#don't even really have any negative feelings about any of my classes or my internship this semester either. they're fun and im learning
Feel like my capacity to Exist In Capitalism declines every year
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
So l applied for a job as an English teacher (where I live it's taught as a second language) and my experience teaching is for like kids 10 and older, and this is for preschool, kids aged 2-5. So I never thought the would call me, because I was honest and told them l've never taught children that age, but they did and the problem is they gave me less than 24hrs to prepare for a class (they didn’t even give me the topics). And they're asking for pp presentation, didactic material ... And I just had to say no, they knew I didn’t have experience with children that young and I obviously don't have adequate didactic materials to bring for the children.
Yet I kinda feel bad and guilty for not having a job, and I can't help but think that maybe I'm the problem, I've been looking for a job for months and this isn’t even my university major. In my area they ask for like 3-5 years of experience, and this is for “people that just graduated” the salaries are minimum or barely above the minimum, they just don’t match the years of experience they’re asking for.
People they just don’t want to hire you to gain experience, I know you’re supposed to gain some with internships but I had at least half of my university time online because of the pandemic, some of my classmates even had online internships. And some jobs they outright tell you that they’re asking for “real experience” so those don’t count. Then if someone hires you they hold it over you, they expect you to leave everything behind and give 100% to the job, as in working and insane amount hours, at crazy times, if they’re generous they pay you the minimum but most of the time they have you there as an unofficial intern that it’s extremely lucky to receive some financial compensation; I mean who would’ve thought that we have to eat and try to survive week after week.
Honestly most days have become this despairing experience and this feeling in my chest and stomach just doesn’t go away.
Im sorry for this very long and sad anon message, it’s just that I’ve seen some anons leaving you similar comments. And you sound like a very mature wise person, I love that you talk about a lot of things 💖
First off, I'm flattered that I am seen as a good place for the younguns to come ask for sympathy and/or advice (I am a good internet grandma, etc). So yes, I shall give you hot cocoa and a nice spot to sit down and chat, metaphorically speaking.
I'm sure you've heard this before, but just so you know and/or hear it again: you're not alone, tons of young people are in the same boat, and it isn't your fault that we live in late-stage capitalism and the job market simultaneously wants 3-5 years of experience for an entry level job and pays you literal shit (but also wants you to somehow spend enough money all the time to keep the economy afloat, NO WAGE ONLY SPEND). Especially when Covid upended everything and now people want to discount online learning/work experience when there was literally no other option. It is a big bucket of crap all around, and while it can absolutely feel like a negative reflection on you personally, or that you're not good enough or not trying hard enough or not open enough to doing things completely out of your comfort zone because you have no other choice, it's not. There are tons of people who really WANT to be employed and have a steady job and at least enough to cover their basic necessities, but due to late-stage capitalism, it's just very hard. You are not the only one and this is not a personal character flaw or failing on your part.
You should not have to take a job you are completely uncomfortable with, especially when they give you literally zero chance to prepare adequately and don't give you any resources or time to support that transition (they'll begin as they mean to go on, etc). And likewise, I want to note that your university major/degree is not a binding contract that you can only work in that field, that you're a failure if you don't get a job in that field, and you have to look in that field first and foremost. Plenty of people do one thing in college and something totally different in their career, and it's okay if that happens, or if you have to work outside your college major for a while or even for the rest of your professional life. So as far as that part goes, I definitely don't think you need to feel any guilt about looking wherever you can, since as you note, the competition is hard for everybody and there's just not enough to go around (by design, since capitalism runs on manufactured scarcity). Once again: not your fault, you're not a failure, and you're doing your best. That is worth a lot.
I know that it sounds trite to say keep your chin up, but keep your chin up. When it comes to teaching ESL, it might be possible to freelance, to offer sessions virtually or over Zoom, advertise among your family and friends, etc., or other bit-part things to tide you over until you find a job (and take it from me, sheer bullheaded stubbornness is half the battle). There are also online tutoring sites and agencies such as Tutora (which I briefly taught for as a broke PhD student) or Study.com that can match you with remote/online work opportunities and get you some clients, rather than you having to do all the work to find and recruit them by yourself. This obviously won't take the place of an actual job, but it might help you patch some cracks and string together some income until you can find one.
Good luck! I'm rooting for you.
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milaswriting · 3 years
1)Hello there, so I was here just to say about some things, first I congratulate you with the release of your proyect and shared it, but you know, do some told you before it had some similarities with wayhaven from Ms. Micksha? I mean, it could be coincidence or was an inspiration, I'm just saying out of curiosity, I'm not accusing or anything bad, don't worry. I will share it on several posts. Apologies in advance.
2)like the team share in both appearance, personality and others reminds the vampires of said saga of game I mention, even a deliver from two of them is similar when discussing about tell the mc or not the truth about them and the situation, parents know about the supernatural and involve in it, and some kind of 'agency' who employs team, and the mc being special without knowing or others I don't remember at the moment.
3)regardless have their differences also other coincidences are things that are the opposite, like being a huge city and well know worldwide, mc is from a high class and still a student on top of that, apparently have powers, said team are from different races and they have two different orders from two different sources, said government is somewhat corrupt and the orders is literally protect of terminate the mc and that's about it, probably missing some..
4)in any way, it would evolve to be its own thing I'm sure of it, and well.. Don't get discouraged for other people who want to demotivate you with said 'critics' and not give legit feedback, and some of it may sound harsh sometimes, you know is sincere and good when they have a point, and keep at a pace you're comfortable with, you're a human being not a robot, and remember, if someone ask for release date, it will be release when it's ready, in the meantime chill and take easy.
5)Usually some people don't appreciate text game qualities it as simple and restricted, but doesn't understand how much time and polish is needed even for a small paragraph, or in the case of 'limited choices' usually in the personality/replies, but the reader can contribute to sparks the story in a more personal way with their imagination, but I'm sure a lot of people do this and appreciate the creations for what they are, you are still young and I hope you flourish doing what you like, cheers.
So, from probably ask 1 to 3 I can steer you to asks here, here and here.
I’m probably starting off on a negative note, and this isn’t just directed to these asks, but as they’ve come in - I understand that people see a lot of comparisons between my story and Wayhaven, and from the asks linked you’ll understand why. I had the idea for this story about two years ago before I found the interactive fiction community, and when I made this tumblr is when I found IF, and that’s how Golden became a game. I personally don’t see the physical comparisons, but everyone’s imagination is different. And ultimately, these comparisons are coming from me who only has three chapters out to someone who has multiple books released - causing half of the comparisons you’ve made to also be assumptions. I haven’t mentioned anything about a ‘corrupt government’.
Sure, there’ll be a lot of comparisons, but as an author, people continuously pointing out those comparisons can be hurtful. Mostly for the fact that it can make me feel as though the work I put into Golden isn’t valid or goes unnoticed. And I put in a lot of work. I’ve written over 69,000 words of a story, and the next demo isn’t even ready to be released yet.
I’m 19, a full time university student, currently applying for internships and doing all this during a pandemic. Writing is a hobby for me that I enjoy, I really do love it. It’s something that I don’t even share with my immediate family or the people around me.
I’m an extremely shy person when it comes to things like this, and just releasing a game is incredibly nerve-wracking. So, yes - sometimes the comparisons can make the effort I put into my story feel worthless.
You ended this on a positive note, so I’ll do the same! Thank you for your kind words, I really, really do appreciate them despite what I’ve said above! I’m learning as a writer and a person all the time, I pick up new things along the way to make myself and my story better so fingers crossed that continues.
Thank you for your asks! 💛
~ xXx
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why I dropped out
So, I was thinking about dropping out back in Spring 2021 because I realized I don't want to bake as a job. It's way more fun and relaxing when it's for fun. The program was only three more classes so I was like "I'll just finish it up".
My internship class was rough tho...
yelling at us for not coming to class dressed even tho I was there 30 minutes early in order to get ready
yelling at us for not having every single pastry, their prices, and the components for decorating them memorized by the second day of class (there were over 100)
expecting us to already know things that we only went over briefly the first class (my head was spinning after that day, there was so much information to learn)
getting annoyed at us for asking questions but then also getting annoyed when we try to use our notes or problem solve ourselves
treating us like we were payed employees and not students learning for the first time
the assistant teacher literally saying, "you're gonna hate me in the morning" like what about trying to be nicer? Idk it's like the same vibe as teachers who are like, "most of you will fail this class". It really annoys me.
And then there were just comments that they said which made me so upset
"you have to multitask"
"I can run the floor all by myself"
These comments especially hurt because at my job I am fast. I do multitask; I'm always working on like 3-5 drinks at a time (standard is 2 but some people can't even manage that) or in between customers, I'm working on backups, I'm literally never standing around. Every morning (and nights when I used to work them) I run the floor by myself; taking orders, warming food, making drinks, restocking, and more. It was just so frustrating because ik I'm capable.
Between their sarcasm, superiority, unrealistic expectations, and negative comments I had to drop. After my last class, I cried the whole 40-minute drive home. It was bad. School should be a safe space to learn.
For some reason, my other class, cake decorating, was a prereq to the nightmare internship class so I had to drop both, even tho cake decorating was really fun. Then I was left taking hospitality supervision which while interesting, was not the direction I wanted to take in life (it was very "climb the ladder") so I dropped that too.
It was just a 2-semester program that only gave a certificate for working in this town which is worthless to me because I'm gonna move up north. I passed and got the important worldwide ServSafe certification last year so the only reason to stay in the program would be for fun (which it wasn't).
After I dropped the classes and after I told me parents (granted they're not happy but at least the suspense is over), I felt and still feel an unnatural amount of peace regarding the decision. Like with so many questions about the future and so many people asking "what am I gonna do now" I feel like I should be nervous or anxious cause I don't have any answers but I don't. Ik this weird kind of peace is definitely from God and I'm actually so excited for this next season of my life.
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sailolive93-blog · 5 years
The best Guide to Reddit Marketing around 2019
"Yep, i do all my modelling in C4D as I just know the tools so well there. I do minimal retopology in Zbrush on organic shapes but any hard surfaces I make in C4D. I'd recommend the "Introduction to Subdivision modelling in C4D" by Shane Benson on Vimeo (he goes by Sheppard O'Neill on YouTube if you prefer that) and it was his tuts that got me into box and subdiv modelling.
Tumblr media
I'm also releasing a modelling workshop in C4D and models from the kitchen scene that these belong to will be in there to learn. Just not these two as they belong to marketing for the workshop. very well "Brand new Reddit account with two extensive comments defending Boa Vista Orchards huh...? We joked earlier about spotting the Boa Vista account in here but it looks like we actually have lol! > I just talked to the dude who does the marketing for Apple Hill and he sent me this So you just randomly talked to the guy and he emailed over his entire statement...? " "I too wonder why they didn’t just create a new line and call it the mach-e instead of mustang, I believe it has something to do with the marketing department since they knew it’ll stir a lot of discussion" "Precedent suggests it depends on the marketing around the product being sold and the implied purpose. " "Wow, ha. The fact that you think that it’s ok for the government to strip away my personal health insurance so that I HAVE to be on the same shitty plan on everybody else is crazy. If healthcare is “free” and universal, the quality of healthcare is bound to decrease. I can choose to pay for whatever the fuck I want and whatever healthcare I want. I give to charity and I have plans on giving a lot more to charity as I get further in my career and start making more money. Believe it or not, you aren’t the only one that cares about people just because you want “free” healthcare for everybody. And there is also no such thing as free healthcare. It has to be paid somehow and middle class taxes will go up no matter how complicated you try to make the source of payment sound. And regarding free college, that will also raise middle class taxes. You keep bringing up this. 02% of financial transactions bullshit as if that’s going to cover all costs. Have you done studies on this yourself? Do you even know that? You act like all these things can be magically paid for without anybody in the middle class being negatively affected. I have a bachelor’s degree and I didn’t feel like college was very challenging. It was more like a series of annoying classes I didn’t need when all of college could have been boiled down into one year of the core classes of my major of marketing. College is a fuckin scam and it’s only truly necessary for a very limited amount of majors. You’re just another minion that kisses the feet of big-government Democrats that try to make us feel like horrible people for not allowing them to sucks insane amounts of money out of the economy and spend it how they would like to. inch "That's including the localization teams for every language though, as well as PR and marketing. >! Some of them might even be legacy accreditation for the Gen 6 models they're *still* using.! < " "Time is a cost and you should track where that cost is going. That said, if you are working on general administrative/nonbillable stuff within your own department, it's pretty easy to have that time automatically go to the right cost bucket, so generic entries for that sort of thing are fine imo. The stuff that really has to be tracked is anything for clients or for departments that are outside your default (e. g. engineer writes a blog post, that's marketing time etc). micron "I believe there are some lessons on Google Academy for Adss (now called Skillshop) but hands-on experience is tricky. Two ways are possible, 1) is for you to have your own website and use Google Ad Sense, but this is more from the advertiser side rather than publisher or technical side 2) ask a digital or marketing agency that is near you if you can shadow/assist/internship/work experience for a week or so. This may be difficult depending on where you live and agency people are always very busy, so if you do ask tell them how you could help THEM not the other way around. To be honest, start with Analytics and Paid Search as they are arguable more accessible and have more out there for you to learn" "We are in the same boat, but different industry. Here's my approach, starting this week: I'm joining business groups that my target clients are a part of, for example, manufacturer groups. Then I'm going to target that organization with our services. I'm then going to offer to speak about the service I offer and how it helps businesses. Not a marketing spiel, an educational talk. Good luck" "One might consider a lawsuit if a car or alcohol company advocated or implied the action of drinking and driving in their marketing" "This post has been removed for breaking Rule 1. No Spammy Titles. Do not mention anything about selling anything in the title. Absolutely ZERO marketing in the title. Do not even ask for people to contact you for more. Be enticing. Post quality pics with quality titles. Read the rules for info on how to market yourself here. If your posts keep getting removed then you will be banned. READ THE RULES! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Remember to[contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/? to=/r/feetpics) if you have any questions or concerns. *" "I came of grew up and came of age in Chicago during Jordan's time with the Bulls and the shortest answer is that it's almost incomparable because the level of fame basketball players before Michael Jordan was laughably lower than now. Even today MJ has a logo that might be more identifiable than the company that created it. I would argue no athlete in any sport has surpassed MJ's level of fame. MJ pioneered so many avenues of endorsements, its like comparing planes in the era of propeller planes with jet planes. Jordan like most greats, stood on the shoulders of giants, specifically Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. Those two spent the better part of the late 70's and early to late 80's dominating the sport of basketball. Also add in Isiah Thomas of the Pistons and arguably "Dr. J" Julius Erving of the 76ers and those four were the superstars of the four teams that won EVERY NBA championship of the decade. Before Michael Jordan won his FIRST NBA Championship in 1991, he was arguably bigger than all of them. Before MJ, being a big name athlete meant getting your name on a breakfast cereal box called Wheaties, and doing the commercial saying the plug line "Gotta eat your Wheaties! " That's not a joke. Check 'em out on youtube, they're cringe worthy. MJ's meteoric rise in my opinion was helped by a few special advertising campaigns. I think first would have been his Nike commercials with Spike Lee, another pioneer. He just made "Do the right thing" at a time when black people making movies with black people in the movies wasn't really a thing. Spike Lee also happens to like playing characters in his own movies and Mars Blackmon was a character in that movie that Spike Lee chose to portray in a series of commericals with Michael Jordan. Again, pardon me for repeating, but I have to say it again for context. You have a supremely talented and charismatic young athlete being marketed by a young shoe company (Converse Chuck Taylors were still THE basketball shoe) hiring a visionary and ground breaking director to do something that had not been done before. And they crushed it. Again, at this time Michael Jordan wasn't winning NBA championships. He was having savant level performances, but get bounced out of the first round by the Celtics, or getting manhandled in the playoffs by the Pistons. By the time he did win it all in 91, MJ was doing things that no one had done in fields well outside basketball. Michael Jordan in Flight is one of the first videogames to have 3D. He had already supplanted Dr J in the one on one basketball video game with Larry Bird. Gatorade put out a marketing campaign with the song "Be Like Mike" and that song was the top song for the summer of 92 in Chicago on most radio stations regardless of genre. You're already familiar with Space Jam, but before Space Jam, the Looney Toons were relegated to afternoon after school syndicated (rerun) television stations. Michael Jordan made Bugs Bunny cool again to a whole new generation that knows of them only through MJ. I hope that helps. inches "Yeah I don't want to turn it around and criticize Musk over this or anything, but Tesla is great at PR and marketing while convincing people they don't actually try to be. inches "No, you dont need more parties, you need to ban all parties and establish government funded elections where everyone with a certain amount of support by the people can run using government money and marketing channels. Equal funding, equal marketing, equal candidacy, by the people, for the people. Sounds too good to be true? Well fuck you, because parties are corrupt barbaric cavemen shit. " " Funny Cartoon Images for website content - Family Funny Images and illustrations, Ultimate single panel funny cartoons used for websites, social media and emails https://www.freecartoonsdaily.com https://www.cartoons.cafe   www.cartoons.cafe www.acmeblanks.com sign up now! Funny Cartoons, Funny family cartoon images, Custom Cartoons, Niche Cartoons, Humorous Illustration Services, Business Cartoons, Medical Cartoons, Custom Comic Strips, Book Illustration Services, Political Cartoons, funny hospital cartoons, cartoons for marketing, corporate cartoons, work cartoons, business cartoons, Computer Cartoons, farmer cartoons, farm cartoons, tractor cartoons, Pig cartoons, pig farmer cartoons, cor farmer cartoons, wheat farmer cartoons, soybean farmer cartoons.... inch "That's including people associated with the marketing and promotion of Sword and Shield, which means people at Nintendo and the Pokemon Company rather than actual programmers at Game Freak working on the game itself. The same article you're looking at gives 200 at Game Freak - which is likely wrong since Game Freak had 143 employees, and Game Freak openly stated most were working on Town. You could include the modelers from Creatures Inc, but given that the models are the same as those developed for X and Y by Creatures Inc years ago, they are likely still being credited for "work" on this game that was actually done quite some time ago. " "Imagine what a lucky break JonTron was for FlexSeal. Their products are actually pretty decent, but their marketing was almost typical infomercial stuff that no-one over fifty would've seen. Next, out of nowhere, some YouTuber makes them famous amongst younger customers. People make "that's a lotta damage, " and "I sawed this boat in half, " memes. Everyone knows who they are. Chances are, when you need some stuff like this you'll at the very least know about their existence and you might buy their stuff because at least you know they're legit. Some people will buy it when they need something like that, literally for the meme. All they have to do is keep the ball rolling with tweets like these (because, of course, people actually follow them on Twitter now). " "That's my point. The pub you linked to is disney land. I'm looking for somewhere that recreates the  a more authentic historical experience. I think these places have got their marketing wrong which is why they are closing. They should be trying to recreate an experience closer to that in the Pathe news reel. If you just sold fresh baked bread, potted Hare, a variety of local ales you could heat with a poker while smoking a hilarious pipe you could capture a huge slice of the real ale / hipster / foodie market. " "No game in the genre had been competition for the Diablo franchise since it's inception. D3 no matter how you look at it was a huge commercial success being in the top 10 video games sold of all time at one point. Diablo now has become what WoW was before, tons of games saying they are a WoW killer and none of them doing it. So now we looming at Diablo killers but they all end up falling off somewhere because they don't get the same $$$ support / marketing. inch "8M opening weekend bad = bad marketing. Bad quality movie would be revealed in the multiplier (word of mouth and no rewatches). In this case I don’t think there was anything compelling from the movie they could focus the marketing around which led to the 8M OW. " "I’m in the same boat. I have to get 14 credits by may2020. In the last 2 weeks I did principle of marketing 3 credits score 66 and principal of management 3 credits score 62. This week I’ll take precalculas which is 5 credits and calculus which is 4 credits. I did not pay the $89 for the test because I did modernstates which pays the testing fee. It also reimburses me for the $20 testing fee" "Marketing. McAf€€ gets money from users, Micro$oft gets money from McAfee. They beget the green, motherfuckers that they are. Sometimes  http://tipofmytongue.topreddit.info  who install 3^^rd party stuff tho, it's not only Microsoft. Anyway, it's a motherfuckery of bloatware if not malware. "McAfee antivirus is one of the worst products on the planet" -John McAfee" "You're arguing entirely from marketing hype instead of actual quality, which is entirely stupid and comes down entirely to Sont having far greater of a userbase��and them having less games to pump more money behind. Besides, let's not pretend Sony has an actual library of games here. Both Xbox and Sony have completely shit the bed this console generation in terms of exclusive libraries. Sony has had like, 8 good games this entire generation as exclusives. You have Death Stranding, Uncharted 4, Horizon, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, God of War, MLB The Show... That's about it? I guess you also have Detroit and Last Guardian depending on who you ask, but I defo don't wanna throw Days Gone on that list. But in any case, you could lump all of those games into loke 3-4 genres. Am I missing anything? But yeah, stop saying dumb shit like "Well its not a household name so its irrelevant" because you're entirely missing the point and reducing the entire industry to what can or can't be marketed. As well, its telling that Sony has stated their goal next-gen is to have less games release but have them be bigger, where Microsoft is going the opposite direction. Keep the the big titles, bur also have a little something for everyone. Diversity is important. Your Battletoads reboot might not sell as well, but its important to folks who like it. Games shouldn't be live or die based on how well they fit in established and marketable trends. Its absurdly reductive" "I actually never had injected one, whats the main difference? And is it really a big improvement or rather a marketing bait" "It’s all part of his NYC persona. Marketing. inches
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megers67 · 6 years
BNHA OC 2: Tanaka Rin
My second OC for BNHA. I came up with her second as a counterpart to Hibiki but I love her on her own as well.
Hibiki's Bio
Hero Profile
Once again, I'm so sorry there isn't a Read More. I'm on mobile and there's no damn way for me to do it.
APPEARANCE: Rin is pretty tall and of athletic build. She has bright blue hair (dyed from her natural darker blue) that, while the style changes fairly frequently, always stays short. It's never past her chin and is usually shorter than that. Because of her quirk, she is completely unaffected by the outside temperature. That means she can literally wear anything she wanted at any time, much to the annoyance of her friends. She has a decent fashion sense, but is literally blind and so can't see the colors for anything. Though even if she could, she has the confidence to wear crazy color combos. She likes people's reactions to her attire like a neon pink miniskirt in the dead of winter or a big fluffy coat in the summer heat or something. Rin does generally keep it seasonal for the most part though she still wears clashing colors. Doesn't help that Hibiki is usually the one to help Rin out in that department, and while SHE is sighted, she has absolutely no fashion sense herself. So Rin gets to enjoy walking around like a fucking disaster. For those who try to make negative comments, she cheerfully informs them that she's blind and that usually shuts them up. She also usually wears sunglasses because it's much easier to use her thermal vision when outside light is blocked out.
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This doesn't really do it justice, but I'm limited to what Love Nikki is giving me. I could go more clashing, but most of that also involves clothes that don't line up (like shirts going outside the coat, etc) and I hate the look of that.
PERSONALITY: Rin is bright and cheerful and very outgoing. She is persistent in her desire to befriend most people she comes across, but knows when to tone things down or when someone needs space. Like Hibiki, she will also drop everything to help someone out, though it is far less draining on her than Hibiki. She's a fixer though so she's not great to go to if you just want to vent. If you do want to do something about something or help getting something done, then she is perfect for the job.
While Rin exudes positivity, she certainly has her own insecurities, mostly stemming from her fear that she isn't good enough to be a hero. She's not the strongest or the smartest, the fastest, most technically skilled, or have the best quirk. On top of that, she's blind. While her quirk goes a long way to make her independent, she still relies on others for a lot of things and suffers from imposter's syndrome. Being at UA has actually helped her a lot to combat these feelings, but they can still hit her pretty hard. Because she hides it behind a wall of positivity, it can be hard to spot when she's beating herself up over something. Hibiki seems to be one of, if not the, only one who can consistently read her and guide her through it. Rin isn't quick to anger unless it is on someone else's behalf in which case, she really lets it loose and will want to do something about it.
QUIRK: Her quirk is Heat. Specifically, she can make herself a heat sink or heat source and can use that to control the temperature of what she touches or the air immediately surrounding her. Her entire body is therefore unaffected by extreme temperatures (and she doesn't need to regulate a normal body temperature). This means that she doesn't get burned or frostbite so she can be standing in a raging inferno and only need to worry about getting enough air to breathe. She has yet to reach the temperature limits on her body so her intensity and range is largely limited by the amount of energy she has and any environmental constraints. Because her quirk uses her body's energy, she needs to eat a lot to keep up. Her range can increase with contact with a conductive material as it can help direct the flow of energy. Her quirk doesn't produce fire or ice and so can be difficult for an opponent to track if they're not aware of it. Rin also uses her quirk as a form of thermal imaging to navigate the world around her. This means that she has a lot of independence and doesn't need external aids for most situations. Additionally, she is completely at ease in the dark as there is little change to her.
There are, however, limitations. She can't sense through barriers such as walls, even those that sighted people can see through like glass. She can sense through barriers if a conductive material goes through it to the other side, but even then the clarity is greatly diminished. Though even that can be very useful. Another limitation is that she can't read anything printed or written on a page, screen, sign, etc. She just sees that there is a paper there. For school work, she is allowed a laptop that has a text-to-speech option so that she can hear back her notes after she types them. Rin will also have one of her classmates go over her notes to make sure she didn't miss anything, though usually her own notes tend to be better since it's faster to type than to physically write things down. For non-school work, ie. when she's out and about, she has Hibiki or someone else with her read something out to her. She would even ask strangers, but this usually only happens when she's out shopping and needs to know a price. The same goes for colors. Rin was previously sighted so she remembers colors and even processes her thermal vision via colors but she doesn't know something's real color. Hibiki has gotten pretty good at describing colors to her.
PAST: Not nearly as sordid (or detailed) as Hibiki's to be sure. She has a loving family and an older brother. Her childhood was fairly normal to be sure. Rin was always popular in school because everyone just liked her and she always made an effort for anyone to feel included. Especially the new girl, Hibiki, who keeps to herself in the corner. And she even succeeds in becoming her friend! Yay!
But her life changed forever when she turned 11. All she wanted was to figure out the limitations of her quirk. Naturally this meant trying to get her hand as hot as she could as fast as she could. Turns out that really hot things get really really bright and that prolonged exposure to bright light can permanently damage your eyes. After one too many times, her sight never returns. After that, Rin was a mess. Losing a sense was hard and it didn't help that everyone treated her like a fragile porcelain doll. Almost everyone. Hibiki didn't. In fact, she was the same calm voice of reason that she always was. In fact little had changed between them. Just the subject matter of their conversations. It was Hibiki who pointed out that maybe she could try using her quirk to sense things like the goggles police and heroes sometimes use. And like that, they went from friends to inseparable best friends.
They applied to UA together and while they both got in, Hibiki didn't make it to the hero course like she did. Initially Rin was nervous because Hibiki helped her out a lot over the last few years and now they could only be together during lunch or off hours (even though Hibiki was convinced that being in different classes mean they would drift apart, Rin insisted otherwise). She would have to face being blind alone for the first time. That anxiety didn't last very long because her class was pretty cool about it. Her teachers also made sure she had proper accommodations both in and out of class.
The sports festival was very exciting because she was able to see just how much she'd grown, but Hibiki as well. Rin made sure that they did their handshake in front of everyone to show both Hibiki and the world that whatever happened, they were still friends. And even as Rin finally knocked Hibiki out of the ring, both were smiling. Even though she didn't win, getting third was pretty damn cool.
Rin does her field training with Backdraft in the Musutafu fire department. She finds that she actually quite likes rescue work even though she still wants to fight villains. She continues to train, increasing her stamina to use her quirk more and in larger strength.
Even though she was sad that one of her classmates chose to drop the hero course, she was very happy that that meant that Hibiki was now joining the class. She was very active in getting Hibiki accepted into the group. Rin also worked hard to make sure that Hibiki was all caught up as far as the hero course was concerned. Rin got her provisional license and did her internship with a hero that was more villain-centric to get that kind of experience and was particularly useful for night missions because of her thermal vision, but it made her lose a lot of sleep. She started taking naps between classes and during lunch, relying on Hibiki to sneak her snacks during class to keep going.
OTHER SKILLS AND TIDBITS: Rin is the resident Hibiki whisperer. If you ever wanted Hibiki to do something, your best bet is to get Rin on it. Rin is down for pretty much anything and can talk Hibiki into pretty much anything even for a more passive role.
She has ADHD. She has it mostly under control, but when she doesn't, Hibiki knows how to pull her back together and get back to work.
Because Rin's body is resistant to extreme temperatures, when she thinks she is getting sick, she will "flash" to basically incinerate the pathogen. Unfortunately this also burns away any good bacteria she has in her gut as well as any non-digested food still in her system. The combo makes her nauseous anyway. She gets scolded for it every time but still insists she'll get it right some day.
She is the undisputed best cuddler because she can make her body temp juuuust the right level of warmth for whoever she's cuddling. This is especially popular during the winter.
By default, her body temperature is the normal and average level. But sometimes it will accidentally rise or lower itself without her noticing, usually due to emotions. She doesn't really notice until it's pointed out by someone that she accidentally burned or froze something.
Rin is really good to have in the kitchen because she can tell when things are cooked through to the exact temp it should be, make sure something is cooked evenly, or retrieve an ingredient that accidentally fell into boiling water too early, etc. Her favorite "party trick" is for when people are unfamiliar with her quirk, she will "accidentally" lean on a hot stove and freak them out.
She has a pretty mischievous streak in her. While she doesn't like initiating pranks, she loves being an accomplice in them. Rin is staunchly neutral during prank wars but is more than willing to lend her services to either side.
Rin likes "watching" movies even though she can't see the images on the screen. She enjoys making up her own as she hears the dialogue. The first question her friends usually have when the credits roll is "okay, what do you THINK just happened?" A lot of the time, the answer is a lot more fun than what actually happened because she has a really active imagination.
She can read Japanese braille, but it doesn't come up incredibly often. Rin is in the process of learning Japanese sign language because she wants to be good representation for disabilities and advocate for accessibility.
Rin doesn't like "turning off" her thermal vision very much, but it can get tiring after a while. She tends to do so during class since she doesn't really need it then. She'll only "turn off" outside of class if she's alone with Hibiki since she was around from the beginning. She's okay being vulnerable around her.
She doesn't like having long hair herself, but greatly enjoys playing with Hibiki's.
Rin is pansexual and has known since junior high. But she hasn't done a lot of dating since she only seems to have a consistent crush on a certain someone who just doesn't seem interested.
Rin doesn't like travelling very far by herself because she's afraid that she will suddenly get too tired to maintain her thermal vision, leaving her vulnerable, lost, and alone.
She really likes cats, but it's kind of a problem because Hibiki is allergic. Hibiki will still go with her to cat cafes to keep her company, but Rin usually feels really bad about it and so will usually ask other people to join her before resorting to asking Hibiki.
Just as Hibiki is the best hider in hide and seek, Rin is the best seeker because of her thermal vision. She is no longer allowed to be seeker.
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realtalk-princeton · 3 years
i'm a potential '25 deciding between stanford and princeton. i really love both schools but i've heard intimidating things about how social life at pton can be competitive, and the concept of eating clubs feels a tiny bit cliquey (but i can also see how eating clubs foster a really strong sense of community!) would you say people at pton are happy? is it easy to form close relationships/make friends? is there anything you don't like about pton? (why did you choose pton?) thank you so much!
Response from Ocean:
It’s true that certain aspects of social life at Princeton are competitive.  However, I wouldn’t say that social life as a whole is competitive.  There are certain “prestigious” clubs that require bicker or an interview/application process, but by and large most clubs are open to everyone and it’s very possible to just decline to participate in those competitive types of activities.  They’re not essential or central to Princeton life in that sort of way. 
Eating clubs are a little bit different.  I haven’t really noticed them to be “cliquey”, exactly, as everyone I know who is in an eating club has many friends in other eating clubs or not in eating clubs at all.  Although there is certainly pressure around that aspect, I don’t think it’s any different than typical Greek life on most campuses -- maybe even less so because club members don’t actually live at the eating club, and aren’t required to do fundraisers or volunteer work together in the way a fraternity or sorority might.  
I would say it’s pretty easy to find and make new friends.  It’s a small community (slightly smaller than Stanford), so you see a lot of the same people over and over.  If you run into someone from your class at the dining hall, for example, it’s easy to sit down with them and strike up a conversation.  Would I say people are happy?  Right now I’m mostly noticing a lot of stress and depression among students, mostly mourning the lack of a normal school year, what we lost to the pandemic, and so on.  But I wouldn’t say we are more depressed or stressed than the average student at a prestigious institution.  During my mostly-normal freshman year, I was mostly very happy.  
As for things I don’t like about Princeton... well, you pretty much hit the nail on the head with the competitive aspects of social life.  I also wish there were better support systems in place for students who are struggling, but I think this is an “America’s healthcare system is shit” problem rather than a Princeton-specific problem.  
I chose to come here mostly because of the financial aid package, to be honest.  I didn’t get into any of the other competitive schools I applied for so it was basically Princeton or my local university, and Princeton was cheaper and much better quality.  Other contributors feel free to add on!
Response from TNTina:
honestly although this post might get quite long, i think it would probably be better the more contributors respond to this, because everyone’s experience is unique and everyone has different things they like and dislike about princeton.
i chose princeton because it was the best school i got into - i did not know prior to college what i wanted to study, and princeton is on a holistic level a very well rounded school. i still think it’s a very well rounded school as a whole, but if there are specific fields you think you might want to go into, i advise you consider this more heavily in how you choose a school. princeton, for example, doesn’t offer b. arch degrees. i’ve also heard that pre-med here is a big grind, and the grading is harsher compared to other similar schools. if there are specific professors you admire, consider that - i have a friend in east asian studies who gushed about a specific professor who was a total legend in the field and she was able to engage him in one on one interactions at princeton. if you’re interested in an experience like bridge year, also consider that. to top it off, i’ll just comment a few things that i think are unique to princeton that i like and that i don’t like. 
positive: access to professors - i may just be really lucky but my major has just been one of the most positive aspects of princeton to me. my professors have been overwhelmingly accessible and accommodating; they have checked in on me when i’ve struggled with personal problems, they have arranged meetings with me on the weekend last minute; princeton’s undergraduate focus really shines through. 
alumni connections: princeton does reunions (like the actual event) like no other school. truly, i think the alumni network is by far the strongest of any school in this country. i can’t speak for experiences at other schools but there have been times i have needed advice and reached out to alumni - i’ve been lucky for sure, but there has not been a single alum who hasn’t replied to me and devoted a considerable amount of time to talk to me. the internship i’m doing this summer i probably got in large part because i vibed with an alum i got in touch with.
neutral: single major: you can’t double major at princeton, and you wouldn’t have the time to even if you wanted to. in retrospect, i definitely wanted to double major if i went anywhere else, but without the single major policy i also don’t think wouldn’t have found the department i’m currently in.
independent work/thesis: you should really think this one through. thesis is mandatory for all undergraduate students, and a good amount of your time here will be spent doing research. this is a huge grind and a bit of a pain for a lot of people but it is also really really beneficial for grad schools, and i’ve heard from several alumni that it is also really impressive to employers (at least in some fields). it is also just a very unique intellectual experience. 
negative: eating clubs. i really am not a fan of the eating club system for several reasons. i do not think they are ‘cliquey’ necessarily, but at the very least they pose logistical challenges - if you are in different eating clubs than your friends or you’re not in an eating club, in your later years it becomes hard to get meals with friends. it’s also logistically difficult for underclassmen, and i think it exacerbates an artificial class year divide, as most upperclassmen eat in eating clubs and underclassmen will often have limited opportunity to eat with their upperclassmen friends. the eating clubs also pose an absurd cost (the main reason i did not join a club). and despite how much they might deny it, each eating club does have a different reputation and thus has a tendency to attract people who vibe with that reputation. eating clubs also have extracurricular/social affiliations to a degree, and i think this also exacerbates a tendency for people to just group with people who are similar to themselves. this is not to say that people don’t do this naturally in society and at other schools though. on a more positive note though, i will say though that i think ocean is right about the fact that people do not typically identify very strongly with their eating clubs and their eating affiliation does not define them in the way that a frat or sorority might. if i had to choose, i would definitely prefer 70% of people being in an eating club than 70% of people being in greek life.
best of luck, you have some fantastic choices - and i really think you can’t go wrong here! 
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strawberry-milktea · 7 years
(1) I don't know if you've struggled with this before but have you ever wondered how you could use your talents in a career that would help others and do God's work? I'm at a difficult point in my life right now. I think what I'm best at is languages. I was raised bilingual in Spanish and English, and majored in Asian Studies with a concentration in Japanese language. I mostly use the first two languages (Spanish with my family, and English because I live in the USA).
(2) My dream was to get a job after graduation where I’d be able to use Japanese since I was super passionate about it. Things didn’t go as planned because I don’t live in an area with many Japanese speakers. I tried looking into things like internships outside my state and country, but then… some bad things happened. First, I had to undergo surgery for a condition I didn’t even know I had. It was a very scary experience, and I feel like a lot of my emotional problems stem from it.    (3) Then, my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had to undergo two surgeries. She also has severe Alzheimer’s and can’t do many things on her own. I’m her main caretaker since my parents can’t give up their jobs, and I don’t work, so my mom puts me in charge of her while my parents are at work. A lot of other difficult things happened. I don’t have friends because everyone moved on, got jobs elsewhere, got married, etc. while I’m just at home the majority of the time.(4) I get debilitating panic attacks, and there have been times when I’ve not wanted to live anymore because I feel so sad and useless. I feel like at one point, people had high hopes for me, and then I disappointed everyone. It’s been about four years since I took my last Japanese class. Even though my online friends come to me for help with translating things like manga dialogue or Jpop lyrics, I don’t know if my Japanese is even good enough to use for something like a real job anymore.            (5) Also, some medications I was put on to keep my health under control make me light-headed as a side effect, so I sometimes feel slower and more brain-foggy than I was when I was taking classes. I’ve lost confidence in my learning abilities compared to how fast I would learn stuff before. I feel like I’ve been so stagnant these past few years. And it’s hard when I don’t have a support system of friends. I love God. I put a lot of faith in God, I pray every day, and I know He cares about me.    (6, last message) But I still feel lost. I haven’t had luck with finding a job, even part-time jobs that have nothing to do with Japanese. It’s hard. It’s just tough convincing myself that I haven’t messed up, and that there still might be hope for me. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but I was wondering if maybe you could give me suggestions on how I could possibly start fixing myself so that I can be of more use to God. Also, prayers for me and my family would be appreciated. Thank you so much.      —Hi there,You aren’t bothering me! I apologize for taking so long to respond to this. First thing I want to address in this message is you say it’s hard convincing yourself that you haven’t messed up.. Why do you feel your career going differently than planned is a result of you messing up? You couldn’t help that there were not any job opportunities in your area and that you needed surgery that set you back in terms of looking for jobs.. Generally speaking, being unemployed and searching in the job market is a tough spot for anyone to be in, regardless of which career it is. The job market has been difficult for quite sometime now.. I remember when I was between jobs, it was hard to just get an interview and a chance to prove myself, so the idea of actually getting the job can feel very discouraging nowadays. This isn’t your fault.. people who are qualified for jobs have difficulty finding them simply because the job market is saturated and there is competition. A lot of times, people know someone on the inside who puts a good word in for them and that’s how they get their foot in the door. You shouldn’t feel like it’s your fault that it’s been difficult to find work. Honestly, find comfort in the fact that you are certainly not alone in this struggle. I have definitely struggled with wondering how God could use me for His work in the career I went to college for. Like I mentioned above, there was a period of time I was out of work because the job I had been promised for after graduation fell through due to budget cuts. During the period when I was between jobs, there was a long stretch of time where I wasn’t getting any interviews and I fell into a very negative mindset. I was feeling angry with myself and completely discouraged, wanting to give up on the career I worked so many years for. The enemy was really doing a number on me during that time and I kept telling myself, “This is useless, I don’t even understand how He could use a career in healthcare to spiritually help people. I wasted all those years in college on something I can’t even find a job for and won’t even help people spiritually and give me chances to do His work.” But in His timing (and there was a good period of waiting I had to do), He opened the right doors for me and once He did, things fell into place effortlessly. I saw clearer how every door I tried to force open in my own will didn’t open because He had a reason. He wanted me a certain place in the time He set for it, and the ones I was trying to push for in my own power weren’t it. And in hindsight, I realized He was protecting me - because I later found out one of the places I had been interviewed for and thought was a serious possibility was a really unhealthy work environment that I would have been very unhappy in. Instead, when He opened the doors, I ended up in work environment where I could truly flourish and learn. I have coworkers who are caring and teach me what they know and in turn, I teach the people who come after me what I learn. I’ve built my confidence and became more independent in my job, in ways I never thought were possible because I trusted Him to do the work in me where I was unsure and scared. I came to realize that you don’t have to work in a church to be able to do His work. It brings me joy to show my coworkers love and help them when they need it. I know how much it means to me when people help me when I’m overwhelmed by a large workload or am facing something that is confusing to me, so I’m more than happy to return that favor. I hope when I show them that care and love coming from my heart, that they can see Christ’s love in me. I’ve learned that you can show Christ’s love by being there for people when they feel comfortable enough to open up to you during a quiet moment at work about something going on in their personal lives. I show love for the patients I’m playing a role in helping during their time of medical need by treating them as I would my own family. And I wouldn’t have ever thought ahead of time that it was possible at work, but He has opened opportunities for me to witness for Christ by sharing His Word with a coworker I befriended who opened up to me about emotional pains and regrets he has been dealing with for many years. I’ve written down quite a bit of scripture for him and even got to give him a Bible. This experience taught me that He has work for us in any setting, even settings we may think are the least likely.I understand that there are many factors that pose challenges for you in your situation, but always remember that all things are possible with Christ. Your mom has likely put you in charge of taking care of your grandmother since you are still out of work, but I am guessing that if you were to find a job, she would work with you to make arrangements so that you can start putting your career in motion? If you are concerned about your grandmother having proper care when you find a job, I would suggest to definitely talk with your mom about this. Regarding the panic attacks, I can only imagine how upsetting that must be to deal with, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find and hold a job.. same applies to your loss of confidence in learning abilities. It’s very easy to be fearful that you can’t do it when you haven’t done something for a long time. I’ve been there, I know that scary feeling. But once you get into the routine of a new job, you will see it’s not as frightening as you think it is. Your confidence will grow with each passing day as you see yourself doing what you thought was impossible. Find peace in the fact that panic attacks and lack of confidence are not too big for our God to handle. Trust that He can and will carry you through this!I hope reading about my experience encourages you with the truth that God can and will provide opportunities at your future job for you to do His work.. even while you are waiting to find a job, you are still doing His work by taking care of your grandmother. Taking care of a sick person is something that requires a lot of dedication, love, and sacrifice. It’s not an easy job and is definitely not something that everyone is cut out for. It’s honestly very admirable that you are able to do this! So don’t lose sight of that.I will pray for you and your family.. Don’t lose hope and seek Him for guidance as to what steps you should take next. I hope this has been helpful to you and if there’s anything else you want to talk about, please feel free to message me!
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morethanonepage · 7 years
hi, i don't want to be a bother but i just found out i got into law school (somehow) and i don't really know what to do?? so if you have any tips or something i would be really grateful tbh
OMG friend that’s so great! Congratulations and no worries, I love answering questions about this!
Okay first off enjoy your summer because it’s probably the last free(ish) one you’re going to have for a while – hang out with your friends, go out, relax, get into a headspace where you’re sure you want to do this and you’re sure what your giving up time wise for the next couple of years (potentially). Also, try and come up with a good elevator pitch (like, one or two sentences) answer for “why did you decide to come to law school?” Because ISTG you will be answering that question for the rest of your life: I’m two years out and my dentist literally asked me it last Friday. It’s also going to be the primary ice breaker for any like seminar/legal writing class you’re mandated to take (like, “Say your name, where you’re from, and why you decided to come to law school” round robin stuff), so it’s good to have at least An Answer beyond ‘idk I’m an English major but I couldn’t get work just with that degree’, even if it’s not the answer you stick with the rest of your law school career. 
The culture of all law schools is different (mine was super liberal loosey-goosey without class ranking and minimal competition) but it’s good to get a sense of it before you even start, just so you’re prepared: if you can get in contact with a student who’s already been through a few years (I’d suggest a 2 or 3L over someone who’s just completed one year, b/c they’ll have a little more perspective at that point) and ask just like…how competitive are people with each other? are there class rankings? are grades curved? (this can be positive or negative depending on where you fall on the curve lmao). 
Older students are also really good at giving you the dish on professors (but always take stuff with a grain of salt: I had professors that I just personally didn’t click with that everyone else loved and vice versa. Like everything else sometimes it is genuinely down to chemistry (also some professors are GREAT in small 20 people seminars but if you get them for a big foundational class like Contracts they are….less so.) But at least you’ll get a sense of what expectations are and what Hot Tips people might have (like, whether they’re particular sticklers for attendance or whatever – some law school professors dgaf because they assume you’re adults and if you’re missing class that’s your problem, but since it is your problem they’re not going to be super helpful later on if you have like questions for the exam that would’ve been answered if you’d gone to class).
Get to know your Student Affairs Office: they have a vested interest in helping you out and they’re never as busy as they want to be. Like it’s not out of the goodness of their hearts (well, sometimes), they want you to get through law school and graduate and get a good job, because that helps with rankings and looks good on brochures and stuff. Use the fact that law school applications are down right now: people in the administration want the school to look good and the classes to look good, they don’t want crazy attrition rates, they want to help you out as much as they can. Different schools provide different levels of support but use as much as you can: get the email address for Student Affairs and ask them to put you in contact with older students, if there’s some sort of mentorship program at least try it out once and see how you feel about it, if there’s a writing center try to take at least one paper to them to see if you get anything out of it. It’s never too soon to start thinking about your summer internships so go in to the Career Service Center and see what they suggest. 
A major law school downside for me was that, no matter what people told you about how you could do ~almost anything~ with a law degree,  and that you can figure things out as you go along, for most career paths you really have to get a super early start and practically certain of what you want to do right away. Or at least, it’s a lot easier if you do: I didn’t. I came in with the vague idea of I Want To Help People (And This Seems The Way To Do It) but I had no idea what path to take and it took some floundering and a lot of classes that ended up being not super helpful to my future plans to at least get a real sense of my strengths, and after that I just kind of bumbled into things. Eventually I was lucky enough to get a job, but it took almost two years from graduating, and my friends who came in knowing and who started building their skill set for that specific goal from year one were way more successful right away. So if you know you want to be a certain type of lawyer – like, you KNOW you want to do family law, or corporate law, or whatever – then start planing both your electives (this won’t really be a thing till 2L but at least have them in mind) and, in some ways more importantly, your summer internships. That’s where stuff really happens: law school teaches you a lot of things but an internship helps you make professional and personal connections in the job market that are invaluable once you graduate, and it’s best to start that early. 
The usual format for law school classes (in the first year anyway) is: you do a ton of reading, you take a lot of notes, you go to class and get called on and have to answer questions with at least some indication you did the reading, and then what you’re mostly graded on is two exams: the midterm and the final. There’s almost no other assignments, so you really have to be prepared for the midterms and the finals. Some professors care more about participation than others and give you a few points on that – I know the temptation to just shut up & not participate until they call on you is significant (because what if you get something wrong! everyone will hear and mock you!) but for the most part if you answer a question earnestly and honestly wrong (as opposed to, because you didn’t bother to do the reading) you won’t get yelled at. They might be a little condescending about why you’re wrong but – you’re in the legal profession now, you’ve basically signed up to be condescended to (sometimes more kindly than others) for the rest of your life. It’s one of those things you’ve got to get used to.
There’s this weird culture in law school that kind of shames people for answering questions voluntarily and like, going up to the professor after class to ask questions? People get called gunners or podium rushers like – how dare they try hard? Anyway, it’s bullshit: you’re not showing people up, you’re doing the work and learning the way you learn. Don’t let people shame your process, whatever it is. And professors like it when people answer and ask questions – it shows you’re engaged with the material. Like, in my 2L year I raised my hand to answer a question on the first day of a huge (like, 100+ person) lecture hall class and the next class the professor came up to me to ask my name and I became like the go-to person to answer questions in that class. And like two years, I got the job I got (the amazing, perfect job I love and which fills my actual skill set and interests to a t) because that professor took an interest in me. You never know when things are going to pan out but it’s better to have a professor in your corner than be in the ~cool group~ in law school. Like dudes, its law school, you’re all fucking dorks, get over yourselves.
In general law students (and from my limited experience, lawyers) can be really cliquey and catty: partly it’s just stress (we’re all there all the time and personalities are amplified and everyone’s mad or anxious or both) but for whatever reason: there can be a lot of interpersonal drama. It’s easy to say ‘just rise above it’ and obviously a lot harder to do but: just don’t take it too seriously. You’re there to learn & make connections. Try to be friendly with everyone but if there’s people you don’t like or who are always starting shit for no reason, it makes sense to avoid them.
People not in law school don’t know shit about law school. Your non-law school friends & family will ask you dumb questions (‘what are you majoring in??’ is the most common) and won’t 100% understand the time constraints & pressure you’re under. It’s best to accept that early and not expect them to get it – accept also that you will be kind of insufferable about ALL the WORK you’re doing and HOW much STRESS you’re under – like, it’ll be true, but that’s also not super interesting to your friends, who haven’t seen you in weeks, and just want to talk to you about stuff you have in common.
This is why, btw, you make friends in law school with people you would otherwise have nothing in common with: you suddenly DO have something in common, and it’s all the work you’re doing and how tired you are and how you don’t even know if you want to be a lawyer anymore. Everyone feels that in law school at some point – it passes and it’s good to have comrades in arms to talk to about it & feel it with. Making friends is hard for me (I’m not very open) but I’ve never made friends more easily than in law school. So it’s important, even despite all the work you’re doing, to take the time and do social events – at my school the law review had a happy hour every start of the semester, other clubs did fundraisers and stuff. With the time constraints it can be tough but it’s important to at least consider joining those things – not because it’ll look good on your resume (though it will) but also they’re good places to find like-minded people to build connections with.
Okay, the time constraints: yeah, law school is hard. It’s a lot of work. The adage goes something like, in 1L they scare you to death, 2L the work you to death, 3L they bore you to death. But I promise you, you will have time for a life: I read all of Les Mis and Lord of the Rings my 1L year. I participated in fandom. I spent too much time on tumblr. I went out to bars with friends (drinking culture is strong among the legal profession & addiction rates are high so be careful, but you can definitely still enjoy yourself if you do drink – and if you don’t people DO tend to accept that. Like, it’s law school – we’re adults, we know people can have problems with drinking, it’s fine). It’s important to live and build connections and friendships in spite of the course load – it makes the course load bearable. Law school is tough and you don’t want to do it alone.
1L is basic law stuff that’s foundational for everything else: Contracts (usually two semesters), Criminal, Torts, Constitutional, and Civil Procedure. 2L you have a little more freedom and can pick a few more electives; 3L you basically pick up what you want/think will help with your career path, and you can do a clinic. YOU SHOULD DO A CLINIC. Both for the experience (getting used to helping clients one on one but in a controlled environment and usually only one or two per semester) and to be able to ~give back. Law school is a privilege not everyone is afforded and I don’t believe every lawyer who doesn’t go into public interest is a dick it anything, but if you don’t at least try and give a little back while you can, then I am a little judgey. Also during 3L, you’ve got the joy of bar prep, where my advice is: START EARLY. Do as many practice questions as you can. Do as many practice essays as you can. The Bar Exam is terrifying and exhausting (I failed it the first time) but it’s doable. Even if you do fail the first time it’ll be okay -- you can take it again, you can still get a job after, people won’t care.
They tell you not to work in 1L year and I am going to say that’s accurate: i had a friend who did work part time and managed it, and I know financial constraints are an issue. But if you can get away with not working (student loans, etc) then do it. I know it’s stressful to incur that debt but you want to give yourself your best chance since you’re paying the money anyway and that is the best chance: give yourself the time to work and concentrate and learn. 2L and 3L year you can maybe give a part time job a try, though ideally you can find a paying internship and go from there.
A general note on studying: learn how to do it right. There’s people who get into law school because they’re hard workers and did All The Right Things in undergrad and they already know what works best for them when they need to study. And then there’s the people who are smart enough to have managed to BS their way through undergrad and still do well enough on LSATs and other tests because of innate ability. It’s a lot harder to BS your way through law school – not going to say impossible because some people are that smart but GENERALLY: you need to know to best retain information for your own use later, you need to learn to take notes, you need to learn how to read case law. They’ll usually do some sort of seminar first year to help you out on stuff like legal writing and research and how to ~brief a case~ (like, knowing the participants, the holding, the facts of the case, etc, etc). Those seminars feel like a joke and sometimes they can be but try and get the most out of them: everyone learns differently but usually you get some good pointers on how to do law school that are specific to the school and the classes you’re taking and that can help a lot. Other tips that I think are universally applicable: 
PRACTICE EXAMS. If the professor is giving you old exam questions to study from, do them. If the professor isn’t giving you old exam questions, ask for them. The more practice on the format you’re actually going to be presented with you can do, the better. It took me SO LONG to learn how valuable that was but the truth is there’s only so many ways you can be tested on certain topics, and there’s no better feeling than walking into an exam and being like ‘oh yeah! That’s just like that question I did a week ago while studying!’ 
READING. Do it. I know it’s a lot. At one point you’ll learn to skim and keep an eye out for the Important Stuff. And there’s always websites that’ll summarize the holdings for you. But remember: your professors know that too. They want you to do the reading for a reason and it’s not just so you can read the headnotes. Professors also love asking things about footnotes, especially on exams -- sometimes they’re just more citations to other cases but SOMETIMES they’re like interesting historical or policy notes that are actually important to better understanding of the law, so. DO THE READING. 
WRITING. If you were a liberal arts major, you’re at a disadvantage when it comes to law school writing -- it’s an entirely different skill. English majors are supposed to have opinions on things and bring their own take to a text: in law school, it’s not about you or your #HotTake. It’s about what’s in the law and what you can do with it based on 200+ years of precedent. But at least at first you’re stealing borrowing theories and analysis from other legal scholars or established attorneys -- no one wants to hear your opinion unless you can back it up with three sources. So, it’s hard to adjust but the quicker you learn to stop fighting it the better. There’ll be time to be creative later in your career: 1L year is not the time nor the place. 
OUTLINES are a classic Law School Thing: condensing a semester’s worth of doctrine into one or two pages is difficult and they sell ones for major topics like Contracts, but honestly the best ones are ones you make yourself. Some people like to do study groups -- I didn’t trust other people enough to make it worth it for me (I mean, I believe in being part of the social circles for emotional support but academically I’m still and always going to be loner) but if you do work well with groups, try that as well: you can divide up sections of the course to outline just like they do in Legally Blonde! It’s very cool stuff.
FLASHCARDS don’t work for everyone intuitively but so much bar prep material comes in that format that I think it makes sense to at least give them a try for basic doctrinal stuff. I used this app called Studyblue during bar prep, which I wish I’d discovered sooner: it’s all digital, you can cut and paste parts of your outline/notes, you can sort them by classes and topics, you can download them to your phone and practice on the subway or whatever, it creates multiple choice quizzes for you. AND what’s super cool (for me) is that if you put in your school name, you can see previous flashcards from other students who’ve used the app and sometimes you can use their cards too (and vice versa obviously).
GO OVER YOUR EXAMS. This was especially brutal for me because I hate acknowledging my mistakes (as we all do) BUT I swear to god this is one of the most useful tools for law school success. Once you take a test (quiz, exam, whatever) go over the professor’s comments on it -- even if it’s a final, email your professor and ask to come in and go over it with them. Figure out what you did wrong and why -- did you not understand the doctrine, did you run out of time, did you freak out because of the pressure, whatever. It makes it easier to prepare against those problems in the future. Also professors love it when you do this crap: like they write stuff on all exams and most students never bother to find out what they got wrong, so I think a lot of them feel it was a waste of time. SHOW THEM THEY’RE NOT WASTING THEIR TIME. 
Law school isn’t for everybody. I know this is a dumb thing to throw out at the very end of ALL THIS STUFF I wrote but -- it really isn’t. This is why I discourage people who aren’t at least 95% sure they want to go to law school from going: there were times in school where I was utterly miserable and sick of it and I wanted to be there, like really really wanted to. Being a lawyer can be a great thing but even if you finish law school, it might not be for you. But there’s no, like, point of no return: if you get through the year and you decide you don’t like it, you can leave. If you fail out the first year, it probably wasn’t meant to be. There is absolutely no shame in that. It can be a terrible, stressful, competitive atmosphere but you can learn a lot and meet great people and you come out of it with a post grad degree and an amazing set of skills. 
Like, I know this is a lot, but I had a really hard time in law school and I don’t want other people to have to go through that. I’m one of those people who mostly BS’d my way through undergrad on charm and certain innate abilities. I have an anxiety disorder -- I had to leave school for a couple of weeks because of severe panic attacks. I failed the bar the first time I took it, I didn’t make like amazing grades, I thought for the longest time that I wouldn’t be able to do anything as a lawyer if I couldn’t even take care of myself in law school without having a breakdown. But with the help of professors and friends and family and my own certainty that I wanted to do this and be there, I got through it. And honestly, I swear to god, If i can, anyone can. And if you have any questions once you start, let me know! I’ll try to keep it down to five points at most next time, lmao.
Oh also people suggested I read One L when I was starting out so I supposed I should pass that recommendation on to you, if for nothing else than to see how much has changed about being a law student (and how much hasn’t).
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rfassholes · 8 years
Um, if you feel comfortable and have the time, could you write one where how the RFA + Saeran and V react to MC coming out as ftm trans? I understand if it's outside of your comfort zone and it's totally fine if you don't want to do it. Thank you.
Just so you all know: I will most likely never turn down a LGBTQ+ request, because I am proudly a pansexual, and I’m maybe 96% sure that I’m not cisgender. Requests like this don’t make me uncomfortable whatsoever, and I’m happy to write things like it! These will also be in different situations like MC coming out after they’ve been dating and MC coming out to them before they transition outwardly. I’m also going to give warnings for one slur, a panic attack, and dysphoria. Stay safe, nerds.
Also! I promise that I’ll V and Saeran later, but they’re not in this post for the time being. Soon, though!
Yoosung: (Set at the party, no eye issues, though)
Okay, yeah, he would probably know someone in person that wasn’t cisgender in real life
If he left the dorm outside of classes
But internet friends were much easier to talk to for him so he probably knew someone that was trans
You were trying to convince yourself that it was all going to be fine while getting ready
Even if you couldn’t properly come out, he most likely wouldn’t question your choice of suit over dress to the party
While the chat room was under the impression that you were a girl, including Seven because you weren’t properly out yet, you were going to present yourself as who you are now, not who you were born as
You had just arrived when Jaehee and Zen greeted you, and they were slightly surprised that you were MC, but you were just using this as fuel
“Could either of you tell me where Yoosung is?” “Right here!” he said as he practically popped up in between the other two hosts, “Who might you be?”
Wiping your palms on your slacks before holding out a hand to shake, you spoke determinedly “I’m MC, Yoosung, hope this isn’t that surprising, me being a guy and all”
You flashed a quick smile, partially out of greeting and partially for how your name sounded rolling off your tongue
“O-oh? No, it’s not surprising. Wait, no! I didn’t mean that in a bad way, of course. I just, yeah, okay, I’ll stop talking” “It’s alright, I know what you mean. I wasn’t exactly open about everything in the chat room”
By this point, Zen had already been whisked off by a guest and Jaehee was attending to some problem that came up
Yoosung just nodded a bit trying to figure out what to say
“I’m really sorry that everyone kept referring to you as a girl and misgendering you. I promise I won’t in the future! Is he/him alright?”
You brightened up instantly and nodded while letting out a breath you weren’t aware of holding
“So is this,” you gestured to yourself, “Alright? I just don’t know since I’m not a girl and you’re probably not int-“ “I don’t care about that, MC. Well, I care about how you feel about yourself, but I don’t care how you dress or what name you use. Wait! O-obviously, it more than that, but you know what I mean. It doesn’t matter to me what gender you are, ‘cause I fell for MC, the person, not MC, the strictly-a-girl.”
This was far more than you could ask for and you kept saying thank to which he just replied with “It’s all okay. You don’t need to thank me for not being a jerk”
The two of you went around the party together with you introducing yourself as the coordinator and him as your boyfriend
When you went off to talk to others, he would tell everyone who you were if they asked
“Yoosung, who did you greet at the door?” “Jumin, that’s MC, my boyfriend” “MC is a-?” “Yep, and I’ll fight you if you say anything bad” “I was not going to, and I have my guards anyways. I was only confused, not being a douche” “Oh, okay! Could you maybe have some of your guards kick any guests that act homophobic or transphobic out?” “Most definitely. Yoosung, you should go by MC. They look quite bored”
Yoosung was already walking away before he gave a “Thanks, Jumin!”
The both of you continued walking around the party before you had to leave for the day with Yoosung making threats to anyone and everyone that gave the two of you odd looks
Later in your relationship, Yoosung started taking you to GSA meetings that his campus held if you wanted to go
Would also go to pride with you if you wanted
Introduced you to some of his online friends that were also trans
Forever introduced you as his boyfriend or later, his husband as long as you were okay with it
Zen: (Set already in a relationship and transitioned. Warning for a censored slur in the sixth bullet point)
When you had first came to his home when he got hurt, Zen had no clue that you weren’t a girl, but he didn’t care
He honestly thought it was Seven just playing a joke when you first came onto the messenger
Flash forward to the two of you now, sitting on the couch eating popcorn while yelling at the idiots in a horror movie he was in a while ago
“Okay, but that dialogue was written horribly, Zen” “You should’ve seen the set directions, that was worse” “How do you top ‘I really hope that Ouija board wasn’t real, because I dropped my knife’ while you were alone? Your character was just speaking in the third person! And then they got fucking mangled, and that was just poor foreshadowing” “Yeah, true”
The conversation went on until it switched over to gossip about the actors working on his current set
“Has anyone gotten fired yet?” “Yeah, there was this PA that called the costume designer a t****y, and she was out of there faster than light. Ugh, that disgusted me. Delgado, the designer, is a really good person, and he sure as hell didn’t deserve that”
You bristled slightly at that word, and it made you uncomfortable that it came from his mouth
“I know you were just quoting, but could you please not say that word?”
Zen looked slightly confused and went on to speak “Yes, of course. Is there a particular reason? Not, not that I need one; I’m just curious”
Leaning back into the couch, you thought a bit about what you were going to say
You hadn’t told him for fear of rejection, but he just spoke well of a colleague that he implied was trans, so it couldn’t be too bad
Sitting back up to properly look at him, you spoke with a note of uncertainty, “Yes, actually. I’m transgender, female to male. It’s why Seven thought I was a girl, since he only looked at my medical records. I haven’t legally changed anything yet, since I didn’t have the money to” “MC! I’m so so sorry for saying that word! I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable at all. I should’ve known not to in front of my own boyfriend”
Perking up a bit at ‘boyfriend’, you exclaimed, “Really? You’re completely fine with it?” “Yes, of course, I am. There’s no reason for me to not be. I work in the entertainment industry, and I’ve been acquainted with people of all sorts. It doesn’t bug me if your driver’s license has an F instead of an M as long as it doesn’t bug you”
You could have thanked him a whole bunch, you just rushed to hug him instead
When you pulled back after a minute or two, you looked at him questioningly
“Do you think the press will talk about it a lot if I out myself?” “They always talk, but I’ll make sure that it’s not negative” “Thank you, maybe I can say something next time you have an event I get to attend” “That sounds great, MC. You’re an amazing boyfriend that’s incredibly brave!” “Zen, I’m just existing” “Which can be really hard”
In the future, he started advocating for trans positive organizations and donating as much money as he could to any shelters
Would have you help him make sure everything was worded correctly and speak with him
“There’s no reason for me to speak over you, MC, but I sure as hell will speak with you”
Surprised you with the forms and money to change everything you could legally on your anniversary
Started saving up money for you to get any surgeries or start T if you wanted to
Jaehee: (set in a relationship where MC hasn’t come out yet, but has been passing as male)
She came home from work ranting about an incident that happened with an intern earlier that day
“I can’t believe how they could say something like that, MC!” “Who, where, and what. I wanna hear this now” “There was this new kid starting his internship today, and he walked into my office as if we were friends, and started talking bad about another coworker. It wasn’t just ‘Oh, she eats loudly’ or ‘She taps her desk a lot’. No, he called her, and I quote, ‘a pedophile just waiting to happen’ since she ‘looks like a transgender pig.’ How do you have the audacity to say things like that when you’re working for such a prestigious company?”
Jaehee was still going off while your head was buzzing with second-hand anger
You fumed without thinking if you were cutting her off “What the actual fuck? Did you report them? Please tell me you decked that dickhead. I want to personally file a complaint, and get them so screwed that they won’t be able to go home without wanting to cut out their tongue”
She stopped to listen to you, staying quiet because she hasn’t seen you this fired up about her work issues in a while
“MC? MC, is everything alright? If you’d like to know, I already told Mr. Han directly, and they’ve been fired and most likely expelled from the school they were attending. I was going to slap him, but someone from HR was walking by the door”
You stopped short, starting to go over what she said in your head
“What do you mean if I’m alright? You should be asking your coworker!” “You just seem like this is affecting you greatly” “Well, yes, its showing me that I can’t be respected in a workplace” “What do you mean? You can always be respe-oh”
“Wait, did I never tell you?” “If we’re thinking the same thing, no” “I could’ve sworn that I told you” “Well, I don’t care about it, so don’t worry about it” “Alright” “Alright”
Now you felt like an idiot
You were sure that you came out to her a while ago
She never really brought it up much after that
If you chose to bind, she’d always make sure you were doing it safely
Jaehee would send you articles about laws getting passed and about pride events that were near you
Would also send you lists of foods that lowered estrogen and increased testosterone
Definitely would not hesitate to slap the next person that made a remark
She may’ve would up sitting in a meeting with Jumin on how you can’t hit people and to tell him first to take care of it nonviolently
Jumin: (route spoilers, set when MC is staying with him along with the party and hasn’t come out to anyone yet or transitioned)
Jumin had left you a dress to wear to the party and you were still pacing around the room
You were trying to convince yourself that you only needed to play the role of MC The Woman for a little bit longer
It helped to think of it as you playing someone else than having worse dysphoria, but you just wanted to be seen as MC
Thinking back to when you first talked on the messenger, you winced at the memory of everyone insisting you were a girl even when you said you weren’t
It wasn’t necessarily Seven’s fault, you just weren’t out and couldn’t pass as male or change anything legally
Turning back to the dress, you got the courage to change into it, thinking that it was only a few hours
While you couldn’t wear a hat to tuck in your hair, you could still pin it up to make it look shorter, so you spent some time in front of a mirror and used a bunch of bobby pins to get all of your hair as close to what you had pictured
You were trying your best to still feel masculine even if you had to wear a sports bra instead of a proper binder if you chose to bind
Once you arrived at the party and found Jumin, you tried to hide your discomfort as best as possible until he called you his princess
While it was sweet and he just didn’t know, your throat still felt dry and you excused yourself to go to the restroom
You winced again when you walked past the sign for the women’s washroom and tried to stifle a panic attack that was rapidly getting worse after you locked the door behind you
A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door, not like one of someone that actually needed the restroom, so you opened it just expecting to see a cleaning staff member or something
Jumin was standing there trying to play off how worried he was
“MC, I came to check on you, since you’ve been here for nearly half an hour. Is everything alright? You look panicked when I was talking with you, and I assumed that I said something wrong” “To be honest, I’m not okay at the moment, and yes, it was something you said. Don’t worry, tho-“ “MC, I have to worry if you’re not okay, especially so if it’s my fault. Could you please explain what’s going on, so that I can help?” “You didn’t know anything about it’s alright” “It’s not alright. It was ignorance, so could you please tell me what it was so that I can fix it?”
You nodded but asked if you could go sit at a table instead of standing in the bathroom and he laughed just a bit before sitting you down and then sat himself across from you
“I haven’t been completely honest in the chat room about myself, since it seemed impossible to change any of your views of me. To be flat out about it, I’m not female, but I can’t change anything about it right now” “Could you elaborate?”
Jumin looked slightly confused but you could still see how sincerely he wanted to listen to you and help but you kept your head down when you spoke
“I’m trans, Jumin. Transgender. I haven’t been able to come out because of my family, so everything Seven reported was about the MC that’s not quite MC. I can’t really present myself as male yet, but anything that’s put together with femininity makes me feel dysphoric” Dysphoria, that’s the uneasiness that accompanies when you don’t identify with your assigned physical characteristics, yes?”
Jumin wasn’t a dumbass, he just didn’t have lots of real life experience with transgender people
He’s read lots of studies and put rules in place to protect employees, but he’s never had someone close to him trust him with their own experience with it
You looked up and nodded to say yes and were going to speak again when his eyes widened slightly
“MC, I give you my sincerest apologies for making you wear that dress. I had no idea, and I thought you would look good in it. My intentions were not to make you feel bad, and I can-“ “Jumin, it’s okay” “No, it’s not, MC. You’ll have to go around this party for the next seven hours feeling uncomfortable. We can go back to my home if you’d like so you can change” “Jumin, it’s-actually, yeah, that sounds good. Are you sure it’s alright, though?” “Of course, my prince”
That one word made all the difference and you looked at him ecstatically and he gave a small smile to your reactionWhile you were in the car, he started asking you about your transition
He didn’t know that it would’ve been rude to just ask someone, but you answered all of them so that he could understand as much as possible
“I haven’t been able to change my name yet” “How come?” “Haven’t had the money” “…MC” “Yes?” “Would you like to get it fixed?” “Well, yeah, but-“ “We can take care of it tomorrow” “Al-alright”
He tried to ask in a roundabout way if you had had any surgery but you understood what he meant and told him you didn’t
If you wanted to, he called his doctor then and there to recommend someone so that you could schedule it
“I don’t mean to be lewd, and please forgive me if this is out of line, but is that why you’re wearing a sports bra? I feel like that would be very uncomfortable”
His question made your face feel a little hot but you nodded instead of answering verbally
Once you had gotten to your room, you were trying to go through your things to find something that looked formal enough
Jumin walked by the doorway holding a garment bag while you were trying to organize everything
“MC? Is a suit alright? I’m sorry that it’s one of mine, but it didn’t seem like you had much”
Thank any deity right now
However, since it was one of Jumin’s suits, you know what that means?
Matching boyfriends
Once you had gotten back to the party, all eyes were on the two of you
Especially since the other RFA members hadn’t seen either of you at all since you had both stayed out of public spaces as best you could at the beginning
When you were walking around together, he was introducing you to everyone as his boyfriend
Oh, right, that press conference
He had honestly forgot when he was worrying about you, but he was still prepared to answer all the questions
After he had announced that the two of you were involved romantically, he stopped answering the rest of the questions about you and walked over
Jumin had continued to propose to you that evening and Seven tried to yell “Does Jumin Han is gay?”
All he got was a glare and an answer from Jumin of “Grow up. For your information, Jumin Han does MC.”
And with that, you were leaving red-faced
Once you had gotten into the car for the umpteenth time that day, Jumin burst out laughing
You were slightly surprised at the outburst but laughter was taking you too
“Okay, but you realize that that’s what’s going to be everywhere in the chatroom tonight, right?” “I don’t care” “Okay, but you also lied” “How so?” “Because we haven’t, y’know, done anything yet” “Key word: yet” “Okay, bu-wait, what?” “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that aloud” “So would you like to?” “I mean, only if you’re comfortable with it, my prince”
The sight of a red-faced Jumin was something to cherish
Scratch that, Jumin later that evening was something to cherish
Seven: (set where he still comes to the apartment but not under the circumstances of his route , MC that can pass but isn’t completely out)
You had taped over some of the cameras in the apartment when you noticed them the first few days you were there
Yes, it was for your safety, but it made you wildly uncomfortable
So when Seven asked about it in the messenger, you just said that and he said he’d just stay with you then if he couldn’t watch you
Not bothering to force yourself to be feminine, you had changed and picked up the apartment for when he was to get there
Hey, if someone was to be a dick about it out of the members, it wasn’t going to be Seven
You were kicking your clothes under your bed as Seven let himself in so you yelled out
“Wow, didn’t even knock,” you walked into the main room and saw a Seven staring at you, “Everything alright?” “Yeah, yes, your pictures just don’t do you justice”
Smirking in reply, you moved some stuff on a desk to the side when you noticed he had a few laptops with him
“Can I put my shit there?” “What else would I put there?” “Fair point, but I’m going to ditch work for a bit” “Can you do that?” “Why not?” “I wouldn’t want you to get killed by some company that assigned you something” “I just want to watch shitty movies with you right now if that’s alright” “Blanket fort?” “Blanket fort.”
Seven was wrapped up in a random throw blanket and talking trash about the effects or acting every other minute
You made him shut up when a male character was having a flashback and it showed them as a girl when they were younger
Even though the movie was trash, this one scene of representation had you nearly crying
“MC? Is everything alright? I didn’t see a cat or dog die?” “No, no, it’s just-did you even watch that bit?” “Well, um, I was paying more attention to you to be honest” “Dork” “True” “Anyways, it was showing that the character was transgender, and it just, it just really meant a lot to me” “Wait, really?” “Mhmm”
Seven looked almost as excited as you now and he asked you to replay it, and this time, you were watching him rather than the film
“Okay, I know the special effects look like they’re from 2006, but that’s one of the only characters I’ve ever seen that were loudly and proudly trans!”
He was now rambling about how amazing this was and you ending up zoning out his words and just looking at him
His words died down and he started to apologize
“No! Seven, it’s alright. You’re allowed to get excited. I was just thinking about something” “And that would beeee?” “Well, I’m just glad that you’re accepting” “Why wouldn’t I be? You’ve seen that I enjoy to cross-dress. It’d be shitty of me to be transphobic.” “Well that’s good” “Why would you say that?” “ ‘Cause I’m a guy, but you knew me as a girl” “Coolio, do you want popcorn, MC?”
Wait what
“Uh, yeah, thanks, Seven!” “Not what you were expecting?” “Not quite” “Well, I never cared about it, but-oh, fuck” “What’s wrong?” “MC, I am so sorry. I can’t believe that I-“ “Seven, explain” “I told you that you were a girl that first night you messaged us even though you said you weren’t, and I’m an idiot” “It’s alright, but can you get popcorn now?” “Yeah, I just feel really bad about it”
You were still sitting wrapped in your duvet while he was still talking to you from the kitchen thinking about how considerate and calm he was about it
He came back with the bowl and you spoke seemingly randomly, “Hey, Seven, do you wanna date?”
Error: Seven just dropped the bowl and now popcorn’s everywhere
“S-sorry! I’ll pick it up!” you grabbed the bowl and started getting as much of the mess cleaned up as you could, “That was idiotic to ask, Seven. I’m sorry, too. You can leave it made you uncomfortable”
Seven dropped down beside you to clean it up and that’s when you realized he was almost as red as his hair
“Don’t apologize. I was just taken aback. However, I quite would like to have you as my boyfriend” “Wait, really?” “Yeah, I bet you’d be a great boyfriend” “But?” “But my job has me kind of screwed. After I get out of it, could we maybe go out then? I just don’t want my boyfriend getting hurt, because he’s connected to me”
Now you were the one to be surprised and as red as a tomato
“Yeah, that’d be good, Seven. I’m willing to wait as long as you need” “Thank you, MC! Wait, can I still use that name?” “Yeah, it’s fine” “You’re sure?” “Mhm” “Alright, future boyfriend, MC”
You were both smiling dorks leaning on each other continuing to watch the movie and make remarks
When the credits rolled, he turned to you after grabbing his phone
“Hey, MC?” “Yeah?” “Can we take a picture?” “Sure”
Seven flipped the camera then put his arm around you to bring you closerWhile the flash was going off, he kissed your cheek and were startled slightly but just smiled more
You were, once again, bright red as he was grinning and setting it as his profile picture in the messenger
“Can I send it to the chat?” “Sure, you dork, but it’s your fault if Zen starts ranting” “That’s the best part, though” “True, make sure you send it, though, so that I can keep it” “Sure thing”
You both fell asleep sprawled in the blanket fort and woke up to several missed calls and a bunch of unread texts
In the future, Seven finally left his job and was able to actually date
He never failed to use your pronouns and always said my boyfriend whenever he could
Alrighty! If there’s anything inaccurate, make sure to tell me, and I’ll change it. I hope that you liked this, but I know that I probably made a few mistakes. Keep in mind that I’m going to write V’s and Saeran’s soon, too! Sometimes I just cant come up with seven different scenarios, but I’ll try my best to get the other two up when I can. Again, please tell me if there’s anything I should add or delete. (Including warnings!) I hope you all have the days you deserve; much love, nerds!
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realtalk-princeton · 4 years
Just depressed how I don't have a dream major/much interest in anything i study unlike others. My academic advisor told me I already seem too unhappy with my current major and recommended me to take this egr class that I might like. Yes I think math is interesting but I'm mediocre. Yes I think physics is cool but the last time I took it was in middle school lol. I'm bad at what I want to do and unhappy at what I currently major in. Imagine liking and being good at what u major in. can't relate.
Response from Marty:
Are we a film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito? Cause we must be twins. I think a lot of people at this school (definitely including myself) have had a similar problem, and it kind of sucks. However, all you can do is make the best of the situation. I personally have tried to separate the issues that you described here and address them individually in figuring out what to do.
One issue is that you feel intimidated by certain majors. Let’s talk about that. I happen to be quite familiar with both math and physics as majors here, so perhaps I can give you a bit of insight (if those are indeed the majors you most prefer). I should say up top that I’m pretty negative about both of those as majors, so I might be a little biased coming into this, but I’ll do my best to be objective. I genuinely believe that neither of these is inherently especially difficult, and anyone who is interested can be successful in either one. It’s true that there are many exceptional people in both math and physics, so you might be a little intimidated and the curve could be harsh. However, in math you can mostly avoid them by taking the applied versions of classes (plus the curves are usually generous enough anyway). In physics you may indeed have a problem, but you also don’t have to do anything especially creative to do well in physics. You need to understand complicated ideas and be solid at calculus, but I don’t think you’ll do poorly in classes in either subject if you actually are excited to spend time doing well. Physics independent work could be bad cause some advisors expect you to have your own ideas or whatever, but you will probably find something that you’re good at to do iw in so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. For math you can just do junior sems and try to finesse an easyish thesis. If you haven’t taken physics since middle school I refuse to believe that you’re bad at it because you don’t have enough information. Idk what math you’ve tried, but I think it’s a skill that can be worked at. Either way, there are paths to successfully majoring in either one if that’s what you want, but you’ll probably have to do some work. 
As I mentioned, I don’t really think either of those majors are so great, so you may end up dealing with the second of the issues you mentioned which is that you just can’t find a major that you want to do. That sucks. However, you can still make the best of it. I basically chose based on two broad criteria: how shit these four years will be and how much I’ll benefit from what I learn/having that major on my resume. The first should probably be the main deciding factor, and you should do whatever you’re most interested in. However, if there isn’t any such thing, try to think longer term. I personally have had a pretty crappy time at princeton, but all the stuff I did was good for learning skills that will probably make my life a decent amount easier when I look for a job (plus already made my life easier looking for an internship). Even if I had preferred another major, in a roundabout way I found stuff that I actually like to do from a major that I don’t like. Plus, things could always get better. Maybe you’ll end up liking your major if you give it a chance. 
I think in a broader sense, if you don’t really like anything you study, then you should try to find some other interests. Join a club or something. If academics aren’t your whole identity, you could actually be quite comfortable with a major you don’t like. Hopefully there’s some major that’s pretty easy for you and won’t require much work, so if you find something else to be excited about, doing schoolwork will just be a nuisance that you put up with on the side. That’s a valid way to live too. 
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realtalk-princeton · 4 years
Will it negatively affect my life and future if I literally do nothing this summer? Feeling extremely depressed and could use a break, but I feel like maybe if I stop, I won't be able to go anywhere. Internship was canceled, and I'm so tired, and I don't think I can find another one. Just exhausted from fighting and trying all the time, but I don't want to destroy my future... I never feel like I'm good enough, or that anything I do is enough. Sophomore. I can't bring in any more classes to Pton
Response from Marty:
This is an unprecedented situation, so it’s hard to say for sure, but I feel like you’ll be fine. I know people that have taken summers off for worse reasons and they still turned out getting decent jobs. Obviously applications look better with more relevant experience rather than less, but I don’t think it’ll be a huge issue for you (depending on the field). If people ask why you didn’t do anything, you already have a good answer, and anything you can arrange now probably wouldn’t be that impressive anyway. It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough when you’re surrounded by Princeton people, but that’s generally just wrong. Even in academia, where you’d expect hard work=> success, you see a lot of people that make a lot out of themselves despite not doing ‘that much’ while people that do everything to succeed fail. The point is that there are a lot of confounding factors for pretty much any field, and I can imagine that taking this time off will benefit you more than an extra line on your resume would have. In just about any field that I am decently familiar with, doing well at Princeton is enough to get interviews, and beyond that your past experience isn’t really relevant - it’s just about performing well. There are obviously some fields where networking is the whole game, and I can’t really tell you much about those, but you can always network to find a job later. If I were you I’d probably not worry about it too much until you feel better. If you get bored, you can spend some time doing remote research or something and spin that into something impressive for your resume. Also, there’s more to life than getting a slightly better job out of college. It’s not worth sacrificing your mental health for it.
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
My sister is very inconsiderate but not in a mean way. She is very, VERY smart, to the level where schoolwork is a joke to her and has so much free time to do her own research whatever. Whenever I'm struggling with a class, she says it's too easy that she doesn't understand why I'm struggling ("you don't even know that??"); when I'm struggling with applying to internships, she says it's so easy to get accepted (cus obvi she always gets accepted); she always talks about how companies keep
[cont.] contacting her, etc. I get really annoyed whenever she says these stuff but I’m not sure if my feelings are valid, because she is saying all this without any mean intentions and probs don’t know this is bugging me. To her, everything is easy and she just can’t understand people who struggle because she herself never went thru the struggle. If she were my friend, I can get distant, but as a family member, I really don’t know how to deal with this. I feel like I'm so much inferior than her
Response from Clipper:
I think your feelings are valid but more than that I think you should just tell her this. What she does after you tell that her actions hurt you is up to her. But nothing changes without a catalyst, and we should give people chances to improve. That involves having difficult conversations but think of the upsides: if she stops, your relationship will get better. If she doesn’t, she’s knowingly doing things that hurt you and in my book you’d be justified in responding negatively tto hose comments as they happen in the future.
(Also this is a reminder that you’re at Princeton so like... obviously you’re smart too. Everyone has different types of intelligence that manifest in different ways, and most Princeton students are well rounded with varying strengths and weaknesses.)
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