#donna hanscum imagine
deancaspinefest · 2 years
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On Wayward Tracks  |  Explicit  |  86,216
Author: Followsthebees
Artist: wigglebox
Lawrence, Kansas. 1882. Taken in by Bobby Singer almost two decades ago, Sam and Dean Winchester earn their keep on Singer Ranch, a refuge for a number of wayward souls who work for food and board but have gained a family and community in return. Entrepreneur Gabriel Novak moves to Lawrence to open his own brothel, proposing that his brother Castiel leave the family business in Boston and work for him. It’s a tempting offer that, along with his aching attraction for a certain green-eyed cowboy, makes Castiel wonder if he could find a true home on the range. When outside forces threaten the existence of their way of life, Dean, Castiel, and their families are brought together in ways that they never could have imagined as they race to save their loved ones — and keep their dreams of a life together alive.
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Pairings: Dean/Cas (Background Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore)
Warnings: No Archive Warning Apply
Tags: Alternative Universe-Western, Ranch Hand Dean, Mystery
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Summary (request from @thesassywallflower​ for @spnfanficpond​ Secret Santa): Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Warnings/tags: explicit (eventually), fluff (? Idk), angst (? light), domestic (can’t get much more domestic)
Chapter WC: 2000
Author’s notes: There will be multiple chapters to this -- at least three, and they will all be written in 3rd person POV, shifting perspective in each section.
Many thanks and love to my dear friend and the very best beta ever @brrose-apothecary​.  Text divider by @talesmaniac89​.
“That’s it,” Donna exclaims, after wiping down her machete and carefully replacing it in its secure case in the bed of her truck. “You two’re comin’ home with me.”
She’s hyper-aware that the Winchesters didn’t have the most conventional upbringing, but, dangit, how many more times will they break her heart with stories about never going to a Christmas party or experiencing the joy of opening gifts on Christmas morning?
“C- coming home with you?” Dean wonders aloud as if he’s testing the words in his mouth. As if she uttered the invitation in Old Norse.
“Yes, Dean. To Stillwater.” Donna turns to face the brothers who both eerily resemble that deer she missed by a hair’s breadth on Highway 95 last week. “Jody and the girls’ll be there, and all’s you need’re the clothes on your backs. We can stop at the dollar store down the street for you two to pick up a couple white elephant gifts.”
“Dollar store?” Dean asks, looking thoroughly bereft of understanding.
“Dean, stop repeating everything that comes out of my mouth. And close yours while you’re at it; you look like a drowning guppy.”
Donna rounds the side of her pickup to stride toward the driver’s side door. The brothers shuffle after her like a couple of 10-year-olds who’d rather be playing Super Mario than endure whatever perceived Hell she’s invited them to.
“Donna...” Sam lets his words hang in the air while both brothers huff and puff condensation into the frigid night air and fidget after her. “We’ve never been to a Christmas party or anything like that.” 
“That’s why you’re coming to mine. No excuses.” She spins on her heel and stares them down as they exchange looks and unspoken words.
Dean’s the one who breaks first. He swings his narrowed gaze back to her.
“Will there be mistletoe?” he asks pointedly.
Donna tries not to think about Dean and mistletoe at the same time. Not that she’s never imagined kissing him, but now is not the time.
She snorts and rolls her eyes. “Of course! What kinda Christmas party would it be without mistletoe?”
Dean grins before slapping his brother on the back. “Well, Sammy, looks like we’re gonna have Christmas after all. Ya know, one without a Wood Nymph.”
“Huh?” Donna furrows her brow in question.
Sam shakes his head. “Never mind, long story,” he mutters. “I guess we’ll follow you?”
Donna claps her hands together as she nods, bouncing on her toes. “You betcha!”
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“Can’t believe we almost passed this up,” Dean mutters to Sam as they unpack their bags, making a load of laundry. They each showered in Donna’s guest bathroom and she gave them some old clean sweatpants and t-shirts of her dad’s to wear for the night.
“Yeah, it’s nice,” Sam agrees quietly, tossing his last pair of underwear to the floor. He’s pleased that Dean sees the value here in Donna’s home.
Ever since they defeated Chuck, Sam has tried a dozen different ways to get Dean out of the bunker and into a real house and real jobs. Dean seems frozen in time, though, like he can’t see that they can do just about anything they want now. They’re regular hunters — no angels or demons to battle (Jack and Rowena have seen to that). In fact, most of the monster world has quieted and stays in their own lanes.
“Imagine having this on the regular.” Sam tests the waters. “A washer and dryer from this century?” he chuckles, scooping up the dirty clothes and shaking his damp hair out of his face.
“Yeah, well, I doubt Donna wants a couple salty old hunters camped out in her guest room for the rest of her life.” Dean turns down the covers of his borrowed bed and inspects the pillow. “‘Sides, I like havin’ my own room.”
Sam watches Dean smooth his hands over the bedding, wondering...
He knows how Dean feels about Donna, even though his brother’s never put those feelings into words. Sam’s seen the way Dean looks at her, the way he touches her like she’s made of glass, and the tone of his voice when he says her name. Dean adores Donna, but even more than that, he wants her.
“What if...” Sam starts then pauses, shifting his weight. When Dean turns to face him with a questioning brow and wistful smile, he forges ahead. “What if you could share it with someone like Donna?”
Dean almost rolls his eyes as he slowly straightens his stance. His soft smile twists as he meets his brother’s gaze. Sam worries that he’s pushed Dean too far.
“And now we’re back to Donna deservin’ a lot better than...” Dean shakes his head and motions between himself and his duffle bag.
“Heya,” the woman in question sing-songs as she pokes her head around the door. “How ya doin’ in here? Need anything?”
Dean’s edge immediately smooths at the sight of the sheriff.
“Hey,” he answers with a quick, practiced grin. “We’re good. Better than. Just, uhh...” He reaches for the bundle in Sam’s arms. “Gonna throw this stuff in your washer if that’s okay?”
Sam notices the tiniest flush in Dean’s cheeks, and the sight squeezes his heart in his rib cage. Dean doesn’t think he deserves a life like this.
“Yep,” Donna replies, a bright smile gracing her freshly scrubbed and freckle-dusted face. “Right down the hall.”
“Alrighty then. Lead the way,” Dean says, following Donna to her laundry room.
Sam heaves a sigh before wandering to the small bookshelf in the corner for something to read.
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Dean has nightmares almost every time he closes his eyes. Last night, he had a different kind of dream.
Donna was there, her soft blonde waves were piled on top of her head. Her fingers were floured and her big flannel shirt was dusted just the same. She laughed at his jokes and hummed through her smile when he wrapped his arms around her from behind. She smelled like butter and vanilla.
When he wakes, Sam’s already up and out of the room. A low light sneaks through the curtains, and Dean smells coffee. He rolls out of bed, runs his fingers through his hair, and makes his way to the bathroom across the hall.
“Dean, hey.”
Dean cocks his head and squints because it’s too damn early for pleasantries. It’s Kaia, though, and Dean owes that girl a lot of pleasant.
“Hey, kid. When’d you get in?” He turns toward her and she steps into his arms for a hug.
“‘Bout an hour ago,” she replies. “Claire’s in the kitchen.”
“‘Kay,” Dean answers pulling out of the hug with a lopsided smile. “Be there in a minute.”
Kaia nods and shuffles past him. “There’s coffee and french toast.”
“Nice,” Dean grunts, pushing through the bathroom door and switching the light on. When he sees his reflection, he groans. “Christ.”
His eyes are puffy and his hair’s sticking out in nine different directions. He shakes his head and sighs before taking care of business. Dean definitely puts the seat back down, washes his hands, and splashes his face and hair with water.
Before heading to the kitchen, he makes his bed and changes into his own clothes. As he shrugs into his flannel, he realizes it’s the one from his dream. The one Donna was wearing — his shirt and nothing else.
He could feel every dip and curve in his hands. She was so warm and soft. Dean’s thought about a hundred different ways to make her say his name the way she did in his dream. He can still hear her breathy voice in his head as he walks the length of the hallway toward the bright kitchen.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” Donna greets him first, and his skin flushes with heat.
Before he can focus too much on it, Claire sacks him without a word.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he murmurs, holding her close. He isn’t exactly the picture of emotional growth, but since Cas… well, he’s trying to be more present.
Dean closes his eyes and buries his nose in her messy hair. She’s been smoking, and probably drinking by the looks of it. “Takin’ care of yourself?” He pulls back, gripping her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.
Her smile is crooked, and her blue eyes are shot red and rimmed with black, but she’s still the strong little girl from Illinois whose daddy loved God enough to leave her.
Claire shrugs. “More’r less.”
Dean huffs a wry laugh, squeezing her shoulders before releasing her. “Sounds about right.”
“Heeeyyy.” Jody and Alex round the island to greet him with hugs and Patience isn’t far behind.
“Coffee?” Jody asks.
“Absolutely. I also heard there was french toast. Or did I miss it?” He turns to find Donna extending a plate heaped with carbs, and a steaming cup of joe. “Awesome.”
He accepts the proffered items from Donna with a hearty thanks.
Jody and the girls retreat to the dining room where Sam sits, doing a crossword puzzle. He looks up and Dean nods a good morning to him before sliding onto a stool at the island.
“So, uhh, dollar store, huh?” He digs into his breakfast, trying not to ogle Donna’s ass in her cute little red and white snowflake leggings. The phrase ‘thick thighs save lives’ will be stuck in his head for the rest of his stay here and he isn’t mad about it.
Donna nods as she turns to face him with her own cup of coffee. “And if I give you a list, can you pick up some wine?”
Dean bobs his head as he chews and his eyes roll back. “Oh, yeah... Yes, anything. Holy shit, this is good.” He’s momentarily distracted from objectifying his hostess by the un-fucking-believable french toast.
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Donna chuckles, jutting a hip against the island. “Family recipe. Just like the smorgasbord for tonight.” She sips her coffee and watches him devour the rest of the meal in silence but for Dean’s moans and groans of satisfaction.
How many times has Donna thought about this? About Dean Winchester sitting at her kitchen island eating a breakfast and coffee that she made? About him enjoying it?
Experts say that good food and good sex share neural pathways. That a person’s reaction to good food is similar to their reactions to good sex. That theory takes on a whole new level of wow when applied to Dean.
Dean drains his mug and wipes his mouth.
“More... anything?” Donna asks innocently -- or so she thinks.
Until Dean’s gaze flicks to hers for a hot minute. She could write his hesitation off as morning brain, but then he drops his gaze to her mouth. He licks his bottom lip into his mouth then slowly drags it through his teeth.
Donna’s breath catches in her chest and her insides flip.
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“Hey, so, we should hit that dollar store, and I think Donna wants us to grab a few bottles of wine, right?”
Sam realizes a beat too late that he’s walked in on something; Dean looks ready to attack and Donna’s cheeks are fuchsia. The younger Winchester’s gaze bounces around the tension between Dean and Donna before he clears his throat.
Dean blinks a couple of times and shakes his head. “Yeah... yeah, uhh...” He draws a deep breath and looks back up at Donna. “Got that list?”
Donna gnaws at the corner of her anxious grin. “Oh, yeah. I’ll text it to ya.”
Dean nods and pushes out of his barstool. The brothers find their boots and coats in the front closet. As they walk out the door, Donna calls from the kitchen.
“Oh, and Dean? When you get back, you need to help me find that mistletoe.”
The screen door slams shut behind them, and Sam laughs.
Chapter Two
Please don’t leave without telling me what you think!
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spnfemslashbang · 3 months
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Title: and when i call, you come home
Author: bee pinoruno
Artist: sagee.sketches
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: post-finale, empty rescue, canon complaint (because canon SUCKS and is so not specific), wayward sisters
Summary: After Jack brings back the world, all seems to be right again... except Jody and Kaia are missing. Donna, after getting help from Sam, who's consumed with grief after Dean's death, sets out to rescue Jody, Kaia, and several others from where they've been trapped in the Empty... and learns a bit more about herself along the way.
Posting on July 23
Keep reading for a short excerpt!
Jody hasn’t picked up in a few weeks.
At first, Donna was herself too busy to really think much of it. After the whole world disappeared—died? dusted?—and then came back, there was a lot for her to deal with— even beyond the usual "world gone crazy" stuff. She quit her job to refocus on what she wanted out of her life, and that’s when it started to sink in.
Jody hasn’t picked up.
And sure, Jody must be busy too. She’s the Sheriff of a town with a not-insignificant population, and everyone is still trying to make sense of what’s happened. Donna knows firsthand how time consuming it is to be the person at the end of the question train, and she’d choo-choo’d her way out of there as soon as she knew she had a good replacement. She can’t imagine what Jody is dealing with, especially with the girls at home.
So she dials them. The phone rings, and then Claire picks up, and her three words turn Donna's world sideways:
"Donna. She's missing."
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spnmusicalbang · 1 year
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Title: As One In Love of Chess
Author Name: @Raven_Fuchs | Artist Name: @lotrspnfangirl​
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Castiel
Warnings: None
Tags: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Alternate Universe - College/University, College student Dean Winchester, College student Castiel, Musical Theatre, Chess in concert, Drama major Dean, Music major Castiel, low angst, Lisa Braeden, Meg Masters, Professor Jody Mills, Professor Donna Hanscum
Summary: Drama student Dean Winchester has a lot riding on the university’s annual big musical. Not only is his graduate thesis tied up in the production but if he’s cast as one of the leads it will be his graduate showcase as well. The choice to produce selections from the musical “Chess” means that there really are only two male lead roles up for grabs. He never could have imagined how his life could change when he meets a blue-eyed music grad student. While the characters on stage are unlucky in love, can the actors avoid a similar fate?
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
The Catalyst of Everything
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nQwiKuY by Sunkenfox Heaven was supposed to be a place of eternal peace, but when Dean Winchester arrives he learns that it’s far from what he imagined. Castiel had changed, and was no longer the angel who once loved Dean. Agreeing to become an angel, Dean fights to rekindle the love that had once been between them. But when angels start turning up dead, Dean is faced with something much worse than he ever imagined. Words: 16993, Chapters: 3/30, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Charlie Bradbury, Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Emma (Supernatural: Slice Girls), Lee Chambers, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Bess Myers, Benny Lafitte, Cassie Robinson, Original Child of Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Stolas (Lesser Key of Solomon), Samandriel (Supernatural), Sister Jo (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Mick Davies, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Mary Winchester, Michael (Supernatural), Adam Milligan, Gabriel (Supernatural), Amara (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Heavy Angst, Minor Character Death, Post-Canon, Amnesiac Castiel (Supernatural), Amnesia, Angel Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester in Heaven, Past Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Bisexual Dean Winchester, War, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soldier Castiel, Soldier Dean Winchester, Medic Dean Winchester, Slow Build, Jack Kline as God, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Graphic descriptions of war, Everyone Needs A Hug, Depressed Dean Winchester, Minor Original Character(s), Castiel and Dean Winchester Reunion in Heaven, Ruler of Hell Rowena MacLeod read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nQwiKuY
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spn-imagines-nation · 2 years
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Gif made by @frozen-delight
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imagine-a-dream · 3 years
Supernatural masterlist
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* - means I can write romance for this character ** - means I can write smut/nsfw things
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Calling Sam, Dean and Cas 'dad'.
Amara **
Taking the Mark of Cain instead of Dean and befrending Amara.
Having soul-restoring powers and challenging Amara.
Bobby Singer **
Coming soon...
Cain **
Coming soon...
Crowley **
Constantly quoting vines and it annoys Crowley.
Crowley's constantly trying to corrupt you.
«Personal God» 18+
You are insecure about your body and Crowley convinced you to try and ride him.
«Just the two of us»
You’re going on the first date with the King of Hell.
Donna Hanscum **
Coming soon...
Gabriel **
Being oblivious when someone is flirting with you
You have reality warping superpowers and Gabriel's teaching you how to use it
Rowena **
Being Rowena's apprentice
Jack Kline *
Teaching Jack how to cook
Gabriel and Castiel playing matchmakers to get you and Jack together.
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Masterlist | Request rules
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Point and Shoot (Donna Hanscum x Reader)
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Donna had always been an early riser. So, it wasn’t uncommon for you to wake up to an empty bed. This time, however, you noticed that the room looked messier than usual. You sat up and realized that it was because Donna had been packing. Sluggishly, you got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. You were surprised to find Donna standing in front of the stove cooking breakfast.
“You’re not supposed to be up yet,” Donna said with a little pout. “I was gonna surprise you.”
“Where are you headed?” you asked and Donna turned to give you a little kiss.
“We are going on a little vacation,” Donna said, holding you tightly. She pecked you cheek and then turned back to the stove. She finished making you breakfast as you went upstairs to get yourself ready for your trip. You weren’t sure where Donna was taking you, but you knew that it’d be a good time. You ate breakfast together and then she finished loading up her truck. She warmed up the truck and then came to get you so the two of you could leave.
“Where are we going?” you asked and Donna made a face. You loved her face, you did, but not when she did that particular thing with it. The face she was making led you to believe that this was not going to be some romantic getaway that would be relaxing for the both of you.
“It’s a surprise,” Donna said and you sighed. “Trust me, it’ll be fun for the both of us.” Donna grabbed your thigh and gave it a little squeeze. You gave her a little nod and she smiled. She drove for a couple of hours to a cabin that you’d never seen before. It was beautiful, forest on one side and mountains on the other. You wanted to take so many pictures of everything.
“This is gorgeous,” you said in awe. You turned to Donna and gave her a big smile. She returned it and you felt your heart melt a little at how genuine her smile was. You loved seeing Donna smile, it could light up any room or situation. “So, what’s the plan for our vacation?”
“We bring this stuff inside and then go get dinner,” Donna said and you checked the time on your phone.
“It’s not even time for lunch yet,” you said, obviously a little confused.
“I packed us a lunch, we’re hunting our dinner,” Donna told you and you tried to stay positive. You hated hunting, well, technically you hated the guns. Guns were loud and scary, and Donna had been pretty good about not using them around you for much. “It’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll show you how to properly use a gun.”
You reluctantly agreed and Donna carried the guns while you carried the cooler. She walked you about a mile into the forest where there was a stand already set up. She went up first, set the guns down, and then helped you into the stand. It was nice to sit with Donna in silence for a bit, watching her focus on something that wasn’t dangerous for her. You saw something move out of the corner of your eye and tapped on Donna’s shoulder. You pointed over in the direction where you’d seen the movement and Donna waited until the animal had moved closer to her line of sight. It took one shot and then it dropped dead.
“Shit,” you said under your breath. Donna climbed down from the stand and went to check out what she had killed. It was a deer and a pretty big one at that. She took it back and hung it up for skinning and whatnot.
“Before I start skinning it, let’s do a little target practice,” Donna said and you looked at her with an uneasy expression. “It’ll be fun baby.”
“I trust you to keep me safe,” you said and Donna smiled at that. She set up a couple of targets for you to hit and then got behind you to help you. She put the gun in your hands and positioned you so that you could hit the targets.
“Point and shoot,” Donna instructed as she took the gun off safety. You tried to align everything the best you could and aimed for the closest target. You hit the top of the paper instead of the bullseye, but Donna still seemed proud of you. “Think of it like your camera, line it up and let it rip.”
“Okay,” you said with a shaky breath. You took another few shots and on your last couple managed to actually hit the target. Donna put the gun back on safety and set it down before picking you up in celebration. She twirled you around in the air and peppered your face in kisses. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“You wouldn’t even come near my belt when my gun was on it a few months ago,” Donna countered. You shrugged and watched her prepare the deer so that you could eat it. You were amazed that she knew to do all of that, even if it disgusted you to watch. She had the meat ready to be cooked and/or frozen by the time that you were hungry for dinner.
“Apocalypse comes, I want you protecting me,” you said and Donna just chuckled. “I mean, you’re a total badass and you know how to use the arsenal in that shed of yours.”
“If anything goes down, I’ll keep you safe,” Donna promised, leaning in to kiss you. “So, since you did so well with this today, I was thinking that tomorrow we go for a little mountain hike and get some pictures?”
“I can show you how to take professional grade photographs,” you said and Donna agreed to that. The next day, you woke up before her and the two of you left bright and early so you could get a couple of pictures of sunrises. You did quite a bit of hiking and despite how tired you were by the time you reached the destination Donna had in mind, you couldn’t have been more excited about teaching her how to use your new camera. “Alright, so the first trick is to find what you want to take a picture of.”
“Alright, I think I know what I want to take a picture of,” Donna said and you handed her your camera. You talked her through the steps of how your camera worked and she held the camera up to you. “Point and shoot.”
“Point and shoot,” you repeated before smiling. She snapped a couple photos of you and then when you got back to the cabin, you plugged your camera into your laptop and showed Donna how to edit photos.
“I don’t need to edit these, I mean, talk about perfection,” Donna said and you leaned over a pillow to kiss her.
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Dating Donna Hanscum Would Include:
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Author’s Note: I’m working on the next oneshot from the poll, but I’m not liking how it’s going and I really don’t want to start from scratch, so y’all will be getting that next week. Instead, here’s another dating x would include!
Being Sam and Dean’s little sibling and meeting Donna on the Pishtaco hunt
Telling Donna she does not need anyone in her life that made fun of her weight (honestly no one needs anyone like that)
And agree with Dean when he calls her ex a dick
You giving Donna your cellphone number so she can call about hunts
It started off like that but you two hit it off
Then you two start talking about anything and everything
Especially when Donna is having a hard day
You asking Donna out for a date even though you two are miles apart
You sneak away from your brothers and drive all the way to Minnesota to see her
Donna giving you big hugs whenever she sees you
You trying to keep Donna out of the hunting life as long as you can
Taking up cases she says she might take
Not wanting her to get hurt because of your lifestyle
Crashing at her place after long weekend hunts
You and Donna finally sharing a bed together
She feels super soft under your fingertips
Just listening to her talk because you love her accent
Holding Donna’s hand in public so everyone can see she’s yours
Giving her forehead kisses
Giving her cheek kisses in front of your brothers
You showing her around The Bunker when she comes to visit
Donna likes to call you buttercup
You call her dear
Letting Donna know that you love her for her
And not the size of her body
Squeezing Donna’s waist whenever you kiss her
Calling her sheriff whenever you two are alone
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there is not one sane blonde woman in supernatural. mary is feral, jo is a freak, claire is batshit, donna is deranged they're all fucking wild no one has anything on them
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badw · 4 years
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all i could think about is hunter moms
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Supernatural Preference- What They Do When They Baby Sit Your Kid From A Previous Relationship
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Adam wouldn’t really know how to look after kids so he’d just watch movies on netflix with them, but by the end of the day they actually really love him and you may or may not have walked in on him singing “Love is an Open Door”.
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Donna would try to win them over with lollies and it totally works; unfortunately however when you get home they are bouncing off the walls.
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Meg would spend the time taking selfies and sending them to you to prove that she’s not totally evil; but she would also film them doing stupid things and getting hurt. 
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Michael is actually a very responsible baby sitter. He looks up educational games to play and videos to watch, they have dinner at precisely the time you told him and when you get home they are bathed and in bed.  
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Prompt from @thesassywallflower​​​ for @spnfanficpond​​​ Secret Santa): Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Pairing/characters: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Alex Jones
Chapter warnings/tags: finale-fix it, there was no rebar, fluff, domestic, mistletoe, Dean in a black merino wool sweater, pie
Chapter WC: 1850
This is multiple chapters written in 3rd person POV, shifting perspective in each section. Many thanks and love to my dear @brrose-apothecary​​​ and @stusbunker​​​​.
Text divider by @talesmaniac89​.
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Donna’s pleased as punch with how the party turns out. She hasn’t had a gathering like this since she learned about vampires, and it feels good to have joyous energy back in her home.
In the kitchen, she starts to get a canister of coffee going with the buzz of people meeting and laughing together in the background. She senses a wave of melancholy creeping in, and her breath catches in her chest, and then she feels Dean.
“This plant’s burnin’ a damn hole in my pocket, D,” he murmurs against her cheek from behind as he braces his big, strong, skillful hands on either side of her against the linoleum countertop.
“Oh, yeah?” Donna breathes, languishing in his presence as he settles flush along her body from shoulder blades to ass.
“Mhmm. But I ain’t gonna leave it layin’ around for just any ol’ mook in a wool sweater to get his hands on ya.”
Donna huffs a quiet laugh and whispers his name, dropping her chin to her chest.
Dean pauses but doesn’t move away from her. “S’this too much? Too fast?”
Donna shakes her head and slides her way around to face him resting her hands against his broad, solid chest.
Dean Winchester is a killer, so they say. He’s a wall of unforgiving brutality, stealth, and deadly as a cougar. Yet — when he looks at her, when he touches her, when he says her name — Donna’s never felt more delicate and farther from harm.
“No. I just- I can’t believe we finally,” she stops herself, closes her eyes, and shakes her head again like it’ll jog the words loose.
Dean is quiet as he wraps his arms around her.
“Well, we’re here now,” he says, sliding one knee between her two until she’s pleasantly crowded against the counter and he’s resting his cheek on the crown of her head. “Did I tell ya you look like a Christmas present?”
Donna chuckles and shakes her head, sneaking the tips of her fingers up under his sweater to get at the waistband of his jeans.
“Like my Christmas present,” he murmurs, twirling a wave of hair out of his way to run a single finger along one of her crystal straps then spreading two fingers on either side of her strap to graze her bare skin. “Soft,” he whispers ducking in to kiss her jaw, her chin, and then her lips.
Donna sighs into the kiss, her fingers dancing over the hot skin of his torso. Their lips press and slide and twist, slowly finding a rhythm of their very own.
Kissing Dean makes her feel everything she expected and nothing she could ever imagine. They have a history, they’re attracted to each other, but, also, Dean is a physically gifted man, and she can’t wait to find out what else he can do.
“Too many people here,” he whispers against her lips. “Wanna get you alone.”
Donna shivers, bringing one hand up and around the back of his neck. She splays her other hand wide in the middle of his back and swipes her tongue across his bottom lip.
“Tonight,” she replies, leaning back a little to look up at him. “But can we take this slow? I don’t wanna come off like a prude, or a tease, or-”
Dean chuckles and sighs in a satisfied kind of way before tucking her hair behind her ear and closing in to brush his nose with hers then rests forehead to forehead, nodding.
“We got time, let’s stretch out and enjoy it,” he says.
Donna grins, tracing the underside of Dean’s collarbone over the soft wool and feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. “Thank you. I should finish this coffee and get back to the party.”
Dean nods again, unraveling from her body while holding her with his gaze. “I’ll go find Sammy.” He winks, retrieving his beer from the kitchen island and turning toward the dining room.
Donna watches all 6’ plus of lean, hard-earned muscle and that peach of a booty, swagger out through the dining room and disappear into the din of holiday guests.
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Donna’s dining and living rooms, and even the enclosed but totally not insulated or heated back porch, are full of people and twinkling lights. When it became apparent that everyone Donna had ever met was going to show up to her party, Donna asked Jody to bring the electric fireplace up from the basement so that people could hang out back there.
Dean’s considering starting a fire in what appears to be a firepit in her snowy backyard when Sam joins him.
“Dude, Donna knows a lot of people,” Sam whispers conspiratorially like they’re surrounded by ghouls and not a bunch of blue-haired, half-buzzed Midwesterners.
“Yeah, well, D-Train’s a god damned delight. What’d you expect?” Dean shoots a tight smile and halfnod to one of the said blue-hairs before popping a bacon-wrapped little smokie into his mouth.
“Did you know there’re fireworks tonight?” Sam asks.
“Nice. Then I’ll start a fire in that pit back there.” Dean nods toward the backyard.
“Are you kidding me?” Sam’s face lights up like it did when they were kids.
Dad would never let us do anything like this. Thanks, Dean, this is great.
“What time’re the fireworks?” Dean grabs another little smokie.
“Eight, I think?”
Dean nods, looking down at his watch, and chewing thoughtfully. “OK, we got like an hour, then. I’ll wait ‘til she gets coffee made to talk to her about it. I guess I was, uhh, distracting her before.”
Sam snorts. “You two are like a couple of teenagers.”
“Now you know what you and Eileen put me through. She comin’ up?”
Sam nods. “Tomorrow.”
Sam and Eileen have slowly been rebuilding what was at one time almost something. Dean admires their tenacity. They’ve been through so fucking much, and they just keep getting back on that horse. Together.
Jody appears beside them with a plate of assorted appetizers and used toothpicks. “You should hear the girls from Donna’s church gossiping about you and Donna in the kitchen.”
She reaches for the little smokies, and Dean snorts.
“Wait’ll they get a load of us by the firepit. ‘Specially if she wears that puffy li’l jacket with the furry hood?”
Dean spaces off into soft, cuddly Donna dreams for a second until Jody echoes his snort. She and Sam are both staring at him like he’s some kind of pervert.
“What? Have you ever seen her in that coat?”
“I have, Dean, and she’s adorable, you’re right.” Jody pats his shoulder. “Can I help clear snow?”
The three semi-retired hunters begin to make a plan to take the braver members of the party out into the cold for the fireworks when Donna joins them.
“Why aren’t you mingling? This is a mingling thing.” She chastises the three of them. “Even Claire’s mingling.”
Jody and Sam both turn their attention to Claire and Kaia, who are chatting with Wendy, Donna’s niece. But Dean keeps his eyes on Donna.
He starts to pull her aside but not all the way into the kitchen because they’d end up making out again, and apparently that’s scandalous for a Christmas party. “Hey, I was thinkin’ about gettin’ your firepit goin’ for the fireworks at 8. Whaddaya think?”
Donna’s beautiful face splits into sunshine. “I like the way you think, cowboy.”
Her new nickname makes his belly flip and his dick jump. He begins to reconsider backing her into the kitchen. “Cowboy, huh?” he purrs back, wrapping his hands around each side of her ribcage.
Donna shrugs and smirks. “Thought I’d try it out and see how it works.”
“Works for me,” he mutters, taking another step and dipping in to press a quick peck to her lips. “Be back in a bit.”
Dean, Sam, and Jody get the firepit burning just in time for the show.
The oohs and ahhs of Donna’s guests are hushed by Dean’s natural ability to focus on what he wants and nothing else. Right now, his focus is 100% on his little bubble with Donna.
He doesn’t think about wasted time, either, because that road leads to so many other regrets. Instead, he holds her close from behind as the Christmas fireworks light the snowy sky and the furry little pom-pom on her beanie brushes his nose.
She’s wearing the coat he likes, and he slides one hand under the hem to smooth the satiny feel of her top.
“Gonna be real sad to say goodbye to this thing,” he murmurs in her ear.
Donna chuckles. “Don’t have to say goodbye, just goodnight. Besides, there’ll be more where that came from.”
Dean groans and squeezes her tighter.
She said she wanted to take things slow, and he honors that. He wants to show her that he’s serious about making efforts and that ‘being present’ thing.
Turns out, though, processing and feeling all the shit of real life brings Dean a sense of satisfaction and closure. It’s a fucking gift that keeps on giving with Sam and with Claire, and he hopes that’ll be the case with Donna as well.
“Thank you so much!”
“Merry Christmas!”
“Best Christmas party yet, Donna.”
As Donna’s guests file out, the brothers, Jody, and the girls clean up and store the leftovers.
“Ooh! There’s wine left.” Dean cheers then stirs the wine in the crockpot before scooping some out for himself.
“You couldn’t even pronounce it 12 hours ago.” Sam looks at him like he’s a fraud.
“Yeah, well, people change, Sammy. It’s called growth.” Dean smirks at his little brother over the rim of his Frosty the Snowman mug.
Donna walks into the kitchen in stocking feet with a sigh and a grin a mile wide. “I’m gonna wash my face and change into my jams before we do white elephant.”
She’s met with a chorus of ‘me too’ from Jody and the girls. Sam says something about saving wine for them as he ladles out some for himself.
“Gimme ten minutes.” Donna shoots Dean a pointed look.
When she returns, any regrets Dean had about her changing clothes are dashed. She’s wearing an oversized Zeppelin hoodie and flannel pants, and all her shiny, sweet-smelling locks are twisted up in an enticing as fuck disaster on top of her gorgeous little head.
“That my sweatshirt?” he asks, pressing his tongue to the back of his teeth to stop from drooling.
Donna bites her grinning lips and drops her librarian-spectacled gaze to her fluffy bunny feet as she struts toward the kitchen. “You loaned it to me a couple years ago.”
Dean flicks his gaze to Sam who’s poking through the gifts with Kaia before he hops up from the loveseat and darts into the kitchen. Donna’s bent over, pulling a tray out of the fridge.
“We’ve got pie!” she calls out, standing and turning smack into Dean just as he catches the edge of the pastry-filled tray.
“Oh, princess,” he breathes, taking in her surprised but clearly aroused gaze and the motherload of holiday sweets. “You have outdone yourself.”
And Donna grins again.
Chapter Five
Please don’t leave without telling me what you think!
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Kick in the Ass
Title:  Kick in the Ass
Author:  Mimi aka @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
Summary:  Dean and Donna act like a couple on a hunt, at Jody’s suggestion.
Characters:  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Word Count:  1505
Warnings:  fluff, mutual pining, fake dating, 
Author’s Notes:  Written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration. My prompt was fake dating, one of my favorite tropes. I’m also using it for my Donna Hanscum square for @spndeanbingo​. 
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“Jodes,” Donna hissed. “What are you doing?”
Jody shushed her, waving away the question. Donna narrowed her eyes and glared at her friend. She was up to something, she knew it.
“I think that’s a great idea,” Jody said.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Donna muttered, though she had a feeling the answer was “no” considering the look Jody gave her. Over the top of her friend’s head, she could see Dean, leaning against the counter, a cup of coffee clutched in one hand, a donut from the box on the table in the other, the shadow of a beard visible on his cheeks. He took a huge bite of the donut and grunted in Sam’s direction.
“Alright, Dean and Donna will go in the bar, pretend to be a couple, while Jody and I wait outside. We can cover the exits,” Sam explained. “Hopefully you guys can draw out the witch.”
Dean shrugged and shoved the rest of the donut in his mouth. “Works for me,” he mumbled around the food in his mouth. “You good with that D-Train?”
Donna nodded, but she felt numb. She couldn’t believe Jody had thrown her under the bus, volunteered her to pretend to be Dean’s girlfriend. Of course, Jody had no idea how Donna felt about Dean, that was a closely guarded secret that never came to light, ever. It wasn’t like being around him made her stomach twist in knots, or her heart pound, or sweat to pool between her shoulder blades, or her hands shake. No, not at all. She pushed herself out of her chair and darted out the back door, sliding to a stop on the patio and sucking in giant lungfuls of air.
“You okay?”
His gruff, whiskey-thick voice sent a chill racing down her spine. She steeled herself before turning around, vowing not to let herself get lost in those gorgeous green eyes.
“I’m good,” she nodded. “Just...nervous is all. Witches aren’t my favorite.”
“I hear ya,” Dean chuckled. “Witches are disgusting. But, we’ll be good, I promise. We go in there, lure out the guy casting the spells on couples, and we’ll be fine.”
“How are we going to keep him from casting some kind of spell on us?” Donna asked.
“Sam’s making us hex bags as we speak,” Dean said. “Honestly, D, we’ll be great. Might even have some fun, like a real date.” He bumped her with his shoulder, winked at her, and went back inside.
“Fun, sure,” she sighed.
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Donna adjusted the skirt she had chosen to wear and climbed from the car. To her surprise, Dean caught her hand in his and tugged her close. He put his arm around her waist when he opened the door to the bar, leaving it there even after they were inside.
“Let’s find a table,” he whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her skin and making goosebumps break out all over her.
She could only nod and follow Dean’s lead. He led them to a table in the back, in the corner, positioning them so his back was to the wall and he could see everything. He ordered drinks and it wasn’t until the waitress set them down that Donna realized he’d gotten her favorite.
“How did you -”
“I pay attention, gorgeous,” he smirked. He leaned close, his lips just inches from hers. “By the way, you look absolutely stunning.”
“You’re a big giant fooler, Dean Winchester,” she breathed.
“I’m not,” he shrugged. He grabbed his beer and downed half of it before setting it back down. “You have a hard time taking compliments, don’t you?”
“A little,” Donna murmured. “I guess I’m not used to being complimented. Doug never -”
“Doug’s an idiot,” Dean grumbled. “The biggest idiot.” He squeezed her hand and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Relax, okay? Try to have fun.”
A blush colored her cheeks and she couldn’t stop fidgeting. She glanced around the bar, wondering which one, if any, of the patrons was the witch they were looking for. Someone had been cursing local couples, somehow amping up their jealous streaks to a point where people had died. The last two victims had been found in a destroyed apartment, with hex bags on them. The last place all the victims had been seen alive was this bar.
Two hours later, they were no closer than they’d been when the evening started. Donna was about to ask Dean if he wanted to call it a night when he abruptly rose to his feet and held out his hand.
“Come dance with me,” he said.
“What?” she mumbled.
Dean leaned over her, palms flat on the table. “We’re going to dance and we are going to play it up. Those cursed couples? All the witnesses said they were madly in love, disgustingly in love. We are going out on that dance floor and we are going to make a big old show of how crazy in love we are. Okay?”
“O-okay,” Donna nodded. She took his hand and followed him to the dance floor, with one brief stop at the jukebox, where Dean chose a song “appropriate for slow dancing”.
They’d just stepped onto the hardwood dance floor, along with several other couples, when the music started. The beat moved through Donna, loud, thrumming, her heart thumping out of time, too fast, too nervous, too much. She gasped as Dean pulled her into his arms, bending over to nuzzle her neck with his nose, his blunt fingers digging into her hips as he tugged her close. Heat blasted through her, settled deep in the pit of her stomach and took up residence, intent to stay.
“Relax,” he purred, his voice soft like velvet.
Donna nodded and took a deep breath and moved, letting the music and Dean guide her. She put her arms around his neck, her fingers loosely intertwined, nails scratching at the short hairs on the back of his neck. 
Dean smiled and dragged her right up against his body, flush against him, so close there wasn’t an inch of space between them. He pushed his knee between her legs, his hips wiggling, his green eyes flashing with something Donna couldn’t quite decipher.
She closed her eyes, shutting out everyone and everything but her and Dean. She forgot about the case. She forgot about her nerves. She even tried to forget that she had it bad for Dean Winchester and dancing with him would only make it worse. She shut down her brain and let her heart take control.
Dean’s hands traced her curves as they swayed to the music, his lower lip caught between his teeth, his eyes on her and her alone. He was a damn good actor, that was for sure. He even had her believing they were in love. She couldn’t look at him, fearful he would see her truth reflected in her eyes.
“Hey,” he whispered.
Donna peeked at him through her lashes, unable to handle the full force of his stare. He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tipped her head back, then he gently brushed a kiss across her lips.
“Don't hide from me, Donna."
"Dean, what are you doing?"
"What I should have done a long time ago," he whispered. "I'm not gonna fight it anymore."
"Fight what?" She was intentionally playing dumb, terrified that he was doing all of this for show, acting like he truly liked her when really, he didn't. She held her breath as she waited for an answer.
"Fight being with you. I think when this fake date is over, we need to try the real thing."
Donna froze. "Are you saying what I think you're saying? Because if you're joking, I swear I'll kick your ass."
"I'm not," Dean insisted. "I wouldn't. What do you say? Are you willing to give me a shot? I understand if you're not..."
Donna nodded, her blonde hair flying around her head. "Holy smokes, Dean, I've been crushing on you since the day I met you. Of course, I'm willing to give you a shot."
Dean's mouth was on hers, kissing her with an almost desperate need, the two of them clutching at each other as if they were somehow going to be torn apart. Which unfortunately happened about twenty seconds later when Donna felt Dean's cell phone vibrate in his front pocket.
Damn it," he muttered, yanking it out of his pocket and opening it. "It's Sam. He says stop messing around and get to work."
"Oh, shoot," Donna giggled. "I forgot we were working."
"Me, too," Dean smirked. He pressed another kiss to Donna's lips, pulling away reluctantly. "This isn't over, sweetheart. We're picking up right where we left off when this case is over."
Heart in her throat, Donna could only nod. Knowing that was going to make it very hard to concentrate for the rest of the night.
"Remind me to thank Jody later," Dean whispered. "She gave me the kick in the ass I needed."
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randomlonelytorment · 5 years
*at dinner*
Me: *struggling to eat my food*
Everyone: Just EAT IT! It's not that hot! 🙄
The food:
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
The Catalyst of Everything
The Catalyst of Everything https://ift.tt/i0Vw9eA by Sunkenfox Heaven was supposed to be a place of eternal peace, but when Dean Winchester arrives he learns that it’s far from what he imagined. Castiel had changed, and was no longer the angel who once loved Dean. Agreeing to become an angel, Dean fights to rekindle the love that had once been between them. But when angels start turning up dead, Dean is faced with something much worse than he ever imagined. Words: 16993, Chapters: 3/30, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Charlie Bradbury, Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Emma (Supernatural: Slice Girls), Lee Chambers, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Bess Myers, Benny Lafitte, Cassie Robinson, Original Child of Dean Winchester/Cassie Robinson, Stolas (Lesser Key of Solomon), Samandriel (Supernatural), Sister Jo (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Arthur Ketch, Mick Davies, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Mary Winchester, Michael (Supernatural), Adam Milligan, Gabriel (Supernatural), Amara (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Heavy Angst, Minor Character Death, Post-Canon, Amnesiac Castiel (Supernatural), Amnesia, Angel Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester in Heaven, Past Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Bisexual Dean Winchester, War, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soldier Castiel, Soldier Dean Winchester, Medic Dean Winchester, Slow Build, Jack Kline as God, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Graphic descriptions of war, Everyone Needs A Hug, Depressed Dean Winchester, Minor Original Character(s), Castiel and Dean Winchester Reunion in Heaven, Ruler of Hell Rowena MacLeod via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/PyAt7aN August 02, 2024 at 10:48PM
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