#donna hanscum x reader
mrcloudjumper · 2 years
Supernatural Masterlist
Male and Neutral only.
Romantic or Platonic;
Dean Winchester 
Nothing yet
Sam Winchester 
Nothing yet
Eileen Leahy 
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Garth Fitzgerald 
Nothing yet
Andy Gallagher 
Nothing yet
Kevin Tran
Nothing yet
Patience Turner 
Nothing yet
Kaia Nieves 
Nothing yet
Claire Novak 
Nothing yet
Alex Jones 
Nothing yet
Platonic Only;
Nothing yet
Mary Winchester
Nothing yet
Donna Hanscum
Nothing yet
Jody Mills
Nothing yet
Ellen Harvelle
Nothing yet
Kelly Kline
Nothing yet
Mrs Tran
Nothing yet
Bess Fitzgerald
Nothing yet
Pamela Barnes
Nothing yet
Miss Butters 
Nothing yet
Rowena McCleod
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Charlie Bradbury
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rufus Turner
Nothing yet
Arthur Ketch
Nothing yet
Mick Davies
Nothing yet
Bobby Singer
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Jo Harvelle
Nothing yet
Ash Harvelle
Nothing yet
Adam Milligan
Nothing yet
Jack Kline
Nothing yet
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tiredofthehumanlife · 7 months
Barbie dolls: dean Winchester x fem!you
Summary : basically the Lisa plot but like not though you hid your baby from Dean for years before being like “hey check out this kid we made”
Warnings: pregnancy, birth described by a person who has only watched like three birth videos, talks of religion? This is supernatural the last like eight seasons are about god come on guys, I named the kid sorry, not the kids name is sorry like you get it, it’s fem reader I’m sorry, um so much dialogue oh my god these bitches don’t shut up, happish ending but majority pained Dean, I think that’s it
Request: no.
You hunted with the Winchester boys for years. You loved them both very much and trusted them with your life. You knew if anything ever happened they’d be there, and vice versa. Throughout the years, your feelings for Dean blossomed into something more than friendship. Maybe it was his incessant flirting, which you returned. Maybe it was his car. Maybe it was just him. Anyway you were certain Dean didn’t like you in the same way. He was just a flirtatious person. You were 100% positive on this conclusion until you both went on a hunt alone. Which wasn’t new, but what was new was the tension. Dean got himself into trouble as usual and you saved him as usual. Only this time he seemed to be reminded how short life truly was. So he told you how all these years he was yearning for you. You were shocked. Dean was worried he had just ruined everything. You told him you felt the exact same way. So of course you both spent the entire night wrapped up in each other. You were mindful of each other’s new wounds. It was a beautiful night. Though you slightly regretted it weeks later.
You found out you were pregnant. You knew Dean wasn’t prepared. You weren’t sure if he ever would be. Dean drank, he spent most of his time working on his car, he barely knew your favorite color, he was quite immature, and he killed monsters for a living. Which you did too but that’s not the point. So you decided not to tell him. In fact the only person you told was Bobby. When you told him he called you idgit and asked if either of ever heard of a condom. To which you replied something along the lines of we didn’t plan it out. Which caused Bobby to tell you the next time he saw Dean he was knocking him out. He asked you what you thought about doing. You explained to him your plan.
You’d go into hiding for about a year, have the baby alone.Then you’d come out of hiding, find a job, a simple home. Raise your child alone. By the time for kindergarten every hunter would’ve forgotten about you. The boys would probably come across an old photo and think I wonder whatever happened to them and move onto the next photo. You’d become an empty guest room in the bunker, an odd mug in the cabinet, a forgotten note in the margin of a book on their shelves, and the hazy memory of a hookup in Dean’s head. Simple as that.
Bobby truly thought you were smarter than that.
“What happens when Dean comes around asking me where you went?”
“Tell I quit hunting, the jobs got in my head. No baby, nothing to do with Dean. Just got tired.”
Bobby decided while he hated the idea of you raising your child alone he knew you were capable. He didn’t like thinking of you in hiding from his boys but if it’s what you wanted who was he to argue with you. So he helped hide you. When Dean came around asking what happened to you he hadn’t heard from you in a while. Were you on a hunt? Bobby told him exactly what you told him to. Job got too much, you quit. You’re off in some quaint town in some perfect little apartment with nothing to your name but a box of cereal and an unfinished crochet project. Dean was obviously upset that you hadn’t told him you planned on quitting, but he understood entirely. So he left you be and assumed you’d call him eventually and tell him all the beautiful things you’d been up to.
All the while, you were wrapped up in some off the grid cottage with Donna Hanscum squeezing your hand, telling you how amazing you were doing over your screams. Jody Mills between your legs, which at first you quite embarrassed about but when your contractions became closer you no longer cared, ready to catch your baby. Through the screams and the tears, and god how much you wished Donna would hit your head with a candlestick to knock you out, your daughter was born. You thought of Eve. Ridiculous, but you spent so much time with the boys hunting down demons and angels it was hard not to think of religious figures. You thought of how scared she must of been. All alone. She would’ve given birth on the forest floor, having no idea what was going on. If she would make it. She had no other woman to support her and tell her, “believe me darling, been there done that. Everyone poops a little its perfectly natural.” No one to tell her anything she was just screaming alone. You stared at the ceiling and while you felt like a vampire ripping all your skin off would hurt less you cried for her. You cried for your pain as well because fucks sake. You felt Donna wipe a wet cloth over your sweaty forehead. You felt Jody gently rub your thigh, grounding you. You looked to Donna’s face and smiled. Eve was alone, but you weren’t. You were so incredibly glad Bobby was a hard headed bitch because your whole “I’ll give birth alone” plan would’ve been hell. Donna nodded at you and asked you to push again. You squeezed her hand harder and pushed. You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back screaming at the ceiling as you were sure Eve did to the stars.
You heard Jody and Donna both say hello in that usual baby talk voice that seems to just kick in naturally. You opened your eyes and saw her. She was screaming her head off, like mother like daughter. She was covered in blood just as Jody. Jody held her up from between your legs. Your legs made a frame for this filthy, disgusting, gorgeous image. Her misshapen head supported by Jody’s hand. God she was beautiful. You smiled brighter than you were sure you ever had. Jody gently placed your newborn on your stomach as she worked on the umbilical cord and placenta. You couldn’t care less what Jodie was doing, you were holding your baby. You held her to your chest after Jody trimmed the cord and wiped her down. She was still crying, which you understood. She was just evicted and now she’s being held by some sweaty mystery woman, you’d cry too. Something hit you while you were cradling a whole new human to your chest. You had no idea what you were doing.
“I don’t know what to do.” You sobbed. Donna nodded and leaned down to you, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. You felt her tears dip down onto your hairline. Donna gently pushed your hair away from your face. She pulled back. Even though you couldn’t see her through your tears, you knew she was smiling at you.
“You don’t need to.” Donna whispered to you, wiping the tears off your face.
You stopped following your original plan after that. You did what you felt was right. For you and your daughter, Evangeline. You stayed with Jody and Donna. You kept in contact with Bobby, telling him all the milestones, events, and birthday parties. Bobby always showed up at them too, some obscure gift tucked under his arm wrapped in pretty wrapping paper. On her third birthday Bobby brought her a two headed stuffed bear, she still slept with it clutched to her chest every night. Jody and Donna helped you with every step of the way. Bobby helped keep things under wraps when Dean and Sam popped in asking where you are now, or if another hunter came around asking if you were dead.
Of course with the years of silence between you two, Dean starting asking more questions. “Do they hate me? Was it something I did? Was it because I told them I loved them? Are they okay? Are they alone? They aren’t in any trouble? What aren’t you telling us?” Bobby did his best to answer them without revealing anything he knew you wouldn’t want him to. However Dean was persistent and Bobby was a tired old man who could only take so much of Dean’s questions. So just to get Dean off his back Bobby gave him your phone number. You got a new phone when you went into hiding, leaving all of Deans messages and calls unanswered. So Dean thought about it for a while, would you really want to hear from him? It’s been six almost seven years, the last time he saw you he told you he loved you and a handful of weeks later him and Sam get home from a trip with your room cleared out. A sticky note taped to your door. I quit hunting, I’m exhausted. Don’t look for me. Love you both. It never sat right with him you didn’t seem like the type to just pack all your things and ditch them leaving nothin behind but three sentences. Though Dean used to think that of his father so what exactly did he know. What could it hurt?
You gingerly closed the door behind you, Evangeline snoring away. You quietly snuck away freezing when the stairs creaked. The house was still, so you continued on. You reached the kitchen and made yourself a snack. Your phone rang on the table. You quickly picked it up, moving out the door onto the back porch.
“Hello?” You wished you had taken a moment to look at the caller Id but the panic of waking up Evangeline outweighed knowing which one of the three people you knew were calling you.
“Hey baby, miss me?” You froze at the sound of his voice. It was terrifying, what if he knows about Evangeline? But god, it’s Dean. It’s hard to stay upset or worried around him.
“And here I thought your car was named Baby, not me.” You sat on the cushioned swing. You smiled as you heard him chuckle.
“Oh don’t be like that. Anyway you quit huh? What’s got you so tied up you can’t even call poor old me?” You glanced at the swing set and blowup pool in the backyard. Evangeline’s toys scattered across the yard. You clicked your tongue. Yes you were so tied up you couldn’t call him. You shrugged. You remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Oh you know, basic civilian life. It’s real lovely. I have a pool now, and a garden.” You looked to the tomato plants you and Evangeline planted, you thought they were flower seeds and when they didn’t produce pretty petals she sobbed for five minutes straight. Once Evangeline stopped crying she said she would like to be alone and stormed to her room. A week later you were both planting actual flower seeds. Dean gasped.
“Wow a garden huh? Do you think we could meet up, catch up? I’m sure a lot has happened in the past, what’s it six years?” He knew the exact number of days you’d been gone. It wasn’t really a question. You coughed.
“Uh well you know I don’t know, you’re probably not even near my state right now anyways. But maybe sometime.” You heard Dean sigh.
“Come on, baby. Don’t even tell me your county just what state?” You rolled your eyes at his nickname. You hummed.
“Minnesota.” You heard Dean groan.
“We’re only like 11 hours away, that’s a cake walk.”
“Maybe let me think about it for a little bit.” Dean hummed in agreement. You let out a small sigh, happy he’d give you enough time to decide whether you should throw a wrench in everything.
“You’re not out there alone are you?” Dean sounded worried though you know he’d never admit it. Dean probably missed you, too. He wouldn’t admit that either. Maybe it’d been years but you could tell it was same old Dean. His voice was deeper but he still talked the same.
“No, Dean. I’m not alone. I actually have roommates.” Dean made cooed. You heard Sam yell his name in the background.
“Yeah me too. They nice? Not beating up my baby are they?” You chuckled at him.
“No, they’re lovely. Sam’s good?” You heard a car approaching your house. You glanced up, moving back into the house to peer out the window. Dean hummed.
“Oh yeah he’s great, he like goes on morning runs and stuff. It’s disgusting.” You laughed.
“Yeah.” You both fell into a small silence. You didn’t feel uncomfortable, it was Dean. You felt happy. You squished your lips in disappointment when the car sped past your driveway.
“I miss you.” He added. You paused. You pulled the phone away from your ear to look at the number. He wasn’t saved but you still had to check you weren’t hallucinating. You hummed.
“I missed you too.” Dean sighed happily. It felt good to hear you say it. He still had so many questions. Dean wanted to sit down with you ask you everything he ever wondered all these years.
“Why’d you leave like that? I was so worried about you. I had to find out from a sticky note and Bobby. You couldn’t call me and tell me you were okay? You didn’t even seem like you were tired of the job when we’re working. It was out of the blue, all I wanted was you to call tell me you were still in one piece.” Dean’s voice cracked. You heard him inhale deeply, composing himself.
“I know it was sudden, but I just- I had to get out of there. Things happened and suddenly all I could think about was my future. I didn’t want to spend my whole life chasing after monsters, I’m not some children’s book character. I should’ve told you, I should’ve called but all I wanted was to get out and i felt like if I didn’t just cut contact with everyone and leave immediately I’d get sucked back in. I treated you poorly, I apologize but you have to understand i needed to get out or I didn’t think I’d live much longer.” You threw yourself into the armchair near the window. You felt like you might need to sit down for this conversation.
“I get that but god I would’ve killed for you to just tell me you were safe.” You nodded at his uneven voice.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. You heard him sigh on the other end.
“I’m sorry. For just the life it sucks. I’m glad you got out.”
Another silence settled over you as you watched the trees in your front yard sway. You saw Donna’s car pull into your driveway. Right on time, Evangeline’s footsteps sounded above your head. Dean seemed to have already matured so much and you barely had an hour long conversation.
“We should meet, catch up.” Dean barely had enough time to agree before you hung up on him. Clearly you still needed to practice your goodbyes. You called for Evangeline, telling her Aunty Donna was back.
Soon enough you were sat in a diner. A kids menu placed next to you on the table. You waited patiently, watching Evangeline pick a song on the jukebox. You heard the familiar sound of Dean’s car pulling into the parking lot. You watched as he stepped out with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He stepped into the diner, the bell ringing above his head. Dean smiled brightly when he saw you, moving towards you with a fast pace. He paused when he heard AC/DC come on over the speakers, Dean all together froze when the child next to the jukebox ran over to your table. When Dean finally reached your table he was silent. Evangeline had crawled into your lap, dancing to the song she picked out. She snuggled further into you when she saw Dean. You smiled at him and greeted Dean. You introduced to him to Evangeline explaining he was your friend. Dean slid into the seat across from you. Evangeline busied herself with the crayons and maze on the back of her menu. After he gave you the flowers, which you thanked him for, Dean looked at Evangeline.
“What’s- uh what’s her name?” Dean whispered. You grinned.
“Evangeline” you paused a moment watching him look to your daughter pushing her hair out of her face.
“Winchester.” You finished. His eye shot to you. Dean pointed at himself in question. You nodded.
“She’s mine?” You nodded again. Dean stared at her. Before he was looking at her because she was yours. Now he was looking at her because she was his too. You both watched as she scribbled over the maze, ultimately giving up. Evangeline looked up at you and flipped her menu over. As you both decided what she wanted. When the waitress came around you ordered for the three of you, hoping Dean’s love for bacon hadn’t changed. As you and Evangeline started a game of tic-tac-toe Dean seemed to come to his senses.
“You left because you knew about her. That’s where you went, to raise your baby.” Dean asked though it was more of an observation. You nodded, stealing one of Evangeline’s Cheerios. She pouted at you and “won” your tic-tac-toe game.
“Our baby, technically. But yes. I found out I was pregnant and I ran. I went into hiding with Jody and Donna I gave birth. And now here we are.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Dean whispered. He looked up from the table with soft puppy eyes.
“You weren’t ready, I barely was. But I wanted this baby so I made the best decision I could come up with.” He nodded.
“I wish I could tell you you were wrong. I don’t think you were. I was a dick. I’m ready now though. I promise, I wanna be there for her, for you. I have a stable home, I drink less, I’m less of a douchebag. I can do this.” You nodded. You were proud of him. You already knew he’d grown. Old Dean would’ve showed up with a condom not a bouquet.
“I know. Let’s start small Dean. Breakfast first then we’ll start with life changes.” You thanked the waitress as she placed your orders in front of you each. Evangeline smiled brightly at the plate of bacon in front of her. Dean watched her as she squealed. He smiled brightly as she thanked the waitress before digging in. Evangeline really was his daughter.
Part two
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Ugly little thing
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Summary: Misunderstandings and a spider.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x GN!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum
Warnings: angst, a spider, fluff, misunderstandings, shy reader  
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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One of the few things that come along with the life of a hunter is that you can’t avoid meeting other hunters.
It’s not that you do not appreciate a helping hand during a hunt or sharing knowledge. No. You tend to be shy around people and prefer to stay alone.
Once upon a time, you trusted the wrong hunter and that almost got you killed. They left you when one of the monsters was chasing you.
"Y/N, hey," Sam, one of the hunters you met a few weeks ago walks toward you, a drink in his hands. "What do you think? Jody and Donna are nice. Right?"
He looks down at you with soft eyes. Sam is nice. Like really nice. And smart. Sam Winchester is one of the most intelligent people you have ever met.
"They are nice," you say. You can't tell Sam that you had hoped to get comfortable in your new home before the brothers invited more people.
Why are you complaining about strangers at a place that isn't yours? You are a stranger in their home too.
Dean and Sam offered you a place to stay after you saved Sam's life when you met during a hunt. It was pure instinct. You pushed the tall hunter out of the way when a werewolf tried to get its pound of flesh from Sam.
That's how you ended up here, surrounded by the Winchesters and their friends.
“Why don’t you talk to Jody and Dean? I bet you have a lot of stories to tell,” Sam nudges you. “Go ahead. I’ll be right there too.”
"Hmm," you reluctantly agree. What else can you do when Sam is nothing but kind to you? “I guess I got some stories to tell.”
Sam watches you walk toward Jody and his brother, sighing deeply. He knows you feel uncomfortable around too many people.
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“It was a werepire,” Dean chuckles about his monster mashup. Jody shakes her head. “I swear. I think it was a ghoulpire." He hums. “I don’t know. We didn’t get a chance to look at the beast. The car exploded. Boom.”
Dean makes an exploding noise.
“Dean,” Jody tuts. “It doesn’t matter what it was. You killed it.”
“No, no…” He shakes his head. “To be fair, the car killed it.” Dean grins proudly. “It had a little help from my gun, though.”
“What about your last hunt?” Donna asks Jody. “I heard you found a chupacabra.”
“No, it was a werewolf,” Jody laughs. “I never saw a chupacabra.”
Dean chuckles. He takes a large sip from his drink as he watches you step toward the small group. “Whoa, Jody! That’s an ugly little thing!”
You freeze as Dean seems to look your way. “Ugly what?” Jody asks as Dean points in your direction.
“An ugly little thing,” he exclaims loudly.
While he steps closer to Jody, you run out of the library and toward the room the brothers offered to you to get your belongings.
"Don't move," Dean carefully moves his hand toward Jody’s shoulder to pick up the spider. “What a huge beast.”
“Aw, it’s a cute one. How dare you call the spider an ugly little thing,” Donna holds out her hand. “Give it to me. I’ll bring it outside. It will only die inside the bunker.”
“What’s the deal?” Sam finally joins the group. He looks at the spider in Donna’s hand. "Uh, a pet?”
“Jody brought it into the bunker,” Dean shrugs. “So, what did you want to talk about earlier, Sammy?”
“We should help Y/N get more comfortable around people,” Sam says. He looks around the room, wondering where you are. “Where is Y/N? She wanted to join you.”
“I saw her before I had to save Jody from the spider,” Dean points at the arachnid in Donna’s hand. “I grabbed the spider, and she was gone. Maybe she had a toilet emergency? She drank a lot of water today.”
“DEAN!” Sam tuts. “You do not talk about…you know…in front of ladies.”
“Damn. It's been a long time since someone called me a lady,” Donna giggles. I'm going to take the spider out now. Maybe I will find Y/N on my way…”
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“How can we lose Y/N in the bunker?” Dean throws his hands up. “She was right there, and then she was gone.”
“Her duffle bags are missing too,” Jody says as she walks back into the library.
“Just like her car,” Donna adds. “And she won’t answer her phone. I don’t know what happened. But it looks like she left.”
“She left?” Sam furrows his brows. “Why would she leave? Moments ago, we talked and she seemed fine.”
“Fuck, we got to find her, Sammy. It's the middle of the night, and her car isn’t the most reliable one. It’s a wreck, and the breaks fail," Dean worriedly says.
“I’ll trace her phone.”
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Not two hours later Dean gets out of the Impala, cursing under his breath as you looked for shelter in the abandoned building you called home months ago.
“Sammy, check on her car. I want you to call her again. This way I can find her easier,” Dean says as he walks toward the front door of the rotten building.
“Be careful. We don’t know if she left on free terms.”
“Sonofabitch! We throw a welcome party and Y/N gets kidnapped. Great…just great,” Dean mutters under his breath. He gets his gun out, ready to shoot whoever or whatever attacks you.
“Dean. We don’t know if she was kidnapped.”
Sam sighs deeply.
“You think she left?” Dean stops walking to look over his shoulder. “Why? She was offered a room and everything else. I shared my pie with Y/N.”
“Not everyone likes pie,” Sam retorts. “We should get going. If she got hurt…”
In an effort to get to the front door, Dean sprints. He kicks it open and starts yelling your name. “Y/N, sweetheart? Are you hurt? Is a monster holding you hostage?”
He walks further into the room, calling your name again.
“What do you want here?”
You wrap the old blanket tight around you.
“Fuck, you scared the shit out of us. What are you doing here?”
“I think that an ugly little thing doesn’t belong in the bunker,” you sniffle. “I made it easier for you and your friends and just left.”
“Ugly little … fuck, Y/N,” he secures his gun. “I was talking about a spider on Jody’s shoulder. All of us tried to find you tonight. Jody, Donna, Castiel, Sammy. We had been worried about you.”
“It's a spider?" you ask as you raise your head to look at Dean. “I don’t understand. You called me an ugly little thing.”
“Sweetheart,” he crouches down and touches your knee. “I swear, there was a huge spider on Jody’s shoulder. Donna took a few pictures. I would never call you an ugly little thing.”
You watch Dean sit next to you. He wraps his arm around your shoulders to warm you up.
“You said…and then…” you cry now.
“We should go home," Dean murmurs. “Come back with us. Sammy is waiting outside. I promise to show you the pictures of the spider.”
“I don’t like spiders,” you whine. “Please don’t show it to me.”
He grins now. "Then I promise to keep the bunker free of spiders..."
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Hibbing 911: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: A case brings you all the way to South Dakota where Jody Mills and Donna Hanscum are. Jody has to remember not to mention that your kids are with her in fear of what you might do with that information.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Sam and Dean head over to the rooms where the cops are staying and easily find room 304. Sam jimmies the lock open and barges in, not expecting to see anyone inside. However, Jody and Donna are, and the blonde jumps out of her skin when she sees Jody pull out a machete.
"What the heck is that for?!" Donna gasps at Jody.
"Y/N told us what was going on."
"Sheriff Cuse is a vampire."
"She just pulled out a machete," Donna says at the same time as Jody.
"Donna saw his teeth."
"What the cuss?! A vampire?!" Donna cries out.
"Shh, lady, the grown-ups are talking," you say. Dean slaps your arm and you pull back with a frown. "Ow!"
"You promised to behave."
"Sorry Donna," you roll your eyes.
"I don't think you meant that."
"Do you want to give her the talk?" Dean asks Jody.
"Yeah, we'll meet you out there."
You, Sam, and Dean give the two women some time to talk everything through. Jody is going over monster after monster so it takes some time for Donna to wrap her head about this. When they're done, they meet you three outside in the parking lot.
"Are you good?"
"Wait. So, when we were at the weight-loss spa--"
"Monsters. Sucking on your fat. We took care of them."
"Ah, jeez. I knew losing ten pounds that fast was too good to be true." She turns to you. "You're a witch?"
"You're soulless?"
"You're perceptive."
Donna takes out a piece of paper from her jacket and hands it to Sam. It has an address on it that she got from the room.
"Here. Maybe this is where Sheriff Vampire went."
"It could be anything." Sam takes out his phone and puts the address into his maps. "What's there?"
"It looks like it's an old farm outside of town."
"It could be something," Dean shrugs.
"It's the only lead we got," Donna says.
"We? With all due respect, Sheriff, vampires are far more dangerous than the Johns you throw in jail. You're gonna sit this one out."
"Stuff you, Dean!" Dean's eyebrows raise in shock. "Or whatever your real name is."
"Hanscum's good."
"I said she's good," she cuts your husband off.
"Don't blame us when she dies. It's on you, Miller," you say and walk to the car.
Everyone piles into the car, leaving the two brothers in the front and all the ladies in the back. You're squished between both of them but it beats being stuck between two Winchesters. You're looking at the road in front of you but you can feel Donna's eyes on you the entire time.
"Stop staring at me," you finally say and look at her.
"You were much nicer at the spa."
You choose not to say anything to this. You really don't want to hear about it from Sam or Dean. It takes Dean thirty minutes to get to the farm where they grab their weapons from the trunk.
"If you're gonna swing, swing hard. Heads gotta roll with vamps," Dean says and hands her a machete.
"Got it," she nods.
You advance toward the barn and peek through one of the windows. Sheriff Cuse is sitting at a desk doing something. You look back at Sam and Dean and nod twice to let them know he's inside and when you look back, he's gone. Two seconds later, his head pops into view and you jump back in shock.
"Run!" he warns.
Before you know it, you're hit on the back of the head by something hard, causing you to fall to the ground knocked out. When you wake up, you're tied to a wooden pillar inside the barn. Sam and Dean are tied up next to you, Donna is tied to some tractor machine, and Jody is tied to a chair.
The youngest one who looks like a hippy chick walks over to Dean and runs her hands down his chest. He struggles to get away from her but she just laughs.
"It's all love, pretty boy. All of you will become all of us. We won't waste one bit."
"Okay, Mufasa, enough with the 'Circle of Life' shit. You're a vampire. You're scum. End of story." She runs her hands down his body and starts to remove his belt. "Yeah, I'm not in the mood."
"It's not enough that you kill people. You've got to rob them, too?" Jody asks.
"We scavenge. We don't sip and go. We use every part of the buffalo." Hippy Chick looks at you and notices the necklace you have on that represents your first daughter. She slinks up to your side and touches the jewel. "Pretty necklace."
"Don't you touch that!" Dean shouts.
Hippy Chick smirks and yanks the necklace off your neck.
"Take it. I don't care about it," you shrug.
"Starr, please, let them go," Sheriff Cuse begs. "I helped you out. I ditched that video of Catfish killing that man."
"We didn't want favors, Len. We wanted you," she glares.
"What use am I now? I don't even kill people. I'm on bagged blood."
"I beg your pardon? I saw you with your vampire face standing over Sheriff Goodhill!" Donna accuses.
"No, I found her," he stutters. "I smelled her blood. I couldn't help myself. My fangs came out but I didn't bite her."
"Aren't you a hero?" Dean scoffs.
"It's your nature to eat people. A vampire who doesn't feed is like a tiger eating salad. We're not gonna stop, Len. We'll take down every person in your sweet, little Hibbing till you come back to the nest."
"Why do you want him so badly? What did he do for you?"
"Len found me crying on the curb after my daddy kicked me out. I got in Len's van and the rest is wavy gravy."
"What, Len's like your Charlie Manson?" Jody asks.
"Charlie couldn't hold a candle to Len. He taught us everything. It was liberating. Then one day he's gone. We only found him because he got his picture in some newspaper for running a police retreat, of all things. You didn't just go straight. You became a damn cop. Now, that is wild, man. Are you feeling dirty, Len? Because we're about to have ourselves a bloodbath."
"Don't you want to know why I left?"
"I know why. You got boring."
"I got a conscience. Prey that begged for their lives... It was like even if I used every part of what I taught you, it's still wrong."
"You walked away?" Sam asks.
"I tried to protect people after so many years of gutting them. That's why I'm here. I'll join your bloody caravan if it means you won't kill these people."
"We aren't killing anyone. You are."
"You don't have to do this," Jody begs.
"Kiss my ass," Len glares.
"We love you, brother, but we don't know who you are anymore." Starr takes one of the machetes and beheads Len. "Can't say we didn't try."
While they were talking, Donna and Dean had been trying to get free of their binds. Your husband breaks free and swipes one of the machetes to attack the vampires. He is too skilled for the vampire to react to his attack, so he didn't see him coming... literally.
One of the male vampires hisses and charges after Dean just as Donna breaks free. She grabs a machete and starts swinging. Between the two of them, they are able to kill all the vampires inside the barn including Hippy Chick.
"Hakuna Matata, lady," Donna smirks as she slices Hippy Chick's head off.
"Now, that's what I'm talking about!" Dean smiles.
You, Sam, and Jody are released from your binds. All of them leave the barn to start the clean-up process while you stay behind. You watch them get far enough away from you before you look at Hippy Chick's body. Dean cleans off one of the machetes when he notices you're not with them. He frowns and walks back to the barn and peeks inside to see what you're doing.
You walk around her body before kneeling next to it. You reach inside her pocket and pull out the necklace she ripped off your neck. You stare at it for what seems like hours when it's only been seconds. You stand up and place the necklace back around your neck.
"Don't ever touch this again," you glare at her body.
Dean can't help but feel at peace when he sees this. He doesn't think no one is ever completely soulless. When Sam didn't have his soul, he felt like some part of it was still stuck inside of him. It was a small part otherwise he'd have killed Dean the second they met again. He truly believes some part of your soul is still stuck inside your body. Memories of the past are still stuck inside your head, and he believes that if they worked hard enough, they can influence you to do good.
You're in there somewhere. He just has to get that part of you out.
He leaves the bar before you see him and rejoins Sam's side. Donna and Jody are at the front of the car while the brothers are standing by the trunk.
"Are you okay?"
"Other than feeling like I want to hurl, sure. I just chopped off a vampire's head."
"You were great at that," Jody smiles.
"Thanks. I don't know, knowing that these things are out there makes the world seem bigger... darker." 
"You know, if you want any pointers on how to fight this crazy shit, I'm willing to fill you in on what kills what."
"I'd like that," Donna smiles.
"Are you okay?" Sma asks his brother.
"Yeah. You know, for the first time I've been back, I didn't feel like the Mark was pushing me."
"First time?"
"All I know is, back there, killing those vamps... I felt like me again."
"That's good, right?"
"Okay, that's step one. We'll take it day by day."
Everyone but Dean finishes up and piles into the car. Dean looks around for you and finds you leaning against a tree in thought. You look at the necklace and rub your thumb across the jewel. 
One of the nurses brings your daughter wrapped in a pink blanket. She isn't crying anymore, but she is hungry and desperate for her mother's affection.
"Here you go," the nurse smiles and lays her in your arms.
You just sob in happiness at finally feeling her in your arms. She has a beautiful head of hair, and you can only imagine what it's going to look like once it grows out. Her eyes are a dull blue, but they will get their color in a few months. Freckles softly dance across her cheeks and nose just like her father has. She is perfect in every sense of the word.
"Hi, baby. You're my little angel," you cry and finally give her, her very first kiss on the head. "I'm your mommy."
"I'm your daddy," Dean says emotionally from right next to you.
"She's absolutely gorgeous. Do you have a name for her yet?" the nurse who brought her to you asks.
"Joanna Beth Winchester."
"Are you coming?"
Dean's voice pulls you away from a memory of the past.
"It's about time," you sigh. "I thought you were going to chick flick moment forever."
Just like that, the past stays in the past.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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All fics are 18+ ONLY unless otherwise noted
*at least three parts or chapters
28 Days - AU Dean Winchester x several AU SPN characters
Summary: Dean Winchester is an addict and an alcoholic, a USMC veteran, a father, and an older brother. As Battalion Chief with Lawrence Fire & Medical, Dean comes under investigation when he makes a dangerous and impulsive decision, defying his superiors and abandoning the team he is supposed to lead. He is given the choice to go to rehab for 28 days, or jail. His lawyer insists on rehab, and Dean begrudgingly abides.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Emma Winchester, Jack Kline, Victor Henriksen, Jo Harvelle, Gordon Walker, Bille, Crowley, Rowena, Missouri, Meg, Pamela, Gabriel, Lydia, Casey, Jamie, Carmen, Tessa 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, emergency action, fire, drug use, thoughts of death and dying, teen endangerment, references to underage drug addiction and prostitution, partially told through flashbacks 
Words: 33K
Author’s notes: Inspired by the film 28 Days and following canon themes from SPN, this is a fic about Dean, a firefighter who goes to rehab, not about Dean as a firefighter.
And Then There Were Three - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: Natalie and Dean are in a “not serious” relationship until one night, she and Sam take a step that will change things forever.
Warnings/tags: 18+ONLY, rough sex, squirting, anal sex, butt plug, bondage, dirty talk, orgasm control, double penetration, polyamory, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 13,500
Black Tie Optional: sequel to Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: The last time we saw Vanessa, she was swooning over Dean’s lasting impression. Now, we fast-forward a year to see what she’s up to.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC Vanessa Martinelli, (eventual) Sam Winchester x OFC Emma Olsen
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, HBO RomCom bullshit
Words: 17K
Combat Baby - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: canon divergent - Dean’s sweet, but Jo likes him nasty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, rough sex, biting, dirty talk, brief name-calling, exhibitionism, role play, squirting
God Only Knows - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: One weekend, years ago, lives rent-free in both of their minds. Three-part mini-series.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, pining, clothed sex, couch sex, hungover sex, fluff, roomies to lovers, idiots in love
Words: 5,500
If We Make It Through December - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Summary: Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Alex Jones
Warnings/tags: there was no rebar, 18+ ONLY, fluff, light angst, domesticity, holiday celebrations
Words: 12K
The Kinda Girl You Like - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: After Sam reveals to Sofie his sub that he likes to watch, she decides that they should act on it. Then he tells her what exactly it is that he likes to watch…
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sub-sharing, bondage, rimming, the jockey is my favorite sex position, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 6,500
Leaving Heaven - Dean Winchester x Taziana Smith (OFC)
Summary: Tazi is a bounty hunter of mostly human things. She isn’t firmly seated in the supernatural world, but she’s familiar enough that she’s recruited by an old friend of John Winchester’s to capture and deliver a brief acquaintance of her own.
Characters: MOC/Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Lee Webb, original characters
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, brief dub-con, mentions of the foster system, references to past rape, commiserating over childhood trauma, threats of sexual violence
Words: 16,500 WORK IN PROGRESS
The Mud On Your Boots - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum 
Summary: Dean and Donna finally give in.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, fluff, consent is sexy, period sex, fisting, blood as lube, shower sex
Words: 8k (permanent hiatus)
Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: Vanessa hates weddings until she meets a handsome stranger who agrees to help her mix things up for the night.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, fingery things, squirting, and Dean has no refractory period bc this is fic
Words: 9,600
Pretty Reckless - MOC Dean Winchester x pre-slayer Faith Lehane
Summary: AU where s10 Dean stumbles upon another hunter so much like himself. When their connection grows inexplicably stronger, they find an answer they never thought existed.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Cain
Warnings/tags: 19+, rough sex, prostate massage, magical bond
Words: 15K
Run Me Like A River - AU Dean Winchester x AU Jessica Jones
Summary: AU wherein Jessica Jones is super-powered by gov’t experiments to create elite soldiers, the Winchesters are military officers in humanity’s War Against Evil, and they have all gone AWOL from their assigned roles. Dean and Jess embark on a relationship that ends abruptly and explosively until Dean calls her for help on a very personal case.
Characters: Jessica Jones, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch, Malcolm is Jess’s cat 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, major character death, unhealthy relationship dynamics, bondage, rough sex, anal sex, ptsd
Words: 14K
Seasons - Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Summary: She is his safe haven, untouched by anything else or anyone. 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, canon divergent - no Cassie or Lisa, non-linear storytelling, four seasons, angst, hurt/comfort, references non-con unprotected sex, loss of a pregnancy
Words: 12K
Temporary Scars - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum x Benny Lafitte
Warnings/tags: 18+, Angst, Donna has intimacy issues, Dean’s the sweetest, self-sabotage, sort of established relationship, Benny’s swoony as fuck, Dean’s in love, polyamory, pregnancy kink
Words: 4,500 (permanent hiatus)
Unopened At Your Feet - AU Sam Winchester x female narrator, AU Dean Winchester x female narrator
Summary: This is the story of how I broke my own heart.
Characters: Female Narrator, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen, Meg Masters, Benny Lafitte
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, weed-smoking, canon-compliant date-rape/roofie (Becky), love triangle
Words: 12,470 WORK IN PROGRESS
Where Is My Shiny Gun? -  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Summary: canon divergent - Sam finds himself in a quandary when he realizes he has feelings for Donna by way of the obvious mutual attraction between her and Dean.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Sam is kinky, Dean is adorable, so is Donna, Dean likes to give Donna massages, Sam directing while masturbating, brief spanking + breast slapping, brief knife play - no blood, W*ncest adjacent
Word Count: 7,800
A Fight For Love & Glory - Winchesters x you (female)
Summary: You’re struck by sex pollen, so Sam and Dean agree to help you out.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, feelings of guilt, ass play, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2K
Bad Girls Underneath -  Ruby 2.0 x Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Ruby and Jojo get hit by a sex curse again; this time, they need Dean’s help.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, magical-dick/male-gaze bullshit, probably too much commentary and emotional complication, why am I like this, I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself, fisting, brief choking
Words: 2,600
Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel
Summary: Post-battle, exhausted and wanting, Dean and Meg and Cas take care of each other.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ ONLY, dreamlike sex, a little choking, Dean’s always hungry
Words: 3,200
Caveat Emptor - Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: Gabriela Cruz invests in a Victorian mansion in the middle of America where the rule of Buyer Beware is absolute. When her twin sister goes missing, a couple of federal agents show up. Lucky for Gabi, Dean and Sam Winchester are on the case.
Characters: Gabriela Cruz, Camila Cruz, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, language, mentions death of family members, cursed object, mentions of blood + gore, sarcasm, twin dynamics, explicit sex
Words: 4,600
Crazy On You – Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You’ve had a shitty day, but this beautiful, unfamiliar boy will make it all better.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Impala Sex, there’s a knife but not in a bloody way
Words: 4K
Crossroads and Bound - Dean Winchester x female demon reader
Summary: He agreed to this.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, femdom, Dean’s tied to a chair, wearing a cock ring, face sitting, things might get a little rough, but it’s all in good fun, squirting
Words: 2,250
The Curve Of Your Pretty Gown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Request: Hey hon! Ok, so it’s my birthday today, so maybe a story about Dean surprising me/ the reader by turning up unannounced to wish me/the reader a ‘happy birthday’ and there’s lots of smut ❤️
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, a little angst
Words: 2,200
Deep - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean shows you more about pleasure than ‘deep’.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Dean being perfect, sensual massage, Dean being the best lay ever, biting, Dean being a fairytale prince, the jockey is my favorite sexual position, try it, it’s amazing, talking during sex, gratuitous use of terms of endearment bc it’s Dean
Words: 3K
Discord and Rhyme - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Summary: He’s on the prowl.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough anal sex, crying during sex, blood during sex, there’s a lot of purple prose and excessive descriptions of taste and smell here, sexual coercion, dirty talk
Words: 1,750
Ennui - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x unnamed female character
Anonymous Prompt: “I really want demon dean stalking someone but I don’t know how to do that with consent? But guh just the thought of him.
Characters: Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Tags/warnings: 18+ only; this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester; stalking; exhibitionism; voyeurism; dirty talk; horny on aisle 3; fuck it, we ball
Words: 2,400
Equilibrium - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: They have balance.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, cock warming
Words: 1,400
Get Down, Make Love - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: Steph decides to cut loose and push the envelope with her favorite fellow hunters.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, hot tubbing, drunk sex (consensual), dirty talk, mfm spitroast, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 3,200
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body
Summary: This is the story of how Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death
Words: 2,200
Hide Your Love Away – Dean Winchester x female hunter reader
Summary: Mutual hunters seek comfort for a night and a lifetime of memories.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, ass play
Words: 3,600
His Sword - Michael/Dean x female prostitute
Summary: Michael takes some time to remind Dean who’s in control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, edge play, bondage, knife play, blood play, choking, rough sex, name-calling, character death
Words: 2,300
Just My Imagination - Dean Winchester x female Zanna
Summary: After Mary leaves the boys a second time, Dean needs a reset, or to blow off some steam – something. He heads out on a snowy evening the night before Christmas and finds just the right thing.
Warnings/tags: mature, Hallmark channel fuckery
Words: 2,800
One Night Only (23 in 1) - Dean Winchester x Mila (original female character)
Summary: While on a job in the middle of America, Dean enjoys a rigorous night of mutual gratification with a local art student.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, ass play, shower sex, dirty talk
Words: 5,500
River - Dean Winchester x Ty (Original male character), Dean x Benny implied
Summary: It’s Dean’s first winter after sending Benny back to Purgatory.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, implied underage prostitution, semi-public sex
Words: 1,600
Rules Are Rules - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself lately. The Mark has seen to that.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, hand around the throat, rough sex, squirting
Words: 2,400
Shattered Like A Stone - Demon Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: The Mark is demanding, and the demon in Dean can’t deny it any more than he can deny her; it just might get everything it wants tonight.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough sex, bondage, multiple object insertion, suicidal ideation, darkfic, self-destruction, bloody sex, sadism and masochism, anal sex, Jameson as lube, spit as lube, face fucking, Daddy as title, misogynist language, choking, strangulation, assisted suicide
Words: 6,800
Some Stranger’s Hand - 2009 Dean Winchester x 2014 Risa (The End)
Summary: He lost everything.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, plush pink pillow lips for my Eloise
Words: 1,700
Spark, Flicker, Blaze - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Somewhere along the line, her life became something she didn’t like. On her 35th birthday, she makes a decision to change all of that.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, overly descriptive orgasms, Dean’s the best birthday present ever
Words: 2,200
Stuff & Thangs That Are Awesome… And Not Awesome - Dean Winchester x female character (1st person POV)
*TWD Crossover
Prompt(s): 1) Dean has been arrested twice for indecent exposure – once was in a grocery store. 2) Jensen or Dean x Reader, a small public place, he pins you to the wall, covers your mouth and fucks you. 
Characters: Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Rick Grimes eye-fucking, Shane Walsh having a pissing contest with a young, cocky Dean Winchester
Words: 1,300
Supernova - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Since Dean’s had the Mark and the Blade, he’s pulled away from you, afraid of hurting you. You miss him, and you’ve had it. One night you push him to the edge.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, bondage, blood play, biting, bruising, knifeplay, rough sex, dubcon/mindfuck
Words: 2,500
Triptych - Dean Winchester x bisexual female couple
Summary: Dean’s on a case and meets two beautiful women. One of them is recently divorced, and the new couple invites Dean to help them kick off their new life together.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex toy, Dean’s real good at sex
Words: 4,700
Wait Till My Brother Gets Home - Winchester brothers x female reader
Summary: She wants to lose control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ Only, rough sex, hair pulling, mfm spit roast, bruising and chafing during sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2,450
When We Fall Then We’ll Know Each Other - Dean Winchester x Benny Lafitte (voyeur Castiel)
Prompt: “There’s nothing wrong with women, but a woman can’t hold you down and fuck you like I can.” 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, cum and spit as lube, anal sex, voyeurism
Words: 1,400
*1K words or less
Barbed Wire Carnival - Choose your own Winchester
Summary: Absence of feeling.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, dark descriptions
Words: 300
Brimstone - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s exactly what she wants.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY surprise, bitch
Words: 450
Bring It On Home - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Let’s pretend Dean wouldn’t be terrified to welcome love into his life.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, comfort, fluff, handsy Dean
Words: 1K
Communion - Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, marijuana use
Words: 1K
Crash Through The Surface - Dean Winchester x Jasen (original male character)
Summary: Dean remembers his First.
Warnings/tags: mature, bi-sexual Dean, references to prostitution
Words: 800
Custard Pie - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: Dean/OFC based on Led Zeppelin’s ‘Custard Pie.’
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY oral sex
Words: 800
Drag You To The Shore - Dean Winchester x GN reader
Prompt: Dean Winchester settled in between someone’s legs on the bed. Like his back to their chest, their legs wrapped around him, heels keeping his thighs open while they jerk him off, explicit but soft vibes.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY
Words: 800
Fall Away Into - Dean Winchester x Ruby 2.0 x female reader (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Prompt: “Dean x reader x Ruby 2.0 with Sam watching from the corner.”
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY drug-induced sex, OOC Dean, mff spit roast, use of the word bitch during sex, rough sex, hate sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 530
Foxholes - Annie Hawkins x Bobby Singer/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Annie recalls time spent with each man and what their facial hair told her about them.
Warnings/tags: mature language and references to sexual activity
Words: 349
The Gazelle - AU Dean Winchester x AU Benny Lafitte x female reader
Summary: They aim to please.
Warnings/tags: mature, power exchange, Denny apparent
Words: 1K
The Good Slayer - Dean Winchester x Faith Lehane
Prompt: Dean and our girl Faith. (This is a sequel of sorts for Pretty Reckless.)
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, talking during sex
Words: 800
Hollow - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Would anyone be willing to write something with Dean [or Jensen] x reader to the song Love on the Brain by Rihanna
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, rough sex, angst
Words: 1K
I’ll Keep Them Still - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Dean remembers promises and pictures in his mind. And he remembers her.
Warnings/tags: mature, songfic, angst, dream/afterlife sequences, purple prose, I’m sorry
Words: 1K
Just One More Peaceful Day - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: angsty Dean with the line “I can still remember just the way you taste” from the song “It’s been a while” by Staind
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, blood play, knife play, mentions of addiction
Words: 700
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler -  Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got a dirty mouth when he’s drunk. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, a dirty public bathroom during Mardi Gras
Words: 600
Lifting the Veil - Choose Your Own Winchester
Summary: You’ve been missing something of paramount importance - until now.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, infidelity, squirting
Words: 1K
Mind Blown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Mind-blowing orgasms can sometimes be literal.
Warnings/tags: mature, transient global amnesia after sex, dirty talk
Words: 560
Nihilism - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Prompt: Can you tell me about the morning after going several rounds with Dean he rolls over in bed and adjusts the covers, causing you to forget your shift to be his good girl a couple more times?
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, name-calling, rough sex, nihilistic themes, Knight of Hell Dean, fantasies of being fucked to death? Idk it’s one of mine, might as well be yours, you’re female AFAB in this scenario
Words: 800
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: before leaving on a hunt, Dean sings “Love Me Two Times” to his lady.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLT, Dean can actually sing, and he does it during sex
Words: 660
The Prerogative To Have A Little Fun - Donna Hanscum x Jody Mills x Winchester brothers (kinda)
Prompt: Donna’s visiting Jody for the weekend and the boys swing by on their way home from a hunt. Dean mows the lawn, Sam fixes a leaky shower head, Dean makes dinner, and they both do the dishes. Meanwhile, the ladies sit back and enjoy the domestic display.
Warnings/tags: mature, men doing manly things, inspired by Shania Twain’s song “Man! I Feel Like A Woman”, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 1K
Recompense - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean is sorry for hurting the ones he loves.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, Dean saying hurtful things then trying to make up for it
Words: 500
Scream - Dean Winchester x past-female reader
Summary: Dean tells us the real reason he loves “All Saint’s Day” as much as he does.
Warnings/tags: mature, references to coming untouched, getting turned on by scary movies
Words: 320
Soft Cell - Dean Winchester + teenage female
Prompt: Dean + reader dancing in the bunker
Warnings/tags: one F-bomb bc Dean
Words: 720
Through The White Night - AU Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: 18th Century matrimony isn’t as simple as it is today.
Warnings/tags: mentions of wall sex and finger-y things
Words: 560
Wish - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You want it to be love – but it isn’t. You want him – but you can’t have him. 
Warnings/tags: mature, sepia-toned angst ™ @boondoctorwho
Words: 765
With Pleasured Hands - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got secrets she has yet to uncover
Warnings/tags: mature
Words: 500
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spnfanficpond · 11 months
Secret Santa 2022 Masterlist
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Here’s the masterlist of all the story for our Secret Santa 2022
* Christmas Tradition by @cleighwrites 
Characters: Sam x Dean x Cas 
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Cas take some time off to celebrate the holiday.
Warnings: NSFW, past trauma (mentioned), m/m/m threesome, wing kink, anal sex
* 12 Days of Christmas Winchester Editon by @waywardnerd67
Summary: (Y/N) plans out an epic gift that spans over the 12 days before Christmas.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader/Sam Winchester x Reader/Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester
Warnings: Fluff/Smut
* Under The Mistletoe by @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Summary:  Moving on is difficult and sometimes includes uprooting to a new state thousands of miles away. Just before Christmas.
Tags/warnings: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins (past), Christian Kane, Padalecki Family, Genvieve Cortese, Timothy Hutton, meet-cute, floof/fluff, schmoop, slight angst, loss, rom-com, Christmas, Alternate Universe
* Christmas Baking by @spnexploration
Summary:  a short, fluffy fic for Secret Santa. Does include a touch of A/B/O dynamics.
* I’ll be home for Christmas by @little-diable
Summary: Dean and the reader have always hated one another, a natural instinct they've run with. Now, on Christmas Eve, both cross paths once again, forced to endure one another's closeness.
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (m), enemies to lovers
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
* Of Glitter and Paper by @thesassywallflower
Summary: The holidays are a ridiculously busy time so you have to take the time out for a little loving wherever and whenever you can.
Tags: Dean Winchester, Female!Reader, Dean x Female!Reader, Domestic!Dean, Dean Does NOT Die In That Stupid Barn, Basically porn with dash of plot, with teeniest, tiniest bit of angst, fluff
* Oblivious by @ambergoddess444
Summary: You and Dean haven’t always seen eye to eye, even when it came to celebrating a win on a case. A few drinks, a confession and a fun night lead to a little more.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Fluff heavy, smidge of crack, angst and smut (oral sex) - fairly plot heavy
* Under the cover by @jld71
Summary: Sam and Dean find themselves sharing a bed and revealing their feelings for each other.
Pairings: Sam Winchester x Dean Winchester
Warnings: Wincest, Angst, one bed, Sharing a Bed, Longing, admission of feelings
  * Shifted - The Plan by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Summary:  The Winchesters are meeting your family for the first time when you all visit for Christmas. Things don’t go quite to plan
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Warning:  So far, nothing. This will be updated as I go, though, if anything crops up. I’m posting as I write, for the first time EVER, so I can only say I hope this will be more fluff/crack than anything else.
* If we make it through December by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary:  Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Pairing: Dean x Donna Hanscum
Warnings:  explicit (eventually), fluff (? Idk), angst (? light), domestic (can’t get much more domestic)
* Cabin Comfort by @idreamofplaid
Summary: (No summary)
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings:  Sex is described here
* Secret Santa Exchange by @the-slythering-raven
Summary: (No Summary) 
Pairings:  Sam/Reader (platonic) (Reader uses she/her pronouns)
Warnings:  There is whump, there is comfort.
*Christmas in Heaven by @outofnowhere82
Summary:  Sam and Dean enjoy a Christmas in heaven.
Pairings:  Sam/Dean 
Warnings: Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Secret Santa   
* Tell it on the Mountain by @ladylilithprime
Summary: Castiel was able to protect himself and Dean when Dick Roman exploded, but it weakened him badly, as did getting Kevin away from Crowley and back to the safety of his mother. When angels show up under orders from Naomi to bring Castiel in by whatever means necessary, a banishing sigil is the most effective way to get rid of them. If only it didn't mean banishing a weakened Castiel too. If only Sam had not been dragged along for the ride.
Pairing: Castiel x Sam
Warning: Alternate Universe - Timeline Divergence, Accidental Wing Manifestation, Truth Compulsions, Frank Discussions of Sexuality and Intimacy, References to Sam Winchester's Hell Trauma, No Trips to Purgatory, 
* Not Another Winchester Christmas by @kickingitwithkirk
Summary: (No summary)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: cursing, a bit of angst, some TPE implied
* Ugly Sweater by @ilovedean-spn2
Summary: Reader buys ugly Christmas sweaters.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Dean being put in his place lol, all the hunters being out in their place! Badass reader?
* My Padabear by @fandomoniumflurry​
Summary: This Christmas with his best friend is different than all the others. But why?
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader
Warnings: No warnings just Christmas fluff. Unbetad. Not my best work but hope you still like it. It's been a while since I've written anything. Posted on mobile so please be kind.
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atc74 · 2 years
The Rising of the Dawn
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After two long years, we are so excited to bring this series to you. We are so very proud of what we have written. So come join me, @atc74, @alleiradayne, @amanda-teaches @crashdevlin  @iwantthedean @idreamofplaid  @waywardbaby @fangirlxwritesx67​ as we bring you our interpretation of The End.  
Summary: It has been a difficult year at best for the Winchesters and company. With the end on the horizon, emotions are running high. Join the hunt for the final twenty four hours. Who will be left standing come the rising of the dawn?
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Eileen
Appearances by: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Y/N Y/L/N, Eileen Leahy, Jack, Castiel, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Bobby Singer, Charlie Bradbury, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Rowena, Billie, Chuck, and more.
Tags: As this is a collarborative series, there will be a separate taglist for it. Please send me, atc74, an ASK to be included. 
It’s been a REAL LONG time since I tagged anything so if you want off - HMU!
The Whole Enchilada: @dolphincliffs @mrswhozeewhatsis @flamencodiva @blacktithe7  @hannahindie  @kickingitwithkirk  @hobby27 @gh0stgurl  @idreamofplaid @manawhaat @winchesterprincessbride @waywardbeanie @jensengirl83 @anathewierdo  @winchest09 @michellethetvaddict @magssteenkamp @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @dean-winchesters-bacon @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural-jackles @fandom-princess-forevermore @akshi8278 @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @rockhoochie @slut-for-jared @evansrogerskitten @writethelifeyouwant  @waywardjoy @j2xforxlife​ @writercole​
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
Wayward Daughter
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FIsA8gw by seniaasaysstuff05 Where Alexandra Potter is finally found. Mysteries are unraveled and chaos Insues. Watching the Series, Supernatural x Harry Potter. FEM! Oc x Dean Winchester x Castiel. Chapters will show bits and pieces of all the seasons. But will mainly focus of Alexandra and Dean’s romance. Crossposted from my wattpad @moonromano. Only on Wattpad and Ao3. So if you see this on any other platform, please let me know! Words: 810, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Cain (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Jessica Moore (Supernatural), James Potter, John Winchester, Rowena MacLeod, Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters, Barty Crouch Jr., Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Original Supernatural (TV) Character(s), Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Azazel (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural) Relationships: Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Reader, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr., Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer, John Winchester’s A+ parenting - Relationship, Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Cain & Dean Winchester, Gabriel & Rowena MacLeod, Gabriel/Rowena MacLeod, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills Additional Tags: watching the movies, watching the series, Season/Series 01, Reaction, Protective Dean Winchester, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Domestic Fluff, Romance, Established Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Stanford Era (Supernatural), Alive Jessica Moore (Supernatural), Protective Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Parental Ellen Harvelle, Parental Bobby Singer (Supernatural), lily potter is salty asf, Parental Rowena MacLeod, Mark of Cain (Supernatural), Parental Gabriel (Supernatural), Badass Death the Horseman (Supernatural), Fix-It, John Winchester Has Issues, Sam Winchester's Demonic Powers, Original Character(s), Married Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer, Angels are Dicks (Supernatural) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FIsA8gw
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spn-imagines-nation · 2 years
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Gif made by @frozen-delight
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bonniebird · 3 years
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Donna x Reader
Requested by Anon​
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Halloween Event
Sam and Dean hurried through the Sheriff's office. The person at the front desk had pointed out Donna’s office at the back of the building. Dean paused and grabbed at Sam’s arm when they spotted Donna.
“They look familiar?” Dean asked as he pointed at Donna. She was standing outside her office, shaking someone’s hand. She was smiling and looked rather cheerful, even for Donna. Which was odd because two days earlier she had been frantically asking for help. Sam frowned and started at the person for several seconds before letting out a soft ‘huh’ and looking over at Dean.
“Is that (Y/N), that hunter that looted the Impala?” He asked his brother.
“Yeah, yeah it is. What the hell are they doing here?” Dean snapped. He stomped over, Sam hurrying behind him.
“Hiya boys! Greet to see ya again. I’m sorry you came out all this way but it all happened so quickly, last night.” Donna said with a smile as they approached. She frowned a little when you turned to Dean, who was glaring at you, and smiled. “You two know each other?”
“Yeah, we do.” Dean said gruffly.
“You said something about last night?” Sam interrupted before Dean could go off on a rant. 
“Oh yeah. (Y/N) showed up a little while after I called you, they managed to get rid of it last night.” Donna said cheerfully. “We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.”
“Oh.” Sam said as he glanced at you. He looked back at Donna and let out a soft sigh. “You’re sure that you got it?”
“Oh yeah, (Y/N) was brilliant. Got it all sorted and no one else was hurt.” Donna beamed a smile at you and you shrugged.
“It was fairly easy to handle, nothing too difficult.” You replied. Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Well, I should get going, I’ve got something else to work on.”
“Well you are welcome back anytime. If I can do anything for ya, just let me know!” Donna said with a smile as she shook your hand. You nodded and hurried off without another word.
“Do you trust them?” Dean asked Sam.
“Absolutely not. We should stick around and see if things are ok.” Sam muttered back as Donna waved goodbye, even when you didn’t look back her way.
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF - SPN Other
Choice Between Siblings (John Winchester X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of surgery, death of parent, death. Request: … reader is the youngest Winchester and she was born premature and have heart failure. that’s the reason why John is too kind to her rather her sons and that makes the Winchester brothers jealous. when the Winchester siblings are kidnapped by the demons, john has to choose who he gonna save. …
For Mom (Jack Kline X Twin!Sister!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers? Request: … Readr is Jack Kline’s twin and she comforts him when he feels down because Dean hates them?
Being Lucifer’s First Son Would Include… Warnings: Spoilers? Request: ... reader is Lucifer’s (Spn) Nephalem (Half-Demon/Half-Angel) son ...
Being Jack Kline’s Twin Would Include… Warnings: Spoilers Request: Can I please have a would include for being Jack Kline’s Twin? The Winchesters being utterly terrified when they realised that there’s two of you.
Stories behind Scars (Jack Kline X Winchester!Reader) *PLATONIC Warnings: Scars, injuries Request: … dean and sam’s little (non-binary) sibling x jack? could they have a whole lot of scars with all kinds of storys behind them and jack just wants to know all of them?! …
Lost Twin (Jack Kline X Twin!Sister!Reader) *PLATONIC Warnings: Mild violence Request: ... Jack x reader where team free will finds out that jacks mother had twins, and the reader was stolen at birth but has now come back to kill the gang. (Maybe a lil chase scene lol) But she doesn’t do it because Castiel want to adopt her like he did jack? ...
Being Michael’s Daughter Would Include… Warnings: Spoilers? Request: … ‘being Michael’s nephilim daughter would include’? …
Asshole (Michael X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Swearing, mild injury and blood, mention of knife Request: Michael from Supernatural with fem!reader. Soulmate AU. His soulmate read the Supernatural books and hated the angels, especially him for what they did to the boys. Basically, how would he try to win her over. ...
Being Lucifer’s First Son Would Include… Warnings: Spoilers? Request: ... reader is Lucifer’s (Spn) Nephalem (Half-Demon/Half-Angel) son ...
Being Sam and Lucifer’s Son Would Include… Warnings: Spoilers? Request: Could you please do a “Being Sam and Lucifer’s Son Would Include”?
Being Donna’s and Gabriel’s Child Would Include… Request: So recently I started shipping Donna Hanscum and Gabriel … could you please do a would include of being there child …
Poor Heart (Mary Winchester X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Heart condition, fainting, heart attack, hospitals Request: ... The reader got has heart problems and she can only take minor jobs, basically researching. The reader was Winchester light and the reader we’re happy and content of their life. When Mary came, and when the boys got argument to stop their mother to be BML, The r got was terrified and got another heart attacks. Mary decide not to join BML and she wanted to be mother of three. Fluff ending pls. ...
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jayankles · 4 years
Blanks to Fill.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Donna x Reader (More on the Donna side) 
Summary: You wake up and discover that your little night in Vegas may have been a whole lot larger than you expected. You have no recollection of what happened the previous night and you need your friends to remind you of what went down.
Word Count: 2570
Written for: @spndeanbingo​ / @spnkinkbingo​ / @goodthingshappenbingo​ / @badthingshappenbingo​ / @/spnonewordbingo / @spngenrebingo​ / @spnfluffbingo​
Squares Filled: Vegas / Free Space / Waking up together / memory loss / zaffre / big spoon / woke up married 
Warnings: Making out, grinding, implied future w|w sex, mentions of handjobs/blowjobs, dirty truth or dare
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Pounding, your head was pounding and you didn’t want to move, as you thought about it, you couldn’t really move. The heavy wait around your waist was holding you down, even your cheek was a little wet.
What the hell?!
Sighing with a little whine in there for good measure, you reached up to your face to wipe off the wetness. It was drool, you didn’t know if it would have been a good thing or a bad thing if it was yours or not.
You should probably check to see whose arm was around your waist since you had no recollection of whatever the hell happened last night. You must have hit the alcohol a little too hard the previous night. Hand grazing over the figure’s hand, your eyes widened as you noticed the terribly familiar scar. Fuck! God, it was Dean Winchester. Of course it was. Slowly, you lifted your head to take a look at the room that you had apparently booked last night, or stolen - it was probably better if you didn’t know. 
At least the walls were nice and calming. And it was kind of nice having Dean snuggle you from behind, keeping you close. Just a few minutes, maybe. Humming, you finally gathered everything you had in you to turn around and face him.
“Dean…” you whispered, your fingers coming up to stroke over his face to wake him up but you noticed the ring on your finger. You shuffled back, almost to the edge of the huge bed and grabbed his left hand, seeing if he had the same situation as you.Jeez, he had a ring on his finger too. Did y’all get married on a whim? Did you get married to different people and come back to the same room? (Because that was plausible.) Did the two of you have sex? “Dean get up!”
He groaned, annoyed that he hadn’t naturally woken up. “What? What?”
You lift the blanket and search his lower half and thankfully he has his pants on - a nice colour too, zaffre to be exact. At least, he got married looking suave and dapper. You had to find out what the hell happened last night. Someone in this hotel had to know what happened, right?
“Dean, I think we might be married. Like legally married. We’re in Vegas.” You bit your lower lip, jumping from the bed and wrapping the quilt around your body, even though you weren’t naked, you still felt a little vulnerable.
“Oh, I see.” Dean hummed as he looked down at his left hand, twirling the ring around his finger. How was he so calm about this? He just brushed it off and acted cool. On the inside though, Dean was freaking out. How could he get married and not recall one thing, other than getting absolutely hammered.
“Well, lets order some room service and then we can find out what happened in the last 12 hours or so.”
Your mouth turned into an upside down smile and if Dean wasn’t freaked out, you shouldn’t be feeling it either. It was gonna work out and you were going to find out what happened to the two of you.
After a huge breakfast, and a lot of coffee, the two of you got dressed and made a few calls. While Dean was on the phone, you closed your eyes, seeing something you don’t remember really doing. Was it a dream? Was it something that actually happened?
“I think I sang karaoke with Crowley and made out with Donna.” You shook your head. That couldn’t be right could it? “We gotta know what the hell happened and how we got here.”
You called everyone you could think of that would be here, you even checked the front door to tell them where to meet you and Dean.
“Does anyone have any idea about what happened last night?” You asked when all of them gathered in the hotel room.
You had knocked back a few too many drinks already but they just kept on coming, Donna and Jody started off the rounds but Crowley had surprised you as well as Castiel but Sam and Dean did the exact same thing. You were far too gone to care about how many more you could hold to drink Dean under the table.
You were persuasive. So much so that you convinced the boys to join you and the girls to get up on that stage and sing your hearts out to the crowd, belting out the lyrics to a song that all of you knew; it had to be Eye of the Tiger. More drinks were brought up to the stage when you were there. Twenty five minutes had passed and eventually you were thrown off of the stage and out of the bar. It would have been a downer if you had left there empty handed but Jody had pulled out a bottle of Jack from nowhere. 
You had to get out of there right now before anyone in the bar found out that a bottle had been stolen. You hightailed it out of there, on your way to the next location. Apparently, that was Donna and Jody’s room.
You started with spin the bottle. The bottle spun and spun until it came to a stop. Donna. You smiled and turned to the woman in question,smiling hard, well a goofy grin more like.
Shifting the pillow from under your butt and climbing onto your knees. “Want us to do it in the closet or you cool here?”
You didn’t have time for her to answer as the rest of the room shouted that they were cool with the two of you making out in front of them. Weirdos.
Despite them reveling in the fact that the two of you were going to kiss, your drunken state devoured their excitement as if it was a compliment.
Shrugging, you cupped Donna’s face in your hands, rubbing your thumbs over her cheek. Her hands slid from your shoulders to your waist, pulling you in closer before you crashed your lips together. She tasted so good, the strawberry gloss tainting your tongue. A few minutes had passed and you practically had to be torn away from Donna’s lips just to continue the game. She pushed her hair out of her face and breathed out, probably the first breath she had taken since the two of you kissed. You giggled, a little drunk off of her kiss as well as the alcohol, hand slowly sliding from her face down to her thigh.
Now it was Donna’s turn to spin the bottle, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a flick of Crowley’s wrist, a few seconds later the bottle stopped in front of you. Round two. And you were ready, completely okay with it. A little more ready than last time. The way you climbed into her lap, legs wrapping around her thigh, said everything you needed to say, you really wanted to kiss the fuck out of her again.
You licked your tingling lips, still tasting the strawberry on them. Donna had a twinkle in her eye, grabbing your thigh and having you rock on hers. You couldn’t help yourself anymore, you dove right in kissing hers once more, moaning right into her mouth when her thumb rubbed over your clothed nipple. Donna teased you, her mouth moving from your lips to the corner of your mouth. She tipped your head up and to the side, lips pecking over your cheek to your ear. “I think we should give the others a chance to snog each other's faces off. Maybe we could pick this up another time.”
Spin the bottle was soon followed by a grueling game of truth or dare. Sam was first and he picked truth, so you had to pick a dirty one. What would be the first dirty thing you would do if you woke up as the opposite sex? 
“Give my new titties a squeeze,” he snorted, laughing as he thought about what he was going to say next. “Oh, I’d finger myself too. See what feels good.”
He made a good point. Crowley had entertained the idea that he had fantasised about a teacher that he had way back when he was a human. It was weird because what was hot then is definitely not hot now. Thank you, evolution.
Donna was up next, truth. You were going to have to think of a real humdinger but all you could come up with was ‘have you ever watched another couple have sex?’ She had the nerve to look a little embarrassed. Oh, she definitely had seen something.
“Come on, Donnie. Tell us about your voyeurism.” You poked at her side, trying to get a little bit of information from her. You wanted to know the juicy gossip.
“Okay, Pokey McPokerson. They weren’t exactly a couple, more like a one night stand on a hunt and the guy forgot that he had an extra roommate.” Donna stares pointedly across the room and when you look over you see the tips of Dean’s ears go pink. He’s been caught red handed, well butt naked. “I kinda wished it was me but then I realised it’s more fun to watch then fantasize about it later.”
 A few of the dares included Dean doing a little striptease to everyone in the circle, getting him down to his underwear. Sam tried to do a back flip but he passed out right after he jumped. Crowley snapped his fingers and magicked up some clothes that would have cost a fortune but apparently you could have what you wanted when you were the king of hell. 
Jody had admitted that she had a crush on Crowley when they had gone on their few dates.  Castiel surprised you when he chose a dirty dare. Donna clumsily rose to her feet and reached into her backpack, pulling out a blindfold. Of course she had a blindfold. Donna put the blindfold over Castiel’s eyes and told the others to stay quiet. She motioned to Jody, curling her finger towards her. This was crazy. Castiel was either going to get a hand job or a blowjob and you would be happy to watch either.
Lastly, it was your time to shine. You had to pick dare, you couldn’t chicken out now but you couldn’t wait to see what they could make up for you. Much to your surprise, it wasn’t a dirty one. It was to go to a church and marry Dean. Thankfully, you had the awesome clothes that Crowley rustled up for all of you. You took another shot from the bottle. 
“You know what? Let’s go do this shit. Anyone have a ring that fits my ring finger?” You said, waggling your left hand, then looking sweetly at Crowley before giggling. “Please. You have great style.”
Crowley smirked smugly, his head tilted to the side, clearly falling for your flattery. Rolling his eyes he put his hands into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of beautiful rings. “Off you pop, go tie the knot, lovebirds.”
“You may now kiss the bride.” The officiant pronounces, like he’s done this way too many times before. This was Vegas after all. 
You and Dean shrugged at each other before he grabbed at the back of your neck to pull you in closer to him. His lips press to yours and you’re surprised that his lips against yours are so soft. A complete contrast to what Donna’s were. It was nice, almost too nice. But you liked it either way. 
You, Dean, and the others exited the hall and giggled at how ridiculous the situation was. You and Dean were married because of a drunk dare and at the moment it was a pretty cool marriage, Dean had a weird look in his eyes when he looked at you, like there was something different there and you could feel something different too. 
You hung out for another hour celebrating a marriage before the others called it quits and retired to their rooms. Dean held your hand and pulled you to his room.
“Want me to lift you over the threshold.” Dean said with a goofy look on his face, eyebrows wiggling at you, making you do a gigglesnort. 
“You’re so corny.” You said, linking your fingers together, lifting your leg so that he could carry you. “Let’s go, husband.”
Dean took your instructions to heart, quickly opening up his room door escorting you inside, moving a few feet into the huge room before setting you back down on the floor. He hummed,it was funny. How all of a sudden could he be a husband and have you as his wife? His hands flew your hips to steady you before you fell.
Sparks flew. 
Dean’s eyes flickered over yours and yours to his. Your eyes darted over his lips when his tongue poked through. It was like something had changed inside of you. Dean growled when your lips collided once more and there was more hunger in this one. Without breaking the seal on Dean’s lips, you slipped his jacket off of his shoulders. Fingers deftly unbuttoning his shirt, it followed suit with the jacket onto the floor.
Giggling, Dean lifts you onto the bed and holds you close. It’s not even a minute later before the two of you passed out, snoring extremely loud that even the neighbours could hear if they were sleeping.
Eyes wide, you huffed out a puff of air, completely overwhelmed at everything you had achieved last night. You couldn’t believe that Castiel got a blow job from Jody and he didn’t even know who it was. Maybe Vegas, alcohol, and a game of dirty truth or dare was not a good mix, you wouldn’t be doing that anytime soon but it was nice just to let loose and take a break from the hunting world.
“So, are we married? What are we gonna do about it? Being legally married is kinda dope though, I think you should just take me on a date next time.” The questions rolled and you blubbered, wishing that you hadn’t said that last bit out loud, but if you were going to get married then you hoped that the next time you got married you knew what happened and you were actually going to be dating before the big day. “Alrighty then. Day at the pool or annulment first?”
“I could go for a swim. We’ll annul the marriage before we go, let’s just enjoy this time before we go back to reality. Besides, if we tell people we’re newlyweds we get some sweet deals on shit, we might even get a free slice of pie.”
Donna smiled, rolling her eyes at Dean before her eyes swept over your body. She discreetly pulled out her phone, her fingers tapping away then put it away. When your phone vibrated, you checked to see the message, knowing it was from her. 
“I actually forgot to bring a bathing suit. Donna, do you think you could hook me up?” You asked, a hand smoothing over your face. Getting to her feet, Donna held out her hand so you took it and followed her to her room.
“I have the perfect thing for you.”
Feedback is gold and appreciated
Forevers: @super100012​ @lupine-princess​ @plaid-lover-bay25​ @atc74​ @growningupgeek​ @sophiebobzz​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @poukothenerd​ @grace-for-sale​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @jesspfly​ @supernaturallymarvellous​ @sammysgirl1997​ @roxyspearing​ @mogaruke​ @be-amaziing​ @deanandsamsbitch​ @frankiea1998​ @hennessy0274-blog​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @iwantthedean​ @capsheadquaters​ @emoryhemsworth​ @notmoose45​ @essie1876​ @cassieraider​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @its-my-perky-nipples​ @riversong-sam​ @jotink78​ @captainradicalpassion​ @jadalecki-jackles​ @spnbaby-67​ @holyfuckloueh​ @gh0stgurl​ @alyssa6marie​ @esoltis280​ @bumber-car-s @alexwinchester23​ @x-waywardaf-x​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @randomparanoid​ @kellianz​
Dean: @kenmen02​ @ain-t-bovvered​ @deans-baby-momma​  @ericaprice2008​ @shamelesslydean​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @wingedcatninja​ @mayasmedberg​ @kurosaki224-new-blog @valerieshubin @milo-winchester-4ever​ @sandlee44​ @ruprecht0420​ @akshi8278​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @dslocum89​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​ @ria132love​ @welldonebeca​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @starry-chaos @deans-treasure @larajadeschmidt13​ @nyxveracity​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @adoptdontshoppets​
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Point and Shoot (Donna Hanscum x Reader)
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Donna had always been an early riser. So, it wasn’t uncommon for you to wake up to an empty bed. This time, however, you noticed that the room looked messier than usual. You sat up and realized that it was because Donna had been packing. Sluggishly, you got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. You were surprised to find Donna standing in front of the stove cooking breakfast.
“You’re not supposed to be up yet,” Donna said with a little pout. “I was gonna surprise you.”
“Where are you headed?” you asked and Donna turned to give you a little kiss.
“We are going on a little vacation,” Donna said, holding you tightly. She pecked you cheek and then turned back to the stove. She finished making you breakfast as you went upstairs to get yourself ready for your trip. You weren’t sure where Donna was taking you, but you knew that it’d be a good time. You ate breakfast together and then she finished loading up her truck. She warmed up the truck and then came to get you so the two of you could leave.
“Where are we going?” you asked and Donna made a face. You loved her face, you did, but not when she did that particular thing with it. The face she was making led you to believe that this was not going to be some romantic getaway that would be relaxing for the both of you.
“It’s a surprise,” Donna said and you sighed. “Trust me, it’ll be fun for the both of us.” Donna grabbed your thigh and gave it a little squeeze. You gave her a little nod and she smiled. She drove for a couple of hours to a cabin that you’d never seen before. It was beautiful, forest on one side and mountains on the other. You wanted to take so many pictures of everything.
“This is gorgeous,” you said in awe. You turned to Donna and gave her a big smile. She returned it and you felt your heart melt a little at how genuine her smile was. You loved seeing Donna smile, it could light up any room or situation. “So, what’s the plan for our vacation?”
“We bring this stuff inside and then go get dinner,” Donna said and you checked the time on your phone.
“It’s not even time for lunch yet,” you said, obviously a little confused.
“I packed us a lunch, we’re hunting our dinner,” Donna told you and you tried to stay positive. You hated hunting, well, technically you hated the guns. Guns were loud and scary, and Donna had been pretty good about not using them around you for much. “It’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll show you how to properly use a gun.”
You reluctantly agreed and Donna carried the guns while you carried the cooler. She walked you about a mile into the forest where there was a stand already set up. She went up first, set the guns down, and then helped you into the stand. It was nice to sit with Donna in silence for a bit, watching her focus on something that wasn’t dangerous for her. You saw something move out of the corner of your eye and tapped on Donna’s shoulder. You pointed over in the direction where you’d seen the movement and Donna waited until the animal had moved closer to her line of sight. It took one shot and then it dropped dead.
“Shit,” you said under your breath. Donna climbed down from the stand and went to check out what she had killed. It was a deer and a pretty big one at that. She took it back and hung it up for skinning and whatnot.
“Before I start skinning it, let’s do a little target practice,” Donna said and you looked at her with an uneasy expression. “It’ll be fun baby.”
“I trust you to keep me safe,” you said and Donna smiled at that. She set up a couple of targets for you to hit and then got behind you to help you. She put the gun in your hands and positioned you so that you could hit the targets.
“Point and shoot,” Donna instructed as she took the gun off safety. You tried to align everything the best you could and aimed for the closest target. You hit the top of the paper instead of the bullseye, but Donna still seemed proud of you. “Think of it like your camera, line it up and let it rip.”
“Okay,” you said with a shaky breath. You took another few shots and on your last couple managed to actually hit the target. Donna put the gun back on safety and set it down before picking you up in celebration. She twirled you around in the air and peppered your face in kisses. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“You wouldn’t even come near my belt when my gun was on it a few months ago,” Donna countered. You shrugged and watched her prepare the deer so that you could eat it. You were amazed that she knew to do all of that, even if it disgusted you to watch. She had the meat ready to be cooked and/or frozen by the time that you were hungry for dinner.
“Apocalypse comes, I want you protecting me,” you said and Donna just chuckled. “I mean, you’re a total badass and you know how to use the arsenal in that shed of yours.”
“If anything goes down, I’ll keep you safe,” Donna promised, leaning in to kiss you. “So, since you did so well with this today, I was thinking that tomorrow we go for a little mountain hike and get some pictures?”
“I can show you how to take professional grade photographs,” you said and Donna agreed to that. The next day, you woke up before her and the two of you left bright and early so you could get a couple of pictures of sunrises. You did quite a bit of hiking and despite how tired you were by the time you reached the destination Donna had in mind, you couldn’t have been more excited about teaching her how to use your new camera. “Alright, so the first trick is to find what you want to take a picture of.”
“Alright, I think I know what I want to take a picture of,” Donna said and you handed her your camera. You talked her through the steps of how your camera worked and she held the camera up to you. “Point and shoot.”
“Point and shoot,” you repeated before smiling. She snapped a couple photos of you and then when you got back to the cabin, you plugged your camera into your laptop and showed Donna how to edit photos.
“I don’t need to edit these, I mean, talk about perfection,” Donna said and you leaned over a pillow to kiss her.
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Being Donna’s and Gabriel’s Child Would Include...
Characters: Donna Hanscum x child!Reader x Gabriel
Universe: Supernatural
Warnings: None
Request: So recently I started shipping Donna Hanscum and Gabriel (From Spn If you didn't know) so could you please do a would include of being there child (preferably son but you could go gender neutral or girl if you want to)
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- You have a definite sweet tooth, and neither of your parents are good at limiting it. 
- Sometimes your mom takes you to work with her.
- Most of the time though, Gabriel looks after you while Donna is at work.
- He spoils you rotten, taking you anywhere you want to go, and giving you anything you want. 
- Gabriel would keep you a secret from his brothers, sisters and even the Winchesters.
- Sam and Dean would only find out when they’re talking to Donna, and you run up to her and tell her your dad took you to Paris, and then Gabriel comes around the corner. 
- “Wait-” “Not right now- come on Y/N!” Gabriel warned, picking you up and tickling you and walking off. 
- “Donna-” “Oh, that was Y/N, my kid and their dad. He’s really great with them.”  
- The Winchesters soon realise just how protective Gabriel is of you, and leave you alone. 
- If one of Gabriel’s brothers or sisters, or demons or anything else even tries to hurt his child, then Gabriel will make their existence hell. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @waywardemo @meadow-melody @gayasfridge @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @captain-peanut-at-your-service @likiyoshi-lijie @aesthetjic @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lena-stan-xavier @lady-of-lies @sebstanismylife @macbetheliza 
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Hibbing 911: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: A case brings you all the way to South Dakota where Jody Mills and Donna Hanscum are. Jody has to remember not to mention that your kids are with her in fear of what you might do with that information.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Donna walks over with two coffees in her hands.
"Agent Frehley? Agent Criss?"
"Hey, Sheriff Hanscum."
"I thought that was you! Well, ain't this a kick in the pants? What dragged you in?" she smiles.
"I'm gonna barf," you groan.
Sam and Dean put you behind them so they can deal with her.
"We can't really talk about it."
"Yeah. I hear ya. Anything I can help with?"
"No, nothing I can think of."
"Actually, Sheriff, I was thinking you and I could go check out the gear expo," Jody says.
"What about the morgue?"
"Like you said, animal control will handle that."
"Well, if it's cool with you, it's cool with me," she says reluctantly. "I did hear they're packing some pretty serious heat in there."
Donna and Jody leave your side, and you peek your head around Sam's shoulders.
"Don't hurt yourself while you're in there," you say sarcastically. Sam and Dean turn to you with bitch-face looks. "What?"
"One day. All we ask for is one day without smart-ass comments and jabs."
"What do I get if I behave?"
"I won't lock your ass up in the dungeon. How about that?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, because that worked out so well last time."
"I mean it. I will keep you in there like a caged animal."
"Fine," you roll your eyes, "but if someone comes at me, I'm coming at them."
Sam and Dean walk over to a group of cops by the coffee machine.
"Hey, there. Agents Criss, Frehley, and Dobson. We're looking for the sheriff of Hibbing."
"That'd be me," Sheriff Len Cuse says.
"We're here investigating the attacks over the last couple of nights. We're just wondering where you're at on that."
"The animal attacks?"
Len has a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead and you cross your arms to make yourself look intimidating.
"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me the FBI's got nothing better to do?" Deputy Brice Graham chuckles.
"We go where the boss tells us to."
"To what, arrest a bobcat from Hibbing?"
You step past the brothers and practically get into this young man's face.
"Is there a problem?"
"No, there's no problem. You ain't the first Feds to roll through here and come up with nothing. Sure is cute to watch you try, though."
"Little boy with a big gun. What are you going to do with that?"
"Arrest real criminals unlike you who is going to arrest Bambi."
You take out your gun and make sure he sees the threat.
"It'd be such a shame if this went off with you standing in front of it," you threaten.
Dean pulls you back by your shoulders immediately while Sam steps forward to take over.
"Uh, Sheriff Cuse, we are just hoping there might be some surveillance footage of the attacks. Maybe a traffic camera caught something?"
"Right. No, sorry, I don't have a record of it," he stutters. "Speaking of, can you keep an eye on the expo for me, deputy? I got to check in with the guys at animal control. Agents, good to meet you. Uh, help yourself to a bear claw."
"Do you think the Sheriff is lying?" Sam asks once they're gone.
"Deputy Douche seems to think so," you roll your eyes.
"Alright, I'll go try and crack the police server. Maybe something showed up on surveillance."
"Sure, I'll go crack the deputy."
Sam leaves you and Dean alone, and you turn to your husband.
"I'm going to check out the weapons expo."
"Yes, mom," you roll your eyes.
You walk into the expo and admire all the weapons they have on display. Donna and Jody are looking at some of the guns on the opposite side of the room, and a very tall man approaches them from behind. His name tag says Doug, and you remember Donna saying she had an ex-husband named Doug who was a douchebag to her. You walk to a table a few down from them and listen in on their conversation.
"If you're trying to pull the wool over this one, you got the wrong girl. Sheriff Hanscum here is a wolf in sheepskin, right?" Doug chuckles.
"Thank you. Wolves are majestic creatures, but save your flattery for other female people."
You can tell she is uncomfortable with him.
"Right, Sheriff Goodhill. No. I mean, yeah, but we just met on Cufflinks. You know how that is."
"Cuff what?" Jody asks.
"Cufflinks! It's a dating site for cops. Are you on it, Donna?" Doug asks.
"Me? No. Not quite there yet."
"Oh, you still getting in date shape, huh?"
She frowns at his insult but tries to play it off.
"It's more like trying to get through the stuff on my DVR first."
Okay, you've heard enough. You walk over to Doug and tap him on the shoulder. He turns to you but you give him a deadly slap to the cheek. He is shocked at your behavior and staggers back from the impact. Donna and Jody are shocked into silence.
"You are a fucking lowlife and a shitty person if you treat Donna like that. No wonder she divorced you because I can't stand to be in the same room as you much less spend my life with you. Get the hell out of here."
"O-Oh, okay," Doug stutters.
"What the h-e-double hockey sticks, Y/N? Calling my ex a lowlife? Slapping him in the face?"
"What, like you were gonna do it?"
"What would be the point? We're divorced! Do you really think I'm gonna change him now?"
"Let me get this straight. You're going to let everyone walk over you like a fucking doormat forever? Is that it?"
"How about this? Until you've actually lost a husband, you keep your mouth zipped about mine." 
You chuckle slightly and look down at the ground. Donna takes this as a sign that you're sad about losing your husband.
"My husband died."
"Oh. I'm sorry if--"
"Oh, don't worry about it. He came back as a dick."
"Okay? I'm going to get some air."
Donna leaves and you turn to Jody who can't believe the attitude you have.
"You had a husband, right?" you smirk. Jody's face hardens as she glares at you but she doesn't answer. "Didn't you have a son? Man, losing two people in one night. That's gotta hurt." Jody opens her mouth to say something but decides against it. "Cat got your tongue? Don't worry, I'm sure your son ate it along with your husband."
Dean picks the perfect time to walk inside the weapons expo where Deputy Douche is. You wink at Jody and leave her to cry on her own. He approaches Deputy Douche just as you join both their sides.
"Agents. Are you looking for some teenie-weenie handcuffs to slap on some paws?" he smirks.
"Are you looking for some teenie-weenie guns to stuff in your pockets or is that just your tiny dick?"
"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot here, don't you, agent?" Dean asks and looks at you.
"No problem over here," you shrug.
"Listen, Deputy, this investigation that my partners and I are on is big. We're looking for some local help, someone who's not afraid to talk shop with the big boys back in D.C. Think that might be something you'd be interested in?"
"Might be," he smirks. "What can I do?"
"First of all, I'm gonna need you to be totally straight with me. Is there any footage of the attack? Anything?
"Sheriff Cuse changed the password on the server yesterday. It's got the live feed from the traffic camera across the street from where that first vic got attacked. When I went to go check the footage, the sheriff said he'd do it himself."
"Did he say why?"
"No. The sheriff's a straight shooter. I'm sure he had his reasons."
"I'm sure he did," Dean nods. "Alright, I appreciate the cooperation, Deputy, and when I need you, I'll come find you."
You leave the expo with Dean and head to the coffee station to grab yourself a cup. Jody is off on her own trying to calm herself down so Dean walks over to her.
"Animal attack, my ass. Have you seen Sheriff Cuse around?"
"No. How are you doing?"
"Me? Apart from some martial issues, I'm fantastic. Why?"
"The word around the campfire is you went off the rez a couple of months back."
"Is that right? Have you and Sam been passing notes during class? It's nothing I can't handle."
Jody looks past Dean at you who is stirring creamer into your coffee.
"She's gonna be back to normal, right?" Jody remembers what you said to her. "You'll get her back?"
"I'm working on it," Dean sighs.
"The Y/N I know would do anything to protect those around her. It's like that part of her is gone."
"That's because it is. Everything good about her is gone. She's walking around with all the bad parts. Sam was bad but not this bad, and I think it has something to do with the Mark. God, I should have never let her take it. I will pay for that, but you shouldn't have to. Jody, whatever she says to you, ignore it. It's only going to get worse so if you let her know that what what she says is affecting you, she's only going to do it more. Do not give her a reaction. Don't jab back because that will only piss her off and you're going to be the one that's hurt, not her."
"Okay," she nods.
Sam returns from looking at the cameras just as you finish with your coffee.
"I got something, I think. I hacked into the surveillance server but the files had been deleted."
"I thought you said that Sheriff Cuse was the only one who had access to those files," Jody says.
Donna comes rushing back inside with a fearful look in her eyes. She sees you and the brothers and tries to calm herself down.
"Jody, can we talk for a sec? Alone?"
"We'll go look around."
Donna takes Jody off to the side. Sam and Dean do their own thing but you follow after the two women because Donna is acting very suspicious. You're curious why. You pretend like you're looking at your phone but really, you're listening in.
"Listen, I want to apologize for what Y/N did. It was wrong. She's going through something right now but she shouldn't have done that."
"What? Oh. Yah. 'Quit being a doormat.' Yah. I hear ya, Jody. It's okay. We're okay. There's something else I can't quite wrap my head around. Do you ever think there are things out there that don't end up on the police blotter?"
"Can you give me some specifics?" Jody asks.
"I was kinda far away so maybe I didn't see it right, but what I think I saw... were teeth. It was Sheriff Cuse. I saw him standing over Sheriff Goodhill's body, and his mouth was full of shark teeth like some kind of..."
"Monster?" Jody finishes for her.
"Do you think I'm crazy?"
"Not at all. Did he see you?"
"No. I hid like a chump. Do you really believe me?"
"Yeah. So, will those guys from the FBI."
"If you say so. Yesterday, I saw Cuse taking his stuff into a room down the hall from mine. Must have been 304."
Jody looks up and locks eyes with you. You smirk and leave the area to go find Sam and Dean. She knows you've overheard and will tell Sam and Dean so she doesn't have to. You find the brothers whispering to each other that stops when you show up.
"Donna saw a vampire. Sheriff Cuse is a vampire," you grin. "We need to check room 304."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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True Romance
Passion, established relationships, and coming home.
Bring It On Home - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Let’s pretend Dean wouldn’t be terrified to welcome love into his life.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, comfort, fluff, handsy Dean
Words: 1,200
Communion - Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, marijuana use
Words: 1K
Drag You To The Shore - Dean Winchester x GN reader
Prompt: Dean Winchester settled in between someone’s legs on the bed. Like his back to their chest, their legs wrapped around him, heels keeping his thighs open while they jerk him off, explicit but soft vibes.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY
Words: 800
Equilibrium - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: They have balance.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, cock warming
Words: 1,400
God Only Knows - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: One weekend, years ago, lives rent-free in both of their minds. Three-part mini-series.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, pining, clothed sex, couch sex, hungover sex, fluff, roomies to lovers, idiots in love
Words: 5,500
If We Make It Through December - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Summary: Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Warnings/tags: there was no rebar, 18+ ONLY, fluff, light angst, domesticity, holiday celebrations
Words: 12K
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler -  Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got a dirty mouth when he’s drunk. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, a dirty public bathroom during Mardi Gras
Words: 600
Mind Blown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Mind-blowing orgasms can sometimes be literal.
Warnings/tags: mature, transient global amnesia after sex, dirty talk
Words: 560
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: before leaving on a hunt, Dean sings “Love Me Two Times” to his lady.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLT, Dean can actually sing, and he does it during sex
Words: 660
Recompense - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean is sorry for hurting the ones he loves.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, Dean saying hurtful things then trying to make up for it
Words: 500
Seasons - Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Summary: She is his safe haven, untouched by anything else or anyone. 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, canon divergent - no Cassie or Lisa, non-linear storytelling, four seasons, angst, hurt/comfort, references non-con unprotected sex, loss of a pregnancy
Words: 12K
We Be All Night - Norman Reedus x female reader/you
Summary: The best sex, the most sex, the hottest sex, the raunchiest sex – the sex you’ll never forget, is with him.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, rough sex, semi-Public Sex, the jockey is my favorite sexual position, references to bloodplay, biting, sex that makes your neighbors hate you, fuck-you-into-the-floor sex, drunk in love, talking smack with your sex partner, squirting
Words: 2,060
With Pleasured Hands - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got secrets she has yet to uncover
Warnings/tags: mature
Words: 500
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