#don't send me death threats or be a dick in general. why do i have to say this in the cursed year of 2023
rpclefairy · 2 years
the tumblr version of the roleplay formatter has been merged into the mobile version.
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why the change at all? we hate change: because managing two sites is double the work and it makes harder to update the coding on both platforms seamlessly. having two sites hosted on different platforms doubles the chances for bugs and glitches and it doubles the load of work. i'm only one person and i deal with chronic health issues which limits how much time and energy i can plausibly pour into a hobby. simplifying the formatter will be more efficient and kinder on my health long term.
why i merged the tumblr version into the carrd version instead of the other way around?: the tumblr version only works on desktop while the carrd version is adaptable to mobile devices hence why i've been calling it "the mobile version" but it works on desktop just as well. it made the most sense to keep the version that works on both desktop and mobile.
what is changing and what's staying the same: you'll only have to update your bookmarks if you have the url bookmarked :) i have added the night mode option from the original tumblr version to the mobile carrd version so that feature is still available and as far as the editor itself goes all features remain the same.
the con: the only thing i couldn't add to the carrd version is the toggle between 1080px and 540px boxes. this is because of how carrd adjusts the width of the content to device screen/resolution. if i add fixed sized boxes it will not work on mobile, which is why the carrd version was created in the first place. since this was the least used feature it was sacrificed to the gods :B
conclusion: the original link will remain active with a button redirecting to the updated carrd link, previously referred to as the mobile version.
you can keep using the formatter the same way you were before, just in a different url. unless you were already using the carrd hosted version, in which case nothing changes for you except having night mode now.
183 notes · View notes
saw a post on twitter about how in mkx kuai liang bowed to hanzo the japanese way and prepared tea in the japanese way as well as the utmost sign of respect what are your thoughts 🎤‼️
oooooooo my god do I have thoughts
Basically, that scene is my roman empire, and it lives in my brain Rent Free.
I think that Kuai Liang was just going out of his way to make Hanzo as comfortable as possible. Like he knows where they are, he knows how hard being here must be for Hanzo given what the Lin Kuei did so he's doing literally anything he can think of to say "I am not a threat, please hear me out"
I think he's also trying to soften the blow as much as possible, like there's no way to make telling Hanzo about the truth of what Quan Chi did not hurt, but Kuai Liang is trying so hard not to be cruel about it.
So he tries to show Hanzo by bowing the japanese way and preparing the tea in the japanese way that he wants this to be a chance to communicate, that he respects the pyromancer and his clan enough to learn at least part of their customs so that Hanzo feels a little bit less like he's just walked into a trap.
And the thing is, it works! You can see that even tho Hanzo is doubtful and suspicious of wtf is going on (and honestly that is a very fair reaction to the situation), he's listening to Kuai Liang. He's trying to hear the guy out!
It's also pretty clear that Kuai Liang is comfortable with the motions of preparing the tea, like there's no hesitation or fumbling (which might just be bc the game designers didn't want to deal with animating that but I choose to read into it anyways) so its obvious that he practiced this. He wanted to get it right!
And I just can't help but wonder what else Kuai Liang had in place to try and ease communication between them, to try and make Hanzo more comfortable. Like, did he find any Shirai Ryu items that had been taken as trophies and intend to return them (bc lbr, the Lin Kuei def took trophies)? Was he going to offer to let Hanzo stay the night? Like what was the rest of his plan had Frost not intervened?
Like Kuai Liang went so far out of his way to show Hanzo "I mean you no harm, I just want to talk" in the most polite and respectful way he could and Hanzo sees that! It's why he's so confused during the whole interaction bc to him it doesn't make sense. Kuai Liang should, rightfully, hate him.
And, just a side note, I don't think Hanzo ever blamed Kuai Liang for trying to kill him that one time. Like, Hanzo wasn't gonna let him, but he knows that he killed Kuai Liang's brother, so I think he understands why Kuai Liang hates him so much. It's why (as I read into it, this isn't confirmed) he doesn't kill the cryomancer in the mkx blood ties comics, and instead just leaves him there to bleed to death (dick move tho) bc he doesn't want to kill him. He just wants their feud to stop, bc he doesn't have any quarrel with Kuai Liang.
He might not like the Lin Kuei, but the ones responsible for what happened to him are dead, and by now I think he'd have figured out that Kuai Liang wasn't involved. So he's not trying to be the guy's best friend, but part of him doesn't want to be his enemy any more (I have so many thoughts about that whole interaction too, like that is my second Roman Empire)
But, back to the topic at hand:
The thing is, no one would have expected Kuai Liang to do all that. No one would have ever expected him to try so hard or be so kind about it. He now has proof that Hanzo did the very thing he's been accused of for years, he killed Bi-Han unjustly. Kuai Liang would have been well within his rights to simply send Hanzo that information some other way, without ever facing him.
Hell, he'd be pretty justified in just killing Hanzo over it bc all of these characters seem to agree that vengeance and justice are about the same thing (I mean, canon is slightly more nuanced than that, but that's the general gist of it).
And i think Hanzo knows that, and a part of him almost wants Kuai Liang to do it after he finds out.
but he doesn't
Instead, Kuai Liang offers him an alliance and an apology for what the Lin Kuei did (which, btw, I know we see real regret from Hanzo in that same scene but he does owe Kuai Liang an actual apology with actual words) and lets their feud end. Kuai Liang takes informatoon that would drive anyone else mad with rage and grief (*cough* Hanzo *cough*) and instead chooses to be kind.
I really wonder what that scene would have looked like if Frost hadn't interrupted, if she had trusted Kuai Liang to make the right choice and just let it happen.
How would that change their relationship and its development?
How would Kuai Liang have broken the news?
What else had he planned to say and would Hanzo have listened?
Roman empire guys, roman empire
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b0rtney · 8 months
Trolls pretending to be nice, and nice people pretending to be trolls
As an author trying to promote her independently published novel on a clock-sounding app ticking away towards monetizing our attention and its purchasing power more and more openly, it's rare that a video of mine gets more than 500 views despite my nearly 80,000 followers. I did have a video recently get 'big' (around 100k views in 24 hours or so), and it was, of course, about shonen anime and the dearth of enjoyable ones recently made, in my opinion. I am a pretty lesbian girl with purple hair, so whenever I make any content about my opinions on male-targeted anime, I get heated responses. Death and rape threats in quantities large enough that I've privated my channel for three months are reactions I've gotten from the community at large, and nothing really dents your self-confidence after that, so I was ready for that as I waded through over a thousand comments to farm for content that I could somehow, in some way, relate back to my novels. To my absolute pleasant surprise, most of the comments were very respectful, even when disagreeing vehemently with me! I was able to have fun with replying to as many as I feasibly could, giving my opinions on different shows and, finally, someone asks the golden question: "if you think you can do better, why don't you?" They were intending to be condescending and a little snide, but my eyes lit up like a cat at Christmas lights and I immediately replied with a video to the effect of: "I'm so glad you asked! I can do better, and here is where you can find me doing better in all of the genres I'm critiquing plus a few more." The response in the comments of that video were overwhelmingly positive. "This sounds so fun!" and "Can you give me a link to copy/paste?" and "When is this coming out?" I got a few sales out of it even. Thank you, catty internet troll! From that video, I got a series of comments essentially telling me to check my DMs, from a 25-year-old amateur beatboxing guy. I don't accept unsolicited messages willy-nilly, but when I checked my 'message requests,' I found this guy essentially saying my work was awful, but he was going to give me five stars as an Amazon review anyways, so I could grow my influence. I laughed and ignored the message. Two hours later, this guy sends a second message saying he "thought about it some more" and was actually proud of me, saying that the flaws he had previously pointed out could be workshopped into a passable narrative voice and, for an amateur author, I was doing pretty good.
Beloved friends, I have been writing for 15 years. I have written over 70 short stories and eight or so novels, with frequent workshopping from other professional and academic authors. I have a degree in English and Creative Writing.
That all to say, this guy was not getting under my skin, because I know my writing is good and that guy is just a dick explaining my own field to me. Whatever. I laughed about it with some other writing friends. Later, in the comments of that same video, I got a commenter who called me, "cringe," and "hateful." These comments stuck out because they felt strangely dissonant for the video they were posted under. There was no reference to what was cringe, and the video is expressly kind in tone and content. Someone else commented asking them, "what do you mean?" and the troll replied, "just watch her other videos" while calling me hateful again. I saw the same account post similarly rude comments under several of my other videos. All of them had the same general theme: something that was not, in all actuality, very mean or based in reality, but would make great rebuttal fodder where I could paint myself as a poor, sweet victim of a cruel smear campaign. Not just that, they were liking several videos too! As I said, I've experienced hatewaves, so I can recognize them, and this was decidedly not that. No, this person, the best I can tell, is trying to help me and my content by getting people to rush to my defense! It seems to be a burner account, with no followers or following, so there's no way to tell if it's someone I know, but what a strangely kind thing to do!
Keep on trucking, you kind little troll account! And to anyone reading this, be aware that these algorithms on these clock apps farm negative content, so while I can find the beauty in it, please release yourself from the expectation that it must be so enjoyable.
Oh, and buy my book.
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the-invisible-queer · 3 months
I'll understand if you don't answer since you said you don't wanna talk about him but if you're comfortable explaining, is there a particular reason why him hooking up with/potentially dating someone again (at least I think that's what this is about...?) is such an issue for multiple fans? Like is the girl a known bad person or something??? I'm not trying to hate on you or anyone I'm just genuinely confused and feel like I must be missing something. I guess I just don't understand why the Stormi rebound (RIP to that) was fine but being seen with this random girl once is like everyone's final straw lol
This is not an open invitation to discuss this more
I just figured I'd explain so I don't get more asks about it
I will discuss stuff that has been off limits just because it's ALL related
So after this I HOPE we can all put it to rest and move on
I can only speak for MYSELF
But I know Joe girls - and most Jonas stans in general - have a thing with jealousy 🙄
I do think that's part of it because I've seen some unwarranted hate towards her
And of course we get protective of our guys
EYE have nothing against this woman because I know nothing about her
My beef is with HIM specifically
It's fully MY opinion and feelings
I respect he is a grown ass man who can make his own decisions which again is why I didn't want to talk about it because I don't want this to come off as me just bitching
I love him so fucking much it's insane how much I can love a man I've never met
Just like with Stormi I'm not gonna say he's dating this new woman because I respect his privacy and I'm not here to play relationship police
I just don't think jumping from person to person not even a year after he filed for divorce is healthy
Especially because before him and Stormi ended whatever they were he relased those two snippets that did make it seem like he was down bad
And maybe they were unrelated to her
But it is interesting he stopped using them and has since just been pushing "Even Baddies Get Saddies" since the alleged breakup
I do want him to be happy but I'd also like for him to be responsible
Seeing those photos of him with this new woman disappointed me because what is he doing? Having fun sure
But like my guy you're not 25 and single anymore
Priorities are different or at least they should be
And I know it has to do with his fear of being alone but like bro alone ≠ lonely
I'm worried about him
Because TO ME it's giving midlife crisis and he shouldn't be having his midlife crisis for like 15 more years
I want him to be happy and if this woman is making him happy then great but for how long?
Because they way he is and has operated in the past it's not going to go anywhere
And it's borderline sleazy which like as a father of two little girls DO FUCKING BETTER
And maybe I've been looking at him with rose colored glasses and he's been a fucking sleaze the whole time
But I'm just not a fan of what this seems to be the beginning of
And I don't want a front row seat to it
Which is why I need to distance myself
FOR ME it's not this new girl that made me react like this
She has nothing to do with this and I wish her the best like get that dick bestie idc
It's the fact that he wastes no time between relationships and I don't think it's healthy
And bestie don't think Stormi got out unscathed
People were still sending her hate (and a few death threats I saw) AFTER they broke up
So called "fans" gonna hate every woman he's seen with
And it's not fair to any of them
And it's the reason I've mostly stayed out of and away from the fandom except for a few people
When I said Joe girls are mentally unstable I said that from experience AS A JOE GIRL
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yournamelesswriter · 4 months
୨୧ Rules and Boundaries ୨୧
We have to lay down some ground rules for how me and my content. As much as I love to interact with everyone, I still want to draw some sort of line so that we understand where we are as individual First and foremost, keep it within the Tumblr guidelines. We don't want to get our accounts to get taken down and lose a bunch of our progresses. My boundaries will be subject to change so it would be nice if you would re-read this post every now and then.
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✦ Rules ✦
✰ Don't be a dick
No personal attacks, offensive language, harassment, witch hunting, doxxing, racism, hate speech, or other disruptive behavior of sorts under my posts or works. I absolutely do not tolerate it and will block you.
Refrain from mentioning me in unnecessary topics. Listen, you may see my friends be able to do it but that's my friends and I gave them permission to do so.
If it's not warranted/on topic, please do not overshare/trauma dump under my post. It can be triggering for people and I would prefer to keep my blog a safe space.
Refrain from discussing unsavory topics, please use your common sense.
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✦ Personal Boundaries ✦
⋆☀︎. Personal Life .☀︎⋆
I'd prefer to keep my life out of the online sphere. I'd make certain posts about myself, talking about my experiences but I would prefer if it came from me and someone else. I don't particularly like people talking about me like they're close with me. I have trauma-induced Borderline Personality Disorder which lead to really askew sense of self and with my PTSD making it difficult to remember who I was, its really hard for me to keep track of myself. If you do know me personally, I'd prefer if you message me instead and not make public posts or comments about me. I'm really not great with having my information online as well.
If you do end up finding some of my old accounts, please don't dig through my post or my past life in general, especially if it's personal. It's really invasive and creepy.
Do not speak on my behalf. I am my own person and I have my own opinions. People do not need to speak for me.
⋆☀︎. Shipping .☀︎⋆
In the past I've been okay with shipping which lead to some misconstrued communications which did not go great so I would prefer if you don't ship me or my sona. Secondly, I have a partner and she's really the only person you would see me be flirtatious in any artworks. So unless its my partner, then Its okay other than that, big no. And to just reiterate, I do not want NSFW artworks as well.
If I do make content with my friends, especially with my DnD projects, do not ship me with my friends. Not only is it weird, but some of my friends are younger than me and are minors. They are practically my kids. I absolutely do not want to see them shipped with me.
⋆☀︎. Harrassment .☀︎⋆
I do not tolerate any form of harassment. The most obvious examples are death threats, doxxing, spamming negative things, replying for the sake of sending hate to someone, and or anything along those lines.
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✦ Art and Writing Boundaries ✦
✰ No comparisons ✰
I don't like people comparing my things. I don't think anyone would especially when you worked a long time on each projects. If you feel the need to tell me the comparisons of my art and writing then my DMs are always open.
✰ No unwarranted critism ✰
I am a human artist who will make errors, if I need people's input I would ask for it. I'm very open to criticism only if I asked for it again, DMs are always open if you really feel the need to tell me this and please make it constructed. If you go tell me "Oh your art style is ugly" or "You draw so bad" without providing any sort of nuance or reason why you would say things as such. I would not entertain you.
✰ Ask Permission ✰
Do not under any circumstance edit, repost, or use my art without permission. I'm not okay with it.
✰ Lastly, No AI ✰
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✦ OC Boundaries ✦
✴ Go ahead!
These are things you can draw/write anytime! Please credit/send it to me because I would absolutely love to see your works!
SFW art
Non-human designs
fanart with different outfit
with other OCs (with your ocs)
These themes are also alright ONLY if it is properly tagged and censored (and within reason):
Suggestive/Slight NSFW (I'm fine with artistic nudity)
Under no circumstances can you draw my OC with ANY of the following categories.
⚠️If you break ANY of these rules, I will block you and ask to get your work taken down. These are my OCs, you do not get to do these things with them.⚠️
NSFW of anything underage, unconsensual, or fetishes
Also including but not limited to: hateful language, symbolism, politics, and anything I deem uncomfortable and not okay.
If you don't know what catagory your idea falls into, or you'd like to ask anyway, then just ask me! If we're friends, I tend to be softer with my rules ^^
For questions, you can always DM for more information.
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lionwriters-blog · 3 years
My thoughts on shipping in the UT fandom
So let's start with an introduction. hello, I'm LionWriter (some of you may or may not know me), author, and creator of the UT au revolvertale part of @lions-ut-blog. This post will have my thoughts on shipping in the UT fandom as a whole. So, these ships that some people in this fandom love the most and some don't like so much because of headcanons that ruin the fun for others. I have been in this fandom for like 4 years at this point. I saw people disagreeing with each other over fictional characters with different personalities and characteristics depending on different takes made by different people.
I get that people have different tastes and headcanons for certain characters but that doesn't give a person the right to hate and harass people for liking a ship between characters that they headcanon one of two characters as minor while forgetting that people can get older whether in reality or fiction. One of the ships that get this much flack is the ships that involve Frisk and Chara because a lot of people seem to headcanon the two girls (yes, I see Frisk and Chara as females. If you have a problem go somewhere else) as children. I don't know why some people either harass, harm, or send death threats to others who ship aged Frisk or Chara with other characters in Frisk and Chara's age range.
There are a lot of factors that determine whether a ship is healthy or toxic, like the personalities, characteristics, and other factors. For example, the killermare ship, that ship is a toxic and manipulative one, why you ask? Because based on the canon info nightmare feeds on negative emotions and what a better way to get negative emotions than sending a pawn that likes to kill to do the master's dirty work.
There are proper ways to make a ship appealing to people by having a story that shows a build-up to both characters as the story progresses while applying canon info for both (if the characters belong to different creators) and, not ship for the sake of shipping. As some/majority of ships feel forced because of the characters' canon info, of course, these ships are made based on fan headcanons that change the character 180 degrees away from how the canon of said character should be. Of course, you can make your version of the said character without shoving your headcanon down others' throats.
To sum up, people should respect each other and, not make a drama about not liking ships. If you don't like a ship just block a ship's tag or block the person making it, and don't be an asshole about it. Also, some character creators don't like their characters being shipped with other characters outside of the characters' story or in general. So, don't be a dick about it.
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Headcanon request: How would the Bowers Gang react to their girlfriend's (poly or individual, I don't mind which one you choose ^^) ex - who is still her best friend but obviously likes her/calls her petnames - coming to visit her from their home town? What about when that ex tries to distract their girlfriend from hanging out with the Bowers Gang?
I wrote this as poly but it can not be I just didn't section these off tbh
TW: normal stuff for the boys, smoking, drinking , cursing, homophobic slurs, Patrick, blood probably
Bro it's on sight
They find out he's coming back up for the summer and they're so annoyed
Like they're just fucking vibrating with annoyance
Bc Henry wants to rip his fucking head off and he knows he can't
So he just sits in his agitation with the rest of the boys
You only started collectively dating the Bowers gang six months ago but you've all been friends for way longer
So they knew this bitch from stories
And those said summer visits
And none of them liked him even back then
They had to deal with the aftermath of that prick
Granted it turned you into the person you were
But still
He hurt you
He hurt what was theirs
And that wasn't gonna slide
The boys are the only ones allowed to call you pet names.
But anyway
They all first met when they were 14 (Patrick was 16)
At the time Vic and Pat were the only ones who called you 'pet names'
But those were more of a joking manner
Say Vic was teasing you he'd use them in a demeaning manor
Patrick was still trying to laid so he's mostly the same
So when Calvin called you 'baby cakes'?
They all collectively almost burst a blood vessel
Vic was the only person who called you that.
So hearing it leave that boys mouth?
Obviously he had a death wish
It only grew with time
You had told the boys that Calvin was coming up this summer
The last two years he couldn't one due to his family vacation and the other on your summer school classes
However the entire gang was blackout drunk when you told them
So no one remembered
Henry was going to your house to hang out with you and he saw this kid in your house so he played dumb
But he still knew who it was he wasn't stupid
You answered the door and let him in, immediately he had an arm around you.
This bitch really sat down at the kitchen table and looked at this guy knowing damn well who he was and said
"Hey sweets? Who's the fag?"
"Henry... This is Calvin... you've met him before"
"I think I would of remembered you hanging out with a queer."
You snickered and covered your mouth, hitting his arm gently
"Henry that's mean"
"Do I give a shit?"
Que Henry kissing the side of your head.
This kid was dead silent. Whenever you weren't looking he was glaring and sending daggers at Henry
If Henry didn't have the slightest bit of self control that he did have?
He'd of fucked the kid up right there in your kitchen
But he knew that you'd kill him if he did that
So he refrained and just made passive aggressive digs at him every chance he could.
Henry was generous like that
If Patrick heard about this guy coming up he'd be on the fence
Patrick made jokes about a three way when you were drunk and talking about it
He expected your plans to fall through like that had the last two times
Oh but they didn't fall through
And you didn't tell him about it?
He was fucking livid
When he saw you and him walking while he was out on the town getting a mouse for his (unofficial) pet snake?
To avoid interruptions like Henry, Calvin thought to take you out on the town
So last minute plans
Out on the town surely Henry wouldn't find you there
Calvin didn't know about the rest of the boys
It was over for you once Patrick saw
He let go of that fucking rodent so fast
Immediately he was on you, wrapping himself around you in a hug that was mostly groping
All of his snarky attitude and smirks were on full display
Those looming looks that would make anyone freeze
Yeah Calvin was annoyed and felt a faint sense of dread creep in
Patrick didn't even say anything yet and Calvin was shaking
His arms slipped to your waist while her rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Hey there sweetheart ... thought I smelt your perfume. Say, who's this"
"Henry said the same, This is Calvin. My friend from Welton"
Really goes to show how much they pay attention when you talk (atleast you thought he wasn't paying attention)
But as soon as you name dropped him Patrick remembered everything
He remembered when you got that breakup letter in the mail
God he remembered those tears,
You looked so pretty with your mascara running
Patrick definitely jacks off to that memory but you didn't hear that from me
"Oh Calvin the cocksucker! I forgot what that fag looked like" he said reaching his hand out to Calvin to shake
"I'm (y/n's) boyfriend, nice to see you again" he said with a wolfish grin
Patrick stayed with you guys the rest of the afternoon and accompanied in walking you home
He wanted some alone time with Calvin
The threats that left that boys mouth were enough to scare the boy to his core
You think he'd of laid off right?
He most certainly had a death wish
Two days later you and Calvin were hanging out in the woods
Just on a hike having a grand old time
That's when you saw Vic across the shallow water of the Barrens
Smiling he waved to him but he didn't see you
His face was shoved in a book
Your guess would be some Oscar Wilde book
Vic is that bitch
But nevertheless that boy was invested
"Vic!" You called out and his head shot up, immediately he was on his feet and ready
Poor boy thought he was about to be jumped
That's when he squinted and saw you across the water
The smile that crossed his face while you picked up the sides of your dress to quickly dash through the water and see him?
Yeah his heart melted
"Hey there babycakes" he chuckled and wrapped an arm around your waist while using his other hand to hold your chin and bring you in for a quick but tender kiss
He pulled back and looked at you then back to Calvin.
"Oh he's still here?"
"Yeah why wouldn't he be"
"Nothing Patrick said something.. and I guess I misunderstood"
"Oh what did he say?"
"Nothing don't worry about it okay, (y/n)?"
From there your hike was accompanied with the dashing blonde
Calvin was trying to hide his anger
How many fucking guys were you leading on?
How many guys were you sleeping with?
He was seriously starting to rethink his feelings and wanting you back
Vic's hand slipped into yours as he began to speak to you about his book
The way he spoke about it was so soothing you couldn't help but listen and nod along
Calvin just walked behind you silently fuming
He was so fucking done with this
But that's not even the best part
When you guys reached your house that night, belch was sitting on your Porch with his car parked in the driveway
Calvin almost lost it
He had to see you run up to Reggie and hug him then kiss his cheek
This was crazy
And immediately both boys could see the jealousy and anger in the other males eyes
So that's what was going on
Belch had offered to hang out with you that night and he intended to do just that
Vic offered to walk Calvin back
You weren't stupid you knew that Vic wanted to talk with Cal
I'm all honesty you let him have it because it was easier to have him get out that masculine possessiveness he absolutely needed to get out of his system.
Besides it was easier to play dumb then face the problem right now
Now you didn't hear it from me
But Vic punched him that night.
As soon as you and belch were out of his peripheral view he spoke up
"So you crushin' on my girl?"
"What- no"
"Hey I get it. I mean look at her. She's a doll but I'm gonna tell you this now. If you try one more time for what you've been trying to do all week I promise you you won't like the consequences. I'll make your life hell. Understand"
"What are you and your crew gonna do? Huh?"
Vic soaked him.
"Go. I won't be as nice next time"
Calvin went to the only motel in town where he and his mother were staying
He was leaving tomorrow
You were sad about it, you had fun when the boys weren't being dicks to him
You also did have a bit of fun when they were too
Calvin was going for his morning walk just enjoying the sights of the quiet and yet noisy town
He was lost in his own world until he heard the roar of an engine
There was a car coming straight for him.
All four of the boys were in the car (not really in it exactly)
Henry had the window down and was sitting in the space where the glass should be
Patrick and Vic was half out of the car
They began screaming to him until Calvin fell to the ground, scraped up
Vic threw his lit cigarette at the boy and Patrick laughed
Henry's voice was the loudest as they assaulted him with slurs.
"Stay the fuck out of my town. And away from my girl!"
Belch proceeded to speed off while Henry spit back at the boy
Let's just say your letters to Calvin take a lot longer than normal now...
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chorrianderr · 4 years
I saw your ask for Miracide, I just wanted to say that when you’re older one day you’ll realize why supporting people like her is wrong. She sexualizes minors and is absolutely not a safe person for you to be interacting with. Please stay safe on the internet. Those other teenagers you spoke of really do know what they’re talking about.
Alright, thank's for the concern anon!
But I've already explained my stance and why I don't feel like Miracide is as bad as the rumours said. So please try to see that one first before automatically undermining my opinion and throw this black/white morality in my inbox.
(You can look up the tag : Alex's Ask or JJBA)
On to the main point,
I do believe there are dangerous people on the internet and I try to stay safe, moreover considering that I do have some bad experiences w/ social media.
I also will revoke my stance asap if people (be it adults or teens like me) come forward with more evidence for these serious accusations, other than the 'kinda NSFW' art of underage fictional charas Miracide makes and how she doesn't post SJW posts.
However, from my observation so far :
1. Miracide hasn't done anything other than well...making fanarts which I'm pretty sure won't put her in jail, lol.
2. The people who are so keen in going on a crusade against her and throw around sensitive words like 'Pedophilia' are much more agressive. They push-- no, force you to have the same belief as them and immediately regard you as a bad person when you don't comply or for simply questioning their stance.
They will treat you like a criminal and ignore any experiences or opinion you have, while keeping up a 'Hollier than Thou' act.
Yet despite the disapproval, these people keeps on interacting with the artists and contents they dislike.
For what? only to insult said contents and generally being a dick to others.
How am I supposed to feel safe around these kind of people?
3. Now, compare that to artists who despite making NSFW works and interact with a lot of audiences, never foget to put proper warnings/taggings so minors like me can avoid those contents easily.
Artists who are always friendly and welcoming, accepting everyone into their Fandom.
It's easy to feel comfortable around them
4. Other teens are entitled to their own stance but to me coming into strangers' tumblr (regardless of who that person is) to insult or send them death threats is not exactly an inspirational behaviour
Tl;Dr -> I'm sorry but no, every point is important
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED-talk
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the-trashy-phoenix · 3 years
Supernatural season 7 review (part 2)
Link to part 1:
I think season seven is one of my least favorite (if not the least), for different reasons (although it contains several elements that I love). It begins with Castiel having all the souls of purgatory within him and practically making him a god. This power makes him very arrogant (and completely crazy) and so he begins making disasters on earth and in paradise (he kills many angels and humans who disagree with his views), while Dean thinks there is nothing they can do to stop him and Sam (ignoring the hallucinations caused by the breaking of the wall that protected him from memories of the period in hell) hopes to make Castiel reason. The new power does not last long, because Cas realizes that he cannot hold all those souls, and so, coming to his senses and finally realizing that he was wrong, he asks Dean for help so he can send souls back to purgatory. They succeed, but the Leviathans, still present in Castiel, take over and, after taking total control, decide to immerse themselves in the water that arrives at the city, in order to get into bodies of those who drink it. After Castiel plunges into the river, what remains of him appears to be only his trench coat, which Dean retains.
The enemy of this season is not one of my favorites, probably because after the apocalypse a pack of monsters does not seem to live up to it. I must admit, however, that they are difficult to defeat and so a real threat: there seems to be nothing to kill them and in addition they have the power to mutate into the body of the victims who they eat (and therefore not to be recognized). The real problem is that they are everywhere and they are also on the same team, they have a specific purpose: to dominate men (and eat them), without them even noticing. And they also do it pretty well towards the end of the season, especially since Sam and Dean don't know how to defeat them for most of the season (as usual). One of the best aspects of these enemies is their leader, both as a character himself and for his name, Dick, which allowed a series of rather stupid puns to be inserted. Plus the fact that leviathans can be hurt by detergent doesn't seem like one of the show's brightest ideas (but at least that episode, 07x06, gave us a little more of Jody). Luckily what can send them away for good isn't just a bit of detergent: Sam and Dean discover that there is a tablet, created by God's scribe, Metatron, which contains the formula that would allow them to send leviathans back to purgatory.
Thanks to this new element we meet two characters that I deeply love. In episode 07x20 Charlie, a computer and technology expert who works at Dick's company, finds herself catapulted into the Winchesters' world and realizes she has to help them defeat her boss. Charlie is by far one of my favorite characters, and probably the female character I love the most. Her funny and sweet personality, her relationship with the brothers (especially Dean) and the fact that she represents the first (and of some importance) explicit LGBT+ character lead me to always want her on the screen, I believe that just showing her in an episode makes it deserving of being watched. I would have liked her to become one of the main characters and a real sister of the Winchesters, as she will be defined later.
Kevin appears in the next episode as the classic stereotype of the intelligent asian boy, who is one of the best school students. We discover that he is the new prophet of God and that he is the only one who can read Metatron's table, and for this reason he immediately becomes someone wanted by angels, demons, leviathans and Winchesters. Unfortunately for him he is then trapped in this new reality, with the misfortune of being even one of the most important people on earth. The thing I like about Kevin is that he never wanted any of that and still doesn't want it in the following seasons: his life becomes miserable since he learns that he is a prophet and is looking forward to returning to normality, continuing not to accept his fate.
In season seven, a character, Bobby, especially emerges, due to his death in episode 07x10, which I consider one of the saddest and most emotional of the entire show. He's shot by Dick in the head in the previous episode and in this one, totally aimed at Bobby, we discover many more aspects of his past, like the relationship with his parents, his wife, Rufus and Sam and Dean (reminding us again to be a way better father than John). When the reaper asks him if he wants to stay on earth like a ghost or leave forever he decides to stay to help the Winchesters and so we have the opportunity to see him in the next episodes in the form of a ghost, in which, while helping the brothers, he loses more and more control because of his anger at Dick and finally decides to leave in the episode (07x23). Bobby is one of my favorite characters, so I was very sorry to see him die, especially knowing that it would destroy the two protagonists, but I think episode 10 is one of the best of the season. The thing I appreciated the least is the fact that he came back as a ghost: it almost seems to me as if the creators were afraid to abandon him totally and in addition I think that Bobby never wanted to be a ghost and that therefore this decision is a little out of character. Rationality aside, I loved seeing Bobby more after his death.
This season Sam is my favorite brother, probably because Dean does a series of fucked up things I don't agree with. I think his mental state after Castiel broke the wall that protected him from the memories of hell is one of the most interesting aspects of the season. Initially the hallucinations seem to take over and Sam can't figure out what's real and what's not (07x02), but thanks to Dean, in a particularly touching moment between the brothers, he manages to distinguish reality from the image of Lucifer that haunts him. Although in the early moments Sam hides the gravity of the situation from Dean and Bobby, I love how he opens up more easily afterwards and that he's pretty honest when Dean asks him how he's doing (proving to be much more open than his brother once again). In general I also like the dynamic established with Lucifer's return between him and Sam (because as much as I regret Sam being in that horrible situation I love Lucifer's personality this season). In recent episodes the situation becomes unbearable and we see a Sam totally tired and destroyed by these hallucinations that become more and more suffocating and persistent. Dean doesn't know what to do, he sends him to a mental hospital and seeks help in every way until he finds Castiel.
The angel appears for a short time in this season, but still leaves his impact. In the first two episodes we see him as "Godstiel" and, although I like this out-of-control and eccentric side and some of his quotes like "I am indifferent to sexual orientation", in episode 07x01, it's one of his versions that I prefer the least. I don't like to see Castiel, who rebelled against heaven out of love (whether it's for humanity or for Dean, or both, doesn’t really matter right now), totally lose this aspect in his personality and become a god full of himself who has no interest in the people he once loved. A much better version emerges when Dean finds him as Emmanuel, the man he becomes after losing his memory and being found by a woman whose he becomes her husband, and helps him remembering who he is. Castiel thinks he can no longer make up for the mistakes he made, but this time Dean defends him and encourages him to stay to make up for what he did, especially to have hurt Sam in a way that seems irreparable. However, he manages to "take his mental condition" and transverse it to himself. Castiel is also shocked by the hallucinations and all the Winchesters can do is to leave him in the hospital, with Meg, now kind of part of the team, who oversees the situation. The relationship between the two is more consolidated (from the kiss he had in season six) and I think Meg really feels a form of love for Castiel (while I think the angel feels simple affection). In the last episodes Castiel shows himself as a kind of very naïve and innocent pacifist, but he hides a strong fear of confrontation and of making terrible mistakes again. That's why he always tries to avoid fights and struggles between people and has no intention of returning to the field to defeat the Leviathans. This version of Castiel is cute, though not one of my favorites, because it manages to show both its tender side and its inner conflict effectively (and in addition it has left us some decidedly funny quotes and scenes).
Dean is definitely complicated this season, mainly for a reason: he's hurt. We left him in season six with the revelation that Castiel was working with Crowley besides his back and with the angel who, after becoming a god, told him he no longer had any interest in their family and caused a series of disasters around the world. Part of him would like Castiel to come to his senses, as Sam does, but the other part, which is more apparent, is hurt by Castiel's actions and in addition his pessimism leads him not to hope that the situation can be resolved. Bobby (and later Sam too) immediately notes that Dean does not believe there is any hope and also notes his grief at losing his best friend in more ways than one (to which is added seeing Sam in very bad conditions precisely because of Cas). To the whole thing is added the death of Castiel, which is the thing that devastates him the most, both because he was his best friend, and because of the way he left (and probably also because he still feels guilty for being the reason that led Castiel up to that point). I have noticed several times that when Dean is hurt and hopeless he tends to be dumber than usual and make far more mistakes. A demonstration appears in episode 07x03, when, despite promising Sam that he would not kill his monster friend Amy, he does so anyway and lies to Sam about it (which I think is the worst thing, even if I might understand some of Dean's reasons). This situation also haunts him in later episodes (especially in 07x04) in which he has to deal with his guilt and leads him to quarrel with Sam to such an extent that they separate (and I think Sam has every reason to do so). Another element that permanently destroys Dean (but also Sam) is Bobby's death, which I think is even more devastating than John's. At that point it seems that the two brothers no longer have anyone and reach one of the lowest points of the season. Hope resurfaces in Dean when he finds Castiel. It's pretty quickly clear that, as much as he wants to be mad at him for the things he's done, Dean's already forgiven him, so much that, when Castiel recovers his memory and doesn't understand how he could do what he's done, Dean is the one on his side and still supports him (giving him back our beloved trench coat). When Castiel seems to go crazy Dean lets out all his repressed frustrations against him, but eventually admits that he would like to have him in his life anyway and at that point Castiel decides to help him defeat the Leviathans.
In the last episode they manage to defeat Dick together, but are dragged into purgatory with him, leaving Sam completely alone.
- Carly 💚
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