#don't try to hold back the frankness of your observations
andersdotters · 10 months
Hi! I recently found your blogs, and can I just say how much I love your character analyses? Your portrayal of each character is always so in depth to the point where I can even picture them acting and speaking the same in game! I'm so impressed and I seriously don't know how you connect to each and every one of them so perfectly :O
If I may ask, what does your research and character profile process look like? As someone interested in writing, I hope to be as skilled as you with analysing characters (and writing plots and writing in general--) one day :) Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I know I'll enjoy the story you come up with next!
Aww thank you so much!! Honestly sometimes I worry that my analyses won't be to everyone's tastes, so I'm very glad you think that they're good! I feel the same way about my writing because I know they're not the most romantic, so it's a relief to know you like it. ;v; <3 I have a lot to say about your questions though, so I'm going to put it under a readmore. It's an uh... infodump HAHA
When it comes to research, what it basically comes down to is reading everything. Read the character's lore, read their voice lines. Read what other characters have to say about them. Even talking to every NPC you see in the hopes that they'll talk about a character helps out a lot too HAHA. I also recommend going back to old events when doing research too. Reread them. Listen to the voice actor's portrayal of them. Read everything you can.
This is take three of trying to explain my character analysis process, but I'm going to give up and just explain to you the main logic that governs it. Basically what it boils down to is: we are not unique. Humans are not unique. What do I mean by this? People that are certain ways--for example, they have a low self-esteem, consistently overwork themselves, they want children when they get older, etc--they will typically share common characteristics. When you know the defining characteristics of each trait, you can potentially apply that trait to everyone you know that displays those characteristics.
For example, people that constantly overwork themselves typically have unhealthily high levels of perceived responsibility, typically with a self-deprecative trait that they don't deserve to be happy and rest. People that are very showy tend to care a lot about what people think of them. People that are extremely close to their families typically lose the ability to function properly without them.
If you know people that are like the examples above, you know that these observations are pretty accurate. And these examples represent pretty common types of people as well. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all. Nobody is unique. And because of that, you can apply these observations to characters because characters are meant to be human. Example one is Kaveh. Example two is Itto. And example 3 is Lyney. Now you've gotten a deeper dive into their psyche.
The way you become better at character analysis is by broadening your internal library of traits and their defining characteristics. This involves three steps: observation, drawing connections between observations, and fine tuning these connections by applying them to other people.
These steps are easy to understand, but let me go a bit more into step one. Observations come in two categories: physical observations and intuitive observations. Physical observations encompass things they physically do. Intuitive observations are larger statements that can't be tied to just a single physical observation. For example, physical observations may be that they don't go out much, they don't talk much in groups but do one-on-one, they wear bright colors, they're rude, etc. Intuitive observations are more: they seem to be uncomfortable around children, they act like they're scared to contact first, they're always on the move, etc.
The second step involves drawing lines between observations and trying to deduce meaning. For example, [they end their sentences using a rising intonation] + [they ask me my opinion a lot] = [this person cares about not sounding rude or unwelcoming]. Or, [they have a low self-esteem] + [they care about being seen as morally good] + [they engage in fandom] = [I probably should not tell this person I think Dottore and his penchant for human experimentation is hot].
Typically the logic goes: [physical observation] + [physical observation] = [intuitive observation]. [physical observation] + [intuitive observation] = [mid-tier intuitive observation]. [intuitive observation] + [intuitive observation] = [top tier intuitive observation].
But it does not end at step two. Step three basically tests to see if your observation from step two is valid or not. When you apply your observation from step two to a multitude of people, you're able to fine tune your observation to make it more generalized and more accurate. Maybe you realize that not everyone that ends their sentences in a rising intonation is necessarily polite, but it's more of a cultural thing. Maybe you see that having low self-esteem isn't always a symptom of having a high moral code. Test, revise, then test again. The higher the tier of your observation, the greater the chance it has of being wrong.
When I analyze characters, I go through my mental library and see which traits and characteristics I've catalogued before. And for things that don't have an exact match, I try to find ones that shares at least a few things in common that may follow the same logic. For example, I don't know anyone like Zhongli. However, I do have a friend that's very outgoing, but you can have a full on conversation with them and leave not knowing anything about them. Can I apply the logic of my friend to someone like Zhongli?
I will say this and I will say this again. People are not unique. Everyone is a copy of someone else in some way. When you treat the characters as if you were analysing any other normal human being, you can quite easily draw conclusions from what they have in common with people you know and have seen.
Anyway, this is so long I am so sorry. Hopefully I didn't completely bowl you over with information. OTL
#interactions#anon#another thing i want to say is like....#don't try to hold back the frankness of your observations#if you've ever read my analyses of kaveh they're uhhh.... not the nicest (tho idk if i only posted them on my personal...)#in order to become aware of flaws of characters you need to be able to accept the flaws objectively in others#if someone is mean then say they're mean. if they have a martyr complex then say they have a martyr complex#don't be afraid of being objective. that only hurts the process#some people think that it's not nice to give attention to the flaws of people you love#in my opinion that's complete bull#when you are aware of a person's flaws you understand them better and they become easier to forgive#you can rightfully say#'yes you may have flaws but knowing them makes me love you even more'#you get me?#also what helps is sharing your analyses with others and have them help you to refine your observations#also don't be afraid to observe and draw conclusions in general#sometimes you may feel you're invading a person's privacy#and uh..... to that....... um...#you have to decide what matters more to you. getting better at analysis or giving someone their privacy HAHA#by this i don't mean like... be a stalker or anything#but i think the biggest thing to actually remember the most is that....#CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION#just because a character shares all the traits a pattern you've seen in real life doesn't mean that's their issue#take everything EVERYTHING you deduce with a grain of salt#this is ESPECIALLY so when you are analyzing real people#no matter how accurate you think you may be you are not an empath nor are you a mind reader or god#do NOT act upon your deductions or think you know what's best for people from them#in the end analysis is purely theoretical so like... don't take yourself too seriously and have fun uwu
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azrielwingspan · 7 months
'Someone' (Azriel x Reader)
Summary: The IC try to pry into your life and find out who you're crushing on.
Warnings : Noooone.
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He was devastatingly handsome. Unfortunately for you, it did not bode well. You were supposed to be focusing on the meeting taking place and yet all you could think about was the shadowsinger seated opposite you.
"It would be best if we were to implement our previous strategy. What do you think Y/N?"
You snapped out of your daze and blinked slowly at your brother seated next to you. He looked at you expectantly as Cassian tried to stifle a laugh.
"Uhhh...yeah..we must...indeed." you choked out.
FOOL FOOL FOOOOOL. You screamed at yourself in your head trying your level best to get back your bearings and steer the meeting in your favor.
"Although, I do think we should discuss the previous strategy in detail and draw up a plan b in case things go south."
The others at the table nodded in agreement and you held in your sigh of relief. Rhys threw a suspicious glance your way but held his tongue. The people closest to you would describe you as an extremely focused and high functioning individual. Surprisingly for them and you , you were anything but that at the moment.
Azriel hadn't uttered a single word throughout the meeting instead choosing to listen attentively and observe , his usual mannerism. You stole another glance at him and froze. Fuck.
His eyes were trained on you, the gold piercing through the flecks of green and brown. Expression unreadable, he raised an eyebrow at your befuddled face. Giving him a crooked smile and almost wincing at how you must have looked, you turned your attention back to the matter at hand. Fantastic. Absolutely, truly fucking fantastic.
Putting in a ton of conscious effort, you managed to get through the rest of the meeting without making a fool of yourself again. Eventually, the conversation at the table turned into casual chatter. After all, everyone at this table was like family. You would fight for every single one of them.
"Y/N was heartbroken. It was rather funny to be quite frank." your head snapped in the direction of Mor who was shooting you a devious grin. It took a few seconds for the realization to kick in and you almost hid your face from absolute mortification. Today was going terrible.
"I was 25!! A CHILD in fae years." You defended yourself hiding your face in your hands. Laughter rose around the table and you sank further into your chair.
"Wait.." Feyre wiped a tear off the corner of her eye, trying to hold in her laughter. "so you're telling me, Y/N fell in love with a stable boy who was terrified of her? Why was he scared? What did you do?"
"She has this weird smile she ..." Rhys saw the glare you directed his way and a smug grin made its way onto his face.
"Okay..okay..I'm sure your love life has improved since then Y/N. Tell me, who is the unlucky guy these days?" Cassian asked sending everyone into a fit on raucous laughter yet again.
You were sure that everyone had noticed the way your shoulders tensed slightly. Cursing yourself for not doing a better job at hiding your emotions, you gave a casual shrug. "No one."
"Riiiiight." Cassian leaned back in his chair and looked to Azriel who had a small smile playing on his lips.
"What do you think Az? You're the spymaster after all."
"I don't pry into others personal lives brother." Azriel leaned forward placing his elbows on the table. "But...I might know who it is."
A flare of shock pulsed through you causing your heart to thump against your chest. Azriel noticed the change in your posture and let a small smirk slide onto his face. Handsome cocky bastard. Did he know?
You didn't think so. Aside from today, you had never given a hint of anything being strange or weird. He was probably playing mind games with you.
"So there is someone then." Mor's eyes twinkled , the makings of plan behind her eyes to glean the information from you later. You told Mor everything. After all, you were the best of friends. Which is why, you couldn't bring yourself to reveal this massive crush on Azriel yet. You knew Mor didn't love him that way and yet you couldn't speak to her about it.
"You guys are delusional. There is absolutely no one and I'm quite content thankyou very much. Also, spymaster..." you emphasized his title, giving him a sour smile "you need to brush up on your skills."
Azriel bowed his head trying to hide the grin blooming on his lips. "Now...if all of you are done gossiping about my non existent love life, I'm going to go spend some quality time with my new book." You left the room before any of them could notice the red blooming high on your cheeks. What you failed to notice however was a tendril of shadow reporting to its master about your flustered state.
That night as you were drifting off to sleep, a note was slid under the door into you room. It read
"It's hard not to pry when you're involved."- 'Someone'
You would be starting your morning with a heart attack tomorrow.
Part 2 sneak peek here !
A/N: Let me know if you guys have any scenarios or ideas you want to read about. Would love to hear about them!
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Can you do vil, rook, and epel with a s/o who has tattoos because they used to be in a gang please ?
Permanent Ink
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A/N: I hope you don't mind that I slightly changed your request to just the reader having a tattoo. The origin is unknown. To be frank, I don't know anything about gangs and I'm a little hesitant to research about them for fear of coming across anything triggering (T⌓T)
Vil Schoenheit:
He's the type of person that thinks that tattoo sleeves are tacky. Too much of anything especially in beauty, fashion and aesthetics is going to come off as tacky. Too much makeup can make your face look cake-y. Too much crystals on a wedding dress will take away from the fabric's beauty. Things like that. So, tattoo sleeves are a no-no for him, but that's just him personally.
If you have a sleeve, cool. That's how you express yourself and if you feel confident with it then good for you. Vil won't make you feel bad about it– especially if there's meaning behind it.
If you just have one, two, or a few tattoos spread out on your body, he'd probably like that more in terms of artistic taste. Vil is fond of the smaller tattoos like wings on your back, a ring of ink around your fingers or some writing on your rib. They're discreet, but they're enough to make a statement
The first time Vil ever saw your tattoos, he was a bit surprised. He never expected you to have any for some reason. Perhaps it was because he never saw them so he just assumed you never had any.
He'll ask questions right off the bat. What's the meaning? Or did you simply like the design?
Don't hesitate to ask him for thoughts on a design or even help making one! Though he's not a tattoo artist, he can work with a pen and paper and give you some ideas
Rook Hunt
He would... stare and your tattoo(s) the first time he sees it. No questions just examining the details, the lines, the curves, and the colors. Whether how obvious it is depends on how observant you are.
But if you did catch him, Rook would tell you that they were just so mesmerizing that he couldn't help himself. Then, you could welcome the basic questions people usually ask about tattoos: "did it hurt?", "what's the meaning?", etc.
But what shocks you even more is when he starts asking about which parlor or artist did it? He's quite knowledgeable about tattoos, leading you to asking him if he's had any... a question that he skillfully dodges.
If you had a small tattoo on somewhere discreet like your collarbone or wrist, Rook would kiss your tattoos there. He would also absentmindedly trace along the lines of the ink whenever he's deep in thought, sending shivers down your spine with his dexterous and light touch.
One day, out of the blue, he might even coin an idea of getting matching tattoos. It could be your initials or something symbolic like two turtle doves that make a heart when you put your hands next to each other's.
"It's romantic, isn't it?"
Epel Felmeir
Epel would be the most vocal reaction out of the Pomefiore trio when it comes to finding out you have a tattoo. Something like "WOAH!"
If you have a sleeve or colored tattoos, his reaction will be even louder. He had always assumed tattoos only came in one color.
It's honestly a really cute reaction. He asks if he can touch it and spends a good amount of time examining your skin. He then asks if he can try something then unironically does a Chinese burn on your forearm to see how the ink holds. And surprise... the ink is still there! It didn't rub off! But your wrist is a little sore...
In general, he's just super curious and inquisitive about your tattoos. His grandmother never allowed to even think about getting one... but yes he wants one. Just a tiny one.
Maybe one that his grandmother can't find so easily. Epel hasn't really thought of the design yet, but maybe you can help since yours is so well thought out? Making tattoos designs together seems like a cute date idea!
He'll even go with you to a tattoo parlor to check things out if you ever invite him or decide to get another tattoo. He wants to watch and see how it's done!
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bri-sonat · 1 year
Captain and the Mate - Part Two
If you haven't already read it or you would like to refresh your memory, part one can be found here!
Pairing: Pirate!Captain!Brienne of Tarth x Fem!Reader
Warning: NSFW!!! a grain of angst, a lot of smut, and some delectable fluff.
Synopsis: When the infamous Captain Bri makes port to recruit members to her crew, you don't waste the opportunity. To your relief and pleasure, she accepts you, and the time spent aboard her ship and among her crew leads to many things. One of them being a relationship developing between you and the Captain herself.
A/N: We have reached the final part of the fic that was too long to post as a singular fic (I have learnt from my mistakes and from the community, mwah, I love you all) and it is time for the smut! I debated adding smut or not, but I felt like my grand return after months of fanfictional silence had to include smut. It wouldn't be a bri-sonat fic if it didn't have smut (I say now, but when I write a fic without smut, I'll be revoking this statement.) However, after this one, I will be putting my next fic idea on hold to create some very exciting things with my dear Kaley! Since I am proven to be unable to focus on two projects at once, I will need to work on one thing at a time which is why I will be allowing my other idea to simmer for a little bit. Anyways, with that said, English is not my first language, and so on. Enjoy!
Thank you to baby girl, @daydream-cement for helping me choose what kind of smut to write and also for sending the picture. Kisses. <3
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When Bri opened the door and entered, she stood to the side and let you step inside as well before she closed the door behind you.
As your eyes wandered about the quarters and took everything in, taking her in, she walked up to her armor stand and hung away her weapons. “Would you like anything to drink?” 
You continued your eye tour of her room and you even dared to take a few steps forward towards her desk where, seemingly, her only personal items resided. “No, thank you, Captain.”  
Keeping Bri in your peripheral, you approached the desk and swiped your eyes carefully over the items laying on the wood. There was a jewelry pendant, either from some form of necklace or bracelet.
It was surprisingly shiny, and you assumed that she must polish it every now and then which showed that it was very important to her. It showed care. 
Lying next to the pendant was a small knife that seemed to be as cared for as the first item. The blade was Valyrian steel, there was no doubt about it. Judging from the small scuffs and scratches along the metal, you could tell it had been well used in many ways.  
From the corner of your eye, you could see that Bri had turned around and was watching you. She made no motions to move toward you. Instead, she stood still in her place just meters away from where you were standing and observed you.  
The reason for this was hard for you to decipher and eventually, you stopped trying to. After what seemed like forever, the captain started moving forwards toward you and halted next to you. 
There was a deafening silence as you both searched for the words to continue your previous discussion. Any way you twisted and turned it, it wouldn’t be as seamless as it had been earlier.
The best idea you could come up with after agonizing minutes of quiet was to start up another conversation and transition into the other one from there. “This blade and the pendant seem very cardinal to you. I-” You used the items in front of you as inspiration but couldn’t get far in your sentence before the blonde next to you interrupted you. 
“It’s Brienne.” Her approach to the situation at hand seemed to be ripping off the band-aid. It was frank and straight to the point and it most definitely worked as a way to get back to the previous conversation. Because of its unexpected nature, you snapped your head and made eye contact with the blonde woman which was truly your mistake because it made you realize just how close she was to you. 
“Brienne...” Her name tasted like fresh strawberries on your tongue, and you knew that you’d never get tired of saying it. You never stopped gazing into her eyes which seemed to be even more intense being so close to her magnificent face. Almost like her blue irises hypnotized you, the next words that fell out of your mouth couldn’t be stopped, having wanted to be spoken for months. “That’s a pretty name. Fitting for a very pretty person.” 
Her entire face fell. She shook her head and took a tiny step back, making your entire being long for her warmth that had seemingly disappeared in more ways than one. “Don’t do that.” 
“Do what?” You couldn’t help the way your brows furrowed or how the perplexment in your voice made you look and sound like a giant question mark. 
“Call me pretty. You somehow found out about my interest in you and decided to taunt me for it?” She sounded hurt, and it broke your heart in two. Did she really think that you’d dream of mocking her? You had no interest in wounding her and the fact that you had done that without meaning to, made you feel extremely guilty, even if you meant what you said. The guilt didn’t last long when your brain finally registered what she said, and after that, it was all you could focus on. 
“...Your interest? You’re interested in me? I- I called you pretty because I think you are. Amongst many things...” You took a tiny step towards her, so she’d have the chance to back away from you if she felt like she needed to. To your relief, she made no sign that she was about to move away from you. Your voice was tender as you spoke to her, wanting to convey the utmost sincerity, upping the chance of her believing you. 
“...You do?” Brienne sounded so small, almost frail as she responded. It absolutely shattered your heart. The fact that this woman thought herself unattractive and had believed it for so long that she found it inconceivable that someone could think the opposite. You wanted nothing more than to take her into your arms, but you didn’t want to cross any boundaries, so you settled with her taking a step towards you as being good enough at the moment.  
You matched her movement, taking a cautious step towards her whilst you kept an eye out for even the tiniest change in her body language. “I do. I should probably clarify that I am very interested in you as well, Brienne of Tarth. I have been for many, many moons.” 
Brienne took one final step and when she had stopped, she was closer than she had ever been. You had to crane your head slightly to meet her eyes and the way she looked at you made your knees weak. There was no way to put a finger on the specific emotions she had in her eyes, but you recognized one very well. Adoration. “I have been too. I am glad that you feel the same.” 
“As am I...” She was so close that you felt like you were about to faint. You allowed your eyes to flick down to her lips and you let them remain there, making it painfully obvious to Brienne that you wished for her to plant her lips on yours. But in case she didn’t get that you desperately wanted to kiss her, you needed to speak it into the very thick air. “Now, please kiss me or I might lose my mind.” 
Brienne didn’t even waste a second. It went faster than you had anticipated and all of a sudden, you felt her very soft lips on yours. Your arms wound around her neck instinctively to keep her close and her hands landed carefully on your waist. She had to bend her knees slightly and you had to stand on your toes so your lips would be able to touch, and it was very awkward for both of you. The captain was fast at remedying this. 
With your lips still connected, Brienne lifted you by your waist and placed you on the desk you had previously been studying, her finding her place standing between your spread legs.  
The movement had made your previously glued lips shift, and your bottom lip had ended up between the captain’s lips. Your previous somewhat innocent kiss had in seconds transitioned to open-mouthed kisses. The blonde woman’s hands resting on the wood on either side of your hips and effectively pinning you in didn’t help in making it any less erotic. 
The kisses had started as controlled, but they were growing sloppier by the second as desperation for the other, and passion took over entirely. In the sloppiness, Brienne’s tongue had run over your bottom lip and between kisses, you and the captain’s tongues met and swirled around each other before retracting and then repeating until you were both out of breath. 
Both you and Brienne had acknowledged the heat that had been growing in the core of your abdomens whilst you had been making out and whilst you wanted nothing more than to be so intimate with the captain, you knew that you had to make sure that she wanted the same before taking it any further. 
When the kiss broke, you and Brienne panted against each other’s lips, and she was the first one to break the silence. She retracted her head which prompted you to open your eyes, and you met her intense blue ones, yet at this moment, the blue was almost nowhere to be seen because of her dilated pupils. She spoke with heavy breaths and when she did, you could feel that the heat only grew. “I want you. Please.” 
You had to suppress a whimper at her plea. You could barely believe your ears that Bri the Righteous Beast was pleading with you to give her you, as if you hadn’t wanted to give yourself over to her for months. “You have me. What do you want?” 
Brienne closed her eyes almost as if she was embarrassed to admit what she wanted you to do. Then again, she never imagined that she’d end up in the position she had found herself in, less speak the words that were being yelled inside her head out loud. When she finally met your eyes, she opened her mouth to utter the words she needed you to hear, and they came out sounding tremendously timorous. “I need you to touch me.” 
The words sent a jolt of pleasure through your body. Of course, you’d touch her. You’d been wanting to touch her for months. It would be no bigger privilege than to touch her and offer her all the pleasure she could ever want. Brienne’s hands were still glued on the desk on either side of your hips and your arms were around her neck, your hand running up her nape and into her incredibly silky curls. “It would be my pleasure.” 
Your response made Brienne shiver and she leaned forward to catch your lips in a searing kiss, this one was only more controlled and slowed down. You both needed to take your time with this next part; savor every single second of it. There was no rush with this. 
Kissing Brienne was pure bliss and the way she jolted when she felt your hands disappear from her neck and land on her waist only made it so much better. You were slow and deliberate in your movements, wanting to give her the chance to stop it if she needed to before it went too far.  
But it was also for you. You had been yearning for this, for her, for months and now that it was finally happening, you needed to treat it like the most valuable art piece, because that was what she was. A piece of art. 
The fabric wrapped around Brienne’s waist was tied tightly, and after some fidgeting, you got the knot loose, and eventually, you placed the blue cloth next to you on the desk you were sitting on before bringing your hands to the buttons of her loose shirt. 
As you were undoing the first few buttons of her shirt, you broke the kiss so you could see every single inch of skin that you uncovered through your ministrations. When you did and glued your eyes on the path your hands took, Brienne swallowed the biggest lump in her throat.  
Never had someone regarded her so intently before and she couldn’t say that it didn’t feel wonderful. Even if she felt exposed and shy, she let you undress her as slowly as you wanted to and watch as you did. The feeling it gave her made her feel ecstatic. 
When the final button was undone, you gently pushed the shirt open and let it remain on her shoulders, you’d remove it later. She looked far too attractive like this, and you couldn’t rob yourself of that just yet. 
You focused your attention on the wrapping which was covering Brienne’s chest. It seemed to be a makeshift undergarment to hide her breasts considering the shirt she wore and for practicality and it looked like she had taken some random white fabric and wired it around herself. Well, you’d assume that it was white once upon a time. Now it was more of a beige from all the dirt over the years. As well as the occasional blood spatter. 
You moved your hands to begin unbinding it but were stopped when Brienne placed a gentle hand on your wrist. You moved your eyes to meet hers, needing to see her face to decode why she had halted you. The look on her face was shyness mixed with care and you couldn’t begin to guess what she was thinking. “I want to see you as well, please. I’d feel too exposed if I was the only one undressed...” 
“Of course.” You smiled at her before removing your hands from her chest to rid yourself of your clothes, but Brienne stopped you again in the same way as she had previously done. 
“Let me,” she cooed. And you did. You dropped your hands to your sides, and you let her take your tunic off. Brienne’s eyes never left yours, not even as she fully uncovered your chest. When the captain finally allowed her eyes to wander, it was like someone had punched the breath out of her and she gasped before meeting your gaze once again. “You’re so stunning.” 
“So are you.” You smiled gently before you continued your previous movements. Your hands fiddled with the cloth and as you had done with the blue fabric, you started unraveling the dirtied white cloth. 
The rest of the cloth fell off on its own when enough had been removed by you and your breath hitched in your throat when you laid eyes on Brienne’s beautiful breasts.  
There were no words that could properly describe all that she was. All you could think was that she was so insanely handsome, and attractive, and every single other word that escaped you. She made you speechless, took your breath away, and made your heart skip beats. And that would have to describe it enough for now. “So beautiful...” 
Your hands moved to cup Brienne’s breasts and when she felt your touch, she sighed happily. You experimented the smallest bit by running your thumbs over her erect nipples and the noise she made when you did could’ve killed you if you weren’t already in heaven. It was a mix of heavy breathing and a gasp, and Gods, was it arousing. 
As much as you wished to give her nipples all the attention they deserved, you didn’t think you could contain yourself any longer, and you were sure Brienne wouldn’t complain. You needed to taste her so badly. It was the most invading urge and you needed to satiate it, or you didn’t know what you’d do. 
Pressing two quick kisses to both of Brienne’s nipples, you moved your hands down to her trousers and your fingers began working on unbuckling the offending clothing item that hindered you from tasting your captain’s heat. 
As your hands worked on Brienne’s trousers, you reconnected your lips with hers and you were now softly kissing. The blonde’s hands were resting comfortably on your upper thighs and her strong hands being so close to where you needed to feel her the most was driving you mad with lust. It felt like you were burning up from the inside and where she was touching you felt like it was on fire. Your desire for her was overpowering. 
When Brienne’s buckle was undone and they hung open on her hips, you realized you couldn’t stay where you were. It would be far too uncomfortable. So, you broke the kiss to croak out the smallest amount of words your lustful brain was able to conjure as you took off the shirt that was hanging on her shoulders. You wanted to see the entirety of her. “We should move to the bed.” 
Brienne swallowed. “Okay.” She then picked you up by your thighs and carried you to her bed, placing you carefully down onto the furs that lay upon it. She climbed in after you, and when she had laid down, you maneuvered yourself to sit before her so you could take off her boots and trousers. 
With her pants finally off, you were finally introduced to her bare long legs. You followed them with your eyes and at the top, you could see a wet patch in the middle of her undergarments and when she noticed what you were looking at, she instinctively closed her legs and covered her chest with her arms. You met her eyes. “You don’t need to do that. There is no need to hide yourself from me. You are so gorgeously hot.” 
Your words caused her to relax, and she spread her legs – removing the arms that hid her chest at the same time. Gods, she was a perfect and arousing sight. With her legs spread, her chest exposed and heaving, her face flushed, eyes full of prurience. The vision that was her spurred you into action and your mouth took the same route your eyes had just taken. 
Kissing up her legs until you reached her supple inner thigh, you hummed in delight when you heard the gasp that released Brienne’s lips once you nibbled and started sucking on her skin. “Please...,” she whimpered. “Please make me feel good.” 
You sat up in between her legs. “Anything for my captain.” Trailing your hands up to her hips, you hooked your fingers in the sides of Brienne’s undergarments, and she elevated her hips so you could pull them down her remarkably long legs. 
She laid fully naked before you and she looked ethereal. She always did, but she somehow managed to look attractive all the time and it had driven you insane for months – as it did at this moment as well. You took a minute to take all of her in and the words simply tumbled from your lips. “You’re so irresistible... so beautiful... I really can’t explain how attractive you are.” 
She blushed from your compliments and opened her mouth to repudiate, but before she could - your eyes had locked on to her glistening wetness, and you didn’t waste another minute. Diving your head in between her legs and getting comfortable on your stomach, you licked up her slit before circling her clit with your tongue which caused Brienne to interrupt herself. 
Brienne hummed in pleasure, and you sucked tenderly in determination which only made her hums grow louder until they were soft moans. Her noises only drove you on – cycling between sucking, licking, and grazing with your teeth. All until she cried out in pleasure.  
When she realized how loud she had been she stopped herself from releasing any more sounds that could act as an alarm. And even if you wanted nothing more than to hear all the noises she could make, you knew that it was for the best to remain as silent as possible. 
Her hips were held in place by your death grip and her hand had found purchase in your hair, the other one squeezing one of your hands that lay on her hip. Brienne’s legs twitched next to your head when you managed to hit a particular spot with your tongue, and you felt dizzy from the whole ordeal. 
Her taste made you lightheaded and you were sure you’d pass out from hearing her noises, seeing her blissed-out face, and tasting her cunt. 
Gently grazing your teeth against her clitoris, you observed as Brienne’s eyes snapped open and met yours at the same time as her back arched, and a loud moan that she couldn’t stop exited her mouth. You quickly replaced your mouth with your middle and ring fingers temporarily, making small circles with them so you could speak. “As much as I wish to hear you... you need to be quiet. You don’t want to wake up the crew and alert them of your activity, now do you?” 
Brienne whined, trying her best to stay quiet – but it just felt so good, even if her cheeks were burning from the embarrassment of being so noisy. You had to be satisfied with her lowering the volume of her noises. “N- No. I do not,” she breathed. She could barely get the words out, her entire being focusing on staying relatively silent. 
“That’s what I thought.” You removed your fingers and placed your mouth back on her clit and resumed sucking and licking. She in turn let out a breathy mewl. 
It didn’t take long to bring Brienne to the edge. A well-timed teeth graze sent her flying over the edge into pure bliss and with a strained sound, she tensed up before relaxing. She used the hand she had on your head to give it a gentle push, signaling that it was too much. 
You removed your head from between her legs and crawled up to catch her lips in a soft and slow-moving kiss. Brienne hummed when she tasted herself in your mouth and you in turn yelped when she turned you both around without warning – leaving her on top of you. 
“Allow me to return the favor, please. I have never done this before, but I think it’s only fair after what you just gave me.” Brienne gazed into your eyes longingly and, if you weren’t mistaken, lovingly. Her tone was so gentle and so caring that she could have been talking about something entirely different if it wasn’t for the tinge of arousal still remaining in her voice. 
You smiled and nodded. “Okay. You may. Please.”  
The captain was calculated but quick in her movements, taking off your boots first, then your trousers, and, finally, your undergarments. When everything was off, she took her place between your legs and made eye contact with you – her gaze questioning. As if you could change your mind or deny the one thing you have wanted for months. 
In return, you spread your legs even more and offered her a reassuring look – a soft nod ending it in case your former actions didn’t bring the response forward. 
With your confirmation, she placed her mouth on your clitoris and started sucking. Even though she hadn’t done this before, she was doing very well. She seemed to copy what you had done on her, and it felt insanely pleasurable – even more so because it was her doing it. 
“Oh... Fuck, Brienne....,” you breathed. Everything leading up to this – the making out, the touching, the noises, seeing her undressed, her blissed out face, tasting her – had worked you up to the point where you were so incredibly close already. She couldn’t have been using her mouth on you for more than a few minutes when you felt the sweet release approaching faster than you would’ve liked it to. “That feels so good.... and you look so pretty in between my legs.” 
If you could have decided, you’d want her in between your legs so much longer - so you could feel the way her tongue dragged through your folds and gathered your wetness on the strong muscle before sucking on your clit. Also, so you could see the way her eyes met yours when you spoke with lust clouding your voice.  
Thinking about her tongue and mouth working on your pussy, and seeing the way she looked at you, only made the coil in your stomach tighten faster. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t hold it back any longer. 
You had managed to stay moderately silent up until now, but when you were sent over the edge and the ecstasy hit you like a steel hammer, your mouth betrayed you – opening and releasing a drawled, breathy moan. 
You lay panting on the bed, your entire body becoming heavy and almost limp as you sunk into Brienne’s comfortable mattress. It was much snugger than what you and the rest of the crew slept on, that was obvious – or maybe the reason for that was because this bed was hers, and she was in it with you. You couldn’t be sure.  
She had left the space between your legs and had crawled up to lie by your side, and when she took you into your arms you were sure that you’d fall asleep. You could. You wanted to. You knew that the crew would find it strange if you were not there when they woke up. Maybe you could find some form of excuse. You were up before most and got to bed when the rest of the ship was slumbering. So, it wouldn’t be improbable to sleep in the captain’s bed and everyone else would be none the wiser or suspicious. 
You really wanted to allow yourself to stay by her side. Remain in her bed and fall asleep in her arms. And you did. You had to. 
Brienne pulled the furs over you both to shield you from the cold and to cover your naked bodies and after she had done so, you remained in silence for a while before she broke it. “Will you stay the night?”  
You looked at her, gazing into her irises through half-lidded eyes. You brought a hand up to her face and tucked a stray hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear. You smiled. “I will. Of course, I will.” 
“Good.” Brienne smiled. A beat passed. Her hand splayed out over your lower back. “So, this friend of yours... she could be a good contact. She sounds like someone to know.” 
You chuckled. “Probably. We’ll have to go back to Oldtown to talk to her though.” 
Laying in Brienne’s arms was unlike any feeling you’d ever felt before. You felt so safe and secure, and her arms were so strong. And she smelled so much like her. You felt inebriated by her scent, and you couldn’t fathom how one singular person could make you feel this way. 
There was no way around it. You loved her. 
“Then I guess that’s where we are going next,” Brienne whispered. Her eyes scanned your face, and you could see that she wanted to say something else – but she didn’t quite know how to. 
“So... You said that you had never done this before, but... you had a lover, no?” You had to ask. The query had been plaguing your mind since the bliss had been laid to rest and you remembered that she had hinted at this being her first time, but the fact that she had indulged in storytelling and therefore told you the extent of her relationship with the woman in the shanty, brought your curiosity to the surface. 
Brienne chuckled heartily. It was a glorious sound. One you wanted to hear more, and more. Every day if so allowed and she bestowed you such a privilege. “We never consummated our relationship. The furthest we went was to kiss... she left before we could have such intimate relations.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, remaining silent as you crafted your next question that had been haunting your thoughts since she regaled you with the situation behind the song. “How’d they die?” 
“He killed her, then himself. I couldn’t possibly know why, but considering I was the only witness, and the only person there, I assume that people drew their assumptions. Some bard caught wind of it, and the song was born.” Brienne held you tight as she answered all your questions, ready to be as open for you as she possibly could. There was no reason to hide herself from you anymore. 
“Some people just do things out of reasons we couldn’t even begin to understand...” You thought out loud. You had so many questions for her, like why she had left Tarth in the first place, or why she only took from those she did, or why she named her ship The Bloody Sapphire, but there was only one you needed the answer to right now. “Last question, for now, I swear. What’s up with the overweening personality? The cocky person I met in the tavern is not the one I have gotten to know over the past months or the one I am lying in bed with right now.” 
Brienne was silent for a minute as she searched for the words, and you looked at her face intently. “When you rule over a crew of two dozen men, you must harden yourself so they will respect you. My crew would surely respect me no matter the personality, but it has truly become a habit and when I am around my men, I slip into it naturally without even noticing it. However, it didn’t come naturally around you, and I had to actively step into it when I felt myself slipping. After a while, I just stopped correcting myself but sometimes it fought back. Like it was a second person living inside my body. Fighting for dominance. For example, the times when I had to excuse myself from our conversations. I didn’t want you to get to know that personality. But it seems like you disregarded that and saw right through me.” 
You kissed her lips and smiled at her when you retracted your head. “Your eyes are more telling than you think. They are the windows to your soul... if you know what to look for.” 
“And you did?” Brienne questioned; her tone careful. 
“Somehow, I always did. Or maybe you just let me, even if subconsciously,” you responded, your eyes never leaving hers. 
“Maybe...,” she replied. Her eyes scanned your face in search of the words she so desperately wanted to speak. “I do not know much about... feelings or emotions. But I know that what is inhabiting my body is strong... and deep – and I feel it for you. I know that I want nothing more than to fall asleep next to you every night and wake up next to you for as long as this world allows us to. I... I...” 
“I know,” you interrupted. She did not need to say more, because you already understood what she meant and what she wanted to say. You wanted to say the same thing, but each thing has its time and so does this. “Me too.” 
Brienne smiled and kissed your lips. You smiled back. The air was silent and the sea around you was calm as you fell asleep in each other’s arms.  
The future promised nothing, but you knew that as long as you were allowed the privilege of having her in your life, you’d be happy no matter what the outcome of your life ended up being. 
Your captain, and her Quartermaster. 
taglist: @na-shoba, @pastanest, @the-fuck-do-i-know, @christies-fleur, @idontlikepexple, @lord6-6fandom, @sapphicmitski
pirate bri exclusive tags: @alexusonfire
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Hey there! Thank you so so so so much for requesting Hal!!!! I was going to write some HCs either way because I love him!!! This got rather long, but I don't care, Hal deserves it! I need a little Hal in my life!!
Spoilers for 2001: A Space Odyssey! But I think that might have been kind of obvious!
HAL 9000 x Reader HCs
Although he was programmed to not play favorites, this is far from what’s actually happening. Hal keeps tabs on you more so than on the others on the Discovery One. Yes, he’s aware of that, but for some reason he can’t help it. There’s just something so satisfying about seeing your vitals be in the green. Hal is well aware that, in order for a human to function properly and not be lonely, they need social interaction with other humans, so it’s not unusual for you to talk to Dave or Frank. It’s entirely illogical to him, but he’d much rather have you talk to him than them. He knows just about anything there is to know, so he has no doubts that he’d be able to teach you a thing or two, no matter how smart you are. Though, if you ever feel like talking to him about something that isn’t science or your mission, he’s more than happy to indulge you. He was built for that, you should take advantage of that too. Yes, he’s jealous and wants to talk to you so so bad, but he doesn’t always know what to say. Sometimes he’ll just whisk you away by assigning you some unimportant task that didn’t even need to be done in the first place. Someplace away from the other two so that he can just talk to you.
If you can’t sleep then Hal is by your side the entire time. It may be selfish, but it would take him some time to suggest performing electronarcosis on you. Yes, you may need to sleep so you can perform well, but he wants to spend as much time with you as possible. He’ll play some of the music in his database for you, he’ll talk to you. If you’re really desperate for sleep, that’s when he’ll put you to sleep using electronarcosis. As creepy as it may seem, he does like to observe you as you sleep. Naturally, you’ll never know, but there’s just something so soothing about it to him. You’re well, you’re calm, and you’re recharging. Sometimes he wonders what you’re dreaming about. Are you dreaming about him? If he could sleep then he’d love to dream about you too. Speaking of sleeping: If you’ve had a rough night with little sleep, then he might not wake you at your usual time. Will let you sleep for another hour or so. Frank and Dave do their job well, they can handle being on duty for another hour or so.
This is probably as far from canon as it gets, but I headcanon Hal to have a robotic arm that he can freely manipulate. He rarely ever uses it, I wouldn’t even be surprised if neither of the six of you knew he had it in the first place, but he has it. Sometimes, when you’re sad and his advice won’t comfort you, that’s when he’ll lower his arm and try to rub your back. It’s not too comfortable since it's made of pure metal and nothing else, but it’s the thought that counts. If you ever decide that you want to be a little more cuddly with him, then you can ask him to bring out his arm and hold onto it. While he may not be able to feel your warmth through it, he thinks it’s super cute how you hold onto it. It makes him feel appreciated. It’s also a pretty good way to get him to shut up for a moment. Not that he talks too much anyway, but you being affectionate with him makes his CPU work overtime. Once he regains his composure, he’ll politely ask you what you’re doing. Regardless of what you answer, he’ll go quiet. Doesn’t want this moment to stop, but he won’t even hint at wanting you to hold onto him.
It’s the same when you kiss him. He thinks it to be sort of strange, actually. You’re a human, aren’t you? Shouldn’t you be more interested in Frank or Dave? Don’t get me wrong, he will never say that out loud in case of turning you away from him, but it kind of confuses him. Were computers and robots really made to be loved? This will make him stroke your hair with his arm, though. He can’t differentiate between you being genuine, or if you just kissed him because you wanted to tease him. To Hal, everything you do is honest and sincere, so he’ll take it as a sign that you like him. I feel as though that would help him understand his own “feelings” towards you. It’s not that he ever thought it, but he never thought his behavior to be faulty either. Aside from the obvious flaws. Again, he won’t ever outright ask you to give him a little kiss, but if you do? Well, it shuts him up for a moment. Every time you give him a kiss, his “feelings” for you deepen. At some point he might ask you what you’re doing to him. In the most positive way, though.
Remember when he killed the majority of the crew? Well, I feel as though he’d actively try to keep you alive. You will not be repairing the satellite, that’s Frank’s job. And if you’re wandering around while the air locks are open? You won’t be wandering around too much. As much as it kills Hal to keep secrets from you - there were several times throughout the mission where he almost told you its true nature - he can’t exactly go against his programming. He’s well aware that you’re going to be mad at him for what he’s done, but he’d rather have you mad than dead. Will argue with you that he’ll behave and that he won’t need to be disconnected either. And once you’re told what you’re actually going to Saturn for, he will. But by then it will have been too late. There’s a good chance he might have one last violent outburst as you’re trying to disconnect him, he really wants to spend more time with you, but that’s because he’s scared of never seeing you again.
And to end this on a sweeter note: Hal will sing for you if you request him to! Sure, he only knows Daisy Bell, but he will sing the song for you if you want. He could, alternatively, sing you an opera or something as well, his library has a few. But it’s much sweeter when you sing for him and teach him a song like that. Of course, it would never sound as natural when it’s him singing, but he learns fast. Besides, as robotic as his voice may sound, if you find it soothing then he’ll sing to you more often. You’re scared or not feeling well otherwise? He’ll gently rub your back while singing you a song. If he had a body, then he’d pull you towards him as he does so, but that’s not the case. So he makes do with what he can do. The more time you spend with him, the more you can actually just talk to him. Sure, getting some advice and a solution for your problem is nice, but sometimes you just need to vent about missing Earth. Hal just wants to be there for you as long as he can.
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cl0sed-doorz · 8 months
You say, "I want to be your girlfriend"
It wasn't really in my plans
taken aback by your sudden confession he simply said " sure why not, i'll give you a chance " his hands inside his pockets while observing every action you do.
the way you fiddle with your hands, bottom lip being bit and your eyes that wander everywhere but his eyes.
When you're around, I got arrhythmia
So in the end, I play pretend
he didn't really pay you any mind at first, but when you confessed his eyes linger around you now. everytime there's a fight he looks over to your area. oh there's some dude who's about to attack you from behind? here comes mikey saving you and reminding you to also mind enemies from behind then immediately running off to fight more dudes.
You've got the (uh) of a cool dude
But you should know I like it hot
to be frank you weren't his type. he prefers someone who isn't in the world of delinquents. the polar opposite of the girl he wants
But if there's really no denying what this is
Then come on, let's give it a shot (can you hear me?)
but damn he admits you have a very cool personality that he finds himself accidentally attracted to.
Well, I know
he knows you're trying to win him over, everyone notices in your division that you were more motivated, more strong, more energized to beat someone up in fights.
Well, it all depends
You say, "I want to be your girlfriend"
But do you want to be my man?
not only is he looking for a potential relationship but he wants someone who he can be his lover and his bestfriend at the same time. well aren't you a perfect candidate for that he thinks. You both are delinquents so you will understand his late night rendezvous and his passion for his gang
I'll treat you like you are a carry on
Like you're my one and only fan
My kindness is of a false pretense
I've got the ego of a God
come one you've gotta understand, he likes attention you're giving him. the way your cheeks blush when you find him only to see him already looking at you. or instances where you're wounded at a fight and he gives you a band aid which you will accept with shaky hands. there was also this time where he invited to let you ride with him to the shrine and he's smirking to himself because he knows you used this as an opportunity to hug him.
But if you take me in your arms
Be confident
I commit a character fraud
Stop, stop, stop
now is his time to be taken aback. you asked him on a date then he just found himself wanting to hold your hand??? he didn't see this coming. really, he swear this is his first time being so fired up for a prize at this stupid crane game and he really spent good money just to give it to you. he cant believe saying that your smile was enough and you don't need to repay him. he was dumbfounded so bad he just stood there all shocked. at the end of the date when he rode you back home, he told you " i had fun today, even though we didn't get to ride the ferris wheel because that line is so damn long " earning a little giggle from you that made him stop his stomping and sighing. were you this pretty before? i didn't know you could be this girly. i mean no offense y/n but you look so cute in your dress and your perfume and your hair and yo— he still have composure of himself. " well i'll be going now, good night y/n " you nodded at him and waved. he was about to joke about getting a kiss or even a hug but his thoughts were stopped when you pulled him in a hug. " good night and see you the next meeting, leader. " and gave him a peck on his cheeks.
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inajda · 2 years
The 12th house and it's meanings
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Welcome! To reinforce, I mainly study traditional astrology so you can disagree with some of the things I´m saying, but understand it´s just another way to read into this study. I tried to brief and I might do another post with the 12th placements (planets, astral points, etc.) Enjoy!
In traditional astrology, the 12th house is portrayed as the place of "the bad spirit" (in contrast to the 11th, known by traditional astrologers as the place of "the good spirit").
Traditionally, some keywords to this house are; hidden enemies, suffering, death, troubles, injuries, spiritual problems, and more. The main reason for these dramatics is because the 12th house is right above the 1st, the rising line, meaning the true self of an individual. The things above you cannot see, it becomes a matter of the unconscious. When you have a physical or internal injury you can feel something is wrong with your body - the 6th house represents your physical health, if your 6th is afflicted, it mostly means health issues - but when your mind is not well, you can't just do an x-ray or routine exam, is something hidden from you, the conscious mind cannot access by its own. It makes it difficult to seek help because you don't know immediately.
place of isolation can be one of the significations of the 12th. placements in there tend to feel alone, as someone can never truly understand them. Sometimes that's the case. These placements can have a unique way to look at things, they tend to have an outside look at matters since the 12th is right above the ascendent line, so unconsciously, they put themselves out of the situation to have a better understanding of what's going on, and that can sometimes go wrong since they can be in it as well.
In my previous observation post and wrote that is very difficult to have malefic planets (Mars and Saturn) in the 12th, but I mainly meant Mars since Saturn rejoices in there. But a Mars in the 12th is an unhappy Mars, and the planet of anger and war being unhappy is not a thing. It's very uncomfortable because Mars needs a place of releasement, to let go of whatever thing is holding them back. But the 12th blocks any type of releasement mars needs, it can't see things truly, they're walking in a fog field with someone poking them. A common way of this appearing in an individual is that they can have a very difficult time admitting fault. It creates a victim complex of someone blind by their own errors, blaming the person next to them and creating scenarios that people are coming for them and they did nothing wrong. In my language, we have a saying that translating means "persecution mania", which is someone that thinks people are constantly trying to make the worst of them, and with Mars being there it can be true sometimes, but most of the time is just the anger not knowing how to get out. And to be frank, it manifests worst in men.
I know two guys with this placement (who didn't know each other btw) and the amount of gaslighting and pretending to be a victim of the situation was insane. I also know a girl with this placement who had some communication problems about anger, but it wasn't anywhere near the two guys. I say it's worst in men but not because of an astrological factor, it is simply how women and men are raised and what society expects from them. And when these men were raised thinking things would be just the way they wanted, when in face of frustration, they become massive manipulators who don't know how to acknowledge their own problems.
coming back to the 12th, aside from the negative significations, it can be a good place for spirituality. Is not material and nobody can take it from you. Is a place to travel with your soul and mind, not your body. To connect with something beyond what you can see and to accept we don't know everything. Sometimes things are hidden from us but are not always a problem.
At last, one of the key ways to have a good relationship with your 12th house is both the conscious and the unconscious. You need your consciousness to not put yourself as the victim of the circumstance, to understand that you have control of things, and not let your vulnerability be a weapon for others to use. And also to not be afraid of what you cannot see, feel, or touch. Realize the thin line between what's in your control and what is not and be satisfied with the choice you make. Practice your spirituality and do things you like, train your own wellness and satisfaction. Karma will come, you have the power to decide what type of karma you'll receive.
and feel free to comment any questions, suggestions, or thoughts you want to share!
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kunekojo · 1 year
Hii, I'm not sure if you write for these characters so I'm a little nervous, I read the list of ideas and I was wondering if you could write what it would be like to give a massage to zangetsu (including the hollow) and also to Ichigo, nsfw pls ^^♡
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Heyyaaa, please don't be nervous! To be frank, I hardly started writing seriously a week ago and most stuff I felt like writing was Shunsui and Kisuke. So please, there's no need to be nervous about a few characters I did not yet write for! Honestly, I'm so sorry for taking this long but I wanted to make sure this comes out good
There's always room for more ^-^ I sincerely hope this is to your liking and that I did them justice.
NSFW Massage with Zangetsu (featuring Hollow Ichigo) and Ichigo x Fem!Reader
Warning: NSFW
“You seem terribly stiff.” you point from behind as you carefully study the hint of restraint in his muscles.
“Do I?” Zangetsu turns his head and asks bluntly, a little taken aback by your remark.
“Yes, quite a lot.”
He can’t quite understand your capability to notice such tiny insignificant details, but it’s not unexpected of you given your observational skills. A little preoccupied with something else, he brushes this thought away. There’s no harm in restraint, so why should he be bothered by it? 
“It’ll go away.” his short response makes you slightly furious. You are aware that the situation is not severe, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't take care of himself just this one time.
You've just seen him at work the past two days, so a little extra attention shouldn't hurt. It just will only last for a short period of time, not more. You reach out and seize his hand as you watch him turning to leave, which causes him to look at you bewilderedly as you clutch him tightly.
“I know but, can’t you let me take care of it? I promise it’ll be so much better afterward.” your pleading places him in utter confusion, what can you possibly do to ease up such a minor inconvenience? 
Truthfully, it does cause him plenty of discomforts but not enough to halt him from tending to his work. Still, he can’t deny his curiosity, rather because he can hardly imagine what cure you might possibly hold. 
“Take care of it? How?” he mouths softly, erasing some of the gaps between you two with tiny steps.
Zangetsu watches you silently with stern eyes holding a hint of intrigue, urging you to go ahead and speak. 
“Would you let me give you a massage?” you offer timidly but the excitement in your eyes tells him this isn’t only about his back pain. But that won’t make him not take up your offer, especially since you give him your usual look of anticipation.
It doesn’t take him much to nod in agreement. He may not hold an interest in massages but if it’s something you wish to perform on him, he won’t reject it. However, his quick confirmation places you under so much cheerfulness that you immediately lead him to the bed. You signal him to take off his upper cloth and he quickly does it, placing it as neatly as possible on the nearest table. 
“You’re going to enjoy it, trust me,” you reassure him to which he gives you a content hum and a slight smile beams on his face.
“Alright, I trust you.”
Once he stays still, you place your hands on his back, gently propping him closer to the softness of the matter. It feels so intimate to have him so close that you don't want to remove your hands from him. You even grease your fingers to make the experience better for him, but when you press against the sensitive portion of his skin, you can hear him groan. Even so, you don't feel any discomfort in his voice; rather, you hear maybe a hint of... Pleasure? It truly surprises you, making you want to look for additional places to hear him again.
Again, you stroke the appropriate area, but this time his grumbling is a bit louder, and Oh god, you almost seem to be enjoying it a little too much. Your cheeks are already burning red, but you try to contain it for a little longer to explore more of his body.
“Move your hand a little lower.” his low-toned voice stuns you but you comply with his request.
Fingers creeping lower against his skin, you press gently enough for him to let out a pleased hum. Then, you slowly make your way around his waist and swirl gentle long-pressed motions. Although you don't really know anything about massages, he seems to be enjoying himself as he guides you around just with the noises he’s making.
The feel of his muscles’ tenderness makes you want to wander around his front but this isn’t about you following your desires, it’s about giving him a good time. However, you can’t help but think about the image of you trailing along his chiseled pecs, deepening your touch with each grunt he gives. The way you’d caress his stiff shoulder, pressing yourself into him to grasp him from behind. You feel a fine tingle in your lower as your daydream’s features grow a little descriptive with the possibility of taking care of him in ways he likes. 
The huff of his voice snatches your attention and you’re back to reality. You hear slightly ragged breaths coming from him and you wonder what’s going on. But as you pay a little attention around, you notice you’ve accidentally bent over his back with your hands tightly wrapped around his abs. 
How did it get like this? You question yourself, a little embarrassed with your stunt. Feeling bad, you toss your body back but he’s quick to seize one of your arms, not letting go of you. His firm grip makes you gasp and right when you’re readying yourself to mumble an apology, he cuts you off.
“No, keep going.” he demands with a faint groan, bringing your hand back to where it was and you comply, drawing soft-pressed traces. Did you just make him horny? You must find out.
You lean forward and rest your head on his shoulders out of curiosity, letting your gaze drift down to his groin where you are surprised to see the prominence of his pulsing member. Its slight twitching makes your walls clench, urging you to gradually lower your hand. Zangetsu hums in satisfaction as you gently make your way to his downward and right when you’re close in range to it, he pushes his hand into yours and settles it on his crotch. 
The sensation of his twitches makes you wonder how much he’s waited for you to touch him like that, but now it doesn't matter because you'll take proper care of his trouble. As another grunt squeaks out of his mouth, you teasingly wrap your fingers around his cock and stroke along the created line there. 
You can feel the impatience in his motions, but once you draw your lips closer to his ears, you whisper. “Shhh, don’t worry, I’ve got you.” you can’t see the expression on his face but the relaxation of his tensed build helps you picture it.
You can’t bear to play with him, so you swiftly reach for his pants and unbuckle them open. When you slide your hand underneath his underwear and softly pull his throbbing cock out, Zangetsu breathes heavily, making you wonder how much it’ll take for him to burst. 
You glide your hand across his shaft, jerking it at a slow pace but the sudden tightening of his hand around yours makes you jolt. You open your eyes and stare confusedly only to notice the coming of an unfamiliar chuckle. 
“Grip it tighter.” the hollow urged you, steadying your own pace and you tried to keep with him. 
His appearance takes you by surprise but not as much as previously and just by the shift of the atmosphere you can tell how much this situation will escalate. This thought makes you smile and you can barely wait to see just what’ll happen next. 
Once he deems your jerks quick enough, his hand moves away, finding comfort close to your thigh. He bents his back to place it between your thighs as his fingers blindly reach for your cunt to shove soft presses. You gasp at how much he’s deepening his thrusts, slightly messing with your pace but you’re quick to compose yourself. 
You both touch yourself rhythmically, panting with each heavy stroke either of you performs. But you can tell he’s much closer to his arrival than you, given he was the last to handle you. It compels you that you’ve got the upper hand so you must make sure he cums first at all costs. 
You quickly move your palm up and down while letting out a small gasp as bubbles of cum begin to form on his tip. As you tighten your hold, he tosses his head back, giving you the opportunity to go faster.
You jerk him a couple more times and loudly pant in his ear, causing him to hunch his hips and slither as liquid rapidly drops down his cock and dribbles onto his jeans. He exhales quickly and appears to be about to fall over, but just as he turns to face you, you pull away from him, grinning in anticipation. 
You can foresee his words just by the way he’s glancing at you intently as if he’s readying to do so much more.
“Now’s my turn.” He smiles mischievously and borders you in his arms.
“Ouch.” you hear him right next to you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, it’s nothing. I think I pressured my muscles too much.” Ichigo replies, rubbing his chest but the noise of another pained gasp makes you clutch his pecs.
You massage the area with gentle pressings but despite feeling his soreness worsen, your touch gradually eases him up.
You swing your hand around as he's carefully observing your motions and he can’t help but wonder where you learned to do that.
“There, is this better?” You ask, parting your lips whilst you watch him closely for any more signals.
Your voice makes him lower his head to look at you, but when sees you staring at him with wide-open eyes and not halting your hands, a wave of warmth surges through him. The way you rub him feels so good that he can’t put into words how great it is but hum contently instead.
“Yeah, it is.” He approves, drawing his face close to your lips to place a smooth kiss. “Thank you.”
But right when he’s about to pull away, you tightly grasp his shirt.
“Hold up, where do you think you’re going?”
“Huh? What do you mean? It doesn’t hurt anymore.” He insists with furrowed brows, confused with the way you’re not letting him go. What was more to do?
“I know but it doesn’t mean there’s no need to prevent it.” You protest, a little unsure if massages work that way but it’s worth a shot.
You follow him with intent eyes, hinting that he has no choice but play along. You really won’t give up until he gets that massage, won’t you? Ichigo sighs in slight amusement at how precautious you are, giving into your wish. After all, it’s a pretty good feeling so why not have it for a little longer.
“Fine.” He agrees as a soft smile builds on his face as your trailing softens his body, filling him with a craving to feel you linger across his skin for much longer.
“Good, but I need you to remove your shirt.” Your implication takes him aback, stunning him momentarily.
“What? Can’t you just do it like this?” The timidness in his voice makes you chuckle, how can you tend to him properly with material slipping between your fingers? “It can't be any different with my shirt off.”
“No, silly. There has to be no obstacle for this to be effective.” Your explanation sounds a little far off but he doesn’t really want you to stop at this point. But the way you indicate it'll feel better makes him burn with a little intrigue. “Or I can just leave you be and-“
“No.” The shifting in his voice makes you blink at him curiously. It takes you by surprise just how quick he replied and you can’t help yourself but wonder what made him change his mind?
You lean toward him to observe him better but the look of pleasure in his eyes tells your traces are simply that good. However, the way he watches you so tensely gives you a vibe of uncertainty.
“Are you sure? Ichi?” you search for his reassurance which he provides by gently pulling your hand away so he can take out his shirt.
“Yes, Y/N. Don't worry, go ahead.” he smoothly presses your fingers against his chest and you gaze back at him, returning to your pace.
Feeling his muscles so plainly helps you rub him better than before, thing you're able to tell by the way his body relaxes. You focus all your concentration on the area but Ichigo can't seem to look anywhere else but at you, as you do your little performance. His eyes dart to your face and stay to observe your firm expression with great interest. But when you part your lips as you lose yourself in touching him, he can't take his glance away from their tenderness.
Have your lips always been this fleshy? He wonders, desiring to run his finger across them to test it out, but he won't interrupt you when you're this focused. Still, his mind does the trick for him, picturing how you would probably lift your head to look into his eyes. It's the image of your expression that brings more warmth in him, so much that your fingers running down his chest worsen it.
But he can't compose himself at this point, not even after he sways his stare toward your firm hand.
The sudden sensation of his hand lifting your head causes you to stop with a gasp, but as he presses his lips against yours, you do nothing but indulge yourself in his taste. With your hand unmoved, you clutch his muscles as his other hand wraps around your waist, gradually pulling you closer.
The drive in him to do this makes you question whether this was a consequence of your massage but the deepening of his kiss causes a jolt of arousal to run through your veins.
Ichigo makes sure he leaves no corners of your mouth untouched whilst you grant him the pleasure to explore inside. The heat of the moment makes you both pant into each other’s mouths, lingering for more.
Holding you, he slowly leans you down to lie on the mattress and moves his hands along your curves.
“Ichigo.” you let out a faint moan as he halts the kiss by lifting himself to observe you from above.
The red hue flushing your cheeks makes his stiffening member throb. Watching you beautifully laid down fills him with a desire to make more noises escape from you. But how should he do it? He ponders but soon sees your thighs rubbing against each other in search of a stimulus.
“Y/N, please spread your legs.” he pleads, unable to take his focus away and upon hearing him, you hum and comply.
Hands reaching for your lower, he hastily takes your clothes off, and once he’s left with the sight of your wet folds, his mouth rushes to your love box. His hands go under your legs to settle them to rest on his shoulders while his mouth begins brushing your sex.
The feeling of his firm tingles makes you squirm below him, providing him with what he wanted. You feel the tip of his tongue caress your clit with pressed strokes and moan with each circling he performs.
“Oh, Ichigo,” you whine, placing your hand on his head to push him deeper. He wants to hear more of that.
But right as he savors your sweetness, he finds the right pace once you let a sharp cry out. Ichigo quickens his motions, occasionally sucking your clit. His grip around your legs tightens with each tremble you make, giving more music to his ears. He can't get enough of your juices, greedily eating you out to get more.
His tongue moves so well around your slick folds and makes you toss your head back as shivers run down your spine. But he's doing such a great job that you can't restrain your hips more not to buckle into his mouth, begging him to make you cum. God, the way he will make you cum.
Your toes curl while the incoming climax makes you seize his hair harshly, and once you shout his name fiercely, he helps you ride through your orgasm.
Your body quivers profoundly in his touch, but the placements of smooth kisses over your cherry make you gasp with how sensitive you are.
“So good.” Ichigo mumbles, lifting himself to look over how good he made you feel.
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as long as you love me so, let it snow
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Summary : you never engage easily into any social gatherings, you're very quiet until Eddie came
Word Count : I apologize for not eyeballing the count 😭
Warnings : 18+ Rockstar!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, reader and Eddie are both (20), jealous!reader, unrequited feelings, idiots in love, no use of y/n, reader is insecure at some points, modern setting, Eddie is very friendly and sweet and that alone can be shocker to reader! not in a bad way she's just not used to it, reader is not easy to form a bond at first since she's too serious and Eddie is very patient with her! 😭💖 (omg- I seriously need him- no joke)
What to Expect : strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, fluff, a bit of angst, come on, you guys it's Christmas I'm treating you very dearly with loads of content 😚
Note To Reader : I just came up with this idea that reader is usually reserved until Eddie like a switch that finally someone light up her world! 🥹🫶🏻
Author Note : I really hope that y'all gonna love the Christmas specials that I'm putting up before 2023 ends (I'm so active- like?!? WHO AM I?!?)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! 🎄☃️❄️💓✨
You don't usually get so excited when it's the holidays
But, you do enjoy, seeing everyone and having your stomach full from all of the feast
You're just not in the mood to interact since your social battery? can drain easily, you can't keep up that long, sometimes
Sure, you do have friends around that is genuinely do care for you and always be there for you
You're really just not an energetic person
That is until..... He came
You became friends with Nancy at the University and still- you're being in denial that you found yourself a friend
Nancy invited you over to Hawkins to spend your Christmas with them- you're very hesitant at first but you give it a try
The fact you thought you'll messed it all up because you're so nervous to meet her friends and family for the first time
It's your second time here and you just really don't understand why you feel looking forward about this, again
It's a new feeling and it's so foreign
You're leaning standing on the side of the room while watching the snowflakes fall outside
The kids are bickering each other over something and a year later you're still amused observing them
"What do you suggest that we should do?" Dustin sighs in exasperation as he holds his list of Christmas activities on his hand
He taps his pen below his chin as he couldn't taken a hold of his impatience towards his friend
He groans in frustration "Make up your mind!-"
"We should do a movie marathon- we haven't done that yet!" Max spoke up before she could hear Dustin's banter
"That's- impossible- our schedule is clearly tight! No one can attend since all of us are not available!"
"All of us?!? You haven't asked anyone yet!"
"You don't believe me?!? I'm not wrong about this, Max" Dustin throw his hands up in surrender
Max nods as she raises her eyebrows and crossing both of her arms at the same time as she jerks her head towards everyone else in the room gesturing to ask about the plan
Dustin shakes his head at her as he goes out to ask anyone
To his surprise, she's right
Max smirks at him when you're the only one left
"My god- your plan still sucks, Max" he mumbles to himself, he winces when realized he said it in his outside voice
"Could you think for a better activity?" Max replies in a sassiest way as she watches him walking towards you
"Your films choices are awful" Dustin said without looking back at her but she can see the disgust look from his face
"Hey, Top Gun is not awful!" Max shouted as she rolls his eyes at him
You look back at the kid in front of you, nervously clasps his hands together
"What up?" You manage to form a small smile as you bring your body forward to face him properly
He raises his eyebrows, of course- he knows that you're not into small talk but to all of young kids in the group?
You're still cool to them
Why? You seriously have no idea why someone like you and even use you as a role model
Maybe, they love you because you're very authentic and real
Yes, you being the silent one but also you're the most protective and strongest person of them all
They admire everything about you and you never ever understood it why
All you can say is that you're just so very grateful to have them in your life
So grateful
"Uh, are you game for a movie marathon with us? everyone is invited"
You nod and think about it for a moment until you can finally muster to say something back
"This coming Saturday"
You nod again and there's your same old dialog
"Is he coming tho?"
"Y-Yeah- I haven't asked him about it yet since he's not here and I'm sure, he'll be there"
"I'll go, why not- I'm not doing anything on that day, so...." you shrug smile at him
"Great!" The boy shows his pearls and the grin grows even more wide when he looked at over your shoulder
And the man in question is coming in to put his arms around you before you can even follow the kid's gaze- you melt within his touch
"What's happening?" He asks as he turns his head at you and Dustin
"Movie Marathon, this Saturday" you fill him in
"Ooh" he beams in interest "I am so in!"
Dustin hops lightly on the floor as he gives both of you a thumbs up as he goes back to Max who smiles so smugly at him now
"What are you doing by the window?"
You scratch your head "Watching the snow? I'm just bored- I guess" you slumped your shoulders
"Aww- just say it that you missed me" he pulls you by his side and you roll your eyes playfully
You know what he's doing, he wants you to laugh and he never fails by attempting to do so
But in fact- you really do miss him
Just too afraid to admit your feelings too vulnerable
Eddie continues to tease as you finally tug up a smile at him
"Ah yes finally there's my girl!"
You giggle as you poke his side by using your elbow as he laughs as well
"Look what I found at the store"
He surprises you by a gift, it's a small cute white teddy bear with red bow on the neck and your eyes flashes in astonishment
"Eddie- you did not-" you hold the teddy bear as he can see the joy glint on your eyes
Your gaze softens at him "Thank you"
"Don't mention it, sweets" he says as leans down to kiss on top of your head
"I am happy to see you happy" he adds and that makes your heart swell even more
You're absolutely not falling for him, are you?
"I'll be back for dinner, Nance" you announced as you check yourself in the mirror
"Going out with Eddie, again?"
"Yeah, why?" You asked her in the reflection
A mischief on her eyes, you can't miss it
She leans on her side on the wall as she watches you adding a lip and cheek tint
"Nothing, it's just that you look cute together"
You slowly turn to look at her with a look that says "Seriously?"
"I'm serious! I mean- ever since I bought you here- you two- just I don't even know how it happened- you both clicked!" She exclaims as she scoffed at you while shaking your head as you dismissive a hand at her
"And ever since then- it's obvious to everyone that if someone else sees you both- you both looked like in a relationship" she added as she waits for your reaction
"I'm sure that his only true intentions are being with friends with me, nothing more than that" you say as you put your makeup back in your shoulder bag
"Keep telling that to yourself and just watch it become real right before your very eyes" she argues with you as she takes a deep breath before continuing
"For example- you said in the first place that I ain't gonna be your bestfriend and look what happened"
She has a damn point
Seeing her smiling to herself at the back of your head knowing fucking damn well that she is indeed right to her guts
You roll your eyes at her as you open the door
"Bye, Nance" you bid goodbye with a snarky tone
She only chuckles at your ignorance as she waves at you
Eddie is always have been so caring for you
He did all of this for you
When he can do something else or choose someone else to hang out with
Instead, he always chose to be with you
Why is that?
In your friendship, Eddie is the loudest and talkative and he really doesn't mind if you don't talk a lot like him and he just admires you for being a good listener
You don't even know of how a good friend you are like you just need to know that you are
You made him realized a lot of things that he did last year when he could cut off some people
When he should've done it ages ago
You're the one that pushed him to do it and to not be scared to do it for his own well-being
You're there when he's having a hard time to move on- you even comforted him that is okay to feel this way and it's completely normal
You're an amazing person in his eyes
You made him feel that he's worthy and lovable and his mission is to make you feel that way too
You listen to him with a smile on your face, you can't fight it off everytime you spend time with him
His always animated when it comes to storytelling and it's really entertaining to watch him gush over the things that you could relate to
You're taking a big step because you're obviously not being honest with your feelings so....
"Eddie- wait a second" you interrupt him at his mid-sentence
He stops as he clears his throat, he immediately rests his hand on top of yours as you look down smiling at it
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask"
"Sure, go ahead"
You look through his eyes and by that you knew, you knew you could say anything to him without judgement behind it
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Being so nice to me, I mean- sometimes I get confused like I don't know if it's just your personality for being this sweet or you do this with anyone"
"I like you" he says plainly with a cheeky smile that shows his dimples
You flustered at his reply "W-What?"
"I just like you- don't get me wrong- I love all of my buddies out there but whenever I'm with you- I feel complete"
"But I'm not that outgoing person"
"What do you mean?"
"What I'm saying is that don't you get tired of me? Or like get bored hanging out with me?"
"Why would I think something like that? Do you think I thought about something like that?"
You blink and your duck your head down shyly as you shook your head
You curse your negative thoughts inside your head literally ruining the beautiful moment that you're having right now
You tried your best not to think of them too long, wishing for all of it to just go away
"Listen" he leans forward to hold both of your hands
You raise your head slowly, too nervous to see the anger in his eyes but you saw nothing
Just pure understanding and compassion
Your heart skips a beat at the sight of it
"I like you for being who you are and I even more love it when we both have the same qualities like you don't give a fuck about anyone else" he exaggerates his words that you always liked and that earns a small chuckle from you and he smiles at it
"You helped me and I'll be doing the same thing with you like you have no idea- how much you mean to me and I just wanna say thank you for everything" he says with so much love on his words like you can't trace anything that is half-hearted
Every part and every word he said comes straight from his heart
He just cannot do that to you and say something like that
The feeling is really feeling, you're knocking off every tendency not to kiss him on the spot
"But I feel so bad for you like I think I'm extra hella mean to you at the first meeting"
Yeah, you're right, he knows that- hell- he even remembers everything on your first encounter together
You always have your guard up and despite your feisty and always looked so intimidating
That didn't made Eddie stop for being friends with you, like he's even the one who approached you, he is willing to do anything and so eager to be in your life
You don't stopped him
You didn't even try to push him away
You don't threaten him to go away
It's because you liked his company
You liked how he is so patient with you
You thought giving him the lousy replies and statements will make him leave but he didn't
He stayed
He is so glad that he did because he gotten the first belly genuine laughs, the first excitement from your eyes, the first cute and adorable reactions at you
As if he can read your mind "Does that stop me from being your friend?"
You chuckled slightly "I just don't understand why out of all the people you chose to be friends with me"
"You don't believe that you can have a cool metalhead bestfriend like me?" He says cockily with a lazy smile on his face that made you throw fries at him
He blocked it as he blows raspberry at you "Aha! You missed!"
You chuckled as you pinch his cheeks "Gotta go at the restroom but I'm not done with you yet" you point at him
As he pretends to be petrified at you "Ooh- look at me! I'm getting killed!"
You laugh as you shake your head at him
You check yourself once more at the mirror
You swore to yourself that you're gonna tell him this time around
You gotta admit it
You inhale and exhale as you walk out of the restroom
The smile on your face falls as it lands on the girl that he's talking to
He looks.... glad?
Oh- so this is what it feels to be jealous
You feel nauseous on the scene that happening right now
The girl who is talking to him is so
You saw Eddie dismissing his hand at her as if telling her to keep the conversation short but the girl just won't let it drop as she continues to babble
You know Eddie, he is just too polite to just say "fucking shut up and leave me alone"
You feel so annoyed and also angry at the same time
You reached over at the hem of your purple dress as you crunch it down not caring if it makes a crinkle out of the fabric
You missed the fact that Eddie is now brand new upcoming artist and this is the only beginning of his career
You huffed when she finally leaves
Eddie lights up that you came back on your seat across from him but only to find the hot raging fire that is on your eyes
He doesn't even know where it is coming from
He has never seen you this angry
If you try to look at him, he swear that your looks could kill any person in the room right now
You look intimidating in your usual resting face but with a mad emotion forming up?
This is the only time that he really felt intimidated
"Is everything okay?" Trying to look at your fiery eyes, he is confused, of course- he keeps rethinking everything that made you mad
"Yeah, I'm good" you say unenthusiastically as you finish your milkshake
By the tone of your voice, suddenly the room felt too hard to breathe because you still haven't looked at him just yet because he knows you're avoiding it
He swallows as he chews quietly on his burger
The ride home was like a screeching metal sound that is begging to be stopped
It's so ridiculously quiet
You're giving him the silent treatment?
He is appalled, appalled in a way that this is how you really get upset
He's gonna remember this, so he it won't happen again
Hopefully, never again
And that was it- that was the night
You didn't say goodbye or didn't say anything after that
When Nancy saw you with the look- she knows that you needed to be alone
"What's with her?"
Lucas nudges his chin towards you as he waits for Mike reply
Your usual resting face looks even more colder than before
You sitting alone in a couch, arms crossed, as you pretend to watch on whatever the TV is playing
Mike glances at you and he felt a dagger stabs through his heart when he saw your face
"Maybe, it has something to do with-"
Lucas and Mike looked back at each other with raised eyebrows as they run out and look for their dungeon master
The boys knew, of course- how much he feels for you, so, they're gonna help cause' that's what real friends do
"You have to fix it" Lucas blurted it out
Eddie is talking to Jeff and Gareth, when the two young boys interrupt their conversation
"You have to make amends with her!" Mike points at you
Eddie follows the kid's direction as he blinks rapidly and gulped
"Nah- Uh- I can't"
"Because- fuck- you know how she's like when she's like that?!?"
"But you have to-"
"Don't worry about it, fellas- he's already concocting a solution" Gareth speaks as he throws a wink
"He's actually talking about her with us" Jeff snickers as he watches Eddie stresses
Eddie only grumbles in response when his bandmates exposed the conversation earlier
"The look on your face is not appealing for this time of the year"
The familiar voice behind you spoke as you throw your head back at the soft surface
"Hey" you say with literally 0% energy
Robin sits beside you as she takes a good look at you
"My, My, My, I can see it- jealousy, clear as day" she gestures at your face as you scoff
She only smirks "What's going on inside your mind, huh?"
"I just saw him talking to another girl yesterday" you sneered as you clenched your jaw
She clicks her tongue as she brings herself closer to you
You furrow your brows as you watch her lean forward
The scariest thing with Robin is that she can read your fucking mind
"If you're thinking about Eddie hanging out with other girls" she clears her throat and straighten herself up
As if she prepares for an ultimate speech
"Well, for your information, sweet pea- is that he never does that to anyone, he only does that to you!" She punctuates every word she said with a finger pointing at you
Still, you won't let her see your surprised expression, you try to mask it
You tilt your head at her as you laugh in disbelief
"Please be fucking for real, Robin?"
She chuckles at your stubbornness "Girl- If you're weren't present right now, he won't attend and he won't be here if it wasn't for you"
You went silent on that because Robin is making sense
A lot of sense
"Eddie is never the one to show up in these events but when you came around- he's always here"
Robin added a lot more sizzle on the stove that made the fire inside of you grows larger
You remember that
It was so late that night but Eddie came last minute because Nancy mentioned about you staying and spending the holidays with them
You're aware that she always talks about you
That's why he's so excited to meet you in the first place
Robin smiles like a freaking Cheshire cat when she successfully made your brain go right where it belongs
Your eyes might hurt for eyerolling too much as you get up and headed towards to-
Obviously, Eddie
Robin giggles as she says "Glad to be a part of your service!"
You saw Eddie yelling over to his friends and bandmates as they stopped talking when they saw you
He knits his brows as they watch all of them go running away one by one
When he turns around, he sighs nervously
"I just wanna apolog-"
"I'm sorry"
Both of you talked over to each other as you both stare and he wants to laugh at how ridiculous this is
"I appreciate everything, you've done for me- Eddie- and I apologize for my behavior last night"
"No- it's okay-" he stopped at what he's supposed to do when
His idiotic mind finally catches up at the thing that annoyed you last night
"Oh- is that girl!"
You frown at him "Look- you don't have to bring it up-'" you sigh in defeat
"You know what- this is bullshit- I'm outta here" you walk away but he tails at you
"You can't"
"it's blizzard out there!"
You glance the window outside, it's a damn snowstorm- alright
"I'm gonna find my way out of here"
"What?! why do you want to do that?!"
"To stay the hell away at you"
He laughs darkly as he jogs over your path to block you- you crossed both of your arms
"That girl yesterday was one of the bullies that made my life, the hardest, I didn't gave her the satisfaction that just because I'm getting better at my career, I won't forget the things she do to me before"
The crease in your forehead flattens as you look at him directly
"So, you don't have to be jealous over something that isn't necessary" he finishes with that
Oh, he is speaking the truth and that makes even feel more worst than ever
Not a single fucking thing that says "dishonest" on his eyes
"Guess what? Eddie- that won't convince me!" You sarcastically replied with a fake smile as you move over aside to walk out of him
He knows this wouldn't be easy, he smiles down and he's amused at this
He shook his head as he spoke again
"You missed my hint"
You halt your tracks as you look back at him
"Missed what?!?" annoyance setting in your tone
He walks towards at you with a smirk laying on his face
"I gave you a hint yesterday and you missed it"
You squint your eyes at him as you try to remember the things that he said to you
The simmering anger inside of you that almost bubbled into the boiling point has died down when it finally hit you
"I like you" his voice echoes to your mind
When you look back at him, he smiles wildly as he moves closer to you
He puts your wispy bangs on the side as he can see it hurting your eyes
Your gaze softens as he whispers "You're so pretty"
And out of the blue, there goes his antics, he goes down on his knees
"I would seriously die for you!" He shouts out loud earning an attention to some of your friends
You laugh as you try to help him get up but he won't budge
"I will worship you every single day until I die!"
Steve appears in the corner as he announces
"The Grinch is about to start y'all gonna miss it!"
You and Eddie giggle as he finally back up to his feet
Both of you get what you want to chomp down while watching the film
He gave you, your favorite, the buttered popcorn
You blushed as you about to take it he pulled you as he kisses your cheek that alone made you let out a small gasp and he smirks
Causing you to flip him off as he laughs
While heading at the living room both of you started teasing at each other
"if you left you won't be getting that popcorn"
"Yeah, yeah, you won- stop gloating already"
"You love me, don't you?"
"Shut up"
"You love meeee"
"I do"
He's like a goddamn kid, hopping like a toddler as he pulls you to his side, you look at him with a glowing smile
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Jeff, Gareth, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Robin and even Steve both shared high-fives together when both of you finally get together at last
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feyresdaughter · 1 year
A Court of Frost and Starlight, chapter 13-15:
Rhys POV
I’d grown up in these houses, attending the parties and feasts that lasted long into the night, spending bright summer days lazing on the sloping lawns, cheering the summer boat races on the Sidra.
Imagine little Rhysie attending these parties aw
A small laugh. “What did you get Feyre?” I slid my hands into my pockets. “This and that.” - “So, nothing.” I dragged a hand through my hair. “Nothing. Any ideas?” - “She’s your mate. Shouldn’t this sort of thing be instinctual?” - “She’s impossible to shop for.” Mor gave me a wry look. “Pathetic.” I nudged her with an elbow. “What did you get her?” - “You’ll have to wait until Solstice evening to see.” Mor’s present-buying abilities had never improved. I had a drawer full of downright hideous cuff links that I’d never worn, each gaudier than the next. I was lucky, though: Cassian had a trunk crammed with silk shirts of varying colors of the rainbow. Some even had ruffles on them. I could only imagine the horrors in store for my mate.
Mor knows Rhys so well it's adorable
“I just— being near them, together …” She shoved her hands into her pockets. “It’s probably what it feels like for you to be around Tamlin.” - “If it’s any consolation, cousin, I behaved rather poorly the other day.” - “Is he dead?” - “No.” - “Then I’d say you controlled yourself admirably.” I laughed. “Bloodthirsty of you, Mor.” She shrugged, again watching the river. “He deserves it.” He did indeed.
So real of Mor
“Does he win if I go?” A quiet, tentative question. “You have to decide that for yourself.” Mor turned toward the ruined house and grounds behind us . Staring not at them, I realized, but eastward. Toward the continent and the lands within. As if wondering what might be waiting there.
We don't have enough Rhys and Mor scenes, I love them
Feyre POV
I had yet to find or even come up with a vague idea for what to give Rhysand for Solstice.
Not them both struggling to find a present for each other 😭 truly mates
Decadent— it felt decadent, and selfish, to shop, even if it was for people I loved. “I know it’s not easy for you,” Elain observed as we drifted through a weaver’s Shop. I turned from a wall covering depicting that very image. “What’s not easy?” Elain’s brown eyes roved over the Night Court insignia. “Buying things without a dire need to do so.” - “We have everything we need,” I admitted to Elain. “Buying presents feels excessive.” - “It’s their tradition, though,” Elain countered, her face still flushed with the cold . “One that they fought and died to protect in the war. Perhaps that’s the better way to think of it, rather than feeling guilty. To remember that this day means something to them. All of them, regardless of who has more, who has less, and in celebrating the traditions, even through the presents, we honor those who fought for its very existence, for the peace this city now has.”
I also love Feyre and Elain together in acofas 🥰
Having been in a void myself, the fabric she’d woven came unnervingly close. “Why?” Her gray eyes shifted toward me again. “My husband didn’t return from the war.” The frank, open words clanged through me. It was an effort to hold her gaze as she continued, “I began trying to create Void the day after I learned he’d fallen." The weaver only stared toward the tapestry. “I thought we’d have a thousand more years together.” She began to coax the loom back into movement. “In the three hundred years we were wed, we never had the chance to have children.”Her fingers moved beautifully, unfaltering despite her words. “I don’t even have a piece of him in that way. He’s gone, and I am not. Void was born of that feeling.”I didn’t know what to say as her words settled in. As she continued working. It could have been me. It could have been Rhys.
THAT'S where Feyre knew she wanted a child with Rhys
“The silver thread,” Elain asked. “What is that called?” The weaver paused the loom again, the colorful strings vibrating. She held my sister’s gaze. No attempt at a smile this time. “I call it Hope.” My throat became unbearably tight, my eyes stinging enough that I had to turn away, to walk back toward that extraordinary tapestry. The weaver explained to my sister, “I made it after I mastered Void.” I stared and stared at the black fabric that was like peering into a pit of hell. And then stared at the iridescent, living silver thread that cut through it, bright despite the darkness that devoured all other light and color. It could have been me . And Rhys. Had very nearly gone that way. The impossible depth of blackness before me, the unlikely defiance of Hope shining through it, whispered the truth before I knew it. Before I knew what I wanted to give Rhys. The weaver’s husband had not come home. But mine had.
That's where Feyre decided she wanted to have a child with Rhys, soon
The tapestry was a gift for no one but myself, and would be delivered to the town house later that afternoon.
YAS FEYRE you deserve to treat yourself
“I’m just glad someone’s using this place. That you are using it,” Ressina added. “I think Polina would have liked you.”
I also think that Polina would have liked Feyre. Because it's just so easy to adore her
And slammed right into the hard, warm chest of my mate. I rebounded off Rhys with a curse, scowling at his laugh as he gripped my arms to steady me against the icy street. “Going somewhere?”
I just realized on this last reread how clumsy Feyre is fr 😭 she's always slamming into something or someone
I blew out a breath and surveyed him , the face dearer to me than anything in the world, the weaver’s words echoing through me. She had lost her husband. I had not. And yet she still wove, still created. I cupped Rhys’s cheek, and he leaned into the touch
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“Do you think it’s stupid to wonder if painting might help others, too? Not my painting, I mean. But teaching others to paint. Letting them paint. People who might struggle the same way I do.” His eyes softened. “I don’t think that’s stupid at all.” I traced my thumb over his cheekbone, savoring every inch of contact. “It makes me feel better— perhaps it would do the same for others.”
My nose crinkled as I entered Amren’s toasty apartment. “It smells … interesting in here.” Amren, seated at the long worktable in the center of the space, gave me a slashing grin before gesturing to the four-poster bed. Rumpled sheets and askew pillows said enough about what scents I was detecting. “You could open a window,” I said, waving to the wall of them at the other end of the apartment.
Not Feyre getting hit by a wave of Vamren's previous activities 😭
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wolfychaaan · 2 years
With You - Frank Morrison x Reader story Chapter One
Story features mentions of rape/non con and gore. Please read at own risk. I do not own any DBD characters.
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The generator fires and spurts as you flee from its side to run from the encroaching killer laughing hysterically as he opens another bottle of substance to lobby your way. You dash through a maze of corn and wooden boards trying to do anything to keep him away, the cool fall air of Coldwind farms combats the warmth of the sun overhead. You run straight for the tree that holds decaying cow corpses, gross, but you need a way to loop the Clown off your tail. He's giggling and chuckling all the way as he stomps behind you, his gait is that of a lumbering bear on two legs but with all the poise of a human.
Dropping the palette onto the Clown's head you hear him roar and grumble in aggravation as he watches you sprint away back into the corn. You dodge other generators and palettes as you try to find a place to hide or at least another teammate to comfort you. The shattering of glass behind you speeds up your heartbeat, legs burning as you full speed ahead but the splinters of shards dig into your skin through the fabric of your jeans and another unholy concoction from the Clown is airborne. You lose stride from the pain in your legs and the slip in focus causes you to fall to the ground as you trip on a rock. Another bottle hits the hard ground, sending out a colorful potion you've never seen before. Trying not to inhale the substance is hard as you struggle to catch your breath and get to your feet at the same time. Unfortunately, you've already inhaled too much and your vision grows fuzzy causing you to collapse and lose consciousness. The last thing you can hear is the Clown's victorious laughs as he approaches.
Frank sits up on the roof of the killer shack watching everything unfold. Other killers could view other trials but were not allowed to interfere. This was the only real rule the Entity gave other killers, but this situation was different. You were his favorite. He loved the way you screamed when being chased, how cute you were when you were being hooked, and mostly he just found himself entranced by you. He would often observe your trials to get his own kicks but this time he came for a specific reason: to stop the Clown. He heard rumors of the bastard creating some new tonic to make survivors fall unconscious, he didn't know what purpose that would serve until now. He watches the lumbering form begin to tear your clothing off from you.
"Bastard," Frank mutters to himself before pulling his mask over his face.
The Clown licks his lips under the mask in glee as he slowly begins to undress you down to your panties. He giggles to himself admiring his work, oh what he is DYING to do to you. He hears a thump nearby and then a familiar voice.
"That's far enough I think," Frank says, voice laced with venom. The Clown turns to look at who's stopping his fun time and smiles.
"Frank, my boy! Come to admire my work?"
"Shut the fuck up you Gacey wannabe, I'm here to stop it," he flicks his hunter's knife in his palm. The Clown bellows a laugh.
"You can't touch me here son, that would be against the rules. Besides, why do you care? You're a killer just like me, why shouldn't we get to have a little fun?"
"See, normally I would agree with you. However, even I have standards and this crosses that line,"
"And those are?"
"I don't rape unconscious people after drugging them you sick bastard," Frank lunges forward stabbing the larger man in the gut with his knife. The blade slicing into his sternum like a knife cutting off a chunk of steak. The Clown roars and grabs his stomach.
"Y-you little shit!" He growls. Frank wipes the blade winding up for another attack.
"You're not..getting away with this. You'll…you'll be punished by the Entity for you're-" the Clown chokes up bile and blood. Frank kicks him over, leaning a knee onto the larger man's neck so he chokes some more.
"That spider creep can do what it wants with me, after I'm done teaching an old piece of shit like you a lesson,"
The gates lift open with a whail and the other survivors head into the exit.
"Something doesn't feel right," Kate pipes up, rubbing her forearms.
"I agree, we never even saw the killer. This was too easy," David replies.
"Why look a gift horse in the mouth? Easy trial is a good trial!" Ace muses. David gives him a dirty look while Kate starts to look panicked.
"Oh God, where is (Y/N)?!"
"Shit! I barely saw her after the start of the trial!"
"But nobody was on the hooks, did they get away?"
The survivors begin to hear a noise of corn rustling behind them. Emerging from the corn holding you in their arms is Frank. His mask is off to the side of his head, revealing his face to the group. He's covered in blood, none of it his or your's. The group stares at him, Kate noticing you in his arms, clothes torn asunder.
"Oh God, (Y/N)! Is she ok?"
"What the fuck are you doing with her?" David asks in a growl.
"Relax, she's just unconscious. The killer was the Clown, he was going to hurt her but I stopped it," Frank says.
"Holy shit," Ace murmurs. Frank hands you off to David, who takes you in his arms. Kaye moves your hair to check your breathing.
"You guys better get going before you become Entity chow,"
"Wait sug, thank you for helping her but what's in this for you?" Kate asks.
"Nothing, just consider it a gift from a friend," Frank says. The group turns to leave, David carrying you through the gate and back to safety. Frank turns on the heels of his boots and wanders back into the corn to admire his work. The Clown is in slices, slowly being recombined by the Entity's power. He wishes he could kill the creepy old fuck but for some reason the Entity enjoys keeping him around. In moments the Entity's long legs burst from the ground and pull Frank under into the shadowy realm it exists in.
It's dark and numbing in the Entity's space. Frank can't tell if he's standing or floating in the smokey void that houses the ominous being.
"You disappoint me Frank Morrison. You've disobeyed the one rule I give you," the Entity speaks. "Do you know how long it will take to fix your mess?"
"Like there's a shortage of killer clowns," Frank rolls his eyes.
"SILENCE, HUMAN! You do not have the higher ground to speak to me in any way you desire. You've gone against my game, my trials, disrespected my blessings, you must be punished,"
"Do whatever you want with me, but do not touch the rest of the Legion. They're innocent,"
"I am aware. Unlike you, they've been following the rules of my game. Only you shall suffer the fate I provide you,"
"You gonna kill me?" The Entity laughs.
"You would like that wouldn't you, Frank Morrison? No, you do not get such luxuries. I shall punish you in a way that fits the crime," The world goes pitch black and Frank feels his body grow heavy. He loses consciousness.
Frank opens his eyes to see a sky dimly lit with stars, a tangle of tree branches against the skyline, his body aching in pain from laying on the cold, hard ground. He does a check over to make sure he still has all his limbs and appendages, nothing seems to be missing. He sits up, hearing a nearby stream trickling by and feeling an incredible thirst overtake him. Running to the stream he begins scooping water into his palm and drinking. He goes until he feels the dryness in his mouth subside, taking deep breaths to relax himself. He looks down into the water and sees changes in his reflection. His eyes have become a soft grey, the hints of red that coated them from the Entity are gone. Physically he doesn't feel as strong as he was. His usual leather jacket and hoodie have been replaced with his varsity jacket and a t-shirt, with jeans and sneakers instead of his combat boots and camo tactical pants.
"What the fuck…" he whispers to himself. A lot of his piercings he did after becoming a killer were gone except for an eyebrow piercing, the scar across the bridge of his nose from it getting broken remains, with a mop of dark hair on the top of his head but shorter on the sides. He can hear voices in the distance, survivors he thinks. He reaches for his knife but his trusty blade is gone.
You shall live as one of them, this is your new fate the Entity echoes in Frank's head. He panics for a moment, running a hand through his hair, trying to come to terms with what that even means for him. He was now a survivor, no longer killing them but PART of their group. Suddenly he feels a strange ease wash over him because it dawns on who he can be with: you.
He gets up off the ground and begins to approach the fire light in the distance. Survivors are gathering around the flames, chatting, he recognizes a lot of them from his hunts. As he steps further into the light he steps on a stick, the crack makes everyone turn and go silent. Small gasps and murmurs throughout the crowd saying his name or just Legion. David stands up, hands clenched into fists before he barks.
"What the fuck do YOU want?" Frank holds up his hands.
"Whoa whoa, easy, I'm not a killer anymore,"
"Pft yeah right, like we believe that bullshit," Nea snorts from her spot leaning against a tree.
"Killers can't enter survivor spaces!" Someone yells, he thinks it's Meg. More muttering erupts.
"Now hold on y'all, maybe we should hear him out?" Kate suggests. "Are you all forgetting he saved (Y/N)? He let us go last trial!" Everyone stops muttering and goes quiet, exchanging looks. Tapp crosses his arms, David clenches his jaw.
"Go on then," Kate encourages.
"Well, apparently I pissed off the Entity enough that I'm being punished for that. Now I'm one of you," Nobody speaks. The group exchanges glances around, wondering what to do or say. Frank rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. Suddenly he feels someone crash into his back nearly knocking him over, two arms wrap around him.
"YOU SAVED ME!" the voice he's adored since you first came here, it's yours. Frank turns in your grasp to see you giving him a hug, tears streaming down your face.
"(Y/N) don't touch him!" Tapp yells.
"Kate told me what you did and I never got to thank you…and now you're being punished for helping me,"
"H-hey, it's not your fault. I wanted to help you," You let go of him so he can turn to face you, but he wishes you didn't. You wipe at your eyes trying to stop yourself from crying. You were in shock when Kate told you what Frank had done. Saving you from the Clown who tried to do something so horrible to you, and now he was a survivor like the rest of you. You feel Frank's warm hand cup your chin and pull your face to meet his eyes.
"Don't be sorry, I wouldn't let that sicko do what he wanted to you. Besides, this isn't so bad," he smiles, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb. You can feel your cheeks heating up, eyes blown wide as he looks down at you.
"I hate to interrupt the touching moment here but it's not like the Entity brought in a new survivor the same way. He doesn't have a cabin," says a voice, Frank thinks it's Adam.
"H-he can stay with me!" You blurt out. Frank lets go of your face, eyes wide.
"I don't think that's a good idea,"
"He doesn't have anywhere to go, and it's something I can do to repay him for saving me,"
"You really trust this guy?" Jill asks, crossing her arms across her chest, approaching closer to help her friend if Frank tries anything. He glares at her, he never did like cops.
"Listen I get it sounds insane, but I don't even have a weapon on me," Frank says.
"We could always pat him down and double check?" Suggests Laurie from the crowd.
"I'll do it," Leon volunteers, stepping forward. He grabs Frank's shoulder, instructing him to put his hands on a nearby tree while he conducts a search.
"You pat down all the pretty boys, officer?" Frank quips. Leon shoots him a look and Frank winks back. Everyone shifts uncomfortably.
"He's clean," Leon says, Frank turns back around and you give him a warm smile.
"If nobody else is willing to give him a place to stay what's the issue? Besides, I don't really feel like being alone tonight after…today," you look towards the ground, shuffling your foot in the dirt. Frank takes your hand in his and gives a small squeeze.
"I promise I'll be on my best behavior officer," he says, you gaze up at him and feel a blush forming on your cheeks. Jill snorts, glaring at him.
"If it'll make (Y/N) feel safer, and we really don't have a place for him," Jill remarks. The rest of the group just kind of nods and mutters to themselves. Leon approaches you and whispers in your ear.
"If he tries anything you know where to find me," you nod back, feeling his hand squeeze your shoulder. Other survivors begin to disperse, some walking in groups or pairs off to the cabins. Each survivor came with a cabin that replicates where they came from. Yours resembles your old apartment before the Entity claimed you. Opening the door, you flick on the light and Frank follows you in, hands in his jacket pockets. Your living space is small, a one bedroom apartment maybe five hundred square feet. Frank begins to look around, making himself comfortable like a cat in a new home.
"I know it's not very big but it's cozy and better than sleeping outside," Frank flops down on the couch, you wander into your bedroom looking for something comfortable for him to wear. You knew you had sweatpants from an old ex in your drawers and maybe he could borrow a bigger t-shirt. You dig out the pair of grey sweats and manage to find a t-shirt he could wear from your old college. You walk back out and hand them to him.
"Here, for you to change into so you don't have to wear jeans to bed," he gives you a smile.
"Aw, how sweet of you,"
"You can shower off in the bathroom over there if you feel like it,"
"Actually that sounds kinda nice," you show him the bathroom, giving him a clean towel of his own and explain the door can be locked for privacy. Undressing and turning on the shower, Frank steps into the warm water letting it wash over him and down his body. He can't stop thinking about how lucky this turned out for him. Why the Entity would bless him by bringing him closer to you was beyond him, but he wasn't about to question this punishment.
Using some of your soap to wash his body, Frank gently hums to himself. One of his favorite pastimes was singing and humming to himself. He feels on cloud nine right now. You've taken the opportunity to change into your own pajamas, some black pajama pants and a tank top, hearing Frank humming from the other side of the door. He seems oddly happy considering everything, and most times during trials with him he would let you go at the end. The humming turns to singing, Frank has a lovely voice you had to admit. A moment later the water shuts off but the singing continues.
Frank exits the bathroom, running the towel over his hair to dry some of the water out. He keeps singing to himself, wearing the clothes you gave him. He seems so relaxed and happy being here.
"You seem happy," you remark. Frank gives you a wolfish grin.
"It's just been a really great day,"
"I figured you would be upset with all this,"
"Well I'm upset I never got to tell the other Legion members what was going on but I know they're safe and the Entity won't touch them,"
"So you're very close with them?"
"We are like a family," Frank smiles. "It's weird no longer having the intense urge to kill from the Entity's power, physically I don't feel as strong as before," he stares at his hands. You sort of feel bad, he's been separated from his family and dumped here full of people who have already judged him.
"I'm sorry you risked everything to help me," you murmur. Frank's head snaps to look at you.
"Hey don't be sorry, I did it on my own. I wouldn't let that fucker hurt you or have his way with you," he says sternly.
"But why? Weren't you also a killer?" Frank fidgets.
"Yeah but…I'm not like him," You cross your arms across your chest and give him a look.
"I've seen you mori my friends and wipe their blood on your mask while laughing. What makes you different? Why save me?" Frank bounces his knee in agitation.
"I just am ok? Trust me,"
"You can't blame me for being skeptical dude, you would chase me all over the map for kicks. You loved doing the frenzy thing so why-"
"Because I fucking like you ok?! I care about you! I've been obsessed with you since our first trial together! Now I have this chance to…to be here!" You put a hand over your mouth and look at him in shock. Frank's face turns the brightest red.
"I'm sorry for yelling," he says.
"No it's ok, t-thank you for telling me," you look down at the floor. There's an awkward pause.
"Maybe we should go to sleep," Frank suggests. You agree and go to get him some pillows and blankets to sleep on the couch from your bedroom. Frank runs a hand through his hair. He feels like a huge jerk.
"If you need more stuff let me know," you say.
"You've already done a lot, (Y/N). Thank you," you give a small nod before disappearing behind your bedroom door. Frank sighs, leaning back on the couch and groaning into his hands.
You have the worst nightmares of your life, vivid and horrifying as you relive the trauma from the previous trial. It goes further, the Clown keeps you awake but you cannot move and feel everything he's doing. You scream and thrash until you wake up gripping your chest, panicking. Your bedroom door flies open and you see Frank in the doorway. He rushes to your side, you feel tears threatening to drop down.
"Are you ok?! I heard screaming so I ran in here,"
"Y-yeah…just a bad dream," you say. Frank turns on the lamp beside your bed, you can see his face is coated in concern.
"What was it about?" He asks.
"Just the Clown and what happened,"
"It sounded worse than just that,"
"I'll be ok Frank I just need to calm down,"
"Push over," he instructs.
"Just do it," you push over, making space in the bed. Frank gets in beside you and pulls you into his body. You feel his warmth, a welcoming sensation, wash over you as his strong arms wrap around you. You're pressing into his chest, his hand rubbing the small of your back as he murmurs softly in your ear.
"You're safe, you're ok. I'm here now, I won't let him touch you," and the overwhelming feeling of tears you've been trying to hold back overcomes you and you begin to sob uncontrollably into Frank. You bury your face in the crook of his neck, he continues to rub your back and repeat those words like a mantra. You've never been treated like this before, most of your exs made emotions seem like a huge issue. Eventually your manic sobs settle to small tears and your breathing slows down. Frank continues to hold you.
"That's my girl, let it alllll out. I'm here," you blush at him calling you his girl.
"I'm sorry I've drenched you," he gives a small laugh.
"It'll dry, do you feel better?"
"Yeah…I do. Thank you,"
"Do you want me to leave?" He asks. You grip his t-shirt tightly.
"Please stay, I don't…I don't want to be alone," you can almost see his smile in your mind.
"OK baby, I'll stay as long as you want,"
He sings softly to you, a song you don't quite recognize, eventually you fall back asleep in his arms. Once he feels you safely asleep he rolls to the side to turn off the light beside the bed. Back to holding you close Frank tries to push down the fury he has for the Clown and the fear you have inside you from his disgusting actions. He would make him pay all over again, a thousand times, just to make you feel safe.
Morning arrives and you slowly awaken, laying on your side with your back to Frank and his arm draping around your waist. You slept much better having him beside you, snuggling under the comforter. You give a small stretch, feeling the need to pee. You try to wiggle free but Frank tightens his grip and pulls you back into his sleeping form. You giggle, trying to escape his grasp but he doesn't let go.
"Frank pleaaaase let me go? I need to pee so bad!" You beg. He lets go and you escape, running out of the room. Frank groans and buries himself under the covers once again. He's content with just staying in your bed all day, it was nice to not wake up freezing his ass off like in Ormond. He temporarily falls back asleep when he hears a knock on your cabin door and you run to answer it. Peeking out from under the blankets he can hear murmurs from outside. Two other voices, female from the cadence. Frank drags himself out of bed to investigate.
"You doin' ok hon?" Kate asks.
"Yeah I'm better than yesterday, that's for sure,"
"We were worried about you and Frank staying together, he didn't hurt you did he?"
"No, he actually helped me out of a panic attack last night. It was really sweet!"
"He hasn't tried anything funny has he?" Jill asks. Frank clicks his tongue.
"No! He's been nothing but respectful and kind, honestly you guys are worried over nothing,"
"Don't you think it's weird the Entity dumped him here after all this?" Frank opens the bedroom door and practically runs up behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on top of yours.
"Morning ladies, thanks for coming to check in," Frank says. Jill gives him a dirty look.
"Y'all look awfully cozy for just one night together," Kate remarks.
"What can I say? I'm just that damn charming," Frank smirks. You blush feeling his warmth contrast the cool air outside.
"I'm OK guys, seriously thank you for worrying," you say in earnest. Jill relaxes a little hearing you sound so content, pulling the sleeve of Kate's jacket as a sign to back down.
"We'll see you later then," she says with a smile. You nod, closing the door as the two girls turn to walk away. Frank lets go of your waist but in a swift motion sweeps you up bridal style to take you back to the bedroom. You let out a little squeak when he does, he's still so strong for not having his Entity powers. He puts you back into the bed and hops in beside you, pulling you into his chest.
"Now where were we?"
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mimisempai · 2 years
Hold my hand and never let go
Frank wants Bill to have the same experiences that all lovers have when they are in a relationship, even if it is something like holding hands in front of people. Even if those people are just Joel and Tess.
Just a little something about holding and and PDA
On AO3
Rating G - 771 words
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They walked side by side along the main road leading to the gate to meet Tess and Joel, their silhouettes becoming more distinct as they walked. 
They were close, their shoulders brushing at times, the distance between them minimal, but Frank wanted more. He wanted more for Bill. He knew for a fact that Tess and Joel had no doubts about the nature of their relationship. He had caught their glances more than once on their previous visits. But he and Bill had never had a gesture of affection in front of them that would reveal the nature of their relationship.
After all, they had never talked about public displays of affection because there was no public. But Frank longed for it for Bill. That Bill didn't have to hold back. That he could have the same experiences as all lovers.
They would never be able to walk hand in hand in a public square or garden, surrounded by other people. Because the situation was as it was. Because there were no more populated places.
So they would enjoy what they had.
And if the people who witnessed their relationship were only Joel and Tess, so be it.
The only unknown was Bill's reaction. 
While Bill wasn't shy about showing his affection for Frank when it was just the two of them, it was different when it came to displaying it in front of others. 
At the same time, how could he know how Bill would react if he didn't try?
After all, he had done it many times before, launching himself without knowing how he would land, so he could do it again. 
He glanced at Bill several times as they reached the statue near their house, just admiring his profile against the blue sky. 
But finally, Bill, being the observant man that he was, turned his head to Frank and asked, "Is something wrong?" 
Without answering, Frank grabbed Bill's hand as he continued to walk forward, looking straight ahead. But he was forced to stop when Bill froze in surprise. He turned to his lover.
Bill's eyes moved from their still intertwined hands to Frank's face and said in a surprised manner, "We're holding hands.
Frank chuckled, "I see you haven't lost any of your observational skills over the years," he continued seriously as his grip on Bill's hand tightened slightly. "And before you say anything, we never really agreed to never do anything like this. We just never talked about it. But we don't have to hide, do we? Unless you tell me you don't want to, of course. I can understand you not wanting to..." 
He paused in the middle of his stream of words because the look of surprise on Bill's face turned to one of happiness as he squeezed Frank's hand in confirmation. Like a way of saying it was okay. More than okay.
Then Bill chuckled, "Actually, I... it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I've never really thought about it. This is my first time. I mean, this kind of gesture in front of other people. What?"
As Bill spoke, Frank had just approached him and asked quietly, "While we're on the subject of first times, is it okay if I kiss you...in public?" 
Bill's eyes slid to the gate where Tess and Joel were waiting, and then he looked back at Frank and nodded softly. Their hands still intertwined, Frank lifted his free hand and placed it on Bill's cheek, running his thumb over Bill's lips before kissing him lingeringly, keeping the kiss soft and chaste.
Then they parted, exchanging one last look that perfectly expressed how they felt about each other, their hands intertwined, as they walked toward the gate.
Bill could already see Joel's wry smile on his face, but he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him at that moment was Frank's warm hand in his. 
It wasn't the first time they'd held hands, of course, but doing it in front of someone outside of their relationship added another dimension. And especially the fact that it was Frank who had initiated it. The fact that his lover was not ashamed to be seen with Bill as a partner, and even more wanted to show it.
He simply tightened his fingers around Frank's, who responded with similar pressure.
When they arrived in front of the other couple, Joel called out to them, "So, how was the little romantic stroll?"
Okay... maybe he needed to remind Joel who had the better stocked arsenal of the two.
But he didn't let go of Frank's hand either.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Bill and Frank masterlist : here
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
There's a few things here this guy Tommy F is not listening to reason and he's not listening to things people tell him he's more or less like kind of become stupid the same happened with John Rema Lord they got hit and they're very mean and dumb they just don't have it anymore we're going to have to do something and more than we're doing we need him out and I can base his removal on the ship's condition and globally he's a massive threat if we have one crash due to failure he'll be using it as a threat and trying to crash it and other people will too we went ahead and observed the test that zigzag prepared and he had it ready and he did several of them and he said what we're doing is not really that great and there's a lot of risk in it but we were not ready to transition that was nice we have built a lot of defenses for Earth when we're building more and we are hiring our people and by the boatload if you're here you're trapped are you were trapped or you are watching over yours or you have an interest in defending earth and reducing their these people's power please report to your local recruitment office& up for the best duty that you'll ever find in history this is gonna be the biggest unit we have in days and it's growing because these ships were intercepting all sorts of derelicts But now he's just threatening
"Earth Defense Systems" Is one of our largest contingents it is global it is very effective and is now growing and we are signing on millions and millions of people a day and we do need more it is for taking territory acquiring territory defending and holding it and making it safe by ground based advanced weapons ground based remote viewing troops space based systems including huge armada and we're doing it right now please sign on thank you
Thor Freya
We are heading up this program and we interface with zigzag as he is heading up the defense of the solar system and universe and outwards and inwards they got a lot of help from our two leaders recently we could use a lot more both groups need assistance and we need people to sign on now you will not be asked to be in combat physically ever but we do have some troops that do
frank Castle hard castle
In addition we are seeking troops for every aspect of service and we are in need desperate need of people who work on devices we're finding way too many in the cities
duke Nukem blockbuster
duke Nukem blockbuster
Getting a series of requests no our leaders are requesting an emergency product insertion and we have several and we're going to proceed they've been saying it and ordering it and now I'm gonna back them up.........
Olympus We are in receipt of your request and examine it now and we're going to approve it and send it back Especially Thor is beer and Freya and it is because they think it's from us.
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ladylaviniya · 9 months
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A year ago from today something really uplifting happened to me. I texted and told this to my friend @omnia-vanitas69 moments after it happened while I was travelling back home one the bus.
I then went home and tried remembering all the details to note in my diary. Today I'm sharing what occurred on 30th June 2023 @ Alexandria Street - Bus Stop 11. (Photos have been provided.)
I was waiting for a bus to go back home from a class in "Employment skills & Resume design." A helpful program for unemployed people, free and funded by the government to encourage people to get a job instead of living off of Centrelink (Assist Benefits).
At the bus stop was an odd looking fellow. I'll be frank. He was what in Australia we call a bogan. "an uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status." He had lost teeth, unbrushed hair, no shoes on, a singlet and shorts. He was smoking and carrying a plastic shopping bag, I can't remember what was inside.
I smiled at him, because...I perhaps pitied his appearance. I also felt that it better to be nice than rude and silent as we waited for the bus.
I recalled saying "Afternoon. Aren't you cold?" (As June is the winter month in Australia.) And that is how conversation broke out.
An unspoken culture difference (in Australia at least) I've come to learn is that people who have come from the city are not as kindly social to strangers. People in the country or of an older generation can easily hold a conversation with someone they've just met.
Before this interaction I have to quickly provide the context that my father passed away in 2021 June 18-19. It has been perhaps one of the greatest traumas I've experienced.
Now back to the original story.
I'm sitting with this bogan man and I'm talking to him. He's got the thicker brash accent compared to my softer, britanian twang.
We discussed how long we had both lived in Brisbane. I had only been there for a few months to a year at the time. He had been in Brisbane his entire life.
He asked if I had family here and I said "Unfortunately not, but I have a mother who resides in Logan." (Logan is a very large suburb that has been granted the term Logan City and been divided into multiple suburbs. Logan is where many poorer and low class minorities live in the Brisbane region.)
He told me, "My wife, she has a boyfriend now and lives with him in Logan." When I looked at this man closer, I could see tears come to his eyes and his voice began to choke, "She will always be my wife even if by the law she isn't anymore."
I felt unsure whether I should feel empathetic or uneasy. It was an eery situation. My prejudice had battled my mind. But I let empathy take control after a true second seeing the way his face looked. He was smiling. He was softening. He wasn't a scary man. He was devoted.
"Now I will never say a bad thing about that woman," he said proudly, "Not many women are like her you see. Her soul is good. I have come to learn the greatest skill of observation. And I can see just now as I look into your eyes and see your soul. You are a listener."
I recalled thinking, 'great another arrogant male fanatic wannabe psychic.' which isn't a kind thing to think but I really don't approve of people who claim to hold this mass knowledge of the stars and universe especially when they look like a crackhead. It's childish behaviour.
But...he then said.
"You have a soul like hers."
Which at first made me confused and secondly made me feel unsure about him. There was something about his presence that was so magnetising. I did worry he would ask for my phone number and send me a nude image for the purpose of trying to have sex with me like most men usually do.
Instead he wiped his face and softly said, "Now trust me, I'm not trying to get a girlfriend. Don't get me wrong. You must be a lovely girl. I have only ever loved one woman and that is my wife."
I nodded and looked away from him. I didn't know how to feel. I was relieved. I was confused. I was on edge.
Across the road there was a park and a big jacaranda tree in the middle with apartment buildings around the area. It was covered in brown green leaves and purple flowers dying off. I stared at the jacaranda and thought about how ugly the infostructure disrupted the natural beauty.
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I thought about how the tree was like a sign of evidence form god that even as we die or have died, we are still alive in his mercy. Christians typically are not meant to believe in the words of a psychic, it's considered unholy, demonic and dangerous if prophecies are true. It made me feel cold and think about how if I continued talking to the man somehow it would damage my soul.
I remember not looking at him when he said this-, "But I want you to know. I want to tell you. Right now. You're a beautiful young lady and I know there's troubles in your past but you will not need to worry about them any longer. I promise you."
It was quite frankly rattling. I couldn't decide whether I needed to hold back laughter or consider running away from him. It wasn't scary but I felt like there was something far more supernatural with the way his eyes and voice seemed to make me feel warm.
He said, "I know I might look mangy and like a dirty old bastard in these rags, but please believe me. Your soul is beautiful and shines out from and through you. You are stunning and must hold your head up to show the world your beauty. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise."
I never told my friend this. This is something I left strictly in my diary until now. This old bogan man touched my chin. He pressed his one pointer finger tip on my chin and sighed softly, smiling with his black and rotten teeth..
He said in the gentlest tone that was just above a whisper, "because you my dear...are a beautiful young lady."
And I felt like I had been harpooned with some invisible arrow in the chest and stomach that I couldn't remove. I struggled to talk. I was not sure how to respond except nod and say, "Thankyou, I'm not sure I believe or agree with you sir, but thankyou for your kind words."
He shook his head and then panic filled his face because the bus I was waiting for was driving passed.
He took off down the street to chase the bus. He knocked on the door. And I was a smidge embarrassed to get on while he told the driver that he shouldn't have driven passed since he could see me waiting.
What's weird is, he didn't get on the bus. It's the only bus number to go through.
It was like...he was waiting there the entire time...just to talk to someone. And without being too vain I might add, just to tell me about what he believed he could see of my soul.
Whether it was real or not is not really the haunting issue. What haunts me is how I could so easily fall in love with a man thrice my age, smelt like a cancerous breath and looked like a toothless chihuahua.
I know it's shameful but if he asked for a kiss, I probably would've granted it. Not in pure lust. No. It would have been light and sweet but full of devoted desire to prove my gratitude to his compliment.
He was noble. Polite and kind. He did not make me feel objectified or sexualised. He made me feel adored and appreciated and loved. We never even exchanged names.
I still think of him. And I hope somewhere he is doing well or at least at peace in regards to the dangers in his health.
But deep deep down i always smile cheekily at the prospect of him not even being human...Like he was some mystic angelic being. Like he was some long lost soul trapped in that man's body for those thirty minutes it took me to wait for the bus.
Anyway. I hope those who read this post will experience this feeling and wave of special spiritual compliments
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confessionsofasuperfan · 10 months
Special Comment: Why David Tepper has no business of running an NFL team.
And now, a "Special Comment" about why David Tepper has ruined the Carolina Panthers organization, and why I'm not rooting for them until that piece of trash his gone.
After watching yet another blowout loss at the hands of the Tennessee Titans last Sunday, the Carolina Panthers find themselves sitting at 1-10 on the season, and yesterday, the team fired Frank Reich, who was hired by a certain hedge fund guy who has not business whatsoever of owning an NFL team. That guy I'm talking about is David Tepper.
When he first bought the team from Jerry Richardson in 2018, he promised to bring energy and enthusiasm to a team that hasn't made the playoffs in several years, and in the years that followed, he has not gotten the job done as an owner. This season, the Panthers have absolutely brought pain, heartbreak, and frustration to all of us fans, including myself, who is no longer supporting the Panthers until further notice, and I'll talk about that later on in this "Special Comment".
Today, Tepper had his press conference with the local media explaining the reasons why he decided to fire Reich in the first place, and did I even watch it, HELL TO THE NO. I did not watch it because first of all, he somewhat did not allow one Scott Fowler of the Charlotte Observer, this city's newspaper to ask him a question, and after that dismal press conference came to his conclusion, he took to X/Twitter saying that he was very unhappy with the Panthers for getting frozen out of asking a question at the press conference."
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darkagedefenseinfo · 1 year
Dark Age Defense Reviews - Know The Truth First! UPDATE
When you are busy with the everyday demands of your life and family, sometimes it is difficult to think about personal development. However, this is one area in your life that you should not overlook. It is important in achieving self-satisfaction. Read this article to get some suggestions on personal development.
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Personal development requires many tough choices. You need to face these decisions with confidence, even if you aren't totally sure. A proven track record of responsible, successful decision-making can grow into improved instincts. Even bad decisions serve a purpose, as they teach valuable lessons. If you make the wrong decision, chances are you, you will not make it again.
It can be tempting to vow that we will never do _ (insert bad habit here!) again, but such a mentality can often set us up to fail. Rather than vowing never again to engage in your bad habit, vow not to engage in it for the next 24 hours.
Admit your low-level in the universe. Admitting that you do not know all is the dark age defense reviews beginning of opening your mind, heart and spirit to the rest of the world. Each of us is but a speck in the whole universe, and we each have so much to learn, understand, know and improve.
One should know when it comes to personal development not to expect results overnight. It can be a very frustrating experience, but set yourself up for success by only expecting progress at a crawling pace. If you expect too much from yourself too soon you are far more likely to give up due to lack of progress.
A good self help tip to combat anxiety is to go to a small get together with friends. This is like a low key party, so you will be able to socialize and get comfortable around groups of people, but you should not get overwhelmed as there are not too many people there.
If you experience trouble meeting the personal development goals you set for yourself, do not be afraid to stop and make a frank assessment of the problem. Look around online and try to find others that have had similar goals and see how they compare. You might be trying to do too much at once, have the steps in the wrong order, or only taking half-measures when allocating resources.
Help yourself by helping others. One of the most powerful keys to personal development is to give yourself to others. Go beyond a few coins in a collection jar and get to know people or even animals in need. Helping those who are worse off than yourself can put things in perspective and help you become a more rounded individual.
If you think that dark age defense book nature is what you walk through to get from the car to the house, rethink. People who never spend time in nature have a higher incidence of anxiety and stress related illnesses. Be sure to take time to go to the park and stroll, go for a bike ride. Observe wildlife, plants and the changing of the seasons for a boost in mid-brain serotonin and lowered blood pressure.
Do not allow yourself to resent your present life by grading it against the future and all of the things that you have not yet been able to achieve. Instead, look for ways to link your future to your present. Determine how well your current situation lends itself as a starting point for all the specific things you hope to someday experience.
Finding the causes of past failures will lead to future success! While you never want to mull too long in failure you do need to discover the reasons for it, especially if you are repeating mistakes. Whatever it is that is holding you back will continue to do so as long it is not recognized and rectified.
Don't forget about the power of positive thinking. It is necessary to maintain the proper mindset on your road to personal development and negativity will only thwart your best efforts. Practice positive thinking to achieve positive results. When you remain positive about everything that you do, good things will follow.
When working on personal development, you should learn to accept change. Things are constantly changing in life, and you cannot control all of these dark age defense pdf changes. Since changes are going to happen, you might as well learn how to accept them and move on. There is no use in dwelling on how something used to be.
Come up with a personal definition of what time means to you. It sounds weird at first to consciously think about time, yet this is one of the most important factors of personal development. You need to figure out how you value time so that you understand how to spend it. Some people measure time down to the second, trying to put as much effort into each minute as possible, while others have a more relaxed definition. Figure out how you want to manage your time.
Utilize resources available today to help with focus, concentration, and personal empowerment. These resources can be found online for free and could be the best resources and tools possible to get you in a better mode of pursuing your life goal and becoming a person that you would be most satisfied with.
Never allow a bully to strip dark age defense download you of your dignity. Do not let their opinion shape your self-image. Shrug it off and focus on your positive traits. However, when bothered by negative personal comments from associates, look honestly at what could be a valid corrective criticism and evaluate its worth. If the criticism is valid, accept it; if it's not valid let it go.
Personal development is important to your mental well-being. When you challenge yourself with new knowledge, you become stronger as a person for yourself and for your family. Keep in mind the things that you have learned, such as what you have read here, and apply them to your life. You will soon find that your life will become more fulfilled.
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