#Mirai Yuhara
Soooo.....uh, it's done. (/。\)
I tried my best. Don't hurt me. (*ノ´□`)ノ
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Reference I can't find the original sorce sorry
Please do not repost, or post on different platforms. Reblogs are fine, just tag and credit me please. (。-人-。)
So, ignore the bg, I didn't know what to do with it, and it def couldn't be white, lol. (-ω-。)
I didn't know where I was going with this, but I like the end product. (*`▽´*) And I guess this is gonna be Mimi's Pop Music Club wear. (*´▽`)v
A version without the background:
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Mirai Yuhara and Octavinelle
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: None!
Azul Ashengrotto
Mirai finds this man prettier than Vil
Will tell Azul this
Azul hates this mainly because he finds that untrue
Mirai will tell him everyday if he has to
Mirai: "You're pretty." (ノ´ з `)ノ Azul: .......(-_-)....... Mirai: "But you are." Azul: "What do you want? Test scores? Enemy's weaknesses?" Mirai: "Nope. Just for you to believe it." Azul: "Get out."
Mirai will make it his mission to hug this man on the daily
and of course Azul thinks there's a catch
there is none, but Mirai likes messing with him
Mirai allows Azul to vent to him when he needs to
of course Azul will make Mirai sign a contract
But Mirai insists he doesn't need it, he wouldn't tell anyways
Azul Ashengrotto - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Mirai likes to call Azul "Azu," "ZuZu," and "Az"
Makes Azul sweets and lunch when he can
He knows Azul will protest, arguing about his figure and the calorie intake
But the lunch box ends up empty every time
Mirai will stop by the Lounge knowing his presence flusters the Octo-mer
Cuddles anytime! (ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )
Azul just has to say the word and Mirai's there
Buys one of those reverable Octopus plushes
Mirai: "Azu Azu! Look what I got!" Azul: *Flushes* "No!" Mirai: "But-" Azul: "No, take it. It''ll distract potential clients."
Mirai leaves it anyways
The next time he enters the office it's on his desk ans flipped to the angy side
Jade Leech
Mirai didn't know what to think of the shorter Eel-Mer
Scared? Maybe. Intrigued? Highly.
Mirai made it a game in the beginning to see how close he could get to Jade
To see how far he could bug Jade before he gave him that look
Miari: "Soooooo....." Jade: (ᵔ◡ᵔ) Mirai: "What would you do if someone were to double cross you?" Jade: "Are you planning on it, Dear Prefect?" Mirai: "It's a hypothetical question." Jade: "Would you like a demonstration, Dear Prefect?" Mirai: "Nope. But like-" Jade: ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓ Miari: ..・ヾ(。><)シ
Helps Jade in the dining room when takes up a shift
He'll either help man the bar or wait tables
Makes it a competition when they're in the bar together
Jade makes it seem as if it's one sided
but Mirai swears he can see the Eel-Mer working a bit faster than usual
Floyd Leech
Like Ace, they are partners in crime
When the two of them are together, chaos ensues
Although, Floyd's mood swings will catch Mirai off gaurd
Mirai: *Running for his life* \(〇_o)/ Floyd: *Cackling* C= C= C= C=┌( `ー´)┘ Mirai: "Floyd! We're supposed to plant the stink bomb in Pomefiore!" Floyd: "I wanna put it on you now!" Mirai: "That wasn't the plan!" Floyd: "That one is boring! I like this one better!"
They fight a lot
Not each other, mind you
Mirai doesn't know if he would even survive that
But they will start fights together
Mainly it's Mirai's fights that Floyd will jump into
Miari doesn't get Floyd's brain, but then again, he doesn't get his own the majority of the time
I'm happy to finally get this out! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ It's been sitting in my drafts for like 6 months! I feel so bad, but now its here. It's done and I'm happy. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
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Although I might go back and edit. f(^ー^;
Bonus stuff!
A close up! ♪(´ε`*)
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Rare Card! (o´・∀・)o
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This took longer than intended (._.) I'm still kinda iffy on some things, like the rubber pad on his hand, his shirt, and especially his face. ・゚・(●´Д`●)・゚・ I trying to tell myself it's okay because the more I draw him, the better it'll be. I also haven't drawn anything in a long time, so I'm rusty. (((・・;)
But other than that, I'm fine with it. I wanna do a bunch of cards for Mimi and different expressions as well. (^ー゜)ノ I can't guarantee that those would be out in a timely fashion, but it's a process I'm willing to go through. (*ノ´□`)ノ
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Mirai Yuhara and Pomefiore
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: None!
Vil Shoenheit
Hates Mirai
but the feeling is mutal
Mirai does not like Vil
They 100% do not get along
Female Mimi? Maybe.
She would love the beauty aspects
but everything else can kick rocks
Will let Vil dress him up tho
And he loves it
Pretty skirts, pretty makeup
Mirai is elated and Vil is proud
Mirai once told Vil he had a cute round biscuit face
it was supposed to be a compliment
but Vil got mad and didn't speak to him for a week
Mirai makes it his mission to ask Vil one dumb question a day
just to get under his skin
Vil: *sitting on his throne in the Pomefiore Lounge* Mirai: "Vil?" Vil: "No." (≖、≖╬) Mirai: "Vil?" Vil: "Mirai! Leave!" (#`Д´) Mirai: "If your house was on fire and you were in the shower, would you be safer in or out of it?" Vil: "Mirai! GET OUT!" Mirai: "If you had to give up brushing your teeth, or wiping your butt, which would it be?" ┐('~`;)┌ Vil: *shoots up from his throne* C= C= C= C=┌( #`Д´)┘ Mirai: *runs out the lounge cackling* C= C= C= C= C=┌(;・ω・)┘
But despite all of that, Vil can't help but to worry about the blonde's health
"He looks a little thin, is he eating properly?"
"He looks a little pale, today. Is he getting enough sun?"
"His dark circles are darker than normal. Did he sleep well last night?"
Rook is the only one who knows of his silent concerns
And Vil wants to keep it that way
Rook Hunt
Rubs Mirai the wrong way
He knows of the hunter's little one sided game he plays with the Beastmen
Mirai has also been on the receiving end of it
He's found the man in the bushes outside Ramshackle before
Mirai: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Rook: |▽//) Mirai: (⊙_⊙) Rook: ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓ Mirai: Σ(°△°|||)︴ Rook: ヾ(・| Mirai: ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ
Mirai likes the way Rook talks
but sometimes his dumb brain can't pick apart the flowery words
But other than that, he's a cool dude
Epel Felmier
Best friends
Mirai calls him Eppy, Eepy, or Apple
they fight
but not Mirai and Ace level fight
the first to help with Mirai's and Ace's stupid ideas
get's in brawls with Mirai a lot
the two normally win when they fight together
if Deuce joins, it's game
they got each other's backs
pull pranks around Pomefiore
they always get caught
mostly by Rook
and depending on the prank, Rook sometimes won't tell Vil
they're just kids after all
Mirai goes to Epel's Spelldrive games to support his fellow Freshman
Mirai: "Get 'em Epel! Rip them to shreds!" Deuce: "Rip their heads off!" Ace: (o_O) Jack: (□_□) Grim: ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) Sebek: (⇀_⇀) Ortho: („• ֊ •„) Epel: (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Mirai likes Epel's accent
He has Epel teach him some of the slang, and or insults
he just likes how they sound
Cue the two of them going back and forth for hours
Rook finds in endearing
Vil on the other hand suffers
Pomefiore is done! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° I like Pomefiore's relationship, they're so cute together! Epel has to be my fave out of the three, but Vil is probably my least liked out of the cast. I don't hate him, I like his character, he just doesn't speak out to me. And Mirai's personality definitely counters Vil's, kinda like how Vil's and Epel's did in the beginning. Mirai doesn't like strict people, nor does he really care for how he comes off to people. He's also a menace lolol
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Mirai Yuhara and Ignihyde
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: None!
Ortho Shroud
Ortho's like a cute little brother to Mirai
Mirai knows the kid can hold his own
especially since Idia is his #1 protector
but he can't help but to dote on the cute little robo boy
They pull pranks together Ψ( `∀)(∀´ )Ψ
Ortho normally is the ring leader of the two
and Mirai sometimes has been pranked by Ortho instead
They mess with Idia sometimes
It's nothing serious
but it's funny to see his cute hamster face twist with fear
Mirai like to call Ortho Baby Uh-oh, or Baby Oh no
He desn't know why, but he does
Ortho doesn't mind, he answers to it anyways
Ortho plays matchmaker ♡ ~('▽^人)
Mirai didn't realize it at first, but he catches on quickly
Ortho: "Oops, Vil needs me. I'll be back guys!" (◕‿◕)♡ Idia: "W-Wait! Or-Ortho! Don't, don't-" \(º □ º l|l)/ *Ortho leaves the two in the labs together* Mirai: "So, you like jazz?" ( ̄ε ̄@)
Idia Shroud
Mirai is obsessed
not like obsessed obsessed
he just finds Idia awsome
much to Idia chagrin
and fear \(º □ º l|l)/
Like flaming hair?
and it's his favorite color?
and he's a gamer?
Mirai was like a moth to a flame 〜〜〜ф 🔥
And ofc they didn't hit it off at first
Idia was actually kinda scared of the blonde
He gave off so much extroverted main chara energy (눈_눈)
he always had a gaggle of people of all walks of life around him
but after a while, Idia realized Mirai wasn't an extrovert
he was just good at masking it
They actually become friends through gaming (˙ω˙)🎮(˙∀˙)🎮
Mirai met him by coincidence over an online game
It was kinda weird to know your new online friend lives a hop, skip, and a jump away
but that didn't stop them at all
and after the first few sessions, they're inseparable
Candy and Energy drink buddies
It's gotten to the point if people see their tags together
they quit
Mirai: "Look! It's GnomeAlone!" (✧ω✧) Idia: "I gotta do it!" (¬‿¬ ) Idia: *types *Hi GnomeAlone in the chat* *GnomeAlone has quit the game* Mirai: *Cackles* Idia: *Cackles*
They are a force to be reckoned with
Idia Shroud - Dating Mirai Yuhara
You would have never guessed they were together
You never see them together on campus
And if they are in the same proximity
They don't interact
But that is until Idia needs help ordering lunch
Idia: *Approaches Mirai lunch table, pulling on his shirt* Mirai: "Idia?" Idia: "I didn't want peppers...." (ಥ﹏ಥ) *gets up with Idia in tow to the lunch counter* "Mirai: "He said he wanted no peppers." (`ー´)
Mirai gives Idia the weirdest pet names
He's his Scrimby, his Scrimbo, his Scrimbly, his Player One
He also calls him Idi, Iya (ee-ya), Iyee (ee-yee), his flame, his moon
When he comes around, Idia calls Mirai his Apollo, like his gamertag
He calls him Freckles, his Sun, his soul, his Player two, and Mimi
It takes a while for Idia to warm up, but Mirai doesn't mind
he'll always wait for Idia
I'm back with part Ignihyde! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ This one was kinda long, but then again I do love Idia! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ I honestly feel Idia would make people quit the moment they see his tag! I happens to me when I play with my three stack with @the-scouts-codex when we play OverWatch lololol `;:゛;`;・(°ε° )
On a side note, I'm really trying not to look at the character bio I did for Mimi. I'm starting to hate it, but I'm trying to tell myself it's okay. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) I haven't drawn anything for a long while as it is. If you haven't checked that out though, you can see him here! Til next time! (o_ _)ノ彡☆
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Anyone wanna see what I've been working on? 🥺
I've been working on my Twst OC, Mirai Yuhara, and this is what I've got so far:
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Yeah, it needs work, but I've been playing around with what I want his prosthetic to look like. (o´・∀・)o I know I have in mind that it's this silvery grey color, and that it's supposed to look kinda weathered and old, but as for design, I haven't a clue. f(^_^)
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Yet another update on my drawings process of Mirai Yuhara! (ゝω・´★)
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I quite like the way his shoes came out! 😆 Yes, they are dirty, but Mimi don't care! All I have left to color is his shirt and to finish drawing his face, both of which are giving me a hard time. ( ´-`)
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Mirai Yuhara and Scarabia
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: None!
Kalim Al-Asim
Between the two of them, there is one brain cell
They both share it
half of it
When they see each other
it's nothing but squeals and dumb ideas
Jamil suffers ୧((#Φ益Φ#))୨
Please send help
They have the stupidest nicknames for each other
will make up a new one everyday
Kalim: "Starbaby!" Mirai: "Starbaby?" Kalim: "Cus your freckles and blonde hair!" Mirai: "Then you're 'Cookieface!'" Kalim: "Cookieface?" (⌒▽⌒)♡ Mirai: "Cus you remind me of a cookie! You're sweet, you're face is little and round, and your hair is the icing." Kalim: (♡°▽°♡) Mirai: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ Jamil: (눈_눈)
Stupid ideas
Like trying to use the carpet to sand board
or to go sand sledding
Ideas like sleepovers full of candy
which results to the two of the bouncing off the walls like little gremlins all night
No thoughts, head empty
Kalim Al-Asim - Dating Mirai Yuhara
I can't see Mimi with Kalim
maybe Female Mirai
but def not Mirai as he is
hes too twisted for our ball of light magic
but I like Kalim too much not to make one
But nothing changes between the two of them
you wouldn't even know they were dating
they don't even know
I feel Mirai would be aware of the crush, but wouldn't act
Kalim on the other hand isn't aware
he just thinks he's being really really nice to Mirai bc they are friends
But when they do figure it out
Nothing changes!
Maybe there is more hugging
and kissing is def added
but they still are just as ushy gushy
and they still share that brain cell
Jamil Viper
He does not like Mirai
they are nowhere near friends
especially after his overblot
like how did an idiot like Mirai foil his plans?!
Mirai reminds him Kalim in ways and he hates it
It's the stupidity, the air headed nature they both have
Mirai: "You think if I jumped from here, I'd survive? (¯ . ¯٥) Kalim: I don't know. Wanna try? I'll catch you with my magic carpet if it's too high." (≧◡≦) ♡ Mirai: Alright let's do it! Jamil: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! (╬`益´)
Jamil hates dealing with Mirai's antics
But he also can't help to be thankful when Mirai reads the room
When Jamil's stressed, Mirai helps out with Jamil's chores
Need to head to the store? Mirai's got him.
Need a nap? He'll distract Kailm for an hour or two
Impromptu party? Mirai will help setup.
Mirai's got Jamil's back
Two in one day! Let's gooooooooo! ☆ ~('▽^人) I honestly love Kalim and Jamil. Their dynamic is one of the most complex in the game. On a side note, Kalim honestly reminds me of a cookie, and in this case an Oatmeal cream pie. He's just so cute and his face is round and his hair reminds me of the cream icing in the middle. And he's just so sweet and lovable, like a cookie lololol! And no, I don't think Kalim is a complete idiot, but he is a bit of an air head, and I feel Kalim paired with Mirai is just nightmare fuel for Jamil lololol
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Mirai Yuhara and Heartslabyul
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: none
Ace Trappola
You couldn't tell if the two hated each other or liked each other
One moment they're at each other's throats, and the next moment, they're laying on each other, scrolling through Magicam
Most of their relationships consists of flipping each other off
or constantly jabbing at each other
Ace: "'Sup, Loser" Mirai: "Hey, Moron" Ace: "Bastard" Mirai: "Jerkface" *slappy fight noises can be heard and Riddle's scolding*
They once got in a fight that lasted about a week
The rest of the Freshmen were so annoyed their their moping that Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, and Ortho locked them in a storage closet until the made up
And let's just say things were said, voices were raised, and tears were shed
Partners in crime Ψ( `∀)(∀´ )Ψ
Anything that goes wrong on campus can most likely be traced back to Mirai and Ace
The frogs had been let loose? It was Mirai and Ace. Someone TP'ed the Courtyard? It was Mirai and Ace. There was a brawl between the Freshamn class? It was Mirai and Ace.
Stupid late night convos that sometimes lead to arguments in the morning
Ace: "This you?" *sends a pic of some ugly fish* Mirai: "Nah, but this is you" *sends the ugly pic of Ace he secretly took* Ace: "DELETE THAT NOW!" Mirai: "No" The next day, fighting ensues
Ace Trappola - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Not much changes
Just like above, you can't tell if they're together or not
They're not too public about it
their pet names are any insult they can come up with atm
Although, if you are unlucky, you just might find them in some secluded part of the hall sucking face
They fight often
No it's not healthy, Trey has told them so, but they always bounce back
Their silliness is honestly how they show affection
Ace and Mirai at Basketball practice Ace: "This is for you, Mirai!" *Shoots the ball and proceeds to miss* Mirai: ......凸(`△´#)
Deuce Spade
Mirai is slow when it comes to his academics as well, so he can relate to Deuce with his academic struggles
they do their hw toghter, but it normally doesn't end well
most of the time they get help from Trey or something
if Deuce is fighting, so is Mirai (((ง’ω’)و三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡ ☆⌒ミ((x_x)
And sometimes, Mirai is his voice of reason
patches Deuce up if needed
Mirai: "Deuce, we talked about the fighting" Deuce: "I know." Mirai: "At least invite me next time, we can whop 'em together."
grocery shopping buddies because Deuce always gets the best deals
goes to Deuce's track meets to cheer him and Jack on
Mirai also brings snacks
Cheers Deuce up when he's down
especially when Ace is the cause
and Mirai has and will beat Ace for it
Cater Diamond
Has a mega crush on Cater
Likes to try out different trends with Cater
likes to let cater dress him up and give him makeovers for fun
Does best friend quizzes to see what they get
Cater: "It says we're hardly friends." Mirai: "Lies! What my favorite color?" Cater: "Blue" Mirai: "Food?" Cater: "Blueberries" Mirai: "Hobby?" Cater: "Gaming" Mirai: "See, you know me."
Likes accompanying Cater to cafes so he can have the little cakes
Cater is Mirai's most trusted Junior
Let's Cater confide in him with things he's insecure about
Cue the therapy session and the tears
but that's okay, whatever happens in that room, stays in that room
gossip sessions are a must! And there's lots of them
Sleepovers! o(≧▽≦)o
No matter if it's Ramshackle or Heartslabyul, they always have a blast
Cater teaches Mirai how to skateboard
It doesn't go well at first
Mirai likes to tell Cater about the Media back home
anything he can remember he tells
Mirai just loves how fascinated Cater gets when he does
And did I mention the crush?
Cater Diamond - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Mirai has a MAJOR crush on Cater
They are the couple everyone hates!
Because either you envy them
Or you're just plain disgusted at how sappy they are
*Cater running up to hold Mirai in his arms* Cater: "Hey, Baby" *kiss* "My, little muffin" *kiss* "My, Sugarplum" Mirai: "I missed you too, hun" *kiss* Cater: "What do you wanna do, Babydoll?" MIrai: I don't know, but there's this totally hot strawberry blonde that just mig-" Ace: "GET A ROOM!"
Pet names all the time, those are a must!
and so are kisses (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
and hugs and cuddles are a must too!
Always touching somehow ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)
In class? Their ankles and intertwined. "At lunch? Their knees are touching. After school? They walk hand in hand.
They don't post much on Magicam, but when they do, Cater likes to keep his followers guessing
They do couples quizzes, do couples trends on Magicam, and wear couples outfits
Anything can be a date!
they move so flawlessly together, it was like it was meant to be!
Trey Clover
Mirai helps a lot with baking
Trey even started to give him pointers
Fingerprints left in the dough
Who knows where they came from? ┐('~`;)┌
Trey: "Prefect?" Mirai: "Yes, Trey?" Trey: "Why is there a fingerprint in my cookie dough?" Mirai: "I don't know" *slowly tries to escape* Trey: "Shall we compare prints then?" Mirai: (⊙_⊙) Trey: ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓
Unofficial official batter/dough taster
Trey doesn't mind
Mirai prefers Trey as a study partner
Hes the best at explaining things
and he's patient
and for every right answer, Trey gives Mirai a cookie
Riddle Rosehearts
Mirai finds the second year very pretty
but ofc he won't say it in front of the Heartslabyul Housewarden, lest he wants to lose his head
*Mirai staring at Riddle* Riddle: "It's rude to stare, you know" Mirai: "Did you know you have pretty eyelashes?" Riddle: "I do not!" Mirai: "You do. All of you is pretty!" Riddle: ∑(O_O;) Mirai: (O u O) Riddle: "Off with your head!"
Tea time with Riddle
Mirai likes those moments, because Riddle is always his most relazed
He's more open and himself during those moments
Mirai loves the Unbirthday parties and is happy Riddle always extends an invite
Mirai likes to paint the roses red as well
But he always loses to Riddle at Croquet
But then again, it's not so bad, at least Riddle is happy
This took way longer than expected, but it's done! You can see who my biases are *Cough* *Cough* Cater and Ace * Cough* *Cough* But I tried to give them all enough content
And as you can see, Mi-Mi is shipped with Ace and Cater. This will be a reoccurring theme with these. All of my faves will get a dating bracket with Mi-Mi!
Anyways, stay tuned for my next part, Savanaclaw!
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Mirai Yuhara and Diasomnia
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: Mentions of loss in Malleus' part. (Mirai's mother and Malleus' mother) Nothing graphic, just mentioned.
Sebek Zigvolt
One sided relationship
Sebek cannot stand Mimi
whereas Mirai likes Sebek and always tries to include him in things
but then again, Mimi's a menace
Mirai likes to mess with Sebek
his reactions are some of the best
Mimi also likes to play harmless tricks on Sebek
He's just so gullible
Mirai: "Did you know there's some illness going around the school? Four of the guys in my Homeroom have already caught it." Sebek: "There is?! We must warn the Young Master immediately! What's this wickled evil called?! I must know!" Mirai: "Deez." (≖ ͜ʖ≖) Sebek: "Deez? What's Deez?" Σ(°△°|||)︴ Mirai: "DEEZ NUTZ!" Sebek: ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ Mirai: ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
Sebek Zigvolt - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Sebek is another I cannot see dating Mirai as he is
there are too many differences between them that I think make them incompatible
But F!Mirai maybe
Sebek is infatuated
He's the first to fall
And he falls harder
He thinks he's been cursed
but even he knows that's impossible for someone like Mirai
She's magicless after all
He tells Lilia first
He can't let the Young Master know of his plight
That would be so unprofessional
But Lilia just sighs happily
Talking about "young love" or something like that
It's Silver who tells Sebek to act upon his crush
And when he does, he doesn't turn back
He starts off with small gestures
Try to carry Mimi's books, or get her lunch, or help with her homework
Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't
Then Sebek tries compliments
Key word, tries
but he flusters so easily that he just ends up screaming so called compliments at her
Sebek: "You look nice today! But not as nice as the Young Master!" Mirai: (ᓀ ᓀ)
And when Sebek thinks he's failed, Lilia suggests the old Brair Valley custom, gifting rocks
Sebek doubts it will work but tries anyways
Sebek searches for the shiniest, prettiest rocks for Mirai
They have to be the best!
They have to capture her beauty!
And when he gives them to her, she lights up like the stars
Sebek is glowing for the rest of the day
And when Mimi gifts him a pile of bright green rocks
Sebek feels as if he just might burst
Mirai doesn't even realize Sebek is courting her
She just likes the rocks
But when the Fae start to ask when the wedding is, does she realize something is wrong
So she asks Lilia
and she def wasn't expecting the answer he gave her
Mirai: "Sebek?" 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 Sebek: "Please leave me be." (ಥ﹏ಥ) Mirai: "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I thought you just liked rocks." Sebek: "No, no. I should have had the forethought that you wouldn't understand. Being human, and not being from here and all." Mirai: "Will you come out from there?" 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。 Sebek: "Nuh, uh." (ಡ‸ಡ) Mirai: "Sebek." SebeK: "No." Mirai: "Come on Sebek!" SebeK: *Emerges from his hiding place* "Oh, can't a man try to preserve his pri-" *Mirai presses a soft kiss to Sebek's flushed cheek* (*¯ ³¯*)♡ Sebek: (⊙_⊙) Mirai: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ Sebek: "Wha-" Mirai: "I like you too. Maybe we can go for lunch sometime?" Sebek: "O-Oh. Ok-kay." (ノ*°▽°*) Mirai: ( ´ ꒳ ` )
Mimi doesn't know much about Silver
And it's not like they don't get along or anything
they just don't interact much
and if they do
it's in passing
Oh? Malleus is missing again? Silver is with Lilia and Sebek searching for the Young Master.
Sebek is causing a bit of trouble again? Silver is there to soothe things over.
You get the picture.
Mirai has seen the guy at Kalim's parties before
But the guy was in too deep a sleep to make conversation
But other than that, Mirai thinks Silver a nice guy
He's soft spoken and always willing to help
If he's awake that is
He makes a great nap buddy, and Mirai would never let harm come to Silver while he sleeps (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
much like Mirai does for Leona
even if the Beastman doesn't need it
So if he has to keep watch for an hour or two ٩(ˊ〇ˋ*)و
so be it
Lilia Vanrouge
Prank buddy number whatever
I'm not keeping track
Seriously, I'm not
The campus fears them when they are together
and don't let Ortho or Ace join in on the fun
because if they do
it's over for you
Their schemes are elaborate
they take weeks to pull off
but the ending is worth it
they once had then entire freshman class think one of the stairways was haunted
that some nights a woman in a white dress would cry out for her missing child in the sports field on Thursday nights
they've planted stink bombs that would go off simultaneously at noon
and so on and so forth
they've alos gotten detention multiple times for it
Crewel: "Do you still think it was worth it?" *Mirai and Lilia stop scrubbing cauldrons and look at each other* Mirai/Lilia: "Yeah." Ψ( `∀)(∀´ )Ψ Crewel: *Sighs irritatedly* (≖、≖╬)
Other than that, Mirai thinks Lilia is a cool dude
Yeah he's kinda weird, but weird is good
weird is cool
Mirai just refuses to eat his cooking tho
that's never going to happen
Malleus Draconia
Mirai likes Malleus
He was one of the first that Mirai met that didn't attack, or insult him when he was dropped into their world
He also finds his presence comforting
They liked to go on walks some nights
sometimes they are full of chatter
Mirai: "Back home, I had a job, and me and my co workers would cut up all the time" Malleus: "Cut up? Like food?" Mirai: "It means like fool around, and stuff. Like we'd tell funny stories and jokes all day and halfway do our jobs." Malleus: "Oh. Well did you get a scolding?" Mirai: "Oh yeah." Malleus: "Then why do it? Surely it is better to do your job than getting a scolding?" Mirai: "Well aren't the memories we've made more valuable in the end? So what's the harm in a talkin' to, or a few rules broken? You only live once, ya'know?" ╮(︶▽︶)╭ Malleus: σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
or sometimes they are filled with a pleasant silence
other times they stay indoors
and when one, and or both of them were in a mood
their talks are either solemn silence
or a vent session
Malleus: What's the matter, Son of Man?" Mirai: "Had a nightmare." Malleus: "Oh. Would you like to talk about it?" Mirai: *Had a dream my mother was here, that she was alive and happy. It was a good dream, but waking up and realizing it wasn't true was the nightmare all in itself." Malleus: "I am truly sorry, Mirai." Mirai: "Don't be. Ain't nothin' can change a thing. Cryin' about it won't bring her back." Malleus: "I'm not sure if I'd be any help, but I too have lost my mother." Mirai: "Mal, I'm sorry. I didn't know, and here I am running my stupid mouth." Malleus: "It's okay, Mirai." ~~~~~~*silence*~~~~~~ Malleus: "I'm not confident in my skills in comforting someone, that area is more of Lilia and Sliver's expertise. But I can be a shoulder to cry on, if you need it." Mirai: *sobs into Malleus' shoulder* "I miss her so much." *Malleus doesn't say anything, but his presence is enough*
Either way Mirai looks forward to their time spent together
AAAAAANNND, I'M DONE! (o´▽`o) This one actually stumped me, hence the huuuuge gap between updates. And I honestly thought this one would be the shortest part out of the dorms since I don't favor this dorm too much. But it actually ended up being one of my longer ones. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
The rock part in Sebek's part was really a random idea I threw in. I think I read before in some work that Fae give rocks as courting gifts, but then again I might be mixing that up with another humaniod being. ┐('~`;)┌ But I like it, so I used it lolol. (o^ ^o)
This series is coming to a close, with the staff being the last part. If you all would like a part two, or have any more ideas for me to write on Mirai and the Twst cast, let me know! I'll be happy to write some, just pay attention to my rules on my pinned post. Also, feel free to leave some feedback! It makes he happy to read your thoughts on Mimi and the guys! (≧◡≦) ♡
On a side note, I've been trying to flush out all my other series, but I've had too many ideas in my head to get on paper. I'm also drawing some fanart, but that too has been taking my time. All in all, I'm happy to finally get this part out! See yall soon! ヽ(´ー` )┌
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Title: (They'll be calling me) Royalty
Part 4 of my “The Lion's Den” series! Part 1, 2, and 3 here!
Parings: Implied Leona x Mirai but not really. They're getting there tho
“Because what?!” Mirai yelled. “Because I was tired,” Leona yelled. “Be-Because I'm tired of always being second! No matter what I do, I’ll always be second best! I was born second, my dorm is second, even in the sport I’ve been playing for as long as I can remember I’m second! I’m always second!”
cw: Overblot Leona, canon injuries, Mirai get's injured, nothing severe, hurt comfort,
a/n: I also might have listened to Jonathan Young's cover of "Be Prepared" on loop while writing this lololol. Also, title inspired by Royalty by Egzod, Meastro Chives, Neoni!
a/n: This is not a "Bullies to lovers". Just putting that out there. I wanna show Mirai's and Leona's process of trust and eventual love.
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  (─‿‿─)♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
It's kinda long, sorry. I might break this one up, but who knows ┐(´∀`)┌
Classes for the day were uneventful. Ace, Deuce, and Grim bickered like they normally did, Coach Vargas was loud as always, and lunch was as it always was. But the school seemed to have a certain buzz about it, and Mirai couldn’t figure out what it was, so he thought to ask Ace and Deuce about it.
“The annual fall Spelldrive Tournament is coming up,” Ace said excitedly, “How did you not know?!” 
“Gee,” Mirai said sarcastically, “I wonder why I wouldn't know about such a huge NRC event?”
Sometimes it irked Mirai with how much everyone here forgot that one, he didn’t know magic, and two, that he wasn’t from their world. I mean, how could they forget when they were around him every single day?!
“Sevens! What crawled up your butt today?!”
“Did you forget that I’m not from here? How am I supposed to know what’s the norm around here?”
“That’s all you had to say,” Ace sneered, “Why you gotta take it out on me?!”
“Maybe because I expect my best friend to remember something so important about me,” Mirai growled out.
“Alright,” Jack soothed, “calm down. It’s alright.”
Mirai and Ace both grumbled to themselves, their arms crossed petulantly. 
“The Spelldrive Tournament is between the dorms or the school,” Epel supplied.
“Each dorm fights for the bragging rights of having the best Spelldrive team, and Diasomnia has held the spot for the past three years! No thanks to Lord Malleus, of course,” Sebek boasted.
Ace groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Every dorm will appoint their best players and train until the end of the month,” Jack said. “Housewarden Leona has already made his team.”
“So it’s an enchanted version of football, got it,” Mirai muttered. 
Maybe that was why Leona had been so distant lately? If this was as important to the school, then maybe Leona just had his head in the game is all?
“What’s football?” Jack asked.
“Okay, so, you have two teams,” Mirai began.
The next day was as eventful as any school day goes. In Professor Trein’s class, they were doing a unit test. Mirai was pretty sure as always, he was gonna score just over passing, keeping his grades at a constant C. The test wasn’t hard, but that was what Mirai was afraid of. He was pretty sure he butchered that last half on magic in the Briar Valley, and at lunch, Ace, Deuce and Grim had their complaints about it.
“If I don’t pass this test, Ima be benched again,” Ace sighed, head in his hands. 
“I told you guys to study,” Jack chided. “Epel and I had a study session last weekend.”
“Who wants to spend their weekend studying?” Grim grumbled.
“If you wanna pass, you do,” Sebek shouted.
“I think I did pretty good,” Deuce said.
“Oh?” Ace taunted, “What makes Juice so sure?”
“It’s Deuce! Not Juice,” Deuce grumbled angrily. “And I got some help from Trey yesterday. I’m not saying the whole thing was easy, but I feel I did a good job for the majority of it.”
“That’s good,” Epel nodded with a smile, “I hope it all goes well for you.”
“Thanks,” Deuce smiled. 
Ace scoffed, annoyed. 
“What about you, Mirai?” Jack asked. “Mirai?”
Mirai was sitting with his chin resting in his hand, eyes staring off and out the window.
“Mirai?” Grim asked, paw tapping Mirai on the shoulder.
“Ah,” Mirai jumped, “Yeah? What is it?”
“You okay, Human?” Sebek asked.
“He’s probably bummed out because he failed that test,” Ace teased.
“I did not,” Mirai shot back. “The only part I had trouble with was the Briar Valley.”
“How was that even hard?!” Sebek shouted.
“Dude,” Deuce sighed, “You live in the Briar Valley.” 
“And cut Mirai some slack,” Epel pouted, “he’s not from here, remember?”
Sebek grumbled, turning his head away from Epel. 
“Then how do you think you did?” Ace asked, smirking slyly.
“I bet I just passed,” Mirai said, as if just passing was something to be proud of.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim busted out laughing.
“Oh yeah,” Ace laughed, “because “just passing” is anything to be proud of.”
“At least I won’t be benched.” 
The rest of the group had to stop Ace from lunging over the table at Mirai. 
Mirai didn’t see Leona or Ruggie that day either.
Wednesday was another bummer day. In gym class they were playing dodgeball in the indoor gym and it was pure torture. A couple of students on the opposing team decided to make it their goal to get Mirai and Grim out first. That promptly resulted in a trip to the infirmary for Mirai after he got a ball to the face, a scolding from Coach Vargas after Ace and Deuce both chucked a ball at the perpetrator's face, and yet another scolding, but this one was for Grim because he tried to set the guy on fire. Well, at least Sam had gotten a new shipment of cheesecake, and was saving a slice just for Mirai.
And when Thursday afternoon came around, Mirai wanted to do nothing but go buy some junk food from Sam and go binge watch a show that Cater had recommended. Grim, Ace, Deuce and the dodgeball guy were all punished for the rest of the week, the four of them stuck cleaning the gym, and as for Mirai, his face still hurt. His nose wasn’t broken, just a tad bruised, and to top it all off, his head also hurt, but it was nothing a couple of painkillers couldn't fix. 
As the days went by, things surrounding the Spelldrive Tournament started to go sour, but, then again, when did things go smoothly in a place like Night Raven College? Soon after the teams were picked, and the students from all dorms were getting pumped for the competition, multiple students from multiple dorms started to get injured. First it was a couple of students from Heartslabyul, even Trey, and then it spread like wildfire across the campus. 
Students were falling down the stairs, burning themselves, cutting themselves, and even the Vice of Scarabia had been affected. At that point, it started to look like sabotage more than an accident. But the weird thing is, all of the students affected had the same story, it felt as if they had no control of their bodies. Well they were just gonna have to get to the bottom of it, even Mirai really didn’t want to.
Mirai walked the empty halls of the main building. It was always so peaceful, when there were no classes in session, no students walking the halls, no one to bother him. The golden afternoon always looked best on campus, covering everything in its warm glow. With all that’s been going on, the Spelldrive Tournament, and playing detective by order of the Headmage, Mirai was tired.
They went to almost every dorm to try and find the culprit, which didn’t go well at all. The twins from Octavinelle chased them, and then when they entered Savanaclaw, the dorm tried to fight them, and Leona, who was more territorial than usual, challenged them to an unfair spelldrive match. All of this was honestly getting out of hand. Mirai could care less about Spelldrive, Mirai didn't get the big whoop about it, and he honestly didn’t get why Grim wanted to play so much. But then again, maybe that was Grim’s way of trying to fit in. Mirai could understand, he wanted to fit in as well, he was tired of being the outcast.
Mirai made his way to an empty classroom, and looked out the window. From here, he could see the street where the vendor's stalls were being set up for game day. Game day. The day of the tournament, the day they would take action. Mirai sighed once more. What should have been a day of fun and togetherness, not that Mirai would think these guys would come together for anything, is now a day of uncertainty that was leaving a knot in his stomach. And it was all because of Savanaclaw.
It didn’t take long to finally trace it all back to Savanaclaw, to trace it back to Leona, and honestly, Mirai didn’t know what he was feeling. Why? Why would Savanaclaw, Ruggie, Leona, hurt all those people? They hurt Trey, they hurt Jamil, and everyone else. They lied to them, sent them on this wild goose chase, they stole from them, and what about their plan?
Why would they plan to put all those people in danger? What about the innocent students, the innocent supporters? The children who might be there? And for what? Because Savanaclaw didn’t have the guts to play fairly? Because Leona didn’t have the guts to play fairly? And for what?!
Mirai’s phone buzzed in his pocket, shaking him from his thoughts. “What’s up?” Mirai answered.
“Where are you, man?” Ace asked from the other end. “Where meeting up to go over the plan one last time.”
“Where are you?” Mirai asked, leaving the classroom.
“I’m coming,” Mirai said, hanging up.
Yelp, Mirai guessed he’d get his answer tomorrow.
It was the day of the tournament and their plan had worked. The remaining teams were saved, the lay people were safe, and they had backed Ruggie and Leona into a corner. Mirai didn’t know what to feel. He knew who was behind all of this, he knew, and yet, seeing it up close, hearing it with his own ears, it was like a slap in the face. He thought his friends were better than that, but to put innocent people in harm's way, Mirai couldn’t ease the betrayal he felt.
Mirai didn’t know what to make of the cold, sadistic smile Leona held as he turned Ruggie into sand. He didn’t know what to make of bitterness that seeped off of the Beastman in waves as his plans were foiled right before his eyes. 
Leona laughed bitterly, “Yeah, you're probably right. No, you're exactly right! I will never become king. No matter how hard I try!”
He should be angry like Jack was, he should feel betrayed like Ruggie did, he should rub this in Leona’s face like Lilia just did, he should be smug like Ace and Deuce were about being one step ahead of the Beastman, but he couldn’t. 
“I've been loathed since the day I was born. I've never had a place, never had a future,” Leona grit out, a dark dreadful atmosphere seeping around the group. “None of my hard work is ever rewarded! How could any of you possibly understand? My disappointment?! My pain?!”
Leona roared, the sound was so loud, Mirai felt as if the entire stadium was falling apart with it. Leona screamed in agony as he held his head in his hands, the ground cracked and fissured beneath him, a dark black mist emitting off of his body. The group watched in horror as Leona’s screams turned into morbid laughter, and when he looked up at them, his hands were covered in the jet black ink, just like the ink-like tears that were dripping from his eyes. 
Mirai wanted to reach out to him, tell him that it was okay, that he was there for him, but he couldn’t, because that would be a lie. He was never there for him, and things were far from okay. Those words, compared to Leona's feelings, were null. He couldn't move his feet from that spot, he couldn’t get any words out, they were stuck in his throat. Just like Riddle, he was Overblotting.
The winds began to pick up, carrying sand around with them. They began to vortex around the Savanaclaw Housewarden, and suddenly, the atmosphere changed. It washed over them as quick as an exhale. It felt like a thunderstorm, it felt charged, yet so calm, like the moment right before a lightning strike. Not a second later, the winds caved, then exploded. With dark magic, sand, and debris, the gust sent everyone flying, the group trying to shield themselves from the blow. 
“You guys okay?” Riddled coughed, brushing himself off.
“A-okay here,” Cater muttered, picking himself up.
“I thought I was a goner,” Grim whined, rubbing his furry face into Mirai’s shirt.
“Guys?” Deuce called wearily, “look.”
Standing in the middle of the clearing as the smoke and dust cleared was no longer Leona, certainly not the one Mirai had come to know. Dark magic and blot oozed off of him in waves. It swirled and spiraled with sand, dying everything around him black. He was different, even his clothes were different.
“I dunno what's going on, but if we hit Leona hard enough, maybe we can snap him outta it?” Jack more like stated, readying himself. 
Ruggie staggered forward, coughing as he tried to steady himself, “I-I'll help too. N-No way I'm t-taking what he said lying down!”
“Take it easy, yeah?” Mirai asked.
Ruggie waved the Prefect off, pulling out his magic pen.
“So even the lowly hyena turns against me?” Leona laughed snarkily with a scoff, “What an absolute joke!”
“Ya think Ima just, just bow my head after that s-stunt you just pulled?!” Ruggie rasped. “Notta chance!”
Leona growled as lunged at them, his first attack coming in fast.
“Guys,” Mirai yelled, “He’s coming for us!”
Leona pounced on the group, and they all scattered. Mirai tried to dodge the attack the best he could, but he wasn’t quick enough, the shockwave sending Mirai flying as he rolled to a stop a few feet away.
“You okay, Human?!” Grim called, running to Mirai’s side.
“Yeah,” Mirai smiled, petting the little monster’s head, “I’m fine.”
“Hate to break up the precious moment guys, but we got trouble,” Ace shouted as Leona came at them again.
The group sent a flurry of attacks at Leona, and yeah he was taking quite the beating, but that didn’t stop Leona from standing his ground and dishing out some attacks of his own, every single one of them more powerful than the last.
“H-He, he just won’t go down,” Ruggie heaved.
“Take it easy, Ruggie,” Jack said, placing a hand on Ruggies shoulder. 
“I’ll take it easy when things are back to the way they should be.”
“You okay, Ruggie?” Mirai called from where he was hiding behind one of the bleachers.
“A-Okay,” Ruggie said, flashing Mirai a smile.
As the fight waned on, the group was beginning to falter. Between spells being casted wrong, missing their target, and more than a few close calls, they all needed a plan, and fast.
“You idiots think you can beat me?!” Leona roared, sending a powerful wind attack into Ruggie, sending the poor Hyena tumbling. 
“Ruggie,” Jack called, running to his side.
Leona leapt to Ruggie and Jack, but suddenly he was blacked by a wall of fire. He turned his green eyes to Riddle, who was standing a few ways away to his right.
Leona sneered down at Riddle, voice sarcastic, “Oh, I quiver with fear!”
The Beastman turned his attention to Riddle, sending his Blot Incarnate to attack, the mangled lion beast slashing at Riddle. The Heartslabyul Housewarden dodged the attacks, fending them off with his own.
“You don’t deserve the throne, and to be quite frank, I hope you never get to sit down on it,” Ace sneered, moving to guard his Housewarden.
“I will be king,” Leona yelled, stomping his foot down, and suddenly a barrage of green lightning struck the ground from the dark skies, the sandy Earth shaking with every hit.
“Look out,” Riddle yelled.
The group jumped in every direction, dodging the powerful strikes, the ground singed and burnt in its wake. They were split up, Cater with Riddle to the far left, Ace, Deuce, and Grim to the far right, Jack still was guarding Ruggie’s injured form ways behind the Group, and Mirai was left alone, smack dab in the middle. 
“Guys,” Mirai called from his hiding spot, “Take it easy! We can’t fall here!”
Leona locked eyes with Mirai and began to advance on him. 
“Mirai,” Deuce yelled. “Get away from him!”
Mirai scrambled to his feet as he tried to dodge all the attacks sent his way. A ball of wind magic exploded on his left, then a ball of lightning on his right, both sending the Ramshackle Prefect across the sandy field. 
“Mirai,” Cater yelled. 
“I-I’m, I’m alright,” Mirai coughed, stumbling away from the Overblotting Housewarden.
“Where are you going, Herbivore?” Leona sneered, stalking after him.
Mirai didn’t know what was scarier, the Housewarden himself, or the fact that he was walking instead of running behind him. Pulling himself up the bleachers, Mirai sprinted up the stairs, tripping over his own feet as the ground shook from Leona’s Blot Incarnate’s attacks.
“Over here you oversized house cat,” Ace yelled, shooting a ball of fire at Leona.
Leona growled, getting down on all fours, dodging the attack. He jumped up onto the poll to his left, and using the balls of his feet, Leona pushed himself off it, landing on the bleachers next to the Ramshackle Prefect. Mirai’s head snapped beside him with a gasp, not waiting a second more to scurry up the stairs and inside. 
“Mirai,” Cater shouted.
The guys tried to go up and stop them but Leona sent his Blot Incarnate after them, the beast blocking the path.
“Mirai,” Deuce yelled, trying to round the monster, but got pushed back.
“We have no choice,” Riddle huffed, readying himself.
“There’s no time,” Cater gruffed, eyes steely and narrowed. “If we split up now, we’ll fail.”
“The Prefect will be fine,” Ruggie huffed, voice hoarse.
“He better be,” Grim grumbled.
 Mirai ran down the hall, the only light being the open archway behind him. It was unsettling with how quiet it was in there, even with all the chaos outside, the only sound Mirai could hear was his own breathing and footsteps. The sandstorm outside made its way in here as well, sandy grains coating the floors, the dust filling the air, making it hard to breath and the floors slippery.
The ground shook and a dark shadow loomed over the hall, Mirai didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was. “Why do you run from me, Herbivore?” Leona called, “Scared?”
Mirai didn’t answer, picking up his pace as he veered right and down another hall. The lights flickered eerily, casting deep shadows along the walls. Leona walked along behind him, the lights began to flicker out, not coming back on at all, the hallways behind them a pitch black. 
“Come on, Herbivore, join me,” Leona chuckled, “I know it sounds sordid, but just think of how you’ll be rewarded, when at last I am given my dues.”
Mirai twisted every knob, pushing every door he passed to get away from the lion. He was getting tired and the blows he had indirectly taken earlier were taking a toll on his back. Mirai’s breathing was haggard and the dusty air was burning his eyes and his chest. 
“You can have anything you want,” Leona persuaded, “gold, respect, it’s all yours. You’ll never go hungry again!”
Mirai pulled open a door, and ran inside, it was a locker room. Mirai sprinted through the rows of benches and lockers, hiding around the corner. Mirai tried to quiet his breathing but the burning in his chest was unbearable. He could hear the door open, swinging shut, and Leona’s maniacal laughter echoed through the room.  
“I can see it now, I’ll be all time adored,” Leona rambled, the distortion in his voice sending chills down Mirai’s spine. “And you will be right beside me since that little scavenger lost his chance. What do you say?”
Mirai scooted down the aisle, moving away from the direction his voice was coming from. Mirai was scared, and he was pretty sure Leona knew that as well, and for the first time, Mirai was wondering if he was gonna make it out alive.
“Answer me,” Leona roared, a loud banging sound rattling the lockers. 
The room suddenly lit up with green and by the time he figured out what it was, Mirai’s entire being was electrified. Mirai cried out, falling forward, his hand clutching his chest. He couldn’t describe the feeling, but Mirai knew for sure that he never wanted to feel it again. It was worse in his prosthetic, and Mirai wanted it off. As best as he could, Mirai ripped the metal limb off, his body collapsing onto the floor. 
Mirai could still feel the magic coursing through his veins, his body spasming with every beat of his heart. He couldn’t catch his breath, as he heaved through the pain. He couldn’t see through the tears in his eyes, and his blood burned, the magic feeling like liquid fire in his veins. 
Loud footsteps echoed off the walls, and Mirai didn’t have the strength to look up at their owner. “Why do you struggle?” Leona growled, his clawed hand clamping around the back of Mirai’s neck.
The grip was strong, it was cold, void of the normal warmth it had, and wet with ink. It ran down Leona’s arms and coated his hands, black droplets dripping from the points of his nails. Mirai didn’t struggle as Leona lifted him, forcing him to look up at him. Mirai could feel the dark power emitting off of him, he could feel the wet of the ink, running down his neck, staining his shirt in little rivulets.
“Submit to me,” Leona muttered, pulling Mirai close, “Stop fighting me.”
“N-No,” Mirai git out.
“Why not? Why do you resist me? I can give you the world! Just you and me above all.”
“I don’t want that.”
Leona dropped to his knees, holding Mirai by his arms, “Then what do you want? Tell me.”
“I want Leona back,” Mirai pleaded. “Please stop this.”
“You have me,” Leona growled, his grip getting tighter, “I’m ten times the man he ever was!”
Mirai flinched at Leona’s tone of voice, his eyes closing in fear. Ink dripped down Mirai’s arms, it was hot, it was nearly burning his skin. Mirai didn’t like the look in Leona’s eyes, he didn’t like the way he was treating him, he was scared.
“Y-You’re hurting me,” Mirai gasped, Leona’s claws suddenly prickling his skin.
“Then behave, and I won’t have to hurt you,” Leona smirked, running the back of his finger along Mirai’s cheeks, leaving black streaks in its wake.
“I thought I understood you.,” Mirai grit out, “I even saw you a-as a friend! B-But this?! All of this is not what I expected from the guy I respected.”
Leona seemed taken aback, and used that lapse in his attention to reach behind him and grab a handful of sand. The chances of this working were slim to none, but he had to try, he had to get out of the room. As quick as he could, Mirai threw the sand into Leona’s face, and much to Mirai’s luck, Leona immediately let him go with a shout, his hands flying to his eyes. Mirai felt bad as he shot up, grabbing his arm, rushing out the room and down the hall, but Leona deserved it. He wasn’t gonna talk to him like that, he wasn’t gonna treat him like that.
Mirai didn’t get far when the locker room before the door flew from the hinges, slamming against the opposite wall. Leona was fuming, a vortex of sand and lightning swirling around him.
“I was gonna let you go, Herbivore,” Leona sneered, “but now, you’re first.”
Mirai yelped, jumping down to the ground as the door was kicked into his direction, flying over his head, and into the far wall at the end of the hall. Stumbling to his feet, Mirai turned the corner, the archway he had entered coming into view. The lights flickered on and off, and when Leona turned the corner, Mirai’s stomach dropped.
“Get over here,” Leona yelled, sending a gust of wind down the narrow hallway. 
Mirai braced for impact as the magic slammed into him, sending him flying out the door and into the air, over the bleachers. 
“There,” Ruggie yelled. 
“Ace, Cater,” Riddle commanded, “Catch him!”
“Yes, Housewarden Riddle,” the two card soldiers nodded.
With a gust of wind, Ace and Cater sent themselves flying, Cater catching the Prefect and Ace lessening their fall. 
“You okay?!” Deuce asked.
“Y-Yeah,” Mirai stuttered, clearly shaken.
“After decades of denial, this is simply why I'll be king,” Leona laughed, the sandstorm getting stronger, “undisputed, respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder I am! Long live the king!” 
The group dodged more and more strong attacks, it didn’t seem like Leona was getting any weaker, in fact, it seemed as if he was stronger, which was concerning. If they couldn’t stop him, it meant that all the innocent people would be in trouble, it meant the entire school would be in trouble, and far worse, it meant Leona would die.  
They needed a plan, and fast, and Mirai thought of one. Leona’s attention was on the rest of the group, and that meant Leona didn’t care where Mirai was. One of the bleachers gave way and sitting next to him was a very large metal pipe. That would do. Mirai crept his way up and around the bleachers, making his way behind Leona and his Blot Incarnate. Mirai would have to make sure it didn’t see him before he got to Leona. 
Riddle, Deuce, Cater, and he had been shouting at each other, trying to figure out their next move, when Ace had seen him. Ace didn’t know whether Mirai was plain stupid or had a death wish. Why was Mirai, Magicless Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, making his way to Leona with a pipe?!
Ace nudged Deuce and and subtly pointed, and when Deuce caught wind of the situation, his face went pale. The others noticed the change in mood and Riddle went red in seconds.
The guys shouted and screamed out for Mirai as they threw a barrage of attacks at Leona, only for his Blot Incarnate to block them all and send the group flying with its charged attack. 
“Fynya?!” Grim screeched, “Stupid human! What are you doing?!”
The others began to shout at Grim, and Leona snapped his head around, his and Mirai’s eyes meeting. Mirai’s heart stopped, his breath catching in his chest. Mirai couldn’t even catch his breath before he was snatched up and lifted off his feet, the pipe clattering to the ground.
Leona chuckled darkly, a sadistic smirk on his face. “I don’t know what's more insulting, you nobodies thinking you can defeat me, or you, Prefect, thinking you could stop me.”
Mirai struggled in Leona’s grasp, his battle for air more important than the harsh words Leona was spitting at him. 
“It’s pathetic, really. Did you forget your place? You can’t beat me. If I can’t have the world, then I’ll just have to turn everything to sand. And I’ll start with you.”
Mirai skin started to burn, it felt as if it was being rubbed with sand paper. Mirai gasped, his hands clawing at Leona’s. 
“L-Le-Leona,” Mirai gasped. “L-Let g-go, le-let me go.”
“Why should I?” Leona growled out. “You're just like them. Look down on me like I'll never be enough, you pity me.”
“N-No, I don’t. I don’t, I don’t p-pity you.”
“Lies,” Leona roared.
Mirai winced at the noise, coughing as the grip got tighter. “Y-You’re better than th-this. The Leona I-I know wouldn’t stoop this low to get what h-he wants. You’re smarter than th-this.”
“You know nothing about me.”
“But I want t-to, I want to, so bad. I-I want to know yo-your favorite foods, your favorite c-color. Your p-past times, your goals, your, your wants, your needs. I-I want the Leona I fell f-for in, in the Bo-Botanical Gardens.”
“You think your honeyed words are gonna sway me? I hate people like you the most. Always sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, always saying the right things to get what they want,” Leona growled out, his voice wavering. “You think I haven’t heard that before, that I haven’t dealt with people like you before? You’re no different. I will never have what I want, I’ll always be second best.”
“You will never b-be second best to m-me,” Mirai smiled, voice faint and breathy, “Y-you will always be my number one.”
Leona faltered, his eyes going wide at the words.
“Don’t hate me after t-this, y-yeah?”
Before Leona could comprehend what happened, Mirai was swinging his leg back and kicking the Beastman in the face. Leona growled out with a shout, dropping Mirai as he held his face. Mirai dropped to the floor, coughing as he caught his breath. Leona stumbled back pulling his hand away from his face, the black blot ink mixing with red.
Leona roared, “Why you-”
Mirai picked up the pipe and swung at Leona, the metal making contact with his midsection, knocking the wind out of him. Leona stumbled backwards, doubled over as he held his abused stomach. Mirai pulled back and whacked the downed lion upside the head, and Leona was down for the count.
And like that, the sandstorm stopped, the skies slowly becoming blue once more. The blot monster screeched as it eroded away, the blot that bubbled and boiled fizzled into nothingness, and so did Leona’s blot, and in its wake was Leona, their Leona, lying on the ground.
“Leona,” Mirai rasped, rushing over to Leona’s unconscious form. 
“Mirai,” Deuce yelled, rushing over to his friend, “Stay away from him!”
The group rushed over to the two, where Mirai was frantically looking over the Savanaclaw Housewarden.
“Mirai,” Ruggie called, “You okay?”
“Me?” Mirai rasped out, coughing when it hurt. “I’m not the one who just Overblotted.”
“You’re hurt,” Jack said lightly.
“I’m fine,” Mirai warbled. 
“Leona,” Mirai called out, shaking Leona slightly, “Wake up. Please wake up.”
Leona would move, he didn’t stir, and his breathing was shallow.
“Leona, please wake up.”
“Oh, Mirai,” Cater called, realizing that his magicless freshie was crying.
“I killed him,” Mirai sobbed. “I killed him!”
“You didn’t ki-”
Leona stirred, and slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the blazing midday sun. “Whatsit, what is it?” Leona muttered.
“He’s awake,” Jack gasped.
Leona looked up at the group looking down at him, and his eyes immediately found Mirai’s tear filled ones. “Herbivore?” Leona called, ears flattening atop his head as he reached up to thumb away the tears on Mirai’s cheek. “Why are you crying?”
“Y-You Overblotted,” Mirai rasped out, “and you wouldn’t w-wake up. I though, I though-”
Leona sat up, vision going blurry with the dizzying headache that hit him so suddenly. “I-I-I Overblotted?” Leona muttered to himself, “Me? Ain’t no way I-”
“Mr. Kingscholar, your negative energies accelerated your blot accumulation, inducing an overblot episode.” Headmage Crowley said, seeming to appear out of nowhere, cutting to the chase. “Were you responsible for the series of injuries sustained by competing players?”
Leona stood up slowly, wobbling as his knees threatened to give out. “Yeah, that was me,” Leona admitted quietly. “All of it.”
“Very well. Then to begin with, Savanaclaw House will be disqualified from this year's tournament. The rest of your punishment will be decided after I discuss it with the victims. Are we clear?” Headmage Crowley asked.
“Headmage,” Riddle called, “W-Wait. A word, if I may?”
In the end, Riddle ended up persuading the Headmage to let Leona and the rest of his team play, and as punishment, he was to play as he was. Of course that didn’t end well due to his overworked state. But in the end, Grim got to play like he wanted, but sadly, Mirai couldn’t witness the rest of the games. One second Grim was hollering about a special move and the next, Mirai was waking up in the infirmary. 
“Wh-Where, where am I?” Mirai croaked.
“Hey,” Grim called, “Mirai’s up!”
Ace and Deuce rushed to Mirai’s side, Deuce expressing their relief.
“I’m so glad you’re awake,” Deuce sighed. “You were out for so long, we were beginning to think there was some long lasting damage.”
“What happened?” Mirai asked, confused.
“You don’t remember?” Ace asked.
Mirai shook his head.
“Grim threw the disk straight at your head and knocked you out at the beginning of the second half.”
“I was tryna steal our victory,” Grim said nonchalantly. 
“More like steal his life.”
“You amateurs gotta work on your disk control,” Jack gruffed.
Ace rolled his eyes, “Yeah, you missed the whole thing. They are cleaning up now.”
“How did Savanaclaw do?” Mirai asked. “No, wait, where’s Leona?!”
“Calm down, Herbivore,” Leona gruffed from the other side of the room. “‘M fine.”
Mirai looked over to the other side of the room and spotted Leona in one bed and Ruggie in the one next to him. The Hyena looked far worse than Leona, but that was expected after the days earlier events, but all in all, Mirai was glad everyone was okay.
“But as for the game, everyone we went up against didn’t care for the game, they just threw magic at us,” Leona scoffed.
“We were dead on our feet by the time we went up against Diasomnia,” Ruggie chimed in, “They ended up taking first place.”
“That sucks,” Mirai muttered. But it was kinda deserved for what the two of them had done.
Leona scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“How are you doing, Ruggie?” Mirai asked the Hyena.
“I’m fine, quit ya worrying,” Ruggie dismissed.
Jack began fussing over his Housewarden and Ruggie, while Ace, Deuce and Grim, started talking out the game. Apparently Diasonmia’s team was a force to be reckoned with, their dorm head being the strongest one there. 
“Unca! Unca,” a shrill child-like voice yelled, “There you are! I finally found you!”
Mirai turned to the door where his eyes caught sight of an orange and yellow blob as it launched itself across the room and into Leona’s lap.
Leona groaned, “The little screech box found me.”
“Who’s the kid?” Grim asked.
“Unca Leona?” Jack muttered.
“That little furball is my Brother’s son, Cheka, my nephew,” Leona gruffed.
Mirai was surprised. He didn’t know Leona was an Uncle.
“I saw you play, Unca! You were so cool! Next time I visit, teach me how to play,” Check yelled. 
“Okay, okay,” Leona sighed, “I get it, and how didja get in here?! Where are your attendants? They gotta be pulling their hair out looking for ya.”
Cheka giggled, “I left them behind so I could find you.”
“Of course you did.”
Mirai chuckled, “He’s cute.”
“So when are you coming home to see us, Unca? Today? Tomorrow? Next week? And when's the next time after that? Did you read all the letters I sent you? What about the toys? Do you play with those?” Cheka rambled, bouncing on top of Leona.
“Look, I toldja, I'll be back for the holidays—Ow! Get offa my stomach, that hurts,” Leona shouted, eyebrows knitted together.
The room erupted in laughter at Leona’s demise.
“Ooh! Ooh! Unca! Who are they?! Are you guys Unca’s friends?!” Cheka squealed.
Ace laughed, “Yeah, sure we are! We're your Unca's besties! Ain't that right, Unca Leona?”
“That’s cool,” Cheka chirped, “Unca has so many friends!”
The group’s laughter got even louder.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” Leona gruffed. “Just y’all wait, Ima be on ya like a buzzard to a carcass.”
“Yeah, whatever you say, Unca,” Ruggie teased, face red with laughter.
Mirai and the others fell into another fit of laughter, and Ruggie ended up doubled over in pain as it hurt to laugh.
Well, even if the day started out like a nightmare, its ending was so bad. Even if Mirai did have a headache. 
It was late when Mirai woke up again. It was still dark outside, and the room was dark. Mirai blindly reached for his phone and powered it on. It was three in the morning. Mirai sighed as he lied back down. He wondered when he’d be able to go back home. 
Mirai had been in and out of sleep since visiting hours ended, and at some point, the Nurse let Ruggie go, and the last thing Mirai remembers was Ruggie saying his farewells. But he and Leona were a different story. Mirai still needed to be monitored for his head injury and Leona needed to be monitored for his blot accumulation. 
Mirai peered over at the other side of the room, trying to make out Leona’s form. He couldn’t. Mirai sighed, his throat still raw and scratchy. Mirai coughed, his throat burning. He tried to clear the prickly feeling, but it kept coming back, then he fell back into a coughing fit once more.
“You okay?”
Mirai jumped, eyes darting to the other side of the room, where a pair of glowing green eyes were looking back at him. 
“Y-Yeah,” Mirai croaked, his voice sounding raw and abused.
“You’re not,” Leona muttered. 
“And you aren’t either.”
Leona sighed and didn’t say anything else.
Mirai sat back in his bed and stared off into the darkness. He really didn’t know what to do now. He was awake, his throat was killing him, and now it was awkward knowing that Leona was right there in front of him. 
Mirai jumped with a gasp at the sound of Leona’s voice being so close to him. 
“Le-Leona,” Mirai stuttered, “Y-You, you shouldn’t be up. Go lie down.”
“I’m fine. Drink,” Leona said.
Mirai twitched when he felt a cold glass of water being pressed into his hand.
“Careful,” Leona murmured, “Don’t drop it.”
“Thank you,” Mirai muttered, taking a sip, and boy did it feel glorious. 
Mirai tried to gulp down as much as he could handle, but it wasn’t much since his stomach filled in seconds. Mirai reached out for the table beside him once he couldn’t drink anymore, but was met with Leona’s stiff form.
“You done?” Leona asked, taking the glass.
“Yeah,” Mirai nodded.
There was silence again and Mirai wondered if Leona was still there. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Mirai hoped that he was.
“Those bandages,” Leona started, his voice coming from the other side of the room. “on your neck. It was me, wasn’t it? And the same with Ruggie’s arm?”
Mirai wanted to lie, and tell Leona, no, they weren’t, but they weren't there the day before, and lying about it wouldn’t make the situation any better. 
“Yeah,” Mirai admitted quietly.
There was silence yet again, and Mirai felt as if his heart was in his stomach. Bandaged fingers came up to fiddle with the bandages that were wrapped around his neck. Mirai didn’t know when those were put there, most likely when he was out cold, and Mirai was wondering how he didn’t notice until now. He ran a finger down the length of his throat, and Mirai wondered how it looked, wondering if it looked as bad as it felt. Mirai just hoped it didn’t scar, he didn’t need any more of those, and he definitely didn’t want a sore reminder for Leona to see every time he looked at the Prefect.
“I never thought I’d hurt you, I never intended to,” Leona started, “You, you were supposed to stay in the stands, you were supposed to just let all this happen. You-”
“Whoa, whoa, y-your not gonna pin this mess on me,” Mirai rasped, voice rough. “It wasn't me who cheated.” 
“If you, if you just minded your fricking business-”
It became my business when my friends started getting hurt! It became m-my business when t-the Headmage held this whole fiasco over my head like he always does when things go sour in this stupid school!”
Leona went silent from his side of the room. Mirai sighed, coughing once more, his throat burning.
“Why?” Mirai muttered.
Leona stayed silent.
“I know you can hear me, you bastard. Why?”
“Why what?” Leona gruffed.
“Why'd ya do it?”
Leona growled lowly in warning.
“I ain't scared of you,” Mirai rasped angrily, “and growling still doesn’t answer my question. Why?”
“Because,” Leona said petulantly.
“Because what?!” Mirai yelled.
“Because I was tired,” Leona yelled. “Be-Because I'm tired of always being second! No matter what I do, I’ll always be second best! I was born second, my dorm is second, even in the sport I’ve been playing for as long as I can remember I’m second! I’m always second!”
“All you had to do was try!”
“And you think I haven’t?! You think I haven’t busted my butt for the things I want?! I’ve tried, and tried and tried, over and over, and over again! And for what?! I’ll never beat the bastard Malleus at anything, I’ll never sit on that throne, I'll always be second best! So I stopped trying!”
“I’m sorry,” Mirai muttered.
Leona sucked his teeth in annoyance, “Quit apologizing. Ain't nothing you can do to change anything, and feelin’ sorry for me ain’t gonna make me feel any better,” Leona gruffed, sighing.
“You know, you’re right,” Mirai said snarkily, “It’s you who should be apologizing, and I know a whole bunch of people who you can start with.”
“Thanks I try.”
Leona growled lowly, “You’re lucky, you’re lucky I’m already on thin ice.” Leona sighed, laying back against the pillows on his bed. “Look, ‘M sorry, alright. This whole thing was stupid. I was stupid. I’m sorry.”
Mirai sighed, “You know, I shouldn’t forgive you-”
“You shouldn’t.”
“But I do, forgive you, Leona.”
“And that’s the stupidest thing you’ve done yet.”
“That ain’t-”
“You could’ve died, Mirai,” Leona shouted. “You understand that right?! I could’ve killed you! They all told me what happened when you were out, that I choked you, that I tried to turn you into sand!” 
“I know that,” Mirai scoffed, clearing his throat, “but who hasn’t tried to hurt or kill me since I was dropped in this nightmare of a world?”
“You’re a blithering idiot!” Leona’s voice broke, as he looked down at his hands. “I-I did what everyone said I’d do. I’ve become what they said I was, a-a monster.”
“You're not a monster,” Mirai rasped.
“You don’t get it, you never have! I’ve always hated my Signature Spell, it’s a curse. I am the very thing that the Sunset Savanna fears, that the Sunset Savanna hates, a drought. They’ve always told me I was a monster, they feared me. They always said it would be a matter of time before I’d hurt those around me!” Leona grit his teeth, his fangs bared, “If I were born first, I’d be praised. If I were born first, I’d be called a prodigy. I would be loved, not feared.”
Mirai huffed angrily as he slowly slid off his bed and onto the floor.
“D-Don’t-What are you doing? Sit down,” Leona scolded. 
Mirai ignored him as he teetered his way over to Leona’s side of the room, stopping after a dizzy spell hit him. Once he made his way to Leona’s bed, he crawled on top.
“Herbivore,” Leona growled, “Get away from me! I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have!”
For once, Leona looked small. He never looked small in Mirai’s eyes, he was always so big. He was always so sure of himself, so prideful, so confident, but now, he looked like a mouse, like a kid who was being scolded by his parents. Unsure and scared, Mirai didn’t like it, it didn’t suit him, Leona Kingscolar, Hoausewarden of Savanaclaw, Second Prince of the Sunset Savanna.
“And I haven’t?” Mirai scoffed.
“What are you-”
“Look, you were right when you said that I didn’t get it, what it was like to be you,” Mirai said hoarsely, “but it doesn’t mean that I need to be you to know what it’s like to feel worthless. I will never know what it’s like to walk in your shoes, to be a Prince, to be second in line, those are your experiences alone. But I know how you feel.”
Leona scoffed, “Enough the flowery words. Don’t need ‘em.”
“I know what it's like to have everything, and nothing at all. I know what it’s like to want to be wanted.” Mirai out the window behind Leona. “That, that thing, that wasn’t you back there. The things you said, the things you did, the you I know, would never do those things, would never say those things.”
“But it was me,” Leona corrected. 
“Then say it.”
Leona looked taken aback.
“Say it, look me in the eyes and say it,” Mirai badgered, “Say you hate me, say you want me dead, say that you never once cared for any of this. Say it. Say you hate Ruggie and the others, say you’d rather turn everything to sand, prove me wrong.”
Leona looked down in defeat, his ears falling.
“It’s hard to say such hurtful things to the people you care about that you actually don’t mean, isn’t it?”
“But I did all of that,” Leona muttered, “I’m the one who tried to cheat my way to the top, I’m the one who hurt everyone around me.”
“And it was stupid. I don’t like what you did to your schoolmates, but there, in that stadium, was beyond your control.”
Leona balked at Mirai frank words. 
“When I told you that you were better than that, I meant it. That’s why I forgive you.”
“You shouldn’t, I don’t deserve it.”
“I don’t think that’s for you to decide, is it?”
Leona growled at Mirai. “Well if everything’s fine now, you can leave me be.”
“What about here?” Mirai asked, poking the Beastman in the chest. “Is everything fine?”
Leona went silent.
Mirai was familiar with signs of depression. The withdrawal, the lack of motivation, the masking, they were symptoms Mirai knew all too well. And Mirai couldn’t act like he didn’t notice, that he didn’t care, because he did, and he wasn’t going to allow Leona to continue to suffer alone.
Mirai reached forward and slowly pulled Leona into a hug. 
“Wh-What are you doing?” Leona stuttered, going rigid in Mirai’s hold.
“Push me away if you hate it,” Mirai muttered, holding the Beastman tighter.
Leona didn’t say anything, but he didn’t return the hug either.
“And even after all of that, it still hurts, doesn’t it?” Mirai whispered.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” Leona gruffed.
“I know one hug doesn’t fix the thousands you’ve needed, and I know I may not be worth anything, that I may not be what you want,” Mirai sighed. “I know I can’t give you what you truly want, but I’m here for you, Leona. I care.”
Leona choked back a sob.
“It’s okay to cry, it always feels better when you do. You’ve been strong, holding on for so long, but that’s okay. It means you’ve overcome something, that means you can pick yourself up and keep going.”
Leona sobbed into Mirai’s chest, and Mirai held him through it. Leona clawed at the back of Mirai’s shirt as his tears soaked through the fabric, and Mirai stayed there, holding Leona even tighter.
“You may not have been born first, and you may never be king, and I will never have the answers to your questions, but I believe you’re so much more than you think,” Mirai whispered, “You are smart, you are strong, you are resilient, you are beautiful. You are Leona Kingscholar, and don’t let anyone take that from you.”
“I-I hurt you,” Leona sobbed.
“I know,” Mirai muttered into Leona’s hair.
“I’m sorry,” Leona whimpered, pressing his nose up into Mirai's neck.
“And I forgive you,” Mirai croaked.
12 notes · View notes
Mirai Yuhara and the Staff
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: Smoking mentioned, Mirai's mother mentioned (deceased)
Divus Crewel
Mirai likes Crewel
He just might be his favorite professor
he helps Crewel out after classes and weekends
Mirai helps clean and organize the lab
And Crewel, in return, helps Mimi with his homework
Crewel wants nothing more to see Mirai succeed
he just wises Mimi would use his brain a bit more
Like "No Mirai, you can't drink that."
And "Yes Mirai, you have to use the Mandrake root."
and speaking of Mandrakes
Crewel cannot count how many times Mirai has stolen the Mandrakes
And or released them into the back woods
*Crewel chasing after Mirai around Campus* Crewel: "Mirai! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ Mirai: "No!" ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ Crewel: "Give the Mandrakes back!" Mirai: "Be free! Be free my children!" Crewel: ٩(ఠ益ఠ)۶ Mirai: ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Students claim to still be able to hear their screams to this day
Mirai even keeps two as pets
Mandy and Squag
Mandy can speak perfectly for some reason
and Squag can only say it's name
Crewel really doesn't want to know how it's possible
Mirai has also chnaged the name of one of his dogs
It wasn't on purpose
it's just that Spot looked more like a Poppyseed Muffin
Mirai Yuhara - Adopted by Crewel
Crewel adopts Mimi and in return, he tells of his past
Of his mother
His Father
and his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins
He also gives Crewel the honors of calling him Jasper, his first name
Crewel won't ask why this is, he'll wait until Mirai's ready to tell him
Mirai still helps out after classes
Mirai still will join Crewel for dinner
He still gets on Crewel's nerves
But it's amplified by 10!
Mimi is everywhere at once
He's asking dumb questions
he's getting into things
and now he's lost in the neighborhood somewhere with his dogs
on those days he contemplates his life's choices
He doesn't regret his decision
not one bit
Mimi may get on his nerves
but crewel sees the smile on Mimi's face when Crewel makes him spaghetti
the proud look on Mimi's face when Crewel praises him fro his hard work
and the sight of Mirai sitting on his-their couch on Saturday mornings, watching early morning cartoons
Crewel wouldn't trade it for the world
But what irks Crewel to this day is the Freshmen calling him "Mimi's Dad"
He doesn't know who started it
or how the word got out
but now the Freshmen won't leave him alone about it
Ace: "Mimi's Dad? I need help with question 9!" (¬‿¬ ) Deuce: "Mimi's Dad? Could you repeat that part again?" Random Freshie: "Mimi's Dad? The guys from Class A are fighting again!" Grim: Mimi's Dad? I have to use the bathroom!" *It even spread to the rest of Crewel's Freshmen* Epel: "Mimi's Dad? Can I ask you a question?" Jack: "Mimi's Dad?" ( ̄ω ̄) Sebek: "Mirai's Father!" Crewel: (눈_눈) *He secretly loves it* ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
And Crewel still won't admit he cried the day Mirai dyed his bangs black and white
And Mirai likes the domestic/unrefined side of Crewel he gets to see
Like how Crewel hates his across the street neighbors and their two poodles
They're super cute and super nice, so Mirai can't figure out why he doesn't like them so much
or how Crewel won't say no to a good movie and fine wine
or how the only pattern in his home is white on black spots
or how Crewel wears reading glasses to read the morning paper over black coffee
And like how Crewel takes him for milkshakes on weekends in his fancy vintage cars
there also was this time where Mirai caught Crewel smoking on his porch one early morning
Mirai: "So you can smoke and I can't?" o(>< )o Crewel: "I'm an adult and you're 17." (--_--) Mirai: "You told me it wasn't good for me!" Crewel: "It's not." Mirai: "Well it's not good for you." Crewel: "It's not." Mirai: (≖、≖╬) Crewel: (눈_눈) Mirai: "Well I don't think you're setting a good example." Crewel: "Even if I did, you wouldn't follow it." Mirai: (¬_¬;) Crewel: "Now go inside. You have school in an hour."
And there's Crewel's social life
Mirai thinks it's cute that he invites Sam and Vargas over for drinks sometimes
and there's this woman from Crewel's summer job at some fashion company that he can't remember the name of
she's kinda intimidating, but she's nice
they normally gossip for hours over wine and whiskey while her two dalma-poos play with Crewel's four Dalmatians
She finds Mimi absolutely adorable
and has taken him shopping before
All in all Crewel cares for Mimi, and Mirai couldn't ask for a better dad.
Mozus Trein
Trein feels like an older father figure to Mimi
or even a Grandfather
but don't tell him he said that
besides Crewel, Mimi feels like Trein would have the best advice
being older and what not
And Mimi tries not to cause too much trouble around his History Professor
One reason being his age
and the second being that he finds Trein even scarier than Crewel and Crowley combined
But then again, things don't always go as planned
*Trein, Mirai, Crewel, and some rando student in Crowley's office* Crowley: "So what seems to be the issue?" Mirai/Rando: "He started it!" Crowley: "Let's not shout. One at a time please." Trein: *nudges Mirai forward to confess his crimes* Mirai: "He was picking on me because I can't use magic!" Rando Student: "But he-" Trein: "Shh! Let him speak." Crewel: "So what did you do?" Mirai: "So I asked him if he wanted to see a magic trick, yelled 'Abracadabra,' and chucked a text book at his face." Crewel: *trying not to laugh* („ಡωಡ„) Crowley: *trying not to laugh* (*¯ ³¯*) Rando: (凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 Trein: *sighs* (눈_눈)
Don't get Trein wrong, he likes the kid
but since Mirai's and Grim's surprise enrollment in the school
things have gotten quite rowdy since
But he has high hopes for the two
Especially Mirai
He's a good kid when he wants to be
Ashton Vargas
Mirai doesn't know what to think of Vargas
The Man's loud
He's a total meathead
and all he talks about his muscles
and Mirai never liked Gym class
so he'd never like Vargas, right?
It's the subtle things that Mirai notices
like how Vargs always makes sure Mirai stretches properly
I annoyed Mirai at first
but he realized his back always felt better when he did
Or how Vargas always sends a dozen eggs to Ramshackle
Eggs are good. Protein.
But their always great in other dishes
Vargs just wants to make sure he eats right
And then there was the squats thing he did
Mirai didn't understand it
Every evening, after clubs and dinner
Vargas would do squats outside Ramshackle
It was weird, very weird
but then Mirai realized that they guys who'd pick on them after school stopped coming
He's was protecting him but also getting his workout in
Ace: ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) Mirai: "What's wrong wichu?" Ace: "Uh? Why is Vargs outside doing squats?" Mirai: "He always does that." Deuce: "Squats?" σ( ̄、 ̄〃) Mirai: "Uh huh." Epel: "Outside Ramshackle?" Mirai: "Yep." Jack: "In the dark?" Mirai: "Bingo." Sebek: (¬ ¬) Ortho: (´,,•ω•,,)♡ Grim: (=^・ェ・^=)
Vargs cares just as much as the other
Just in his own ways
Mirai likes Sam
After all, Sam's his source of income in this world
Mirai still kinda finds the man a tad creepy
Especially his "friends"
Mirai still remembers the day Sam gave him the job
It was around winter break
He and Grim were making a store run before it closed for the break
and just as he was about to leave
Mirai: "C'mon Grim!" Grim: "I am!" Sam: "Little Imp! A moment?" (⌒‿⌒) Mirai: "Y-Yeah?" Sam: "How are things livin' in Ramshackle?" Mirai: "Ugh! Their something." Grim: "It's the worst! It's cold! It's dusty! And that stupid Headmage is makin' us heat the school while he's gone!" Sam: "Huh? Why?" Grim: "Ta pay for our food and stuff! It's so unfair!" Mirai: "Grim!" Grim: "What?!" Mirai: "Ignore him. We're fine! Bye Sam." Sam: "Starting the day after break, you have a job here on weekends." Mirai: "Huh?" Sam: "It'd be nice to have a little extra marks in your pocket, dontcha think?" Mirai: 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 Sam: "Have a nice break, Little Imps. Don't catch a cold!"
After that, it was history
Mirai sees Sam like an older brother of sorts
He's young, his cool, and he's a tad mischievous
Mirai has on multiple occasions asked Sam to cover for him when he's gotten into trouble
Sam always has and always will
Dire Crowley
Mirai didn't like him at first
and do I really have to explain why?
he wasn't the best starting out
And it seems that he really didn't care
But Mirai learned to accept that that's just how Crowley is
but he has his quirks
Like how easily distracted his gets around shiny objects
Crewel: "What are your thoughts on doing a field trip to th-" Crowley: (✧∀✧) Crewel: "Crowley?" Crowley: (✧∀✧) Crewel: *looks at his ring, then to Crowley* Crowley: (✧∀✧) Crewel: *moves hand left to right* (눈_눈) Crowley: (←∀←) (→∀→) Crewel: "We'll discuss this later." Mirai who was the whole time: ( ̄▽ ̄)
And then there's the subtle bird-like nature Crowley has
Like how he cocks his head to the side when he's confused
or when he's curious
there's also his laugh
Mirai could have sworn he heard little "coos" mixed in there
Despite all of that
Mirai still is kinda indifferent about Crowley
But Crowley gave them a house so...
well, time will tell
This took waaaay toooo long to do! And it's waaaaay toooo long! But IDC! It's done! I'm done! Mimi's done! lololol
The part with Crewel I really liked, and really wanna make a mini series about their relationship. So I won't give away too much.
Ima make an update post to tie everything together soon, and Ima post an update on my series with Leona soon. It's actually already up on Ao3, but the banner was giving me a hard time so it's been sitting in my drafts for a week. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
And again, if y'all wanna see more of something, have any questions, feel free to comment or send an ask! See ya! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
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Sneak Peak!
Can you guess who the two are? Ψ( ̄∇ ̄)Ψ
Don't look at the tags lolol
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I tried my best, so please be nice. φ(..) Sleepy is only but a bean and very, very fragile. (≡人≡;) And constructive criticism is welcome! q(^-^q)
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Update on Mimi's arm! 😊
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I'm going for a dinged up look, so I added some divots and whatnot. 🤔 But the pad on his palm is messing with me. I want it to look the the rubber was been rubbed up, but idk if I'm achieving that. 🫠🫠🫠
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Mirai Yuhara and Savanaclaw
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: not that I know of
Jack Howl
Workout buddies!
Is Mirai fit? Nope!
Can he keep up with the athlete? Nope!
But he does try.
It concerns Jack sometimes, how unatletic Mirai can be
but he knows the blonde is trying
*Jack and Mirai on an evening run* Jack: You good, Prefect? We can stop for today." Mirai practically hyperventilating: "Yeah......"
Likes to help Jack take care of his Cacti
Another study buddy
Jack is far more competent than Ace and Deuce sorry Deucy
Mirai really wants to touch his ears and tail
but he would never do so without permission
Ruggie Bucchi
"I scratch your back and you scratch mine" sort of relationship
Mirai has def had Ruggie do some bad things for a price
Like blackmail material for money
or helping Mirai out of situations for food
They share recipes
the cheaper the better
all you need is a little spice
they both like to team up on Leona and prank him
Is it safe? No. But is it worth it? oh yeah.
Ruggie: "I'm good to go. You ready?" Mirai: *nods* Ruggie: "On three. One, two,.......THREE!" *both Ruggie and Mirai throw water balloons at Leona and run* *both did not make it out the dorm*
Leona Kingscholar
Kinda like Mirai's and Ace's relationship, you can't tell if they hate or like each other
they bicker 24/7
Leona knocks Mirai upside the head a lot
and flicks him on the forehead
but the majority of the time, Mirai deserves it
Leona can be seen hanging with the Ramshackle Prefect
he seems to be able to tolerate him, well, sometimes
they skip class together
Leona was the one started it really, he made the first move
Leona: "Let's ditch the assembly, they won't notice if we're gone." Mirai: ........"Alright, sure."
Mirai lets Leona crash at Ramshackle when he needs to
has come back from classes to find the lion asleep on his couch more than once
makes Leona help with his homework
well, not really
Leona claims he won't help, but caves in after seeing the Freshman struggle
Leona: "Oh, c'mon, Herbivore. This stuff's basic elementary." Mirai: "Oh, and here I thought "The Declaration of Independence" was. I must've be mistaken." Leona:...... Mirai:........ Leona: "Give it here." Mirai: "Gladly"
If they are close enough, Leona will use Mirai as a pillow
And because of that, Mirai will use Leona as a desk
Leona originally was mad at that, but soon let it go.
he can't count how many times he'd awaken to a text book across his face or stomach
Leona Kingscholar - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Much like Ace's relationship with Mirai, you can't tell if they are dating or not
They still bicker, they still make snarky comments, and they still challenge each other
it's not until someone for Royal Sword starts hitting on the Prefect, does Leona make this known
everyone leaned that day not to mess with what belonged to Leona Kingscholar
PDA isn't big thing either, but that doesn't mean it's not there
you just gotta know when and where to look
Like Leona's arm that's slung around Mirai's shoulders
or the tail wrapped around his ankle at lunch
or maybe it's that fact that Leona shares his food with the Prefect
or maybe it's that kisses shared between that two in the Botanical Gardens ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
And as jealous Leona is, Mirai can be the same way too
Some girl is getting too chummy with his boyfriend?
Mirai is slinging his arm around Leona's (¬‿¬ )
and of course Leona knows, but he doesn't dwell on it
something about someone else getting jealous over him, being someone's first choice, has the man bustling with pride
Leona: "You're not slick, ya'know that, right?" Mirai: "So? She shouldn't have been looking at you like that." Leona: "Like what?" Mirai: "You know! Like she had a chance!" Leona: "Well she didn't, so stop poutin'" Mirai: o(>< )o *Sighing, Leona kisses Mirai on the head* Leona: "Better?" Mirai: "I don't know. Maybe I need more convincing." *Leona chuckles, rolling his eyes*
They cuddle
like way too much (*ノ∀`*)
Ruggie has had the displeasure of finding the two like that more times than he can count
Mirai feels bad, but Leona doesn't
Sorry this part took so long, I've been busy _(_ _)_ I'll try to the next part out soon, and I'll try to get the next part of one of my series out as well. That's it for now!
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Mirai Yuhara and Ramshackle
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: none!
Mirai will fight for Grim!
Nobody messes with Mirai's baby
Loves Grim to bits and pieces
loves to cook for Grim just to see his happy reactions
He likes to dress Grim up in different outfits
Grim says he hates it
But Mi-Mi did catch Grim fighting with a shirt one time
Some nights, when Mirai is lost in his head, he likes to make his rounds around the dorm
Sometimes he fears he will disappear or Grim will
So he'll head to Grim's room to make sure the little monster is still there
Hates it when the Ghosts pull pranks on him, since he can never get them back
but then again, Mirai would feel lost without them
That's all for now! Ima try and do one of these a day to fill in for the time between my main works! Til then! ٩(◕‿◕)۶
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