#don't want to jinx it
the-stove-is-on-fire · 8 months
If tumblr ever decided to scrap the feature that allows images to maintain transparent areas I would cry. I don't know any other websites that have this function. An entire skillset of mine would be rendered defunct.
So many of my tricks are tumblr specific, I would become an endangered species if forced to leave my ecological niche....
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elvensorceress · 2 months
buck/eddie | rated: G | 4K | complete | ao3
Summary: On a rare, starry summer night, Buck and Eddie discuss what ifs and make decisions about their future.
“Do you,” Buck says very quietly, so quiet Eddie probably wouldn’t even be able to hear it were they not inches away from being pressed together. It’s too hot out to be pressed together. Too sweaty, soggy, smelly, and their skin would chafe and stick together and probably hurt.
Eddie’s not sure he would care though.
“Do you ever think about,” Buck continues, his question also sticky and meandering and not meant to come out in anything but the secluded darkness of midsummer. “About you and me?”
Eddie swallows hard and doesn’t move. He breathes but there’s no air, no movement. He knows the question. He knows what Buck is asking. He doesn’t stop searching for the stars and all the shapes and figures drawn in connecting lines between them.
There are no lines for real. It’s all made up by people who have brilliant creative imaginations. People like Chris and Buck and Shannon. They’re the kind of people who see the lines, the animals, the heroes, the stories, and invent constellations.
Eddie just sees starlight. Raw, unconnected, faraway stars that were lost a long time ago. “What about you and me?”
Buck breathes slowly, soft inhale and exhale that sounds so loud, and why is it the only sound Eddie can hear? The city is hardly quiet even at this time of night. It’s not that late. But it’s still only the wafting air in and out of Buck’s lungs. The only sound that reaches him. “Eddie. You and me. Dating. Being together. Seeing if it works, if it fits. Do you ever think about it?”
Does the ocean think of tides? Does the forest think of collecting rain and sun? Does the fire know what it consumes? Do the stars know they’re dying, they’re phantoms, they’re already dead?
Something was left in a graveyard and it wasn’t a body. It wasn’t a person. Maybe it was a life though. A life together.
How could he ever believe things left in a graveyard could still be alive?
Buck didn’t even know. Buck never knew. They never got that far. Death and lightning have a way of shocking the system. But everything grows quiet afterward and locked back up once danger has passed. Eddie never said anything. Eddie cut out his thoughts, his feelings, and forced himself to move on and forget. Even though nothing could ever compare. Nothing else could ever fit.
Eddie can’t move, can’t look at him, but he wets his lips and asks, “Do you?”
(read on AO3)
for @daisyssousa and @tizniz
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frenchublog · 2 years
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Fishbones PART 1 🦈
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being in the slay the princess fandom has taught me why people feel the need to gatekeep pieces of media previously considered to be "niche." not that it's good, but i understand now. i can handle people mischaracterizing all these other characters but if anyone out here did so to any of the slay the princess characters, i might just have to pace around my room and scream for a solid hour or two.
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absolutelyegg · 1 year
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"you never bother to find out what it does to someone, being stuffed in a stone box for weeks, or months, or even years?"
i seriously hope that this wasn't just a throw-away line they put in the show except it probably was, that they make the decision to touch upon what happened to her, and that we can see her heal from it
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bruhstation · 8 months
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of fucking course the best, most harrowing, most gut-wrenching tugs character only appeared in one episode (a bit of ramble in the tags)
#this is tugs#tugs boomer#tugs sunshine#boomshine#<---- evil sinister laughter#fortezza bigg city#senjart#I think he's neat. I also think a bottle of antidepressants could help with whatever hes going through#okay I'm gonna talk for a bit about boomer (mostly about his canon counterpart rather than solely his fbc version)#boomer's character struck a deep chord within me that when rewatching jinxed while sleep deprived I got so scared#his depression? thoughts of sinking himself? claiming that he didn't want any help yet attempted to push just a bit longer when supported?#putting his worth on how useful he is as a machine first? an individual with selfism second? thus deeming himself as a lost cause?#and despite his jaded sardonic demeanor he genuinely cares about others and puts their safety before his own?#like mannnnnn come ON no wonder I couldnt stop thinking about him#his struggles as a clinically depressed person is.... so real?#he says ''I don't want any help'' but he clearly does want AND need help. he goes along with TC and sunshine's hijinks of helping him#gradually went from ''whats the point I'm gonna jinx it anyways'' to ''Ive tried so hard I really have but I cannot. I never had a chance''#he even went ''okay but don't toot'' to TC before his final job! he's entertaining TC and sunshine's theory! he really does want help!#boomer's whole character screams “I want to live but I don't know how”#and man oh man I feel like s01e10 reached out of the screen and drove a stake through my heart#because it's so visceral. it's rang true with my personal experiences#it's so sad. it's probably because I'm sleep deprived but I want to take care of that poor orange thing so badly#boomer most likely thought his final job to tow the schooner will end badly as usual but with how he sounds way more upset when he failed-#-and how he even went ''I can't be bothered to argue anymore''. I have a feeling there's a tiny speck of hope inside him-#-that quickly died out the moment lightning struck and he got towed by the fire chief#and of course he's upset. hes tried so many times to find a way to get rid of the jinx but now? it's as if he's given false hope-#-and the thought of the jinx leaving is something akin to a fairytale. as long as he bears the name ''boomer'' and not ''captain harry''-#-he is doomed to this constant cycle of messing things up when its not his own fault and having other point their fingers at him#that is until he got refurbished into a houseboat (essay material for another day)#theyre never going to write another anthro vehicle character like this anymore . sad
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mollysunder · 11 days
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The parallel between the first and second posters is so insane. In the first poster we see a young Vi holding a young Jinx in her arms try to comfort and protect her from the world's harshness. But Jinx is too big for Vi to completely hide her face away from the light of the world. Yet the light itself doesn't feel sinister and Jinx looks at it and us in wonder.
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While the next poster is nearly completely opposite in mood. Instead of a deep bear hug where Vi's warm red tones in color attempt envelope Jinx in comfort, Jinx and the cool tones in her hair, nails, and even skin are caging Vi in place. There is no illusion of comfort, in fact there's not even an attempt, because we see Jinx's face, a harsh and almost knowing grimace at what she's doing.
Jinx is forcing Vi to see the world as she did when she was younger. But instead of the curiosity and wonder at the world in its light, Vi is horrified of it, of us. This light is bringing Vi to tears, and that's how we know instead of embrace it like Jinx did, Vi will thrash against it.
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twobigears · 5 months
not to jinx it but they are now talking about trying to make my contract position a permanent position, so 🤞🤞🤞
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humanmorph · 7 months
"They found each other in the wreckage of optimism, and it took them a decade to decide that hope was not enough to save the Golden Branch from itself. It was in a library, not an armoury, where the Apostolosian became the sword and shield of Integrity, a Divine who’d lost its Candidate. Some climb into their Divines, others deploy them across the battlefield, or fight under the blanket of their shadows. But Integrity demands intimacy. It digs into the flesh of the willing, all metal and promises and penetralia, desperate to create an unbreakable unity. It is afraid, and wounded, and it cannot know the power it gives without seeing it first in the reflection of a Candidate's eyes: the loft, the velocity, the violence. And for the first time in centuries, Integrity doesn’t fear its Candidate. It moves with confidence, in muscle and ambition. It believes in Sokrates Nikon Artemisios." (COUNTER/Weight 22: A Broken Branch)
Great episode to get to after recent palisade happenings. I obviously remember the "Integrity demands intimacy" but there's so much other great stuff here.... "They found each other in the wreckage of optimism" is just incredible.
Edit: Noting the wording of " [...] the Apostolosian became the sword and shield of Integrity" because Integrity literally is both those things - they are the armor Sokrates wears and the weapon they wield - but it positions them here both as a protector of Integrity and someone Integrity acts through (divines & candidates!).
And I love that this gives Integrity pre-Sokrates interiority I had honestly completely forgotten about. "For the first time in centuries, Integrity doesn't fear it's candidate" A divine afraid(!) of what it can do together with it's candidate, the power it gives. And then what Austin describes in pal29 comes to mind, which is like, "if there was a time when Integrity was like, you know, 'Finally someone has come to help me get out of this situation.' That is not what's happening here." It's interesting because that phrasing of if not the current but a past state("that time has come and gone ")... it still sounds like fear a little bit. And that obviously isn't the case anymore (I don't feel like typing out this Austin quote but he said something about the notion of immortality & change that made me real happy. I love that shit) & I'm curious to learn more about this hopefully.
I love Integrity & while I don't think of it as "the good one", it's fate is important to me because is still one of the sickest divines (which is really saying a lot with like, Perennial and Motion et al. around).
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mythicalpoolnoodle · 11 days
Okay so this now I can handle, thank you jannik for getting serious
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archangeldyke-all · 13 days
curious to know what u guys think about the theory that sevika's going to be renata glasc from lol in season 2? there's a lot of similarities, but there's also a ton of differences (mostly in renata's lore and backstory compared to what we know about sevika's-- but then again a lot of the lore's been changed for arcane characters...) idk i just keep thinking about the 'sevika quits smoking in season 2' spoiler, which makes me think either a. she dies because that's been the smoking metaphor so far or b. she has to quit because it's fucking with her lungs (she does have smokers cough in season 1,) which leads to her wearing a mask all the time... idk! what do u guys think??
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riisume · 1 year
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So this is where I've been at mentally for the past 2 weeks... (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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shoku-and-awe · 9 months
I took a train for a non-medical reason (for the second time in nearly 2 months!)
It went more than 1 stop away(!)
I did not worry about how far away the restaurant was, or if I could walk that far or what it would mean later
We actually changed plans on the fly and wandered around til we found somewhere we liked for a drink
And then went to a SECOND location! Without even checking how far away!
And I sat on a stool????
And my back feels............... normal🥹? And I got home without issue 🥹? And then played with my dog on the floor 🥹🥹?
I know it will hurt when I wake up, maybe pretty badly, but I am kinda starting to trust that maybe I might slowly be getting gradually a little better? Knock wood?
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kneelingshadowsalome · 4 months
i have said it before but i need to drop this in your inbox purely because it’s overwhelming at the moment. i just finished reading Fatum for the third time!! your writing is utterly beautiful, always so sweet and erotic, too. the way that you’ve portrayed König is just otherworldly to me; he is so breathtaking and wonderful. your ability to ensure that he retains his endearing traits (hopeless devotion and that desire to be adored especially) whilst also allowing him free reign in any concept is sooo incredible.
well done to everything! I’ve read through your König fics a trillion times by this point and i could never tire of them. your headcanons and little drabbles too! you put so much thought and love behind your words, and it’s so apparent.
you are an incredible writer and i’m so grateful to have found you. ❣️sincerely- thank you for all that you do, salome! i & many others love you dearly and i hope you’re stuck in this little cozy corner with us for all time.
i also hope that you’re doing well outside of this blog. you deserve nothing but sweetness (and cinnamon buns)!
This is like a warm cosy blanket, a big mug of my fav tea and a loving hug all at once 😭 I can smell the cinnamon buns too 🥺❤️ so from the bottom of my heart: thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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albinokittens300 · 5 days
If most my posts don't make this clear, I do what Jinx to go through a kind of redemption. In the sense I want her to heal, and believe she probably is gonna make less cold, and violent decisions when when isn't in such clear pain.
No she isn't ever gonna be Powder again. But she can be (and I would love to see) a Jinx who isn't so scared of being abandoned, who doesn't feel so rotten that she doesn't lashes out the way she does. It won't ever be perfect, but I want to see a Jinx whose healing and earns some forgivness during or after that.
I do not believe it will even come close to what we typically SEE as a redemption arc. If this does happen it will be something more fitting for Jinx as a character. But I want it none the less.
This is also just my opinion but. Yea, thought I'd explain my feelings.
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nikikikiko · 1 month
ok we did some cooking here
AFK Arena - Forbidden Family Odyssey AU !
The Invasion upon Gavus and Eugene's family home proved... semi-successful. Eugene had been captured, and Liberta was acquired quickly by the Goddess, Morgana, but Gavus managed to escape with Lucilla. 10 years later, imprisoned, Eugene catches wind of a suspicious lack of guards. Using his wits, and some of his power, Eugene broke out and began his run for home.
Unluckily... He runs right into a Commander Dawn and the kid's Adventurer companion, and that's only the START of his bad luck on this journey. Let's hope that this journey home doesn't take a ridiculously long time! (It does.) (Horrendously so.)
So !!! AU time !!!
Eugene (and somewhat Liberta) - Odysseus's role
Gavus - Penelope
Lucilla - Telemachus
The idea is that Eugene and Liberta were both taken when Conrad and Morgana made an... oh-so "civil" visit to the family home. Liberta, who has no memories unsealed because he never fought Lucilla, is taking the company of soldiers back home with the Adventurer he befriended when they run into Eugene. After a brief fight, Liberta and the Adventurer put 2 and 2 together and realize this is the same Eugene from the diary, and they propose to help him get home (much to the issue of .... literally every soldier there but that comes up later<3)
Essentially, this AU will focus on four-ish storylines... sort of?:
Eugene's story on getting home, his journey back to his family and all the perils it will have.
Liberta's story on finding out who he is, because Lucilla never fought Liberta, undoing the seal is taking a long ass time. He will be named "Commander Dawn" until a certain point in this AU
Gavus's story on protecting Lucilla, since the Hypogeans didn't really stop after they didn't get their Weapon.
Lucilla's story on finding out where her brother and father are, since she wants to see her papa happy again, and he's always looking mournfully at a red diary.
Will I make a fanfic ??? Possibly !!! It's sitting in my mind a lot and I have a bit of the story figured out, but I also might just leave this as a Tumblr-only AU where I just occasionally post content for it instead depending on where my whims take me.
Now, there is a whole lot more planned out for this AU [just not... indetail bUT I HAVE BARE BONES] so if you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer!
take this concept eugene art as compensation for ur time
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thank you!
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