#donna hanscum fanfiction
Ive got started-writing-a-huge-fic-for-one-scene disease please help me
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Hi! I've been writing this fic for almost a year now and I thought I may as well share it on here as well as ao3.
If you have any input or if there's anything wrong with the fic (in regards to warnings and offensive things etc) please don't hesitate to let me know. It isn't beta'd or anything, it's just me and spellcheck.
Updated monthly on the 1st (I was tempted to do an April Fools joke but that felt too mean).
Warnings are in the end notes of chapters when they are needed. Please read the tags too, there are some triggering topics.
It is Destiel and Saileen make an appearance as well as Claire/Kaia and Jody/Donna. I was very self-indulgent with the relationships...
Hope you enjoy!
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outofbluecomesgreen2 · 10 months
A new chapter is out 🥳🤩🥳
Every third day till Christmas I will post another chapter of this fic which is a mashup between Supernatural and „It’s a wonderful life“
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itwasnightwhenyoudied · 10 months
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a wonderful little slice of life with superb characterisation, soft girls being soft, and big, gorgeous smiles all round. i loved it. go ahead and click the link below to find out for yourself how good it was!
and go show @shealynn88 some much deserved love <3
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spnhunter4life · 1 year
New Story Teaser
As you may or may not know, I'm currently working on a pretty big new fic. It's the kind of idea that I would love to read if I saw a book (or series) with this kind of plotline. I don't know how long it will end up being (not a full book length I'm sure; there's no way I'll get enough smaller scenes in for that) and definitely don't expect it to be on the level of a published book, but I am doing my best to make it as similar to an actual full length book as I can.
That being said, I'm hitting a slow spot right now so I'm just putting this out there as a bit of motivation for myself. I'll feel more pressured to write if I feel like people are waiting for something from me. Anyway, here's a summary of my still untitled fic. I hope it looks interesting to you guys! Please let me know what you think!
(Also, side note: I'm going to be needing a beta for this eventually. I'd even take two or three if that many people would want to. I'm not in any hurry to find one as I have a ways to go still, but if you think you might be interested, send me a message!)
Juliette is on the run. Her whole life turned upside down when she trusted the wrong person with her biggest secret, and now she's just trying to survive. When two strangers come crashing into her life, she couldn't have predicted how much things were about to change again. All of a sudden, things that shouldn't be possible are real and she finds herself fighting not just for her own safety, but for the safety of the new family she's made. Maybe even the whole world.
Set in a world of shifters (no ABO) and featuring a variety of beloved Supernatural characters.
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crowleyhasfeels · 2 years
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Maybe it was the wine or maybe she had gained some courage being in the actual presence of Donna, but she was quickly to her feet, hand held out, an offering to Donna. This could blow blow up in her face, but as Donna's hand slipped into her own, she knew in her gut that there would be no going back from whatever was about to happen.
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blondie20000 · 7 months
Deonna Fic Collection
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Link to the fic is in the title below.
Sweet Treats (Smut, One Shot)
Dean brings Donna a box of donuts.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
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Series Masterlist
Summary: With it snowing crazily outside, you and Donna cozy up for an intimate Christmas.
Pairing: Donna Hanscum x Reader
Word Count: 276
Warnings: Honestly… it’s just sweet fluffy fluff.
Donna attempted to meet you in the middle of the living room floor, but with her arms piled with blankets and pillows, she stumbled a little.
Laughing lightly, you pulled yourself up. “Here, let me just…” You took a few of the items away from her. “Better?”
“Much.” She beamed with that bright and beautiful smile of hers.
“Good.” You gave a short nod, smiling back at her before turning to where you’d been sitting before.
The blankets and pillows were dumped onto the ground, right next to your eggnog and home-made doughnuts you’d both decorated to look like wreaths, Santas, snowmen and reindeer. Plopping down into the soft bundle of warmth you’d both created, Donna wrapped her arm around your shoulder and let you snuggle in close as she turned on Netflix.
“So, what are we watchin’?” she asked as she began to flick through the many Christmas movies on offer.
You paused a moment before looking up at her. “You sure this is what you want?”
“What I want is to spend time with you, doing whatever you want. With work and hunting, we don’t get a lot of time together.” Her smile turned gentle as she looked to you. “Today is about us. Nothing else.”
As a smile of your own grew on your lips, you gave a short nod. “Well okay then. How about… Love Actually!” you exclaimed.
“Romance, comedy, a music number and Andrew Lincoln? Sign me up,” Donna cheered as she found the movie and pressed play.
It wasn’t extravagant, but spending the day with her like this, in your nest, was the best gift anyone could ever give you.
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Dating Donna Hanscum Would Include:
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Author’s Note: I’m working on the next oneshot from the poll, but I’m not liking how it’s going and I really don’t want to start from scratch, so y’all will be getting that next week. Instead, here’s another dating x would include!
Being Sam and Dean’s little sibling and meeting Donna on the Pishtaco hunt
Telling Donna she does not need anyone in her life that made fun of her weight (honestly no one needs anyone like that)
And agree with Dean when he calls her ex a dick
You giving Donna your cellphone number so she can call about hunts
It started off like that but you two hit it off
Then you two start talking about anything and everything
Especially when Donna is having a hard day
You asking Donna out for a date even though you two are miles apart
You sneak away from your brothers and drive all the way to Minnesota to see her
Donna giving you big hugs whenever she sees you
You trying to keep Donna out of the hunting life as long as you can
Taking up cases she says she might take
Not wanting her to get hurt because of your lifestyle
Crashing at her place after long weekend hunts
You and Donna finally sharing a bed together
She feels super soft under your fingertips
Just listening to her talk because you love her accent
Holding Donna’s hand in public so everyone can see she’s yours
Giving her forehead kisses
Giving her cheek kisses in front of your brothers
You showing her around The Bunker when she comes to visit
Donna likes to call you buttercup
You call her dear
Letting Donna know that you love her for her
And not the size of her body
Squeezing Donna’s waist whenever you kiss her
Calling her sheriff whenever you two are alone
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
Book Worm and the Hunter
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Requested by the lovely @leigh70, thank you again love!
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Female!reader
Warnings: Lots of fluff, mild swearing, and more fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Thinking about turning this into a series. What do you all think? Comments/suggestions are always welcomed!!
Content would be the way I would describe my life. It isn’t horrible, which I feel like is all we can ask for, and it has its moments where happiness is the only emotion I seem to have. After losing my family to hunting, whether it be actual death or the inevitable spilt that seems to happen when one person hunts and the other doesn’t, I learned that I had to live like there was no tomorrow. To some people that might mean emptying the bank account and having a wild party. But for me, it meant following my passions in life and never letting the social norms get to me. Which I why I own a small hole in the wall book shop filled with any genre you could imagine. There was always something about getting lost in a book and losing sense of reality around you. It provides that small escape you might not know you even need. But what I find truly rewarding, is helping someone find their new favorite story. Some people might not understand the importance of a good book, but I know better. My family saved people from things that go bump in the night, but I save people from something far greater. Which is how I met my best friend Donna.
Years ago, we ran into each other in a coffee shop, literally ran into each other. Coffee went everywhere and I don’t think either of us could apologize quick enough. I was normally not one for small talk, never really knowing what to say. But Donna quickly launched into conversation and asked what I was reading. Two new coffees and a few hours later, it was like we had been friends for life. There were times our friendship was strained, like when she found out what is really lurking in the shadows, but we always managed to find our way back to each other. Even though I wasn’t too thrilled about her pursuing the hunter life, she of all people managed to separate them for the most part. Until she begged me to meet her friends.
To say she was happy would be severely understanding everything about her. If there was anything in this world I wish I could have, it would be a fraction of Donna’s cheerfulness. She could have the worst of days and still find the bright side in things. And that ray of sunshine is what put a smile on my face when she walked through the doors of my shop. “Hiya, Y/N. How’s it going?”
I gave her a wave, “Good as always. You?”
She leaned against the counter replying, “It’s been tater tots and lemon drops. I wanted to run something by you though.”
I raised my eyebrows at her to explain. “I have a few friends coming in town and I wanted you to meet them.”
I tilted my head to the side and studied her. She seemed like she was suppressing some of her excitement, or at least trying to. Her constant tapping of the fingers gave her away.
“And do these friends of yours have a name?”
She bit her lip when the names, “Sam and Dean” came out. I knew two different sides of the Winchesters. The one Donna constantly talked about which made them seem like pretty stand-up guys. And then the side the hunting world talked about. While it wasn’t necessarily a negative side, but I knew what being dedicated to hunting meant. Living to grow old with a family they loved wasn’t on their list of things to do. To each their own, I guess. But Donna was normally a good judge of character, so I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt and meet them with a clean, judgement free slate.
I could see my friend nearly bursting with anticipation at my answer. She knew my past and how I felt about hunters, but they seemed to have a piece of Donna’s heart. “When do they get in?”
Her happiness at that simple question had me playfully rolling my eyes at her. “Tonight! I was thinking we go grab a few drinks and if it’s really horrible then we can fake some sort of emergency!”
I don’t know how I managed to get a good of friend as Donna, but I was thanking the heavens for it. “Sounds good. I close up today around 7. I can meet you there if it isn’t far.”
She was already shaking her head. “No, no. We can meet here and all walk together. I wouldn’t want you to walk in the dark alone.” I nodded my head at her, and she said she would be back before closing.
The rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was closing up the store. The sound of the front door opening caused me to poke my head around the book shelf I was organizing. Two of the tallest men I have ever seen was standing in the doorway. “Sorry boys. Stores closed for the night.”
The tallest one offered me a smile. “Are you Y/N? Donna told us to meet here.”
Curse that girl for not getting here before them. I was already awkward on a good day. Maybe that emergency will come into play sooner than I thought. I forced myself to walk away from the safety of my books. “Yeah sure am. You must be Sam and Dean.”
The same guy offered his hand out for me to shake and it was nearly comical watching my hand completely disappear in his. “I’m Sam and that’s my brother Dean. It’s nice to finally meet you. Donna talks about you a lot.”
I chuckled, “She has told me all about the two of you as well.” I looked over to Dean and my breath caught in my throat. I don’t know if it was the millions of romance novels I’ve read, but this man was something from my dreams.
He caught me staring and smirked. “You work here?” Sam tried to cover up a laugh at his poor use of small talk.
“No, I felt like robbing the place of all its books. I just clearly underestimated how heavy they would be.”
He ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah I deserved that one.”
My smile came naturally and as bad as it sounds, I felt better knowing he was just as awkward as I was. “It’s my bookstore. Opened it quite a few years ago. It isn’t much but I enjoy what I do.”
Sam shook his head in awe at all the books. “It must be nice being surrounded by this all day.” I hummed in response and watched Dean venture deeper into the store. Despite telling myself to stop, my eyes seemed to follow the hunter wherever he went. He stopped suddenly and I nearly smacked myself in the face for forgetting what was in the furthest corner of my store.
“Are these books on lore?” That caught Sam’s attention and I sighed as both of the Winchester’s were now combing through my collection I managed to grow over the years.
“Well, I might not hunt like my family did, but I can at least help out here and there. Where do you think Donna got some of her information?” Sam laughed and I looked up to see Dean studying me. I couldn’t tell if it was a look of shock or admiration. For my own benefit, I chose the more positive of the two.
I nearly jumped as the front door banged open and my blonde friend was bent over trying to catch her breath. “You okay?”
The boys made their way back up front as I asked the question and Donna waved a hand at me. “You know, I do cross fit, but I don’t think I get in as much cardio as I should. I lost track of time and then my car wouldn’t work. So, I thought, what the H-E-double hockey sticks, I’ll have a nice jog there and reward myself with a drink. Woah buddy I was wrong. My lungs feel like they are going to burst any second.”
I put a hand over my mouth to hide the smile that was forming. Donna seemed to notice the boys for the first time and threw them into a hug. “Hiya fellas! It’s been too long.”
She looked over to me with an apologetic smile, “I see the three of you have met. How does a drink sound?”
Sam clapped his hands together, “Sounds great. We can catch up while you catch your breath.” Donna poked him in the side, and I grabbed my keys to lock the door behind us. Donna had her arm looped through Sam’s as they walked off, lost in conversation but Dean stayed back.
“You don’t have to wait on me. I won’t be long.”
He put his hands in his pockets and shook his head, “Too much cheerfulness for me.” I snorted at the comment and finished what I needed to do. The two of us started heading towards the bar in a surprisingly comfortable silence. Something about this handsome man beside me had me feeling safe.
“Donna said you aren’t too big on hunters.” That was one way to break the ice.
“I come from a complicated past like everyone else. But I knew the two of you have treated her right over the years and it was only fair to give you a chance. You both staying in town long?”
He glanced over at me and smiled, “Longer than what we were originally planning.” I wanted so bad to read into the look he gave me to match those words, but I wasn’t trying to break my own heart. I had only met the man a few minutes ago. Clearly, I needed to slow myself down and remind myself that this isn’t like one of my books.
Donna’s voice cut through my thoughts and waved us over to a table. “We got the first round of drinks while you two were walking slower than molasses.” I shook my head at her and sipped my drink. Dean said he saw a pool table and was going to make some quick cash. Sam followed behind him which left Donna and I at the table.
“What do you think of Dean?”
I took a longer sip this time to try and think of what to say. “He isn’t what I expected.”
Donna nodded her head, seeming to understand what i meant. "He is a little rough around the edges but honestly the best of us are. I know it isn’t your thing to randomly go to dinner with a guy you don’t know, but I think the two of you would hit it off. What do ya say? Wanna give it the ole college try?”
I glanced back over to the pool table and saw the green-eyed hunter looking at us. He gave me a wink and I felt my cheeks heat up. “I don’t even know if he’s into me.”
Donna squeezed my hand, “Sam said Dean was shy around you. That for him is a rare occurrence. Honestly, Y/N, you should just go for it. All he can do is say no and then you and I can sit around watching cheesy romance movies and eat ice cream out of the tub. But you know I would only eat the ice cream for you. So, you better feel special. I don’t think he would say no to you though! What’s not to like?”
She was right. I needed to get out of my comfort zone for once and what better way to do it than with a guy who isn’t staying in town long. “You’re right.” Donna squealed next to me causing both boys to look over at us. Sam said something to Dean that had him walking this way. I went to say something to my friend, but she was no where in sight.
Dean sat across the table from me and opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “Before I lose all of my confidence in this, I need to ask you something. I know the two of you aren’t staying for long, but I was wondering if we could get dinner before you left.”
I was biting my lip and staring at the table, afraid for his answer. A finger touched under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him. I was met with a warm smile, one I’m sure he didn’t use often, and a response of, “Sweetheart I would love to. I was actually coming over her to ask you myself after Sam told me to get my head out of my ass.” A blush covered my face which only made him smile bigger. “And I told you on the way here that we were staying longer than planned. It was because I wanted to get to know you more.”
My heart fluttered at his words, and I shook my head, “Dean Winchester you have no idea how happy you just made me.” Maybe love stories do come true.  
Tag list: @winchestergypsy90
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ejlovespie · 3 years
Coming Up!
Monday, Aug, 9th @ 6 AM (Arizona time)
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Summary: Dean Winchester finally takes Donna Hanscum out on a date. What will happen when he can’t keep his eyes off the sweet sheriff? (Smut)
Bingo Cards: @spnkinkbingo - square filled: Shoe Kink & @spndeanbingo - square filled: Donna Hanscum
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Thursday, Aug, 12th 6 AM (Arizona time)
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Summary: When the reader is taken, Sam and Dean go after her. Will Y/N and Dean finally get their happy ending, together?
Catch up on previous chapters here: Pt. 1 (Angst) / Pt. 2 (Angst) / Pt. 3 (Angst) / Pt. 4 (Angst/Smut) / Pt. 5 (Angst/Smut) / Pt. 6 (Angst/Smut) 
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As always, thank you @firefly-graphics for these beautiful dividers!
Tags: @akshi8278 @wellfuckmyexistence @beabutterfly987@deandaydreaming @slamminmine @deandreamernp@the-white-shadow-of-hydra @siospins @elsamc13 @lyarr24@the-mystery-spot @flamencodiva @flamencodiva-reblogs@deanwanddamons @mrspeacem1nusone @happyt0exist@thoughts-and-funnies @fofisstilinski @emariej28@pepetualabsurdity
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outofbluecomesgreen2 · 9 months
This is the ultimate mashup chapter of my fic!!
I hope you enjoy reading it!!
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ellekess · 3 years
Fic: Worth Your While
Title: Worth Your While Link: AO3 Ship: Donna/Jody Rating: Teen/PG-13 Tags: cuddling & snuggling, tooth-rotting fluff Summary:  Donna wants to cuddle, but Jody has to go to work. They vow to make up for it that evening. Word Count: 698 Created for @spnrareships
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blondie20000 · 3 years
Sweet Treats - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
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"Oh God!"
Donna sighs and leans back in her seat. She runs a hand down her face and pinches the bridge of her nose. She looks down at the screen that has again froze. She moved the mouse several times and banged the keyboard but nothing happened. She was stuck looking at this creepy ass murderer on her screen. Donna couldn't help but cringe as his cold, hard eyes looked right into her soul. Not wanting to look anymore Donna switches the computer off and dramatically turns in her chair.
"I hate the internet sometimes." She muttered to herself as she picked up her coffee.
As she goes to sip it there is a knock on the door.
"Come in!"
The door opens. Donna expected one of her deputies instead to her surprise it was Dean Winchester.
"Hey Donna." He smiled.
"Dean." Donna puts her mug down and gives him a puzzled look. "What are you doing here?"
Dean steps in and closes the door. He then clears his throat.
"Well I..."
" What is it this time? "
Dean frowns.
"Excuse me?"
"For you to be here somebody has obviously died and it's obviously not a normal case this is your type of case so...so what is it this time! Vampire? Werewolf? Shapeshifter? The Easter Bunny?" Dean's frown deepens at that. Donna shrugs. "It's not the first time we dealt with a giant bunny."
"I'm not here for a case. Me and Sam were just passing by and I thought I'll come down and see my favorite Sheriff."
Donna raises her eyebrow.
"I thought Jody was your favorite Sheriff?"
"I love both my girls." Dean grinned. "I also brought you dounts."
Dean gets out a box of dounts from his bag. Donna perked up at that and her mouth watered as she saw the delicious selection of her favorite treats.
"Aww." She smiles at him. "You shouldn't have."
"I wanted to. I wanted to treat my good friend to some of the best donuts in town."
"Oh it's good friend now huh?" Donna grinned.
"You could say I'm in a very good mood today."
Donna leans forward and looks in the box. She picks a sugar-coated donut.
"I must say Winchester you have good timing I was just about to drink my coffee. Now I finally have something to go with it." She raises the donut and nods at him. "Thank you."
Donna bites into the donut. The flavors exploded in her mouth. Donna moans with delight.
"Ah man."
She takes another bite and again moans as the sweetness from the donut fills her mouth. She then washes it down with coffee and sighs heavily.
"That...That was so...so...so good hmm." She then looks up and frowns. "Umm why are you looking at me like that?"
"Umm." Dean quickly blinks and shakes his head. "I uh...I wasn't staring I was uh...You got some sugar on your face."
"Where? Here?"
"No it's umm..." Dean leans forward. "It's here." He brushes his thumb against her cheek. Donna tensed up as he wiped the sugar off her face. "There." He lowers his hand. "It's gone."
Donna lowers her eyes. Dean's eyes follow hers. They both look down and see his hand over hers. They stayed like that for several moments. Dean then pulls away and scratches his hair.
"Well I better umm...get going um...enjoy the donuts."
As his hand goes on the handle Donna calls out to him.
"Dean, lock the door."
He turns and frowns at her.
"I said." She rose from her desk. "Lock the door."
Without hesitation Dean locks the door. Donna walks round her desk. She looks through the window and scans the room.
"Most of them are out on lunch we got some time."
"Time for what?"
She pulls the blinds down and turns round. Her lips form into a smirk.
"The donuts, the compliments oh Winchester did you really think I was that stupid?" She takes several steps forward. Dean goes back until his back hits the wall. Donna stops and eyes him up and down. "I know what you really want."
She places her hand on his chest and giving him a knowing look.
"You want me?"
"Yes!" He answered with a nod. "Yes I want you!"
Donna smiles. A genuine, sweet, adorable smile. The smile caused Dean to have butterflies in his stomach.
"You think I'm beautiful?"
Dean looks and sees the slight fear in her eyes. That moment she showed her vulnerability and her insecurities. He hated how her ex husband treated her. There was nothing wrong with the way she looked. She wasn't fat she wasn't ugly she was amazing Dean couldn't understand how anyone can hate this beautiful woman.
Dean again nods.
"Yes. You are beautiful you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Don't ever change for anyone." He rests his hand on her cheek and smiles. "I love you just the way you are."
Donna blinks back the tears that threatened to form. She places her hand over his and smiles at him.
"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
Dean brings her hand up and kisses it. Donna blushes and turns towards the window.
"As I just said the others are out on lunch." She raises her eyebrow. "You ever fucked someone in a police station before?"
"No." Dean grins. "But I'm interested to find out."
Suddenly Dean's lips slam against hers. The couple furiously remove each other's clothes. They kiss passionately their tongues push towards each other's mouths. Seconds later they both pull away and gasp for air.
"You okay?" Dean asks.
Donna responds with another kiss. She wraps her legs around his waist and allows herself to be carried to the desk. Dean swipes everything off the desk and carefully lies her down on the desk.
Dean leaves a trail of kisses along her collarbone and bites down on her nipple. Donna moans. Dean moves to other breast and sucks hard on her nipple. The Sheriff tensed up as Dean kisses all the way down her stomach towards her legs.
"So beautiful." He looks at her body with awe. "You are so beautiful Donna."
Those words caused her to relax. The fear and worry of what Dean would think of her body immediately washed away from her mind. She lies her head back and opens her legs wanting him to get inside of her.
Dean lowers his pants. His erection immediately sprung out.
"FUCK!" Donna gasped.
He was fucking huge.
Dean grabs on to the hem of her panties and slowly pulls it over her legs. He looks at her wet swollen pussy and shakes his head.
"You just couldn't help yourself."
Suddenly Dean picks a donut up from the box. He bites into it. Jam drips from the donut and lands on the bottom of Donna's stomach. Knowing exactly what his doing Dean drops the half eaten donut and gives the Sheriff a wicked grin.
"Allow me to clean that up for you."
Donna gasps as Dean licks the jam off her. His cool wet tongue on her hot sweaty skin caused her to flinch and tremble under his grasp. She again let out another gasp as his tongue moves downwards and starts to lick her folds. Donna pushed herself into his face. A whine escapes her as his long strokes caused electric shocks to spread across her body.
Dean then stops and towers over her again. His lips go back on to hers. Donna rolls her tongue with his. She can taste herself along with the jam. The saltness from her cum mixed in with the sweetness from the jam caused her mouth to water. It was delicious.
Dean pulls away. His hand remains on her cheek. He smiles at her. His eyes are full of love. The love he has for her. His other hand reaches out and removes the hair tie. Donna's hair falls in front of her face. The sight of the long, wavy, golden blonde hair made Dean weak to his knees. He runs his fingers through her long locks and closes his eyes.
"You are a ray of sunshine." He opens his eyes and presses his forehead against hers. "My sunshine. Your smile can light up a whole room."
"You are the most handsome man I have ever met Dean Winchester." Donna purred.
His smile turns into a cocky grin. The lust returns to his eyes. The hunter quickly goes back up. He positions himself in front of her. Donna gasps as she felt him go inside of her. Dean grips on to her shoulders and looks down at her. A smirk forms on his lips he knows the next part is going to send her into overdrive.
Dean started to thrust her. Donna throws her arms around him and holds on to him tight as he continued to rock her.
"Fuck! Dean ahhh...AHH"
A cry escapes her lips. That sound only encouraged Dean to carry on. It is so satisfying to see her making those noises for him. Those sweet sounds are all for him.
A wave of warmth hit Donna as she felt the spark in her stomach. Her legs trembled as she felt the warmth reach the bottom of her belly. Dean again locks his lips with hers. Her nails dig into his back. She heard him gasp and moan as she increased her grip leaving scratches and crescent marks on his back.
Hearing her name from his lips sent her over the edge. The spark has turned into fire now the need to release became so strong Donna couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Dean I need to cum!"
"Me too." He replied. "We'll do it together."
She nods.
Both of them rode out their climax. They both gasp as they let it all out. Donna loosens her grip and falls back on the deck. Dean goes back against the wall and takes a deep, shaky breath.
"Fuck." Dean wipes the sweat from his brow and looks down to see Donna panting heavily. "You okay?" He asked with concern.
Donna pushes herself up into a sitting position. She pushes the hair out of her face and nods.
"I'm more than okay." She grins. "I feel fucking amazing I haven't felt this good in ages. Last time I felt like this was..."
Her voice trailed off as her thoughts go to her ex husband. The first few times they had sex it was amazing then as time went on they became distant. He refused to make love with her because he was disgusted by the way she looked he said he didn't want to have sex with a fat woman. Donna did everything she could to please him she cut down on the sweet treats, went to the gym she even sometimes got up early before work to go out on a morning run. Despite what she did he still complained about her weight he felt embarrassed to have her as a wife. That's why they eventually broke up.
Since then Donna has always been conscious of her weight but today everything changed. Dean made her feel good not just physically but emotionally as well this is the first time in a while that Donna felt happy with the way she looked.
Dean noticed her hesitation. He sits down on the chair and places his hand on her arm.
"Hey, don't think about that him he's a scumbag he doesn't deserve you. I meant what I said earlier I love you just the way you are. Remember that."
"I will." Donna beamed at him. "Thank you for this."
Dean cups her cheeks into his hands. As he goes in to kiss her again there is suddenly a knock on the door.
"Sheriff  Hanscum !"
"Shit!" Donna quickly gathers her clothes up and starts putting them on. "Just a minute!" She yelled. Once she was dressed she turns and looks at the state of the room.
Shit I can't let them see this.
"JUST A MINUTE!" She ties her hair into a ponytail and gestures to the desk. "Hide!" She whispered.
Dean nearly trips over while putting on his jeans. He drops to the ground and crawls under the deck. Donna brushes herself down and makes herself look presentable. She then walks to the door and unlocks it. She opens it slightly and sticks her head round the door.
"Ah Deputy Harris what are you doing here?"
"I just come back from my lunch." He says. The Deputy frowns and tries to look in. Donna pushes herself up against the door frame and blocks the entrance. The Deputy's frown deepens. "Everything okay Sheriff?"
"Yes!" She quickly answered. "Everything is fine." He still didn't look convinced. "Actually there is something." Donna grits her teeth. "I ran out of coffee."
"Yeah...You know what I'm like when I don't have my coffee." She laughed.
"The others are still making their way back I can call them and tell them to bring you a coffee back."
"Yes." She nods. "That would be great thank you I would have the coffee here but its umm..."
"And bland."
He chuckles at that.
"You're not wrong. I'll give them a call now."
"Thank you Deputy."
"No problem Sheriff."
He puts his hat on and walks out of the station. Donna steps out and looks round to see if there is anyone else here. Once she knew the room was empty again she steps back into her office and turns round.
"You can come out now."
Dean comes out and stands up.
"That was close." He says as he slips his shirt on.
He goes to pick the items up but Donna stops him.
"Its okay I can do it. You better go before someone sees you."
"You sure you are okay?"
"I'll be fine." She assured him. "But Dean."
"Next time we do this, we better do it in a more private location."
Dean laughs and agrees.
"You're right. You free tonight?"
Donna had to think about it for a minute. She then said.
"Is seven okay for you? My place?"
"Yeah." Dean nodded. "That will be perfect."
"I'll see you then."
Dean gives her a quick peck on the lips and smiles.
"See you soon sunshine."
Donna watched as Dean walked out and closed the door behind him. Once he was gone Donna sits down and sighs heavily.
Donna looks down and sees the half eaten donut. She picks it up and again sighs.
I am never going to look at donuts the same way again.
The End
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
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961 words
Jody comes home after a long and straining day of work. Donna is there to catch her.
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Guess who finally finished her Dean Winchester birthday fic, more than a month after Dean Winchester's birthday?
(Me. It's me. I suck. I know. Here, have this fic as an apology.)
Rating: T
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: nada
Characters: most everyone who is still alive, some hints about dead people that I won't spoil, several original characters
Relationships: all the canon ones and also lowkey jody/donna (yes I am counting destiel as canon. fight me)
Additional Tags: outsider POV because I'm a sucker for outsider POVs, laser tag because I'm a sucker for laser tag fics, do I really need to put anything else it's a birthday fic for Dean it's pretty straightforward, he's not dead, obviously
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