#don't question how the hair tail works it's magic <3
lofthousezzz · 2 years
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Yeah I'll post these too
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ranticore · 1 month
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selected pages from Shapeshifter Problems, a small exploration of old old concept art & thoughts on shapeshifter tropes (specifically the question of the 'true form') i posted to patreon earlier this year. there's a bunch more haha. here's some OLD art and bg process for writing said the black horse. I don't like my old art but looking back at it I'm really happy how I've developed since, I used to make everything too sharp, straight-sided, or skinny. I had to make a conscious effort to change that and now it's so much better.
image transcriptions under the cut (just the text sorry)
Image 1: "These are more of those older designs - the horns were a deliberate play into devil imagery on Puck's part while giving Félix this form (all to cause more torment of course) but again I couldn't vibe with it. Such clear statements of intent didn't work for me.
The scars remain canon but not quite so stark, more a difference in texture (again, moving away from visual details). His forehead scar is ALWAYS there."
Image 2: "Félix. These are really old - from 2019-2020. They're the first attempts at Félix's horse form. At the time I was leaning into some goat-like attributes. I liked the idea of something that looked like an emaciated amalgam of many familiar creatures but if you look closer, it actually doesn't look like any animal at all. The original body shape and proportions were inspired by moose. I didn't know how to draw convincing horse shapes which is why he had these hands and claws for so long. I still draw the little flower wheel pattern on his sides sometimes... a secret just for me. His belly fur, squared off ear shape, and beard are still defining characteristics"
Image 3: "More old art from 2020. Bottom left is my first ever painting on my iPad using Procreate. I still prefer SAI for creature drawings, or at least the original sketches underpinning a lot of my art. Below on the bottom was my attempt at a scarier form for the character but I ultimately decided that it ran contrary to the atmosphere I was trying to create. Top left is my first 'real' horse painting and it includes the tail shape which has not ever changed, and feathers, which I nixed because I wanted to learn how to draw the feet and legs properly and not rely on covering them up with flowing hair (my favourite thing to draw)"
Image 4: "Like the black horse designs, these humanoid designs for Félix (circa 2019 - OLD art!) started very complex and simplified over time. I decided to avoid visual complexity, but made the mistake of solidifying specific 'rules' for how the Púca servants' bodies work, and I deeply regret this. Because I wrote Said the Black Horse in 2021, I was still operating under the old mindset and that caused it to become somewhat established canon.
In his original iteration his tattoos represented magical contracts between him and various faeries, so they were supposed to be always visible as a reminder of that contract.
<- a really early furry version, I was playing with the eye on the neck as a design feature. Ultimately I feel that although it looks cool, the medium he exists in is proser. So I needed to move away from visually complex designs and towards designs which were interesting to different senses instead."
Image 5: "As time went on the design simplified. I enjoyed making fun textures using procreate brushes. These designs lack his forehead scar but do include his impalement scar. If you've seen my Hanged Man card you'll know how he got that one. But when I made the charts like this about how his body 'worked' in 2020, again I ran into the same issue I always do when writing about faeries... the more I explain it, the most 'logic' and 'science' goes into it, the less it feels like a faery story to me. Overexplaining is anathema to the faeries of Inver. so even though I like these design notes they just don't fit in this setting."
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Can I request Platonic HuoHuo x Big sister figure!Reader. Reader works in the ten-lords commissions specifically in fyxestroll garden where She handles paranormal stuff and HuoHuo was a trainee judge so reader had the sense to protect her because she’s weak and helpless cuz she feels bad. Eventually huohuo looks up to them like an Older sister. Bonus: Tail poking fun at reader and essential annoys her everday
(PS: I want to protect HuoHuo at all cost. She’s so precious to me ><)
Sjfjsldjhjdixnjeidj I love HuoHuo so much she's my favorite little silly person :3
Protect her at all costs! - Platonic HuoHuo x Big sister!Reader
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Being assigned a trainee judge was not something you were expecting, and definitely something you didn't want. Work was already hard enough as is, and you didn't need some young person getting in your way.
Madam Hanya told you that this judge was "different" than most others, and that she was quite young. You smiled and nodded at her as she spoke, though deep down, the thought of being stuck with someone sounded awful. When you finally met the girl, she definitely was not what you were expecting. You were expecting the small and timid sure, but that didn't cover it. She just seemed absolutely terrified of everything around her. She was especially afraid of that "tail" thing Madam Hanya explained to you, seriously that heliobus was a menace.
At first HuoHuo just tailed around you, helping with exorcisms and defeating the occasional heliobus. She was loud and whiny at times, but generally she was quiet and seemed to listen to you. The silence was nice when she started hanging out with you, though it slowly became unbearable. She seemed like she always wanted to say something, but never had the courage to say it.
So, you started asking her things like: "how did you sleep last night?" Or "what's your favorite food?". Usually she answered your questions with no problems, and would ask you some in return. She was actually a pretty nice girl, but there was one problem; that stupid tail thing that was stuck with her. It was constantly making fun of her, which was honestly starting to get annoying. You tried to tell him off at one point, but he just started throwing insults at you too. (And now he never stops...)
After a while, HuoHuo no longer tailed you around, instead working on her own things around fyxestroll garden. At first you told yourself that you were happy she was gone, you didn't have to entertain her and that stupid tail anymore. Yet, you would often turn around to ask her another question, only to realize she wasn't there.
It seemed like she felt the same way just weeks later, because she came to you, balling her eyes out.
"[Nameeeee]! Help me! There's a scary heliobus following me and I can't defeat it!" You jumped at the sound of her, and you didn't expect for her to come running right up to you, and wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug.
"HuoHuo- what are you doing here? Is tail not gonna help you- actually forget that, you don't need that stupid thing to help you." Surprisingly, he didn't spring out and hurl insults back at you, which was a nice surprise for once. You sighed and smiled down at her, as you slowly combed your fingers through her hair.
"if you lead me to the heliobus, I'll help you exorcise it. Just this once though, you need to learn to do it on your own. You can't always be with me, alright?" She looked up at you with tear filled eyes, and gave you a small nod.
"I promise I'll become stronger for you [name]. For you and Mr.Tail!"
Turns out the heliobus actually was a pretty insignificant one, and you gave her a small lecture about not letting the heliobus get into her head. That seemed to put her in the right mindset, because she never seemed as terrified as she did from that day on. (She was still pretty scared though- she can't just magically eradicate her fears.)
She also seemed more open around you. You taught her a lot of things, from how to exorcise more efficiently, to how to sew her own clothes back up when they got ripped. Despite your initial desire for her to go away, she was basically attached to your hip at this point, and you did enjoy her company. The only downside to her constantly being with you was that stupid tail that she had to keep around.
HuoHuo tries to keep it tame between the two of you, but tail is constantly provoking you or making fun of someone, which you cannot stand to listen to.
"HuoHuo, have you eaten breakfast yet today? If not, we can head to Aurum Alley and grab something." You had gotten the early patrol shift this morning, so you didn't have time to eat before the shift.
"Yes Miss [Name], I remembered your reminder from last night. I ate a great breakfast this morning!" She smiled up at you and you gave her a big smile right back- though you quickly lost that smile as tails stupid face showed up.
"Even the girl is more organized than you [Name]"
"Mr.Tail... that wasn't very nice-" HuoHuo knew what he was trying to do, and she didn't want another argument to start.
"so what? You know what, at least I get to choose whether or not I'm gonna eat before my shift. You on the other hand, have to do everything HuoHuo does."
"Miss [Name], please don't start another argument with-"
"I can do whatever I want!" Tail yelled over poor HuoHuo, you felt bad when the two of you talked over her, but sometimes it was necessary to shut Tail up.
"oh really? How come you haven't eaten me yet then? You've been threatening it for quite some time."
"Miss [Name], tail won't eat you, he's a vegetarian."
Both of you stopped arguing to look over at her, and you burst out laughing. Though, you quickly tried to contain it once you saw the embarrassed look on HuoHuo's face.
"I'm aware HuoHuo, I was just fighting with him because I needed someone to yell at. If you've already eaten, then do you wanna hang out with me while I go get food?" HuoHuo's face brightened up once you changed the topic, and she nodded.
"I would love to go with you Miss [Name]!" Despite her timid tone, you could tell she was happy to go with you. You ruffled her hair a little and smiled
"Well, let's head out then!"
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Uhhh sorry I took a small break guys 😔
My last week has been really eventful and honestly I haven't had time to write (FURINA AND ROBIN REQUESTS ARE COMING YOUR WAY SOON). But I'm realizing now that I should've just kept writing bc it literally helps me wind down, I'm just about to go to bed and I think finishing this was the best thing I could've done.
I hope y'all enjoyed this one tho!! I honestly don't write sibling dynamics often but this was a good change of pace.
If you like my work consider rebloging and liking! It really helps more people see my work :)
Daily click to help those in Palestine
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artemismoorea03 · 2 months
Monkies Deserve Better References pt 1
This is a bit of a long one so to save people who follow me for my other series I'm going to put it behind a 'read more' line. Both for that reason and because I couldn't be bothered drawing clothes so the references are naked (not like anything graphic though, they're basically shaped like barbies, don't worry)!
The reference I used I found on pinterest but was made by Toresoza on Twitter for those who want a better high quality version with all the hand shapes will have to find it on Twitter, but for now have this low quality Pinterest one to start out.
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Now! Onto the proper references! Keep in mind this is how the characters look from anything before Macaque's Not Alright! There might be some missing scars that the characters should have in canon that they don't have here (namely MK because it was 4 am and I forgot) so they might change slightly but for now here we go!
Let's start with Wukong! First with his glamours up and then with them down! (Peach included because I couldn't get the little shit's hand to work with me so I fed him).
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The scar on his brow and cheek would very likely be canon as well as the one on his upper left arm and right elbow which would have all happened during the fight with Nezha.
Included on his face are also the headband scars, burns around his eyes which are red after the Demon Hospital fiasco. Also from the demon hospital fiasco are most of the dark patches on his body (realizing now I missed another burn spot on his inner right forearm that's older than the rest but that's fine). When he was tossed in the forget his fur was magically burned whever it was touching the table which is why he has lines on his tail, wrists and ankles (noticed another mistake on his tail but AGAIN IT WAS LATE LET ME LIVE /lh /j). I'll fix it later but I'm too tired to bother now.
The injuries on his chest and stomach are a mix of the Demon Hospital stuff and MK's Not Alright injuries while the white on his back, shoulders, sides and hips are all from LBD :3
Other details about MDB/MAA Wukong as well as all of the monkeys is that his fur and hair are slightly different shades that are barley noticeable (I'm even questioning if I did it for him but I'm going to hope I did x'D). Wukong is also covered in freckles which he doesn't bother glamouring due to how much energy it would take.
Wukong also shares a bit of a 'dad bod' with Canon Wukong (I'm still learning how to draw weight, so ignore that he looks pregnant he's just supposed to be a little squishy). He is also the tallest of the three monkeys I have done, standing at a super tall /s 5'6" (167 cm/66 in (according to Google)).
Next is Macaque who until I actually did this I thought had the most scars. Nope. His scars are the biggest but he probably has the least amount of scars x'D
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Macaque's canon injuries on his chest and eye are visible when he's not glamoured but not nearly as obvious as his newer scars.
On his back is a whip scar that he got from Havoc and Confusion - the timeline on this is messed up and will be edited sooner or later -but it happened when he was quite young and doesn't bother him nearly as much as some of the other scars.
The scar on his right thigh, palms of his hand, horizontally across his chest and through his stomach all came from the Seven-Star Sword.
The three scars across his chest are from Wukong's Not Alright when he was cut down by the giant cat monster. This is also when the edges of his fur started to grow in white when they grew back (he should have a couple of other white patches on his body from smaller injuries but they don't have set spots other than *maybe* in his inner elbows, but again, it's not set).
Then, the final and newest scars are on his hips which he gained during the most recent run in with Confusion.
The white on his fur and in his hair is his 'natural' color from before he was killed the first time (not when Wukong killed him) while the blue is from LBD. The blue will likely never turn fully white but might lighten over time to be a more gray color than blue, but that will take a long time and unless Macis willing to shave himself completely most of his fur will always remain black
Other details about Macaque are his six ears in his unglamoured form which are red, blue and teal based on the colors from the 2009 Monkey King series which also inspired a lot of Macaque's background and life story.
Macaque is the smallest of the three monkeys and stands at 5'3" (160 cm /63.6 In).
Finally, there's MK and oh boy. I didn't realize how much of a break this kid needed after all of this but considering how his scars look I'm about to send him on vacation. A paid vacation with therapy included because holy shit.
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After I finished making MK I realized I forgot to look for any canon scars that he would have, but considering most of them would be covered by fur I'm also not in a rush to go through and look through them.
His oldest scar is on his forehead mostly hidden by his hair which is the scar mentioned in the third chapter in the series. From there the scars get bigger and more dramatic the longer it goes on, so let's go through the list.
The scars on his right shoulder is from the snakes that infest the Earth Turtle! Also from his adventure on the Earth Turtle are his top surgery scars which he doesn't glamour (he spends too much time/energy glamouring everything else and he's proud of them, so why bother).
He has a matching wound to Macaque on his lower left stomach (which might be in the wrong spot but again i'm tired) came from Monkies Aren't Alright when Chang Liu stabs him with an immortal killing weapon to have access to what 'makes him tick'.
Then in MK's Not Alright he got attacked by another non-venomous snake that bit his left shin and left deep scarring there as well but oddly enough that was the only scar he gained from that one.
In Wukong's Not Alright he gained two scars, the one through his right shin and the wound to his left shoulder blade.
The rest of the scars - the one on his face, most of the ones on his cheek, chest, back, legs, and tail all came from Macaque's not alright with some other minor scars that I forgot about x'D. They are a mixture of whip wounds, slash wounds and burns all came from Havoc, Ginger and Confusion trying to control him.
Other details include slight discoloration on his fingers from the same torture he went through to get the majority of his scars. Part of his bangs are discolored to be white and he's covered in countless white freckles giving him a very 'starry' appearance to him. (which in a way makes his fur look like space with the scars being shooting stars and planets).
MK is the 'middle' monkey and stands at 5'5" (165cm/65in , only an inch shorter than Wukong.
That's all that I have done right now but I'm hoping to make Loi, Red, Mei, and Nezha at some point as well as Tu, Yuanhou, Mihou, Changpu, Pengu and a super secret fifth option too ;3
That being said, if there are any characters you want me to try to make a reference for, just let me know. These were just some of the ones most requested by my discord and friends so I thought I'd do them first. Once I have the others done though, I'll post them.
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fic--writer · 2 months
Instinctive Charm
If Instinctive Charm were a spell, and Rolan had asked Tav to teach him the art. But the only way to achieve focus remains primal passion.
Chapter 3: Whatever my teacher desires. (final chapter) ⚠️ NSFW, SMUT
— It was really crazy, but I feel better now. Thanks, Tav. But I still haven't figured out how to use it to concentrate. - The truth serum stopped working, and Rolan was no longer anxious when he spoke.
— It will definitely help you, but not right away. Give yourself time to get back on track, to recover from the shock. Learn to live with it. For now we'll try another method of concentration.
He looked at her blankly, got up from the improvised bed and began to study the scrolls on the table.
Tav decided it was time to move on to the next part. The pleasant part. She noticed his nervousness and informed him:
— No, we won't be poking around in your brain any more. At least not today. Just relax.
She stood up and walked towards him, fighting her own indecision, but knowing that it would be foolish to back out now. Especially since she wanted to complete the ritual and check how hot the tiefling's skin could be:
— I would like to ask you a question. A rather personal question. - Tav said quietly - Tell me... are you a virgin?
— What? I'm, uh... - The Master of Ramazite tower choked up for the second time that day. - You really didn't think so, did you? No, I haven't for a long time... But no, I'm not a virgin. - Tav's question stunned him. And foolishly, he began to leaf through the scrolls on the table, pretending to study the magic formulas.
— There are physical methods. Well, to wake you up and get you going, and also to appeal to your instincts. - She pointed to his groin with an indeterminate hand movement. - Now, let's get on with it. Is there any chance that I might be your type? I know the truth serum has worn off, but… Remember, you have to answer honestly, whatever the answer is, it won't upset me.
— I... you know, it's really personal,' Rolan blushed and slapped the air with his tail, but then he pulled himself together and blurted it out: - Of course you're my... type. How could anyone not like you? Look at you, the saviour of Baldur's Gate. But... Why do you even ask that? - He tried to pick up the pile of papers he had unfolded earlier, but only managed to drop a few sheets on the floor.
— I'm asking because it's part of our class, remember why we're here? - Tav continued, flicking a strand of hair back in her face, trying to hide her embarrassment - Because exercise can really help you. If you haven't had a vivid experience for a while, it's OK. Bad memories are in the past, life has settled down and taken its grey course, and the new bright moments are not yet upon you. We'll fix that. There are... There are activities other than tantrums and pillow fights that give you a burst of energy. And they also appeal to basic instinct. These 'practices' help the wizard to create and channel the energy for the spell.
Rolan felt his mind begin to draw all sorts of not-so-decent pictures. But he nodded understandingly and finally left the papers alone. After all, Tav had really helped him, and more than once.
— Good. - She playfully spread her legs to give him a better view of her thighs peeking out from under her skirt. - I ask because if you've been through this before, you know exactly how much energy it has.
— The procreative instinct? You mean the thought of offspring? But... - he replied, lowering his head and feeling the colour engulf him completely. He was still waiting for some hidden catch. The thought of Tav offering him something like that so easily couldn't take root in his mind. Still, who knew these sorceresses from the Charm school.
— Does every mating end in a pregnancy? No, when you're passionate about someone, when you want someone, strive to possess them, you don't think about offspring at that moment. You're just thinking about - desire. The desire for intimacy is nothing but the desire of flesh for flesh.
She was so close to him that he swallowed, feeling her warmth again. The Archmage could smell her scent, the one he had missed in his excitement. The scent of rich, warm caramel and violets. Each of her words was like an incantation, filled with intense attraction. Each part of the sorceress' speech was more enticing than the last. She began to whisper to him:
— And if you're not a virgin, you know exactly how it feels. You know how your heart starts racing when you smell the scent of the one you desire. You know how your breath hitches just thinking about it. How your hands start to shake and your tongue starts to slip when you're afraid of scaring her off and making a fool of yourself. The way your knees tremble, the way your forehead sweats. You know - she whispered provocatively into his pointed ear.
— Tav, I... - he stammered, unable to find the words to express his thoughts. No sooner had he risen from the ashes, from these ruins of his life, than life took a completely different turn.
She ran her tongue invitingly over his lobe and continued:
— You know how your blood rushes and you blush, you know how your throat dries up when you realise that the lustful intentions are mutual. You feel your pulse racing.
— Tav, if you don't stop now, I'll... - The tension between his desire and his mind was at its peak. It controlled him like a puppeteer controlling his marionette. Rolan clawed and clawed at the table. Of course he wanted her, but he still doubted the reality and rightness of what was happening.
Tav didn't think to stop. She ran her lips along his neck and placed her hands on his chest:
— You know the way your flesh heats up and your hands reach for your partner. You know the burning sensation that hides in the pit of your stomach. You know the sensual sounds you'll elicit from each other. You know the hurricane that will break out between you. You long to taste it on your tongue. You long to touch and penetrate every cell. - She nibbled at the skin of his red, freckled neck with her moist lips, making him moan.
— Zurgan! I won't be able to stop if you keep do this - he said with a heaviness in every word. He still hesitated. Could he take what he wanted so easily now? But there was not an ounce of falsehood in Tav's mouth. Her words sounded selfless. She wanted him?
— You know exactly how it is, Rolan. I think I made it clear. Leave all your secrets in my body. - She let out a moan of anticipation and unbuttoned his shirt, running her hand down a torso too pumped for a wizard. Every infernal ridge sent a ripple through her hand as she moved.
The next moment, Rolan pulled his hands from the table with force and moved them to her cheeks, pulling her to him for a passionate kiss. And finally closed her babbling, lewd mouth. His chaos erupted as the tension cracked.
— I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. - He growled, no longer hiding his intentions. His tail wrapped around her legs with such force that she had to work harder to get free.
Tav started to answer, but Rolan cut her off by placing his hand on her chin and covering her mouth with his thumb, which she immediately licked.
— I tried to warn you. Now hush you! - the archmage said, enjoying the jam of her lips. Their searching tongues collided again and again. His hands slid boldly down her back, claws carving shallow scratches.
The room filled with moans, the sound of their breathing and the rustling of pages scattered across the floor. On which they now stomped, almost losing their balance, searching for a foothold.
Rolan lifted Tav in his arms and laid her carelessly, barbarically, on the cushions. The Tiefling piled on top of her, pressing her hard and unrestrained against him. Pulling off the top of her dress, he clung to Tav's chest, like for ice cream on a hot summer day.
In that dense oasis of intimacy, his hand slid down to her throbbing clit. Which he could feel even through her underwear. He moved frequently, his hot fingertips sending shivers down her insides. The tension building up inside him was both tantalising and terrifying.
She wriggled and whimpered beneath him, and the Archmage couldn't stand it any longer. After all, it was her own fault for turning him on like that. Now that she was a whimpering piece of plasticine in his hands, he pulled his trousers down and then ripped Tav's panties off. Her little black lecherous panties. If they consisted of more than a couple of strips of thin fabric, they would have a chance of staying intact.. Rolan looked at her questioningly and she nodded in agreement with a wicked smile.
— Don't be greedy. - Tav said almost pleadingly.
The Archmage pulled aside the ribbons of her skirt and saw the mischievous sheen of her wetness. It beckoned and fascinated him, and the Typhling went straight for her entrance. Her heat rushed to his cock and he entered. All the foolishness of the world and his mind faded away in this gruelling desire.
We are entwined. We are your core desire, your flesh. Souls and bodies collide with terrible heat. Forget the shame in common nature. Leave me to my sins.
Oh, nature's gift to the Tiefling. The velvety skin of his thick cock was adorned with infernal ridges. It moved rigidly to and fro in a wild animal rhythm, and there was no other way. Rolan held her hips with his tail, pressing her hungrily against him. Tav shivered and wriggled beneath him, savouring the heat of his body now in all her innermost places.
Tav literally felt every spark that Rolan shot out of her body. Every now and then a moan escaped her lips. She was on edge, but she couldn't let them climax for the sake of concentration. To get the tiefling's attention, she grabbed his hair, pulled him towards her and bit his lower lip, pulling away before letting go.
— Rolan now. Right now. - She murmured.
— What, you already? - he squeezed out the words, uncomprehending, mixed with deep, hoarse sounds from the bottom of his throat.
— No, I haven't! For now, focus and concentrate all your attention. Gather all the energy of that instinct and cast the spell. Direct it at me, there is no one else. - she found it hard to think and speak in this position, but what one would do for the sake of learning and science.
Rolan realised what she wanted from him, but it was not easy to interrupt such an intimate and exciting process. It was a challenge to remember the theory, the verbal and somatic components of the spell. With an effort of will, he gradually slowed his rhythm, regained his focus and control of the situation.
— Try it now, come on. Concentrate on the sensations. - Tav insisted.
The tower master breathed in the scent of her hair and closed his eyes. He concentrated on the sensation that filled his entire being. He made the necessary gestures, his fingers swirling in the air like snowflakes. Rolan tried to cast the spell again, focusing all his passion on the target. This time the magical energy flowed through him and he felt the spell begin to form.
His magic affects those around her, mesmerising them, bending their will and changing their beliefs.
A glowing aura appeared around Rolan and he directed the flow towards Tav. She, the target of the spell, began to move like a doll under the influence of an unseen force. At his command, she picked up the pillow and threw it aside.
— It worked! - Tav rejoiced as only a teacher can for his pupil. - You did it!
— I really did it! - the inspired Rolan laughed, baring his frequent fangs.
But the next moment, when he remembered the position they were in and how they'd got there, he was embarrassed, his yellow eyes rounded:
— We? I'm sorry if... - He started to get off her in a hurry.
— I have nothing to forgive you for. It's all right. I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to. - She stopped him by grabbing his arm. Tav threw her head back and looked up from underneath him, playfully nudging him with her hips - You know, we don't have to stop.
The Tiefling replied with a cheeky smile and a sizzling look:
— Faz'iam quodzum volu'rit dilectus me magizta. - He spoke in infernal and Tav had a moment of doubt about her proposal.
Seeing her confusion, Rolan hurried to translate:
— Whatever my teacher desires.
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Title: Friend? Or Foe?
Part 3 of my “The Lion's Den” series! Part 1 and 2 here!
Parings: None
Days passed, and Leona continued this weird behavior. One day Leona was in Mirai’s space, and one day he wasn’t. One day they were bickering, fighting like they hated each other, and the next Mirai was crushing hard as Leona helped him study for his Potionology test. It was weird. And he did visit often, even sometimes when Grim and Mirai weren’t there. And he could always tell he had been there. Mirai could tell from the way the cushions were rumpled, or by the way the throw was placed. Things were always a little out of place but never missing, and never messy.
cw: Arguments, light angst, bloody noses mentioned , fist fights (aftermath described), biting (references to my previous work in this series), smoking
a/n: Please Read: I don't wanna say this was graphic, but it all depends on your comfort levels as readers, so the warning is there. They do fight, but I wanna put it out there that Mirai is okay, he can hold his own.
a/n: This is not a "Bullies to lovers". Just putting that out there. I wanna show Mirai's and Leona's process of trust and eventual love.
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  (─‿‿─)♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
Life went back to normal after Mirai’s stay at the Savanaclaw Dorm. Ramshackle was still standing, Grim was Grim, and on Monday, classes started anew. And of course he got dozens and dozens of confused, and also concerned looks from student and staff alike, but what could he do, he looked terrible. And of course Ace, Deuce wanted to know who’d lay a hand on their best friend, and of course Professor Crewel wanted to light the whole campus on fire in overprotective rage, but Mirai didn’t care, he had more important things to worry about. Like his relationship with the man who gave him the black eye, Leona Kingscholar. Mirai was still crushing on Mr.Tall, dark, and handsome, but he couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Like, he was pretty certain the lion hated him, but if that was the case, why was he being so-
“Oi herbivore,” Leona called, “let’s ditch.”
Mirai didn’t know how or why he ended up following Leona to the Botanical Gardens, when they should have been in the lecture hall, but here he was, sitting in the grass as Leona got comfortable under a tree. Mirai watched him for a bit, wondering what his aim was, because if there was anything Mirai learned since being dropped here was that not one of the boys, except Kalim maybe, did anything without some type of ulterior motive. Nothing really was out of the kindness of their hearts. Take Azul for example, not one of his good deeds, his contracts, were out of the kindness of his heart, each and everyone of them for his own gain. Or Ruggie, he never does anyone a favor unless he gets something two times more in value in return, namely money. Even Leona was infamous for doing it, even if what he wanted in return was peace and quiet.
“Trouble tuning the lights on up there?”
Mirai jumped from his musing, eyes locking onto Leona who had presumably been staring at him the entire time. Mirai pouted petulantly, with a roll of his eyes and busied himself with doing some homework that was due next period. Leona chuckled at his pouting, a smug look crawling it way onto his roguish face as he relaxed into the plush grass once more.
Some time had passed and Mirai was still stuck on one of his history homework questions. It was on the Fundamentals of Magic, and their Founding Fathers. The question was simple enough, but when you knew nothing of the world you were spat into, the simplest of things became a challenge. 
“Since you’re not gonna let me nap in peace,” Leona gruffed, “tell me what’s got your tail twisted in a knot.”
“I-I, uh, sorry,” Mirai muttered, taking a hand from his hair, a habit of his when he was frustrated. And now that he thought about it, he must have been sighing as well. 
Leona snapped his fingers to get the Prefect's attention, “Show me.”
Mirai reluctantly made his way to Leona’s spot in the grass before sitting beside his head. Leona took the worksheet from Mirai with his free hand and read it over. 
“This stuff is elementary,” Leona scoffed, “I knew you were kinda airheaded, but not this bad.”
“And who knew the Great Leona Kingscholar could be a dunce,” Mirai quipped back.
“What was that?” Leona sneered.
“How ‘bout turning those lights for a second and think about what you just said,” Mirai smirked, throwing Leona’s words back at him.
Leona actually seemed to stop and think it over, and it seemed he caught on for he sighed with a grumble. “Give it here.”
“Gladly,” Mirai smiled.
Leona ended up spending the rest of the period helping Mirai, he even went as far as to teach him an old elementary school rhyme on how to remember the important names and information. And this is exactly what Mirai was talking about. Leona Kingscholor, the third year notorious for not doing anything unless he got something in return. The man notorious for hating tedious and irksome tasks, the Beastman notorious for not sticking his neck out for anyone unless it pertained to him, was helping Mirai Yuhara, Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, the seventeen year old without a mark to his name, or an asset, with his History homework. 
“You got it? Or do ya need me to run over it one more time?” Leona asked.
“U-Uh, I, uh, one, one more time,” Mirai stammered, “And uh, could you help me note the, uh, the important parts?”
Leona snapped his fingers for the notebook and a pencil, and Mirai scurried to pass them over. Leona sat up a bit as he went over it all once more, writing as he spoke. Mirai tried to take all the information in, he really did, but then again, maybe he was taking in a bit too much information. Like the way Leona’s ears twitched when he spoke, or the rasp in his voice, or the way the light from the Botanical Gardens glinted off chocolate waves, and beautiful earthy skin. Or maybe it was the way Leona’s tail swished lazily in the plush grass, or maybe it was the greens of his eyes that looked like deep pools emerald, eyes that held the warmth of a summer’s day, eyes that were now currently boring holes into Mirai’s soul-wait! What?!
Mirai jumped, mind reeling as he realized what he had been doing for the past-whatever minutes, instead of paying attention to what Leona was teaching. 
“Mind telling me what’s so interesting about me instead of what I took the time out of my nap to teach you?” Leona gruffed.
“W-Wait, I was paying attention, I swear! I-I-I, ugh,” Mirai groaned, sighing as he ran his hand through his hair, “It’s as you said before, I’m an airhead. Always have been, I honestly think it’s something deeper, but never got tested ya’know? My mother used to tell me that I had trouble listening and following directions as a toddler, and I think the accident made it worse, scrambled the brain and whatnot, an-” 
Mirai realized he was rambling, and oversharing, again, and promptly shut his mouth, annoyance overpowering his embarrassment. “Forget all of that. It’s as you said, I’m an airhead. So if you please, one more time?”
Leana didn’t say anything as he stared over again, and Mirai was grateful. He really didn’t want to explain himself, but he couldn’t help but wonder why Leona didn’t say anything. Was he just as embarrassed as Mirai was, annoyed, or did he just not know what to say? Mirai willed the thought away. He’d ponder later, but right now, he wanted to actually pay attention, he didn’t want to waste anymore of Leona’s time than he already did.
As the week passed, Mirai couldn’t get their impromptu study session out of his mind. He just couldn't figure out why he’d help him out like that. Not only did he interrupt his nap, which was the biggest crime to commit against Leona Kingscholar, he also wasted his time by zoning out, and despite all of that, Leona still helped him with his homework. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it. 
Making his way through the Ramshackle’s front door, Mirai realized it was unlocked. That Grim, never remembering to lock the front door after he leaves. With a huff of annoyance, Mirai made his way in, shucking his shoes off at the door, he’d have to scold Grim when he got back. 
“Honey, I’m home,” Mirai hollered to no one in particular, as he made his way into the lounge. It was a little something he did that got a little giggle from himself every time. 
“Welcome back. Dinner’s on the stove.”
Mirai screeched at the raspy voice, his phone fumbling in his hands as he tried to catch it before it shattered on the floor. After Mirai got his bearings did he realize that lying on the couch under the stairs where the sun's afternoon rays were the strongest, was Leona Kingscholar. His molten chocolate tresses cascaded over the couch cushions, and his yellow Savanaclaw vest was balled up underneath his cheek. His sandals were nowhere to be found, probably left by the door, courteous, and on the far right armrest lay his gloves and belt.
“Le-Leona?!” Mirai stuttered.
“That’s ma name, don’t wear it out,” Leona muttered. 
“Wha-What are you doing here? And how did you get in? You didn’t break the lock, did you?! Because if you did, I swear-”
“You swear what? Whaddya gonna do, Herbivore?”
Mirai went silent and pouted petulantly and Leona smirked like the smug cat he was.
“C’mon, Herbivore. I’m not that messy. That furball let me in when he was on his way out,” Leona supplied, stretching out across the couch.
Mirai thought about poor Grim. He probably was shaking in his fur when Leona approached him. Mirai sighed, “So what are you doing here?”
“Taking a nap,” Leona yawned, getting comfortable once more, “The guys won’t think to find me here.”
Mirai sighed again, knowing he wasn’t gonna win against Leona, not even in his own home. So he just ignored him as he left the lounge to make his way upstairs to get comfortable for the rest of the day. After Mirai changed into some comfortable clothes, made himself a snack, and made his way to the other couch in front of the tall floor to ceiling window. Drawing one side of the curtains to lessen the glare on his laptop, Mirai made sure not to deprive Leona of his sun, as he got comfortable before starting his homework. 
The two of them sat in silence, but it was a comfortable one. Leona dozed quietly, the occasional snore, or sigh escaping his lips. And if he shuffled a bit to change positions, the old springs and frame of the couch creaked and squeaked in protest. On Mirai’s side of the room, the click-clack of Mirai typing on his laptop filled the silence, and if you tried hard enough, or had a heightened sense of hearing like Leona, you could pick up the quiet melody from the music Mirai had blaring in his cheap earbuds.
Time passed, but neither of them acknowledged it. The skies went from blue to orange, the sun's rays got warmer as their light changed from their soft yellows to deep golds. Dust motes danced across the room with the light rays as their stage, the dorm creaked and whined with every kiss of the breeze, but even after all of that, time seemed to stop. Nothing mattered, the world didn’t matter, nothing but the quiet moment in the Ramshackle lounge.
Leona awoke from his nap, slowly regaining the workings of his own body, becoming aware again. Like being aware that his right arm was asleep from sleeping on it, the annoying feeling of pins and needles crawling its way along his skin. He was aware of the fact that he somehow was lying with his tail wrapped around his hip, he was aware of his full bladder and empty stomach, and he was aware that he was still there on that crumby couch in the Ramshackle Dorm. 
Distantly Leona wondered about the time, but didn’t care enough to feel around for his phone. If his dorm needed him, he’d deal with it later. Cracking an eye open, Leona eyed the Ramshackle Prefect. Mirai lay lax across the right armrest, his homework forgotten, his earbuds still blasting whatever noise he called music into his ears. 
Leona sighed, sitting up, stretching his arms over his head, letting the kinks in his back pop loudly as he yawned tiredly, his mouth wide, teeth sharp. Checking his phone after fishing it from between the shoddy, torn, threadbare cushions, it was half past seven, and he had several missed calls from Ruggie. Great, he definitely was gonna get an earful from that little scavenger. Leona quietly gathered his things, his feet light and tactical on those worn and neglected wooden floors. Double checking one last time, Leona scanned the room, tired green eyes landing on the prefect once more.
Later that evening, Mirai was awoken by a hungry Grim and as he sat up, the throw he liked to keep on the rocking chair pooled into his lap.
Days passed, and Leona continued this weird behavior. One day Leona was in Mirai’s space, and one day he wasn’t. One day they were bickering, fighting like they hated each other, and the next Mirai was crushing hard as Leona helped him study for his Potionology test. It was weird. It was like night and day, and it seemed like Mirai was the only one affected.
Mirai asked Grim if he noticed, but the little monster hardly noticed anything that didn’t have to do with food or himself. But he did notice the increased visits from Leona, claiming that the sleep Housewarden was “cramping their style.” 
And he did visit often, even sometimes when Grim and Mirai weren’t there. Sometimes Mirai would come back from classes and find him sleeping on the couch, but most of the time he wasn’t. But Mirai could tell he had been there. He could tell from the way the cushions were rumpled, or by the way the throw was placed. Things were always a little out of place but never missing, and never messy.
Ugh. Mirai was mentally berating himself for not making his way to the courtyard. That way he could cover more ground, that way he could get some help, but no, he made the stupid decision to hide in one of the bathrooms, and it just had to be the one on the farthest wing of the school. Just his rotten luck.
Mirai really needed to stop running his mouth. He and Grim were surrounded, it was six against one, well, two if you counted Grim. There were the two guys from Savanaclaw, a guy from Diasomnia, two guys from Octavinelle and a guy from Pomefiore, all of which were ready to beat him to a pulp. 
“You don’t have your little entourage to help you now,” the blonde Pomefiore student sneered.
“Got nowheres ta go,” the Bobcat Beastman growled, closing in.
Mirai’s eyes darted for any openings, anything to help him, anything to get him out of this situation unscathed. But the more he looked, the more he searched, the more he began to panic. Then his eyes landed on Grim. 
“Cat’s land on their feet, yeah,” Mirai muttered, his eye cutting to Grim, who he pushed behind himself.
“Whatcha whisperin’ about over there?!” The Leopard laughed, “Ya better be whisperin’ your prayers that you’ll be breathin’ after we’re done with ya.”
Grim sneered, “I keep telling ya I ain’t no cat.”
“Well let’s just hope you do,” Mirai muttered.
“What are you talkin’ abo-”
With a swiftness, Mirai snatched Grim up by the scruff of his fur, and chucked him across the room. Grim wailed, little stubby arms flailing as he flew, and luckily he landed on all four paws near the door.
“Hey,” the long black haired fae from Diasomnia shouted, ducking lest he get a face full of fur.
“Run Grim! Get outta here,” Mirai shouted.
“B-But-” Grim stuttered.
“Go get some help! Just go!”
The Leopard Beastman growled loudly, turning his attention to Mirai, and one of the Mers turned to Grim. Grim gulped loudly and scurried through the door and down the hall, the Fishman hot on his three pronged tail. Mirai hoped that that little cat got away.
“Leave the familiar be,” the blonde from Pomefiore said, “By the time his little legs can carry him, we’ll be done here.”
Mirai swallowed, his eyes narrowing. 
The white haired Bobcat was first to lunge, Mirai evaded him, but the brown haired Leopard took his left, his literal blindside, and Mirai wasn’t as lucky. Mirai tried to rip his arm from his grasp, but the Bobcat rounded his right again, getting a hold of his right arm. Squirming, Mirai thrashed and kicked, his sneakers sliding as skidding across the slick tiled floors.
“What happened to all that talk, Dear one?” the Octavinelle student sneered, taking his time walking up to the three. “It is you who said you could take us all in a fight, yet you were the first one running.”
Mirai grunted as, yanking his arms, trying to free himself, “Shut up, fish face. Yo-”
Suddenly, the Mer snatched Mirai’s face between his fingers, squeezing hard, “Listen here, you waste of skin, some of us worked too long and too hard to get here, and I’m not gonna sit here and be insulted by someone who’s getting-”
Mirai spit in his face and the first punch was thrown.
Ploink. Ploink. Ploink.
The faucet leaked above Mirai as he lay there on the bathroom floor, watching the sunset through the small windows close to the ceiling. The forgotten bathroom was bathed in a serene golden glow, the warmth of the sun seeping into his skin. Gentle. Overbearing. Overheating. 
Ploink. Ploink. Ploink.
Pound. Pound. Pound.
  The faucet was dripping in time with his pulse, it was annoying. His head was pounding, so was his eye. It hurt to think, it hurt to look anywhere else but up, it hurt to breathe. Mirai reached up to his face, his fingers coming back a mottled red. Sticky. Tacky. Familiar.
Ploink. Ploink. Ploink.
Pound. Pound. Pound.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
His nose was clogged, swollen. He was pretty sure it was full of blood, and he was pretty sure he shouldn’t be lying like this, but far from caring. Not that he could sit up anyways. His breathing was shallow, his heart was beating slowly, and the slow waltz between the sink, his head, and his heart was making him nauseous. Mirai just hoped he didn’t blow chunks down his shirt. Because that would just be the icing on the cake.
Leona smelled iron before he even registered that that sickly thick scent was blood. Leona wouldn’t have cared, it wasn’t any of his business, but that scent was strong, too strong, and for some vile reason, it was oddly familiar. Leona traveled the empty halls, looking, searching, following the scent trail to the source. Leona turned the halls, his pace quickening a bit as he wracked his brain as to why he knew that scent. 
Ruggie and Epel flashed through his mind, but they didn’t fit the bill. Ruggies blood wasn’t rich, it was always too thin, too light. With that fact, Leona made a mental note to up the little runt’s wages. Epel on the other hand normally smelled too sweet, but it was also rich, and balanced. The kid didn’t bleed much, not around him that was, but it wasn’t him either.
Mirai pulled himself up steadily, sobbing as his injuries twinged with fiery hate. His thighs screamed, his arms shook, and as another wave of nausea washed over him, his knees threatened to give. But he pushed himself to stand, managing to lean his weight over the counter, and when he did, he was panting hard, a cold sweat dotting his brow. 
Mirai looked at himself in the mirror, and to be frank, the person staring back at him looked so alien to him, yet so familiar. His face was swollen. His lip was split on the left side, and his left eye, his left eye was already starting to bruise, the discoloration of his eye tinged with an angry red. And it hurt so much. His clothes were no better. His shirt was torn, with blotches of red staining it in certain places. He was wet, scuffed with dirt, his shoe was missing and his bag was in the toilet. Mirai swallowed a sob as he turned on the faucet, letting his head fall into the sink, watching the red run into pink down the drain.
Leona turned one last corner, and here, here it was strongest, and steadily getting stronger. Leona inhaled through his nose deeply, and the smell assaulted his senses. Why could he smell it so heavily? Why could taste it so vividly, like he was able to drink it down like a fine wine? Leona closed his eyes as he followed his nose. He could feel its warmth, he could feel it as it passed through his teeth, as red washed over his tongue, as the blood dripped passed his lips and down his chin. He could smell a mixture of deep iron, rich, yet so light. But he couldn’t see its owner. He could smell dust, sand, lavender, lavender. Lavender!
Suddenly Leona could see that small room he kept as a junk closet. He could hear the clutter around the falling to the floor, the things inside shattering. He saw that mop of blonde hair, he saw those bony shoulders as his own hands grabbed them, pulling, then red. Red. Red. It filled his mouth, his nose, he felt the warmth. The warmth from Mirai.
It was Mirai’s blood.
Mirai was scrubbing his hands when the bathroom door burst open. “Ya missed the show, come back another time,” Mirai sneered, not bothering to look up from the sink.
“Oi! What happened?!”
Mirai snapped his head to the door, expecting to see Ace, or Deuce, even Professor Trein or Professor Crewel, but not Leona.
“Ya got mud in your ears? What happened?!”
“Wha-What are you, what are you doing here?” Mirai asked absently, “Where’s Grim? Did he send you?”
“What?! No! I haven’t even seen that furball!”
Mirai’s mind was everywhere for a second, before he promptly shut off the water, pushing past Leona to leave, “I gotta go. I need to find Grim.” 
“Whoa, whoa. Hold up. Where are you going?” Leona snapped, grabbing Mirai by the shoulder, but instantly regretted it as Mirai hissed in pain.
Mirai wrenched his arm away, fresh hot tears filling his eyes, “Ya got mud in your ears?” Mirai shouted, once again using Leona’s words against him, “I need to find Grim. They were after him too!”
Leona rolled his eyes, “That can wait, we need to get you to the infirmary.”
“No, it can’t wait. Grim he’s-he’s-”
“Hey, hey. Calm down, it’s-,” 
“I-I-I don’t nee-”
Leona sighed before hauling the Prefect into his arms, and began to make his way down the hall. “It’s furball we're talking about. He might always be startin’ trouble, but you and I both know he’d rather set the school ablaze, than be caught with his tail between his legs.”
Mirai seemed to shrink in on himself. He was still missing a shoe, his bag was in a wet heap on the bathroom floor, and his clothes were wet and dirty, yet, here Leona was, holding him like he was a newlywed princess.
“So Infirmary first, Grim second, and then you’re gonna tell me who did this and what happened.”
Mirai didn’t say anything, only nodding as he clutched onto his phone for dear life, trying to force away the flush that was already making its way onto his freckled cheeks. 
The Infirmary was empty, the nurse nowhere to be seen. Mirai’s heard of him, the other’s said he was a little too rough, and a bit of a quack, but Mirai’s never seen him. But that didn’t deter Leona from sitting the Ramshackle Prefect on one of the beds before turning to get some supplies. Mirai thought this scene was oddly familiar, well, maybe it was because he had watched it dozens of times in Anime and read it many times in Manga. Gosh, now Mirai was getting nervous. Leona rolled one of the stools and a medical table up to Mirai and sat down, pulling on a pair of rubber gloves. Okay, now he really was nervous. 
“What?” Leona gruffed, raising an eyebrow.
“Whaddya gonna do?” Mirai asked skeptically. 
“Open heart surgery. Lie down,” Leona deadpanned.
“Leona, I’m serious.”
“What do you think Ima do, you idiot?! It’s just bandages and disinfectant! It ain't rocket science!”
Mirai quieted, turning his gaze away from the Beastman in front of him. Leona sucked his teeth in annoyance, but proceeded anyway. 
Leona started with gently pulling Mirai’s right hand into his left, the Perfect twitching slightly, but he didn’t pull away, his eyes trained on the world behind the window. Taking the cloth he had sitting in some hot water, and gently dabbed at his knuckles. Mirai whimpered, trying to pull his hand away, but Leona didn’t let him, tightening his grip in warning. Mirai shut his eyes tightly, still not looking his way, and relaxed his arm. Leona took that as his sign to continue. 
Leona dabbed at the cuts once more, watching the prefect's face closely, as he made sure they were clean and free of any residue. 
“This might sting a little,” Leona whispered as he went for the disinfectant. Mirai didn’t say anything as he shut his eyes once more.
Leona pressed down on the nozzle, the spray coating Mirai's fist, and the blonde immediately tensed up, his fingers clawing at the Beastman’s palm. 
“Why are you helping me?” Mirai muttered after the burning dulled a bit.
Leona scoffed, “Don’t needa reason.”
“But that’s just it,” Mirai growled, a sudden flash of anger burning beneath his skin, “you do! Every single one of you, do!”
Leona looked taken aback before his eyes narrowed, “So now I can’t be nice?”
“Since when are you just nice?” Mirai said, rolling his eyes, “There’s always something innit for you.”
“Yeah, I ain’t just nice, but I’m not about to let ya bleed on the bathroom floor.”
“Why not?”
“Because ’m not not heartless.”
Mirai huffed, looking back at the setting sun.
“Did it hurt,” Leona asked quietly as he taped up Mirai’s fingers.
“Don’t remember it” Mirai muttered quietly.
“What’s that ‘pposed ta mean?”
When Mirai didn’t answer, Leona sighed and went back to what he was doing.
Cleaning up the rest of Mirai’s arm was just like his hand, he’d tense and pull, but never said a word. But Leona knew the more difficult task would be his face. Leona stood up to replace the water, and get a new cloth, and when he got back, the Prefect was still looking out the window, his face void of any emotion. Leona distantly wondered if the Prefect was scared, or if he was tired. 
Sitting back down Leona stared at him for a bit, taking in the bruises and cuts on Mirai’s face. He didn’t look like himself, he didn’t look like the guy who’d take on the world all by himself, he didn’t look like the guy who would idiotically do anything you dared him, even if the reward was one corn chip. And yeah, Leona got that those weren’t really good qualities, but it was what made Mirai, Mirai. 
“Hey,” Leona said quietly, slowly reaching for Mirai’s face and turning it towards himself. “Look at me.”
Mirai wasn’t quite looking, he wasn’t quite there to begin with, and something akin to fury, fury and something else he couldn't name gnawed at the Beastman’s stomach. But what he did know is that when he found those guys, he’d tear them apart.
“Hey,” Leona called again, “any light’s on up there?”
Mirai flinched, wincing as Leona ran the cloth across his busted lip.
“Did it hurt?” Leona asked again. 
“Yeah,” Mirai mumbled. 
If the other was referring to his lip or the initial beating, they both didn’t know.
In the end Grim was okay, he was safe, and Mirai couldn’t be happier. Mirai got his shoe back, which he was grateful for, since they were his only pair, and as for his bag, it belongs to the trash now. The guys, who Mirai may or may not have instigated a fight with, were never identified, and five days later, Mirai’s phone was fixed, thanks to a little blue haired half student, and upon leaving for the day one morning, a new expensive school bag sat neatly in a cardboard box on his doorstep. 
 Mirai sat under the awning above Ramshackle’s door, watching the rain pelt the pavement below, thinking. The skies were a dark gray, the winds punishing and cold, but for some reason it was comforting. For the first time, it seemed that this world finally aligned with how Mirai was feeling, that it was finally on his side. 
Days passed, Mirai's face healed, his bruises healed, but something about Leona changed. A cigarette sat forgotten between red bitten lips as chipped black painted nails scratched at the healing scrapes on his knees, watching little beads of red bubble up from beneath his skin. Mirai sighed, pulling his shorts back over his knees, not caring if the hems stained. It wasn’t like he and Leona were friends, but something just, he didn’t know, shifted. 
The third year didn’t invite him to skip class anymore, he didn’t send him of stupid tasks like getting his lunch, and he didn’t crash in Ramshackle’s lounge anymore. He hadn’t even seen the man in passing, it was like he became a ghost, and it seemed he was the only one concerned about it. It was weird, but then again, it all was weird to begin with.
Mirai sighed deeply, watching the smoke become one with the clouds. He thought back to that afternoon, gosh, he could hardly remember most of it. Of course he remembers how he got there, and how it started. He remembers making Grim leave, he definitely remembers spitting in that jerk’s face, then getting punched, but after that, nothing. The next thing he remembers is being the floor, and the pain that followed. Maybe it was that, maybe after Leona had seen how pathetic he looked that day, he realized just how weak and useless he was and decided to cut him off.
“Yeah, right,” Mirai scoffed to himself. It was never like he was important to Leona anyways. It wasn’t like he ever had a chance. 
“Oi human!”
Mirai turned around and Grim stood behind him, his little paws crossed over his little nose.
“Yeah?” Mirai snickered.
“Your phone’s ringing,” Grim said, voice sounding nasally.
“Coming,” Mirai muttered, snuffing out his cigarette in the stone beside him. 
Picking up Grim, Mirai headed inside, shutting the front door behind him.
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seolminju · 6 months
hello again, beautiful people! ✨ 🌊 it's me, ryan (h/h, 25+), and i'm here to introduce you to another muse of mine, another favorite: seol minju! hailing from jeju city on jeju island, she was raised by a single father who convinced her that her mother is a mermaid living in the sea, and to this day, she fully believes she's half-mermaid, half-human—she just has legs instead of a beautiful tail. she works as a fortune teller at a café, and makes jewelry to sell at local boutiques. if you want a reading, let her know. she'll give you a discount! read more below! 💖
tw / parental death
as mentioned above, she was born in jeju and was raised by a single father. he's honestly, like, the best dad ever probably. he really did his best to ensure that his daughter had a good life, especially given the unfortunately grim circumstances of her mother's passing. while he worked a lot to provide for them and ensure she wanted for nothing, she spent a lot of time alone—creating mystical make-believe worlds in her mind, whispering secrets into the sea mist to communicate with her mom, and when she got older, most of her downtime was spent watching makeup tutorials, hair styling tips and tricks, and fostering her interest in the metaphysical and occult.
in school, she was bullied a lot. despite her traditionally beautiful appearance, she had—and still has—a rather oddball personality. she speaks in a soft, lilting manner, and asks strange questions to people in order to break the ice; often making those who don't take kindly to whimsy uncomfortable. more often than not, her female peers thought she was a strange pick-me girl, her male peers wanted to date her for her appearance but seldom cared about her personality, and craving a change of pace and some independence, she moved to seoul after graduation; much to the chagrin of her father.
she's basically a fish out of water now, but she's doing her best to assimilate to her new surroundings; finding everything so different and unreal in its own way. she works as a fortune teller and jeweler, but also has strengthened her sfx makeup skills and is sometimes booked for that, as well, mostly around spooky season.
seol minju is a mystic. ever since childhood, she's felt more comfortable in a self-constructed world where sea nymphs, fae creatures, and other magical beings coexist alongside her. she's always felt as though she can access other realms that most humans cannot, and when she tries to express this to people, they often scoff at her; finding her assertions lame, overly peculiar, or impractical. as she's rather soft-spoken and delicate, it's difficult for her to stand up for herself whenever others demean her passions, but she still holds onto hope that she can prove them wrong someday.
above all, minju just wants to be accepted. she's never once felt like she belonged anywhere, and often hates that she was given legs instead of a mermaid tail. she convinces herself that life would've been better under the sea, but tries to remain grateful for all she has.
now, does she actually believe that she's half-mermaid? while it's complicated, she'll still assert that she is. she's not a moron, but it's genuinely how she copes with the fact that she never had a mother. whenever she can, she heads to the nearest beach to spend time with her; finding the water extraordinarily comforting, as if it's home.
minju has no genuine concept of time. this is frustrating to many. she'll always take forever to get ready. she'll always run late. she'll move at very slow paces. she likes to say that she's simply taking her time and taking everything in, but it's still annoying. you'll have to tell her to show up ~2 hours earlier than she's supposed to for her to show up on time. no lie. another unfortunate tragedy about her is that she often falls for all the wrong men. she has garbage taste. please wish her luck in the future.
as she's rather new to the city (arrived early last year), most of her friends who are in seoul are likely rather new to her. maybe your muse met her when she would post-up in random places throughout the city offering free palm/tarot readings for practice!
maybe your muse is also from jeju and they can bond over missing home. that, or maybe your muse hates jeju and butts heads with her about it. i don't know. she'd love knowing someone from back home.
maybe your muse needed their makeup done for halloween last year, saw her instagram, and messaged her for a commission! she loooves shit like that, and she'd make you look terrifying, haunting, or beautiful. whatever you want. she's honestly really good at it.
maybe your (male) muse is an ex-lover of her's. could've lasted from may to december 2023? we can mess with the dates, too, but you know. as mentioned above, she typically falls for the wrong types of men, and she ends up hurt or used a lot, and it sucks, but... it's just the tea for right now. i hope she grows out of it.
i'm up for every type of plot and adore to brainstorm, so i'm sure we can always figure something out ourselves, as well! 🥰
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charliesimss · 2 years
All of them for hemming
All odds for Issy
Evens for grown up lio
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1. When they tap their fingers do they use the pads of their fingers or their nails?
The pads of his fingers, his nails arent very long
2. What textures can they absolutely not stand?
Burlap I've decided to call it, like that scarecrow stuff, its too scratchy
3. How long can they go without showering before they feel gross?
Probably like 4 days
4. Do they leave clothes on the floor or a chair?
If he must leave clothes somewhere it'll be on a chair or his bed, or on top of his dresser
5. Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?
Closed because he was raised correctly
6. Which do they prefer: 3am or 3pm?
3am because it gets dark at fucking 3pm now.
7. If they suddenly woke up with animal ears and tails what animal would they be?
Don't make me answer this mf furry question. He'd be a bunny.
8. If they could only eat one thing for 20 days straight what would it be?
California rolls cause its my default favourite food.
9. Are they the type to re-read a book?
Yes, he's read nothing but A little life since he got it in 2021. He's read it like 5 times. He kins jude, obviously.
10. Would they want to know the exact date and time of their death?
He would!!! Now that you mention it, I've just planned it, but obviously he doesnt get to know until it happens :charlieexplain:
11. What’s their favourite mythological creature?
I only know girl ones, so I guess whatever was in the magic tree house, like, warlocks?
12. If they had to listen to one song on repeat 100+ times what would it be?
13. Do they believe in an afterlife?
Yes, but he's not ableist, so everyone's disabled in it if they were when they were alive.
14. When they get tired do their eyelids twitch?
Yeah, he squishes his eyes really tight, like a mini sleep
15. What are their favourite textures?
Squishy and soft like a squishmallow
16. Do they crack their joints?
No not really, he doesnt need another body part not working 😵
17. Would they eat/drink something too hot or wait for it to cool?
He'd eat something right away, he be hungry
18. Are they the type to adopt strays? (Animals or people)
Animals maybe, not people, he's an introvert
19. Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last moment?
He likes to do assigned tasks in order of importance
20. How do they bathe/shower? Long or short? Hot or cold?
i love this question and cause only 2 ppl are gonna read it, I'll spill. He prefers showers, more accessible, and just sits on the built in seat of his shower cause its fancy like that, he does his face wash first, and his hair last, usually hot and on the longer side, which is why he only does it every 4-7 days.
21. Are they the type to daydream?
YeS, what else do u do when you dont have friends?
22. Do they work best in a messy space or a neat space?
NEAT, he's good at cleaning.
23. Do they keep any personal photos?
He has a family photo album, but he doesnt keep the photos on his person
24. Do they indulge in anything?
Hot choccy and then he has to be on the toilet for like 8 hours :/
25. Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
Probably not. he'd be like, "youre probably right" and forget about it. every son of mine will be a doormat, know that.
26. If they’re alone and hear a noise would they go and investigate?
No, he'd accept his fate 💀
27. If they’re lost what is the first thing they would do?
Check if he had cell service to pop up his maps
28. What is that one dream that makes no sense but is absolutely terrifying?
Being recruited for the military! His biggest irrational fear! Biggest nightmare/dream (?)
29. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done just because someone said they couldn’t?
did the skate park tricks in his wheelchair without a helmet, boi got himself another head injury from that one
30. Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured?
Laughs in disabled. He's all brave about it because he has a praise kink.
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olivyh · 2 years
Twst memories 8: Jack Howl (Age 3)
I’ve had a lot of time to write, so i might just spam whatever I get done today!!
Also, would it help if i put summaries of the stories in this little top space?
Like this: Jack gets his Unique Magic, luckily, his family is here to help him through it.
"No! No, no, NO!" The three year old beastman shouts, angry tears in his eyes. "I don't wanna!"
His mother, Victoria Howl, sighs in frustration, taking deep breaths as her son's yelling makes her ears ring, tail swaying in annoyance. "Jack Howl!"
"I'm not doing it, Mama!" He huffs. His tantrum makes his newborn brother, little Lucas, start to whine and let out a warbly cry, both of the Howl sons crying as loudly as they can around the large dinner table. Their beastkin parents look at each other and sigh, running off far too little sleep to deal with their oldest son. 
"Jack," His father, Henry, kneels and lightly grabs on the whining boy's arms. "You need to eat your food. Mama worked hard to make it."
Jack shakes his head, long white hair now a mess atop his head. "No!"
His father sighs as his mother takes Henry upstairs, letting her husband and in-laws deal with the temper tantrum. 
"Oh heavens..." His grandmother sighs. Jack's grandfather lets out a loud, boisterous laugh, making the toddler scream louder.
"Dad!" Henry nearly growls. 
"What? He's a little boy, he's going to throw tantrums," The boy in question falls to the floor, kicking his arms and legs and crying loudly. "Though, you weren't nearly as loud..."
"Oh, he was," His grandmother speaks, taking a bite of her food. "You just have too much fluff in your ears, couldn't hear anything then, can't hear anything now..."
"What was that, Dear?" His grandmother shoots her husband a glare, which makes the other two men in the room break into laughter, overshadowing the boy. Almost. 
"Papa!" He screams, the tone of his voice sounding much more strained and scared than his previous tantrum. 
"Jack? Jack, what's wrong?" 
"Papa-!" He bursts into tears, amber eyes glistening in the dim light of the dinner table. 
"Jack, you have to use your words," The man says sternly, though worry rises in his throat at how fearful his son seemed to be. "Tell me what's wrong."
"M-my hands!" He bursts into loud sobs, ears flat against his head and tail between his legs.
"Your...?!" The beastman jolts when he sees what his son was crying about, with both of his small hands being turned into flurry white paws. "Oh... Jack... I-It's alright..."
"Oh!" His grandmother stands a bit to peek over the table, looking to her husband. "I suppose you got your wish after all."
"Mom? What do you mean?" Henry looks over to his mother. "You don't think..."
"Jackie? Jackie!" His mother races down the stairs, son in her arms. She quickly passes the baby to her mother-in-law before crouching in front of her oldest son, running her hands over his face to check for any serious injuries while wiping and kissing away the tears that poured from his eyes.
"He has magic, that's what we mean," His grandfather states plainly, moving to crouch beside his daughter-in-law with a tired grunt. "Jack, listen to Pop-pop."
The boy sniffles and ceases his crying, holding his hand-paws as far away from himself as possible. 
"Are you listening?"
"Mhm..." He bites his lip and sniffles again as the man reaches for a tissue to wipe his grandson's face. 
"You need to calm down, and focus on what you want yourself to be," He says calmly, making the boy nod. "Breathe with me, one... two. One... two," The boy follows his command and takes a few shaky breaths. 
"You're doing so good, Jackie," His mother scratches between his ears and pats his back. 
"Now, focus on what you want your hands to be," The boy nods again, eyebrows knitted on his forehead and paws bunched as he focuses all of his attention towards the area. With a poof, his hands are back to a normal kid's hands. His face breaks into one of relief, and happiness as he throws himself at his grandfather, hearing cheers around the table from his family. 
"Good job, Kiddo!" The man laughs. "Now, go back,"
"Dad!" His daughter-in-law sighs. "He just... do you think he's ready for this? He just found out he has magic, give him a minute."
"Don't worry, Vic, he'll be fine. He's a strong boy, right, Jack?"
Jack nods, ears perking up atop his head as he almost jumps. 
"Besides, I have a feeling it's a lot more than we think," The man begins, ignoring the questioning looks from the rest of his family. Even little Lucas is silent in his grandmother's arms as the scene continues to unfold. "Now, focus again on what exactly you want to do, imagine it being all of you, like a bi-g cup full of water."
"Now, find a piece of it and pull," The boy's hands start to shake as he forced his eyes to remain closed. "You look like you have something to say."
"What do I do?" The boy asks, voice shaking. 
"Say whatever you feel, and keep focusing on your magic."
"Dad this might be too much for him," Henry places a hand on his father's shoulder. 
"Unleash Beast!" The boy yells and, in an instant, he's gone in a cloud of smoke. Victoria gasps and reaches into the cloud, ears flat against her head as she calls out for her son. 
"Jackie? Jackie, are you alright...." Her concern trails off as she lifts something out of the smoke, a small, fluffy pup. The wolf pup sneezes, looking up at the woman with her son's familiar amber eyes, blinking up at her. It's mouth opens and it pants happily, small tongue sticking out and licking the woman's face, nearly knocking her glasses off. "Oh, Jackie..." She giggles. 
"Is that...?"
"Your kid's a piece of work!" The older man laughs, doubling over. "His unique magic! Already!"
"What a smart boy you are Jackie!" Victoria praises, pressing kisses all over the wolf pup, whose tail wags excitedly as it snuggles into the woman. 
"Incredible..." His grandmother says, smiling. "You hear that, Lucas? Your big brother's so strong!" She coos at the small pup in her arms, who smiles before dozing off again. The pup in Victoria's arms wiggles some more before disappearing again, revealing her son's beaming face, ears standing straight up on top of his head and tail wagging so fast it appears as a white blur behind him. 
"I did it, Mama!" He giggles. "I was a puppy!"
"Yes you were!" The woman exclaims, pressing a kiss to her son's cheek. "You did so well! I'm so proud of you!" The little boy beams, bursting into a fit of giggles as his father joins, embracing his wife and son. 
"But..." The boy starts. "We already are puppies?"
"Wolves, Jackie," His grandmother chuckles. 
"We're wolf beastkin, kid," His grandfather joins. "That might've made it easier for you to transform, but the rest of it was all you!"
"All me..." The boy quietly repeats. 
"Now that that's over with..." The man sits back down at the table. "Eat up!"
"Huh?!" Jack exclaims, earning laughs from his parents. 
"Yeah, your body's gotta be strong to hold all the magic, right?"
"...but I am strong!"
"Without eating? There's a lotta meat on this plate... I think it could make you even stronger. How do you think I got all this?" The man rolls up the sleeve of his large flannel and flexes, making the boy nod. 
"I get it!" Quickly, the boy climbs onto his seat and shovels spoonfuls of food into his mouth, gulping down some water and going back to his plate until it's completely empty. "More, Mama! Please!" 
The couple shoots an incredulous look over to the older man and he chuckles, standing. "Let your Mama rest, I'll get it."
They disappear into the kitchen and the two return moments later, with the young boy carrying his plate piled high with food. His mother sighs. 
"Oh, baby..." She chuckles, ruffling his hair as the boy eats. The adults look between one another, faces breaking into grins as they continue to eat as well, chatting and laughing about the events of the day.
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blue-spider-lily · 5 years
Mairuma Q&A!
So today on official Autor-san’s twitter fans had a chance to get answers for most burning questions: Here are all the info we got from those answers:
(All of those comes from the author so 100% canon) 
I highlighted important ones.
no 1 - Kalego doesn't style his hair.  It's just Like That.
No 2 - Robin doesn't get drunk easly.
No 3 - Iruma has no idea his ahoge is so...  Expressive. It’s moving on its own but He Has No Idea.
No 3 - they have the concept of pets in the demon world.  Even in Sullivan's house there is this cat-like creature that kind of comes and goes.
No 4 - All demons from Jazz family have split tongue.
No 5 - Agares' clothes from Harvest festival was from Garp.
No 6 - We'll see Kalego's older brother in the future! Don't know when tho.
No 7 - Kirio's glasses are the same type as Kuromu's. He's eyes are fine.
No 8 - Yocchan ( the guy wasted by Clara's vending machine)  is from class 1-C
No 9 - Clara calls Opera "Pera-sama" FASJFLKAGKHAGJSFJLKDSLS<3
No 10 - Balam is good at sewing.  He made Azz and Sabro' s uniforms (combat clothes?)  for Harvest festival.
No 11 - lots of demons are left-handed.
No 12 - Looks like Clara can make things she only saw pictures of too. Those Akudol outfits she made was from some pamphlets.
No 13 - (obvious one but) At this point, Sullivan's house is like home for Opera.
No 14 - the food Iruma and Reed was eating during the harvest festival was edible only because Reed did most of the cooking.  Robin taught him some basic recipes
No 14 - Balam cooks for himself.  Also he is kind of a Tea Otaku.
No 15 - Kalego doesn't like sweets but he is not picky eater
No 16 - Orobas-kun (the trauma guy)  favorite food are root vegetables. I WONDER WHY xd
No 17 - There are no other servants  in Sullivan's house.  Opera does literally everything.
No 18 - Jazz usually sells things he stole but sometimes he will give them back or use for negotiations if it's more profitable for him.  Unless his brother steal it from him.
No 19 Atri (from six fingers)  likes fizzing candies.
No 20 - the reason why the forbidden chant from the Entrance Ceremony worked for Iruna is because the magic is in the words already so it doesn't require magic to use it. 
No 21 -  Those pointy "ears" on top of Amelie's head THOSE ARE NOT EARS They are more like horns and hair merged together.
So,  like,  they move,  like Iruma's ahoge BUT THEY ARE NOT EARS my world will never be the same
No 22 The president  of New Magic Developement Batra's name is Garuu
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No 23 - Agares has more than one eye mask.
No 24 - One of games Iruma squad is playing recently is “Grab and tell” game.  You put something in your partners hand and make them squeeze it. They have to guess what it is without looking and if they guess correctly, they can keep the item (mostly pretty rocks or pictures)
No 25 - Iruma’s favorite  four-character compound word is  満漢全席 -  Manchu-Han Imperial Feast XD
No 26 -  Reed-kun may have a bit of a complex about his height.
No 27&28 - Evil cycle is very individual thing and it varies from demon to demon. Also, demons who are Returning to Origins are kind of constantly in their Evil Cycle.
I think this is it for today’s Q&A So I went and checked the previous one:
No 29 - Demon girls have mostly heart shaped tail tips while boys have pointed, reversed heart shaped tips. 
No 30 - Basically all demons have wings. Their wings don’t require special treatment - just wash them once a month or so and you're a happy demon.
No 31 - Demons have usually horns similar to their parents’ because genetics, but sometimes youngest kids don’t inherit them. They can’t hide they horns like they do with their wings. In rare cases they can grow horns unexpectedly. (DOES THAT MEAN AZZ-KUN CAN GROW HORNS???? YES, YES IT DOES!)
No 32 - How to care for your Familliar-sensei:
a) He doesn’t like to be touched under his fluff so pick him up gently.
b) Don’t touch his paws or horns.
c) Actually, better not to touch him at all
d) If you are not his owner, wait until he get used to you enough to come to you.
e) His paws are short so if he wants something Get It For Him
f) His feet are tiny so he walks slowly - keep that in mind!
g) If he sits on your shoulder or head - deal with it. Even if he’s heavy. Just. Deal. With. It.
h) Just be quiet and listen to him and he won’t get angry
i) He will eventually return to his non-fluffy form so keep that in mind and be moderate with touching!
No 33 - The number each of Six Finger’s member have doesn’t indicate their rank in the group or strength. They are like siblings so the numbers tells who is “older”. 
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Hells Cross Academy: Sanders sides AU
Hells Cross Academy is a school for the supernatural to go, whether it be demons, demigods, wolves, woodnyphs, elf's, or the undead, if your supernatural that's your one stop shop for education.
The giant castle is on the end of Hells Cross Valley, Connected to Cross Counter City. The school receives a significant amount of funding every year, and will continue to get more with the increasing halfling population.
In Hells Cross we have many classes such as potion making, magic, dark arts, science, arts, theater, computing, game design, English, Japanese, draconic, demonic, elvish, lycancy study, and may other wonderful programs.
Students from all around the globe and in the globe travel to the school for top notch education.
Our dorms are always in pristine conditions for both teachers and students to use! Dorms can hold up to 9 in a small community housing like room, as each room is about the size of a 4 bedroom apartment, and sharing is recommended by staff so the children may make friends with each other.
The communal dorm housing room has 2 bathrooms, 1 open space kitchen, 1 living area, 4 bedrooms with 2 inbuilt study areas and large walk in robes, and a storage room for those who may need it, such as witches and sorcerers.
Hells Cross Academy has a relaxed uniform policy while on school grounds, but the uniform is recommend for those who may be taking the built in train system to Cross Counter City or Hells Cross Valley.
Potion material collection is between 5-9 pm, those who wish to go at a custom time or early morning please speak with madam dragon witch, as she will accompany a small group out. Those who sneak out past curfew (half an hour past midnight) will be punished and put under house arrest.
The cafeteria is open from 4 am till 10 minutes before curfew, and custom orders are open. Please use your student allowance to buy food, and if you are having trouble please speak to some of our staff.
Your student allowance is 2000 a month, which is used for everything, from food to clothes to travel to replacing broken supplies. Students in the technology, fashion, theater, arts, music, and outer knowledge language departments shall be granted and extra 1000 if needed. Please use your allowance wisely.
If you run out of money there are many jobs you can get at Cross Counter City and you will be granted extra help for being a student at Hells Cross Academy.
If you have any remaining questions about your time here at our school please contact principal Thomas J. Sanders or Madam Draconia Wither (Dragon Witch). Thank you for your time and enjoy your education at Hells Cross Academy.
Orientation is mandatory and in 5 days (Monday).
- Principal Thomas J. Sanders & Vice principal Tallen Kat
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Virgil Blackwitch
She is the so called "Princess of Hells Cross High", a genderfluid shape shifter who loves causing mischief and slacking off. She changes his gender whenever they feel like it. Child of the queen of Hell, Lucifer. There father is a shape shifter so he is a half shape shifter. He always wears his crown due to missing home, but plays it off as showing off his power. After an encounter with Roman prince (see below) Virgil tends to stay far away from him. (I'll be drawing him when he feels like a boy as well don't worry)
Age: 16
Gender: genderfluid
Sexually: questioning
Team: Aspect
Likes: friends, spiders, mischief, hot coco.
Dislikes: Prince Pain! Studying, getting in trouble or caught causing trouble.
Proficiencies: most magic (black specifically), potion making, shape shifting, witch craft.
Familiar: spider named Charles.
Weapon: grim reaper scythe (a gift from his mother).
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Patton heart
Patton heart is the son of the grim reaper and is half human half reaper. He is best friends with Virgil and Logan. He puts on a nonthreatening appearance so people won't be so afraid of him. He is next in line in his family to be the grim reaper even though he doesn't want to, and is trying to make friends and enjoy life while he's here. He and Virgil have known each other since they where kids and there family is very close, they are best friends and Patton has a crush on Virgil. (normally wears a white hooded cape with a heart on the back, also he's covered in freckles but the app doesn't have a freckle option)
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexually: panromantic ace
Team: Aspect
Likes: helping people, colorful band aids, Virgil, friends
Dislikes: mean people, accidentally hurting people, spiders
Proficiencies: hand to hand combat, black, magic, social skills, most languages, animal communication
Familiar: a cat named purrline, a little ghost who's watching over Patton (sent by his father)
Weapon: family scythe, has a needle in his backpack he also uses.
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Roman prince
Roman is a celestial demi-god, his father is a half human half witch, while his mother is a celestial goddess. He came to the school on his parents request, and wants to marry Virgil, whom he believes is the person he's destined to marry from a prophecy he was told as a child. The prophecy in question was one where a heroic demi god born from the celestial goddess would join the sky's above and the depths below by defeating the evil prince born from the queen of hell with love, joining the two kingdoms in a peace treaty. He's very certain that Virgil is the one from the prophecy (and totally not because Virgil is super cute or anything nahhh). Hes very heroic and strong headed so he tends to act before thinking (ie. Proposing to Virgil in the middle of the hallway). He and the dragon witch do not get along to a point where its almost comical to watch them argue. His halo is actually a color humans and non celestial beings can't comprehend, thus it looks blue in the day and yellow at night, and it always glows. He wears his hair in a high bun (his hair goes a little past his shoulders when down).
Age: 17
Gender: bigender (agender and male)
Sexually: questioning
Team: Aspect
Likes: Virgil ♡, astrology, acting, singing, friends
Dislikes: being ignored, violence, spiders, the Dragon Witch!
Proficiencies: hand to hand combat, mele and sword fighting, white and light magic, astrology, all languages, most creative classes and skills.
Familiar: poko the pup (he changes from household pet to ferocious monster when need be)
Weapon: hero's sword (it's a regular sword he's had since he was a kid)
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Logan Crofter
Logan Crofter is half woodnymph half wearwolf (part witch). his mother is a woodnymph and his father is a half-witch infected with lycanthropy. nobody knew logans father had lycanthropy, not even Logan's father, and they didn't find out until Logan's mother was already pregnant. Logan didnt show signs of lycanthropy until age 12, when he grew ears and a tail over the course of a week. he has a crush on patton. Flowers grow from his hair and tail when he's emotional. He covers the scratch marks on his cheeks with bandaids Patton gives him. He hates most magic and supernatural courses. He sticks around his roommates because there the only people he really knows. He's anti social and has autism (aspergers).
Age: 15 (3 months off becoming 16)
Gender: questioning (thinking demi boy or trigender)
Sexually: homoromantic demisexual
Team: Aspect
likes: science, astronomy, plants, reading, Patton, some potion making.
Dislikes: loud noise, weed killer, cages, full moons, magic class
Proficiencies: english, maths, computing, literacy, gardening, animal communication, animal handling, beast training, witch craft.
Familiar: none
Weapon: his claws, plant life, or offensive magic (witch craft)
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Dolion Viper
Dolion Viper is the son of Dolos, his mother is a naga. He likes the others a lot. He doesn't like to mention the fact he's a demigod since he doesn't want people to be scared of him. He's not very social and sticks to the others. Most people call him Deceit since nobody but the group knows his real name. He tends to let his pet python penny rest around his shoulders when he goes out and is very rarely seen without her. He has a slight lisp when pronouncing the letter S, and gets embarrassed by it. His snake tail moves to convey how he's feeling, and he can use it like an extra arm. He has pointed elf like ears but he tends to wear a cat ear shaped beanie to hide them. He has a crush on everyone in the group and struggles to hide it, half of them know already. He wears his hair in a little pony tail.
Age: 17
Gender: gender fluid
Sexually: gay
Team: Esper (later moved to Aspect)
Likes: snakes, nature, painting, acting, friends, the others ♡
Dislikes: rude people, stereotypes, maths, cold weather
Proficiencies: animal handling, animal communication, beast training, dark arts, black magic, most creative classes and skills.
Familar: fox named Vixen, a 1'5 ft python named penny.
Weapon: multiple magical scissors, his tome.
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Remy Paralax
Remy Paralax is a half alicorn sandman. He likes manipulating peoples dreams and causing mischif. he can use magic from his horn and can manipulate/sit and sleep on clouds. he doesnt like when people pull on his tail or hair (especially his ponytail) and will try to smack you. His stomach, legs (knee's down), and random patches around his body are a soft lavender. He tends to hang out in the city more then on the school grounds, and despite never going through his school allowance, works at a coffee shop called madam espresso, he gets paid in free coffee. He likes Virgil's attitude and tends to hang around him. Alot of people refer to Remy as Virgil's lacky, despite Virgil absolutely despising that term since Remy is one of his best friends. He's pretty efficient with a bat and has a nasty hit if he manages to hit you, most of the time he'll knock your head off.
Age: 17
Gender: trigender (male, female, agender)
Sexually: pan
Team: currently waiting to be assigned one
Likes: coffee, starbucks, sleeping, dreams, mischif
Dislikes: being woken up, daylight, yelling, spicy things
Proficiencies: physical combat, hand to hand combat, mele combat, baseball, white magic, weather patterns, cooking, drawing, animal handling, animal communication, beast taming.
Familiar: enchanti the giant rabbit (sent by his mother to keep him out of trouble)
Weapon: baseball bat
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Emilie Pacini
Emilie Pacini is a unrestable spirit currently possesing a life sized doll. they love femmine clothing and lean more to the femminie side of the gender spectrum. Emilie isnt much of a fighter and as such only has magic to defend herself. he can posses other people with consent. He is on a waiting list to get a human body of a recently deceased, but its difficult because he's so young. He still ages (like all permanent spirits) and constantly has to modify the doll whenever he feels like she's supposed to grow, cut hair, adjust weight ect. But because of the limitations of the doll they can't be there actual weight, which tends to depress him slightly. She's training to become a nurse and knows a phenomenal amount of healing, calming, soothing, sleeping, ect. Magic, but knows very little combat magic. Absolutely hates people making fun of his appearance.
Age: 15 (16 in 1 month)
Gender: genderfluid (feels bigender male and female most of the time)
Sexuality: demisexual
Team: Esper (later moved to Aspect)
Likes: soft toys, disney, cartoons, puppets, friends
Dislikes: fire, sharp objects, salt, holy water, yelling
Proficiencies: white magic, healing magic, calming magic, music, woodwork/doll crafting, craft in general, medicine, psychology, biology, science, potion/medicine making.
Familiar: none
Weapon: none, uses magic to defend herself
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stuck-in-jelly · 6 years
Day 9: Witch's and Hot Chocolate
Me tiptoeing into the bnhawlw2018 tag: I uh can explain.
I'm getting better so I wrote as much as I could to make up for my tardiness @bnhawlwmonth
This is going to be quick she assured herself, all she had to do was get some herbs. She told herself thing but starting into the woods she didn't feel so sure, the way the branches reached outwards to the world as is pleading to be apart from the forest itself, the errire silence that crept into her very soul whispering for her to leave, and the darkness of the trees cramped together hiding any sunlight as if huddling together for comfort or warmth. She really needs to stop thinking!
She just needs a few herbs from this place just a few, this potion required them and she was desperate. With a sigh the young witch reached into her traveling bag and pulled out a small wand if you could call it that.
It was stout but cute, made of ash wood the wand was adorn with many decorations and charms; around the entirety of the wand copper wire weaved around beautifully, from underneath the copper special runes were carved into the base ( Laguz, Sowilo, Algiz, Eihwaz, Hagalaz, Wunjo, Kenaz, and Ansuz) all meant to help her.
Covering the bottom base was a light blue cloth simply their to make the wand eaiser to grasp, and last but not least tied on the bottom by a yarn was several crystals and bells.
Last but not least on the top her name was carved 'Yuyu'.
Taking a breath Yuyu closed her eyes casted a small protection spell on herself the words rolling off her tounge by instinct. Opening her eyes she straightened herself and took her first step into the unknown.
The darkness seemed to engulf her and in seconds the dim sunlight was barely viable. She muttered another spell and her wand jerked small lights radiating from the copper before racing to the tip and out in the air and small sparks before a baby blue light appeared by her side and quickly leaped from place to place lighting the area and waiting patiently to see where theirs summoner would travel.
Yuyu kept her eyes in the ground hoping to find the herbs quick. Clove, clover, and Camomile. Just those three. And these woods are said to be covered in herbs perfect for witches then again it is also said here some dangerous witches casted horrible spells meant only for harm. Again she has to stop thinking!!
The wind picks up and the light flickers and ducks behind a tree as Yu tries to hold her bag in place. Strange. Her spells told her it wouldn't be windy at all.
Shaky it off she ushered the light and follow quickly
"Common on now, lets hurry then you won't have to be hiding there"
She was full aware the light had no sentiance but it felt nice talking to it when she was nervous, almost as if she isn't alone. The light obeyed and jumped up scanning the area quickly before waiting again.
Walking off the young witch failed to capture a faint movement in the trees above and curious eyes the followed.
As Yuyu wandered she found many herbs she couldn't help but stop and pick up although she didn't necessarily need them. These woods were strange all type of flora grew here even tho they typically don't exists in the same area, even the types of wood from the trees changed. Some serious magic dabbling happened here to cause all of this.
The light suddenly brighten. An alert, it spotted something. Hardly thinking Yuyu gripped her wand letting her energy speed through it and glow beating to the rate of her heart. She looked around eyes darting
"What is it little light? What do you see?"
She whispered desperately wishing it could talk back but then the stopped its panicked glowing and lowered itself down. Yuyu stayed on guard her eyes taking up every inch of the forest but only silence and darkness greated her.
After a few moments she lowered her wand the glowing dying and her pulse slowing. Maybe it was a squirre-
A branch smacked her square on her nose, the pain was quick but the panic was quicker. In the initial shock she dropped her wand the the light glowed in panic again, her vision was blurry as she fumbled on the ground for her wand
Her voice obeyed and her head shot upwards just in time to see a large long slithering form barreling straight for her face quickly she scrambled away just as the creature made landfall rearing its head.
Oh god a basilisk.
She never thought she'd have to see one in person. The panicked light continued to flash illuminating the features of the creature. The creature hoisted itself up on its feathered legs, the large talons tearing into the dirt as its scalied tail whipped around angrily. But She dared not look at the face.
Those eyes could kill.
Just don't look in its eyes
No questioning. She ducked quickly her body acting on its own only for imminently feel a large guar of wind wash over her threatening to draw her into its current but she dug her fingers and feet into the ground as loud crashes filled her ears. The wind slowed and her curious eyes looked upwards to see a mass wreck.
The trees that stood mighty before all crumbled and snapped under the weight of the beast. It squirmed and withered in clear pain, its talons grasping for support on anything. The light besides it flickered before dying completely
"Get up we gotta go!"
The voice pulled her from the sight as a girl leapt out from the trees running and scopping up Yuyu's wand from the ground and some feathers from the beast before dashing to her side pulling her up
"It'll get up soon"
Usually she'd be opposed to following a stranger deeper into the woods but it doesn't seem like there is much of a choice here. Their hands claps together tightly
"Hold on"
The girl pulled her own wand, it was carved into a spiral with decorative crystals logged into the oak wood. She muttered a spell a smile on her face, their bodies got lighter and squeezing her hand softly the girl dashed the world zooming by in a blur barely registering what was going on. In a blink of an eye they were in a wooden cottaged.
A really cozy cottage, they seemed to be right in front of the main door and to the right was a living room and to the left was a dinning table with a kitchen behind it, it the center was a hallway and stairs that lead to the top floor. The cottage was painted blue with white lining the frame, the furniture to compliment house was a pale yellow with blue and/or white pillows or blankets. Most of them had some desgin on them.
The mysterious girl slowly let out of Yuyu's hand before sighing loudly in relief and laughing
"Wow! That was crazy! Did you see all of that?!? Hahah! Its a good thing you're okay! Gee I have no idea how that big guy got there"
Yuyu could only take in the girls features as she rambled on and on, her hair was long reaching all the way down to her knees it light blue and curved and curled at the ends, her eyes were wide and blue as well with a light in them a spark only a child could have.
Then the girl was in her face
"Where ya from? Your hair is really cute! Is that bag for your spellbook? What are you doing out here alone? Want something to drink?"
This was too close, she could feel the blush creep around her face. She was really cute
"Umm I uh yeah would like a drink. Anything is fine"
The bubbly girl beamed wider practically bouncing over to the kitchen and and fumbled in her cabinets before successfully pulling out a pot and setting it on the stove
"Care to answer my questions?
She ask as she set the flame and dashed to a curburt full baking ingredients and sweets. Yuyu considered the girl for a moment. She did save her life and seems to be making her some hot cocca in her small cottage. There is nothing to lose. Yuyu made her way to the small dining table and sat down.
"I um I'm from a small village by the riverside. The river has been cursed and a lot of us are dreadfully ill. I wanted to get herbs from here to treat them. It would have been faster if I am here and I was just really worried about them..." Yuyu spared a glance up and those eyes stared at her with wonder, Yu could feel the blush starting up again
"I-I mean we are a tight knit community! We all basically know each other and I- uh just wanted to h-help" the girl smiled and turned back to the stove and stirred the chocolate
"That's really brave of you! I can sense you have a lot of protection spells on you but the water has also made you ill hm?"
That wasn't a thing was proud of but she knew the girl was right, her magic was weak. The light spell usually cast 2 blue orbs that circle around the summoner and usually they don't flicker in the wind. Yuyu sighed and barely managed a nod
"You should take care of yourself you know, I get you're worried about your village but you won't do them any good dead" her voice was cheerful and light and Yuyu couldnt help but feel overwhelming trust
"Guess so"
"What herbs were you looking for?"
"oh it was looking for Clove, Clovers, and Chamomile"
The girl gasped and suddenly abononded the stove and ran down the hallway and disappeared past a unseen door way. Yuyu waited a moment before footsteps ran back and the girl appeared in her arms were 3 large bags, she plopped them down in front of Yuyu
"You are in luck! I found a whole field covered in this beauties!! There was defiantly a herboligst who worked here, maybe they divided the area by medicine and poison! The outskirts of the forest are covered in poisonous plants but the center is beautiful!"
The girl rambled again as Yuyu cautiously peeked into the bag and nearly squealed with delight, there was a lot!! So much! Enough to help her village. She couldn't hold her smile as she looked back to the girl who went on about the plants and the amazing craftsman ship of the forest.
There was a faint smell of burn "Umm ma'am?" The girl stopped
"The hot chocolate"
She gasped and ran back to the stove turning it off as quickly as possible and pulling the pot away from the heat
"Its not too boiled I hope!"
She muttered a small spell and a small gust of wind breezed over the pot calming the stream of heat, she left it before grabbing some mugs and heading back. One mug had Jasmime's painted along it and the other had Lilly's
"Which would you like?"
"The lily"
She nodded and poured a even amount of hot chocolate in each up before making her way bbefore making her way back to the table and sitting.
Yuyu graciously grabbed the cup and drank, it was different but tasted good.
Then it dawned on her. There is no way this girl will let her get the herbs without a hefty price. Clearing her throat Yuyu got ready to bargain
"So how much?"
"Hm? Oh! I usually put about ⅓ a cup unsweetened cocoa powder and sometimes add a bi-"
"No no! I mean how much for the herbs?" The girl feel silent and blinked in confusion
"How much? You think I'm going to charge you?" Yuyu went silent now.
Would the girl charge her now? She could feel sweat forming in her head
"A charge...oh! I got it!" Yuyu tense as the girl stood her expression turning back to its happy state
"It will cost you 1 date!" Yuyu all but chocked on her coco her face burning bright
"Really? A date?!" The girl nodded hopefully.
Well this is too good to be true
"On one condition"
The girl tilted her head intrigued
"You tell me your name"
The girl beamed
"I'm Nejire! Nejire is my name!"
Yuyu smiled, this girl had to be the cutest thing in the universe.
The forest might be cursed but if it meant getting her a girlfriend she isn't complaining too much
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bonneyq · 7 years
Hii Bonneyy, How are youuu?? I don't know if you are taking requests but if you are, could you maybe do a little one shot where Juvia and Gray find out that Juvia can't have childeren??? I love your work by the way, you're incredible!!!
Hello, dear! I’m fine, thank you! And yes, you can send me requests, but sometimes the muse doesn’t get inspired, sadly. Sometimes she does, though, like now! Thanks for the prompt and I hope you enjoy what I wrote.
Gray kicked himself internallywhile he wandered over Magnolia trying to find his wife. He shouldn’t have lether walk away on her own, she was so upset and told him she needed some time andto be honest, he did too, after the news they had that day.
It was still a bit fuzzy insidehis head, the doctor’s talk about intrauterine adhesions and trauma confusedhim. He knew their profession was dangerous but he never thought there would besuch consequences.
Earlier that day they went to seea doctor; after two years of marriage they decided to try and have a child. Tomake sure everything was alright, they got the appointment, which turned into anightmare not too long after. Apparently, Juvia couldn’t carry a baby becauseof adhesions in her uterus caused by some trauma during their jobs.
Gray couldn’t remember the lasttime he saw her so shaken up – Juvia had always been energetic, positive anddownright happy most of the times, so happy she usually managed to bring Grayback from any downs.
If he were true to himself, Graynever thought he’d get married and have kids while growing up. It was such aforeign thought for him that he grew used of being on his own when he wasn’twith his friends. Juvia changed that: she changed everything.
Juvia made him happy, happierthan he ever thought it was possible and it was enough for him. He didn’t needanything else, but she did. Her heartwas so big, she had so much love inside her she just needed to shower someoneelse with it so, she talked to him about trying for a child.
He knew he’d love their childrenas much as he loved her and after a few weeks wondering if he’d make a goodfather, he finally told her they could try. Oh, she had been so happy.Absolutely glowing until they found out the reality of their plans.
“Come on, Juvia.” He whispered,trying to find her and walking towards the park – he had gone to Fairy Tail butshe wasn’t there so he tried another places she enjoyed going.
Finally, by the kid’s playground,Gray spotted the lovely blue shade of her hair. She was seated on one of thebenches, watching the children and their parents as they played.
Sighing, Gray stepped closer tothe bench and even though he was certain she sensed him getting closer – shealways knew when he was around – she didn’t look away from the children. Graysat next to her, rested his elbows on his thighs and looked at her.
Juvia had clearly been crying forsome time and it broke his heart, he always hated her tears. He reached for oneof her hands and squeezed it, Gray saw her lower lip tremble.
“Juvia always wanted to be amother.” She whispered, fresh tears falling. “Since she can remember, she alwayswanted to have a big family, she grew up alone and didn’t want that for herchildren.” She sobbed. “I guess I don’t have to worry about that now.”
Gray pulled her into his arms asshe cried and felt his own throat close up, feeling some loss as well. Hekissed the top of her head and caressed her back, holding her close and tryingto help in any way he could.
“It’s alright, Juvia.” Graywhispered. “We will be fine.”
“How?” She asked and looked up,eyes shining with tears. “I can’t give you a family.”
Gray shook his head. “Don’t saythat. You and I are a family. Us and the Guild are a family. We will always bea family.”
“We were going to try to have ababy.” Juvia sniffed.
“I know.” He put a hand on hercheek. “And I know how much that meant to you. I can see it now how sad you arebecause of what we learned today, but Juvia… we’ve been through so muchtogether. We went to hell and back, but we always came out of it together.”
She shook her head. “This isdifferent. Juvia saw you were getting excited about having a baby too, it tookyou a while but you finally wanted it and now Juvia can’t give you that-” Hereyes widened in horror and Gray frowned in confusion. “Oh. Juvia can’t give youthat.” She whispered to herself and he saw how pale she was when she let go ofhis hand as if it burned her. Juvia got up from the bench, eyes still wide. “You-you need to be with someone who can.” Gray didn’t like the sound of that at all. He got up and reached for her,but Juvia took a step back. “No. It’s… it’s Juvia’sfault, not yours.” The blunette shook her head. “You could still get it ifJuvia’s not- Juvia has to leave-”
“That’s enough.” Gray said, angrily and a bit loud, he could seesome of the parents look their way in curiosity. “I know that you are hurtingright now, Juvia, I know, but don’t you say another word about leaving.”
Juvia cried harder. “You couldstill have it. Juvia wants you to have it.”
“Do you think I want any of thatwithout you?” Gray was exasperated and he got closer to her, not being stoppedthat time by her taking a step back. “Damn it, Juvia, I wouldn’t care for anyof it if you hadn’t showed me I could be happy.” He put a hand on her waist andthe other on her shoulder. “It took me a long time to admit it to myself andthen you this, but it’s you I want. In any way, I don’t care what happens.”
Juvia hugged him. “You don’t?”
“I don’t.” Gray was well awarethere was people looking their way, curious, and Gray never cared for publicdisplays of affection like Juvia but he humored enough, but that time he knewshe needed him. “And… I know it’s too soon, I know we still have to get used towhat we learned today and the idea, but…” He cleared his throat. “We couldstill have children, Juvia.” She looked up in question. “There are a lot ofchildren who needs a family and I think we could be that family.”
“You mean… adopt?” Juvia asked.She had so much love to give and any child they welcomed to their family wouldnever feel in want of affection, she would shower them with love like she didto him – she had saved him from himself. Gray, of course, would give them his love as well,like she taught him to.
“Sure.” He nodded. “I was kind ofadopted by Ur. If it weren’t for her, Lyon and I wouldn’t have learned magicand I would have grown up solely focused on revenge. I needed a family and shegave me one, even if it meant having Lyon too.” Gray added and Juvia rested herhead on his shoulder.
She thought for a moment. “Howwill we know?”
“We’ll know. We found each other,didn’t we? Or rather you found me and didn’t let go. Thankfully.” Shesnorted and he couldn’t help it but to feel a bit lighter at the sound. “Iguess we… well, I guess we just have to find the rest of our family. They areprobably waiting already.”
“Do you mean that?” Juvia lookedup in hope and Gray knew there was only one answer to that question. “You arenot just saying that to humor me? Truly?”
“I do.” He nodded. “I still thinkI’ll be a crappy dad sometimes but I will try to be a good one for that bigfamily you want.”
“We just need to find them.”
“We just need to find them.” Grayagreed. “Do you want to go home?” He asked after a few moments. “You must be exhausted.”
“I am.” Juvia agreed. “I have alot to think of. Or better yet, wedo.” She tip-toed and gave him a peck on the lips. “Juvia will probably not bein her best mood for a while yet while she gets used to the news.”
“We’ll manage. You had to put upwith my moody years, I think it’s time I return the favor.” Gray caressed herback. “You never gave up on me and I’ll never give up on you. We’ll do this inwhatever way you want it.”
“Thank you.” She told him and shedried her cheeks before she looked up, love clear in her eyes. “I love you.”
Gray smiled and kissed her, “Ilove you too” he whispered –  even afteryears of being together, he still found it hard to say it all the times, but atthat moment he knew she needed that further assurance and he was more thanhappy to give it to her.
No matter what, he’d be by herside like she always had been by his.
AN: I didn’t want this story to be sad, I wanted it to transmithope. Of course, any woman who wants to be a mother would be upset if theydiscovered they couldn’t carry a child, but it doesn’t mean they can’t be mothers. There are many ways ofcreating a family and yes, sometimes we have to look for them instead of waitingnine months to have them. Love is what makes a family and we must never forgetthat.
Also on [FF.net].
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