liz is back! Hasn't been seen since issue 30, which explains why I keep mistaking Betty and her.
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I don't know why, but I remembered this specific (and very ugly) maid. Poor lady.
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Anyway, Raxton is hot, there I said it, we can get on.
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When I first saw those panels, I thought it was exactly like how Romita would draw Liz... then I checked the credits again... and it's him! His soapy style is gorgeous as ever. Peter says she never got on with MJ, but given that MJ appeared for the first real time in #42... I don't know what he's on. The art of the retcon!
Ned, who's investigating the maid's intel on Raxton, almost dies as Raxton (actually the Molten Man) makes his room explode. I like that Ned (and the rest of the cast) are more involved! I miss them.
The Molten Man has apparently not been seen since #35, which checks out. It's the occasion for the artists to put gold, which is a shade we don't see so much.
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Look, is this a safe space? Can I say what's on my mind?
The feet are really nice. I'm not particularly into feet (I know, TMI) but I'm really impressed by how it looks good. And the rest of Raxton's body is obviously quite well-done too. I'm not saying that Spider-Man comics made me gay, but they sure aren't beating the allegations.
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Ned is very badly aged, but I like the damsel in distress look.
Raxton's radiation has a bad influence on Peter's metabolism, and he might very well die by the next issue...
Oh, who are we kidding?
In the readers' letters, it seems like Gwen's death has now mostly been forgiven, and someone is praising MJ--and she deserves it!
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Even men want to see more of Peter! I'm afraid the situation isn't exactly adapted, however.
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As a matter of fact, Spidey has already planned to party in a sauna with another man. Better luck next time!
(I love those smoke effects.)
Liz reveals that Raxton is her brother, which I completely forgot about.
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We rarely see that kind of comedy, hahaha.
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So. Um. It's a classic story of Spidey kind of being a jerk. Um. So Liz's brother is dead. For now. Maybe. Oof.
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In the comments, there's also people talking about Russia's attack on Ukraine. Gerry Conway's run is really provocative, huh! I'm kind of loving it. His shaking of the status quo, not the attack.
I wonder if we'll get to see Liz's reaction :(
I'll do Giant-Size 1 later, it's currently more than 3 am. Hey, do you know what we'll get next time? A big batch... and Harry's big moment as, you know, the, the...!
Oh, you'll just have to wait!
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And here's the late addendum of Giant-Size Spider-Man #1!
I'm into that, actually!
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So May's dying again (isn't she always?) and Peter needs to get her a vaccine. Ross Andru thus entertains us with a brilliant perspective shot.
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Their homoeroticism never fails. Reading the summary of Marvel Team-Up 23 actually was a treat, because I finally got the answer to a years-old question of mine: did Iceman really rob a bank in the first few pages of this issue?
No, he didn't, folks!
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Yes, you're getting a ton of screenshots for this part, since I know there's no more issue in this batch after this one.
Anyway, Dracula... Could you please breed me?
To me, Peter and Dracula crossing paths was like, an interplanetary event. It gave me chills. In fact, it still does and I think I should write Peter/Dracula smut now so thank you to the whole team, you've made a mess out of my brain, ARE YOU HAPPY?!? (It is 3 am.)
At least three factions are out there to find Maxfield, either to kill him (Dracula), use him for bartering (the Whisperer and Simian), and naturally Peter just wants to heal his aunt.
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I remember that exact cosplay!!!! Funny what the brain remembers and doesn't. Sir, if you thirst so much, maybe I could come to your aide. You just need to ask. Okay, that's actually optional.
The Whisperer's men have a run in with Dracula and think he's Maxfield, which totally offends Dracula. As revenge, he decides to homosexualize his assailants.
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The writing team then attempts to gaslight me into thinking Dracula isn't hot as fuck.
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They're not doing a good job, I can tell you.
A woman is attacked by Dracula, Peter hears her, alerts the captain, who makes Dr. Maxfield come... and Simian follows them.
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The fake Hawkgirl attacks one of them and is knocked unconscious. They escape with the man, Peter escapes too...
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I'm all giddy!!!!!! Don't know why, but I love that "oh it's not the end yet... or rather, at all! I'm loving this romp. It's a complete joy.
In a great feat of misdirection, Simian and his men find Spider-Man... but actually, he's just a rando in a costume! That's funny and foreshadowed (given that everyone's in a costume anyway). And if I remember, this isn't the only misdirection...
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The guy on the right is a fun one.
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Meanwhile, Dracula is just as uncomfortable watching Babylon's first 10 minutes as I was. (It's a great movie, go watch it.)
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Great mise-en-scène! The Whisperer has trapped the guy, but a bat follows... and hits Simian with its gay ray. Hurray!
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Gosh, Dracula is such a girlboss. "I have been harassed--attacked--INSULTED..." Iconic.
Dracula eventually escapes, convinced that he just threw Maxfield overboard... but Spidey caught fake Robin Hood!
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And thus, the biggest twist arises!
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What a girlboss too.
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And that's how it ends. A stellar issue! Loved it.
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pikahlua · 2 years
I love how there are two instances that imply Bakugou actually sleeps in, but fanon has deemed him The Weirdo That Wakes Up Really Early.
There's that one scene where Bakugou was angrily brushing his teeth, his mom said: "Don't wake up at noon and start screaming!"
Plus, during his time with Endeavor's Agency, he was complaining about people who have too much energy in the morning (specifically Burnin')
And we also know he sleeps at 8:30 pm (atleast sometimes) like an old man
So, my questions are:
Is bakugou a morning person/he wakes up early but is certainly not a morning person/sleeps in until he absolutely has to be awake? Both canonically and in your opinion.
Does he always sleep as early as 8:30 pm or was it a one time thing? I haven't completely caught up to the manga yet (but I've seen the spoilers) but sleeping at 8:30 and waking at noon is too much sleep...ideally he'd be awake at about 5:30...
Kacchan is an uber self-disciplined gremlin but who knows.
Thanks ❤️
I think the answer is likely a lot more mundane than people seem to discuss. Katsuki slept in on a day off, which came right after a physically strenuous day (not to mention he got hit with Midnight's quirk that day too). And being grouchy when you wake up is a thing regardless of what time you rise (I can attest to this). We also know from season 1 he arrives at school before Izuku despite them coming from similar locations. Seems to me he is a grouch in the morning (shocker) but wakes up with enough time to get where he's going.
The question of what time he wakes up is far less baffling than that of what time he goes to sleep. He's a teenager, so he should be wired to fall asleep later. The fact that he can go to bed at the time he supposedly does and fall asleep and stay asleep through the night (we can only assume???) is the wild part. We see him fast asleep during the dorm room contest despite the early hour, and when the internship students get back from the Overhaul hideout raid, Shouto and Katsuki go to bed and someone (is it Sero?) comments that the early bedtime is not surprising for Katsuki but it is for Shouto. Given the time of year, I know the sun sets in that part of Japan pretty early in the day (at least compared to where I live), so that could be part of it. But still, even if Katsuki goes to sleep early to avoid being around people, he clearly sleeps.
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rabbiteclair · 2 years
lobotomy corp update:
oh sure in addition to time loop fuckery and sad robots, this game also has soldiers in rabbit gas masks who make rabbit puns as they murder people. and nobody even told me, I had to stumble onto it myself. demerits for everyone
I've only had Evangeline for twelve days, but if anything happened to them I'd kill everyone in this facility and then myself.
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speaking of murdering everyone though, I have in fact hit the point of 'ah, the start of the day. [readies pistol] let's kill all the clerks while they're still bunched up.' listen, I've got Mountain, CENSORED, Blue Star, two abnormalities I can't necessarily prevent from breaching, and a few more that are gonna kill a dozen clerks when they breach. I leave exactly enough clerks alive that if CENSORED or Nothing There breach, they'll linger for a while killing clerks and give me time to gather my forces. at that point, even if Mountain does breach, it doesn't have enough victims/bodies around to become a problem.
core suppression complete up through Tiphereth, at which point I rewound because I'd hit day 46. I really did not expect Tiphereth(s) of all people to have just a downright painful conclusion to their main arc, but here we are. every minute that A spends doing literally anything except groveling on his knees sobbing 'OH MY GOD I AM SO SO SORRY' is a moment wasted. I do however find it really funny that the Tiphereth meltdown was a one-girl show. Tiphereth, it's time for your character growth. Not you, boy half, you're already perfect and I love you. Go watch cartoons for a while.
I just finished Gebura's missions, and goddamn. if the game asks me to do another fucking Midnight I am going to blow up the entire goddamn planet. if I have to put up with that I'm taking you fuckers with me. I know this is kinda Arbitrary Deaths: The Game, but every Midnight I've done so far has been some real bullshit in that department. at best they are tedious right up until I make a mistake for two seconds and somebody gets vivisected. the 'suppress 3 unique Alephs in one day' one was a pain in the ass too, but Mountain and Nothing There are fairly easy to pummel as long as I prepare beforehand, so the only real challenge was CENSORED. and getting them to breach without killing someone in the first place.
every sentence out of Binah's mouth is more concerning than the previous one, which is pretty impressive considering that she starts out fairly concerning to begin with. Hokma would probably be just as concerning if I didn't spend every conversation with him going 'wait what. what the hell is he implying??' Instead he's just concerning because he likes A. nobody who likes A can be trusted. Except post-suppression Tiphereth, but she's a kid.
the time fuckery though. THE TIME FUCKERY. practically every line of Angela's takes on about three different meanings as you progress through the game. there's stuff early on that seems perfectly innocuous until you loop back around. the straight linear path through the story is incomplete because there are parts that only really make sense when you're reading them a second time. it's the kind of narrative trick I don't think you could pull off in any medium but a video game. hell yeah. this is the content I'm here for.
although, gameplay-wise... I respect the conviction to go 'this is a game where all the characters are trapped in tedious and painful cycles, so let's get the player in on that,' but actually i would like to be done with the tedious and painful cycles now thanks. I have 119 hours logged in this game and, judging by a friend's comments, I probably have another full loop through the main plot ahead of me, since apparently it's very hard to do both Binah and Hokma's suppressions in a single iteration. At least days 1-30 are downright trivial at this point, and I'm far enough into the game that I can afford to go 'eh, that dead agent was only a level 4 wearing Waw gear, I can let it ride.'
plot-wise, we have reached the point where I've started taking notes, because thanks to all the looping, things not necessarily being told in order to begin with (especially with the weird route I took through the first half of the game), and occasionally clicking through cutscenes at top speed when I should've been in bed 5 minutes ago but the day just kept going and I didn't want to lose the progress, there are a lot of parts I've had to go back and reference anyway. I still feel like I've got a fairly decent overview of what's going on here, although there are some clear intentional holes in the information they've given so far. I think I'm also a single critter short of 100% codex completion, and I've been assured that will help a lot with making sense of things.
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monsterkissed · 1 year
You said you liked to share BNGN trivia, so you got any tidbits?
some assorted trivialities (spoilers for a fanfic up to the latest chapter):
the fic was originally envisioned (and partly written) as a series of drabbles! if i had kept that going, it would currently be 5,376 drabbles long.
tiramisu was written into the outline entirely as bait/tribute to my partners, who are big siamese fans. she is now the most popular oc i have ever made for anything. i considered writing an origin story fic for her back when there was a jjba oc zine in the works, but it fell thru and now it only lives in my head. it involves multiple murders : )
bngn is not phf-compliant bc i did not want to read it. to make up for this i promise to find other horrible things for fugo to go through instead <3
probably not news to anyone by this point but here is some explicit confirmation: the first prologue that opens the fic is not about doppio
there are so many cases of foreshadowing in the form of jokes or joke-adjacent statements at this point that i cannot actually remember them all. if you see me make a silly comment in this fic there is at least a 20% chance it's actually a very sneaky mean comment hiding behind the linear progression of time
when i first drafted the outline act 3 was much much shorter and had a few drastic differences. one of these was that polnareff (or at least one of him) would have survived to support the gang much as he does in the original VA, but i could not think of anything fun for him to do that didn't detract from everything else, or at least nothing more fun than the inexplicable spectacle of two dead polnareffs after all of the build-up towards him. rip, rip.
speaking of fun: i wanted to have every major character get at least one really cool moment, regardless of how central they were to the story. i didn't want anyone to feel like you could cut them out completely and it wouldn't matter, i wanted to keep that ensemble feel of VA and give everyone room to affect the story in important ways, even if the fic still obviously has its focusses. of the ones i've published so far, i think i like mista's intervention in the Trish & Dop vs Fugo fight best out of those moments because i just had so much fun writing and visualising it and he felt like a natural fit to provoke fugo's own position in the story as a person fixated on the objective facts (which he was canonically Not Wrong about, in terms of sticking with bruno being a dubious plan for anyone fond of staying alive) to face off against someone who operates more on vibes and rolling the dice.
way back in the depths of drabble-draft the flashbacks were going to occur chronologically, followed by the present day stuff. but as i became aware that this was growing into something i realised that this would be stitching two pretty drastically different fics together back to back, and decided instead to use the current format. in theory this was purely going to allow me to show doppio's relationship with diavolo alongside his absence from him, so we can see simultaneously why he values and misses him so much and what he's becoming without him. in practice it led to a bunch of smaller changes that built up into, among other things, the premise of the entire canon divergence. technically, all of the flashbacks in act 1 and 2 "take place" during ch. 30. there is an implication to this that so far nobody has commented on ;)
i spent an amount of time researching macdonalds in italy that i will never ever get back
speaking of researching things that don't matter to anyone but me: everywhere a major scene happens is based on a specific spot i hand-picked on google maps. i roamed a lot of italian countryside via satellite trying to find the Exact kind of big, ugly, concrete-floored farm i had in mind for the first secco fight
technically this fic (or at least the extended universe around it) has sorbet and gelato VA-style origin stories to go with their fanstands (which i had a lot of fun with, workshopping around ideas for things that would make for excellent and suitably juicy assassination tools but vulnerable in a stand vs stand battle). much like tiramisu, so does my second stand-using oc brodo (who also cameos in 'I Think We're Alone Now', because skulking around trying not to be noticed is his speciality) the third, katarina, is only mostly goncharov-inspired, and Heart of Glass was originally going to be one of the chapter titles for this fic. another song with a very similar title still will be!
i had no intention of narancia being as big a presence in the fic as he was, but the longer i wrote the more i realised that he's just too fun to put in a room with doppio. the scene where he accepts the truth made me feel genuinely like a bit of a horrible person because i'd enjoyed building up their friendship so much and it was one of those chapters where i knew Exactly what the character would want to do and exactly why it would be the thing that would hurt them the most.
when i was hammering out the outline for what would become this fic an artist i had been following released a song that i put on in the background while i wrote, and then stopped writing and went back to listen to it properly twelve or thirteen times because it was eerily vibing perfectly with some of the themes i had been kicking around in my head trying to make something out of. it put a few seeds in my head in the way that some things serendipitously do, so much so that i almost named the whole fic after it. in the end, i decided to affix it to just one chapter where i felt it would best set the tone for the imminent descent to come. that chapter would be chapter thirty-eight.
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 11 months
Miles ownership drama timeline, part 5
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
I wasn't kidding you when I said check the Faces of Nothing blog. You can literally check Mobox87's blog for OCs that were sold but I legit cannot go through all of it since this thread will only go longer than it should with just too many screenshots of characters that got sold.
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I can still confirm for a fact that Miles is still buying OCs off of Mobox87 to this day since he's the only one buying them anonymously besides Blurry for his own reasons why. Like it doesn't surprise me that Miles is still supporting Mobox87 from buying whatever character she sells because regardless of him knowing that Mobox drew Child Pornography, glorification of fascism and torture porn. He's still going to support her with his own money going directly to her account.
Now despite Miles settling down after getting called out. It would take until like a few months for him to start acting up again.
This time he went after an artist named Yuriviq on DeviantArt over a drawing of the oc named Vinsnake being shipped with this artist's OC. So, you already know I was going to say something.
Plus, wanna know what I really found very aggravating about this issue. It was not the fact that he accused Yuriviq of stealing an OC which the artist didn't know he owned but it shouldn't matter. It's the fact that he dragged Mobox87 into this drama for her to repost on her Instagram story a callout to Yuriviq saying that she stole the OC Vinsnake just because Miles claimed she stole it.
Which is total Bullshit!
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Here's the thread responding to Miles stupid complaints about Vinsnake being shipped with the Yuriviq's oc.
So, I did strike back at Miles again with not one but two drawings at him as insults for being a drama queen. The left drawing would be posted on the thread and the right post would be shared as its own post.
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This of course got him back into my dm's to complain again but what made it worse was the fact he kept spamming his tantrums in Cagney's dms and Kevonica's dms about my response posts. Cagney wanted me to take down the posts against Miles since he woke him up very early in the morning with his complaints but I refused to do so since it would enable his toxic behavior still.
Now it would've settled down again but Miles wanted to try to get the upper hand by claiming Vinsnake is underage at the last minute so he can make it seem like I drew Child porn.
Like for one, Miles never announced or shared that Vinsnake would be 16 years old publicly until I drew an ahegao face on him. Secondly, Vinsnake is just William Afton that is part snake from his lower torso and William Afton is canonically in his 30s which is how Mobox87 originally attended him to be and I stuck with that. Just like how Miles stuck with that til he wanted to cope harder by changing him to 16 years old right on the spot so he can label me as a pedo then compare me to Mobox87 for that.
Imagine calling someone a pedo for drawing a character in their original age and design on a bait post over a dumb oc rule. Couldn't be me
Now just like every situation Miles creates over his oc ownership. He sells the OC and switches up his attitude except this time he holds a grudge on me.
Part 6
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kansasjean · 2 months
times like these im forced to reckon with weird shit alone but im thinking back on something that happened with my ex. prior to us dating he had this friend who was the cute flavor of beautiful and skinny (my worst nightmare) and they would get drunk and watch anime together (two things I couldn't do because I have GERD + I only watch girl animes). the night we first admitted our feelings for each other he literally ditched me to go hang out with her and her situationship (?). anyway we started dating and she got really weird to me. she already didn't like me despite the fact I was one of the few women defending her from the misogynistic ass loser men she chose to be friends with but whatever. we weren't friends by any stretch of the word so I get it she had no loyalty because I chose to have morals.
so one night me and the ex were making on each other and she calls him at 1 am. im like what the fuck? and I got up out of that bed so quick. he ignores it but I was peeved. so later he texts her to figure out wtf the phone call was about. they text back and forth with immediate responses for a few minutes. finally she was like heyyy omg im having a party and I want you to come <3333. unfortunately for him, I was with him so he had to text back "can Kansas come?" and I shit u not. no response for hours. like girl. I was PISSED. especially because she had invited the entire floor of film majors and excluded me.
so later I was forcing my ex to watch The Simpsons with me in the common area big ass tv. this woman comes out. im like >:(. but she starts talking to him while eating a whole loaf of wonder bread like some fetish artists wet dream. she's like so are... you guys going to come. and I was like no. we're friggin busy. anyway so awkward plussss I forgot that earlier in the week she made fun of my outfit in front of my ex and he didn't say shit. it was a baller ass outfit too. I was serving whimsigoth. so whatever I hated her.
the part where shit gets really weird is he ends up blocking her without asking me. NOW BEFORE THE INSTAGRAM REELS COMMENTERS GET ME let me explain why I didn't like this. multiple times I asked him to just be honest about their relationship and what had happened between them. im fully supportive of cross-gender friendships, and although I sound really snarky and mad in this rant, at the time I was very supportive of him continuing their friendship as long as she stopped being flirty. all he ever told me was "I informed her we were dating now." and that was supposed to make everything better. and for a month or so I thought it did. we had had no new problems. but then all of a fucking sudden you HAVE to block her?
I will admit I had bad-mouthed her to people for a really long time over the sneaky shit she did when she knew ex and I were together. ive learned my lesson but at the same time, if you are openly flirting with people in relationships, you deserve to get what's coming to you. but I still think I coulda taken a fuckin Xanax about it idk. I blame my own actions and choices but the BPD def contributed,,,,,,,,, not an excuse but I think we gotta call a spade a spade and then try to beat that spade to death in therapy
anyway one time I got in an argument with my ex because he was shitting on her for her personality and like yeah I defended her because I don't know and I don't care. I was like if she's such a horrible, crazy person why were you friends with her? anyway he said it was because he was only friends with women he found hot LOL and then admitted to thinking she was hot LOL and that the only reason he wasn't with her is because "she was crazy" LOL
ugh I just spent 30 minutes writing this and then had dinner and now I don't wanna think about this anymore because it makes me feel suicidal like I wanna rip all the veins out of my fucking wrists fuck my life and the worst part is ill never find someone willing to tolerate me ever again
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northwest-cryptid · 3 months
Sometimes I'm reminded of the time I got hundreds of people to become Affiliates on Twitch by literally leading a very simple operation to boost these people's channels, only to watch twitter do what it does best and immediately implode on itself ensuring these accounts went right back to square one a week later.
Allow me to explain;
For those who don't know, the affiliate requirements are fairly simple and are as follows:
You must stream for at least 1 week on different days.
You must have at least 50 followers.
You must have an average of at least 3 viewers
There's some very small hourly requirement like must stream for a total of 8 hours total for a week or something.
The important two we're focused on are the 50 followers, and 3 average viewers. This is one of the biggest hurdles that a new streamer faces, why?
Because when you're not an affiliate, Twitch doesn't allow you to do anything that would actually give your stream interaction and charm. In other words, they actively make it difficult for you to build an audience unless you already have one. You don't get channel points, you don't get emotes; no one can sub to your channel.
So how did I ensure that hundreds of people suddenly became affiliate? Did I use bots to spam their accounts with follows and views? No. It was far easier than that, I made 1 post; asking a simple question...
"If there's so many of us who are struggling to get to affiliate, specifically in part due to the follower goal; why the hell don't we actually support each other?"
The plan was simple, I had created a twitter thread with one simple goal, I drop my twitch link, and everyone else comments and drops theirs in the comment they leave. I directly stated that this is not follow for follow, that I would follow, every single person who dropped a link in the comments; and that I urged the others to do the same. I explained that I would even watch their streams if even just to lurk. This would help get their average over 3 viewers.
It worked.
Not only did I jump from about 30 followers to over 300 (this was long before my current Vtuber channel mind you) but I was able to easily hit the goal of 3 average viewers; I got affiliate in the morning. As did many, many others. I would get new comments daily explaining how this was "real king shit" and how I was "a chad" for putting this all together. That praise never sat right with me, but I didn't want to seem like I didn't appreciate what they were trying to say.
Here's the thing though, none of them actually bothered to keep up with each other, I had followed all of them, I saw when they were live and I saw how many viewers they had. Not one of them averaged above 3 - 5 viewers after the first week.
This is likely due to the fact they didn't see the potential in long term support. Allow me to explain that Partner, a significant tier above Affiliate is much the same requirement wise, but requires an average of 75 viewers and far more followers. We easily had the follower numbers but viewers? You couldn't keep those, because everyone had already gotten their affiliate and figured that was more than enough.
This is why I have so much issue with "vtuber twitter" it festers on this concept of "I got mine." People scramble to throw their hat into the ring on drama when it makes them look good, they'll partake in follow for follow; they'll jump in on clear engagement bait just to put themselves in front of others.
Why would they do that? Because it gets them views? No, because it doesn't. It gets them Twitter Followers, and that makes them feel like a bigger streamer.
Look, actually getting viewer numbers is hard; it takes effort, it takes production quality, it takes being unique in some way. These people do not want to put all that effort into it, they want to be a popular streamer, they want to boast about having 1k followers and such, and it's easier to get that with quick flash in the pan tactics that get you "yours" and then get you out.
I hear about people who flaunt their jiggle physics and flirt with an audience but then get annoyed when their audience flirts back; now I'm not going to stand here and say sexual harassment is ever warranted. Though I will say I don't know what you expect when you market and advertise yourself as "that kind" of streamer. If you don't like the way you're treated when you market yourself as a sex object, maybe stop marketing yourself as a sex object because then it's actually the fault of the consumer.
I tried to neglect distancing myself from an audience, I found that things got too personal too quickly, people didn't take me seriously as a streamer and a lot of what came up was actively damaging to me. So I explained the situation, and I did a redebut; I restarted and I made my boundaries a lot more clear; I had to put my foot down and take a step back but I will admit that I created an atmosphere where I let that happen. I shouldn't have done that, and I learned from it.
I don't condone the harassment of a streamer, obviously that's not okay. However if you're going to post pictures of your models boobs on social media, tell everyone you're hot and they should admire you, and then say "hey I get uncomfortable when people think I'm something to be admired sexually." I do need you to understand that it's not like they're doing that out of the blue, so if you continue to do it; I assume you're at least expecting those kinds of results.
That's not to say streamers (primarily women and trans women (which is redundant because they are women) ) don't get a lot of out of pocket comments and admiration they don't ask for. I don't want anyone getting it twisted, if you don't market yourself as a sex icon, and people treat you like some kind of sex object. Yea that's on your audience 100% and that's not okay and I'm sorry you're dealing with that.
If you're treating yourself as a sex icon, marketing yourself as being thicc and fuckable, and then going "wow why do all my viewers treat me like I'm some bimbo" and then immediately after come out on stream and call yourself a bimbo; I think you might actually know why your viewers act that way. I think you understand you're doing it for the viewership and simply don't enjoy it but don't want to stop doing it because you enjoy the numbers it brings in. That confliction is fine, just be honest about it at least to yourself and your fellow streamers.
My point with all of this is that, this isn't just a sexual thing; it's not just a drama thing, it's an everything thing. If I go on twitter right now I see a ton of vtubers sticking their noses into other people's business. A ton of it that they otherwise wouldn't comment on but it's easy for them to put themselves in front of a bunch of people and be the good guy; it's free publicity.
You'll see vtubers who have "don't talk about politics" in their chat rules, and then on their actual twitter account they're doing nothing but talking very passionately about politics. Both of these things are fine on their own, but feel hypocritical when viewed together. You don't want people to talk politics on your streams because you understand it might make some people uncomfortable, but you're more than willing to do that yourself when you think you can profit from it.
To give you an idea of how absolutely two faced these people are, when I tried to come out as NB to my team; we thought it was really funny because the team was 2 men, 2 women; and me. I was essentially the balancing act of the party, I could hang with the boys but I could also be part of girls night.
However, one of the more popular women in our team spoke up that night explaining she never saw me as anything other than a man. She didn't believe in NB people even existing. So wouldn't you know it's kind of surprising to see that the very next week she suddenly decided to come out as NB and say she now went by She/They and in case you think I've been misgendering her this whole time; rest assured she "vastly preferred she/her but SOMETIMES used they/them." She also left the team and blocked me, cutting all ties to me and the others.
Again, they don't actually care about what they're saying; they're saying it because they see it as a potential for cheap, fast, easy growth for little to no effort. Growth however that only applies to Twitter, and growth that comes from other vtubers who will actively not check you out and show up to your streams because they view it as a competition and not entertainment.
Twitter Vtubers don't understand that streaming isn't about me and you locked in some heated battle for who can steal the most views. It's about us both as entertainers; providing an experience tailored to our audiences to, you know; entertain them. The idea being that we form a sort of mutually beneficial relationship with our audiences; I bring you entertainment that is designed with your interests in mind; you toss me some donations so I can keep a roof over my head and continue to provide you with specifically tailor made entertainment.
Congratulations, you're my paycheck and I'm your personal Markiplier or you know, whoever you like to watch.
Now you might hear that and go "what you see me as a wallet?!" To which I need to say, no more than you see me as a dancing monkey who doesn't need to eat and can supply you with endless tailor made entertainment and personal attention. Is that how you see your favorite streamer?
The time, effort, and personal attention I spend on you as an audience is repaid in kind via subscriptions, viewership (when I can run ads without getting complaints), and essentially an active chat.
We support each other, and that allows us both to "win" and guess what, it's no different from streamer to streamer.
At least, it shouldn't be.
If you and I are both streamers, and we enjoy one another's company and content, then it's a great chance for us to actually grow alongside each other. If you're popping into my stream, checking out the games I play; saying hi to my audience, and generally being someone who my audience and I are familiar with. To which I do the same in your streams with your audience and the games you play. Now our audiences are familiar with one another, if I decide to raid you it's far more likely my audience will actually follow and stick around because they already know you. This also tells your viewers that I'm a streamer and that they could check me out since they've seen me in your chat.
Long term continued support of one another means we grow together, cutthroat rivalry only ensures our mutual destruction and isolation.
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