#don't worry i'm also working on prompts but these are at the forefront of my mind rn
queerdiaz · 2 months
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If you're looking for any prompts; hero/villain where the hero needs to get out of the villains grasp but can't and as a last ditch effort kisses the villain in a panic, hoping it'll startle them enough to let them go. Surprisingly it works. mlm if you're feeling up for it! (I ADORE you're hero/villain stuff and you're writing is a huge inspiration!!)
He kissed the villain.
It was a clumsy kiss, a mashing of lips, a bumping of noses and then -
The villain recoiled just as something sparked between them, so hard that he hit the opposite wall with a thud. He clamped a hand over his mouth.
The hero panted for breath. He should have taken the opportunity to run - that was why he'd kissed the villain in the first place - but something about the villain's expression froze him in place.
If the villain had looked disgusted, he might have laughed it off. If he'd looked dazed or distracted, the hero would already have gone. But he looked...
"Are you okay?" the hero asked.
The villain was shaking.
"Come on, I'm not that bad a kisser," the hero said. Maybe it was a trap. A con. He definitely should have already ran but...
"I'm sorry," the hero said.
"Why would you do that?"
"I - I just wanted to distract you. I panicked."
"You panicked?"
That was probably really offensive.
"Your panic reaction," the villain pressed, "is a kiss? Or, what, you just want to kiss me that bad that it was at the forefront of your mind?"
The hero swallowed. They floundered. "I'm sorry if I - are you okay?"
"It's rude to kiss people without consent," the villain said, a little closer to their normal tone. "You know that, yes?"
"It felt kinder than, I don't know, non-consensually kicking you in the balls."
The villain snorted.
The hero edged a step back, but, like a fool, still didn't run. The villain had let go of him, though. Running was a possibility without those steely, impossibly strong arms holding him in place.
Lord, why wasn't he running?
The villain's gaze roamed over his face, lingering on his lips.
"So I assume you're, like, seeing someone," the hero said, taking another step back. He ignored the weird feeling in his gut.
"You don't like kissing?"
"I don't owe you an explanation," the villain snapped. "You're not supposed to kiss me."
"You seemed like you were definitely enjoying it for a second there. Also, you're staring at my mouth, mate."
The villain's gaze shot away. His shoulders squared, jaw clenching.
"Just want to know that you're okay and that I haven't triggered a trauma or anything," the hero said. "I wasn't thinking. I - I really am sorry."
"This is the most I've ever heard you apologise."
The villain didn't normally look like that. He was still pressed against the wall, rather than lunging, even with the obvious conversation about distractions. His hand was still shaking slightly.
The villain stuffed his hand behind his back when he caught the hero watching.
Maybe the villain was stalling for time, and back up.
The hero didn't think he was stalling.
"I kill anyone I kiss," the villain said, after a moment. "Properly kiss. It takes a moment for the curse to take affect."
"...are you serious right now?"
The villain gave him a withering look.
"That's very scary and all," the hero said, "but it doesn't answer my question."
"Yes, I'm serious! Want me to kiss you so you can find out?"
The hero's brow furrowed. If that was true, then the villain's reaction, his shaking hands..."Oh my god you were worried about me. You're protecting me."
"If I wanted to kill you-" The villain began, testily.
"No, no, you don't need to get defensive. I know you're not - like - secretly a marshmallow."
They both eyed each other for a moment. The villain's gaze had paused on the hero's lips again, filled with enough longing that it made the hero's chest cleave and his mouth go dry.
"Is it just your mouth?" the hero asked.
"The killer kissing thing. Just your mouth? Or, like, if anyone kisses you anywhere."
"Just my mouth. Not that it's any of your-"
The hero stepped close, and pressed a kiss to the villain's cheek.
The villain's breath hitched. He looked dazed. Distracted.
"Shame," the hero murmured, and brushed a thumb over the villain's lower lip, watching their eyes go doe-wide and wanting. "Because kissing you actually was on the forefront of my mind."
He pressed another kiss to the villain's neck, feeling his pulse race, feeling his head tip back against the wall in offering.
"Thanks for not killing me," the hero said, against his ear. "Let's pick this up another time, yeah?"
Then, he ran.
He heard the villain curse and take chase.
But it felt better than before.
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oops-all-concrete · 4 months
Hello lovelies, 💘HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!💘
I'm back with more BG3 headcanons! Today's prompt is;
💕Modern AU; Ways the BG3 (romanced) companions are idyllicly sweet with Tav!💕
No spoilers! Tags are; A whole heckin lot of fluff and cuteness!
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Lae'zel -
You have to be careful with what you say around Lae'zel. Made a minor comment 3 months ago that you wanted to revisit somewhere in the Sword Coast? Get packing, you guys are all booked to go. Asked Lae'zel to get you candy on the way home? She has 3 full bags. Say that comment her folks made last time you visited made you uncomfortable- you have a paragraph text apology from all of them the next day. She's not just someone who wants to spoil Tav, she fucking will. (If Tav manages to talk her out of going nuts with the pampering, she's surprisingly sentimental. You bet she keeps a rock in her pocket that reminds her of Tav)
Shadowheart -
She is so excited to post you. She doesn't like social media and tends to keep to herself, but after watching Tav post pictures of them both, she wanted to do the same. The minute she gets even the smallest romantic gesture, she's scrapbooking, she has a wall of Polaroids joined by a horde of hand made sketches, she's putting together little snack baskets and mailing them to Tav, she's about as obviously head over heels as a person can be, really. She's always got a camera aimed at Tav, even if they're just for her. (A good 90% are just for her eyes)
Wyll -
This man never plays games/gets online with both sides of the headphones in. It doesn't matter if the game is online, offline, urgent, time sensitive, dependent on his concentration- if Tav so much as makes a peep, he's out of his seat and across the room. Hells, he takes every chance he gets to go give Tav some attention. In the drift of leaving the waking world, Tav will definitely hear a little "One minute, Tav needs me" despite them not asking. Some footsteps. And then moments later, the warmth of the duvet being tucked all over their body and a gentle kiss to the cheek. Whispered "I love you"s and then a quiet. "I'm going to hop off for a few hours." So you can have some quiet.
Karlach -
She's one of those people that really makes you realise you have good taste in other people. Like, you can't think of a time you went on a walk and she didn't pick up some trash, help an elderly person across the street, immediately offer her seat to a pregnant woman. No matter how prideful Tav might be or not, there's a pride in the admiring looks other people give her. Little girls pass in the street and say "mum, I want to be like her when I grow up!" Everything she does makes Tav proud to be with her, yet somehow Tav is always the one under a spotlight to her. "Oh, me and my partner-" this. "Oh, my partner-" that. "I'm so proud of my Tav. Ugh, I am so lucky" she insists at every turn.
Gale -
He's a night owl, much to Tara's dismay. Wether that's because he can't sleep, he likes being awake in the dark hours or- his brain won't stop nattering at him for a gods damned minute, but either way. He's probably working, quietly cleaning, organising Tavs things so they don't have to worry. In quiet moments, between possibly making them breakfast because of course he's up that early- he's just kissing Tav on the forehead, gently, trying not to wake them. He needs them to sleep but there is not a moment in his day where he doesn't think: "Does Tav know I love them? Can I remind them once more? Even if its just for my peace of mind?" Because he will not rest if he has an inkling his live for Tav isn't at the forefront of their mind.
Astarion -
If you even suggest to this man that you should do matching outfits, he's excited. He always wants to take the wheel, but also wants Tav to have a foot in the idea. He will give ideas left and right, opinions up and down. He doesn't care if it's a date or not, cringe solstice photos, or just gym clothes, he's all for it. If you guys didn't have matching pyjamas already, you have them now, congrats. (If he's still a bloodsucker, he'll definitely still go out of his way to learn how to cook for Tav. Tokyo Ghoul rules though, so Tav gets to taste test a lot. Only the best for his little capri-sun) Overall he's just unashamed and excited to be with someone who very obviously wants to be his, visibly as possible.
(Bonus Halsin!)
Halsin -
This man lives for shared activity. He's quite alright on his own and can allow Tav their space, but going to get massages, haircuts/styles, wine tasting is his total vibe. Just relaxed gatherings together. Nobody lives a spa day like this man. It allows a level of intimacy that nature intends. Cleansing. Careful. Close. He will learn how to do Tavs hair and makeup if asked. Will take pleasure in being able to undress them and put them to bed at the end of a long day. Go on hikes and camping trips, walks through the woods, carving names into rocks and bringing back souvenirs to press into a book that's only getting thicker.
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karniss-bg3 · 7 months
Hey guys, hope you're doing well.
I apologize for being quiet/less active lately. I've hit a bit of a creative wall where I'm feeling the bite of burnout and it's been a struggle to write anything I can feel good about. My cat has also gotten sick which has resulted in a mad dash to the vet and a great deal of worrying on my end. She is fine for the moment which is a relief but the bill that came attached right before the holidays has added a new layer of stress. It will all work out but the events compound one another and it has tossed my mind into a vast, bleak fog.
For this reason I'll not be accepting new writing prompts for the time being. The ask box will remain open for all other inquiries/comments. I suspect the earliest I'll reopen writing requests is early next year after things have settled down. I do still have a few prompts to address so folks may see writing still pop up here as I move through the queue.
I know I often thank people for their support but I do want to delve into that a bit deeper. I never expected much from this blog when I first started it. I figured it would just be a depository for my ravenous Kar'niss obsession so I wouldn't flood followers on my primary blog with material they didn't sign up for. Instead it's morphed into a little haven for fellow drider enjoyers to congregate and discuss amongst their peers. From theorycrafting to praising their favorite Absolute loving arachnid, this spot became so much more than I ever imagined. Three-hundred plus followers later I still see the enthusiasm thrust into the comments and tags for a character that deserved more than he got.
Fandom can be beautiful and it can be ugly. Just like any community, it's subject to the flaws of its contributors. I am happy to say that, by and large, I've bore witness to more beauty than anything else and it's part of what has made this journey special to me. I am not Kar'niss, I don't work for Larian Studios, I am just a guy who gravitated toward a character I felt I could relate to and I ran with it. I am by no means a world class writer, merely someone who enjoys the art of storytelling. I am proud I was able to enrich an already bustling community with my little blurbs of text and I hope to continue to do so in the future.
So when I say thank you for your support I mean it. This has been some of the most fun I've had over the last two months and it is because of your passion and willingness to reach out. Hype comes and goes and I don't expect Kar'niss to be at the forefront of someone's mind forever. Should the day come that the devoted screams fade into hushed whispers I will still look back on my time here with great fondness. All of you are wonderful and I wish you nothing but good fortune for the end of this year and all throughout the next. Thanks for sticking with this old fart.
Have a fantastic holiday everyone!
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@fandom-free-bingo I have no idea why I went with this T^T I swear I didn't want any heavy whump... I disagreed with myself; apparently that's how my mind works now.
Tell me if I forgot to tag something.
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Prompt used: "Please, don't do this."
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: none
Characters: Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan
Tags: angst, hurt, possible out of character,
! Warnings ! : suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, self-harm, depression, mention of schizophrenia, bullying and addiction
Word count: 381
Reader's discretion is advised.
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After Owen Savage case with each passing day Spencer was feeling more and more depressed. Nowadays disappointment fills him when he wakes up. He's aware taking more dilaudid is too risky (also he's afraid of triggering schizophrenia) so he reached to self-harm instead. While logically, at the back of his head, he knows neither of these options are good for him.
Reid can't help himself but to continue to try stop feeling so numb.
Telling Morgan about his childhood bullies didn't really help either. While some part of him felt relief for finally sharing what happened with someone. Memories were brought to the forefront of his mind; Along with that feeling of helplessness, embarrassment and humiliation.
And now his sitting on the bathroom floor leaned against the wall barely holding his phone. His head is throbbing yet he feels himself getting light headed. He barely hears Derek from his phone anymore.
Reid got carried away. He didn't mean to do that.
And panicked - he called Derek.
With shaky hands Spencer pressed to call Derek.
"Derek?" Spencer whimpered.
"Kid? What's going on?" Derek says worried.
"I'm sorry." he sobs "My hand was shacking, slipped an-" his throat closed and can't finish the sentence.
"Spencer, where are you?"
"Bathroom. Home." he managed to whisper his answer.
"Hey kid it's gonna be alright, okay? Just focus on my voice." Spencer let out a whine.
"Take a deep breath Spence. I'm on my way kid." Spencer tries to breath in.
"Shh. Just keep breathing okay? Try to calm down."
Morgan barged into Spencer's apartment. Then made his way to the bathroom. He was met with Reid on the floor, head leaned on the shower wall. Derek already called the ambulance on his way here but it won't be here for minutes.
Derek kneeled next to almost passed out Reid, immediately putting pressure on the cuts.
"Please, don't do this to me Pretty Boy." he despaired.
Spencer groaned from the pain.
"It's gonna be alright okay kid? Just hang in there."
After a minute Spencer closed his eyes, passing out.
"Hang in there. Don't do this. Help's on the way. Hang on." Derek repeated under his nose.
When paramedics arrived, then, only then did Derek let go of Spencer.
Derek prays Spencer will get through this.
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mandm-cringe · 1 year
For the Taylor Swift Asks!!
Daylight and Lover for Mathilda
Cornelia Street and Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince for Nico di Angelo
(Also I know the game is romantic but I consider a lot of my f/os to be more queer-platonic because of my own understanding of our relationship :))
But answering the prompts:
For Mathilda <3
Daylight: How has your relationship with your f/o changed your opinion of love? How has their relationship with you changed their opinion of love?
I'd say she really did change my perspective on love. It was whole other experience with Tilla. She's very soft and understanding as a person and that translates over to how she is in relationships. She was very supportive and understanding of me being AroAce and put in alot of effort with me to curate a relationship that I felt comfortable in with her. I also never thought someone would be able to love me after really knowing me and Tilla did.
As for Tilla I think I really changed her perspective on relationships too. As a Princess she's only ever experienced relationships through arrangement and as a political tool. And that has not worked out for her, given the literal scarring it's caused. For someone to be interested in her so genuinely and not because they had to be caught her off gaurd. Finding someone who also didn't shy away because of her scarring was something too.
Lover: What is your favorite part of the life you’ve built with your f/o?
The peace and private. Mathilda's a very reserved person when it comes to her life. She was always in the public eye and when she wasn't she was the target of rumors and speculation. I was worried it would interfere with our relationship but she's amazing at keeping everything separate now that she's comfortable being involved at the forefront again. We always get sweet and private moments together and I love it <3
For Nico <3
Cornelia Street: Do you and your f/o live together? If so, what is your domestic life like? If not, what would it be like if you moved in together?
Nico and I don't live together technically but we might as well because I've basically moved all my stuff into the Hades Cabin. I don't really think anything changed too much since we've unintentionally started co-habitating. Living together is horrendous for our sleep schedules though. I'm a night owl and Neeks is an insomniac so the amount of all nighters we've pulled has grown significantly, lol
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince: If you and your f/o ran away together, where would you go?
I don't know if I really see us running away anywhere together. I would probably try to convince Nico to run away to a more rural area. Small town and lots of land like I grew up in. Nico would probably take intrest in going back to Italy again. Maybe we'd end up in a rural town in Italy together. I think it'd be fun to raise goats there but I don't know if Neeks would encourage that, lol
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