#donn p. crane
the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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Illustration from The Six Swans for Through Fairy Halls of My Bookhouse by Donn P. Crane (1925)
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enchantedbook · 1 year
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'Divine Conedy' of Dante Alighieri Artist : Donn P. Crane
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lepetitdragonvert · 10 months
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Sleeping Beauty
Artist : Donn Philip Crane
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illustratus · 2 years
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Phaethon by Donn P. Crane
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venustapolis · 1 year
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Ilustraciones para la Divina Comedia de Dante (Donn P. Crane)
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Donn P. Crane
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fatherlybeast · 2 years
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Phaeton, from Through Fairy Halls of My Bookhouse by Donn P. Crane (1925)
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calochortus · 4 months
Land and Water by Kathie McMillan Via Flickr: "Science Stories Book Two" of the Curriculum Foundation Series. By Wilbur L. Beauchamp, Harriet M. Fogg, Gertrude Crampton and William S. Gray. Copyright 1935 by Scott, Foresman and Company. This series present textbooks of the highest quality, with 3 well-known artists of children's books listed as well as 2 well-known scientific illustrators. Great attention is paid to the readability levels, and the books are printed on good quality paper.
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necronomi-kun · 3 days
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Gigi and The Magic Ring by Anne Macdonell
Illustration by Donn P. Crane for The Magic Garden (1947)
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visualpoett · 2 months
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The young Titian painting (colour litho)
Artist: Donn P. Crane
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tomoleary · 1 year
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Donn P. Crane (1878 - 1944)
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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Illustrations from Dante’s The Divine Comedy by Donn P. Crane 
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deepintheglen · 2 years
28 day devotional journaling challenge
Day 4.  Show off your favorite picture, drawing or moodboard that represents perfectly how you view your deity.
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By Donn P. Crane
I love this picture of Frey and Freya. Frey is fair, yet strong, radient, bringing fruit and prosperity to the land 
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year
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From the Tower Window of my Bookhouse
Edoted by Olive Beaupré Miller
Chicago, the Bookhouse for Children Publishers
Artist : Donn Philip Crane
Far away within the wood a troop of Fauns and Sa’tyrs were dancing in a round, while old Syl-va’nus, who was their king, slept in a shady arbor. Gay, rustic, wild-wood folk were these, with horns upon their foreheads and shaggy legs of goats.
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Donn P. Crane (1878-1944), illustration for Goethe's Faust Via: http://mydelineatedlife.blogspot.com/2010/11/my-book-house-faust.html
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nebris · 2 years
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Donn P. Crane, American (1878-1944)
Freyr and Freya (Norse Mythology)
Freyja's chariot is drawn by two cats (artistic license here).
"Fólkvangr 't is called, | where Freyja rules     Degrees of seats in the hall; Half the kill | she keepeth each day,     And half Odin hath."   -Gylfaginning, Section XXIV
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